1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2000 - 2018 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_fe_base_h
17 #define dealii_fe_base_h
19 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
21 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
23 #include <deal.II/grid/reference_cell.h>
25 #include <deal.II/lac/block_indices.h>
27 #include <vector>
31 /**
32  * A namespace solely for the purpose of defining the Domination enum as well
33  * as associated operators.
34  */
35 namespace FiniteElementDomination
36 {
37   /**
38    * An enum that describes the outcome of comparing two elements for mutual
39    * domination. If one element dominates another, then the restriction of the
40    * space described by the dominated element to a face of the cell is
41    * strictly larger than that of the dominating element. For example, in 2-d
42    * Q(2) elements dominate Q(4) elements, because the traces of Q(4) elements
43    * are quartic polynomials which is a space strictly larger than the
44    * quadratic polynomials (the restriction of the Q(2) element). Similar
45    * reasonings apply for vertices and cells as well. In general, Q(k) dominates
46    * Q(k') if $k\le k'$.
47    *
48    * This enum is used in the FiniteElement::compare_for_domination() function
49    * that is used in the context of hp finite element methods when determining
50    * what to do at faces where two different finite elements meet (see the
51    * @ref hp_paper "hp paper"
52    * for a more detailed description of the following). In that case, the
53    * degrees of freedom of one side need to be constrained to those on the
54    * other side. The determination which side is which is based on the outcome
55    * of a comparison for mutual domination: the dominated side is constrained
56    * to the dominating one.
57    *
58    * Note that there are situations where neither side dominates. The
59    * @ref hp_paper "hp paper"
60    * lists two case, with the simpler one being that a $Q_2\times Q_1$ vector-
61    * valued element (i.e. a <code>FESystem(FE_Q(2),1,FE_Q(1),1)</code>) meets
62    * a $Q_1\times Q_2$ element: here, for each of the two vector-components,
63    * we can define a domination relationship, but it is different for the two
64    * components.
65    *
66    * It is clear that the concept of domination doesn't matter for
67    * discontinuous elements. However, discontinuous elements may be part of
68    * vector-valued elements and may therefore be compared against each other
69    * for domination. They should return
70    * <code>either_element_can_dominate</code> in that case. Likewise, when
71    * comparing two identical finite elements, they should return this code;
72    * the reason is that we can not decide which element will dominate at the
73    * time we look at the first component of, for example, two $Q_2\times Q_1$
74    * and $Q_2\times Q_2$ elements, and have to keep our options open until we
75    * get to the second base element.
76    *
77    * Finally, the code no_requirements exists for cases where elements impose
78    * no continuity requirements. The case is primarily meant for FE_Nothing
79    * which is an element that has no degrees of freedom in a subdomain. It
80    * could also be used by discontinuous elements, for example.
81    *
82    * More details on domination can be found in the
83    * @ref hp_paper "hp paper".
84    */
85   enum Domination
86   {
87     /**
88      * The current element dominates.
89      */
90     this_element_dominates,
91     /**
92      * The other element dominates.
93      */
94     other_element_dominates,
95     /**
96      * Neither element dominates.
97      */
98     neither_element_dominates,
99     /**
100      * Either element may dominate.
101      */
102     either_element_can_dominate,
103     /**
104      * There are no requirements.
105      */
106     no_requirements
107   };
110   /**
111    * A generalization of the binary <code>and</code> operator to a comparison
112    * relationship. The way this works is pretty much as when you would want to
113    * define a comparison relationship for vectors: either all elements of the
114    * first vector are smaller, equal, or larger than those of the second
115    * vector, or some are and some are not.
116    *
117    * This operator is pretty much the same: if both arguments are
118    * <code>this_element_dominates</code> or
119    * <code>other_element_dominates</code>, then the returned value is that
120    * value. On the other hand, if one of the values is
121    * <code>either_element_can_dominate</code>, then the returned value is that
122    * of the other argument. If either argument is
123    * <code>neither_element_dominates</code>, or if the two arguments are
124    * <code>this_element_dominates</code> and
125    * <code>other_element_dominates</code>, then the returned value is
126    * <code>neither_element_dominates</code>.
127    */
128   inline Domination operator&(const Domination d1, const Domination d2);
129 } // namespace FiniteElementDomination
131 namespace internal
132 {
133   /**
134    * Internal data structure for setting up FiniteElementData. It stores for
135    * each object the (inclusive/exclusive) number of degrees of freedoms, as
136    * well as, the index of its first degree of freedom within a cell and the
137    * index of the first d-dimensional object within each face.
138    *
139    * The information is saved as a vector of vectors. One can query the
140    * inclusive number of dofs of the i-th d-dimensional object via:
141    * dofs_per_object_inclusive[d][i].
142    *
143    * As an example, the data is shown for a quadratic wedge. Which consists of
144    * 6 vertices, 9 lines, and 5 faces (two triangles and three quadrilaterals).
145    *
146    *              vertices                  lines                  faces cell
147    * dpo_excl  1  1  1  1  1  1 | 1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1 |  0  0  1  1  1 |  0
148    * dpo_incl  1  1  1  1  1  1 | 3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3 |  6  6  9  9  9 | 18
149    * obj_index 0  1  2  3  4  5 | 6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 | 15 15 15 16 17 | 18
150    *
151    * Since the above table looks as follows for:
152    *
153    * - a triangle:
154    *
155    * dpo_excl  1  1  1 | 1  1  1 |  0
156    * obj_index 0  1  2 | 3  4  5 |  6
157    *
158    * - quadrilateral:
159    *
160    * dpo_excl  1  1  1  1 | 1  1  1  1 |  1
161    * obj_index 0  1  2  3 | 4  5  6  7 |  8
162    *
163    * The index of the first d-dimensional object within each face results as:
164    *
165    *                         vertices      lines       face
166    * first_obj_index_on_face 0 0 0 0 0 | 3 3 4 4 4 | 6 6 8 8 8
167    *
168    */
169   struct GenericDoFsPerObject
170   {
171     /**
172      * Exclusive number of degrees of freedom per object.
173      */
174     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> dofs_per_object_exclusive;
176     /**
177      * Inclusive number of degrees of freedom per object.
178      */
179     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> dofs_per_object_inclusive;
181     /**
182      * First index of an object.
183      */
184     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> object_index;
186     /**
187      * First index of an object within a face.
188      */
189     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> first_object_index_on_face;
190   };
191 } // namespace internal
193 /**
194  * A class that declares a number of scalar constant variables that describe
195  * basic properties of a finite element implementation. This includes, for
196  * example, the number of degrees of freedom per vertex, line, or cell; the
197  * number of vector components; etc.
198  *
199  * The kind of information stored here is computed during initialization of a
200  * finite element object and is passed down to this class via its constructor.
201  * The data stored by this class is part of the public interface of the
202  * FiniteElement class (which derives from the current class). See there for
203  * more information.
204  *
205  * @ingroup febase
206  */
207 template <int dim>
208 class FiniteElementData
209 {
210 public:
211   /**
212    * Enumerator for the different types of continuity a finite element may
213    * have. Continuity is measured by the Sobolev space containing the
214    * constructed finite element space and is also called this way.
215    *
216    * Note that certain continuities may imply others. For instance, a function
217    * in <i>H<sup>1</sup></i> is in <i>H<sup>curl</sup></i> and
218    * <i>H<sup>div</sup></i> as well.
219    *
220    * If you are interested in continuity in the classical sense, then the
221    * following relations hold:
222    *
223    * <ol>
224    *
225    * <li> <i>H<sup>1</sup></i> implies that the function is continuous over
226    * cell boundaries.
227    *
228    * <li> <i>H<sup>2</sup></i> implies that the function is continuously
229    * differentiable over cell boundaries.
230    *
231    * <li> <i>L<sup>2</sup></i> indicates that the element is discontinuous.
232    * Since discontinuous elements have no topological couplings between grid
233    * cells and code may actually depend on this property, <i>L<sup>2</sup></i>
234    * conformity is handled in a special way in the sense that it is <b>not</b>
235    * implied by any higher conformity.
236    * </ol>
237    *
238    * In order to test if a finite element conforms to a certain space, use
239    * FiniteElementData<dim>::conforms().
240    */
241   enum Conformity
242   {
243     /**
244      * Indicates incompatible continuities of a system.
245      */
246     unknown = 0x00,
248     /**
249      * Discontinuous elements. See above!
250      */
251     L2 = 0x01,
253     /**
254      * Conformity with the space <i>H<sup>curl</sup></i> (continuous
255      * tangential component of a vector field)
256      */
257     Hcurl = 0x02,
259     /**
260      * Conformity with the space <i>H<sup>div</sup></i> (continuous normal
261      * component of a vector field)
262      */
263     Hdiv = 0x04,
265     /**
266      * Conformity with the space <i>H<sup>1</sup></i> (continuous)
267      */
268     H1 = Hcurl | Hdiv,
270     /**
271      * Conformity with the space <i>H<sup>2</sup></i> (continuously
272      * differentiable)
273      */
274     H2 = 0x0e
275   };
277   /**
278    * The dimension of the finite element, which is the template parameter
279    * <tt>dim</tt>
280    */
281   static const unsigned int dimension = dim;
283 private:
284   /**
285    * Reference cell type.
286    */
287   const ReferenceCell::Type cell_type;
289   /**
290    * Number of unique quads. If all quads have the same type, the value is
291    * one; else it equals the number of quads.
292    */
293   const unsigned int number_unique_quads;
295   /**
296    * Number of unique faces. If all faces have the same type, the value is
297    * one; else it equals the number of faces.
298    */
299   const unsigned int number_unique_faces;
301 public:
302   /**
303    * Number of degrees of freedom on a vertex.
304    */
305   const unsigned int dofs_per_vertex;
307   /**
308    * Number of degrees of freedom in a line; not including the degrees of
309    * freedom on the vertices of the line.
310    */
311   const unsigned int dofs_per_line;
313 private:
314   /**
315    * Number of degrees of freedom on quads. If all quads have the same
316    * number of degrees freedoms the values equal dofs_per_quad.
317    */
318   const std::vector<unsigned int> n_dofs_on_quad;
320 public:
321   /**
322    * Number of degrees of freedom in a quadrilateral; not including the
323    * degrees of freedom on the lines and vertices of the quadrilateral.
324    */
325   const unsigned int dofs_per_quad;
327 private:
328   /**
329    * Maximum number of degrees of freedom on any quad.
330    */
331   const unsigned int dofs_per_quad_max;
333 public:
334   /**
335    * Number of degrees of freedom in a hexahedron; not including the degrees
336    * of freedom on the quadrilaterals, lines and vertices of the hexahedron.
337    */
338   const unsigned int dofs_per_hex;
340   /**
341    * First index of dof on a line.
342    */
343   const unsigned int first_line_index;
345 private:
346   /**
347    * First index of a quad. If all quads have the same number of degrees of
348    * freedom, only the first index of the first quad is stored since the
349    * indices of the others can be simply recomputed.
350    */
351   const std::vector<unsigned int> first_index_of_quads;
353 public:
354   /**
355    * First index of dof on a quad.
356    */
357   const unsigned int first_quad_index;
359   /**
360    * First index of dof on a hexahedron.
361    */
362   const unsigned int first_hex_index;
364 private:
365   /**
366    * Index of the first line of all faces.
367    */
368   const std::vector<unsigned int> first_line_index_of_faces;
370 public:
371   /**
372    * First index of dof on a line for face data.
373    */
374   const unsigned int first_face_line_index;
376 private:
377   /**
378    * Index of the first quad of all faces.
379    */
380   const std::vector<unsigned int> first_quad_index_of_faces;
382 public:
383   /**
384    * First index of dof on a quad for face data.
385    */
386   const unsigned int first_face_quad_index;
388 private:
389   /**
390    * Number of degrees of freedom on faces. If all faces have the same
391    * number of degrees freedoms the values equal dofs_per_quad.
392    */
393   const std::vector<unsigned int> n_dofs_on_face;
395 public:
396   /**
397    * Number of degrees of freedom on a face. This is the accumulated number of
398    * degrees of freedom on all the objects of dimension up to <tt>dim-1</tt>
399    * constituting a face.
400    */
401   const unsigned int dofs_per_face;
403 private:
404   /**
405    * Maximum number of degrees of freedom on any face.
406    */
407   const unsigned int dofs_per_face_max;
409 public:
410   /**
411    * Total number of degrees of freedom on a cell. This is the accumulated
412    * number of degrees of freedom on all the objects of dimension up to
413    * <tt>dim</tt> constituting a cell.
414    */
415   const unsigned int dofs_per_cell;
417   /**
418    * Number of vector components of this finite element, and dimension of the
419    * image space. For vector-valued finite elements (i.e. when this number is
420    * greater than one), the number of vector components is in many cases equal
421    * to the number of base elements glued together with the help of the
422    * FESystem class. However, for elements like the Nedelec element, the
423    * number is greater than one even though we only have one base element.
424    */
425   const unsigned int components;
427   /**
428    * Maximal polynomial degree of a shape function in a single coordinate
429    * direction.
430    */
431   const unsigned int degree;
433   /**
434    * Indicate the space this element conforms to.
435    */
436   const Conformity conforming_space;
438   /**
439    * Storage for an object describing the sizes of each block of a compound
440    * element. For an element which is not an FESystem, this contains only a
441    * single block with length #dofs_per_cell.
442    */
443   const BlockIndices block_indices_data;
445   /**
446    * Constructor, computing all necessary values from the distribution of dofs
447    * to geometrical objects.
448    *
449    * @param[in] dofs_per_object A vector that describes the number of degrees
450    * of freedom on geometrical objects for each dimension. This vector must
451    * have size dim+1, and entry 0 describes the number of degrees of freedom
452    * per vertex, entry 1 the number of degrees of freedom per line, etc. As an
453    * example, for the common $Q_1$ Lagrange element in 2d, this vector would
454    * have elements <code>(1,0,0)</code>. On the other hand, for a $Q_3$
455    * element in 3d, it would have entries <code>(1,2,4,8)</code>.
456    *
457    * @param[in] n_components Number of vector components of the element.
458    *
459    * @param[in] degree The maximal polynomial degree of any of the shape
460    * functions of this element in any variable on the reference element. For
461    * example, for the $Q_1$ element (in any space dimension), this would be
462    * one; this is so despite the fact that the element has a shape function of
463    * the form $\hat x\hat y$ (in 2d) and $\hat x\hat y\hat z$ (in 3d), which,
464    * although quadratic and cubic polynomials, are still only linear in each
465    * reference variable separately. The information provided by this variable
466    * is typically used in determining what an appropriate quadrature formula
467    * is.
468    *
469    * @param[in] conformity A variable describing which Sobolev space this
470    * element conforms to. For example, the $Q_p$ Lagrange elements
471    * (implemented by the FE_Q class) are $H^1$ conforming, whereas the
472    * Raviart-Thomas element (implemented by the FE_RaviartThomas class) is
473    * $H_\text{div}$ conforming; finally, completely discontinuous elements
474    * (implemented by the FE_DGQ class) are only $L_2$ conforming.
475    *
476    * @param[in] block_indices An argument that describes how the base elements
477    * of a finite element are grouped. The default value constructs a single
478    * block that consists of all @p dofs_per_cell degrees of freedom. This is
479    * appropriate for all "atomic" elements (including non-primitive ones) and
480    * these can therefore omit this argument. On the other hand, composed
481    * elements such as FESystem will want to pass a different value here.
482    */
483   FiniteElementData(const std::vector<unsigned int> &dofs_per_object,
484                     const unsigned int               n_components,
485                     const unsigned int               degree,
486                     const Conformity                 conformity = unknown,
487                     const BlockIndices &block_indices = BlockIndices());
489   /**
490    * The same as above but with the difference that also the type of the
491    * underlying geometric entity can be specified.
492    */
493   FiniteElementData(const std::vector<unsigned int> &dofs_per_object,
494                     const ReferenceCell::Type        cell_type,
495                     const unsigned int               n_components,
496                     const unsigned int               degree,
497                     const Conformity                 conformity = unknown,
498                     const BlockIndices &block_indices = BlockIndices());
500   /**
501    * The same as above but instead of passing a vector containing the degrees
502    * of freedoms per object a struct of type GenericDoFsPerObject. This allows
503    * that 2D objects might have different number of degrees of freedoms, which
504    * is particular useful for cells with triangles and quadrilaterals as faces.
505    */
506   FiniteElementData(const internal::GenericDoFsPerObject &data,
507                     const ReferenceCell::Type             cell_type,
508                     const unsigned int                    n_components,
509                     const unsigned int                    degree,
510                     const Conformity                      conformity = unknown,
511                     const BlockIndices &block_indices = BlockIndices());
513   /**
514    * Return type of reference cell.
515    */
516   ReferenceCell::Type
517   reference_cell_type() const;
519   /**
520    * Number of unique quads. If all quads have the same type, the value is
521    * one; else it equals the number of quads.
522    */
523   unsigned int
524   n_unique_quads() const;
526   /**
527    * Number of unique faces. If all faces have the same type, the value is
528    * one; else it equals the number of faces.
529    */
530   unsigned int
531   n_unique_faces() const;
533   /**
534    * Number of dofs per vertex.
535    */
536   unsigned int
537   n_dofs_per_vertex() const;
539   /**
540    * Number of dofs per line. Not including dofs on lower dimensional objects.
541    */
542   unsigned int
543   n_dofs_per_line() const;
545   /**
546    * Number of dofs per quad. Not including dofs on lower dimensional objects.
547    */
548   unsigned int
549   n_dofs_per_quad(unsigned int face_no = 0) const;
551   /**
552    * Maximum number of dofs per quad. Not including dofs on lower dimensional
553    * objects.
554    */
555   unsigned int
556   max_dofs_per_quad() const;
558   /**
559    * Number of dofs per hex. Not including dofs on lower dimensional objects.
560    */
561   unsigned int
562   n_dofs_per_hex() const;
564   /**
565    * Number of dofs per face, accumulating degrees of freedom of all lower
566    * dimensional objects.
567    */
568   unsigned int
569   n_dofs_per_face(unsigned int face_no = 0, unsigned int child = 0) const;
571   /**
572    * Maximum number of dofs per face, accumulating degrees of freedom of all
573    * lower dimensional objects.
574    */
575   unsigned int
576   max_dofs_per_face() const;
578   /**
579    * Number of dofs per cell, accumulating degrees of freedom of all lower
580    * dimensional objects.
581    */
582   unsigned int
583   n_dofs_per_cell() const;
585   /**
586    * Return the number of degrees per structdim-dimensional object. For
587    * structdim==0, the function therefore returns dofs_per_vertex, for
588    * structdim==1 dofs_per_line, etc. This function is mostly used to allow
589    * some template trickery for functions that should work on all sorts of
590    * objects without wanting to use the different names (vertex, line, ...)
591    * associated with these objects.
592    */
593   template <int structdim>
594   unsigned int
595   n_dofs_per_object(const unsigned int i = 0) const;
597   /**
598    * Number of components. See
599    * @ref GlossComponent "the glossary"
600    * for more information.
601    */
602   unsigned int
603   n_components() const;
605   /**
606    * Number of blocks. See
607    * @ref GlossBlock "the glossary"
608    * for more information.
609    */
610   unsigned int
611   n_blocks() const;
613   /**
614    * Detailed information on block sizes.
615    */
616   const BlockIndices &
617   block_indices() const;
619   /**
620    * Maximal polynomial degree of a shape function in a single coordinate
621    * direction.
622    *
623    * This function can be used to determine the optimal quadrature rule.
624    */
625   unsigned int
626   tensor_degree() const;
628   /**
629    * Test whether a finite element space conforms to a certain Sobolev space.
630    *
631    * @note This function will return a true value even if the finite element
632    * space has higher regularity than asked for.
633    */
634   bool
635   conforms(const Conformity) const;
637   /**
638    * Comparison operator.
639    */
640   bool
641   operator==(const FiniteElementData &) const;
643   /**
644    * Return first index of dof on a line.
645    */
646   unsigned int
647   get_first_line_index() const;
649   /**
650    * Return first index of dof on a quad.
651    */
652   unsigned int
653   get_first_quad_index(const unsigned int quad_no = 0) const;
655   /**
656    * Return first index of dof on a hexahedron.
657    */
658   unsigned int
659   get_first_hex_index() const;
661   /**
662    * Return first index of dof on a line for face data.
663    */
664   unsigned int
665   get_first_face_line_index(const unsigned int face_no = 0) const;
667   /**
668    * Return first index of dof on a quad for face data.
669    */
670   unsigned int
671   get_first_face_quad_index(const unsigned int face_no = 0) const;
672 };
676 // --------- inline and template functions ---------------
679 #ifndef DOXYGEN
681 namespace FiniteElementDomination
682 {
683   inline Domination operator&(const Domination d1, const Domination d2)
684   {
685     // go through the entire list of possibilities. note that if we were into
686     // speed, obfuscation and cared enough, we could implement this operator
687     // by doing a bitwise & (and) if we gave these values to the enum values:
688     // neither_element_dominates=0, this_element_dominates=1,
689     // other_element_dominates=2, either_element_can_dominate=3
690     // =this_element_dominates|other_element_dominates
691     switch (d1)
692       {
693         case this_element_dominates:
694           if ((d2 == this_element_dominates) ||
695               (d2 == either_element_can_dominate) || (d2 == no_requirements))
696             return this_element_dominates;
697           else
698             return neither_element_dominates;
700         case other_element_dominates:
701           if ((d2 == other_element_dominates) ||
702               (d2 == either_element_can_dominate) || (d2 == no_requirements))
703             return other_element_dominates;
704           else
705             return neither_element_dominates;
707         case neither_element_dominates:
708           return neither_element_dominates;
710         case either_element_can_dominate:
711           if (d2 == no_requirements)
712             return either_element_can_dominate;
713           else
714             return d2;
716         case no_requirements:
717           return d2;
719         default:
720           // shouldn't get here
721           Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
722       }
724     return neither_element_dominates;
725   }
726 } // namespace FiniteElementDomination
729 template <int dim>
730 inline ReferenceCell::Type
reference_cell_type()731 FiniteElementData<dim>::reference_cell_type() const
732 {
733   return cell_type;
734 }
738 template <int dim>
739 inline unsigned int
n_unique_quads()740 FiniteElementData<dim>::n_unique_quads() const
741 {
742   return number_unique_quads;
743 }
747 template <int dim>
748 inline unsigned int
n_unique_faces()749 FiniteElementData<dim>::n_unique_faces() const
750 {
751   return number_unique_faces;
752 }
756 template <int dim>
757 inline unsigned int
n_dofs_per_vertex()758 FiniteElementData<dim>::n_dofs_per_vertex() const
759 {
760   return dofs_per_vertex;
761 }
765 template <int dim>
766 inline unsigned int
n_dofs_per_line()767 FiniteElementData<dim>::n_dofs_per_line() const
768 {
769   return dofs_per_line;
770 }
774 template <int dim>
775 inline unsigned int
n_dofs_per_quad(unsigned int face_no)776 FiniteElementData<dim>::n_dofs_per_quad(unsigned int face_no) const
777 {
778   return n_dofs_on_quad[n_dofs_on_quad.size() == 1 ? 0 : face_no];
779 }
783 template <int dim>
784 inline unsigned int
max_dofs_per_quad()785 FiniteElementData<dim>::max_dofs_per_quad() const
786 {
787   return dofs_per_quad_max;
788 }
792 template <int dim>
793 inline unsigned int
n_dofs_per_hex()794 FiniteElementData<dim>::n_dofs_per_hex() const
795 {
796   return dofs_per_hex;
797 }
801 template <int dim>
802 inline unsigned int
n_dofs_per_face(unsigned int face_no,unsigned int child_no)803 FiniteElementData<dim>::n_dofs_per_face(unsigned int face_no,
804                                         unsigned int child_no) const
805 {
806   (void)child_no;
808   return n_dofs_on_face[n_dofs_on_face.size() == 1 ? 0 : face_no];
809 }
813 template <int dim>
814 inline unsigned int
max_dofs_per_face()815 FiniteElementData<dim>::max_dofs_per_face() const
816 {
817   return dofs_per_face_max;
818 }
822 template <int dim>
823 inline unsigned int
n_dofs_per_cell()824 FiniteElementData<dim>::n_dofs_per_cell() const
825 {
826   return dofs_per_cell;
827 }
831 template <int dim>
832 template <int structdim>
833 inline unsigned int
n_dofs_per_object(const unsigned int i)834 FiniteElementData<dim>::n_dofs_per_object(const unsigned int i) const
835 {
836   switch (structdim)
837     {
838       case 0:
839         return n_dofs_per_vertex();
840       case 1:
841         return n_dofs_per_line();
842       case 2:
843         return n_dofs_per_quad((structdim == 2 && dim == 3) ? i : 0);
844       case 3:
845         return n_dofs_per_hex();
846       default:
847         Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
848     }
849   return numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
850 }
854 template <int dim>
855 inline unsigned int
n_components()856 FiniteElementData<dim>::n_components() const
857 {
858   return components;
859 }
863 template <int dim>
864 inline const BlockIndices &
block_indices()865 FiniteElementData<dim>::block_indices() const
866 {
867   return block_indices_data;
868 }
872 template <int dim>
873 inline unsigned int
n_blocks()874 FiniteElementData<dim>::n_blocks() const
875 {
876   return block_indices_data.size();
877 }
881 template <int dim>
882 inline unsigned int
tensor_degree()883 FiniteElementData<dim>::tensor_degree() const
884 {
885   return degree;
886 }
889 template <int dim>
890 inline bool
conforms(const Conformity space)891 FiniteElementData<dim>::conforms(const Conformity space) const
892 {
893   return ((space & conforming_space) == space);
894 }
898 template <int dim>
899 unsigned int
get_first_line_index()900 FiniteElementData<dim>::get_first_line_index() const
901 {
902   return first_line_index;
903 }
905 template <int dim>
906 unsigned int
get_first_quad_index(const unsigned int quad_no)907 FiniteElementData<dim>::get_first_quad_index(const unsigned int quad_no) const
908 {
909   if (first_index_of_quads.size() == 1)
910     return first_index_of_quads[0] + quad_no * n_dofs_per_quad(0);
911   else
912     return first_index_of_quads[quad_no];
913 }
915 template <int dim>
916 unsigned int
get_first_hex_index()917 FiniteElementData<dim>::get_first_hex_index() const
918 {
919   return first_hex_index;
920 }
922 template <int dim>
923 unsigned int
get_first_face_line_index(const unsigned int face_no)924 FiniteElementData<dim>::get_first_face_line_index(
925   const unsigned int face_no) const
926 {
927   return first_line_index_of_faces[first_line_index_of_faces.size() == 1 ?
928                                      0 :
929                                      face_no];
930 }
932 template <int dim>
933 unsigned int
get_first_face_quad_index(const unsigned int face_no)934 FiniteElementData<dim>::get_first_face_quad_index(
935   const unsigned int face_no) const
936 {
937   return first_quad_index_of_faces[first_quad_index_of_faces.size() == 1 ?
938                                      0 :
939                                      face_no];
940 }
943 #endif // DOXYGEN
948 #endif