1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   Copyright (C) 2005-2019 by the FIFE team                              *
3  *   http://www.fifengine.net                                              *
4  *   This file is part of FIFE.                                            *
5  *                                                                         *
6  *   FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                 *
7  *   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
8  *   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
9  *   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    *
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
12  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
14  *   Lesser General Public License for more details.                       *
15  *                                                                         *
16  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      *
17  *   License along with this library; if not, write to the                 *
18  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
19  *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA          *
20  ***************************************************************************/
25 // Standard C++ library includes
26 #include <algorithm>
27 #include <string>
28 #include <vector>
29 #include <set>
30 #include <stack>
32 // 3rd party library includes
34 // FIFE includes
35 // These includes are split up in two parts, separated by one empty line
36 // First block: files included from the FIFE root src directory
37 // Second block: files included from the same folder
38 #include "util/base/fifeclass.h"
39 #include "util/structures/rect.h"
40 #include "model/metamodel/modelcoords.h"
41 #include "model/metamodel/object.h"
43 #include "layer.h"
44 #include "cell.h"
46 namespace FIFE {
48 	/** A Zone is an abstract depiction of a CellCache or of a part of it.
49 	 */
50 	class Zone {
51 	public:
52 		/** Constructor
53 		 * @param id A integer value used as identifier. Simple counter values are used.
54 		 */
55 		Zone(uint32_t id);
57 		/** Destructor
58 		 */
59 		~Zone();
61 		/** Adds a cell to this zone.
62 		 * @param cell A pointer to cell which should be added.
63 		 */
64 		void addCell(Cell* cell);
66 		/** Removes a cell from this zone.
67 		 * @param cell A pointer to cell which should be removed.
68 		 */
69 		void removeCell(Cell* cell);
71 		/** Merge two zones to one.
72 		 * @param zone A pointer to the old zone.
73 		 */
74 		void mergeZone(Zone* zone);
76 		/** Returns all cells of this zone.
77 		 * @return A const reference to a set that contains all cells of this zone.
78 		 */
79 		const std::set<Cell*>& getCells() const;
81 		/** Remove all cells from zone but does not alter the cells.
82 		 */
83 		void resetCells();
85 		/** Returns the zone identifier.
86 		 * @return A unsigned integer with the identifier.
87 		 */
88 		uint32_t getId() const;
90 		/** Returns the number of cells.
91 		 * @return A unsigned integer with the number of cells.
92 		 */
93 		uint32_t getCellCount() const;
95 		/** Returns transistion cells of this zone.
96 		 * @param layer A pointer to the layer which should be the target of the transition. If NULL all transistions be returned.
97 		 * @return A vector which contains the transition cells.
98 		 */
99 		std::vector<Cell*> getTransitionCells(Layer* layer = NULL);
101 	private:
102 		//! identifier
103 		uint32_t m_id;
104 		//! cells in the zone
105 		std::set<Cell*> m_cells;
106 	};
108 	/** A CellCache is an abstract depiction of one or a few layers
109 	 *	and contains additional information, such as different cost and speed and so on.
110 	 */
111 	class CellCache : public FifeClass {
112 		public:
113 			/** Constructor
114 			 * @param layer A pointer to the associated layer.
115 			 */
116 			CellCache(Layer* layer);
118 			/** Destructor
119 			 */
120 			~CellCache();
122 			/** Resets the CellCache
123 			 */
124 			void reset();
126 			/** Checks the layer size and if the size is different with current size then
127 				the cache size is adjusted.
128 			 */
129 			void resize();
131 			/** Checks the given size and if the size is different with current size then
132 				the cache is adjusted.
133 			 * @param rec A rect that contains the new size in layer coordinates.
134 			 */
135 			void resize(const Rect& rec);
137 			/** Creates cells for this CellCache based on the size of the assigned layer.
138 			 */
139 			void createCells();
141 			/** Updates all cells.
142 			 */
143 			void forceUpdate();
145 			/** Adds cell to this CellCache.
146 			 * @param cell A pointer to cell which should be added.
147 			 */
148 			void addCell(Cell* cell);
150 			/** Creates cell on this CellCache.
151 			 * @param mc A const reference to ModelCoordinate where the cell should be created.
152 			 * @return A pointer to the new cell.
153 			 */
154 			Cell* createCell(const ModelCoordinate& mc);
156 			/** Returns cell on this coordinate.
157 			 * @param mc A const reference to ModelCoordinate where the cell should be.
158 			 * @return A pointer to the cell or NULL if there is no.
159 			 */
160 			Cell* getCell(const ModelCoordinate& mc);
162 			/** Returns all cells of this CellCache.
163 			 * @return A const reference to a two dimensional vector which contain all cells.
164 			 */
165 			const std::vector<std::vector<Cell*> >& getCells();
167 			/** Removes cell from CellCache.
168 			 * Removes cell from cost table, special cost and speed,
169 			 * futhermore from areas and narrows.
170 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
171 			 */
172 			void removeCell(Cell* cell);
174 			/** Adds a interact layer to the CellCache on runtime and sets all needed layer properties.
175 			 * @param interact A pointer to the interact layer.
176 			 */
177 			void addInteractOnRuntime(Layer* interact);
179 			/** Removes a interact layer from the CellCache on runtime and sets all needed layer properties.
180 			 * @param interact A pointer to the interact layer.
181 			 */
182 			void removeInteractOnRuntime(Layer* interact);
184 			/** Returns change listener.
185 			 * @return A pointer to the change listener.
186 			 */
187 			LayerChangeListener* getCellCacheChangeListener();
189 			/** Returns layer.
190 			 * @return A pointer to the layer this CellCache is based on.
191 			 */
192 			Layer* getLayer();
194 			/** Returns CellCache size.
195 			 * @return A const reference to rect that contain the min and max coordinates.
196 			 */
197 			const Rect& getSize();
199 			/** Sets CellCache size.
200 			 * @param rec A const reference to a rect that contain new min, max coordinates.
201 				rec.x = min.x, rec.w = max.x, rec.y = min.y, rec.h = max.y
202 			 */
203 			void setSize(const Rect& rec);
205 			/** Returns width of the CellCache.
206 			 * @return A unsigned integer that is the width.
207 			 */
208 			uint32_t getWidth();
210 			/** Returns height of the CellCache.
211 			 * @return A unsigned integer that is the height.
212 			 */
213 			uint32_t getHeight();
215 			/** Checks whether the location is in CellCache range.
216 			 * @param location A const reference to location which should be checked.
217 			 * @return A boolean, true if the location is in range, otherwise false.
218 			 */
219 			bool isInCellCache(const Location& location) const;
221 			/** Convertes coordinate to unique identifier.
222 			 * @param coord A const reference to ModelCoordinate which should be converted.
223 			 * @return A integer, the cell identifier.
224 			 */
225 			int32_t convertCoordToInt(const ModelCoordinate& coord) const;
227 			/** Convertes unique identifier to coordinate.
228 			 * @param cell A const reference to the integer id which should be converted.
229 			 * @return A ModelCoordinate, contain the cell coordinate.
230 			 */
231 			ModelCoordinate convertIntToCoord(const int32_t cell) const;
233 			/** Returns the number of cells on this CellCache.
234 			 * @return A integer value, the number of cells.
235 			 */
236 			int32_t getMaxIndex() const;
238 			/** Sets maximal z range for neighbors.
239 			 * @param z The maximal z range as int.
240 			 */
241 			void setMaxNeighborZ(int32_t z);
243 			/** Gets maximal z range for neighbors. By default disabled with the value -1.
244 			 * @return The maximal z range as int.
245 			 */
246 			int32_t getMaxNeighborZ();
248 			/** Returns all cells in the line.
249 			 * @param pt1 A const reference to the ModelCoordinate where the line begin.
250 			 * @param pt2 A const reference to the ModelCoordinate where the line end.
251 			 * @param blocker A boolean, true stops when a blocker is found, false ignored blocker.
252 			 * @return A vector that contain the cells.
253 			 */
254 			std::vector<Cell*> getCellsInLine(const ModelCoordinate& pt1, const ModelCoordinate& pt2, bool blocker = false);
256 			/** Returns all cells in the rect.
257 			 * @param rec A const reference to the Rect which specifies the size.
258 			 * @return A vector that contain the cells.
259 			 */
260 			std::vector<Cell*> getCellsInRect(const Rect& rec);
262 			/** Returns all blocking cells in the rect.
263 			* @param rec A const reference to the Rect which specifies the size.
264 			* @return A vector that contain the cells.
265 			*/
266 			std::vector<Cell*> getBlockingCellsInRect(const Rect& rec);
268 			/** Returns all cells in the circle.
269 			 * @param center A const reference to the ModelCoordinate where the center of the circle is.
270 			 * @param radius A unsigned integer, radius of the circle.
271 			 * @return A vector that contain the cells.
272 			 */
273 			std::vector<Cell*> getCellsInCircle(const ModelCoordinate& center, uint16_t radius);
275 			/** Returns all cells in the circle segment.
276 			 * @param center A const reference to the ModelCoordinate where the center of the circle is.
277 			 * @param radius A unsigned integer, radius of the circle.
278 			 * @param sangle A interger, start angle of the segment.
279 			 * @param eangle A interger, end angle of the segment.
280 			 * @return A vector that contain the cells.
281 			 */
282 			std::vector<Cell*> getCellsInCircleSegment(const ModelCoordinate& center, uint16_t radius, int32_t sangle, int32_t eangle);
284 			/** Adds a cost with the given id and value.
285 			 * @param costId A const reference to a string that refs to the cost id.
286 			 * @param cost A double that contains the cost value. Used as multiplier for default cost.
287 			 */
288 			void registerCost(const std::string& costId, double cost);
290 			/** Removes a cost with the given id.
291 			 * @param costId A const reference to a string that refs to the cost id.
292 			 */
293 			void unregisterCost(const std::string& costId);
295 			/** Returns the cost value for the given id.
296 			 * @param costId A const reference to a string that refs to the cost id.
297 			 * @return cost value as a double, if cost id can not be found 1.0 is returned.
298 			 */
299 			double getCost(const std::string& costId);
301 			/** Returns if the cost for the given id exists.
302 			 * @return True if cost id could be found otherwise false.
303 			 */
304 			bool existsCost(const std::string& costId);
306 			/** Returns all registered cost ids.
307 			 * @return A list that contains the cost ids.
308 			 */
309 			std::list<std::string> getCosts();
311 			/** Removes all costs.
312 			 */
313 			void unregisterAllCosts();
315 			/** Assigns a cell to a cost identifier.
316 			 * @param costId A const reference to the cost identifier.
317 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
318 			 */
319 			void addCellToCost(const std::string& costId, Cell* cell);
321 			/** Assigns cells to a cost identifier.
322 			 * @param costId A const reference to the cost identifier.
323 			 * @param cells A const reference to a vector which contains the cells.
324 			 */
325 			void addCellsToCost(const std::string& costId, const std::vector<Cell*>& cells);
327 			/** Removes a cell from costs.
328 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
329 			 */
330 			void removeCellFromCost(Cell* cell);
332 			/** Removes a cell from a cost identifier.
333 			 * @param costId A const reference to the cost identifier.
334 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
335 			 */
336 			void removeCellFromCost(const std::string& costId, Cell* cell);
338 			/** Removes cells from a cost identifier.
339 			 * @param costId A const reference to the cost identifier.
340 			 * @param cells A const reference to a vector which contains the cells.
341 			 */
342 			void removeCellsFromCost(const std::string& costId, const std::vector<Cell*>& cells);
344 			/** Returns cells for a cost identifier.
345 			 * @param costId A const reference to the cost identifier.
346 			 * @return A vector which contains the cells.
347 			 */
348 			std::vector<Cell*> getCostCells(const std::string& costId);
350 			/** Returns cost identifiers for cell.
351 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
352 			 * @return A vector which contains the cost ids.
353 			 */
354 			std::vector<std::string> getCellCosts(Cell* cell);
356 			/** Gets if cell is assigned to cost identifier.
357 			 * @param costId A const reference to the cost identifier.
358 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
359 			 * @return A boolean, true if the cell is assigned to the cost identifier, otherwise false.
360 			 */
361 			bool existsCostForCell(const std::string& costId, Cell* cell);
363 			/** Returns cost for movement between these two adjacent coordinates.
364 			 * @param adjacent A const reference to the start ModelCoordinate.
365 			 * @param next A const reference to the end ModelCoordinate.
366 			 * @return A double which represents the cost.
367 			 */
368 			double getAdjacentCost(const ModelCoordinate& adjacent, const ModelCoordinate& next);
370 			/** Returns cost for movement between these two adjacent coordinates.
371 			 * @param adjacent A const reference to the start ModelCoordinate.
372 			 * @param next A const reference to the end ModelCoordinate.
373 			 * @param costId A const reference to the string that contain a cost identifier.
374 			 * @return A double which represents the cost.
375 			 */
376 			double getAdjacentCost(const ModelCoordinate& adjacent, const ModelCoordinate& next, const std::string& costId);
378 			/** Returns speed value from cell.
379 			 * @param cell A const reference to the cell ModelCoordinate.
380 			 * @param multiplier A reference to a double which receives the speed value.
381 			 * @return A boolean, true if on next cell use special speed, otherwise false.
382 			 */
383 			bool getCellSpeedMultiplier(const ModelCoordinate& cell, double& multiplier);
385 			/** Sets default cost for this CellCache.
386 			 * @param multi A double, the cost.
387 			 */
388 			void setDefaultCostMultiplier(double multi);
390 			/** Gets default cost for this CellCache.
391 			 * @return A double, the cost.
392 			 */
393 			double getDefaultCostMultiplier();
395 			/** Sets default speed for this CellCache.
396 			 * @param multi A double, the speed.
397 			 */
398 			void setDefaultSpeedMultiplier(double multi);
400 			/** Gets default speed for this CellCache.
401 			 * @return A double, the speed.
402 			 */
403 			double getDefaultSpeedMultiplier();
405 			/** Gets if cell uses default cost multiplier.
406 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
407 			 * @return A boolean, true if the cell uses default cost multiplier, otherwise false.
408 			 */
409 			bool isDefaultCost(Cell* cell);
411 			/** Sets cost multiplier for the cell.
412 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
413 			 * @param multi A double, the cost multiplier.
414 			 */
415 			void setCostMultiplier(Cell* cell, double multi);
417 			/** Returns cost multiplier for the cell.
418 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
419 			 * @return A double, the cost multiplier. 1.0 is default.
420 			 */
421 			double getCostMultiplier(Cell* cell);
423 			/** Resets the cost multiplier for the cell.
424 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
425 			 */
426 			void resetCostMultiplier(Cell* cell);
428 			/** Gets if cell uses default speed multiplier.
429 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
430 			 * @return A boolean, true if the cell uses default speed multiplier, otherwise false.
431 			 */
432 			bool isDefaultSpeed(Cell* cell);
434 			/** Sets speed multiplier for the cell.
435 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
436 			 * @param multi A double, the speed multiplier.
437 			 */
438 			void setSpeedMultiplier(Cell* cell, double multi);
440 			/** Returns speed multiplier for the cell.
441 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
442 			 * @return A double, the speed multiplier. 1.0 is default.
443 			 */
444 			double getSpeedMultiplier(Cell* cell);
446 			/** Resets the speed multiplier for the cell.
447 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
448 			 */
449 			void resetSpeedMultiplier(Cell* cell);
451 			/** Adds a cell as transition.
452 			 * @param cell A pointer to transition cell.
453 			 */
454 			void addTransition(Cell* cell);
456 			/** Removes a cell as transition.
457 			 * @param cell A pointer to transition cell.
458 			 */
459 			void removeTransition(Cell* cell);
461 			/** Returns transistion cells of this CellCache.
462 			 * @param layer A pointer to the layer which should be the target of the transition. If NULL all transistions be returned.
463 			 * @return A vector which contains the transition cells.
464 			 */
465 			std::vector<Cell*> getTransitionCells(Layer* layer = NULL);
467 			/** Returns zones of this CellCache.
468 			 * @return A vector which contains the zones.
469 			 */
470 			const std::vector<Zone*>& getZones();
472 			/** Gets zone by identifier.
473 			 * @param id A unsigned integer which is used as zone identifier,
474 			 * @return A pointer to the zone.
475 			 */
476 			Zone* getZone(uint32_t id);
478 			/** Creates zone.
479 			 * @return A pointer to the new zone.
480 			 */
481 			Zone* createZone();
483 			/** Removes zone.
484 			 * @param zone A pointer to the zone which should be removed.
485 			 */
486 			void removeZone(Zone* zone);
488 			/** Splits zone on the cell.
489 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell where the zone should be splited.
490 			 */
491 			void splitZone(Cell* cell);
493 			/** Merges two zones to one.
494 			 * @param zone1 A pointer to the first zone.
495 			 * @param zone2 A pointer to the second zone.
496 			 */
497 			void mergeZones(Zone* zone1, Zone* zone2);
499 			/** Adds cell to narrow cells.
500 			 * Narrow cells are observed. On blocking change, the underlying zones are merged or splitted.
501 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
502 			 */
503 			void addNarrowCell(Cell* cell);
505 			/** Returns narrow cells.
506 			 * @return A const reference to a set which contains the cells.
507 			 */
508 			const std::set<Cell*>& getNarrowCells();
510 			/** Removes cell from narrow cells.
511 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
512 			 */
513 			void removeNarrowCell(Cell* cell);
515 			/** Resets narrow cells.
516 			 */
517 			void resetNarrowCells();
519 			/** Gets if narrow cells should be searched automatic.
520 			 * Note that narrow cells will only saved if this is disabled.
521 			 * @return A boolean, if true the automatic search is enabled, otherwise false.
522 			 */
523 			bool isSearchNarrowCells();
525 			/** Sets if narrow cells should be searched automatic.
526 			 * @param search A boolean, if true the automatic search is enabled, otherwise false.
527 			 */
528 			void setSearchNarrowCells(bool search);
530 			/** Adds a cell to a specific area group. With an area you can group cells without the need
531 			 *	of checking the underlying instances or similar.
532 			 * @param id A const reference to string that contains the area id.
533 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell which should be added.
534 			 */
535 			void addCellToArea(const std::string& id, Cell* cell);
537 			/** Adds few cell to a specific area group. With an area you can group cells without the need
538 			 *	of checking the underlying instances or similar.
539 			 * @param id A const reference to string that contains the area id.
540 			 * @param cells A const reference to vector which contains the cells.
541 			 */
542 			void addCellsToArea(const std::string& id, const std::vector<Cell*>& cells);
544 			/** Removes the cell from all areas.
545 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell which should be removed.
546 			 */
547 			void removeCellFromArea(Cell* cell);
549 			/** Removes the cell from a area.
550 			 * @param id A const reference to string that contains the area id.
551 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell which should be removed.
552 			 */
553 			void removeCellFromArea(const std::string& id, Cell* cell);
555 			/** Removes few cells from a area.
556 			 * @param id A const reference to string that contains the area id.
557 			 * @param cells A const reference to vector which contains the cells.
558 			 */
559 			void removeCellsFromArea(const std::string& id, const std::vector<Cell*>& cells);
561 			/** Removes a area.
562 			 * @param id A const reference to string that contains the area id.
563 			 */
564 			void removeArea(const std::string& id);
566 			/** Checks whether the area exists.
567 			 * @param id A const reference to string that contains the area id.
568 			 * @return A boolean, true if the area id exists, otherwise false.
569 			 */
570 			bool existsArea(const std::string& id);
572 			/** Returns all area ids.
573 			 * @return A vector that contains the area ids.
574 			 */
575 			std::vector<std::string> getAreas();
577 			/** Returns all areas of a cell.
578 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell.
579 			 * @return A vector that contains the area ids.
580 			 */
581 			std::vector<std::string> getCellAreas(Cell* cell);
583 			/** Returns all cells of an area.
584 			 * @param id A const reference to string that contains the area id.
585 			 * @return A vector that contains the cells from the area.
586 			 */
587 			std::vector<Cell*> getAreaCells(const std::string& id);
589 			/** Returns true if cell is part of the area, otherwise false.
590 			 * @param id A const reference to string that contains the area id.
591 			 * @param cell A pointer to the cell which is used for the check.
592 			 * @return A boolean, true if the cell is part of the area, otherwise false.
593 			*/
594 			bool isCellInArea(const std::string& id, Cell* cell);
596 			/** Sets the cache size to static so that automatic resize is disabled.
597 			 * @param staticSize A boolean, true if the cache size is static, otherwise false.
598 			 */
599 			void setStaticSize(bool staticSize);
601 			/** Returns if the cache size is static.
602 			 * @return A boolean, true if the cache size is static, otherwise false.
603 			 */
604 			bool isStaticSize();
606 			void setBlockingUpdate(bool update);
607 			void setSizeUpdate(bool update);
608 			void update();
609 		private:
610 			typedef std::multimap<std::string, Cell*> StringCellMultimap;
611 			typedef StringCellMultimap::iterator StringCellIterator;
612 			typedef std::pair<StringCellIterator, StringCellIterator> StringCellPair;
614 			/** Returns the current size.
615 			 * @return A rect that contains the min, max coordinates.
616 			 */
617 			Rect calculateCurrentSize();
619 			//! walkable layer
620 			Layer* m_layer;
622 			//! default cost
623 			double m_defaultCostMulti;
625 			//! default speed
626 			double m_defaultSpeedMulti;
628 			//! change listener
629 			LayerChangeListener* m_cellListener;
631 			// cells on this cache
632 			std::vector<std::vector<Cell*> > m_cells;
634 			//! Rect holds the min and max size
635 			//! x = min.x, w = max.x, y = min.y, h = max.y
636 			Rect m_size;
638 			//! cache width
639 			uint32_t m_width;
641 			//! cache height
642 			uint32_t m_height;
644 			//! max z value for neighbors
645 			int32_t m_neighborZ;
647 			//! indicates blocking update
648 			bool m_blockingUpdate;
650 			//! indicates size update
651 			bool m_sizeUpdate;
653 			//! is automatic seach enabled
654 			bool m_searchNarrow;
656 			//! is automatic size update enabled/disabled
657 			bool m_staticSize;
659 			//! cells with transitions
660 			std::vector<Cell*> m_transitions;
662 			//! zones
663 			std::vector<Zone*> m_zones;
665 			//! special cells which are monitored (zone split and merge)
666 			std::set<Cell*> m_narrowCells;
668 			//! areas with assigned cells
669 			StringCellMultimap m_cellAreas;
671 			//! listener for zones
672 			CellChangeListener* m_cellZoneListener;
674 			//! holds cost table
675 			std::map<std::string, double> m_costsTable;
677 			//! holds cells for each cost
678 			StringCellMultimap m_costsToCells;
680 			//! holds default cost multiplier, only if it is not default(1.0)
681 			std::map<Cell*, double> m_costMultipliers;
683 			//! holds default speed multiplier, only if it is not default(1.0)
684 			std::map<Cell*, double> m_speedMultipliers;
685 	};
687 } // FIFE
689 #endif