1 /****************************************************************************
2  *
3  * ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
4  * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 by Inria. All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  * See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
11  * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
12  *
13  * For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
14  * GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
15  * Edition License.
16  *
17  * See http://visp.inria.fr for more information.
18  *
19  * This software was developed at:
20  * Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
21  * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
22  * 35042 Rennes Cedex
23  * France
24  *
25  * If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
26  * Inria at visp@inria.fr
27  *
28  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
30  *
31  * Description:
32  * Pose computation.
33  *
34  * Authors:
35  * Eric Marchand
36  * Francois Chaumette
37  * Aurelien Yol
38  *
39  *****************************************************************************/
41 /*!
42   \file vpPose.h
43   \brief Tools for pose computation (pose from point only).
44 */
46 #ifndef _vpPose_h_
47 #define _vpPose_h_
49 #include <visp3/core/vpHomogeneousMatrix.h>
50 #include <visp3/core/vpPoint.h>
51 #include <visp3/core/vpRGBa.h>
52 #include <visp3/vision/vpHomography.h>
54 #include <visp3/core/vpList.h>
55 #endif
56 #include <visp3/core/vpThread.h>
58 #include <list>
59 #include <math.h>
60 #include <vector>
62 #include <atomic>
63 #endif
65 #include <visp3/core/vpUniRand.h>
67 /*!
68   \class vpPose
69   \ingroup group_vision_pose
70   \brief Class used for pose computation from N points (pose from point only).
71   Some of the algorithms implemented in this class are described in
72   \cite Marchand16a.
74   \note It is also possible to estimate a pose from other features using
75   vpPoseFeatures class.
77   To see how to use this class you can follow the \ref tutorial-pose-estimation.
78 */
80 class VISP_EXPORT vpPose
81 {
82 public:
83   //! Methods that could be used to estimate the pose from points.
84   typedef enum {
85     LAGRANGE,             /*!< Linear Lagrange approach (doesn't need an initialization) */
86     DEMENTHON,            /*!< Linear Dementhon aproach (doesn't need an initialization) */
87     LOWE,                 /*!< Lowe aproach based on a Levenberg Marquartd non linear
88                              minimization scheme that needs an initialization from Lagrange or
89                              Dementhon aproach */
90     RANSAC,               /*!< Robust Ransac aproach (doesn't need an initialization) */
91     LAGRANGE_LOWE,        /*!< Non linear Lowe aproach initialized by Lagrange
92                              approach */
93     DEMENTHON_LOWE,       /*!< Non linear Lowe aproach initialized by Dementhon
94                              approach */
95     VIRTUAL_VS,           /*!< Non linear virtual visual servoing approach that needs an
96                              initialization from Lagrange or Dementhon aproach */
97     DEMENTHON_VIRTUAL_VS, /*!< Non linear virtual visual servoing approach
98                              initialized by Dementhon approach */
99     LAGRANGE_VIRTUAL_VS   /*!< Non linear virtual visual servoing approach
100                              initialized by Lagrange approach */
101   } vpPoseMethodType;
104     NO_FILTER,
105     PREFILTER_DEGENERATE_POINTS, /*!< Remove degenerate points (same 3D or 2D coordinates) before the RANSAC. */
106     CHECK_DEGENERATE_POINTS      /*!< Check for degenerate points during the RANSAC. */
107   };
109   unsigned int npt;         //!< Number of point used in pose computation
110   std::list<vpPoint> listP; //!< Array of point (use here class vpPoint)
112   double residual; //!< Residual in meter
114 protected:
115   double lambda; //!< parameters use for the virtual visual servoing approach
117 private:
118   //! define the maximum number of iteration in VVS
119   int vvsIterMax;
120   //! variable used in the Dementhon approach
121   std::vector<vpPoint> c3d;
122   //! Flag used to specify if the covariance matrix has to be computed or not.
123   bool computeCovariance;
124   //! Covariance matrix
125   vpMatrix covarianceMatrix;
126   //! Found a solution when there are at least a minimum number of points in
127   //! the consensus set
128   unsigned int ransacNbInlierConsensus;
129   //! Maximum number of iterations for the RANSAC
130   int ransacMaxTrials;
131   //! List of inlier points
132   std::vector<vpPoint> ransacInliers;
133   //! List of inlier point indexes (from the input list)
134   std::vector<unsigned int> ransacInlierIndex;
135   //! RANSAC threshold to consider a sample inlier or not
136   double ransacThreshold;
137   //! Minimal distance point to plane to consider if the point belongs or not
138   //! to the plane
139   double distanceToPlaneForCoplanarityTest;
140   //! RANSAC flag to remove or not degenerate points
141   RANSAC_FILTER_FLAGS ransacFlag;
142   //! List of points used for the RANSAC (std::vector is contiguous whereas
143   //! std::list is a linked list)
144   std::vector<vpPoint> listOfPoints;
145   //! If true, use a parallel RANSAC implementation
146   bool useParallelRansac;
147   //! Number of threads to spawn for the parallel RANSAC implementation
148   int nbParallelRansacThreads;
149   //! Stop the optimization loop when the residual change (|r-r_prec|) <=
150   //! epsilon
151   double vvsEpsilon;
153   // For parallel RANSAC
154   class RansacFunctor
155   {
156   public:
RansacFunctor(const vpHomogeneousMatrix & cMo_,unsigned int ransacNbInlierConsensus_,const int ransacMaxTrials_,double ransacThreshold_,unsigned int initial_seed_,bool checkDegeneratePoints_,const std::vector<vpPoint> & listOfUniquePoints_,bool (* func_)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &))157     RansacFunctor(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo_, unsigned int ransacNbInlierConsensus_,
158                   const int ransacMaxTrials_, double ransacThreshold_, unsigned int initial_seed_,
159                   bool checkDegeneratePoints_, const std::vector<vpPoint> &listOfUniquePoints_,
160                   bool (*func_)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &))
161       :
162         m_best_consensus(), m_checkDegeneratePoints(checkDegeneratePoints_), m_cMo(cMo_), m_foundSolution(false),
163         m_func(func_), m_listOfUniquePoints(listOfUniquePoints_), m_nbInliers(0),
164         m_ransacMaxTrials(ransacMaxTrials_), m_ransacNbInlierConsensus(ransacNbInlierConsensus_),
165         m_ransacThreshold(ransacThreshold_), m_uniRand(initial_seed_)
166     {
167     }
operator()169     void operator()() { m_foundSolution = poseRansacImpl(); }
171     // Access the return value.
getResult()172     bool getResult() const { return m_foundSolution; }
getBestConsensus()174     std::vector<unsigned int> getBestConsensus() const { return m_best_consensus; }
getEstimatedPose()176     vpHomogeneousMatrix getEstimatedPose() const { return m_cMo; }
getNbInliers()178     unsigned int getNbInliers() const { return m_nbInliers; }
180   private:
181     std::vector<unsigned int> m_best_consensus;
182     bool m_checkDegeneratePoints;
183     vpHomogeneousMatrix m_cMo;
184     bool m_foundSolution;
185     bool (*m_func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &);
186     std::vector<vpPoint> m_listOfUniquePoints;
187     unsigned int m_nbInliers;
188     int m_ransacMaxTrials;
189     unsigned int m_ransacNbInlierConsensus;
190     double m_ransacThreshold;
191     vpUniRand m_uniRand;
193     bool poseRansacImpl();
194   };
196 protected:
197   double computeResidualDementhon(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo);
199   // method used in poseDementhonPlan()
200   int calculArbreDementhon(vpMatrix &b, vpColVector &U, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo);
202 public:
203   vpPose();
204   vpPose(const std::vector<vpPoint>& lP);
205   virtual ~vpPose();
206   void addPoint(const vpPoint &P);
207   void addPoints(const std::vector<vpPoint> &lP);
208   void clearPoint();
210   bool computePose(vpPoseMethodType method, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, bool (*func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) = NULL);
211   double computeResidual(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo) const;
212   bool coplanar(int &coplanar_plane_type);
213   void displayModel(vpImage<unsigned char> &I, vpCameraParameters &cam, vpColor col = vpColor::none);
214   void displayModel(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I, vpCameraParameters &cam, vpColor col = vpColor::none);
216   void poseDementhonPlan(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo);
217   void poseDementhonNonPlan(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo);
218   void poseLagrangePlan(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo);
219   void poseLagrangeNonPlan(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo);
220   void poseLowe(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo);
221   bool poseRansac(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, bool (*func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) = NULL);
222   void poseVirtualVSrobust(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo);
223   void poseVirtualVS(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo);
224   void printPoint();
225   void setDistanceToPlaneForCoplanarityTest(double d);
setLambda(double a)226   void setLambda(double a) { lambda = a; }
setVvsEpsilon(const double eps)227   void setVvsEpsilon(const double eps)
228   {
229     if (eps >= 0) {
230       vvsEpsilon = eps;
231     } else {
232       throw vpException(vpException::badValue, "Epsilon value must be >= 0.");
233     }
234   }
setVvsIterMax(int nb)235   void setVvsIterMax(int nb) { vvsIterMax = nb; }
setRansacNbInliersToReachConsensus(const unsigned int & nbC)237   void setRansacNbInliersToReachConsensus(const unsigned int &nbC) { ransacNbInlierConsensus = nbC; }
setRansacThreshold(const double & t)238   void setRansacThreshold(const double &t)
239   {
240     // Test whether or not t is > 0
241     if (t > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
242       ransacThreshold = t;
243     } else {
244       throw vpException(vpException::badValue, "The Ransac threshold must be positive as we deal with distance.");
245     }
246   }
setRansacMaxTrials(const int & rM)247   void setRansacMaxTrials(const int &rM) { ransacMaxTrials = rM; }
getRansacNbInliers()248   unsigned int getRansacNbInliers() const { return (unsigned int)ransacInliers.size(); }
getRansacInlierIndex()249   std::vector<unsigned int> getRansacInlierIndex() const { return ransacInlierIndex; }
getRansacInliers()250   std::vector<vpPoint> getRansacInliers() const { return ransacInliers; }
252   /*!
253     Set if the covariance matrix has to be computed in the Virtual Visual
254     Servoing approach.
256     \param flag : True if the covariance has to be computed, false otherwise.
257   */
setCovarianceComputation(const bool & flag)258   void setCovarianceComputation(const bool &flag) { computeCovariance = flag; }
260   /*!
261     Get the covariance matrix computed in the Virtual Visual Servoing
262     approach.
264     \warning The compute covariance flag has to be true if you want to compute
265     the covariance matrix.
267     \sa setCovarianceComputation
268   */
getCovarianceMatrix()269   vpMatrix getCovarianceMatrix() const
270   {
271     if (!computeCovariance)
272       vpTRACE("Warning : The covariance matrix has not been computed. See "
273               "setCovarianceComputation() to do it.");
275     return covarianceMatrix;
276   }
278   /*!
279     Set RANSAC filter flag.
281     \param flag : RANSAC flag to use to prefilter or perform degenerate configuration check.
283     \warning Prefilter degenerate points consists to not add subsequent degenerate points. This means that
284     it is possible to discard a valid point and keep an invalid point if the invalid point
285     is added first. It is faster to prefilter for duplicate points instead of checking for degenerate
286     configuration at each time.
287     \note By default the flag is set to NO_FILTER.
288   */
setRansacFilterFlag(const RANSAC_FILTER_FLAGS & flag)289   inline void setRansacFilterFlag(const RANSAC_FILTER_FLAGS &flag) { ransacFlag = flag; }
291   /*!
292     Get the number of threads for the parallel RANSAC implementation.
294     \sa setNbParallelRansacThreads
295   */
getNbParallelRansacThreads()296   inline int getNbParallelRansacThreads() const { return nbParallelRansacThreads; }
298   /*!
299     Set the number of threads for the parallel RANSAC implementation.
301     \note You have to enable the parallel version with setUseParallelRansac().
302     If the number of threads is 0, the number of threads to use is
303     automatically determined with C++11.
304     \sa setUseParallelRansac
305   */
setNbParallelRansacThreads(int nb)306   inline void setNbParallelRansacThreads(int nb) { nbParallelRansacThreads = nb; }
308   /*!
309     \return True if the parallel RANSAC version should be used (depends also to C++11 availability).
311     \sa setUseParallelRansac
312   */
getUseParallelRansac()313   inline bool getUseParallelRansac() const { return useParallelRansac; }
315   /*!
316     Set if parallel RANSAC version should be used or not (only if C++11).
318     \note Need C++11 or higher.
319   */
setUseParallelRansac(bool use)320   inline void setUseParallelRansac(bool use) { useParallelRansac = use; }
322   /*!
323     Get the vector of points.
325     \return The vector of points.
326   */
getPoints()327   std::vector<vpPoint> getPoints() const
328   {
329     std::vector<vpPoint> vectorOfPoints(listP.begin(), listP.end());
330     return vectorOfPoints;
331   }
333   static void display(vpImage<unsigned char> &I, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, vpCameraParameters &cam, double size,
334                       vpColor col = vpColor::none);
335   static void display(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, vpCameraParameters &cam, double size,
336                       vpColor col = vpColor::none);
337   static double poseFromRectangle(vpPoint &p1, vpPoint &p2, vpPoint &p3, vpPoint &p4, double lx,
338                                   vpCameraParameters &cam, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo);
340   static int computeRansacIterations(double probability, double epsilon, const int sampleSize = 4,
341                                      int maxIterations = 2000);
343   static void findMatch(std::vector<vpPoint> &p2D, std::vector<vpPoint> &p3D,
344                         const unsigned int &numberOfInlierToReachAConsensus, const double &threshold,
345                         unsigned int &ninliers, std::vector<vpPoint> &listInliers, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo,
346                         const int &maxNbTrials=10000, bool useParallelRansac=true, unsigned int nthreads=0,
347                         bool (*func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) = NULL);
349   static bool computePlanarObjectPoseFromRGBD(const vpImage<float> &depthMap, const std::vector<vpImagePoint> &corners,
350                                               const vpCameraParameters &colorIntrinsics, const std::vector<vpPoint> &point3d, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo,
351                                               double *confidence_index = NULL);
354   /*!
355     @name Deprecated functions
356   */
357   //@{
358   vp_deprecated void init();
359   //@}
360 #endif
361 };
363 #endif