1 /*
2  * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Cirilo Bernardo <cirilo.bernardo@gmail.com>
5  * Copyright (C) 2020 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
19  * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
20  * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
21  * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
22  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
23  */
25 /**
26  * @file sg_node.h
27  */
30 #ifndef SG_NODE_H
31 #define SG_NODE_H
33 #include <iostream>
34 #include <string>
35 #include <list>
36 #include <vector>
37 #include <map>
38 #include <glm/glm.hpp>
40 #include "plugins/3dapi/c3dmodel.h"
41 #include "plugins/3dapi/sg_base.h"
42 #include "plugins/3dapi/sg_types.h"
44 class SGNODE;
47 namespace S3D
48 {
49     /**
50      * Return the name of the given type of node
51      */
52     char const* GetNodeTypeName( S3D::SGTYPES aType ) noexcept;
54     struct MATLIST
55     {
56         std::vector< SGAPPEARANCE const* > matorder;    // materials in order of addition
57         std::map< SGAPPEARANCE const*, int > matmap;    // mapping from material to index
58     };
60     bool GetMatIndex( MATLIST& aList, SGNODE* aNode, int& aIndex );
62     void INIT_SMATERIAL( SMATERIAL& aMaterial );
63     void INIT_SMESH( SMESH& aMesh ) noexcept;
64     void INIT_S3DMODEL( S3DMODEL& aModel ) noexcept;
66     void FREE_SMESH( SMESH& aMesh) noexcept;
67     void FREE_S3DMODEL( S3DMODEL& aModel );
68 }
71 /**
72  * The base class of all Scene Graph nodes.
73  */
74 class SGNODE
75 {
76 public:
77     SGNODE( SGNODE* aParent );
78     virtual ~SGNODE();
80     /**
81      * Return the type of this node instance.
82      */
83     S3D::SGTYPES GetNodeType( void ) const noexcept;
85     /**
86      * Returns a pointer to the parent SGNODE of this object or NULL if the object has
87      * no parent (ie. top level transform).
88      */
89     SGNODE* GetParent( void ) const noexcept;
91     /**
92      * Set the parent #SGNODE of this object.
93      *
94      * @param aParent [in] is the desired parent node
95      * @return true if the operation succeeds; false if the given node is not allowed to
96      *         be a parent to the derived object.
97      */
98     virtual bool SetParent( SGNODE* aParent, bool notify = true ) = 0;
100     /**
101      * Swap the ownership with the given parent.
102      *
103      * This operation may be required when reordering nodes for optimization.
104      *
105      * @param aNewParent will become the new parent to the object; it must be the same type
106      *                   as the parent of this instance.
107      */
108     bool SwapParent( SGNODE* aNewParent );
110     const char* GetName( void );
111     void SetName(const char *aName);
113     const char * GetNodeTypeName( S3D::SGTYPES aNodeType ) const noexcept;
115     /**
116      * Search the tree of linked nodes and return a reference to the first node found with
117      * the given name.
118      *
119      * The reference is then typically added to another node via AddRefNode().
120      *
121      * @param aNodeName is the name of the node to search for.
122      * @param aCaller is a pointer to the node invoking this function.
123      * @return is a valid node pointer on success, otherwise NULL.
124      */
125     virtual SGNODE* FindNode( const char *aNodeName, const SGNODE *aCaller ) = 0;
127     virtual bool AddRefNode( SGNODE* aNode ) = 0;
129     virtual bool AddChildNode( SGNODE* aNode ) = 0;
131     /**
132      * Associate this object with a handle to itself.
133      *
134      * The handle is typically held by an IFSG* wrapper and the pointer which it refers to
135      * is set to NULL upon destruction of this object.  This mechanism provides a scheme
136      * by which a wrapper can be notified of the destruction of the object which it wraps.
137      */
138     void AssociateWrapper( SGNODE** aWrapperRef ) noexcept;
140     /**
141      * Remove the association between an IFSG* wrapper object and this object.
142      */
143     void DisassociateWrapper( SGNODE** aWrapperRef ) noexcept;
145     /**
146      * Reset the global SG* node indices in preparation for write operations.
147      */
148     void ResetNodeIndex( void ) noexcept;
150     /**
151      * Rename a node and all its child nodes in preparation for write operations.
152      */
153     virtual void ReNameNodes( void ) = 0;
155     /**
156      * Writes this node's data to a VRML file.
157      *
158      * This includes all data of child and referenced nodes.
159      */
160     virtual bool WriteVRML( std::ostream& aFile, bool aReuseFlag ) = 0;
162     /**
163      * Write this node's data to a binary cache file.
164      *
165      * The data includes all data of children and references to children.  If this function
166      * is invoked by the user, parentNode must be set to NULL in order to ensure coherent data.
167      */
168     virtual bool WriteCache( std::ostream& aFile, SGNODE* parentNode ) = 0;
170     /**
171      * Reads binary format data from a cache file.
172      *
173      * To read a cache file, open the file for reading and invoke this function from a new
174      * #SCENEGRAPH node.
175      */
176     virtual bool ReadCache( std::istream& aFile, SGNODE* parentNode ) = 0;
178     /**
179      * Remove references to an owned child.
180      *
181      * This is invoked by the child upon destruction to ensure that the parent has no
182      * invalid references.
183      *
184      * @param aNode is the child which is being deleted.
185      */
186     virtual void unlinkChildNode( const SGNODE* aNode ) = 0;
188     /**
189      * Remove pointers to a referenced node.
190      *
191      * This is invoked by the referenced node upon destruction to ensure that the referring
192      * node has no invalid references.
193      *
194      * @param aNode is the node which is being deleted.
195      */
196     virtual void unlinkRefNode( const SGNODE* aNode ) = 0;
198     /**
199      * Add a pointer to a node which references this node, but does not own.
200      *
201      * Such back-pointers are required to ensure that invalidated references are removed
202      * when a node is deleted.
203      *
204      * @param aNode is the node holding a reference to this object.
205      */
206     void addNodeRef( SGNODE* aNode );
208     /**
209      * Remove a pointer to a node which references this node, but does not own.
210      *
211      * @param aNode is the node holding a reference to this object.
212      */
213     void delNodeRef( const SGNODE* aNode );
215     /**
216      * Return true if the object had already been written to a cache file or VRML file
217      *
218      * For internal use only.
219      */
isWritten(void)220     bool isWritten( void ) noexcept
221     {
222         return m_written;
223     }
225 protected:
226     std::list< SGNODE* > m_BackPointers;    ///< nodes which hold a reference to this.
227     SGNODE* m_Parent;       ///< Pointer to parent node; may be NULL for top level transform.
228     S3D::SGTYPES m_SGtype;  ///< Type of Scene Graph node.
229     std::string m_Name;     ///< name to use for referencing the entity by name.
230     bool m_written;         ///< Set to true when the object has been written after a ReNameNodes().
232 private:
233     SGNODE** m_Association; ///< Handle to the instance held by a wrapper.
234 };
236 #endif  // SG_NODE_H