2! Copyright (C) 2002-2009 J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma and C. Ambrosch-Draxl.
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
4! See the file COPYING for license details.
6module modmain
9!     lattice parameters     !
11! lattice vectors stored column-wise
12real(8) avec(3,3)
13! magnitude of random displacements added to lattice vectors
14real(8) rndavec
15! inverse of lattice vector matrix
16real(8) ainv(3,3)
17! reciprocal lattice vectors
18real(8) bvec(3,3)
19! inverse of reciprocal lattice vector matrix
20real(8) binv(3,3)
21! unit cell volume
22real(8) omega
23! Brillouin zone volume
24real(8) omegabz
25! any vector with length less than epslat is considered zero
26real(8) epslat
29!     atomic variables     !
31! maximum allowed species
32integer, parameter :: maxspecies=8
33! maximum allowed atoms per species
34integer, parameter :: maxatoms=200
35! number of species
36integer nspecies
37! number of atoms for each species
38integer natoms(maxspecies)
39! maximum number of atoms over all the species
40integer natmmax
41! total number of atoms
42integer natmtot
43! index to atoms and species
44integer idxas(maxatoms,maxspecies)
45! inverse atoms and species indices
46integer idxis(maxatoms*maxspecies)
47integer idxia(maxatoms*maxspecies)
48! molecule is .true. is the system is an isolated molecule
49logical molecule
50! primcell is .true. if primitive unit cell is to be found automatically
51logical primcell
52! atomic positions in lattice coordinates
53real(8) atposl(3,maxatoms,maxspecies)
54! atomic positions in Cartesian coordinates
55real(8) atposc(3,maxatoms,maxspecies)
56! magnitude of random displacements added to the atomic positions
57real(8) rndatposc
58! tdatpos is .true. if small amplitude displacements are to be included when
59! calculating the Coulomb potential
60logical :: tdatpos=.false.
61! trddatpos is .true. if the small amplitude displacements and velocities are to
62! be read from file
63logical :: trddatpos=.false.
64! small amplitude atomic displacements and velocities
65real(8) datposc(3,0:1,maxatoms,maxspecies)
68!     atomic species variables     !
70! species files path
71character(256) sppath
72! species filenames
73character(256) spfname(maxspecies)
74! species name
75character(256) spname(maxspecies)
76! species symbol
77character(256) spsymb(maxspecies)
78! species nuclear charge
79real(8) spzn(maxspecies)
80! ptnucl is .true. if the nuclei are to be treated as point charges, if .false.
81! the nuclei have a finite spherical distribution
82logical ptnucl
83! nuclear radius
84real(8) rnucl(maxspecies)
85! nuclear volume
86real(8) volnucl(maxspecies)
87! number of radial mesh points to nuclear radius
88integer nrnucl(maxspecies)
89! nuclear Coulomb potential
90real(8), allocatable :: vcln(:,:)
91! species electronic charge
92real(8) spze(maxspecies)
93! species mass
94real(8) spmass(maxspecies)
95! smallest radial point for each species
96real(8) rminsp(maxspecies)
97! effective infinity for species
98real(8) rmaxsp(maxspecies)
99! number of radial points to effective infinity for each species
100integer nrsp(maxspecies)
101! maximum nrsp over all the species
102integer nrspmax
103! maximum allowed states for each species
104integer, parameter :: maxstsp=40
105! number of states for each species
106integer nstsp(maxspecies)
107! maximum nstsp over all the species
108integer nstspmax
109! core-valence cut-off energy for species file generation
110real(8) ecvcut
111! semi-core-valence cut-off energy for species file generation
112real(8) esccut
113! state principle quantum number for each species
114integer nsp(maxstsp,maxspecies)
115! state l value for each species
116integer lsp(maxstsp,maxspecies)
117! state k value for each species
118integer ksp(maxstsp,maxspecies)
119! spcore is .true. if species state is core
120logical spcore(maxstsp,maxspecies)
121! total number of core states
122integer nstcr
123! state eigenvalue for each species
124real(8) evalsp(maxstsp,maxspecies)
125! state occupancy for each species
126real(8) occsp(maxstsp,maxspecies)
127! species radial mesh to effective infinity
128real(8), allocatable :: rsp(:,:)
129! species charge density
130real(8), allocatable :: rhosp(:,:)
131! species self-consistent potential
132real(8), allocatable :: vrsp(:,:)
133! exchange-correlation type for atomic species (the converged ground-state of
134! the crystal does not depend on this choice)
135integer xctsp(3)
138!     muffin-tin radial mesh and angular momentum variables     !
140! scale factor for number of muffin-tin points
141real(8) nrmtscf
142! number of muffin-tin radial points for each species
143integer nrmt(maxspecies)
144! maximum nrmt over all the species
145integer nrmtmax
146! optional default muffin-tin radius for all atoms
147real(8) rmtall
148! minimum allowed distance between muffin-tin surfaces
149real(8) rmtdelta
150! muffin-tin radii
151real(8) rmt(maxspecies)
152! total muffin-tin volume
153real(8) omegamt
154! radial step length for coarse mesh
155integer lradstp
156! number of coarse radial mesh points
157integer nrcmt(maxspecies)
158! maximum nrcmt over all the species
159integer nrcmtmax
160! coarse muffin-tin radial mesh
161real(8), allocatable :: rcmt(:,:)
162! r^l on fine radial mesh
163real(8), allocatable :: rlmt(:,:,:)
164! r^l on coarse radial mesh
165real(8), allocatable :: rlcmt(:,:,:)
166! weights for spline integration on fine radial mesh
167real(8), allocatable :: wrmt(:,:)
168! weights for spline partial integration on fine radial mesh
169real(8), allocatable :: wprmt(:,:,:)
170! weights for spline coefficients on fine radial mesh
171real(8), allocatable :: wcrmt(:,:,:)
172! weights for spline integration on coarse radial mesh
173real(8), allocatable :: wrcmt(:,:)
174! weights for spline partial integration on coarse radial mesh
175real(8), allocatable :: wprcmt(:,:,:)
176! weights for spline coefficients on coarse radial mesh
177real(8), allocatable :: wcrcmt(:,:,:)
178! maximum allowable angular momentum for augmented plane waves
179integer, parameter :: maxlapw=30
180! maximum angular momentum for augmented plane waves
181integer lmaxapw
182! (lmaxapw+1)^2
183integer lmmaxapw
184! maximum angular momentum on the outer part of the muffin-tin
185integer lmaxo
186! (lmaxo+1)^2
187integer lmmaxo
188! maximum angular momentum on the inner part of the muffin-tin
189integer lmaxi
190! (lmaxi+1)^2
191integer lmmaxi
192! fraction of muffin-tin radius which constitutes the inner part
193real(8) fracinr
194! number of fine/coarse radial points on the inner part of the muffin-tin
195integer nrmti(maxspecies),nrcmti(maxspecies)
196! number of fine/coarse points in packed muffin-tins
197integer npmti(maxspecies),npmt(maxspecies)
198integer npcmti(maxspecies),npcmt(maxspecies)
199! maximum number of points over all packed muffin-tins
200integer npmtmax,npcmtmax
203!     spin related variables     !
205! spinpol is .true. for spin-polarised calculations
206logical spinpol
207! spinorb is .true. for spin-orbit coupling
208logical spinorb
209! scale factor of spin-orbit coupling term in Hamiltonian
210real(8) socscf
211! dimension of magnetisation and magnetic vector fields (1 or 3)
212integer ndmag
213! ncmag is .true. if the magnetisation is non-collinear, i.e. when ndmag = 3
214logical ncmag
215! if cmagz is .true. then collinear magnetism along the z-axis is enforced
216logical cmagz
217! spcpl is .true. if the up and down spins are coupled
218logical spcpl
219! fixed spin moment type
220!  0      : none
221!  1 (-1) : total moment (direction)
222!  2 (-2) : individual muffin-tin moments (direction)
223!  3 (-3) : total and muffin-tin moments (direction)
224integer fsmtype
225! fixed total spin magnetic moment
226real(8) momfix(3)
227! fixed spin moment global effective field in Cartesian coordinates
228real(8) bfsmc(3)
229! muffin-tin fixed spin moments
230real(8) mommtfix(3,maxatoms,maxspecies)
231! muffin-tin fixed spin moment effective fields in Cartesian coordinates
232real(8), allocatable :: bfsmcmt(:,:)
233! fixed spin moment field step size
234real(8) taufsm
235! second-variational spinor dimension (1 or 2)
236integer nspinor
237! global external magnetic field in Cartesian coordinates
238real(8) bfieldc(3)
239! initial field
240real(8) bfieldc0(3)
241! external magnetic field in each muffin-tin in Cartesian coordinates
242real(8) bfcmt(3,maxatoms,maxspecies)
243! initial field as read in from input file
244real(8) bfcmt0(3,maxatoms,maxspecies)
245! magnitude of random vectors added to muffin-tin fields
246real(8) rndbfcmt
247! external magnetic fields are multiplied by reducebf after each s.c. loop
248real(8) reducebf
249! spinsprl is .true. if a spin-spiral is to be calculated
250logical spinsprl
251! ssdph is .true. if the muffin-tin spin-spiral magnetisation is de-phased
252logical ssdph
253! spin-spiral phase factor for each atom
254complex(8), allocatable :: zqss(:)
255! number of spin-dependent first-variational functions per state
256integer nspnfv
257! map from second- to first-variational spin index
258integer jspnfv(2)
259! spin-spiral q-vector in lattice coordinates
260real(8) vqlss(3)
261! spin-spiral q-vector in Cartesian coordinates
262real(8) vqcss(3)
263! current q-point in spin-spiral supercell calculation
264integer iqss
265! number of primitive unit cells in spin-spiral supercell
266integer nscss
267! number of fixed spin direction points on the sphere for finding the magnetic
268! anisotropy energy (MAE)
269integer npmae0,npmae
270! (theta,phi) coordinates for each MAE direction
271real(8), allocatable :: tpmae(:,:)
274!     electric field and vector potential     !
276! tefield is .true. if a polarising constant electric field is applied
277logical tefield
278! electric field vector in Cartesian coordinates
279real(8) efieldc(3)
280! electric field vector in lattice coordinates
281real(8) efieldl(3)
282! tafield is .true. if a constant vector potential is applied
283logical tafield
284! vector potential A-field which couples to paramagnetic current
285real(8) afieldc(3)
286! A-field in lattice coordinates
287real(8) afieldl(3)
290!     symmetry variables     !
292! type of symmetry allowed for the crystal
293!  0 : only the identity element is used
294!  1 : full symmetry group is used
295!  2 : only symmorphic symmetries are allowed
296integer symtype
297! number of Bravais lattice point group symmetries
298integer nsymlat
299! Bravais lattice point group symmetries
300integer symlat(3,3,48)
301! determinants of lattice symmetry matrices (1 or -1)
302integer symlatd(48)
303! index to inverses of the lattice symmetries
304integer isymlat(48)
305! lattice point group symmetries in Cartesian coordinates
306real(8) symlatc(3,3,48)
307! tshift is .true. if atomic basis is allowed to be shifted
308logical tshift
309! tsyminv is .true. if the crystal has inversion symmetry
310logical tsyminv
311! maximum of symmetries allowed
312integer, parameter :: maxsymcrys=192
313! number of crystal symmetries
314integer nsymcrys
315! crystal symmetry translation vector in lattice and Cartesian coordinates
316real(8) vtlsymc(3,maxsymcrys)
317real(8) vtcsymc(3,maxsymcrys)
318! tv0symc is .true. if the translation vector is zero
319logical tv0symc(maxsymcrys)
320! spatial rotation element in lattice point group for each crystal symmetry
321integer lsplsymc(maxsymcrys)
322! global spin rotation element in lattice point group for each crystal symmetry
323integer lspnsymc(maxsymcrys)
324! equivalent atom index for each crystal symmetry
325integer, allocatable :: ieqatom(:,:,:)
326! eqatoms(ia,ja,is) is .true. if atoms ia and ja are equivalent
327logical, allocatable :: eqatoms(:,:,:)
328! number of site symmetries
329integer, allocatable :: nsymsite(:)
330! site symmetry spatial rotation element in lattice point group
331integer, allocatable :: lsplsyms(:,:)
332! site symmetry global spin rotation element in lattice point group
333integer, allocatable :: lspnsyms(:,:)
336!     G-vector variables     !
338! G-vector cut-off for interstitial potential and density
339real(8) gmaxvr
340! G-vector grid sizes
341integer ngridg(3)
342! G-vector grid sizes for coarse grid (G < 2*gkmax)
343integer ngdgc(3)
344! total number of G-vectors
345integer ngtot
346! total number of G-vectors for coarse grid (G < 2*gkmax)
347integer ngtc
348! integer grid intervals for each direction
349integer intgv(2,3)
350! number of G-vectors with G < gmaxvr
351integer ngvec
352! number of G-vectors for coarse grid (G < 2*gkmax)
353integer ngvc
354! G-vector integer coordinates (i1,i2,i3)
355integer, allocatable :: ivg(:,:)
356! map from (i1,i2,i3) to G-vector index
357integer, allocatable :: ivgig(:,:,:)
358! map from G-vector index to FFT array
359integer, allocatable :: igfft(:)
360! map from G-vector index to FFT array for coarse grid (G < 2*gkmax)
361integer, allocatable :: igfc(:)
362! G-vectors in Cartesian coordinates
363real(8), allocatable :: vgc(:,:)
364! length of G-vectors
365real(8), allocatable :: gc(:)
366! Coulomb Green's function in G-space = 4 pi / G^2
367real(8), allocatable :: gclg(:)
368! spherical Bessel functions j_l(|G|R_mt)
369real(8), allocatable :: jlgrmt(:,:,:)
370! spherical harmonics of the G-vectors
371complex(8), allocatable :: ylmg(:,:)
372! structure factors for the G-vectors
373complex(8), allocatable :: sfacg(:,:)
374! smooth step function form factors for all species and G-vectors
375real(8), allocatable :: ffacg(:,:)
376! characteristic function in G-space: 0 inside the muffin-tins and 1 outside
377complex(8), allocatable :: cfunig(:)
378! characteristic function in real-space: 0 inside the muffin-tins and 1 outside
379real(8), allocatable :: cfunir(:)
380! characteristic function in real-space for coarse grid (G < 2*gkmax)
381real(8), allocatable :: cfrc(:)
384!     k-point variables     !
386! autokpt is .true. if the k-point set is determined automatically
387logical autokpt
388! radius of sphere used to determine k-point density when autokpt is .true.
389real(8) radkpt
390! k-point grid sizes
391integer ngridk(3)
392! k-point offset
393real(8) vkloff(3)
394! type of reduction to perform on k-point set
395!  0 : no reduction
396!  1 : reduce with full crystal symmetry group
397!  2 : reduce with symmorphic symmetries only
398integer reducek
399! number of point group symmetries used for k-point reduction
400integer nsymkpt
401! point group symmetry matrices used for k-point reduction
402integer symkpt(3,3,48)
403! total number of reduced k-points
404integer nkpt
405! total number of non-reduced k-points
406integer nkptnr
407! locations of k-points on integer grid
408integer, allocatable :: ivk(:,:)
409! map from integer grid to reduced k-point index
410integer, allocatable :: ivkik(:,:,:)
411! map from integer grid to non-reduced k-point index
412integer, allocatable :: ivkiknr(:,:,:)
413! k-points in lattice coordinates
414real(8), allocatable :: vkl(:,:)
415! k-points in Cartesian coordinates
416real(8), allocatable :: vkc(:,:)
417! reduced k-point weights
418real(8), allocatable :: wkpt(:)
419! weight of each non-reduced k-point
420real(8) wkptnr
421! k-point at which to determine effective mass tensor
422real(8) vklem(3)
423! displacement size for computing the effective mass tensor
424real(8) deltaem
425! number of displacements in each direction
426integer ndspem
427! number of k-points subdivision used for calculating the polarisation phase
428integer nkspolar
431!     G+k-vector variables     !
433! species for which the muffin-tin radius will be used for calculating gkmax
434integer isgkmax
435! smallest muffin-tin radius times gkmax
436real(8) rgkmax
437! maximum |G+k| cut-off for APW functions
438real(8) gkmax
439! number of G+k-vectors for augmented plane waves
440integer, allocatable :: ngk(:,:)
441! maximum number of G+k-vectors over all k-points
442integer ngkmax
443! index from G+k-vectors to G-vectors
444integer, allocatable :: igkig(:,:,:)
445! G+k-vectors in lattice coordinates
446real(8), allocatable :: vgkl(:,:,:,:)
447! G+k-vectors in Cartesian coordinates
448real(8), allocatable :: vgkc(:,:,:,:)
449! length of G+k-vectors
450real(8), allocatable :: gkc(:,:,:)
451! structure factors for the G+k-vectors
452complex(8), allocatable :: sfacgk(:,:,:,:)
455!     q-point variables     !
457! q-point grid sizes
458integer ngridq(3)
459! integer grid intervals for the q-points
460integer intq(2,3)
461! type of reduction to perform on q-point set (see reducek)
462integer reduceq
463! number of point group symmetries used for q-point reduction
464integer nsymqpt
465! point group symmetry matrices used for q-point reduction
466integer symqpt(3,3,48)
467! total number of reduced q-points
468integer nqpt
469! total number of non-reduced q-points
470integer nqptnr
471! locations of q-points on integer grid
472integer, allocatable :: ivq(:,:)
473! map from integer grid to reduced index
474integer, allocatable :: ivqiq(:,:,:)
475! map from integer grid to non-reduced index
476integer, allocatable :: ivqiqnr(:,:,:)
477! map from q-vector index to complex-complex FFT array
478integer, allocatable :: iqfft(:)
479! number of complex FFT elements for real-complex transforms
480integer nfqrz
481! map from q-point index to real-complex FFT index
482integer, allocatable :: ifqrz(:)
483! map from real-complex FFT index to q-point index
484integer, allocatable :: iqrzf(:)
485! q-points in lattice coordinates
486real(8), allocatable :: vql(:,:)
487! q-points in Cartesian coordinates
488real(8), allocatable :: vqc(:,:)
489! q-point weights
490real(8), allocatable :: wqpt(:)
491! weight for each non-reduced q-point
492real(8) wqptnr
493! regularised Coulomb Green's function in q-space
494real(8), allocatable :: gclq(:)
495! if t0gclq0 is .true. then the Coulomb Green's function at q = 0 is set to zero
496logical t0gclq0
499!     spherical harmonic transform (SHT) matrices     !
501! trotsht is .true. if the spherical cover used for the SHT is to be rotated
502logical :: trotsht=.false.
503! spherical cover rotation matrix
504real(8) rotsht(3,3)
505! real backward SHT matrix for lmaxi
506real(8), allocatable :: rbshti(:,:)
507! real forward SHT matrix for lmaxi
508real(8), allocatable :: rfshti(:,:)
509! real backward SHT matrix for lmaxo
510real(8), allocatable :: rbshto(:,:)
511! real forward SHT matrix for lmaxo
512real(8), allocatable :: rfshto(:,:)
513! complex backward SHT matrix for lmaxi
514complex(8), allocatable :: zbshti(:,:)
515! complex forward SHT matrix for lmaxi
516complex(8), allocatable :: zfshti(:,:)
517! complex backward SHT matrix for lmaxo
518complex(8), allocatable :: zbshto(:,:)
519! complex forward SHT matrix for lmaxo
520complex(8), allocatable :: zfshto(:,:)
523!     density, potential and exchange-correlation variables     !
525! exchange-correlation functional type
526integer xctype(3)
527! exchange-correlation functional description
528character(512) xcdescr
529! exchange-correlation functional spin requirement
530integer xcspin
531! exchange-correlation functional density gradient requirement
532integer xcgrad
533! small constant used to stabilise non-collinear GGA
534real(8) dncgga
535! muffin-tin and interstitial charge density
536real(8), allocatable :: rhomt(:,:),rhoir(:)
537! trhonorm is .true. if the density is to be normalised after every iteration
538logical trhonorm
539! muffin-tin and interstitial magnetisation vector field
540real(8), allocatable :: magmt(:,:,:),magir(:,:)
541! tjr is .true. if the current density j(r) is to be calculated
542logical tjr
543! muffin-tin and interstitial gauge-invariant current density vector field
544real(8), allocatable :: jrmt(:,:,:),jrir(:,:)
545! amount of smoothing to be applied to the exchange-correlation potentials and
546! magnetic field
547integer msmooth
548! muffin-tin and interstitial Coulomb potential
549real(8), allocatable :: vclmt(:,:),vclir(:)
550! Poisson solver pseudocharge density constant
551integer npsd
552! lmaxo+npsd+1
553integer lnpsd
554! muffin-tin and interstitial exchange energy density
555real(8), allocatable :: exmt(:,:),exir(:)
556! muffin-tin and interstitial correlation energy density
557real(8), allocatable :: ecmt(:,:),ecir(:)
558! muffin-tin and interstitial exchange-correlation potential
559real(8), allocatable :: vxcmt(:,:),vxcir(:)
560! muffin-tin and interstitial exchange-correlation magnetic field
561real(8), allocatable :: bxcmt(:,:,:),bxcir(:,:)
562! muffin-tin and interstitial magnetic dipole field
563real(8), allocatable :: bdmt(:,:,:),bdir(:,:)
564! tbdip is .true. if the spin and current dipole fields are to be added to the
565! Kohn-Sham magnetic field
566logical tbdip
567! combined target array for vsmt, vsir, bsmt and bsir
568real(8), allocatable, target :: vsbs(:)
569! muffin-tin and interstitial Kohn-Sham effective potential
570real(8), pointer :: vsmt(:,:),vsir(:)
571! muffin-tin Kohn-Sham effective magnetic field in spherical coordinates and on
572! a coarse radial mesh
573real(8), pointer :: bsmt(:,:,:)
574! interstitial Kohn-Sham effective magnetic field
575real(8), pointer :: bsir(:,:)
576! G-space interstitial Kohn-Sham effective potential
577complex(8), allocatable :: vsig(:)
578! nosource is .true. if the field is to be made source-free
579logical nosource
580! tssxc is .true. if scaled spin exchange-correlation is to be used
581logical tssxc
582! spin exchange-correlation scaling factor
583real(8) sxcscf
584! spin-orbit coupling radial function
585real(8), allocatable :: socfr(:,:)
586! kinetic energy density
587real(8), allocatable :: taumt(:,:,:),tauir(:,:)
588! core kinetic energy density
589real(8), allocatable :: taucr(:,:,:)
590! taudft is .true. if meta-GGA is to be treated as a meta-GGA functional
591logical taudft
592! meta-GGA exchange-correlation potential
593real(8), allocatable :: wxcmt(:,:),wxcir(:)
594! meta-GGA Kohn-Sham potential
595real(8), allocatable :: wsmt(:,:),wsir(:)
596! Tran-Blaha '09 constant c [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 226401 (2009)]
597real(8) c_tb09
598! tc_tb09 is .true. if the Tran-Blaha constant has been read in
599logical tc_tb09
600! if trdstate is .true. the density and potential can be read from STATE.OUT
601logical :: trdstate=.false.
602! temperature in degrees Kelvin
603real(8) tempk
606!     mixing variables     !
608! type of mixing to use for the potential
609integer mixtype
610! mixing type description
611character(256) mixdescr
612! adaptive mixing parameters (formerly beta0 and betamax)
613real(8) amixpm(2)
614! subspace dimension for Broyden mixing
615integer mixsdb
616! Broyden mixing parameters alpha and w0
617real(8) broydpm(2)
620!     charge, moment and current variables     !
622! tolerance for error in total charge
623real(8) epschg
624! total nuclear charge
625real(8) chgzn
626! core charges
627real(8) chgcr(maxspecies)
628! total core charge
629real(8) chgcrtot
630! core leakage charge
631real(8), allocatable :: chgcrlk(:)
632! total valence charge
633real(8) chgval
634! excess charge
635real(8) chgexs
636! total charge
637real(8) chgtot
638! calculated total charge
639real(8) chgcalc
640! interstitial region charge
641real(8) chgir
642! muffin-tin charges
643real(8), allocatable :: chgmt(:)
644! total muffin-tin charge
645real(8) chgmttot
646! effective Wigner radius
647real(8) rwigner
648! total moment
649real(8) momtot(3)
650! total moment magnitude
651real(8) momtotm
652! interstitial region moment
653real(8) momir(3)
654! muffin-tin moments
655real(8), allocatable :: mommt(:,:)
656! total muffin-tin moment
657real(8) mommttot(3)
658! total gauge-invariant current and its magnitude
659real(8) jtot(3),jtotm
662!     APW and local-orbital variables     !
664! energy step used for numerical calculation of energy derivatives
665real(8) deapwlo
666! maximum allowable APW order
667integer, parameter :: maxapword=4
668! APW order
669integer apword(0:maxlapw,maxspecies)
670! maximum of apword over all angular momenta and species
671integer apwordmax
672! total number of APW coefficients (l, m and order) for each species
673integer lmoapw(maxspecies)
674! polynomial order used for APW radial derivatives
675integer npapw
676! APW initial linearisation energies
677real(8) apwe0(maxapword,0:maxlapw,maxspecies)
678! APW linearisation energies
679real(8), allocatable :: apwe(:,:,:)
680! APW derivative order
681integer apwdm(maxapword,0:maxlapw,maxspecies)
682! apwve is .true. if the linearisation energies are allowed to vary
683logical apwve(maxapword,0:maxlapw,maxspecies)
684! APW radial functions
685real(8), allocatable :: apwfr(:,:,:,:,:)
686! derivate of radial functions at the muffin-tin surface
687real(8), allocatable :: apwdfr(:,:,:)
688! maximum number of local-orbitals
689integer, parameter :: maxlorb=200
690! maximum allowable local-orbital order
691integer, parameter :: maxlorbord=5
692! number of local-orbitals
693integer nlorb(maxspecies)
694! maximum nlorb over all species
695integer nlomax
696! total number of local-orbitals
697integer nlotot
698! local-orbital order
699integer lorbord(maxlorb,maxspecies)
700! maximum lorbord over all species
701integer lorbordmax
702! polynomial order used for local-orbital radial derivatives
703integer nplorb
704! local-orbital angular momentum
705integer lorbl(maxlorb,maxspecies)
706! maximum lorbl over all species
707integer lolmax
708! (lolmax+1)^2
709integer lolmmax
710! local-orbital initial energies
711real(8) lorbe0(maxlorbord,maxlorb,maxspecies)
712! local-orbital energies
713real(8), allocatable :: lorbe(:,:,:)
714! local-orbital derivative order
715integer lorbdm(maxlorbord,maxlorb,maxspecies)
716! lorbve is .true. if the linearisation energies are allowed to vary
717logical lorbve(maxlorbord,maxlorb,maxspecies)
718! local-orbital radial functions
719real(8), allocatable :: lofr(:,:,:,:)
720! band energy search tolerance
721real(8) epsband
722! maximum allowed change in energy during band energy search; enforced only if
723! default energy is less than zero
724real(8) demaxbnd
725! minimum default linearisation energy over all APWs and local-orbitals
726real(8) e0min
727! if autolinengy is .true. then the fixed linearisation energies are set to the
728! Fermi energy minus dlefe
729logical autolinengy
730! difference between linearisation and Fermi energies when autolinengy is .true.
731real(8) dlefe
732! lorbcnd is .true. if conduction state local-orbitals should be added
733logical lorbcnd
734! conduction state local-orbital order
735integer lorbordc
736! excess order of the APW and local-orbital functions
737integer nxoapwlo
738! excess local orbitals
739integer nxlo
742!     overlap and Hamiltonian variables     !
744! overlap and Hamiltonian matrices sizes at each k-point
745integer, allocatable :: nmat(:,:)
746! maximum nmat over all k-points
747integer nmatmax
748! index to the position of the local-orbitals in the H and O matrices
749integer, allocatable :: idxlo(:,:,:)
750! APW-local-orbital overlap integrals
751real(8), allocatable :: oalo(:,:,:)
752! local-orbital-local-orbital overlap integrals
753real(8), allocatable :: ololo(:,:,:)
754! APW-APW Hamiltonian integrals
755real(8), allocatable :: haa(:,:,:,:,:,:)
756! local-orbital-APW Hamiltonian integrals
757real(8), allocatable :: hloa(:,:,:,:,:)
758! local-orbital-local-orbital Hamiltonian integrals
759real(8), allocatable :: hlolo(:,:,:,:)
760! complex Gaunt coefficient array
761complex(8), allocatable :: gntyry(:,:,:)
762! tefvr is .true. if the first-variational eigenvalue equation is to be solved
763! as a real symmetric problem
764logical tefvr
765! tefvit is .true. if the first-variational eigenvalue equation is to be solved
766! iteratively
767logical tefvit
768! minimum and maximum allowed number of eigenvalue equation iterations
769integer minitefv,maxitefv
770! eigenvalue mixing parameter for iterative solver
771real(8) befvit
772! iterative solver convergence tolerance
773real(8) epsefvit
776!     eigenvalue and occupancy variables     !
778! number of empty states per atom and spin
779real(8) nempty0
780! number of empty states
781integer nempty
782! number of first-variational states
783integer nstfv
784! number of second-variational states
785integer nstsv
786! smearing type
787integer stype
788! smearing function description
789character(256) sdescr
790! smearing width
791real(8) swidth
792! autoswidth is .true. if the smearing width is to be determined automatically
793logical autoswidth
794! effective mass used in smearing width formula
795real(8) mstar
796! maximum allowed occupancy (1 or 2)
797real(8) occmax
798! convergence tolerance for occupancies
799real(8) epsocc
800! second-variational occupation numbers
801real(8), allocatable :: occsv(:,:)
802! Fermi energy for second-variational states
803real(8) efermi
804! scissor correction applied when computing response functions
805real(8) scissor
806! density of states at the Fermi energy
807real(8) fermidos
808! estimated indirect and direct band gaps
809real(8) bandgap(2)
810! k-points of indirect and direct gaps
811integer ikgap(3)
812! error tolerance for the first-variational eigenvalues
813real(8) evaltol
814! second-variational eigenvalues
815real(8), allocatable :: evalsv(:,:)
816! tevecsv is .true. if second-variational eigenvectors are calculated
817logical tevecsv
818! maximum number of k-point and states indices in user-defined list
819integer, parameter :: maxkst=20
820! number of k-point and states indices in user-defined list
821integer nkstlist
822! user-defined list of k-point and state indices
823integer kstlist(2,maxkst)
826!     core state variables     !
828! occupancies for core states
829real(8), allocatable :: occcr(:,:)
830! eigenvalues for core states
831real(8), allocatable :: evalcr(:,:)
832! radial wavefunctions for core states
833real(8), allocatable :: rwfcr(:,:,:,:)
834! radial charge density for core states
835real(8), allocatable :: rhocr(:,:,:)
836! spincore is .true. if the core is to be treated as spin-polarised
837logical spincore
838! number of core spin-channels
839integer nspncr
842!     energy variables     !
844! eigenvalue sum
845real(8) evalsum
846! electron kinetic energy
847real(8) engykn
848! core electron kinetic energy
849real(8) engykncr
850! nuclear-nuclear energy
851real(8) engynn
852! electron-nuclear energy
853real(8) engyen
854! Hartree energy
855real(8) engyhar
856! Coulomb energy (E_nn + E_en + E_H)
857real(8) engycl
858! electronic Coulomb potential energy
859real(8) engyvcl
860! Madelung term
861real(8) engymad
862! exchange-correlation potential energy
863real(8) engyvxc
864! exchange-correlation effective field energy
865real(8) engybxc
866! energy of external global magnetic field
867real(8) engybext
868! exchange energy
869real(8) engyx
870! correlation energy
871real(8) engyc
872! electronic entropy
873real(8) entrpy
874! entropic contribution to free energy
875real(8) engyts
876! total energy
877real(8) engytot
880!     force, stress and strain variables     !
882! tforce is .true. if force should be calculated
883logical tforce
884! Hellmann-Feynman force on each atom
885real(8), allocatable :: forcehf(:,:)
886! incomplete basis set (IBS) force on each atom
887real(8), allocatable :: forceibs(:,:)
888! total force on each atom
889real(8), allocatable :: forcetot(:,:)
890! previous total force on each atom
891real(8), allocatable :: forcetotp(:,:)
892! maximum force magnitude over all atoms
893real(8) forcemax
894! tfav0 is .true. if the average force should be zero in order to prevent
895! translation of the atomic basis
896logical tfav0
897! average force
898real(8) forceav(3)
899! atomic position optimisation type
900!  0 : no optimisation
901!  1 : unconstrained optimisation
902integer atpopt
903! maximum number of atomic position optimisation steps
904integer maxatpstp
905! default step size parameter for atomic position optimisation
906real(8) tau0atp
907! step size parameters for each atom
908real(8), allocatable :: tauatp(:)
909! number of strain tensors
910integer nstrain
911! current strain tensor
912integer :: istrain=0
913! strain tensors
914real(8) strain(3,3,9)
915! infinitesimal displacement parameter multiplied by the strain tensor for
916! computing the stress tensor
917real(8) deltast
918! symmetry reduced stress tensor components
919real(8) stress(9)
920! previous stress tensor
921real(8) stressp(9)
922! stress tensor component magnitude maximum
923real(8) stressmax
924! lattice vector optimisation type
925!  0 : no optimisation
926!  1 : unconstrained optimisation
927!  2 : iso-volumetric optimisation
928integer latvopt
929! maximum number of lattice vector optimisation steps
930integer maxlatvstp
931! default step size parameter for lattice vector optimisation
932real(8) tau0latv
933! step size for each stress tensor component acting on the lattice vectors
934real(8) taulatv(9)
937!     convergence variables     !
939! maximum number of self-consistent loops
940integer maxscl
941! current self-consistent loop number
942integer iscl
943! Kohn-Sham potential convergence tolerance
944real(8) epspot
945! energy convergence tolerance
946real(8) epsengy
947! force convergence tolerance
948real(8) epsforce
949! stress tensor convergence tolerance
950real(8) epsstress
953!     density of states, optics and response variables     !
955! number of energy intervals in the DOS/optics function plot
956integer nwplot
957! fine k-point grid size for integration of functions in the Brillouin zone
958integer ngrkf
959! smoothing level for DOS/optics function plot
960integer nswplot
961! energy interval for DOS/optics function plot
962real(8) wplot(2)
963! maximum angular momentum for the partial DOS plot
964integer lmaxdos
965! dosocc is .true. if the DOS is to be weighted by the occupancy
966logical dosocc
967! dosmsum is .true. if the partial DOS is to be summed over m
968logical dosmsum
969! dosssum is .true. if the partial DOS is to be summed over spin
970logical dosssum
971! number of optical matrix components required
972integer noptcomp
973! required optical matrix components
974integer optcomp(3,27)
975! intraband is .true. if the intraband term is to be added to the optical matrix
976logical intraband
977! lmirep is .true. if the (l,m) band characters should correspond to the
978! irreducible representations of the site symmetries
979logical lmirep
980! spin-quantisation axis in Cartesian coordinates used when plotting the
981! spin-resolved DOS (z-axis by default)
982real(8) sqados(3)
983! q-vector in lattice and Cartesian coordinates for calculating the matrix
984! elements < i,k+q | exp(iq.r) | j,k >
985real(8) vecql(3),vecqc(3)
986! maximum initial-state energy allowed in ELNES transitions
987real(8) emaxelnes
988! structure factor energy window
989real(8) wsfac(2)
992!     1D/2D/3D plotting variables     !
994! number of vertices in 1D plot
995integer nvp1d
996! total number of points in 1D plot
997integer npp1d
998! vertices in lattice coordinates for 1D plot
999real(8), allocatable :: vvlp1d(:,:)
1000! distance to vertices in 1D plot
1001real(8), allocatable :: dvp1d(:)
1002! plot vectors in lattice coordinates for 1D plot
1003real(8), allocatable :: vplp1d(:,:)
1004! distance to points in 1D plot
1005real(8), allocatable :: dpp1d(:)
1006! corner vectors of 2D plot in lattice coordinates
1007real(8) vclp2d(3,0:2)
1008! grid sizes of 2D plot
1009integer np2d(2)
1010! corner vectors of 3D plot in lattice coordinates
1011real(8) vclp3d(3,0:3)
1012! grid sizes of 3D plot
1013integer np3d(3)
1016!     OEP and Hartree-Fock variables     !
1018! maximum number of core states over all species
1019integer ncrmax
1020! maximum number of OEP iterations
1021integer maxitoep
1022! OEP step size and fraction of previous potential to be used as starting point
1023real(8) tauoep(2)
1024! magnitude of the OEP residual
1025real(8) resoep
1026! exchange potential and magnetic field
1027real(8), allocatable :: vxmt(:,:),vxir(:)
1028real(8), allocatable :: bxmt(:,:,:),bxir(:,:)
1029! hybrid is .true. if a hybrid functional is to be used
1030logical hybrid,hybrid0
1031! hybrid functional mixing coefficient
1032real(8) hybridc
1035!     response function and perturbation theory variables     !
1037! |G| cut-off for response functions
1038real(8) gmaxrf
1039! energy cut-off for response functions
1040real(8) emaxrf
1041! number of G-vectors for response functions
1042integer ngrf
1043! number of response function frequencies
1044integer nwrf
1045! complex response function frequencies
1046complex(8), allocatable :: wrf(:)
1047! maximum number of spherical Bessel functions on the coarse radial mesh over
1048! all species
1049integer njcmax
1052!     Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) variables     !
1054! number of valence and conduction states for transitions
1055integer nvbse,ncbse
1056! default number of valence and conduction states
1057integer nvbse0,ncbse0
1058! maximum number of extra valence and conduction states
1059integer, parameter :: maxxbse=20
1060! number of extra valence and conduction states
1061integer nvxbse,ncxbse
1062! extra valence and conduction states
1063integer istxbse(maxxbse),jstxbse(maxxbse)
1064! total number of transitions
1065integer nvcbse
1066! size of blocks in BSE Hamiltonian matrix
1067integer nbbse
1068! size of BSE matrix (= 2*nbbse)
1069integer nmbse
1070! index from BSE valence states to second-variational states
1071integer, allocatable :: istbse(:,:)
1072! index from BSE conduction states to second-variational states
1073integer, allocatable :: jstbse(:,:)
1074! index from BSE valence-conduction pair and k-point to location in BSE matrix
1075integer, allocatable :: ijkbse(:,:,:)
1076! BSE Hamiltonian
1077complex(8), allocatable :: hmlbse(:,:)
1078! BSE Hamiltonian eigenvalues
1079real(8), allocatable :: evalbse(:)
1080! if bsefull is .true. then the full BSE Hamiltonian is calculated, otherwise
1081! only the Hermitian block
1082logical bsefull
1083! if hxbse/hdbse is .true. then the exchange/direct term is included in the BSE
1084! Hamiltonian
1085logical hxbse,hdbse
1088!     timing variables     !
1090! initialisation
1091real(8) timeinit
1092! Hamiltonian and overlap matrix set up
1093real(8) timemat
1094! first-variational calculation
1095real(8) timefv
1096! second-variational calculation
1097real(8) timesv
1098! charge density calculation
1099real(8) timerho
1100! potential calculation
1101real(8) timepot
1102! force calculation
1103real(8) timefor
1106!     numerical constants     !
1108real(8), parameter :: pi=3.1415926535897932385d0
1109real(8), parameter :: twopi=6.2831853071795864769d0
1110real(8), parameter :: fourpi=12.566370614359172954d0
1111! spherical harmonic for l=m=0
1112real(8), parameter :: y00=0.28209479177387814347d0
1113! complex constants
1114complex(8), parameter :: zzero=(0.d0,0.d0)
1115complex(8), parameter :: zone=(1.d0,0.d0)
1116complex(8), parameter :: zi=(0.d0,1.d0)
1117! array of i^l and (-i)^l values
1118integer, private :: l
1119complex(8), parameter :: zil(0:maxlapw)=[((0.d0,1.d0)**l,l=0,maxlapw)]
1120complex(8), parameter :: zilc(0:maxlapw)=[((0.d0,-1.d0)**l,l=0,maxlapw)]
1121! Pauli spin matrices:
1122! sigma_x = ( 0  1 )   sigma_y = ( 0 -i )   sigma_z = ( 1  0 )
1123!           ( 1  0 )             ( i  0 )             ( 0 -1 )
1124! Planck constant in SI units (exact, CODATA 2018)
1125real(8), parameter :: h_si=6.62607015d-34
1126! reduced Planck constant in SI units
1127real(8), parameter :: hbar_si=h_si/twopi
1128! speed of light in SI units (exact, CODATA 2018)
1129real(8), parameter :: sol_si=299792458d0
1130! speed of light in atomic units (=1/alpha) (CODATA 2018)
1131real(8), parameter :: sol=137.035999084d0
1132! scaled speed of light
1133real(8) solsc
1134! Hartree in SI units (CODATA 2018)
1135real(8), parameter :: ha_si=4.3597447222071d-18
1136! Hartree in eV (CODATA 2018)
1137real(8), parameter :: ha_ev=27.211386245988d0
1138! Hartree in inverse meters
1139real(8), parameter :: ha_im=ha_si/(h_si*sol_si)
1140! Boltzmann constant in SI units (exact, CODATA 2018)
1141real(8), parameter :: kb_si=1.380649d-23
1142! Boltzmann constant in Hartree/kelvin
1143real(8), parameter :: kboltz=kb_si/ha_si
1144! electron charge in SI units (exact, CODATA 2018)
1145real(8), parameter :: e_si=1.602176634d-19
1146! Bohr radius in SI units (CODATA 2018)
1147real(8), parameter :: br_si=0.529177210903d-10
1148! Bohr radius in Angstroms
1149real(8), parameter :: br_ang=br_si*1.d10
1150! atomic unit of magnetic flux density in SI
1151real(8), parameter :: b_si=hbar_si/(e_si*br_si**2)
1152! atomic unit of electric field in SI
1153real(8), parameter :: ef_si=ha_si/(e_si*br_si)
1154! atomic unit of time in SI
1155real(8), parameter :: t_si=hbar_si/ha_si
1156! electron g-factor (CODATA 2018)
1157real(8), parameter :: gfacte=2.00231930436256d0
1158! electron mass in SI (CODATA 2018)
1159real(8), parameter :: em_si=9.1093837015d-31
1160! atomic mass unit in SI (CODATA 2018)
1161real(8), parameter :: amu_si=1.66053906660d-27
1162! atomic mass unit in electron masses
1163real(8), parameter :: amu=amu_si/em_si
1166!     miscellaneous variables     !
1168! code version
1169integer, parameter :: version(3)=[7,2,42]
1170! maximum number of tasks
1171integer, parameter :: maxtasks=40
1172! number of tasks
1173integer ntasks
1174! task array
1175integer tasks(maxtasks)
1176! current task
1177integer task
1178! tlast is .true. if the calculation is on the last self-consistent loop
1179logical tlast
1180! tstop is .true. if the STOP file exists
1181logical tstop
1182! number of self-consistent loops after which STATE.OUT is written
1183integer nwrite
1184! filename extension for files generated by gndstate
1185character(256) :: filext='.OUT'
1186! scratch space path
1187character(256) scrpath
1188! number of note lines
1189integer notelns
1190! notes to include in INFO.OUT
1191character(256), allocatable :: notes(:)
1193end module