1 /* Copyright 2017-2021 PaGMO development team
3 This file is part of the PaGMO library.
5 The PaGMO library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of either:
8   * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
9     Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
10     option) any later version.
12 or
14   * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
15     Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
16     later version.
18 or both in parallel, as here.
20 The PaGMO library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
21 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
22 or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
23 for more details.
25 You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
26 GNU Lesser General Public License along with the PaGMO library.  If not,
27 see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */
32 #include <cassert>
33 #include <iostream>
34 #include <string>
35 #include <tuple>
36 #include <type_traits>
37 #include <unordered_map>
38 #include <utility>
39 #include <vector>
41 #include <pagmo/algorithm.hpp>
42 #include <pagmo/detail/custom_comparisons.hpp>
43 #include <pagmo/detail/visibility.hpp>
44 #include <pagmo/population.hpp>
45 #include <pagmo/rng.hpp>
46 #include <pagmo/s11n.hpp>
47 #include <pagmo/type_traits.hpp>
48 #include <pagmo/types.hpp>
50 namespace pagmo
51 {
52 namespace detail
53 {
55 // Constrainted self adaptive udp
56 /**
57  * Implements a udp that wraps a population and results in self adaptive constraints handling.
58  *
59  * The key idea of this constraint handling technique is to represent the constraint violation by one single
60  * infeasibility measure, and to adapt dynamically the penalization of infeasible solutions. As the penalization process
61  * depends on a given population, a method to update the penalties to a new population is provided.
62  *
63  * @see Farmani R., & Wright, J. A. (2003). Self-adaptive fitness formulation for constrained optimization.
64  * Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on, 7(5), 445-455 for the paper introducing the method.
65  *
66  */
67 // TODO this UDP has a series of problems, some of which are summarized
68 // in these reports:
69 // https://github.com/esa/pagmo2/issues/270
70 // https://github.com/esa/pagmo2/issues/269
71 //
72 // The UDP does not correctly advertises its own thread safety
73 // level (which depends on the thread safety level of the internal pop,
74 // but cannot currently be larger than basic, due to the mutable cache).
75 // Also, the UDP is not serializable, which will be an issue if the
76 // cstrs internal uda requires serialization.
77 //
78 // Proposals to start fixing the UDP:
79 // - don't store a pointer to the pop, rather a copy (this allows
80 //   for trivial serialization). Impact to be understood;
81 // - properly declare the thread safety level;
82 // - the cache can be an *optional* speed boost: if, in cstrs,
83 //   we cannot locate a decision vector in the cache (meaning that
84 //   the UDA operated on a copy of the original input problem), just re-evaluate
85 //   the dv instead of asserting failure.
86 struct PAGMO_DLL_PUBLIC penalized_udp {
87     // Unused default constructor to please the is_udp type trait
penalized_udppagmo::detail::penalized_udp88     penalized_udp()
89     {
90         assert(false);
91     }
93     // Constructs the udp. At construction all member get initialized calling update().
94     penalized_udp(population &);
96     // The bounds are unchanged
97     std::pair<vector_double, vector_double> get_bounds() const;
99     // The fitness computation
100     vector_double fitness(const vector_double &) const;
102     // Call to this method updates all the members that are used to penalize the objective function
103     // As the penalization algorithm depends heavily on the ref population this method takes care of
104     // updating the necessary information. It also builds the hash map used to avoid unecessary fitness
105     // evaluations. We exclude this method from the test as all of its corner cases are difficult to trigger
106     // and test for correctness
107     PAGMO_DLL_LOCAL void update();
109     // Computes c_max holding the maximum value of the violation of each constraint in the whole ref population
110     PAGMO_DLL_LOCAL void compute_c_max();
112     // Assuming the various data member contain useful information, this computes the
113     // infeasibility measure of a certain fitness
114     PAGMO_DLL_LOCAL double compute_infeasibility(const vector_double &) const;
116     // According to the population, the first penalty may or may not be applied
117     bool m_apply_penalty_1;
118     // The parameter gamma that scales the second penalty
119     double m_scaling_factor;
120     // The normalization of each constraint
121     vector_double m_c_max;
122     // The fitness of the three reference individuals
123     vector_double m_f_hat_down;
124     vector_double m_f_hat_up;
125     vector_double m_f_hat_round;
126     // The infeasibilities of the three reference individuals
127     double m_i_hat_down;
128     double m_i_hat_up;
129     double m_i_hat_round;
131     vector_double::size_type m_n_feasible;
132     // A NAKED pointer to the reference population, allowing to call the fitness function and later recover
133     // the counters outside of the class, and avoiding unecessary copies. Use with care.
134     population *m_pop_ptr;
135     // The hash map connecting the decision vector to their fitnesses. The use of
136     // custom comparison is needed to take care of nans, while the custom hasher is needed as std::hash does not
137     // work on std::vectors
138     mutable std::unordered_map<vector_double, vector_double, detail::hash_vf<double>, detail::equal_to_vf<double>>
139         m_fitness_map;
140 };
142 // Only for debug purposes
143 PAGMO_DLL_PUBLIC std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const penalized_udp &);
145 } // namespace detail
147 /// Self-adaptive constraints handling
148 /**
149  *
150  * This meta-algorithm implements a constraint handling technique that allows the use of any user-defined algorithm
151  * (UDA) able to deal with single-objective unconstrained problems, on single-objective constrained problems. The
152  * technique self-adapts its parameters during
153  * each successive call to the inner UDA basing its decisions on the entire underlying population. The resulting
154  * approach is an alternative to using the meta-problem pagmo::unconstrain to transform the
155  * constrained fitness into an unconstrained fitness.
156  *
157  * The self-adaptive constraints handling meta-algorithm is largely based on the ideas of Faramani and Wright but it
158  * extends their use to any-algorithm, in particular to non generational population based evolutionary approaches where
159  * a steady-state reinsertion is used (i.e., as soon as an individual is found fit it is immediately reinserted into the
160  * pop and will influence the next offspring genetic material).
161  *
162  * Each decision vector is assigned an infeasibility measure \f$\iota\f$ which accounts for the normalized violation of
163  * all the constraints (discounted by the constraints tolerance as returned by pagmo::problem::get_c_tol()). The
164  * normalization factor used \f$c_{j_{max}}\f$ is the maximum violation of the \f$j-th\f$ constraint.
165  *
166  * As in the original paper, three individuals in the evolving population are then used to penalize the single
167  * objective.
168  *
169  * \f[
170  * \begin{array}{rl}
171  *   \check X & \mbox{: the best decision vector} \\
172  *   \hat X & \mbox{: the worst decision vector} \\
173  *   \breve X & \mbox{: the decision vector with the highest objective}
174  * \end{array}
175  * \f]
176  *
177  * The best and worst decision vectors are defined accounting for their infeasibilities and for the value of the
178  * objective function. Using the above definitions the overall pseudo code can be summarized as follows:
179  *
180  * @code{.unparsed}
181  * > Select a pagmo::population (related to a single-objective constrained problem)
182  * > Select a UDA (able to solve single-objective unconstrained problems)
183  * > while i < iter
184  * > > Compute the normalization factors (will depend on the current population)
185  * > > Compute the best, worst, highest (will depend on the current population)
186  * > > Evolve the population using the UDA and a penalized objective
187  * > > Reinsert the best decision vector from the previous evolution
188  * @endcode
189  *
190  * pagmo::cstrs_self_adaptive is a user-defined algorithm (UDA) that can be used to construct pagmo::algorithm objects.
191  *
192  * \verbatim embed:rst:leading-asterisk
193  * .. note::
194  *
195  *    Self-adaptive constraints handling implements an internal cache to avoid the re-evaluation of the fitness
196  *    for decision vectors already evaluated. This makes the final counter of function evaluations somewhat
197  *    unpredictable. The number of function evaluation will be bounded to ``iters`` times the fevals made by one call to
198  *    the inner UDA. The internal cache is reset at each iteration, but its size will grow unlimited during each call to
199  *    the inner UDA evolve method.
200  *
201  * .. note::
202  *
203  *    Several modification were made to the original Faramani and Wright ideas to allow their approach to work on
204  *    corner cases and with any UDAs. Most notably, a violation to the :math:`j`-th  constraint is ignored if all
205  *    the decision vectors in the population satisfy that particular constraint (i.e. if :math:`c_{j_{max}} = 0`).
206  *
207  * .. note::
208  *
209  *    The performances of :cpp:class:`pagmo::cstrs_self_adaptive` are highly dependent on the particular inner UDA
210  *    employed and in particular to its parameters (generations / iterations).
211  *
212  * .. seealso::
213  *
214  *    Farmani, Raziyeh, and Jonathan A. Wright. "Self-adaptive fitness formulation for constrained optimization." IEEE
215  *    Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 7.5 (2003): 445-455.
216  *
217  * \endverbatim
218  */
219 class PAGMO_DLL_PUBLIC cstrs_self_adaptive
220 {
221 public:
222     /// Single entry of the log (iter, fevals, best_f, infeas, n. constraints violated, violation norm).
223     typedef std::tuple<unsigned, unsigned long long, double, double, vector_double::size_type, double,
224                        vector_double::size_type>
225         log_line_type;
226     /// The log.
227     typedef std::vector<log_line_type> log_type;
228     /// Default constructor.
229     /**
230      * @param iters Number of iterations (calls to the inner UDA). After each iteration the penalty is adapted
231      * The default constructor will initialize the algorithm with the following parameters:
232      * - inner algorithm: pagmo::de{1u};
233      * - seed: random.
234      */
235     cstrs_self_adaptive(unsigned iters = 1u);
237 private:
238     // Enabler for the ctor from UDA.
239     template <typename T>
240     using ctor_enabler = enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<algorithm, T &&>::value, int>;
242 public:
243     /// Constructor.
244     /**
245      *
246      * @param iters Number of iterations (calls to the inner algorithm). After each iteration the penalty is adapted
247      * @param a a pagmo::algorithm (or UDA) that will be used to construct the inner algorithm.
248      * @param seed seed used by the internal random number generator (default is random).
249      *
250      * @throws unspecified any exception thrown by the constructor of pagmo::algorithm.
251      */
252     template <typename T, ctor_enabler<T> = 0>
cstrs_self_adaptive(unsigned iters,T && a,unsigned seed=pagmo::random_device::next ())253     explicit cstrs_self_adaptive(unsigned iters, T &&a, unsigned seed = pagmo::random_device::next())
254         : m_algorithm(std::forward<T>(a)), m_iters(iters), m_e(seed), m_seed(seed), m_verbosity(0u), m_log()
255     {
256     }
258     // Evolve method.
259     population evolve(population) const;
261     // Set the seed.
262     void set_seed(unsigned);
264     /// Get the seed.
265     /**
266      * @return the seed controlling the algorithm's stochastic behaviour.
267      */
get_seed() const268     unsigned get_seed() const
269     {
270         return m_seed;
271     }
273     /// Set the algorithm verbosity.
274     /**
275      * This method will sets the verbosity level of the screen output and of the
276      * log returned by get_log(). \p level can be:
277      * - 0: no verbosity,
278      * - >0: will print and log one line each  \p level call to the inner algorithm.
279      *
280      * Example (verbosity 10):
281      * @code{.unparsed}
282      *   Iter:        Fevals:          Best: Infeasibility:      Violated:    Viol. Norm:   N. Feasible:
283      *       1              0       -69.2141       0.235562              6        117.743              0 i
284      *      11            200       -69.2141       0.248216              6        117.743              0 i
285      *      21            400       -29.4754      0.0711599              5          44.39              0 i
286      *      31            600       -30.0791      0.0878253              4        44.3803              0 i
287      *     ...            ...       ........      .........              .        .......              . .
288      *     211           4190       -7.68336    0.000341894              1       0.273829              0 i
289      *     221           4390       -7.89941     0.00031154              1       0.273829              0 i
290      *     231           4590       -8.38299    0.000168309              1       0.147935              0 i
291      *     241           4790       -8.38299    0.000181461              1       0.147935              0 i
292      *     251           4989       -8.71021    0.000191197              1       0.100357              0 i
293      *     261           5189       -8.71021    0.000165734              1       0.100357              0 i
294      *     271           5389       -10.7421              0              0              0              3
295      *     281           5585       -10.7421              0              0              0              3
296      *     291           5784       -11.4868              0              0              0              4
297      *
298      * @endcode
299      * \p Iter is the iteration number, \p Fevals is the number of fitness evaluations, \p Best is the objective
300      * function of the best fitness currently in the population, \p Infeasibility is the normailized infeasibility
301      * measure, \p Violated is the number of constraints currently violated by the best solution, <tt>Viol. Norm</tt> is
302      * the norm of the violation (discounted already by the constraints tolerance) and N. Feasible is the number of
303      * feasible individuals in the current iteration. The small \p i appearing at the end of the line stands for
304      * "infeasible" and will disappear only once \p Violated is 0.
305      *
306      * @param level verbosity level.
307      */
set_verbosity(unsigned level)308     void set_verbosity(unsigned level)
309     {
310         m_verbosity = level;
311     }
313     /// Get the verbosity level.
314     /**
315      * @return the verbosity level.
316      */
get_verbosity() const317     unsigned get_verbosity() const
318     {
319         return m_verbosity;
320     }
322     /// Get log.
323     /**
324      * A log containing relevant quantities monitoring the last call to cstrs_self_adaptive::evolve(). Each element of
325      * the returned <tt>std::vector</tt> is a cstrs_self_adaptive::log_line_type containing: \p Iter, \p Fevals, \p
326      * Best, \p Infeasibility, \p Violated, <tt>Viol. Norm</tt>, <tt>N. Feasible</tt> as described in
327      * cstrs_self_adaptive::set_verbosity().
328      *
329      * @return an <tt>std::vector</tt> of cstrs_self_adaptive::log_line_type containing the logged values Iters,
330      * Fevals, Best, Infeasibility, Violated and Viol. Norm and N. Feasible.
331      */
get_log() const332     const log_type &get_log() const
333     {
334         return m_log;
335     }
337     /// Algorithm name
338     /**
339      * @return a string containing the algorithm name.
340      */
get_name() const341     std::string get_name() const
342     {
343         return "sa-CNSTR: Self-adaptive constraints handling";
344     }
346     // Extra info
347     std::string get_extra_info() const;
349     // Algorithm's thread safety level.
350     thread_safety get_thread_safety() const;
352     /// Getter for the inner algorithm.
353     /**
354      * Returns a const reference to the inner pagmo::algorithm.
355      *
356      * @return a const reference to the inner pagmo::algorithm.
357      */
get_inner_algorithm() const358     const algorithm &get_inner_algorithm() const
359     {
360         return m_algorithm;
361     }
363     /// Getter for the inner problem.
364     /**
365      * Returns a reference to the inner pagmo::algorithm.
366      *
367      * \verbatim embed:rst:leading-asterisk
368      * .. note::
369      *
370      *    The ability to extract a non const reference is provided only in order to allow to call
371      *    non-const methods on the internal :cpp:class:`pagmo::algorithm` instance. Assigning a new
372      *    :cpp:class:`pagmo::algorithm` via this reference is undefined behaviour.
373      *
374      * \endverbatim
375      *
376      * @return a reference to the inner pagmo::algorithm.
377      */
get_inner_algorithm()378     algorithm &get_inner_algorithm()
379     {
380         return m_algorithm;
381     }
383 private:
384     // Object serialization
385     friend class boost::serialization::access;
386     template <typename Archive>
387     void serialize(Archive &, unsigned);
389     // Inner algorithm
390     algorithm m_algorithm;
391     unsigned m_iters;
392     mutable detail::random_engine_type m_e;
393     unsigned m_seed;
394     unsigned m_verbosity;
395     mutable log_type m_log;
396 };
398 } // namespace pagmo
400 PAGMO_S11N_ALGORITHM_EXPORT_KEY(pagmo::cstrs_self_adaptive)
402 #endif