1 /*
2 ** lpslink.c: function to link lpsolve with Excel, S-Plus or R.
3 */
4 /*
5 ** In addition to standard "include" files we need lpkit.h, supplied by
6 ** lpsolve. This gives definitions for (for example) the "lprec" structure.
7 */
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #include <math.h>
11 #include <string.h>
12 #include "lp_lib.h"
13 #include <stdio.h>
15 /*
16 ** In R "integers" get passed as longs, whereas in S-Plus they're ints.
17 ** So the user should turn on this flag to compile for R.
18 */
20 #ifdef BUILDING_FOR_R
21 #define LONG_OR_INT int
22 #else
23 #define LONG_OR_INT long
24 #endif
26 /*
27 ** The declaration of the link function.
28 */
30 void lpslink (LONG_OR_INT *direction,         /* 1 for max, 0 for min        */
31               LONG_OR_INT *x_count,           /* Number of x's               */
32               double *objective,              /* Objective function          */
33               LONG_OR_INT *const_count,       /* Number of constraints       */
34               double *constraints,            /* Has extra element on front  */
35               LONG_OR_INT *int_count,         /* Number of integer variables */
36               LONG_OR_INT *int_vec,           /* Indices of int. variables   */
37               LONG_OR_INT *bin_count,         /* Number of binary variables  */
38               LONG_OR_INT *bin_vec,           /* Indices of bin. variables   */
39               LONG_OR_INT *num_bin_solns,     /* # of all-bin solns to find  */
40               double *obj_val,                /* Objective function value    */
41               double *solution,               /* Result of call              */
42               LONG_OR_INT *presolve,          /* Value of presolve           */
43               LONG_OR_INT *compute_sens,      /* Want sensitivity?           */
44               double *sens_coef_from,         /* Sens. coef. lower limit     */
45               double *sens_coef_to,           /* Sens. coef. upper limit     */
46               double *duals,                  /* Dual values                 */
47               double *duals_from,             /* Lower limit dual values     */
48               double *duals_to,               /* Lower limit dual values     */
49               LONG_OR_INT *scale,             /* lpsolve scaling parameter   */
50               LONG_OR_INT *use_dense,         /* Use dense constraint matrix?*/
51               LONG_OR_INT *dense_col,         /* Dense constraint columns    */
52               double *dense_val,              /* Dense constraint values     */
53               LONG_OR_INT *dense_mat_nrow,    /* Dense constraint #entries   */
54               double *dense_ctr,              /* Dense constraint info       */
55               LONG_OR_INT *use_rw_file,       /* See notes below             */
56               char **rw_file,                 /* See notes below             */
57               LONG_OR_INT *status);           /* Holds return value          */
59 /*
60 ** Some globals for calling from VBScript. The caller will call lpslink,
61 */
62 static long    vb_direction;
63 static long    vb_x_count;
64 static double *vb_objective;
65 static long    vb_const_count;
66 static double *vb_constraints;
67 static long    vb_int_count;
68 static long   *vb_int_vec;
69 static double  vb_obj_val;
70 static double *vb_solution;
72 /*
73 **************************** lps_vb_setup *****************************
74 **
75 **
76 ** lps_vb_setup: set up an lp problem (that is, allocate necessary space)
77 */
lps_vb_setup(long direction,long x_count,long const_count,long int_count)79 long lps_vb_setup (long direction,    /* Optimization direction (1 = max) */
80                    long x_count,      /* Number of variables              */
81                    long const_count,  /* Number of constraints            */
82                    long int_count)    /* Number of integer variables      */
83 {
84 long  i; /* iteration variable */
86 /*
87 ** Set globals (which start "vb") from parameters (which do not).
88 */
90 vb_direction   = direction;
91 vb_x_count     = x_count;
92 vb_const_count = const_count;
93 vb_int_count   = int_count;
95 /*
96 ** Allocate objective (which holds the coefficients in the objective function).
97 ** We need an extra element at the front. If malloc() fails, get out.
98 */
99 vb_objective = (double *) malloc (1 + sizeof (double) * vb_x_count);
100 if (vb_objective == (double *) NULL)
101     return (-1);
103 vb_objective[0] = 0.0;
105 /*
106 ** Allocate constraints. This, too, gets an extra entry. If the allocation
107 ** fails, exit gracefully.
108 */
110 vb_constraints = (double *) malloc (sizeof (double) *
111                      (1 + vb_const_count * (vb_x_count + 2)));
113 if (vb_constraints == (double *) NULL)
114 {
115     free (vb_objective);
116     return (-1);
117 }
119 vb_constraints[0] = 0.0;
121 /*
122 ** If any variables are constrained to be integers, allocate one long
123 ** for each such variable. Quit if the allocation fails. If it succeeds,
124 ** put zeros in there. We will insert the proper numbers later.
125 */
127 if (vb_int_count > 0) {
128     vb_int_vec = (long *) malloc (1 + sizeof (long) * vb_int_count);
129     if (vb_int_vec == (long *) NULL)
130     {
131         free (vb_objective);
132         free (vb_constraints);
133         return (-1);
134     }
136     for (i = 0L; i <= vb_int_count; i++) /* there's one extra */
137         vb_int_vec[i] = 0L;
138 }
140 /*
141 ** Allocate space for the solution. This will hold the optimal values for each
142 ** coefficient. If the allocation fails, quit.
143 */
145 vb_solution = (double *) malloc (sizeof (double) * vb_x_count);
146 if (vb_solution == (double *) NULL)
147 {
148     free (vb_objective);
149     free (vb_constraints);
150     if (vb_int_count > 0)
151         free (vb_int_vec);
152     return (-1);
153 }
154 /*
155 ** Our work here is done.
156 */
157 return (0);
158 } /* end lps_vb_setup */
160 /***************************** lps_vb_set_element ********************/
lps_vb_set_element(long type,long row,long column,double value)162 long lps_vb_set_element (long type,     /* Place to do the setting */
163                          long row,      /* Row in which to set     */
164                          long column,   /* Column in which to set  */
165                          double value)  /* Value to set            */
166 {
167 /*
168 ** This function allows us to set an element of the lp. If "type" = 1,
169 ** we ignore column and set the "row-th" element of vb_objective to "value."
170 ** If type is 2, set the row, column-th element of constraints (allowing for
171 ** the funny layout) to value; if type = 3, set the rowth variable to integer.
172 */
174     if (type == 1)
175         vb_objective[row] = value;
176     if (type == 2) {
177         vb_constraints[(row - 1) * (vb_x_count + 2) + column] = value;
178     }
179     if (type == 3 && vb_int_count > 0)
180         vb_int_vec[row] = floor (value + 0.5);
181     return (1);
182 }
184 /***************************** lps_vb_get_element ********************/
lps_vb_get_element(long type,long row,long column)185 double lps_vb_get_element (long type,     /* Place to get from           */
186                            long row,      /* Row to get from             */
187                            long column)   /* Column to get from (unused) */
188 {
189 /*
190 ** Get an element. If type is 1, get the objective value; if type is 2,
191 ** get the rowth element of the solution. "Column" is currently unused.
192 */
193     if (type == 1)
194         return (vb_obj_val);
195     if (type == 2)
196         return (vb_solution[row]);
197     return (0.0);
198 }
200 /*
201 ********************************* lps_vb_cleanup *************************
202 **
203 ** lps_vb_cleanup: free all the things allocated in lps_vb_setup.
204 */
lps_vb_cleanup(long unused)205 long lps_vb_cleanup (long unused)
206 {
207     free (vb_objective);
208     free (vb_constraints);
209     free (vb_int_vec);
210     free (vb_solution);
211     return (0);
212 }
214 /******************************** lpslink ************************************/
lpslink(LONG_OR_INT * direction,LONG_OR_INT * x_count,double * objective,LONG_OR_INT * const_count,double * constraints,LONG_OR_INT * int_count,LONG_OR_INT * int_vec,LONG_OR_INT * bin_count,LONG_OR_INT * bin_vec,LONG_OR_INT * num_bin_solns,double * obj_val,double * solution,LONG_OR_INT * presolve,LONG_OR_INT * compute_sens,double * sens_coef_from,double * sens_coef_to,double * duals,double * duals_from,double * duals_to,LONG_OR_INT * scale,LONG_OR_INT * use_dense,LONG_OR_INT * dense_col,double * dense_val,LONG_OR_INT * dense_mat_nrow,double * dense_ctr,LONG_OR_INT * use_rw_file,char ** rw_file,LONG_OR_INT * status)216 void lpslink (LONG_OR_INT *direction,         /* 1 for max, 0 for min        */
217               LONG_OR_INT *x_count,           /* Number of x's               */
218               double *objective,              /* Objective function          */
219               LONG_OR_INT *const_count,       /* Number of constraints       */
220               double *constraints,            /* Has extra element on front  */
221               LONG_OR_INT *int_count,         /* Number of integer variables */
222               LONG_OR_INT *int_vec,           /* Indices of int. variables   */
223               LONG_OR_INT *bin_count,         /* Number of binary variables  */
224               LONG_OR_INT *bin_vec,           /* Indices of bin. variables   */
225               LONG_OR_INT *num_bin_solns,     /* # of all-bin solns to find  */
226               double *obj_val,                /* Objective function value    */
227               double *solution,               /* Result of call              */
228               LONG_OR_INT *presolve,          /* Value of presolve           */
229               LONG_OR_INT *compute_sens,      /* Want sensitivity?           */
230               double *sens_coef_from,         /* Sens. coef. lower limit     */
231               double *sens_coef_to,           /* Sens. coef. upper limit     */
232               double *duals,                  /* Dual values                 */
233               double *duals_from,             /* Lower limit dual values     */
234               double *duals_to,               /* Lower limit dual values     */
235               LONG_OR_INT *scale,             /* lpsolve scaling parameter   */
236               LONG_OR_INT *use_dense,         /* Use dense const. mat?       */
237               LONG_OR_INT *dense_col,         /* Dense constraint column     */
238               double *dense_val,              /* Dense constraint value      */
239               LONG_OR_INT *dense_mat_nrow,    /* Dense constraint #entries   */
240               double *dense_ctr,              /* Dense constraint info       */
241               LONG_OR_INT *use_rw_file,       /* See notes below             */
242               char **rw_file,                 /* See notes below             */
243               LONG_OR_INT *status)            /* Holds return value          */
244 {
245 /*
246 ** This is the function called from the outside.
247 */
248 /*
249 ** "rw file" notes: to get around some sort of a bug in lpSolve, we allow
250 ** callers to set "use_rw_file" to TRUE and pass a file name in rw_file.
251 ** This only makes sense in the case where all the decision variables are
252 ** binary and num_bin_solns > 1. Then instead of just adding constraints to
253 ** lp and re-solving, we write the lp out to the rw_file, delete the lp, and
254 ** read the file back in every time. It's costly, but what can you do?
255 */
257 int i = 0, j,        /* Iteration variables     */
258     result;          /* Holds result of calls   */
260 int dctr_ctr,        /* Holds our spot in the dense_ctr matrix              */
261     dmat_ctr,        /* Holds the current row of the dense_mat matrix       */
262     d_num;           /* Number of non-zero entries in this dense constraint */
264 double *const_ptr;   /* Points to a constraint   */
266 double *last_soln;   /* Points to last solution (for multiple soln case)    */
267 double *new_ptr;     /* Point to a bit of "solution" 4 building constraint  */
268 int soln_ctr;        /* Which solution are we on?                           */
270 double new_rhs;      /* RHS value for new constraint.                       */
272     new_status;      /* Status for calls to "solve" after the first.        */
274 lprec *lp;           /* Structure to hold the lp */
276 FILE *filex_file;    /* Points to rw_file once that's been opened           */
278 /*
279 ** Make an empty lp with x_count variables. If it fails, return.
280 */
281 lp = make_lp ((int) 0, *x_count);
283 if (lp == (lprec *) NULL)
284     return;
286 set_verbose (lp, 1); /* CRITICAL */
288 /* Set the direction. The default is minimize, but set it anyway. */
289 if (*direction == 1)
290     set_maxim (lp);
291 else
292     set_minim (lp);
293 /*
294 ** "Objective" is a vector. Set the objective function. Return on fail.
295 */
296 result = set_obj_fn (lp, objective);
297 if (result == 0)
298     return;
300 set_add_rowmode (lp, TRUE); /* Put problem into "row mode" */
302 /*
303 ** If there are any constraints, see if they're dense or regular.
304 */
305 if ((int) *const_count > 0) {
306     if (*use_dense) {
307 /*
308 ** For dense constraints, dense_ctr holds sets of three entries (# of non-
309 ** zero entries, direction, and rhs). Once we know the number of non-zero
310 ** entries, we get them out of dense_const and use that information to fill
311 ** up a row which we dispatch with add_constraintex.
312 */
313         dctr_ctr = 0;
314         dmat_ctr = 0;
315         for (i = 0; i < (int) *const_count; i++)
316         {
317             d_num = (int) dense_ctr[dctr_ctr];
318 /*
319 ** The args. to add_constraintex are the lp, the number of non-zero entries,
320 ** a pointer to the values, an int pointer to the column numbers associated with
321 ** the values, the constraint type (<, = >) and the constraint's right side.
322 */
323             add_constraintex (lp, d_num,
324                 (double *) &(dense_val[dmat_ctr]),
325                 (int *) &(dense_col[dmat_ctr]),
326                 (int) dense_ctr[dctr_ctr + 1], dense_ctr[dctr_ctr + 2]);
327             dctr_ctr += 3;
328             dmat_ctr += d_num;
329         }
330 /* Maybe replace this with set_row, set_rh_vec, set_constr_type? */
331     }
332     else {
333 /*
334 ** If we're using regular constaints, point "constr_ptr" at the first one.
335 */
336         const_ptr = constraints;
337 /*
338 ** Add constraints, one at a time; then move constr_ptr up.
339 */
341         for (i = 0; i < (int) *const_count; i++)
342         {
343             add_constraint (lp, const_ptr,
344                 (short) const_ptr[(int) (*x_count) + 1],
345                         const_ptr[(int) (*x_count) + 2]);
346             const_ptr += (int) *x_count + 2;
347         }
348     } /* end "else" (i.e. if these are regular, non-dense constraints.) */
349 } /* end "if there are any constraints. */
351 set_add_rowmode (lp, FALSE); /* Take problem out of "row mode" */
353 /*
354 ** Set integer and binary variables.
355 */
356 if (*int_count > 0) {
357     for (i = 0; i < (int) *int_count; i++)
358         set_int (lp, (int) (int_vec[i]), TRUE);
359 }
360 if (*bin_count > 0) {
361     for (i = 0; i < (int) *bin_count; i++)
362         set_binary (lp, (int) (bin_vec[i]), TRUE);
363 }
365 /*
366 ** Presolve if needed (that is, if we are going to want sensitivity in
367 ** an integer program) then solve the lp. If "status" is non-zero, return.
368 */
370 if (*compute_sens > 0) {
371     if (*int_count > 0)
372         set_presolve (lp, PRESOLVE_SENSDUALS, get_presolveloops (lp));
373     }
376 set_scaling (lp, *scale);
377 *status = (LONG_OR_INT) solve (lp);
379 if ((int) *status != 0) {
380     delete_lp (lp);
381     return;
382 }
384 /* Now get the sensitivities, if requested. */
385 if (*compute_sens > 0) {
386     get_sensitivity_obj (lp, sens_coef_from, sens_coef_to);
387     get_sensitivity_rhs (lp, duals, duals_from, duals_to);
388 }
390 /*
391 ** We've succeeded. Extract the objective function's value and
392 ** the values of the variables.
393 */
395 *obj_val = get_objective (lp);
397 get_variables (lp, solution);
399 /*
400 ** If this is an all-binary problem, and more than one solution has
401 ** been asked for, let's get those other solutions. We do that in
402 ** this way. First, add a constraint requiring that the objective function
403 ** not move below *obj_val, if this is a maximization problem, or above
404 ** it, if this is minimization. We need only do this once.
405 */
406 soln_ctr = 1;
407 if (*num_bin_solns > 1) {
408     add_constraint (lp, objective,
409                     (*direction == 1) ? ROWTYPE_GE : ROWTYPE_LE, *obj_val);
412 /* ==================================================
413 ** ------------------ WHILE LOOP --------------------
414 ** ==================================================
415 ** Loop until new status isn't 0 or we've produced all solutions asked for.
416 */
417     new_status = 0;
418     while (new_status == 0 && soln_ctr < *num_bin_solns) {
419 /*
420 ** Point to the most recent solution and space in "solution" that we'll
421 ** use to build the new constraint.
422 */
423         last_soln = &(solution[(soln_ctr - 1) * *x_count]);
424         new_ptr = last_soln + *x_count; /* Move up *x_count elements */
425 /*
426 ** Now we need to add one new constraint. We go through every element of
427 ** the most recent solution. For every element that's a 1 in the solution,
428 ** put in a 1 in the constraint. For every 0, put a -1 in the constraint.
429 ** The rhs is the # of 1's minus 1, and the sign is <. So if there were
430 ** five variables and the last solution was (1, 1, 1, 0, 0), the new
431 ** constraint would say x1 + x2 + x3 -x4 -x5 < 2.
432 */
433         new_rhs = 0;
434         new_ptr[0] = 0;
435         for (j = 0; j < *x_count; j++) {
436             new_ptr[j + 1] = 2 * last_soln[j] - 1;  /* new_ptr is one-based */
437             new_rhs += last_soln[j];
438         }
440         if (*use_rw_file) {
441             filex_file = fopen (*rw_file, "w");
442             write_LP (lp, filex_file);
443             delete_lp (lp);
444             fclose (filex_file);
445             filex_file = fopen (*rw_file, "r");
446             lp = read_lp (filex_file, CRITICAL, (char *) NULL);
447             fclose (filex_file);
448 	}
450         result = add_constraint (lp, new_ptr, ROWTYPE_LE, new_rhs - 1);
452         set_scaling (lp, *scale);
453         new_status = (LONG_OR_INT) solve (lp);
455         if (new_status != 0) {
456             *num_bin_solns = soln_ctr;
457             return;
458         }
459         soln_ctr ++;
460 /*
461 ** Fetch solution into new_ptr, then transfer just *x_count entries.
462 */
463         result = get_variables (lp, new_ptr);
465     } /* end "while" */
467     *num_bin_solns = soln_ctr;
469 } /* end "multiple solutions */
472 /*
473 **
474 */
476 /*
477 ** Free up the memory and return.
478 */
480 delete_lp (lp);
482 return;
484 } /* end "lpslink" */
486 /*
487 ****************************** lp_transbig ************************
488 **
489 ** This function handles "big" transportation problem. It takes in
490 ** the number of rows and columns, the cost matrix, and the signs and
491 ** right-hand sides of the constraints and builds everything else on the
492 ** fly.
493 */
lp_transbig(LONG_OR_INT * direction,LONG_OR_INT * r_count,LONG_OR_INT * c_count,double * costs,LONG_OR_INT * r_signs,double * r_rhs,LONG_OR_INT * c_signs,double * c_rhs,double * obj_val,LONG_OR_INT * int_count,LONG_OR_INT * integers,double * solution,LONG_OR_INT * presolve,LONG_OR_INT * compute_sens,double * sens_coef_from,double * sens_coef_to,double * duals,double * duals_from,double * duals_to,LONG_OR_INT * status)494 void lp_transbig (LONG_OR_INT *direction,     /* 1 for max, 0 for min       */
495               LONG_OR_INT *r_count,           /* Number of rows             */
496               LONG_OR_INT *c_count,           /* Number of columns          */
497               double *costs,                  /* Objective function         */
498               LONG_OR_INT *r_signs,           /* Signs of row constraints   */
499               double *r_rhs,                  /* RHS of row constraints     */
500               LONG_OR_INT *c_signs,           /* Signs of col constraints   */
501               double *c_rhs,                  /* RHS of col constraints     */
502               double *obj_val,                /* Objective function value   */
503               LONG_OR_INT *int_count,         /* How many vars are integers?*/
504               LONG_OR_INT *integers,          /* Which vars. are integer?   */
505               double *solution,               /* Result of call             */
506               LONG_OR_INT *presolve,          /* Value of presolve          */
507               LONG_OR_INT *compute_sens,      /* Want sensitivity?          */
508               double *sens_coef_from,         /* Sens. coef. lower limit    */
509               double *sens_coef_to,           /* Sens. coef. upper limit    */
510               double *duals,                  /* Dual values                */
511               double *duals_from,             /* Lower limit dual values    */
512               double *duals_to,               /* Lower limit dual values    */
513               LONG_OR_INT *status)            /* Holds return value         */
514 {
515 long i;              /* Iteration variable       */
516 long result;         /* Holds result of calls    */
517 long this_element;   /* Which are we looking at? */
518 lprec *lp;           /* Structure to hold the lp */
519 double *row_vals;    /* Holds the values for row-type constraints */
520 int *col_inds;       /* Holds locations for col-type constraints  */
521 double *col_vals;    /* Holds the values for col-type constraints */
522 int *row_inds;       /* Holds locations for row-type constraints  */
524 long col_ind_ctr, row_ind_ctr;
525 long rc = *r_count, cc = *c_count;
527 /*
528 ** Make an empty lp with r_count x c_count variables. If it fails, return.
529 */
530 lp = make_lp ((int) 0, *r_count * *c_count);
532 if (lp == (lprec *) NULL)
533     return;
535 set_verbose (lp, 1); /* CRITICAL */
537 set_add_rowmode (lp, TRUE);
538 /*
539 ** "Costs" is already a vector. Set the objective function. Return on fail.
540 */
541 result = set_obj_fn (lp, costs);
542 if (result == 0)
543     return;
545 /* Set the direction. The default is minimize, but set it anyway. */
546 if (*direction == 1)
547     set_maxim (lp);
548 else
549     set_minim (lp);
551 /*
552 ** Add constraints. There are r_count row-type constraints, plus c_count
553 ** col_type constraints.
554 */
555 row_vals = calloc (cc, sizeof (double));
556 col_inds = calloc (cc, sizeof (int));
558 for (row_ind_ctr = 0L; row_ind_ctr < rc; row_ind_ctr++)
559 {
560     for (col_ind_ctr = 0; col_ind_ctr < cc; col_ind_ctr++) {
561         row_vals[col_ind_ctr] = 1.0;
562         this_element = 1 + (col_ind_ctr * rc) + row_ind_ctr;
563         col_inds[col_ind_ctr] = this_element;
564     }
565     add_constraintex (lp, cc, row_vals, col_inds, r_signs[row_ind_ctr], r_rhs[row_ind_ctr]);
566 }
568 free (row_vals);
569 free (col_inds);
571 col_vals = calloc (rc, sizeof (double));
572 row_inds = calloc (rc, sizeof (int));
574 for (col_ind_ctr = 0L; col_ind_ctr < cc; col_ind_ctr++)
575 {
576     for (row_ind_ctr = 0; row_ind_ctr < rc; row_ind_ctr++) {
577         col_vals[row_ind_ctr] = 1.0;
578         this_element = 1 + row_ind_ctr + col_ind_ctr * rc;
579         row_inds[row_ind_ctr] = this_element;
580     }
581     add_constraintex (lp, rc, col_vals, row_inds, c_signs[col_ind_ctr], c_rhs[col_ind_ctr]);
582 }
583 free (col_vals);
584 free (row_inds);
586 set_add_rowmode (lp, FALSE);
588 /*
589 ** Set integers.
590 */
591 if (*int_count  > 0)
592     for (i = 0; i < *int_count; i++)
593         set_int (lp, integers[i], 1); /* Variable in ith element of integers */
595 if (*compute_sens > 0) {
596     set_presolve (lp, PRESOLVE_SENSDUALS, 10);
597 }
599 *status = (LONG_OR_INT) solve (lp);
601 if ((int) *status != 0) {
602     return;
603 }
605 /* Now get the sensitivities, if requested. */
606 if (*compute_sens > 0) {
607     get_sensitivity_obj (lp, sens_coef_from, sens_coef_to);
608     get_sensitivity_rhs (lp, duals, duals_from, duals_to);
609 }
611 /*
612 ** We've succeeded. Extract the objective function's value and
613 ** the values of the variables.
614 */
616 *obj_val = get_objective (lp);
618 get_variables (lp, solution);
620 /*
621 **
622 */
624 /*
625 ** Free up the memory and return.
626 */
628 delete_lp (lp);
629 }