2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
6 struct sx_s {int C1, C2, C3, I1, I2, I3, flag; };
8 static struct sx_s *cur=NULL;
10 #define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
11 #define min(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
13 static init_row(row, sp)
14     struct sx_s *row;
15     int sp;
16 {
17   int i;
18   for (i = 0; i < sp; i++) {
19       row[i].C1 = row[i].I1 = 0;
20       row[i].C2 = row[i].I2 = 0;
21       row[i].C3 = row[i].I3 = 0;
22       row[i].flag = 0;
23   }
24 }
lx_align(char * prot_seq,int len_prot,char * dna_prot_seq,int len_dna_prot,int ** pam_matrix,int gopen,int gext,int gshift,int start_diag,int width)26 extern lx_align(char *prot_seq,  /* array with protein sequence numbers*/
27 		   int len_prot,    /* length of prot. seq */
28 		   char *dna_prot_seq, /* translated DNA sequence numbers*/
29 		   int len_dna_prot,   /* length trans. seq. */
30 		   int **pam_matrix,   /* scoring matrix */
31 		   int gopen, int gext, /* gap open, gap extend penalties */
32 		   int gshift,         /* frame-shift penalty */
33 		   int start_diag,     /* start diagonal of band */
34 		   int width)         /* width for band alignment */
35 {
36   char *ckalloc();
37   int i, j, bd, bd1, x1, x2, sp, p1=0, p2=0;
38   int sc, del, best = 0, cd,ci, e1, e2, e3, cd1, cd2, cd3, f, gg;
39   register int *wt;
40   register char *dp;
41   register struct sx_s *ap, *aq;
43   sp = width+7;
44   gg = gopen+gext;
45   /*  sp = sp/3; */
46   if (cur == NULL)
47     cur = (struct sx_s *) ckalloc(sizeof(struct sx_s)*sp);
49   init_row(cur, sp);
51   /*
52   if (start_diag %3 !=0) start_diag = start_diag/3-1;
53   else start_diag = start_diag/3;
54   */
56   /*
57   if (width % 3 != 0) width = width/3+1;
58   else width = width /3;
59   */
61   x1 = start_diag; 		/* x1 = lower bound of DNA */
62   x2 = 1;               /* the amount of position shift from last row*/
64   /* i counts through protein sequence, x1 through DNAp */
66   for (i = max(0,-width-start_diag), x1+=i; i < len_prot; i++, x1++) {
67       bd = min(x1+width, len_dna_prot/3);	/* upper bound of band */
68       bd1 = max(0,x1);	                /* lower bound of band */
69       wt = pam_matrix[prot_seq[i]];
70       del = 1-x1;   /*adjustment*/
71       bd += del;
72       bd1 +=del;
74       ap = &cur[bd1];
75       aq = ap+1;
76       e1 = cur[bd1-1].C3;
77       e2 = ap->C1;
78       cd1 = cd2= cd3= 0;
80       for (dp = &dna_prot_seq[(bd1-del)*3]; ap < &cur[bd]; ap++) {
81 	  sc = max(max(e1, (e3=ap->C2))-gshift, e2)+wt[*dp++];
82 	  if (cd1 > sc) sc = cd1;
83 	  cd1 -= gext;
84 	  if ((ci = aq->I1) > 0) {
85 	      if (sc < ci) { ap->C1 = ci; ap->I1 = ci-gext;}
86 	      else {
87 		  ap->C1 = sc;
88 		  sc -= gg;
89 		  if (sc > 0) {
90 		      if (sc > best) best =sc;
91 		      if (cd1 < sc) cd1 = sc;
92 		      ap->I1 = max(ci-gext, sc);
93 		  } else ap->I1 = ci-gext;
94 	      }
95 	  } else {
96 	      if (sc <= 0) {
97 		  ap->I1 = ap->C1 = 0;
98 	      } else {
99 		  ap->C1 = sc; sc-=gg;
100 		  if (sc >0) {
101 		      if (sc > best) best =sc;
102 		      if (cd1 < sc) cd1 = sc;
103 		      ap->I1 = sc;
104 		  } else ap->I1 = 0;
105 	      }
106 	  }
107 	  sc = max(max(e2, (e1=ap->C3))-gshift, e3)+wt[*dp++];
108 	  if (cd2 > sc) sc = cd2;
109 	  cd2 -= gext;
110 	  if ((ci = aq->I2) > 0) {
111 	      if (sc < ci) { ap->C2 = ci; ap->I2 = ci-gext;}
112 	      else {
113 		  ap->C2 = sc;
114 		  sc -= gg;
115 		  if (sc > 0) {
116 		      if (sc > best) best =sc;
117 		      if (cd2 < sc) cd2 = sc;
118 		      ap->I2 = max(ci-gext, sc);
119 		  }
120 	      }
121 	  } else {
122 	      if (sc <= 0) {
123 		  ap->I2 = ap->C2 = 0;
124 	      } else {
125 		  ap->C2 = sc; sc-=gg;
126 		  if (sc >0) {
127 		      if (sc > best) best =sc;
128 		      if (cd2 < sc) cd2 = sc;
129 		      ap->I2 = sc;
130 		  } else ap->I2 = 0;
131 	      }
132 	  }
133 	  sc = max(max(e3, (e2=aq->C1))-gshift, e1)+wt[*dp++];
134 	  if (cd3 > sc) sc = cd3;
135 	  cd3 -= gext;
136 	  if ((ci = aq++->I3) > 0) {
137 	      if (sc < ci) { ap->C3 = ci; ap->I3 = ci-gext;}
138 	      else {
139 		  ap->C3 = sc;
140 		  sc -= gg;
141 		  if (sc > 0) {
142 		      if (sc > best) best =sc;
143 		      if (cd3 < sc) cd3 = sc;
144 		      ap->I3 = max(ci-gext, sc);
145 		  }
146 	      }
147 	  } else {
148 	      if (sc <= 0) {
149 		  ap->I3 = ap->C3 = 0;
150 	      } else {
151 		  ap->C3 = sc; sc-=gg;
152 		  if (sc >0) {
153 		      if (sc > best) best =sc;
154 		      if (cd3 < sc) cd3 = sc;
155 		      ap->I3 = sc;
156 		  } else ap->I3 = 0;
157 	      }
158 	  }
159       }
160   }
161   /*  printf("The best score is %d\n", best); */
162   return best+gopen+gext;
163 }