2 #ifndef __MATIMPL_H
3 #define __MATIMPL_H
5 #include <petscmat.h>
6 #include <petscmatcoarsen.h>
7 #include <petsc/private/petscimpl.h>
9 PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool MatRegisterAllCalled;
10 PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool MatSeqAIJRegisterAllCalled;
11 PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool MatOrderingRegisterAllCalled;
12 PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool MatColoringRegisterAllCalled;
13 PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool MatPartitioningRegisterAllCalled;
14 PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool MatCoarsenRegisterAllCalled;
15 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatRegisterAll(void);
16 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatOrderingRegisterAll(void);
17 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatColoringRegisterAll(void);
18 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatPartitioningRegisterAll(void);
19 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatCoarsenRegisterAll(void);
20 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatSeqAIJRegisterAll(void);
22 /*
23   This file defines the parts of the matrix data structure that are
24   shared by all matrix types.
25 */
27 /*
28     If you add entries here also add them to the MATOP enum
29     in include/petscmat.h and src/mat/f90-mod/petscmat.h
30 */
31 typedef struct _MatOps *MatOps;
32 struct _MatOps {
33   /* 0*/
34   PetscErrorCode (*setvalues)(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscScalar[],InsertMode);
35   PetscErrorCode (*getrow)(Mat,PetscInt,PetscInt *,PetscInt*[],PetscScalar*[]);
36   PetscErrorCode (*restorerow)(Mat,PetscInt,PetscInt *,PetscInt *[],PetscScalar *[]);
37   PetscErrorCode (*mult)(Mat,Vec,Vec);
38   PetscErrorCode (*multadd)(Mat,Vec,Vec,Vec);
39   /* 5*/
40   PetscErrorCode (*multtranspose)(Mat,Vec,Vec);
41   PetscErrorCode (*multtransposeadd)(Mat,Vec,Vec,Vec);
42   PetscErrorCode (*solve)(Mat,Vec,Vec);
43   PetscErrorCode (*solveadd)(Mat,Vec,Vec,Vec);
44   PetscErrorCode (*solvetranspose)(Mat,Vec,Vec);
45   /*10*/
46   PetscErrorCode (*solvetransposeadd)(Mat,Vec,Vec,Vec);
47   PetscErrorCode (*lufactor)(Mat,IS,IS,const MatFactorInfo*);
48   PetscErrorCode (*choleskyfactor)(Mat,IS,const MatFactorInfo*);
49   PetscErrorCode (*sor)(Mat,Vec,PetscReal,MatSORType,PetscReal,PetscInt,PetscInt,Vec);
50   PetscErrorCode (*transpose)(Mat,MatReuse,Mat*);
51   /*15*/
52   PetscErrorCode (*getinfo)(Mat,MatInfoType,MatInfo*);
53   PetscErrorCode (*equal)(Mat,Mat,PetscBool*);
54   PetscErrorCode (*getdiagonal)(Mat,Vec);
55   PetscErrorCode (*diagonalscale)(Mat,Vec,Vec);
56   PetscErrorCode (*norm)(Mat,NormType,PetscReal*);
57   /*20*/
58   PetscErrorCode (*assemblybegin)(Mat,MatAssemblyType);
59   PetscErrorCode (*assemblyend)(Mat,MatAssemblyType);
60   PetscErrorCode (*setoption)(Mat,MatOption,PetscBool);
61   PetscErrorCode (*zeroentries)(Mat);
62   /*24*/
63   PetscErrorCode (*zerorows)(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscScalar,Vec,Vec);
64   PetscErrorCode (*lufactorsymbolic)(Mat,Mat,IS,IS,const MatFactorInfo*);
65   PetscErrorCode (*lufactornumeric)(Mat,Mat,const MatFactorInfo*);
66   PetscErrorCode (*choleskyfactorsymbolic)(Mat,Mat,IS,const MatFactorInfo*);
67   PetscErrorCode (*choleskyfactornumeric)(Mat,Mat,const MatFactorInfo*);
68   /*29*/
69   PetscErrorCode (*setup)(Mat);
70   PetscErrorCode (*ilufactorsymbolic)(Mat,Mat,IS,IS,const MatFactorInfo*);
71   PetscErrorCode (*iccfactorsymbolic)(Mat,Mat,IS,const MatFactorInfo*);
72   PetscErrorCode (*getdiagonalblock)(Mat,Mat*);
73   PetscErrorCode (*setinf)(Mat);
74   /*34*/
75   PetscErrorCode (*duplicate)(Mat,MatDuplicateOption,Mat*);
76   PetscErrorCode (*forwardsolve)(Mat,Vec,Vec);
77   PetscErrorCode (*backwardsolve)(Mat,Vec,Vec);
78   PetscErrorCode (*ilufactor)(Mat,IS,IS,const MatFactorInfo*);
79   PetscErrorCode (*iccfactor)(Mat,IS,const MatFactorInfo*);
80   /*39*/
81   PetscErrorCode (*axpy)(Mat,PetscScalar,Mat,MatStructure);
82   PetscErrorCode (*createsubmatrices)(Mat,PetscInt,const IS[],const IS[],MatReuse,Mat *[]);
83   PetscErrorCode (*increaseoverlap)(Mat,PetscInt,IS[],PetscInt);
84   PetscErrorCode (*getvalues)(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscScalar []);
85   PetscErrorCode (*copy)(Mat,Mat,MatStructure);
86   /*44*/
87   PetscErrorCode (*getrowmax)(Mat,Vec,PetscInt[]);
88   PetscErrorCode (*scale)(Mat,PetscScalar);
89   PetscErrorCode (*shift)(Mat,PetscScalar);
90   PetscErrorCode (*diagonalset)(Mat,Vec,InsertMode);
91   PetscErrorCode (*zerorowscolumns)(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscScalar,Vec,Vec);
92   /*49*/
93   PetscErrorCode (*setrandom)(Mat,PetscRandom);
94   PetscErrorCode (*getrowij)(Mat,PetscInt,PetscBool ,PetscBool ,PetscInt*,const PetscInt *[],const PetscInt *[],PetscBool  *);
95   PetscErrorCode (*restorerowij)(Mat,PetscInt,PetscBool ,PetscBool ,PetscInt *,const PetscInt *[],const PetscInt *[],PetscBool  *);
96   PetscErrorCode (*getcolumnij)(Mat,PetscInt,PetscBool ,PetscBool ,PetscInt*,const PetscInt *[],const PetscInt *[],PetscBool  *);
97   PetscErrorCode (*restorecolumnij)(Mat,PetscInt,PetscBool ,PetscBool ,PetscInt*,const PetscInt *[],const PetscInt *[],PetscBool  *);
98   /*54*/
99   PetscErrorCode (*fdcoloringcreate)(Mat,ISColoring,MatFDColoring);
100   PetscErrorCode (*coloringpatch)(Mat,PetscInt,PetscInt,ISColoringValue[],ISColoring*);
101   PetscErrorCode (*setunfactored)(Mat);
102   PetscErrorCode (*permute)(Mat,IS,IS,Mat*);
103   PetscErrorCode (*setvaluesblocked)(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscScalar[],InsertMode);
104   /*59*/
105   PetscErrorCode (*createsubmatrix)(Mat,IS,IS,MatReuse,Mat*);
106   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(Mat);
107   PetscErrorCode (*view)(Mat,PetscViewer);
108   PetscErrorCode (*convertfrom)(Mat,MatType,MatReuse,Mat*);
109   PetscErrorCode (*placeholder_63)(void);
110   /*64*/
111   PetscErrorCode (*matmatmultsymbolic)(Mat,Mat,Mat,PetscReal,Mat);
112   PetscErrorCode (*matmatmultnumeric)(Mat,Mat,Mat,Mat);
113   PetscErrorCode (*setlocaltoglobalmapping)(Mat,ISLocalToGlobalMapping,ISLocalToGlobalMapping);
114   PetscErrorCode (*setvalueslocal)(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscScalar[],InsertMode);
115   PetscErrorCode (*zerorowslocal)(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscScalar,Vec,Vec);
116   /*69*/
117   PetscErrorCode (*getrowmaxabs)(Mat,Vec,PetscInt[]);
118   PetscErrorCode (*getrowminabs)(Mat,Vec,PetscInt[]);
119   PetscErrorCode (*convert)(Mat, MatType,MatReuse,Mat*);
120   PetscErrorCode (*hasoperation)(Mat,MatOperation,PetscBool*);
121   PetscErrorCode (*placeholder_73)(void);
122   /*74*/
123   PetscErrorCode (*setvaluesadifor)(Mat,PetscInt,void*);
124   PetscErrorCode (*fdcoloringapply)(Mat,MatFDColoring,Vec,void*);
125   PetscErrorCode (*setfromoptions)(PetscOptionItems*,Mat);
126   PetscErrorCode (*multconstrained)(Mat,Vec,Vec);
127   PetscErrorCode (*multtransposeconstrained)(Mat,Vec,Vec);
128   /*79*/
129   PetscErrorCode (*findzerodiagonals)(Mat,IS*);
130   PetscErrorCode (*mults)(Mat,Vecs,Vecs);
131   PetscErrorCode (*solves)(Mat,Vecs,Vecs);
132   PetscErrorCode (*getinertia)(Mat,PetscInt*,PetscInt*,PetscInt*);
133   PetscErrorCode (*load)(Mat,PetscViewer);
134   /*84*/
135   PetscErrorCode (*issymmetric)(Mat,PetscReal,PetscBool*);
136   PetscErrorCode (*ishermitian)(Mat,PetscReal,PetscBool*);
137   PetscErrorCode (*isstructurallysymmetric)(Mat,PetscBool *);
138   PetscErrorCode (*setvaluesblockedlocal)(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscScalar[],InsertMode);
139   PetscErrorCode (*getvecs)(Mat,Vec*,Vec*);
140   /*89*/
141   PetscErrorCode (*placeholder_89)(void);
142   PetscErrorCode (*matmultsymbolic)(Mat,Mat,PetscReal,Mat);
143   PetscErrorCode (*matmultnumeric)(Mat,Mat,Mat);
144   PetscErrorCode (*placeholder_92)(void);
145   PetscErrorCode (*ptapsymbolic)(Mat,Mat,PetscReal,Mat); /* double dispatch wrapper routine */
146   /*94*/
147   PetscErrorCode (*ptapnumeric)(Mat,Mat,Mat);            /* double dispatch wrapper routine */
148   PetscErrorCode (*placeholder_95)(void);
149   PetscErrorCode (*mattransposemultsymbolic)(Mat,Mat,PetscReal,Mat);
150   PetscErrorCode (*mattransposemultnumeric)(Mat,Mat,Mat);
151   PetscErrorCode (*bindtocpu)(Mat,PetscBool);
152   /*99*/
153   PetscErrorCode (*productsetfromoptions)(Mat);
154   PetscErrorCode (*productsymbolic)(Mat);
155   PetscErrorCode (*productnumeric)(Mat);
156   PetscErrorCode (*conjugate)(Mat);                              /* complex conjugate */
157   PetscErrorCode (*viewnative)(Mat,PetscViewer);
158   /*104*/
159   PetscErrorCode (*setvaluesrow)(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscScalar[]);
160   PetscErrorCode (*realpart)(Mat);
161   PetscErrorCode (*imaginarypart)(Mat);
162   PetscErrorCode (*getrowuppertriangular)(Mat);
163   PetscErrorCode (*restorerowuppertriangular)(Mat);
164   /*109*/
165   PetscErrorCode (*matsolve)(Mat,Mat,Mat);
166   PetscErrorCode (*matsolvetranspose)(Mat,Mat,Mat);
167   PetscErrorCode (*getrowmin)(Mat,Vec,PetscInt[]);
168   PetscErrorCode (*getcolumnvector)(Mat,Vec,PetscInt);
169   PetscErrorCode (*missingdiagonal)(Mat,PetscBool *,PetscInt*);
170   /*114*/
171   PetscErrorCode (*getseqnonzerostructure)(Mat,Mat *);
172   PetscErrorCode (*create)(Mat);
173   PetscErrorCode (*getghosts)(Mat,PetscInt*,const PetscInt *[]);
174   PetscErrorCode (*getlocalsubmatrix)(Mat,IS,IS,Mat*);
175   PetscErrorCode (*restorelocalsubmatrix)(Mat,IS,IS,Mat*);
176   /*119*/
177   PetscErrorCode (*multdiagonalblock)(Mat,Vec,Vec);
178   PetscErrorCode (*hermitiantranspose)(Mat,MatReuse,Mat*);
179   PetscErrorCode (*multhermitiantranspose)(Mat,Vec,Vec);
180   PetscErrorCode (*multhermitiantransposeadd)(Mat,Vec,Vec,Vec);
181   PetscErrorCode (*getmultiprocblock)(Mat,MPI_Comm,MatReuse,Mat*);
182   /*124*/
183   PetscErrorCode (*findnonzerorows)(Mat,IS*);
184   PetscErrorCode (*getcolumnnorms)(Mat,NormType,PetscReal*);
185   PetscErrorCode (*invertblockdiagonal)(Mat,const PetscScalar**);
186   PetscErrorCode (*invertvariableblockdiagonal)(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscInt*,PetscScalar*);
187   PetscErrorCode (*createsubmatricesmpi)(Mat,PetscInt,const IS[], const IS[], MatReuse, Mat**);
188   /*129*/
189   PetscErrorCode (*setvaluesbatch)(Mat,PetscInt,PetscInt,PetscInt*,const PetscScalar*);
190   PetscErrorCode (*placeholder_130)(void);
191   PetscErrorCode (*transposematmultsymbolic)(Mat,Mat,PetscReal,Mat);
192   PetscErrorCode (*transposematmultnumeric)(Mat,Mat,Mat);
193   PetscErrorCode (*transposecoloringcreate)(Mat,ISColoring,MatTransposeColoring);
194   /*134*/
195   PetscErrorCode (*transcoloringapplysptoden)(MatTransposeColoring,Mat,Mat);
196   PetscErrorCode (*transcoloringapplydentosp)(MatTransposeColoring,Mat,Mat);
197   PetscErrorCode (*placeholder_136)(void);
198   PetscErrorCode (*rartsymbolic)(Mat,Mat,PetscReal,Mat); /* double dispatch wrapper routine */
199   PetscErrorCode (*rartnumeric)(Mat,Mat,Mat);            /* double dispatch wrapper routine */
200   /*139*/
201   PetscErrorCode (*setblocksizes)(Mat,PetscInt,PetscInt);
202   PetscErrorCode (*aypx)(Mat,PetscScalar,Mat,MatStructure);
203   PetscErrorCode (*residual)(Mat,Vec,Vec,Vec);
204   PetscErrorCode (*fdcoloringsetup)(Mat,ISColoring,MatFDColoring);
205   PetscErrorCode (*findoffblockdiagonalentries)(Mat,IS*);
206   PetscErrorCode (*creatempimatconcatenateseqmat)(MPI_Comm,Mat,PetscInt,MatReuse,Mat*);
207   /*145*/
208   PetscErrorCode (*destroysubmatrices)(PetscInt,Mat*[]);
209   PetscErrorCode (*mattransposesolve)(Mat,Mat,Mat);
210   PetscErrorCode (*getvalueslocal)(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscScalar[]);
211 };
212 /*
213     If you add MatOps entries above also add them to the MATOP enum
214     in include/petscmat.h and src/mat/f90-mod/petscmat.h
215 */
217 #include <petscsys.h>
218 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatRegisterOp(MPI_Comm, const char[], PetscVoidFunction, const char[], PetscInt, ...);
219 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatQueryOp(MPI_Comm, PetscVoidFunction*, const char[], PetscInt, ...);
221 typedef struct _p_MatRootName* MatRootName;
222 struct _p_MatRootName {
223   char        *rname,*sname,*mname;
224   MatRootName next;
225 };
227 PETSC_EXTERN MatRootName MatRootNameList;
229 /*
230    Utility private matrix routines
231 */
232 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatFindNonzeroRowsOrCols_Basic(Mat,PetscBool,PetscReal,IS*);
233 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatConvert_Basic(Mat,MatType,MatReuse,Mat*);
234 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatConvert_Shell(Mat,MatType,MatReuse,Mat*);
235 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatConvertFrom_Shell(Mat,MatType,MatReuse,Mat*);
236 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatCopy_Basic(Mat,Mat,MatStructure);
237 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatDiagonalSet_Default(Mat,Vec,InsertMode);
238 #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_SCALAPACK)
239 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatConvert_Dense_ScaLAPACK(Mat,MatType,MatReuse,Mat*);
240 #endif
242 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatProductSymbolic_AB(Mat);
243 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatProductNumeric_AB(Mat);
244 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatProductSymbolic_AtB(Mat);
245 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatProductNumeric_AtB(Mat);
246 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatProductSymbolic_ABt(Mat);
247 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatProductNumeric_ABt(Mat);
248 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatProductNumeric_PtAP(Mat);
249 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatProductNumeric_RARt(Mat);
250 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatProductSymbolic_ABC(Mat);
251 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatProductNumeric_ABC(Mat);
252 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatProductCreate_Private(Mat,Mat,Mat,Mat);
254 #if defined(PETSC_USE_DEBUG)
255 #  define MatCheckPreallocated(A,arg) do {                              \
256     if (PetscUnlikely(!(A)->preallocated)) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Must call MatXXXSetPreallocation() or MatSetUp() on argument %D \"%s\" before %s()",(arg),#A,PETSC_FUNCTION_NAME); \
257   } while (0)
258 #else
259 #  define MatCheckPreallocated(A,arg) do {} while (0)
260 #endif
262 #if defined(PETSC_USE_DEBUG)
263 #  define MatCheckProduct(A,arg) do {                              \
264     if (PetscUnlikely(!(A)->product)) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Argument %D \"%s\" is not a matrix obtained from MatProductCreate()",(arg),#A); \
265   } while (0)
266 #else
267 #  define MatCheckProduct(A,arg) do {} while (0)
268 #endif
270 /*
271   The stash is used to temporarily store inserted matrix values that
272   belong to another processor. During the assembly phase the stashed
273   values are moved to the correct processor and
274 */
276 typedef struct _MatStashSpace *PetscMatStashSpace;
278 struct _MatStashSpace {
279   PetscMatStashSpace next;
280   PetscScalar        *space_head,*val;
281   PetscInt           *idx,*idy;
282   PetscInt           total_space_size;
283   PetscInt           local_used;
284   PetscInt           local_remaining;
285 };
287 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscMatStashSpaceGet(PetscInt,PetscInt,PetscMatStashSpace *);
288 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscMatStashSpaceContiguous(PetscInt,PetscMatStashSpace *,PetscScalar *,PetscInt *,PetscInt *);
289 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscMatStashSpaceDestroy(PetscMatStashSpace*);
291 typedef struct {
292   PetscInt    count;
293 } MatStashHeader;
295 typedef struct {
296   void        *buffer;          /* Of type blocktype, dynamically constructed  */
297   PetscInt    count;
298   char        pending;
299 } MatStashFrame;
301 typedef struct _MatStash MatStash;
302 struct _MatStash {
303   PetscInt      nmax;                   /* maximum stash size */
304   PetscInt      umax;                   /* user specified max-size */
305   PetscInt      oldnmax;                /* the nmax value used previously */
306   PetscInt      n;                      /* stash size */
307   PetscInt      bs;                     /* block size of the stash */
308   PetscInt      reallocs;               /* preserve the no of mallocs invoked */
309   PetscMatStashSpace space_head,space;  /* linked list to hold stashed global row/column numbers and matrix values */
311   PetscErrorCode (*ScatterBegin)(Mat,MatStash*,PetscInt*);
312   PetscErrorCode (*ScatterGetMesg)(MatStash*,PetscMPIInt*,PetscInt**,PetscInt**,PetscScalar**,PetscInt*);
313   PetscErrorCode (*ScatterEnd)(MatStash*);
314   PetscErrorCode (*ScatterDestroy)(MatStash*);
316   /* The following variables are used for communication */
317   MPI_Comm      comm;
318   PetscMPIInt   size,rank;
319   PetscMPIInt   tag1,tag2;
320   MPI_Request   *send_waits;            /* array of send requests */
321   MPI_Request   *recv_waits;            /* array of receive requests */
322   MPI_Status    *send_status;           /* array of send status */
323   PetscInt      nsends,nrecvs;          /* numbers of sends and receives */
324   PetscScalar   *svalues;               /* sending data */
325   PetscInt      *sindices;
326   PetscScalar   **rvalues;              /* receiving data (values) */
327   PetscInt      **rindices;             /* receiving data (indices) */
328   PetscInt      nprocessed;             /* number of messages already processed */
329   PetscMPIInt   *flg_v;                 /* indicates what messages have arrived so far and from whom */
330   PetscBool     reproduce;
331   PetscInt      reproduce_count;
333   /* The following variables are used for BTS communication */
334   PetscBool      first_assembly_done;   /* Is the first time matrix assembly done? */
335   PetscBool      use_status;            /* Use MPI_Status to determine number of items in each message */
336   PetscMPIInt    nsendranks;
337   PetscMPIInt    nrecvranks;
338   PetscMPIInt    *sendranks;
339   PetscMPIInt    *recvranks;
340   MatStashHeader *sendhdr,*recvhdr;
341   MatStashFrame  *sendframes;   /* pointers to the main messages */
342   MatStashFrame  *recvframes;
343   MatStashFrame  *recvframe_active;
344   PetscInt       recvframe_i;     /* index of block within active frame */
345   PetscMPIInt    recvframe_count; /* Count actually sent for current frame */
346   PetscInt       recvcount;       /* Number of receives processed so far */
347   PetscMPIInt    *some_indices;   /* From last call to MPI_Waitsome */
348   MPI_Status     *some_statuses;  /* Statuses from last call to MPI_Waitsome */
349   PetscMPIInt    some_count;      /* Number of requests completed in last call to MPI_Waitsome */
350   PetscMPIInt    some_i;          /* Index of request currently being processed */
351   MPI_Request    *sendreqs;
352   MPI_Request    *recvreqs;
353   PetscSegBuffer segsendblocks;
354   PetscSegBuffer segrecvframe;
355   PetscSegBuffer segrecvblocks;
356   MPI_Datatype   blocktype;
357   size_t         blocktype_size;
358   InsertMode     *insertmode;   /* Pointer to check mat->insertmode and set upon message arrival in case no local values have been set. */
359 };
361 #if !defined(PETSC_HAVE_MPIUNI)
362 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashScatterDestroy_BTS(MatStash*);
363 #endif
364 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashCreate_Private(MPI_Comm,PetscInt,MatStash*);
365 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashDestroy_Private(MatStash*);
366 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashScatterEnd_Private(MatStash*);
367 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashSetInitialSize_Private(MatStash*,PetscInt);
368 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashGetInfo_Private(MatStash*,PetscInt*,PetscInt*);
369 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashValuesRow_Private(MatStash*,PetscInt,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscScalar[],PetscBool);
370 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashValuesCol_Private(MatStash*,PetscInt,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscScalar[],PetscInt,PetscBool);
371 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashValuesRowBlocked_Private(MatStash*,PetscInt,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscScalar[],PetscInt,PetscInt,PetscInt);
372 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashValuesColBlocked_Private(MatStash*,PetscInt,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscScalar[],PetscInt,PetscInt,PetscInt);
373 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashScatterBegin_Private(Mat,MatStash*,PetscInt*);
374 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatStashScatterGetMesg_Private(MatStash*,PetscMPIInt*,PetscInt**,PetscInt**,PetscScalar**,PetscInt*);
375 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatGetInfo_External(Mat,MatInfoType,MatInfo*);
377 typedef struct {
378   PetscInt   dim;
379   PetscInt   dims[4];
380   PetscInt   starts[4];
381   PetscBool  noc;        /* this is a single component problem, hence user will not set MatStencil.c */
382 } MatStencilInfo;
384 /* Info about using compressed row format */
385 typedef struct {
386   PetscBool  use;                           /* indicates compressed rows have been checked and will be used */
387   PetscInt   nrows;                         /* number of non-zero rows */
388   PetscInt   *i;                            /* compressed row pointer  */
389   PetscInt   *rindex;                       /* compressed row index               */
390 } Mat_CompressedRow;
391 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatCheckCompressedRow(Mat,PetscInt,Mat_CompressedRow*,PetscInt*,PetscInt,PetscReal);
393 typedef struct { /* used by MatCreateRedundantMatrix() for reusing matredundant */
394   PetscInt     nzlocal,nsends,nrecvs;
395   PetscMPIInt  *send_rank,*recv_rank;
396   PetscInt     *sbuf_nz,*rbuf_nz,*sbuf_j,**rbuf_j;
397   PetscScalar  *sbuf_a,**rbuf_a;
398   MPI_Comm     subcomm;   /* when user does not provide a subcomm */
399   IS           isrow,iscol;
400   Mat          *matseq;
401 } Mat_Redundant;
403 typedef struct { /* used by MatProduct() */
404   MatProductType type;
405   char           *alg;
406   Mat            A,B,C,Dwork;
407   PetscReal      fill;
408   PetscBool      api_user; /* used by MatProductSetFromOptions_xxx() to distinguish command line options */
410   /* Some products may display the information on the algorithm used */
411   PetscErrorCode (*view)(Mat,PetscViewer);
413   /* many products have intermediate data structures, each specific to Mat types and product type */
414   PetscBool      clear;             /* whether or not to clear the data structures after MatProductNumeric has been called */
415   void           *data;             /* where to stash those structures */
416   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(void*); /* destroy routine */
417 } Mat_Product;
419 #define CSRDataStructure(datatype)  \
420   int         *i; \
421   int         *j; \
422   datatype    *a;\
423   PetscInt    n;\
424   PetscInt    ignorezeroentries;
426 typedef struct {
427   CSRDataStructure(PetscScalar)
428 } PetscCSRDataStructure;
430 struct _p_SplitCSRMat {
431   PetscInt              cstart,cend,rstart,rend;
432   PetscCSRDataStructure diag,offdiag;
433   PetscInt              *colmap;
434   PetscBool             seq;
435   PetscMPIInt           rank;
436   PetscInt              nonzerostate;
437 };
439 struct _p_Mat {
440   PETSCHEADER(struct _MatOps);
441   PetscLayout            rmap,cmap;
442   void                   *data;            /* implementation-specific data */
443   MatFactorType          factortype;       /* MAT_FACTOR_LU, ILU, CHOLESKY or ICC */
444   PetscBool              useordering;      /* factorization using ordering provide to routine (most PETSc implementations) */
445   PetscBool              assembled;        /* is the matrix assembled? */
446   PetscBool              was_assembled;    /* new values inserted into assembled mat */
447   PetscInt               num_ass;          /* number of times matrix has been assembled */
448   PetscObjectState       nonzerostate;     /* each time new nonzeros locations are introduced into the matrix this is updated */
449   PetscObjectState       ass_nonzerostate; /* nonzero state at last assembly */
450   MatInfo                info;             /* matrix information */
451   InsertMode             insertmode;       /* have values been inserted in matrix or added? */
452   MatStash               stash,bstash;     /* used for assembling off-proc mat emements */
453   MatNullSpace           nullsp;           /* null space (operator is singular) */
454   MatNullSpace           transnullsp;      /* null space of transpose of operator */
455   MatNullSpace           nearnullsp;       /* near null space to be used by multigrid methods */
456   PetscInt               congruentlayouts; /* are the rows and columns layouts congruent? */
457   PetscBool              preallocated;
458   MatStencilInfo         stencil;          /* information for structured grid */
459   PetscBool              symmetric,hermitian,structurally_symmetric,spd;
460   PetscBool              symmetric_set,hermitian_set,structurally_symmetric_set,spd_set; /* if true, then corresponding flag is correct*/
461   PetscBool              symmetric_eternal;
462   PetscBool              nooffprocentries,nooffproczerorows;
463   PetscBool              assembly_subset;  /* set by MAT_SUBSET_OFF_PROC_ENTRIES */
464   PetscBool              submat_singleis;  /* for efficient PCSetUp_ASM() */
465   PetscBool              structure_only;
466   PetscBool              sortedfull;       /* full, sorted rows are inserted */
467 #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_DEVICE)
468   PetscOffloadMask       offloadmask;      /* a mask which indicates where the valid matrix data is (GPU, CPU or both) */
469   PetscBool              boundtocpu;
470 #endif
471   void                   *spptr;          /* pointer for special library like SuperLU */
472   char                   *solvertype;
473   PetscBool              checksymmetryonassembly,checknullspaceonassembly;
474   PetscReal              checksymmetrytol;
475   Mat                    schur;             /* Schur complement matrix */
476   MatFactorSchurStatus   schur_status;      /* status of the Schur complement matrix */
477   Mat_Redundant          *redundant;        /* used by MatCreateRedundantMatrix() */
478   PetscBool              erroriffailure;    /* Generate an error if detected (for example a zero pivot) instead of returning */
479   MatFactorError         factorerrortype;               /* type of error in factorization */
480   PetscReal              factorerror_zeropivot_value;   /* If numerical zero pivot was detected this is the computed value */
481   PetscInt               factorerror_zeropivot_row;     /* Row where zero pivot was detected */
482   PetscInt               nblocks,*bsizes;   /* support for MatSetVariableBlockSizes() */
483   char                   *defaultvectype;
484   Mat_Product            *product;
485 };
487 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatAXPY_Basic(Mat,PetscScalar,Mat,MatStructure);
488 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatAXPY_BasicWithPreallocation(Mat,Mat,PetscScalar,Mat,MatStructure);
489 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatAXPY_Basic_Preallocate(Mat,Mat,Mat*);
491 /*
492     Utility for MatFactor (Schur complement)
493 */
494 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatFactorFactorizeSchurComplement_Private(Mat);
495 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatFactorInvertSchurComplement_Private(Mat);
496 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatFactorUpdateSchurStatus_Private(Mat);
497 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatFactorSetUpInPlaceSchur_Private(Mat);
499 /*
500     Utility for MatZeroRows
501 */
502 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatZeroRowsMapLocal_Private(Mat,PetscInt,const PetscInt*,PetscInt*,PetscInt**);
504 /*
505     Utility for MatView/MatLoad
506 */
507 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatView_Binary_BlockSizes(Mat,PetscViewer);
508 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatLoad_Binary_BlockSizes(Mat,PetscViewer);
511 /*
512     Object for partitioning graphs
513 */
515 typedef struct _MatPartitioningOps *MatPartitioningOps;
516 struct _MatPartitioningOps {
517   PetscErrorCode (*apply)(MatPartitioning,IS*);
518   PetscErrorCode (*applynd)(MatPartitioning,IS*);
519   PetscErrorCode (*setfromoptions)(PetscOptionItems*,MatPartitioning);
520   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(MatPartitioning);
521   PetscErrorCode (*view)(MatPartitioning,PetscViewer);
522   PetscErrorCode (*improve)(MatPartitioning,IS*);
523 };
525 struct _p_MatPartitioning {
526   PETSCHEADER(struct _MatPartitioningOps);
527   Mat         adj;
528   PetscInt    *vertex_weights;
529   PetscReal   *part_weights;
530   PetscInt    n;                                 /* number of partitions */
531   void        *data;
532   PetscInt    setupcalled;
533   PetscBool   use_edge_weights;  /* A flag indicates whether or not to use edge weights */
534 };
536 /* needed for parallel nested dissection by ParMetis and PTSCOTCH */
537 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatPartitioningSizesToSep_Private(PetscInt,PetscInt[],PetscInt[],PetscInt[]);
539 /*
540     Object for coarsen graphs
541 */
542 typedef struct _MatCoarsenOps *MatCoarsenOps;
543 struct _MatCoarsenOps {
544   PetscErrorCode (*apply)(MatCoarsen);
545   PetscErrorCode (*setfromoptions)(PetscOptionItems*,MatCoarsen);
546   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(MatCoarsen);
547   PetscErrorCode (*view)(MatCoarsen,PetscViewer);
548 };
550 struct _p_MatCoarsen {
551   PETSCHEADER(struct _MatCoarsenOps);
552   Mat              graph;
553   void             *subctx;
554   /* */
555   PetscBool        strict_aggs;
556   IS               perm;
557   PetscCoarsenData *agg_lists;
558 };
560 /*
561     MatFDColoring is used to compute Jacobian matrices efficiently
562   via coloring. The data structure is explained below in an example.
564    Color =   0    1     0    2   |   2      3       0
565    ---------------------------------------------------
566             00   01              |          05
567             10   11              |   14     15               Processor  0
568                        22    23  |          25
569                        32    33  |
570    ===================================================
571                                  |   44     45     46
572             50                   |          55               Processor 1
573                                  |   64            66
574    ---------------------------------------------------
576     ncolors = 4;
578     ncolumns      = {2,1,1,0}
579     columns       = {{0,2},{1},{3},{}}
580     nrows         = {4,2,3,3}
581     rows          = {{0,1,2,3},{0,1},{1,2,3},{0,1,2}}
582     vwscale       = {dx(0),dx(1),dx(2),dx(3)}               MPI Vec
583     vscale        = {dx(0),dx(1),dx(2),dx(3),dx(4),dx(5)}   Seq Vec
585     ncolumns      = {1,0,1,1}
586     columns       = {{6},{},{4},{5}}
587     nrows         = {3,0,2,2}
588     rows          = {{0,1,2},{},{1,2},{1,2}}
589     vwscale       = {dx(4),dx(5),dx(6)}              MPI Vec
590     vscale        = {dx(0),dx(4),dx(5),dx(6)}        Seq Vec
592     See the routine MatFDColoringApply() for how this data is used
593     to compute the Jacobian.
595 */
596 typedef struct {
597   PetscInt     row;
598   PetscInt     col;
599   PetscScalar  *valaddr;   /* address of value */
600 } MatEntry;
602 typedef struct {
603   PetscInt     row;
604   PetscScalar  *valaddr;   /* address of value */
605 } MatEntry2;
607 struct  _p_MatFDColoring{
608   PETSCHEADER(int);
609   PetscInt       M,N,m;            /* total rows, columns; local rows */
610   PetscInt       rstart;           /* first row owned by local processor */
611   PetscInt       ncolors;          /* number of colors */
612   PetscInt       *ncolumns;        /* number of local columns for a color */
613   PetscInt       **columns;        /* lists the local columns of each color (using global column numbering) */
614   IS             *isa;             /* these are the IS that contain the column values given in columns */
615   PetscInt       *nrows;           /* number of local rows for each color */
616   MatEntry       *matentry;        /* holds (row, column, address of value) for Jacobian matrix entry */
617   MatEntry2      *matentry2;       /* holds (row, address of value) for Jacobian matrix entry */
618   PetscScalar    *dy;              /* store a block of F(x+dx)-F(x) when J is in BAIJ format */
619   PetscReal      error_rel;        /* square root of relative error in computing function */
620   PetscReal      umin;             /* minimum allowable u'dx value */
621   Vec            w1,w2,w3;         /* work vectors used in computing Jacobian */
622   PetscBool      fset;             /* indicates that the initial function value F(X) is set */
623   PetscErrorCode (*f)(void);       /* function that defines Jacobian */
624   void           *fctx;            /* optional user-defined context for use by the function f */
625   Vec            vscale;           /* holds FD scaling, i.e. 1/dx for each perturbed column */
626   PetscInt       currentcolor;     /* color for which function evaluation is being done now */
627   const char     *htype;           /* "wp" or "ds" */
628   ISColoringType ctype;            /* IS_COLORING_GLOBAL or IS_COLORING_LOCAL */
629   PetscInt       brows,bcols;      /* number of block rows or columns for speedup inserting the dense matrix into sparse Jacobian */
630   PetscBool      setupcalled;      /* true if setup has been called */
631   PetscBool      viewed;           /* true if the -mat_fd_coloring_view has been triggered already */
632   void           (*ftn_func_pointer)(void),*ftn_func_cntx; /* serve the same purpose as *fortran_func_pointers in PETSc objects */
633   PetscObjectId  matid;            /* matrix this object was created with, must always be the same */
634 };
636 typedef struct _MatColoringOps *MatColoringOps;
637 struct _MatColoringOps {
638   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(MatColoring);
639   PetscErrorCode (*setfromoptions)(PetscOptionItems*,MatColoring);
640   PetscErrorCode (*view)(MatColoring,PetscViewer);
641   PetscErrorCode (*apply)(MatColoring,ISColoring*);
642   PetscErrorCode (*weights)(MatColoring,PetscReal**,PetscInt**);
643 };
645 struct _p_MatColoring {
646   PETSCHEADER(struct _MatColoringOps);
647   Mat                   mat;
648   PetscInt              dist;             /* distance of the coloring */
649   PetscInt              maxcolors;        /* the maximum number of colors returned, maxcolors=1 for MIS */
650   void                  *data;            /* inner context */
651   PetscBool             valid;            /* check to see if what is produced is a valid coloring */
652   MatColoringWeightType weight_type;      /* type of weight computation to be performed */
653   PetscReal             *user_weights;    /* custom weights and permutation */
654   PetscInt              *user_lperm;
655   PetscBool             valid_iscoloring; /* check to see if matcoloring is produced a valid iscoloring */
656 };
658 struct  _p_MatTransposeColoring{
659   PETSCHEADER(int);
660   PetscInt       M,N,m;            /* total rows, columns; local rows */
661   PetscInt       rstart;           /* first row owned by local processor */
662   PetscInt       ncolors;          /* number of colors */
663   PetscInt       *ncolumns;        /* number of local columns for a color */
664   PetscInt       *nrows;           /* number of local rows for each color */
665   PetscInt       currentcolor;     /* color for which function evaluation is being done now */
666   ISColoringType ctype;            /* IS_COLORING_GLOBAL or IS_COLORING_LOCAL */
668   PetscInt       *colorforrow,*colorforcol;  /* pointer to rows and columns */
669   PetscInt       *rows;                      /* lists the local rows for each color (using the local row numbering) */
670   PetscInt       *den2sp;                    /* maps (row,color) in the dense matrix to index of sparse matrix array a->a */
671   PetscInt       *columns;                   /* lists the local columns of each color (using global column numbering) */
672   PetscInt       brows;                      /* number of rows for efficient implementation of MatTransColoringApplyDenToSp() */
673   PetscInt       *lstart;                    /* array used for loop over row blocks of Csparse */
674 };
676 /*
677    Null space context for preconditioner/operators
678 */
679 struct _p_MatNullSpace {
680   PETSCHEADER(int);
681   PetscBool      has_cnst;
682   PetscInt       n;
683   Vec*           vecs;
684   PetscScalar*   alpha;                 /* for projections */
685   PetscErrorCode (*remove)(MatNullSpace,Vec,void*);  /* for user provided removal function */
686   void*          rmctx;                 /* context for remove() function */
687 };
689 /*
690    Checking zero pivot for LU, ILU preconditioners.
691 */
692 typedef struct {
693   PetscInt       nshift,nshift_max;
694   PetscReal      shift_amount,shift_lo,shift_hi,shift_top,shift_fraction;
695   PetscBool      newshift;
696   PetscReal      rs;  /* active row sum of abs(offdiagonals) */
697   PetscScalar    pv;  /* pivot of the active row */
698 } FactorShiftCtx;
700 /*
701  Used by MatCreateSubMatrices_MPIXAIJ_Local()
702 */
703 #include <petscctable.h>
704 typedef struct { /* used by MatCreateSubMatrices_MPIAIJ_SingleIS_Local() and MatCreateSubMatrices_MPIAIJ_Local */
705   PetscInt   id;   /* index of submats, only submats[0] is responsible for deleting some arrays below */
706   PetscInt   nrqs,nrqr;
707   PetscInt   **rbuf1,**rbuf2,**rbuf3,**sbuf1,**sbuf2;
708   PetscInt   **ptr;
709   PetscInt   *tmp;
710   PetscInt   *ctr;
711   PetscInt   *pa; /* proc array */
712   PetscInt   *req_size,*req_source1,*req_source2;
713   PetscBool  allcolumns,allrows;
714   PetscBool  singleis;
715   PetscInt   *row2proc; /* row to proc map */
716   PetscInt   nstages;
717 #if defined(PETSC_USE_CTABLE)
718   PetscTable cmap,rmap;
719   PetscInt   *cmap_loc,*rmap_loc;
720 #else
721   PetscInt   *cmap,*rmap;
722 #endif
724   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(Mat);
725 } Mat_SubSppt;
727 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatFactorDumpMatrix(Mat);
728 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatShift_Basic(Mat,PetscScalar);
729 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSetBlockSizes_Default(Mat,PetscInt,PetscInt);
MatPivotCheck_nz(Mat mat,const MatFactorInfo * info,FactorShiftCtx * sctx,PetscInt row)731 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode MatPivotCheck_nz(Mat mat,const MatFactorInfo *info,FactorShiftCtx *sctx,PetscInt row)
732 {
733   PetscReal _rs   = sctx->rs;
734   PetscReal _zero = info->zeropivot*_rs;
736   PetscFunctionBegin;
737   if (PetscAbsScalar(sctx->pv) <= _zero && !PetscIsNanScalar(sctx->pv)){
738     /* force |diag| > zeropivot*rs */
739     if (!sctx->nshift) sctx->shift_amount = info->shiftamount;
740     else sctx->shift_amount *= 2.0;
741     sctx->newshift = PETSC_TRUE;
742     (sctx->nshift)++;
743   } else {
744     sctx->newshift = PETSC_FALSE;
745   }
746   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
747 }
MatPivotCheck_pd(Mat mat,const MatFactorInfo * info,FactorShiftCtx * sctx,PetscInt row)749 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode MatPivotCheck_pd(Mat mat,const MatFactorInfo *info,FactorShiftCtx *sctx,PetscInt row)
750 {
751   PetscReal _rs   = sctx->rs;
752   PetscReal _zero = info->zeropivot*_rs;
754   PetscFunctionBegin;
755   if (PetscRealPart(sctx->pv) <= _zero && !PetscIsNanScalar(sctx->pv)){
756     /* force matfactor to be diagonally dominant */
757     if (sctx->nshift == sctx->nshift_max) {
758       sctx->shift_fraction = sctx->shift_hi;
759     } else {
760       sctx->shift_lo = sctx->shift_fraction;
761       sctx->shift_fraction = (sctx->shift_hi+sctx->shift_lo)/2.;
762     }
763     sctx->shift_amount = sctx->shift_fraction * sctx->shift_top;
764     sctx->nshift++;
765     sctx->newshift = PETSC_TRUE;
766   } else {
767     sctx->newshift = PETSC_FALSE;
768   }
769   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
770 }
MatPivotCheck_inblocks(Mat mat,const MatFactorInfo * info,FactorShiftCtx * sctx,PetscInt row)772 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode MatPivotCheck_inblocks(Mat mat,const MatFactorInfo *info,FactorShiftCtx *sctx,PetscInt row)
773 {
774   PetscReal _zero = info->zeropivot;
776   PetscFunctionBegin;
777   if (PetscAbsScalar(sctx->pv) <= _zero && !PetscIsNanScalar(sctx->pv)){
778     sctx->pv          += info->shiftamount;
779     sctx->shift_amount = 0.0;
780     sctx->nshift++;
781   }
782   sctx->newshift = PETSC_FALSE;
783   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
784 }
MatPivotCheck_none(Mat fact,Mat mat,const MatFactorInfo * info,FactorShiftCtx * sctx,PetscInt row)786 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode MatPivotCheck_none(Mat fact,Mat mat,const MatFactorInfo *info,FactorShiftCtx *sctx,PetscInt row)
787 {
788   PetscReal      _zero = info->zeropivot;
789   PetscErrorCode ierr;
791   PetscFunctionBegin;
792   sctx->newshift = PETSC_FALSE;
793   if (PetscAbsScalar(sctx->pv) <= _zero && !PetscIsNanScalar(sctx->pv)) {
794     if (!mat->erroriffailure) {
795       ierr = PetscInfo3(mat,"Detected zero pivot in factorization in row %D value %g tolerance %g\n",row,(double)PetscAbsScalar(sctx->pv),(double)_zero);CHKERRQ(ierr);
796       fact->factorerrortype             = MAT_FACTOR_NUMERIC_ZEROPIVOT;
797       fact->factorerror_zeropivot_value = PetscAbsScalar(sctx->pv);
798       fact->factorerror_zeropivot_row   = row;
799     } else SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_MAT_LU_ZRPVT,"Zero pivot row %D value %g tolerance %g\n",row,(double)PetscAbsScalar(sctx->pv),(double)_zero);
800   }
801   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
802 }
MatPivotCheck(Mat fact,Mat mat,const MatFactorInfo * info,FactorShiftCtx * sctx,PetscInt row)804 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode MatPivotCheck(Mat fact,Mat mat,const MatFactorInfo *info,FactorShiftCtx *sctx,PetscInt row)
805 {
806   PetscErrorCode ierr;
808   PetscFunctionBegin;
809   if (info->shifttype == (PetscReal) MAT_SHIFT_NONZERO){
810     ierr = MatPivotCheck_nz(mat,info,sctx,row);CHKERRQ(ierr);
811   } else if (info->shifttype == (PetscReal) MAT_SHIFT_POSITIVE_DEFINITE){
812     ierr = MatPivotCheck_pd(mat,info,sctx,row);CHKERRQ(ierr);
813   } else if (info->shifttype == (PetscReal) MAT_SHIFT_INBLOCKS){
814     ierr = MatPivotCheck_inblocks(mat,info,sctx,row);CHKERRQ(ierr);
815   } else {
816     ierr = MatPivotCheck_none(fact,mat,info,sctx,row);CHKERRQ(ierr);
817   }
818   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
819 }
821 /*
822   Create and initialize a linked list
823   Input Parameters:
824     idx_start - starting index of the list
825     lnk_max   - max value of lnk indicating the end of the list
826     nlnk      - max length of the list
827   Output Parameters:
828     lnk       - list initialized
829     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray) with all bits set to false
830     lnk_empty - flg indicating the list is empty
831 */
832 #define PetscLLCreate(idx_start,lnk_max,nlnk,lnk,bt) \
833   (PetscMalloc1(nlnk,&lnk) || PetscBTCreate(nlnk,&(bt)) || (lnk[idx_start] = lnk_max,0))
835 #define PetscLLCreate_new(idx_start,lnk_max,nlnk,lnk,bt,lnk_empty)\
836   (PetscMalloc1(nlnk,&lnk) || PetscBTCreate(nlnk,&(bt)) || (lnk_empty = PETSC_TRUE,0) ||(lnk[idx_start] = lnk_max,0))
838 /*
839   Add an index set into a sorted linked list
840   Input Parameters:
841     nidx      - number of input indices
842     indices   - integer array
843     idx_start - starting index of the list
844     lnk       - linked list(an integer array) that is created
845     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
846   output Parameters:
847     nlnk      - number of newly added indices
848     lnk       - the sorted(increasing order) linked list containing new and non-redundate entries from indices
849     bt        - updated PetscBT (bitarray)
850 */
851 #define PetscLLAdd(nidx,indices,idx_start,nlnk,lnk,bt) 0;\
852 {\
853   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_lnkdata;\
854   nlnk     = 0;\
855   _lnkdata = idx_start;\
856   for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){\
857     _entry = indices[_k];\
858     if (!PetscBTLookupSet(bt,_entry)){  /* new entry */\
859       /* search for insertion location */\
860       /* start from the beginning if _entry < previous _entry */\
861       if (_k && _entry < _lnkdata) _lnkdata  = idx_start;\
862       do {\
863         _location = _lnkdata;\
864         _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];\
865       } while (_entry > _lnkdata);\
866       /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */\
867       lnk[_location] = _entry;\
868       lnk[_entry]    = _lnkdata;\
869       nlnk++;\
870       _lnkdata = _entry; /* next search starts from here if next_entry > _entry */\
871     }\
872   }\
873 }
875 /*
876   Add a permuted index set into a sorted linked list
877   Input Parameters:
878     nidx      - number of input indices
879     indices   - integer array
880     perm      - permutation of indices
881     idx_start - starting index of the list
882     lnk       - linked list(an integer array) that is created
883     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
884   output Parameters:
885     nlnk      - number of newly added indices
886     lnk       - the sorted(increasing order) linked list containing new and non-redundate entries from indices
887     bt        - updated PetscBT (bitarray)
888 */
889 #define PetscLLAddPerm(nidx,indices,perm,idx_start,nlnk,lnk,bt) 0;\
890 {\
891   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_lnkdata;\
892   nlnk     = 0;\
893   _lnkdata = idx_start;\
894   for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){\
895     _entry = perm[indices[_k]];\
896     if (!PetscBTLookupSet(bt,_entry)){  /* new entry */\
897       /* search for insertion location */\
898       /* start from the beginning if _entry < previous _entry */\
899       if (_k && _entry < _lnkdata) _lnkdata  = idx_start;\
900       do {\
901         _location = _lnkdata;\
902         _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];\
903       } while (_entry > _lnkdata);\
904       /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */\
905       lnk[_location] = _entry;\
906       lnk[_entry]    = _lnkdata;\
907       nlnk++;\
908       _lnkdata = _entry; /* next search starts from here if next_entry > _entry */\
909     }\
910   }\
911 }
913 /*
914   Add a SORTED ascending index set into a sorted linked list - same as PetscLLAdd() bus skip 'if (_k && _entry < _lnkdata) _lnkdata  = idx_start;'
915   Input Parameters:
916     nidx      - number of input indices
917     indices   - sorted integer array
918     idx_start - starting index of the list
919     lnk       - linked list(an integer array) that is created
920     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
921   output Parameters:
922     nlnk      - number of newly added indices
923     lnk       - the sorted(increasing order) linked list containing new and non-redundate entries from indices
924     bt        - updated PetscBT (bitarray)
925 */
926 #define PetscLLAddSorted(nidx,indices,idx_start,nlnk,lnk,bt) 0;\
927 {\
928   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_lnkdata;\
929   nlnk      = 0;\
930   _lnkdata  = idx_start;\
931   for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){\
932     _entry = indices[_k];\
933     if (!PetscBTLookupSet(bt,_entry)){  /* new entry */\
934       /* search for insertion location */\
935       do {\
936         _location = _lnkdata;\
937         _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];\
938       } while (_entry > _lnkdata);\
939       /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */\
940       lnk[_location] = _entry;\
941       lnk[_entry]    = _lnkdata;\
942       nlnk++;\
943       _lnkdata = _entry; /* next search starts from here */\
944     }\
945   }\
946 }
948 #define PetscLLAddSorted_new(nidx,indices,idx_start,lnk_empty,nlnk,lnk,bt) 0; \
949 {\
950   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_lnkdata;\
951   if (lnk_empty){\
952     _lnkdata  = idx_start;                      \
953     for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){                  \
954       _entry = indices[_k];                             \
955       PetscBTSet(bt,_entry);  /* mark the new entry */          \
956           _location = _lnkdata;                                 \
957           _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];                           \
958         /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */   \
959         lnk[_location] = _entry;                                \
960         lnk[_entry]    = _lnkdata;                              \
961         _lnkdata = _entry; /* next search starts from here */   \
962     }                                                           \
963     /*\
964     lnk[indices[nidx-1]] = lnk[idx_start];\
965     lnk[idx_start]       = indices[0];\
966     PetscBTSet(bt,indices[0]);  \
967     for (_k=1; _k<nidx; _k++){                  \
968       PetscBTSet(bt,indices[_k]);                                          \
969       lnk[indices[_k-1]] = indices[_k];                                  \
970     }                                                           \
971      */\
972     nlnk      = nidx;\
973     lnk_empty = PETSC_FALSE;\
974   } else {\
975     nlnk      = 0;                              \
976     _lnkdata  = idx_start;                      \
977     for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){                  \
978       _entry = indices[_k];                             \
979       if (!PetscBTLookupSet(bt,_entry)){  /* new entry */       \
980         /* search for insertion location */                     \
981         do {                                                    \
982           _location = _lnkdata;                                 \
983           _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];                           \
984         } while (_entry > _lnkdata);                            \
985         /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */   \
986         lnk[_location] = _entry;                                \
987         lnk[_entry]    = _lnkdata;                              \
988         nlnk++;                                                 \
989         _lnkdata = _entry; /* next search starts from here */   \
990       }                                                         \
991     }                                                           \
992   }                                                             \
993 }
995 /*
996   Add a SORTED index set into a sorted linked list used for LUFactorSymbolic()
997   Same as PetscLLAddSorted() with an additional operation:
998        count the number of input indices that are no larger than 'diag'
999   Input Parameters:
1000     indices   - sorted integer array
1001     idx_start - starting index of the list, index of pivot row
1002     lnk       - linked list(an integer array) that is created
1003     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
1004     diag      - index of the active row in LUFactorSymbolic
1005     nzbd      - number of input indices with indices <= idx_start
1006     im        - im[idx_start] is initialized as num of nonzero entries in row=idx_start
1007   output Parameters:
1008     nlnk      - number of newly added indices
1009     lnk       - the sorted(increasing order) linked list containing new and non-redundate entries from indices
1010     bt        - updated PetscBT (bitarray)
1011     im        - im[idx_start]: unchanged if diag is not an entry
1012                              : num of entries with indices <= diag if diag is an entry
1013 */
1014 #define PetscLLAddSortedLU(indices,idx_start,nlnk,lnk,bt,diag,nzbd,im) 0;\
1015 {\
1016   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_lnkdata,_nidx;\
1017   nlnk     = 0;\
1018   _lnkdata = idx_start;\
1019   _nidx = im[idx_start] - nzbd; /* num of entries with idx_start < index <= diag */\
1020   for (_k=0; _k<_nidx; _k++){\
1021     _entry = indices[_k];\
1022     nzbd++;\
1023     if (_entry== diag) im[idx_start] = nzbd;\
1024     if (!PetscBTLookupSet(bt,_entry)){  /* new entry */\
1025       /* search for insertion location */\
1026       do {\
1027         _location = _lnkdata;\
1028         _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];\
1029       } while (_entry > _lnkdata);\
1030       /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */\
1031       lnk[_location] = _entry;\
1032       lnk[_entry]    = _lnkdata;\
1033       nlnk++;\
1034       _lnkdata = _entry; /* next search starts from here */\
1035     }\
1036   }\
1037 }
1039 /*
1040   Copy data on the list into an array, then initialize the list
1041   Input Parameters:
1042     idx_start - starting index of the list
1043     lnk_max   - max value of lnk indicating the end of the list
1044     nlnk      - number of data on the list to be copied
1045     lnk       - linked list
1046     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
1047   output Parameters:
1048     indices   - array that contains the copied data
1049     lnk       - linked list that is cleaned and initialize
1050     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray) with all bits set to false
1051 */
1052 #define PetscLLClean(idx_start,lnk_max,nlnk,lnk,indices,bt) 0;\
1053 {\
1054   PetscInt _j,_idx=idx_start;\
1055   for (_j=0; _j<nlnk; _j++){\
1056     _idx = lnk[_idx];\
1057     indices[_j] = _idx;\
1058     ierr = PetscBTClear(bt,_idx);CHKERRQ(ierr);\
1059   }\
1060   lnk[idx_start] = lnk_max;\
1061 }
1062 /*
1063   Free memories used by the list
1064 */
1065 #define PetscLLDestroy(lnk,bt) (PetscFree(lnk) || PetscBTDestroy(&(bt)))
1067 /* Routines below are used for incomplete matrix factorization */
1068 /*
1069   Create and initialize a linked list and its levels
1070   Input Parameters:
1071     idx_start - starting index of the list
1072     lnk_max   - max value of lnk indicating the end of the list
1073     nlnk      - max length of the list
1074   Output Parameters:
1075     lnk       - list initialized
1076     lnk_lvl   - array of size nlnk for storing levels of lnk
1077     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray) with all bits set to false
1078 */
1079 #define PetscIncompleteLLCreate(idx_start,lnk_max,nlnk,lnk,lnk_lvl,bt)\
1080   (PetscIntMultError(2,nlnk,NULL) || PetscMalloc1(2*nlnk,&lnk) || PetscBTCreate(nlnk,&(bt)) || (lnk[idx_start] = lnk_max,lnk_lvl = lnk + nlnk,0))
1082 /*
1083   Initialize a sorted linked list used for ILU and ICC
1084   Input Parameters:
1085     nidx      - number of input idx
1086     idx       - integer array used for storing column indices
1087     idx_start - starting index of the list
1088     perm      - indices of an IS
1089     lnk       - linked list(an integer array) that is created
1090     lnklvl    - levels of lnk
1091     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
1092   output Parameters:
1093     nlnk     - number of newly added idx
1094     lnk      - the sorted(increasing order) linked list containing new and non-redundate entries from idx
1095     lnklvl   - levels of lnk
1096     bt       - updated PetscBT (bitarray)
1097 */
1098 #define PetscIncompleteLLInit(nidx,idx,idx_start,perm,nlnk,lnk,lnklvl,bt) 0;\
1099 {\
1100   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_lnkdata;\
1101   nlnk     = 0;\
1102   _lnkdata = idx_start;\
1103   for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){\
1104     _entry = perm[idx[_k]];\
1105     if (!PetscBTLookupSet(bt,_entry)){  /* new entry */\
1106       /* search for insertion location */\
1107       if (_k && _entry < _lnkdata) _lnkdata  = idx_start;\
1108       do {\
1109         _location = _lnkdata;\
1110         _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];\
1111       } while (_entry > _lnkdata);\
1112       /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */\
1113       lnk[_location]  = _entry;\
1114       lnk[_entry]     = _lnkdata;\
1115       lnklvl[_entry] = 0;\
1116       nlnk++;\
1117       _lnkdata = _entry; /* next search starts from here if next_entry > _entry */\
1118     }\
1119   }\
1120 }
1122 /*
1123   Add a SORTED index set into a sorted linked list for ILU
1124   Input Parameters:
1125     nidx      - number of input indices
1126     idx       - sorted integer array used for storing column indices
1127     level     - level of fill, e.g., ICC(level)
1128     idxlvl    - level of idx
1129     idx_start - starting index of the list
1130     lnk       - linked list(an integer array) that is created
1131     lnklvl    - levels of lnk
1132     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
1133     prow      - the row number of idx
1134   output Parameters:
1135     nlnk     - number of newly added idx
1136     lnk      - the sorted(increasing order) linked list containing new and non-redundate entries from idx
1137     lnklvl   - levels of lnk
1138     bt       - updated PetscBT (bitarray)
1140   Note: the level of factor(i,j) is set as lvl(i,j) = min{ lvl(i,j), lvl(i,prow)+lvl(prow,j)+1)
1141         where idx = non-zero columns of U(prow,prow+1:n-1), prow<i
1142 */
1143 #define PetscILULLAddSorted(nidx,idx,level,idxlvl,idx_start,nlnk,lnk,lnklvl,bt,lnklvl_prow) 0;\
1144 {\
1145   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_lnkdata,_incrlev,_lnklvl_prow=lnklvl[prow];\
1146   nlnk     = 0;\
1147   _lnkdata = idx_start;\
1148   for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){\
1149     _incrlev = idxlvl[_k] + _lnklvl_prow + 1;\
1150     if (_incrlev > level) continue;\
1151     _entry = idx[_k];\
1152     if (!PetscBTLookupSet(bt,_entry)){  /* new entry */\
1153       /* search for insertion location */\
1154       do {\
1155         _location = _lnkdata;\
1156         _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];\
1157       } while (_entry > _lnkdata);\
1158       /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */\
1159       lnk[_location]  = _entry;\
1160       lnk[_entry]     = _lnkdata;\
1161       lnklvl[_entry] = _incrlev;\
1162       nlnk++;\
1163       _lnkdata = _entry; /* next search starts from here if next_entry > _entry */\
1164     } else { /* existing entry: update lnklvl */\
1165       if (lnklvl[_entry] > _incrlev) lnklvl[_entry] = _incrlev;\
1166     }\
1167   }\
1168 }
1170 /*
1171   Add a index set into a sorted linked list
1172   Input Parameters:
1173     nidx      - number of input idx
1174     idx   - integer array used for storing column indices
1175     level     - level of fill, e.g., ICC(level)
1176     idxlvl - level of idx
1177     idx_start - starting index of the list
1178     lnk       - linked list(an integer array) that is created
1179     lnklvl   - levels of lnk
1180     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
1181   output Parameters:
1182     nlnk      - number of newly added idx
1183     lnk       - the sorted(increasing order) linked list containing new and non-redundate entries from idx
1184     lnklvl   - levels of lnk
1185     bt        - updated PetscBT (bitarray)
1186 */
1187 #define PetscIncompleteLLAdd(nidx,idx,level,idxlvl,idx_start,nlnk,lnk,lnklvl,bt) 0;\
1188 {\
1189   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_lnkdata,_incrlev;\
1190   nlnk     = 0;\
1191   _lnkdata = idx_start;\
1192   for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){\
1193     _incrlev = idxlvl[_k] + 1;\
1194     if (_incrlev > level) continue;\
1195     _entry = idx[_k];\
1196     if (!PetscBTLookupSet(bt,_entry)){  /* new entry */\
1197       /* search for insertion location */\
1198       if (_k && _entry < _lnkdata) _lnkdata  = idx_start;\
1199       do {\
1200         _location = _lnkdata;\
1201         _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];\
1202       } while (_entry > _lnkdata);\
1203       /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */\
1204       lnk[_location]  = _entry;\
1205       lnk[_entry]     = _lnkdata;\
1206       lnklvl[_entry] = _incrlev;\
1207       nlnk++;\
1208       _lnkdata = _entry; /* next search starts from here if next_entry > _entry */\
1209     } else { /* existing entry: update lnklvl */\
1210       if (lnklvl[_entry] > _incrlev) lnklvl[_entry] = _incrlev;\
1211     }\
1212   }\
1213 }
1215 /*
1216   Add a SORTED index set into a sorted linked list
1217   Input Parameters:
1218     nidx      - number of input indices
1219     idx   - sorted integer array used for storing column indices
1220     level     - level of fill, e.g., ICC(level)
1221     idxlvl - level of idx
1222     idx_start - starting index of the list
1223     lnk       - linked list(an integer array) that is created
1224     lnklvl    - levels of lnk
1225     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
1226   output Parameters:
1227     nlnk      - number of newly added idx
1228     lnk       - the sorted(increasing order) linked list containing new and non-redundate entries from idx
1229     lnklvl    - levels of lnk
1230     bt        - updated PetscBT (bitarray)
1231 */
1232 #define PetscIncompleteLLAddSorted(nidx,idx,level,idxlvl,idx_start,nlnk,lnk,lnklvl,bt) 0;\
1233 {\
1234   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_lnkdata,_incrlev;\
1235   nlnk = 0;\
1236   _lnkdata = idx_start;\
1237   for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){\
1238     _incrlev = idxlvl[_k] + 1;\
1239     if (_incrlev > level) continue;\
1240     _entry = idx[_k];\
1241     if (!PetscBTLookupSet(bt,_entry)){  /* new entry */\
1242       /* search for insertion location */\
1243       do {\
1244         _location = _lnkdata;\
1245         _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];\
1246       } while (_entry > _lnkdata);\
1247       /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */\
1248       lnk[_location] = _entry;\
1249       lnk[_entry]    = _lnkdata;\
1250       lnklvl[_entry] = _incrlev;\
1251       nlnk++;\
1252       _lnkdata = _entry; /* next search starts from here */\
1253     } else { /* existing entry: update lnklvl */\
1254       if (lnklvl[_entry] > _incrlev) lnklvl[_entry] = _incrlev;\
1255     }\
1256   }\
1257 }
1259 /*
1260   Add a SORTED index set into a sorted linked list for ICC
1261   Input Parameters:
1262     nidx      - number of input indices
1263     idx       - sorted integer array used for storing column indices
1264     level     - level of fill, e.g., ICC(level)
1265     idxlvl    - level of idx
1266     idx_start - starting index of the list
1267     lnk       - linked list(an integer array) that is created
1268     lnklvl    - levels of lnk
1269     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
1270     idxlvl_prow - idxlvl[prow], where prow is the row number of the idx
1271   output Parameters:
1272     nlnk   - number of newly added indices
1273     lnk    - the sorted(increasing order) linked list containing new and non-redundate entries from idx
1274     lnklvl - levels of lnk
1275     bt     - updated PetscBT (bitarray)
1276   Note: the level of U(i,j) is set as lvl(i,j) = min{ lvl(i,j), lvl(prow,i)+lvl(prow,j)+1)
1277         where idx = non-zero columns of U(prow,prow+1:n-1), prow<i
1278 */
1279 #define PetscICCLLAddSorted(nidx,idx,level,idxlvl,idx_start,nlnk,lnk,lnklvl,bt,idxlvl_prow) 0;\
1280 {\
1281   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_lnkdata,_incrlev;\
1282   nlnk = 0;\
1283   _lnkdata = idx_start;\
1284   for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){\
1285     _incrlev = idxlvl[_k] + idxlvl_prow + 1;\
1286     if (_incrlev > level) continue;\
1287     _entry = idx[_k];\
1288     if (!PetscBTLookupSet(bt,_entry)){  /* new entry */\
1289       /* search for insertion location */\
1290       do {\
1291         _location = _lnkdata;\
1292         _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];\
1293       } while (_entry > _lnkdata);\
1294       /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */\
1295       lnk[_location] = _entry;\
1296       lnk[_entry]    = _lnkdata;\
1297       lnklvl[_entry] = _incrlev;\
1298       nlnk++;\
1299       _lnkdata = _entry; /* next search starts from here */\
1300     } else { /* existing entry: update lnklvl */\
1301       if (lnklvl[_entry] > _incrlev) lnklvl[_entry] = _incrlev;\
1302     }\
1303   }\
1304 }
1306 /*
1307   Copy data on the list into an array, then initialize the list
1308   Input Parameters:
1309     idx_start - starting index of the list
1310     lnk_max   - max value of lnk indicating the end of the list
1311     nlnk      - number of data on the list to be copied
1312     lnk       - linked list
1313     lnklvl    - level of lnk
1314     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
1315   output Parameters:
1316     indices - array that contains the copied data
1317     lnk     - linked list that is cleaned and initialize
1318     lnklvl  - level of lnk that is reinitialized
1319     bt      - PetscBT (bitarray) with all bits set to false
1320 */
1321 #define PetscIncompleteLLClean(idx_start,lnk_max,nlnk,lnk,lnklvl,indices,indiceslvl,bt) 0;\
1322 do {\
1323   PetscInt _j,_idx=idx_start;\
1324   for (_j=0; _j<nlnk; _j++){\
1325     _idx = lnk[_idx];\
1326     *(indices+_j) = _idx;\
1327     *(indiceslvl+_j) = lnklvl[_idx];\
1328     lnklvl[_idx] = -1;\
1329     ierr = PetscBTClear(bt,_idx);CHKERRQ(ierr);\
1330   }\
1331   lnk[idx_start] = lnk_max;\
1332 } while (0)
1333 /*
1334   Free memories used by the list
1335 */
1336 #define PetscIncompleteLLDestroy(lnk,bt) (PetscFree(lnk) || PetscBTDestroy(&(bt)))
1338 #define MatCheckSameLocalSize(A,ar1,B,ar2) do { \
1339   PetscCheckSameComm(A,ar1,B,ar2); \
1340   if ((A->rmap->n != B->rmap->n) || (A->cmap->n != B->cmap->n)) SETERRQ6(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Incompatible matrix local sizes: parameter # %d (%D x %D) != parameter # %d (%D x %D)",ar1,A->rmap->n,A->cmap->n,ar2,B->rmap->n,B->cmap->n);} while (0)
1342 #define MatCheckSameSize(A,ar1,B,ar2) do { \
1343   if ((A->rmap->N != B->rmap->N) || (A->cmap->N != B->cmap->N)) SETERRQ6(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Incompatible matrix global sizes: parameter # %d (%D x %D) != parameter # %d (%D x %D)",ar1,A->rmap->N,A->cmap->N,ar2,B->rmap->N,B->cmap->N);\
1344   MatCheckSameLocalSize(A,ar1,B,ar2);} while (0)
1346 #define VecCheckMatCompatible(M,x,ar1,b,ar2) do { \
1347   if (M->cmap->N != x->map->N) SETERRQ3(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)M),PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ,"Vector global length incompatible with matrix: parameter # %d global size %D != matrix column global size %D",ar1,x->map->N,M->cmap->N); \
1348   if (M->rmap->N != b->map->N) SETERRQ3(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)M),PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ,"Vector global length incompatible with matrix: parameter # %d global size %D != matrix row global size %D",ar2,b->map->N,M->rmap->N);} while (0)
1350 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1351 #include <petscbt.h>
1352 /*
1353   Create and initialize a condensed linked list -
1354     same as PetscLLCreate(), but uses a scalable array 'lnk' with size of max number of entries, not O(N).
1355     Barry suggested this approach (Dec. 6, 2011):
1356       I've thought of an alternative way of representing a linked list that is efficient but doesn't have the O(N) scaling issue
1357       (it may be faster than the O(N) even sequentially due to less crazy memory access).
1359       Instead of having some like  a  2  -> 4 -> 11 ->  22  list that uses slot 2  4 11 and 22 in a big array use a small array with two slots
1360       for each entry for example  [ 2 1 | 4 3 | 22 -1 | 11 2]   so the first number (of the pair) is the value while the second tells you where
1361       in the list the next entry is. Inserting a new link means just append another pair at the end. For example say we want to insert 13 into the
1362       list it would then become [2 1 | 4 3 | 22 -1 | 11 4 | 13 2 ] you just add a pair at the end and fix the point for the one that points to it.
1363       That is 11 use to point to the 2 slot, after the change 11 points to the 4th slot which has the value 13. Note that values are always next
1364       to each other so memory access is much better than using the big array.
1366   Example:
1367      nlnk_max=5, lnk_max=36:
1368      Initial list: [0, 0 | 36, 2 | 0, 0 | 0, 0 | 0, 0 | 0, 0 | 0, 0]
1369      here, head_node has index 2 with value lnk[2]=lnk_max=36,
1370            0-th entry is used to store the number of entries in the list,
1371      The initial lnk represents head -> tail(marked by 36) with number of entries = lnk[0]=0.
1373      Now adding a sorted set {2,4}, the list becomes
1374      [2, 0 | 36, 4 |2, 6 | 4, 2 | 0, 0 | 0, 0 | 0, 0 ]
1375      represents head -> 2 -> 4 -> tail with number of entries = lnk[0]=2.
1377      Then adding a sorted set {0,3,35}, the list
1378      [5, 0 | 36, 8 | 2, 10 | 4, 12 | 0, 4 | 3, 6 | 35, 2 ]
1379      represents head -> 0 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 35 -> tail with number of entries = lnk[0]=5.
1381   Input Parameters:
1382     nlnk_max  - max length of the list
1383     lnk_max   - max value of the entries
1384   Output Parameters:
1385     lnk       - list created and initialized
1386     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray) with all bits set to false. Note: bt has size lnk_max, not nln_max!
1387 */
PetscLLCondensedCreate(PetscInt nlnk_max,PetscInt lnk_max,PetscInt ** lnk,PetscBT * bt)1388 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedCreate(PetscInt nlnk_max,PetscInt lnk_max,PetscInt **lnk,PetscBT *bt)
1389 {
1390   PetscErrorCode ierr;
1391   PetscInt       *llnk,lsize = 0;
1393   PetscFunctionBegin;
1394   ierr = PetscIntMultError(2,nlnk_max+2,&lsize);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1395   ierr = PetscMalloc1(lsize,lnk);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1396   ierr = PetscBTCreate(lnk_max,bt);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1397   llnk = *lnk;
1398   llnk[0] = 0;         /* number of entries on the list */
1399   llnk[2] = lnk_max;   /* value in the head node */
1400   llnk[3] = 2;         /* next for the head node */
1401   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
1402 }
1404 /*
1405   Add a SORTED ascending index set into a sorted linked list. See PetscLLCondensedCreate() for detailed description.
1406   Input Parameters:
1407     nidx      - number of input indices
1408     indices   - sorted integer array
1409     lnk       - condensed linked list(an integer array) that is created
1410     bt        - PetscBT (bitarray), bt[idx]=true marks idx is in lnk
1411   output Parameters:
1412     lnk       - the sorted(increasing order) linked list containing previous and newly added non-redundate indices
1413     bt        - updated PetscBT (bitarray)
1414 */
PetscLLCondensedAddSorted(PetscInt nidx,const PetscInt indices[],PetscInt lnk[],PetscBT bt)1415 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedAddSorted(PetscInt nidx,const PetscInt indices[],PetscInt lnk[],PetscBT bt)
1416 {
1417   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_next,_lnkdata,_nlnk,_newnode;
1419   PetscFunctionBegin;
1420   _nlnk     = lnk[0]; /* num of entries on the input lnk */
1421   _location = 2; /* head */
1422     for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){
1423       _entry = indices[_k];
1424       if (!PetscBTLookupSet(bt,_entry)){  /* new entry */
1425         /* search for insertion location */
1426         do {
1427           _next     = _location + 1; /* link from previous node to next node */
1428           _location = lnk[_next];    /* idx of next node */
1429           _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];/* value of next node */
1430         } while (_entry > _lnkdata);
1431         /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */
1432         _newnode        = 2*(_nlnk+2);   /* index for this new node */
1433         lnk[_next]      = _newnode;      /* connect previous node to the new node */
1434         lnk[_newnode]   = _entry;        /* set value of the new node */
1435         lnk[_newnode+1] = _location;     /* connect new node to next node */
1436         _location       = _newnode;      /* next search starts from the new node */
1437         _nlnk++;
1438       }   \
1439     }\
1440   lnk[0]   = _nlnk;   /* number of entries in the list */
1441   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
1442 }
PetscLLCondensedClean(PetscInt lnk_max,PetscInt nidx,PetscInt * indices,PetscInt lnk[],PetscBT bt)1444 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedClean(PetscInt lnk_max,PetscInt nidx,PetscInt *indices,PetscInt lnk[],PetscBT bt)
1445 {
1446   PetscErrorCode ierr;
1447   PetscInt       _k,_next,_nlnk;
1449   PetscFunctionBegin;
1450   _next = lnk[3];       /* head node */
1451   _nlnk = lnk[0];       /* num of entries on the list */
1452   for (_k=0; _k<_nlnk; _k++){
1453     indices[_k] = lnk[_next];
1454     _next       = lnk[_next + 1];
1455     ierr = PetscBTClear(bt,indices[_k]);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1456   }
1457   lnk[0] = 0;          /* num of entries on the list */
1458   lnk[2] = lnk_max;    /* initialize head node */
1459   lnk[3] = 2;          /* head node */
1460   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
1461 }
PetscLLCondensedView(PetscInt * lnk)1463 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedView(PetscInt *lnk)
1464 {
1465   PetscErrorCode ierr;
1466   PetscInt       k;
1468   PetscFunctionBegin;
1469   ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,"LLCondensed of size %D, (val,  next)\n",lnk[0]);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1470   for (k=2; k< lnk[0]+2; k++){
1471     ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF," %D: (%D, %D)\n",2*k,lnk[2*k],lnk[2*k+1]);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1472   }
1473   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
1474 }
1476 /*
1477   Free memories used by the list
1478 */
PetscLLCondensedDestroy(PetscInt * lnk,PetscBT bt)1479 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedDestroy(PetscInt *lnk,PetscBT bt)
1480 {
1481   PetscErrorCode ierr;
1483   PetscFunctionBegin;
1484   ierr = PetscFree(lnk);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1485   ierr = PetscBTDestroy(&bt);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1486   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
1487 }
1489 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1490 /*
1491  Same as PetscLLCondensedCreate(), but does not use non-scalable O(lnk_max) bitarray
1492   Input Parameters:
1493     nlnk_max  - max length of the list
1494   Output Parameters:
1495     lnk       - list created and initialized
1496 */
PetscLLCondensedCreate_Scalable(PetscInt nlnk_max,PetscInt ** lnk)1497 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedCreate_Scalable(PetscInt nlnk_max,PetscInt **lnk)
1498 {
1499   PetscErrorCode ierr;
1500   PetscInt       *llnk,lsize = 0;
1502   PetscFunctionBegin;
1503   ierr = PetscIntMultError(2,nlnk_max+2,&lsize);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1504   ierr = PetscMalloc1(lsize,lnk);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1505   llnk = *lnk;
1506   llnk[0] = 0;               /* number of entries on the list */
1507   llnk[2] = PETSC_MAX_INT;   /* value in the head node */
1508   llnk[3] = 2;               /* next for the head node */
1509   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
1510 }
PetscLLCondensedExpand_Scalable(PetscInt nlnk_max,PetscInt ** lnk)1512 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedExpand_Scalable(PetscInt nlnk_max,PetscInt **lnk)
1513 {
1514   PetscErrorCode ierr;
1515   PetscInt       lsize = 0;
1517   PetscFunctionBegin;
1518   ierr = PetscIntMultError(2,nlnk_max+2,&lsize);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1519   ierr = PetscRealloc(lsize*sizeof(PetscInt),lnk);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1520   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
1521 }
PetscLLCondensedAddSorted_Scalable(PetscInt nidx,const PetscInt indices[],PetscInt lnk[])1523 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedAddSorted_Scalable(PetscInt nidx,const PetscInt indices[],PetscInt lnk[])
1524 {
1525   PetscInt _k,_entry,_location,_next,_lnkdata,_nlnk,_newnode;
1526   _nlnk     = lnk[0]; /* num of entries on the input lnk */
1527   _location = 2; /* head */ \
1528     for (_k=0; _k<nidx; _k++){
1529       _entry = indices[_k];
1530       /* search for insertion location */
1531       do {
1532         _next     = _location + 1; /* link from previous node to next node */
1533         _location = lnk[_next];    /* idx of next node */
1534         _lnkdata  = lnk[_location];/* value of next node */
1535       } while (_entry > _lnkdata);
1536       if (_entry < _lnkdata) {
1537         /* insertion location is found, add entry into lnk */
1538         _newnode        = 2*(_nlnk+2);   /* index for this new node */
1539         lnk[_next]      = _newnode;      /* connect previous node to the new node */
1540         lnk[_newnode]   = _entry;        /* set value of the new node */
1541         lnk[_newnode+1] = _location;     /* connect new node to next node */
1542         _location       = _newnode;      /* next search starts from the new node */
1543         _nlnk++;
1544       }
1545     }
1546   lnk[0]   = _nlnk;   /* number of entries in the list */
1547   return 0;
1548 }
PetscLLCondensedClean_Scalable(PetscInt nidx,PetscInt * indices,PetscInt * lnk)1550 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedClean_Scalable(PetscInt nidx,PetscInt *indices,PetscInt *lnk)
1551 {
1552   PetscInt _k,_next,_nlnk;
1553   _next = lnk[3];       /* head node */
1554   _nlnk = lnk[0];
1555   for (_k=0; _k<_nlnk; _k++){
1556     indices[_k] = lnk[_next];
1557     _next       = lnk[_next + 1];
1558   }
1559   lnk[0] = 0;          /* num of entries on the list */
1560   lnk[3] = 2;          /* head node */
1561   return 0;
1562 }
PetscLLCondensedDestroy_Scalable(PetscInt * lnk)1564 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedDestroy_Scalable(PetscInt *lnk)
1565 {
1566   return PetscFree(lnk);
1567 }
1569 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1570 /*
1571       lnk[0]   number of links
1572       lnk[1]   number of entries
1573       lnk[3n]  value
1574       lnk[3n+1] len
1575       lnk[3n+2] link to next value
1577       The next three are always the first link
1579       lnk[3]    PETSC_MIN_INT+1
1580       lnk[4]    1
1581       lnk[5]    link to first real entry
1583       The next three are always the last link
1585       lnk[6]    PETSC_MAX_INT - 1
1586       lnk[7]    1
1587       lnk[8]    next valid link (this is the same as lnk[0] but without the decreases)
1588 */
PetscLLCondensedCreate_fast(PetscInt nlnk_max,PetscInt ** lnk)1590 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedCreate_fast(PetscInt nlnk_max,PetscInt **lnk)
1591 {
1592   PetscErrorCode ierr;
1593   PetscInt       *llnk,lsize = 0;
1595   PetscFunctionBegin;
1596   ierr = PetscIntMultError(3,nlnk_max+3,&lsize);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1597   ierr = PetscMalloc1(lsize,lnk);CHKERRQ(ierr);
1598   llnk = *lnk;
1599   llnk[0] = 0;   /* nlnk: number of entries on the list */
1600   llnk[1] = 0;          /* number of integer entries represented in list */
1601   llnk[3] = PETSC_MIN_INT+1;   /* value in the first node */
1602   llnk[4] = 1;           /* count for the first node */
1603   llnk[5] = 6;         /* next for the first node */
1604   llnk[6] = PETSC_MAX_INT-1;   /* value in the last node */
1605   llnk[7] = 1;           /* count for the last node */
1606   llnk[8] = 0;         /* next valid node to be used */
1607   PetscFunctionReturn(0);
1608 }
PetscLLCondensedAddSorted_fast(PetscInt nidx,const PetscInt indices[],PetscInt lnk[])1610 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedAddSorted_fast(PetscInt nidx,const PetscInt indices[],PetscInt lnk[])
1611 {
1612   PetscInt k,entry,prev,next;
1613   prev      = 3;      /* first value */
1614   next      = lnk[prev+2];
1615   for (k=0; k<nidx; k++){
1616     entry = indices[k];
1617     /* search for insertion location */
1618     while (entry >= lnk[next]) {
1619       prev = next;
1620       next = lnk[next+2];
1621     }
1622     /* entry is in range of previous list */
1623     if (entry < lnk[prev]+lnk[prev+1]) continue;
1624     lnk[1]++;
1625     /* entry is right after previous list */
1626     if (entry == lnk[prev]+lnk[prev+1]) {
1627       lnk[prev+1]++;
1628       if (lnk[next] == entry+1) { /* combine two contiguous strings */
1629         lnk[prev+1] += lnk[next+1];
1630         lnk[prev+2]  = lnk[next+2];
1631         next         = lnk[next+2];
1632         lnk[0]--;
1633       }
1634       continue;
1635     }
1636     /* entry is right before next list */
1637     if (entry == lnk[next]-1) {
1638       lnk[next]--;
1639       lnk[next+1]++;
1640       prev = next;
1641       next = lnk[prev+2];
1642       continue;
1643     }
1644     /*  add entry into lnk */
1645     lnk[prev+2]    = 3*((lnk[8]++)+3);      /* connect previous node to the new node */
1646     prev           = lnk[prev+2];
1647     lnk[prev]      = entry;        /* set value of the new node */
1648     lnk[prev+1]    = 1;             /* number of values in contiguous string is one to start */
1649     lnk[prev+2]    = next;          /* connect new node to next node */
1650     lnk[0]++;
1651   }
1652   return 0;
1653 }
PetscLLCondensedClean_fast(PetscInt nidx,PetscInt * indices,PetscInt * lnk)1655 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedClean_fast(PetscInt nidx,PetscInt *indices,PetscInt *lnk)
1656 {
1657   PetscInt _k,_next,_nlnk,cnt,j;
1658   _next = lnk[5];       /* first node */
1659   _nlnk = lnk[0];
1660   cnt   = 0;
1661   for (_k=0; _k<_nlnk; _k++){
1662     for (j=0; j<lnk[_next+1]; j++) {
1663       indices[cnt++] = lnk[_next] + j;
1664     }
1665     _next       = lnk[_next + 2];
1666   }
1667   lnk[0] = 0;   /* nlnk: number of links */
1668   lnk[1] = 0;          /* number of integer entries represented in list */
1669   lnk[3] = PETSC_MIN_INT+1;   /* value in the first node */
1670   lnk[4] = 1;           /* count for the first node */
1671   lnk[5] = 6;         /* next for the first node */
1672   lnk[6] = PETSC_MAX_INT-1;   /* value in the last node */
1673   lnk[7] = 1;           /* count for the last node */
1674   lnk[8] = 0;         /* next valid location to make link */
1675   return 0;
1676 }
PetscLLCondensedView_fast(PetscInt * lnk)1678 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedView_fast(PetscInt *lnk)
1679 {
1680   PetscInt k,next,nlnk;
1681   next = lnk[5];       /* first node */
1682   nlnk = lnk[0];
1683   for (k=0; k<nlnk; k++){
1684 #if 0                           /* Debugging code */
1685     printf("%d value %d len %d next %d\n",next,lnk[next],lnk[next+1],lnk[next+2]);
1686 #endif
1687     next = lnk[next + 2];
1688   }
1689   return 0;
1690 }
PetscLLCondensedDestroy_fast(PetscInt * lnk)1692 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode PetscLLCondensedDestroy_fast(PetscInt *lnk)
1693 {
1694   return PetscFree(lnk);
1695 }
1697 /* this is extern because it is used in MatFDColoringUseDM() which is in the DM library */
1698 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode MatFDColoringApply_AIJ(Mat,MatFDColoring,Vec,void*);
1700 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Mult;
1701 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MultMatrixFree;
1702 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Mults;
1703 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MultConstrained;
1704 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MultAdd;
1705 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MultTranspose;
1706 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MultTransposeConstrained;
1707 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MultTransposeAdd;
1708 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Solve;
1709 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Solves;
1710 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_SolveAdd;
1711 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_SolveTranspose;
1712 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_SolveTransposeAdd;
1713 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_SOR;
1714 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_ForwardSolve;
1715 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_BackwardSolve;
1716 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_LUFactor;
1717 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_LUFactorSymbolic;
1718 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_LUFactorNumeric;
1719 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_CholeskyFactor;
1720 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_CholeskyFactorSymbolic;
1721 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_CholeskyFactorNumeric;
1722 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_ILUFactor;
1723 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_ILUFactorSymbolic;
1724 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_ICCFactorSymbolic;
1725 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Copy;
1726 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Convert;
1727 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Scale;
1728 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_AssemblyBegin;
1729 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_AssemblyEnd;
1730 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_SetValues;
1731 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_GetValues;
1732 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_GetRow;
1733 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_GetRowIJ;
1734 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_CreateSubMats;
1735 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_GetColoring;
1736 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_GetOrdering;
1737 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_RedundantMat;
1738 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_IncreaseOverlap;
1739 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Partitioning;
1740 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_PartitioningND;
1741 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Coarsen;
1742 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_ZeroEntries;
1743 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Load;
1744 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_View;
1746 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_FDColoringCreate;
1747 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_TransposeColoringCreate;
1748 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_FDColoringSetUp;
1749 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_FDColoringApply;
1750 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Transpose;
1751 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_FDColoringFunction;
1752 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_CreateSubMat;
1753 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MatSolve;
1754 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MatTrSolve;
1755 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MatMultSymbolic;
1756 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MatMultNumeric;
1757 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Getlocalmatcondensed;
1758 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_GetBrowsOfAcols;
1759 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_GetBrowsOfAocols;
1760 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_PtAPSymbolic;
1761 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_PtAPNumeric;
1762 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Seqstompinum;
1763 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Seqstompisym;
1764 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Seqstompi;
1765 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Getlocalmat;
1766 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_RARtSymbolic;
1767 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_RARtNumeric;
1768 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MatTransposeMultSymbolic;
1769 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MatTransposeMultNumeric;
1770 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_TransposeMatMultSymbolic;
1771 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_TransposeMatMultNumeric;
1772 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MatMatMultSymbolic;
1773 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_MatMatMultNumeric;
1774 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Applypapt;
1775 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Applypapt_symbolic;
1776 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Applypapt_numeric;
1777 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Getsymtranspose;
1778 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Getsymtransreduced;
1779 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_GetSequentialNonzeroStructure;
1780 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MATMFFD_Mult;
1781 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_GetMultiProcBlock;
1783 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_CUSPARSEGenerateTranspose;
1784 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_SetValuesBatch;
1785 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_ViennaCLCopyToGPU;
1786 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_DenseCopyToGPU;
1787 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_DenseCopyFromGPU;
1788 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Merge;
1789 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_Residual;
1790 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_SetRandom;
1791 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_FactorFactS;
1792 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MAT_FactorInvS;
1798 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent MATCOLORING_Weights;
1800 #endif