2! Copyright (c) 2019 FrontISTR Commons
3! This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt
5!>  \brief   This module provide functions of contact stiffness calculation
6module m_contact_lib
7  use elementInfo
8  implicit none
10  integer, parameter, private :: kreal = kind(0.0d0)
11  integer, parameter, private :: l_max_surface_node = 20
12  integer, parameter, private :: l_max_elem_node = 100
14  integer, parameter :: CONTACTUNKNOWN = -1
15  !> contact state definition
16  integer, parameter :: CONTACTFREE = -1
17  integer, parameter :: CONTACTSTICK = 1
18  integer, parameter :: CONTACTSLIP = 2
20  !> contact type or algorithm definition
21  integer, parameter :: CONTACTTIED = 1
22  integer, parameter :: CONTACTGLUED = 2
23  integer, parameter :: CONTACTSSLID = 3
24  integer, parameter :: CONTACTFSLID = 4
26  !> This structure records contact status
27  type tContactState
28    integer          :: state !< -1:free, 1:in contact, or other needed
29    integer          :: surface !< contacting surface number
30    real(kind=kreal) :: distance !< penetration value
31    real(kind=kreal) :: wkdist !< copy of penetration value
32    real(kind=kreal) :: lpos(2) !< contact position(local coordinate)
33    real(kind=kreal) :: gpos(3) !< contact position(global coordinate)
34    real(kind=kreal) :: direction(3) !< contact direction
35    real(kind=kreal) :: multiplier(3) !< Lagrangian multiplier or contact force
36    !< 1: normal 2:tangent component
37    real(kind=kreal) :: tangentForce(3) !< friction force
38    real(kind=kreal) :: tangentForce1(3) !< friction force rotated by element(for trial friction force)
39    real(kind=kreal) :: tangentForce_trial(3) !< trial friction force
40    real(kind=kreal) :: tangentForce_final(3) !< final friction force
41    real(kind=kreal)    :: reldisp(3)
42  end type
46  !> Initializer
47  subroutine contact_state_init(cstate)
48    type(tContactState), intent(inout) :: cstate !< contact state
49    cstate%state = -1
50    cstate%surface = -1
51  end subroutine
53  !> Copy
54  subroutine contact_state_copy(cstate1, cstate2)
55    type(tContactState), intent(in)    :: cstate1 !< contact state
56    type(tContactState), intent(inout) :: cstate2 !< contact state
57    cstate2 = cstate1
58  end subroutine
60  !> Print out contact state
61  subroutine print_contact_state(fnum, cstate)
62    integer, intent(in)             :: fnum !< file number
63    type(tContactState), intent(in) :: cstate !< contact state
64    write(fnum, *) "--Contact state=",cstate%state
65    write(fnum, *) cstate%surface, cstate%distance
66    write(fnum, *) cstate%lpos
67    write(fnum, *) cstate%direction
68    write(fnum, *) cstate%multiplier
69  end subroutine
71  !> Transfer contact condition int mpc bundary conditions
72  subroutine contact2mpcval( cstate, etype, nnode, mpcval )
73    type(tContactState), intent(in) :: cstate !< contact state
74    integer, intent(in)             :: etype !< type of contacting surface
75    integer, intent(in)             :: nnode !< number of elemental nodes
76    real(kind=kreal), intent(out)   :: mpcval(nnode*3 + 4) !< MPC constraint
78    integer          :: i,j
79    real(kind=kreal) :: shapefunc(nnode)
81    call getShapeFunc( etype, cstate%lpos(:), shapefunc )
82    mpcval(1:3) = cstate%direction(1:3)
83    do i=1,nnode
84      do j=1,3
85        mpcval( i*3+j ) = -cstate%direction(j)*shapefunc(i)
86      enddo
87    enddo
88    mpcval( 3*nnode+4 )=cstate%distance
89  end subroutine
91  !> This subroutine calculate contact stiff matrix and contact force
92  subroutine contact2stiff( flag, cstate, etype, nnode, ele, mu, mut,  &
93      fcoeff, symm, stiff, force )
94    integer, intent(in)             :: flag            !< small slid or finite slide
95    type(tContactState), intent(in) :: cstate          !< contact state
96    integer, intent(in)             :: etype           !< type of contacting surface
97    integer, intent(in)             :: nnode           !< number of elemental nodes
98    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)    :: ele(3,nnode)    !< coord of surface element
99    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)    :: mu              !< penalty
100    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)    :: mut             !< penalty along tangent
101    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)    :: fcoeff          !< friction coefficient
102    logical, intent(in)             :: symm            !< symmtricalize
103    real(kind=kreal), intent(out)   :: stiff(:,:)      !< contact stiffness
104    real(kind=kreal), intent(out)   :: force(:)        !< contact force
106    integer          :: i,j
107    real(kind=kreal) :: shapefunc(nnode)
108    real(kind=kreal) :: N(nnode*3+3), dispmat(2,nnode*3+3)
109    real(kind=kreal) :: metric(2,2)
110    real(kind=kreal) :: det, inverse(2,2), ff(2), cff(2)
111    real(kind=kreal) :: dum11(nnode*3+3,nnode*3+3), dum12(nnode*3+3,nnode*3+3)
112    real(kind=kreal) :: dum21(nnode*3+3,nnode*3+3), dum22(nnode*3+3,nnode*3+3)
113    real(kind=kreal) :: tangent(3,2)
115    call getShapeFunc( etype, cstate%lpos(:), shapefunc )
116    N(1:3) = cstate%direction(1:3)
117    do i=1,nnode
118      N( i*3+1:i*3+3 ) = -shapefunc(i)*cstate%direction(1:3)
119    enddo
120    forall( i=1:nnode*3+3, j=1:nnode*3+3 )
121      stiff(i,j) = mu* N(i)*N(j)
122    end forall
123    force(1:nnode*3+3) = N(:)
125    if( fcoeff/=0.d0 .or. flag==CONTACTFSLID ) &
126      call DispIncreMatrix( cstate%lpos, etype, nnode, ele, tangent, metric, dispmat )
128    ! frictional component
129    if( fcoeff/=0.d0 ) then
130      forall(i=1:nnode*3+3, j=1:nnode*3+3)
131        dum11(i,j) = mut*dispmat(1,i)*dispmat(1,j)
132        dum12(i,j) = mut*dispmat(1,i)*dispmat(2,j)
133        dum21(i,j) = mut*dispmat(2,i)*dispmat(1,j)
134        dum22(i,j) = mut*dispmat(2,i)*dispmat(2,j)
135      end forall
136      stiff(1:nnode*3+3,1:nnode*3+3)                   &
137        = stiff(1:nnode*3+3,1:nnode*3+3)            &
138        + metric(1,1)*dum11 + metric(1,2)*dum12     &
139        + metric(2,1)*dum21 + metric(2,2)*dum22
141      if( cstate%state == CONTACTSLIP ) then
142        det = metric(1,1)*metric(2,2)-metric(1,2)*metric(2,1)
143        if( det==0.d0 ) stop "Math error in contact stiff calculation"
144        inverse(1,1) = metric(2,2)/det
145        inverse(2,1) = -metric(2,1)/det
146        inverse(1,2) = -metric(1,2)/det
147        inverse(2,2) = metric(1,1)/det
148        ff(:) = cstate%multiplier(2:3)
149        cff(:) = matmul( inverse, ff )
150        ff(:) = ff(:)/dsqrt( ff(1)*ff(1)+ff(2)*ff(2) )
151        cff(:) = cff(:)/dsqrt( cff(1)*cff(1)+cff(2)*cff(2) )
152        stiff(1:nnode*3+3,1:nnode*3+3) = stiff(1:nnode*3+3,1:nnode*3+3) -         &
153          ( cff(1)*ff(1)*metric(1,1)+ cff(2)*ff(1)*metric(1,2) )*dum11 -   &
154          ( cff(2)*ff(2)*metric(1,2)+ cff(1)*ff(2)*metric(1,1) )*dum21 -   &
155          ( cff(1)*ff(1)*metric(1,2)+ cff(2)*ff(1)*metric(2,2) )*dum12 -   &
156          ( cff(2)*ff(2)*metric(2,2)+ cff(1)*ff(2)*metric(1,2) )*dum22
157      endif
158    endif
160  end subroutine
162  !> This subroutine calculate the metric tensor of a elemental surface
163  subroutine getMetricTensor( pos, etype, ele, tensor )
164    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)  :: pos(2)        !< current position(local coordinate)
165    integer, intent(in)           :: etype         !< surface element type
166    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)  :: ele(:,:)      !< elemental coordinates
167    real(kind=kreal), intent(out) :: tensor(2,2)   !< metric tensor
169    integer          :: nn
170    real(kind=kreal) :: tangent(3,2)
171    nn= getNumberOfNodes(etype)
172    call TangentBase( etype, nn, pos, ele, tangent )
173    tensor(1,1)= dot_product( tangent(:,1), tangent(:,1) )
174    tensor(1,2)= dot_product( tangent(:,1), tangent(:,2) )
175    tensor(2,1)= dot_product( tangent(:,2), tangent(:,1) )
176    tensor(2,2)= dot_product( tangent(:,2), tangent(:,2) )
177  end subroutine
179  !> This subroutine calculate the relation between global disp and displacement
180  !> along natural coordinate of master surface supposing penetration is small
181  subroutine DispIncreMatrix( pos, etype, nnode, ele, tangent, tensor, matrix )
182    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)  :: pos(2)        !< current position(local coordinate)
183    integer, intent(in)           :: etype         !< surface element type
184    integer, intent(in)           :: nnode         !< number of nodes in surface
185    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)  :: ele(3,nnode)  !< elemental coordinates
186    real(kind=kreal), intent(out) :: tangent(3,2)  !< tangent basis
187    real(kind=kreal), intent(out) :: tensor(2,2)   !< metric tensor
188    real(kind=kreal), intent(out) :: matrix(2,nnode*3+3) !< relation between local and global disp increment
190    integer          :: i,j
191    real(kind=kreal) :: det
192    real(kind=kreal) :: shapefunc(nnode), t1(nnode*3+3), t2(nnode*3+3)
193    call TangentBase( etype, nnode, pos, ele, tangent )
194    tensor(1,1)= dot_product( tangent(:,1), tangent(:,1) )
195    tensor(1,2)= dot_product( tangent(:,1), tangent(:,2) )
196    tensor(2,1)= dot_product( tangent(:,2), tangent(:,1) )
197    tensor(2,2)= dot_product( tangent(:,2), tangent(:,2) )
198    det = tensor(1,1)*tensor(2,2)-tensor(1,2)*tensor(2,1)
199    if( det==0.d0 ) stop "Error in calculate DispIncreMatrix"
200    !  inverse(1,1) = tensor(2,2)/det
201    !  inverse(1,2) = -tensor(1,2)/det
202    ! inverse(2,1) = -tensor(2,1)/det
203    !  inverse(2,2) = tensor(1,1)/det
205    call getShapeFunc( etype, pos(:), shapefunc )
206    forall( j=1:3 )
207      t1( j ) = tangent(j,1)
208      t2( j ) = tangent(j,2)
209    end forall
210    forall( i=1:nnode, j=1:3 )
211      t1( i*3+j ) = -tangent(j,1)*shapefunc(i)
212      t2( i*3+j ) = -tangent(j,2)*shapefunc(i)
213    end forall
214    !matrix( 1:2,: ) = matmul( inverse(:,:), matrix )
215    matrix(1,:) = (tensor(2,2)*t1(:)-tensor(1,2)*t2(:))/det
216    matrix(2,:) = (tensor(1,1)*t2(:)-tensor(2,1)*t1(:))/det
217    tangent(:,1) = tangent(:,1)/dsqrt(dot_product(tangent(:,1),tangent(:,1)))
218    tangent(:,2) = tangent(:,2)/dsqrt(dot_product(tangent(:,2),tangent(:,2)))
219  end subroutine
221  !> This subroutine find the projection of a slave point onto master surface
222  subroutine project_Point2Element(xyz,etype,nn,elemt,reflen,cstate,isin,distclr,ctpos,localclr)
223    real(kind=kreal),intent(in)       :: xyz(3)        !< Coordinates of a spacial point, whose projecting point is to be computed
224    integer, intent(in)               :: etype         !< surface element type
225    integer, intent(in)               :: nn            !< number of elemental nodes
226    real(kind=kreal),intent(in)       :: elemt(3,nn)   !< nodes coordinates of surface element
227    real(kind=kreal),intent(in)       :: reflen        !< reference length of surface element
228    type(tContactState),intent(inout) :: cstate        !< Recorde of contact information
229    logical, intent(out)              :: isin          !< in contact or not
230    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)      :: distclr       !< clearance of contact distance
231    real(kind=kreal), optional        :: ctpos(2)      !< curr contact position( natural coord )
232    real(kind=kreal), optional        :: localclr      !< clearance of contact local coord
234    integer          ::  count,order, initstate
235    real(kind=kreal)  ::  determ, inverse(2,2)
236    real(kind=kreal)  ::  sfunc(nn), curv(3,2,2)
237    real(kind=kreal)  ::  r(2), dr(2), r_tmp(2)        ! natural coordinate
238    real(kind=kreal)  ::  xyz_out(3)                   ! curr. projection position
239    real(kind=kreal)  ::  dist_last,dist_now, dxyz(3)  ! dist between the point and its projection
240    real(kind=kreal)  ::  tangent(3,2)                 ! base vectors in tangent space
241    real(kind=kreal)  ::  dF(2),d2F(2,2),normal(3)
242    real(kind=kreal),parameter :: eps = 1.0D-8
243    real(kind=kreal)  ::  clr, tol, factor
245    initstate = cstate%state
246    clr = 1.d-4
247    if( present( localclr ) ) clr=localclr
248    if( present( ctpos ) ) then
249      r(:)= ctpos
250    else
251      call getElementCenter( etype, r(:) )
252    endif
254    tol = 1.0D0
255    do count=1,100
256      call getShapeFunc( etype, r, sfunc )
257      xyz_out = matmul( elemt(:,:), sfunc )
258      dxyz(1:3) = xyz_out(1:3) - xyz(1:3)
259      dist_last = dot_product( dxyz, dxyz(:) )
261      call TangentBase( etype, nn, r, elemt, tangent )
262      call Curvature( etype, nn, r, elemt, curv )
264      !     dF(1:2)
265      dF(1:2) = -matmul( dxyz(:), tangent(:,:) )
266      !     d2F(1:2,1:2)
267      d2F(1,1)= dot_product( tangent(:,1), tangent(:,1) ) - dot_product( dxyz, curv(:,1,1) )
268      d2F(1,2)= dot_product( tangent(:,1), tangent(:,2) ) - dot_product( dxyz, curv(:,1,2) )
269      d2F(2,1)= dot_product( tangent(:,2), tangent(:,1) ) - dot_product( dxyz, curv(:,2,1) )
270      d2F(2,2)= dot_product( tangent(:,2), tangent(:,2) ) - dot_product( dxyz, curv(:,2,2) )
272      !     inverse of d2F
273      determ = d2F(1,1)*d2F(2,2) - d2F(1,2)*d2f(2,1)
274      if( determ==0.d0 ) stop "Math error in contact searching"
275      inverse(1,1) = d2F(2,2) / determ
276      inverse(2,2) = d2F(1,1) / determ
277      inverse(1,2) = -d2F(1,2) / determ
278      inverse(2,1) = -d2F(2,1) / determ
279      dr=matmul(inverse,dF)
281      tol=dot_product(dr,dr)
282      if( dsqrt(tol)> 3.d0 ) then   ! too far away
283        r= -100.d0; exit
284      endif
286      factor = 1.d0
287      do order=1,10
288        r_tmp(1:2) = r(1:2) + factor*dr(1:2)
289        call getShapeFunc( etype, r_tmp, sfunc )
290        xyz_out(1:3) = matmul( elemt(:,:), sfunc(:) )
291        dxyz(1:3) = xyz(1:3)-xyz_out(:)
292        dist_now = dot_product( dxyz, dxyz )
293        if(dist_now <= dist_last) exit
294        factor = factor*0.7D0
295      enddo
296      r(1:2) = r_tmp(1:2)
298      if( tol<eps ) exit
299    enddo
301    isin = .false.
302    cstate%state = CONTACTFREE
303    if( isInsideElement( etype, r, clr )>=0 ) then
304      dxyz(:)=xyz_out(:)-xyz(:)
305      normal(:) = SurfaceNormal( etype, nn, r, elemt )
306      normal(:) = normal(:)/dsqrt( dot_product(normal, normal) )
307      do count = 1,3
308        if( dabs(normal(count))<1.D-10 ) normal(count) =0.d0
309        if( dabs(1.d0-dabs(normal(count)))<1.D-10 ) normal(count) =sign(1.d0, normal(count))
310      enddo
311      cstate%distance = dot_product( dxyz, normal )
313      if( cstate%distance < distclr*reflen .and. cstate%distance > -5.0d-01*reflen ) isin = .true.
315      if( isin ) then
316        if( initstate== CONTACTFREE ) then
317          cstate%state = CONTACTSTICK
318        else
319          cstate%state = initstate
320        endif
321        cstate%gpos(:)=xyz_out(:)
322        cstate%lpos(:)=r(:)
323        cstate%direction(:) = normal(:)
324        cstate%wkdist = cstate%distance
325      endif
326    endif
327  end subroutine project_Point2Element
329  !> This subroutine find the projection of a slave point onto master surface
330  subroutine update_TangentForce(etype,nn,elemt0,elemt,cstate)
331    integer, intent(in)                 :: etype         !< surface element type
332    integer, intent(in)                 :: nn            !< number of elemental nodes
333    real(kind=kreal),intent(in)         :: elemt0(3,nn)  !< nodes coordinates of surface element at t
334    real(kind=kreal),intent(in)         :: elemt(3,nn)   !< nodes coordinates of surface element at t+dt
335    type(tContactState), intent(inout)  :: cstate        !< Recorde of contact information
337    integer           ::  i
338    real(kind=kreal)  ::  tangent0(3,2), tangent(3,2)    ! base vectors in tangent space
339    real(kind=kreal)  ::  coeff(2), norm, norm_tmp
340    real(kind=kreal)  ::  tangentForce_tmp(3)
342    call TangentBase( etype, nn, cstate%lpos, elemt0, tangent0 )
343    call TangentBase( etype, nn, cstate%lpos, elemt, tangent )
345    !project tangentforce to base vector tangent0
346    do i=1,2
347      coeff(i) = dot_product(cstate%tangentForce(1:3),tangent0(1:3,i))
348      coeff(i) = coeff(i)/dot_product(tangent0(1:3,i),tangent0(1:3,i))
349    enddo
350    tangentForce_tmp(1:3) = coeff(1)*tangent0(1:3,1) + coeff(2)*tangent0(1:3,2)
351    norm_tmp = dsqrt(dot_product(tangentForce_tmp,tangentForce_tmp))
352    !adjust tangent force of slave point which moved over element boundary
353    if( norm_tmp > 1.d-6 ) then
354      norm = dsqrt(dot_product(cstate%tangentForce,cstate%tangentForce))
355      coeff(1:2) = (norm/norm_tmp)*coeff(1:2)
356    end if
358    !set rotated tangentforce to tangentforce1
359    cstate%tangentForce1(1:3) = coeff(1)*tangent(1:3,1) + coeff(2)*tangent(1:3,2)
361  end subroutine update_TangentForce
363end module m_contact_lib