1 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // QUESO - a library to support the Quantification of Uncertainty
4 // for Estimation, Simulation and Optimization
5 //
6 // Copyright (C) 2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013 The PECOS Development Team
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // modify it under the terms of the Version 2.1 GNU Lesser General
10 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 //
12 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
19 // Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
20 // Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21 //
22 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------el-
24 #include <queso/Environment.h>
25 #include <queso/SharedPtr.h>
28 #include <queso/BoostInputOptionsParser.h>
29 #include <queso/ScopedPtr.h>
35 namespace QUESO {
37 template <typename V>
38 class SimulationOutputMesh;
40 /*!
41  * \file GPMSAOptions.h
42  * \brief This class defines the options that specify the behaviour of the Gaussian process emulator
43  *
44  * \class GPMSAOptions
45  * \brief This class defines the options that specify the behaviour of the Gaussian process emulator
46  */
48 class GPMSAOptions
49 {
50 public:
51   //! Given prefix, read the input file for parameters named "prefix"+*
52   GPMSAOptions(const BaseEnvironment& env, const char* prefix);
54   //! Construct with default parameters
55   GPMSAOptions();
57   //! Set parameter option names to begin with prefix
58   void set_prefix(const char* prefix);
60   //! Set default values for parameter options
61   void set_defaults();
63   //! Given prefix, read the input file for parameters named "prefix"+*
64   void parse(const BaseEnvironment& env, const char* prefix);
66   //! Destructor
67   virtual ~GPMSAOptions();
69   //! Prints \c this to \c os
70   void print(std::ostream& os) const;
72   //! The prefix to look for in the input file
73   std::string m_prefix;
75   //! If this string is non-empty, print the options object to the output file
76   std::string m_help;
78   //! The maximum number of basis vectors to use for approximating
79   //  emulator output.  If this number is set to be zero (as it is by
80   //  default), then the number of basis vectors will be determined at
81   //  run time to preserve some minimum fraction of the variance in
82   //  simulation output.
83   int m_maxEmulatorBasisVectors;
85   //! The minimum fraction of the variance in simulation output to
86   //  capture with the emulator basis.  By default this is 1.0, i.e.
87   //  100%, in which case there will be one basis vector for each
88   //  dimension in the simulation output space.
89   //
90   //  Currently the only supported value is 1.0
91   double m_emulatorBasisVarianceToCapture;
93   //! Do automatic normalization, using minimum and maximum values in
94   //  the supplied simulator data, for uncertain parameter i.
95   //
96   //  Normalized values will range from 0 to 1.
97   void set_autoscale_minmax_uncertain_parameter(unsigned int i);
99   //! Do automatic normalization, using minimum and maximum values in
100   //  the supplied simulator data, for scenario parameter i.
101   //
102   //  Normalized values will range from 0 to 1.
103   void set_autoscale_minmax_scenario_parameter(unsigned int i);
105   //! Do automatic normalization, using minimum and maximum values in
106   //  the supplied simulator data, for output variable i.  Note that,
107   //  if functional data exists, variable i will *not* be the same as
108   //  index i.
109   //
110   //  Normalized values will range from 0 to 1.
111   void set_autoscale_minmax_output(unsigned int i);
113   //! Do automatic normalization, using minimum and maximum values in
114   //  the supplied simulator data, for all input uncertain parameters,
115   //  all input scenario parameters, and all output values.
116   //
117   //  Normalized values will range from 0 to 1.
118   void set_autoscale_minmax();
120   //! Do automatic normalization, using mean and variance of the
121   //  supplied simulator data, for uncertain parameter i.
122   //
123   //  Normalized values will have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
124   void set_autoscale_meanvar_uncertain_parameter(unsigned int i);
126   //! Do automatic normalization, using mean and variance of the
127   //  supplied simulator data, for scenario parameter i.
128   //
129   //  Normalized values will have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
130   void set_autoscale_meanvar_scenario_parameter(unsigned int i);
132   //! Do automatic normalization, using mean and variance of the
133   //  supplied simulator data, for output variable i.  Note that, when
134   //  functional data exists, variable i will *not* be the same as
135   //  index i.
136   //
137   //  Normalized values will have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
138   void set_autoscale_meanvar_output(unsigned int i);
140   //! Do automatic normalization, using mean and variance of the
141   //  supplied simulator data, for all input uncertain parameters, all
142   //  input scenario parameters, and all output values.
143   //
144   //  Normalized values will have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
145   void set_autoscale_meanvar();
147   //! Set a value, for uncertain parameter i in simulation inputs, of
148   //  the physical parameter range (range_min, range_max) which should
149   //  be rescaled to (0,1)
150   //
151   //  If no value is set and no automatic normalization is specified,
152   //  a default of (0,1) will be used; i.e. no normalization.
153   //
154   //  This option is mutually exclusive with the above automatic
155   //  scaling options; trying to use both is a runtime error.
156   void set_uncertain_parameter_scaling(unsigned int i,
157                                        double range_min,
158                                        double range_max);
160   //! Set a value, for scenario parameter i in simulation and
161   //  experimental inputs, of the physical parameter range (range_min,
162   //  range_max) which should be rescaled to (0,1)
163   //
164   //  If no value is set and no automatic normalization is specified,
165   //  a default of (0,1) will be used; i.e. no normalization.
166   //
167   //  This option is mutually exclusive with the above automatic
168   //  scaling options; trying to use both is a runtime error.
169   void set_scenario_parameter_scaling(unsigned int i,
170                                       double range_min,
171                                       double range_max);
173   //! Set a value, for output variable i in simulation and
174   //  experimental outputs, of the physical output range (range_min,
175   //  range_max) which should be rescaled to (0,1)
176   //
177   //  Note that, when functional data exists, variable i will *not* be
178   //  the same as output vector index i.
179   //
180   //  If no value is set and no automatic normalization is specified,
181   //  a default of (0,1) will be used; i.e. no normalization.
182   //
183   //  This option is mutually exclusive with the above automatic
184   //  scaling options; trying to use both is a runtime error.
185   void set_output_scaling(unsigned int i,
186                           double range_min,
187                           double range_max);
189   //! Determine the physical parameter ranges (range_min, range_max)
190   //  which should be rescaled to (0,1), based on our autoscaling option
191   //  settings.
192   template <typename V>
193   void set_final_scaling
194     (const std::vector<typename SharedPtr<V>::Type> & m_simulationScenarios,
195      const std::vector<typename SharedPtr<V>::Type> & m_simulationParameters,
196      const std::vector<typename SharedPtr<V>::Type> & m_simulationOutputs,
197      const std::vector<typename SharedPtr<V>::Type> & m_experimentScenarios,
198      const std::vector<typename SharedPtr<V>::Type> & m_experimentOutputs,
199      const std::vector<typename SharedPtr<SimulationOutputMesh<V> >::Type> & m_simulationMeshes);
201   //! Calculate a normalized value from a physical value for the
202   //  specified scenario parameter.
203   double normalized_scenario_parameter(unsigned int i,
204                                        double physical_param) const;
206   //! Calculate a normalized value from a physical value for the
207   //  specified uncertain parameter.
208   double normalized_uncertain_parameter(unsigned int i,
209                                         double physical_param) const;
211   //! Calculate a normalized value from a physical value for the
212   //  output variable at vector index i.
213   double normalized_output(unsigned int i,
214                            double output_data) const;
216   //! Calculate a normalized value from a physical value for the
217   //  output variable i.
218   double normalized_output_variable(unsigned int i,
219                                     double output_data) const;
221   //! Returns the scale, in physical units, corresponding to a single
222   //  nondimensionalized unit for the output at vector index i.
223   double output_scale(unsigned int i) const;
225   //! Returns the scale, in physical units, corresponding to a single
226   //  nondimensionalized unit for output variable i.
227   double output_scale_variable(unsigned int i) const;
229   //! The shape parameter for the Gamma hyperprior for the truncation error precision
230   double m_truncationErrorPrecisionShape;
232   //! The scale parameter for the Gamma hyperprior for the truncation error precision
233   double m_truncationErrorPrecisionScale;
235   //! The shape parameter for the Gamma hyperprior for the emulator precision
236   double m_emulatorPrecisionShape;
238   //! The scale parameter for the Gamma hyperprior for the emulator precision
239   double m_emulatorPrecisionScale;
241   //! Whether to use an observational error precision hyperparameter
242   //  lambda_y rather than a fixed multiplier of 1.
243   //
244   // False by default.
245   bool m_calibrateObservationalPrecision;
247   //! The shape parameter for the Gamma hyperprior for the observational precision
248   double m_observationalPrecisionShape;
250   //! The scale parameter for the Gamma hyperprior for the observational precision
251   double m_observationalPrecisionScale;
254   //! The alpha paramter for the Beta hyperprior for the emulator correlation strength
255   double m_emulatorCorrelationStrengthAlpha;
257   //! The beta paramter for the Beta hyperprior for the emulator correlation strength
258   double m_emulatorCorrelationStrengthBeta;
260   //! The shape parameter for the Gamma hyperprior for the discrepancy precision
261   double m_discrepancyPrecisionShape;
263   //! The scale parameter for the Gamma hyperprior for the discrepancy precision
264   double m_discrepancyPrecisionScale;
266   //! The alpha paramter for the Beta hyperprior for the discrepancy correlation strength
267   double m_discrepancyCorrelationStrengthAlpha;
269   //! The beta paramter for the Beta hyperprior for the discrepancy correlation strength
270   double m_discrepancyCorrelationStrengthBeta;
272   //! Returns the QUESO environment
273   const BaseEnvironment& env() const;
275   //! The shape parameter for the Gamma hyperprior for the emulator data precision
276   double m_emulatorDataPrecisionShape;
278   //! The scale parameter for the Gamma hyperprior for the emulator data precision
279   double m_emulatorDataPrecisionScale;
281   //! The ridge to add to B^T*W_y*B before inverting it
282   double m_observationalPrecisionRidge;
284   //! The ridge to add to (B^T*W_y*B)^-1 before using it
285   double m_observationalCovarianceRidge;
287   //! The distance between gaussian discrepancy kernels, on each
288   //  provided simulation mesh, in each direction.
289   std::vector<double> m_gaussianDiscrepancyDistanceX,
290                       m_gaussianDiscrepancyDistanceY,
291                       m_gaussianDiscrepancyDistanceZ,
292                       m_gaussianDiscrepancyDistanceT;
294   //! Whether or not gaussian discrepancy kernels should be periodic,
295   //  on each simulation mesh, in each direction.
296   std::vector<bool> m_gaussianDiscrepancyPeriodicX,
297                     m_gaussianDiscrepancyPeriodicY,
298                     m_gaussianDiscrepancyPeriodicZ,
299                     m_gaussianDiscrepancyPeriodicT;
301   //! Gaussian discrepancy kernels have infinite support, and we want
302   //  to include some kernels which are not centered within a bounded
303   //  domain, so we have a cutoff (default 5% == 0.05) for what the
304   //  value of a gaussian at the domain boundary must be, relative to
305   //  the value of its out-of-boundary peak, for us to include it.
306   //
307   //  Currently this is a single scalar value, because I can't imagine
308   //  users wanting it to differ from mesh to mesh (or from direction
309   //  to direction) within a single problem.
310   double m_gaussianDiscrepancySupportThreshold;
312   friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream& os, const GPMSAOptions & obj);
314 private:
315   const BaseEnvironment * m_env;
318   QUESO::ScopedPtr<BoostInputOptionsParser>::Type m_parser;
321   // For fast lookups when doing normalization
322   std::vector<unsigned int> m_output_index_to_variable_index;
324   // True if the specified autoscaling should be done for all inputs
325   bool m_autoscaleMinMaxAll;
326   bool m_autoscaleMeanVarAll;
328   // True if the specified autoscaling should be done for the specific
329   // uncertain input parameter index
330   std::set<unsigned int> m_autoscaleMinMaxUncertain;
331   std::set<unsigned int> m_autoscaleMeanVarUncertain;
333   // True if the specified autoscaling should be done for the specific
334   // scenario input parameter index
335   std::set<unsigned int> m_autoscaleMinMaxScenario;
336   std::set<unsigned int> m_autoscaleMeanVarScenario;
338   // True if the specified autoscaling should be done for the specific
339   // output variable index; this index could apply to many vector
340   // indices in the case of functional output.
341   std::set<unsigned int> m_autoscaleMinMaxOutput;
342   std::set<unsigned int> m_autoscaleMeanVarOutput;
344   // The point in each uncertain input parameter range (typically min
345   // or mean) corresponding to a normalized parameter of 0
346   std::vector<double> m_uncertainScaleMin;
348   // The width of the physical uncertain input parameter range
349   // (typically max minus min or standard deviation) corresponding to
350   // a normalized width of 1
351   std::vector<double> m_uncertainScaleRange;
353   // The point in each input scenario parameter range (typically min
354   // or mean) corresponding to a normalized parameter of 0
355   std::vector<double> m_scenarioScaleMin;
357   // The width of the physical input scenario parameter range
358   // (typically max minus min or standard deviation) corresponding to
359   // a normalized width of 1
360   std::vector<double> m_scenarioScaleRange;
362   // The point in each output range (typically min
363   // or mean) corresponding to a normalized parameter of 0
364   std::vector<double> m_outputScaleMin;
366   // The width of the physical output range (typically max minus min
367   // or standard deviation) corresponding to a normalized width of 1
368   std::vector<double> m_outputScaleRange;
370   std::string m_option_help;
371   std::string m_option_maxEmulatorBasisVectors;
372   std::string m_option_truncationErrorPrecisionShape;
373   std::string m_option_truncationErrorPrecisionScale;
374   std::string m_option_emulatorBasisVarianceToCapture;
375   std::string m_option_emulatorPrecisionShape;
376   std::string m_option_emulatorPrecisionScale;
377   std::string m_option_calibrateObservationalPrecision;
378   std::string m_option_observationalPrecisionShape;
379   std::string m_option_observationalPrecisionScale;
380   std::string m_option_emulatorCorrelationStrengthAlpha;
381   std::string m_option_emulatorCorrelationStrengthBeta;
382   std::string m_option_discrepancyPrecisionShape;
383   std::string m_option_discrepancyPrecisionScale;
384   std::string m_option_discrepancyCorrelationStrengthAlpha;
385   std::string m_option_discrepancyCorrelationStrengthBeta;
386   std::string m_option_emulatorDataPrecisionShape;
387   std::string m_option_emulatorDataPrecisionScale;
388   std::string m_option_observationalPrecisionRidge;
389   std::string m_option_observationalCovarianceRidge;
391   std::string m_option_autoscaleMinMaxAll;
392   std::string m_option_autoscaleMeanVarAll;
394   std::string m_option_gaussianDiscrepancyDistanceX,
395               m_option_gaussianDiscrepancyDistanceY,
396               m_option_gaussianDiscrepancyDistanceZ,
397               m_option_gaussianDiscrepancyDistanceT;
399   std::string m_option_gaussianDiscrepancyPeriodicX,
400               m_option_gaussianDiscrepancyPeriodicY,
401               m_option_gaussianDiscrepancyPeriodicZ,
402               m_option_gaussianDiscrepancyPeriodicT;
404   std::string m_option_gaussianDiscrepancySupportThreshold;
406   bool options_have_been_used;
408   void checkOptions();
409 };
411 }  // End namespace QUESO
413 #endif // UQ_GPMSA_OPTIONS_H