1 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
2 Backup Manifest Handler
4 The backup manifest stores a complete list of all files, links, and paths in a backup along with metadata such as checksums, sizes,
5 timestamps, etc.  A list of databases is also included for selective restore.
7 The purpose of the manifest is to allow the restore command to confidently reconstruct the PostgreSQL data directory and ensure that
8 nothing is missing or corrupt.  It is also useful for reporting, e.g. size of backup, backup time, etc.
9 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
10 #ifndef INFO_MANIFEST_H
11 #define INFO_MANIFEST_H
13 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
14 Constants
15 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
16 #define BACKUP_MANIFEST_FILE                                        "backup.manifest"
19 #define MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA                                      "pg_data"
21 #define MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC                                    "pg_tblspc"
24 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
25 Object type
26 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
27 typedef struct Manifest Manifest;
29 #include "command/backup/common.h"
30 #include "common/compress/helper.h"
31 #include "common/crypto/common.h"
32 #include "common/crypto/hash.h"
33 #include "common/type/variantList.h"
34 #include "common/type/object.h"
35 #include "info/info.h"
36 #include "info/infoBackup.h"
37 #include "storage/storage.h"
39 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
40 Manifest data
41 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
42 typedef struct ManifestData
43 {
44     const String *backrestVersion;                                  // pgBackRest version
46     const String *backupLabel;                                      // Backup label (unique identifier for the backup)
47     const String *backupLabelPrior;                                 // Backup label for backup this diff/incr is based on
48     time_t backupTimestampCopyStart;                                // When did the file copy start?
49     time_t backupTimestampStart;                                    // When did the backup start?
50     time_t backupTimestampStop;                                     // When did the backup stop?
51     BackupType backupType;                                          // Type of backup: full, diff, incr
53     // ??? Note that these fields are redundant and verbose since storing the start/stop lsn as a uint64 would be sufficient.
54     // However, we currently lack the functions to transform these values back and forth so this will do for now.
55     const String *archiveStart;                                     // First WAL file in the backup
56     const String *archiveStop;                                      // Last WAL file in the backup
57     const String *lsnStart;                                         // Start LSN for the backup
58     const String *lsnStop;                                          // Stop LSN for the backup
60     unsigned int pgId;                                              // PostgreSQL id in backup.info
61     unsigned int pgVersion;                                         // PostgreSQL version
62     uint64_t pgSystemId;                                            // PostgreSQL system identifier
63     unsigned int pgCatalogVersion;                                  // PostgreSQL catalog version
65     bool backupOptionArchiveCheck;                                  // Will WAL segments be checked at the end of the backup?
66     bool backupOptionArchiveCopy;                                   // Will WAL segments be copied to the backup?
67     const Variant *backupOptionStandby;                             // Will the backup be performed from a standby?
68     const Variant *backupOptionBufferSize;                          // Buffer size used for file/protocol operations
69     const Variant *backupOptionChecksumPage;                        // Will page checksums be verified?
70     CompressType backupOptionCompressType;                          // Compression type used for the backup
71     const Variant *backupOptionCompressLevel;                       // Level used for compression (if type not none)
72     const Variant *backupOptionCompressLevelNetwork;                // Level used for network compression
73     const Variant *backupOptionDelta;                               // Will a checksum delta be performed?
74     bool backupOptionHardLink;                                      // Will hardlinks be created in the backup?
75     bool backupOptionOnline;                                        // Will an online backup be performed?
76     const Variant *backupOptionProcessMax;                          // How many processes will be used for backup?
77 } ManifestData;
79 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
80 Db type
81 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
82 typedef struct ManifestDb
83 {
84     const String *name;                                             // Db name (must be first member in struct)
85     unsigned int id;                                                // Db oid
86     unsigned int lastSystemId;                                      // Highest oid used by system objects in this database
87 } ManifestDb;
89 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
90 File type
91 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
92 typedef struct ManifestFile
93 {
94     const String *name;                                             // File name (must be first member in struct)
95     bool primary:1;                                                 // Should this file be copied from the primary?
96     bool checksumPage:1;                                            // Does this file have page checksums?
97     bool checksumPageError:1;                                       // Is there an error in the page checksum?
98     mode_t mode;                                                    // File mode
99     char checksumSha1[HASH_TYPE_SHA1_SIZE_HEX + 1];                 // SHA1 checksum
100     const VariantList *checksumPageErrorList;                       // List of page checksum errors if there are any
101     const String *user;                                             // User name
102     const String *group;                                            // Group name
103     const String *reference;                                        // Reference to a prior backup
104     uint64_t size;                                                  // Original size
105     uint64_t sizeRepo;                                              // Size in repo
106     time_t timestamp;                                               // Original timestamp
107 } ManifestFile;
109 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
110 Link type
111 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
112 typedef struct ManifestLink
113 {
114     const String *name;                                             // Link name (must be first member in struct)
115     const String *destination;                                      // Link destination
116     const String *user;                                             // User name
117     const String *group;                                            // Group name
118 } ManifestLink;
120 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
121 Path type
122 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
123 typedef struct ManifestPath
124 {
125     const String *name;                                             // Path name (must be first member in struct)
126     mode_t mode;                                                    // Directory mode
127     const String *user;                                             // User name
128     const String *group;                                            // Group name
129 } ManifestPath;
131 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
132 Target type
133 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
134 typedef enum
135 {
136     manifestTargetTypePath,
137     manifestTargetTypeLink,
138 } ManifestTargetType;
140 typedef struct ManifestTarget
141 {
142     const String *name;                                             // Target name (must be first member in struct)
143     ManifestTargetType type;                                        // Target type
144     const String *path;                                             // Target path (if path or link)
145     const String *file;                                             // Target file (if file link)
146     unsigned int tablespaceId;                                      // Oid if this link is a tablespace
147     const String *tablespaceName;                                   // Name of the tablespace
148 } ManifestTarget;
150 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
151 Constructors
152 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
153 // Build a new manifest for a PostgreSQL data directory
154 Manifest *manifestNewBuild(
155     const Storage *storagePg, unsigned int pgVersion, unsigned int pgCatalogVersion, bool online, bool checksumPage,
156     const StringList *excludeList, const VariantList *tablespaceList);
158 // Load a manifest from IO
159 Manifest *manifestNewLoad(IoRead *read);
161 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
162 Getters/Setters
163 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
164 typedef struct ManifestPub
165 {
166     MemContext *memContext;                                         // Mem context
167     Info *info;                                                     // Base info object
168     ManifestData data;                                              // Manifest data and options
169     List *dbList;                                                   // List of databases
170     List *fileList;                                                 // List of files
171     List *linkList;                                                 // List of links
172     List *pathList;                                                 // List of paths
173     List *targetList;                                               // List of targets
174 } ManifestPub;
176 // Get/set the cipher subpassphrase
177 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const String *
manifestCipherSubPass(const Manifest * const this)178 manifestCipherSubPass(const Manifest *const this)
179 {
180     return infoCipherPass(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->info);
181 }
183 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline void
manifestCipherSubPassSet(Manifest * const this,const String * const cipherSubPass)184 manifestCipherSubPassSet(Manifest *const this, const String *const cipherSubPass)
185 {
186     infoCipherPassSet(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->info, cipherSubPass);
187 }
189 // Get manifest configuration and options
190 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const ManifestData *
manifestData(const Manifest * const this)191 manifestData(const Manifest *const this)
192 {
193     return &(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->data);
194 }
196 // Set backup label
197 void manifestBackupLabelSet(Manifest *this, const String *backupLabel);
199 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
200 Build functions
201 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
202 // Validate the timestamps in the manifest given a copy start time, i.e. all times should be <= the copy start time
203 void manifestBuildValidate(Manifest *this, bool delta, time_t copyStart, CompressType compressType);
205 // Create a diff/incr backup by comparing to a previous backup manifest
206 void manifestBuildIncr(Manifest *this, const Manifest *prior, BackupType type, const String *archiveStart);
208 // Set remaining values before the final save
209 void manifestBuildComplete(
210     Manifest *this, time_t timestampStart, const String *lsnStart, const String *archiveStart, time_t timestampStop,
211     const String *lsnStop, const String *archiveStop, unsigned int pgId, uint64_t pgSystemId, const VariantList *dbList,
212     bool optionArchiveCheck, bool optionArchiveCopy, size_t optionBufferSize, unsigned int optionCompressLevel,
213     unsigned int optionCompressLevelNetwork, bool optionHardLink, unsigned int optionProcessMax, bool optionStandby);
215 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
216 Functions
217 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
218 // Ensure that symlinks do not point to the same file, directory, or subdirectory of another link
219 void manifestLinkCheck(const Manifest *this);
221 // Move to a new parent mem context
222 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline Manifest *
manifestMove(Manifest * const this,MemContext * const parentNew)223 manifestMove(Manifest *const this, MemContext *const parentNew)
224 {
225     return objMove(this, parentNew);
226 }
228 // Manifest save
229 void manifestSave(Manifest *this, IoWrite *write);
231 // Validate a completed manifest.  Use strict mode only when saving the manifest after a backup.
232 void manifestValidate(Manifest *this, bool strict);
234 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
235 Db functions and getters/setters
236 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
237 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const ManifestDb *
manifestDb(const Manifest * const this,const unsigned int dbIdx)238 manifestDb(const Manifest *const this, const unsigned int dbIdx)
239 {
240     return lstGet(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->dbList, dbIdx);
241 }
243 const ManifestDb *manifestDbFind(const Manifest *this, const String *name);
245 // If the database requested is not found in the list, return the default passed rather than throw an error
246 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const ManifestDb *
manifestDbFindDefault(const Manifest * const this,const String * const name,const ManifestDb * const dbDefault)247 manifestDbFindDefault(const Manifest *const this, const String *const name, const ManifestDb *const dbDefault)
248 {
249     ASSERT_INLINE(name != NULL);
250     return lstFindDefault(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->dbList, &name, (void *)dbDefault);
251 }
253 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline unsigned int
manifestDbTotal(const Manifest * const this)254 manifestDbTotal(const Manifest *const this)
255 {
256     return lstSize(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->dbList);
257 }
259 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
260 File functions and getters/setters
261 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
262 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const ManifestFile *
manifestFile(const Manifest * const this,const unsigned int fileIdx)263 manifestFile(const Manifest *const this, const unsigned int fileIdx)
264 {
265     return lstGet(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->fileList, fileIdx);
266 }
268 void manifestFileAdd(Manifest *this, const ManifestFile *file);
269 const ManifestFile *manifestFileFind(const Manifest *this, const String *name);
271 // If the file requested is not found in the list, return the default passed rather than throw an error
272 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const ManifestFile *
manifestFileFindDefault(const Manifest * const this,const String * const name,const ManifestFile * const fileDefault)273 manifestFileFindDefault(const Manifest *const this, const String *const name, const ManifestFile *const fileDefault)
274 {
275     ASSERT_INLINE(name != NULL);
276     return lstFindDefault(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->fileList, &name, (void *)fileDefault);
277 }
279 void manifestFileRemove(const Manifest *this, const String *name);
281 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline unsigned int
manifestFileTotal(const Manifest * const this)282 manifestFileTotal(const Manifest *const this)
283 {
284     return lstSize(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->fileList);
285 }
287 // Update a file with new data
288 void manifestFileUpdate(
289     Manifest *this, const String *name, uint64_t size, uint64_t sizeRepo, const char *checksumSha1, const Variant *reference,
290     bool checksumPage, bool checksumPageError, const VariantList *checksumPageErrorList);
292 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
293 Link functions and getters/setters
294 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
295 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const ManifestLink *
manifestLink(const Manifest * const this,const unsigned int linkIdx)296 manifestLink(const Manifest *const this, const unsigned int linkIdx)
297 {
298     return lstGet(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->linkList, linkIdx);
299 }
301 const ManifestLink *manifestLinkFind(const Manifest *this, const String *name);
303 // If the link requested is not found in the list, return the default passed rather than throw an error
304 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const ManifestLink *
manifestLinkFindDefault(const Manifest * const this,const String * const name,const ManifestLink * const linkDefault)305 manifestLinkFindDefault(const Manifest *const this, const String *const name, const ManifestLink *const linkDefault)
306 {
307     ASSERT_INLINE(name != NULL);
308     return lstFindDefault(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->linkList, &name, (void *)linkDefault);
309 }
311 void manifestLinkRemove(const Manifest *this, const String *name);
313 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline unsigned int
manifestLinkTotal(const Manifest * const this)314 manifestLinkTotal(const Manifest *const this)
315 {
316     return lstSize(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->linkList);
317 }
319 void manifestLinkUpdate(const Manifest *this, const String *name, const String *path);
321 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
322 Path functions and getters/setters
323 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
324 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const ManifestPath *
manifestPath(const Manifest * const this,const unsigned int pathIdx)325 manifestPath(const Manifest *const this, const unsigned int pathIdx)
326 {
327     return lstGet(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->pathList, pathIdx);
328 }
330 const ManifestPath *manifestPathFind(const Manifest *this, const String *name);
332 // If the path requested is not found in the list, return the default passed rather than throw an error
333 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const ManifestPath *
manifestPathFindDefault(const Manifest * const this,const String * const name,const ManifestPath * const pathDefault)334 manifestPathFindDefault(const Manifest *const this, const String *const name, const ManifestPath *const pathDefault)
335 {
336     ASSERT_INLINE(name != NULL);
337     return lstFindDefault(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->pathList, &name, (void *)pathDefault);
338 }
340 // Data directory relative path for any manifest file/link/path/target name
341 String *manifestPathPg(const String *manifestPath);
343 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline unsigned int
manifestPathTotal(const Manifest * const this)344 manifestPathTotal(const Manifest *const this)
345 {
346     return lstSize(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->pathList);
347 }
349 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
350 Target functions and getters/setters
351 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
352 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const ManifestTarget *
manifestTarget(const Manifest * const this,const unsigned int targetIdx)353 manifestTarget(const Manifest *const this, const unsigned int targetIdx)
354 {
355     return lstGet(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->targetList, targetIdx);
356 }
358 const ManifestTarget *manifestTargetFind(const Manifest *this, const String *name);
360 // Base target, i.e. the target that is the data directory
361 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline const ManifestTarget *
manifestTargetBase(const Manifest * const this)362 manifestTargetBase(const Manifest *const this)
363 {
364     return manifestTargetFind(this, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA_STR);
365 }
367 // Absolute path to the target
368 String *manifestTargetPath(const Manifest *this, const ManifestTarget *target);
370 void manifestTargetRemove(const Manifest *this, const String *name);
372 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline unsigned int
manifestTargetTotal(const Manifest * const this)373 manifestTargetTotal(const Manifest *const this)
374 {
375     return lstSize(THIS_PUB(Manifest)->targetList);
376 }
378 void manifestTargetUpdate(const Manifest *this, const String *name, const String *path, const String *file);
380 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
381 Destructor
382 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
383 __attribute__((always_inline)) static inline void
manifestFree(Manifest * const this)384 manifestFree(Manifest *const this)
385 {
386     objFree(this);
387 }
389 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
390 Helper functions
391 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
392 // Load backup manifest
393 Manifest *manifestLoadFile(const Storage *storage, const String *fileName, CipherType cipherType, const String *cipherPass);
395 /***********************************************************************************************************************************
396 Macros for function logging
397 ***********************************************************************************************************************************/
398 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_TYPE                                                                                                 \
399     Manifest *
400 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_FORMAT(value, buffer, bufferSize)                                                                    \
401     objToLog(value, "Manifest", buffer, bufferSize)
403 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_DB_TYPE                                                                                              \
404     ManifestDb *
405 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_DB_FORMAT(value, buffer, bufferSize)                                                                 \
406     objToLog(value, "ManifestDb", buffer, bufferSize)
408 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_FILE_TYPE                                                                                            \
409     ManifestFile *
410 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_FILE_FORMAT(value, buffer, bufferSize)                                                               \
411     objToLog(value, "ManifestFile", buffer, bufferSize)
413 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_LINK_TYPE                                                                                            \
414     ManifestLink *
415 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_LINK_FORMAT(value, buffer, bufferSize)                                                               \
416     objToLog(value, "ManifestLink", buffer, bufferSize)
418 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_PATH_TYPE                                                                                            \
419     ManifestPath *
420 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_PATH_FORMAT(value, buffer, bufferSize)                                                               \
421     objToLog(value, "ManifestPath", buffer, bufferSize)
423 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_TARGET_TYPE                                                                                          \
424     ManifestTarget *
425 #define FUNCTION_LOG_MANIFEST_TARGET_FORMAT(value, buffer, bufferSize)                                                             \
426     objToLog(value, "ManifestTarget", buffer, bufferSize)
428 #endif