1 /* Copyright (C) 1992-1998 The Geometry Center
2  * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Stuart Levy, Tamara Munzner, Mark Phillips
3  *
4  * This file is part of Geomview.
5  *
6  * Geomview is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
8  * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
9  * any later version.
10  *
11  * Geomview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License along with Geomview; see the file COPYING.  If not, write
18  * to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139,
19  * USA, or visit http://www.gnu.org.
20  */
23 # include "config.h"
24 #endif
26 #if 0
27 static char copyright[] = "Copyright (C) 1992-1998 The Geometry Center\n\
28 Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Stuart Levy, Tamara Munzner, Mark Phillips";
29 #endif
31 /* Comments on numerical issues:  Dirichlet() uses two constants,
32 namely VERTEX_EPSILON and MATRIX_EPSILON, to decide when two
33 real numbers are equal.  Setting the values of these constants
34 is tricky.  In situations where the polyhedron has very tiny
35 faces and the initial list of generators is sufficiently
36 precise (e.g. (40, 1) surgery on the figure eight knot) the
37 constants should be set fairly small.  In situations where the
38 polyhedron has no small faces and the generators are very
39 imprecise (e.g. (1,-1)(-5,1)(-5,1) surgery on the Borromean
40 rings, which gives the manifold of volume 0.94...) the
41 constants must be fairly large.   (The more complicated
42 Dehn fillings give less precise generators not because the
43 original solution to the gluing equations is less accurate,
44 but because the original set of generators is far from the
45 canonical set, and a lot of roundoff error accumulates in
46 the basepoint finding routine.)  */
48 /* #define PRECISE_GENERATORS 1 for high precision generators
49 and tiny faces, or #define PRECISE_GENERATORS 0 for low
50 precision generators and large faces. */
53 /* Dirichlet() uses an algorithm based on checking that
54 that corresponding faces do in fact match up.  Specifically,
55 for each face it checks that (the image of) its matching
56 face does not extend beyond the perimeter of the given face.
57 It checks that the matching face does not
58 extend beyond any Dirichlet plane determined by a group
59 element (alpha)(beta), where alpha is the group element
60 associated with the matching face, and beta is the group
61 element associated with one of the faces bordering the given
62 face.  When the faces do match up
63 correctly the program can verify the fact very quickly, because
64 in the typical case where the edges are of order three the
65 group element (alpha)(beta) is exactly the group element
66 associated with a face bordering on the matching
67 face.  So the program can traverse the original face
68 counterclockwise while simultaneously traversing the matching
69 face clockwise and noting that group elements correspond
70 correctly.  If a group element fails to correspond, then the
71 program must check that no vertices of the matching face
72 lie beyond the Dirichlet plane corresponding to (alpha)(beta).
73 But even this is pretty fast--it just needs to evaluate some
74 inner products and check that none are positive.  In the event
75 that some vertices do lie beyond the Dirichlet plane
76 corresponding to (alpha)(beta), the program knows to add this
77 plane (and its inverse) to the collection of faces of the
78 polyhedron.  Thus the program adds only faces that are
79 actually needed.  This allows it to quickly find Dirichlet
80 domains whose vertices (and face planes) are too far from the
81 origin to be found by enumerating all group elements
82 at that distance (e.g. (40,1) Dehn filling on a knot
83 complement).
85 The results of this algorithm can be made rigorous by checking
86 that the sum of the dihedral angles around each edge add up
87 to 2pi and that the face pairings are sufficient to generate
88 the original group, but I haven't written the code to do this
89 yet.  (In fact, the condition that the face pairings generate
90 the original group might be satisfied automatically given
91 that we start with a generating set that includes all
92 group elements up to some norm.  Perhaps there's also a
93 way to prove that the edge angles must add up correctly.)
94 */
96 /* Note:  Dirichlet() does not require inverses of generators	*/
97 /* to be present.  It provides any inverses which may be		*/
98 /* missing.														*/
100 #include "options.h"
101 #include "projective.h"
102 #include "complex.h"
103 #include "winged_edge.h"
104 #include "3d.h"
105 #include "dgflag.h"
106 #include <stdio.h>
107 #include "extern.h"
108 #include "discgrpP.h"
110 #define	free32(ptr)	free(ptr)
111 #define malloc32(size)	malloc(size)
115 #else
116 #define VERTEX_EPSILON	1e-3
117 #define MATRIX_EPSILON	1e-5
118 #endif
120 #define MIN_DL_FILL_TONE  0
121 #define MAX_DL_FILL_TONE 64
123 typedef double vector[4];
126 /*static void		convert_generators(sl2c_matrix *m, proj_matrix **mm, int foo);*/
127 static void		make_cube(WEpolyhedron *poly);
128 /*static void		make_hypercube(WEpolyhedron *poly);*/
129 static void		initialize_polyhedron(WEpolyhedron *poly, proj_matrix *m, int n);
130 static int		find_Dirichlet_domain(WEpolyhedron *poly);
131 static int		check_face(WEpolyhedron *poly, WEface *face);
132 static int		all_dirty_faces_unmatched(WEpolyhedron *poly);
133 static int		unsophisticated_search(WEpolyhedron *poly);
134 static int		add_element(WEpolyhedron *poly, proj_matrix m);
135 static void		slice_off_cusps(WEpolyhedron *poly);
136 static int		add_face(WEpolyhedron *poly, proj_matrix m, WEface *face);
137 static void		cut_edges(WEpolyhedron *poly);
138 static void		adjust_f_e_ptrs(WEpolyhedron *poly);
139 static void		cut_faces(WEpolyhedron *poly, WEface *face);
140 static void		remove_dead_edges(WEpolyhedron *poly);
141 static void		remove_dead_vertices(WEpolyhedron *poly);
143 static void		number_faces(WEpolyhedron *poly);
144 /*static void		read_vertices(WEface *face, double (*foo)[3]);*/
145 /*static void		print_statistics(WEpolyhedron *poly);*/
146 static void		print_poly(WEpolyhedron *poly);
147 static void		print_vef(WEpolyhedron *poly);
148 /*static void		print_vertex_distances(WEpolyhedron *poly);*/
149 static void		print_vertices(WEpolyhedron *poly);
150 /*static void		print_edge_lengths(WEpolyhedron *poly);*/
151 /*static void		print_face_distances(WEpolyhedron *poly);*/
152 /*static void		saveOOGL(WEpolyhedron *poly);*/
153 /*static void		free_polyhedron(WEpolyhedron *poly);*/
154 static void		roundoff_message(char *message);
156 static int	matrix_epsilon_message_given,
157 			vertex_epsilon_message_given;
159 static point origin;
160 static int metric, debug;
161 static WEpolyhedron the_polyhedron;
163 /* we'd use the geometry library routines here if they were double precision */
164 extern double		DHPt3Dot3();
165 extern double		DHPt3Dot();
167 static WEedge edgeheap[1024];
168 static int heapcount = 0;
170 int proj_same_matrix();
172 void
do_weeks_code(WEpolyhedron ** wepolyhedron,point oo,proj_matrix * gen_list,int n,int met,int slice)173 do_weeks_code(WEpolyhedron **wepolyhedron, point oo, proj_matrix *gen_list,
174 	      int n, int met, int slice)
175 {
176 	int i;
177 	for (i=0; i<4; ++i)	origin[i] = oo[i];
179 	heapcount = 0;
180 	metric = met;
181 	*wepolyhedron = &the_polyhedron;
182 /*
183 	if (metric == DG_SPHERICAL) make_hypercube(*wepolyhedron);
184 	else make_cube(*wepolyhedron);
185 */
186 	make_cube(*wepolyhedron);
187 	initialize_polyhedron(*wepolyhedron, gen_list, n);
188 	if (find_Dirichlet_domain(*wepolyhedron) == 0) 	*wepolyhedron = NULL;
189 	else {
190 	    if (debug == 2) print_poly(*wepolyhedron);
191 	    number_faces(*wepolyhedron);
192 	    }
193 	if (slice && (metric == DG_HYPERBOLIC)) slice_off_cusps(*wepolyhedron);
194 }
196 #define MAGIC_SCALE .99
197 static void
slice_off_cusps(poly)198 slice_off_cusps(poly)
199 WEpolyhedron *poly;
200 {
201   WEvertex *vptr, *vlist;
202   Transform tlate;
203   proj_matrix dtlate;
204   HPoint3 tlatept;
205   int i,j;
207   /* make a copy of the vertex list as it stands now */
208   vlist = (WEvertex *) malloc32(poly->num_vertices * sizeof(WEvertex));
209   vptr = poly->vertex_list;
210   i = 0;
211   do {
212     vlist[i] = *vptr;
213     vlist[i].next = &vlist[i+1];
214     vptr = vptr->next;
215     i++;
216   } while (vptr != NULL);
217   vlist[i-1].next = NULL;
219   /* now cycle through these vertices */
220   vptr = vlist;
221   do {
222     vptr->ideal = ( (DHPt3Dot(vptr->x, vptr->x, metric)) >= -.00005) ? 1 : 0;
223     if (vptr->ideal)	{
224  	tlatept.x = vptr->x[0] * MAGIC_SCALE;
225  	tlatept.y = vptr->x[1] * MAGIC_SCALE;
226  	tlatept.z = vptr->x[2] * MAGIC_SCALE;
227 	tlatept.w = vptr->x[3];
228 	Tm3HypTranslateOrigin(tlate, &tlatept);
229  	for (i=0;i<4;++i)
230  	    for (j=0;j<4;++j)
231 		dtlate[j][i] = tlate[i][j];
232 	add_element(poly, dtlate);
233 	}
234     vptr = vptr->next;
235   } while (vptr != NULL);
237 }
239 #if 0
240 static void convert_generators(sl2c_generators, proj_generators_ptr, num_generators)
241 sl2c_matrix	*sl2c_generators;
242 proj_matrix	**proj_generators_ptr;
243 int			num_generators;
244 {
245 	int i;
247 	*proj_generators_ptr = (proj_matrix *) malloc32((MyInt32) num_generators * sizeof(proj_matrix));
249 	for (i=num_generators; --i>=0; )
250 		sl2c_to_proj(sl2c_generators[i], (*proj_generators_ptr)[i]);
252 	return;
253 }
254 #endif
256 #if 0
257 static void make_hypercube(polyhedron)
258 WEpolyhedron	*polyhedron;
259 {
260 	int			i;
261 	WEvertex	*initial_vertices[16];
262 	WEedge		*initial_edges[24];
263 	WEface		*initial_faces[12];
264 	static int	edata[24][8] = {
265 	{0, 4,  8,  4,  9,  6, 1,0},
266 	{2, 6,  4, 16,  6, 11, 0,8},
267 	{1, 5,  20,  8,  7,  9, 5,1},
268 	{3, 11, 10,  5, 22,  17, 7,6},
269 	{0, 2,  0,  8,  1, 10, 0,2},
270 	{1, 3,  8,  20, 10,  3, 2,6},
271 	{4, 6,  12,  0, 11,  1, 3,0},
272 	{5, 13,  2,  9,  14, 21, 5, 4},
273 	{0, 1,  4,  0,  5,  2, 2,1},
274 	{4, 5,  0,  12,  2,  7, 1,4},
275 	{2, 3,  16,  4,  3,  5, 7,2},
276 	{6, 14,  6,  1,  18,  13, 3,8},
278 	{4, 4+8,  9,  6,  9+12,  6+12, 4,3},
279 	{2+8, 6+8,  4+12, 10+12,  11, 11+12, 8,10},
280 	{1+8, 5+8,  5+12,  8+12,  7+12,  7, 9,5},
281 	{3+8, 7+8, 10+12,  5+12, 11+12,  7+12, 10,9},
282 	{2, 2+8,  1,  10,  1+12, 10+12, 8,7},
283 	{1+8, 3+8,  8+12,  2+12, 3,  3+12, 6,9},
284 	{4+8, 6+8,  9+12,  0+12, 11+12,  11, 11,3},
285 	{5+8, 7+8,  2+12,  9+12,  3+12, 11+12, 9,11},
286 	{1, 1+8,  5,  2,  5+12,  2+12, 6,5},
287 	{4+8, 5+8,  0+12,  6+12,  7,  7+12, 4,11},
288 	{2+8, 3+8,  1+12,  4+12,  3+12,  3, 10,7},
289 	{6+8, 7+8,  6+12,  1+12,  7+12,  3+12, 11,10}};
290 	static int	fdata[12] = {0, 8,4,6,9,2,5,10,1,15,23,19};
293 	polyhedron->num_vertices	= 16;
294 	polyhedron->num_edges		= 24;
295 	polyhedron->num_faces		= 12;
297 /*
298 	vt	= (WEvertex *)	malloc32( 16 * sizeof(WEvertex));
299 	et	= (WEedge *)	malloc32( 24 * sizeof(WEedge));
300 	ft	= (WEface *)	malloc32( 12 * sizeof(WEface));
301 */
303 	for (i=16; --i>=0; )
304 		initial_vertices[i]	= (WEvertex *)	malloc32((MyInt32) sizeof(WEvertex));
305 	for (i=24; --i>=0; )
306 		initial_edges[i]	= (WEedge *)	malloc32((MyInt32) sizeof(WEedge));
307 	for (i=12; --i>=0; )
308 		initial_faces[i]	= (WEface *)	malloc32((MyInt32) sizeof(WEface));
310 /*
311 	for (i=0; i<16; ++i)
312 		initial_vertices[i]	= &vt[i];
313 	for (i=0; i<24; ++i )
314 		initial_edges[i]	= &et[i];
315 	for (i=0; i <12; ++i )
316 		initial_faces[i]	= &ft[i];
317 */
319 	polyhedron->vertex_list	= initial_vertices[0];
320 	polyhedron->edge_list	= initial_edges[0];
321 	polyhedron->face_list	= initial_faces[0];
323 	polyhedron->dirty0.nxt	= initial_faces[0];
324 	polyhedron->dirty0.prv	= NULL;	/* should be unnecessary */
325 	polyhedron->dirty1.nxt	= NULL;	/* should be unnecessary */
326 	polyhedron->dirty1.prv	= initial_faces[11];
328 	polyhedron->clean0.nxt	= &polyhedron->clean1;
329 	polyhedron->clean0.prv	= NULL;	/* should be unnecessary */
330 	polyhedron->clean1.nxt	= NULL;	/* should be unnecessary */
331 	polyhedron->clean1.prv	= &polyhedron->clean0;
333 	for (i=0; i<16; ++i ) {
334 		initial_vertices[i]->x[0] = (i & 8) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
335 		initial_vertices[i]->x[1] = (i & 4) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
336 		initial_vertices[i]->x[2] = (i & 2) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
337 		initial_vertices[i]->x[3] = (i & 1) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
338 		initial_vertices[i]->next = initial_vertices[i+1];
339 	}
340 	initial_vertices[15]->next = NULL;
341 	/* delete vertices # 7 and 8 */
342 	initial_vertices[6]->next = initial_vertices[9];
343 	polyhedron->num_vertices = 14;
345 	for (i=0; i< 24; ++i ) {
346 		initial_edges[i]->v0	= initial_vertices[edata[i][0]];
347 		initial_edges[i]->v1	= initial_vertices[edata[i][1]];
348 		initial_edges[i]->e0L	= initial_edges[edata[i][2]];
349 		initial_edges[i]->e0R	= initial_edges[edata[i][3]];
350 		initial_edges[i]->e1L	= initial_edges[edata[i][4]];
351 		initial_edges[i]->e1R	= initial_edges[edata[i][5]];
352 		initial_edges[i]->fL	= initial_faces[edata[i][6]];
353 		initial_edges[i]->fR	= initial_faces[edata[i][7]];
354 		initial_edges[i]->next	= initial_edges[i+1];
355 	}
356 	initial_edges[23]->next = NULL;
358 	for (i=0; i<12; ++i) {
359 		initial_faces[i]->order			= 4;
360 		initial_faces[i]->fill_tone		= -2;
361 		initial_faces[i]->some_edge		= initial_edges[fdata[i]];
362 		initial_faces[i]->inverse		= NULL;
363 		initial_faces[i]->next			= initial_faces[i+1];
364 		initial_faces[i]->prv			= initial_faces[i-1];
365 		initial_faces[i]->nxt			= initial_faces[i+1];
366 	}
367 	initial_faces[11]->next	= NULL;
368 	initial_faces[0]->prv	= &polyhedron->dirty0;
369 	initial_faces[11]->nxt	= &polyhedron->dirty1;
371 	return;
372 }
373 #endif
make_cube(polyhedron)375 static void make_cube(polyhedron)
376 WEpolyhedron	*polyhedron;
377 {
378 	int			i;
379 	WEvertex	*initial_vertices[8];
380 	WEedge		*initial_edges[12];
381 	WEface		*initial_faces[6];
382 	static int	edata[12][8] = {
383 	{0, 4,  8,  4,  9,  6, 2, 4},
384 	{2, 6,  4, 10,  6, 11, 4, 3},
385 	{1, 5,  5,  8,  7,  9, 5, 2},
386 	{3, 7, 10,  5, 11,  7, 3, 5},
387 	{0, 2,  0,  8,  1, 10, 4, 0},
388 	{1, 3,  8,  2, 10,  3, 0, 5},
389 	{4, 6,  9,  0, 11,  1, 1, 4},
390 	{5, 7,  2,  9,  3, 11, 5, 1},
391 	{0, 1,  4,  0,  5,  2, 0, 2},
392 	{4, 5,  0,  6,  2,  7, 2, 1},
393 	{2, 3,  1,  4,  3,  5, 3, 0},
394 	{6, 7,  6,  1,  7,  3, 1, 3}};
395 	static int	fdata[6] = {4, 6, 0, 1, 0, 2};
398 	polyhedron->num_vertices	= 8;
399 	polyhedron->num_edges		= 12;
400 	polyhedron->num_faces		= 6;
402 	for (i=8; --i>=0; )
403 		initial_vertices[i]	= (WEvertex *)	malloc32((MyInt32) sizeof(WEvertex));
404 	for (i=12; --i>=0; )
405 		initial_edges[i]	= (WEedge *)	malloc32((MyInt32) sizeof(WEedge));
406 	for (i=6; --i>=0; )
407 		initial_faces[i]	= (WEface *)	malloc32((MyInt32) sizeof(WEface));
409 	polyhedron->vertex_list	= initial_vertices[0];
410 	polyhedron->edge_list	= initial_edges[0];
411 	polyhedron->face_list	= initial_faces[0];
413 	polyhedron->dirty0.nxt	= initial_faces[0];
414 	polyhedron->dirty0.prv	= NULL;	/* should be unnecessary */
415 	polyhedron->dirty1.nxt	= NULL;	/* should be unnecessary */
416 	polyhedron->dirty1.prv	= initial_faces[5];
418 	polyhedron->clean0.nxt	= &polyhedron->clean1;
419 	polyhedron->clean0.prv	= NULL;	/* should be unnecessary */
420 	polyhedron->clean1.nxt	= NULL;	/* should be unnecessary */
421 	polyhedron->clean1.prv	= &polyhedron->clean0;
423 	for (i=8; --i>=0; ) {
424 		initial_vertices[i]->x[0] = (i & 4) ? 17.0 : -17.0;
425 		initial_vertices[i]->x[1] = (i & 2) ? 17.0 : -17.0;
426 		initial_vertices[i]->x[2] = (i & 1) ? 17.0 : -17.0;
427 /*
428 	    if (metric & DG_SPHERICAL)
429 		initial_vertices[i]->x[3] = 0.0;
430 	    else
431 */
432 		initial_vertices[i]->x[3] = 1.0;
433 		initial_vertices[i]->next = initial_vertices[i+1];
434 	}
435 	initial_vertices[7]->next = NULL;
437 	for (i=12; --i>=0; ) {
438 		initial_edges[i]->v0	= initial_vertices[edata[i][0]];
439 		initial_edges[i]->v1	= initial_vertices[edata[i][1]];
440 		initial_edges[i]->e0L	= initial_edges[edata[i][2]];
441 		initial_edges[i]->e0R	= initial_edges[edata[i][3]];
442 		initial_edges[i]->e1L	= initial_edges[edata[i][4]];
443 		initial_edges[i]->e1R	= initial_edges[edata[i][5]];
444 		initial_edges[i]->fL	= initial_faces[edata[i][6]];
445 		initial_edges[i]->fR	= initial_faces[edata[i][7]];
446 		initial_edges[i]->next	= initial_edges[i+1];
447 	}
448 	initial_edges[11]->next = NULL;
450 	for (i=6; --i>=0; ) {
451 		initial_faces[i]->order			= 4;
452 		initial_faces[i]->fill_tone		= -2;
453 		initial_faces[i]->some_edge		= initial_edges[fdata[i]];
454 		initial_faces[i]->inverse		= NULL;
455 		if (i < 5) {
456 		  initial_faces[i]->next		= initial_faces[i+1];
457 		}
458 		if (i > 0) {
459 		  initial_faces[i]->prv			= initial_faces[i-1];
460 		}
461 		initial_faces[i]->nxt			= initial_faces[i+1];
462 	}
463 	initial_faces[5]->next	= NULL;
464 	initial_faces[0]->prv	= &polyhedron->dirty0;
465 	initial_faces[5]->nxt	= &polyhedron->dirty1;
467 	return;
468 }
initialize_polyhedron(polyhedron,proj_generators,num_generators)471 static void initialize_polyhedron(polyhedron, proj_generators, num_generators)
472 WEpolyhedron	*polyhedron;
473 proj_matrix		*proj_generators;
474 int				num_generators;
475 {
476 	int		i;
477 	WEface	*face;
479 	for (i=num_generators; --i>=0; )
480 		{
481 		add_element(polyhedron, proj_generators[i]);
482 		if (debug == 2) print_poly(polyhedron);
483 		}
485 	/* make sure no faces of the original cube remain */
486 	for (face=polyhedron->face_list; face; face=face->next)
487 		if (debug)  if (face->fill_tone == -2) {
488 			fprintf(stderr, "A face of the original cube is inside the polyhedron\n");
489 			fprintf(stderr, "determined by the initial generators. This program\n");
490 			fprintf(stderr, "could be modified to deal with this situation, but\n");
491 			fprintf(stderr, "it's not ready yet.\n");
492 			/* the solution would be to tile to some small	*/
493 			/* radius (or increase the size of the cube!)	*/
494 			return;
495 		}
497 	return;
498 }
check_face(polyhedron,face)500 static int check_face(polyhedron, face)
501 WEpolyhedron	*polyhedron;
502 WEface			*face;
503 {
504 	/* We want to see whether the image of the matching face	*/
505 	/* is entirely contained within the given face.  To do this	*/
506 	/* we'll examine the edges of the given face one at a time	*/
507 	/* and make sure the image of the matching face doesn't		*/
508 	/* extend past any edge.  We do this as follows.  Let alpha	*/
509 	/* be the inverse of the group element associated with the	*/
510 	/* given face, and beta be the group element associated		*/
511 	/* with one of its neighboring faces.  We want to make sure	*/
512 	/* that none of the vertices of the matching face extend	*/
513 	/* beyond the Dirichlet plane determined by (alpha)(beta).	*/
514 	/* This will be true for all beta iff the image of the		*/
515 	/* matching face is contained within the given face.		*/
516 	/*															*/
517 	/* We want this routine to run correctly in all cases and	*/
518 	/* to run quickly in the typical case.  In the typical case	*/
519 	/* the faces will already match exactly, and the edges will	*/
520 	/* all be of order three, so (alpha)(beta) will in fact		*/
521 	/* be the group element associated with one of the faces	*/
522 	/* bordering on the matching face.  So in this case we		*/
523 	/* simply traverse the given face in the counterclockwise	*/
524 	/* while simultaneously traversing the matching face in the	*/
525 	/* clockwise direction, and check that each (alpha)(beta)	*/
526 	/* coincides with a gamma bordering the matching face.  If	*/
527 	/* this fails (as will occur when the faces do not coincide	*/
528 	/* or the edges are not of order 3) then our fallback plan	*/
529 	/* is to check that all vertices of the matching face lie	*/
530 	/* on the correct side of the Dirichlet plane determined by	*/
531 	/* (alpha)(beta).											*/
532 	/*															*/
533 	/* (Note: there may be a better way to structure the		*/
534 	/* algorithm so that we check edges instead of faces.  For	*/
535 	/* a typical edge (of order three) we want to check that	*/
536 	/* the product of the three surrounding group elements is	*/
537 	/* the identity.  But that will wait for another day.)		*/
539 	WEface		*match_face;
540 	WEedge		*edge,
541 			*edge0,
542 			*placeholder;
543 	WEvertex	*vertex;
544 	double		(*alpha)[4],	/* these are proj_matrices with	*/
545 			(*beta)[4],		/* no storage attached			*/
546 			(*gamma)[4];
547 	vector		planne;
548 	proj_matrix	alphabeta;
549 	int             alphabeta_found;
550 	point		gorigin;
552 	/* If the given face doesn't have an active matching face	*/
553 	/* (i.e. its mate lies entirely outside the polyhedron)		*/
554 	/* then we put it at the end of the dirty list and hope it	*/
555 	/* goes away.							*/
556 	/* Dec. 8, 92: don't bother with putting the original faces of  */
557 	/* the cube on the dirty list. */
558 	if (face->inverse == NULL) {
559 	    if (face->fill_tone != -2)	{
560 		face->nxt = &polyhedron->dirty1;
561 		face->prv = polyhedron->dirty1.prv;
562 		polyhedron->dirty1.prv->nxt = face;
563 		polyhedron->dirty1.prv = face;
564 		polyhedron->pending0.nxt = &polyhedron->pending1;
565 		polyhedron->pending1.prv = &polyhedron->pending0;
566 	   	}
568 		/* Be sure the dirty queue contains at least one	*/
569 		/* face with an active inverse face.  If it doesn't	*/
570 		/* call a routine to try to create some new faces.	*/
571 		/* If that fails, print a message and exit.			*/
572 		while (all_dirty_faces_unmatched(polyhedron))
573 		{
574 		if (debug)
575 		    fprintf(stderr, "searching for more group elements\n");
576 		    if ( ! unsophisticated_search(polyhedron)) {
577 			if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "The dirty list in Dirichlet.c contains only unmatched faces.\n");
578 			return(0);
579 			}
580 		}
581 		return(1);
582 	}
584 	match_face = face->inverse;
585 	alpha = match_face->group_element;
587 	/* The value of edge0 is maintained from one use of the	*/
588 	/* inner loop to the next to improve efficiency in the	*/
589 	/* case where the faces match exactly.					*/
590 	edge0 = match_face->some_edge;
592 	/* traverse the face */
593 	edge = face->some_edge;
594 	do {
595 		if (edge->fL == face) {	/* edge points counterclockwise	*/
596 			beta = edge->fR->group_element;
597 			edge = edge->e1L;
598 		}
599 		else {		/* edge points clockwise	*/
600 			beta = edge->fL->group_element;
601 			edge = edge->e0R;
602 		}
604 		proj_mult(alpha, beta, alphabeta);
606 		/* is alphabeta the matrix associated with a	*/
607 		/* neighbor of match_face?						*/
608 		alphabeta_found = 0;
609 		placeholder = edge0;
610 		do {
611 			/* edge points counterclockwise */
612 			if (edge0->fL == match_face) {
613 				gamma = edge0->fR->group_element;
614 				edge0 = edge0->e0L;	/* traverse CLOCKWISE */
615 			}
616 			else {		/* edge points clockwise */
617 				gamma = edge0->fL->group_element;
618 				edge0 = edge0->e1R;	/* traverse CLOCKWISE */
619 			}
621 			if (proj_same_matrix(alphabeta, gamma)) {
622 				alphabeta_found = 1;
623 				break;
624 			}
625 		}
626 		while (edge0 != placeholder);
628 		/* If alphabeta_found == 1 we know the image of the	*/
629 		/* match_face doesn't extend beyond this edge.  If	*/
630 		/* alphabeta_found == 0 we need to investigate		*/
631 		/* further by checking whether the vertices of the	*/
632 		/* match_face all lie on the correct side of the	*/
633 		/* Dirichlet plane determined by alphabeta.			*/
634 		if ( ! alphabeta_found) {
635 			/* see comments in add_face() */
636 			/* first get the image of origin */
637 			matvecmul4(alphabeta, origin, gorigin);
638 			DHPt3PerpBisect( origin, gorigin, planne,metric);
640 			do {
641 				if (edge0->fL == match_face) {	/* CCL */
642 					vertex = edge0->v0;
643 					edge0 = edge0->e1L;
644 				}
645 				else {							/* CL  */
646 					vertex = edge0->v1;
647 					edge0 = edge0->e0R;
648 				}
650 				if (DHPt3Dot(planne, vertex->x,metric) > VERTEX_EPSILON) {
651 					/* add the new group element */
652 					add_element(polyhedron, alphabeta);
654 					/* if face has been modified, go home */
655 					if (polyhedron->pending0.nxt != face)
656 						return(1);
658 					/* otherwise if match_face still exists,	*/
659 					/* keep checking face						*/
660 					if (face->inverse) {
661 						edge0 = match_face->some_edge;
662 						break;
663 					}
665 					/* otherwise put face on the dirty list and	*/
666 					/* go home									*/
667 					face->nxt = &polyhedron->dirty1;
668 					face->prv = polyhedron->dirty1.prv;
669 					polyhedron->dirty1.prv->nxt = face;
670 					polyhedron->dirty1.prv = face;
671 					polyhedron->pending0.nxt = &polyhedron->pending1;
672 					polyhedron->pending1.prv = &polyhedron->pending0;
673 					return(1);
674 				}
675 			}
676 			while (edge0 != placeholder);
677 		}
678 	}
679 	while (edge != face->some_edge);
681 	return(1);
682 }
find_Dirichlet_domain(polyhedron)684 static int find_Dirichlet_domain(polyhedron)
685 WEpolyhedron	*polyhedron;
686 {
687 	/* By the time this routine is called the faces			*/
688 	/* corresponding to the initial generators should all	*/
689 	/* be on the dirty list, and the clean list should be	*/
690 	/* empty.  The faces are examined one at a time to see	*/
691 	/* whether (the image of) the matching face is entirely	*/
692 	/* contained within the given face.  If it is, the face	*/
693 	/* is put on the clean list.  If it's not, a new face	*/
694 	/* is added to the polyhedron.  New faces, and old		*/
695 	/* faces which have been cut, are put on the dirty list.*/
697 	WEface	*face;
699 	while (polyhedron->dirty0.nxt != &polyhedron->dirty1) {
700 		/* pull a face off the dirty list */
701 		face = polyhedron->dirty0.nxt;
702 		polyhedron->dirty0.nxt = face->nxt;
703 		face->nxt->prv = &polyhedron->dirty0;
705 		/* put the face on the pending list so that if	*/
706 		/* add_face() feels the need to put it on the	*/
707 		/* dirty list, it will have a list to remove	*/
708 		/* it from	*/
709 		face->nxt = &polyhedron->pending1;
710 		face->prv = &polyhedron->pending0;
711 		polyhedron->pending0.nxt = face;
712 		polyhedron->pending1.prv = face;
714 		/* check the face */
715 		if (check_face(polyhedron, face) == 0)
716 		  /* don't worry if original faces hang around */
717 		  if (face->fill_tone != -2) return 0;
719 		/* if the face is still on the pending list,	*/
720 		/* move it to the clean list 			*/
721 		if (polyhedron->pending0.nxt == face) {
722 			face->nxt = polyhedron->clean0.nxt;
723 			face->prv = &polyhedron->clean0;
724 			polyhedron->clean0.nxt->prv = face;
725 			polyhedron->clean0.nxt = face;
726 		}
727 	}
729 	return 1;
730 }
all_dirty_faces_unmatched(polyhedron)735 static int all_dirty_faces_unmatched(polyhedron)
736 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
737 {
738 	WEface	*face;
739 	int realdirty = 0;
741 	/* If at least one face on the dirty list has a	*/
742 	/* matching face, or the dirty list is empty,	*/
743 	/* return 0.  Otherwise return 1.				*/
744 	/* Make a change to this routine to ignore faces of the original cube */
746 	if (polyhedron->dirty0.next == &polyhedron->dirty1)
747 		return(0); /* shouldn't occur in practice */
749 	for (face = polyhedron->dirty0.nxt; face != &polyhedron->dirty1; face = face->nxt)
750 		{
751 		if (face->fill_tone != -2)	/* not face of original cube */
752 		    {
753 		    if ( face->inverse) return(0);
754 		    else realdirty = 1;		/* there exist unmatched, real faces */
755 		    }
756 		}
758 	return(realdirty);
759 }
762 /* unsophisticated_search() returns 1 if it		*/
763 /* manages to add a new face, 0 if it doesn't.	*/
unsophisticated_search(polyhedron)765 static int unsophisticated_search(polyhedron)
766 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
767 {
768 	/* This routine serves as a backup for the more efficient	*/
769 	/* algorithm which is normally used.  On rare occasions		*/
770 	/* (e.g. for wh_left) the usual algorithm ends up with only	*/
771 	/* unmatched faces on the dirty list, so it cannot proceed.	*/
772 	/* This routine tries looking at all products of two		*/
773 	/* elements in an effort to scare up a new face.			*/
775 	WEface		*face0,
776 				*face1;
777 	proj_matrix	alpha;
779 	for (face0=polyhedron->face_list; face0; face0=face0->next)
780 		for (face1=polyhedron->face_list; face1; face1=face1->next) {
781 			proj_mult(face0->group_element, face1->group_element, alpha);
782 			if (add_element(polyhedron, alpha))
783 				return(1);
784 		}
785 	return(0);
786 }
791 /* Faces are created in matched pairs (corresponding to a	*/
792 /* group element and its inverse) by add_element().  If one	*/
793 /* element of a pair is killed, the inverse pointer of its	*/
794 /* mate is set to NULL.										*/
796 /* add_element() returns 1 if it adds a face, 0 if it doesn't */
add_element(polyhedron,m0)798 static int add_element(polyhedron, m0)
799 WEpolyhedron	*polyhedron;
800 proj_matrix		m0;
801 {
802 	proj_matrix	m1;
803 	WEface		*new_face0,
804 				*new_face1;
805 	int			result0,
806 				result1,
807 				order2 = 0;
809 	/* compute the inverse matrix */
810 	proj_invert(m0, m1);
811     	if (proj_same_matrix(m0, m1))	order2 = 1;
813 	/* create the new faces */
814 	new_face0 = (WEface *) malloc32((MyInt32) sizeof(WEface));
815 	new_face1 = (WEface *) malloc32((MyInt32) sizeof(WEface));
817 	/* set their inverse pointers */
818 	new_face0->inverse = new_face1;
819 	new_face1->inverse = new_face0;
821 	/* attempt to add the faces */
822 	/* If for any reason one (or both) is unnecessary,	*/
823 	/* add_face() will free the one and adjust the		*/
824 	/* inverse pointer of the other.					*/
825 	if (order2)
826 	    {
827 	    new_face0->inverse = new_face0;
828 	    result0 = add_face(polyhedron, m0, new_face0);
829 	    return(result0 );
830 	    }
831 	else
832 	    {
833 	    result0 = add_face(polyhedron, m0, new_face0);
834 	    result1 = add_face(polyhedron, m1, new_face1);
835 	    return(result0 || result1);
836 	    }
838 }
841 /* add_face() returns 1 if it adds a face, 0 if it doesn't */
add_face(polyhedron,matrix,new_face)843 static int add_face(polyhedron, matrix, new_face)
844 WEpolyhedron	*polyhedron;
845 proj_matrix		matrix;
846 WEface			*new_face;
847 {
848 	vector		planne, gorigin;
849 	WEvertex	*vertex;
850 	int			face_is_needed;
852 	/* get the normal (in the Minkowski metric)	*/
853 	/* to the Dirichlet hyperplane				*/
855 	/* first get the image of origin */
856 	matvecmul4(matrix,origin, gorigin);
857  	DHPt3PerpBisect(origin, gorigin, planne,metric);
858 	/* Compute the "distance" from each vertex to the	*/
859 	/* Dirichlet plane.  Count the number of vertices	*/
860 	/* on or beyond the plane.  Vertices within			*/
861 	/* VERTEX_EPSILON of the plane are assumed to lie	*/
862 	/* on the plane.									*/
863 	face_is_needed = 0;
864 	for (vertex=polyhedron->vertex_list; vertex; vertex=vertex->next) {
865 		vertex->dist = DHPt3Dot( planne, vertex->x, metric);
866 		if (vertex->dist > VERTEX_EPSILON)
867 			face_is_needed = 1;
868 		else if (vertex->dist > - VERTEX_EPSILON) {
869 			if (fabs(vertex->dist) > 1e-2 * VERTEX_EPSILON && ! vertex_epsilon_message_given) {
870 				if (debug) roundoff_message("VERTEX_EPSILON");
871 				vertex_epsilon_message_given = 1;
872 			}
873 			vertex->dist = 0.0;
874 		}
875 	}
877 	if ( ! face_is_needed) {
878 		if (new_face->inverse)
879 			new_face->inverse->inverse = NULL;
880 		free32(new_face);
881 		return(0);
882 	}
884 	/* put a vertex in the middle of each cut edge			*/
885 	cut_edges(polyhedron);
887 	/* set the new face */
888 	new_face->order = 0;
889 	new_face->fill_tone = -1;
890 	proj_copy(new_face->group_element, matrix);
892 	/* install the new face in the polyhedron */
893 	adjust_f_e_ptrs(polyhedron);
894 	cut_faces(polyhedron, new_face);
895 	remove_dead_edges(polyhedron);
896 	remove_dead_vertices(polyhedron);
898 	/* put the new face on the face lists */
899 	new_face->next			= polyhedron->face_list;
900 	polyhedron->face_list	= new_face;
901 	new_face->nxt				= polyhedron->dirty0.nxt;
902 	new_face->prv				= &polyhedron->dirty0;
903 	polyhedron->dirty0.nxt->prv	= new_face;
904 	polyhedron->dirty0.nxt		= new_face;
906 	polyhedron->num_faces++;
908 	return(1);
909 }
cut_edges(polyhedron)912 static void cut_edges(polyhedron)
913 WEpolyhedron	*polyhedron;
914 {
915 	int			i;
916 	double		d0,
917 				d1,
918 				t,
919 				s;
920 	WEedge		*edge,
921 				*new_edge,
922 				*nbr_edge;
923 	WEvertex	*new_vertex;
925 	for (edge=polyhedron->edge_list; edge; edge=edge->next) {
926 		d0 = edge->v0->dist;
927 		d1 = edge->v1->dist;
928 		if ((d0 < 0.0 && d1 > 0.0) || (d0 > 0.0 && d1 < 0.0)) {
929 			new_vertex	= (WEvertex *)	malloc32((MyInt32) sizeof(WEvertex));
930 			new_edge	= (WEedge *)	malloc32((MyInt32) sizeof(WEedge));
932 			t = -d0/(d1 - d0);
933 			s = 1.0 - t;
934 			for (i=4; --i>=0; )
935 				new_vertex->x[i] = s * edge->v0->x[i] + t * edge->v1->x[i];
936 			new_vertex->dist = 0.0;
937 			new_vertex->next = polyhedron->vertex_list;
938 			polyhedron->vertex_list = new_vertex;
939 			polyhedron->num_vertices++;
941 			new_edge->v1 = edge->v1;
942 			new_edge->v0 = new_vertex;
943 			edge->v1 = new_vertex;
945 			nbr_edge = edge->e1L;
946 			new_edge->e1L = nbr_edge;
947 			if (nbr_edge->e0L == edge)
948 				nbr_edge->e0L = new_edge;
949 			else
950 				nbr_edge->e1R = new_edge;
952 			nbr_edge = edge->e1R;
953 			new_edge->e1R = nbr_edge;
954 			if (nbr_edge->e0R == edge)
955 				nbr_edge->e0R = new_edge;
956 			else
957 				nbr_edge->e1L = new_edge;
959 			new_edge->e0L = edge;
960 			new_edge->e0R = edge;
961 			edge->e1L = new_edge;
962 			edge->e1R = new_edge;
964 			new_edge->fL = edge->fL;
965 			new_edge->fR = edge->fR;
967 			edge->fL->order++;
968 			edge->fR->order++;
970 			new_edge->next = polyhedron->edge_list;
971 			polyhedron->edge_list = new_edge;
972 			polyhedron->num_edges++;
973 		}
974 	}
975 	return;
976 }
adjust_f_e_ptrs(polyhedron)979 static void adjust_f_e_ptrs(polyhedron)
980 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
981 {
982 	WEedge	*edge;
984 	/* make sure each good face "sees" a good edge */
986 	for (edge=polyhedron->edge_list; edge; edge=edge->next)
987 		if (edge->v0->dist < 0.0 || edge->v1->dist < 0.0) {
988 			edge->fL->some_edge = edge;
989 			edge->fR->some_edge = edge;
990 		}
992 	return;
993 }
996 /* check each old face:									*/
997 /* (1) if a face is entirely >= 0, remove it			*/
998 /*	   (this can be checked immediately, because each	*/
999 /*	   good face sees a good edge at this point)		*/
1000 /*	   (check that removing dead faces doesn't			*/
1001 /*	   change the group)								*/
1002 /* (2) if a face is entirely <=0, leave it alone		*/
1003 /*	   (but make sure any 0-0 edges "see" the new face	*/
1004 /*		and the new face sees the 0-0 edges)			*/
1005 /*		also set order of new face						*/
1006 /* (3) otherwise bisect the face with a new edge, and	*/
1007 /*	   make sure the new edge "sees" the new new face	*/
1008 /*	   and the old face "sees" a valid edge				*/
cut_faces(polyhedron,new_face)1010 static void cut_faces(polyhedron, new_face)
1011 WEpolyhedron	*polyhedron;
1012 WEface			*new_face;
1013 {
1014 	int			zero_count,
1015 				count,
1016 				count1 = 0,
1017 				count3 = 0;
1018 	double		d0, d1;
1019 	WEvertex	*v01, *v23;
1020 	WEedge		*edge,
1021 				*next_edge,
1022 				*new_edge,
1023 				*e0 = NULL, *e1 = NULL, *e2 = NULL, *e3 = NULL;
1024 	WEface		*f_list,
1025 				*face;
1027 	/* to facilitate removing unneeded faces, first move all	*/
1028 	/* the faces onto f_list, then move the good faces back		*/
1029 	/* onto polyhedron->face_list as they are processed			*/
1030 	f_list = polyhedron->face_list;
1031 	polyhedron->face_list = NULL;
1033 	/* we'll count the order of the new_face as we go */
1034 	new_face->order = 0;
1036 	while (f_list) {
1037 		/* pull a face off f_list */
1038 		face = f_list;
1039 		f_list = f_list->next;
1041 		/* Is the face entirely >= 0 ? */
1042 		/* Note: adjust_f_e_ptrs() has been called,	*/
1043 		/* so all good faces see good edges.		*/
1044 		/* Some fL and fR pointers on 0-0 edges may	*/
1045 		/* temporarily be left dangling when face is freed.	*/
1046 		if (face->some_edge->v0->dist >= 0
1047 		 && face->some_edge->v1->dist >= 0) {
1048 			if (face->inverse)
1049 				face->inverse->inverse = NULL;
1050 			face->prv->nxt = face->nxt;
1051 			face->nxt->prv = face->prv;
1052 			free32(face);
1053 			--polyhedron->num_faces;
1054 			continue;
1055 		}
1057 		/* cut the face if necessary */
1059 		/* counts number of vertices at dist 0 (two consecutive */
1060 		/* vertices at dist 0 are counted as one (or none)	*/
1061 		/* because we don't need to cut such a face)		*/
1062 		zero_count = 0;
1064 		/* We'll traverse the face counterwise to find the	*/
1065 		/* edges going in and out of the "zero vertices" (i.e.	*/
1066 		/* the vertices at dist 0)								*/
1067 		/* e0 = negative to zero								*/
1068 		/* e1 = zero to positive								*/
1069 		/* e2 = positive to zero								*/
1070 		/* e3 = zero to negative								*/
1072 		count = 0;	/* for use in finding order of new face */
1073 		edge = face->some_edge;
1074 		do {
1075 			/* which way does the edge point? */
1076 			/* edge points counterclockwise	*/
1077 			if (edge->fL == face) {
1078 				d0 = edge->v0->dist;
1079 				d1 = edge->v1->dist;
1080 				next_edge = edge->e1L;
1081 			}
1082 			else {		/* edge points clockwise	*/
1083 				d0 = edge->v1->dist;
1084 				d1 = edge->v0->dist;
1085 				next_edge = edge->e0R;
1086 			}
1088 			if (d0 == 0.0) {
1089 				if (d1 == 0.0) {
1090 					if (edge->fL == face)
1091 						edge->fR = new_face;
1092 					else
1093 						edge->fL = new_face;
1094 					new_face->some_edge = edge;
1095 					new_face->order++;
1096 					break;
1097 					}
1098 				zero_count++;
1099 				if (d1 < 0.0) {
1100 					e3 = edge;
1101 					count3 = count;
1102 				}
1103 				else {	/* d1 > 0.0 */
1104 					e1 = edge;
1105 					count1 = count;
1106 				}
1107 			}
1108 			else if (d1 == 0.0) {
1109 				if (d0 < 0.0)
1110 					e0 = edge;
1111 				else	/* d0 > 0.0 */
1112 					e2 = edge;
1113 			}
1115 			edge = next_edge;
1116 			count++;
1117 		}
1118 		while (edge != face->some_edge);
1120 		if (zero_count == 2) { /* we need to make a cut */
1121 			new_edge = &edgeheap[heapcount++];
1122 			new_edge = (WEedge *) malloc32((MyInt32) sizeof(WEedge));
1123 			polyhedron->num_edges++;
1124 			new_edge->next = polyhedron->edge_list;
1125 			polyhedron->edge_list = new_edge;
1127 			/* v01 = vertex between edges e0 and e1	*/
1128 			/* v23 = vertex between edges e2 and e3	*/
1129 			v01 = (e0->v0->dist == 0.0) ? e0->v0 : e0->v1;
1130 			v23 = (e2->v0->dist == 0.0) ? e2->v0 : e2->v1;
1132 			new_edge->v0 = v01;
1133 			new_edge->v1 = v23;
1134 			new_edge->e0L = e0;
1135 			new_edge->e0R = e1;
1136 			new_edge->e1L = e3;
1137 			new_edge->e1R = e2;
1138 			new_edge->fL = face;
1139 			new_edge->fR = new_face;
1141 			if (e0->v0 == v01)
1142 				e0->e0R = new_edge;
1143 			else
1144 				e0->e1L = new_edge;
1146 			if (e1->v0 == v01)
1147 				e1->e0L = new_edge;
1148 			else
1149 				e1->e1R = new_edge;
1151 			if (e2->v0 == v23)
1152 				e2->e0R = new_edge;
1153 			else
1154 				e2->e1L = new_edge;
1156 			if (e3->v0 == v23)
1157 				e3->e0L = new_edge;
1158 			else
1159 				e3->e1R = new_edge;
1161 			new_face->some_edge = new_edge;
1162 			new_face->order++;
1164 			face->order = (count1 - count3 + face->order)%face->order + 1;
1166 			/* transfer face to dirty list */
1167 			face->prv->nxt = face->nxt;
1168 			face->nxt->prv = face->prv;
1169 			face->nxt	= polyhedron->dirty0.nxt;
1170 			face->prv	= &polyhedron->dirty0;
1171 			polyhedron->dirty0.nxt->prv	= face;
1172 			polyhedron->dirty0.nxt		= face;
1173 		}
1175 		/* put the face back on polyhedron->face_list */
1176 		face->next = polyhedron->face_list;
1177 		polyhedron->face_list = face;
1178 	}
1180 	return;
1181 }
remove_dead_edges(polyhedron)1184 static void remove_dead_edges(polyhedron)
1185 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1186 {
1187 	WEedge	*e_list,
1188 			*edge;
1190 	/* Move all edges onto e_list, then move the good edges		*/
1191 	/* back onto polyhedron->edge_list.							*/
1193 	e_list = polyhedron->edge_list;
1194 	polyhedron->edge_list = NULL;
1196 	while (e_list) {
1197 		/* pull an edge off e_list */
1198 		edge = e_list;
1199 		e_list = e_list->next;
1201 		/* if it has one or more bad vertices, throw it away */
1202 		if (edge->v0->dist > 0.0 || edge->v1->dist > 0.0) {
1204 			/* first tidy up at vertices of dist 0.0 */
1205 			if (edge->v0->dist == 0.0) {
1206 				if (edge->e0L->e0R == edge)
1207 					edge->e0L->e0R = edge->e0R;
1208 				else
1209 					edge->e0L->e1L = edge->e0R;
1211 				if (edge->e0R->e0L == edge)
1212 					edge->e0R->e0L = edge->e0L;
1213 				else
1214 					edge->e0R->e1R = edge->e0L;
1215 			}
1216 			if (edge->v1->dist == 0.0) {
1217 				if (edge->e1L->e1R == edge)
1218 					edge->e1L->e1R = edge->e1R;
1219 				else
1220 					edge->e1L->e0L = edge->e1R;
1222 				if (edge->e1R->e1L == edge)
1223 					edge->e1R->e1L = edge->e1L;
1224 				else
1225 					edge->e1R->e0R = edge->e1L;
1226 			}
1228 			/* throw away the edge */
1229 			free32(edge);
1230 			--polyhedron->num_edges;
1231 		}
1232 		else {	/* put it back on polyhedron->edge_list */
1233 			edge->next = polyhedron->edge_list;
1234 			polyhedron->edge_list = edge;
1235 		}
1236 	}
1237 	return;
1238 }
remove_dead_vertices(polyhedron)1241 static void remove_dead_vertices(polyhedron)
1242 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1243 {
1244 	WEvertex	*v_list,
1245 				*vertex;
1247 	/* Move all vertices onto v_list, then move the		*/
1248 	/* good vertices back onto polyhedron->vertex_list.	*/
1250 	v_list = polyhedron->vertex_list;
1251 	polyhedron->vertex_list = NULL;
1253 	while (v_list) {
1254 		/* pull an vertex off v_list */
1255 		vertex = v_list;
1256 		v_list = v_list->next;
1258 		/* if it's been cut off, throw it away */
1259 		if (vertex->dist > 0.0) {
1260 			free32(vertex);
1261 			--polyhedron->num_vertices;
1262 		}
1263 		else {	/* put it back on polyhedron->vertex_list */
1264 			vertex->next = polyhedron->vertex_list;
1265 			polyhedron->vertex_list = vertex;
1266 		}
1267 	}
1268 	return;
1269 }
number_faces(polyhedron)1272 static void number_faces(polyhedron)
1273 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1274 {
1275 	int			count;
1276 	WEface		*face;
1278 	/* at this point just assign consecutive indices to the	*/
1279 	/* faces, and let the routines for making display lists,*/
1280 	/* saving in other file formats, etc. set the actual	*/
1281 	/* fill tones											*/
1283 	count = 0;
1284 	for (face=polyhedron->face_list; face; face=face->next) {
1285 		/* skip faces which were already assigned fill_tones	*/
1286 		/* when their inverses were found						*/
1287 		if (face->fill_tone >= 0)
1288 			continue;
1290 		if (face->inverse == NULL) {
1291 		    if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "unmatched faces in Dirichlet.c\n");
1292 		}
1294 		face->fill_tone				= count;
1295 		if (face->inverse) face->inverse->fill_tone	= count;
1296 		count++;
1297 	}
1299 	return;
1300 }
1302 #if 0
1303 static void read_vertices(face, v)
1304 WEface	*face;
1305 double	(*v)[3];
1306 {
1307 	int		i;
1308 	WEedge	*edge;
1310 	edge = face->some_edge;
1311 	do {
1312 		if (edge->fL == face) {	/* edge points counterclockwise	*/
1313 			for (i=3; --i>=0; )
1314 				(*v)[i] = edge->v0->x[i];
1315 			v++;
1316 			edge = edge->e1L;
1317 		}
1318 		else {					/* edge points clockwise		*/
1319 			for (i=3; --i>=0; )
1320 				(*v)[i] = edge->v1->x[i];
1321 			v++;
1322 			edge = edge->e0R;
1323 		}
1324 	}
1325 	while (edge != face->some_edge);
1327 	return;
1328 }
1329 #endif
print_poly(polyhedron)1331 static void print_poly(polyhedron)
1332 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1333 {
1334 	print_vef(polyhedron);
1335 	print_vertices(polyhedron);
1336 }
1338 #if 0
1339 static void print_statistics(polyhedron)
1340 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1341 {
1342 	print_vef(polyhedron);
1343 	print_vertex_distances(polyhedron);
1344 	print_edge_lengths(polyhedron);
1345 	print_face_distances(polyhedron);
1346 	return;
1347 }
1348 #endif
print_vef(polyhedron)1350 static void print_vef(polyhedron)
1351 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1352 {
1353 	if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "%d vertices, %d edges, %d faces\n",
1354 		polyhedron->num_vertices,
1355 		polyhedron->num_edges,
1356 		polyhedron->num_faces);
1358 	if (polyhedron->num_vertices - polyhedron->num_edges + polyhedron->num_faces != 2) {
1359 		if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Euler characteristic error in Dirichlet.c\n");
1360 		return;
1361 	}
1363 	return;
1364 }
1366 #if 0
1367 static void saveOOGL(polyhedron)
1368 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1369 {
1370 	FILE *fp = fopen("/tmp/test.off","w");
1371 	GeomFSave(WEPolyhedronToPolyList(polyhedron), fp, "/tmp/test.off");
1372 	fclose(fp);
1373 }
1374 #endif
print_vertices(polyhedron)1376 static void print_vertices(polyhedron)
1377 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1378 {
1379 	WEvertex	*vertex;
1380 	fprintf(stderr, "Vertices:\n");
1381 	for (vertex=polyhedron->vertex_list; vertex; vertex=vertex->next)
1382 	    fprintf(stderr, "%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n",vertex->x[0], vertex->x[1], vertex->x[2], vertex->x[3]);
1383 }
1385 #if 0
1386 static void print_vertex_distances(polyhedron)
1387 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1388 {
1389 	WEvertex	*vertex;
1390 	int			ideal_vertex_present,
1391 				finite_vertex_present,
1392 				i;
1393 	double		norm,
1394 				max,
1395 				min,
1396 				ideal_point_norm;
1398 	/* Note:  the following statement revealed that "infinity"	*/
1399 	/* is at a distance of about 17 on a Mac.					*/
1400 	/* fprintf(stderr, "infinity = %lf\n", acosh(1.0/ideal_point_norm));	*/
1402 	ideal_point_norm = sqrt(1e5 * HARDWARE_PRECISION);
1403 	ideal_vertex_present  = 0;
1404 	finite_vertex_present = 0;
1405 	min = cosh(17.0);
1406 	max = 0.0;
1408     if (metric == DG_HYPERBOLIC)	{
1409 	for (vertex=polyhedron->vertex_list; vertex; vertex=vertex->next) {
1410 		norm = sqrt(fabs(DHPt3Dot3(vertex->x, vertex->x, metric)));
1411 		if (norm < ideal_point_norm) {
1412 			vertex->ideal = 1;
1413 			ideal_vertex_present = 1;
1414 		}
1415 		else {
1416 			vertex->ideal = 0;
1418 			for (i=4; --i>=0; )
1419 				vertex->x[i] /= norm;
1421 			if (vertex->x[3] < min)
1422 				min = vertex->x[3];
1424 			if (vertex->x[3] > max)
1425 				max = vertex->x[3];
1427 			finite_vertex_present = 1;
1428 		}
1429 	}
1431 	if (finite_vertex_present) {
1432 		fprintf(stderr, "closest  vertex     %.6f\n", acosh(min));
1433 		if (ideal_vertex_present)
1434 			fprintf(stderr, "furthest finite vertex %.6f\n", acosh(max));
1435 		else
1436 			fprintf(stderr, "furthest vertex     %.6f\n", acosh(max));
1437 	}
1438 	else
1439 		fprintf(stderr, "all vertices are at infinity\n");
1441 	}
1442 	return;
1443 }
1444 #endif
1446 /* Note:  print_edge_lengths() assumes print_vertex_distances()	*/
1447 /* has already been called to normalize the vertices.			*/
1449 #if 0
1450 static void print_edge_lengths(polyhedron)
1451 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1452 {
1453 	WEedge	*edge;
1454 	int		finite_edge_present,
1455 			infinite_edge_present;
1456 	double	dot,
1457 			min,
1458 			max;
1460 	min = cosh(17.0);
1461 	max = 1.0;
1462 	finite_edge_present   = 0;
1463 	infinite_edge_present = 0;
1465 	for (edge=polyhedron->edge_list; edge; edge=edge->next)
1466 		if (edge->v0->ideal || edge->v1->ideal)
1467 			infinite_edge_present = 1;
1468 		else {
1469 			finite_edge_present = 1;
1470 			dot = -DHPt3Dot3( edge->v0->x,edge->v1->x, metric);
1471 			if (dot < min)
1472 				min = dot;
1473 			if (dot > max)
1474 				max = dot;
1475 		}
1477 	if (finite_edge_present)
1478 		if (infinite_edge_present) {
1479 			fprintf(stderr, "shortest finite edge %.6f\n", acosh(min));
1480 			fprintf(stderr, "longest  finite edge %.6f\n", acosh(max));
1481 		}
1482 		else {
1483 			fprintf(stderr, "shortest edge       %.6f\n", acosh(min));
1484 			fprintf(stderr, "longest  edge       %.6f\n", acosh(max));
1485 		}
1486 	else
1487 		fprintf(stderr, "all edges are infinite\n");
1489 	return;
1490 }
1491 #endif
1493 #if 0
1494 static void print_face_distances(polyhedron)
1495 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1496 {
1497 	WEface	*face;
1498 	double	min,
1499 			max;
1501 	min = 1e308;	/* ieee max double */
1502 	max = 0;
1504 	for (face=polyhedron->face_list; face; face=face->next) {
1505 		if (face->group_element[3][3] < min)
1506 			min = face->group_element[3][3];
1507 		if (face->group_element[3][3] > max)
1508 			max = face->group_element[3][3];
1509 	}
1511 	fprintf(stderr, "closest  face plane %.6f\n", 0.5 * acosh(min));
1512 	fprintf(stderr, "furthest face plane %.6f\n", 0.5 * acosh(max));
1514 	return;
1515 }
1516 #endif
1518 #if 0
1519 static void free_polyhedron(polyhedron)
1520 WEpolyhedron *polyhedron;
1521 {
1522 	WEvertex	*dead_vertex;
1523 	WEedge		*dead_edge;
1524 	WEface		*dead_face;
1526 	while (polyhedron->vertex_list) {
1527 		dead_vertex = polyhedron->vertex_list;
1528 		polyhedron->vertex_list = dead_vertex->next;
1529 		free32(dead_vertex);
1530 	}
1532 	while (polyhedron->edge_list) {
1533 		dead_edge = polyhedron->edge_list;
1534 		polyhedron->edge_list = dead_edge->next;
1535 		free32(dead_edge);
1536 	}
1538 	while (polyhedron->face_list) {
1539 		dead_face = polyhedron->face_list;
1540 		polyhedron->face_list = dead_face->next;
1541 		free32(dead_face);
1542 	}
1544 	return;
1545 }
1546 #endif
roundoff_message(epsilon_name)1548 static void roundoff_message(epsilon_name)
1549 char *epsilon_name;
1550 {
1552 	fprintf(stderr,"\nWARNING:  roundoff error is getting a bit large.  (%s)\n", epsilon_name);
1553 #else
1554 	fprintf(stderr,"\nWARNING:  roundoff error is getting perilously large.  (%s)\n", epsilon_name);
1555 #endif
1556 	fprintf(stderr,"To verify the correctness of the final Dirichlet domain,\n");
1557 	fprintf(stderr,"move off to another point in the Dehn filling plane, then\n");
1558 	fprintf(stderr,"return to the present point, recompute the Dirichlet domain,\n");
1559 	fprintf(stderr,"and see whether you get the same number of vertices, edges\n");
1560 	fprintf(stderr,"and faces.  (Moving to a different point and then returning\n");
1561 	fprintf(stderr,"will randomize the roundoff error.)\n\n");
1563 	return;
1564 }
proj_same_matrix(m0,m1)1566 int proj_same_matrix(m0, m1)
1567 proj_matrix	m0,
1568 			m1;
1569 {
1570 	int		i, j;
1571 	double	diff;
1573 	for (i=4; --i>=0; )
1574 		for (j=4; --j>=0; ) {
1575 			diff = fabs(m0[i][j] - m1[i][j]);
1576 			if (diff > MATRIX_EPSILON)
1577 				return(0);
1578 			if (diff > 1e-2 * MATRIX_EPSILON && ! matrix_epsilon_message_given) {
1579 				if (debug) roundoff_message("MATRIX_EPSILON");
1580 				matrix_epsilon_message_given = 1;
1581 			}
1582 		}
1583 	return(1);
1584 }