1 /**********************************************************************
3   Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
5   AudioIO.h
7   Dominic Mazzoni
9   Use the PortAudio library to play and record sound
11 **********************************************************************/
13 #ifndef __AUDACITY_AUDIO_IO__
14 #define __AUDACITY_AUDIO_IO__
18 #include "AudioIOBase.h" // to inherit
19 #include "PlaybackSchedule.h" // member variable
21 #include <functional>
22 #include <memory>
23 #include <mutex>
24 #include <utility>
25 #include <wx/atomic.h> // member variable
27 #include <wx/event.h> // to declare custom event types
29 #include "SampleCount.h"
30 #include "SampleFormat.h"
32 class wxArrayString;
33 class AudioIOBase;
34 class AudioIO;
35 class RingBuffer;
36 class Mixer;
37 class Resample;
38 class AudioThread;
40 class AudacityProject;
42 class PlayableTrack;
43 using PlayableTrackConstArray =
44    std::vector < std::shared_ptr < const PlayableTrack > >;
46 class WaveTrack;
47 using WaveTrackArray = std::vector < std::shared_ptr < WaveTrack > >;
48 using WaveTrackConstArray = std::vector < std::shared_ptr < const WaveTrack > >;
50 struct PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo;
51 typedef unsigned long PaStreamCallbackFlags;
52 typedef int PaError;
54 bool ValidateDeviceNames();
57                          EVT_AUDIOIO_PLAYBACK, wxCommandEvent);
59                          EVT_AUDIOIO_CAPTURE, wxCommandEvent);
61                          EVT_AUDIOIO_MONITOR, wxCommandEvent);
63 struct TransportTracks {
64    WaveTrackArray playbackTracks;
65    WaveTrackArray captureTracks;
66    PlayableTrackConstArray otherPlayableTracks;
68    // This is a subset of playbackTracks
69    WaveTrackConstArray prerollTracks;
70 };
72 /** brief The function which is called from PortAudio's callback thread
73  * context to collect and deliver audio for / from the sound device.
74  *
75  * This covers recording, playback, and doing both simultaneously. It is
76  * also invoked to do monitoring and software playthrough. Note that dealing
77  * with the two buffers needs some care to ensure that the right things
78  * happen for all possible cases.
79  * @param inputBuffer Buffer of length framesPerBuffer containing samples
80  * from the sound card, or null if not capturing audio. Note that the data
81  * type will depend on the format of audio data that was chosen when the
82  * stream was created (so could be floats or various integers)
83  * @param outputBuffer Uninitialised buffer of length framesPerBuffer which
84  * will be sent to the sound card after the callback, or null if not playing
85  * audio back.
86  * @param framesPerBuffer The length of the playback and recording buffers
87  * @param PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo Pointer to PortAudio time information
88  * structure, which tells us how long we have been playing / recording
89  * @param statusFlags PortAudio stream status flags
90  * @param userData pointer to user-defined data structure. Provided for
91  * flexibility by PortAudio, but not used by Audacity - the data is stored in
92  * the AudioIO class instead.
93  */
94 int audacityAudioCallback(
95    const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer,
96    unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
97    const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
98    PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData );
100 class AudioIOExt;
102 class AUDACITY_DLL_API AudioIoCallback /* not final */
103    : public AudioIOBase
104 {
105 public:
106    AudioIoCallback();
107    ~AudioIoCallback();
109 public:
110    // This function executes in a thread spawned by the PortAudio library
111    int AudioCallback(
112       constSamplePtr inputBuffer, float *outputBuffer,
113       unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
114       const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
115       const PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData);
117    //! @name iteration over extensions, supporting range-for syntax
118    //! @{
119    class AUDACITY_DLL_API AudioIOExtIterator {
120    public:
121       using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
122       using value_type = AudioIOExt &;
123       using pointer = AudioIOExt *;
124       using reference = AudioIOExt &;
125       using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
AudioIOExtIterator(AudioIoCallback & audioIO,bool end)127       explicit AudioIOExtIterator( AudioIoCallback &audioIO, bool end )
128          : mIterator{ end
129             ? audioIO.mAudioIOExt.end()
130             : audioIO.mAudioIOExt.begin() }
131       {}
132       AudioIOExtIterator &operator ++ () { ++mIterator; return *this; }
133       auto operator *() const -> AudioIOExt &;
134       friend inline bool operator == (
135          const AudioIOExtIterator &xx, const AudioIOExtIterator &yy)
136       {
137          return xx.mIterator == yy.mIterator;
138       }
139       friend inline bool operator != (
140          const AudioIOExtIterator &xx, const AudioIOExtIterator &yy)
141       {
142          return !(xx == yy);
143       }
144    private:
145       std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AudioIOExtBase>>::const_iterator mIterator;
146    };
147    struct AudioIOExtRange {
148       AudioIOExtIterator first;
149       AudioIOExtIterator second;
beginAudioIOExtRange150       AudioIOExtIterator begin() const { return first; }
endAudioIOExtRange151       AudioIOExtIterator end() const { return second; }
152    };
Extensions()154    AudioIOExtRange Extensions() {
155       return {
156          AudioIOExtIterator{ *this, false },
157          AudioIOExtIterator{ *this, true }
158       };
159    }
160    //! @}
GetListener()162    std::shared_ptr< AudioIOListener > GetListener() const
163       { return mListener.lock(); }
164    void SetListener( const std::shared_ptr< AudioIOListener > &listener);
166    // Part of the callback
167    int CallbackDoSeek();
169    // Part of the callback
170    void CallbackCheckCompletion(
171       int &callbackReturn, unsigned long len);
173    int mbHasSoloTracks;
174    int mCallbackReturn;
175    // Helpers to determine if tracks have already been faded out.
176    unsigned  CountSoloingTracks();
177    bool TrackShouldBeSilent( const WaveTrack &wt );
178    bool TrackHasBeenFadedOut( const WaveTrack &wt );
179    bool AllTracksAlreadySilent();
181    void CheckSoundActivatedRecordingLevel(
182       float *inputSamples,
183       unsigned long framesPerBuffer
184    );
185    void AddToOutputChannel( unsigned int chan,
186       float * outputMeterFloats,
187       float * outputFloats,
188       const float * tempBuf,
189       bool drop,
190       unsigned long len,
191       WaveTrack *vt
192       );
193    bool FillOutputBuffers(
194       float *outputBuffer,
195       unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
196       float *outputMeterFloats
197    );
198    void DrainInputBuffers(
199       constSamplePtr inputBuffer,
200       unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
201       const PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
202       float * tempFloats
203    );
204    void UpdateTimePosition(
205       unsigned long framesPerBuffer
206    );
207    void DoPlaythrough(
208       constSamplePtr inputBuffer,
209       float *outputBuffer,
210       unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
211       float *outputMeterFloats
212    );
213    void SendVuInputMeterData(
214       const float *inputSamples,
215       unsigned long framesPerBuffer
216    );
217    void SendVuOutputMeterData(
218       const float *outputMeterFloats,
219       unsigned long framesPerBuffer
220    );
222    /** \brief Get the number of audio samples ready in all of the playback
223    * buffers.
224    *
225    * Returns the smallest of the buffer ready space values in the event that
226    * they are different. */
227    size_t GetCommonlyReadyPlayback();
229    /// How many frames of zeros were output due to pauses?
230    long    mNumPauseFrames;
233    bool           mAILAActive;
234    bool           mAILAClipped;
235    int            mAILATotalAnalysis;
236    int            mAILAAnalysisCounter;
237    double         mAILAMax;
238    double         mAILAGoalPoint;
239    double         mAILAGoalDelta;
240    double         mAILAAnalysisTime;
241    double         mAILALastStartTime;
242    double         mAILAChangeFactor;
243    double         mAILATopLevel;
244    double         mAILAAnalysisEndTime;
245    double         mAILAAbsolutStartTime;
246    unsigned short mAILALastChangeType;  //0 - no change, 1 - increase change, 2 - decrease change
247 #endif
249    std::unique_ptr<AudioThread> mThread;
251    ArrayOf<std::unique_ptr<Resample>> mResample;
252    ArrayOf<std::unique_ptr<RingBuffer>> mCaptureBuffers;
253    WaveTrackArray      mCaptureTracks;
254    ArrayOf<std::unique_ptr<RingBuffer>> mPlaybackBuffers;
255    WaveTrackArray      mPlaybackTracks;
257    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Mixer>> mPlaybackMixers;
259    float               mMixerOutputVol { 1.0 };
260    static int          mNextStreamToken;
261    double              mFactor;
262    unsigned long       mMaxFramesOutput; // The actual number of frames output.
263    bool                mbMicroFades;
265    double              mSeek;
266    double              mPlaybackRingBufferSecs;
267    double              mCaptureRingBufferSecs;
269    /// Preferred batch size for replenishing the playback RingBuffer
270    size_t              mPlaybackSamplesToCopy;
271    /// Occupancy of the queue we try to maintain, with bigger batches if needed
272    size_t              mPlaybackQueueMinimum;
274    double              mMinCaptureSecsToCopy;
275    bool                mSoftwarePlaythrough;
276    /// True if Sound Activated Recording is enabled
277    bool                mPauseRec;
278    float               mSilenceLevel;
279    unsigned int        mNumCaptureChannels;
280    unsigned int        mNumPlaybackChannels;
281    sampleFormat        mCaptureFormat;
282    unsigned long long  mLostSamples{ 0 };
283    volatile bool       mAudioThreadShouldCallTrackBufferExchangeOnce;
284    volatile bool       mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopRunning;
285    volatile bool       mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopActive;
287    std::atomic<bool>   mForceFadeOut{ false };
289    wxLongLong          mLastPlaybackTimeMillis;
291    volatile double     mLastRecordingOffset;
292    PaError             mLastPaError;
294 protected:
296    bool                mUpdateMeters;
297    volatile bool       mUpdatingMeters;
299    std::weak_ptr< AudioIOListener > mListener;
301    friend class AudioThread;
303    bool mUsingAlsa { false };
305    // For cacheing supported sample rates
306    static double mCachedBestRateOut;
307    static bool mCachedBestRatePlaying;
308    static bool mCachedBestRateCapturing;
310    // Serialize main thread and PortAudio thread's attempts to pause and change
311    // the state used by the third, Audio thread.
312    wxMutex mSuspendAudioThread;
314 protected:
315    // A flag tested and set in one thread, cleared in another.  Perhaps
316    // this guarantee of atomicity is more cautious than necessary.
317    wxAtomicInt mRecordingException {};
SetRecordingException()318    void SetRecordingException()
319       { wxAtomicInc( mRecordingException ); }
ClearRecordingException()320    void ClearRecordingException()
321       { if (mRecordingException) wxAtomicDec( mRecordingException ); }
323    std::vector< std::pair<double, double> > mLostCaptureIntervals;
324    bool mDetectDropouts{ true };
326 public:
327    // Pairs of starting time and duration
LostCaptureIntervals()328    const std::vector< std::pair<double, double> > &LostCaptureIntervals()
329    { return mLostCaptureIntervals; }
331    // Used only for testing purposes in alpha builds
332    bool mSimulateRecordingErrors{ false };
334    // Whether to check the error code passed to audacityAudioCallback to
335    // detect more dropouts
336    bool mDetectUpstreamDropouts{ true };
338 protected:
339    RecordingSchedule mRecordingSchedule{};
340    PlaybackSchedule mPlaybackSchedule;
342 private:
343    /*!
344     Privatize the inherited array but give access by Extensions().
345     This class guarantees that this array is populated only with non-null
346     pointers to the subtype AudioIOExt
347     */
348    using AudioIOBase::mAudioIOExt;
349 };
351 struct PaStreamInfo;
353 class AUDACITY_DLL_API AudioIO final
354    : public AudioIoCallback
355 {
357    AudioIO();
358    ~AudioIO();
360 public:
361    // This might return null during application startup or shutdown
362    static AudioIO *Get();
364    /** \brief Start up Portaudio for capture and recording as needed for
365     * input monitoring and software playthrough only
366     *
367     * This uses the Default project sample format, current sample rate, and
368     * selected number of input channels to open the recording device and start
369     * reading input data. If software playthrough is enabled, it also opens
370     * the output device in stereo to play the data through */
371    void StartMonitoring( const AudioIOStartStreamOptions &options );
373    /** \brief Start recording or playing back audio
374     *
375     * Allocates buffers for recording and playback, gets the Audio thread to
376     * fill them, and sets the stream rolling.
377     * If successful, returns a token identifying this particular stream
378     * instance.  For use with IsStreamActive() */
380    int StartStream(const TransportTracks &tracks,
381       double t0, double t1,
382       double mixerLimit, //!< Time at which mixer stops producing, maybe > t1
383       const AudioIOStartStreamOptions &options);
385    /** \brief Stop recording, playback or input monitoring.
386     *
387     * Does quite a bit of housekeeping, including switching off monitoring,
388     * flushing recording buffers out to wave tracks, and applies latency
389     * correction to recorded tracks if necessary */
390    void StopStream() override;
391    /** \brief Move the playback / recording position of the current stream
392     * by the specified amount from where it is now */
SeekStream(double seconds)393    void SeekStream(double seconds) { mSeek = seconds; }
395    using PostRecordingAction = std::function<void()>;
397    //! Enqueue action for main thread idle time, not before the end of any recording in progress
398    /*! This may be called from non-main threads */
399    void CallAfterRecording(PostRecordingAction action);
401 public:
402    wxString LastPaErrorString();
GetLastPlaybackTime()404    wxLongLong GetLastPlaybackTime() const { return mLastPlaybackTimeMillis; }
GetOwningProject()405    std::shared_ptr<AudacityProject> GetOwningProject() const
406    { return mOwningProject.lock(); }
408    /** \brief Pause and un-pause playback and recording */
409    void SetPaused(bool state);
411    /* Mixer services are always available.  If no stream is running, these
412     * methods use whatever device is specified by the preferences.  If a
413     * stream *is* running, naturally they manipulate the mixer associated
414     * with that stream.  If no mixer is available, output is emulated and
415     * input is stuck at 1.0f (a gain is applied to output samples).
416     */
417    void SetMixer(int inputSource, float inputVolume,
418                  float playbackVolume);
419    void GetMixer(int *inputSource, float *inputVolume,
420                  float *playbackVolume);
421    /** @brief Find out if the input hardware level control is available
422     *
423     * Checks the mInputMixerWorks variable, which is set up in
424     * AudioIOBase::HandleDeviceChange(). External people care, because we want to
425     * disable the UI if it doesn't work.
426     */
427    bool InputMixerWorks();
429    /** \brief Get the list of inputs to the current mixer device
430     *
431     * Returns an array of strings giving the names of the inputs to the
432     * soundcard mixer (driven by PortMixer) */
433    wxArrayString GetInputSourceNames();
GetCaptureFormat()435    sampleFormat GetCaptureFormat() { return mCaptureFormat; }
GetNumPlaybackChannels()436    unsigned GetNumPlaybackChannels() const { return mNumPlaybackChannels; }
GetNumCaptureChannels()437    unsigned GetNumCaptureChannels() const { return mNumCaptureChannels; }
439    // Meaning really capturing, not just pre-rolling
440    bool IsCapturing() const;
442    /** \brief Ensure selected device names are valid
443     *
444     */
445    static bool ValidateDeviceNames(const wxString &play, const wxString &rec);
447    /** \brief Function to automatically set an acceptable volume
448     *
449     */
451       void AILAInitialize();
452       void AILADisable();
453       bool AILAIsActive();
454       void AILAProcess(double maxPeak);
455       void AILASetStartTime();
456       double AILAGetLastDecisionTime();
457    #endif
459    bool IsAvailable(AudacityProject &project) const;
461    /** \brief Return a valid sample rate that is supported by the current I/O
462    * device(s).
463    *
464    * The return from this function is used to determine the sample rate that
465    * audacity actually runs the audio I/O stream at. if there is no suitable
466    * rate available from the hardware, it returns 0.
467    * The sampleRate argument gives the desired sample rate (the rate of the
468    * audio to be handled, i.e. the currently Project Rate).
469    * capturing is true if the stream is capturing one or more audio channels,
470    * and playing is true if one or more channels are being played. */
471    double GetBestRate(bool capturing, bool playing, double sampleRate);
473    /** \brief During playback, the track time most recently played
474     *
475     * When playing looped, this will start from t0 again,
476     * too. So the returned time should be always between
477     * t0 and t1
478     */
479    double GetStreamTime();
481    friend class AudioThread;
483    static void Init();
484    static void Deinit();
486    /*! For purposes of CallAfterRecording, treat time from now as if
487     recording (when argument is true) or not necessarily so (false) */
488    void DelayActions(bool recording);
490 private:
492    bool DelayingActions() const;
494    /** \brief Set the current VU meters - this should be done once after
495     * each call to StartStream currently */
496    void SetMeters();
498    /** \brief Opens the portaudio stream(s) used to do playback or recording
499     * (or both) through.
500     *
501     * The sampleRate passed is the Project Rate of the active project. It may
502     * or may not be actually supported by playback or recording hardware
503     * currently in use (for many reasons). The number of Capture and Playback
504     * channels requested includes an allocation for doing software playthrough
505     * if necessary. The captureFormat is used for recording only, the playback
506     * being floating point always. Returns true if the stream opened successfully
507     * and false if it did not. */
508    bool StartPortAudioStream(const AudioIOStartStreamOptions &options,
509                              unsigned int numPlaybackChannels,
510                              unsigned int numCaptureChannels,
511                              sampleFormat captureFormat);
513    void SetOwningProject( const std::shared_ptr<AudacityProject> &pProject );
514    void ResetOwningProject();
516    /*!
517     Called in a loop from another worker thread that does not have the low-latency constraints
518     of the PortAudio callback thread.  Does less frequent and larger batches of work that may
519     include memory allocations and database operations.  RingBuffer objects mediate the transfer
520     between threads, to overcome the mismatch of their batch sizes.
521     */
522    void TrackBufferExchange();
524    //! First part of TrackBufferExchange
525    void FillPlayBuffers();
527    //! Second part of TrackBufferExchange
528    void DrainRecordBuffers();
530    /** \brief Get the number of audio samples free in all of the playback
531    * buffers.
532    *
533    * Returns the smallest of the buffer free space values in the event that
534    * they are different. */
535    size_t GetCommonlyFreePlayback();
537    /** \brief Get the number of audio samples ready in all of the recording
538     * buffers.
539     *
540     * Returns the smallest of the number of samples available for storage in
541     * the recording buffers (i.e. the number of samples that can be read from
542     * all record buffers without underflow). */
543    size_t GetCommonlyAvailCapture();
545    /** \brief Allocate RingBuffer structures, and others, needed for playback
546      * and recording.
547      *
548      * Returns true iff successful.
549      */
550    bool AllocateBuffers(
551       const AudioIOStartStreamOptions &options,
552       const TransportTracks &tracks, double t0, double t1, double sampleRate );
554    /** \brief Clean up after StartStream if it fails.
555      *
556      * If bOnlyBuffers is specified, it only cleans up the buffers. */
557    void StartStreamCleanup(bool bOnlyBuffers = false);
559    std::mutex mPostRecordingActionMutex;
560    PostRecordingAction mPostRecordingAction;
562    bool mDelayingActions{ false };
563 };
565 #endif