1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2004 Francisco J. Ros
4  * Copyright (c) 2007 INESC Porto
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
8  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
18  *
19  * Authors: Francisco J. Ros  <fjrm@dif.um.es>
20  *          Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro <gjc@inescporto.pt>
21  */
23 #ifndef OLSR_AGENT_IMPL_H
24 #define OLSR_AGENT_IMPL_H
26 #include "olsr-header.h"
27 #include "ns3/test.h"
28 #include "olsr-state.h"
29 #include "olsr-repositories.h"
31 #include "ns3/object.h"
32 #include "ns3/packet.h"
33 #include "ns3/node.h"
34 #include "ns3/socket.h"
35 #include "ns3/event-garbage-collector.h"
36 #include "ns3/random-variable-stream.h"
37 #include "ns3/timer.h"
38 #include "ns3/traced-callback.h"
39 #include "ns3/ipv4.h"
40 #include "ns3/ipv4-routing-protocol.h"
41 #include "ns3/ipv4-static-routing.h"
43 #include <vector>
44 #include <map>
46 /// Testcase for MPR computation mechanism
47 class OlsrMprTestCase;
49 namespace ns3 {
50 namespace olsr {
52 ///
53 /// \defgroup olsr OLSR Routing
54 /// This section documents the API of the ns-3 OLSR module. For a generic
55 /// functional description, please refer to the ns-3 manual.
57 /// \ingroup olsr
58 /// An %OLSR's routing table entry.
59 struct RoutingTableEntry
60 {
61   Ipv4Address destAddr; //!< Address of the destination node.
62   Ipv4Address nextAddr; //!< Address of the next hop.
63   uint32_t interface; //!< Interface index
64   uint32_t distance; //!< Distance in hops to the destination.
RoutingTableEntryRoutingTableEntry66   RoutingTableEntry (void) : // default values
67     destAddr (), nextAddr (),
68     interface (0), distance (0)
69   {
70   }
71 };
73 class RoutingProtocol;
75 ///
76 /// \ingroup olsr
77 ///
78 /// \brief OLSR routing protocol for IPv4
79 ///
80 class RoutingProtocol : public Ipv4RoutingProtocol
81 {
82 public:
83   /**
84    * Declared friend to enable unit tests.
85    */
86   friend class ::OlsrMprTestCase;
88   static const uint16_t OLSR_PORT_NUMBER; //!< port number (698)
90   /**
91    * \brief Get the type ID.
92    * \return The object TypeId.
93    */
94   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
96   RoutingProtocol (void);
97   virtual ~RoutingProtocol (void);
99   /**
100    * \brief Set the OLSR main address to the first address on the indicated interface.
101    *
102    * \param interface IPv4 interface index
103    */
104   void SetMainInterface (uint32_t interface);
106   /**
107    * Dump the neighbor table, two-hop neighbor table, and routing table
108    * to logging output (NS_LOG_DEBUG log level).  If logging is disabled,
109    * this function does nothing.
110    */
111   void Dump (void);
113   /**
114    * Get the routing table entries.
115    * \return the list of routing table entries discovered by OLSR
116    */
117   std::vector<RoutingTableEntry> GetRoutingTableEntries (void) const;
119   /**
120    * Gets the MPR set.
121    * \return The MPR set.
122    */
123   MprSet GetMprSet (void) const;
125   /**
126    * Gets the MPR selectors.
127    * \returns The MPR selectors.
128    */
129   const MprSelectorSet & GetMprSelectors (void) const;
131   /**
132    * Get the one hop neighbors.
133    * \return the set of neighbors discovered by OLSR
134    */
135   const NeighborSet & GetNeighbors (void) const;
137   /**
138    * Get the two hop neighbors.
139    * \return the set of two hop neighbors discovered by OLSR
140    */
141   const TwoHopNeighborSet & GetTwoHopNeighbors (void) const;
143   /**
144    * Gets the topology set.
145    * \returns The topology set discovery by OLSR
146    */
147   const TopologySet & GetTopologySet (void) const;
149   /**
150    * Gets the underlying OLSR state object
151    * \returns The OLSR state object
152    */
153   const OlsrState & GetOlsrState (void) const;
155   /**
156    * Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables
157    * used by this model.  Return the number of streams (possibly zero) that
158    * have been assigned.
159    *
160    * \param stream first stream index to use
161    * \return the number of stream indices assigned by this model
162    */
163   int64_t AssignStreams (int64_t stream);
165   /**
166    * TracedCallback signature for Packet transmit and receive events.
167    *
168    * \param [in] header
169    * \param [in] messages
170    */
171   typedef void (* PacketTxRxTracedCallback)(const PacketHeader & header, const MessageList & messages);
173   /**
174    * TracedCallback signature for routing table computation.
175    *
176    * \param [in] size Final routing table size.
177    */
178   typedef void (* TableChangeTracedCallback) (uint32_t size);
180 private:
181   std::set<uint32_t> m_interfaceExclusions; //!< Set of interfaces excluded by OSLR.
182   Ptr<Ipv4StaticRouting> m_routingTableAssociation; //!< Associations from an Ipv4StaticRouting instance
184 public:
185   /**
186    * Get the excluded interfaces.
187    * \returns Container of excluded interfaces.
188    */
GetInterfaceExclusions(void)189   std::set<uint32_t> GetInterfaceExclusions (void) const
190   {
191     return m_interfaceExclusions;
192   }
194   /**
195    * Set the interfaces to be excluded.
196    * \param exceptions Container of excluded interfaces.
197    */
198   void SetInterfaceExclusions (std::set<uint32_t> exceptions);
200   /**
201    *  \brief Injects the specified (networkAddr, netmask) tuple in the list of
202    *  local HNA associations to be sent by the node via HNA messages.
203    *  If this tuple already exists, nothing is done.
204    *
205    * \param networkAddr The network address.
206    * \param netmask The network mask.
207    */
208   void AddHostNetworkAssociation (Ipv4Address networkAddr, Ipv4Mask netmask);
210   /**
211    * \brief Removes the specified (networkAddr, netmask) tuple from the list of
212    * local HNA associations to be sent by the node via HNA messages.
213    * If this tuple does not exist, nothing is done (see "OlsrState::EraseAssociation()").
214    *
215    * \param networkAddr The network address.
216    * \param netmask The network mask.
217    */
218   void RemoveHostNetworkAssociation (Ipv4Address networkAddr, Ipv4Mask netmask);
220   /**
221    * \brief Associates the specified Ipv4StaticRouting routing table
222    *         to the OLSR routing protocol. Entries from this associated
223    *         routing table that use non-olsr outgoing interfaces are added
224    *         to the list of local HNA associations so that they are included
225    *         in HNA messages sent by the node.
226    *         If this method is called more than once, entries from the old
227    *         association are deleted before entries from the new one are added.
228    *  \param routingTable the Ipv4StaticRouting routing table to be associated.
229    */
230   void SetRoutingTableAssociation (Ptr<Ipv4StaticRouting> routingTable);
232   /**
233    * \brief Returns the internal HNA table
234    * \returns the internal HNA table
235    */
236   Ptr<const Ipv4StaticRouting> GetRoutingTableAssociation (void) const;
238 protected:
239   virtual void DoInitialize (void);
240   virtual void DoDispose (void);
242 private:
243   std::map<Ipv4Address, RoutingTableEntry> m_table; //!< Data structure for the routing table.
245   Ptr<Ipv4StaticRouting> m_hnaRoutingTable; //!< Routing table for HNA routes
247   EventGarbageCollector m_events; //!< Running events.
249   uint16_t m_packetSequenceNumber;    //!< Packets sequence number counter.
250   uint16_t m_messageSequenceNumber;   //!< Messages sequence number counter.
251   uint16_t m_ansn;  //!< Advertised Neighbor Set sequence number.
253   Time m_helloInterval;   //!< HELLO messages' emission interval.
254   Time m_tcInterval;      //!< TC messages' emission interval.
255   Time m_midInterval;     //!< MID messages' emission interval.
256   Time m_hnaInterval;     //!< HNA messages' emission interval.
257   uint8_t m_willingness;  //!<  Willingness for forwarding packets on behalf of other nodes.
259   OlsrState m_state;  //!< Internal state with all needed data structs.
260   Ptr<Ipv4> m_ipv4;   //!< IPv4 object the routing is linked to.
262   /**
263    * \brief Clears the routing table and frees the memory assigned to each one of its entries.
264    */
265   void Clear (void);
267   /**
268    * Returns the routing table size.
269    * \return The routing table size.
270    */
GetSize(void)271   uint32_t GetSize (void) const
272   {
273     return m_table.size ();
274   }
276   /**
277    * \brief Deletes the entry whose destination address is given.
278    * \param dest address of the destination node.
279    */
280   void RemoveEntry (const Ipv4Address &dest);
281   /**
282    * \brief Adds a new entry into the routing table.
283    *
284    * If an entry for the given destination existed, it is deleted and freed.
285    *
286    * \param dest address of the destination node.
287    * \param next address of the next hop node.
288    * \param interface address of the local interface.
289    * \param distance distance to the destination node.
290    */
291   void AddEntry (const Ipv4Address &dest,
292                  const Ipv4Address &next,
293                  uint32_t interface,
294                  uint32_t distance);
295   /**
296    * \brief Adds a new entry into the routing table.
297    *
298    * If an entry for the given destination existed, an error is thrown.
299    *
300    * \param dest address of the destination node.
301    * \param next address of the next hop node.
302    * \param interfaceAddress address of the local interface.
303    * \param distance distance to the destination node.
304    */
305   void AddEntry (const Ipv4Address &dest,
306                  const Ipv4Address &next,
307                  const Ipv4Address &interfaceAddress,
308                  uint32_t distance);
310   /**
311    * \brief Looks up an entry for the specified destination address.
312    * \param [in] dest Destination address.
313    * \param [out] outEntry Holds the routing entry result, if found.
314    * \return true if found, false if not found.
315    */
316   bool Lookup (const Ipv4Address &dest,
317                RoutingTableEntry &outEntry) const;
319   /**
320    * \brief Finds the appropriate entry which must be used in order to forward
321    * a data packet to a next hop (given a destination).
322    *
323    * Imagine a routing table like this: [A,B] [B,C] [C,C]; being each pair of the
324    * form [dest addr, next-hop addr]. In this case, if this function is invoked
325    * with [A,B] then pair [C,C] is returned because C is the next hop that must be used
326    * to forward a data packet destined to A. That is, C is a neighbor of this node,
327    * but B isn't. This function finds the appropriate neighbor for forwarding a packet.
328    *
329    * \param[in] entry The routing table entry which indicates the destination node
330    * we are interested in.
331    *
332    * \param[out] outEntry The appropriate routing table entry which indicates the next
333    * hop which must be used for forwarding a data packet, or NULL if there is no such entry.
334    *
335    * \return True if an entry was found, false otherwise.
336    */
337   bool FindSendEntry (const RoutingTableEntry &entry,
338                       RoutingTableEntry &outEntry) const;
340 public:
341   // From Ipv4RoutingProtocol
342   virtual Ptr<Ipv4Route> RouteOutput (Ptr<Packet> p,
343                                       const Ipv4Header &header,
344                                       Ptr<NetDevice> oif,
345                                       Socket::SocketErrno &sockerr);
346   virtual bool RouteInput (Ptr<const Packet> p,
347                            const Ipv4Header &header,
348                            Ptr<const NetDevice> idev,
349                            UnicastForwardCallback ucb,
350                            MulticastForwardCallback mcb,
351                            LocalDeliverCallback lcb,
352                            ErrorCallback ecb);
353   virtual void SetIpv4 (Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4);
355   /**
356    * \returns the ipv4 object this routing protocol is associated with
357    */
358   NS_DEPRECATED_3_34
359   virtual Ptr<Ipv4> GetIpv4 (void) const;
360   virtual void PrintRoutingTable (Ptr<OutputStreamWrapper> stream, Time::Unit unit = Time::S) const;
363 private:
364   virtual void NotifyInterfaceUp (uint32_t interface);
365   virtual void NotifyInterfaceDown (uint32_t interface);
366   virtual void NotifyAddAddress (uint32_t interface, Ipv4InterfaceAddress address);
367   virtual void NotifyRemoveAddress (uint32_t interface, Ipv4InterfaceAddress address);
369   /**
370    * Send an OLSR message.
371    * \param packet The packet to be sent.
372    * \param containedMessages The messages contained in the packet.
373    */
374   void SendPacket (Ptr<Packet> packet, const MessageList &containedMessages);
376   /**
377    * Increments packet sequence number and returns the new value.
378    * \return The packet sequence number.
379    */
380   inline uint16_t GetPacketSequenceNumber (void);
382   /**
383    * Increments message sequence number and returns the new value.
384    * \return The message sequence number.
385    */
386   inline uint16_t GetMessageSequenceNumber (void);
388   /**
389    * Receive an OLSR message.
390    * \param socket The receiving socket.
391    */
392   void RecvOlsr (Ptr<Socket> socket);
394   /**
395    * \brief Computates MPR set of a node following \RFC{3626} hints.
396    */
397   void MprComputation (void);
399   /**
400    * \brief Creates the routing table of the node following \RFC{3626} hints.
401    */
402   void RoutingTableComputation (void);
404 public:
405   /**
406    * \brief Gets the main address associated with a given interface address.
407    * \param iface_addr the interface address.
408    * \return the corresponding main address.
409    */
410   Ipv4Address GetMainAddress (Ipv4Address iface_addr) const;
412 private:
413   /**
414    *  \brief Tests whether or not the specified route uses a non-OLSR outgoing interface.
415    *  \param route The route to be tested.
416    *  \returns True if the outgoing interface of the specified route is a non-OLSR interface, false otherwise.
417    */
418   bool UsesNonOlsrOutgoingInterface (const Ipv4RoutingTableEntry &route);
420   // Timer handlers
421   Timer m_helloTimer; //!< Timer for the HELLO message.
422   /**
423    * \brief Sends a HELLO message and reschedules the HELLO timer.
424    */
425   void HelloTimerExpire (void);
427   Timer m_tcTimer; //!< Timer for the TC message.
428   /**
429    * \brief Sends a TC message (if there exists any MPR selector) and reschedules the TC timer.
430    */
431   void TcTimerExpire (void);
433   Timer m_midTimer; //!< Timer for the MID message.
434   /**
435    * \brief \brief Sends a MID message (if the node has more than one interface) and resets the MID timer.
436    */
437   void MidTimerExpire (void);
439   Timer m_hnaTimer; //!< Timer for the HNA message.
440   /**
441    * \brief Sends an HNA message (if the node has associated hosts/networks) and reschedules the HNA timer.
442    */
443   void HnaTimerExpire (void);
445   /**
446    * \brief Removes tuple if expired. Else timer is rescheduled to expire at tuple.expirationTime.
447    *
448    * The task of actually removing the tuple is left to the OLSR agent.
449    *
450    * \param address The address of the tuple.
451    * \param sequenceNumber The sequence number of the tuple.
452    */
453   void DupTupleTimerExpire (Ipv4Address address, uint16_t sequenceNumber);
455   bool m_linkTupleTimerFirstTime; //!< Flag to indicate if it is the first time the LinkTupleTimer fires.
456   /**
457    * \brief Removes tuple_ if expired. Else if symmetric time
458    * has expired then it is assumed a neighbor loss and agent_->nb_loss()
459    * is called. In this case the timer is rescheduled to expire at
460    * tuple_->time(). Otherwise the timer is rescheduled to expire at
461    * the minimum between tuple_->time() and tuple_->sym_time().
462    *
463    * The task of actually removing the tuple is left to the OLSR agent.
464    *
465    * \param neighborIfaceAddr The tuple neighbor interface address.
466    */
467   void LinkTupleTimerExpire (Ipv4Address neighborIfaceAddr);
469   /**
470    * \brief Removes 2_hop neighbor tuple_ if expired. Else the timer is rescheduled to expire at tuple_->time().
471    *
472    * The task of actually removing the tuple is left to the OLSR agent.
473    *
474    * \param neighborMainAddr The neighbor main address.
475    * \param twoHopNeighborAddr The 2-hop neighbor address.
476    */
477   void Nb2hopTupleTimerExpire (Ipv4Address neighborMainAddr, Ipv4Address twoHopNeighborAddr);
479   /**
480    * \brief Removes MPR selector tuple_ if expired. Else the timer is rescheduled to expire at tuple_->time().
481    *
482    * The task of actually removing the tuple is left to the OLSR agent.
483    *
484    * \param mainAddr The tuple IPv4 address.
485    */
486   void MprSelTupleTimerExpire (Ipv4Address mainAddr);
488   /**
489    * \brief Removes topology tuple_ if expired. Else the timer is rescheduled to expire at tuple_->time().
490    *
491    * The task of actually removing the tuple is left to the OLSR agent.
492    *
493    * \param destAddr The destination address.
494    * \param lastAddr The last address.
495    */
496   void TopologyTupleTimerExpire (Ipv4Address destAddr, Ipv4Address lastAddr);
498   /**
499    * \brief Removes interface association tuple_ if expired. Else the timer is rescheduled to expire at tuple_->time().
500    *
501    * \param ifaceAddr The interface address.
502    */
503   void IfaceAssocTupleTimerExpire (Ipv4Address ifaceAddr);
505   /**
506    * \brief Removes association tuple_ if expired. Else timer is rescheduled to expire at tuple_->time().
507    *
508    * \param gatewayAddr The gateway address.
509    * \param networkAddr The network address.
510    * \param netmask  The network mask.
511    */
512   void AssociationTupleTimerExpire (Ipv4Address gatewayAddr, Ipv4Address networkAddr, Ipv4Mask netmask);
514   /**
515    * Increments the ANSN counter.
516    */
517   void IncrementAnsn (void);
519   /// A list of pending messages which are buffered awaiting for being sent.
520   olsr::MessageList m_queuedMessages;
521   Timer m_queuedMessagesTimer; //!< timer for throttling outgoing messages
523   /**
524    * \brief OLSR's default forwarding algorithm.
525    *
526    * See \RFC{3626} for details.
527    *
528    * \param olsrMessage The %OLSR message which must be forwarded.
529    * \param duplicated NULL if the message has never been considered for forwarding, or a duplicate tuple in other case.
530    * \param localIface The address of the interface where the message was received from.
531    * \param senderAddress The sender IPv4 address.
532    */
533   void ForwardDefault (olsr::MessageHeader olsrMessage,
534                        DuplicateTuple *duplicated,
535                        const Ipv4Address &localIface,
536                        const Ipv4Address &senderAddress);
538   /**
539    * \brief Enques an %OLSR message which will be sent with a delay of (0, delay].
540    *
541    * This buffering system is used in order to piggyback several %OLSR messages in
542    * a same %OLSR packet.
543    *
544    * \param message the %OLSR message which must be sent.
545    * \param delay maximum delay the %OLSR message is going to be buffered.
546    */
547   void QueueMessage (const olsr::MessageHeader &message, Time delay);
549   /**
550    * \brief Creates as many %OLSR packets as needed in order to send all buffered
551    * %OLSR messages.
552    *
553    * Maximum number of messages which can be contained in an %OLSR packet is
554    * dictated by OLSR_MAX_MSGS constant.
555    */
556   void SendQueuedMessages (void);
558   /**
559    * \brief Creates a new %OLSR HELLO message which is buffered for being sent later on.
560    */
561   void SendHello (void);
563   /**
564    * \brief Creates a new %OLSR TC message which is buffered for being sent later on.
565    */
566   void SendTc (void);
568   /**
569    * \brief Creates a new %OLSR MID message which is buffered for being sent later on.
570    */
571   void SendMid (void);
573   /**
574    * \brief Creates a new %OLSR HNA message which is buffered for being sent later on.
575    */
576   void SendHna (void);
578   /**
579    * \brief Performs all actions needed when a neighbor loss occurs.
580    *
581    * Neighbor Set, 2-hop Neighbor Set, MPR Set and MPR Selector Set are updated.
582    *
583    * \param tuple link tuple with the information of the link to the neighbor which has been lost.
584    */
585   void NeighborLoss (const LinkTuple &tuple);
587   /**
588    * \brief Adds a duplicate tuple to the Duplicate Set.
589    *
590    * \param tuple The duplicate tuple to be added.
591    */
592   void AddDuplicateTuple (const DuplicateTuple &tuple);
594   /**
595    * \brief Removes a duplicate tuple from the Duplicate Set.
596    *
597    * \param tuple The duplicate tuple to be removed.
598    */
599   void RemoveDuplicateTuple (const DuplicateTuple &tuple);
601   /**
602    * Adds a link tuple.
603    * \param tuple Thetuple to be added.
604    * \param willingness The tuple willingness.
605    */
606   void LinkTupleAdded (const LinkTuple &tuple, uint8_t willingness);
608   /**
609    * \brief Removes a link tuple from the Link Set.
610    *
611    * \param tuple The link tuple to be removed.
612    */
613   void RemoveLinkTuple (const LinkTuple &tuple);
615   /**
616    * \brief This function is invoked when a link tuple is updated. Its aim is to
617    * also update the corresponding neighbor tuple if it is needed.
618    *
619    * \param tuple The link tuple which has been updated.
620    * \param willingness The tuple willingness.
621    */
622   void LinkTupleUpdated (const LinkTuple &tuple, uint8_t willingness);
624   /**
625    * \brief Adds a neighbor tuple to the Neighbor Set.
626    *
627    * \param tuple The neighbor tuple to be added.
628    */
629   void AddNeighborTuple (const NeighborTuple &tuple);
631   /**
632    * \brief Removes a neighbor tuple from the Neighbor Set.
633    *
634    * \param tuple The neighbor tuple to be removed.
635    */
636   void RemoveNeighborTuple (const NeighborTuple &tuple);
638   /**
639    * \brief Adds a 2-hop neighbor tuple to the 2-hop Neighbor Set.
640    *
641    * \param tuple The 2-hop neighbor tuple to be added.
642    */
643   void AddTwoHopNeighborTuple (const TwoHopNeighborTuple &tuple);
645   /**
646    * \brief Removes a 2-hop neighbor tuple from the 2-hop Neighbor Set.
647    *
648    * \param tuple The 2-hop neighbor tuple to be removed.
649    */
650   void RemoveTwoHopNeighborTuple (const TwoHopNeighborTuple &tuple);
652   /**
653    * \brief Adds an MPR selector tuple to the MPR Selector Set.
654    * Advertised Neighbor Sequence Number (ANSN) is also updated.
655    *
656    * \param tuple The MPR selector tuple to be added.
657    */
658   void AddMprSelectorTuple (const MprSelectorTuple  &tuple);
660   /**
661    * \brief Removes an MPR selector tuple from the MPR Selector Set.
662    * Advertised Neighbor Sequence Number (ANSN) is also updated.
663    *
664    * \param tuple The MPR selector tuple to be removed.
665    */
666   void RemoveMprSelectorTuple (const MprSelectorTuple &tuple);
668   /**
669    * \brief Adds a topology tuple to the Topology Set.
670    *
671    * \param tuple The topology tuple to be added.
672    */
673   void AddTopologyTuple (const TopologyTuple &tuple);
675   /**
676    * \brief Removes a topology tuple to the Topology Set.
677    *
678    * \param tuple The topology tuple to be removed.
679    */
680   void RemoveTopologyTuple (const TopologyTuple &tuple);
682   /**
683    * \brief Adds an interface association tuple to the Interface Association Set.
684    *
685    * \param tuple The interface association tuple to be added.
686    */
687   void AddIfaceAssocTuple (const IfaceAssocTuple &tuple);
689   /**
690    * \brief Removed an interface association tuple to the Interface Association Set.
691    *
692    * \param tuple The interface association tuple to be removed.
693    */
694   void RemoveIfaceAssocTuple (const IfaceAssocTuple &tuple);
696   /**
697    * \brief Adds a host network association tuple to the Association Set.
698    *
699    * \param tuple The host network association tuple to be added.
700    */
701   void AddAssociationTuple (const AssociationTuple &tuple);
703   /**
704    * \brief Removes a host network association tuple to the Association Set.
705    *
706    * \param tuple The host network association tuple to be removed.
707    */
708   void RemoveAssociationTuple (const AssociationTuple &tuple);
710   /**
711    * \brief Processes a HELLO message following \RFC{3626} specification.
712    *
713    * Link sensing and population of the Neighbor Set, 2-hop Neighbor Set and MPR
714    * Selector Set are performed.
715    *
716    * \param msg the %OLSR message which contains the HELLO message.
717    * \param receiverIface the address of the interface where the message was received from.
718    * \param senderIface the address of the interface where the message was sent from.
719    */
720   void ProcessHello (const olsr::MessageHeader &msg,
721                      const Ipv4Address &receiverIface,
722                      const Ipv4Address &senderIface);
724   /**
725    * \brief Processes a TC message following \RFC{3626} specification.
726    *
727    * The Topology Set is updated (if needed) with the information of
728    * the received TC message.
729    *
730    * \param msg The %OLSR message which contains the TC message.
731    * \param senderIface The address of the interface where the message was sent from.
732    *
733    */
734   void ProcessTc (const olsr::MessageHeader &msg,
735                   const Ipv4Address &senderIface);
737   /**
738    * \brief Processes a MID message following \RFC{3626} specification.
739    *
740    * The Interface Association Set is updated (if needed) with the information
741    * of the received MID message.
742    *
743    * \param msg the %OLSR message which contains the MID message.
744    * \param senderIface the address of the interface where the message was sent from.
745    */
746   void ProcessMid (const olsr::MessageHeader &msg,
747                    const Ipv4Address &senderIface);
749   /**
750    *
751    * \brief Processes a HNA message following \RFC{3626} specification.
752    *
753    * The Host Network Association Set is updated (if needed) with the information
754    * of the received HNA message.
755    *
756    * \param msg the %OLSR message which contains the HNA message.
757    * \param senderIface the address of the interface where the message was sent from.
758    *
759    */
760   void ProcessHna (const olsr::MessageHeader &msg,
761                    const Ipv4Address &senderIface);
763   /**
764    * \brief Updates Link Set according to a new received HELLO message
765    * (following \RFC{3626} specification). Neighbor Set is also updated if needed.
766    * \param msg The received message.
767    * \param hello The received HELLO sub-message.
768    * \param receiverIface The interface that received the message.
769    * \param senderIface The sender interface.
770    */
771   void LinkSensing (const olsr::MessageHeader &msg,
772                     const olsr::MessageHeader::Hello &hello,
773                     const Ipv4Address &receiverIface,
774                     const Ipv4Address &senderIface);
776   /**
777    * \brief Updates the Neighbor Set according to the information contained in
778    * a new received HELLO message (following \RFC{3626}).
779    * \param msg The received message.
780    * \param hello The received HELLO sub-message.
781    */
782   void PopulateNeighborSet (const olsr::MessageHeader &msg,
783                             const olsr::MessageHeader::Hello &hello);
785   /**
786    * \brief Updates the 2-hop Neighbor Set according to the information contained
787    * in a new received HELLO message (following \RFC{3626}).
788    * \param msg The received message.
789    * \param hello The received HELLO sub-message.
790    */
791   void PopulateTwoHopNeighborSet (const olsr::MessageHeader &msg,
792                                   const olsr::MessageHeader::Hello &hello);
794   /**
795    * \brief Updates the MPR Selector Set according to the information contained in
796    * a new received HELLO message (following \RFC{3626}).
797    * \param msg The received message.
798    * \param hello The received HELLO sub-message.
799    */
800   void PopulateMprSelectorSet (const olsr::MessageHeader &msg,
801                                const olsr::MessageHeader::Hello &hello);
803   int Degree (NeighborTuple const &tuple);
805   /**
806    *  Check that address is one of my interfaces.
807    *  \param a the address to check.
808    *  \return true if the address is own by the node.
809    */
810   bool IsMyOwnAddress (const Ipv4Address & a) const;
812   Ipv4Address m_mainAddress; //!< the node main address.
814   // One socket per interface, each bound to that interface's address
815   // (reason: for OLSR Link Sensing we need to know on which interface
816   // HELLO messages arrive)
817   std::map< Ptr<Socket>, Ipv4InterfaceAddress > m_sendSockets; //!< Container of sockets and the interfaces they are opened onto.
818   Ptr<Socket> m_recvSocket; //!< Receiving socket.
821   /// Rx packet trace.
822   TracedCallback <const PacketHeader &, const MessageList &> m_rxPacketTrace;
824   /// Tx packet trace.
825   TracedCallback <const PacketHeader &, const MessageList &> m_txPacketTrace;
827   /// Routing table chanes challback
828   TracedCallback <uint32_t> m_routingTableChanged;
830   /// Provides uniform random variables.
831   Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> m_uniformRandomVariable;
833 };
835 }
836 }  // namespace ns3
838 #endif /* OLSR_AGENT_IMPL_H */