1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 by Stephen McInerney                   *
3  *   spm@stedee.id.au                                                      *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   $Id: dnshistory.c 66 2006-06-24 23:50:26Z steve $
6  *                                                                         *
7  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
8  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
9  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
10  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
11  *                                                                         *
12  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
13  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
15  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
16  *                                                                         *
17  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
18  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
19  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
20  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
21  *                                                                         *
22  ***************************************************************************/
24 /***************************************************************************
25  * dnshistory
26  *
27  * a web logfile preparser for extracting IP addresses and doing lookups
28  *
29  ***************************************************************************/
31 /***************************************************************************
32  * PURPOSE:
33  *
34  * Given a log file (stdin or cmdline) parse the address field and record
35  * a history of DNS information and changes over time
36  * Time used is _current_ time NOT log time
37  *
38  * Expects addresses to be solely in IP format (xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa)
39  * Stores the results in a Berkely DB
40  * Requires PCRE to extract the address - a bit over kill, but more
41  *   flexible over the longer term
42  *
43  * Files specified as arguments can be in .gz format
44  *
45  * Operates in one of SIX modes:
46  * 1.  Given a logfile, lookup IP addresses and store FQD names in a Berkeley DB
47  * 2.  Given two log files:
48  *        One with IP Address
49  *        Other being same log but with IP Address replaced with FQD Names
50  *      Store the IP Address/FQDN pairs in a Berkeley DB
51  *      This option assumes #1 was done some time in the past, and we now
52  *       wish to store the values in this Berkeley DB. eg via dnstran
53  * 3.  Given a logfile, retrieve FQD names from a Berkely DB
54  *      Replacing the IP Address from the Log with the FQDN;
55  *        display the now altered log line
56  * 4.  Dump the DB out as a simple text file
57  *      a "NONAME" fqdn implies a failure to lookup a name, conversely
58  *      the IP address as the fqdn implies a successful failure to get a name
59  * 5.  Read same back in
60  * 6.  Do history retrievals from CMD line IP Addresses
61  *
62  ***************************************************************************/
64 /***************************************************************************
65  ***************************************************************************
66  * Logic:
67  *
68  * Case 1:
69  *   Grab and Hold the current time
70  *   Read a log file
71  *   Extract the address from each line
72  *   Check for last lookup time on this record
73  *       - use the 'current time' as the basis for comparison
74  *     If appropriate, fire off a new thread to deal with the name resolution
75  *       Each individual thread will store the updated result in a Berkeley DB
76  *
77  * Case 2:
78  *   Read the RAW Log (has no lookups yet done)
79  *   Read the converted Log
80  *   Grab the time from the log entry
81  *   Check for last lookup time on this record
82  *       - use the log time as the basis for comparison
83  *     If appropriate, store a new record with a new time
84  *
85  * Case 3:
86  *   Read the supplied log
87  *   Lookup the IP Address from a previous DB
88  *   Replace the IP Address with the retrieved FQDN and print to STDOUT
89  *     If no value, simply send the IP Address
90  *   Print to STDOUT the rest of the logline
91  *
92  * Case 4:
93  *   Cursor thru the supplied DB (or use default)
94  *   Display the IP Address and each time/fqdn stored value
95  *       for this IP Address on a single line
96  *     tab separated list between time/fqdn pairs
97  *     comma separated between time and fqdn values
98  *
99  * Case 5:
100  *   Open the import file
101  *   Parse the import file, record chunk by chunk
102  *     Create a normal "dnshistory" structure/linked list
103  *     Store via the normal method
104  *
105  * Case 6:
106  *   Given one or more IP Address on the command line
107  *   Display the IP Address and each time/fqdn stored value
108  *       for this IP Address on a single line
109  *     tab separated list between time/fqdn pairs
110  *     comma separated between time and fqdn values
111  *
112  *
113  * IP Addresses are stored as in_addr - see netinet/in.h (not char[15])
114  *
115  ***************************************************************************
116  ***************************************************************************/
118 /***************************************************************************
119  ***************************************************************************
120  * TODO:
121  *
122  ***************************************************************************
123  ***************************************************************************/
125 /***************************************************************************
126  ***************************************************************************
127  * BUGS:
128  * +    Expects addresses to be solely in IP4 format (xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa)
129  * +    Doesn't check for already converted logs
130  * +    Can't deal with log lines with escaped quotes: \"
131  *
132  ***************************************************************************
133  ***************************************************************************/
135 /***************************************************************************
136  ***************************************************************************
137  * ModificationHistory:
138  **********************
139  * 11-Jun-2004 steve    Initial Creation; modified from visitors.c
140  * 18-Mar-2005 steve    Modularise and add output ability
141  * 12-Aug-2005 steve    flag getnameinfo to error on no resolution
142  * 10-Oct-2005 steve    Add showhistory
143  *                      Refactor for display output
144  * 24-Dec-2005 steve    Open DB's as RO or RW as appropriate
145  * 02-Jan-2006 steve    Add import (Case 5)
146  *
147  ***************************************************************************
149  * indent -kr -bad -bap -bbo -nbc -br -brs -c49 -cd49  -i4 -ce -cp17 -l180 -nut -npcs -psl
150  ***************************************************************************
151  ***************************************************************************/
154 #include "dnshistory.h"
156 /************************************************************************
157  *                              GLOBALS                                 *
158  ************************************************************************/
159 /*-- Date/Time --*/
160 time_t current_day;                             /* The current day, check to see if we need to update a record in this run
161                                                    Also see SAME_RUN */
163 /*-- DB Setup --*/
164 DB *dnshistory_db_ptr;                          /* Database Pointer */
165 char g_db_dirfilename[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH] = DATABASE;  /* File name for the Database */
167 int rtn_db;                                     /* Value from DB calls; Used for program exit if necessary */
168 unsigned long int number_added_addresses = 0;   /* How many Addresses did we save/store? */
169 unsigned long int number_name_lookups = 0;      /* How many Name Lookups did we perform? */
170 unsigned long int number_retries = 0;           /* How many name lookup retries */
171 unsigned long int number_successful_retries = 0;        /* How many name lookup retries */
172 unsigned long int number_successful_fqdns = 0;  /* How many FQDNs did we store, vs just IP's */
173 unsigned long int total_lines = 0;              /* How many log lines in total */
174 unsigned long int bad_lines = 0;                /* How many dud log lines did we get? */
175 unsigned long int bad_recom_lines = 0;          /* How many dud recombined log lines did we get? */
176 unsigned long int bad_mismatched_lines = 0;     /* How many mismatched lines did we get? */
178 pcre *cmp_log_regexp = NULL;                    /* Main compiled RE - use as pointer only to one of the below */
179 pcre *cmp_log_regexp_clf = NULL;                /* CLF compiled RE */
180 pcre *cmp_log_regexp_xferlog = NULL;            /* FTP, xferlog format compiled RE */
181 pcre *cmp_log_regexp_squid = NULL;              /* SQUID format compiled RE */
182 pcre *cmp_log_regexp_combined_enhanced = NULL;  /* Enhanced Combined compiled RE */
183 pcre *cmp_log_regexp_iptables = NULL;           /* syslog/linux-iptables compiled RE */
184 pcre *cmp_log_regexp_syslog = NULL;             /* syslog compiled RE - used to test for possible iptables*/
186 int g_log_type = 0;                               /* What type of log file is this? LOG_???? */
188 /************************************************************************
189  *                              FUNCTIONS                               *
190  ************************************************************************/
192 /* These two are the main worker functions - call as new threads */
193 void *add_new_address(void *);                  /* Haven't seen this address before. Do the name lookup; Add a new entry. */
194 void *add_old_address(void *);                  /* Have! seen this address before. Do the name lookup; Update the old entry */
196 void store_dns_records(dns_record_t *);         /* Store a dns record in our DB */
198 void add_address(char *);                       /* Given an IP address; create a new thread to do a lookup/DB Update */
199 void retrieve_address(char *, char *, char *);  /* Retrieve the FQDN from the DB */
200 void add_recombined_address(char *, char *, char *);
202 void check_n_fix_fqdn(char *);                  /* strip any funky chars from a FQDN */
203 int name_lookup(struct in_addr ipaddr, char *); /* Do the actual name lookup */
204 int address_exists(dns_record_t *);             /* Does this IP address already exist, looked up? */
205 void name_lookup_errors(int);                   /* Deal with name lookup errors */
206 void drop_long_lines(gzFile *, char *, buffer_position *);      /* Strip Log Lines that are too big */
207 char *get_log_line(char *, int, gzFile *, buffer_position *);   /* Faster version of gzgets */
209 void dump_dns_historydb(DB **);                 /* Dump the DB out */
210 void showhistory(DB **, int argc, char *[]);
211 void import_dns_historydb(void);
213 void increase_thread_counter(void);
214 void decrease_thread_counter(void);
216 void close_exit(int);
218 void re_compile_all_regexes(void);
219 int identify_log_format(char *);
221 /************************************************************************
222  *                              MUTEXS                                  *
223  ************************************************************************/
224 pthread_mutex_t mutex_thread_count = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* Lock access to thread_count */
225 unsigned int thread_count = 0;                  /* How many outstanding threads - to know when to exit */
226 unsigned int thread_count_max = 0;              /* How many maximum number of concurrent threads */
227 pthread_cond_t cond_thread_count = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;    /* Wait for another thread to signal termination */
229 pthread_mutex_t mutex_db_access = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;    /* Lock access to DB activites */
230 pthread_mutex_t mutex_malloc_dns_rec = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
231 int malloc_dns_rec = 0;
232 pthread_mutex_t mutex_malloc_dns_list = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
233 int malloc_dns_list = 0;
235 pthread_mutex_t mutex_other_counters = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;       /* Lock access to general counters  */
237 /************************************************************************
238  ************************************************************************
239  ***                            MAIN                                  ***
240  ************************************************************************
241  ************************************************************************/
242 /* MAIN */
243 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])244 main(int argc, char *argv[])
245 {
246     /**********************************************************************/
247     pcre_struct main_pcre;
248     pcre_struct recombine_pcre;
250     char buffer_primary[BUFSIZE];               /* Primary log buffer */
251     int buffer_length;                          /* How many char's currently in the Primary Buffer */
252     char buffer_recombine[BUFSIZE];             /* Recombine log buffer */
253     int buffer_recombine_length;                /* How many char's currently in the Recombine Buffer */
254     char buffer_tmp_output[BUFSIZE];            /* Temporary buffer for output displaying */
256     bool have_set_logtype_flag = false;             /* Set to true when we've set the log type */
258     /* Log File handlers */
259     gzFile *file_input = NULL;                  /* Input File descriptor */
260     gzFile *file_recombine_input = NULL;        /* Recombine Input File descriptor */
261     char *fgets_rtn = NULL;                     /* Return value from doing fgets. Check for end of file */
263     char str_address[NI_MAXHOST];               /* IP Addresses */
264     char str_address2[NI_MAXHOST];              /* IP Addresses for iptables lookups */
265     char str_previous_address[NI_MAXHOST];      /* Previous IP Addresses */
266     char str_fqdn[NI_MAXHOST] = "";                  /* Retrieved FQDN Address */
267     char str_fqdn2[NI_MAXHOST] = "";                 /* Retrieved FQDN Address for iptables lookups */
268     char *buf_ptr;                              /* Offset pointer into the file's buffer - used to print from other than the start */
270     char str_time[SIZE_DATE_TIME];              /* String to hold the current time out of the current log line */
271     char str_time_raw[SIZE_DATE_TIME];
272     char access_size_raw[25];
273     char access_size_recombine[25];
274     int comp_ret = 0;
276     /* Recombine Variables */
277     bool badlogline_flag = false;               /* Used to indictate we need to "continue" the main loop due to a long line error */
278     char str_address_recombine[NI_MAXHOST];     /* Recombined Addresses - should be FQDN or raw IP Address */
279     char *bufer_recombine_ptr;                  /* Offset pointer into the recombine file's buffer - used to print from other than the start */
281     buffer_position buf_posn;
282     buffer_position buf_recombine_posn;
284     unsigned int position_address = 0;
285     unsigned int position_datetime = 0;
287     /**********************************************************************/
289     /*****************************
290      *          BEGIN
291      *****************************/
292     process_options(argc, argv);
294     /* Dumping the Database is easy
295      * Do so and exit */
296     if (g_dumpdnsdb == true) {
297         open_dnshistory_db(&dnshistory_db_ptr, g_db_dirfilename, db_cache_size, DB_RDONLY);
298         dump_dns_historydb(&dnshistory_db_ptr);
299         close_exit(V_EXIT_OK);
300     }
301     /* Likewise with individual IP lookups */
302     if (g_showhistory == true) {
303         open_dnshistory_db(&dnshistory_db_ptr, g_db_dirfilename, db_cache_size, DB_RDONLY);
304         showhistory(&dnshistory_db_ptr, argc, argv);
305         close_exit(V_EXIT_OK);
306     }
307     /* Do the import and exit if chosen */
308     if (g_doimport == true) {
309         open_dnshistory_db(&dnshistory_db_ptr, g_db_dirfilename, db_cache_size, DB_CREATE | DB_EXCL);
310         import_dns_historydb();
311         close_exit(V_EXIT_OK);
312     }
313     if (g_dotranslate == true) {
314         open_dnshistory_db(&dnshistory_db_ptr, g_db_dirfilename, db_cache_size, DB_RDONLY);
315     } else {
316         open_dnshistory_db(&dnshistory_db_ptr, g_db_dirfilename, db_cache_size, DB_CREATE);
317     }
320     /* From here on, we're looping over log files */
321     VPRINT(VERBOSE4, "Setting pthread stacksize to: %d\n", THREAD_STACK_SIZE);
323     re_compile_all_regexes();
325     buf_posn.current_pos_ptr = buf_posn.decomp_buf + DECOMP_BUFSIZE;
326     buf_posn.end_decompbuf_ptr = NULL;
328     /* Open Input Log File if appropriate */
329     if (g_filename != NULL) {
330         VPRINT(VERBOSE4, "Using file: %s\n", g_filename);
331         /* use_file = true; */
332         file_input = gzopen(g_filename, "rb");
333         ERR_NULL_EXIT(file_input, V_EXIT_BAD_FILE_OPEN, msg_F_file_open, g_filename);
334     }
336     /* Compile additional, detailed PCRE for line checking if doing recombining */
337     /* Open Input Recombine Log File if appropriate */
338     if (g_dorecombine == true) {
339         memset(&recombine_pcre, 0, sizeof(recombine_pcre));
340         strncpy(recombine_pcre.regular_expression, PATTERN_COMBINED_ENHANCED, MAX_RE_LENGTH);
341         VPRINT(VERBOSE3, "Recombine Reg Ex Pattern: %s\n", recombine_pcre.regular_expression);
342         recombine_pcre.re_pcre = pcre_compile(recombine_pcre.regular_expression, 0, &recombine_pcre.error, &recombine_pcre.erroffset, NULL);
343         if (main_pcre.re_pcre == NULL) {
344             re_compile_failed(recombine_pcre.erroffset, recombine_pcre.error, recombine_pcre.regular_expression);
345         }
347         buf_recombine_posn.current_pos_ptr = buf_recombine_posn.decomp_buf + DECOMP_BUFSIZE;
348         buf_recombine_posn.end_decompbuf_ptr = NULL;
350         VPRINT(VERBOSE4, "Using Recombine file: %s\n", g_recombine_filename);
351         file_recombine_input = gzopen(g_recombine_filename, "rb");
352         ERR_NULL_EXIT(file_recombine_input, V_EXIT_BAD_FILE_OPEN, msg_F_file_open, g_recombine_filename);
353     }
356     current_day = time(NULL);                   /* set the current time - use for checking if a record is current to this run or not */
357     str_previous_address[0] = '\0';
360     /*************************************************************
361      * The Primary Loop!
362      *************************************************************/
363     VPRINT(VERBOSE4, "Beginning Main Loop.%s\n", "");
364     while (1) {
365         /* Read a line from file or stdin */
366         if (file_input != NULL) {
367             fgets_rtn = get_log_line(buffer_primary, BUFSIZE, file_input, &buf_posn);
368         } else {
369             fgets_rtn = fgets(buffer_primary, BUFSIZE, stdin);
370         }
371         if (fgets_rtn == NULL) {
372             /* At file end! */
373             break;
374         }
376         total_lines++;
378         /* check for log line too long */
379         buffer_length = (int) strlen(buffer_primary);
380         if (strpbrk("\n", buffer_primary) == NULL) {
381             if (file_input == NULL) {
382                 drop_long_lines(NULL, buffer_primary, NULL);
383             } else {
384                 drop_long_lines(file_input, buffer_primary, &buf_posn);
385             }
386             bad_lines++;
387             if (g_dorecombine == true) {
388                 badlogline_flag = true;
389             } else {
390                 continue;
391             }
393         }
395         /* Identify the log type on first run thru */
396         if (! have_set_logtype_flag) {
397             if (g_log_type == LOG_AUTO) {
398                 g_log_type = identify_log_format(buffer_primary);
399                 if (g_log_type <= 0) {
400                     ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, "Cannot recognise log format.%s", "\n");
401                     exit(1);
402                 }
403             }
404             memset(&main_pcre, 0, sizeof(main_pcre));
405             switch (g_log_type) {
406             case LOG_FTP:
407                 main_pcre.re_pcre = cmp_log_regexp_xferlog;
408                 strncpy(main_pcre.regular_expression, PATTERN_XFERLOG, MAX_RE_LENGTH);
409                 position_address = LF_XFERLOG_ADDRESS;
410                 position_datetime = LF_XFERLOG_DATE_TIME;
411                 break;
412             case LOG_SQUID:
413                 main_pcre.re_pcre = cmp_log_regexp_squid;
414                 strncpy(main_pcre.regular_expression, PATTERN_SQUID, MAX_RE_LENGTH);
415                 position_address = LF_SQUID_ADDRESS;
416                 position_datetime = LF_SQUID_DATE_TIME;
417                 break;
418             case LOG_CLF:
419                 main_pcre.re_pcre = cmp_log_regexp_clf;
420                 strncpy(main_pcre.regular_expression, PATTERN_CLF, MAX_RE_LENGTH);
421                 position_address = LF_NCSA_ADDRESS;
422                 position_datetime = LF_NCSA_DATE_TIME;
423                 break;
424             case LOG_IPTABLES:
425                 main_pcre.re_pcre = cmp_log_regexp_iptables;
426                 strncpy(main_pcre.regular_expression, PATTERN_IPTABLES, MAX_RE_LENGTH);
427                 position_address = LF_IPTABLES_ADDRESS_SRC;
428                 position_datetime = LF_IPTABLES_DATE_TIME;
429                 break;
430             default:
431                 ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, "Unknown LOG Type Setting. Sorry.... : %d\n", g_log_type);
432                 exit(1);
433             }
434             VPRINT(VERBOSE3, "Main Reg Ex Pattern: %s\n", main_pcre.regular_expression);
435         }
438         if (badlogline_flag != true) {
439             VPRINT(VERBOSE3, "-%lu-%s", total_lines, buffer_primary);
441             /* Apply the pattern match. */
442             main_pcre.ret = pcre_exec(main_pcre.re_pcre, NULL, buffer_primary, buffer_length, 0, 0, main_pcre.ovector, OVECCOUNT);
443             /* check for RE matching errors */
444             if (main_pcre.ret <= 0) {
445                 if (g_log_type != LOG_IPTABLES) {
446                     re_check_errors(main_pcre.ret, total_lines, buffer_primary);
447                     if (g_dorecombine == true) {
448                         badlogline_flag = true;
449                     } else {
450                         continue;
451                     }
452                 } else {
453                     /* Assume no RegEx failures with iptables. Ha! Idea is to skip over other syslog messages */
454                     continue;
455                 }
456             }
458             main_pcre.cp_substr_ret = pcre_copy_substring(buffer_primary, main_pcre.ovector, main_pcre.ret, position_address, str_address, BUFSIZE);
459             if (main_pcre.cp_substr_ret < 0) {
460                 error_substring_extract(main_pcre.regular_expression, buffer_primary, position_address, main_pcre.cp_substr_ret, total_lines);
461                 if (g_dorecombine == true) {
462                     badlogline_flag = true;
463                 } else {
464                     continue;
465                 }
466             }
467             if (g_log_type == LOG_IPTABLES) {
468                 main_pcre.cp_substr_ret = pcre_copy_substring(buffer_primary, main_pcre.ovector, main_pcre.ret,LF_IPTABLES_ADDRESS_DST , str_address2, BUFSIZE);
469                 if (main_pcre.cp_substr_ret < 0) {
470                     error_substring_extract(main_pcre.regular_expression, buffer_primary, position_address, main_pcre.cp_substr_ret, total_lines);
471                     if (g_dorecombine == true) {
472                         badlogline_flag = true;
473                     } else {
474                         continue;
475                     }
476                 }
477             }
478         }
480         if (g_dotranslate == true) {
481             /*************************************************************
482              * Do the translating
483              *************************************************************/
484             /* Retrieve correct fqdn from DB by date match.
485              * Spit out full line with replaced IP Address */
486             comp_ret = strncmp(str_previous_address, str_address, SIZE_ADDRESS);
487             if (comp_ret != 0) {
488                 /* Only update the FQDN if the most recent address has changed */
490                 /* Extract Date/Time */
491                 main_pcre.cp_substr_ret = pcre_copy_substring(buffer_primary, main_pcre.ovector, main_pcre.ret, position_datetime, str_time, SIZE_DATE_TIME);
492                 if (main_pcre.cp_substr_ret < 0) {
493                     ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_F_vital_substring, position_datetime);
494                     close_exit(V_EXIT_PCRE_NO_SUBSTR);
495                 }
497                 retrieve_address(str_address, str_fqdn, str_time);
498                 strncpy(str_previous_address, str_address, SIZE_ADDRESS);
500                 if (g_log_type == LOG_IPTABLES) {
501                     retrieve_address(str_address2, str_fqdn2, str_time);
502                 }
503             }
504             if (g_log_type == LOG_IPTABLES) {
505                 if ((str_fqdn[0] == '\0') && (str_fqdn2[0] == '\0')) {
506                     /* No change, display line-in as line-out */
507                     printf("%s", buffer_primary);
508                 } else {
509                     if (str_fqdn[0] == '\0') {
510                         buffer_tmp_output[0] = '\0';
511                         strncat(buffer_tmp_output, buffer_primary, main_pcre.ovector[((LF_IPTABLES_ADDRESS_DST * 2) - 1) + 1]);
512                         printf("%s", buffer_tmp_output);
513                         printf("%s", str_fqdn2);
514                         buffer_tmp_output[0] = '\0';
515                         strcat(buffer_tmp_output, buffer_primary + main_pcre.ovector[((LF_IPTABLES_ADDRESS_DST * 2) + 1)]);
516                         printf("%s", buffer_tmp_output);
517                     } else {
518                         buffer_tmp_output[0] = '\0';
519                         strncat(buffer_tmp_output, buffer_primary, main_pcre.ovector[((position_address * 2) - 1) + 1]);
520                         printf("%s", buffer_tmp_output);
521                         printf("%s", str_fqdn);
522                         printf(" DST=");
523                         buffer_tmp_output[0] = '\0';
524                         if (str_fqdn2[0] == '\0') {
525                             strcat(buffer_tmp_output, buffer_primary + main_pcre.ovector[(LF_IPTABLES_ADDRESS_DST * 2)]);
526                         } else {
527                             printf("%s", str_fqdn2);
528                             strcat(buffer_tmp_output, buffer_primary + main_pcre.ovector[((LF_IPTABLES_ADDRESS_DST * 2) + 1)]);
529                         }
530                         printf("%s", buffer_tmp_output);
531                     }
532                 }
533             } else {
534                 if (str_fqdn[0] == '\0') {
535                     /* No change, display line-in as line-out */
536                     printf("%s", buffer_primary);
537                 } else {
538                     /* Have a returned value. Displayed FQDN and rest of line minus IP Address. */
539                     /* print before */
540                     if (position_address > 1) {
541                         buffer_tmp_output[0] = '\0';
542                         strncat(buffer_tmp_output, buffer_primary, main_pcre.ovector[((position_address * 2) - 1) + 1]);
543                         printf("%s", buffer_tmp_output);
544                     }
545                     printf("%s", str_fqdn);
546                     buffer_tmp_output[0] = '\0';
547                     strcat(buffer_tmp_output, buffer_primary + main_pcre.ovector[((position_address * 2) + 1)]);
548                     printf("%s", buffer_tmp_output);
549                 }
550             }
551         } else if (g_dorecombine == true) {
552             if (g_log_type != LOG_CLF) {
553                 ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, "Sorry, can't recombine non CLF logs. Yet. Please email author!%s", "\n");
554                 exit(1);
555             }
556             /*************************************************************
557              * Do the recombining
558              *************************************************************/
559             /* Grab part of the recombine log file */
560             fgets_rtn = get_log_line(buffer_recombine, BUFSIZE, file_recombine_input, &buf_recombine_posn);
561             ERR_NULL_EXIT(fgets_rtn, V_EXIT_EARLY_LOG_CLOSE, msg_F_early_log_termination, total_lines);
563             buffer_recombine_length = (int) strlen(buffer_recombine);
564             /* check for log line too long */
565             if ((strpbrk("\n", buffer_recombine) == NULL) || (badlogline_flag == true)) {
566                 drop_long_lines(file_recombine_input, buffer_recombine, &buf_recombine_posn);
567                 if (badlogline_flag == false) {
568                     bad_lines++;
569                 }
570                 badlogline_flag = false;
571                 continue;
572             }
574             VPRINT(VERBOSE3, "+%lu+%s", total_lines, buffer_recombine);
575             VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "  New Address: %s  Old Address: %s\n", str_address, str_previous_address);
576             if (strncmp(str_previous_address, str_address, SIZE_ADDRESS) != 0) {
577                 /* Only update the FQDN if the most recent address has changed */
579                 strncpy(str_previous_address, str_address, SIZE_ADDRESS);
581                 main_pcre.ret = pcre_exec(main_pcre.re_pcre, NULL, buffer_recombine, buffer_recombine_length, 0, 0, main_pcre.ovector, OVECCOUNT);
582                 if (main_pcre.ret <= 0) {
583                     re_check_errors(main_pcre.ret, total_lines, buffer_recombine);
584                     bad_lines++;
585                     continue;
586                 }
588                 main_pcre.cp_substr_ret =
589                     pcre_copy_substring(buffer_recombine, main_pcre.ovector, main_pcre.ret, LF_NCSA_ADDRESS, str_address_recombine, sizeof(str_address_recombine));
590                 if (recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret < 0) {
591                     error_substring_extract(recombine_pcre.regular_expression, buffer_recombine, LF_NCSA_ADDRESS, recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret, total_lines);
592                     bad_lines++;
593                     continue;
594                 }
596                 /* Extract Date/Time */
597                 main_pcre.cp_substr_ret = pcre_copy_substring(buffer_recombine, main_pcre.ovector, main_pcre.ret, LF_NCSA_DATE_TIME, str_time, sizeof(str_time));
598                 if (recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret < 0) {
599                     /* Fatal Error, as we've successfully matched elsewhere. We really shouldn't ever get here... */
600                     ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, "%s\n", msg_F_vital_substring);
601                     close_exit(V_EXIT_PCRE_NO_SUBSTR);
602                 }
604                 buf_ptr = strpbrk(buffer_primary, " ");
605                 bufer_recombine_ptr = strpbrk(buffer_recombine, " ");
607                 comp_ret = strncmp(buf_ptr, bufer_recombine_ptr, BUFSIZE);
608                 if (comp_ret != 0) {
609                     /* We have a mismatched line.
610                      *  Now verify if truely borked file(s) or simply an IP Address substitution elsewhere in a line */
612                     /* First off, we will compare the date/time stamps */
613                     /* We already have the recombine buffer's date time, so grab from the "raw" logfile */
614                     recombine_pcre.ret = pcre_exec(recombine_pcre.re_pcre, NULL, buffer_primary, buffer_length, 0, 0, recombine_pcre.ovector, OVECCOUNT);
615                     if (recombine_pcre.ret <= 0) {
616                         re_check_errors(recombine_pcre.ret, total_lines, buffer_primary);
617                         bad_lines++;
618                         continue;
619                     }
620                     recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret =
621                         pcre_copy_substring(buffer_primary, recombine_pcre.ovector, recombine_pcre.ret, LF_NCSA_DATE_TIME, str_time_raw, sizeof(str_time_raw));
622                     if (recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret < 0) {
623                         error_substring_extract(recombine_pcre.regular_expression, buffer_primary, LF_NCSA_DATE_TIME, recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret, total_lines);
624                         bad_lines++;
625                         continue;
626                     }
627                     comp_ret = strncmp(str_time_raw, str_time, strlen(str_time));
628                     ERR_NONZERO_EXIT(comp_ret, V_EXIT_MISMATCHED_LINES, msg_F_mismatched_lines, total_lines, buffer_primary, buffer_recombine);
630                     /* Date/Time ok. Lets look at size in bytes. Would use URL, but they get replaced as well unf. */
631                     /* Copy out the size in bytes of the access - already looking at the main log */
632                     recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret =
633                         pcre_copy_substring(buffer_primary, recombine_pcre.ovector, recombine_pcre.ret, LF_NCSA_BYTES, access_size_raw, sizeof(access_size_raw));
634                     if (recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret < 0) {
635                         error_substring_extract(recombine_pcre.regular_expression, buffer_primary, LF_NCSA_BYTES, recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret, total_lines);
636                         bad_lines++;
637                         continue;
638                     }
639                     /* Now from the recombine file/buffer */
640                     recombine_pcre.ret = pcre_exec(recombine_pcre.re_pcre, NULL, buffer_recombine, buffer_recombine_length, 0, 0, recombine_pcre.ovector, OVECCOUNT);
641                     if (recombine_pcre.ret <= 0) {
642                         re_check_errors(recombine_pcre.ret, total_lines, buffer_recombine);
643                         bad_lines++;
644                         continue;
645                     }
646                     recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret =
647                         pcre_copy_substring(buffer_recombine, recombine_pcre.ovector, recombine_pcre.ret, LF_NCSA_BYTES, access_size_recombine, sizeof(access_size_recombine));
648                     if (recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret < 0) {
649                         error_substring_extract(recombine_pcre.regular_expression, buffer_primary, LF_NCSA_DATE_TIME, recombine_pcre.cp_substr_ret, total_lines);
650                         bad_lines++;
651                         continue;
652                     }
653                     comp_ret = strncmp(access_size_raw, access_size_recombine, strlen(access_size_raw));
654                     ERR_NONZERO_EXIT(comp_ret, V_EXIT_MISMATCHED_LINES, msg_F_mismatched_lines, total_lines, buffer_primary, buffer_recombine);
656                     ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE2, msg_W_mismatched_lines, total_lines, buffer_primary, buffer_recombine);
657                     bad_mismatched_lines++;
658                 }
660                 add_recombined_address(str_address, str_address_recombine, str_time);
661             }
662         } else {                                /* Default ==> (g_dolookups == true) */
663             /*************************************************************
664              * Default Action - do the lookups and store results in DB
665              *************************************************************/
667             /* Rapid check: have we seen this IP before?
668              *  Typically we expect to see multiple entries to the same address, one after the other
669              * If not, add the new one, and update the old address */
670             comp_ret = strncmp(str_previous_address, str_address, SIZE_ADDRESS);
671             if (comp_ret != 0) {
672                 /* Don't exceed Maximum Number of threads! Stop and hold, once we get too many */
673                 pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_thread_count);
674                 while (thread_count >= g_max_threads) {
675                     VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "HOLDING: Exceeding Maximum Thread Count!: %d <= %d\n", g_max_threads, thread_count);
676                     pthread_cond_wait(&cond_thread_count, &mutex_thread_count);
677                 }
678                 pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_thread_count);
679                 add_address(str_address);
680                 strncpy(str_previous_address, str_address, SIZE_ADDRESS);
681             }
682             if (g_log_type == LOG_IPTABLES) {
683                 /* Don't exceed Maximum Number of threads! Stop and hold, once we get too many */
684                 pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_thread_count);
685                 while (thread_count >= g_max_threads) {
686                     VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "HOLDING: Exceeding Maximum Thread Count!: %d <= %d\n", g_max_threads, thread_count);
687                     pthread_cond_wait(&cond_thread_count, &mutex_thread_count);
688                 }
689                 pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_thread_count);
690                 add_address(str_address2);
691             }
692         }
693     }
696     if (g_dolookups == true) {
697         pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_thread_count);
698         while (thread_count > 0) {
699             VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "FINISHING: Countdown thread count: %d\n", thread_count);
700             pthread_cond_wait(&cond_thread_count, &mutex_thread_count);
701         }
703         VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "Maximum Concurrent Threads:  %d\n", thread_count_max);
704         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "Final Remaining DNS Records: %d\n", malloc_dns_rec);
705         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "Final Remaining DNS Lists:   %d\n", malloc_dns_list);
706     }
708     VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "Stored %lu Addresses from %lu Log Lines\n", number_added_addresses, total_lines);
709     if (number_name_lookups > 0) {
710         VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "Number of Name Lookups Performed: %lu of %lu Log Lines\n", number_name_lookups, total_lines);
711     }
712     if (bad_lines > 0) {
713         VPRINT(VERBOSE0, "%s%lu of %lu\n", msg_I_number_bad_lines, bad_lines, total_lines);
714     }
715     if (bad_recom_lines > 0) {
716         VPRINT(VERBOSE0, "%s%lu of %lu\n", "Number of Bad Recombined Lines: ", bad_recom_lines, total_lines);
717     }
718     if (bad_mismatched_lines > 0) {
719         VPRINT(VERBOSE0, "%s%lu of %lu\n", "Number of Possibly Mismatched Lines: ", bad_mismatched_lines, total_lines);
720     }
722     VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "%s%lu of %lu\n", "Number of Stored FQDNs: ", number_successful_fqdns, number_name_lookups);
723     VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "%s%lu of %lu\n", "Number of Successful Retries: ", number_successful_retries, number_retries);
725     close_dnshistory_db(&dnshistory_db_ptr);
726     return (V_EXIT_OK);
727 }
729 /************************************************************************
730  ************************************************************************
731  *                              END                                     *
732  ************************************************************************
733  ************************************************************************/
736 /************************************************************************
737  * add_address                                                          *
738  *                                                                      *
739  * Given an IP Address, do the lookup, and add the FQDN to our DNS DB   *
740  ************************************************************************/
741 void
add_address(char * str_ipaddr)742 add_address(char *str_ipaddr)
743 {
744     /* Logic:
745      *  Convert from char to ip_addr
746      *  Seen this IP address today?
747      *    Yes:
748      *      exit ok
749      *    No:
750      *      Lookup this IP Address (using char form!)
751      *      New record?
752      *        Yes:
753      *          Initialize record and add to db
754      *            date_set and date_last to same time
755      *          Create new record
756      *        No:
757      *          Has the fqdn changed?
758      *            Yes:
759      *              Create a new record with date_set and date_last same time
760      *            No:
761      *              Update date_last to current day
762      *              Update existing record
763      */
765     /**********************************************************************/
766     dns_record_t *dnsrec;                       /* Current DNS Record to work with */
767     pthread_t pthrd;                            /* Thread id - ignored */
768     pthread_attr_t pthrd_attrs;                 /* Thread Attributes */
769     int ret_thrd;                               /* Thread function results */
770     int ret_pton;                               /* Results: inet_pton */
771     struct dns_record_lists_t *list, *list_next;        /* list cleanup pointers */
773     /**********************************************************************/
775     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "  INIT. Add Address; Do Lookup on: %s\n", str_ipaddr);
777     dnsrec = XMALLOC(dns_record_t, 1);
778     pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_malloc_dns_rec);
779     malloc_dns_rec++;
780     pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_malloc_dns_rec);
781     dnsrec->list = NULL;                        /* Probably unnecessary, but can't hurt */
783     /* Convert from char string to in_addr_t */
784     ret_pton = inet_pton(AF_INET, str_ipaddr, &dnsrec->ipaddress);
785     if (ret_pton == 0) {
786         /* XXX What happens if already converted??? */
787         ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_E_ip_conversion, ret_pton, str_ipaddr);
788         return;
789     }
791     /* Set the stack size for threads */
792     pthread_attr_init(&pthrd_attrs);
793     ret_thrd = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&pthrd_attrs, THREAD_STACK_SIZE);
794     if (ret_thrd != 0) {
795         ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_stack_resize, ret_thrd);
796     }
798     if (!address_exists(dnsrec)) {
799         /* Is a new record. So, create threads with reduced stack and fire off */
800         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    New Record%s", "\n");
801         /* First lets store a copy of this record, so we don't do repeated name lookups */
802         dnsrec->date_last = current_day;
803         number_added_addresses++;
804         store_dns_records(dnsrec);
805         increase_thread_counter();
806         ret_thrd = pthread_create(&pthrd, &pthrd_attrs, add_new_address, (void *) dnsrec);
807         if (ret_thrd != 0) {
808             ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_creation, ret_thrd);
809         }
810     } else {
811         /* We have seen this record before */
812         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    Old Record: %lu --> %lu\n", dnsrec->date_last, current_day);
813         if (dnsrec->date_last < (current_day - g_dns_timeout)) {
814             /* But not in our timeout period - so need to update with a new record! */
815             VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "     Outside timeout period. New Lookup.%s", "\n");
816             /* First store an updated "date_last".
817              * This way later requests will ignore this record if the name lookup takes a while */
818             dnsrec->date_last = current_day;
819             number_added_addresses++;
820             store_dns_records(dnsrec);
821             increase_thread_counter();
822             ret_thrd = pthread_create(&pthrd, &pthrd_attrs, add_old_address, (void *) dnsrec);
823             if (ret_thrd != 0) {
824                 ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_creation, ret_thrd);
825             }
826         } else {
827             /* Can ignore this record, deallocate it and all it's links */
828             list = dnsrec->list;
829             VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    Inside timeout period. Free Record(s).%s", "\n");
830             while (list != NULL) {
831                 VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "      Freeing List Entry: %s\n", list->fqdn);
832                 list_next = list->next;
833                 XFREE(list);
834                 list = list_next;
835                 pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_malloc_dns_list);
836                 malloc_dns_list--;
837                 pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_malloc_dns_list);
838             }
839             XFREE(dnsrec);
840             pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_malloc_dns_rec);
841             malloc_dns_rec--;
842             pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_malloc_dns_rec);
843         }
844     }
845 }
848 /************************************************************************
849  * retrieve_address                                                     *
850  *                                                                      *
851  * Given an IP Address, do the lookup,                                  *
852  *  and return the FQDN from the DNS DB                                 *
853  *                                                                      *
854  * str_fqdn[0] is set to '\0' on a "no valid answer" answer.            *
855  ************************************************************************/
856 void
retrieve_address(char * str_ipaddr,char * str_fqdn,char * str_time)857 retrieve_address(char *str_ipaddr, char *str_fqdn, char *str_time)
858 {
859     /**********************************************************************/
860     dns_record_t *dnsrec;                       /* Current DNS Record to work with */
861     struct dns_record_lists_t *list, *list_next;        /* list cleanup/traversing pointers */
862     int ret_pton;                               /* Results: inet_pton */
863     struct tm time_rec;                         /* Gotta convert that string'ed time into a timerec first */
864     time_t time_logentry = 0;                   /* The current log time */
865     int ret_addrexists = 0;
866     time_t temp_time_squid;                     /* For pulling in squid times */
868     /**********************************************************************/
870     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "  INIT. Retrieve Address; Looking for: %s\n", str_ipaddr);
872     dnsrec = XMALLOC(dns_record_t, 1);
873     dnsrec->list = NULL;                        /* Probably unnecessary, but can't hurt */
875     /* Convert from char string to in_addr_t */
876     ret_pton = inet_pton(AF_INET, str_ipaddr, &dnsrec->ipaddress);
877     if (ret_pton == 0) {
878         /* XXX What happens if already converted??? */
879         ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_E_ip_conversion, ret_pton, str_ipaddr);
880         str_fqdn[0] = '\0';
881     } else {
883         ret_addrexists = address_exists(dnsrec);
884         if ((ret_addrexists = 0) || (dnsrec->list == NULL)) {
885             /* No answer to give */
886             str_fqdn[0] = '\0';
887         } else {
888             /* Find and return the correct answer by timestamp */
889             /******************
890              * Use this entry if no older entry
891              * time_logentry newer or same as date_set use this entry
892              * time_logentry older than date_set, try next older;
893              ******************/
894             list = dnsrec->list;
896             if (list->next != NULL) {
897                 memset(&time_rec, 0, sizeof(time_rec)); /* reset time_rec - failing to do so causes time comparison problems. Yuk */
898                 switch (g_log_type) {
899                 case LOG_CLF:
900                     strptime(str_time, DATE_TIME_FORMAT, &time_rec);
901                     break;
902                 case LOG_FTP:
903                     strptime(str_time, DATE_TIME_XFERLOG_FORMAT, &time_rec);
904                     break;
905                case LOG_IPTABLES:
906                     strptime(str_time, DATE_TIME_IPTABLES_FORMAT, &time_rec);
907                     break;
908                 case LOG_SQUID:
909                     temp_time_squid = strtoul(str_time, NULL, 10);
910                     localtime_r(&temp_time_squid, &time_rec);
911                     break;
912                 }
914                 time_logentry = mktime(&time_rec);
915                 VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    **Date/Time: %s -> %ld\n", str_time, time_logentry);
916                 VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    **Date/Time: DB START: %ld -> %ld\n", time_logentry, dnsrec->date_last);
918                 while (list != NULL) {
919                     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    **Date/Time: DB List: %ld -> %ld\n", time_logentry, list->date_set);
920                     if ((list->next == NULL) || (difftime(time_logentry, list->date_set) >= 0)) {
921                         strncpy(str_fqdn, list->fqdn, NI_MAXHOST);
922                     }
923                     list = list->next;
924                 }
925             } else {
926                 /* We only have one entry, so no need to do a time compare */
927                 strncpy(str_fqdn, list->fqdn, NI_MAXHOST);
928             }
929         }
930     }
932     /* Can ignore this record, deallocate it and all it's links */
933     list = dnsrec->list;
934     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    Inside timeout period. Free Record(s).%s", "\n");
935     while (list != NULL) {
936         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "      Freeing List Entry: %s\n", list->fqdn);
937         list_next = list->next;
938         XFREE(list);
939         list = list_next;
940     }
941     XFREE(dnsrec);
943     return;
944 }
947 /************************************************************************
948  * add_recombined_address                                               *
949  *                                                                      *
950  * Given an IP Address and FQDN , add to our DNS DB                     *
951  ************************************************************************/
952 void
add_recombined_address(char * str_ipaddr,char * str_fqdn,char * str_time)953 add_recombined_address(char *str_ipaddr, char *str_fqdn, char *str_time)
954 {
955     /* Logic:
956      */
958     /**********************************************************************/
959     dns_record_t *dnsrec;                       /* Current DNS Record to work with */
960     int ret_pton;                               /* Results: inet_pton */
961     struct dns_record_lists_t *list, *list_next;        /* list cleanup pointers */
962     struct dns_record_lists_t dnsrec_list;      /* Single "list" entry for this record */
963     struct tm time_rec;                         /* Gotta convert that string'ed time into a timerec first */
964     time_t time_logentry = 0;                   /* The current log time */
966     /**********************************************************************/
968     VPRINT(VERBOSE3, "  **INIT: Add Recombined Address; Given: %s  Add: %s\n", str_ipaddr, str_fqdn);
970     dnsrec = XMALLOC(dns_record_t, 1);
971     dnsrec->list = NULL;                        /* Probably unnecessary, but can't hurt */
973     /* Convert from char string to in_addr_t */
974     ret_pton = inet_pton(AF_INET, str_ipaddr, &dnsrec->ipaddress);
975     if (ret_pton == 0) {
976         /* XXX What happens if already converted??? */
977         ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_E_ip_conversion, ret_pton, str_ipaddr);
978         return;
979     }
981     /* Convert the Log Date/Time to time_t */
982     memset(&time_rec, 0, sizeof(time_rec));     /* reset time_rec - failing to do so causes time comparison problems. Yuk */
983     strptime(str_time, DATE_TIME_FORMAT, &time_rec);
984     time_logentry = mktime(&time_rec);
985     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    ARA: Date/Time: %s -> %ld\n", str_time, time_logentry);
987     /************************************************
988      * New Record?
989      ************************************************/
990     if (!address_exists(dnsrec)) {
991         /* This is a new record. */
992         VPRINT(VERBOSE4, "    ARA: New Record%s", "\n");
994         memset(&dnsrec_list, 0, sizeof(dnsrec_list));
995         dnsrec->list = &dnsrec_list;
997         strncpy(dnsrec->list->fqdn, str_fqdn, NI_MAXHOST);
998         dnsrec->date_last = time_logentry;
999         dnsrec->list->date_set = time_logentry;
1000         dnsrec->list->next = NULL;
1002         /* Store this newly updated new record */
1003         VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "  ARA: Storing New: %15s %s\n", str_ipaddr, str_fqdn);
1004         number_added_addresses++;
1005         store_dns_records(dnsrec);
1006         XFREE(dnsrec);
1007     } else {
1008         /************************************************
1009          * Not New Record!
1010          ************************************************/
1011         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    ARA: Old Record: %lu --> %lu\n", dnsrec->date_last, time_logentry);
1012         if (dnsrec->date_last < (time_logentry - g_dns_timeout)) {
1013             /* But not in our timeout period - so need to update with a new record! */
1014             VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "      ARA: Outside timeout period. Update Entry.%s", "\n");
1015             /* First store an updated "date_last".
1016              * This way later requests will ignore this record if the name lookup takes a while */
1017             dnsrec->date_last = time_logentry;
1018             if (strncmp(dnsrec->list->fqdn, str_fqdn, NI_MAXHOST) != 0) {
1019                 /* This is a new and updated FQDN, insert */
1020                 VPRINT(VERBOSE4, "      ARA: Add Recombined Address: Changed FQDN: %s --> %s\n", dnsrec->list->fqdn, str_fqdn);
1021                 list_next = XMALLOC(struct dns_record_lists_t, 1);
1023                 list_next->date_set = time_logentry;
1024                 strncpy(list_next->fqdn, str_fqdn, NI_MAXHOST);
1025                 list_next->next = dnsrec->list;
1026                 dnsrec->list = list_next;
1027                 VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "  ARA: Storing Update: %15s %s\n", str_ipaddr, str_fqdn);
1028             }
1029             number_added_addresses++;
1030             store_dns_records(dnsrec);          /* We only need to store an updated value, we've already stored a new time */
1031         }
1032         /* Deallocate it and all it's links */
1033         list = dnsrec->list;
1034         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "      ARA: Inside timeout period. Free Record(s).%s", "\n");
1035         while (list != NULL) {
1036             VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "        ARA: Freeing List Entry: %s\n", list->fqdn);
1037             list_next = list->next;
1038             XFREE(list);
1039             list = list_next;
1040         }
1041         XFREE(dnsrec);
1042     }
1043 }
1046 /************************************************************************
1047  * name_lookup                                                          *
1048  *                                                                      *
1049  * Do the name lookup and error handling                                *
1050  *   Requires a string[NI_MAXHOST] to dump the results into             *
1051  *    -> host_name                                                      *
1052  ************************************************************************/
1053 int
name_lookup(struct in_addr ipaddr,char * host_name)1054 name_lookup(struct in_addr ipaddr, char *host_name)
1055 {
1056     /**********************************************************************/
1057     int ret_gni = 0;                            /* getnameinfo Return value */
1058     struct sockaddr_in sa;                      /* Structure to send to getnameinfo */
1060     sa.sin_family = AF_INET;                    /* IPv4 lookup */
1061     sa.sin_port = 0;                            /* Don't care about the port */
1062     sa.sin_addr.s_addr = ipaddr.s_addr;         /* Set the IP address to lookup */
1063     int retries = g_dns_lookups;
1064     int err;                                    /* Error Checking */
1065     bool doing_retry = 0;                       /* Flag to help count number of retries */
1067     /**********************************************************************/
1069     err = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_other_counters);
1070     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_lock, err);
1071     number_name_lookups++;                      /* Increase number of lookups counter */
1072     err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_other_counters);
1073     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1075     /* Do the lookup */
1076     while (retries > 0) {
1077         ret_gni = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa), host_name, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, NI_NAMEREQD);
1079         /* Error/Success checking */
1080         if (ret_gni != 0) {
1081             if ((ret_gni == EAI_AGAIN) || (ret_gni == EAI_NONAME)) {
1082                 VPRINT(VERBOSE3, "NameLookup: TryAgain: %s\n", host_name);
1083                 retries--;
1084                 if (retries > 0) {
1086                     err = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_other_counters);
1087                     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_lock, err);
1088                     number_retries++;
1089                     err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_other_counters);
1090                     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1092                     if (doing_retry == false) {
1093                         doing_retry = true;
1094                     }
1095                     sleep(g_dns_retry_delay);
1096                 }
1097             } else {
1098                 name_lookup_errors(ret_gni);
1099                 break;
1100             }
1101         } else {
1102             VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "NameLookup: Success: %s\n", host_name);
1103             break;
1104         }
1105     }
1107     check_n_fix_fqdn(host_name);
1109     if (ret_gni == 0) {
1110         err = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_other_counters);
1111         ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_lock, err);
1112         number_successful_fqdns++;
1113         err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_other_counters);
1114         ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1115     }
1117     if ((ret_gni == 0) && (doing_retry == true)) {
1118         err = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_other_counters);
1119         ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_lock, err);
1120         number_successful_retries++;
1121         err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_other_counters);
1122         ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1123     }
1124     /* Even tho we have a technical failure, we want to return a success for ipaddy == ipaddy lookups */
1125     if (ret_gni == EAI_NONAME) {
1126         ret_gni = 0;
1127     }
1128     return (ret_gni);
1129 }
1132 /************************************************************************
1133  * increase_thread_counter                                              *
1134  *                                                                      *
1135  * Do as the name says. Lock; increase; Unlock; exit. Duh.              *
1136  ************************************************************************/
1137 void
increase_thread_counter()1138 increase_thread_counter()
1139 {
1140     /**********************************************************************/
1141     int err;                                    /* Error Checking */
1143     /**********************************************************************/
1145     /* Increase the count of the number of threads running */
1146     err = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_thread_count);
1147     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_lock, err);
1148     /* thread_count is a global */
1149     thread_count++;
1150     if (thread_count > thread_count_max) {
1151         thread_count_max = thread_count;
1152     }
1153     VPRINT(VERBOSE4, "THRD START: Thread count: %d\n", thread_count);
1154     err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_thread_count);
1155     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1156 }
1159 /************************************************************************
1160  * decrease_thread_counter                                              *
1161  *                                                                      *
1162  * Do as the name says. Lock; decrease; Unlock; Signal; exit.           *
1163  * We do a thread cond signal as well - just to alert for file end      *
1164  *   processing.                                                        *
1165  ************************************************************************/
1166 void
decrease_thread_counter()1167 decrease_thread_counter()
1168 {
1169     /**********************************************************************/
1170     int err;                                    /* Error Checking */
1172     /**********************************************************************/
1174     /* Decrease # of thread's
1175      * Signal that this thread has finished - used for end of file processing */
1176     err = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_thread_count);
1177     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_lock, err);
1178     /* thread_count is a global */
1179     thread_count--;
1180     VPRINT(VERBOSE4, "THRD EXIT: Thread count: %d\n", thread_count);
1181     pthread_cond_signal(&cond_thread_count);
1182     err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_thread_count);
1183     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1184 }
1187 /************************************************************************
1188  * add_new_address                                                      *
1189  *                                                                      *
1190  * Do the name lookup and error handling                                *
1191  *   Requires a string[NI_MAXHOST] to dump the results into             *
1192  * This is a threaded function                                          *
1193  ************************************************************************/
1194 void *
add_new_address(void * arg)1195 add_new_address(void *arg)
1196         /* ip_address : is of type "struct in_addr" */
1197 {
1198     /**********************************************************************/
1199     int ret_gni;                                /* getnameinfo Return value */
1200     dns_record_t *dnsrec = arg;                 /* Current DNS Record to work with */
1201     struct dns_record_lists_t dnsrec_list;      /* Single "list" entry for this record */
1202     int err;                                    /* Error Checking */
1204     /**********************************************************************/
1206     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "ADD_NEW_ADDR: START!:%s", "\n");
1208     /* Initialize the records */
1209     memset(&dnsrec_list, 0, sizeof(dnsrec_list));       /* Not strictly necessary, but just in case */
1210     dnsrec->list = &dnsrec_list;
1212     /* Do the lookup */
1213     ret_gni = name_lookup(dnsrec->ipaddress, dnsrec->list->fqdn);
1215     /* Error/Success checking */
1216     if (ret_gni != 0) {
1217         name_lookup_errors(ret_gni);
1218     } else {
1219         dnsrec->date_last = current_day;
1220         dnsrec->list->date_set = current_day;
1221         dnsrec->list->next = NULL;
1222     }
1224     /* Store this newly updated new record */
1225     store_dns_records(dnsrec);
1226     XFREE(dnsrec);
1228     err = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_malloc_dns_rec);
1229     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_lock, err);
1230     malloc_dns_rec--;
1231     err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_malloc_dns_rec);
1232     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1234     decrease_thread_counter();
1235     /* Detach this thread - returning memory etc
1236      * Exit. */
1237     pthread_detach(pthread_self());
1238     pthread_exit(0);
1239 }
1242 /************************************************************************
1243  * add_old_address                                                      *
1244  *                                                                      *
1245  * Do the name lookup for an old record                                 *
1246  * Wants a dns_record_t argument passed in.                             *
1247  *  Assumes this has been malloc'd and will then free it                *
1248  * This is a threaded function                                          *
1249  ************************************************************************/
1250 void *
add_old_address(void * arg)1251 add_old_address(void *arg)
1252         /* dns_record is a pointer to struct dns_record_t */
1253 {
1254     /**********************************************************************/
1255     int ret_gni;                                /* getnameinfo Return value */
1256     dns_record_t *dnsrec = arg;                 /* Current DNS Record to work with */
1257     struct dns_record_lists_t dnsrec_list;      /* Single "list" entry for this record */
1258     struct dns_record_lists_t *list, *list_next;        /* list cleanup pointers */
1259     int err;                                    /* Error Checking */
1261     /**********************************************************************/
1263     /* increase_thread_counter (); */
1265     /* Initialize the records */
1266     memset(&dnsrec_list, 0, sizeof(dnsrec_list));       /* Not strictly necessary, but just in case */
1268     /* Do the lookup */
1269     ret_gni = name_lookup(dnsrec->ipaddress, dnsrec_list.fqdn);
1271     /* Error/Success checking */
1272     if (ret_gni != 0) {
1273         name_lookup_errors(ret_gni);
1274     } else {
1275         /* Check the most recent record for this IP Address */
1276         if (strncmp(dnsrec->list->fqdn, dnsrec_list.fqdn, NI_MAXHOST) != 0) {
1277             /* This is a new and updated FQDN, insert */
1278             VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "ADD_OLD_ADDR: Changed FQDN: %s --> %s\n", dnsrec->list->fqdn, dnsrec_list.fqdn);
1279             dnsrec->date_last = current_day;
1280             dnsrec_list.date_set = current_day;
1281             dnsrec_list.next = dnsrec->list;
1282             dnsrec->list = &dnsrec_list;
1283             store_dns_records(dnsrec);          /* We only need to store an updated value, we've already stored a new time */
1284         }
1285     }
1287     /* Final tidy up - free the list of FQDN's */
1288     list = dnsrec->list;
1289     if (dnsrec->list == &dnsrec_list) {         /* Don't try and free our local variable dnsrec_list */
1290         list = dnsrec->list->next;
1291     }
1292     while (list != NULL) {
1293         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "ADD_OLD_ADDR: Freeing List Entry: %s\n", list->fqdn);
1294         list_next = list->next;
1295         XFREE(list);
1296         list = list_next;
1298         err = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_malloc_dns_list);
1299         ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_lock, err);
1300         malloc_dns_list--;
1301         err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_malloc_dns_list);
1302         ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1303     }
1304     XFREE(dnsrec);
1305     err = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_malloc_dns_rec);
1306     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_lock, err);
1307     malloc_dns_rec--;
1308     err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_malloc_dns_rec);
1309     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1310     decrease_thread_counter();
1312     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "ADD_OLD_ADDR: EXITING!: %s\n", dnsrec_list.fqdn);
1313     /* Detach this thread - returning memory etc
1314      * Exit. */
1315     pthread_detach(pthread_self());
1316     pthread_exit(0);
1317 }
1320 /************************************************************************
1321  * name_lookup_errors                                                   *
1322  *                                                                      *
1323  * Deal with Name Lookup errors (getnameinfo)                           *
1324  ************************************************************************/
1325 void
name_lookup_errors(int error_code)1326 name_lookup_errors(int error_code)
1327 {
1328     if (g_verbosity >= VERBOSE1) {
1329         switch (error_code) {
1330         case EAI_AGAIN:
1331             ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, "NameLookup: %s\n", msg_namelookup_try_agin);
1332             break;
1333         case EAI_FAIL:
1334             ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, "NameLookup: %s\n", "Fatal Error");
1335             break;
1336         default:
1337             ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, "NameLookup: %d %s\n", error_code, msg_namelookup_default);
1338             break;
1339         }
1340     }
1341 }
1344 /************************************************************************
1345  * drop_long_lines                                                      *
1346  *                                                                      *
1347  * Strip Log Lines that are too big                                     *
1348  ************************************************************************/
1349 void
drop_long_lines(gzFile * file_input,char * buffer_ptr,buffer_position * buf_posn)1350 drop_long_lines(gzFile * file_input, char *buffer_ptr, buffer_position * buf_posn)
1351 {
1352     /**********************************************************************/
1353     char *fgets_rtn = NULL;
1355     /**********************************************************************/
1357     /* Strip Log Lines that are too big */
1358     buffer_ptr[BUFCUTOFF] = '\0';
1360     ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE1, "#%lu  %s :%s...\n", total_lines, msg_W_line_too_big, buffer_ptr);
1361     while (1) {
1362         if (file_input == NULL) {
1363             fgets_rtn = fgets(buffer_ptr, BUFSIZE, stdin);
1364         } else {
1365             fgets_rtn = get_log_line(buffer_ptr, BUFSIZE, file_input, buf_posn);
1366             /* ERRVPRINT (VERBOSE2, "  %s\n", buffer_ptr); */
1367         }
1368         if (strpbrk("\n", buffer_ptr) != NULL) {
1369             break;
1370         }
1371     }
1372 }
1375 /************************************************************************
1376  * get_log_line                                                         *
1377  *                                                                      *
1378  * Get the next log line (\n terminated)                                *
1379  * Is designed to deal with gz'ed logs, but will also do plain text     *
1380  * The buffer_position structure is for tracking the raw de-gziped      *
1381  *   buffer and where we are up to within it.                           *
1382  ************************************************************************/
1383 char *
get_log_line(char * buf,int size,gzFile * file_ptr,buffer_position * buf_posn)1384 get_log_line(char *buf, int size, gzFile * file_ptr, buffer_position * buf_posn)
1385 {
1386     /* Faster version of gzgets.
1387      * Original code and algorithim taken from mergelog-4.5
1388      *          by Bertrand Demiddelaer
1389      *
1390      * Has been quite hacked around to fix some issues in the re-implementation.
1391      *   Lack of a terminating '\n' in the original being the biggest problem.
1392      */
1394     /**********************************************************************/
1395     char *out_copy = buf;
1396     int bytes_returned;
1397     int size_ctr = 0;
1399     /**********************************************************************/
1401     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "\n##GLL: Start: %-10p Cur: %-10p End: %-10p\n", buf_posn->decomp_buf, buf_posn->current_pos_ptr, buf_posn->end_decompbuf_ptr);
1402     while (1) {
1403         if (buf_posn->current_pos_ptr > buf_posn->end_decompbuf_ptr) {
1404             bytes_returned = gzread(file_ptr, buf_posn->decomp_buf, DECOMP_BUFSIZE);
1405             if (bytes_returned <= 0) {
1406                 return (NULL);
1407             }
1408             buf_posn->end_decompbuf_ptr = buf_posn->decomp_buf + ((bytes_returned - 1) * sizeof(char));
1409             buf_posn->current_pos_ptr = buf_posn->decomp_buf;
1410         }
1412         if (size_ctr >= size - 1) {
1413             /* This buffer is now full - we've exceeded line size */
1414             buf[size - 1] = '\0';
1415             return (buf);
1416         } else {
1417             /* Copy each char from the ungzipped buffer to the line request buffer */
1418             *out_copy = *buf_posn->current_pos_ptr;
1419             if (*buf_posn->current_pos_ptr == '\n') {
1420                 out_copy++;
1421                 *out_copy = '\0';
1422                 buf_posn->current_pos_ptr++;    /* We will be leaving shortly, so increment to next character */
1423                 return (buf);
1424             }
1425         }
1426         size_ctr++;
1427         out_copy++;
1428         buf_posn->current_pos_ptr++;
1429     }
1430 }
1433 /************************************************************************
1434  * close_exit                                                           *
1435  *                                                                      *
1436  * Close the open Database and Exit                                     *
1437  *                                                                      *
1438  * Arguments:                                                           *
1439  * FILE * file_input            The input File. If NULL, use STDIN.     *
1440  * int exit_code                The exit code to exit with.             *
1441  *                                Should be defined in error.h          *
1442  ************************************************************************/
1443 void
close_exit(int exit_code)1444 close_exit(int exit_code)
1445 {
1446     close_dnshistory_db(&dnshistory_db_ptr);
1447     exit(exit_code);
1448 }
1451 /************************************************************************
1452  * address_exists                                                       *
1453  *                                                                      *
1454  * Have we seen this address?                                           *
1455  * If yes, fill in remaining data fields and return 1                   *
1456  * If no, return 0                                                      *
1457  ************************************************************************/
1458 int
address_exists(dns_record_t * dns_rec_ptr)1459 address_exists(dns_record_t * dns_rec_ptr)
1460 {
1461     /**********************************************************************/
1462     int rtn = 0;                                /* Return value */
1463     DBT dbt_key, dbt_data;                      /* Key and Data Pointers for results from BDB */
1464     int db_rtn;                                 /* return value from DBD Get */
1466     struct dns_record_lists_t *new_dns_rec = NULL;
1467     struct dns_record_lists_t *tail_dns_rec = NULL;
1468     void *idx_ptr = NULL;                       /* Counter. Where are we up to in the new memory block */
1470     int size = 0;                               /* Counter. How big is each data item for the memory block */
1471     int nbr_items = 0;                          /* Counter. How many data loops */
1472     int err;                                    /* Error Checking */
1474     char str_address[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];          /* Temp holder for displaying IP Address to lookup */
1476     /**********************************************************************/
1478     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    Address Exists?: %16s\n", inet_ntop(AF_INET, &dns_rec_ptr->ipaddress, str_address, INET_ADDRSTRLEN));
1480     memset(&dbt_key, 0, sizeof(dbt_key));
1481     memset(&dbt_data, 0, sizeof(dbt_data));
1483     dbt_key.data = (char *) &dns_rec_ptr->ipaddress.s_addr;
1484     dbt_key.size = sizeof(dns_rec_ptr->ipaddress.s_addr);
1486     err = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_db_access); /* Lock all DB accesses */
1487     ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_lock, err);
1488     db_rtn = dnshistory_db_ptr->get(dnshistory_db_ptr, NULL, &dbt_key, &dbt_data, 0);
1489     if (db_rtn == 0) {
1490         /* Yes! We have seen this address before. */
1491         idx_ptr = dbt_data.data;
1492         size = sizeof(dns_rec_ptr->date_last);
1493         memcpy(&dns_rec_ptr->date_last, idx_ptr, size);
1494         idx_ptr += size;
1496         size = sizeof(nbr_items);
1497         memcpy(&nbr_items, idx_ptr, size);
1498         idx_ptr += size;
1500         while (nbr_items > 0) {
1501             /* Build up the structure of old addresses */
1502             new_dns_rec = XMALLOC(struct dns_record_lists_t, 1);
1504             err = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_malloc_dns_list);
1505             ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_lock, err);
1506             malloc_dns_list++;
1507             err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_malloc_dns_list);
1508             ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1510             /* Add this new rec to the end of the list */
1511             if (dns_rec_ptr->list == NULL) {
1512                 dns_rec_ptr->list = new_dns_rec;
1513             } else {
1514                 tail_dns_rec->next = new_dns_rec;
1515             }
1516             tail_dns_rec = new_dns_rec;
1517             new_dns_rec->next = NULL;
1519             /* Store date_set for this fqdn */
1520             size = sizeof(new_dns_rec->date_set);
1521             memcpy(&new_dns_rec->date_set, idx_ptr, size);
1522             idx_ptr += size;
1524             /* Store the fqdn itself */
1525             size = (strlen((char *) idx_ptr) + 1) * sizeof(char);
1526             memcpy(new_dns_rec->fqdn, idx_ptr, size);
1527             check_n_fix_fqdn(new_dns_rec->fqdn);
1528             idx_ptr += size;
1530             VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "      Address Exists? Yes: %s\n", new_dns_rec->fqdn);
1531             nbr_items--;
1532         }
1533         rtn = 1;
1534         err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_db_access);
1535         ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1536     } else {
1537         err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_db_access);
1538         ERR_NONZERO(err, VERBOSE0, msg_E_thread_unlock, err);
1539         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "      Address Exists?: No.%s", "\n");
1540         rtn = 0;
1541     }
1542     return (rtn);
1543 }
1546 /************************************************************************
1547  * store_dns_records                                                    *
1548  *                                                                      *
1549  * Store the dns records for this lookup into the hash DB.              *
1550  * Compact any strings down to minimum levels.                          *
1551  ************************************************************************/
1552 void
store_dns_records(dns_record_t * dns_rec_ptr)1553 store_dns_records(dns_record_t * dns_rec_ptr)
1554 {
1555     /* dns_rec_ptr: is the dns structure, and links, to store */
1556     /**********************************************************************/
1557     void *data_ptr = NULL;                      /* pointer to the data store to store in the hash */
1558     void *idx_ptr = NULL;                       /* Counter. Where are we up to in the new memory block */
1559     struct dns_record_lists_t *list_ptr;        /* pointer to index thru the dns history */
1561     int data_size = 0;                          /* size of fixed data in the dns record */
1562     int key_size = 0;                           /* size of the cookie itself - key for the hash */
1563     int nbr_items = 0;                          /* Counter. How many data loops */
1564     int size = 0;                               /* Counter. How big is each data item for the memory block */
1566     char str_address[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];          /* VPRINT buffer only! */
1568     /**********************************************************************/
1570     VPRINT(VERBOSE4, "  **STORE: %16s\n", inet_ntop(AF_INET, &dns_rec_ptr->ipaddress, str_address, INET_ADDRSTRLEN));
1572     key_size = sizeof(dns_rec_ptr->ipaddress.s_addr);
1573     data_size = sizeof(dns_rec_ptr->date_last);
1574     list_ptr = dns_rec_ptr->list;
1575     while (list_ptr != NULL) {
1576         data_size += sizeof(list_ptr->date_set);
1577         data_size += (strlen(list_ptr->fqdn) + 1) * sizeof(char);
1578         list_ptr = list_ptr->next;
1579         nbr_items++;
1580     }
1581     data_size += sizeof(nbr_items);
1583     /* Grab the memory needed for all the dns rec's data */
1584     data_ptr = (void *) malloc(data_size);
1585     ERR_NULL_EXIT(data_ptr, V_EXIT_MEMORY_EXHAUSTION, msg_F_memory_alloc, "");
1586     memset(data_ptr, 0, data_size);             /* Not strictly necessary, but just in case */
1588     /* Store the most recent date for this dns record */
1589     idx_ptr = data_ptr;
1590     size = sizeof(dns_rec_ptr->date_last);
1591     memcpy(idx_ptr, &dns_rec_ptr->date_last, size);
1592     idx_ptr += size;
1593     /* Store the number of items in the dns history, for later extraction! */
1594     size = sizeof(nbr_items);
1595     memcpy(idx_ptr, &nbr_items, size);
1596     idx_ptr += size;
1598     list_ptr = dns_rec_ptr->list;
1599     while (list_ptr != NULL) {
1600         /* Date this record was first seen */
1601         size = sizeof(list_ptr->date_set);
1602         memcpy(idx_ptr, &list_ptr->date_set, size);
1603         idx_ptr += size;
1605         /* FQDN storage */
1606         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    STO: fqdn: %s\n", list_ptr->fqdn);
1607         size = (strlen(list_ptr->fqdn) + 1) * sizeof(char);
1608         memcpy(idx_ptr, &list_ptr->fqdn, size);
1609         idx_ptr += size;
1611         list_ptr = list_ptr->next;
1612     }
1614     add_record(&dnshistory_db_ptr, &dns_rec_ptr->ipaddress.s_addr, key_size, data_ptr, data_size);
1615     XFREE(data_ptr);                            /* release the memory grabbed */
1616 }
1619 /************************************************************************
1620  * display_record                                                       *
1621  *                                                                      *
1622  * Given a BDB Data Key and Data Value pair, display the stored         *
1623  *   address information/history                                        *
1624  ************************************************************************/
1625 void
display_record(DBT * dbt_key,DBT * dbt_data,bool realdate)1626 display_record(DBT * dbt_key, DBT * dbt_data, bool realdate)
1627 {
1628     dns_record_t dnsrec;                        /* Current DNS Record to work with */
1629     struct dns_record_lists_t dnslist_rec;      /* Current DNS Data to work with */
1631     void *idx_ptr = NULL;                       /* Counter. Where are we up to in the new memory block */
1632     int size = 0;                               /* Counter. How big is each data item for the memory block */
1633     int nbr_items = 0;                          /* Counter. How many data loops */
1634     char str_address[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];          /* Print buffer for converting stored IPAddresses to Normal w.x.y.z */
1636     struct tm *date_last_full;
1638     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "  Display Record!%s", "\n");
1640     memset(&dnsrec, 0, sizeof(dnsrec));
1641     idx_ptr = dbt_data->data;
1642     size = sizeof(dnsrec.date_last);
1643     memcpy(&dnsrec.date_last, idx_ptr, size);
1644     idx_ptr += size;
1646     size = sizeof(nbr_items);
1647     memcpy(&nbr_items, idx_ptr, size);
1648     idx_ptr += size;
1650     /* Copy in the raw IP Address */
1651     memcpy(&dnsrec.ipaddress.s_addr, dbt_key->data, sizeof(dnsrec.ipaddress.s_addr));
1652     inet_ntop(AF_INET, &dnsrec.ipaddress, str_address, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
1653     printf("%-s", str_address);
1655     /* Loop thru the various list items */
1656     while (nbr_items > 0) {
1657         memset(&dnslist_rec, 0, sizeof(dnsrec));
1658         /* Store date_set for this fqdn */
1659         size = sizeof(dnslist_rec.date_set);
1660         memcpy(&dnslist_rec.date_set, idx_ptr, size);
1661         idx_ptr += size;
1663         /* Store the fqdn itself */
1664         size = (strlen((char *) idx_ptr) + 1) * sizeof(char);
1665         memcpy(dnslist_rec.fqdn, idx_ptr, size);
1666         idx_ptr += size;
1668         printf("\t");
1670         if (realdate == true) {
1671             date_last_full = localtime(&dnslist_rec.date_set);
1672             printf("%4d-%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d,", date_last_full->tm_year + 1900, date_last_full->tm_mon + 1, date_last_full->tm_mday, date_last_full->tm_hour,
1673                    date_last_full->tm_min, date_last_full->tm_sec);
1674         } else {
1675             printf("%d,", (int) dnslist_rec.date_set);
1676         }
1678         check_n_fix_fqdn(dnslist_rec.fqdn);
1679         if (strlen(dnslist_rec.fqdn) > 0) {
1680             printf("%s", dnslist_rec.fqdn);
1681         } else {
1682             printf("%s", STR_NONAME);
1683 //            printf ("%s", "nullname");
1684         }
1686         memset(&str_address, 0, sizeof(str_address));
1688         nbr_items--;
1689     }
1690     printf("\n");
1692 }
1695 /************************************************************************
1696  * dump_dns_historydb                                                   *
1697  *                                                                      *
1698  * Given a Database pointer, dump the DNS History values to stdout      *
1699  ************************************************************************/
1700 void
dump_dns_historydb(DB ** db_ptr)1701 dump_dns_historydb(DB ** db_ptr)
1702 {
1703     /**********************************************************************/
1704     DBC *dbcurs_ptr = NULL;                     /* DB Pointer for cursor'ing */
1705     DBT dbt_key, dbt_data;                      /* Key and Data Pointers for results from BDB */
1706     int db_rtn;                                 /* return value from DBD Get */
1708     /**********************************************************************/
1710     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "  History Dump!%s", "\n");
1711     /* Acquire a cursor for the database. */
1712     db_rtn = (*db_ptr)->cursor(*db_ptr, NULL, &dbcurs_ptr, 0);
1713     if (db_rtn != 0) {
1714         (*db_ptr)->err(*db_ptr, db_rtn, "DB->cursor");
1715         ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_F_db_cursor, "");
1716         close_exit(V_EXIT_DB_CURSOR);
1717     }
1718     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "dbcurs_ptr == %p", dbcurs_ptr);
1720     memset(&dbt_key, 0, sizeof(dbt_key));
1721     memset(&dbt_data, 0, sizeof(dbt_data));
1723     while ((db_rtn = dbcurs_ptr->c_get(dbcurs_ptr, &dbt_key, &dbt_data, DB_NEXT)) == 0) {
1724         display_record(&dbt_key, &dbt_data, false);
1725     }
1726     db_rtn = dbcurs_ptr->c_close(dbcurs_ptr);
1727 }
1730 /************************************************************************
1731  * import_dns_historydb                                                 *
1732  *                                                                      *
1733  * Given a Database pointer, import the DNS History values to this BDB  *
1734  ************************************************************************/
1735 void
import_dns_historydb(void)1736 import_dns_historydb(void)
1737 {
1738     FILE *import_file;
1739     char *fgets_rtn = NULL;
1740     char buffer[BUFSIZE];
1742     char str_address[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];          /* Print buffer for converting stored IPAddresses to Normal w.x.y.z */
1744     dns_record_t dnsrec;                        /* Current DNS Record to work with */
1746     struct dns_record_lists_t *last_list_ptr;   /* pointer to index thru the dns history */
1747     struct dns_record_lists_t *new_dns_rec = NULL;      /* New list pointer to malloc */
1748     struct dns_record_lists_t *list, *list_next;        /* list cleanup pointers */
1750     int rtn_sscanf = 0;                         /* sscanf return value, for later checking */
1751     bool flag_is_bad_line;
1753     /**********************************************************************/
1754     VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "DNS History Import!%s", "\n");
1756     import_file = fopen(g_import_filename, "r");
1757     if (import_file == NULL) {
1758         ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_F_file_open, g_import_filename);
1759         exit(1);
1760     }
1762     while (1) {
1763         fgets_rtn = fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, import_file);
1764         if (fgets_rtn == NULL) {
1765             /* Exit Main Loop at end of input */
1766             break;
1767         }
1768         total_lines++;
1769         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "Line: %lu  Importing: %s", total_lines, buffer);
1770         flag_is_bad_line = false;
1772         /* check for log line too long */
1773         if (strpbrk(buffer, "\n") == NULL) {
1774             ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_W_import_line_too_long, total_lines);
1775             while (1) {
1776                 /* Loop over import till we reach the end of this line, then break and get the next line */
1777                 fgets_rtn = fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, import_file);
1778                 if (strpbrk("\n", buffer) != NULL) {
1779                     break;
1780                 }
1781             }
1782             bad_lines++;
1783             continue;
1784         }
1786         char *buf_ptr1 = NULL;
1787         char *buf_ptr2 = NULL;
1789         memset(&dnsrec, 0, sizeof(dnsrec));
1791         rtn_sscanf = sscanf(buffer, "%15s ", (char *) &str_address);
1792         if (rtn_sscanf < 1) {
1793             ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_W_import_line_failure, total_lines);
1794             bad_lines++;
1795             continue;
1796         }
1798         inet_pton(AF_INET, str_address, &dnsrec.ipaddress);
1799         dnsrec.list = NULL;
1800         last_list_ptr = NULL;
1802         buf_ptr1 = strpbrk(buffer, "\t");       /* First tab */
1803         if (buf_ptr1 == NULL) {
1804             ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_W_import_line_failure, total_lines);
1805             bad_lines++;
1806             continue;
1807         }
1808         buf_ptr2 = buf_ptr1;
1810         /* Loop over each tab separator */
1811         while (buf_ptr2 != NULL) {
1812             new_dns_rec = XMALLOC(struct dns_record_lists_t, 1);
1814             if (dnsrec.list == NULL) {
1815                 dnsrec.list = new_dns_rec;
1816             }
1818             rtn_sscanf = sscanf(buf_ptr2, " %lu,%1024s ", (unsigned long *) &new_dns_rec->date_set, (char *) &new_dns_rec->fqdn);
1819             VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "    Scan: %lu --> %s\n", (unsigned long) new_dns_rec->date_set, new_dns_rec->fqdn);
1820             if (rtn_sscanf < 2) {
1821                 ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_W_import_line_failure, total_lines);
1822                 bad_lines++;
1823                 flag_is_bad_line = true;
1824                 break;
1825             }
1827             if (dnsrec.date_last == 0) {
1828                 dnsrec.date_last = new_dns_rec->date_set;
1829             }
1830             if (last_list_ptr != NULL) {
1831                 last_list_ptr->next = new_dns_rec;
1832             }
1833             last_list_ptr = new_dns_rec;
1834             new_dns_rec->next = NULL;
1836             /* See if we've grabbed a 'NONAME' value, replace with a null if so
1837              * Don't want 'NONAME' as the FQDN... */
1838             if (strncmp(new_dns_rec->fqdn, STR_NONAME, strlen(new_dns_rec->fqdn)) == 0) {
1839                 new_dns_rec->fqdn[0] = '\0';
1840             } else {
1841                 check_n_fix_fqdn(new_dns_rec->fqdn);
1842             }
1844             /* Find next tabstop */
1845             buf_ptr1 = buf_ptr2;
1846             buf_ptr2 = strpbrk(buf_ptr1 + 1, "\t");
1847         }
1849         /* Don't store if we've got a funky internal/additional sscanf */
1850         if (flag_is_bad_line != true) {
1851             store_dns_records(&dnsrec);
1852             number_successful_fqdns++;
1853         }
1855         /* Final tidy up - free the list of FQDN's */
1856         if (dnsrec.list != NULL) {
1857             list = dnsrec.list;
1858         } else {
1859             /* Should *never* be here - implies no valid line data - bad! */
1860             list = NULL;
1861         }
1862         while (list != NULL) {
1863             ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE3, "  Freeing List Entry: %s\n", list->fqdn);
1864             list_next = list->next;
1865             XFREE(list);
1866             list = list_next;
1868         }
1870     }                                           /* while (1) */
1872     VPRINT(VERBOSE0, "Successfully Imported %lu Records\n", number_successful_fqdns);
1873     if (bad_lines > 0) {
1874         VPRINT(VERBOSE0, "%s%lu of %lu\n", msg_I_number_bad_lines, bad_lines, total_lines);
1875     }
1877 }
1880 /************************************************************************
1881  * showhistory                                                          *
1882  *                                                                      *
1883  * Given a Database pointer, dump the DNS History values to stdout      *
1884  ************************************************************************/
1885 void
showhistory(DB ** db_ptr,int argc,char * argv[])1886 showhistory(DB ** db_ptr, int argc, char *argv[])
1887 {
1888     /**********************************************************************/
1889     char *str_ipaddr;                           /* The current IP address from cmd line */
1890     int ret_pton;                               /* Results: inet_pton */
1892     DBT dbt_key, dbt_data;                      /* Key and Data Pointers for results from BDB */
1893     int db_rtn;                                 /* return value from DBD Get */
1895     dns_record_t dnsrec;                        /* Current DNS Record to work with */
1896     int arg_ctr = optind;
1898     /**********************************************************************/
1900     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "  History Lookup!%s", "\n");
1901     VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    Doing  %d\n", argc);
1903     while (arg_ctr < argc) {
1904         str_ipaddr = argv[arg_ctr];
1905         arg_ctr++;
1906         VPRINT(VERBOSE5, "    IP: %s\n", str_ipaddr);
1907         /* Convert from char string to in_addr_t */
1908         ret_pton = inet_pton(AF_INET, str_ipaddr, &dnsrec.ipaddress);
1909         if (ret_pton == 0) {
1910             ERRVPRINT(VERBOSE0, msg_E_ip_conversion, ret_pton, str_ipaddr);
1911             continue;
1912         }
1913         memset(&dbt_key, 0, sizeof(dbt_key));
1914         memset(&dbt_data, 0, sizeof(dbt_data));
1916         dbt_key.data = (char *) &dnsrec.ipaddress.s_addr;
1917         dbt_key.size = sizeof(dnsrec.ipaddress.s_addr);
1919         db_rtn = (*db_ptr)->get(*db_ptr, NULL, &dbt_key, &dbt_data, 0);
1920         if (db_rtn == 0) {
1921             display_record(&dbt_key, &dbt_data, true);
1922         } else {
1923             printf("%-s\t%s\n", str_ipaddr, "ADDRESS NOT FOUND");
1924         }
1925     }                                           /* while */
1926 }
1929 /************************************************************************
1930  * check_n_fix_fqdn                                                     *
1931  *                                                                      *
1932  * Given a FQDN string, replace all non printable ASCII chars with      *
1933  * underscores.                                                         *
1934  ************************************************************************/
1935 void
check_n_fix_fqdn(char * fqdn)1936 check_n_fix_fqdn(char *fqdn)
1937 {
1938     unsigned int length, i;
1940     VPRINT(VERBOSE4, "  Check'N Fix: %s --> ", fqdn);
1941     length = strlen(fqdn);
1942     for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
1943         if ((fqdn[i] < 33) || (fqdn[i] > 126)) {
1944             fqdn[i] = '_';
1945         }
1946     }
1947     VPRINT(VERBOSE4, "%s\n", fqdn);
1948 }
1951 /************************************************************************
1952  * identify_log_format                                                  *
1953  *                                                                      *
1954  * Attempt to identify the type of log format we've been given.         *
1955  * Returns the LOG_type as defined in dnshistory.h                      *
1956  * returns -1 if unknown.                                               *
1957  *                                                                      *
1958  * Requires a line of the log to attempt to process                     *
1959  ************************************************************************/
1960 int
identify_log_format(char * buffer)1961 identify_log_format(char *buffer)
1962 {
1963     int ovector[OVECCOUNT];                     /* RE substring offsets array */
1964     int rc;                                     /* RE Check return value */
1965     int buffer_length;
1968     buffer_length = (int) strlen(buffer);
1970     rc = pcre_exec(cmp_log_regexp_clf, NULL, buffer, buffer_length, 0, 0, ovector, OVECCOUNT);
1971     if (rc >= 0) {
1972         /* Matches against CLF */
1973         VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "Using CLF Log Format%s", "\n");
1974         return (LOG_CLF);
1975     }
1977     rc = pcre_exec(cmp_log_regexp_xferlog, NULL, buffer, buffer_length, 0, 0, ovector, OVECCOUNT);
1978     if (rc >= 0) {
1979         /* Matches against FTP/XFERLOG */
1980         VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "Using FTP/XFERLOG Log Format%s", "\n");
1981         return (LOG_FTP);
1982     }
1984     rc = pcre_exec(cmp_log_regexp_squid, NULL, buffer, buffer_length, 0, 0, ovector, OVECCOUNT);
1985     if (rc >= 0) {
1986         /* Matches against SQUID */
1987         VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "Using SQUID Log Format%s", "\n");
1988         return (LOG_SQUID);
1989     }
1991     rc = pcre_exec(cmp_log_regexp_iptables, NULL, buffer, buffer_length, 0, 0, ovector, OVECCOUNT);
1992     if (rc >= 0) {
1993         /* Matches against IPTABLES */
1994         VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "Using IPTABLES Log Format%s", "\n");
1995         return (LOG_IPTABLES);
1996     }
1998     rc = pcre_exec(cmp_log_regexp_syslog, NULL, buffer, buffer_length, 0, 0, ovector, OVECCOUNT);
1999     if (rc >= 0) {
2000         /* Matches against SYSLOG */
2001         VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "Using SYSLOG/IPTABLES Log Format%s", "\n");
2002         return (LOG_IPTABLES);
2003     }
2005     VPRINT(VERBOSE1, "Unrecognised Log Format%s", "\n");
2006     return (-1);                                /* Failed to match any, unknown format */
2007 }
2010 /************************************************************************
2011  * re_compile_all_regexs                                                *
2012  *                                                                      *
2013  * Does what the name says, in a single function we compile all         *
2014  *  possibly used Regular expressions.                                  *
2015  * Either forcibly exits on any failure, or happily finishes.           *
2016  * No values needed or returned.                                        *
2017  *                                                                      *
2018  * Assigns the RE's to the various globals:                             *
2019  *   cmp_log_regexp_*                                                   *
2020  ************************************************************************/
2021 void
re_compile_all_regexes(void)2022 re_compile_all_regexes(void)
2023 {
2024     char log_regexp_clf[MAX_RE_LENGTH] = PATTERN_CLF;
2025     char log_regexp_xferlog[MAX_RE_LENGTH] = PATTERN_XFERLOG;
2026     char log_regexp_squid[MAX_RE_LENGTH] = PATTERN_SQUID;
2027     char log_regexp_combined_enhanced[MAX_RE_LENGTH] = PATTERN_COMBINED_ENHANCED;
2028     char log_regexp_iptables[MAX_RE_LENGTH] = PATTERN_IPTABLES;
2029     char log_regexp_syslog[MAX_RE_LENGTH] = PATTERN_SYSLOG;
2031     const char *error;                          /* RE error pointer, offset */
2032     int erroffset;                              /* RE error value */
2034     /* CLF */
2035     cmp_log_regexp_clf = pcre_compile(log_regexp_clf, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
2036     VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "PCRE: Compile CLF%s", "\n")
2037         if (cmp_log_regexp_clf == NULL) {
2038         re_compile_failed(erroffset, error, log_regexp_clf);
2039     }
2041     /* Enhanced Combined */
2042     cmp_log_regexp_combined_enhanced = pcre_compile(log_regexp_combined_enhanced, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
2043     VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "PCRE: Compile COMBINED_ENHANCED%s", "\n")
2044         if (cmp_log_regexp_combined_enhanced == NULL) {
2045         re_compile_failed(erroffset, error, log_regexp_combined_enhanced);
2046     }
2048     /* FTP XFERLOG */
2049     cmp_log_regexp_xferlog = pcre_compile(log_regexp_xferlog, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
2050     VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "PCRE: Compile PATTERN_XFERLOG%s", "\n")
2051         if (cmp_log_regexp_xferlog == NULL) {
2052         re_compile_failed(erroffset, error, log_regexp_xferlog);
2053     }
2055     /* SQUID LOG */
2056     cmp_log_regexp_squid = pcre_compile(log_regexp_squid, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
2057     VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "PCRE: Compile PATTERN_SQUID%s", "\n")
2058         if (cmp_log_regexp_squid == NULL) {
2059         re_compile_failed(erroffset, error, log_regexp_squid);
2060     }
2062     /* SYSLOG/IPTABLES LOG */
2063     cmp_log_regexp_iptables = pcre_compile(log_regexp_iptables, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
2064     VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "PCRE: Compile PATTERN_IPTABLES%s", "\n")
2065         if (cmp_log_regexp_iptables == NULL) {
2066         re_compile_failed(erroffset, error, log_regexp_iptables);
2067     }
2069     /* SYSLOG */
2070     cmp_log_regexp_syslog = pcre_compile(log_regexp_syslog, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
2071     VPRINT(VERBOSE2, "PCRE: Compile PATTERN_SYSLOG%s", "\n")
2072         if (cmp_log_regexp_syslog == NULL) {
2073         re_compile_failed(erroffset, error, log_regexp_syslog);
2074     }
2075 }
2078 /************************************************************************
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2080  *                      END OF FILE                                     *
2081  ************************************************************************/