2!  Dalton, a molecular electronic structure program
3!  Copyright (C) by the authors of Dalton.
5!  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6!  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7!  License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9!  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12!  Lesser General Public License for more details.
14!  If a copy of the GNU LGPL v2.1 was not distributed with this
15!  code, you can obtain one at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html.
19      subroutine r12batf(r2am,fback,fback2,lauxbeta,projvir,work,lwork)
21c   Purpose: back transforms two indices of the integrals
22c            (kp|r_12|lq) integrals to the contravariant AO basis
23c            and store them on file
25c   (k gamma|r_12|l delta) = sum_pq C_gamma,p C_delta,q (kp|r_12|lq)
27c   where:  k,l      active occupied / r12 MOs
28c           p,q      general MOs (orbital + auxiliary basis)
29c           gamma    AO in orbital basis
30c           delta    AO in orbital or auxiliary basis
32c           r2am     contains (kp|r_12|lq) stored as symmetry
33c                    packed triangular matrix using it2am,nt1am,it1am
34c           fback    file name for back transformed integrals
35c           fback2   file name for back transformed integrals with
36c                    two indices from the auxiliary basis
37c           lauxbeta flag whether to calculate also integrals with
38c                    p transformed to the auxiliary basis
39c           projvir  include only virtual orbitals in transformation
41c   Note: this routine is used in the R12 environment with a
42c         number of dimension defined differently form the
43c         definitions used in the Coupled Cluster program:
45c         mbas1   AOs in orbital basis
46c         mbas2   AOs in auxiliary basis
47c         norb1   orbital basis functions per irrep
48c         norb2   auxiliary basis functions per irrep
49c         nvir    general MOs per irrep ( = norb1 + norb2 )
50c         nrhf    active occupied / r12 MOs
51c         nrhfa   active occupied MOs
52c         nvircc  active virtual MOs
53c         nbas    mbas1 + mbas2
55c  Heike Fliegl, Christof Haettig  spring 2003
56c  adapted for max. two auxiliary functions: Christian Neiss, fall 2004
57c  introduced projvir option: Christof Haettig, spring 2005
58c  adapted for CABS, Ansatz 3: Christian Neiss, winter 2006
60      implicit none
61#include "priunit.h"
62#include "ccorb.h"
63#include "ccsdsym.h"
64#include "r12int.h"
66      integer isymr2
67      parameter (isymr2 = 1)
69      logical locdbg
70      parameter (locdbg = .false.)
72      character*(*) fback,fback2
73      logical lauxbeta, projvir, modifyinttyp1
75#if defined (SYS_CRAY)
76      real zero,one
78      double precision zero,one
80      parameter (zero = 0.0D0, one = 1.0D0)
82      integer nr1orb(8),nrgkl(8),irgkl(8,8)
83      integer ir1orb(8,8),ir1bas(8,8),nr1bas(8),ir1xbas(8,8),nr2xbas(8)
84      integer nr1xbas(8),ir2bas(8,8),ir2xbas(8,8),n2bst1(8),iaodis1(8,8)
85      integer nr1xorb(8),ir1xorb(8,8),nrxgkl(8),irxgkl(8,8)
86      integer nr2bas2,ir2bas2(8,8),ir2xbas2(8,8),nvircc(8)
87      integer isymql,lur2back,isymp,isympk,isymk,isyml
88      integer lwork,isymq,isymd,idelta,idel,isym,isym1,isym2
89      integer icount3,icount4
90      integer kcmo,lwrk0,lusifc,idummy
91      integer nr2bas,kcmobas,kcmoaux,lwrk1,koff1,ntotg1
92      integer kr2sm,kend2,kr2gk,kr2pk,lwrk2,istartq,iendq,ntotdk,isymg
93      integer koffl,kofft,ntotp,ntotg,ndell,iadr,len
94      integer kend0,kend1,kend3,lwrk3
95      integer iendtyp,inttyp,istartdelta,ienddelta,istartgamma
96      integer istartp,iendp,norbp,norbq,nbasg,lur2back2
97      integer nalphaj(8),ialphaj(8,8)
99      integer isymdk,kr2sm2,kr2gk2,kr2pk2,icount1
100      integer koffs
102#if defined (SYS_CRAY)
103      real r2am(*), work(*), dnrm2, ddot
105      double precision r2am(*), work(*), dnrm2, ddot
109c     some initializations:
110c         set label for trace routines
111c         calculate a number of symmetry offsets and dimensions
113      call qenter('r12batf')
114      if(locdbg) write(lupri,*)'entered r12batf'
116      call cc_r12offset(nr1orb,nr1xorb,nr1bas,nr1xbas,nr2bas,
117     & nrgkl,nrxgkl,n2bst1,ir1orb,ir1xorb,ir1bas,ir1xbas,ir2bas,ir2xbas,
118     & irgkl,irxgkl,iaodis1,nalphaj,ialphaj)
120      ! nr2bas2 = lenghts for nr1bas x nr1xbas over all symmetries
121      ! nvircc  = number of active virtual orbitals in a symmetry
122      nr2bas2 = 0
123      do isym = 1, nsym
124         nr2bas2 = nr2bas2 + nr1bas(isym)*nr1xbas(isym)
125         nvircc(isym) = norb1(isym) - nrhfsa(isym) - nvirfr(isym)
126      end do
127      ! ir2bas2  = symmetry offsets for nr1xbas x nr1bas
128      ! ir2xbas2 = symmetry offsets for nr1xbas x nr1xbas
129      do isym = 1, nsym
130        icount3 = 0
131        icount4 = 0
132        do isym2 = 1, nsym
133          isym1 = muld2h(isym,isym2)
134          ir2bas2(isym1,isym2)  = icount3
135          ir2xbas2(isym1,isym2) = icount4
136          icount3 = icount3 + nr1xbas(isym1)*nr1bas(isym2)
137          icount4 = icount4 + nr1xbas(isym1)*nr1xbas(isym2)
138        end do
139      end do
142c      do isymdk = 1, nsym
143c        nr2orb(isymdk) = 0
144c        icount1 = 0
145c        do isymk = 1, nsym
146c           isymd = muld2h(isymdk,isymk)
147c           ir2orb(isymd,isymk) = icount1
148c           icount1 = icount1 + nrhf(isymk)*norb2(isymd)
149c           nr2orb(isymdk) = nr2orb(isymdk) + norb2(isymd)*nrhf(isymk)
150c        end do
151c      end do
153c  nr2orb:=nr1xorb
154c  ir2orb:=ir1xorb
157      if (locdbg) then
158        do i = 1, nsym
159          write(lupri,*) 'nrhf(',i,') = ',nrhf(i)
160          write(lupri,*) 'norb1(',i,') = ',norb1(i)
161          write(lupri,*) 'norb2(',i,') = ',norb2(i)
162          write(lupri,*) 'nvir(',i,') = ',nvir(i)
163          write(lupri,*) 'mbas1(',i,') = ',mbas1(i)
164          write(lupri,*) 'mbas2(',i,') = ',mbas2(i)
165          write(lupri,*) 'nbas(',i,') = ',nbas(i)
166        end do
167      end if
170c     get MO coefficients (defined for combined orbital + aux. basis):
172      kcmo  = 1
173      kend0 = kcmo + nlamds
174      lwrk0 = lwork - kend0
175      if (lwrk0 .lt.0) then
176         call quit('Insufficient work space in R12BATF')
177      end if
179      lusifc = -1
180      call gpopen(lusifc,'SIRIFC','OLD',' ','UNFORMATTED',
181     &            idummy,.false.)
182      rewind(lusifc)
183      call mollab('FULLBAS ',lusifc,lupri)
184      read(lusifc)
185      read(lusifc)
186      read(lusifc) (work(kcmo+i-1),i=1,nlamds)
187      call gpclose(lusifc,'KEEP')
188      !Reorder C_MO coefficients such that first all occ. orbitals
189      !in all symmetries, then all virtual(here in MP2-R12: = ALL orbitals!!)
190      !orbitals in all symmetries; by this, the redundant occ.
191      !orbitals are grouped in one single block!
192      call cmo_reorder(work(kcmo),work(kend0),lwrk0)
195C     Loop over types of integrals inttyp
197      if (projvir) then
198        iendtyp = 1   ! integrals of type (kp|r12|lq)
199      else if (.not. lauxbeta) then
200        iendtyp = 2   ! integrals of type (kp|r12|lq) and (kp|r12|lq')
201        if (mbsmax.lt.5) then
202          write (lupri,*) 'MBSMAX = ',MBSMAX
203          call quit("MBSMAX must at least be 5 for (kp|r12|lq')")
204        end if
205      else if (lauxbeta) then
206        iendtyp = 4   ! additionally (kp'|r12|lq) and (kp'|r12|lq')
207        if (mbsmax.lt.6) then
208          write (lupri,*) 'MBSMAX = ',MBSMAX
209          call quit("MBSMAX must at least be 6 for (kp'|r12|lq')")
210        end if
211      end if
213      modifyinttyp1 = ianr12.eq.1 .and. r12cbs
215      if (locdbg) then
216        write (lupri,*) 'MBSMAX = ', MBSMAX
217      end if
219      do inttyp = 1, iendtyp
222c     open file for back transformed r12 integrals
224        if ((inttyp .eq. 1) .or. (inttyp .eq. 2)) then
225          lur2back = -1
226          call wopen2(lur2back,fback,64,0)
227        else if ((inttyp .eq. 3) .or. (inttyp .eq. 4)) then
228          lur2back2 = -1
229          call wopen2(lur2back2,fback2,64,0)
230        end if
233C       Loop over symmetries of delta
235        do isymd = 1, nsym
236          isymq = isymd
239C         Set start and end values for orbital spaces (part1)
241          if (modifyinttyp1 .and. (inttyp .eq. 1)) then
242            istartdelta = 1
243            ienddelta   = mbas1(isymd)
244            istartq   = 1
245            iendq     = norb1(isymq) + norb2(isymq)
246            norbq     = norb1(isymq) + norb2(isymq)
247          elseif ((inttyp .eq. 1) .or. (inttyp .eq. 3)) then
248            istartdelta = 1
249            ienddelta   = mbas1(isymd)
250           if (projvir) then
251            istartq   = nrhfsa(isymq) + 1
252            iendq     = nrhfsa(isymq) + nvircc(isymq)
253            norbq     = nvircc(isymq)
254           else
255            istartq   = 1
256            iendq     = norb1(isymq)
257            norbq     = norb1(isymq)
258           end if
259          else if ((inttyp .eq. 2) .or. (inttyp .eq. 4)) then
260            istartdelta = mbas1(isymd) + 1
261            ienddelta  = mbas1(isymd) + mbas2(isymd)
262            istartq   = norb1(isymq) + 1
263            iendq     = norb1(isymq) + norb2(isymq)
264            norbq     = norb2(isymq)
265          end if
268C         Start loop over delta
270          do idelta = istartdelta, ienddelta
271            idel = ibas(isymd) + idelta
273            if (locdbg) write(lupri,*) 'isymd, idelta, idel: ',
274     &                                  isymd, idelta, idel
276c           ------------------------------------------------------------
277c           get row vector out of transformation matrix C_delta,q
278c           for fixed delta:
279c           ------------------------------------------------------------
280            kcmobas = kend0
281            if (modifyinttyp1 .and. inttyp .eq. 1) then
282              kend1 = kcmobas + norb1(isymd) + norb2(isymd)
283              koff1 = kcmo - 1 + iglmvi(isymd,isymq) + idelta
284            elseif ((inttyp.eq.1) .or. (inttyp.eq.3)) then
285              if (projvir) then
286                kend1   = kcmobas + norbq
287                koff1 = kcmo - 1 + iglmvi(isymd,isymq) +
288     &                  nbas(isymd)*(istartq-1) + idelta
289              else
290                kend1 = kcmobas + norb1(isymd)
291                koff1 = kcmo - 1 + iglmvi(isymd,isymq) + idelta
292              end if
293            else
294              kend1 = kcmobas + norb2(isymd)
295              koff1 = kcmo - 1 + iglmvi(isymd,isymq) +
296     &                nbas(isymd)*norb1(isymq) + idelta
297            end if
298            lwrk1   = lwork - kend1
299            if (lwrk1 .lt. 0) then
300              call quit('Insufficient work space in R12BATF')
301            end if
302            call dcopy(norbq,work(koff1),nbas(isymd),
303     &                    work(kcmobas),1)
304            if (locdbg) then
305              write(lupri,*) 'C_MO vector for fixed delta:'
306              write(lupri,*) 'idelta, C_MO: ',idelta
307              call output(work(kcmobas),1,1,1,kend1-kcmobas,
308     &                    1,kend1-kcmobas,1,lupri)
309            end if
311c           ------------------------------------------------------------
312c           loop over symmetry blocks of the pair index (pk) ->
313c           determines also symmetry of pair (ql) and of index l
314c           ------------------------------------------------------------
315            do isympk = 1, nsym
316              isymql = muld2h(isympk,isymr2)
317              isyml  = muld2h(isymql,isymq)
319              if (nrhf(isyml) .ne. 0) then
321C               --------------------------------------------------------
322C               allocate memory for:
323C               kr2gk  : R(gamma,k)    matrix AO * occupied
324C               --------------------------------------------------------
325                kr2gk = kend1
326                if ((inttyp .eq. 1) .or. (inttyp .eq. 2)) then
327                  if (modifyinttyp1 .and. (inttyp .eq. 1)) then
328                     kr2gk2= kr2gk + nr1bas(isympk)
329                     kend2 = kr2gk2+ nr1bas(isympk)
330                  else
331                     kend2 = kr2gk + nr1bas(isympk)
332                  endif
333                else if ((inttyp .eq. 3) .or. (inttyp .eq. 4)) then
334                  kend2 = kr2gk + nr1xbas(isympk)
335                end if
336                lwrk2 = lwork - kend2
337                if (lwrk2 .lt. 0) then
338                  call quit('Insufficient work in R12BATF')
339                end if
341C               --------------------------------------------------------
342C               Loop over occupied orbitals l
343C               --------------------------------------------------------
344                do l = 1, nrhf(isyml)
346C                 ------------------------------------------------------
347C                 Loop over symmetries of gamma
348C                 ------------------------------------------------------
349                  do isymg = 1, nsym
350                    isymp = isymg
351                    isymk = muld2h(isympk,isymp)
353C                   ----------------------------------------------------
354C                   Set start and end values for orbital spaces (part 2)
355C                   ----------------------------------------------------
356                    if ((inttyp .eq. 1) .or. (inttyp .eq. 2)) then
357                     istartgamma = 1
358                     nbasg       = mbas1(isymg)
359                     if (projvir) then
360                      istartp = nrhfsa(isymp) + 1
361                      iendp   = nrhfsa(isymp) + nvircc(isymp)
362                      norbp   = nvircc(isymp)
363                     else
364                      istartp = 1
365                      iendp   = norb1(isymp)
366                      norbp   = norb1(isymp)
367                     end if
368                    else if ((inttyp .eq. 3) .or. (inttyp .eq. 4)) then
369                      istartgamma = mbas1(isymg) + 1
370                      nbasg       = mbas2(isymg)
371                      istartp = norb1(isymp) + 1
372                      iendp   = norb1(isymp) + norb2(isymp)
373                      norbp   = norb2(isymp)
374                    end if
376c                   ----------------------------------------------------
377c                   allocate work space for:
378c                   kr2sm  : r(pk,q)  three-index array batch of r2am
379c                   kr2pk  : R(pk)    matrix MO * occupied
380c                   ----------------------------------------------------
381                    kr2sm = kend2
382                    if (modifyinttyp1 .and. inttyp .eq. 1) then
383                       kr2sm2= kr2sm + norb1(isymp)*nrhf(isymk)*
384     &                          (norb1(isymq)+norb2(isymq))
385                       kr2pk = kr2sm2+ norb2(isymp)*nrhf(isymk)*
386     &                           norb1(isymq)
387                       kr2pk2= kr2pk + norb1(isymp)*nrhf(isymk)
388                       kend3 = kr2pk2+ norb2(isymp)*nrhf(isymk)
389                    else
390                       kr2pk = kr2sm + norbp * nrhf(isymk) * norbq
391                       kend3 = kr2pk + norbp * nrhf(isymk)
392                    endif
393                    lwrk3 = lwork - kend3
394                    if (lwrk3 .lt. 0) then
395                     call quit('Insufficient work space in R12BATF')
396                    end if
398                    call cc_r12getrpkq(fback,work(kr2sm),l,isyml,
399     &                                 istartq,iendq,isymq,istartp,
400     &                                 iendp,isymp,r2am,
401     &                                 isympk,isymql,nr1orb,ir1orb)
402                    if (modifyinttyp1 .and. (inttyp .eq.1)) then
403                       call cc_r12getrpkq(fback,work(kr2sm2),l,isyml,
404     &                                    1,norb1(isymq),isymq,
405     &                                    norb1(isymp)+1,
406     &                                    norb1(isymp) +norb2(isymp),
407     &                                    isymp,r2am,
408     &                                    isympk,isymql,nr1orb,ir1orb)
409                    endif
410                    if (locdbg) then
411                      write(lupri,*) 'r^(l)_(pkq):'
412                      call output(work(kr2sm),1,norbp*nrhf(isymk),1,
413     &                            norbq,norbp*nrhf(isymk),norbq,
414     &                            1,lupri)
415                      if (modifyinttyp1 .and. (inttyp .eq.1)) then
416                        write(lupri,*) 'r^(l)_(pkq) 2:'
417                        call output(work(kr2sm2),1,norb2(isymp)*
418     &                              nrhf(isymk),1,norb1(isymq),
419     &                              norb2(isymp)*nrhf(isymk),
420     &                              norb1(isymq),1,lupri)
421                      end if
422                    end if
424c                   ----------------------------------------------------
425c                   transform q to delta (contravariant AO basis)
426c                   ----------------------------------------------------
427                    ntotdk = max(norbp*nrhf(isymk),1)
428                    !zero out result (dgemv may give wrong result)!
429                    call dzero(work(kr2pk),norbp*nrhf(isymk))
430                    call dgemv('N',norbp*nrhf(isymk),
431     &                          norbq,one,
432     &                          work(kr2sm),ntotdk,
433     &                          work(kcmobas),1,
434     &                          zero,work(kr2pk),1)
435                    if (modifyinttyp1 .and. (inttyp .eq.1)) then
436                       ntotdk = max(norb2(isymp)*nrhf(isymk),1)
437                       !zero out result (dgemv may give wrong result)!
438                       call dzero(work(kr2pk2),norb2(isymp)*nrhf(isymk))
439                       call dgemv('N',norb2(isymp)*nrhf(isymk),
440     &                            norb1(isymq),one,
441     &                             work(kr2sm2),ntotdk,
442     &                             work(kcmobas),1,
443     &                             zero,work(kr2pk2),1)
444                    endif
446c                   ----------------------------------------------------
447c                   transform p to gamma (contravariant AO basis)
448c                   ----------------------------------------------------
449                    koffl = kcmo + iglmvi(isymg,isymp)
450     &                       + nbas(isymg)*(istartp-1) + istartgamma-1
451                    if ((inttyp .eq. 1) .or. (inttyp .eq. 2)) then
452                      kofft = kr2gk + ir1bas(isymg,isymk)
453                    else if ((inttyp .eq. 3) .or. (inttyp .eq. 4)) then
454                      kofft = kr2gk + ir1xbas(isymg,isymk)
455                    end if
457                    ntotp  = max(norbp,1)
458                    ntotg  = max(nbas(isymg),1)
459                    ntotg1 = max(nbasg,1)
460                    call dgemm('N','N',nbasg,nrhf(isymk),norbp,
461     &                         one,work(koffl),ntotg,
462     &                             work(kr2pk),ntotp,
463     &                         zero,work(kofft),ntotg1)
464                    if (modifyinttyp1 .and. (inttyp .eq. 1)) then
465                       koffl=kcmo + norb1(isymp)*nbas(isymg)
466     &                            + iglmvi(isymg,isymp)
467                       koffs=kr2gk2 + ir1bas(isymg,isymk)
468                       ntotp=max(norb2(isymp),1)
469                       call dgemm('N','N',mbas1(isymg),nrhf(isymk),
470     &                       norb2(isymp),one,work(koffl),ntotg,
471     &                       work(kr2pk2),ntotp,zero,work(koffs),ntotg1)
472                       call daxpy(mbas1(isymg)*nrhf(isymk),one,
473     &                            work(koffs),1,work(kofft),1)
474                    endif
476                  end do ! loop over symmetries of gamma
478c                 ----------------------------------------------------
479c                 store R(gamma k, l, delta) as R_(gamma k),(delta l)
480c                 on file:
481c                 (note: isympk = isymgk, isymql = isymdl)
482c                 ----------------------------------------------------
483                  if (inttyp .eq. 1) then
484                    ndell = ir1bas(isymd,isyml) +
485     &                      mbas1(isymd)*(l-1) + idelta
486                    iadr  = ir2bas(isympk,isymql) +
487     &                      nr1bas(isympk)*(ndell -1) + 1
488                    len   = nr1bas(isympk)
489                    call putwa2(lur2back,fback,work(kr2gk),
490     &                          iadr,len)
491                  else if (inttyp .eq. 2) then
492                    ndell = ir1xbas(isymd,isyml) +
493     &                      mbas2(isymd)*(l-1) + idelta - mbas1(isymd)
494                    iadr  = nr2bas + ir2xbas(isympk,isymql) +
495     &                      nr1bas(isympk)*(ndell -1) + 1
496                    len   = nr1bas(isympk)
497                    call putwa2(lur2back,fback,work(kr2gk),
498     &                          iadr,len)
499                  else if (inttyp .eq. 3) then
500                    ndell = ir1bas(isymd,isyml) +
501     &                      mbas1(isymd)*(l-1) + idelta
502                    iadr  = ir2bas2(isympk,isymql) +
503     &                      nr1xbas(isympk)*(ndell -1) + 1
504                    len   = nr1xbas(isympk)
505                    call putwa2(lur2back2,fback2,work(kr2gk),
506     &                          iadr,len)
507                  else if (inttyp .eq. 4) then
508                    ndell = ir1xbas(isymd,isyml) +
509     &                      mbas2(isymd)*(l-1) + idelta - mbas1(isymd)
510                    iadr  = nr2bas2 + ir2xbas2(isympk,isymql) +
511     &                      nr1xbas(isympk)*(ndell -1) + 1
512                    len   = nr1xbas(isympk)
513                    call putwa2(lur2back2,fback2,work(kr2gk),
514     &                          iadr,len)
515                  end if
516                  if (locdbg) then
517                    write(lupri,'(a,2i5,g20.10)')
518     &                'iadr,len,norm^2(R)=',iadr,len,
519     &                 ddot(len,work(kr2gk),1,work(kr2gk),1)
520                    write(lupri,*) 'R^(l delta)_(gamma k):'
521                    call output(work(kr2gk),1,len,1,1,
522     &                          len,1,1,lupri)
523                    write(lupri,*)'nr2bas,ir2xbas',nr2bas,
524     &                   ir2xbas(isympk,isymql)
525                    write(lupri,*)'ndell',ndell
526                    write(lupri,*)'ir1xbas',ir1xbas(isymd,isyml)
527                    write(lupri,*)'mbas2',mbas2(isymd)
528                    write(lupri,*)
529                  end if
531                end do ! loop over l
532              end if
533            end do ! loop over symmetry blocks (pk)
534          end do ! loop over delta
535        end do ! loop over symmetries of delta
538c      close file, clean trace and return:
540        if ((inttyp .eq. 1) .or. (inttyp .eq. 2)) then
541          call wclose2(lur2back,fback,'KEEP')
542        else
543          call wclose2(lur2back2,fback2,'KEEP')
544        end if
546      end do ! loop over integral types
548      if(locdbg) write(lupri,*)'leaving cc_r12batf'
549      call qexit('r12batf')
551      return
552      end
554      subroutine cc_r12getrpkq(fback,rpkq,l,isyml,istartq,iendq,isymq,
555     &                         istartp,iendp,isymp,
556     &                         r2am,isympk,isymql,nr1orb,ir1orb)
558c     Purpose:  collect a three index batch r^l_{pk,q} with fixed l
559c               and q and symmetry of p, ranging from istartq to iendq
560c               and from istartp to iendp out of the
561c               symmetry packed lower triangular matrix r_{pk,ql}
562c               stored in r2am
564c     rpkq = r^l_{pk,q} with :   p MOs ranging from istartp ... iendp
565c                                k occupied / r12 MOs
566c                                q MOs ranging from istartq ... iendq
568c     r2am = r_{pk,ql}  with :  p,q general MOs (orbital + aux. basis)
569c                               k,l occupied / r12 MOs
571c     H. Fliegl, C. Haettig  spring 2003
572c     modified C. Neiss      autumn 2004
574      implicit none
575#include "priunit.h"
576#include "ccorb.h"
577#include "ccsdsym.h"
578#include "r12int.h"
579!for first order properties, app. B (Elena):
580#include "ccr12int.h"
582      logical locdbg
583      character*(*) fback !for first order properties, app. B (Elena)
584      parameter (locdbg=.false.)
585      integer ir1orb(8,8),nr1orb(8),npk,npk2,npkq,isymk,isymp
586      integer npkql,istartq,iendq,nql,istartp,iendp,norbp
587      integer isymq,isyml,isympk,isymql, iqloff
588      integer index
589#if defined (SYS_CRAY)
590      real rpkq(*), r2am(*)
592      double precision rpkq(*), r2am(*)
594      index(i,j) = max(i,j)*(max(i,j)-3)/2 + i + j
596      if (locdbg) then
597        write(lupri,*) 'ONEAUX = ',ONEAUX
598      end if
601c     number of p orbitals
602      norbp = iendp - istartp + 1
604c     symmetry of k
605      isymk = muld2h(isymp,isympk)
607      iqloff = nh1am(isymql) * (nh1am(isymql)+1) / 2
609      if (locdbg) then
610         write(lupri,*) 'istartq,iendq,istartp,iendp,l: ',
611     &                   istartq,iendq,istartp,iendp,l
612         write(lupri,*)
613         write(lupri,*) 'Input: r_{pk,ql}'
614         call outpak(r2am,nbast*nrhf(isymk),1,lupri)
615      end if
617c     ------------------------------------------------
618c     loop over q and index k
619c     ------------------------------------------------
620      do q = istartq, iendq
622        if (.not.oneaux) then
623          nql = it1am(isymq,isyml) + nvir(isymq)*(l-1) + q
624        else if (q. le. norb1(isymq)) then
625          nql = ih1am(isymq,isyml) + norb1(isymq)*(l-1) + q
626        else
627          nql = ig1am(isymq,isyml) + norb2(isymq)*(l-1) + q-norb1(isymq)
628        end if
630        do k = 1, nrhf(isymk)
632          if (locdbg) then
633            write(lupri,*)'nql,isymk,k',nql,isymk,k
634          end if
636c           ---------------------------------------------------------
637c           reorder integrals, the following indeces are used:
638c            npk   : pair p,k with k occupied, p gen. MO (orb.+aux.)
639c            npk2  : pair p,k with k occupied, p MO (orbital only)
640c            npkql : quadrupel pk,ql as needed for r2am
641c            npkq  : tripel    pk,q  as needed for rpkq
642c           ---------------------------------------------------------
643            if (isympk.eq.isymql) then
644              do p = istartp, iendp
645                if (oneaux) then
646                  npk = ih1am(isymp,isymk)+norb1(isymp)*(k-1)+p
647                  if (q. le. norb1(isymq)) then
648                    npkql = ih2am(isymql,isympk)+index(nql,npk)
649                  else
650                    npkql = ih2am(isymql,isympk)+iqloff
651     *                    + nh1am(isympk)*(nql-1)+npk
652                  end if
653                else
654                  npk   = it1am(isymp,isymk) + nvir(isymp)*(k-1)+p
655                  if (fback.eq. fq12back) then
656                     npkql = it2sq(isymql,isympk)+ nt1am(isymql)
657     &                       *(npk-1)+nql
658                  elseif (fback.eq. fu12back) then
659                     npkql = it2sq(isympk,isymql)+ nt1am(isympk)
660     &                      *(nql-1)+npk
661                  else
662                     npkql = it2am(isympk,isymql)+index(npk,nql)
663                  endif
664                end if
665                npk2  = norbp*(k-1)+(p-istartp+1)
666                npkq  = norbp*nrhf(isymk)*(q-istartq)+npk2
668                if (locdbg) then
669                   write(lupri,'(a,5i5)')'p,npk,npk2,npkql,npkq',
670     &                  p,npk,npk2,npkql,npkq
671                   call flshfo(lupri)
672                end if
674                rpkq(npkq) = r2am(npkql)
675              end do
676            else if (isympk.lt.isymql) then
677              if (oneaux)
678     &          call quit('isympk.ne.isymql has not been implemented')
679              do p = istartp, iendp
680                npk   = it1am(isymp,isymk) + nvir(isymp)*(k-1)+p
681                npk2  = norbp*(k-1)+(p-istartp+1)
682                npkql = it2am(isympk,isymql)+ nt1am(isympk)*(nql-1)+npk
683                npkq  = norbp*nrhf(isymk)*(q-istartq)+npk2
684                rpkq(npkq) = r2am(npkql)
685              end do
686            else if (isympk.gt.isymql) then
687              if (oneaux)
688     &          call quit('isympk.ne.isymql has not been implemented')
689              do p = istartp, iendp
690                npk   = it1am(isymp,isymk) + nvir(isymp)*(k-1)+p
691                npk2  = norbp*(k-1)+(p-istartp+1)
692                npkql = it2am(isymql,isympk)+nt1am(isymql)*(npk-1)+nql
693                npkq  = norbp*nrhf(isymk)*(q-istartq)+npk2
694                rpkq(npkq) = r2am(npkql)
695              end do
696            end if
697        end do
698      end do
700      end
702      subroutine cc_r12offset(nr1orb,nr1xorb,nr1bas,nr1xbas,nr2bas,
703     & nrgkl,nrxgkl,n2bst1,ir1orb,ir1xorb,ir1bas,ir1xbas,ir2bas,ir2xbas,
704     & irgkl,irxgkl,iaodis1,nalphaj,ialphaj)
706c     set some symmetry offsets and dimensions needed only when
707c     working in the R12 environment and the standard CC offset
708c     cannot be used because some dimensions were overwritten
710c     H. Fliegl, C. Haettig spring 2003
712c     adapted for more general R12-MOs:
713c     C. Neiss, summer 2005
715      implicit none
716#include "priunit.h"
717#include "ccorb.h"
718#include "ccsdsym.h"
719#include "r12int.h"
720      integer nr1orb(8),nr1xorb(8),nr1bas(8),nr1xbas(8),nr2bas,n2bst1(8)
721      integer ir1xbas(8,8),ir1xorb(8,8)
722      integer ir1orb(8,8),ir1bas(8,8),ir2bas(8,8),iaodis1(8,8)
723      integer ir2xbas(8,8),irgkl(8,8),nrgkl(8)
724      integer nrxgkl(8),irxgkl(8,8)
725      integer isymdk,isymk,isymd,isym,isym1,isym2
726      integer icount1,icount2,icount3,icount4,icount5,icount6
727      integer icount7,icount8,icount9,icount10,icount11
728      integer nalphaj(8),ialphaj(8,8)
729      logical locdbg
730      parameter (locdbg = .FALSE.)
732      call qenter('cc_r12offset')
733      if (locdbg) then
734        write(LUPRI,*) 'Entered CC_R12OFFSET'
735        call flshfo(LUPRI)
736      end if
738      do isymdk = 1, nsym
739        nr1orb(isymdk)  = 0
740        nr1xorb(isymdk) = 0
741        nr1bas(isymdk)  = 0
742        nr1xbas(isymdk) = 0
743        n2bst1(isymdk)  = 0
744        nalphaj(isymdk) = 0
745        do isymk = 1, nsym
746           isymd = muld2h(isymdk,isymk)
747           nr1orb(isymdk) = nr1orb(isymdk) + norb1(isymd)*nrhfb(isymk)
748           nr1xorb(isymdk)= nr1xorb(isymdk)+ norb2(isymd)*nrhfb(isymk)
749           nr1bas(isymdk) = nr1bas(isymdk) + mbas1(isymd)*nrhfb(isymk)
750           nr1xbas(isymdk)= nr1xbas(isymdk)+ mbas2(isymd)*nrhfb(isymk)
751           n2bst1(isymdk) = n2bst1(isymdk) + mbas1(isymd)*mbas1(isymk)
752           nalphaj(isymdk)= nalphaj(isymdk)+ mbas1(isymd)*nrhfa(isymk)
753        end do
754        if (locdbg) then
755          write (lupri,*) 'nrhf, nrhfa, nrhfb:',
756     &                     nrhf(isymdk), nrhfa(isymdk), nrhfb(isymdk)
757          write (lupri,*) 'nr1orb, nr1xorb, nr1bas, nr1xbas: ',
758     &                     nr1orb(isymdk),nr1xorb(isymdk),
759     &                     nr1bas(isymdk),nr1xbas(isymdk),n2bst1(isymdk)
760        end if
761      end do
763c     ------------------------------------
764c     three index array for r12-integrals
765c     ------------------------------------
766      do isymdk = 1, nsym
767        nrgkl(isymdk) = 0
768        nrxgkl(isymdk) = 0
769        nvajkl(isymdk) = 0
770        do isymk = 1, nsym
771          isymd = muld2h(isymdk,isymk)
772          nrgkl(isymdk) = nrgkl(isymdk) + mbas1(isymd)*nmatkl(isymk)
773          nrxgkl(isymdk) = nrxgkl(isymdk) + mbas2(isymd)*nmatkl(isymk)
774          nvajkl(isymdk) = nvajkl(isymdk) + nalphaj(isymd)*nmatkl(isymk)
775         end do
776      end do
779c     do isym = 1, nsym
780c       nvabkl(isym) = 0
781c       icount1      = 0
782c       do isym2 = 1, nsym
783c         isym1 = muld2h(isym,isym2)
784c         nvabkl(isym) = nvabkl(isym) + n2bst(isym1)*nmatkl(isym2)
785c         ivabkl(isym1,isym2) = icount1
786c         icount1 = icount1 + n2bst(isym1)*nmatkl(isym2)
787c       end do
788c     end do
790c     ---------------------------------------
791c     lenghts for nr1bas over all symmetries
792c     ---------------------------------------
793      nr2bas = 0
794      do isym = 1, nsym
795         nr2bas = nr2bas + nr1bas(isym)*nr1bas(isym)
796      end do
798c     --------------------------------------------
799c     calculate now the offsets for r12 integrals
800c     --------------------------------------------
801      do isymdk = 1, nsym
802        icount1 = 0
803        icount2 = 0
804        icount3 = 0
805        icount4 = 0
806        icount5 = 0
807        icount6 = 0
808        icount7 = 0
809        icount8 = 0
810        icount9 = 0
811        icount10 = 0
812        icount11 = 0
813        do isymk = 1, nsym
814          isymd = muld2h(isymdk,isymk)
815          ir1orb(isymd,isymk) = icount1 !occ+vir
816          ir1xorb(isymd,isymk)= icount9
817          ir1bas(isymd,isymk) = icount2 !AO
818          ir1xbas(isymd,isymk)= icount8
819          ir2bas(isymd,isymk) = icount3 !AO+aux
820          ir2xbas(isymd,isymk)= icount4 !aux
821          irgkl(isymd,isymk)  = icount5
822          irxgkl(isymd,isymk) = icount10
823          iaodis1(isymd,isymk)= icount6
824          ivajkl(isymd,isymk) = icount7
825          ialphaj(isymd,isymk)= icount11
826          icount1 = icount1 + nrhfb(isymk)*norb1(isymd)
827          icount9 = icount9 + nrhfb(isymk)*norb2(isymd)
828          icount2 = icount2 + nrhfb(isymk)*mbas1(isymd)
829          icount8 = icount8 + nrhfb(isymk)*mbas2(isymd)
830          icount3 = icount3 + nr1bas(isymd)*nr1bas(isymk)
831          icount4 = icount4 + nr1bas(isymd)*nr1xbas(isymk)
832          icount5 = icount5 + mbas1(isymd)*nmatkl(isymk)
833          icount6 = icount6 + mbas1(isymd)*mbas1(isymk)
834          icount7 = icount7 + nalphaj(isymd)*nmatkl(isymk)
835          icount10 = icount10 + mbas2(isymd)*nmatkl(isymk)
836          icount11 = icount11 + nrhfa(isymk)*mbas1(isymd)
837        end do
838      end do
839      if (locdbg) then
840        write(LUPRI,*) 'Leaving CC_R12OFFSET'
841        call flshfo(LUPRI)
842      end if
843      call qexit('cc_r12offset')
844      return
845      end