1 /*  $Id: residue.hpp 103491 2007-05-04 17:18:18Z kazimird $
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
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24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * Authors:  Paul Thiessen
27 *
28 * File Description:
29 *      Classes to hold residues
30 *
31 * ===========================================================================
32 */
34 #ifndef CN3D_RESIDUE__HPP
35 #define CN3D_RESIDUE__HPP
37 #include <corelib/ncbistl.hpp>
39 #include <map>
40 #include <string>
42 #include <objects/mmdb1/Residue_graph.hpp>
43 #include <objects/mmdb1/Residue.hpp>
45 #include "structure_base.hpp"
49 typedef std::list< ncbi::CRef< ncbi::objects::CResidue_graph > > ResidueGraphList;
51 // a Residue is a set of bonds that connect one residue of a larger Molecule.
52 // Its constructor is where most of the work of decoding the ASN1 graph is done,
53 // based on the standard and local residue dictionaries. Each Residue also holds
54 // information (AtomInfo) about the nature of the atoms it contains.
56 class Bond;
58 class Residue : public StructureBase
59 {
60 public:
61     Residue(StructureBase *parent,
62         const ncbi::objects::CResidue& residue, int moleculeID,
63         const ResidueGraphList& standardDictionary,
64         const ResidueGraphList& localDictionary,
65         int nResidues, int moleculeType);
66     ~Residue(void);
68     // public data
69     int id;
70     static const char NO_CODE;
71     char code;
72     std::string
73         nameGraph,  // 'name' field from residue-graph dictionary
74         namePDB;    // 'name' in Residue, supposed to correspond to PDB-assigned residue number
75     static const int NO_ALPHA_ID;
76     int alphaID; // ID of "alpha" atom (C-alpha or P)
78     // residue type
79     enum eType {
80         eDNA = ncbi::objects::CResidue_graph::eResidue_type_deoxyribonucleotide,
81         eRNA = ncbi::objects::CResidue_graph::eResidue_type_ribonucleotide,
82         eAminoAcid = ncbi::objects::CResidue_graph::eResidue_type_amino_acid,
83         eOther = ncbi::objects::CResidue_graph::eResidue_type_other
84     };
85     eType type;
87     // atom type
88     enum eAtomClassification {
89         eSideChainAtom,
90         eAlphaBackboneAtom,     // C-alpha or P
91         ePartialBackboneAtom,   // for unbranched backbone trace
92         eCompleteBackboneAtom,  // all backbone atoms
93         eUnknownAtom            // anything that's not known to be of an amino acid or nucleotide
94     };
96     typedef struct {
97         std::string name, code;
98         int atomicNumber;
99         eAtomClassification classification;
100         unsigned int glName;
101         const Residue *residue;  // convenient way to go from atom->residue
102         bool isIonizableProton;
103     } AtomInfo;
105     typedef std::list < const Bond * > BondList;
106     BondList bonds;
108     // public methods
HasCode(void) const109     bool HasCode(void) const { return (code != NO_CODE); }
HasName(void) const110     bool HasName(void) const { return (!nameGraph.empty()); }
IsNucleotide(void) const111     bool IsNucleotide(void) const { return (type == eDNA || type == eRNA); }
IsAminoAcid(void) const112     bool IsAminoAcid(void) const { return (type == eAminoAcid); }
113     bool Draw(const AtomSet *atomSet) const;
115     typedef std::map < int , const AtomInfo * > AtomInfoMap;
117 private:
118     AtomInfoMap atomInfos;  // mapped by Atom-id
119     int nAtomsWithAnyCoords;
121 public:
122     // # atoms in the graph for this residue
NAtomsInGraph(void) const123     int NAtomsInGraph(void) const { return atomInfos.size(); }
124     // # atoms in this residue with real coordinates in any model
NAtomsWithAnyCoords(void) const125     int NAtomsWithAnyCoords(void) const { return nAtomsWithAnyCoords; }
GetAtomInfos(void) const127     const AtomInfoMap& GetAtomInfos(void) const { return atomInfos; }
GetAtomInfo(int aID) const128     const AtomInfo * GetAtomInfo(int aID) const
129     {
130         AtomInfoMap::const_iterator info=atomInfos.find(aID);
131         if (info != atomInfos.end()) return (*info).second;
132         ERR_POST(ncbi::Warning << "Residue #" << id << ": can't find atom #" << aID);
133         return NULL;
134     }
135 };
139 #endif // CN3D_RESIDUE__HPP