1 /*
2   Teem: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images             .
3   Copyright (C) 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009  University of Chicago
4   Copyright (C) 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005  Gordon Kindlmann
5   Copyright (C) 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998  University of Utah
7   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9   (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11   The terms of redistributing and/or modifying this software also
12   include exceptions to the LGPL that facilitate static linking.
14   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   Lesser General Public License for more details.
19   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20   along with this library; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22 */
27 #include <teem/air.h>
28 #include <teem/hest.h>
29 #include <teem/biff.h>
30 #include <teem/nrrd.h>
31 #include <teem/ell.h>
32 #include <teem/gage.h>
33 #include <teem/limn.h>
34 #include <teem/ten.h>
36 /*
37 ** This library was created to implement the research and methods of:
38 **
39 ** Gordon L. Kindlmann, Ra{\'u}l San Jos{\'e} Est{\'e}par,
40 ** Stephen M. Smith, Carl-Fredrik Westin.
41 ** Sampling and Visualizing Creases with Scale-Space Particles.
42 ** IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
43 ** 15(6):1415-1424 (2009)
44 **
45 ** Further information and usage examples:
46 ** http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~glk/ssp/
47 **
48 ** The library is still being actively developed to support research on
49 ** particle systems for general feature sampling.  At some point, for
50 ** example, it should subsume the "push" library for glyph packing in
51 ** tensor fields.
52 */
54 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(TEEM_STATIC)
55 #  if defined(TEEM_BUILD) || defined(pull_EXPORTS) || defined(teem_EXPORTS)
56 #    define PULL_EXPORT extern __declspec(dllexport)
57 #  else
58 #    define PULL_EXPORT extern __declspec(dllimport)
59 #  endif
60 #else /* TEEM_STATIC || UNIX */
61 #  define PULL_EXPORT extern
62 #endif
64 #ifdef __cplusplus
65 extern "C" {
66 #endif
68 #define PULL pullBiffKey
69 #define PULL_THREAD_MAXNUM 512
72 #define PULL_BIN_MAXNUM 40000000 /* sanity check on max number bins */
73 #define PULL_PHIST 0
74 #define PULL_HINTER 0
75 #define PULL_TANCOVAR 1
77 /*
78 ******** pullInfo enum
79 **
80 ** all the things that might be *learned* about the local neighborhood
81 ** that are used as ingredients in the computation of particle motion.
82 ** This info was originally learned only from gage, but now (according
83 ** to value of pullSource) can come from other kinds of information.
84 **
85 ** There are multiple scalars (and associated) derivatives that can
86 ** be used for dynamics:
87 ** - Inside: just for nudging things to stay inside a mask
88 ** - Height: value for computer-vision-y features of ridges, valleys,
89 **   and edges.  Setting pullInfoHeight as a constraint does valley
90 **   sampling (flip the sign to get ridges), based on the various
91 **   "tangents" Setting pullInfoHeightLaplacian as a constraint
92 *    does zero-crossing edge detection.
93 ** - Isovalue: just for implicit surfaces f=0
94 ** - Strength: some measure of feature strength, with the assumption
95 **   that it can't be analytically differentiated in space or scale.
96 */
97 enum {
98   pullInfoUnknown,            /*  0 */
99   pullInfoTensor,             /*  1: [7] tensor here */
100   pullInfoTensorInverse,      /*  2: [7] inverse of tensor here */
101   pullInfoHessian,            /*  3: [9] hessian used for force distortion */
102   pullInfoInside,             /*  4: [1] containment scalar */
103   pullInfoInsideGradient,     /*  5: [3] containment vector */
104   pullInfoHeight,             /*  6: [1] for gravity, and edge and crease
105                                          feature detection */
106   pullInfoHeightGradient,     /*  7: [3] */
107   pullInfoHeightHessian,      /*  8: [9] */
108   pullInfoHeightLaplacian,    /*  9: [1] for zero-crossing edge detection */
109   pullInfoSeedPreThresh,      /* 10: [1] scalar for pre-thresholding seeding,
110                                  so that points can be quickly eliminated
111                                  (e.g. prior to constraint satisfaction) */
112   pullInfoSeedThresh,         /* 11: [1] scalar for thresholding seeding */
113   pullInfoLiveThresh,         /* 12: [1] scalar for thresholding extant
114                                  particles, AND for future additions from
115                                  population control */
116   pullInfoLiveThresh2,        /* 13: [1] another pullInfoLiveThresh */
117   pullInfoLiveThresh3,        /* 14: [1] yet another pullInfoLiveThresh */
118   pullInfoTangent1,           /* 15: [3] first tangent to motion allowed
119                                  for constraint satisfaction */
120   pullInfoTangent2,           /* 16: [3] second tangent to motion allowed
121                                  for constraint satisfaction */
122   pullInfoNegativeTangent1,   /* 17: [3] like the tangents, but with a negated
123                                  objective function */
124   pullInfoNegativeTangent2,   /* 18: [3] second negative tangent */
125   pullInfoIsovalue,           /* 19: [1] for isosurface extraction */
126   pullInfoIsovalueGradient,   /* 20: [3] */
127   pullInfoIsovalueHessian,    /* 21: [9] */
128   pullInfoStrength,           /* 22: [1] */
129   pullInfoQuality,            /* 23: [1] */
130   pullInfoLast
131 };
132 #define PULL_INFO_MAX            23
134 /*
135 ********* pullProp* enum: the various properties of particles in the system
136 **
137 ** These are things that are not learned from the image data, but are
138 ** descriptions of a particle, its neighborhood of particles in the
139 ** system, and the current state of system computation.  As of revision
140 ** 5080, these may refer to information *computed* from the per-particle
141 ** info, but which may not itself be saved as a field in pullPoint.
142 **
143 ** consider adding: dot between normalized directions of force and movmt
144 */
145 enum {
146   pullPropUnknown,            /*  0: nobody knows */
147   pullPropIdtag,              /*  1: [1] idtag (unsigned int) */
148   pullPropIdCC,               /*  2: [1] idcc (unsigned int) */
149   pullPropEnergy,             /*  3: [1] energy from last iteration */
150   pullPropStepEnergy,         /*  4: [1] step size for minimizing energy */
151   pullPropStepConstr,         /*  5: [1] step size for constraint satis. */
152   pullPropStuck,              /*  6: [1] how many iters its been stuck */
153   pullPropPosition,           /*  7: [4] position */
154   pullPropForce,              /*  8: [4] force accumulation */
155   pullPropNeighDistMean,      /*  9: [1] "mean distance" to neighbors */
156   pullPropScale,              /* 10: [1] scale position */
157   pullPropNeighCovar,         /* 11: [10] unique coeffs of covariance matrix
158                                  of offsets to all interacting neighbors,
159                                  in rs-normalized space, updated only during
160                                  pullProcessModeNeighLearn. The layout is:
161                                  0:xx 1:xy 2:xz 3:xs
162                                  .    4:yy 5:yz 6:ys
163                                  .         7:zz 8:zs
164                                  .              9:ss */
165   pullPropNeighCovar7Ten,     /* 12: [7] spatial 3x3 submatrix of covariance,
166                                  formatted as ten-compatible 7-tensor */
167   pullPropNeighTanCovar,      /* 13: [6] covariance of "tangents" of neighbors,
168                                  (e.g. pullInfoTangent1 for crease surfaces)
169                                  including point itself */
170   pullPropNeighInterNum,      /* 14: [1] # neighbors last iter */
171   pullPropNeighCovarTrace,    /* 15: [1] trace of NeighCovar */
172   pullPropNeighCovarDet,      /* 16: [1] det of NeighCovar */
173   pullPropStability,          /* 17: [1] some measure of NeighCovar */
174   pullPropLast
175 };
176 #define PULL_PROP_MAX            17
178 /*
179 ** the components of a point's status that are set as a bitflag
180 ** in point->status
181 */
182 enum {
183   pullStatusUnknown,             /* 0: nobody knows */
184   pullStatusStuck,               /* 1: couldn't move to decrease energy */
185 #define PULL_STATUS_STUCK_BIT  (1<< 1)
186   pullStatusNewbie,              /* 2: not binned, testing if the system
187                                     would be better with me in it */
188 #define PULL_STATUS_NEWBIE_BIT (1<< 2)
189   pullStatusNixMe,               /* 3: nix me at the *end* of this iter,
190                                     and don't look at me for energy
191                                     during this iteration */
192 #define PULL_STATUS_NIXME_BIT  (1<< 3)
193   pullStatusEdge,                /* 4: at the spatial edge of one of the
194                                     volumes: gage had to invent values for
195                                     some samples in the kernel support */
196 #define PULL_STATUS_EDGE_BIT   (1<< 4)
197   pullStatusLast
198 };
200 /*
201 ******** pullInterType* enum
202 **
203 ** the different types of scale-space interaction that can happen
204 ** in scale-space.  The descriptions here overlook the normalization
205 ** by radiusScale and radiusSpace
206 */
207 enum {
208   pullInterTypeUnknown,      /* 0 */
209   pullInterTypeJustR,        /* 1: phi(r,s) = phi_r(r) */
210   pullInterTypeUnivariate,   /* 2: phi(r,s) = phi_r(u); u = sqrt(r*r+s*s) */
211   pullInterTypeSeparable,    /* 3: phi(r,s) = phi_r(r)*phi_s(s) */
212   pullInterTypeAdditive,     /* 4: phi(r,s) = beta*phi_r(r)*win(s)
213                                               + (1-beta)*win(r)*phi_s(s) */
214   pullInterTypeLast
215 };
216 #define PULL_INTER_TYPE_MAX     4
218 /*
219 ******** pullEnergyType* enum
220 **
221 ** the different shapes of potential energy profiles that can be used
222 */
223 enum {
224   pullEnergyTypeUnknown,             /* 0 */
225   pullEnergyTypeSpring,              /* 1 */
226   pullEnergyTypeGauss,               /* 2 */
227   pullEnergyTypeBspln,               /* 3 */
228   pullEnergyTypeButterworth,         /* 4 */
229   pullEnergyTypeCotan,               /* 5 */
230   pullEnergyTypeCubic,               /* 6 */
231   pullEnergyTypeQuartic,             /* 7 */
232   pullEnergyTypeCubicWell,           /* 8 */
233   pullEnergyTypeBetterCubicWell,     /* 9 */
234   pullEnergyTypeQuarticWell,         /* 10 */
235   pullEnergyTypeHepticWell,          /* 11 */
236   pullEnergyTypeZero,                /* 12 */
237   pullEnergyTypeButterworthParabola, /* 13 */
238   pullEnergyTypeLast
239 };
240 #define PULL_ENERGY_TYPE_MAX            13
241 #define PULL_ENERGY_PARM_NUM 3
243 enum {
244   pullProcessModeUnknown,      /* 0 */
245   pullProcessModeDescent,      /* 1 */
246   pullProcessModeNeighLearn,   /* 2 */
247   pullProcessModeAdding,       /* 3 */
248   pullProcessModeNixing,       /* 4 */
249   pullProcessModeLast
250 };
251 #define PULL_PROCESS_MODE_MAX     4
253 /*
254 ** the conditions under which a point may find itself at some position
255 */
256 enum {
257   pullCondUnknown,            /* 0 */
258   pullCondOld,                /* 1 */
259   pullCondConstraintSatA,     /* 2 */
260   pullCondConstraintSatB,     /* 3 */
261   pullCondEnergyTry,          /* 4 */
262   pullCondConstraintFail,     /* 5 */
263   pullCondEnergyBad,          /* 6 */
264   pullCondNew,                /* 7 */
265   pullCondLast
266 };
268 /*
269 ** the places that "info" can be learned from.  Originally this was
270 ** strictly from gage and no where else; it can be handy to allow it
271 ** to originate from different places as well, but still flow through
272 ** the channels now organized around pullInfo
273 */
274 enum {
275   pullSourceUnknown,  /* 0 */
276   pullSourceGage,     /* 1: measured from gage */
277   pullSourceProp,     /* 2: copied from a pullProp */
278   pullSourceLast
279 };
280 #define PULL_SOURCE_MAX  2
282 /*
283 ** the different kinds of computations and entities that one can
284 ** count, for book-keeping and meta-optimization purposes
285 */
286 enum {
287   pullCountUnknown,             /*  0 */
288   pullCountDescent,             /*  1 */
289   pullCountTestStep,            /*  2 */
290   pullCountEnergyFromImage,     /*  3 */
291   pullCountForceFromImage,      /*  4 */
292   pullCountEnergyFromPoints,    /*  5 */
293   pullCountForceFromPoints,     /*  6 */
294   pullCountProbe,               /*  7 */
295   pullCountConstraintSatisfy,   /*  8 */
296   pullCountAdding,              /*  9 */
297   pullCountNixing,              /* 10 */
298   pullCountPointsStuck,         /* 11 */
299   pullCountPoints,              /* 12 */
300   pullCountCC,                  /* 13 */
301   pullCountIteration,           /* 14 */
302   pullCountLast
303 };
304 #define PULL_COUNT_MAX             14
306 /*
307 ** reasons for pullTraceSet to stop (or go nowhere)
308 */
309 enum {
310   pullTraceStopUnknown,         /* 0 */
311   pullTraceStopSpeeding,        /* 1 */
312   pullTraceStopConstrFail,      /* 2 */
313   pullTraceStopBounds,          /* 3 */
314   pullTraceStopLength,          /* 4 */
315   pullTraceStopStub,            /* 5 */
316   pullTraceStopLast
317 };
318 #define PULL_TRACE_STOP_MAX        5
320 /*
321 ** Defines how par-particle information can be learned.  This is
322 ** typically via measurements in the image by gage, but other sources
323 ** are possible (as indicated by the source field).
324 **
325 ** There is a basic design decision in whether to make pullInfos the
326 ** most general representation of information (including referring to
327 ** pullProps), or, whether pullProps should be the general thing,
328 ** which can then refer to some pullInfo.  In the long run, these
329 ** should probably be merged.  In the short term, there is better
330 ** infrastructure for representing and parsing pullInfos, so that has
331 ** been leveraged to include other things as well.
332 */
333 typedef struct pullInfoSpec_t {
334   /* ------ INPUT ------ */
335   int info,                     /* from the pullInfo* enum: what is the
336                                    "info" that this infospec defines */
337     source;                     /* from the pullSource* enum: where does
338                                    this information come from */
339   char *volName;                /* volume name */
340   int item,                     /* which gage item (for pullSourceGage) */
341     prop;                       /* which pull property (for pullSourceProp) */
342   double scale,                 /* scaling factor (including sign) */
343     zero;                       /* for height and inside: where is zero,
344                                    for seedThresh, threshold value */
345   int constraint;               /* (for scalar items) minimizing this
346                                    is a constraint to enforce per-point
347                                    per-iteration, not merely a contribution
348                                    to the point's energy */
349   /* ------ INTERNAL ------ */
350   unsigned int volIdx;          /* which volume (for pullSourceGage) */
351 } pullInfoSpec;
353 /*
354 ******** pullPoint
355 **
356 */
357 typedef struct pullPoint_t {
358   unsigned int idtag,         /* unique point ID */
359     idCC;                     /* id for connected component analysis */
360   struct pullPoint_t **neighPoint; /* list of neighboring points */
361   unsigned int neighPointNum;
362   airArray *neighPointArr;    /* airArray around neighPoint and neighNum
363                                  (no callbacks used here) */
364   double neighDistMean;       /* average of distance to neighboring
365                                  points with whom this point interacted,
366                                  in rs-normalized space */
367   float neighCovar[10],       /* unique coeffs in 4x4 covariance matrix of
368                                  neighbors with whom this point interacted */
370     neighTanCovar[6],         /* covariance of "tangent" info of neighbors */
371 #endif
372     stability;                /* the scalar stability measure */
373   unsigned int neighInterNum, /* number of particles with which I had some
374                                  non-zero interaction on last iteration */
375     stuckIterNum;             /* how many iterations I've been stuck */
376 #if PULL_PHIST
377   double *phist;              /* history of positions tried in the last iter,
378                                  in sets of 5 doubles: (x,y,z,t,info) */
379   unsigned int phistNum;      /* number of positions stored */
380   airArray *phistArr;         /* airArray around phist */
381 #endif
382   int status;                 /* bit-flag of status info */
383   double pos[4],              /* position in space and scale */
384     energy,                   /* energy accumulator for this iteration */
385     force[4],                 /* force accumulator for this iteration */
386     stepEnergy,               /* step size for energy minimization */
387     stepConstr,               /* step size for constraint satisfaction;
388                                  HEY: this doens't seem to be really used? */
389     info[1];                  /* all information learned from gage that matters
390                                  for particle dynamics.  This is sneakily
391                                  allocated for *more*, depending on needs,
392                                  so this MUST be last field */
393 } pullPoint;
395 /*
396 ******** pullBin
397 **
398 ** the data structure for doing spatial binning.
399 */
400 typedef struct pullBin_t {
401   pullPoint **point;         /* dyn. alloc. array of point pointers */
402   unsigned int pointNum;     /* # of points in this bin */
403   airArray *pointArr;        /* airArray around point and pointNum
404                                 (no callbacks used here) */
405   struct pullBin_t **neighBin;  /* NULL-terminated list of all
406                                    neighboring bins, including myself */
407 } pullBin;
409 /*
410 ******** pullEnergy
411 **
412 ** the functions which determine inter-point forces
413 **
414 ** NOTE: the eval() function probably does NOT check to see it was passed
415 ** a non-NULL pointer into which to store the derivative of energy ("denr")
416 **
417 ** Thu Apr 10 12:40:08 EDT 2008: nixed the "support" function, since it
418 ** was annoying to deal with variable support potentials.  Now everything
419 ** cuts off at dist=1.  You can still use the parm vector to change the
420 ** shape inside the support.
421 */
422 typedef struct {
423   char name[AIR_STRLEN_SMALL];
424   unsigned int parmNum;
425   double (*well)(double *wx, const double parm[PULL_ENERGY_PARM_NUM]);
426   double (*eval)(double *denr, double dist,
427                  const double parm[PULL_ENERGY_PARM_NUM]);
428 } pullEnergy;
430 typedef struct {
431   const pullEnergy *energy;
432   double parm[PULL_ENERGY_PARM_NUM];
433 } pullEnergySpec;
435 /*
436 ** In the interests of simplicity (and with the cost of some redundancy),
437 ** this is going to copied per-task, which is why it contains the gageContext
438 ** The idea is that the first of these is somehow set up by the user
439 ** or something, and the rest of them are created within pull per-task.
440 */
441 typedef struct {
442   int verbose;                 /* blah blah blah */
443   char *name;                  /* how the volume will be identified
444                                   (like its a variable name) */
445   const gageKind *kind;
446   const Nrrd *ninSingle;       /* don't own */
447   const Nrrd *const *ninScale; /* don't own;
448                                   NOTE: only one of ninSingle and ninScale
449                                   can be non-NULL */
450   unsigned int scaleNum;       /* number of scale-space samples (volumes) */
451   double *scalePos;            /* location of all samples in scale */
452   int scaleDerivNorm;          /* normalize derivatives based on scale */
453   double scaleDerivNormBias;   /* bias on derivative normalization by scale */
454   NrrdKernelSpec *ksp00,       /* for sampling tensor field */
455     *ksp11,                    /* for gradient of mask, other 1st derivs */
456     *ksp22,                    /* for 2nd derivatives */
457     *kspSS;                    /* for reconstructing from scale-space
458                                   samples */
459   gageQuery pullValQuery;      /* if this is a pullValGageKind volume,
460                                   then we don't have a real gageContext,
461                                   and we have to manage our own query */
462   gageContext *gctx;           /* do own, and set based on info here */
463   gagePerVolume *gpvl,         /* stupid gage API . . . */
464     **gpvlSS;                  /* stupid gage API . . . */
465   int seedOnly,                /* volume only required for seeding, for
466                                   either pullInfoSeedThresh or
467                                   pullInfoSeedPreThresh */
468     forSeedPreThresh;          /* we learn pullInfoSeedPreThresh from this */
469 } pullVolume;
471 /*
472 ******** pullTask
473 **
474 ** The information specific for a thread.
475 */
476 typedef struct pullTask_t {
477   struct pullContext_t
478     *pctx;                      /* parent's context; not const because the
479                                    tasks assign themselves bins to do work */
480   pullVolume
481     *vol[PULL_VOLUME_MAXNUM];   /* volumes copied from parent */
482   const double
483     *ans[PULL_INFO_MAX+1];      /* answer *pointers* for all possible infos,
484                                    pointing into per-task per-volume gctxs
485                                    (or into above per-task pullValAnswer),
486                                    OR: NULL if that info is not being used */
487   int processMode,              /* what kind of point processing is being
488                                    done by this task right now */
489     probeSeedPreThreshOnly;     /* hack-ish flag to communicate to pullProbe
490                                    that we only care about SeedPreThresh */
491   airThread *thread;            /* my thread */
492   unsigned int threadIdx;       /* which thread am I */
493   airRandMTState *rng;          /* state for my RNG */
494   pullPoint *pointBuffer,       /* place for copying point into during
495                                    strength ascent computation; can't be
496                                    statically allocated because pullPoint
497                                    size is known only at run-time */
498     **neighPoint;               /* array of point pointers, either all
499                                    possible points from neighbor bins, or
500                                    last learned interacting neighbors */
501   pullPoint **addPoint;         /* points to add before next iter */
502   unsigned int addPointNum;     /* # of points to add */
503   airArray *addPointArr;        /* airArray around addPoint, addPointNum */
504   pullPoint **nixPoint;         /* points to nix before next iter */
505   unsigned int nixPointNum;     /* # of points to nix */
506   airArray *nixPointArr;        /* airArray around nixPoint, nixPointNum */
507   void *returnPtr;              /* for airThreadJoin */
508   unsigned int stuckNum;        /* # stuck particles seen by this task */
509 } pullTask;
511 /*
512 ******** pullInitMethod* enum
513 **
514 ** the different ways pull can be initialized
515 */
516 enum {
517   pullInitMethodUnknown,       /* 0 */
518   pullInitMethodRandom,        /* 1 */
519   pullInitMethodHalton,        /* 2 */
520   pullInitMethodPointPerVoxel, /* 3 */
521   pullInitMethodGivenPos,      /* 4 */
522   pullInitMethodLast
523 };
525 /*
526 ******** pullInitParm
527 **
528 ** none of this is directly user-set; set with pullInit*Set function
529 ** (note that there is no pullInit* enum; these values are too diverse)
530 */
531 typedef struct {
532   int method;               /* from pullInitMethod* enum */
533   int liveThreshUse,        /* use the liveThresh info as a criterion
534                                for seeding */
535     unequalShapesAllow;     /* when taking in volumes, allow their shapes
536                                to be unuequal.  Some confusing usage problems
537                                are due to using differently shaped volumes */
538   double jitter;            /* w/ PointPerVoxel,
539                                how much to jitter index space positions */
540   unsigned int numInitial,  /* w/ Random OR Halton, # points to start with */
541     haltonStartIndex,       /* w/ Halton, first index to use */
542     samplesAlongScaleNum,   /* w/ PointPerVoxel,
543                                # of samples along scale (distributed
544                                uniformly in scale's *index* space*/
545     ppvZRange[2];           /* (hack to permit seeding only in part of
546                                volume, when initialization is painfully
547                                the main bottleneck) w/ PointPerVoxel,
548                                range of indices along Z to do seeding
549                                by pointPerVoxel, or, {1,0} to do the
550                                whole volume as normal */
551   int pointPerVoxel;        /* w/ PointPerVoxel,
552                                if this (ppv) is > 0, then use
553                                ppv points per voxel. If ppv < 0, then jitter
554                                point point every -ppv'th voxel
555                                (so ppv=-1 is same as ppv=1) */
556   const Nrrd *npos;         /* positions (4xN array) to start with */
557 } pullInitParm;
559 /*
560 ******** pullIterParm* enum
561 **
562 ** parameters related to iterations and their periods
563 */
564 enum {
565   pullIterParmUnknown,
567   /* if non-zero, minimum number of iterations for whole system. */
568   pullIterParmMin,
570   /* if non-zero, max number of iterations for whole system.
571      if zero: no explicit limit on the number of iterations */
572   pullIterParmMax,
574   /* if non-zero, max number of iterations we allow something to be
575      continuously stuck before nixing it */
576   pullIterParmStuckMax,
578   /* if non-zero, max number of iterations for enforcing each constraint */
579   pullIterParmConstraintMax,
581   /* how many intervals to wait between attemps at population control,
582      or, 0 to say: "no pop cntl" */
583   pullIterParmPopCntlPeriod,
585   /* how many iterations for which to run descent on tentative new
586      points during population control, so that they end up at a good
587      location, at which we can meaningfully test whether adding the
588      point will reducing system energy */
589   pullIterParmAddDescent,
591   /* periodicity with which to call the pullContext->iter_cb */
592   pullIterParmCallback,
594   /* if non-zero, interval between iters at which output snapshots are saved */
595   pullIterParmSnap,
597   /* the half-life of energyIncreasePermit, in terms of iterations, or
598      0 if no such decay is wanted */
599   pullIterParmEnergyIncreasePermitHalfLife,
601   pullIterParmLast
602 };
604 typedef struct {
605   unsigned int min, max,
606     popCntlPeriod,
607     addDescent,
608     constraintMax,
609     stuckMax,
610     callback,
611     snap,
612     energyIncreasePermitHalfLife;
613 } pullIterParm;
615 /*
616 ******** pullSysParm* enum
617 **
618 ** various continuous parameters.  It should be understood that the number
619 ** of these is a reflection of the experimentation and exploration that
620 ** went into the creation of these particles systems, rather than a need
621 ** for onerous parameter tweaking in order to get something useful done.
622 ** Except for alpha, beta, and gamma, these have reasonable defaults.
623 */
624 enum {
625   pullSysParmUnknown,
627   /* balance between particle-image energy E_i and inter-particle energy E_ij,
628      the most important parameter in the governing equation of the system.
629      alpha = 0: only particle-image; alpha = 1: only inter-particle */
630   pullSysParmAlpha,
632   /* when using pullInterAdditive ("Phi_2") inter-particle energy, beta
633      sets the balance between spatial repulsion and scale attraction.
634      (if not using this energy, this is moot)
635      beta = 0: only spatial repulsion; beta = 1: only scale attraction */
636   pullSysParmBeta,
638   /* when energyFromStrength is non-zero: scaling factor on energy
639      from strength */
640   pullSysParmGamma,
642   /* when learning a suitable gamma from data (via pullGammaLearn)
643      in the context of separable energy functions, how much to
644      scale the learned gamma. Making this greater than 1.0 helps
645      let the energy from strength overpower the slight repulsion
646      along scale that might exist by the separable phi construction. */
647   pullSysParmSeparableGammaLearnRescale,
649   /* to be more selective for pullInfoSeedThresh and
650      pullInfoLiveThresh at higher scales, set theta > 0, and the
651      effective threshold will be base threshold + theta*scale.
652      HOWEVER, the way this is implemented is a hack:
653      the probed strength value is decremented by theta*scale */
654   pullSysParmTheta,
656   /* initial (time) step for dynamics */
657   pullSysParmStepInitial,
659   /* radius/scaling of inter-particle interactions in the spatial domain */
660   pullSysParmRadiusSpace,
662   /* radius/scaling of inter-particle interactions in the scale domain */
663   pullSysParmRadiusScale,
665   /* spatial width of bin, as multiple of pullSysParmRadiusSpace (the
666      width along scale is set to pullSysParmRadiusScale). Can't be
667      lower than 1, but may be usefully set greater that 1 to reduce
668      the total number of bins, especially if caching neighbor lists */
669   pullSysParmBinWidthSpace,
671   /* probability that we find the true neighbors of the particle, as
672      opposed to using a cached list */
673   pullSysParmNeighborTrueProb,
675   /* probability that we do image probing to find out what's really going on */
676   pullSysParmProbeProb,
678   /* (>= 1.0) how much to opportunistically scale up step size (for
679      energy minimization) with every iteration */
680   pullSysParmOpporStepScale,
682   /* (< 1.0) when energy goes up instead of down, or when constraint
683      satisfaction seems to be going the wrong way, how to scale (down)
684      step size */
685   pullSysParmBackStepScale,
687   /* pseudo-convergence threshold that controls when population control is
688      activated (has to be higher than (less strict) energyDecreaseMin */
689   pullSysParmEnergyDecreasePopCntlMin,
691   /* epsilon amount by which its okay for particle energy to increase,
692      in the context of gradient descent */
693   pullSysParmEnergyIncreasePermit,
695   /* convergence threshold: stop when fractional improvement
696      (decrease) in total system energy dips below this */
697   pullSysParmEnergyDecreaseMin,
699   /* convergence threshold for constraint satisfaction: finished if
700      stepsize goes below this times pctx->voxelSizeSpace */
701   pullSysParmConstraintStepMin,
703   /* spring constant on bbox wall */
704   pullSysParmWall,
706   /* when doing population control nixing, don't nix a particle if this
707      fraction of its neighbors have already been nixed (Section 3.5 of
708      paper implies that this value should be 0.5; lower values also work) */
709   pullSysParmFracNeighNixedMax,
711   pullSysParmLast
712 };
714 typedef struct {
715   double alpha, beta, gamma, separableGammaLearnRescale, theta, wall,
716     radiusSpace, radiusScale, binWidthSpace,
717     neighborTrueProb, probeProb,
718     stepInitial, opporStepScale, backStepScale, constraintStepMin,
719     energyDecreaseMin,
720     energyDecreasePopCntlMin,
721     energyIncreasePermit,
722     fracNeighNixedMax;
723 } pullSysParm;
725 /*
726 ******** pullConstraintFail* enum
727 **
728 ** the various ways constriant satisfaction can fail
729 */
730 enum {
731   pullConstraintFailUnknown,        /* 0 */
732   pullConstraintFailProjGradZeroA,  /* 1 */
733   pullConstraintFailProjGradZeroB,  /* 2 */
734   pullConstraintFailIterMaxed,      /* 3 */
735   pullConstraintFailTravel,         /* 4 */
736   pullConstraintFailLast
737 };
738 #define PULL_CONSTRAINT_FAIL_MAX       4
740 /*
741 ******** pullFlag* enum
742 **
743 ** the various booleans
744 */
745 enum {
746   pullFlagUnknown,
748   /* permute points during rebinning between iters, to randomize their
749      ordering within their bin (bins are still processed in scanline
750      order) */
751   pullFlagPermuteOnRebin,
753   /* when alpha is exactly zero, probably with the purpose of migrating
754      particles along scale towards the scale of maximal strength while
755      avoiding all inter-particle interaction, don't try any population
756      control */
757   pullFlagNoPopCntlWithZeroAlpha,
759   /* when learning gamma via Eq. 26 of the paper, also use beta to
760      more accurately reflect the 2nd derivative of energy wrt scale */
761   pullFlagUseBetaForGammaLearn,
763   /* whether or not to deny adding points to bins where there are
764      close points already */
765   pullFlagRestrictiveAddToBins,
767   /* if non-zero, strength is a particle-image energy term that is
768      minimized by motion along scale, which in turn requires extra
769      probing to determine the strength gradient along scale. */
770   pullFlagEnergyFromStrength,
772   /* if non-zero, nix points that got near enough to the volume edge
773      that gage had to invent values for the kernel support */
774   pullFlagNixAtVolumeEdgeSpace,
776   /* if non-zero, during initialization, try constraint satisfaction
777      (if there is a constraint) before testing whether the seedThresh
778      is met.  Doing the constraint will take longer, but a point is
779      more likely to meet a threshold based on feature strength */
780   pullFlagConstraintBeforeSeedThresh,
782   /* do no adding during population control */
783   pullFlagNoAdd,
785   /* use the targetDim-based "enough" heuristic to guess whether
786      adding a point could usefully reduce system energy.  On by
787      default; turn this off when using a large-support energy that
788      involves more neighbors than the single-neighbor-deep energies
789      that are normally used (like cwell:0.66,x or qwell:0.64) */
790   pullFlagPopCntlEnoughTest,
792   /* no binning: all particles can potentially interact (for debugging) */
793   pullFlagBinSingle,
795   /* whether to allow codimension-3 (point) constraint manifolds.
796      Typical uses of constraints are for extracting lines and surfaces */
797   pullFlagAllowCodimension3Constraints,
799   /* what we call scale is not sigma but rather the tau of gage */
800   pullFlagScaleIsTau,
802   /* pullStart should skip initializing the points */
803   pullFlagStartSkipsPoints,
805   pullFlagLast
806 };
808 typedef struct {
809   int permuteOnRebin,
810     noPopCntlWithZeroAlpha,
811     useBetaForGammaLearn,
812     restrictiveAddToBins,
813     energyFromStrength,
814     nixAtVolumeEdgeSpace,
815     constraintBeforeSeedThresh,
816     popCntlEnoughTest,
817     noAdd,
818     binSingle,
819     allowCodimension3Constraints,
820     scaleIsTau,
821     startSkipsPoints;
822 } pullFlag;
824 /*
825 ******** pullContext
826 **
827 ** everything for doing one computation
828 **
829 */
830 typedef struct pullContext_t {
831   /* INPUT ----------------------------- */
833   pullInitParm initParm;           /* parms for initialization, set with
834                                       the pullInit*Set() functions */
835   pullIterParm iterParm;           /* parms about iterations and periods, set
836                                       with pullIterParmSet() */
837   pullSysParm sysParm;             /* continuous parameters for system,
838                                       set with pullSysParmSet() */
839   pullFlag flag;                   /* all flags, set with pullFlagSet() */
840   int verbose;                     /* verbosity level, set with
841                                       pullVerboseSet() */
842   unsigned int threadNum,          /* number of threads to use, set with
843                                       pullThreadNumSet() */
844     rngSeed,                       /* seed value for random number generator,
845                                       NOT directly related to seed point
846                                       placement (as name might suggest),
847                                       set with pullRngSeedSet() */
848     progressBinMod;                /* if non-zero, progress indication by
849                                       printing "." is given when the bin index
850                                       is a multiple of this; higher numbers
851                                       give less feedback, set with
852                                       pullProgressBinModSet() */
853   void (*iter_cb)(void *data_cb);  /* callback to call from pullRun() every
854                                       iterParm.callback iterations. This and
855                                       data_cb are set w/ pullCallbackSet() */
856   void *data_cb;                   /* data to pass to callback */
857   pullVolume
858     *vol[PULL_VOLUME_MAXNUM];      /* the volumes we analyze (we DO OWN),
859                                       set by either pullVolumeSingleAdd()
860                                       or pullVolumeStackAdd() */
861   unsigned int volNum;             /* actual length of vol[] used */
862   pullInfoSpec
863     *ispec[PULL_INFO_MAX+1];       /* info ii is in effect if ispec[ii] is
864                                       non-NULL (and we DO OWN ispec[ii]),
865                                       set by pullInfoSpecAdd() */
866   int interType;                   /* from the pullInterType* enum.  This
867                                       and the energy specs below are set by
868                                       pullInterEnergySet() */
869   pullEnergySpec *energySpecR,     /* starting point for radial potential
870                                       energy function, phi_r */
871     *energySpecS,                  /* second energy potential function, for
872                                       scale-space behavior, phi_s */
873     *energySpecWin;                /* function used to window phi_r along s,
874                                       and phi_s along r, for use with
875                                       pullInterTypeAdditive */
877   /* INTERNAL -------------------------- */
879   unsigned int haltonOffset;       /* with pullInitMethodHalton, add this to
880                                       the index to sequence generation, to
881                                       account for the points previously
882                                       generated (which did not meet the
883                                       constraint satisfaction) */
884   double bboxMin[4], bboxMax[4];   /* scale-space bounding box of all volumes:
885                                       region over which binning is defined.
886                                       In 3-D space, the bbox is axis aligned,
887                                       even when the volume is not so aligned,
888                                       which means that some bins might be
889                                       under- or un- utilized, oh well.
890                                       bboxMin[3] and bboxMax[3] are the
891                                       bounds of the volume in *scale* (sigma),
892                                       not t, or tau */
893   unsigned int infoTotalLen,       /* total length of the info buffers needed,
894                                       which determines size of allocated
895                                       binPoint */
896     infoIdx[PULL_INFO_MAX+1],      /* index of answer within pullPoint->info */
897     idtagNext;                     /* next per-point igtag value */
898   int haveScale,                   /* non-zero iff one of the volumes is in
899                                       scale-space */
900     constraint,                    /* if non-zero, we have a constraint to
901                                       satisfy, and this is its info number  */
902     constraintDim,                 /* dimension of *spatial* constraint
903                                       manifold we're working on; or
904                                       -1 if unknown/unset */
905     targetDim,                     /* dimension of total constraint manifold
906                                       which can be different than constraintDim
907                                       because of scale-space, and either
908                                       repulsive (+1) or attractive (+0)
909                                       behavior along scale; or
910                                       -1 if unknown/unset */
911     finished;                      /* used to signal all threads to return */
912   double maxDistSpace,             /* max dist of point-point interaction in
913                                       the spatial axes.*/
914     maxDistScale,                  /* max dist of point-point interaction
915                                       along scale */
916     voxelSizeSpace,                /* mean spatial voxel edge length, for
917                                       limiting travel distance for descent
918                                       and constraint satisfaction */
919     voxelSizeScale,                /* mean voxel edge length in space, for
920                                       limiting travel (along scale) distance
921                                       during descent */
922     eipScale;                      /* how to scale energyIncreasePermit
923                                       at each iteration, in accordance with
924                                       energyIncreasePermitHalfLife */
925   pullBin *bin;                    /* volume of bins (see binsEdge, binNum) */
926   unsigned int binsEdge[4],        /* # bins along each volume edge,
927                                       determined by maxEval and scale */
928     binNum,                        /* total # bins in grid */
929     binNextIdx;                    /* next bin of points to be processed,
930                                       we're done when binNextIdx == binNum */
931   unsigned int *tmpPointPerm;      /* storing points during rebinning */
932   pullPoint **tmpPointPtr;
933   unsigned int tmpPointNum;
935   airThreadMutex *binMutex;        /* mutex around bin, needed because bins
936                                       are the unit of work for the tasks */
937   pullTask **task;                 /* dynamically allocated array of tasks */
938   airThreadBarrier *iterBarrierA;  /* barriers between iterations */
939   airThreadBarrier *iterBarrierB;  /* barriers between iterations */
941   Nrrd *nhinter;                   /* 2-D histogram of (r,s)-space relative
942                                       locations of interacting particles
943                                       (NOT thread safe) */
944 #endif
945   FILE *logAdd;                    /* text-file record of all the particles
946                                       that have been added
947                                       (NOT thread-safe) */
949   /* OUTPUT ---------------------------- */
951   double timeIteration,            /* time needed for last (single) iter */
952     timeRun,                       /* total time spent in pullRun() */
953     energy;                        /* final energy of system */
954   unsigned int addNum,             /* # prtls added by PopCntl in last iter */
955     nixNum,                        /* # prtls nixed by PopCntl in last iter */
956     stuckNum,                      /* # stuck particles in last iter */
957     pointNum,                      /* total # particles */
958     CCNum,                         /* # connected components */
959     iter,                          /* how many iterations were needed */
960   /* HEY: this should really be per-task, to be thread-safe!! */
961     count[PULL_COUNT_MAX+1];       /* all possible kinds of counts */
962 } pullContext;
964 /*
965 ******** pullTrace
966 */
967 typedef struct {
968   double seedPos[4];    /* where was the seed point */
969   /* ------- output ------- */
970   Nrrd *nvert,          /* locations of tract vertices */
971     *nstrn,             /* if non-NULL, 1-D array of strengths */
972     *nvelo;             /* 1-D list of velocities */
973   unsigned int seedIdx; /* which index in nvert is for seedpoint */
974   int whyStop[2],       /* why backward/forward (0/1) tracing stopped
975                            (from pullTraceStop* enum) */
976     whyNowhere;         /* why trace never started (from pullTraceStop*) */
977 } pullTrace;
979 /*
980 ******** pullTraceMulti
981 */
982 typedef struct {
983   pullTrace **trace;
984   unsigned int traceNum;
985   airArray *traceArr;
986 } pullTraceMulti;
988 /*
989 ******** pullPtrPtrUnion
990 **
991 ** deal with "dereferencing type-punned pointer will
992 ** break strict-aliasing rules"
993 */
994 typedef union {
995   pullPoint ***points; /* address of array of point pointers */
996   void **v;
997 } pullPtrPtrUnion;
999 /* defaultsPull.c */
1000 PULL_EXPORT const int pullPresent;
1001 PULL_EXPORT const int pullPhistEnabled;
1002 PULL_EXPORT const char *pullBiffKey;
1004 /* initPull.c */
1005 PULL_EXPORT int pullInitRandomSet(pullContext *pctx, unsigned int numInitial);
1006 PULL_EXPORT int pullInitHaltonSet(pullContext *pctx, unsigned int numInitial,
1007                                   unsigned int start);
1008 PULL_EXPORT int pullInitPointPerVoxelSet(pullContext *pctx, int pointPerVoxel,
1009                                          unsigned int zSlcMin,
1010                                          unsigned int zSlcMax,
1011                                          unsigned int alongScaleNum,
1012                                          double jitter);
1013 PULL_EXPORT int pullInitGivenPosSet(pullContext *pctx, const Nrrd *npos);
1014 PULL_EXPORT int pullInitLiveThreshUseSet(pullContext *pctx, int liveThreshUse);
1015 PULL_EXPORT int pullInitUnequalShapesAllowSet(pullContext *pctx, int allow);
1017 /* parmPull.c */
1018 PULL_EXPORT int pullIterParmSet(pullContext *pctx, int which,
1019                                 unsigned int pval);
1020 PULL_EXPORT int pullSysParmSet(pullContext *pctx, int which,
1021                                double pval);
1022 PULL_EXPORT int pullFlagSet(pullContext *pctx, int which, int flag);
1023 PULL_EXPORT int pullVerboseSet(pullContext *pctx, int verbose);
1024 PULL_EXPORT int pullThreadNumSet(pullContext *pctx, unsigned int threadNum);
1025 PULL_EXPORT int pullRngSeedSet(pullContext *pctx, unsigned int rngSeed);
1026 PULL_EXPORT int pullProgressBinModSet(pullContext *pctx, unsigned int bmod);
1027 PULL_EXPORT int pullCallbackSet(pullContext *pctx,
1028                                 void (*iter_cb)(void *data_cb),
1029                                 void *data_cb);
1030 PULL_EXPORT int pullInterEnergySet(pullContext *pctx, int interType,
1031                                    const pullEnergySpec *enspR,
1032                                    const pullEnergySpec *enspS,
1033                                    const pullEnergySpec *enspWin);
1034 PULL_EXPORT int pullLogAddSet(pullContext *pctx, FILE *log);
1036 /* energy.c */
1037 PULL_EXPORT const airEnum *const pullInterType;
1038 PULL_EXPORT const airEnum *const pullEnergyType;
1039 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyUnknown;
1040 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergySpring;
1041 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyGauss;
1042 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyBspln;
1043 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyButterworth;
1044 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyCotan;
1045 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyCubic;
1046 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyQuartic;
1047 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyCubicWell;
1048 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyBetterCubicWell;
1049 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyQuarticWell;
1050 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyHepticWell;
1051 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyZero;
1052 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyButterworthParabola;
1053 PULL_EXPORT const pullEnergy *const pullEnergyAll[PULL_ENERGY_TYPE_MAX+1];
1054 PULL_EXPORT pullEnergySpec *pullEnergySpecNew(void);
1055 PULL_EXPORT void pullEnergySpecSet(pullEnergySpec *ensp,
1056                                    const pullEnergy *energy,
1057                                    const double parm[PULL_ENERGY_PARM_NUM]);
1058 PULL_EXPORT void pullEnergySpecCopy(pullEnergySpec *esDst,
1059                                     const pullEnergySpec *esSrc);
1060 PULL_EXPORT pullEnergySpec *pullEnergySpecNix(pullEnergySpec *ensp);
1061 PULL_EXPORT int pullEnergySpecParse(pullEnergySpec *ensp, const char *str);
1062 PULL_EXPORT hestCB *pullHestEnergySpec;
1064 /* volumePull.c */
1065 PULL_EXPORT pullVolume *pullVolumeNew(void);
1066 PULL_EXPORT pullVolume *pullVolumeNix(pullVolume *vol);
1067 PULL_EXPORT int pullVolumeSingleAdd(pullContext *pctx,
1068                                     const gageKind *kind,
1069                                     char *name, const Nrrd *nin,
1070                                     const NrrdKernelSpec *ksp00,
1071                                     const NrrdKernelSpec *ksp11,
1072                                     const NrrdKernelSpec *ksp22);
1073 PULL_EXPORT int pullVolumeStackAdd(pullContext *pctx,
1074                                    const gageKind *kind,
1075                                    char *name,
1076                                    const Nrrd *nin,
1077                                    const Nrrd *const *ninSS,
1078                                    double *scalePos,
1079                                    unsigned int ninNum,
1080                                    int scaleDerivNorm,
1081                                    double scaleDerivNormBias,
1082                                    const NrrdKernelSpec *ksp00,
1083                                    const NrrdKernelSpec *ksp11,
1084                                    const NrrdKernelSpec *ksp22,
1085                                    const NrrdKernelSpec *kspSS);
1086 PULL_EXPORT const pullVolume *pullVolumeLookup(const pullContext *pctx,
1087                                                const char *volName);
1088 PULL_EXPORT int pullConstraintScaleRange(pullContext *pctx,
1089                                          double ssrange[2]);
1091 /* enumsPull.c */
1092 PULL_EXPORT const airEnum *const pullInfo;
1093 PULL_EXPORT const airEnum *const pullSource;
1094 PULL_EXPORT const airEnum *const pullProp;
1095 PULL_EXPORT const airEnum *const pullProcessMode;
1096 PULL_EXPORT const airEnum *const pullTraceStop;
1097 PULL_EXPORT const airEnum *const pullCount;
1098 PULL_EXPORT const airEnum *const pullConstraintFail;
1100 /* infoPull.c */
1101 PULL_EXPORT unsigned int pullPropLen(int prop);
1102 PULL_EXPORT unsigned int pullInfoLen(int info);
1103 PULL_EXPORT pullInfoSpec *pullInfoSpecNew(void);
1104 PULL_EXPORT pullInfoSpec *pullInfoSpecNix(pullInfoSpec *ispec);
1105 PULL_EXPORT int pullInfoSpecAdd(pullContext *pctx, pullInfoSpec *ispec);
1106 PULL_EXPORT int pullInfoGet(Nrrd *ninfo, int info, pullContext *pctx);
1107 PULL_EXPORT int pullInfoSpecSprint(char str[AIR_STRLEN_LARGE],
1108                                    const pullContext *pctx,
1109                                    const pullInfoSpec *ispec);
1111 /* contextPull.c */
1112 PULL_EXPORT pullContext *pullContextNew(void);
1113 PULL_EXPORT pullContext *pullContextNix(pullContext *pctx);
1114 PULL_EXPORT int pullOutputGet(Nrrd *nPosOut, Nrrd *nTenOut,
1115                               Nrrd *nStrengthOut,
1116                               const double scaleVec[3], double scaleRad,
1117                               pullContext *pctx);
1118 PULL_EXPORT int pullOutputGetFilter(Nrrd *nPosOut, Nrrd *nTenOut,
1119                                     Nrrd *nStrengthOut,
1120                                     const double scaleVec[3], double scaleRad,
1121                                     pullContext *pctx,
1122                                     unsigned int idtagMin,
1123                                     unsigned int idtagMax);
1124 PULL_EXPORT int pullPositionHistoryGet(limnPolyData *pld, pullContext *pctx);
1125 PULL_EXPORT int pullPropGet(Nrrd *nprop, int prop, pullContext *pctx);
1127 /* pointPull.c */
1128 PULL_EXPORT int pullPointInitializePerVoxel(const pullContext *pctx,
1129                                             const unsigned int pointIdx,
1130                                             pullPoint *point,
1131                                             pullVolume *scaleVol,
1132                                             int *createFailP);
1133 PULL_EXPORT int pullPointInitializeRandomOrHalton(pullContext *pctx,
1134                                                   const unsigned int pointIdx,
1135                                                   pullPoint *point,
1136                                                   pullVolume *scaleVol);
1137 PULL_EXPORT int pullPointInitializeGivenPos(pullContext *pctx,
1138                                             const double *posData,
1139                                             const unsigned int pointIdx,
1140                                             pullPoint *point,
1141                                             int *createFailP);
1142 PULL_EXPORT double pullPointScalar(const pullContext *pctx,
1143                                    const pullPoint *point, int sclInfo,
1144                                    double grad[4], double hess[9]);
1145 PULL_EXPORT unsigned int pullPointNumber(const pullContext *pctx);
1146 PULL_EXPORT unsigned int pullPointNumberFilter(const pullContext *pctx,
1147                                                unsigned int idtagMin,
1148                                                unsigned int idtagMax);
1149 PULL_EXPORT pullPoint *pullPointNew(pullContext *pctx);
1150 PULL_EXPORT pullPoint *pullPointNix(pullPoint *pnt);
1151 PULL_EXPORT int pullProbe(pullTask *task, pullPoint *point);
1153 /* binningPull.c */
1154 PULL_EXPORT int pullBinsPointAdd(pullContext *pctx, pullPoint *point,
1155                                  /* output */
1156                                  pullBin **binUsed);
1157 PULL_EXPORT int pullBinsPointMaybeAdd(pullContext *pctx, pullPoint *point,
1158                                       /* output */
1159                                       pullBin **binUsed, int *added);
1161 /* trace.c */
1162 PULL_EXPORT pullTrace *pullTraceNew(void);
1163 PULL_EXPORT pullTrace *pullTraceNix(pullTrace *pts);
1164 PULL_EXPORT size_t pullTraceMultiSizeof(const pullTraceMulti *mtrc);
1165 PULL_EXPORT int pullTraceSet(pullContext *pctx, pullTrace *trc,
1166                              int recordStrength,
1167                              double scaleDelta, double halfScaleWin,
1168                              double velocityMax, unsigned int arrIncr,
1169                              const double seedPos[4]);
1170 PULL_EXPORT pullTraceMulti *pullTraceMultiNew(void);
1171 PULL_EXPORT pullTraceMulti *pullTraceMultiNix(pullTraceMulti *mtrc);
1172 PULL_EXPORT int pullTraceMultiAdd(pullTraceMulti *mtrc, pullTrace *trc,
1173                                   int *addedP);
1174 PULL_EXPORT int pullTraceMultiFilterConcaveDown(Nrrd *nfilt,
1175                                                 const pullTraceMulti *mtrc,
1176                                                 double winLenFrac);
1177 PULL_EXPORT int pullTraceMultiPlotAdd(Nrrd *nplot,
1178                                       const pullTraceMulti *mtrc,
1179                                       const Nrrd *nfilt,
1180                                       unsigned int trcIdxMin,
1181                                       unsigned int trcNum);
1182 PULL_EXPORT int pullTraceMultiWrite(FILE *file, const pullTraceMulti *mtrc);
1183 PULL_EXPORT int pullTraceMultiRead(pullTraceMulti *mtrc, FILE *file);
1185 /* actionPull.c */
1186 PULL_EXPORT int pullEnergyPlot(pullContext *pctx, Nrrd *nplot,
1187                                double xx, double yy, double zz,
1188                                unsigned int res);
1189 PULL_EXPORT int pullBinProcess(pullTask *task, unsigned int myBinIdx);
1190 PULL_EXPORT int pullGammaLearn(pullContext *pctx);
1192 /* corePull.c */
1193 PULL_EXPORT int pullStart(pullContext *pctx);
1194 PULL_EXPORT int pullRun(pullContext *pctx);
1195 PULL_EXPORT int pullFinish(pullContext *pctx);
1197 /* ccPull.c */
1198 PULL_EXPORT int pullCCFind(pullContext *pctx);
1199 PULL_EXPORT int pullCCMeasure(pullContext *pctx, Nrrd *nmeas,
1200                               int measrInfo, double rho);
1201 PULL_EXPORT int pullCCSort(pullContext *pctx, int measrInfo, double rho);
1203 #ifdef __cplusplus
1204 }
1205 #endif
1207 #endif /* PULL_HAS_BEEN_INCLUDED */