1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        lm_lsqr.h
3 // Purpose:     Levenberg-Marquart nonlinear least squares 2-D curve fitting
4 // Author:      John Labenski, mostly others (see below)
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created:     6/5/2002
7 // Copyright:   (c) John Labenski, mostly others (see below)
8 // Licence:     Public domain
9 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 /*
12  * Solves or minimizes the sum of squares of m nonlinear
13  * functions of n variables.
14  *
15  * From public domain Fortran version
16  * of Argonne National Laboratories MINPACK
17  *
18  * argonne national laboratory. minpack project. march 1980.
19  * burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more
20  *
21  * C translation by Steve Moshier http://www.moshier.net/
22  *
23  * C++ "translation" for use w/ wxWindows by John Labenski
24  */
26 #ifndef _LM_LEASTSQUARE_H_
27 #define _LM_LEASTSQUARE_H_
29 #include "wx/plotctrl/plotdefs.h"
31 class WXDLLIMPEXP_PLOTCTRL wxPlotFunction;
33 // When SetLM_LeastSquareProgressHandler is called with a non NULL handler it will be
34 //   called when fitting a curve every SetLM_LeastSquareProgressHandlerTicks
35 //      text is the function name
36 //      current is the current iteration, max is max allowed iterations
37 //          note: current may exceed max by a few iterations in some cases
39 // Usage: create a function like this
40 //   void LM_LeastSquareProgressHandler(const wxString &text, int current, int max)
41 //     { [ do stuff... for example update a progress dialog ]
42 //       wxString str = text + wxString::Format(wxT("\nIteration # %d of %d"), current, max);
43 //       int percent = wxMin(int(100.0*current/max), 99); // iterations may overflow!
44 //       return s_progressDialog->Update(percent, str); }
45 //
46 //   then call SetLM_LeastSquareProgressHandler( LM_LeastSquareProgressHandler );
48 extern "C" {
49 typedef bool (*LM_LeastSquareProgressHandler_)(const wxString &WXUNUSED(text),
50                                                int WXUNUSED(current),
51                                                int WXUNUSED(max));
52 extern void SetLM_LeastSquareProgressHandler( LM_LeastSquareProgressHandler_ handler );
53 extern void SetLM_LeastSquareProgressHandlerTicks( int iterations );
54 }
56 //=============================================================================
57 // LM_LeastSquare - Levenberg-Marquart nonlinear least squares 2-D curve fitting
58 //
59 // Fit the plot function to the plot data
60 //
61 // Notes :
62 //   the plot function must have fewer or equal vars than the plotdata has points
63 //   the plotfunction MUST! have the LAST variable as 'x'
64 //   you can set the starting values by filling 'initial_vals', size = (plotFunc.GetNumberVars - 1)
65 //   if initial_vars = NULL then they are all 0.1
66 //
67 // Sample usage :
68 //  wxString message;
69 //  // Create some plotData, in this case from a known function
70 //  wxPlotData data(wxPlotFunction("2.5*x*x-3*x+5+3.3*log(x)+13*exp(15*x/(x+4))", "x",dummy), 0, 1E-4, 10000);
71 //  // Create the plotFunc we want to fit to the data, note: x is last var
72 //  wxPlotFunction func("a*x*x+b*x+c+d*log(x)+e*exp(f*x/(x+g))", "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,x", message);
73 //  LM_LeastSquare lmLeastSquare;
74 //  if (lmLeastSquare.Create(data, func)) {
75 //      lmLeastSquare.Fit(NULL);
76 //      or Fit(init, init_count) where double init[init_count] = { a, b, c, ... }
77 //      for (int k=0; k<lmLeastSquare.GetNumberVariables(); k++) // print a,b,c,...
78 //           wxPrintf(wxT("%s=%g; "), func.GetVariableName(k).c_str(), lmLeastSquare.GetVariable(k));
79 //
80 //=============================================================================
83 {
84 public:
85     LM_LeastSquare();
~LM_LeastSquare()86     virtual ~LM_LeastSquare() { Destroy(); }
88     // Initialize everything, returns sucess, on failure GetResultMessage()
89     //   you may call Create and then Fit on a single instance on this
90     //   as many times as you like.
91     bool Create(const wxPlotData &plotData, const wxPlotFunction &plotFunc);
92     // Has this been sucessfully created and is ready to be Fit()
Ok()93     bool Ok() const { return m_ok; }
95     // After creation fit the plotFunc's vars to the plotData, returns # iterations
96     //   initial_vals are initial guesses for the variables which may be NULL
97     //   specify the number of initial variables with init_count
98     int Fit(const double *initial_vals = NULL, int init_count = 0);
99     // returns true if this is currently fitting
IsFitting()100     bool IsFitting() const { return m_fitting; }
101     // abort a currently running fit, this may take a cycle or two so check
102     //   IsFitting to determine when it is done.
AbortFitting()103     void AbortFitting() { m_abort_fitting = true; }
104     // was the last fit aborted, reset when Create or Fit is called again
GetAbortFitting()105     bool GetAbortFitting() const { return m_abort_fitting; }
107     // If you don't cal Fit(some_vars, count) then the variables are all
108     // initialized with this value, default = 0.1
GetInitValue()109     double GetInitValue() const { return m_init_value; }
SetInitValue(double init_val)110     void SetInitValue(double init_val) { m_init_value = init_val; }
112     // Get the number of evaluations performed to find best fit
GetNumberIterations()113     int GetNumberIterations() const { return m_nfev; }
114     // Get the euclidean norm of errors between data and function points
GetEuclideanNorm()115     double GetEuclideanNorm() const { return m_fnorm; }
116     // Get the number of variables, i.e. (plotFunc.GetNumberVars() - 1, x is excluded)
GetNumberVariables()117     int GetNumberVariables() const { return m_n; }
118     // Get the evaluated variables, size is (plotFunc.GetNumberVars() - 1, x is excluded)
GetVariables()119     double *GetVariables() const { return m_x; }
120     // Get a single evaluated variable, 0 to GetNumberVariables()-1
121     double GetVariable(int n);
122     // Get an informational message about the results
123     wxString GetResultMessage() const;
125 protected:
126     void ReInit();   // only after a call to destroy - reset the vars
127     void Destroy();
129     wxPlotData *m_plotData;
130     wxPlotFunction *m_plotFunc;
131     double m_init_value;
132     wxString m_resultMsg;
133     bool m_ok;
134     bool m_fitting;
135     bool m_abort_fitting;
137     // this is the function to calculate the difference
138     virtual void fcn(int m, int n, double x[], double fvec[], int *iflag);
140     void lmdif( int m, int n, double x[], double fvec[], double ftol,
141                 double xtol, double gtol, int maxfev, double epsfcn,
142                 double diag[], int mode, double factor, int nprint, int *info,
143                 int *nfev, double fjac[], int ldfjac, int ipvt[], double qtf[],
144                 double wa1[], double wa2[], double wa3[], double wa4[]);
146     // implementation - you probably don't want to mess with these!
148     void lmpar(int n, double r[], int ldr, int ipvt[],
149                double diag[], double qtb[], double delta, double *par,
150                double x[], double sdiag[], double wa1[], double wa2[]);
152     void qrfac(int m, int n, double a[], int lda, int pivot, int ipvt[],
153                int lipvt, double rdiag[], double acnorm[], double wa[]);
155     void qrsolv(int n, double r[], int ldr, int ipvt[], double diag[],
156                 double qtb[], double x[], double sdiag[], double wa[]);
158     double enorm(int n, double x[]);
160     void fdjac2(int m,int n, double x[], double fvec[], double fjac[],
161                 int ldfjac, int *iflag, double epsfcn, double wa[]);
163     int    m_n;       // # of variables of plotFunc
164     int    m_m;       // # of functions = points in plotData
165     int    m_info;    // index of info message strings
166     double m_fnorm;   // euclidean norm of errors
167     double m_eps;     // resolution of arithmetic
168     double m_dwarf;   // smallest nonzero number
169     int    m_nfev;    // # iterations completed
170     unsigned long m_nan; // # if times function evaluation had a NaN
171     double m_ftol;    // relative error in the sum of the squares, if less done
172     double m_xtol;    // relative error between two iterations, if less done
173     double m_gtol;    // cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian, if less done
174     double m_epsfcn;  // step length for the forward-difference approximation
175     double m_factor;  // initial step bound
176     double *m_vars;   // variables + 1, where last is var 'x' for wxPlotFunction
177     double *m_x;      // variables (size m_n)
178     double *m_fvec;   // output of evaluated functions (size m_m)
179     double *m_diag;   // multiplicative scale factors for the variables, see m_mode
180     int    m_mode;    // =1 the vars scaled internally. if 2, scaling specified by m_diag.
181     double *m_fjac;   // output m by n array
182     int    m_ldfjac;  // the leading dimension of the array fjac >= m_m
183     double *m_qtf;    // output array the first n elements of the vector (q transpose)*fvec
184     int    *m_ipvt;   // integer output array of length n
185     int    m_maxfev;  // maximum number of iterations to try
187 private:
188     void Init();
189 };
191 #endif // _LM_LEASTSQUARE_H_