2 /**
3  *    Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc.
4  *
5  *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  *    it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
7  *    as published by MongoDB, Inc.
8  *
9  *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  *    Server Side Public License for more details.
13  *
14  *    You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
15  *    along with this program. If not, see
16  *    <http://www.mongodb.com/licensing/server-side-public-license>.
17  *
18  *    As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
19  *    code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
20  *    conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
21  *    linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
22  *    must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
23  *    all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
24  *    with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
25  *    file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
26  *    delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
27  *    exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
28  *    it in the license file.
29  */
32 #pragma once
34 #include <cstdint>
35 #include <iosfwd>
36 #include <memory>
38 #include "mongo/base/status.h"
39 #include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h"
40 #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h"
41 #include "mongo/bson/timestamp.h"
42 #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h"
43 #include "mongo/db/repl/callback_completion_guard.h"
44 #include "mongo/db/repl/collection_cloner.h"
45 #include "mongo/db/repl/data_replicator_external_state.h"
46 #include "mongo/db/repl/multiapplier.h"
47 #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_buffer.h"
48 #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_fetcher.h"
49 #include "mongo/db/repl/optime.h"
50 #include "mongo/db/repl/rollback_checker.h"
51 #include "mongo/db/repl/sync_source_selector.h"
52 #include "mongo/db/repl/sync_tail.h"
53 #include "mongo/stdx/condition_variable.h"
54 #include "mongo/stdx/functional.h"
55 #include "mongo/stdx/mutex.h"
56 #include "mongo/util/fail_point_service.h"
57 #include "mongo/util/net/hostandport.h"
59 namespace mongo {
60 namespace repl {
62 // TODO: Remove forward declares once we remove rs_initialsync.cpp and other dependents.
63 // Failpoint which fails initial sync and leaves an oplog entry in the buffer.
64 MONGO_FP_FORWARD_DECLARE(failInitSyncWithBufferedEntriesLeft);
66 // Failpoint which causes the initial sync function to hang before copying databases.
67 MONGO_FP_FORWARD_DECLARE(initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases);
69 // Failpoint which causes the initial sync function to hang before calling shouldRetry on a failed
70 // operation.
71 MONGO_FP_FORWARD_DECLARE(initialSyncHangBeforeGettingMissingDocument);
73 // Failpoint which stops the applier.
76 struct InitialSyncState;
77 struct MemberState;
78 class ReplicationProcess;
79 class StorageInterface;
81 struct InitialSyncerOptions {
82     /** Function to return optime of last operation applied on this node */
83     using GetMyLastOptimeFn = stdx::function<OpTime()>;
85     /** Function to update optime of last operation applied on this node */
86     using SetMyLastOptimeFn =
87         stdx::function<void(const OpTime&, ReplicationCoordinator::DataConsistency consistency)>;
89     /** Function to reset all optimes on this node (e.g. applied & durable). */
90     using ResetOptimesFn = stdx::function<void()>;
92     /** Function to sets this node into a specific follower mode. */
93     using SetFollowerModeFn = stdx::function<bool(const MemberState&)>;
95     /** Function to get this node's slaveDelay. */
96     using GetSlaveDelayFn = stdx::function<Seconds()>;
98     /**
99      * Struct to hold oplog application batch limits.
100      */
101     using BatchLimits = SyncTail::BatchLimits;
103     // Error and retry values
104     Milliseconds syncSourceRetryWait{1000};
105     Milliseconds initialSyncRetryWait{1000};
106     Seconds blacklistSyncSourcePenaltyForNetworkConnectionError{10};
107     Minutes blacklistSyncSourcePenaltyForOplogStartMissing{10};
109     // InitialSyncer waits this long before retrying getApplierBatchCallback() if there are
110     // currently no operations available to apply or if the 'rsSyncApplyStop' failpoint is active.
111     // This default value is based on the duration in BackgroundSync::waitForMore() and
112     // SyncTail::tryPopAndWaitForMore().
113     Milliseconds getApplierBatchCallbackRetryWait{1000};
115     // Batching settings.
116     BatchLimits batchLimits;
118     // Replication settings
119     NamespaceString localOplogNS = NamespaceString("local.oplog.rs");
120     NamespaceString remoteOplogNS = NamespaceString("local.oplog.rs");
122     GetMyLastOptimeFn getMyLastOptime;
123     SetMyLastOptimeFn setMyLastOptime;
124     ResetOptimesFn resetOptimes;
125     GetSlaveDelayFn getSlaveDelay;
127     SyncSourceSelector* syncSourceSelector = nullptr;
129     // The oplog fetcher will restart the oplog tailing query this many times on non-cancellation
130     // failures.
131     std::uint32_t oplogFetcherMaxFetcherRestarts = 0;
toStringInitialSyncerOptions133     std::string toString() const {
134         return str::stream() << "InitialSyncerOptions -- "
135                              << " localOplogNs: " << localOplogNS.toString()
136                              << " remoteOplogNS: " << remoteOplogNS.toString();
137     }
138 };
140 /**
141  * The initial syncer provides services to keep collection in sync by replicating
142  * changes via an oplog source to the local system storage.
143  *
144  * This class will use existing machinery like the Executor to schedule work and
145  * network tasks, as well as provide serial access and synchronization of state.
146  *
147  *
148  * Entry Points:
149  *      -- startup: Start initial sync.
150  */
151 class InitialSyncer {
152     MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(InitialSyncer);
154 public:
155     /**
156      * Callback function to report last applied optime (with hash) of initial sync.
157      */
158     typedef stdx::function<void(const StatusWith<OpTimeWithHash>& lastApplied)> OnCompletionFn;
160     /**
161      * Callback completion guard for initial syncer.
162      */
163     using OnCompletionGuard = CallbackCompletionGuard<StatusWith<OpTimeWithHash>>;
165     struct InitialSyncAttemptInfo {
166         int durationMillis;
167         Status status;
168         HostAndPort syncSource;
170         std::string toString() const;
171         BSONObj toBSON() const;
172         void append(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const;
173     };
175     struct Stats {
176         std::uint32_t failedInitialSyncAttempts{0};
177         std::uint32_t maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts{0};
178         Date_t initialSyncStart;
179         Date_t initialSyncEnd;
180         std::vector<InitialSyncer::InitialSyncAttemptInfo> initialSyncAttemptInfos;
182         std::string toString() const;
183         BSONObj toBSON() const;
184         void append(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const;
185     };
187     InitialSyncer(InitialSyncerOptions opts,
188                   std::unique_ptr<DataReplicatorExternalState> dataReplicatorExternalState,
189                   StorageInterface* storage,
190                   ReplicationProcess* replicationProcess,
191                   const OnCompletionFn& onCompletion);
193     virtual ~InitialSyncer();
195     /**
196      * Returns true if an initial sync is currently running or in the process of shutting down.
197      */
198     bool isActive() const;
200     /**
201      * Starts initial sync process, with the provided number of attempts
202      */
203     Status startup(OperationContext* opCtx, std::uint32_t maxAttempts) noexcept;
205     /**
206      * Shuts down replication if "start" has been called, and blocks until shutdown has completed.
207      */
208     Status shutdown();
210     /**
211      * Block until inactive.
212      */
213     void join();
215     /**
216      * Returns internal state in a loggable format.
217      */
218     std::string getDiagnosticString() const;
220     /**
221      * Returns stats about the progress of initial sync. If initial sync is not in progress it
222      * returns summary statistics for what occurred during initial sync.
223      */
224     BSONObj getInitialSyncProgress() const;
226     /**
227      * Overrides how executor schedules database work.
228      *
229      * For testing only.
230      */
231     void setScheduleDbWorkFn_forTest(const CollectionCloner::ScheduleDbWorkFn& scheduleDbWorkFn);
233     // State transitions:
234     // PreStart --> Running --> ShuttingDown --> Complete
235     // It is possible to skip intermediate states. For example, calling shutdown() when the data
236     // replicator has not started will transition from PreStart directly to Complete.
237     enum class State { kPreStart, kRunning, kShuttingDown, kComplete };
239     /**
240      * Returns current initial syncer state.
241      * For testing only.
242      */
243     State getState_forTest() const;
245 private:
246     /**
247      * Returns true if we are still processing initial sync tasks (_state is either Running or
248      * Shutdown).
249      */
250     bool _isActive_inlock() const;
252     /**
253      * Cancels all outstanding work.
254      * Used by shutdown() and CompletionGuard::setResultAndCancelRemainingWork().
255      */
256     void _cancelRemainingWork_inlock();
258     /**
259      * Returns true if the initial syncer has received a shutdown request (_state is ShuttingDown).
260      */
261     bool _isShuttingDown() const;
262     bool _isShuttingDown_inlock() const;
264     /**
265      * Initial sync flowchart:
266      *
267      *     start()
268      *         |
269      *         |
270      *         V
271      *     _setUp_inlock()
272      *         |
273      *         |
274      *         V
275      *    _startInitialSyncAttemptCallback()
276      *         |
277      *         |
278      *         |<-------+
279      *         |        |
280      *         |        | (bad sync source)
281      *         |        |
282      *         V        |
283      *    _chooseSyncSourceCallback()
284      *         |
285      *         |
286      *         | (good sync source found)
287      *         |
288      *         |
289      *         V
290      *    _truncateOplogAndDropReplicatedDatabases()
291      *         |
292      *         |
293      *         V
294      *    _rollbackCheckerResetCallback()
295      *         |
296      *         |
297      *         V
298      *    _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForBeginTimestamp()
299      *         |
300      *         |
301      *         V
302      *    _fcvFetcherCallback()
303      *         |
304      *         |
305      *         +------------------------------+
306      *         |                              |
307      *         |                              |
308      *         V                              V
309      *    _oplogFetcherCallback()         _databasesClonerCallback
310      *         |                              |
311      *         |                              |
312      *         |                              V
313      *         |                          _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForStopTimestamp()
314      *         |                              |       |
315      *         |                              |       |
316      *         |            (no ops to apply) |       | (have ops to apply)
317      *         |                              |       |
318      *         |                              |       V
319      *         |                              |   _getNextApplierBatchCallback()<-----+
320      *         |                              |       |                       ^       |
321      *         |                              |       |                       |       |
322      *         |                              |       |      (no docs fetched |       |
323      *         |                              |       |       and end ts not  |       |
324      *         |                              |       |       reached)        |       |
325      *         |                              |       |                       |       |
326      *         |                              |       V                       |       |
327      *         |                              |   _multiApplierCallback()-----+       |
328      *         |                              |       |       |                       |
329      *         |                              |       |       |                       |
330      *         |                              |       |       | (docs fetched)        | (end ts not
331      *         |                              |       |       |                       |  reached)
332      *         |                              |       |       V                       |
333      *         |                              |       |   _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackAfter-
334      *         |                              |       |       FetchingMissingDocuments()
335      *         |                              |       |       |
336      *         |                              |       |       |
337      *         |                           (reached end timestamp)
338      *         |                              |       |       |
339      *         |                              V       V       V
340      *         |                          _rollbackCheckerCheckForRollbackCallback()
341      *         |                              |
342      *         |                              |
343      *         +------------------------------+
344      *         |
345      *         |
346      *         V
347      *    _finishInitialSyncAttempt()
348      *         |
349      *         |
350      *         V
351      *    _finishCallback()
352      */
354     /**
355      * Sets up internal state to begin initial sync.
356      */
357     void _setUp_inlock(OperationContext* opCtx, std::uint32_t initialSyncMaxAttempts);
359     /**
360      * Tears down internal state before reporting final status to caller.
361      */
362     void _tearDown_inlock(OperationContext* opCtx, const StatusWith<OpTimeWithHash>& lastApplied);
364     /**
365      * Callback to start a single initial sync attempt.
366      */
367     void _startInitialSyncAttemptCallback(const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs,
368                                           std::uint32_t initialSyncAttempt,
369                                           std::uint32_t initialSyncMaxAttempts);
371     /**
372      * Callback to obtain sync source from sync source selector.
373      * For every initial sync attempt, we will try up to 'numInitialSyncConnectAttempts' times (at
374      * an interval of '_opts.syncSourceRetryWait' ms) to obtain a valid sync source before giving up
375      * and returning ErrorCodes::InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing.
376      */
377     void _chooseSyncSourceCallback(const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs,
378                                    std::uint32_t chooseSyncSourceAttempt,
379                                    std::uint32_t chooseSyncSourceMaxAttempts,
380                                    std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
382     /**
383      * This function does the following:
384      *      1.) Truncate oplog.
385      *      2.) Drop user databases (replicated dbs).
386      */
387     Status _truncateOplogAndDropReplicatedDatabases();
389     /**
390      * Callback for rollback checker's first replSetGetRBID command before starting data cloning.
391      */
392     void _rollbackCheckerResetCallback(const RollbackChecker::Result& result,
393                                        std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
395     /**
396      * Callback for first '_lastOplogEntryFetcher' callback. A successful response lets us
397      * determine the starting point for tailing the oplog using the OplogFetcher as well as
398      * setting a reference point for the state of the sync source's oplog when data cloning
399      * completes.
400      */
401     void _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForBeginTimestamp(
402         const StatusWith<Fetcher::QueryResponse>& result,
403         std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
406     /**
407      * Callback for the '_fCVFetcher'. A successful response lets us check if the remote node
408      * is in a currently acceptable fCV and if it has a 'targetVersion' set.
409      */
410     void _fcvFetcherCallback(const StatusWith<Fetcher::QueryResponse>& result,
411                              std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard,
412                              const OpTimeWithHash& lastOpTimeWithHash);
414     /**
415      * Callback for oplog fetcher.
416      */
417     void _oplogFetcherCallback(const Status& status,
418                                std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
420     /**
421      * Callback for DatabasesCloner.
422      */
423     void _databasesClonerCallback(const Status& status,
424                                   std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
426     /**
427      * Callback for second '_lastOplogEntryFetcher' callback. This is scheduled to obtain the stop
428      * timestamp after DatabasesCloner has completed and enables us to determine if the oplog on
429      * the sync source has advanced since we started cloning the databases.
430      */
431     void _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackForStopTimestamp(
432         const StatusWith<Fetcher::QueryResponse>& result,
433         std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
435     /**
436      * Callback to obtain next batch of operations to apply.
437      */
438     void _getNextApplierBatchCallback(const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs,
439                                       std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
441     /**
442      * Callback for MultiApplier completion.
443      */
444     void _multiApplierCallback(const Status& status,
445                                OpTimeWithHash lastApplied,
446                                std::uint32_t numApplied,
447                                std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
449     /**
450      * Callback for third '_lastOplogEntryFetcher' callback. This is scheduled after MultiApplier
451      * completed successfully and missing documents were fetched from the sync source while
452      * DataReplicatorExternalState::_multiInitialSyncApply() was processing operations.
453      * This callback will update InitialSyncState::stopTimestamp on success.
454      */
455     void _lastOplogEntryFetcherCallbackAfterFetchingMissingDocuments(
456         const StatusWith<Fetcher::QueryResponse>& result,
457         std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
459     /**
460      * Callback for rollback checker's last replSetGetRBID command after cloning data and applying
461      * operations.
462      */
463     void _rollbackCheckerCheckForRollbackCallback(
464         const RollbackChecker::Result& result,
465         std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
467     /**
468      * Reports result of current initial sync attempt. May schedule another initial sync attempt
469      * depending on shutdown state and whether we've exhausted all initial sync retries.
470      */
471     void _finishInitialSyncAttempt(const StatusWith<OpTimeWithHash>& lastApplied);
473     /**
474      * Invokes completion callback and transitions state to State::kComplete.
475      */
476     void _finishCallback(StatusWith<OpTimeWithHash> lastApplied);
478     // Obtains a valid sync source from the sync source selector.
479     // Returns error if a sync source cannot be found.
480     StatusWith<HostAndPort> _chooseSyncSource_inlock();
482     /**
483      * Pushes documents from oplog fetcher to blocking queue for
484      * applier to consume.
485      *
486      * Returns a status even though it always returns OK, to conform the interface OplogFetcher
487      * expects for the EnqueueDocumentsFn.
488      */
489     Status _enqueueDocuments(Fetcher::Documents::const_iterator begin,
490                              Fetcher::Documents::const_iterator end,
491                              const OplogFetcher::DocumentsInfo& info);
493     void _appendInitialSyncProgressMinimal_inlock(BSONObjBuilder* bob) const;
494     BSONObj _getInitialSyncProgress_inlock() const;
496     StatusWith<MultiApplier::Operations> _getNextApplierBatch_inlock();
498     /**
499      * Schedules a fetcher to get the last oplog entry from the sync source.
500      */
501     Status _scheduleLastOplogEntryFetcher_inlock(Fetcher::CallbackFn callback);
503     /**
504      * Checks the current oplog application progress (begin and end timestamps).
505      * If necessary, schedules a _getNextApplierBatchCallback() task.
506      * If the stop and end timestamps are inconsistent or if there is an issue scheduling the task,
507      * we set the error status in 'onCompletionGuard' and shut down the OplogFetcher.
508      * Passes 'lock' through to completion guard.
509      */
510     void _checkApplierProgressAndScheduleGetNextApplierBatch_inlock(
511         const stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex>& lock,
512         std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
514     /**
515      * Schedules a rollback checker to get the rollback ID after data cloning or applying. This
516      * helps us check if a rollback occurred on the sync source.
517      * If we fail to schedule the rollback checker, we set the error status in 'onCompletionGuard'
518      * and shut down the OplogFetcher.
519      * Passes 'lock' through to completion guard.
520      */
521     void _scheduleRollbackCheckerCheckForRollback_inlock(
522         const stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex>& lock,
523         std::shared_ptr<OnCompletionGuard> onCompletionGuard);
525     /**
526      * Checks the given status (or embedded status inside the callback args) and current data
527      * replicator shutdown state. If the given status is not OK or if we are shutting down, returns
528      * a new error status that should be passed to _finishCallback. The reason in the new error
529      * status will include 'message'.
530      * Otherwise, returns Status::OK().
531      */
532     Status _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock(
533         const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& callbackArgs, const std::string& message);
534     Status _checkForShutdownAndConvertStatus_inlock(const Status& status,
535                                                     const std::string& message);
537     /**
538      * Schedules work to be run by the task executor.
539      * Saves handle if work was successfully scheduled.
540      * Returns scheduleWork status (without the handle).
541      */
542     Status _scheduleWorkAndSaveHandle_inlock(const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackFn& work,
543                                              executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle* handle,
544                                              const std::string& name);
545     Status _scheduleWorkAtAndSaveHandle_inlock(Date_t when,
546                                                const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackFn& work,
547                                                executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle* handle,
548                                                const std::string& name);
550     /**
551      * Cancels task executor callback handle if not null.
552      */
553     void _cancelHandle_inlock(executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle handle);
555     /**
556      * Starts up component and checks initial syncer's shutdown state at the same time.
557      * If component's startup() fails, resets 'component' (which is assumed to be a unique_ptr
558      * to the component type).
559      */
560     template <typename Component>
561     Status _startupComponent_inlock(Component& component);
563     /**
564      * Shuts down component if not null.
565      */
566     template <typename Component>
567     void _shutdownComponent_inlock(Component& component);
569     // Counts how many documents have been refetched from the source in the current batch.
570     AtomicUInt32 _fetchCount;
572     //
573     // All member variables are labeled with one of the following codes indicating the
574     // synchronization rules for accessing them.
575     //
576     // (R)  Read-only in concurrent operation; no synchronization required.
577     // (S)  Self-synchronizing; access in any way from any context.
578     // (M)  Reads and writes guarded by _mutex
579     // (X)  Reads and writes must be performed in a callback in _exec
580     // (MX) Must hold _mutex and be in a callback in _exec to write; must either hold
581     //      _mutex or be in a callback in _exec to read.
583     mutable stdx::mutex _mutex;                                                 // (S)
584     const InitialSyncerOptions _opts;                                           // (R)
585     std::unique_ptr<DataReplicatorExternalState> _dataReplicatorExternalState;  // (R)
586     executor::TaskExecutor* _exec;                                              // (R)
587     StorageInterface* _storage;                                                 // (R)
588     ReplicationProcess* _replicationProcess;                                    // (S)
590     // This is invoked with the final status of the initial sync. If startup() fails, this callback
591     // is never invoked. The caller gets the last applied optime with hash when the initial sync
592     // completes successfully or an error status.
593     // '_onCompletion' is cleared on completion (in _finishCallback()) in order to release any
594     // resources that might be held by the callback function object.
595     OnCompletionFn _onCompletion;  // (M)
597     // Handle to currently scheduled _startInitialSyncAttemptCallback() task.
598     executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle _startInitialSyncAttemptHandle;  // (M)
600     // Handle to currently scheduled _chooseSyncSourceCallback() task.
601     executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle _chooseSyncSourceHandle;  // (M)
603     // RollbackChecker to get rollback ID before and after each initial sync attempt.
604     std::unique_ptr<RollbackChecker> _rollbackChecker;  // (M)
606     // Handle returned from RollbackChecker::reset().
607     RollbackChecker::CallbackHandle _getBaseRollbackIdHandle;  // (M)
609     // Handle returned from RollbackChecker::checkForRollback().
610     RollbackChecker::CallbackHandle _getLastRollbackIdHandle;  // (M)
612     // Handle to currently scheduled _getNextApplierBatchCallback() task.
613     executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle _getNextApplierBatchHandle;  // (M)
615     std::unique_ptr<InitialSyncState> _initialSyncState;  // (M)
616     std::unique_ptr<OplogFetcher> _oplogFetcher;          // (S)
617     std::unique_ptr<Fetcher> _lastOplogEntryFetcher;      // (S)
618     std::unique_ptr<Fetcher> _fCVFetcher;                 // (S)
619     std::unique_ptr<MultiApplier> _applier;               // (M)
620     HostAndPort _syncSource;                              // (M)
621     OpTimeWithHash _lastFetched;                          // (MX)
622     OpTimeWithHash _lastApplied;                          // (MX)
623     std::unique_ptr<OplogBuffer> _oplogBuffer;            // (M)
625     // Used to signal changes in _state.
626     mutable stdx::condition_variable _stateCondition;
628     // Current initial syncer state. See comments for State enum class for details.
629     State _state = State::kPreStart;  // (M)
631     // Passed to CollectionCloner via DatabasesCloner.
632     CollectionCloner::ScheduleDbWorkFn _scheduleDbWorkFn;  // (M)
634     // Contains stats on the current initial sync request (includes all attempts).
635     // To access these stats in a user-readable format, use getInitialSyncProgress().
636     Stats _stats;  // (M)
637 };
639 }  // namespace repl
640 }  // namespace mongo