1 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * (c) The GHC Team, 1998-2018
4  *
5  * Non-moving garbage collector and allocator
6  *
7  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
9 #include "Rts.h"
10 #include "RtsUtils.h"
11 #include "Capability.h"
12 #include "Sparks.h"
13 #include "Printer.h"
14 #include "Storage.h"
15 // We call evacuate, which expects the thread-local gc_thread to be valid;
16 // This is sometimes declared as a register variable therefore it is necessary
17 // to include the declaration so that the compiler doesn't clobber the register.
18 #include "GCThread.h"
19 #include "GCTDecl.h"
20 #include "Schedule.h"
21 #include "Stats.h"
23 #include "NonMoving.h"
24 #include "NonMovingMark.h"
25 #include "NonMovingSweep.h"
26 #include "NonMovingCensus.h"
27 #include "StablePtr.h" // markStablePtrTable
28 #include "Schedule.h" // markScheduler
29 #include "Weak.h" // dead_weak_ptr_list
31 struct NonmovingHeap nonmovingHeap;
33 uint8_t nonmovingMarkEpoch = 1;
nonmovingBumpEpoch(void)35 static void nonmovingBumpEpoch(void) {
36     nonmovingMarkEpoch = nonmovingMarkEpoch == 1 ? 2 : 1;
37 }
39 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
40 /*
41  * This mutex ensures that only one non-moving collection is active at a time.
42  */
43 Mutex nonmoving_collection_mutex;
45 OSThreadId mark_thread;
46 bool concurrent_coll_running = false;
47 Condition concurrent_coll_finished;
48 Mutex concurrent_coll_finished_lock;
49 #endif
51 /*
52  * Note [Non-moving garbage collector]
53  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
54  * The sources rts/NonMoving*.c implement GHC's non-moving garbage collector
55  * for the oldest generation. In contrast to the throughput-oriented moving
56  * collector, the non-moving collector is designed to achieve low GC latencies
57  * on large heaps. It accomplishes low-latencies by way of a concurrent
58  * mark-and-sweep collection strategy on a specially-designed heap structure.
59  * While the design is described in detail in the design document found in
60  * docs/storage/nonmoving-gc, we briefly summarize the structure here.
61  *
62  *
63  * === Heap Structure ===
64  *
65  * The nonmoving heap (embodied by struct NonmovingHeap) consists of a family
66  * of allocators, each serving a range of allocation sizes. Each allocator
67  * consists of a set of *segments*, each of which contain fixed-size *blocks*
68  * (not to be confused with "blocks" provided by GHC's block allocator; this is
69  * admittedly an unfortunate overlap in terminology).  These blocks are the
70  * backing store for the allocator. In addition to blocks, the segment also
71  * contains some header information (see struct NonmovingSegment in
72  * NonMoving.h). This header contains a *bitmap* encoding one byte per block
73  * (used by the collector to record liveness), as well as the index of the next
74  * unallocated block (and a *snapshot* of this field which will be described in
75  * the next section).
76  *
77  * Each allocator maintains three sets of segments:
78  *
79  *  - A *current* segment for each capability; this is the segment which that
80  *    capability will allocate into.
81  *
82  *  - A pool of *active* segments, each of which containing at least one
83  *    unallocated block. The allocate will take a segment from this pool when
84  *    it fills its *current* segment.
85  *
86  *  - A set of *filled* segments, which contain no unallocated blocks and will
87  *    be collected during the next major GC cycle
88  *
89  * Storage for segments is allocated using the block allocator using an aligned
90  * group of NONMOVING_SEGMENT_BLOCKS blocks. This makes the task of locating
91  * the segment header for a clone a simple matter of bit-masking (as
92  * implemented by nonmovingGetSegment).
93  *
94  * In addition, to relieve pressure on the block allocator we keep a small pool
95  * of free blocks around (nonmovingHeap.free) which can be pushed/popped
96  * to/from in a lock-free manner.
97  *
98  *
99  * === Allocation ===
100  *
101  * The allocator (as implemented by nonmovingAllocate) starts by identifying
102  * which allocator the request should be made against. It then allocates into
103  * its local current segment and bumps the next_free pointer to point to the
104  * next unallocated block (as indicated by the bitmap). If it finds the current
105  * segment is now full it moves it to the filled list and looks for a new
106  * segment to make current from a few sources:
107  *
108  *  1. the allocator's active list (see pop_active_segment)
109  *  2. the nonmoving heap's free block pool (see nonmovingPopFreeSegment)
110  *  3. allocate a new segment from the block allocator (see
111  *     nonmovingAllocSegment)
112  *
113  * Note that allocation does *not* involve modifying the bitmap. The bitmap is
114  * only modified by the collector.
115  *
116  *
117  * === Snapshot invariant ===
118  *
119  * To safely collect in a concurrent setting, the collector relies on the
120  * notion of a *snapshot*. The snapshot is a hypothetical frozen state of the
121  * heap topology taken at the beginning of the major collection cycle.
122  * With this definition we require the following property of the mark phase,
123  * which we call the *snapshot invariant*,
124  *
125  *     All objects that were reachable at the time the snapshot was collected
126  *     must have their mark bits set at the end of the mark phase.
127  *
128  * As the mutator might change the topology of the heap while we are marking
129  * this property requires some cooperation from the mutator to maintain.
130  * Specifically, we rely on a write barrier as described in Note [Update
131  * remembered set].
132  *
133  * To determine which objects were existent when the snapshot was taken we
134  * record a snapshot of each segments next_free pointer at the beginning of
135  * collection.
136  *
137  *
138  * === Collection ===
139  *
140  * Collection happens in a few phases some of which occur during a
141  * stop-the-world period (marked with [STW]) and others which can occur
142  * concurrently with mutation and minor collection (marked with [CONC]):
143  *
144  *  1. [STW] Preparatory GC: Here we do a standard minor collection of the
145  *     younger generations (which may evacuate things to the nonmoving heap).
146  *     References from younger generations into the nonmoving heap are recorded
147  *     in the mark queue (see Note [Aging under the non-moving collector] in
148  *     this file).
149  *
150  *  2. [STW] Snapshot update: Here we update the segment snapshot metadata
151  *     (see nonmovingPrepareMark) and move the filled segments to
152  *     nonmovingHeap.sweep_list, which is the set of segments which we will
153  *     sweep this GC cycle.
154  *
155  *  3. [STW] Root collection: Here we walk over a variety of root sources
156  *     and add them to the mark queue (see nonmovingCollect).
157  *
158  *  4. [CONC] Concurrent marking: Here we do the majority of marking concurrently
159  *     with mutator execution (but with the write barrier enabled; see
160  *     Note [Update remembered set]).
161  *
162  *  5. [STW] Final sync: Here we interrupt the mutators, ask them to
163  *     flush their final update remembered sets, and mark any new references
164  *     we find.
165  *
166  *  6. [CONC] Sweep: Here we walk over the nonmoving segments on sweep_list
167  *     and place them back on either the active, current, or filled list,
168  *     depending upon how much live data they contain.
169  *
170  *
171  * === Marking ===
172  *
173  * Ignoring large and static objects, marking a closure is fairly
174  * straightforward (implemented in NonMovingMark.c:mark_closure):
175  *
176  *  1. Check whether the closure is in the non-moving generation; if not then
177  *     we ignore it.
178  *  2. Find the segment containing the closure's block.
179  *  3. Check whether the closure's block is above $seg->next_free_snap; if so
180  *     then the block was not allocated when we took the snapshot and therefore
181  *     we don't need to mark it.
182  *  4. Check whether the block's bitmap bits is equal to nonmovingMarkEpoch. If
183  *     so then we can stop as we have already marked it.
184  *  5. Push the closure's pointers to the mark queue.
185  *  6. Set the blocks bitmap bits to nonmovingMarkEpoch.
186  *
187  * Note that the ordering of (5) and (6) is rather important, as described in
188  * Note [StgStack dirtiness flags and concurrent marking].
189  *
190  *
191  * === Other references ===
192  *
193  * Apart from the design document in docs/storage/nonmoving-gc and the Ueno
194  * 2016 paper [ueno 2016] from which it drew inspiration, there are a variety
195  * of other relevant Notes scattered throughout the tree:
196  *
197  *  - Note [Concurrent non-moving collection] (NonMoving.c) describes
198  *    concurrency control of the nonmoving collector
199  *
200  *  - Note [Live data accounting in nonmoving collector] (NonMoving.c)
201  *    describes how we track the quantity of live data in the nonmoving
202  *    generation.
203  *
204  *  - Note [Aging under the non-moving collector] (NonMoving.c) describes how
205  *    we accomodate aging
206  *
207  *  - Note [Non-moving GC: Marking evacuated objects] (Evac.c) describes how
208  *    non-moving objects reached by evacuate() are marked, which is necessary
209  *    due to aging.
210  *
211  *  - Note [Large objects in the non-moving collector] (NonMovingMark.c)
212  *    describes how we track large objects.
213  *
214  *  - Note [Update remembered set] (NonMovingMark.c) describes the function and
215  *    implementation of the update remembered set used to realize the concurrent
216  *    write barrier.
217  *
218  *  - Note [Concurrent read barrier on deRefWeak#] (NonMovingMark.c) describes
219  *    the read barrier on Weak# objects.
220  *
221  *  - Note [Unintentional marking in resurrectThreads] (NonMovingMark.c) describes
222  *    a tricky interaction between the update remembered set flush and weak
223  *    finalization.
224  *
225  *  - Note [Origin references in the nonmoving collector] (NonMovingMark.h)
226  *    describes how we implement indirection short-cutting and the selector
227  *    optimisation.
228  *
229  *  - Note [StgStack dirtiness flags and concurrent marking] (TSO.h) describes
230  *    the protocol for concurrent marking of stacks.
231  *
232  *  - Note [Static objects under the nonmoving collector] (Storage.c) describes
233  *    treatment of static objects.
234  *
235  *  - Note [Dirty flags in the non-moving collector] (NonMoving.c) describes
236  *    how we use the DIRTY flags associated with MUT_VARs and TVARs to improve
237  *    barrier efficiency.
238  *
239  * [ueno 2016]:
240  *   Katsuhiro Ueno and Atsushi Ohori. 2016. A fully concurrent garbage
241  *   collector for functional programs on multicore processors. SIGPLAN Not. 51,
242  *   9 (September 2016), 421–433. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3022670.2951944
243  *
244  *
245  * Note [Concurrent non-moving collection]
246  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
247  * Concurrency-control of non-moving garbage collection is a bit tricky. There
248  * are a few things to keep in mind:
249  *
250  *  - Only one non-moving collection may be active at a time. This is enforced by the
251  *    concurrent_coll_running flag, which is set when a collection is on-going. If
252  *    we attempt to initiate a new collection while this is set we wait on the
253  *    concurrent_coll_finished condition variable, which signals when the
254  *    active collection finishes.
255  *
256  *  - In between the mark and sweep phases the non-moving collector must synchronize
257  *    with mutator threads to collect and mark their final update remembered
258  *    sets. This is accomplished using
259  *    stopAllCapabilitiesWith(SYNC_FLUSH_UPD_REM_SET). Capabilities are held
260  *    the final mark has concluded.
261  *
262  * Note that possibility of concurrent minor and non-moving collections
263  * requires that we handle static objects a bit specially. See
264  * Note [Static objects under the nonmoving collector] in Storage.c
265  * for details.
266  *
267  *
268  * Note [Aging under the non-moving collector]
269  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
270  *
271  * The initial design of the non-moving collector mandated that all live data
272  * be evacuated to the non-moving heap prior to a major collection. This
273  * simplified certain bits of implementation and eased reasoning. However, it
274  * was (unsurprisingly) also found to result in significant amounts of
275  * unnecessary copying.
276  *
277  * Consequently, we now allow aging. Aging allows the preparatory GC leading up
278  * to a major collection to evacuate some objects into the young generation.
279  * However, this introduces the following tricky case that might arise after
280  * we have finished the preparatory GC:
281  *
282  *       moving heap  ┆  non-moving heap
283  *     ───────────────┆──────────────────
284  *                    ┆
285  *      B ←────────────── A ←─────────────── root
286  *      │             ┆     ↖─────────────── gen1 mut_list
287  *      ╰───────────────→ C
288  *                    ┆
289  *
290  * In this case C is clearly live, but the non-moving collector can only see
291  * this by walking through B, which lives in the moving heap. However, doing so
292  * would require that we synchronize with the mutator/minor GC to ensure that it
293  * isn't in the middle of moving B. What to do?
294  *
295  * The solution we use here is to teach the preparatory moving collector to
296  * "evacuate" objects it encounters in the non-moving heap by adding them to
297  * the mark queue. This is implemented by pushing the object to the update
298  * remembered set of the capability held by the evacuating gc_thread
299  * (implemented by markQueuePushClosureGC)
300  *
301  * Consequently collection of the case above would proceed as follows:
302  *
303  *  1. Initial state:
304  *      * A lives in the non-moving heap and is reachable from the root set
305  *      * A is on the oldest generation's mut_list, since it contains a pointer
306  *        to B, which lives in a younger generation
307  *      * B lives in the moving collector's from space
308  *      * C lives in the non-moving heap
309  *
310  *  2. Preparatory GC: Scavenging mut_lists:
311  *
312  *     The mut_list of the oldest generation is scavenged, resulting in B being
313  *     evacuated (aged) into the moving collector's to-space.
314  *
315  *  3. Preparatory GC: Scavenge B
316  *
317  *     B (now in to-space) is scavenged, resulting in evacuation of C.
318  *     evacuate(C) pushes a reference to C to the mark queue.
319  *
320  *  4. Non-moving GC: C is marked
321  *
322  *     The non-moving collector will come to C in the mark queue and mark it.
323  *
324  * The implementation details of this are described in Note [Non-moving GC:
325  * Marking evacuated objects] in Evac.c.
326  *
327  * Note [Deadlock detection under the non-moving collector]
328  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
329  * In GHC the garbage collector is responsible for identifying deadlocked
330  * programs. Providing for this responsibility is slightly tricky in the
331  * non-moving collector due to the existence of aging. In particular, the
332  * non-moving collector cannot traverse objects living in a young generation
333  * but reachable from the non-moving generation, as described in Note [Aging
334  * under the non-moving collector].
335  *
336  * However, this can pose trouble for deadlock detection since it means that we
337  * may conservatively mark dead closures as live. Consider this case:
338  *
339  *       moving heap  ┆  non-moving heap
340  *     ───────────────┆──────────────────
341  *                    ┆
342  *      MVAR_QUEUE ←───── TSO ←───────────── gen1 mut_list
343  *        ↑  │  ╰────────↗  │
344  *        │  │        ┆     │
345  *        │  │        ┆     ↓
346  *        │  ╰──────────→ MVAR
347  *        ╰─────────────────╯
348  *                    ┆
349  *
350  * In this case we have a TSO blocked on a dead MVar. Because the MVAR_TSO_QUEUE on
351  * which it is blocked lives in the moving heap, the TSO is necessarily on the
352  * oldest generation's mut_list. As in Note [Aging under the non-moving
353  * collector], the MVAR_TSO_QUEUE will be evacuated. If MVAR_TSO_QUEUE is aged
354  * (e.g. evacuated to the young generation) then the MVAR will be added to the
355  * mark queue. Consequently, we will falsely conclude that the MVAR is still
356  * alive and fail to spot the deadlock.
357  *
358  * To avoid this sort of situation we disable aging when we are starting a
359  * major GC specifically for deadlock detection (as done by
360  * scheduleDetectDeadlock). This condition is recorded by the
361  * deadlock_detect_gc global variable declared in GC.h. Setting this has a few
362  * effects on the preparatory GC:
363  *
364  *  - Evac.c:alloc_for_copy forces evacuation to the non-moving generation.
365  *
366  *  - The evacuation logic usually responsible for pushing objects living in
367  *    the non-moving heap to the mark queue is disabled. This is safe because
368  *    we know that all live objects will be in the non-moving heap by the end
369  *    of the preparatory moving collection.
370  *
371  *
372  * Note [Live data accounting in nonmoving collector]
373  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
374  * The nonmoving collector uses an approximate heuristic for reporting live
375  * data quantity. Specifically, during mark we record how much live data we
376  * find in nonmoving_live_words. At the end of mark we declare this amount to
377  * be how much live data we have on in the nonmoving heap (by setting
378  * oldest_gen->live_estimate).
379  *
380  * In addition, we update oldest_gen->live_estimate every time we fill a
381  * segment. This, as well, is quite approximate: we assume that all blocks
382  * above next_free_next are newly-allocated. In principle we could refer to the
383  * bitmap to count how many blocks we actually allocated but this too would be
384  * approximate due to concurrent collection and ultimately seems more costly
385  * than the problem demands.
386  *
387  *
388  * Note [Spark management under the nonmoving collector]
389  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
390  * Every GC, both minor and major, prunes the spark queue (using
391  * Sparks.c:pruneSparkQueue) of sparks which are no longer reachable.
392  * Doing this with concurrent collection is a tad subtle since the minor
393  * collections cannot rely on the mark bitmap to accurately reflect the
394  * reachability of a spark.
395  *
396  * We use a conservative reachability approximation:
397  *
398  *  - Minor collections assume that all sparks living in the non-moving heap
399  *    are reachable.
400  *
401  *  - Major collections prune the spark queue during the final sync. This pruning
402  *    assumes that all sparks in the young generations are reachable (since the
403  *    BF_EVACUATED flag won't be set on the nursery blocks) and will consequently
404  *    only prune dead sparks living in the non-moving heap.
405  *
406  *
407  * Note [Dirty flags in the non-moving collector]
408  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
409  * Some mutable object types (e.g. MUT_VARs, TVARs) have a one-bit dirty flag
410  * encoded in their info table pointer. The moving collector's uses this flag
411  * to minimize redundant mut_list entries. The flag is preserves the following
412  * simple invariant:
413  *
414  *     An object being marked as dirty implies that the object is on mut_list.
415  *
416  * This allows a nice optimisation in the write barrier (e.g. dirty_MUT_VAR):
417  * if we write to an already-dirty object there is no need to
418  * push it to the mut_list as we know it's already there.
419  *
420  * During GC (scavenging) we will then keep track of whether all of the
421  * object's reference have been promoted. If so we can mark the object as clean.
422  * If not then we re-add it to mut_list and mark it as dirty.
423  *
424  * In the non-moving collector we use the same dirty flag to implement a
425  * related optimisation on the non-moving write barrier: Specifically, the
426  * snapshot invariant only requires that the non-moving write barrier applies
427  * to the *first* mutation to an object after collection begins. To achieve this,
428  * we impose the following invariant:
429  *
430  *     An object being marked as dirty implies that all of its fields are on
431  *     the mark queue (or, equivalently, update remembered set).
432  *
433  * With this guarantee we can safely make the the write barriers dirty objects
434  * no-ops. We perform this optimisation for the following object types:
435  *
436  *  - MVAR
437  *  - TVAR
438  *  - MUT_VAR
439  *
440  * However, maintaining this invariant requires great care. For instance,
441  * consider the case of an MVar (which has two pointer fields) before
442  * preparatory collection:
443  *
444  *    Non-moving heap     ┊      Moving heap
445  *         gen 1          ┊         gen 0
446  *  ──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────
447  *                        ┊
448  *         MVAR A  ────────────────→ X
449  *        (dirty)  ───────────╮
450  *                        ┊   ╰────→ Y
451  *                        ┊          │
452  *                        ┊          │
453  *           ╭───────────────────────╯
454  *           │            ┊
455  *           ↓            ┊
456  *           Z            ┊
457  *                        ┊
458  *
459  * During the preparatory collection we promote Y to the nonmoving heap but
460  * fail to promote X. Since the failed_to_evac field is conservative (being set
461  * if *any* of the fields are not promoted), this gives us:
462  *
463  *    Non-moving heap     ┊      Moving heap
464  *         gen 1          ┊         gen 0
465  *  ──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────
466  *                        ┊
467  *         MVAR A  ────────────────→ X
468  *        (dirty)         ┊
469  *           │            ┊
470  *           │            ┊
471  *           ↓            ┊
472  *           Y            ┊
473  *           │            ┊
474  *           │            ┊
475  *           ↓            ┊
476  *           Z            ┊
477  *                        ┊
478  *
479  * This is bad. When we resume mutation a mutator may mutate MVAR A; since it's
480  * already dirty we would fail to add Y to the update remembered set, breaking the
481  * snapshot invariant and potentially losing track of the liveness of Z.
482  *
483  * To avoid this nonmovingScavengeOne we eagerly pushes the values of the
484  * fields of all objects which it fails to evacuate (e.g. MVAR A) to the update
485  * remembered set during the preparatory GC. This allows us to safely skip the
486  * non-moving write barrier without jeopardizing the snapshot invariant.
487  *
488  */
490 memcount nonmoving_live_words = 0;
492 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
493 static void* nonmovingConcurrentMark(void *mark_queue);
494 #endif
495 static void nonmovingMark_(MarkQueue *mark_queue, StgWeak **dead_weaks, StgTSO **resurrected_threads);
nonmovingInitSegment(struct NonmovingSegment * seg,uint8_t log_block_size)497 static void nonmovingInitSegment(struct NonmovingSegment *seg, uint8_t log_block_size)
498 {
499     bdescr *bd = Bdescr((P_) seg);
500     seg->link = NULL;
501     seg->todo_link = NULL;
502     seg->next_free = 0;
503     bd->nonmoving_segment.log_block_size = log_block_size;
504     bd->nonmoving_segment.next_free_snap = 0;
505     bd->u.scan = nonmovingSegmentGetBlock(seg, 0);
506     nonmovingClearBitmap(seg);
507 }
509 // Add a segment to the free list.
nonmovingPushFreeSegment(struct NonmovingSegment * seg)510 void nonmovingPushFreeSegment(struct NonmovingSegment *seg)
511 {
512     // See Note [Live data accounting in nonmoving collector].
513     if (nonmovingHeap.n_free > NONMOVING_MAX_FREE) {
514         bdescr *bd = Bdescr((StgPtr) seg);
515         ACQUIRE_SM_LOCK;
516         ASSERT(oldest_gen->n_blocks >= bd->blocks);
517         ASSERT(oldest_gen->n_words >= BLOCK_SIZE_W * bd->blocks);
518         oldest_gen->n_blocks -= bd->blocks;
519         oldest_gen->n_words  -= BLOCK_SIZE_W * bd->blocks;
520         freeGroup(bd);
521         RELEASE_SM_LOCK;
522         return;
523     }
525     while (true) {
526         struct NonmovingSegment *old = nonmovingHeap.free;
527         seg->link = old;
528         if (cas((StgVolatilePtr) &nonmovingHeap.free, (StgWord) old, (StgWord) seg) == (StgWord) old)
529             break;
530     }
531     __sync_add_and_fetch(&nonmovingHeap.n_free, 1);
532 }
nonmovingPopFreeSegment(void)534 static struct NonmovingSegment *nonmovingPopFreeSegment(void)
535 {
536     while (true) {
537         struct NonmovingSegment *seg = nonmovingHeap.free;
538         if (seg == NULL) {
539             return NULL;
540         }
541         if (cas((StgVolatilePtr) &nonmovingHeap.free,
542                 (StgWord) seg,
543                 (StgWord) seg->link) == (StgWord) seg) {
544             __sync_sub_and_fetch(&nonmovingHeap.n_free, 1);
545             return seg;
546         }
547     }
548 }
nonmovingBlockCountFromSize(uint8_t log_block_size)550 unsigned int nonmovingBlockCountFromSize(uint8_t log_block_size)
551 {
552   // We compute the overwhelmingly common size cases directly to avoid a very
553   // expensive integer division.
554   switch (log_block_size) {
555     case 3:  return nonmovingBlockCount(3);
556     case 4:  return nonmovingBlockCount(4);
557     case 5:  return nonmovingBlockCount(5);
558     case 6:  return nonmovingBlockCount(6);
559     case 7:  return nonmovingBlockCount(7);
560     default: return nonmovingBlockCount(log_block_size);
561   }
562 }
564 /*
565  * Request a fresh segment from the free segment list or allocate one of the
566  * given node.
567  *
568  * Caller must hold SM_MUTEX (although we take the gc_alloc_block_sync spinlock
569  * under the assumption that we are in a GC context).
570  */
nonmovingAllocSegment(uint32_t node)571 static struct NonmovingSegment *nonmovingAllocSegment(uint32_t node)
572 {
573     // First try taking something off of the free list
574     struct NonmovingSegment *ret;
575     ret = nonmovingPopFreeSegment();
577     // Nothing in the free list, allocate a new segment...
578     if (ret == NULL) {
579         // Take gc spinlock: another thread may be scavenging a moving
580         // generation and call `todo_block_full`
581         ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&gc_alloc_block_sync);
582         bdescr *bd = allocAlignedGroupOnNode(node, NONMOVING_SEGMENT_BLOCKS);
583         // See Note [Live data accounting in nonmoving collector].
584         oldest_gen->n_blocks += bd->blocks;
585         oldest_gen->n_words  += BLOCK_SIZE_W * bd->blocks;
586         RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&gc_alloc_block_sync);
588         for (StgWord32 i = 0; i < bd->blocks; ++i) {
589             initBdescr(&bd[i], oldest_gen, oldest_gen);
590             bd[i].flags = BF_NONMOVING;
591         }
592         ret = (struct NonmovingSegment *)bd->start;
593     }
595     // Check alignment
596     ASSERT(((uintptr_t)ret % NONMOVING_SEGMENT_SIZE) == 0);
597     return ret;
598 }
log2_ceil(unsigned long x)600 static inline unsigned long log2_ceil(unsigned long x)
601 {
602     return (sizeof(unsigned long)*8) - __builtin_clzl(x-1);
603 }
605 // Advance a segment's next_free pointer. Returns true if segment if full.
advance_next_free(struct NonmovingSegment * seg,const unsigned int blk_count)606 static bool advance_next_free(struct NonmovingSegment *seg, const unsigned int blk_count)
607 {
608     const uint8_t *bitmap = seg->bitmap;
609     ASSERT(blk_count == nonmovingSegmentBlockCount(seg));
610 #if defined(NAIVE_ADVANCE_FREE)
611     // reference implementation
612     for (unsigned int i = seg->next_free+1; i < blk_count; i++) {
613         if (!bitmap[i]) {
614             seg->next_free = i;
615             return false;
616         }
617     }
618     seg->next_free = blk_count;
619     return true;
620 #else
621     const uint8_t *c = memchr(&bitmap[seg->next_free+1], 0, blk_count - seg->next_free - 1);
622     if (c == NULL) {
623         seg->next_free = blk_count;
624         return true;
625     } else {
626         seg->next_free = c - bitmap;
627         return false;
628     }
629 #endif
630 }
pop_active_segment(struct NonmovingAllocator * alloca)632 static struct NonmovingSegment *pop_active_segment(struct NonmovingAllocator *alloca)
633 {
634     while (true) {
635         struct NonmovingSegment *seg = alloca->active;
636         if (seg == NULL) {
637             return NULL;
638         }
639         if (cas((StgVolatilePtr) &alloca->active,
640                 (StgWord) seg,
641                 (StgWord) seg->link) == (StgWord) seg) {
642             return seg;
643         }
644     }
645 }
647 /* Allocate a block in the nonmoving heap. Caller must hold SM_MUTEX. sz is in words */
nonmovingAllocate(Capability * cap,StgWord sz)649 void *nonmovingAllocate(Capability *cap, StgWord sz)
650 {
651     unsigned int log_block_size = log2_ceil(sz * sizeof(StgWord));
652     unsigned int block_count = nonmovingBlockCountFromSize(log_block_size);
654     // The max we ever allocate is 3276 bytes (anything larger is a large
655     // object and not moved) which is covered by allocator 9.
658     struct NonmovingAllocator *alloca = nonmovingHeap.allocators[log_block_size - NONMOVING_ALLOCA0];
660     // Allocate into current segment
661     struct NonmovingSegment *current = alloca->current[cap->no];
662     ASSERT(current); // current is never NULL
663     void *ret = nonmovingSegmentGetBlock_(current, log_block_size, current->next_free);
664     ASSERT(GET_CLOSURE_TAG(ret) == 0); // check alignment
666     // Advance the current segment's next_free or allocate a new segment if full
667     bool full = advance_next_free(current, block_count);
668     if (full) {
669         // Current segment is full: update live data estimate link it to
670         // filled, take an active segment if one exists, otherwise allocate a
671         // new segment.
673         // Update live data estimate.
674         // See Note [Live data accounting in nonmoving collector].
675         unsigned int new_blocks = block_count - nonmovingSegmentInfo(current)->next_free_snap;
676         unsigned int block_size = 1 << log_block_size;
677         atomic_inc(&oldest_gen->live_estimate, new_blocks * block_size / sizeof(W_));
679         // push the current segment to the filled list
680         nonmovingPushFilledSegment(current);
682         // first look for a new segment in the active list
683         struct NonmovingSegment *new_current = pop_active_segment(alloca);
685         // there are no active segments, allocate new segment
686         if (new_current == NULL) {
687             new_current = nonmovingAllocSegment(cap->node);
688             nonmovingInitSegment(new_current, log_block_size);
689         }
691         // make it current
692         new_current->link = NULL;
693         alloca->current[cap->no] = new_current;
694     }
696     return ret;
697 }
699 /* Allocate a nonmovingAllocator */
alloc_nonmoving_allocator(uint32_t n_caps)700 static struct NonmovingAllocator *alloc_nonmoving_allocator(uint32_t n_caps)
701 {
702     size_t allocator_sz =
703         sizeof(struct NonmovingAllocator) +
704         sizeof(void*) * n_caps; // current segment pointer for each capability
705     struct NonmovingAllocator *alloc =
706         stgMallocBytes(allocator_sz, "nonmovingInit");
707     memset(alloc, 0, allocator_sz);
708     return alloc;
709 }
free_nonmoving_allocator(struct NonmovingAllocator * alloc)711 static void free_nonmoving_allocator(struct NonmovingAllocator *alloc)
712 {
713     stgFree(alloc);
714 }
nonmovingInit(void)716 void nonmovingInit(void)
717 {
718     if (! RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving) return;
719 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
720     initMutex(&nonmoving_collection_mutex);
721     initCondition(&concurrent_coll_finished);
722     initMutex(&concurrent_coll_finished_lock);
723 #endif
724     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NONMOVING_ALLOCA_CNT; i++) {
725         nonmovingHeap.allocators[i] = alloc_nonmoving_allocator(n_capabilities);
726     }
727     nonmovingMarkInitUpdRemSet();
728 }
730 // Stop any nonmoving collection in preparation for RTS shutdown.
nonmovingStop(void)731 void nonmovingStop(void)
732 {
733     if (! RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving) return;
734 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
735     if (mark_thread) {
736         debugTrace(DEBUG_nonmoving_gc,
737                    "waiting for nonmoving collector thread to terminate");
738         ACQUIRE_LOCK(&concurrent_coll_finished_lock);
739         waitCondition(&concurrent_coll_finished, &concurrent_coll_finished_lock);
740     }
741 #endif
742 }
nonmovingExit(void)744 void nonmovingExit(void)
745 {
746     if (! RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving) return;
748     // First make sure collector is stopped before we tear things down.
749     nonmovingStop();
751 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
752     closeMutex(&concurrent_coll_finished_lock);
753     closeCondition(&concurrent_coll_finished);
754     closeMutex(&nonmoving_collection_mutex);
755 #endif
757     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NONMOVING_ALLOCA_CNT; i++) {
758         free_nonmoving_allocator(nonmovingHeap.allocators[i]);
759     }
760 }
762 /*
763  * Assumes that no garbage collector or mutator threads are running to safely
764  * resize the nonmoving_allocators.
765  *
766  * Must hold sm_mutex.
767  */
nonmovingAddCapabilities(uint32_t new_n_caps)768 void nonmovingAddCapabilities(uint32_t new_n_caps)
769 {
770     unsigned int old_n_caps = nonmovingHeap.n_caps;
771     struct NonmovingAllocator **allocs = nonmovingHeap.allocators;
773     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NONMOVING_ALLOCA_CNT; i++) {
774         struct NonmovingAllocator *old = allocs[i];
775         allocs[i] = alloc_nonmoving_allocator(new_n_caps);
777         // Copy the old state
778         allocs[i]->filled = old->filled;
779         allocs[i]->active = old->active;
780         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < old_n_caps; j++) {
781             allocs[i]->current[j] = old->current[j];
782         }
783         stgFree(old);
785         // Initialize current segments for the new capabilities
786         for (unsigned int j = old_n_caps; j < new_n_caps; j++) {
787             allocs[i]->current[j] = nonmovingAllocSegment(capabilities[j]->node);
788             nonmovingInitSegment(allocs[i]->current[j], NONMOVING_ALLOCA0 + i);
789             allocs[i]->current[j]->link = NULL;
790         }
791     }
792     nonmovingHeap.n_caps = new_n_caps;
793 }
nonmovingClearBitmap(struct NonmovingSegment * seg)795 void nonmovingClearBitmap(struct NonmovingSegment *seg)
796 {
797     unsigned int n = nonmovingSegmentBlockCount(seg);
798     memset(seg->bitmap, 0, n);
799 }
801 /* Prepare the heap bitmaps and snapshot metadata for a mark */
nonmovingPrepareMark(void)802 static void nonmovingPrepareMark(void)
803 {
804     // See Note [Static objects under the nonmoving collector].
805     prev_static_flag = static_flag;
806     static_flag =
807         static_flag == STATIC_FLAG_A ? STATIC_FLAG_B : STATIC_FLAG_A;
809     // Should have been cleared by the last sweep
810     ASSERT(nonmovingHeap.sweep_list == NULL);
812     nonmovingBumpEpoch();
813     for (int alloca_idx = 0; alloca_idx < NONMOVING_ALLOCA_CNT; ++alloca_idx) {
814         struct NonmovingAllocator *alloca = nonmovingHeap.allocators[alloca_idx];
816         // Update current segments' snapshot pointers
817         for (uint32_t cap_n = 0; cap_n < n_capabilities; ++cap_n) {
818             struct NonmovingSegment *seg = alloca->current[cap_n];
819             nonmovingSegmentInfo(seg)->next_free_snap = seg->next_free;
820         }
822         // Save the filled segments for later processing during the concurrent
823         // mark phase.
824         alloca->saved_filled = alloca->filled;
825         alloca->filled = NULL;
827         // N.B. It's not necessary to update snapshot pointers of active segments;
828         // they were set after they were swept and haven't seen any allocation
829         // since.
830     }
832     // Clear large object bits of existing large objects
833     for (bdescr *bd = nonmoving_large_objects; bd; bd = bd->link) {
834         bd->flags &= ~BF_MARKED;
835     }
837     // Add newly promoted large objects and clear mark bits
838     bdescr *next;
839     ASSERT(oldest_gen->scavenged_large_objects == NULL);
840     for (bdescr *bd = oldest_gen->large_objects; bd; bd = next) {
841         next = bd->link;
842         bd->flags |= BF_NONMOVING_SWEEPING;
843         bd->flags &= ~BF_MARKED;
844         dbl_link_onto(bd, &nonmoving_large_objects);
845     }
846     n_nonmoving_large_blocks += oldest_gen->n_large_blocks;
847     oldest_gen->large_objects = NULL;
848     oldest_gen->n_large_words = 0;
849     oldest_gen->n_large_blocks = 0;
850     nonmoving_live_words = 0;
852     // Clear compact object mark bits
853     for (bdescr *bd = nonmoving_compact_objects; bd; bd = bd->link) {
854         bd->flags &= ~BF_MARKED;
855     }
857     // Move new compact objects from younger generations to nonmoving_compact_objects
858     for (bdescr *bd = oldest_gen->compact_objects; bd; bd = next) {
859         next = bd->link;
860         bd->flags |= BF_NONMOVING_SWEEPING;
861         bd->flags &= ~BF_MARKED;
862         dbl_link_onto(bd, &nonmoving_compact_objects);
863     }
864     n_nonmoving_compact_blocks += oldest_gen->n_compact_blocks;
865     oldest_gen->n_compact_blocks = 0;
866     oldest_gen->compact_objects = NULL;
867     // TODO (osa): what about "in import" stuff??
871 #if defined(DEBUG)
872     debug_caf_list_snapshot = debug_caf_list;
873     debug_caf_list = (StgIndStatic*)END_OF_CAF_LIST;
874 #endif
875 }
877 // Mark weak pointers in the non-moving heap. They'll either end up in
878 // dead_weak_ptr_list or stay in weak_ptr_list. Either way they need to be kept
879 // during sweep. See `MarkWeak.c:markWeakPtrList` for the moving heap variant
880 // of this.
nonmovingMarkWeakPtrList(MarkQueue * mark_queue,StgWeak * dead_weak_ptr_list)881 static void nonmovingMarkWeakPtrList(MarkQueue *mark_queue, StgWeak *dead_weak_ptr_list)
882 {
883     for (StgWeak *w = oldest_gen->weak_ptr_list; w; w = w->link) {
884         markQueuePushClosure_(mark_queue, (StgClosure*)w);
885         // Do not mark finalizers and values here, those fields will be marked
886         // in `nonmovingMarkDeadWeaks` (for dead weaks) or
887         // `nonmovingTidyWeaks` (for live weaks)
888     }
890     // We need to mark dead_weak_ptr_list too. This is subtle:
891     //
892     // - By the beginning of this GC we evacuated all weaks to the non-moving
893     //   heap (in `markWeakPtrList`)
894     //
895     // - During the scavenging of the moving heap we discovered that some of
896     //   those weaks are dead and moved them to `dead_weak_ptr_list`. Note that
897     //   because of the fact above _all weaks_ are in the non-moving heap at
898     //   this point.
899     //
900     // - So, to be able to traverse `dead_weak_ptr_list` and run finalizers we
901     //   need to mark it.
902     for (StgWeak *w = dead_weak_ptr_list; w; w = w->link) {
903         markQueuePushClosure_(mark_queue, (StgClosure*)w);
904         nonmovingMarkDeadWeak(mark_queue, w);
905     }
906 }
nonmovingCollect(StgWeak ** dead_weaks,StgTSO ** resurrected_threads)908 void nonmovingCollect(StgWeak **dead_weaks, StgTSO **resurrected_threads)
909 {
910 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
911     // We can't start a new collection until the old one has finished
912     // We also don't run in final GC
913     if (concurrent_coll_running || sched_state > SCHED_RUNNING) {
914         return;
915     }
916 #endif
918     trace(TRACE_nonmoving_gc, "Starting nonmoving GC preparation");
919     resizeGenerations();
921     nonmovingPrepareMark();
923     // N.B. These should have been cleared at the end of the last sweep.
924     ASSERT(nonmoving_marked_large_objects == NULL);
925     ASSERT(n_nonmoving_marked_large_blocks == 0);
926     ASSERT(nonmoving_marked_compact_objects == NULL);
927     ASSERT(n_nonmoving_marked_compact_blocks == 0);
929     MarkQueue *mark_queue = stgMallocBytes(sizeof(MarkQueue), "mark queue");
930     initMarkQueue(mark_queue);
931     current_mark_queue = mark_queue;
933     // Mark roots
934     trace(TRACE_nonmoving_gc, "Marking roots for nonmoving GC");
935     markCAFs((evac_fn)markQueueAddRoot, mark_queue);
936     for (unsigned int n = 0; n < n_capabilities; ++n) {
937         markCapability((evac_fn)markQueueAddRoot, mark_queue,
938                 capabilities[n], true/*don't mark sparks*/);
939     }
940     markScheduler((evac_fn)markQueueAddRoot, mark_queue);
941     nonmovingMarkWeakPtrList(mark_queue, *dead_weaks);
942     markStablePtrTable((evac_fn)markQueueAddRoot, mark_queue);
944     // Mark threads resurrected during moving heap scavenging
945     for (StgTSO *tso = *resurrected_threads; tso != END_TSO_QUEUE; tso = tso->global_link) {
946         markQueuePushClosure_(mark_queue, (StgClosure*)tso);
947     }
948     trace(TRACE_nonmoving_gc, "Finished marking roots for nonmoving GC");
950     // Roots marked, mark threads and weak pointers
952     // At this point all threads are moved to threads list (from old_threads)
953     // and all weaks are moved to weak_ptr_list (from old_weak_ptr_list) by
954     // the previous scavenge step, so we need to move them to "old" lists
955     // again.
957     // Fine to override old_threads because any live or resurrected threads are
958     // moved to threads or resurrected_threads lists.
959     ASSERT(oldest_gen->old_threads == END_TSO_QUEUE);
960     ASSERT(nonmoving_old_threads == END_TSO_QUEUE);
961     nonmoving_old_threads = oldest_gen->threads;
962     oldest_gen->threads = END_TSO_QUEUE;
964     // Make sure we don't lose any weak ptrs here. Weaks in old_weak_ptr_list
965     // will either be moved to `dead_weaks` (if dead) or `weak_ptr_list` (if
966     // alive).
967     ASSERT(oldest_gen->old_weak_ptr_list == NULL);
968     ASSERT(nonmoving_old_weak_ptr_list == NULL);
969     nonmoving_old_weak_ptr_list = oldest_gen->weak_ptr_list;
970     oldest_gen->weak_ptr_list = NULL;
971     trace(TRACE_nonmoving_gc, "Finished nonmoving GC preparation");
973     // We are now safe to start concurrent marking
975     // Note that in concurrent mark we can't use dead_weaks and
976     // resurrected_threads from the preparation to add new weaks and threads as
977     // that would cause races between minor collection and mark. So we only pass
978     // those lists to mark function in sequential case. In concurrent case we
979     // allocate fresh lists.
981 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
982     // If we're interrupting or shutting down, do not let this capability go and
983     // run a STW collection. Reason: we won't be able to acquire this capability
984     // again for the sync if we let it go, because it'll immediately start doing
985     // a major GC, becuase that's what we do when exiting scheduler (see
986     // exitScheduler()).
987     if (sched_state == SCHED_RUNNING) {
988         concurrent_coll_running = true;
989         nonmoving_write_barrier_enabled = true;
990         debugTrace(DEBUG_nonmoving_gc, "Starting concurrent mark thread");
991         if (createOSThread(&mark_thread, "non-moving mark thread",
992                            nonmovingConcurrentMark, mark_queue) != 0) {
993             barf("nonmovingCollect: failed to spawn mark thread: %s", strerror(errno));
994         }
995     } else {
996         nonmovingConcurrentMark(mark_queue);
997     }
998 #else
999     // Use the weak and thread lists from the preparation for any new weaks and
1000     // threads found to be dead in mark.
1001     nonmovingMark_(mark_queue, dead_weaks, resurrected_threads);
1002 #endif
1003 }
1005 /* Mark mark queue, threads, and weak pointers until no more weaks have been
1006  * resuscitated
1007  */
nonmovingMarkThreadsWeaks(MarkQueue * mark_queue)1008 static void nonmovingMarkThreadsWeaks(MarkQueue *mark_queue)
1009 {
1010     while (true) {
1011         // Propagate marks
1012         nonmovingMark(mark_queue);
1014         // Tidy threads and weaks
1015         nonmovingTidyThreads();
1017         if (! nonmovingTidyWeaks(mark_queue))
1018             return;
1019     }
1020 }
1022 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
nonmovingConcurrentMark(void * data)1023 static void* nonmovingConcurrentMark(void *data)
1024 {
1025     MarkQueue *mark_queue = (MarkQueue*)data;
1026     StgWeak *dead_weaks = NULL;
1027     StgTSO *resurrected_threads = (StgTSO*)&stg_END_TSO_QUEUE_closure;
1028     nonmovingMark_(mark_queue, &dead_weaks, &resurrected_threads);
1029     return NULL;
1030 }
1032 // TODO: Not sure where to put this function.
1033 // Append w2 to the end of w1.
appendWeakList(StgWeak ** w1,StgWeak * w2)1034 static void appendWeakList( StgWeak **w1, StgWeak *w2 )
1035 {
1036     while (*w1) {
1037         w1 = &(*w1)->link;
1038     }
1039     *w1 = w2;
1040 }
1041 #endif
nonmovingMark_(MarkQueue * mark_queue,StgWeak ** dead_weaks,StgTSO ** resurrected_threads)1043 static void nonmovingMark_(MarkQueue *mark_queue, StgWeak **dead_weaks, StgTSO **resurrected_threads)
1044 {
1045     ACQUIRE_LOCK(&nonmoving_collection_mutex);
1046     debugTrace(DEBUG_nonmoving_gc, "Starting mark...");
1047     stat_startNonmovingGc();
1049     // Walk the list of filled segments that we collected during preparation,
1050     // updated their snapshot pointers and move them to the sweep list.
1051     for (int alloca_idx = 0; alloca_idx < NONMOVING_ALLOCA_CNT; ++alloca_idx) {
1052         struct NonmovingSegment *filled = nonmovingHeap.allocators[alloca_idx]->saved_filled;
1053         uint32_t n_filled = 0;
1054         if (filled) {
1055             struct NonmovingSegment *seg = filled;
1056             while (true) {
1057                 // Set snapshot
1058                 nonmovingSegmentInfo(seg)->next_free_snap = seg->next_free;
1059                 n_filled++;
1060                 if (seg->link)
1061                     seg = seg->link;
1062                 else
1063                     break;
1064             }
1065             // add filled segments to sweep_list
1066             seg->link = nonmovingHeap.sweep_list;
1067             nonmovingHeap.sweep_list = filled;
1068         }
1069     }
1071     // Do concurrent marking; most of the heap will get marked here.
1072     nonmovingMarkThreadsWeaks(mark_queue);
1074 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1075     Task *task = newBoundTask();
1077     // If at this point if we've decided to exit then just return
1078     if (sched_state > SCHED_RUNNING) {
1079         // Note that we break our invariants here and leave segments in
1080         // nonmovingHeap.sweep_list, don't free nonmoving_large_objects etc.
1081         // However because we won't be running mark-sweep in the final GC this
1082         // is OK.
1084         // This is a RTS shutdown so we need to move our copy (snapshot) of
1085         // weaks (nonmoving_old_weak_ptr_list and nonmoving_weak_ptr_list) to
1086         // oldest_gen->threads to be able to run C finalizers in hs_exit_. Note
1087         // that there may be more weaks added to oldest_gen->threads since we
1088         // started mark, so we need to append our list to the tail of
1089         // oldest_gen->threads.
1090         appendWeakList(&nonmoving_old_weak_ptr_list, nonmoving_weak_ptr_list);
1091         appendWeakList(&oldest_gen->weak_ptr_list, nonmoving_old_weak_ptr_list);
1092         // These lists won't be used again so this is not necessary, but still
1093         nonmoving_old_weak_ptr_list = NULL;
1094         nonmoving_weak_ptr_list = NULL;
1096         goto finish;
1097     }
1099     // We're still running, request a sync
1100     nonmovingBeginFlush(task);
1102     bool all_caps_syncd;
1103     do {
1104         all_caps_syncd = nonmovingWaitForFlush();
1105         nonmovingMarkThreadsWeaks(mark_queue);
1106     } while (!all_caps_syncd);
1107 #endif
1109     nonmovingResurrectThreads(mark_queue, resurrected_threads);
1111     // No more resurrecting threads after this point
1113     // Do last marking of weak pointers
1114     while (true) {
1115         // Propagate marks
1116         nonmovingMark(mark_queue);
1118         if (!nonmovingTidyWeaks(mark_queue))
1119             break;
1120     }
1122     nonmovingMarkDeadWeaks(mark_queue, dead_weaks);
1124     // Propagate marks
1125     nonmovingMark(mark_queue);
1127     // Now remove all dead objects from the mut_list to ensure that a younger
1128     // generation collection doesn't attempt to look at them after we've swept.
1129     nonmovingSweepMutLists();
1131     debugTrace(DEBUG_nonmoving_gc,
1132                "Done marking, resurrecting threads before releasing capabilities");
1135     // Schedule finalizers and resurrect threads
1136 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1137     // Just pick a random capability. Not sure if this is a good idea -- we use
1138     // only one capability for all finalizers.
1139     scheduleFinalizers(capabilities[0], *dead_weaks);
1140     // Note that this mutates heap and causes running write barriers.
1141     // See Note [Unintentional marking in resurrectThreads] in NonMovingMark.c
1142     // for how we deal with this.
1143     resurrectThreads(*resurrected_threads);
1144 #endif
1146 #if defined(DEBUG)
1147     // Zap CAFs that we will sweep
1148     nonmovingGcCafs();
1149 #endif
1151     ASSERT(mark_queue->top->head == 0);
1152     ASSERT(mark_queue->blocks->link == NULL);
1154     // Update oldest_gen thread and weak lists
1155     // Note that we need to append these lists as a concurrent minor GC may have
1156     // added stuff to them while we're doing mark-sweep concurrently
1157     {
1158         StgTSO **threads = &oldest_gen->threads;
1159         while (*threads != END_TSO_QUEUE) {
1160             threads = &(*threads)->global_link;
1161         }
1162         *threads = nonmoving_threads;
1163         nonmoving_threads = END_TSO_QUEUE;
1164         nonmoving_old_threads = END_TSO_QUEUE;
1165     }
1167     {
1168         StgWeak **weaks = &oldest_gen->weak_ptr_list;
1169         while (*weaks) {
1170             weaks = &(*weaks)->link;
1171         }
1172         *weaks = nonmoving_weak_ptr_list;
1173         nonmoving_weak_ptr_list = NULL;
1174         nonmoving_old_weak_ptr_list = NULL;
1175     }
1177     // Prune spark lists
1178     // See Note [Spark management under the nonmoving collector].
1179 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1180     for (uint32_t n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
1181         pruneSparkQueue(true, capabilities[n]);
1182     }
1183 #endif
1185     // Everything has been marked; allow the mutators to proceed
1186 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1187     nonmoving_write_barrier_enabled = false;
1188     nonmovingFinishFlush(task);
1189 #endif
1191     current_mark_queue = NULL;
1192     freeMarkQueue(mark_queue);
1193     stgFree(mark_queue);
1195     oldest_gen->live_estimate = nonmoving_live_words;
1196     oldest_gen->n_old_blocks = 0;
1197     resizeGenerations();
1199     /****************************************************
1200      * Sweep
1201      ****************************************************/
1203     traceConcSweepBegin();
1205     // Because we can't mark large object blocks (no room for mark bit) we
1206     // collect them in a map in mark_queue and we pass it here to sweep large
1207     // objects
1208     nonmovingSweepLargeObjects();
1209     nonmovingSweepCompactObjects();
1210     nonmovingSweepStableNameTable();
1212     nonmovingSweep();
1213     ASSERT(nonmovingHeap.sweep_list == NULL);
1214     debugTrace(DEBUG_nonmoving_gc, "Finished sweeping.");
1215     traceConcSweepEnd();
1216 #if defined(DEBUG)
1217     if (RtsFlags.DebugFlags.nonmoving_gc)
1218         nonmovingPrintAllocatorCensus();
1219 #endif
1220 #if defined(TRACING)
1221     if (RtsFlags.TraceFlags.nonmoving_gc)
1222         nonmovingTraceAllocatorCensus();
1223 #endif
1225     // TODO: Remainder of things done by GarbageCollect (update stats)
1227 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1228 finish:
1229     boundTaskExiting(task);
1231     // We are done...
1232     mark_thread = 0;
1233     stat_endNonmovingGc();
1235     // Signal that the concurrent collection is finished, allowing the next
1236     // non-moving collection to proceed
1237     concurrent_coll_running = false;
1238     signalCondition(&concurrent_coll_finished);
1239     RELEASE_LOCK(&nonmoving_collection_mutex);
1240 #endif
1241 }
1243 #if defined(DEBUG)
1245 // Use this with caution: this doesn't work correctly during scavenge phase
1246 // when we're doing parallel scavenging. Use it in mark phase or later (where
1247 // we don't allocate more anymore).
assert_in_nonmoving_heap(StgPtr p)1248 void assert_in_nonmoving_heap(StgPtr p)
1249 {
1250     if (!HEAP_ALLOCED_GC(p))
1251         return;
1253     bdescr *bd = Bdescr(p);
1254     if (bd->flags & BF_LARGE) {
1255         // It should be in a capability (if it's not filled yet) or in non-moving heap
1256         for (uint32_t cap = 0; cap < n_capabilities; ++cap) {
1257             if (bd == capabilities[cap]->pinned_object_block) {
1258                 return;
1259             }
1260         }
1261         ASSERT(bd->flags & BF_NONMOVING);
1262         return;
1263     }
1265     // Search snapshot segments
1266     for (struct NonmovingSegment *seg = nonmovingHeap.sweep_list; seg; seg = seg->link) {
1267         if (p >= (P_)seg && p < (((P_)seg) + NONMOVING_SEGMENT_SIZE_W)) {
1268             return;
1269         }
1270     }
1272     for (int alloca_idx = 0; alloca_idx < NONMOVING_ALLOCA_CNT; ++alloca_idx) {
1273         struct NonmovingAllocator *alloca = nonmovingHeap.allocators[alloca_idx];
1274         // Search current segments
1275         for (uint32_t cap_idx = 0; cap_idx < n_capabilities; ++cap_idx) {
1276             struct NonmovingSegment *seg = alloca->current[cap_idx];
1277             if (p >= (P_)seg && p < (((P_)seg) + NONMOVING_SEGMENT_SIZE_W)) {
1278                 return;
1279             }
1280         }
1282         // Search active segments
1283         int seg_idx = 0;
1284         struct NonmovingSegment *seg = alloca->active;
1285         while (seg) {
1286             if (p >= (P_)seg && p < (((P_)seg) + NONMOVING_SEGMENT_SIZE_W)) {
1287                 return;
1288             }
1289             seg_idx++;
1290             seg = seg->link;
1291         }
1293         // Search filled segments
1294         seg_idx = 0;
1295         seg = alloca->filled;
1296         while (seg) {
1297             if (p >= (P_)seg && p < (((P_)seg) + NONMOVING_SEGMENT_SIZE_W)) {
1298                 return;
1299             }
1300             seg_idx++;
1301             seg = seg->link;
1302         }
1303     }
1305     // We don't search free segments as they're unused
1307     barf("%p is not in nonmoving heap\n", (void*)p);
1308 }
nonmovingPrintSegment(struct NonmovingSegment * seg)1310 void nonmovingPrintSegment(struct NonmovingSegment *seg)
1311 {
1312     int num_blocks = nonmovingSegmentBlockCount(seg);
1313     uint8_t log_block_size = nonmovingSegmentLogBlockSize(seg);
1315     debugBelch("Segment with %d blocks of size 2^%d (%d bytes, %u words, scan: %p)\n",
1316                num_blocks,
1317                log_block_size,
1318                1 << log_block_size,
1319                (unsigned int) ROUNDUP_BYTES_TO_WDS(1 << log_block_size),
1320                (void*)Bdescr((P_)seg)->u.scan);
1322     for (nonmoving_block_idx p_idx = 0; p_idx < seg->next_free; ++p_idx) {
1323         StgClosure *p = (StgClosure*)nonmovingSegmentGetBlock(seg, p_idx);
1324         if (nonmovingGetMark(seg, p_idx) != 0) {
1325             debugBelch("%d (%p)* :\t", p_idx, (void*)p);
1326         } else {
1327             debugBelch("%d (%p)  :\t", p_idx, (void*)p);
1328         }
1329         printClosure(p);
1330     }
1332     debugBelch("End of segment\n\n");
1333 }
nonmovingPrintAllocator(struct NonmovingAllocator * alloc)1335 void nonmovingPrintAllocator(struct NonmovingAllocator *alloc)
1336 {
1337     debugBelch("Allocator at %p\n", (void*)alloc);
1338     debugBelch("Filled segments:\n");
1339     for (struct NonmovingSegment *seg = alloc->filled; seg != NULL; seg = seg->link) {
1340         debugBelch("%p ", (void*)seg);
1341     }
1342     debugBelch("\nActive segments:\n");
1343     for (struct NonmovingSegment *seg = alloc->active; seg != NULL; seg = seg->link) {
1344         debugBelch("%p ", (void*)seg);
1345     }
1346     debugBelch("\nCurrent segments:\n");
1347     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_capabilities; ++i) {
1348         debugBelch("%p ", alloc->current[i]);
1349     }
1350     debugBelch("\n");
1351 }
locate_object(P_ obj)1353 void locate_object(P_ obj)
1354 {
1355     // Search allocators
1356     for (int alloca_idx = 0; alloca_idx < NONMOVING_ALLOCA_CNT; ++alloca_idx) {
1357         struct NonmovingAllocator *alloca = nonmovingHeap.allocators[alloca_idx];
1358         for (uint32_t cap = 0; cap < n_capabilities; ++cap) {
1359             struct NonmovingSegment *seg = alloca->current[cap];
1360             if (obj >= (P_)seg && obj < (((P_)seg) + NONMOVING_SEGMENT_SIZE_W)) {
1361                 debugBelch("%p is in current segment of capability %d of allocator %d at %p\n", obj, cap, alloca_idx, (void*)seg);
1362                 return;
1363             }
1364         }
1365         int seg_idx = 0;
1366         struct NonmovingSegment *seg = alloca->active;
1367         while (seg) {
1368             if (obj >= (P_)seg && obj < (((P_)seg) + NONMOVING_SEGMENT_SIZE_W)) {
1369                 debugBelch("%p is in active segment %d of allocator %d at %p\n", obj, seg_idx, alloca_idx, (void*)seg);
1370                 return;
1371             }
1372             seg_idx++;
1373             seg = seg->link;
1374         }
1376         seg_idx = 0;
1377         seg = alloca->filled;
1378         while (seg) {
1379             if (obj >= (P_)seg && obj < (((P_)seg) + NONMOVING_SEGMENT_SIZE_W)) {
1380                 debugBelch("%p is in filled segment %d of allocator %d at %p\n", obj, seg_idx, alloca_idx, (void*)seg);
1381                 return;
1382             }
1383             seg_idx++;
1384             seg = seg->link;
1385         }
1386     }
1388     struct NonmovingSegment *seg = nonmovingHeap.free;
1389     int seg_idx = 0;
1390     while (seg) {
1391         if (obj >= (P_)seg && obj < (((P_)seg) + NONMOVING_SEGMENT_SIZE_W)) {
1392             debugBelch("%p is in free segment %d at %p\n", obj, seg_idx, (void*)seg);
1393             return;
1394         }
1395         seg_idx++;
1396         seg = seg->link;
1397     }
1399     // Search nurseries
1400     for (uint32_t nursery_idx = 0; nursery_idx < n_nurseries; ++nursery_idx) {
1401         for (bdescr* nursery_block = nurseries[nursery_idx].blocks; nursery_block; nursery_block = nursery_block->link) {
1402             if (obj >= nursery_block->start && obj <= nursery_block->start + nursery_block->blocks*BLOCK_SIZE_W) {
1403                 debugBelch("%p is in nursery %d\n", obj, nursery_idx);
1404                 return;
1405             }
1406         }
1407     }
1409     // Search generations
1410     for (uint32_t g = 0; g < RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations - 1; ++g) {
1411         generation *gen = &generations[g];
1412         for (bdescr *blk = gen->blocks; blk; blk = blk->link) {
1413             if (obj >= blk->start && obj < blk->free) {
1414                 debugBelch("%p is in generation %" FMT_Word32 " blocks\n", obj, g);
1415                 return;
1416             }
1417         }
1418         for (bdescr *blk = gen->old_blocks; blk; blk = blk->link) {
1419             if (obj >= blk->start && obj < blk->free) {
1420                 debugBelch("%p is in generation %" FMT_Word32 " old blocks\n", obj, g);
1421                 return;
1422             }
1423         }
1424     }
1426     // Search large objects
1427     for (uint32_t g = 0; g < RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations - 1; ++g) {
1428         generation *gen = &generations[g];
1429         for (bdescr *large_block = gen->large_objects; large_block; large_block = large_block->link) {
1430             if ((P_)large_block->start == obj) {
1431                 debugBelch("%p is in large blocks of generation %d\n", obj, g);
1432                 return;
1433             }
1434         }
1435     }
1437     for (bdescr *large_block = nonmoving_large_objects; large_block; large_block = large_block->link) {
1438         if ((P_)large_block->start == obj) {
1439             debugBelch("%p is in nonmoving_large_objects\n", obj);
1440             return;
1441         }
1442     }
1444     for (bdescr *large_block = nonmoving_marked_large_objects; large_block; large_block = large_block->link) {
1445         if ((P_)large_block->start == obj) {
1446             debugBelch("%p is in nonmoving_marked_large_objects\n", obj);
1447             return;
1448         }
1449     }
1451     // Search workspaces FIXME only works in non-threaded runtime
1452 #if !defined(THREADED_RTS)
1453     for (uint32_t g = 0; g < RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations - 1; ++ g) {
1454         gen_workspace *ws = &gct->gens[g];
1455         for (bdescr *blk = ws->todo_bd; blk; blk = blk->link) {
1456             if (obj >= blk->start && obj < blk->free) {
1457                 debugBelch("%p is in generation %" FMT_Word32 " todo bds\n", obj, g);
1458                 return;
1459             }
1460         }
1461         for (bdescr *blk = ws->scavd_list; blk; blk = blk->link) {
1462             if (obj >= blk->start && obj < blk->free) {
1463                 debugBelch("%p is in generation %" FMT_Word32 " scavd bds\n", obj, g);
1464                 return;
1465             }
1466         }
1467         for (bdescr *blk = ws->todo_large_objects; blk; blk = blk->link) {
1468             if (obj >= blk->start && obj < blk->free) {
1469                 debugBelch("%p is in generation %" FMT_Word32 " todo large bds\n", obj, g);
1470                 return;
1471             }
1472         }
1473     }
1474 #endif
1475 }
nonmovingPrintSweepList()1477 void nonmovingPrintSweepList()
1478 {
1479     debugBelch("==== SWEEP LIST =====\n");
1480     int i = 0;
1481     for (struct NonmovingSegment *seg = nonmovingHeap.sweep_list; seg; seg = seg->link) {
1482         debugBelch("%d: %p\n", i++, (void*)seg);
1483     }
1484     debugBelch("= END OF SWEEP LIST =\n");
1485 }
check_in_mut_list(StgClosure * p)1487 void check_in_mut_list(StgClosure *p)
1488 {
1489     for (uint32_t cap_n = 0; cap_n < n_capabilities; ++cap_n) {
1490         for (bdescr *bd = capabilities[cap_n]->mut_lists[oldest_gen->no]; bd; bd = bd->link) {
1491             for (StgPtr q = bd->start; q < bd->free; ++q) {
1492                 if (*((StgPtr**)q) == (StgPtr*)p) {
1493                     debugBelch("Object is in mut list of cap %d: %p\n", cap_n, capabilities[cap_n]->mut_lists[oldest_gen->no]);
1494                     return;
1495                 }
1496             }
1497         }
1498     }
1500     debugBelch("Object is not in a mut list\n");
1501 }
print_block_list(bdescr * bd)1503 void print_block_list(bdescr* bd)
1504 {
1505     while (bd) {
1506         debugBelch("%p, ", (void*)bd);
1507         bd = bd->link;
1508     }
1509     debugBelch("\n");
1510 }
print_thread_list(StgTSO * tso)1512 void print_thread_list(StgTSO* tso)
1513 {
1514     while (tso != END_TSO_QUEUE) {
1515         printClosure((StgClosure*)tso);
1516         tso = tso->global_link;
1517     }
1518 }
1520 #endif