1 /*
2  *  cPopulationInterface.h
3  *  Avida
4  *
5  *  Called "pop_interface.hh" prior to 12/5/05.
6  *  Copyright 1999-2011 Michigan State University. All rights reserved.
7  *  Copyright 1993-2003 California Institute of Technology.
8  *
9  *
10  *  This file is part of Avida.
11  *
12  *  Avida is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
13  *  as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  *  Avida is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Avida.
19  *  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20  *
21  */
23 #ifndef cPopulationInterface_h
24 #define cPopulationInterface_h
26 #include "avida/core/WorldDriver.h"
28 #include "cOrgInterface.h"
29 #include "cWorld.h"
30 #include "cGenomeUtil.h"
31 #include "cPopulationCell.h"
33 namespace Avida {
34   class Sequence;
35 };
37 class cAvidaContext;
38 class cDeme;
39 class cPopulation;
40 class cOrgMessage;
41 class cOrganism;
43 using namespace Avida;
46 class cPopulationInterface : public cOrgInterface
47 {
48 private:
49   cWorld* m_world;
50   int m_cell_id;
51   int m_deme_id;
53   int m_prevseen_cell_id;	// Previously-seen cell's ID
54   int m_prev_task_cell;		// Cell ID of previous task
55   int m_num_task_cells;		// Number of task cells seen
57   cPopulationInterface(); // @not_implemented
58   cPopulationInterface(const cPopulationInterface&); // @not_implemented
59   cPopulationInterface& operator=(const cPopulationInterface&); // @not_implemented
61 public:
62   cPopulationInterface(cWorld* world);
63   virtual ~cPopulationInterface();
65   const tSmartArray <cOrganism*> GetLiveOrgList() const;
66   //! Retrieve this organism.
67   cOrganism* GetOrganism();
68   //! Retrieve the ID of this cell.
GetCellID()69   int GetCellID() { return m_cell_id; }
70   //! Retrieve the cell in which this organism lives.
71   cPopulationCell* GetCell();
72   cPopulationCell* GetCell(int cell_id);
73   //! Retrieve the cell currently faced by this organism.
74   cPopulationCell* GetCellFaced();
GetDemeID()75   int GetDemeID() { return m_deme_id; }
76   //! Retrieve the deme in which this organism lives.
77   cDeme* GetDeme();
SetCellID(int in_id)78   void SetCellID(int in_id) { m_cell_id = in_id; }
SetDemeID(int in_id)79   void SetDemeID(int in_id) { m_deme_id = in_id; }
80   int GetCellXPosition();
81   int GetCellYPosition();
83   int GetCellData();
84   int GetCellDataOrgID();
85   int GetCellDataUpdate();
86   int GetCellDataTerritory();
87   int GetCellDataForagerType();
88   void SetCellData(const int newData);
89   int GetFacedCellData();
90   int GetFacedCellDataOrgID();
91   int GetFacedCellDataUpdate();
92   int GetFacedCellDataTerritory();
GetPrevSeenCellID()94   int GetPrevSeenCellID() { return m_prevseen_cell_id; }
GetPrevTaskCellID()95   int GetPrevTaskCellID() { return m_prev_task_cell; }
GetNumTaskCellsReached()96   int GetNumTaskCellsReached() { return m_num_task_cells; }
AddReachedTaskCell()97   void AddReachedTaskCell() { m_num_task_cells++; }
SetPrevSeenCellID(int in_id)98   void SetPrevSeenCellID(int in_id) { m_prevseen_cell_id = in_id; }
SetPrevTaskCellID(int in_id)99   void SetPrevTaskCellID(int in_id) { m_prev_task_cell = in_id; }
101   bool GetLGTFragment(cAvidaContext& ctx, int region, const Genome& dest_genome, Sequence& seq);
103   bool Divide(cAvidaContext& ctx, cOrganism* parent, const Genome& offspring_genome);
104   cOrganism* GetNeighbor();
105   bool IsNeighborCellOccupied();
106   int GetNumNeighbors();
107   void GetNeighborhoodCellIDs(tArray<int>& list);
108   int GetFacing(); // Returns the facing of this organism.
109   int GetFacedCellID();
110   int GetFacedDir(); // Returns the human interpretable facing of this org.
111   int GetNeighborCellContents();
112   void Rotate(int direction = 1);
Breakpoint()113   void Breakpoint() { m_world->GetDriver().SignalBreakpoint(); }
114   int GetInputAt(int& input_pointer);
115   void ResetInputs(cAvidaContext& ctx);
116   const tArray<int>& GetInputs() const;
117   const tArray<double>& GetResources(cAvidaContext& ctx);
118   const tArray<double>& GetFacedCellResources(cAvidaContext& ctx);
119   const tArray<double>& GetCellResources(int cell_id, cAvidaContext& ctx);
120   const tArray<double>& GetFrozenResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, int cell_id);
121   const tArray<double>& GetDemeResources(int deme_id, cAvidaContext& ctx);
122   const tArray< tArray<int> >& GetCellIdLists();
123   int GetCurrPeakX(cAvidaContext& ctx, int res_id);
124   int GetCurrPeakY(cAvidaContext& ctx, int res_id);
125   int GetFrozenPeakX(cAvidaContext& ctx, int res_id);
126   int GetFrozenPeakY(cAvidaContext& ctx, int res_id);
127   cResourceCount* GetResourceCount();
128   void TriggerDoUpdates(cAvidaContext& ctx);
129   void UpdateResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, const tArray<double>& res_change);
130   void UpdateDemeResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, const tArray<double>& res_change);
131   void Die(cAvidaContext& ctx);
132   void KillCellID(int target, cAvidaContext& ctx);
133   void Kaboom(int distance, cAvidaContext& ctx);
134   void SpawnDeme(cAvidaContext& ctx);
135   cOrgSinkMessage* NetReceive();
136   bool NetRemoteValidate(cAvidaContext& ctx, cOrgSinkMessage* msg);
137   int ReceiveValue();
138   void SellValue(const int data, const int label, const int sell_price, const int org_id);
139   int BuyValue(const int label, const int buy_price);
140   bool InjectParasite(cOrganism* host, cBioUnit* parent, const cString& label, const Sequence& injected_code);
141   bool UpdateMerit(double new_merit);
142   bool TestOnDivide();
143   //! Send a message to the faced organism.
144   bool SendMessage(cOrgMessage& msg);
145   //! Send a message to the organism in the given cell.
146   bool SendMessage(cOrgMessage& msg, cPopulationCell& rcell);
147   //! Send a message to the cell with the given cell id.
148   bool SendMessage(cOrgMessage& msg, int cellid);
149   //! Broadcast a message.
150   bool BroadcastMessage(cOrgMessage& msg, int depth);
151   bool BcastAlarm(int jump_label, int bcast_range);
152   void DivideOrgTestamentAmongDeme(double value);
153   //! Send a flash to all neighboring organisms.
154   void SendFlash();
156   int GetStateGridID(cAvidaContext& ctx);
158   bool Move(cAvidaContext& ctx, int src_id, int dest_id);
160   // Reputation
161   void RotateToGreatestReputation();
162   void RotateToGreatestReputationWithDifferentTag(int tag);
163   void RotateToGreatestReputationWithDifferentLineage(int line);
165   // -------- Network creation support --------
166 public:
167   //! Link this organism's cell to the cell it is currently facing.
168   void CreateLinkByFacing(double weight=1.0);
169   //! Link this organism's cell to the cell with coordinates (x,y).
170   void CreateLinkByXY(int x, int y, double weight=1.0);
171   //! Link this organism's cell to the cell with index idx.
172   void CreateLinkByIndex(int idx, double weight=1.0);
173   //! Broadcast a message to all organisms that are connected by this network.
174   bool NetworkBroadcast(cOrgMessage& msg);
175   //! Unicast a message to the current selected organism.
176   bool NetworkUnicast(cOrgMessage& msg);
177   //! Rotate to select a new network link.
178   bool NetworkRotate(int x);
179   //! Select a new network link.
180   bool NetworkSelect(int x);
182   int GetNextDemeInput(cAvidaContext& ctx);
183   void DoDemeInput(int value);
184   void DoDemeOutput(cAvidaContext& ctx, int value);
186   // -------- HGT support --------
187 public:
188   //! Container type for fragments used during HGT.
189   typedef cPopulationCell::fragment_list_type fragment_list_type;
190   //! Match record, used to indicate the region within a genome that should be mutated.
191   typedef cGenomeUtil::substring_match substring_match;
192   //! Called when this organism is the donor during conjugation.
193   void DoHGTDonation(cAvidaContext& ctx);
194   //! Called when this organism "requests" an HGT conjugation.
195   void DoHGTConjugation(cAvidaContext& ctx);
196   //! Perform an HGT mutation on this offspring.
197   void DoHGTMutation(cAvidaContext& ctx, Genome& offspring);
199 protected:
200   //! Place the fragment at the location of best match.
201   void HGTMatchPlacement(cAvidaContext& ctx, const Sequence& offspring,
202 												 fragment_list_type::iterator& selected,
203 												 substring_match& location);
204   //! Place the fragment at the location of best match, with redundant instructions trimmed.
205   void HGTTrimmedPlacement(cAvidaContext& ctx, const Sequence& offspring,
206 													 fragment_list_type::iterator& selected,
207 													 substring_match& location);
208   //! Place the fragment at a random location.
209   void HGTRandomPlacement(cAvidaContext& ctx, const Sequence& offspring,
210 													fragment_list_type::iterator& selected,
211 													substring_match& location);
212   //! Support for stateful HGT mutations.
213   struct HGTSupport {
214 		fragment_list_type _pending; //!< HGT fragments that are awaiting an offspring.
215   };
216   HGTSupport* m_hgt_support; //!< Lazily-initialized pointer to HGT data.
217   //! Initialize HGT support.
InitHGTSupport()218   inline void InitHGTSupport() { if(!m_hgt_support) { m_hgt_support = new HGTSupport(); } }
219   //! Called when this organism is the receiver of an HGT donation.
220   void ReceiveHGTDonation(const Sequence& fragment);
222 public:
223   void AddLiveOrg();
224   void RemoveLiveOrg();
226   bool HasOpinion(cOrganism* in_organism);
227   void SetOpinion(int opinion, cOrganism* in_organism);
228   void ClearOpinion(cOrganism* in_organism);
230   void JoinGroup(int group_id);
231   void MakeGroup();
232   void LeaveGroup(int group_id);
233   int NumberOfOrganismsInGroup(int group_id);
234   int NumberGroupFemales(int group_id);
235   int NumberGroupMales(int group_id);
236   int NumberGroupJuvs(int group_id);
237   void ChangeGroupMatingTypes(cOrganism* org, int group_id, int old_type, int new_type);
239   // ----- Tolerance/Group support ------
240   int IncTolerance(const int tolerance_type, cAvidaContext& ctx);
241   int DecTolerance(const int tolerance_type, cAvidaContext& ctx);
242   int CalcGroupToleranceImmigrants(int prop_group_id, int mating_type = -1);
243   int CalcGroupToleranceOffspring(cOrganism* parent_organism);
244   double CalcGroupOddsImmigrants(int group_id, int mating_type);
245   double CalcGroupOddsOffspring(cOrganism* parent);
246   double CalcGroupOddsOffspring(int group_id);
247   bool AttemptImmigrateGroup(int group_id, cOrganism* org);
248   void PushToleranceInstExe(int tol_inst, cAvidaContext& ctx);
249   int& GetGroupIntolerances(int group_id, int tol_num, int mating_type);
251   void DecNumPreyOrganisms();
252   void DecNumPredOrganisms();
253   void IncNumPreyOrganisms();
254   void IncNumPredOrganisms();
255   void RecordMinPreyFailedAttack();
256   void AttackFacedOrg(cAvidaContext& ctx, int loser);
258 // --------Donate Specific support ----
259   void PushDonateSpecInstExe(cAvidaContext& ctx, cOrganism* recipient_org, int kin);
261 // -------- Avatar support -------- @JJB
262 private:
263   struct sIO_avatar
264   {
265     int av_cell_id;
266     int av_facing;
267     int av_faced_cell;
268     bool av_input;
269     bool av_output;
sIO_avatarsIO_avatar270     sIO_avatar() : av_cell_id(-1), av_facing(0), av_faced_cell(-1), av_input(false), av_output(false) { ; }
sIO_avatarsIO_avatar271     sIO_avatar(int av_cell_id, int av_facing, int av_faced_cell, bool input, bool output) : av_cell_id(av_cell_id), av_facing(av_facing), av_faced_cell(av_faced_cell), av_input(input), av_output(output) { ; }
272   };
274   tSmartArray<sIO_avatar> m_avatars;
getNumAV()275   inline int getNumAV() { return m_avatars.GetSize(); }
276 public:
277   bool HasOutputAV(int av_num = 0);
278   bool FacedHasOutputAV(int av_num = 0);
279   bool FacedHasAV(int av_num = 0);
280   bool FacedHasPredAV(int av_num = 0);
281   bool FacedHasPreyAV(int av_num = 0);
282   void AddIOAV(int av_cell_id, int av_facing, bool input, bool output);
283   void AddPredPreyAV(int av_cell_id);
284   void SwitchPredPrey(int av_num = 0);
285   void RemoveAllAV();
286   int GetAVFacing(int av_num = 0);
287   int GetAVCellID(int av_num = 0);
288   int GetAVFacedCellID(int av_num = 0);
289   int GetAVNumNeighbors(int av_num = 0);
290   int GetAVFacedData(int av_num = 0);
291   int GetAVFacedDataOrgID(int av_num = 0);
292   int GetAVFacedDataUpdate(int av_num = 0);
293   int GetAVFacedDataTerritory(int av_num = 0);
294   int GetAVData(int av_num = 0);
295   int GetAVDataOrgID(int av_num = 0);
296   int GetAVDataUpdate(int av_num = 0);
297   int GetAVDataTerritory(int av_num = 0);
298   int FindAV(bool input, bool output, int av_num = 0);
299   void SetAVFacing(int av_facing, int av_num = 0);
300   bool SetAVCellID(int av_cell_id, int av_num = 0);
301   void SetAVFacedCellID(int av_num = 0);
302   void SetAVCellData(const int newData, const int org_id, int av_num = 0);
303   bool MoveAV(cAvidaContext& ctx, int av_num = 0);
304   bool RotateAV(int increment, int av_num = 0);
305   cOrganism* GetRandFacedAV(int av_num = 0);
306   cOrganism* GetRandFacedPredAV(int av_num = 0);
307   cOrganism* GetRandFacedPreyAV(int av_num = 0);
308   tArray<cOrganism*> GetFacedAVs(int av_num = 0);
309     tArray<cOrganism*> GetCellAVs(int cell_id, int av_num = 0);
310   tArray<cOrganism*> GetFacedPreyAVs(int av_num = 0);
311   const tArray<double>& GetAVResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, int av_num = 0);
312   const tArray<double>& GetAVFacedResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, int av_num = 0);
313   void UpdateAVResources(cAvidaContext& ctx, const tArray<double>& res_change, int av_num = 0);
315   void BeginSleep();
316   void EndSleep();
317 };
319 #endif