1module ft8_decode
3  parameter (MAXFOX=1000)
4  character*12 c2fox(MAXFOX)
5  character*4  g2fox(MAXFOX)
6  integer nsnrfox(MAXFOX)
7  integer nfreqfox(MAXFOX)
8  integer n30fox(MAXFOX)
9  integer n30z
10  integer nfox
12  type :: ft8_decoder
13     procedure(ft8_decode_callback), pointer :: callback
14   contains
15     procedure :: decode
16  end type ft8_decoder
18  abstract interface
19     subroutine ft8_decode_callback (this,sync,snr,dt,freq,decoded,nap,qual)
20       import ft8_decoder
21       implicit none
22       class(ft8_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
23       real, intent(in) :: sync
24       integer, intent(in) :: snr
25       real, intent(in) :: dt
26       real, intent(in) :: freq
27       character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded
28       integer, intent(in) :: nap
29       real, intent(in) :: qual
30     end subroutine ft8_decode_callback
31  end interface
35  subroutine decode(this,callback,iwave,nQSOProgress,nfqso,nftx,newdat,  &
36       nutc,nfa,nfb,nzhsym,ndepth,emedelay,ncontest,nagain,lft8apon,     &
37       lapcqonly,napwid,mycall12,hiscall12,ldiskdat)
38    use iso_c_binding, only: c_bool, c_int
39    use timer_module, only: timer
40    use shmem, only: shmem_lock, shmem_unlock
42    include 'ft8/ft8_params.f90'
44    class(ft8_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
45    procedure(ft8_decode_callback) :: callback
46    parameter (MAXCAND=300,MAX_EARLY=100)
47    real*8 tsec,tseq
48    real s(NH1,NHSYM)
49    real sbase(NH1)
50    real candidate(3,MAXCAND)
51    real dd(15*12000),dd1(15*12000)
52    logical, intent(in) :: lft8apon,lapcqonly,nagain
53    logical newdat,lsubtract,ldupe,lrefinedt
54    logical*1 ldiskdat
55    logical lsubtracted(MAX_EARLY)
56    character*12 mycall12,hiscall12
57    integer*2 iwave(15*12000)
58    integer apsym2(58),aph10(10)
59    character datetime*13,msg37*37
60    character*37 allmessages(100)
61    character*12 ctime
62    integer allsnrs(100)
63    integer itone(NN)
64    integer itone_save(NN,MAX_EARLY)
65    real f1_save(MAX_EARLY)
66    real xdt_save(MAX_EARLY)
68    save s,dd,dd1,ndec_early,itone_save,f1_save,xdt_save,lsubtracted,allmessages
70    this%callback => callback
71    write(datetime,1001) nutc        !### TEMPORARY ###
721001 format("000000_",i6.6)
74    if(ndepth.eq.1 .and. nzhsym.lt.50) then
75       ndec_early=0
76       return
77    endif
78    if(ndepth.eq.1 .and. nzhsym.eq.50) then
79       dd=iwave
80    endif
82    call ft8apset(mycall12,hiscall12,ncontest,apsym2,aph10)
84    if(nzhsym.le.47) then
85       dd=iwave
86       dd1=dd
87    endif
88    if(nzhsym.eq.41) then
89       ndecodes=0
90       allmessages='                                     '
91       allsnrs=0
92    else
93       ndecodes=ndec_early
94    endif
95    if(nzhsym.eq.47 .and. ndec_early.eq.0) then
96       dd1=dd
97       go to 800
98    endif
99    if(nzhsym.eq.47 .and. ndec_early.ge.1) then
100       lsubtracted=.false.
101       lrefinedt=.true.
102       if(ndepth.le.2) lrefinedt=.false.
103       call timer('sub_ft8b',0)
104       do i=1,ndec_early
105          if(xdt_save(i)-0.5.lt.0.396) then
106             call subtractft8(dd,itone_save(1,i),f1_save(i),xdt_save(i),  &
107                  lrefinedt)
108             lsubtracted(i)=.true.
109          endif
110          call timestamp(tsec,tseq,ctime)
111          if(.not.ldiskdat .and. tseq.ge.14.3d0) then !Bail out before done
112             call timer('sub_ft8b',1)
113             dd1=dd
114             go to 800
115          endif
116       enddo
117       call timer('sub_ft8b',1)
118       dd1=dd
119       go to 900
120    endif
121    if(nzhsym.eq.50 .and. ndec_early.ge.1 .and. .not.nagain) then
122       n=47*3456
123       dd(1:n)=dd1(1:n)
124       dd(n+1:)=iwave(n+1:)
125       call timer('sub_ft8c',0)
126       do i=1,ndec_early
127          if(lsubtracted(i)) cycle
128          call subtractft8(dd,itone_save(1,i),f1_save(i),xdt_save(i),.true.)
129       enddo
130       call timer('sub_ft8c',1)
131    endif
132    ifa=nfa
133    ifb=nfb
134    if(nzhsym.eq.50 .and. nagain) then
135       dd=iwave
136       ifa=nfqso-20
137       ifb=nfqso+20
138    endif
140! For now:
141! ndepth=1: 1 pass, bp
142! ndepth=2: subtraction, 3 passes, bp+osd (no subtract refinement)
143! ndepth=3: subtraction, 3 passes, bp+osd
144    npass=3
145    if(ndepth.eq.1) npass=1
146    do ipass=1,npass
147      newdat=.true.
148      syncmin=1.3
149      if(ndepth.le.2) syncmin=1.6
150      if(ipass.eq.1) then
151        lsubtract=.true.
152        ndeep=ndepth
153        if(ndepth.eq.3) ndeep=2
154      elseif(ipass.eq.2) then
155        n2=ndecodes
156        if(ndecodes.eq.0) cycle
157        lsubtract=.true.
158        ndeep=ndepth
159      elseif(ipass.eq.3) then
160        if((ndecodes-n2).eq.0) cycle
161        lsubtract=.true.
162        ndeep=ndepth
163      endif
164      call timer('sync8   ',0)
165      maxc=MAXCAND
166      call sync8(dd,ifa,ifb,syncmin,nfqso,maxc,s,candidate,   &
167           ncand,sbase)
168      call timer('sync8   ',1)
169      do icand=1,ncand
170        sync=candidate(3,icand)
171        f1=candidate(1,icand)
172        xdt=candidate(2,icand)
173        xbase=10.0**(0.1*(sbase(nint(f1/3.125))-40.0))
174        msg37='                                     '
175        call timer('ft8b    ',0)
176        call ft8b(dd,newdat,nQSOProgress,nfqso,nftx,ndeep,nzhsym,lft8apon,  &
177             lapcqonly,napwid,lsubtract,nagain,ncontest,iaptype,mycall12,   &
178             hiscall12,f1,xdt,xbase,apsym2,aph10,nharderrors,dmin,          &
179             nbadcrc,iappass,msg37,xsnr,itone)
180        call timer('ft8b    ',1)
181        nsnr=nint(xsnr)
182        xdt=xdt-0.5
183        hd=nharderrors+dmin
184        if(nbadcrc.eq.0) then
185           ldupe=.false.
186           do id=1,ndecodes
187              if(msg37.eq.allmessages(id)) ldupe=.true.
188           enddo
189           if(.not.ldupe) then
190              ndecodes=ndecodes+1
191              allmessages(ndecodes)=msg37
192              allsnrs(ndecodes)=nsnr
193              f1_save(ndecodes)=f1
194              xdt_save(ndecodes)=xdt+0.5
195              itone_save(1:NN,ndecodes)=itone
196           endif
197           if(.not.ldupe .and. associated(this%callback)) then
198              qual=1.0-(nharderrors+dmin)/60.0 ! scale qual to [0.0,1.0]
199              if(emedelay.ne.0) xdt=xdt+2.0
200              call this%callback(sync,nsnr,xdt,f1,msg37,iaptype,qual)
201           endif
202        endif
203        call timestamp(tsec,tseq,ctime)
204        if(.not.ldiskdat .and. nzhsym.eq.41 .and.                        &
205             tseq.ge.13.4d0) go to 800                 !Bail out before done
206      enddo  ! icand
207   enddo  ! ipass
209800 ndec_early=0
210   if(nzhsym.lt.50) ndec_early=ndecodes
212900 return
213end subroutine decode
215subroutine timestamp(tsec,tseq,ctime)
216  real*8 tsec,tseq
217  character*12 ctime
218  integer itime(8)
219  call date_and_time(values=itime)
220  tsec=3600.d0*(itime(5)-itime(4)/60.d0) + 60.d0*itime(6) +      &
221       itime(7) + 0.001d0*itime(8)
222  tsec=mod(tsec+2*86400.d0,86400.d0)
223  tseq=mod(itime(7)+0.001d0*itime(8),15.d0)
224  if(tseq.lt.10.d0) tseq=tseq+15.d0
225  sec=itime(7)+0.001*itime(8)
226  write(ctime,1000) itime(5)-itime(4)/60,itime(6),sec
2271000 format(i2.2,':',i2.2,':',f6.3)
228  if(ctime(7:7).eq.' ') ctime(7:7)='0'
229  return
230end subroutine timestamp
232end module ft8_decode