1 /****************************************************************************
3  Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Gilles Debunne. All rights reserved.
5  This file is part of the QGLViewer library version 2.7.2.
7  http://www.libqglviewer.com - contact@libqglviewer.com
9  This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10  versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
11  appearing in the LICENSE file included in the packaging of this file.
12  In addition, as a special exception, Gilles Debunne gives you certain
13  additional rights, described in the file GPL_EXCEPTION in this package.
15  libQGLViewer uses dual licensing. Commercial/proprietary software must
16  purchase a libQGLViewer Commercial License.
18  This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
21 *****************************************************************************/
23 #include "board.h"
24 #include <algorithm>
25 #include <functional>
26 #include <sstream>
28 using namespace std;
29 using namespace dvonn;
31 namespace {
resetStatus(pair<Stack,int> & b)32 void resetStatus(pair<Stack, int> &b) { b.second = -1; }
clearStacks(pair<Stack,int> & b)33 void clearStacks(pair<Stack, int> &b) { b.first.clear(); }
hasLessPieces(const pair<Stack,int> & s,const pair<Stack,int> & t)34 unsigned int hasLessPieces(const pair<Stack, int> &s,
35                            const pair<Stack, int> &t) {
36   return s.first.height() < t.first.height();
37 }
38 } // namespace
nameOf(const Color p)39 const char *dvonn::nameOf(const Color p) {
40   return p == White ? "White" : (p == Red ? "Red" : "Black");
41 }
42 //************************************************************
43 // Implementation of Piece
44 //************************************************************
color() const45 Color Piece::color() const { return color_; }
isWhite() const46 bool Piece::isWhite() const { return color_ == White; }
isBlack() const47 bool Piece::isBlack() const { return color_ == Black; }
isRed() const48 bool Piece::isRed() const { return color_ == Red; }
is(Color c) const49 bool Piece::is(Color c) const { return color_ == c; }
Piece(Color c)50 Piece::Piece(Color c) : color_(c) {}
operator <<(ostream & s,const Piece & p)51 ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const Piece &p) {
52   static const char *v[nbColors] = {"R", "W", "B"};
53   return s << v[p.color()];
54 }
55 //************************************************************
56 // Implementation of Stack
57 //************************************************************
height() const58 unsigned int Stack::height() const { return size(); }
hasRed() const59 bool Stack::hasRed() const {
60   return find_if(begin(), end(), mem_fun(&Piece::isRed)) != end();
61 }
hasPieces() const62 bool Stack::hasPieces() const { return !empty(); }
onTop() const63 const Piece *Stack::onTop() const { return hasPieces() ? back() : NULL; }
Stack()64 Stack::Stack() {}
operator <<(ostream & s,const Stack & t)65 ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const Stack &t) {
66   s << (t.hasRed() ? '*' : ' ') << t.size();
67   if (t.hasPieces())
68     s << (*t.onTop());
69   else
70     s << ' ';
71   return s;
72 }
73 //************************************************************
74 // Implementation of Board
75 //************************************************************
nbSpacesMaxOnRow()76 unsigned int Board::nbSpacesMaxOnRow() { return 11; }
nbRows()77 unsigned int Board::nbRows() { return 5; }
isValid(Coord c)78 bool Board::isValid(Coord c) {
79   const int yL = nbRows() / 2;
80   const int yR = nbRows() - nbRows() / 2;
81   const int nC = nbRows() % 2;
82   return ((c.y() >= 0 && c.y() < yL && c.x() >= 0 &&
83            c.x() <= static_cast<int>(nbSpacesMaxOnRow()) - (yL - c.y()) - nC) ||
84           (nC == 1 && c.y() == yL && c.x() >= 0 &&
85            c.x() < static_cast<int>(nbSpacesMaxOnRow())) ||
86           (c.y() >= yR && c.y() < static_cast<int>(nbRows()) &&
87            c.x() >= c.y() - yR + nC &&
88            c.x() < static_cast<int>(nbSpacesMaxOnRow())));
89 }
areAligned(Coord c0,Coord c1)90 bool Board::areAligned(Coord c0, Coord c1) {
91   const int dx = c1.x() - c0.x();
92   const int dy = c1.y() - c0.y();
93   return dx == 0 || dy == 0 || dx == dy;
94 }
distance(Coord c0,Coord c1)95 unsigned int Board::distance(Coord c0, Coord c1) {
96   const int dx = c1.x() - c0.x();
97   const int dy = c1.y() - c0.y();
98   return max(abs(dx), abs(dy));
99 }
nbPieces(Color c)100 unsigned int Board::nbPieces(Color c) {
101   switch (c) {
102   case Red:
103     return 3;
104   case White:
105     return 23;
106   case Black:
107     return 23;
108   }
109   return 0;
110 }
Board()111 Board::Board() : spaces_(nbSpacesMaxOnRow() * nbRows()) {
112   reinit();
113   for (unsigned int n = 0; n < nbColors; ++n) {
114     Color c = static_cast<Color>(n);
115     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbPieces(c); ++i) {
116       pieces_.push_back(Piece(c));
117     }
118   }
119 }
reinit()120 void Board::reinit() {
121   unplaced_[0] = stack<const Piece *>();
122   unplaced_[1] = stack<const Piece *>();
123   unplaced_[2] = stack<const Piece *>();
124   for (deque<Piece>::const_iterator iter = pieces_.begin();
125        iter != pieces_.end(); ++iter) {
126     unplaced_[iter->color()].push(&(*iter));
127   }
128   for_each(spaces_.begin(), spaces_.end(), resetStatus);
129   for_each(spaces_.begin(), spaces_.end(), clearStacks);
130   redSpaces_.clear();
131 }
~Board()132 Board::~Board() {}
coord2idx(Coord c)133 unsigned int Board::coord2idx(Coord c) {
134   return c.x() + c.y() * nbSpacesMaxOnRow();
135 }
idx2coord(unsigned int n)136 Board::Coord Board::idx2coord(unsigned int n) {
137   return Coord(n % nbSpacesMaxOnRow(), n / nbSpacesMaxOnRow());
138 }
stackAt(Coord c) const139 Board::ConstStackHandle Board::stackAt(Coord c) const {
140   return ConstStackHandle(c, &(spaces_[coord2idx(c)]));
141 }
stackAt(int x,int y) const142 Board::ConstStackHandle Board::stackAt(int x, int y) const {
143   return stackAt(Coord(x, y));
144 }
stacks_begin() const145 Board::ConstStackIterator Board::stacks_begin() const {
146   return ConstStackIterator(Coord(0, 0), &(spaces_[0]), this);
147 }
stacks_end() const148 Board::ConstStackIterator Board::stacks_end() const {
149   return ConstStackIterator(Coord(-1, -1), NULL, this);
150 }
prettyPrinted(const char * prefix) const151 string Board::prettyPrinted(const char *prefix) const {
152   ostringstream os;
153   const int yL = nbRows() / 2;
154   const int yR = nbRows() - nbRows() / 2;
155   const int nC = nbRows() % 2;
156   for (int y = nbRows() - 1; y >= yR; --y) {
157     os << prefix << string(2 * (y - yR + nC), ' ');
158     for (int x = y - yR + nC; x < static_cast<int>(nbSpacesMaxOnRow()); ++x) {
159       os << (*stackAt(Coord(x, y))) << ' ';
160     }
161     os << '\n';
162   }
163   if (nC == 1) {
164     os << prefix;
165     for (int x = 0; x < static_cast<int>(nbSpacesMaxOnRow()); ++x) {
166       os << (*stackAt(Coord(x, yL))) << ' ';
167     }
168     os << endl;
169   }
170   for (int y = yL - 1; y >= 0; --y) {
171     os << prefix << string(2 * (yL - y + nC - 1), ' ');
172     for (int x = 0; x <= static_cast<int>(nbSpacesMaxOnRow()) - (yL - y) - nC;
173          ++x) {
174       os << (*stackAt(Coord(x, y))) << ' ';
175     }
176     os << '\n';
177   }
178   return os.str();
179 }
nbUnplacedPieces(Color c) const180 unsigned int Board::nbUnplacedPieces(Color c) const {
181   return unplaced_[c].size();
182 }
getUnplacedPiece(Color c) const183 const Piece *Board::getUnplacedPiece(Color c) const {
184   if (unplaced_[c].empty())
185     return NULL;
186   return unplaced_[c].top();
187 }
188 /*!
189  * You can place only a piece at a valid coord, and a piece that is
190  * unplaced. So you must first get it with getUnplacedPiece(). Once it is
191  * placed, calling this function again with the same piece will do nothing.
192  */
place(const Piece * p,Coord c)193 void Board::place(const Piece *p, Coord c) {
194   if (p && p == getUnplacedPiece(p->color()) && isValid(c)) {
195     spaces_[coord2idx(c)].first.push_back(p);
196     unplaced_[p->color()].pop();
197     if (p->color() == Red) {
198       redSpaces_[p] = c;
199     }
200   }
201 }
202 /*!
203  * A move is made only if src and dst are valid.
204  */
move(Coord src,Coord dst,bool killDeads)205 Board::Ghosts Board::move(Coord src, Coord dst, bool killDeads) {
206   Ghosts ghosts;
207   if (isValid(src) && isValid(dst)) {
208     Stack &s = spaces_[coord2idx(src)].first;
209     Stack &d = spaces_[coord2idx(dst)].first;
210     // If the src destination was containing a red
211     Stack::const_iterator fter =
212         find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), mem_fun(&Piece::isRed));
213     if (fter != s.end()) {
214       redSpaces_[*fter] = dst;
215     }
216     // Move the pieces from src to dst
217     d.insert(d.end(), s.begin(), s.end());
218     s.clear();
219     updateStatus(ghosts, killDeads);
220   }
221   return ghosts;
222 }
updateStatus(Ghosts & ghosts,bool killDeads)223 void Board::updateStatus(Ghosts &ghosts, bool killDeads) {
224   // We now need to update the status of the cases
225   for_each(spaces_.begin(), spaces_.end(), resetStatus);
226   stack<Coord> toVisit;
227   // Start from the reds...
228   for (map<const Piece *, Coord>::const_iterator iter = redSpaces_.begin();
229        iter != redSpaces_.end(); ++iter) {
230     int i = coord2idx(iter->second);
231     spaces_[i].second = i;
232     toVisit.push(iter->second);
233   }
234   /// ...and propagate.
235   while (!toVisit.empty()) {
236     Coord c = toVisit.top();
237     toVisit.pop();
238     int l = spaces_[coord2idx(c)].second;
239     Coord n[6] = {Coord(c.x() - 1, c.y()),     Coord(c.x() + 1, c.y()),
240                   Coord(c.x(), c.y() - 1),     Coord(c.x(), c.y() + 1),
241                   Coord(c.x() - 1, c.y() - 1), Coord(c.x() + 1, c.y() + 1)};
242     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
243       if (!isValid(n[i]))
244         continue;
245       unsigned int p = coord2idx(n[i]);
246       Space &s = spaces_[p];
247       if (s.second == -1 && s.first.hasPieces()) {
248         s.second = l;
249         toVisit.push(n[i]);
250       }
251     }
252   }
253   // Now get rid of the dead
254   if (killDeads) {
255     unsigned int i = 0;
256     for (vector<Space>::iterator iter = spaces_.begin(); iter != spaces_.end();
257          ++iter, ++i) {
258       if (iter->second == -1 && iter->first.hasPieces()) {
259         ghosts.push_back(Ghost(idx2coord(i), iter->first));
260         iter->first.clear();
261       }
262     }
263   }
264 }
isFree(const Board::ConstStackHandle & h) const265 bool Board::isFree(const Board::ConstStackHandle &h) const {
266   Coord c = h.stackCoord();
268   if (!isValid(c) || !stackAt(c)->hasPieces())
269     return false;
271   Coord c0 = Coord(c.x() + 1, c.y());
272   Coord c1 = Coord(c.x() - 1, c.y());
273   Coord c2 = Coord(c.x(), c.y() + 1);
274   Coord c3 = Coord(c.x(), c.y() - 1);
275   Coord c4 = Coord(c.x() + 1, c.y() + 1);
276   Coord c5 = Coord(c.x() - 1, c.y() - 1);
277   return ((!isValid(c0) || !stackAt(c0)->hasPieces()) ||
278           (!isValid(c1) || !stackAt(c1)->hasPieces()) ||
279           (!isValid(c2) || !stackAt(c2)->hasPieces()) ||
280           (!isValid(c3) || !stackAt(c3)->hasPieces()) ||
281           (!isValid(c4) || !stackAt(c4)->hasPieces()) ||
282           (!isValid(c5) || !stackAt(c5)->hasPieces()));
283 }
heightMax() const284 unsigned int Board::heightMax() const {
285   return max_element(spaces_.begin(), spaces_.end(), hasLessPieces)
286       ->first.height();
287 }
state() const288 Board::State Board::state() const {
289   State s;
290   s.spaces_ = spaces_;
291   s.redSpaces_ = redSpaces_;
292   s.unplaced_[0] = unplaced_[0];
293   s.unplaced_[1] = unplaced_[1];
294   s.unplaced_[2] = unplaced_[2];
295   return s;
296 }
restore(State s)297 void Board::restore(State s) {
298   spaces_ = s.spaces_;
299   redSpaces_ = s.redSpaces_;
300   unplaced_[0] = s.unplaced_[0];
301   unplaced_[1] = s.unplaced_[1];
302   unplaced_[2] = s.unplaced_[2];
303 }
304 //************************************************************
305 // Implementation of Board::Coord
306 //************************************************************
Coord(int x,int y)307 Board::Coord::Coord(int x, int y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
x() const308 int Board::Coord::x() const { return x_; }
y() const309 int Board::Coord::y() const { return y_; }
operator ==(const Board::Coord other) const310 bool Board::Coord::operator==(const Board::Coord other) const {
311   return x_ == other.x_ && y_ == other.y_;
312 }
operator !=(const Board::Coord other) const313 bool Board::Coord::operator!=(const Board::Coord other) const {
314   return !operator==(other);
315 }
operator <(const Board::Coord other) const316 bool Board::Coord::operator<(const Board::Coord other) const {
317   return x_ < other.x_ || (x_ == other.x_ && y_ < other.y_);
318 }
operator <<(ostream & s,const Board::Coord c)319 ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const Board::Coord c) {
320   return s << '[' << ((char)(c.x() + (int)'A')) << c.y() << ']';
321 }
322 //************************************************************
323 // Implementation of Board::ConstStackHandle
324 //************************************************************
~ConstStackHandle()325 Board::ConstStackHandle::~ConstStackHandle() {}
operator bool() const326 Board::ConstStackHandle::operator bool() const { return space_ != NULL; }
operator ->() const327 const Stack *Board::ConstStackHandle::operator->() const {
328   return &(space_->first);
329 }
operator *() const330 const Stack &Board::ConstStackHandle::operator*() const {
331   return space_->first;
332 }
operator ==(const ConstStackHandle & other) const333 bool Board::ConstStackHandle::operator==(const ConstStackHandle &other) const {
334   return (space_ == other.space_ && coord_ == other.coord_);
335 }
operator !=(const ConstStackHandle & other) const336 bool Board::ConstStackHandle::operator!=(const ConstStackHandle &other) const {
337   return !operator==(other);
338 }
stackCoord() const339 Board::Coord Board::ConstStackHandle::stackCoord() const { return coord_; }
stackStatus() const340 int Board::ConstStackHandle::stackStatus() const { return space_->second; }
ConstStackHandle()341 Board::ConstStackHandle::ConstStackHandle() : coord_(-1, -1), space_(NULL) {}
ConstStackHandle(Coord c,const Space * s)342 Board::ConstStackHandle::ConstStackHandle(Coord c, const Space *s)
343     : coord_(c), space_(s) {}
setCoord(Coord c)344 void Board::ConstStackHandle::setCoord(Coord c) { coord_ = c; }
setSpace(const Space * s)345 void Board::ConstStackHandle::setSpace(const Space *s) { space_ = s; }
space() const346 const Board::Space *Board::ConstStackHandle::space() const { return space_; }
isNull() const347 bool Board::ConstStackHandle::isNull() const { return !(*this); }
null()348 Board::ConstStackHandle Board::ConstStackHandle::null() {
349   return ConstStackHandle();
350 }
operator <<(ostream & s,const dvonn::Board::ConstStackHandle & h)351 ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const dvonn::Board::ConstStackHandle &h) {
352   if (h)
353     return s << '(' << h.stackCoord() << " : " << (*h) << ')';
355   return s << "null";
356 }
357 //************************************************************
358 // Implementation of Board::ConstStackIterator
359 //************************************************************
~ConstStackIterator()360 Board::ConstStackIterator::~ConstStackIterator() {}
361 bool Board::ConstStackIterator::
operator ==(const ConstStackHandle & other) const362 operator==(const ConstStackHandle &other) const {
363   const ConstStackIterator *pother =
364       dynamic_cast<const ConstStackIterator *>(&other);
365   if (!pother)
366     return ConstStackHandle::operator==(other);
367   return operator==(*pother);
368 }
369 bool Board::ConstStackIterator::
operator !=(const ConstStackHandle & other) const370 operator!=(const ConstStackHandle &other) const {
371   return !operator==(other);
372 }
373 /*!
374  * To be equal, they must have same board, and same handle.
375  */
376 bool Board::ConstStackIterator::
operator ==(const ConstStackIterator & other) const377 operator==(const ConstStackIterator &other) const {
378   return (board_ == other.board_ && ConstStackHandle::operator==(other));
379 }
380 bool Board::ConstStackIterator::
operator !=(const ConstStackIterator & other) const381 operator!=(const ConstStackIterator &other) const {
382   return !operator==(other);
383 }
operator ++()384 Board::ConstStackIterator &Board::ConstStackIterator::operator++() {
385   if (!operator bool())
386     return *this;
388   int x = stackCoord().x();
389   int y = stackCoord().y();
390   do {
391     if (++x >= static_cast<int>(nbSpacesMaxOnRow())) {
392       x = 0;
393       if (++y >= static_cast<int>(nbRows())) {
394         setSpace(NULL);
395         setCoord(Coord(-1, -1));
396         return *this;
397       }
398     }
399   } while (!isValid(Coord(x, y)));
401   setCoord(Coord(x, y));
402   setSpace(&(board_->spaces_[Board::coord2idx(Coord(x, y))]));
404   return *this;
405 }
406 /*!
407  * Rk: the default ConstStackIterator is not equal to the stacks_end()
408  * iterator of a Board.
409  */
ConstStackIterator()410 Board::ConstStackIterator::ConstStackIterator()
411     : Board::ConstStackHandle(), board_(NULL) {}
ConstStackIterator(Coord c,const Space * s,const Board * b)412 Board::ConstStackIterator::ConstStackIterator(Coord c, const Space *s,
413                                               const Board *b)
414     : Board::ConstStackHandle(c, s), board_(b) {}
415 //************************************************************
416 // Implementation of Board::Ghost
417 //************************************************************
Ghost(Board::Coord c,const Stack & s)418 Board::Ghost::Ghost(Board::Coord c, const Stack &s)
419     : coord(c), stack(s.begin(), s.end()) {}