1 /****************************************
2 *  Computer Algebra System SINGULAR     *
3 ****************************************/
4 /*
5 * ABSTRACT: numbers modulo p (<=32749)
6 */
8 #include "misc/auxiliary.h"
10 #include "factory/factory.h"
12 #include "misc/mylimits.h"
13 #include "misc/sirandom.h"
15 #include "reporter/reporter.h"
17 #include "coeffs/coeffs.h"
18 #include "coeffs/numbers.h"
19 #include "coeffs/mpr_complex.h"
21 #include "coeffs/longrat.h"
22 #include "coeffs/modulop.h"
24 #include <string.h>
26 BOOLEAN npGreaterZero (number k, const coeffs r);
27 long    npInt         (number &n, const coeffs r);
28 void    npPower       (number a, int i, number * result,const coeffs r);
29 BOOLEAN npIsMOne       (number a,const coeffs r);
30 number  npDiv         (number a, number b,const coeffs r);
31 number  npNeg         (number c,const coeffs r);
32 number  npInvers      (number c,const coeffs r);
33 BOOLEAN npGreater     (number a, number b,const coeffs r);
34 BOOLEAN npEqual       (number a, number b,const coeffs r);
35 void    npWrite       (number a, const coeffs r);
36 const char *  npRead  (const char *s, number *a,const coeffs r);
37 void nvInpMult(number &a, number b, const coeffs r);
39 #ifdef LDEBUG
40 BOOLEAN npDBTest      (number a, const char *f, const int l, const coeffs r);
41 #endif
43 nMapFunc npSetMap(const coeffs src, const coeffs dst);
45 #include "coeffs/modulop_inl.h" // npMult, npInit
47 #ifdef NV_OPS
48 number  nvDiv         (number a, number b, const coeffs r);
49 number  nvInvers      (number c, const coeffs r);
50 //void    nvPower       (number a, int i, number * result, const coeffs r);
51 #endif
npGreaterZero(number k,const coeffs r)53 BOOLEAN npGreaterZero (number k, const coeffs r)
54 {
55   n_Test(k, r);
57   int h = (int)((long) k);
58   return ((int)h !=0) && (h <= (r->ch>>1));
59 }
61 //unsigned long npMultMod(unsigned long a, unsigned long b, int npPrimeM)
62 //{
63 //  unsigned long c = a*b;
64 //  c = c % npPrimeM;
65 //  assume(c == (unsigned long) npMultM((number) a, (number) b, npPrimeM));
66 //  return c;
67 //}
npInpMult(number & a,number b,const coeffs r)70 void npInpMult (number &a,number b, const coeffs r)
71 {
72   n_Test(a, r);
73   n_Test(b, r);
75   if (((long)a == 0) || ((long)b == 0))
76     a=(number)0;
77   else
78     a = npMultM(a,b, r);
79   n_Test(a, r);
80 }
82 /*2
83  * convert a number to an int in (-p/2 .. p/2]
84  */
npInt(number & n,const coeffs r)85 long npInt(number &n, const coeffs r)
86 {
87   n_Test(n, r);
89   if ((long)n > (((long)r->ch) >>1)) return ((long)n -((long)r->ch));
90   else                               return ((long)n);
91 }
npIsMOne(number a,const coeffs r)93 BOOLEAN npIsMOne (number a, const coeffs r)
94 {
95   n_Test(a, r);
97   return ((r->npPminus1M == (long)a) &&(1L!=(long)a))/*for char 2*/;
98 }
npDiv(number a,number b,const coeffs r)100 number npDiv (number a,number b, const coeffs r)
101 {
102   n_Test(a, r);
103   n_Test(b, r);
105   if ((long)b==0L)
106   {
107     WerrorS(nDivBy0);
108     return (number)0L;
109   }
110   if ((long)a==0) return (number)0L;
112   number d;
114   int s = r->npLogTable[(long)a] - r->npLogTable[(long)b];
115   #ifdef HAVE_GENERIC_ADD
116     if (s < 0)
117       s += r->npPminus1M;
118   #else
119     #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
120     s += ((long)s >> 63) & r->npPminus1M;
121     #else
122     s += ((long)s >> 31) & r->npPminus1M;
123     #endif
124   #endif
125   d = (number)(long)r->npExpTable[s];
126 #else
127   number inv=npInversM(b,r);
128   d = npMultM(a,inv,r);
129 #endif
131   n_Test(d, r);
132   return d;
134 }
npInvers(number c,const coeffs r)135 number  npInvers (number c, const coeffs r)
136 {
137   n_Test(c, r);
139   if ((long)c==0L)
140   {
141     WerrorS("1/0");
142     return (number)0L;
143   }
144   number d = npInversM(c,r);
146   n_Test(d, r);
147   return d;
148 }
npNeg(number c,const coeffs r)150 number npNeg (number c, const coeffs r)
151 {
152   n_Test(c, r);
154   if ((long)c==0L) return c;
156 #if 0
157   number d = npNegM(c,r);
158   n_Test(d, r);
159   return d;
160 #else
161   c = npNegM(c,r);
162   n_Test(c, r);
163   return c;
164 #endif
165 }
npGreater(number a,number b,const coeffs r)167 BOOLEAN npGreater (number a,number b, const coeffs r)
168 {
169   n_Test(a, r);
170   n_Test(b, r);
172   //return (long)a != (long)b;
173   return ((long)a) > ((long)b);
174 }
npEqual(number a,number b,const coeffs r)176 BOOLEAN npEqual (number a,number b, const coeffs r)
177 {
178   n_Test(a, r);
179   n_Test(b, r);
181 //  return (long)a == (long)b;
183   return npEqualM(a,b,r);
184 }
npWrite(number a,const coeffs r)186 void npWrite (number a, const coeffs r)
187 {
188   n_Test(a, r);
190   if ((long)a>(((long)r->ch) >>1)) StringAppend("-%d",(int)(((long)r->ch)-((long)a)));
191   else                             StringAppend("%d",(int)((long)a));
192 }
194 #if 0
195 void npPower (number a, int i, number * result, const coeffs r)
196 {
197   n_Test(a, r);
199   if (i==0)
200   {
201     //npInit(1,result);
202     *(long *)result = 1;
203   }
204   else if (i==1)
205   {
206     *result = a;
207   }
208   else
209   {
210     npPower(a,i-1,result,r);
211     *result = npMultM(a,*result,r);
212   }
213 }
214 #endif
npEati(const char * s,int * i,const coeffs r)216 static inline const char* npEati(const char *s, int *i, const coeffs r)
217 {
218   return nEati((char *)s,i,(int)r->ch);
219 }
npRead(const char * s,number * a,const coeffs r)221 const char * npRead (const char *s, number *a, const coeffs r)
222 {
223   int z;
224   int n=1;
226   s = npEati(s, &z, r);
227   if ((*s) == '/')
228   {
229     s++;
230     s = npEati(s, &n, r);
231   }
232   if (n == 1)
233     *a = (number)(long)z;
234   else
235   {
236     if ((z==0)&&(n==0))
237     {
238       WerrorS(nDivBy0);
239       *a=(number)0L;
240     }
241     else
242     {
243 #ifdef NV_OPS
244       if (r->ch>NV_MAX_PRIME)
245         *a = nvDiv((number)(long)z,(number)(long)n,r);
246       else
247 #endif
248         *a = npDiv((number)(long)z,(number)(long)n,r);
249     }
250   }
251   n_Test(*a, r);
252   return s;
253 }
255 /*2
256 * set the charcteristic (allocate and init tables)
257 */
npKillChar(coeffs r)259 void npKillChar(coeffs r)
260 {
261   #ifdef HAVE_INVTABLE
262   if (r->npInvTable!=NULL)
263   {
264     omFreeSize( (void *)r->npInvTable, r->ch*sizeof(unsigned short) );
265     r->npInvTable=NULL;
266   }
267   #endif
268   #ifndef HAVE_GENERIC_MULT
269   if (r->npExpTable!=NULL)
270   {
271     omFreeSize( (void *)r->npExpTable, r->ch*sizeof(unsigned short) );
272     omFreeSize( (void *)r->npLogTable, r->ch*sizeof(unsigned short) );
273     r->npExpTable=NULL; r->npLogTable=NULL;
274   }
275   #endif
276 }
npCoeffsEqual(const coeffs r,n_coeffType n,void * parameter)278 static BOOLEAN npCoeffsEqual(const coeffs r, n_coeffType n, void * parameter)
279 {
280   /* test, if r is an instance of nInitCoeffs(n,parameter) */
281   return (n==n_Zp) && (r->ch==(int)(long)parameter);
282 }
npConvSingNFactoryN(number n,BOOLEAN setChar,const coeffs r)283 CanonicalForm npConvSingNFactoryN( number n, BOOLEAN setChar, const coeffs r )
284 {
285   if (setChar) setCharacteristic( r->ch );
286   return CanonicalForm(npInt( n,r ));
287 }
npConvFactoryNSingN(const CanonicalForm n,const coeffs r)289 number npConvFactoryNSingN( const CanonicalForm n, const coeffs r)
290 {
291   if (n.isImm())
292   {
293     return npInit(n.intval(),r);
294   }
295   else
296   {
297     assume(0);
298     return NULL;
299   }
300 }
npCoeffName(const coeffs cf)302 static char* npCoeffName(const coeffs cf)
303 {
304   STATIC_VAR char npCoeffName_buf[15];
305   snprintf(npCoeffName_buf,14,"ZZ/%d",cf->ch);
306   return npCoeffName_buf;
307 }
npWriteFd(number n,const ssiInfo * d,const coeffs)309 static void npWriteFd(number n, const ssiInfo* d, const coeffs)
310 {
311   fprintf(d->f_write,"%d ",(int)(long)n);
312 }
npReadFd(const ssiInfo * d,const coeffs)314 static number npReadFd(const ssiInfo *d, const coeffs)
315 {
316   // read int
317   int dd;
318   dd=s_readint(d->f_read);
319   return (number)(long)dd;
320 }
npRandom(siRandProc p,number,number,const coeffs cf)322 static number npRandom(siRandProc p, number, number, const coeffs cf)
323 {
324   return npInit(p(),cf);
325 }
npPar(int,coeffs r)329 static number npPar(int, coeffs r)
330 {
331   return (number)(long)r->npExpTable[1];
332 }
333 #endif
npInitMPZ(mpz_t m,const coeffs r)335 static number npInitMPZ(mpz_t m, const coeffs r)
336 {
337   return (number)mpz_fdiv_ui(m, r->ch);
338 }
npInitChar(coeffs r,void * p)340 BOOLEAN npInitChar(coeffs r, void* p)
341 {
342   assume( getCoeffType(r) == n_Zp );
343   const int c = (int) (long) p;
345   assume( c > 0 );
347   int i, w;
349   r->is_field=TRUE;
350   r->is_domain=TRUE;
351   r->rep=n_rep_int;
353   r->ch = c;
354   r->npPminus1M = c /*r->ch*/ - 1;
356   //r->cfInitChar=npInitChar;
357   r->cfKillChar=npKillChar;
358   r->nCoeffIsEqual=npCoeffsEqual;
359   r->cfCoeffName=npCoeffName;
361   r->cfMult  = npMult;
362   r->cfInpMult  = npInpMult;
363   r->cfSub   = npSubM;
364   r->cfAdd   = npAddM;
365   r->cfInpAdd   = npInpAddM;
366   r->cfDiv   = npDiv;
367   r->cfInit = npInit;
368   //r->cfSize  = ndSize;
369   r->cfInt  = npInt;
370   r->cfInitMPZ = npInitMPZ;
371   #ifdef HAVE_RINGS
372   //r->cfDivComp = NULL; // only for ring stuff
373   //r->cfIsUnit = NULL; // only for ring stuff
374   //r->cfGetUnit = NULL; // only for ring stuff
375   //r->cfExtGcd = NULL; // only for ring stuff
376   // r->cfDivBy = NULL; // only for ring stuff
377   #endif
378   r->cfInpNeg   = npNeg;
379   r->cfInvers= npInvers;
380   //r->cfCopy  = ndCopy;
381   //r->cfRePart = ndCopy;
382   //r->cfImPart = ndReturn0;
383   r->cfWriteLong = npWrite;
384   r->cfRead = npRead;
385   //r->cfNormalize=ndNormalize;
386   r->cfGreater = npGreater;
387   r->cfEqual = npEqual;
388   r->cfIsZero = npIsZero;
389   r->cfIsOne = npIsOne;
390   r->cfIsMOne = npIsMOne;
391   r->cfGreaterZero = npGreaterZero;
392   //r->cfPower = npPower;
393   //r->cfGetDenom = ndGetDenom;
394   //r->cfGetNumerator = ndGetNumerator;
395   //r->cfGcd  = ndGcd;
396   //r->cfLcm  = ndGcd;
397   //r->cfDelete= ndDelete;
398   r->cfSetMap = npSetMap;
399   //r->cfName = ndName;
400   //r->cfInpMult=ndInpMult;
401   r->convSingNFactoryN=npConvSingNFactoryN;
402   r->convFactoryNSingN=npConvFactoryNSingN;
403   r->cfRandom=npRandom;
404 #ifdef LDEBUG
405   // debug stuff
406   r->cfDBTest=npDBTest;
407 #endif
409   // io via ssi
410   r->cfWriteFd=npWriteFd;
411   r->cfReadFd=npReadFd;
413   // the variables:
414   r->type = n_Zp;
415   r->has_simple_Alloc=TRUE;
416   r->has_simple_Inverse=TRUE;
418   // the tables
419 #ifdef NV_OPS
420   if (r->ch <=NV_MAX_PRIME)
421 #endif
422   {
423 #ifdef HAVE_INVTABLE
424     r->npInvTable=(unsigned short*)omAlloc0( r->ch*sizeof(unsigned short) );
425 #endif
427     r->cfParameter=npPar; /* Singular.jl */
428     r->npExpTable=(unsigned short *)omAlloc0( r->ch*sizeof(unsigned short) );
429     r->npLogTable=(unsigned short *)omAlloc0( r->ch*sizeof(unsigned short) );
430     r->npExpTable[0] = 1;
431     r->npLogTable[0] = 0;
432     if (r->ch > 2)
433     {
434       w = 1;
435       loop
436       {
437         r->npLogTable[1] = 0;
438         w++;
439         i = 0;
440         loop
441         {
442           i++;
443           r->npExpTable[i] =(int)(((long)w * (long)r->npExpTable[i-1]) % r->ch);
444           r->npLogTable[r->npExpTable[i]] = i;
445           if /*(i == r->ch - 1 ) ||*/ (/*(*/ r->npExpTable[i] == 1 /*)*/)
446             break;
447         }
448         if (i == r->ch - 1)
449           break;
450       }
451     }
452     else
453     {
454       r->npExpTable[1] = 1;
455       r->npLogTable[1] = 0;
456     }
457 #endif
458   }
459 #ifdef NV_OPS
460   else /*if (c>NV_MAX_PRIME)*/
461   {
462     r->cfMult  = nvMult;
463     r->cfDiv   = nvDiv;
464     r->cfExactDiv = nvDiv;
465     r->cfInvers  = nvInvers;
466     r->cfInpMult = nvInpMult;
467     //r->cfPower= nvPower;
468     //if (c>FACTORY_MAX_PRIME) // factory will catch this error
469     //{
470     //  r->convSingNFactoryN=ndConvSingNFactoryN;
471     //}
472   }
473 #endif
474   return FALSE;
475 }
477 #ifdef LDEBUG
npDBTest(number a,const char * f,const int l,const coeffs r)478 BOOLEAN npDBTest (number a, const char *f, const int l, const coeffs r)
479 {
480   if (((long)a<0L) || ((long)a>(long)r->ch))
481   {
482     Print("wrong mod p number %ld at %s,%d\n",(long)a,f,l);
483     return FALSE;
484   }
485   return TRUE;
486 }
487 #endif
npMapP(number from,const coeffs src,const coeffs dst_r)489 static number npMapP(number from, const coeffs src, const coeffs dst_r)
490 {
491   long i = (long)from;
492   if (i>src->ch/2)
493   {
494     i-=src->ch;
495     while (i < 0) i+=dst_r->ch;
496   }
497   i%=dst_r->ch;
498   return (number)i;
499 }
npMapLongR(number from,const coeffs,const coeffs dst_r)501 static number npMapLongR(number from, const coeffs /*src*/, const coeffs dst_r)
502 {
503   gmp_float *ff=(gmp_float*)from;
504   mpf_t *f=ff->_mpfp();
505   number res;
506   mpz_ptr dest,ndest;
507   int size,i;
508   int e,al,bl;
509   long iz;
510   mp_ptr qp,dd,nn;
512   size = (*f)[0]._mp_size;
513   if (size == 0)
514     return npInit(0,dst_r);
515   if(size<0)
516     size = -size;
518   qp = (*f)[0]._mp_d;
519   while(qp[0]==0)
520   {
521     qp++;
522     size--;
523   }
525   if(dst_r->ch>2)
526     e=(*f)[0]._mp_exp-size;
527   else
528     e=0;
529   res = ALLOC_RNUMBER();
530 #if defined(LDEBUG)
531   res->debug=123456;
532 #endif
533   dest = res->z;
535   long in=0;
536   if (e<0)
537   {
538     al = dest->_mp_size = size;
539     if (al<2) al = 2;
540     dd = (mp_ptr)omAlloc(sizeof(mp_limb_t)*al);
541     for (i=0;i<size;i++) dd[i] = qp[i];
542     bl = 1-e;
543     nn = (mp_ptr)omAlloc(sizeof(mp_limb_t)*bl);
544     nn[bl-1] = 1;
545     for (i=bl-2;i>=0;i--) nn[i] = 0;
546     ndest = res->n;
547     ndest->_mp_d = nn;
548     ndest->_mp_alloc = ndest->_mp_size = bl;
549     res->s = 0;
550     in=mpz_fdiv_ui(ndest,dst_r->ch);
551     mpz_clear(ndest);
552   }
553   else
554   {
555     al = dest->_mp_size = size+e;
556     if (al<2) al = 2;
557     dd = (mp_ptr)omAlloc(sizeof(mp_limb_t)*al);
558     for (i=0;i<size;i++) dd[i+e] = qp[i];
559     for (i=0;i<e;i++) dd[i] = 0;
560     res->s = 3;
561   }
563   dest->_mp_d = dd;
564   dest->_mp_alloc = al;
565   iz=mpz_fdiv_ui(dest,dst_r->ch);
566   mpz_clear(dest);
567   if(res->s==0)
568     iz=(long)npDiv((number)iz,(number)in,dst_r);
569   FREE_RNUMBER(res); // Q!?
570   return (number)iz;
571 }
573 #ifdef HAVE_RINGS
574 /*2
575 * convert from a GMP integer
576 */
npMapGMP(number from,const coeffs,const coeffs dst)577 static number npMapGMP(number from, const coeffs /*src*/, const coeffs dst)
578 {
579   return (number)mpz_fdiv_ui((mpz_ptr) from, dst->ch);
580 }
npMapZ(number from,const coeffs src,const coeffs dst)582 static number npMapZ(number from, const coeffs src, const coeffs dst)
583 {
584   if (SR_HDL(from) & SR_INT)
585   {
586     long f_i=SR_TO_INT(from);
587     return npInit(f_i,dst);
588   }
589   return npMapGMP(from,src,dst);
590 }
592 /*2
593 * convert from an machine long
594 */
npMapMachineInt(number from,const coeffs,const coeffs dst)595 static number npMapMachineInt(number from, const coeffs /*src*/,const coeffs dst)
596 {
597   long i = (long) (((unsigned long) from) % dst->ch);
598   return (number) i;
599 }
600 #endif
npMapCanonicalForm(number a,const coeffs,const coeffs dst)602 static number npMapCanonicalForm (number a, const coeffs /*src*/, const coeffs dst)
603 {
604   setCharacteristic (dst ->ch);
605   CanonicalForm f= CanonicalForm ((InternalCF*)(a));
606   return (number) (f.intval());
607 }
npSetMap(const coeffs src,const coeffs)609 nMapFunc npSetMap(const coeffs src, const coeffs)
610 {
611 #ifdef HAVE_RINGS
612   if ((src->rep==n_rep_int) && nCoeff_is_Ring_2toM(src))
613   {
614     return npMapMachineInt;
615   }
616   if (src->rep==n_rep_gmp) //nCoeff_is_Z(src) || nCoeff_is_Ring_PtoM(src) || nCoeff_is_Zn(src))
617   {
618     return npMapGMP;
619   }
620   if (src->rep==n_rep_gap_gmp) //nCoeff_is_Z(src)
621   {
622     return npMapZ;
623   }
624 #endif
625   if (src->rep==n_rep_gap_rat)  /* Q, Z */
626   {
627     return nlModP; // npMap0; // FIXME? TODO? // extern number nlModP(number q, const coeffs Q, const coeffs Zp); // Map q \in QQ \to Zp // FIXME!
628   }
629   if ((src->rep==n_rep_int) &&  nCoeff_is_Zp(src) )
630   {
631     return npMapP;
632   }
633   if ((src->rep==n_rep_gmp_float) && nCoeff_is_long_R(src))
634   {
635     return npMapLongR;
636   }
637   if (nCoeff_is_CF (src))
638   {
639     return npMapCanonicalForm;
640   }
641   return NULL;      /* default */
642 }
644 // -----------------------------------------------------------
645 //  operation for very large primes (32749< p < 2^31-1)
646 // ----------------------------------------------------------
647 #ifdef NV_OPS
nvInpMult(number & a,number b,const coeffs r)648 void nvInpMult(number &a, number b, const coeffs r)
649 {
650   number n=nvMult(a,b,r);
651   a=n;
652 }
nvInversM(number c,const coeffs r)654 static inline number nvInversM (number c, const coeffs r)
655 {
656   long inv=npInvMod((long)c,r);
657   return (number)inv;
658 }
nvDiv(number a,number b,const coeffs r)660 number nvDiv (number a,number b, const coeffs r)
661 {
662   if ((long)a==0L)
663     return (number)0L;
664   else if ((long)b==0L)
665   {
666     WerrorS(nDivBy0);
667     return (number)0L;
668   }
669   else
670   {
671     number inv=nvInversM(b,r);
672     return nvMult(a,inv,r);
673   }
674 }
nvInvers(number c,const coeffs r)675 number  nvInvers (number c, const coeffs r)
676 {
677   if ((long)c==0L)
678   {
679     WerrorS(nDivBy0);
680     return (number)0L;
681   }
682   return nvInversM(c,r);
683 }
684 #if 0
685 void nvPower (number a, int i, number * result, const coeffs r)
686 {
687   if (i==0)
688   {
689     //npInit(1,result);
690     *(long *)result = 1;
691   }
692   else if (i==1)
693   {
694     *result = a;
695   }
696   else
697   {
698     nvPower(a,i-1,result,r);
699     *result = nvMult(a,*result,r);
700   }
701 }
702 #endif
703 #endif