1 /*******************************************************************
3 Part of the Fritzing project - http://fritzing.org
4 Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Fachhochschule Potsdam - http://fh-potsdam.de
6 Fritzing is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 Fritzing is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with Fritzing.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 ********************************************************************
21 $Revision: 6943 $:
22 $Author: irascibl@gmail.com $:
23 $Date: 2013-03-30 14:06:38 +0100 (Sa, 30. Mrz 2013) $
25 ********************************************************************/
28 #ifndef PEMAINWINDOW_H_
29 #define PEMAINWINDOW_H_
32 #include "../mainwindow/mainwindow.h"
33 #include "../model/modelpartshared.h"
34 #include "../sketch/sketchwidget.h"
35 #include "peconnectorsview.h"
37 class IconSketchWidget : public SketchWidget
38 {
41 public:
42     IconSketchWidget(ViewLayer::ViewID, QWidget *parent=0);
44 	void addViewLayers();
45 };
47 struct ViewThing {
48     ItemBase * itemBase;
49     QDomDocument * document;
50     int svgChangeCount;
51     bool everZoomed;
52     SketchWidget * sketchWidget;
53     QString referenceFile;
54     QString originalSvgPath;
55 	bool firstTime;
56     bool busMode;
58 	ViewThing();
59 };
61 class PEMainWindow : public MainWindow
62 {
65 public:
66 	PEMainWindow(class ReferenceModel * referenceModel, QWidget * parent);
67 	~PEMainWindow();
69     bool setInitialItem(class PaletteItem *);
70     void changeTags(const QStringList &, bool updateDisplay);
71     void changeProperties(const QHash<QString, QString> &, bool updateDisplay);
72     void changeMetadata(const QString & name, const QString & value, bool updateDisplay);
73     void changeConnectorMetadata(ConnectorMetadata *, bool updateDisplay);
74     void changeSvg(SketchWidget *, const QString & filename, int changeDirection);
75     void relocateConnectorSvg(SketchWidget *, const QString & id, const QString & terminalID, const QString & oldGorn, const QString & oldGornTerminal, const QString & newGorn, const QString & newGornTerminal, int changeDirection);
76     void moveTerminalPoint(SketchWidget *, const QString & id, QSizeF, QPointF, int changeDirection);
77     void restoreFzp(const QString & filename);
78     bool editsModuleID(const QString &);
79 	void addBusConnector(const QString & busID, const QString & connectorID);
80 	void removeBusConnector(const QString & busID, const QString & connectorID, bool display);
81 	void changeSMD(const QString & smd, const QString & filename, int changeDirection);
82     void changeReferenceFile(ViewLayer::ViewID viewID, const QString referenceFile);
83     void changeOriginalFile(ViewLayer::ViewID viewID, const QString originalFile, int changeCount);
85 signals:
86     void addToMyPartsSignal(ModelPart *);
88 public slots:
89     void metadataChanged(const QString & name, const QString & value);
90     void propertiesChanged(const QHash<QString, QString> &);
91     void tagsChanged(const QStringList &);
92     void connectorMetadataChanged(struct ConnectorMetadata *);
93     void removedConnectors(QList<ConnectorMetadata *> &);
94     void highlightSlot(class PEGraphicsItem *);
95     void pegiMousePressed(class PEGraphicsItem *, bool & ignore);
96     void pegiMouseReleased(class PEGraphicsItem *);
97     void pegiTerminalPointMoved(class PEGraphicsItem *, QPointF);
98     void pegiTerminalPointChanged(class PEGraphicsItem *, QPointF before, QPointF after);
99     void switchedConnector(int);
100     void removedConnector(const QDomElement &);
101     void terminalPointChanged(const QString & how);
102     void terminalPointChanged(const QString & coord, double value);
103     void getSpinAmount(double & amount);
104     void pickModeChanged(bool);
105     void busModeChanged(bool);
106     void connectorCountChanged(int);
107 	void deleteBusConnection();
108 	void newWireSlot(Wire *);
109 	void wireChangedSlot(class Wire*, const QLineF & oldLine, const QLineF & newLine, QPointF oldPos, QPointF newPos, ConnectorItem * from, ConnectorItem * to);
110 	void connectorsTypeChanged(Connector::ConnectorType);
111 	void smdChanged(const QString &);
112 	void showing(SketchWidget *);
113     void updateExportMenu();
114     void updateEditMenu();
115     void s2sMessageSlot(const QString & message);
117 protected:
118 	void closeEvent(QCloseEvent * event);
119 	bool event(QEvent *);
120     void initLockedFiles(bool lockFiles);
121     void initSketchWidgets(bool withIcons);
122     void initProgrammingWidget();
123     void initDock();
124     void moreInitDock();
125     void setInitialView();
126     void createActions();
127     void createMenus();
128     QList<QWidget*> getButtonsForView(ViewLayer::ViewID);
129     void connectPairs();
130 	QMenu *breadboardItemMenu();
131 	QMenu *schematicItemMenu();
132 	QMenu *pcbItemMenu();
133 	QMenu *pcbWireMenu();
134 	QMenu *schematicWireMenu();
135 	QMenu *breadboardWireMenu();
136 	void setTitle();
137     void createViewMenuActions(bool showWelcome);
138     void createFileMenuActions();
139     void createViewMenu();
140 	void createEditMenu();
141     QHash<QString, QString> getOldProperties();
142     QDomElement findConnector(const QString & id, int & index);
143     void changeConnectorElement(QDomElement & connector, ConnectorMetadata *);
144     void initSvgTree(SketchWidget *, ItemBase *, QDomDocument &);
145     void initConnectors(bool updateConnectorsView);
146     QString createSvgFromImage(const QString &origFilePath);
147     // QString makeSvgPath(const QString & referenceFile, SketchWidget * sketchWidget, bool useIndex);
148     QString makeSvgPath2(SketchWidget * sketchWidget);
149     QString saveFzp();
150     void reload(bool firstTime);
151     void createFileMenu();
152     void updateChangeCount(SketchWidget * sketchWidget, int changeDirection);
153     class PEGraphicsItem * findConnectorItem();
154     void terminalPointChangedAux(PEGraphicsItem * pegi, QPointF before, QPointF after);
155     void showInOS(QWidget *parent, const QString &pathIn);
156     void switchedConnector(int, SketchWidget *);
157     PEGraphicsItem * makePegi(QSizeF size, QPointF topLeft, ItemBase * itemBase, QDomElement & element, double z);
158     QRectF getPixelBounds(FSvgRenderer & renderer, QDomElement & element);
159     bool canSave();
160     bool saveAs(bool overWrite);
161     void setBeforeClosingText(const QString & filename, QMessageBox & messageBox);
162     QString getPartTitle();
163     void killPegi();
164     bool loadFzp(const QString & path);
165     void removedConnectorsAux(QList<QDomElement> & connectors);
166     //QString getFzpReferenceFile();
167     QString getSvgReferenceFile(const QString & filename);
168     QString makeDesc(const QString & referenceFile);
169     void insertDesc(const QString & referenceFile, QString & svg);
170     void updateRaiseWindowAction();
171 	bool writeXml(const QString & path, const QString & text, bool temp);
172 	void displayBuses();
173 	QDomElement findBus(const QDomElement &, const QString &);
174 	QDomElement findNodeMemberBus(const QDomElement & buses, const QString & connectorID);
175 	void replaceProperty(const QString & key, const QString & value, QDomElement & properties);
176 	QWidget * createTabWidget();
177 	void addTab(QWidget * widget, const QString & label);
178 	int currentTabIndex();
179 	void setCurrentTabIndex(int);
180 	QWidget * currentTabWidget();
181 	void changeSpecialProperty(const QString & name, const QString & value);
182 	bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *);
183 	void relocateConnector(PEGraphicsItem * pegi);
184 	void clearPickMode();
185 	void deleteBuses();
186 	QList<PEGraphicsItem *> getPegiList(SketchWidget *);
187 	void fillInMetadata(const QDomElement & connector, ConnectorMetadata & cmd);
188 	void setConnectorSMD(bool toSMD, QDomElement & connector);
189 	bool activeLayerWidgetAlwaysOn();
190 	void updateFileMenu();
191 	void reuseImage(ViewLayer::ViewID);
192 	void setImageAttribute(QDomElement & layers, const QString & image);
193     void setImageAttribute(QDomElement & fzpRoot, const QString & svgPath, ViewLayer::ViewID viewID);
194 	QString makeNewVariant(const QString & family);
195 	void connectorWarning();
196     bool anyMarquee();
197     bool anyVisible();
198     QString makeDirName();
199 	void initWelcomeView();
201 protected slots:
202     void initZoom();
203     void showMetadataView();
204     void showConnectorsView();
205     void showIconView();
206     void loadImage();
207     bool save();
208     bool saveAs();
209     void showInOS();
210     void tabWidget_currentChanged(int index);
211     void backupSketch();
212     void updateWindowMenu();
213     void updateWireMenu();
214 	void closeLater();
215 	void resetNextPick();
216 	void reuseBreadboard();
217 	void reuseSchematic();
218 	void reusePCB();
219     void convertToTenth();
220 	void hideOtherViews();
221     void updateLayerMenu(bool resetLayout = false);
222 	void updateAssignedConnectors();
223 	void itemAddedSlot(ModelPart *, ItemBase *, ViewLayer::ViewLayerPlacement, const ViewGeometry &, long id, SketchWidget * dropOrigin);
224 	void itemMovedSlot(ItemBase *);
225     void clickedItemCandidateSlot(QGraphicsItem *, bool & ok);
226     void resizedSlot(ItemBase *);
229 protected:
230     QDomDocument m_fzpDocument;
231     QDomDocument m_iconDocument;
232     QDomDocument m_breadboardDocument;
233     QDomDocument m_schematicDocument;
234     QDomDocument m_pcbDocument;
236     QAction * m_showMetadataViewAct;
237     QAction * m_showConnectorsViewAct;
238     QAction * m_showIconAct;
239     QAction * m_showInOSAct;
240 	class WireAction * m_deleteBusConnectionAct;
241     QAction * m_reuseBreadboardAct;
242     QAction * m_reuseSchematicAct;
243     QAction * m_reusePCBAct;
244 	QAction * m_hideOtherViewsAct;
245     QAction * m_convertToTenthAct;
247 	QPointer<SketchAreaWidget> m_iconWidget;
248 	QPointer<class IconSketchWidget> m_iconGraphicsView;
249     class PEMetadataView * m_metadataView;
250     class PEConnectorsView * m_connectorsView;
251     class PEToolView * m_peToolView;
252     class PESvgView * m_peSvgView;
253     QString m_guid;
254     QString m_prefix;
255     int m_fileIndex;
256     QHash<ViewLayer::ViewID, ViewThing *> m_viewThings;
257     QString m_userPartsFolderPath;
258     QString m_userPartsFolderSvgPath;
259     bool m_canSave;
260     QString m_originalFzpPath;
261     QString m_originalModuleID;
262     bool m_gaveSaveWarning;
263 	QStringList m_filesToDelete;
264 	QList< QPointer<QWidget> > m_inFocusWidgets;
265 	bool m_inPickMode;
266 	bool m_useNextPick;
267 	QList<QDomElement> m_connectorList;
269     QString m_removedConnector;
270 };
273 #endif /* PEMAINWINDOW_H_ */