2 /******************************************************************************
3 * MODULE     : modification.hpp
4 * DESCRIPTION: elementary tree modifications
5 * COPYRIGHT  : (C) 2008  Joris van der Hoeven
6 *******************************************************************************
7 * This software falls under the GNU general public license version 3 or later.
8 * It comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. For details, see the file LICENSE
9 * in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
10 ******************************************************************************/
12 #include "modification.hpp"
14 /******************************************************************************
15 * Equality and Output
16 ******************************************************************************/
18 bool
operator ==(modification m1,modification m2)19 operator == (modification m1, modification m2) {
20   return m1->k == m2->k && m1->p == m2->p && m1->t == m2->t;
21 }
23 bool
operator !=(modification m1,modification m2)24 operator != (modification m1, modification m2) {
25   return m1->k != m2->k || m1->p != m2->p || m1->t != m2->t;
26 }
28 tm_ostream&
operator <<(tm_ostream & out,modification mod)29 operator << (tm_ostream& out, modification mod) {
30   switch (mod->k) {
31   case MOD_ASSIGN:
32     return out << "assign (" << root (mod)
33 	       << ", " << mod->t << ")";
34   case MOD_INSERT:
35     return out << "insert (" << root (mod)
36 	       << ", " << index (mod) << ", " << mod->t << ")";
37   case MOD_REMOVE:
38     return out << "remove (" << root (mod)
39 	       << ", " << index (mod) << ", " << argument (mod) << ")";
40   case MOD_SPLIT:
41     return out << "split (" << root (mod)
42 	       << ", " << index (mod) << ", " << argument (mod) << ")";
43   case MOD_JOIN:
44     return out << "join (" << root (mod)
45 	       << ", " << index (mod) << ")";
46   case MOD_ASSIGN_NODE:
47     return out << "assign_node (" << root (mod)
48 	       << ", " << mod->t << ")";
49   case MOD_INSERT_NODE:
50     return out << "insert_node (" << root (mod)
51 	       << ", " << argument (mod) << ", " << mod->t << ")";
52   case MOD_REMOVE_NODE:
53     return out << "remove_node (" << root (mod)
54 	       << ", " << index (mod) << ")";
55   case MOD_SET_CURSOR:
56     return out << "set_cursor (" << root (mod)
57 	       << ", " << index (mod) << ", " << mod->t << ")";
58   default: FAILED ("invalid modification type");
59     return out;
60   }
61 }
63 /******************************************************************************
64 * Accessors
65 ******************************************************************************/
67 path
root(modification mod)68 root (modification mod) {
69   switch (mod->k) {
70   case MOD_ASSIGN: return mod->p;
71   case MOD_INSERT: return path_up (mod->p);
72   case MOD_REMOVE: return path_up (path_up (mod->p));
73   case MOD_SPLIT: return path_up (path_up (mod->p));
74   case MOD_JOIN: return path_up (mod->p);
75   case MOD_ASSIGN_NODE: return mod->p;
76   case MOD_INSERT_NODE: return path_up (mod->p);
77   case MOD_REMOVE_NODE: return path_up (mod->p);
78   case MOD_SET_CURSOR: return path_up (mod->p);
79   default: FAILED ("invalid modification type");
80   }
81 }
83 int
index(modification mod)84 index (modification mod) {
85   switch (mod->k) {
86   case MOD_INSERT: return last_item (mod->p);
87   case MOD_REMOVE: return last_item (path_up (mod->p));
88   case MOD_SPLIT: return last_item (path_up (mod->p));
89   case MOD_JOIN: return last_item (mod->p);
90   case MOD_REMOVE_NODE: return last_item (mod->p);
91   case MOD_SET_CURSOR: return last_item (mod->p);
92   default: FAILED ("invalid modification type");
93   }
94 }
96 int
argument(modification mod)97 argument (modification mod) {
98   switch (mod->k) {
99   case MOD_REMOVE: return last_item (mod->p);
100   case MOD_SPLIT: return last_item (mod->p);
101   case MOD_INSERT_NODE: return last_item (mod->p);
102   default: FAILED ("invalid modification type");
103   }
104 }
106 tree_label
L(modification mod)107 L (modification mod) {
108   ASSERT (mod->k == MOD_ASSIGN_NODE, "assign_node modification expected");
109   return L (mod->t);
110 }
112 /******************************************************************************
113 * Constructor and accessors for scheme interface
114 ******************************************************************************/
116 modification
make_modification(string s,path p,tree t)117 make_modification (string s, path p, tree t) {
118   modification_type k= MOD_ASSIGN;
119   if (s == "assign") k= MOD_ASSIGN;
120   else if (s == "insert") k= MOD_INSERT;
121   else if (s == "remove") k= MOD_REMOVE;
122   else if (s == "split") k= MOD_SPLIT;
123   else if (s == "join") k= MOD_JOIN;
124   else if (s == "assign-node") k= MOD_ASSIGN_NODE;
125   else if (s == "insert-node") k= MOD_INSERT_NODE;
126   else if (s == "remove-node") k= MOD_REMOVE_NODE;
127   else if (s == "set-cursor") k= MOD_SET_CURSOR;
128   return modification (k, p, t);
129 }
131 string
get_type(modification mod)132 get_type (modification mod) {
133   switch (mod->k) {
134   case MOD_ASSIGN: return "assign";
135   case MOD_INSERT: return "insert";
136   case MOD_REMOVE: return "remove";
137   case MOD_SPLIT: return "split";
138   case MOD_JOIN: return "join";
139   case MOD_ASSIGN_NODE: return "assign-node";
140   case MOD_INSERT_NODE: return "insert-node";
141   case MOD_REMOVE_NODE: return "remove-node";
142   case MOD_SET_CURSOR: return "set-cursor";
143   default: FAILED ("invalid modification type");
144   }
145 }
147 path
get_path(modification mod)148 get_path (modification mod) {
149   return mod->p;
150 }
152 tree
get_tree(modification mod)153 get_tree (modification mod) {
154   return mod->t;
155 }
157 /******************************************************************************
158 * Test applicability of modifications
159 ******************************************************************************/
161 bool
can_assign(tree t,path p,tree u)162 can_assign (tree t, path p, tree u) {
163   (void) u;
164   return has_subtree (t, p);
165 }
167 bool
can_insert(tree t,path p,int pos,tree u)168 can_insert (tree t, path p, int pos, tree u) {
169   if (!has_subtree (t, p)) return false;
170   tree st= subtree (t, p);
171   if (is_atomic (st)) return pos >= 0 && pos <= N(st->label) && is_atomic (u);
172   else return pos >= 0 && pos <= N(st) && is_compound (u);
173 }
175 bool
can_remove(tree t,path p,int pos,int nr)176 can_remove (tree t, path p, int pos, int nr) {
177   if (!has_subtree (t, p)) return false;
178   tree st= subtree (t, p);
179   if (is_atomic (st)) return pos >= 0 && pos+nr <= N(st->label);
180   else return pos >= 0 && pos+nr <= N(st);
181 }
183 bool
can_split(tree t,path p,int pos,int at)184 can_split (tree t, path p, int pos, int at) {
185   if (!has_subtree (t, p * pos)) return false;
186   tree st= subtree (t, p * pos);
187   if (is_atomic (st)) return at >= 0 && at <= N(st->label);
188   else return at >= 0 && at <= N(st);
189 }
191 bool
can_join(tree t,path p,int pos)192 can_join (tree t, path p, int pos) {
193   if (!has_subtree (t, p)) return false;
194   tree st= subtree (t, p);
195   if (pos < 0 || pos+1 >= N(st)) return false;
196   if (is_atomic (st[pos]) && is_atomic (st[pos+1])) return true;
197   if (is_compound (st[pos]) && is_compound (st[pos+1])) return true;
198   return false;
199 }
201 bool
can_assign_node(tree t,path p,tree_label op)202 can_assign_node (tree t, path p, tree_label op) {
203   (void) op;
204   return has_subtree (t, p) && is_compound (subtree (t, p));
205 }
207 bool
can_insert_node(tree t,path p,int pos,tree u)208 can_insert_node (tree t, path p, int pos, tree u) {
209   return has_subtree (t, p) && is_compound (u) && pos >= 0 && pos <= N(u);
210 }
212 bool
can_remove_node(tree t,path p,int pos)213 can_remove_node (tree t, path p, int pos) {
214   return has_subtree (t, p * pos);
215 }
217 bool
can_set_cursor(tree t,path p,int pos,tree data)218 can_set_cursor (tree t, path p, int pos, tree data) {
219   (void) data;
220   if (!has_subtree (t, p)) return false;
221   return pos >= 0 && pos <= right_index (subtree (t, p));
222 }
224 bool
is_applicable(tree t,modification mod)225 is_applicable (tree t, modification mod) {
226   switch (mod->k) {
227   case MOD_ASSIGN:
228     return can_assign (t, root (mod), mod->t);
229   case MOD_INSERT:
230     return can_insert (t, root (mod), index (mod), mod->t);
231   case MOD_REMOVE:
232     return can_remove (t, root (mod), index (mod), argument (mod));
233   case MOD_SPLIT:
234     return can_split (t, root (mod), index (mod), argument (mod));
235   case MOD_JOIN:
236     return can_join (t, root (mod), index (mod));
237   case MOD_ASSIGN_NODE:
238     return can_assign_node (t, root (mod), L (mod));
239   case MOD_INSERT_NODE:
240     return can_insert_node (t, root (mod), argument (mod), mod->t);
241   case MOD_REMOVE_NODE:
242     return can_remove_node (t, root (mod), index (mod));
243   case MOD_SET_CURSOR:
244     return can_set_cursor (t, root (mod), index (mod), mod->t);
245   default:
246     return false;
247   }
248 }
250 /******************************************************************************
251 * Functional application of modifications
252 ******************************************************************************/
254 tree
clean_assign(tree t,path p,tree u)255 clean_assign (tree t, path p, tree u) {
256   if (is_nil (p)) return copy (u);
257   else {
258     int i, j= p->item, n= N(t);
259     if (j >= n) FAILED("clean_remove(): Invalid path."); //return copy(u);  // FIXME? check whether this is the right return value.
260     tree r (t, n);
261     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
262     r[j]= clean_assign (t[j], p->next, u);
263     for (i++; i<n; i++) r[i]= t[i];
264     return r;
265   }
266 }
268 tree
clean_insert(tree t,path p,tree u)269 clean_insert (tree t, path p, tree u) {
270   if (is_nil (p->next) && is_atomic (t)) {
271     string s= t->label;
272     return s (0, p->item) * u->label * s (p->item, N(s));
273   }
274   else if (is_nil (p->next)) {
275     int i, j= p->item, n= N(t), nr= N(u);
276     tree r (t, n+nr);
277     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
278     for (; i<n; i++) r[i+nr]= t[i];
279     for (i=0; i<nr; i++) r[j+i]= copy (u[i]);
280     return r;
281   }
282   else {
283     int i, j= p->item, n= N(t);
284     tree r (t, n);
285     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
286     r[j]= clean_insert (t[j], p->next, u);
287     for (i++; i<n; i++) r[i]= t[i];
288     return r;
289   }
290 }
292 tree
clean_remove(tree t,path p,int nr)293 clean_remove (tree t, path p, int nr) {
294   if (is_nil (p->next) && is_atomic (t)) {
295     string s= t->label;
296     if (N(s) < p->item+nr)
297       FAILED ("clean_remove: Invalid remove from atomic tree");
298     return s (0, p->item) * s (p->item+nr, N(s));
299   }
300   else if (is_nil (p->next)) {
301     int i, j= p->item, n= N(t);
302     tree r (t, n-nr);
303     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
304     for (i+=nr; i<n; i++) r[i-nr]= t[i];
305     return r;
306   }
307   else {
308     int i, j= p->item, n= N(t);
309     if (j >= n) FAILED ("clean_remove: Invalid path"); //return t;  // FIXME? check whether this is the right return value.
310     tree r (t, n);
311     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
312     r[j]= clean_remove (t[j], p->next, nr);
313     for (i++; i<n; i++) r[i]= t[i];
314     return r;
315   }
316 }
318 tree
clean_split(tree t,path p)319 clean_split (tree t, path p) {
320   if (is_nil (p->next->next)) {
321     tree u= t[p->item];
322     int i, n1= p->next->item, n2= N(u)-n1;
323     tree s1, s2;
324     if (is_atomic (u)) {
325       s1= u->label (0, n1);
326       s2= u->label (n1, N(u->label));
327     }
328     else {
329       s1= tree (u, n1);
330       s2= tree (u, n2);
331       for (i=0; i<n1; i++) s1[i]= u[i];
332       for (i=0; i<n2; i++) s2[i]= u[n1+i];
333     }
335     int j= p->item, n= N(t);
336     tree r (t, n+1);
337     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
338     r[j]= s1; r[j+1]= s2;
339     for (i++; i<n; i++) r[i+1]= t[i];
340     return r;
341   }
342   else {
343     int i, j= p->item, n= N(t);
344     tree r (t, n);
345     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
346     r[j]= clean_split (t[j], p->next);
347     for (i++; i<n; i++) r[i]= t[i];
348     return r;
349   }
350 }
352 tree
clean_join(tree t,path p)353 clean_join (tree t, path p) {
354   if (is_nil (p->next)) {
355     int i, j= p->item;
356     tree s1= t[j], s2= t[j+1], u;
357     if (is_atomic (s1))
358       u= tree (s1->label * s2->label);
359     else {
360       int n1= N(s1), n2= N(s2);
361       u= tree (s1, n1+n2);
362       for (i=0; i<n1; i++) u[i]= s1[i];
363       for (i=0; i<n2; i++) u[n1+i]= s2[i];
364     }
366     int n= N(t);
367     tree r (t, n-1);
368     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
369     r[j]= u;
370     for (i+=2; i<n; i++) r[i-1]= t[i];
371     return r;
372   }
373   else {
374     int i, j= p->item, n= N(t);
375     tree r (t, n);
376     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
377     r[j]= clean_join (t[j], p->next);
378     for (i++; i<n; i++) r[i]= t[i];
379     return r;
380   }
381 }
383 tree
clean_assign_node(tree t,path p,tree_label op)384 clean_assign_node (tree t, path p, tree_label op) {
385   if (is_nil (p)) {
386     int i, n= N(t);
387     tree r (op, n);
388     for (i=0; i<n; i++) r[i]= t[i];
389     return r;
390   }
391   else {
392     int i, j= p->item, n= N(t);
393     tree r (t, n);
394     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
395     r[j]= clean_assign_node (t[j], p->next, op);
396     for (i++; i<n; i++) r[i]= t[i];
397     return r;
398   }
399 }
401 tree
clean_insert_node(tree t,path p,tree u)402 clean_insert_node (tree t, path p, tree u) {
403   if (is_nil (p->next)) {
404     int i, j= p->item, n= N(u);
405     tree r (u, n+1);
406     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= u[i];
407     r[j]= t;
408     for (; i<n; i++) r[i+1]= u[i];
409     return r;
410   }
411   else {
412     int i, j= p->item, n= N(t);
413     tree r (t, n);
414     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
415     r[j]= clean_insert_node (t[j], p->next, u);
416     for (i++; i<n; i++) r[i]= t[i];
417     return r;
418   }
419 }
421 tree
clean_remove_node(tree t,path p)422 clean_remove_node (tree t, path p) {
423   if (is_nil (p->next)) return t[p->item];
424   else {
425     int i, j= p->item, n= N(t);
426     tree r (t, n);
427     for (i=0; i<j; i++) r[i]= t[i];
428     r[j]= clean_remove_node (t[j], p->next);
429     for (i++; i<n; i++) r[i]= t[i];
430     return r;
431   }
432 }
434 tree
clean_set_cursor(tree t,path p,tree data)435 clean_set_cursor (tree t, path p, tree data) {
436   (void) p; (void) data;
437   return t;
438 }
440 tree
clean_apply(tree t,modification mod)441 clean_apply (tree t, modification mod) {
442   switch (mod->k) {
443   case MOD_ASSIGN:
444     return clean_assign (t, mod->p, mod->t);
445   case MOD_INSERT:
446     return clean_insert (t, mod->p, mod->t);
447   case MOD_REMOVE:
448     return clean_remove (t, path_up (mod->p), last_item (mod->p));
449   case MOD_SPLIT:
450     return clean_split (t, mod->p);
451   case MOD_JOIN:
452     return clean_join (t, mod->p);
453   case MOD_ASSIGN_NODE:
454     return clean_assign_node (t, mod->p, L(mod));
455   case MOD_INSERT_NODE:
456     return clean_insert_node (t, mod->p, mod->t);
457   case MOD_REMOVE_NODE:
458     return clean_remove_node (t, mod->p);
459   case MOD_SET_CURSOR:
460     return clean_set_cursor (t, mod->p, mod->t);
461   default:
462     FAILED ("invalid modification type");
463     return "";
464   }
465 }