1 // Copyright © 2008-2021 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
2 // Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
4 #pragma once
6 #include "Input.h"
7 #include "ShipController.h"
9 // autopilot AI + input
10 class PlayerShipController : public ShipController {
11 public:
12 	PlayerShipController();
13 	~PlayerShipController();
GetType()15 	Type GetType() override { return PLAYER; }
16 	void SaveToJson(Json &jsonObj, Space *s) override;
17 	void LoadFromJson(const Json &jsonObj) override;
18 	void PostLoadFixup(Space *s) override;
19 	void StaticUpdate(float timeStep) override;
20 	// Poll controls, set thruster states, gun states and target velocity
21 	void PollControls(float timeStep, const bool force_rotation_damping, int *mouseMotion);
IsMouseActive()22 	bool IsMouseActive() const { return m_mouseActive; }
SetDisableMouseFacing(bool disabled)23 	void SetDisableMouseFacing(bool disabled) { m_disableMouseFacing = disabled; }
GetSetSpeed()24 	double GetSetSpeed() const override { return m_setSpeed; }
ChangeSetSpeed(double delta)25 	void ChangeSetSpeed(double delta) override { m_setSpeed += delta; }
GetFlightControlState()26 	FlightControlState GetFlightControlState() const override { return m_flightControlState; }
27 	vector3d GetMouseDir() const; // in local frame
29 	// Return the current mouse direction in camera space.
30 	vector3d GetMouseViewDir() const;
SetMouseForRearView(bool enable)31 	void SetMouseForRearView(bool enable) { m_invertMouse = enable; }
32 	void SetFlightControlState(FlightControlState s) override;
GetLowThrustPower()33 	float GetLowThrustPower() const { return m_lowThrustPower; }
34 	void SetLowThrustPower(float power);
GetRotationDamping()36 	bool GetRotationDamping() const { return m_rotationDamping; }
37 	void SetRotationDamping(bool enabled);
38 	void ToggleRotationDamping();
39 	void FireMissile();
40 	void ToggleSetSpeedMode();
42 	//targeting
43 	//XXX AI should utilize one or more of these
44 	Body *GetCombatTarget() const;
45 	Body *GetNavTarget() const;
46 	Body *GetSetSpeedTarget() const override;
47 	void SetCombatTarget(Body *const target, bool setSpeedTo = false);
48 	void SetNavTarget(Body *const target);
49 	void SetSetSpeedTarget(Body *const target);
51 	sigc::signal<void> onRotationDampingChanged;
52 	sigc::signal<void> onChangeTarget;
53 	sigc::signal<void> onChangeFlightControlState;
55 private:
56 	struct InputBinding : public Input::InputFrame {
57 		using InputFrame::InputFrame;
59 		// Weapons
60 		Action *targetObject;
61 		Action *primaryFire;
62 		Action *secondaryFire;
64 		// Flight
65 		Axis *pitch;
66 		Axis *yaw;
67 		Axis *roll;
68 		Action *killRot;
69 		Action *toggleRotationDamping;
71 		// Manual Control
72 		Axis *thrustForward;
73 		Axis *thrustUp;
74 		Axis *thrustLeft;
75 		Action *thrustLowPower;
77 		// Speed Control
78 		Axis *speedControl;
79 		Action *toggleSetSpeed;
81 		void RegisterBindings() override;
82 	} InputBindings;
84 	// FIXME: separate the propusion controller from the input system, pass in wanted velocity correction directly.
85 	friend class Propulsion;
87 	bool IsAnyAngularThrusterKeyDown();
88 	bool IsAnyLinearThrusterKeyDown();
89 	//do a variety of checks to see if input is allowed
90 	void CheckControlsLock();
91 	Body *m_combatTarget;
92 	Body *m_navTarget;
93 	Body *m_setSpeedTarget;
94 	bool m_controlsLocked;
95 	bool m_invertMouse; // used for rear view, *not* for invert Y-axis option (which is Pi::input->IsMouseYInvert)
96 	bool m_mouseActive;
97 	bool m_disableMouseFacing;
98 	bool m_rotationDamping;
99 	double m_mouseX;
100 	double m_mouseY;
101 	double m_setSpeed;
102 	FlightControlState m_flightControlState;
103 	float m_fovY; //for mouse acceleration adjustment
104 	float m_joystickDeadzone;
105 	float m_lowThrustPower;
106 	int m_combatTargetIndex; //for PostLoadFixUp
107 	int m_navTargetIndex;
108 	int m_setSpeedTargetIndex;
109 	vector3d m_mouseDir;
111 	sigc::connection m_connRotationDampingToggleKey;
112 	sigc::connection m_fireMissileKey;
113 	sigc::connection m_setSpeedMode;
114 };