1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 by Farsight Security, Inc.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef NMSG_PCAP_H
18 #define NMSG_PCAP_H
20 /*! \file nmsg/pcap_input.h
21  * \brief Reassembled IP datagram interface to libpcap.
22  *
23  * libpcap's frame-based interface is wrapped with calls to the ipdg.h interface
24  * and provides the caller with reassembled IP datagrams.
25  *
26  * Callers should not call pcap_setfilter() on the pcap_t handle passed to
27  * nmsg_pcap_input_open() but should instead use nmsg_pcap_input_setfilter().
28  * Since IP datagrams are reassembled in userspace, they must undergo
29  * reevaluation of the user-provided filter. nmsg_pcap_input_setfilter() and
30  * nmsg_pcap_input_read() handle this transparently.
31  */
33 typedef enum {
34 	nmsg_pcap_type_file,
35 	nmsg_pcap_type_live
36 } nmsg_pcap_type;
38 /**
39  * Initialize a new nmsg_pcap_t input from a libpcap source.
40  *
41  * \param[in] phandle pcap_t handle (e.g., acquired from pcap_open_offline() or
42  * pcap_open_live()).
43  *
44  * \return Opaque pointer that is NULL on failure or non-NULL on success.
45  */
46 nmsg_pcap_t
47 nmsg_pcap_input_open(pcap_t *phandle);
49 /**
50  * Close an nmsg_pcap_t object and release all associated resources.
51  *
52  * \param[in] pcap pointer to an nmsg_pcap_t object.
53  */
54 nmsg_res
55 nmsg_pcap_input_close(nmsg_pcap_t *pcap);
57 /**
58  * Read an IP datagram from an nmsg_pcap_t input, performing reassembly if
59  * necessary.
60  *
61  * \param[in] pcap nmsg_pcap_t object.
62  *
63  * \param[out] dg nmsg_ipdg structure to be filled.
64  *
65  * \param[out] ts timespec structure indicating time of datagram reception.
66  *
67  * \return #nmsg_res_success
68  * \return #nmsg_res_pcap_error
69  * \return #nmsg_res_again
70  */
71 nmsg_res
72 nmsg_pcap_input_read(nmsg_pcap_t pcap, struct nmsg_ipdg *dg,
73 		     struct timespec *ts);
75 /**
76  * Read a raw packet from an nmsg_pcap_t input.
77  *
78  * \param[in] pcap nmsg_pcap_t object.
79  *
80  * \param[out] pkt_hdr Location to store pcap packet header.
81  *
82  * \param[out] pkt_data Location to store pcap packet data.
83  *
84  * \param[out] ts timespec structure indicating time of packet reception.
85  *
86  * \return #nmsg_res_success
87  * \return #nmsg_res_pcap_error
88  * \return #nmsg_res_again
89  */
90 nmsg_res
91 nmsg_pcap_input_read_raw(nmsg_pcap_t pcap, struct pcap_pkthdr **pkt_hdr,
92 			 const uint8_t **pkt_data, struct timespec *ts);
94 /**
95  * Set a bpf filter on an nmsg_pcap_t object. This function performs
96  * additional transformation on the bpf filter text before passing the
97  * filter to pcap_compile() and pcap_setfilter().
98  *
99  * \param[in] pcap nmsg_pcap_t object.
100  *
101  * \param[in] bpfstr is a valid bpf filter expression that will be passed to
102  *	pcap_compile().
103  *
104  * \return #nmsg_res_success
105  * \return #nmsg_res_failure
106  */
107 nmsg_res
108 nmsg_pcap_input_setfilter(nmsg_pcap_t pcap, const char *bpfstr);
110 /**
111  * Set a bpf filter on an nmsg_pcap_t object. This function is a thin
112  * wrapper for pcap_setfilter().
113  *
114  * \param[in] pcap nmsg_pcap_t object.
115  *
116  * \param[in] bpfstr is a valid bpf filter expression that will be passed to
117  *	pcap_compile() and pcap_setfilter().
118  *
119  * \return #nmsg_res_success
120  * \return #nmsg_res_failure
121  */
122 nmsg_res
123 nmsg_pcap_input_setfilter_raw(nmsg_pcap_t pcap, const char *bpfstr);
125 /**
126  * Set raw mode.
127  *
128  * \param[in] pcap nmsg_pcap_t object.
129  *
130  * \param[in] raw True if raw packets should be passed, false if reassembled
131  *	datagrams should be passed.
132  */
133 void
134 nmsg_pcap_input_set_raw(nmsg_pcap_t pcap, bool raw);
136 /**
137  * Get the snapshot length of the underlying pcap handle.
138  *
139  * \param[in] pcap nmsg_pcap_t object.
140  *
141  * \return Pcap snapshot length.
142  */
143 int
144 nmsg_pcap_snapshot(nmsg_pcap_t pcap);
146 /**
147  * Get the type of the underlying pcap handle.
148  *
149  * \param[in] pcap nmsg_pcap_t object.
150  *
151  * \return #nmsg_pcap_type_file
152  * \return #nmsg_pcap_type_live
153  */
154 nmsg_pcap_type
155 nmsg_pcap_get_type(nmsg_pcap_t pcap);
157 /**
158  * Get the datalink type of the underlying pcap handle.
159  *
160  * \param[in] pcap nmsg_pcap_t object.
161  */
162 int
163 nmsg_pcap_get_datalink(nmsg_pcap_t pcap);
165 /**
166  * Return the result of filtering a packet.
167  *
168  * \param[in] pcap nmsg_pcap_t object.
169  *
170  * \param[in] pkt Pointer to start of network packet.
171  *
172  * \param[in] len Length of packet.
173  *
174  * \return false if packet failed the filter
175  * \return true if packet passed the filter
176  */
177 bool
178 nmsg_pcap_filter(nmsg_pcap_t pcap, const uint8_t *pkt, size_t len);
180 #endif /* NMSG_PCAP_H */