1## NB:  doc in ../man/*.Rd  ***not*** auto generated
2## FIXME: need to document S3 methods better (can we pull from r-forge version?)
4##' Fit a linear mixed model (LMM)
5lmer <- function(formula, data=NULL, REML = TRUE,
6                 control = lmerControl(), start = NULL
7               , verbose = 0L
8               , subset, weights, na.action, offset
9               , contrasts = NULL
10               , devFunOnly=FALSE
11                )
12    ## , ...)
14    mc <- mcout <- match.call()
15    missCtrl <- missing(control)
16    ## see functions in modular.R for the body ..
17    if (!missCtrl && !inherits(control, "lmerControl")) {
18        if(!is.list(control)) stop("'control' is not a list; use lmerControl()")
19        ## back-compatibility kluge
20        warning("passing control as list is deprecated: please use lmerControl() instead",
21                immediate.=TRUE)
22        control <- do.call(lmerControl, control)
23    }
24    ## if (!is.null(list(...)[["family"]])) {
25    ##    warning("calling lmer with 'family' is deprecated; please use glmer() instead")
26    ##    mc[[1]] <- quote(lme4::glmer)
27    ##    if(missCtrl) mc$control <- glmerControl()
28    ##    return(eval(mc, parent.frame(1L)))
29    ## }
30    mc$control <- control ## update for  back-compatibility kluge
32    ## https://github.com/lme4/lme4/issues/50
33    ## parse data and formula
34    mc[[1]] <- quote(lme4::lFormula)
35    lmod <- eval(mc, parent.frame(1L))
36    mcout$formula <- lmod$formula
37    lmod$formula <- NULL
39    ## create deviance function for covariance parameters (theta)
40    devfun <- do.call(mkLmerDevfun,
41                      c(lmod,
42                        list(start=start, verbose=verbose, control=control)))
43    if (devFunOnly) return(devfun)
44    ## optimize deviance function over covariance parameters
45    if (identical(control$optimizer,"none"))
46        stop("deprecated use of optimizer=='none'; use NULL instead")
47    opt <- if (length(control$optimizer)==0) {
48               s <- getStart(start, environment(devfun)$pp)
49               list(par=s,fval=devfun(s),
50                    conv=1000,message="no optimization")
51           }  else {
52               optimizeLmer(devfun, optimizer = control$optimizer,
53                     restart_edge = control$restart_edge,
54                     boundary.tol = control$boundary.tol,
55                     control = control$optCtrl,
56                     verbose=verbose,
57                     start=start,
58                     calc.derivs=control$calc.derivs,
59                     use.last.params=control$use.last.params)
60           }
61    cc <- checkConv(attr(opt,"derivs"), opt$par,
62                    ctrl = control$checkConv,
63                    lbound = environment(devfun)$lower)
64    mkMerMod(environment(devfun), opt, lmod$reTrms, fr = lmod$fr,
65             mc = mcout, lme4conv=cc) ## prepare output
66}## { lmer }
69##' Fit a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM)
70glmer <- function(formula, data=NULL
71                , family = gaussian
72                , control = glmerControl()
73                , start = NULL
74                , verbose = 0L
75                , nAGQ = 1L
76                , subset, weights, na.action, offset, contrasts = NULL
77                , mustart, etastart
78                , devFunOnly = FALSE)
80    if (!inherits(control, "glmerControl")) {
81        if(!is.list(control)) stop("'control' is not a list; use glmerControl()")
82        ## back-compatibility kluge
83        if (class(control)[1]=="lmerControl") {
84            warning("please use glmerControl() instead of lmerControl()",
85                    immediate.=TRUE)
86            control <-
87                ## unpack sub-lists
88                c(control[!names(control) %in% c("checkConv","checkControl")],
89                  control$checkControl,control$checkConv)
90            control["restart_edge"] <- NULL ## not implemented for glmer
91        } else {
92            msg <- "Use control=glmerControl(..) instead of passing a list"
93            if(length(cl <- class(control))) {
94                msg <- paste(msg, "of class", dQuote(cl[1]))
95            }
96            warning(msg, immediate.=TRUE)
97        }
99        control <- do.call(glmerControl, control)
100    }
101    mc <- mcout <- match.call()
103    ## family-checking code duplicated here and in glFormula (for now) since
104    ## we really need to redirect at this point; eventually deprecate formally
105    ## and clean up
106    if (is.character(family))
107        family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame(2))
108    if( is.function(family)) family <- family()
109    if (isTRUE(all.equal(family, gaussian()))) {
110        ## redirect to lmer (with warning)
111        warning("calling glmer() with family=gaussian (identity link) as a shortcut to lmer() is deprecated;",
112                " please call lmer() directly")
113        mc[[1]] <- quote(lme4::lmer)
114        mc["family"] <- NULL            # to avoid an infinite loop
115        return(eval(mc, parent.frame()))
116    }
118    ## see https://github.com/lme4/lme4/issues/50
119    ## parse the formula and data
120    mc[[1]] <- quote(lme4::glFormula)
121    glmod <- eval(mc, parent.frame(1L))
122    mcout$formula <- glmod$formula
123    glmod$formula <- NULL
125    ## create deviance function for covariance parameters (theta)
127    nAGQinit <- if(control$nAGQ0initStep) 0L else 1L
128    devfun <- do.call(mkGlmerDevfun, c(glmod, list(verbose = verbose,
129                                                   control = control,
130                                                   nAGQ = nAGQinit)))
131    if (nAGQ==0 && devFunOnly) return(devfun)
132    ## optimize deviance function over covariance parameters
134    ## FIXME: perhaps should be in glFormula instead??
135    if (is.list(start)) {
136        start.bad <- setdiff(names(start),c("theta","fixef"))
137        if (length(start.bad)>0) {
138            stop(sprintf("bad name(s) for start vector (%s); should be %s and/or %s",
139                         paste(start.bad,collapse=", "),
140                         shQuote("theta"),
141                         shQuote("fixef")),call.=FALSE)
142        }
143        if (!is.null(start$fixef) && nAGQ==0)
144            stop("should not specify both start$fixef and nAGQ==0")
145    }
147    ## FIX ME: allow calc.derivs, use.last.params etc. if nAGQ=0
148    if(control$nAGQ0initStep) {
149        opt <- optimizeGlmer(devfun,
150                             optimizer = control$optimizer[[1]],
151                             ## DON'T try fancy edge tricks unless nAGQ=0 explicitly set
152                             restart_edge=if (nAGQ==0) control$restart_edge else FALSE,
153                             boundary.tol=if (nAGQ==0) control$boundary.tol else 0,
154                             control = control$optCtrl,
155                             start=start,
156                             nAGQ = 0,
157                             verbose=verbose,
158                             calc.derivs=FALSE)
159    }
161    if(nAGQ > 0L) {
164        ## update deviance function to include fixed effects as inputs
165        devfun <- updateGlmerDevfun(devfun, glmod$reTrms, nAGQ = nAGQ)
167        if (control$nAGQ0initStep) {
168            start <- updateStart(start,theta=opt$par)
169        }
170        ## if nAGQ0 was skipped
171        ## we don't actually need to do anything here, it seems --
172        ## getStart gets called again in optimizeGlmer
174        if (devFunOnly) return(devfun)
175        ## reoptimize deviance function over covariance parameters and fixed effects
176        opt <- optimizeGlmer(devfun,
177                             optimizer = control$optimizer[[2]],
178                             restart_edge=control$restart_edge,
179                             boundary.tol=control$boundary.tol,
180                             control = control$optCtrl,
181                             start=start,
182                             nAGQ=nAGQ,
183                             verbose = verbose,
184                             stage=2,
185                             calc.derivs=control$calc.derivs,
186                             use.last.params=control$use.last.params)
187    }
188    cc <- if (!control$calc.derivs) NULL else {
189        if (verbose > 10) cat("checking convergence\n")
190        checkConv(attr(opt,"derivs"),opt$par,
191                  ctrl = control$checkConv,
192                  lbound=environment(devfun)$lower)
193    }
195    ## prepare output
196    mkMerMod(environment(devfun), opt, glmod$reTrms, fr = glmod$fr,
197             mc = mcout, lme4conv=cc)
199}## {glmer}
201##' Fit a nonlinear mixed-effects model
202nlmer <- function(formula, data=NULL, control = nlmerControl(), start = NULL, verbose = 0L,
203                  nAGQ = 1L, subset, weights, na.action, offset,
204                  contrasts = NULL, devFunOnly = FALSE)
207    vals <- nlformula(mc <- match.call())
208    p <- ncol(X <- vals$X)
209    if ((rankX <- rankMatrix(X)) < p)
210        stop(gettextf("rank of X = %d < ncol(X) = %d", rankX, p))
212    rho <- list2env(list(verbose=verbose,
213                         tolPwrss=0.001, # this is reset to the tolPwrss argument's value later
214                         resp=vals$resp,
215                         lower=vals$reTrms$lower),
216                    parent=parent.frame())
217    rho$pp <- do.call(merPredD$new,
218                      c(vals$reTrms[c("Zt","theta","Lambdat","Lind")],
219                        list(X=X, n=length(vals$respMod$mu), Xwts=vals$respMod$sqrtXwt,
220                             beta0=qr.coef(qr(X), unlist(lapply(vals$pnames, get,
221                             envir = rho$resp$nlenv))))))
222    rho$u0 <- rho$pp$u0
223    rho$beta0 <- rho$pp$beta0
224    ## deviance as a function of theta only :
225    devfun <- mkdevfun(rho, 0L, verbose=verbose, control=control)
226    if (devFunOnly && !nAGQ) return(devfun)
227    devfun(rho$pp$theta) # initial coarse evaluation to get u0 and beta0
228    rho$u0 <- rho$pp$u0
229    rho$beta0 <- rho$pp$beta0
230    rho$tolPwrss <- control$tolPwrss # Reset control parameter (the initial optimization is coarse)
232    ## set lower and upper bounds: if user-specified, select
233    ##  only the ones corresponding to random effects
234    if (!is.null(lwr <- control$optCtrl$lower)) {
235        rho$lower <- lwr[seq_along(rho$lower)]
236        control$optCtrl$lower <- NULL
237    }
238    upper <- rep(Inf, length(rho$lower))
239    if (!is.null(upr <- control$optCtrl$upper)) {
240        upper <- upr[seq_along(rho$lower)]
241        control$optCtrl$upper <- NULL
242    }
244    opt <- optwrap(control$optimizer[[1]], devfun, rho$pp$theta,
245                   lower=rho$lower,
246                   upper=upper,
247                   control=control$optCtrl,
248                   adj=FALSE)
250    rho$control <- attr(opt,"control")
252    if (nAGQ > 0L) {
253        ## set lower/upper to values already harvested from control$optCtrl$upper
254        rho$lower <- if(!is.null(lwr)) lwr else c(rho$lower, rep.int(-Inf, length(rho$beta0)))
255        upper     <- if(!is.null(upr)) upr else c(    upper, rep.int( Inf, length(rho$beta0)))
256        rho$u0    <- rho$pp$u0
257        rho$dpars <- seq_along(rho$pp$theta)
258        ## fixed-effect parameters
259        rho$beta0 <- pmin(upper[-rho$dpars],
260                          pmax(rho$pp$beta0,rho$lower[-rho$dpars]))
261        if (nAGQ > 1L) {
262            if (length(vals$reTrms$flist) != 1L || length(vals$reTrms$cnms[[1]]) != 1L)
263                stop("nAGQ > 1 is only available for models with a single, scalar random-effects term")
264            rho$fac <- vals$reTrms$flist[[1]]
265        }
266        devfun <- mkdevfun(rho, nAGQ, verbose=verbose, control=control)
267        if (devFunOnly) return(devfun)
269        opt <- optwrap(control$optimizer[[2]], devfun,
270                       par = c(rho$pp$theta, rho$beta0),
271                       lower = rho$lower,
272                       upper = upper,
273                       control = control$optCtrl,
274                       adj = TRUE, verbose=verbose)
276    }
277    mkMerMod(environment(devfun), opt, vals$reTrms, fr = vals$frame, mc = mc)
278}## {nlmer}
280## R 3.1.0 devel [2013-08-05]: This does not help yet
281if(getRversion() >= "3.1.0") utils::suppressForeignCheck("nlmerAGQ")
282if(getRversion() < "3.1.0") dontCheck <- identity
284## *not* exported (had help page till early 2018)
285## -> issue #92: -> also look at devfun2() in  ./profile.R (which returns class!)
286##' Create a deviance evaluation function from a predictor and a response module
287##' @param rho an `environment` already containing `verbose` and tolPwrss
288##' @param nAGQ for glmer/nlmer: #{AGQ steps}; 0 <==> Laplace
289##' @param maxit maximal number of PIRLS iterations
290##' @param verbose integer specifying if outputs should be produced
291##' @param control a list as from lmerControl() etc
292mkdevfun <- function(rho, nAGQ=1L, maxit = if(extends(rho.cld, "nlsResp")) 300L else 100L,
293                     verbose=0, control=list()) {
294    ## FIXME: should nAGQ be automatically embedded in rho?
295    stopifnot(is.environment(rho), ## class definition, compute and save :
296              extends(rho.cld <- getClass(class(rho$resp)), "lmResp"))
298    ## silence R CMD check warnings *locally* in this function
299    ## (clearly preferred to using globalVariables() !]
300    fac <- pp <- resp <- lp0 <- compDev <- dpars <- baseOffset <- tolPwrss <-
301        pwrssUpdate <- ## <-- even though it's a function below
302        GQmat <- nlmerAGQ <- NULL
304    ## The deviance function (to be returned, with 'rho' as its environment):
305    ff <-
306    if (extends(rho.cld, "lmerResp")) {
307        rho$lmer_Deviance <- lmer_Deviance
308        function(theta) .Call(lmer_Deviance, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), as.double(theta))
309    } else if (extends(rho.cld, "glmResp")) {
310        ## control values will override rho values *if present*
311        if (!is.null(tp <- control$tolPwrss)) rho$tolPwrss <- tp
312        if (!is.null(cd <- control$ compDev)) rho$compDev <- cd
313        if (nAGQ == 0L)
314            function(theta) {
315                resp$updateMu(lp0)
316                pp$setTheta(theta)
317                p <- pwrssUpdate(pp, resp, tol=tolPwrss, GQmat=GHrule(0L),
318                                 compDev=compDev, maxit=maxit, verbose=verbose)
319                resp$updateWts()
320                p
321            }
322        else  ## nAGQ > 0
323            function(pars) {
324                ## pp$setDelu(rep(0, length(pp$delu)))
325                resp$setOffset(baseOffset)
326                resp$updateMu(lp0)
327                pp$setTheta(as.double(pars[dpars])) # theta is first part of pars
328                spars <- as.numeric(pars[-dpars])
329                offset <- if (length(spars)==0) baseOffset else baseOffset + pp$X %*% spars
330                resp$setOffset(offset)
331                p <- pwrssUpdate(pp, resp, tol=tolPwrss, GQmat=GQmat,
332                                 compDev=compDev, grpFac=fac, maxit=maxit, verbose=verbose)
333                resp$updateWts()
334                p
335            }
336    } else if (extends(rho.cld, "nlsResp")) {
337        if (nAGQ <= 1L) {
338            rho$nlmerLaplace <- nlmerLaplace
339            rho$tolPwrss <- control$tolPwrss
340            rho$maxit <- maxit
341            switch(nAGQ + 1L,
342                   function(theta)
343                       .Call(nlmerLaplace, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), as.double(theta),
344                             as.double(u0), beta0, verbose, FALSE, tolPwrss, maxit),
345                   function(pars)
346                       .Call(nlmerLaplace, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), pars[dpars],
347                             u0,  pars[-dpars], verbose, TRUE, tolPwrss, maxit))
348        } else {
349            stop("nAGQ > 1  not yet implemented for nlmer models")
350            rho$nlmerAGQ <- nlmerAGQ
351            rho$GQmat    <- GHrule(nAGQ)
352            ## function(pars) {
353            ## .Call(nlmerAGQ, ## <- dontCheck(nlmerAGQ)  should work according to docs but does not
354            ## pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), fac, GQmat, pars[dpars],
355            ## u0, pars[-dpars], tolPwrss)
356            ##}
357        }
358    }
359    else stop("code not yet written")
360    environment(ff) <- rho
361    ff
364## Determine a step factor that will reduce the pwrss
366## The penalized, weighted residual sum of squares (pwrss) is the sum
367## of the weighted residual sum of squares from the resp module and
368## the squared length of u from the predictor module.  The predictor module
369## contains a base value and an increment for the coefficients.
370## @title Determine a step factor
371## @param pp predictor module
372## @param resp response module
373## @param verbose logical value determining verbose output
374## @return NULL if successful
375## @note Typically all this is done in the C++ code.
376##     The R code is for debugging and comparisons of
377##     results.
378## stepFac <- function(pp, resp, verbose, maxSteps = 10) {
379##     stopifnot(is.numeric(maxSteps), maxSteps >= 2)
380##     pwrss0 <- resp$wrss() + pp$sqrL(0)
381##     for (fac in 2^(-(0:maxSteps))) {
382##      wrss <- resp$updateMu(pp$linPred(fac))
383##      pwrss1 <- wrss + pp$sqrL(fac)
384##      if (verbose > 3L)
385##          cat(sprintf("pwrss0=%10g, diff=%10g, fac=%6.4f\n",
386##                      pwrss0, pwrss0 - pwrss1, fac))
387##      if (pwrss1 <= pwrss0) {
388##          pp$installPars(fac)
389##          return(NULL)
390##      }
391##     }
392##     stop("step factor reduced below ",signif(2^(-maxSteps),2)," without reducing pwrss")
393## }
395RglmerWrkIter <- function(pp, resp, uOnly=FALSE) {
396    pp$updateXwts(resp$sqrtWrkWt())
397    pp$updateDecomp()
398    pp$updateRes(resp$wtWrkResp())
399    if (uOnly) pp$solveU() else pp$solve()
400    resp$updateMu(pp$linPred(1))        # full increment
401    resp$resDev() + pp$sqrL(1)
404##' @param pp pred module
405##' @param resp resp module
406##' @param tol numeric tolerance
407##' @param GQmat matrix of Gauss-Hermite quad info
408##' @param compDev compute in C++ (as opposed to doing as much as possible in R)
409##' @param grpFac grouping factor (normally found in environment ..)
410##' @param verbose verbosity, of course
411glmerPwrssUpdate <- function(pp, resp, tol, GQmat, compDev=TRUE, grpFac=NULL, maxit = 70L, verbose=0) {
412    nAGQ <- nrow(GQmat)
413    if (compDev) {
414        if (nAGQ < 2L)
415            return(.Call(glmerLaplace, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(),
416                         nAGQ, tol, as.integer(maxit),
417                         verbose))
418        return(.Call(glmerAGQ, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(),
419                     tol, as.integer(maxit),
420                     GQmat, grpFac, verbose))
421    }
422    oldpdev <- .Machine$double.xmax
423    uOnly   <- nAGQ == 0L
424    i <- 0
425    repeat {
426        ## oldu <- pp$delu
427        ## olddelb <- pp$delb
428        pdev <- RglmerWrkIter(pp, resp, uOnly=uOnly)
429        if (verbose > 2) cat(i,": ",pdev,"\n",sep="")
430        ## check convergence first so small increases don't trigger errors
431        if (is.na(pdev)) stop("encountered NA in PWRSS update")
432        if (abs((oldpdev - pdev) / pdev) < tol)
433            break
434        ## if (pdev > oldpdev) {
435        ##     ## try step-halving
436        ##     ## browser()
437        ##     k <- 0
438        ##     while (k < 10 && pdev > oldpdev) {
439        ##         pp$setDelu((oldu + pp$delu)/2.)
440        ##         if (!uOnly) pp$setDelb((olddelb + pp$delb)/2.)
441        ##         pdev <- RglmerWrkIter(pp, resp, uOnly=uOnly)
442        ##         k <- k+1
443        ##     }
444        ## }
445        if (pdev > oldpdev) stop("PIRLS update failed")
446        oldpdev <- pdev
447        i <- i+1
448    }
449    resp$Laplace(pp$ldL2(), 0., pp$sqrL(1))  ## FIXME: should 0. be pp$ldRX2 ?
452## create a deviance evaluation function that uses the sigma parameters
453## df2 <- function(dd) {
454##     stopifnot(is.function(dd),
455##            length(formals(dd)) == 1L,
456##            is((rem <- (rho <- environment(dd))$rem), "Rcpp_reModule"),
457##            is((fem <- rho$fem), "Rcpp_deFeMod"),
458##            is((resp <- rho$resp), "Rcpp_lmerResp"),
459##            all((lower <- rem$lower) == 0))
460##     Lind <- rem$Lind
461##     n <- length(resp$y)
462##     function(pars) {
463##      sigma <- pars[1]
464##      sigsq <- sigma * sigma
465##      sigmas <- pars[-1]
466##      theta <- sigmas/sigma
467##      rem$theta <- theta
468##      resp$updateMu(numeric(n))
469##      solveBetaU(rem, fem, resp$sqrtXwt, resp$wtres)
470##      resp$updateMu(rem$linPred1(1) + fem$linPred1(1))
471##      n * log(2*pi*sigsq) + (resp$wrss + rem$sqrLenU)/sigsq + rem$ldL2
472##     }
473## }
475## bootMer() ---> now in ./bootMer.R
478## Methods for the merMod class
480## Anova for merMod objects
482## @title anova() for merMod objects
483## @param a merMod object
484## @param ...   further such objects
485## @param refit should objects be refitted with ML (if applicable)
486## @return an "anova" data frame; the traditional (S3) result of anova()
487anovaLmer <- function(object, ..., refit = TRUE, model.names=NULL) {
488    mCall <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
489    dots <- list(...)
490    .sapply <- function(L, FUN, ...) unlist(lapply(L, FUN, ...))
491    modp <- (as.logical(vapply(dots, is, NA, "merMod")) |
492             as.logical(vapply(dots, is, NA, "lm")))
493    if (any(modp)) {   ## multiple models - form table
494        ## opts <- dots[!modp]
495        mods <- c(list(object), dots[modp])
496        nobs.vec <- vapply(mods, nobs, 1L)
497        if (var(nobs.vec) > 0)
498            stop("models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset")
500        ## model names
501        if (is.null(mNms <- model.names))
502            mNms <- vapply(as.list(mCall)[c(FALSE, TRUE, modp)], deparse1, "")
504        ## HACK to try to identify model names in situations such as
505        ## 'do.call(anova,list(model1,model2))' where the model names
506        ## are lost in the call stack ... this doesn't quite work but might
507        ## be useful for future attempts?
508        ## maxdepth <- -2
509        ## depth <- -1
510        ## while (depth >= maxdepth &
511        ##        all(grepl("S4 object of class structure",mNms))) {
512        ##     xCall <- match.call(call=sys.call(depth))
513        ##     mNms <- .sapply(as.list(xCall)[c(FALSE, TRUE, modp)], deparse)
514        ##     depth <- depth-1
515        ## }
516        ## if (depth < maxdepth) {
517        if (any(substr(mNms, 1,4) == "new(") ||
518            any(duplicated(mNms)) || ## <- only if S4 objects are *not* properly deparsed
519            max(nchar(mNms)) > 200) {
520            warning("failed to find model names, assigning generic names")
521            mNms <- paste0("MODEL",seq_along(mNms))
522        }
523        if (length(mNms) != length(mods))
524            stop("model names vector and model list have different lengths")
525        names(mods) <- sub("@env$", '', mNms) # <- hack
526        models.reml <- vapply(mods, function(x) is(x,"merMod") && isREML(x), NA)
527        models.GHQ <- vapply(mods, function(x) is(x,"glmerMod") && getME(x,"devcomp")$dims["nAGQ"]>1 , NA)
528        if (any(models.GHQ) && any(vapply(mods, function(x) is(x,"glm"), NA)))
529            stop("GLMMs with nAGQ>1 have log-likelihoods incommensurate with glm() objects")
530        if (refit) {
531            ## message only if at least one models is REML:
532            if (any(models.reml)) message("refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)")
533            mods[models.reml] <- lapply(mods[models.reml], refitML)
534        } else { ## check that models are consistent (all REML or all ML)
535            if(any(models.reml) && any(!models.reml))
536                warning("some models fit with REML = TRUE, some not")
537        }
538        ## devs <- sapply(mods, deviance)
539        llks <- lapply(mods, logLik)
540        ## Order models by increasing degrees of freedom:
541        ii <- order(npar <- vapply(llks, attr, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1), "df"))
542        mods <- mods[ii]
543        llks <- llks[ii]
544        npar   <- npar  [ii]
545        calls <- lapply(mods, getCall)
546        data <- lapply(calls, `[[`, "data")
547        if(!all(vapply(data, identical, NA, data[[1]])))
548            stop("all models must be fit to the same data object")
549        header <- paste("Data:", abbrDeparse(data[[1]]))
550        subset <- lapply(calls, `[[`, "subset")
551        if(!all(vapply(subset, identical, NA, subset[[1]])))
552            stop("all models must use the same subset")
553        if (!is.null(subset[[1]]))
554            header <- c(header, paste("Subset:", abbrDeparse(subset[[1]])))
555        llk <- unlist(llks)
556        chisq <- 2 * pmax(0, c(NA, diff(llk)))
557        dfChisq <- c(NA, diff(npar))
558        val <- data.frame(npar = npar,
559                          ## afraid to swap in vapply here; wondering
560                          ##   why .sapply was needed in the first place ...
561                          AIC = .sapply(llks, AIC), # FIXME? vapply()
562                          BIC = .sapply(llks, BIC), #  "       "
563                          logLik = llk,
564                          deviance = -2*llk,
565                          Chisq = chisq,
566                          Df = dfChisq,
567                          "Pr(>Chisq)" = ifelse(dfChisq==0,NA,pchisq(chisq, dfChisq, lower.tail = FALSE)),
568                          row.names = names(mods), check.names = FALSE)
569        class(val) <- c("anova", class(val))
570        forms <- lapply(lapply(calls, `[[`, "formula"), deparse1)
571        structure(val,
572                  heading = c(header, "Models:",
573                              paste(rep.int(names(mods), lengths(forms)),
574                                    unlist(forms), sep = ": ")))
575    }
576    else { ## ------ single model ---------------------
577        if (length(dots)>0) {
578            warnmsg <- "additional arguments ignored"
579            nd <- names(dots)
580            nd <- nd[nzchar(nd)]
581            if (length(nd)>0) {
582                warnmsg <- paste0(warnmsg,": ",
583                                  paste(sQuote(nd),collapse=", "))
584            }
585            warning(warnmsg)
586        }
587        dc <- getME(object, "devcomp")
588        X <- getME(object, "X")
589        stopifnot(length(asgn <- attr(X, "assign")) == dc$dims[["p"]])
590        ss <- as.vector(object@pp$RX() %*% object@beta)^2
591        names(ss) <- colnames(X)
592        terms <- terms(object)
593        nmeffects <- attr(terms, "term.labels")[unique(asgn)]
594        if ("(Intercept)" %in% names(ss))
595            nmeffects <- c("(Intercept)", nmeffects)
596        ss <- unlist(lapply(split(ss, asgn), sum))
597        stopifnot(length(ss) == length(nmeffects))
598        df <- lengths(split(asgn, asgn))
599        ## dfr <- unlist(lapply(split(dfr, asgn), function(x) x[1]))
600        ms <- ss/df
601        f <- ms/(sigma(object)^2)
602        ## No longer provide p-values, but still the F statistic (may not be F distributed):
603        ##
604        ## P <- pf(f, df, dfr, lower.tail = FALSE)
605        ## table <- data.frame(df, ss, ms, dfr, f, P)
606        table <- data.frame(df, ss, ms, f)
607        dimnames(table) <-
608            list(nmeffects,
609                 ## c("npar", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "Denom", "F value", "Pr(>F)"))
610                 c("npar", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "F value"))
611        if ("(Intercept)" %in% nmeffects)
612            table <- table[-match("(Intercept)", nmeffects), ]
613        structure(table, heading = "Analysis of Variance Table",
614                  class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
615    }
616}## {anovaLmer}
618##' @importFrom stats anova
619##' @S3method anova merMod
620anova.merMod <- anovaLmer
622##' @S3method as.function merMod
623as.function.merMod <- function(x, ...) {
624    rho <- list2env(list(resp  = x@resp$copy(),
625                         pp    = x@pp$copy(),
626                         beta0 = x@beta,
627                         u0   =  x@u),
628                    parent=as.environment("package:lme4"))
629    ## FIXME: extract verbose [, maxit] and control
630    mkdevfun(rho, getME(x, "devcomp")$dims[["nAGQ"]], ...)
633## coef() method for all kinds of "mer", "*merMod", ... objects
634## ------  should work with fixef() + ranef()  alone
635coefMer <- function(object, ...)
637    if(...length())
638        warning('arguments named ', paste(sQuote(...names()), collapse = ", "),
639                ' ignored')
640    fef <- data.frame(rbind(fixef(object)), check.names = FALSE)
641    ref <- ranef(object, condVar = FALSE)
642    ## check for variables in RE but missing from FE, fill in zeros in FE accordingly
643    refnames <- unlist(lapply(ref,colnames))
644    nmiss <- length(missnames <- setdiff(refnames,names(fef)))
645    if (nmiss > 0) {
646        fillvars <- setNames(data.frame(rbind(rep(0,nmiss))),missnames)
647        fef <- cbind(fillvars,fef)
648    }
649    val <- lapply(ref, function(x)
650                  fef[rep.int(1L, nrow(x)),,drop = FALSE])
651    for (i in seq_along(val)) {
652        refi <- ref[[i]]
653        row.names(val[[i]]) <- row.names(refi)
654        nmsi <- colnames(refi)
655        if (!all(nmsi %in% names(fef)))
656            stop("unable to align random and fixed effects")
657        for (nm in nmsi) val[[i]][[nm]] <- val[[i]][[nm]] + refi[,nm]
658    }
659    class(val) <- "coef.mer"
660    val
661} ##  {coefMer}
663##' @importFrom stats coef
664##' @S3method coef merMod
665coef.merMod <- coefMer
667## FIXME: should these values (i.e. ML criterion for REML models
668##  and vice versa) be computed and stored in the object in the first place?
669##' @importFrom stats deviance
670##' @S3method deviance merMod
671deviance.merMod <- function(object, REML = NULL, ...) {
672                            ## type = c("conditional", "unconditional", "penalized"),
673                            ## relative = TRUE, ...) {
674    if (isGLMM(object)) {
675        return(sum(residuals(object,type="deviance")^2))
676        ## ------------------------------------------------------------
677        ## proposed change to deviance function for GLMMs
678        ## ------------------------------------------------------------
679        ## @param type Type of deviance (can be unconditional,
680        ## penalized, conditional)
681        ## @param relative Should deviance be shifted relative to a
682        ## saturated model? (only available with type == penalized or
683        ## conditional)
684        ## ------------------------------------------------------------
685        ## ans <- switch(type[1],
686        ##               unconditional = {
687        ##                   if (relative) {
688        ##                       stop("unconditional and relative deviance is undefined")
689        ##                   }
690        ##                   c(-2 * logLik(object))
691        ##               },
692        ##               penalized = {
693        ##                   sqrL <- object@pp$sqrL(1)
694        ##                   if (relative) {
695        ##                       object@resp$resDev() + sqrL
696        ##                   } else {
697        ##                       useSc <- unname(getME(gm1, "devcomp")$dims["useSc"])
698        ##                       qLog2Pi <- unname(getME(object, "q")) * log(2 * pi)
699        ##                       object@resp$aic() - (2 * useSc) + sqrL + qLog2Pi
700        ##                   }
701        ##               },
702        ##               conditional = {
703        ##                   if (relative) {
704        ##                       object@resp$resDev()
705        ##                   } else {
706        ##                       useSc <- unname(getME(gm1, "devcomp")$dims["useSc"])
707        ##                       object@resp$aic() - (2 * useSc)
708        ##                   }
709        ##               })
710        ## return(ans)
711    }
712    if (isREML(object) && is.null(REML)) {
713        warning("deviance() is deprecated for REML fits; use REMLcrit for the REML criterion or deviance(.,REML=FALSE) for deviance calculated at the REML fit")
714        return(devCrit(object, REML=TRUE))
715    }
716    devCrit(object, REML=FALSE)
719REMLcrit <- function(object) {
720    devCrit(object, REML=TRUE)
723## original deviance.merMod -- now wrapped by REMLcrit
724## REML=NULL:
725##    if REML fit return REML criterion
726##    if ML fit, return deviance
727## REML=TRUE:
728##    if not LMM, stop.
729##    if ML fit, compute and return REML criterion
730##    if REML fit, return REML criterion
732##    if ML fit, return deviance
733##    if REML fit, compute and return deviance
734devCrit <- function(object, REML = NULL) {
735    ## cf. (1) lmerResp::Laplace in respModule.cpp
736    ##     (2) section 5.6 of lMMwR, listing lines 34-42
737    if (isTRUE(REML) && !isLMM(object))
738        stop("can't compute REML deviance for a non-LMM")
739    cmp <- object@devcomp$cmp
740    if (is.null(REML) || is.na(REML[1]))
741        REML <- isREML(object)
742    if (REML) {
743        if (isREML(object)) {
744            cmp[["REML"]]
745        } else {
746            ## adjust ML results to REML
747            lnum <- log(2*pi*cmp[["pwrss"]])
748            n <- object@devcomp$dims[["n"]]
749            nmp <- n - length(object@beta)
750            ldW <- sum(log(weights(object, method = "prior")))
751            - ldW + cmp[["ldL2"]] + cmp[["ldRX2"]] + nmp*(1 + lnum - log(nmp))
752        }
753    } else {
754        if (!isREML(object)) {
755            cmp[["dev"]]
756        } else {
757            ## adjust REML results to ML
758            n <- object@devcomp$dims[["n"]]
759            lnum <- log(2*pi*cmp[["pwrss"]])
760            ldW <- sum(log(weights(object, method = "prior")))
761            - ldW + cmp[["ldL2"]] + n*(1 + lnum - log(n))
762        }
763    }
766## copied from stats:::safe_pchisq
767safe_pchisq <- function (q, df, ...) {
768    df[df <= 0] <- NA
769    pchisq(q = q, df = df, ...)
772##' @importFrom stats drop1
773##' @S3method drop1 merMod
774drop1.merMod <- function(object, scope, scale = 0, test = c("none", "Chisq", "user"),
775                         k = 2, trace = FALSE,
776                         sumFun=NULL, ...) {
777    evalhack <- "formulaenv"
778    test <- match.arg(test)
779    if ((test=="user" && is.null(sumFun)) ||
780        ((test!="user" && !is.null(sumFun))))
781        stop(sQuote("sumFun"),' must be specified if (and only if) test=="user"')
782    tl <- attr(terms(object), "term.labels")
783    if(missing(scope)) scope <- drop.scope(object)
784    else {
785        if(!is.character(scope)) {
786            scope <- attr(terms(getFixedFormula(update.formula(object, scope))),
787                                "term.labels")
788        }
789        if(!all(match(scope, tl, 0L) > 0L))
790            stop("scope is not a subset of term labels")
791    }
792    ns <- length(scope)
793    if (is.null(sumFun)) {
794        sumFun <- function(x,scale,k,...)
795            setNames(extractAIC(x,scale,k,...),c("df","AIC"))
796    }
797    ss <- sumFun(object, scale=scale, k=k, ...)
798    ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1L, ncol = length(ss),
799                  dimnames =  list(c("<none>", scope), names(ss)))
800    ans[1, ] <- ss
801    n0 <- nobs(object, use.fallback = TRUE)
802    env <- environment(formula(object)) # perhaps here is where trouble begins??
803    for(i in seq_along(scope)) {  ## was seq(ns), failed on empty scope
804        tt <- scope[i]
805        if(trace > 1) {
806            cat("trying -", tt, "\n", sep='')
807            flush.console()
808        }
809        ## FIXME: make this more robust, somehow?
810        ## three choices explored so far:
811        ##  (1) evaluate nfit in parent frame: tests in inst/tests/test-formulaEval.R
812        ##      will fail on lapply(m_data_List,drop1)
813        ##      (formula environment contains r,x,y,z but not d)
814        ##  (2) evaluate nfit in frame of formula: tests will fail when data specified and formula is character
815        ##  (3) update with data=NULL: fails when ...
816        ##
817        if (evalhack %in% c("parent","formulaenv")) {
818            nfit <- update(object,
819                           as.formula(paste("~ . -", tt)),
820                           evaluate = FALSE)
821            ## nfit <- eval(nfit, envir = env) # was  eval.parent(nfit)
822            if (evalhack=="parent") {
823                nfit <- eval.parent(nfit)
824            } else if (evalhack=="formulaenv") {
825                nfit <- eval(nfit,envir=env)
826            }
827        } else {
828            nfit <- update(object,
829                           as.formula(paste("~ . -", tt)),data=NULL,
830                           evaluate = FALSE)
831            nfit <- eval(nfit,envir=env)
832        }
833        if (test=="user") {
834            ans[i+1, ] <- sumFun(object, nfit, scale=scale, k=k, ...)
835        } else {
836            ans[i+1, ] <- sumFun(nfit, scale, k = k, ...)
837        }
838        nnew <- nobs(nfit, use.fallback = TRUE)
839        if(all(is.finite(c(n0, nnew))) && nnew != n0)
840            stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?")
841    }
842    if (test=="user") {
843        aod <- as.data.frame(ans)
844    } else {
845        dfs <- ans[1L, 1L] - ans[, 1L]
846        dfs[1L] <- NA
847        aod <- data.frame(npar = dfs, AIC = ans[,2])
848        if(test == "Chisq") {
849            ## reconstruct deviance from AIC (ugh)
850            dev <- ans[, 2L] - k*ans[, 1L]
851            dev <- dev - dev[1L] ; dev[1L] <- NA
852            nas <- !is.na(dev)
853            P <- dev
854            P[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], dfs[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
855            aod[, c("LRT", "Pr(Chi)")] <- list(dev, P)
856        } else if (test == "F") {
857            ## FIXME: allow this if denominator df are specified externally?
858            stop("F test STUB -- unfinished maybe forever")
859            dev <- ans[, 2L] - k*ans[, 1L]
860            dev <- dev - dev[1L] ; dev[1L] <- NA
861            nas <- !is.na(dev)
862            P <- dev
863            P[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], dfs[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
864            aod[, c("LRT", "Pr(F)")] <- list(dev, P)
865        }
866    }
867    head <- c("Single term deletions", "\nModel:", deparse(formula(object)),
868              if(scale > 0) paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
869    if (!is.null(method <- attr(ss,"method"))) {
870        head <- c(head,"Method: ",method,"\n")
871    }
872    structure(aod, heading = head, class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
875##' @importFrom stats extractAIC
876##' @S3method extractAIC merMod
877extractAIC.merMod <- function(fit, scale = 0, k = 2, ...) {
878    L <- logLik(refitML(fit))
879    edf <- attr(L,"df")
880    c(edf,-2*L + k*edf)
883##' @importFrom stats family
884##' @S3method family merMod
885family.merMod <- function(object, ...) family(object@resp, ...)
887##' @S3method family glmResp
888family.glmResp <- function(object, ...) {
889                                        # regenerate initialize
890                                        # expression if necessary
892    ## FIXME: may fail with user-specified/custom family?
893    ## should be obsolete
894    if(is.null(object$family$initialize))
895        return(do.call(object$family$family,
896                       list(link=object$family$link)))
898    object$family
901##' @S3method family lmResp
902family.lmResp <- function(object, ...) gaussian()
904##' @S3method family nlsResp
905family.nlsResp <- function(object, ...) gaussian()
907##' @importFrom stats fitted
908##' @S3method fitted merMod
909fitted.merMod <- function(object, ...) {
910    xx <- object@resp$mu
911    if (length(xx)==0) {
912        ## handle 'fake' objects created by simulate()
913        xx <- rep(NA,nrow(model.frame(object)))
914    }
915    if (is.null(nm <- rownames(model.frame(object)))) nm <- seq_along(xx)
916    names(xx) <- nm
917    if (!is.null(fit.na.action <- attr(model.frame(object),"na.action")))
918        napredict(fit.na.action, xx)
919    else
920        xx
923##' Extract the fixed-effects estimates
925##' Extract the estimates of the fixed-effects parameters from a fitted model.
926##' @name fixef
927##' @title Extract fixed-effects estimates
928##' @aliases fixef fixed.effects fixef.merMod
929##' @docType methods
930##' @param object any fitted model object from which fixed effects estimates can
931##' be extracted.
932##' @param \dots optional additional arguments. Currently none are used in any
933##' methods.
934##' @return a named, numeric vector of fixed-effects estimates.
935##' @keywords models
936##' @examples
937##' fixef(lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
938##' @importFrom nlme fixef
939##' @export fixef
940##' @method fixef merMod
941##' @export
942fixef.merMod <- function(object, add.dropped=FALSE, ...) {
943    X <- getME(object,"X")
944    ff <- structure(object@beta, names = dimnames(X)[[2]])
945    if (add.dropped) {
946        if (!is.null(dd <- attr(X,"col.dropped"))) {
947            ## restore positions dropped for rank deficiency
948            vv <- numeric(length(ff)+length(dd))
949            all.pos <- seq_along(vv)
950            kept.pos <- all.pos[-dd]
951            vv[kept.pos] <- ff
952            names(vv)[kept.pos] <- names(ff)
953            vv[dd] <- NA
954            names(vv)[dd] <- names(dd)
955            ff <- vv
956        }
957    }
958    return(ff)
962getFixedFormula <- function(form) {
963    RHSForm(form) <- nobars(RHSForm(form))
964    form
967##' @importFrom stats formula
968##' @S3method formula merMod
969formula.merMod <- function(x, fixed.only=FALSE, random.only=FALSE, ...) {
970    if (missing(fixed.only) && random.only) fixed.only <- FALSE
971    if (fixed.only && random.only) stop("can't specify 'only fixed' and 'only random' terms")
972    if (is.null(form <- attr(x@frame,"formula"))) {
973        if (!grepl("lmer$",deparse(getCall(x)[[1]])))
974            stop("can't find formula stored in model frame or call")
975        form <- as.formula(formula(getCall(x),...))
976    }
977    if (fixed.only) {
978        form <- getFixedFormula(form)
979    }
980    if (random.only) {
981        ## from predict.R
982        form <- reOnly(form,response=TRUE)
983    }
984    form
987##' @S3method isREML merMod
988isREML.merMod <- function(x, ...) as.logical(x@devcomp$dims[["REML"]])
990##' @S3method isGLMM merMod
991isGLMM.merMod <- function(x,...) {
992  as.logical(x@devcomp$dims[["GLMM"]])
993  ## or: is(x@resp,"glmResp")
996##' @S3method isNLMM merMod
997isNLMM.merMod <- function(x,...) {
998  as.logical(x@devcomp$dims[["NLMM"]])
999  ## or: is(x@resp,"nlsResp")
1002##' @S3method isLMM merMod
1003isLMM.merMod <- function(x,...) {
1004  !isGLMM(x) && !isNLMM(x)
1005  ## or: is(x@resp,"lmerResp") ?
1008npar.merMod <- function(object) {
1009    n <- length(object@beta) + length(object@theta) +
1010        object@devcomp[["dims"]][["useSc"]]
1011    ## FIXME: this is a bit of a hack: a user *might* have specified
1012    ## negative binomial family with a known theta, in which case we
1013    ## shouldn't count it as extra.  Either glmer.nb needs to set a
1014    ## flag somewhere, or we need class 'nbglmerMod' to extend 'glmerMod' ...
1015    ## We do *not* want to use the 'useSc' slot (as above), because
1016    ## although theta is in some sense a scale parameter, it's not
1017    ## one in the formal sense (and isn't stored in the 'sigma' slot)
1018    if (grepl("Negative Binomial",family(object)$family)) {
1019        n <- n+1
1020    }
1021    return(n)
1022    ## TODO: how do we feel about counting the scale parameter ???
1025##' @importFrom stats logLik
1026##' @S3method logLik merMod
1027logLik.merMod <- function(object, REML = NULL, ...) {
1028    if (is.null(REML) || is.na(REML[1]))
1029        REML <- isREML(object)
1030    val <- -devCrit(object, REML = REML)/2
1031    ## dc <- object@devcomp
1032    nobs <- nobs.merMod(object)
1033    structure(val,
1034              nobs = nobs,
1035              nall = nobs,
1036              df = npar.merMod(object),
1037              ## length(object@beta) + length(object@theta) + dc$dims[["useSc"]],
1038              class = "logLik")
1041##' @importFrom stats df.residual
1042##' @S3method df.residual merMod
1043##  TODO: not clear whether the residual df should be based
1044##  on p=length(beta) or p=length(c(theta,beta)) ... but
1045##  this is just to allow things like aods3::gof to work ...
1047df.residual.merMod <- function(object, ...) {
1048    nobs(object)-npar.merMod(object)
1051##' @importFrom stats logLik
1052##' @S3method model.frame merMod
1053model.frame.merMod <- function(formula, fixed.only=FALSE, ...) {
1054    fr <- formula@frame
1055    if (fixed.only) {
1056        vars <- attr(terms(fr),"varnames.fixed")
1057        if (is.null(vars)) {
1058            ## back-compatibility: saved objects pre 1.1-15
1059            ff <- formula(formula,fixed.only=TRUE)
1060            ## thanks to Thomas Leeper and Roman Lustrik, Stack Overflow
1061            ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18017765/extract-variables-in-formula-from-a-data-frame
1062            vars <- rownames(attr(terms.formula(ff), "factors"))
1063        }
1064        vars <- gsub("`","",vars) ## weirdness in deparsing variable names with spaces
1065        fr <- fr[vars]
1066    }
1067    fr
1070##' @importFrom stats model.matrix
1071##' @S3method model.matrix merMod
1072model.matrix.merMod <-
1073    function(object,
1074             type = c("fixed", "random", "randomListRaw"), ...) {
1075    switch(type[1],
1076           "fixed" = object@pp$X,
1077           "random" = getME(object, "Z"),
1078           "randomListRaw" = mmList(object))
1081##' Dummy variables (experimental)
1083##' Largely a wrapper for \code{model.matrix} that
1084##' accepts a factor, \code{f}, and returns a dummy
1085##' matrix with \code{nlevels(f)-1} columns.
1086dummy <- function(f, levelsToKeep){
1087  f <- as.factor(f)
1088  mm <- model.matrix(~ 0 + f)
1089  colnames(mm) <- levels(f)
1091                                        # sort out levels to keep
1092  missingLevels <- missing(levelsToKeep)
1093  if(missingLevels) levelsToKeep <- levels(f)[-1]
1094  if(!any(levels(f) %in% levelsToKeep))
1095      stop("at least some of the levels in f ",
1096           "must also be present in levelsToKeep")
1097  if(!all(levelsToKeep %in% levels(f)))
1098      stop("all of the levelsToKeep must be levels of f")
1099  mm <- mm[, levelsToKeep, drop=FALSE]
1101  ##                                       # communicate that some usages are unlikely
1102  ##                                       # to help with readibility, which is the
1103  ##                                       # whole purpose of dummy()
1104  ## if((!missingLevels)&&(ncol(mm) > 1))
1105  ##     message("note from dummy:  explicitly specifying more than one ",
1106  ##             "level to keep may do little to improve readibility")
1107  return(mm)
1111##' @importFrom stats nobs
1112##' @S3method nobs merMod
1113nobs.merMod <- function(object, ...) nrow(object@frame)
1115## used in  summary.merMod():
1116ngrps <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("ngrps")
1118ngrps.default <- function(object, ...) stop("Cannot extract the number of groups from this object")
1120ngrps.merMod <- function(object, ...) vapply(object@flist, nlevels, 1)
1122ngrps.factor <- function(object, ...) nlevels(object)
1124##' @importFrom nlme ranef
1125##' @export ranef
1128##' Extract the modes of the random effects
1130##' A generic function to extract the conditional modes of the random effects
1131##' from a fitted model object.  For linear mixed models the conditional modes
1132##' of the random effects are also the conditional means.
1134##' If grouping factor i has k levels and j random effects per level the ith
1135##' component of the list returned by \code{ranef} is a data frame with k rows
1136##' and j columns.  If \code{condVar} is \code{TRUE} the \code{"postVar"}
1137##' attribute is an array of dimension j by j by k.  The kth face of this array
1138##' is a positive definite symmetric j by j matrix.  If there is only one
1139##' grouping factor in the model the variance-covariance matrix for the entire
1140##' random effects vector, conditional on the estimates of the model parameters
1141##' and on the data will be block diagonal and this j by j matrix is the kth
1142##' diagonal block.  With multiple grouping factors the faces of the
1143##' \code{"postVar"} attributes are still the diagonal blocks of this
1144##' conditional variance-covariance matrix but the matrix itself is no longer
1145##' block diagonal.
1146##' @name ranef
1147##' @aliases ranef ranef.merMod
1148##' @param object an object of a class of fitted models with random effects,
1149##' typically an \code{"\linkS4class{merMod}"} object.
1150##' @param condVar an optional logical argument indicating if the conditional
1151##' variance-covariance matrices of the random effects should be added as an attribute.
1152##' @param postVar a (deprecated) synonym for \code{condVar}
1153##' @param drop an optional logical argument indicating components of the return
1154##' value that would be data frames with a single column, usually a column
1155##' called \sQuote{\code{(Intercept)}}, should be returned as named vectors.
1156##' @param whichel an optional character vector of names of grouping factors for
1157##' which the random effects should be returned.  Defaults to all the grouping
1158##' factors.
1159##' @param \dots some methods for this generic function require additional
1160##' arguments.
1161##' @return A list of data frames, one for each grouping factor for the random
1162##' effects.  The number of rows in the data frame is the number of levels of
1163##' the grouping factor.  The number of columns is the dimension of the random
1164##' effect associated with each level of the factor.
1166##' If \code{condVar} is \code{TRUE} each of the data frames has an attribute
1167##' called \code{"postVar"} which is a three-dimensional array with symmetric
1168##' faces.
1170##' When \code{drop} is \code{TRUE} any components that would be data frames of
1171##' a single column are converted to named numeric vectors.
1172##' @note To produce a \dQuote{caterpillar plot} of the random effects apply
1173##' \code{\link[lattice:xyplot]{dotplot}} to the result of a call to
1174##' \code{ranef} with \code{condVar = TRUE}.
1175##' @examples
1176##' fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
1177##' fm2 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
1178##' fm3 <- lmer(diameter ~ (1|plate) + (1|sample), Penicillin)
1179##' ranef(fm1)
1180##' str(rr1 <- ranef(fm1, condVar = TRUE))
1181##' dotplot(rr1)  ## default
1182##' ## specify free scales in order to make Day effects more visible
1183##' dotplot(rr1,scales = list(x = list(relation = 'free')))[["Subject"]]
1184##' if(FALSE) { ##-- condVar=TRUE is not yet implemented for multiple terms -- FIXME
1185##' str(ranef(fm2, condVar = TRUE))
1186##' }
1187##' op <- options(digits = 4)
1188##' ranef(fm3, drop = TRUE)
1189##' options(op)
1190##' @keywords models methods
1191##' @method ranef merMod
1192##' @export
1193ranef.merMod <- function(object, condVar = TRUE, drop = FALSE,
1194                         whichel = names(ans), postVar = FALSE, ...)
1197    if (length(L <- list(...))>0) {
1198        warning(paste("additional arguments to ranef.merMod ignored:",
1199                      paste(names(L),collapse=", ")))
1200    }
1201    if (!missing(postVar) && missing(condVar)) {
1202        warning(sQuote("postVar")," is deprecated: please use ",
1203                sQuote("condVar")," instead")
1204        condVar <- postVar
1205    }
1206    ans <- object@pp$b(1) ## not always == c(matrix(unlist(getME(object,"b"))))
1207    if (!is.null(object@flist)) {
1208        ## evaluate the list of matrices
1209        levs <- lapply(fl <- object@flist, levels)
1210        asgn <- attr(fl, "assign")
1211        cnms <- object@cnms
1212        nc <- lengths(cnms) ## number of terms
1213        ## nb <- nc * lengths(levs)[asgn] ## number of cond modes per term
1214        nb <- diff(object@Gp)
1215        nbseq <- rep.int(seq_along(nb), nb)
1216        ml <- split(ans, nbseq)
1217        for (i in seq_along(ml))
1218            ml[[i]] <- matrix(ml[[i]], ncol = nc[i], byrow = TRUE,
1219                              dimnames = list(NULL, cnms[[i]]))
1220        ## create a list of data frames corresponding to factors
1221        ans <- lapply(seq_along(fl),
1222                      function(i) {
1223                                     m <- ml[asgn == i]
1224                                     b2 <- vapply(m,nrow,numeric(1))
1225                                     ub2 <- unique(b2)
1226                                     if (length(ub2)>1)
1227                                         stop("differing numbers of b per group")
1228                         ## if number of sets of modes != number of levels (e.g. Gaussian process/phyloglmm),
1229                         ##   generate numeric sequence for names
1231                         rnms <- if (ub2==length(levs[[i]])) levs[[i]] else seq(ub2)
1232                         data.frame(do.call(cbind, m),
1233                                    row.names = rnms,
1234                                    check.names = FALSE)
1235        })
1236        names(ans) <- names(fl)
1237                                        # process whichel
1238        stopifnot(is(whichel, "character"))
1239        whchL <- names(ans) %in% whichel
1240        ans <- ans[whchL]
1242        if (condVar) {
1243            sigsqr <- sigma(object)^2
1244            rp <- rePos$new(object)
1245            if(any(lengths(rp$terms) > 1L)) {
1246                ## use R machinery here ...
1247                vv <- arrange.condVar(object,condVar(object, scaled=TRUE))
1248            } else {
1249                vv <- .Call(merPredDcondVar, object@pp$ptr(), as.environment(rp))
1250                vv <- lapply(vv, "*", sigsqr)
1251            }
1252            for (i in names(ans)) {
1253                attr(ans[[i]], "postVar") <- vv[[i]]
1254            }
1255        }
1256        if (drop)
1257            ans <- lapply(ans, function(el)
1258                      {
1259                          if (ncol(el) > 1) return(el)
1260                          pv <- drop(attr(el, "postVar"))
1261                          el <- drop(as.matrix(el))
1262                          if (!is.null(pv))
1263                              attr(el, "postVar") <- pv
1264                          el
1265                      })
1266        class(ans) <- "ranef.mer"
1267    }
1268    ans
1269}## ranef.merMod
1271print.ranef.mer <- function(x, ...) {
1272    print(unclass(x), ...)
1273    if(any(has.pv <- vapply(x, function(el)
1274                            !is.null(attr(el, "postVar")), NA)))
1275        cat('with conditional variances for',
1276            paste(dQuote(names(x)[has.pv]), sep=", "), "\n")
1277    invisible(x)
1280## try to redo refit by calling modular structure ...
1281refit2.merMod <- function(object,
1282                          newresp=NULL) {
1283    ## the idea is to steal as much structure as we can from the
1284    ## previous fit, including
1285    ##  * starting parameter values
1286    ##  * random-effects structure
1287    ##  * fixed-effects structure
1288    ##  * model frame
1289    ## and jump into the modular structure at an appropriate place;
1290    ##  essentially, this should merge with a smart-as-possible
1291    ##  version of 'update' ...
1295## FIXME DRY: much of copy'n'paste from lmer() etc .. ==> become more modular (?)
1296refit.merMod <- function(object,
1297                         newresp=NULL,
1298                         ## formula=NULL, weights=NULL,
1299                         rename.response=FALSE,
1300                         maxit = 100L, ...)
1303    l... <- list(...)
1305    ctrl.arg <- NULL
1306    if("control" %in% names(l...)) ctrl.arg <- l...$control
1308    if(!all(names(l...) %in% c("control", "verbose"))) {
1309        warning("additional arguments to refit.merMod ignored")
1310    }
1311    ## TODO: not clear whether we should reset the names
1312    ##       to the new response variable.  Maybe not.
1314    ## retrieve name before it gets mangled by operations on newresp
1315    newrespSub <- substitute(newresp)
1317    ## for backward compatibility/functioning of refit(fit,simulate(fit))
1318    if (is.list(newresp)) {
1319        if (length(newresp)==1) {
1320            na.action <- attr(newresp,"na.action")
1321            newresp <- newresp[[1]]
1322            attr(newresp,"na.action") <- na.action
1323        } else {
1324            stop("refit not implemented for 'newresp' lists of length > 1: ",
1325                 "consider ", sQuote("lapply(object,refit)"))
1326        }
1327    }
1329    ## oldresp <- object@resp$y # need to set this before deep copy,
1330    ##                          # otherwise it gets reset with the call
1331    ##                          # to setResp below
1333    ## somewhat repeated from profile.merMod, but sufficiently
1334    ##  different that refactoring is slightly non-trivial
1335    ## "three minutes' thought would suffice ..."
1336    control <-
1337        if (!is.null(ctrl.arg)) {
1338            if (length(ctrl.arg$optCtrl) == 0) { ## use object's version:
1339                obj.control <- object@optinfo$control
1340                ignore.pars <- c("xst", "xt")
1341                if (any(ign <- names(obj.control) %in% ignore.pars))
1342                    obj.control <- obj.control[!ign]
1343                ctrl.arg$optCtrl <- obj.control
1344            }
1345            ctrl.arg
1346        }
1347        else if (isGLMM(object))
1348            glmerControl()
1349        else
1350            lmerControl()
1351  if (object@optinfo$optimizer == "optimx") {
1352   control$optCtrl <- object@optinfo$control
1353  }
1354    ## we need this stuff defined before we call .glmerLaplace below ...
1355    pp      <- object@pp$copy()
1356    dc      <- object@devcomp
1357    nAGQ    <- dc$dims["nAGQ"] # possibly NA
1358    nth     <- dc$dims[["nth"]]
1359    verbose <- l...$verbose; if (is.null(verbose)) verbose <- 0L
1360    if (!is.null(newresp)) {
1361        ## update call and model frame with new response
1362        rcol <- attr(attr(model.frame(object), "terms"), "response")
1363        if (rename.response) {
1364            attr(object@frame,"formula")[[2]] <- object@call$formula[[2]] <-
1365                newrespSub
1366            names(object@frame)[rcol] <- deparse(newrespSub)
1367        }
1368        if (!is.null(na.act <- attr(object@frame,"na.action")) &&
1369            is.null(attr(newresp,"na.action"))) {
1370            ## will only get here if na.action is 'na.omit' or 'na.exclude'
1371            ## *and* newresp does not have an 'na.action' attribute
1372            ## indicating that NAs have already been filtered
1373            newresp <- if (is.matrix(newresp))
1374                newresp[-na.act, ]
1375            else newresp[-na.act]
1376        }
1377        object@frame[,rcol] <- newresp
1379        ## modFrame <- model.frame(object)
1380        ## modFrame[, attr(terms(modFrame), "response")] <- newresp
1381    }
1383    rr <- if(isLMM(object))
1384        mkRespMod(model.frame(object), REML = isREML(object))
1385    else if(isGLMM(object)) {
1386        mkRespMod(model.frame(object), family = family(object))
1387    } else
1388        stop("refit.merMod not working for nonlinear mixed models.\n",
1389             "try update.merMod instead.")
1391    if(!is.null(newresp)) {
1392        if(family(object)$family == "binomial") {
1393            ## re-do conversion of two-column matrix and factor
1394            ##  responses to proportion/weights format
1395            if (is.matrix(newresp) && ncol(newresp) == 2) {
1396                ntot <- rowSums(newresp)
1397                ## FIXME: test what happens for (0,0) rows
1398                newresp <- newresp[,1]/ntot
1399                rr$setWeights(ntot)
1400            }
1401            if (is.factor(newresp)) {
1402                ## FIXME: would be better to do this consistently with
1403                ## whatever machinery is used in glm/glm.fit/glmer  ??
1404                newresp <- as.numeric(newresp)-1
1405            }
1406        }
1407        ## if (isGLMM(object) && rr$family$family=="binomial") {
1409        ## }
1410        stopifnot(length(newresp <- as.numeric(as.vector(newresp))) ==
1411                  length(rr$y))
1413    }
1416    if (isGLMM(object)) {
1417        GQmat <- GHrule(nAGQ)
1419        if (nAGQ <= 1) {
1420            glmerPwrssUpdate(pp,rr, control$tolPwrss, GQmat, maxit=maxit)
1421        } else {
1422            glmerPwrssUpdate(pp,rr, control$tolPwrss, GQmat, maxit=maxit,
1423                             grpFac = object@flist[[1]])
1424        }
1425    }
1427    devlist <-
1428        if (isGLMM(object)) {
1429            baseOffset <- forceCopy(object@resp$offset)
1431            list(tolPwrss= dc$cmp [["tolPwrss"]],
1432                 compDev = dc$dims[["compDev"]],
1433                 nAGQ = unname(nAGQ),
1434                 lp0 = pp$linPred(1), ## object@resp$eta - baseOffset,
1435                 baseOffset = baseOffset,
1436                 pwrssUpdate = glmerPwrssUpdate,
1437                 ## save GQmat in the object and use that instead of nAGQ
1438                 GQmat = GHrule(nAGQ),
1439                 fac = object@flist[[1]],
1440                 pp=pp, resp=rr, u0=pp$u0, verbose=verbose, dpars=seq_len(nth))
1441        } else
1442            list(pp=pp, resp=rr, u0=pp$u0, verbose=verbose, dpars=seq_len(nth))
1443    ff <- mkdevfun(list2env(devlist), nAGQ=nAGQ, maxit=maxit, verbose=verbose)
1444    ## rho <- environment(ff) == list2env(devlist)
1445    xst       <- rep.int(0.1, nth)
1446    x0        <- pp$theta
1447    lower     <- object@lower
1448    if (!is.na(nAGQ) && nAGQ > 0L) {
1449        xst   <- c(xst, sqrt(diag(pp$unsc())))
1450        x0    <- c(x0, unname(fixef(object)))
1451        lower <- c(lower, rep(-Inf,length(x0)-length(lower)))
1452    }
1453    ## control <- c(control,list(xst=0.2*xst, xt=xst*0.0001))
1454    ## FIX ME: allow use.last.params to be passed through
1455    calc.derivs <- !is.null(object@optinfo$derivs)
1456    ## if(isGLMM(object)) {
1457    ##     rho$resp$updateWts()
1458    ##     rho$pp$updateDecomp()
1459    ##     rho$lp0 <- rho$pp$linPred(1)
1460    ## }
1461    optimizer <- object@optinfo$optimizer
1462    if (!is.null(newopt <- ctrl.arg$optimizer)) {
1463        ## we might end up with a length-2 optimizer vector ...
1464        ##  use the *last* element
1465        optimizer <- newopt[length(newopt)]
1466    }
1467    opt <- optwrap(optimizer,
1468                   ff, x0, lower=lower, control=control$optCtrl,
1469                   calc.derivs=calc.derivs)
1470    cc <- checkConv(attr(opt,"derivs"),opt$par,
1471                    ## FIXME: was there a reason that ctrl was passed
1472                    ## via the call slot?  it was causing problems
1473                    ## when optTheta called refit (github issue #173)
1474                    # ctrl = eval(object@call$control)$checkConv,
1475                    ctrl = control$checkConv,
1476                    lbound=lower)
1477    if (isGLMM(object)) rr$setOffset(baseOffset)
1478    mkMerMod(environment(ff), opt,
1479             list(flist=object@flist, cnms=object@cnms,
1480                  Gp=object@Gp, lower=object@lower),
1481             object@frame, getCall(object), cc)
1484refitML.merMod <- function (x, optimizer="bobyqa", ...) {
1485    ## FIXME: optimizer is set to 'bobyqa' for back-compatibility, but that's not
1486    ##  consistent with lmer (default NM).  Should be based on internally stored 'optimizer' value
1487    if (!isREML(x)) return(x)
1488    stopifnot(is(rr <- x@resp, "lmerResp"))
1489    rho <- new.env(parent=parent.env(environment()))
1490    rho$resp <- new(class(rr), y=rr$y, offset=rr$offset, weights=rr$weights, REML=0L)
1491    xpp <- x@pp$copy()
1492    rho$pp <- new(class(xpp), X=xpp$X, Zt=xpp$Zt, Lambdat=xpp$Lambdat,
1493                  Lind=xpp$Lind, theta=xpp$theta, n=nrow(xpp$X))
1494    devfun <- mkdevfun(rho, 0L) # FIXME? also pass {verbose, maxit, control}
1495    opt <- ## "smart" calc.derivs rules
1496        if(optimizer == "bobyqa" && !any("calc.derivs" == ...names()))
1497            optwrap(optimizer, devfun, x@theta, lower=x@lower, calc.derivs=TRUE, ...)
1498        else
1499            optwrap(optimizer, devfun, x@theta, lower=x@lower, ...)
1500    ## FIXME: Should be able to call mkMerMod() here, and be done
1501    n <- length(rr$y)
1502    pp <- rho$pp
1503    p <- ncol(pp$X)
1504    dims <- c(N=n, n=n, p=p, nmp=n-p, q=nrow(pp$Zt), nth=length(pp$theta),
1505              useSc=1L, reTrms=length(x@cnms),
1506              spFe=0L, REML=0L, GLMM=0L, NLMM=0L)#, nAGQ=NA_integer_)
1507    wrss <- rho$resp$wrss()
1508    ussq <- pp$sqrL(1)
1509    pwrss <- wrss + ussq
1510    cmp <- c(ldL2=pp$ldL2(), ldRX2=pp$ldRX2(), wrss=wrss, ussq=ussq,
1511             pwrss=pwrss, drsum=NA, dev=opt$fval, REML=NA,
1512             sigmaML=sqrt(pwrss/n), sigmaREML=sqrt(pwrss/(n-p)))
1513    ## modify the call  to have REML=FALSE. (without evaluating the call!)
1514    cl <- x@call
1515    cl[["REML"]] <- FALSE
1516    new("lmerMod", call = cl, frame=x@frame, flist=x@flist,
1517        cnms=x@cnms, theta=pp$theta, beta=pp$delb, u=pp$delu,
1518        optinfo = .optinfo(opt),
1519        lower=x@lower, devcomp=list(cmp=cmp, dims=dims), pp=pp, resp=rho$resp,
1520        Gp=x@Gp)
1523##' residuals of merMod objects                 --> ../man/residuals.merMod.Rd
1524##' @param object a fitted [g]lmer (\code{merMod}) object
1525##' @param type type of residuals
1526##' @param scaled scale residuals by residual standard deviation (=scale parameter)?
1527##' @param \dots additional arguments (ignored: for method compatibility)
1528residuals.merMod <- function(object,
1529                             type = if(isGLMM(object)) "deviance" else "response",
1530                             scaled = FALSE, ...) {
1531    r <- residuals(object@resp, type,...)
1532    fr <- model.frame(object)
1533    if (is.null(nm <- rownames(fr))) nm <- seq_along(r)
1534    names(r) <- nm
1535    if (scaled) r <- r/sigma(object)
1536    if (!is.null(na.action <- attr(fr, "na.action")))
1537        naresid(na.action, r)
1538    else
1539        r
1542##' @rdname residuals.merMod
1543##' @S3method residuals lmResp
1544##' @method residuals lmResp
1545residuals.lmResp <- function(object,
1546                             type = c("working", "response", "deviance",
1547                                      "pearson", "partial"), ...) {
1548    y <- object$y
1549    r <- object$wtres
1550    mu <- object$mu
1551    switch(match.arg(type),
1552           working =,
1553           response = y-mu,
1554           deviance =,
1555           pearson = r,
1556           partial = stop(gettextf("partial residuals are not implemented yet"),
1557                          call. = FALSE)
1558           )
1561##' @rdname residuals.merMod
1562##' @S3method residuals glmResp
1563##' @method residuals glmResp
1564residuals.glmResp <- function(object, type = c("deviance", "pearson",
1565                                      "working", "response", "partial"),
1566                              ...) {
1567    type <- match.arg(type)
1568    y <- object$y
1569    mu <- object$mu
1570    switch(type,
1571           deviance = {
1572               d.res <- sqrt(object$devResid())
1573               ifelse(y > mu, d.res, -d.res)
1574           },
1575           pearson = object$wtres,
1576           working = object$wrkResids(),
1577           response = y - mu,
1578           partial = stop(gettextf("partial residuals are not implemented yet"),
1579                    call. = FALSE)
1580       )
1584hatvalues.merMod <- function(model, fullHatMatrix = FALSE, ...) {
1585    if(isGLMM(model)) warning("the hat matrix may not make sense for GLMMs")
1586    ## FIXME:  add restriction for NLMMs?
1588    ## prior weights, W ^ {1/2} :
1589    sqrtW <- Diagonal(x = sqrt(weights(model, type = "prior")))
1590    res <- with(getME(model, c("L", "Lambdat", "Zt", "RX", "X", "RZX")), {
1591        ## CL:= right factor of the random-effects component of the hat matrix  (64)
1592        CL <- solve(L, solve(L, Lambdat %*% Zt %*% sqrtW,
1593                             system = "P"), system = "L")
1594        ## CR:= right factor of the fixed-effects component of the hat matrix   (65)
1595        ##      {MM (FIXME Matrix):  t(.) %*% here faster than crossprod()}
1596        CR <- solve(t(RX), t(X) %*% sqrtW - crossprod(RZX, CL))
1597        if(fullHatMatrix) ## H = (C_L^T C_L + C_R^T C_R)                        (63)
1598            crossprod(CL) + crossprod(CR)
1599        else ## diagonal of the hat matrix, diag(H) :
1600            colSums(CR^2) + colSums(CL^2)
1601    })
1602    napredict(attr(model.frame(model),"na.action"),res)
1606###----- Printing etc ----------------------------
1608## lme4.0, for GLMM had
1609## 'Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation'
1610## 'Generalized linear mixed model fit by the adaptive Gaussian Hermite approximation'
1611## so did *not* mention  "maximum likelihood" at all in the GLMM case
1614methTitle <- function(dims) { # dims == object@devcomp$dims
1615    GLMM <- dims[["GLMM"]]
1616    kind <- switch(1L + GLMM * 2L + dims[["NLMM"]],
1617                   "Linear", "Nonlinear",
1618                   "Generalized linear", "Generalized nonlinear")
1619    paste(kind, "mixed model fit by",
1620          if(dims[["REML"]]) "REML"
1621          else paste("maximum likelihood",
1622                     if(GLMM) {
1623                         ## TODO? Use shorter wording here, for (new) 'long = FALSE' argument
1624                         if((nAGQ <- dims[["nAGQ"]]) == 1)
1625                             "(Laplace Approximation)"
1626                         else
1627                             sprintf("(Adaptive Gauss-Hermite Quadrature, nAGQ = %d)",
1628                                     nAGQ)
1629                         }))
1633cat.f <- function(...) cat(..., fill = TRUE)
1635famlink <- function(object, resp = object@resp) {
1636    if(is(resp, "glmResp"))
1637        resp$family[c("family", "link")]
1638    else list(family = NULL, link = NULL)
1641##' @title print method title
1642##' @param mtit the result of methTitle(obj)
1643##' @param class typically class(obj)
1644.prt.methTit <- function(mtit, class) {
1645    if(nchar(mtit) + 5 + nchar(class) > (w <- getOption("width"))) {
1646        ## wrap around
1647        mtit <- strwrap(mtit, width = w - 2, exdent = 2)
1648        cat(mtit, " [",class,"]", sep = "", fill = TRUE)
1649    } else ## previous: simple one-liner
1650        cat(sprintf("%s ['%s']\n", mtit, class))
1653.prt.family <- function(famL) {
1654    if (!is.null(f <- famL$family)) {
1655        cat.f(" Family:", f,
1656              if(!is.null(ll <- famL$link)) paste(" (", ll, ")"))
1657    }
1660.prt.resids <- function(resids, digits, title = "Scaled residuals:", ...) {
1661    cat(title,"\n")
1662    ## FIXME: need testing code
1663    rq <- setNames(zapsmall(quantile(resids, na.rm=TRUE), digits + 1L),
1664                   c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max"))
1665    print(rq, digits = digits, ...)
1666    cat("\n")
1669.prt.call <- function(call, long = TRUE) {
1670    if (!is.null(cc <- call$formula))
1671        cat.f("Formula:", deparse(cc))
1672    if (!is.null(cc <- call$data))
1673        cat.f("   Data:", deparse(cc))
1674    if (!is.null(cc <- call$weights))
1675        cat.f("Weights:", deparse(cc))
1676    if (!is.null(cc <- call$offset))
1677        cat.f(" Offset:", deparse(cc))
1678    if (long && length(cc <- call$control) &&
1679        !identical((dc <- deparse(cc)), "lmerControl()"))
1680        ## && !identical(eval(cc), lmerControl()))
1681        cat.f("Control:", dc)
1682    if (!is.null(cc <- call$subset))
1683        cat.f(" Subset:", deparse(cc))
1686##' @title Extract Log Likelihood, AIC, and related statics from a Fitted LMM
1687##' @param object a LMM model fit
1688##' @param devianceFUN the function to be used for computing the deviance; should not be changed for  \pkg{lme4} created objects.
1689##' @param chkREML optional logical indicating \code{object} maybe a REML fit.
1690##' @param devcomp
1691##' @return a list with components \item{logLik} and \code{AICtab} where the first is \code{\link{logLik(object)}} and \code{AICtab} is a "table" of AIC, BIC, logLik, deviance, df.residual() values.
1692llikAIC <- function(object, devianceFUN = devCrit, chkREML = TRUE, devcomp = object@devcomp) {
1693    llik <- logLik(object)   # returns NA for a REML fit - maybe change?
1694    AICstats <- {
1695        if(chkREML && devcomp$dims[["REML"]])
1696            devcomp$cmp["REML"] # *no* likelihood stats here
1697        else {
1698            c(AIC = AIC(llik), BIC = BIC(llik), logLik = c(llik),
1699              deviance = devianceFUN(object),
1700              df.resid = df.residual(object))
1701        }
1702    }
1703    list(logLik = llik, AICtab = AICstats)
1706.prt.aictab <- function(aictab, digits = 1) {
1707    t.4 <- round(aictab, digits)
1708    if (length(aictab) == 1 && names(aictab) == "REML")
1709        cat.f("REML criterion at convergence:", t.4)
1710    else {
1711        ## slight hack to get residual df formatted as an integer
1712        t.4F <- format(t.4)
1713        t.4F["df.resid"] <- format(t.4["df.resid"])
1714        print(t.4F, quote = FALSE)
1715    }
1718.prt.VC <- function(varcor, digits, comp, formatter = format, ...) {
1719    cat("Random effects:\n")
1720    fVC <- if(missing(comp))
1721        formatVC(varcor, digits = digits, formatter = formatter)
1722    else
1723        formatVC(varcor, digits = digits, formatter = formatter, comp = comp)
1724    print(fVC, quote = FALSE, digits = digits, ...)
1727.prt.grps <- function(ngrps, nobs) {
1728    cat(sprintf("Number of obs: %d, groups: ", nobs),
1729        paste(paste(names(ngrps), ngrps, sep = ", "), collapse = "; "),
1730        fill = TRUE)
1733## FIXME: print header ("Warnings:\n") ?
1734##  change position in output? comes at the very end, could get lost ...
1735.prt.warn <- function(optinfo, summary=FALSE, ...) {
1736    if(length(optinfo) == 0) return() # currently, e.g., from refitML()
1737    ## check all warning slots: print numbers of warnings (if any)
1738    cc <- optinfo$conv$opt
1739    msgs <- unlist(optinfo$conv$lme4$messages)
1740    ## can't put nmsgs/nwarnings compactly into || expression
1741    ##   because of short-circuiting
1742    nmsgs <- length(msgs)
1743    warnings <- optinfo$warnings
1744    nwarnings <- length(warnings)
1745    if (cc > 0 || nmsgs > 0 || nwarnings > 0) {
1746        m <- if (cc==0) {
1747                 "(OK)"
1748             } else if (!is.null(optinfo$message)) {
1749                 sprintf("(%s)",optinfo$message)
1750             } else ""
1751        convmsg <- sprintf("optimizer (%s) convergence code: %d %s",
1752                           optinfo$optimizer, cc, m)
1753        if (summary) {
1754            cat(convmsg,sprintf("; %d optimizer warnings; %d lme4 warnings",
1755                nwarnings,nmsgs),"\n")
1756        } else {
1757            cat(convmsg,
1758                msgs,
1759                unlist(warnings),
1760                sep="\n")
1761            cat("\n")
1762        }
1763    }
1766##  options(lme4.summary.cor.max = 20)  --> ./hooks.R
1767##                                           ~~~~~~~~
1768## was      .summary.cor.max <- 20    a lme4-namespace hidden global variable
1770## This is modeled a bit after  print.summary.lm :
1771## Prints *both*  'mer' and 'merenv' - as it uses summary(x) mainly
1772##' @S3method print summary.merMod
1773print.summary.merMod <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
1774                                 correlation = NULL, symbolic.cor = FALSE,
1775                                 signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
1776                                 ranef.comp = c("Variance", "Std.Dev."),
1777                                 show.resids = TRUE, ...)
1779    .prt.methTit(x$methTitle, x$objClass)
1780    .prt.family(x)
1781    .prt.call(x$call); cat("\n")
1782    .prt.aictab(x$AICtab); cat("\n")
1783    if (show.resids)
1784        ## need residuals.merMod() rather than residuals():
1785        ##  summary.merMod has no residuals method
1786        .prt.resids(x$residuals, digits = digits)
1787    .prt.VC(x$varcor, digits = digits, useScale = x$useScale,
1788            comp = ranef.comp, ...)
1789    .prt.grps(x$ngrps, nobs = x$devcomp$dims[["n"]])
1791    p <- nrow(x$coefficients)
1792    if (p > 0) {
1793        cat("\nFixed effects:\n")
1794        printCoefmat(x$coefficients, # too radical: zap.ind = 3, #, tst.ind = 4
1795                     digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars)
1796        ## do not show correlation when   summary(*, correlation=FALSE)  was used:
1797        hasCor <- !is.null(VC <- x$vcov) && !is.null(VC@factors$correlation)
1798        if(is.null(correlation)) { # default
1799            cor.max <- getOption("lme4.summary.cor.max")
1800            correlation <- hasCor && p <= cor.max
1801            if(!correlation && p > cor.max) {
1802                nam <- deparse(substitute(x))
1803                if(length(nam) > 1 || nchar(nam) >= 32) nam <- "...."
1804                message(sprintf(paste(
1805                    "\nCorrelation matrix not shown by default, as p = %d > %d.",
1806                    "Use print(%s, correlation=TRUE)  or",
1807                    "    vcov(%s)        if you need it\n", sep = "\n"),
1808                                p, cor.max, nam, nam))
1809            }
1810        }
1811        else if(!is.logical(correlation)) stop("'correlation' must be NULL or logical")
1812        if(correlation) {
1813            if(is.null(VC)) VC <- vcov(x, correlation = TRUE)
1814            corF <- VC@factors$correlation
1815            if (is.null(corF)) { # can this still happen?
1816                message("\nCorrelation of fixed effects could have been required in summary()")
1817                corF <- cov2cor(VC)
1818            }
1819            p <- ncol(corF)
1820            if (p > 1) {
1821                rn <- rownames(x$coefficients)
1822                rns <- abbreviate(rn, minlength = 11)
1823                cat("\nCorrelation of Fixed Effects:\n")
1824                if (is.logical(symbolic.cor) && symbolic.cor) {
1825                    corf <- as(corF, "matrix")
1826                    dimnames(corf) <- list(rns,
1827                                           abbreviate(rn, minlength = 1, strict = TRUE))
1828                    print(symnum(corf))
1829                } else {
1830                    corf <- matrix(format(round(corF@x, 3), nsmall = 3),
1831                                   ncol = p,
1832                                   dimnames = list(rns, abbreviate(rn, minlength = 6)))
1833                    corf[!lower.tri(corf)] <- ""
1834                    print(corf[-1, -p, drop = FALSE], quote = FALSE)
1835                } ## !symbolic.cor
1836            }  ## if (p > 1)
1837        } ## if (correlation)
1838    } ## if (p>0)
1840    if(length(x$fitMsgs) && any(nchar(x$fitMsgs) > 0)) {
1841        cat("fit warnings:\n"); writeLines(x$fitMsgs)
1842    }
1843    .prt.warn(x$optinfo,summary=FALSE)
1844    invisible(x)
1845}## print.summary.merMod
1848##' @S3method print merMod
1849print.merMod <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
1850                         correlation = NULL, symbolic.cor = FALSE,
1851                         signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
1852                         ranef.comp = "Std.Dev.", ...)
1854    dims <- x@devcomp$dims
1855    .prt.methTit(methTitle(dims), class(x))
1856    .prt.family(famlink(x, resp = x@resp))
1857    .prt.call(x@call, long = FALSE)
1858    ## useScale <- as.logical(dims[["useSc"]])
1860    llAIC <- llikAIC(x)
1861    .prt.aictab(llAIC$AICtab, 4)
1862    varcor <- VarCorr(x)
1863    .prt.VC(varcor, digits = digits, comp = ranef.comp, ...)
1864    ngrps <- vapply(x@flist, nlevels, 0L)
1865    .prt.grps(ngrps, nobs = dims[["n"]])
1866    if(length(cf <- fixef(x)) > 0) {
1867        cat("Fixed Effects:\n")
1868        print.default(format(cf, digits = digits),
1869                      print.gap = 2L, quote = FALSE, ...)
1870    } else cat("No fixed effect coefficients\n")
1872    fitMsgs <- .merMod.msgs(x)
1873    if(any(nchar(fitMsgs) > 0)) {
1874        cat("fit warnings:\n"); writeLines(fitMsgs)
1875    }
1876    .prt.warn(x@optinfo,summary=TRUE)
1877    invisible(x)
1880##' @exportMethod show
1881setMethod("show",  "merMod", function(object) print.merMod(object))
1883##' Return the deviance component list
1884devcomp <- function(x) {
1885    .Deprecated("getME(., \"devcomp\")")
1886    stopifnot(is(x, "merMod"))
1887    x@devcomp
1890##' @exportMethod getL
1891setMethod("getL", "merMod", function(x) {
1892    .Deprecated("getME(., \"L\")")
1893    getME(x, "L")
1896##' used by tnames
1897mkPfun <- function(diag.only = FALSE, old = TRUE, prefix = NULL){
1898    local({
1899        function(g,e) {
1900            mm <- outer(e,e,paste,sep = ".")
1901            if(old) {
1902                diag(mm) <- e
1903            } else {
1904                mm[] <- paste(mm,g,sep = "|")
1905                if (!is.null(prefix)) mm[] <- paste(prefix[2],mm,sep = "_")
1906                diag(mm) <- paste(e,g,sep = "|")
1907                if (!is.null(prefix))  diag(mm) <- paste(prefix[1],diag(mm),sep = "_")
1908            }
1909            mm <- if (diag.only) diag(mm) else mm[lower.tri(mm,diag = TRUE)]
1910            if(old) paste(g,mm,sep = ".") else mm
1911        }
1912    })
1915##' Construct names of individual theta/sd:cor components
1917##' @param object a fitted model
1918##' @param diag.only include only diagonal elements?
1919##' @param old (logical) give backward-compatible results?
1920##' @param prefix a character vector with two elements giving the prefix
1921##' for diagonal (e.g. "sd") and off-diagonal (e.g. "cor") elements
1922tnames <- function(object, diag.only = FALSE, old = TRUE, prefix = NULL) {
1923    pfun <- mkPfun(diag.only=diag.only, old=old, prefix=prefix)
1924    c(unlist(mapply(pfun, names(object@cnms), object@cnms)))
1927## -> ../man/getME.Rd
1928getME <- function(object, name, ...) UseMethod("getME")
1931##' Extract or Get Generalized Components from a Fitted Mixed Effects Model
1932getME.merMod <- function(object,
1933                  name = c("X", "Z","Zt", "Ztlist", "mmList",
1934                  "y", "mu", "u", "b",
1935                  "Gp", "Tp",
1936                  "L", "Lambda", "Lambdat", "Lind", "Tlist", "A",
1937                  "RX", "RZX", "sigma",
1938                  "flist",
1939                  "fixef", "beta", "theta", "ST",
1940                  "REML", "is_REML",
1941                  "n_rtrms", "n_rfacs",
1942                  "N", "n", "p", "q",
1943                  "p_i", "l_i", "q_i", "k", "m_i", "m",
1944                  "cnms",
1945                  "devcomp", "offset", "lower",
1946                  "devfun",
1947                  "glmer.nb.theta"
1948                  ), ...)
1950    if(missing(name)) stop("'name' must not be missing")
1951    ## Deal with multiple names -- "FIXME" is inefficiently redoing things
1952    if (length(name <- as.character(name)) > 1) {
1953        names(name) <- name
1954        return(lapply(name, getME, object = object))
1955    }
1956    if(name == "ALL") ## recursively get all provided components
1957        return(sapply(eval(formals()$name),
1958                      getME.merMod, object=object, simplify=FALSE))
1960    stopifnot(is(object,"merMod"))
1961    name <- match.arg(name)
1962    rsp  <- object@resp
1963    PR   <- object@pp
1964    dc   <- object@devcomp
1965    th   <- object@theta
1966    cnms <- object@cnms
1967    dims <- dc $ dims
1968    Tpfun <- function(cnms) {
1969        ltsize <- function(n) n*(n+1)/2 # lower triangle size
1970        cLen <- cumsum(ltsize(lengths(cnms)))
1971        setNames(c(0, cLen),
1972                 c("beg__", names(cnms))) ## such that diff( Tp ) is well-named
1973    }
1974    ## mmList. <- mmList(object)
1975    if(any(name == c("p_i", "q_i", "m_i")))
1976        p_i <- vapply(mmList(object), ncol, 1L)
1977    if(any(name == c("l_i", "q_i")))
1978        l_i <- vapply(object@flist, nlevels, 1L)
1979    switch(name,
1980           "X" = PR$X, ## ok ? - check -- use model.matrix() method instead?
1981           "Z" = t(PR$Zt),
1982           "Zt" = PR$Zt,
1983           "Ztlist" =
1984           {
1985               getInds <- function(i) {
1986                   n <- diff(object@Gp)[i] ## number of elements in this block
1987                   nt <- length(cnms[[i]]) ## number of REs
1988                   inds <- lapply(seq(nt), seq, to = n, by = nt)  ## pull out individual RE indices
1989                   inds <- lapply(inds,function(x) x + object@Gp[i])  ## add group offset
1990               }
1991               inds <- do.call(c,lapply(seq_along(cnms),getInds))
1992               setNames(lapply(inds,function(i) PR$Zt[i,]),
1993                        tnames(object,diag.only = TRUE))
1994           },
1995           "mmList" = mmList.merMod(object),
1996           "y" = rsp$y,
1997           "mu" = rsp$mu,
1998           "u" = object@u,
1999           "b" = crossprod(PR$Lambdat, object@u), # == Lambda %*% u
2000           "L" = PR$ L(),
2001           "Lambda" = t(PR$ Lambdat),
2002           "Lambdat" = PR$ Lambdat,
2003           "A" = PR$Lambdat %*% PR$Zt,
2004           "Lind" = PR$ Lind,
2005           "RX" = structure(PR$RX(), dimnames = list(colnames(PR$X), colnames(PR$X))), ## maybe add names elsewhere?
2006           "RZX" = structure(PR$RZX, dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(PR$X))), ## maybe add names elsewhere?
2007           "sigma" = sigma(object),
2008           "Gp" = object@Gp,
2009           "Tp" = Tpfun(cnms), # "term-wise theta pointer"
2010           "flist" = object@flist,
2011           "fixef" = fixef(object),
2012           "beta"  = object@beta,
2013           "theta" = setNames(th, tnames(object)),
2014           "ST" = setNames(vec2STlist(object@theta, n = lengths(cnms)),
2015                           names(cnms)),
2016           "Tlist" = {
2017               nc <- lengths(cnms) # number of columns per term
2018               nt <- length(nc)    # number of random-effects terms
2019               ans <- vector("list",nt)
2020               names(ans) <- names(nc)
2021               pos <- 0L
2022               for (i in 1:nt) { # will need modification for more general Lambda
2023                   nci <- nc[i]
2024                   tt <- matrix(0., nci, nci)
2025                   inds <- lower.tri(tt, diag=TRUE)
2026                   nthi <- sum(inds)
2027                   tt[inds] <- th[pos + seq_len(nthi)]
2028                   pos <- pos + nthi
2029                   ans[[i]] <- tt
2030               }
2031               ans
2032           },
2033           "REML" = dims[["REML"]],
2034           "is_REML" = isREML(object),
2035           ## number of random-effects terms
2036           "n_rtrms" = length(cnms),
2037           ## number of random-effects grouping factors
2038           "n_rfacs" = length(object@flist),
2039           "N" = dims[["N"]],
2040           "n" = dims[["n"]],
2041           "p" = dims[["p"]],
2042           "q" = dims[["q"]],
2043           "p_i" = p_i,
2044           "l_i" = l_i,
2045           "q_i" = p_i * l_i,
2046           "k" = length(cnms),
2047           "m_i" = choose(p_i + 1, 2),
2048           "m" = dims[["nth"]],
2049           "cnms" = cnms,
2050           "devcomp" = dc,
2051           "offset" = rsp$offset,
2052           "lower" = setNames(object@lower, tnames(object)),
2053           "devfun" = {
2054               verbose <- getCall(object)$verbose; if (is.null(verbose)) verbose <- 0L
2055               if (isGLMM(object)) {
2056                   reTrms <- getME(object,c("Zt","theta","Lambdat","Lind","flist","cnms"))
2057                   d1 <- mkGlmerDevfun(object@frame, getME(object,"X"),
2058                                       reTrms=reTrms, family(object),
2059                                       verbose=verbose)
2060                   nAGQ <- object@devcomp$dims[["nAGQ"]]
2061                   updateGlmerDevfun(d1, reTrms, nAGQ=nAGQ)
2062               } else {
2063                   ## copied from refit ... DRY ...
2064                   devlist <- list(pp=PR, resp=rsp, u0=PR$u0, dpars=seq_along(PR$theta), verbose=verbose)
2065                   mkdevfun(rho=list2env(devlist),
2066                            ## FIXME: fragile ... // also pass 'maxit' ?
2067                            verbose=verbose, control=object@optinfo$control)
2068               }
2069           },
2070           ## FIXME: current version gives lower bounds for theta parameters only:
2071           ## -- these must be extended for [GN]LMMs -- give extended value including -Inf values for beta values?
2073           "glmer.nb.theta" = if(isGLMM(object) && isNBfamily(rsp$family$family))
2074               getNBdisp(object) else NA,
2076           "..foo.." = # placeholder!
2077           stop(gettextf("'%s' is not implemented yet",
2078                         sprintf("getME(*, \"%s\")", name))),
2079           ## otherwise
2080           stop(sprintf("Mixed-Effects extraction of '%s' is not available for class \"%s\"",
2081                        name, class(object))))
2082}## {getME}
2084##' @importMethodsFrom Matrix t %*% crossprod diag tcrossprod
2085##' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix dpoMatrix corMatrix
2088## Extract the conditional variance-covariance matrix of the fixed-effects
2089## parameters
2090vcov.merMod <- function(object, correlation = TRUE, sigm = sigma(object),
2091                        use.hessian = NULL, ...)
2094    hess.avail <-
2095         ## (1) numerical Hessian computed?
2096        (!is.null(h <- object@optinfo$derivs$Hessian) &&
2097         ## (2) does Hessian include fixed-effect parameters?
2098         nrow(h) > (ntheta <- length(getME(object,"theta"))))
2099    if (is.null(use.hessian)) use.hessian <- hess.avail
2100    if (use.hessian && !hess.avail) stop(shQuote("use.hessian"),
2101                                         "=TRUE specified, ",
2102                                         "but Hessian is unavailable")
2103    calc.vcov.hess <- function(h) {
2104        ## invert 2*Hessian, catching errors and forcing symmetric result
2105        ## ~= forceSymmetric(solve(h/2)[i,i]) : solve(h/2) = 2*solve(h)
2106        h <- tryCatch(solve(h),
2107                      error=function(e) matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(h),ncol=ncol(h)))
2108        i <- -seq_len(ntheta)  ## drop var-cov parameters
2109        h <- h[i,i]
2110        forceSymmetric(h + t(h))
2111    }
2113    ## alternately: calculate var-cov from implicit (RX) information
2114    ## provided by fit (always the case for lmerMods)
2115    V <- sigm^2 * object@pp$unsc()
2117    if (hess.avail) {
2118        V.hess <- calc.vcov.hess(h)
2119        bad.V.hess <- any(is.na(V.hess))
2120        if (!bad.V.hess) {
2121            ## another 'bad var-cov' check: positive definite?
2122            e.hess <- eigen(V.hess,symmetric = TRUE,only.values = TRUE)$values
2123            if (min(e.hess) <= 0) bad.V.hess <- TRUE
2124        }
2125    }
2126    if (!use.hessian && hess.avail) {
2127        ## if hessian is available, go ahead and check
2128        ## for similarity with the RX-based estimate
2129        var.hess.tol <- 1e-4 # FIXME: should var.hess.tol be user controlled?
2130        if (!bad.V.hess && any(abs(V-V.hess) > var.hess.tol * V.hess))
2131            warning("variance-covariance matrix computed ",
2132                    "from finite-difference Hessian\nand ",
2133                    "from RX differ by >",var.hess.tol,": ",
2134                    "consider ",shQuote("use.hessian=TRUE"))
2135    }
2136    if (use.hessian) {
2137        if (!bad.V.hess) {
2138            V <- V.hess
2139        } else {
2140            warning("variance-covariance matrix computed ",
2141                    "from finite-difference Hessian is\n",
2142                    "not positive definite or contains NA values: falling back to ",
2143                    "var-cov estimated from RX")
2144        }
2145    }
2147    ## FIXME: try to catch non-PD matrices
2148    rr <- tryCatch(as(V, "dpoMatrix"), error = function(e)e)
2149    if (inherits(rr, "error")) {
2150        warning(gettextf("Computed variance-covariance matrix problem: %s;\nreturning NA matrix",
2151                         rr$message), domain = NA)
2152        rr <- matrix(NA,nrow(V),ncol(V))
2153    }
2155    nmsX <- colnames(object@pp$X)
2156    dimnames(rr) <- list(nmsX,nmsX)
2158    if(correlation)
2159        rr@factors$correlation <-
2160            if(!is.na(sigm)) as(rr, "corMatrix") else rr # (is NA anyway)
2161    rr
2164##' @importFrom stats vcov
2165##' @S3method vcov summary.merMod
2166vcov.summary.merMod <- function(object, ...) {
2167    if(is.null(object$vcov)) stop("logic error in summary of merMod object")
2168    object$vcov
2171##' Make variance and correlation matrices from \code{theta}
2173##' @param sc scale factor (residual standard deviation)
2174##' @param cnms component names
2175##' @param nc numeric vector: number of terms in each RE component
2176##' @param theta theta vector (lower-triangle of Cholesky factors)
2177##' @param nms component names (FIXME: nms/cnms redundant: nms=names(cnms)?)
2178##' @seealso \code{\link{VarCorr}}
2179##' @return A matrix
2180##' @export
2181mkVarCorr <- function(sc, cnms, nc, theta, nms) {
2182    ncseq <- seq_along(nc)
2183    thl <- split(theta, rep.int(ncseq, (nc * (nc + 1))/2))
2184    if(!all(nms == names(cnms))) ## the above FIXME
2185        warning("nms != names(cnms)  -- whereas lme4-authors thought they were --\n",
2186                "Please report!", immediate. = TRUE)
2187    ans <- lapply(ncseq, function(i)
2188              {
2189                  ## Li := \Lambda_i, the i-th block diagonal of \Lambda(\theta)
2190                  Li <- diag(nrow = nc[i])
2191                  Li[lower.tri(Li, diag = TRUE)] <- thl[[i]]
2192                  rownames(Li) <- cnms[[i]]
2193                  ## val := \Sigma_i = \sigma^2 \Lambda_i \Lambda_i', the
2194                  val <- tcrossprod(sc * Li) # variance-covariance
2195                  stddev <- sqrt(diag(val))
2196                  corr <- t(val / stddev)/stddev
2197                  diag(corr) <- 1
2198                  structure(val, stddev = stddev, correlation = corr)
2199              })
2200    if(is.character(nms)) {
2201        ## FIXME: do we want this?  Maybe not.
2202        ## Potential problem: the names of the elements of the VarCorr() list
2203        ##  are not necessarily unique (e.g. fm2 from example("lmer") has *two*
2204        ##  Subject terms, so the names are "Subject", "Subject".  The print method
2205        ##  for VarCorrs handles this just fine, but it's a little awkward if we
2206        ##  want to dig out elements of the VarCorr list ... ???
2207        if (anyDuplicated(nms))
2208            nms <- make.names(nms, unique = TRUE)
2209        names(ans) <- nms
2210    }
2211    structure(ans, sc = sc)
2214##' Extract variance and correlation components
2216VarCorr.merMod <- function(x, sigma = 1, ...)
2218  ## TODO: now that we have '...', add  type=c("varcov","sdcorr","logs" ?
2219    if (is.null(cnms <- x@cnms))
2220        stop("VarCorr methods require reTrms, not just reModule")
2221    if(missing(sigma))
2222        sigma <- sigma(x)
2223    nc <- lengths(cnms) # no. of columns per term
2224    structure(mkVarCorr(sigma, cnms = cnms, nc = nc, theta = x@theta,
2225                        nms = { fl <- x@flist; names(fl)[attr(fl, "assign")]}),
2226              useSc = as.logical(x@devcomp$dims[["useSc"]]),
2227              class = "VarCorr.merMod")
2230if(FALSE)## *NOWHERE* used _FIXME_ ??
2231## Compute standard errors of fixed effects from an merMod object
2233## @title Standard errors of fixed effects
2234## @param object "merMod" object,
2235## @param ... additional, optional arguments.  None are used at present.
2236## @return numeric vector of length length(fixef(.))
2237unscaledVar <- function(object, ...) {
2238    stopifnot(is(object, "merMod"))
2239    sigma(object) * diag(object@pp$unsc())
2242##' @S3method print VarCorr.merMod
2243print.VarCorr.merMod <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
2244                   comp = "Std.Dev.", formatter = format, ...) {
2245    print(formatVC(x, digits = digits, comp = comp, formatter = formatter), quote = FALSE, ...)
2246    invisible(x)
2249##' __NOT YET EXPORTED__
2250##' "format()" the 'VarCorr' matrix of the random effects -- for
2251##' print()ing and show()ing
2253##' @title Format the 'VarCorr' Matrix of Random Effects
2254##' @param varc a \code{\link{VarCorr}} (-like) matrix with attributes.
2255##' @param digits the number of significant digits.
2256##' @param comp character vector of length one or two indicating which
2257##' columns out of "Variance" and "Std.Dev." should be shown in the
2258##' formatted output.
2259##' @param formatter the \code{\link{function}} to be used for
2260##' formatting the standard deviations and or variances (but
2261##' \emph{not} the correlations which (currently) are always formatted
2262##' as "0.nnn"
2263##' @param ... optional arguments for \code{formatter(*)} in addition
2264##' to the first (numeric vector) and \code{digits}.
2265##' @return a character matrix of formatted VarCorr entries from \code{varc}.
2266formatVC <- function(varcor, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
2267                     comp = "Std.Dev.", formatter = format,
2268                     useScale = attr(varcor, "useSc"),
2269                     ...)
2271    c.nms <- c("Groups", "Name", "Variance", "Std.Dev.")
2272    avail.c <- c.nms[-(1:2)]
2273    if(anyNA(mcc <- pmatch(comp, avail.c)))
2274        stop("Illegal 'comp': ", comp[is.na(mcc)])
2275    nc <- length(colnms <- c(c.nms[1:2], (use.c <- avail.c[mcc])))
2276    if(length(use.c) == 0)
2277        stop("Must *either* show variances or standard deviations")
2278    reStdDev <- c(lapply(varcor, attr, "stddev"),
2279                  if(useScale) list(Residual = unname(attr(varcor, "sc"))))
2280    reLens <- lengths(reStdDev)
2281    nr <- sum(reLens)
2282    reMat <- array('', c(nr, nc), list(rep.int('', nr), colnms))
2283    reMat[1+cumsum(reLens)-reLens, "Groups"] <- names(reLens)
2284    reMat[,"Name"] <- c(unlist(lapply(varcor, colnames)), if(useScale) "")
2285    if(any("Variance" == use.c))
2286        reMat[,"Variance"] <- formatter(unlist(reStdDev)^2, digits = digits, ...)
2287    if(any("Std.Dev." == use.c))
2288        reMat[,"Std.Dev."] <- formatter(unlist(reStdDev),   digits = digits, ...)
2289    if (any(reLens > 1)) {
2290        maxlen <- max(reLens)
2291        recorr <- lapply(varcor, attr, "correlation")
2292        corr <-
2293            do.call(rbind,
2294                    lapply(recorr,
2295                           function(x) {
2296                               x <- as.matrix(x)
2297                               dig <- max(2, digits - 2) # use 'digits' !
2298                               ## not using formatter() for correlations
2299                               cc <- format(round(x, dig), nsmall = dig)
2300                               cc[!lower.tri(cc)] <- ""
2301                               nr <- nrow(cc)
2302                               if (nr >= maxlen) return(cc)
2303                               cbind(cc, matrix("", nr, maxlen-nr))
2304                           }))[, -maxlen, drop = FALSE]
2305        if (nrow(corr) < nrow(reMat))
2306            corr <- rbind(corr, matrix("", nrow(reMat) - nrow(corr), ncol(corr)))
2307        colnames(corr) <- c("Corr", rep.int("", max(0L, ncol(corr)-1L)))
2308        cbind(reMat, corr)
2309    } else reMat
2312##' @S3method summary merMod
2313summary.merMod <- function(object,
2314                           correlation = (p <= getOption("lme4.summary.cor.max")),
2315                           use.hessian = NULL,
2316                           ...)
2318    if (...length() > 0) {
2319        ## FIXME: need testing code
2320        warning("additional arguments ignored")
2321    }
2322    ## se.calc:
2323    hess.avail <- (!is.null(h <- object@optinfo$derivs$Hessian) &&
2324                   nrow(h) > length(getME(object,"theta")))
2325    if (is.null(use.hessian)) use.hessian <- hess.avail
2326    if (use.hessian && !hess.avail)
2327        stop("'use.hessian=TRUE' specified, but Hessian is unavailable")
2328    resp <- object@resp
2329    devC <- object@devcomp
2330    dd <- devC$dims
2331    ## cmp <- devC$cmp
2332    useSc <- as.logical(dd[["useSc"]])
2333    sig <- sigma(object)
2334    ## REML <- isREML(object)
2336    famL <- famlink(resp = resp)
2337    p <- length(coefs <- fixef(object))
2339    vc <- vcov(object, use.hessian = use.hessian)
2340    stdError <- sqrt(diag(vc))
2341    coefs <- cbind("Estimate" = coefs,
2342                   "Std. Error" = stdError)
2343    if (p > 0) {
2344        coefs <- cbind(coefs, (cf3 <- coefs[,1]/coefs[,2]), deparse.level = 0)
2345        colnames(coefs)[3] <- paste(if(useSc) "t" else "z", "value")
2346        if (isGLMM(object)) # FIXME: if "t" above, cannot have "z" here
2347            coefs <- cbind(coefs, "Pr(>|z|)" =
2348                           2*pnorm(abs(cf3), lower.tail = FALSE))
2349    }
2351    llAIC <- llikAIC(object)
2352    ## FIXME: You can't count on object@re@flist,
2353    ##        nor compute VarCorr() unless is(re, "reTrms"):
2354    varcor <- VarCorr(object)
2355                                        # use S3 class for now
2356    structure(list(methTitle = methTitle(dd),
2357                   objClass = class(object),
2358                   devcomp = devC,
2359                   isLmer = is(resp, "lmerResp"), useScale = useSc,
2360                   logLik = llAIC[["logLik"]],
2361                   family = famL$family, link = famL$link,
2362                   ngrps = ngrps(object),
2363                   coefficients = coefs, sigma = sig,
2364                   vcov = vcov(object, correlation = correlation, sigm = sig),
2365                   varcor = varcor, # and use formatVC(.) for printing.
2366                   AICtab = llAIC[["AICtab"]], call = object@call,
2367                   residuals = residuals(object,"pearson",scaled = TRUE),
2368                   fitMsgs = .merMod.msgs(object),
2369                   optinfo = object@optinfo
2370                   ), class = "summary.merMod")
2373## TODO: refactor?
2374##' @S3method summary summary.merMod
2375summary.summary.merMod <- function(object, varcov = TRUE, ...) {
2376    if(varcov && is.null(object$vcov))
2377        object$vcov <- vcov(object, correlation = TRUE, sigm = object$sigma)
2378    object
2381### Plots for the ranef.mer class ----------------------------------------
2383##' @importFrom lattice dotplot
2384##' @S3method  dotplot ranef.mer
2385dotplot.ranef.mer <- function(x, data, main = TRUE, transf=I, ...)
2387    prepanel.ci <- function(x, y, se, subscripts, ...) {
2388        if (is.null(se)) return(list())
2389        x <- as.numeric(x)
2390        hw <- 1.96 * as.numeric(se[subscripts])
2391        list(xlim = range(transf(x - hw), transf(x + hw), finite = TRUE))
2392    }
2393    panel.ci <- function(x, y, se, subscripts, pch = 16,
2394                         horizontal = TRUE, col = dot.symbol$col,
2395                         lty = dot.line$lty, lwd = dot.line$lwd,
2396                         col.line = dot.line$col, levels.fos = unique(y),
2397                         groups = NULL, ...)
2398    {
2399        x <- as.numeric(x)
2400        y <- as.numeric(y)
2401        dot.line <- trellis.par.get("dot.line")
2402        dot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("dot.symbol")
2403        sup.symbol <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")
2404        panel.abline(h = levels.fos, col = col.line, lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
2405        panel.abline(v = 0, col = col.line, lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
2406        if (!is.null(se)) {
2407            se <- as.numeric(se[subscripts])
2408            panel.segments( transf(x - 1.96 * se), y,
2409                            transf(x + 1.96 * se), y, col = 'black')
2410        }
2411        panel.xyplot(transf(x), y, pch = pch, ...)
2412    }
2413    f <- function(nx, ...) {
2414        ss <- asDf0(x,nx)
2415        mtit <- if(main) nx # else NULL
2416        dotplot(.nn ~ values | ind, ss, se = ss$se,
2417                prepanel = prepanel.ci, panel = panel.ci,
2418                xlab = NULL, main = mtit, ...)
2419    }
2420    setNames(lapply(names(x), f, ...), names(x))
2423##' @importFrom graphics plot
2424##' @S3method plot ranef.mer
2425plot.ranef.mer <- function(x, y, ...)
2427    lapply(x, function(x) {
2428        cn <- lapply(colnames(x), as.name)
2429        switch(min(ncol(x), 3),
2430               qqmath(eval(substitute(~ x, list(x = cn[[1]]))), x, ...),
2431               xyplot(eval(substitute(y ~ x,
2432                                      list(y = cn[[1]],
2433                                           x = cn[[2]]))), x, ...),
2434               splom(~ x, ...))
2435    })
2438##' @importFrom lattice qqmath
2439##' @S3method qqmath ranef.mer
2440qqmath.ranef.mer <- function(x, data, main = TRUE, ...)
2442    prepanel.ci <- function(x, y, se, subscripts, ...) {
2443        x <- as.numeric(x)
2444        se <- as.numeric(se[subscripts])
2445        hw <- 1.96 * se
2446        list(xlim = range(x - hw, x + hw, finite = TRUE))
2447    }
2448    panel.ci <- function(x, y, se, subscripts, pch = 16, ...)  {
2449        panel.grid(h = -1,v = -1)
2450        panel.abline(v = 0)
2451        x <- as.numeric(x)
2452        y <- as.numeric(y)
2453        se <- as.numeric(se[subscripts])
2454        panel.segments(x - 1.96 * se, y, x + 1.96 * se, y, col = 'black')
2455        panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = pch, ...)
2456    }
2457    f <- function(nx) {
2458        xt <- x[[nx]]
2459        mtit <- if(main) nx # else NULL
2460        if (!is.null(pv <- attr(xt, "postVar")))
2461        {
2462            d <- dim(pv)
2463            se <- vapply(seq_len(d[1]), function(i) sqrt(pv[i, i, ]), numeric(d[3]))
2464            nr <- nrow(xt)
2465            nc <- ncol(xt)
2466            ord <- unlist(lapply(xt, order)) + rep((0:(nc - 1)) * nr, each = nr)
2467            rr <- 1:nr
2468            ind <- gl(nc, nr, labels = names(xt))
2469            xyplot(rep(qnorm((rr - 0.5)/nr), nc) ~ unlist(xt)[ord] | ind[ord],
2470                   se = se[ord], prepanel = prepanel.ci, panel = panel.ci,
2471                   scales = list(x = list(relation = "free")),
2472                   ylab = "Standard normal quantiles",
2473                   xlab = NULL, main = mtit, ...)
2474        } else {
2475            qqmath(~values|ind, stack(xt),
2476                   scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")),
2477                   xlab = "Standard normal quantiles",
2478                   ylab = NULL, main = mtit, ...)
2479        }
2480    }
2481    sapply(names(x), f, simplify = FALSE)
2484##' @importFrom graphics plot
2485##' @S3method plot coef.mer
2486plot.coef.mer <- function(x, y, ...)
2488    ## remove non-varying columns from frames
2489    reduced <- lapply(x, function(el)
2490                      el[, !vapply(el, function(cc) all(cc == cc[1L]), NA)])
2491    plot.ranef.mer(reduced, ...)
2494##' @importFrom lattice dotplot
2495##' @S3method dotplot coef.mer
2496dotplot.coef.mer <- function(x, data, ...) {
2497    mc <- match.call()
2498    mc[[1]] <- as.name("dotplot.ranef.mer")
2499    eval(mc)
2502##' @importFrom stats weights
2503##' @S3method weights merMod
2504weights.merMod <- function(object, type = c("prior","working"), ...) {
2505    type <- match.arg(type)
2506    isPrior <- type == "prior"
2507    if(!isGLMM(object) && !isPrior)
2508        stop("working weights only available for GLMMs")
2509    res <- if(isPrior) object@resp$weights else object@pp$Xwts^2
2510    ## the working weights available through pp$Xwts should be
2511    ## equivalent to:
2512    ##     object@resp$weights*(object@resp$muEta()^2)/object@resp$variance()
2513    ## however, the unit tests in tests/glmmWeights.R suggest that this
2514    ## equivalence is approximate.  this may be fine, however, if the
2515    ## discrepancy is due to another instance of the general problem of
2516    ## reference class fields not being updated at the optimum, then this
2517    ## could cause real problems.  see for example:
2518    ## https://github.com/lme4/lme4/issues/166
2521    ## FIXME:  what to do about missing values (see stats:::weights.glm)?
2522    ## FIXME:  add unit tests
2523    return(res)
2526## utility function: x is a ranef.mer object, nx is the name of an element
2527asDf0 <- function(x,nx,id=FALSE) {
2528    xt <- x[[nx]]
2529    ss <- stack(xt)
2530    ss$ind <- factor(as.character(ss$ind), levels = colnames(xt))
2531    ss$.nn <- rep.int(reorder(factor(rownames(xt)), xt[[1]],
2532                              FUN = mean,sort = sort), ncol(xt))
2533    ## allow 'postVar' *or* 'condVar' names
2534    pv <- attr(xt,"postVar")
2535    if (is.null(pv)) {
2536        pv <- attr(xt,"condVar")
2537    }
2538    if (!is.null(pv)) {
2539        tmpfun <- function(pvi) {
2540            unlist(lapply(1:nrow(pvi), function(i) sqrt(pvi[i, i, ])))
2541        }
2542        if (!is.list(pv)) {
2543            ss$se <- tmpfun(pv)
2544        } else {
2545            ## rely on ordering when unpacking!
2546            ss$se <- unlist(lapply(pv,tmpfun))
2547        }
2548    }
2549    if (id) ss$id <- nx
2550    return(ss)
2553## convert ranef object to a long-format data frame, e.g. suitable
2554##  for ggplot2 (or homemade lattice plots)
2555## FIXME: have some gymnastics to do if terms, levels are different
2556##  for different grouping variables - want to maintain ordering
2557##  but still allow rbind()ing
2558as.data.frame.ranef.mer <- function(x,
2559                ...,
2560                stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors()) {
2561    xL <- lapply(names(x),asDf0,x=x,id=TRUE)
2562    ## combine
2563    xD <- do.call(rbind,xL)
2564    ## rename ...
2565    oldnames <- c("values","ind",".nn","se","id")
2566    newnames <- c("condval","term","grp","condsd","grpvar")
2567    names(xD) <- newnames[match(names(xD),oldnames)]
2568    ## reorder ...
2569    neworder <- c("grpvar","term","grp","condval")
2570    if ("condsd" %in% names(xD)) neworder <- c(neworder,"condsd")
2571    return(xD[neworder])
2574dim.merMod <- function(x) {
2575    getME(x, c("n", "p", "q", "p_i", "l_i", "q_i", "k", "m_i", "m"))
2578## Internal utility, only used in optwrap() :
2579##' @title Get the optimizer function and check it minimally
2580##' @param optimizer character string ( = function name) *or* function
2581getOptfun <- function(optimizer) {
2582    if (((is.character(optimizer) && optimizer == "optimx") ||
2583         deparse(substitute(optimizer)) == "optimx")) {
2584        if (!requireNamespace("optimx")) {
2585            stop(shQuote("optimx")," package must be installed order to ",
2586                 "use ",shQuote('optimizer="optimx"'))
2587        }
2588        optfun <- optimx::optimx
2589    } else if (is.character(optimizer)) {
2590        optfun <- tryCatch(get(optimizer), error = function(e) NULL)
2591    } else optfun <- optimizer
2592    if (is.null(optfun)) stop("couldn't find optimizer function ",optimizer)
2593    if (!is.function(optfun)) stop("non-function specified as optimizer")
2594    needArgs <- c("fn","par","lower","control")
2595    if (anyNA(match(needArgs, names(formals(optfun)))))
2596        stop("optimizer function must use (at least) formal parameters ",
2597             paste(sQuote(needArgs), collapse = ", "))
2598    optfun
2601optwrap <- function(optimizer, fn, par, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf,
2602                    control = list(), adj = FALSE, calc.derivs = TRUE,
2603                    use.last.params = FALSE,
2604                    verbose = 0L)
2606    ## control must be specified if adj==TRUE;
2607    ##  otherwise this is a fairly simple wrapper
2608    optfun <- getOptfun(optimizer)
2609    optName <- if(is.character(optimizer)) optimizer
2610    else ## "good try":
2611        deparse(substitute(optimizer))[[1L]]
2613    lower <- rep_len(lower, length(par))
2614    upper <- rep_len(upper, length(par))
2616    if (adj)
2617        ## control parameter tweaks: only for second round in nlmer, glmer
2618        switch(optName,
2619               "bobyqa" = {
2620                   if(!is.numeric(control$rhobeg)) control$rhobeg <- 0.0002
2621                   if(!is.numeric(control$rhoend)) control$rhoend <- 2e-7
2622               },
2623               "Nelder_Mead" = {
2624                   if (is.null(control$xst))  {
2625                       thetaStep <- 0.1
2626                       nTheta <- length(environment(fn)$pp$theta)
2627                       betaSD <- sqrt(diag(environment(fn)$pp$unsc()))
2628                       control$xst <- 0.2* c(rep.int(thetaStep, nTheta),
2629                                             pmin(betaSD, 10))
2630                   }
2631                   if (is.null(control$xt)) control$xt <- control$xst*5e-4
2632               })
2633    switch(optName,
2634           "bobyqa" = {
2635               if(all(par == 0)) par[] <- 0.001  ## minor kludge
2636               if(!is.numeric(control$iprint)) control$iprint <- min(verbose, 3L)
2637           },
2638           "Nelder_Mead" = control$verbose <- verbose,
2639           "nloptwrap" = control$print_level <- min(as.numeric(verbose),3L),
2640           ## otherwise:
2641           if(verbose) warning(gettextf(
2642               "'verbose' not yet passed to optimizer '%s'; consider fixing optwrap()",
2643                                        optName), domain = NA)
2644           )
2645    arglist <- list(fn = fn, par = par, lower = lower, upper = upper, control = control)
2646    ## optimx: must pass method in control (?) because 'method' was previously
2647    ## used in lme4 to specify REML vs ML
2648    if (optName == "optimx") {
2649        if (is.null(method <- control$method))
2650            stop("must specify 'method' explicitly for optimx")
2651        arglist$control$method <- NULL
2652        arglist <- c(arglist, list(method = method))
2653    }
2654    ## FIXME: test!  effects of multiple warnings??
2655    ## may not need to catch warnings after all??
2656    curWarnings <- list()
2657    opt <- withCallingHandlers(do.call(optfun, arglist),
2658                               warning = function(w) {
2659                                   curWarnings <<- append(curWarnings,list(w$message))
2660                               })
2661    ## cat("***",unlist(tail(curWarnings,1)))
2662    ## FIXME: set code to warn on convergence !=0
2663    ## post-fit tweaking
2664    if (optName == "bobyqa") {
2665        opt$convergence <- opt$ierr
2666    } else if (optName == "Nelder_Mead") {
2667        ## fix-up: Nelder_Mead treats running out of iterations as "convergence" (!?)
2668        if (opt$NM.result==4) opt$convergence <- 4
2669    } else if (optName == "optimx") {
2670        opt <- list(par = coef(opt)[1,],
2671                    fvalues = opt$value[1],
2672                    method = method,
2673                    conv = opt$convcode[1],
2674                    feval = opt$fevals + opt$gevals,
2675                    message = attr(opt,"details")[,"message"][[1]])
2676    }
2677    if ((optconv <- getConv(opt)) != 0) {
2678        wmsg <- paste("convergence code",optconv,"from",optName)
2679        if (!is.null(getMsg(opt))) wmsg <- paste0(wmsg,": ",getMsg(opt))
2680        warning(wmsg)
2681        curWarnings <<- append(curWarnings,list(wmsg))
2682    }
2683    ## pp_before <- environment(fn)$pp
2684    ## save(pp_before,file="pp_before.RData")
2686    if (calc.derivs) {
2687        if (use.last.params) {
2688            ## +0 tricks R into doing a deep copy ...
2689            ## otherwise element of ref class changes!
2690            ## FIXME:: clunky!!
2691            orig_pars <- opt$par
2692            orig_theta <- environment(fn)$pp$theta+0
2693            orig_pars[seq_along(orig_theta)] <- orig_theta
2694        }
2695        if (verbose > 10) cat("computing derivatives\n")
2696        derivs <- deriv12(fn,opt$par,fx = opt$value)
2697        if (use.last.params) {
2698            ## run one more evaluation of the function at the optimized
2699            ##  value, to reset the internal/environment variables in devfun ...
2700            fn(orig_pars)
2701        }
2702    } else derivs <- NULL
2704    if (!use.last.params) {
2705        ## run one more evaluation of the function at the optimized
2706        ##  value, to reset the internal/environment variables in devfun ...
2707        fn(opt$par)
2708    }
2709    structure(opt, ## store all auxiliary information
2710              optimizer = optimizer,
2711              control   = control,
2712              warnings  = curWarnings,
2713              derivs    = derivs)
2716as.data.frame.VarCorr.merMod <- function(x,row.names = NULL,
2717                                         optional = FALSE,
2718                                         order = c("cov.last", "lower.tri"),
2719                                         ...)  {
2720    order <- match.arg(order)
2721    tmpf <- function(v,grp) {
2722        vcov <- c(diag(v), v[lt.v <- lower.tri(v, diag = FALSE)])
2723        sdcor <- c(attr(v,"stddev"),
2724                   attr(v,"correlation")[lt.v])
2725        nm <- rownames(v)
2726        n <- nrow(v)
2727        dd <- data.frame(grp = grp,
2728                         var1 = nm[c(seq(n), col(v)[lt.v])],
2729                         var2 = c(rep(NA,n), nm[row(v)[lt.v]]),
2730                         vcov,
2731                         sdcor,
2732                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
2733        if (order=="lower.tri") {
2734            ## reorder *back* to lower.tri order
2735            m <- matrix(NA,n,n)
2736            diag(m) <- seq(n)
2737            m[lower.tri(m)] <- (n+1):(n*(n+1)/2)
2738            dd <- dd[m[lower.tri(m, diag=TRUE)],]
2739        }
2740        dd
2741    }
2742    r <- do.call(rbind,
2743                 c(mapply(tmpf, x,names(x), SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
2744                   deparse.level = 0))
2745    if (attr(x,"useSc")) {
2746        ss <- attr(x,"sc")
2747        r <- rbind(r,data.frame(grp = "Residual",var1 = NA,var2 = NA,
2748                                vcov = ss^2,
2749                                sdcor = ss),
2750                   deparse.level = 0)
2751    }
2752    rownames(r) <- NULL
2753    r