1 /* NetHack 3.7	context.h	$NHDT-Date: 1596498530 2020/08/03 23:48:50 $  $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.7 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.41 $ */
2 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3 /*-Copyright (c) Michael Allison, 2006. */
4 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
6 /* If you change the context structure make sure you increment EDITLEVEL in */
7 /* patchlevel.h if needed. */
9 #ifndef CONTEXT_H
10 #define CONTEXT_H
12 #define CONTEXTVERBSZ 30
14 /*
15  * The context structure houses things that the game tracks
16  * or adjusts during the game, to preserve game state or context.
17  *
18  * The entire structure is saved with the game.
19  *
20  */
22 struct dig_info { /* apply.c, hack.c */
23     int effort;
24     d_level level;
25     coord pos;
26     long lastdigtime;
27     boolean down, chew, warned, quiet;
28 };
30 struct tin_info {
31     struct obj *tin;
32     unsigned o_id; /* o_id of tin in save file */
33     int usedtime, reqtime;
34 };
36 struct book_info {
37     struct obj *book; /* last/current book being xscribed */
38     unsigned o_id;    /* o_id of book in save file */
39     schar delay;      /* moves left for this spell */
40 };
42 struct crystalball_info {
43     struct obj* ball;
44     unsigned o_id;
45     xchar looktime;
46 };
48 struct takeoff_info {
49     long mask;
50     long what;
51     int delay;
52     boolean cancelled_don;
53     char disrobing[CONTEXTVERBSZ + 1];
54 };
56 struct victual_info {
57     struct obj *piece; /* the thing being eaten, or last thing that
58                         * was partially eaten, unless that thing was
59                         * a tin, which uses the tin structure above,
60                         * in which case this should be 0 */
61     unsigned o_id;     /* o_id of food object in save file */
62     /* doeat() initializes these when piece is valid */
63     int usedtime,          /* turns spent eating */
64         reqtime;           /* turns required to eat */
65     int nmod;              /* coded nutrition per turn */
66     Bitfield(canchoke, 1); /* was satiated at beginning */
68     /* start_eating() initializes these */
69     Bitfield(fullwarn, 1); /* have warned about being full */
70     Bitfield(eating, 1);   /* victual currently being eaten */
71     Bitfield(doreset, 1);  /* stop eating at end of turn */
72 };
74 struct engrave_info {
75     char text[BUFSZ];   /* actual text being engraved - doengrave() handles all
76                            the possible mutations of this */
77     char *nextc;        /* next character(s) in text[] to engrave */
78     struct obj *stylus; /* object doing the writing */
79     xchar type;         /* type of engraving (DUST, MARK, etc) */
80     coord pos;          /* location the engraving is being placed on */
81     int actionct;       /* nth turn spent engraving */
82 };
84 struct warntype_info {
85     unsigned long obj;        /* object warn_of_mon monster type M2 */
86     unsigned short obj_mlet;  /* object warn_of_mon S_FOO monster letter */
87     unsigned long polyd;      /* warn_of_mon monster type M2 due to poly */
88     struct permonst *species; /* particular species due to poly */
89     short speciesidx; /* index of above in mons[] (for save/restore) */
90 };
92 struct polearm_info {
93     struct monst *hitmon; /* the monster we tried to hit last */
94     unsigned m_id;        /* monster id of hitmon, in save file */
95 };
97 struct obj_split {
98     unsigned parent_oid, /* set: splitobj(),         */
99              child_oid;  /* reset: clear_splitobjs() */
100 };
102 struct tribute_info {
103     size_t tributesz;       /* make it possible to skip this in future */
104     boolean enabled;        /* Do we have tributes turned on? */
105     Bitfield(bookstock, 1); /* Have we stocked the book? */
106     Bitfield(Deathnotice,1);    /* Did Death notice the book? */
107     /* Markers for other tributes can go here */
108     /* 30 free bits */
109 };
111 struct novel_tracking { /* for choosing random passage when reading novel */
112     unsigned id;        /* novel oid from previous passage selection */
113     int count;          /* number of passage indices available in pasg[] */
114     xchar pasg[30];     /* pasg[0..count-1] are passage indices */
115     /* tribute file is allowed to have more than 30 passages for a novel;
116        if it does, reading will first choose a random subset of 30 of them;
117        reading all 30 or switching to a different novel and then back again
118        will pick a new subset, independent of previous ones so might not
119        contain all--or even any--of the ones left out of the prior subset;
120        chatting with Death works the same as reading a novel except that
121        sometimes he delivers one of a few hardcoded messages rather than a
122        passage from the Death Quotes section of dat/tribute */
123 };
125 struct achievement_tracking {
126     unsigned mines_prize_oid,  /* luckstone->o_id */
127              soko_prize_oid,   /* {bag or amulet}->o_id */
128              castle_prize_old; /* wand->o_id; not yet implemented */
129     boolean minetn_reached;    /* avoid redundant checking for town entry */
130 };
132 struct context_info {
133     unsigned ident;         /* social security number for each monster */
134     unsigned no_of_wizards; /* 0, 1 or 2 (wizard and his shadow) */
135     unsigned run;           /* 0: h (etc), 1: H (etc), 2: fh (etc) */
136                             /* 3: FH, 4: ff+, 5: ff-, 6: FF+, 7: FF- */
137                             /* 8: travel */
138     unsigned startingpet_mid; /* monster id number for initial pet */
139     int current_fruit;      /* fruit->fid corresponding to g.pl_fruit[] */
140     int mysteryforce;       /* adjusts how often "mysterious force" kicks in */
141     int rndencode;          /* randomized escape sequence introducer */
142     int warnlevel;          /* threshold (digit) to warn about unseen mons */
143     long next_attrib_check; /* next attribute check */
144     long seer_turn;         /* when random clairvoyance will next kick in */
145     long stethoscope_move;  /* when a stethoscope was last used */
146     short stethoscope_movement; /* to track multiple moves on same turn */
147     boolean travel;  /* find way automatically to u.tx,u.ty */
148     boolean travel1; /* first travel step */
149     boolean forcefight;
150     boolean nopick; /* do not pickup objects (as when running) */
151     boolean made_amulet;
152     boolean mon_moving; /* monsters' turn to move */
153     boolean move;
154     boolean mv;
155     boolean bypasses;    /* bypass flag is set on at least one fobj */
156     boolean botl;        /* partially redo status line */
157     boolean botlx;       /* print an entirely new bottom line */
158     boolean door_opened; /* set to true if door was opened during test_move */
159     boolean enhance_tip; /* player is informed about #enhance */
160     struct dig_info digging;
161     struct victual_info victual;
162     struct engrave_info engraving;
163     struct tin_info tin;
164     struct book_info spbook;
165     struct crystalball_info crystal;
166     struct takeoff_info takeoff;
167     struct warntype_info warntype;
168     struct polearm_info polearm;
169     struct obj_split objsplit; /* track most recently split object stack */
170     struct tribute_info tribute;
171     struct novel_tracking novel;
172     struct achievement_tracking achieveo;
173 };
175 #endif /* CONTEXT_H */