1 /****************************************************************************
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10 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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24 ****************************************************************************/
26 #pragma once
28 #include "itestparser.h"
30 #include <qmljs/qmljsdocument.h>
31 #include <utils/id.h>
33 #include <QFutureWatcher>
34 #include <QMap>
35 #include <QObject>
36 #include <QTimer>
39 class QThreadPool;
42 namespace ProjectExplorer { class Project; }
44 namespace Autotest {
46 namespace Internal {
48 class TestCodeParser : public QObject
49 {
50     Q_OBJECT
51 public:
52     enum State {
53         Idle,
54         PartialParse,
55         FullParse,
56         Shutdown
57     };
59     TestCodeParser();
61     void setState(State state);
state()62     State state() const { return m_parserState; }
isParsing()63     bool isParsing() const { return m_parserState == PartialParse || m_parserState == FullParse; }
setDirty()64     void setDirty() { m_dirty = true; }
65     void syncTestFrameworks(const QList<ITestParser *> &parsers);
66 #ifdef WITH_TESTS
furtherParsingExpected()67     bool furtherParsingExpected() const
68     { return m_singleShotScheduled || m_postponedUpdateType != UpdateType::NoUpdate; }
69 #endif
71 signals:
72     void aboutToPerformFullParse();
73     void testParseResultReady(const TestParseResultPtr result);
74     void parsingStarted();
75     void parsingFinished();
76     void parsingFailed();
77     void requestRemoval(const Utils::FilePath &filePath);
78     void requestRemoveAllFrameworkItems();
80 public:
81     void emitUpdateTestTree(ITestParser *parser = nullptr);
82     void updateTestTree(const QSet<ITestParser *> &parsers = {});
83     void onCppDocumentUpdated(const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &document);
84     void onQmlDocumentUpdated(const QmlJS::Document::Ptr &document);
85     void onStartupProjectChanged(ProjectExplorer::Project *project);
86     void onProjectPartsUpdated(ProjectExplorer::Project *project);
87     void aboutToShutdown();
89 private:
90     bool postponed(const Utils::FilePaths &fileList);
91     void scanForTests(const Utils::FilePaths &fileList = Utils::FilePaths(),
92                       const QList<ITestParser *> &parsers = {});
94     // qml files must be handled slightly different
95     void onDocumentUpdated(const Utils::FilePath &fileName, bool isQmlFile = false);
96     void onTaskStarted(Utils::Id type);
97     void onAllTasksFinished(Utils::Id type);
98     void onFinished();
99     void onPartialParsingFinished();
100     void parsePostponedFiles();
101     void releaseParserInternals();
103     // used internally to indicate a parse that failed due to having triggered a parse for a file that
104     // is not (yet) part of the CppModelManager's snapshot
105     bool m_parsingHasFailed = false;
107     bool m_codeModelParsing = false;
108     enum class UpdateType {
109         NoUpdate,
110         PartialUpdate,
111         FullUpdate
112     } m_postponedUpdateType = UpdateType::NoUpdate;
113     bool m_dirty = false;
114     bool m_singleShotScheduled = false;
115     bool m_reparseTimerTimedOut = false;
116     QSet<Utils::FilePath> m_postponedFiles;
117     State m_parserState = Idle;
118     QFutureWatcher<TestParseResultPtr> m_futureWatcher;
119     QList<ITestParser *> m_testCodeParsers; // ptrs are still owned by TestFrameworkManager
120     QTimer m_reparseTimer;
121     QSet<ITestParser *> m_updateParsers;
122     QThreadPool *m_threadPool = nullptr;
123 };
125 } // namespace Internal
126 } // namespace Autotest