1 /*
2  *  This file is part of RawTherapee.
3  *
4  *  RawTherapee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7  *  (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  *  RawTherapee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  *  along with RawTherapee.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16  *
17  *  2014 Jacques Desmis <jdesmis@gmail.com>
18  */
20 #pragma once
22 #include <gtkmm.h>
23 #include "adjuster.h"
24 #include "toolpanel.h"
25 #include "curvelistener.h"
26 #include "thresholdadjuster.h"
27 #include "colorprovider.h"
28 #include "guiutils.h"
30 class CurveEditor;
31 class CurveEditorGroup;
32 class DiagonalCurveEditor;
33 class EditDataProvider;
34 class FlatCurveEditor;
36 class Wavelet final :
37     public ToolParamBlock,
38     public ThresholdAdjusterListener,
39     public AdjusterListener,
40     public CurveListener,
41     public ColorProvider,
42     public rtengine::WaveletListener,
43     public FoldableToolPanel
44 {
45 public:
46     Wavelet ();
47     ~Wavelet () override;
49     bool wavComputed_ ();
50     void adjusterChanged(Adjuster* a, double newval) override;
51     void autoOpenCurve () override;
52     void curveChanged (CurveEditor* ce) override;
53     void read (const rtengine::procparams::ProcParams* pp, const ParamsEdited* pedited = nullptr) override;
54     void setAdjusterBehavior (bool multiplieradd, bool thresholdadd, bool threshold2add, bool thresadd, bool chroadd, bool chromaadd, bool contrastadd, bool skinadd, bool reschroadd, bool tmrsadd, bool resconadd, bool resconHadd, bool thradd, bool thrHadd, bool skyadd, bool edgradadd, bool edgvaladd, bool strengthadd, bool gammaadd, bool edgedetectadd, bool edgedetectthradd, bool edgedetectthr2add);
55     void setBatchMode (bool batchMode) override;
56     void setDefaults  (const rtengine::procparams::ProcParams* defParams, const ParamsEdited* pedited = nullptr) override;
57     void setEditProvider (EditDataProvider *provider) override;
58     void updateToolState (std::vector<int> &tpOpen);
59     void write (rtengine::procparams::ProcParams* pp, ParamsEdited* pedited = nullptr) override;
60     void writeOptions (std::vector<int> &tpOpen);
62     void adjusterChanged(ThresholdAdjuster* a, double newBottom, double newTop) override;
63     void adjusterChanged(ThresholdAdjuster* a, double newBottomLeft, double newTopLeft, double newBottomRight, double newTopRight) override;
64     void adjusterChanged(ThresholdAdjuster* a, int newBottom, int newTop) override;
65     void adjusterChanged(ThresholdAdjuster* a, int newBottomLeft, int newTopLeft, int newBottomRight, int newTopRight) override;
66     void adjusterChanged2(ThresholdAdjuster* a, int newBottomL, int newTopL, int newBottomR, int newTopR) override;
68 private:
69     void foldAllButMe (GdkEventButton* event, MyExpander *expander);
71     void colorForValue (double valX, double valY, enum ColorCaller::ElemType elemType, int callerId, ColorCaller* caller) override;
72     void BAmethodChanged ();
73     void NPmethodChanged ();
74     void BackmethodChanged ();
75     void CHSLmethodChanged ();
76     void CHmethodChanged ();
77     void CLmethodChanged ();
78     void DirmethodChanged ();
79     void EDmethodChanged ();
80     void HSmethodChanged ();
81     void LmethodChanged ();
82     void MedgreinfChanged ();
83     void TMmethodChanged ();
84     void TilesmethodChanged ();
85     void avoidToggled ();
86     void cbenabToggled ();
87     void contrastMinusPressed ();
88     void contrastPlusPressed ();
89     void daubcoeffmethodChanged ();
90     void enabledChanged () override;
91     void linkedgToggled ();
92     void lipstToggled ();
93     void medianToggled ();
94     void medianlevToggled ();
95     void neutralPressed ();
96     void neutral_pressed ();
97     void neutralchPressed ();
98     void tmrToggled ();
99     void updatewavLabel ();
100     void wavChanged (double nlevel) override;
102     void HSmethodUpdateUI();
103     void CHmethodUpdateUI();
104 //  void CHSLmethodChangedUI();
105     void EDmethodUpdateUI();
106     void NPmethodUpdateUI();
107     void BAmethodUpdateUI();
108     void TMmethodUpdateUI();
109 //  void BackmethodUpdateUI();
110     void CLmethodUpdateUI();
111 //  void TilesmethodUpdateUI();
112 //  void daubcoeffmethodUpdateUI();
113 //  void MedgreinfUpdateUI();
114 //  void DirmethodUpdateUI();
115 //  void LmethodUpdateUI();
116     void adjusterUpdateUI (Adjuster* a);
117     void enabledUpdateUI ();
118     void medianlevUpdateUI ();
119     void cbenabUpdateUI ();
120     void lipstUpdateUI ();
122     void enableToggled(MyExpander *expander);
124     CurveEditorGroup* const curveEditorG;
126     CurveEditorGroup* const CCWcurveEditorG;
127     CurveEditorGroup* const curveEditorRES;
128     CurveEditorGroup* const curveEditorGAM;
129     Gtk::HSeparator* const separatorNeutral;
130     Gtk::HSeparator* const separatoredge;
132     CurveEditorGroup* const opaCurveEditorG;
133     FlatCurveEditor* opacityShapeRG;
134     CurveEditorGroup* const opacityCurveEditorG;
135     FlatCurveEditor* opacityShapeBY;
136     CurveEditorGroup* const opacityCurveEditorW;
137     CurveEditorGroup* const opacityCurveEditorWL;
138     FlatCurveEditor* opacityShape;
139     FlatCurveEditor* opacityShapeWL;
140     FlatCurveEditor* hhshape;
141     FlatCurveEditor* Chshape;
142     DiagonalCurveEditor* clshape;
144     FlatCurveEditor* ccshape;
145     Gtk::CheckButton* const median;
146     Gtk::CheckButton* const medianlev;
147     Gtk::CheckButton* const linkedg;
148     Gtk::CheckButton* const cbenab;
149     Gtk::CheckButton* const lipst;
150     Gtk::CheckButton* const avoid;
151     Gtk::CheckButton* const tmr;
153     Gtk::Button* const neutralchButton;
154     Adjuster* correction[9];
155     Adjuster* correctionch[9];
156     Adjuster* const rescon;
157     Adjuster* const resconH;
158     Adjuster* const reschro;
159     Adjuster* const tmrs;
160     Adjuster* const gamma;
161     Adjuster* const sup;
162     Adjuster* const sky;
163     Adjuster* const thres;
164     Adjuster* const chroma;
165     Adjuster* const chro;
166     Adjuster* const contrast;
167     Adjuster* const thr;
168     Adjuster* const thrH;
169     Adjuster* const skinprotect;
170     Adjuster* const edgrad;
171     Adjuster* const edgval;
172     Adjuster* const edgthresh;
173     Adjuster* const strength;
174     Adjuster* const balance;
175     Adjuster* const iter;
176     Adjuster* greenlow;
177     Adjuster* bluelow;
178     Adjuster* greenmed;
179     Adjuster* bluemed;
180     Adjuster* greenhigh;
181     Adjuster* bluehigh;
183     ThresholdAdjuster* const hueskin;
184     ThresholdAdjuster* const hueskin2;
185     ThresholdAdjuster* const hllev;
186     ThresholdAdjuster* const bllev;
187     ThresholdAdjuster* const pastlev;
188     ThresholdAdjuster* const satlev;
189     ThresholdAdjuster* const edgcont;
190     ThresholdAdjuster* const level0noise;
191     ThresholdAdjuster* const level1noise;
192     ThresholdAdjuster* const level2noise;
193     ThresholdAdjuster* const level3noise;
195     Adjuster* const threshold;
196     Adjuster* const threshold2;
197     Adjuster* const edgedetect;
198     Adjuster* const edgedetectthr;
199     Adjuster* const edgedetectthr2;
200     Adjuster* const edgesensi;
201     Adjuster* const edgeampli;
202     MyComboBoxText* const Lmethod;
203     sigc::connection  Lmethodconn;
204     MyComboBoxText* const CHmethod;
205     sigc::connection  CHmethodconn;
206     MyComboBoxText* const CHSLmethod;
207     sigc::connection  CHSLmethodconn;
208     MyComboBoxText* const EDmethod;
209     sigc::connection  EDmethodconn;
210     MyComboBoxText* const BAmethod;
211     sigc::connection  BAmethodconn;
212     MyComboBoxText* const NPmethod;
213     sigc::connection  NPmethodconn;
214     MyComboBoxText* const TMmethod;
215     sigc::connection  TMmethodconn;
216     MyComboBoxText* const HSmethod;
217     sigc::connection  HSmethodconn;
218     MyComboBoxText* const CLmethod;
219     sigc::connection  CLmethodconn;
220     MyComboBoxText* const Backmethod;
221     sigc::connection  Backmethodconn;
222     MyComboBoxText* const Tilesmethod;
223     sigc::connection  Tilesmethodconn;
224     MyComboBoxText* const daubcoeffmethod;
225     sigc::connection  daubcoeffmethodconn;
226     MyComboBoxText* const Dirmethod;
227     sigc::connection  Dirmethodconn;
228     MyComboBoxText* const Medgreinf;
229     sigc::connection  MedgreinfConn;
230     Gtk::Frame* const chanMixerHLFrame;
231     Gtk::Frame* const chanMixerMidFrame;
232     Gtk::Frame* const chanMixerShadowsFrame;
234     Gtk::Label* const wavLabels;
235     Gtk::Label* const labmC;
236     Gtk::Label* const labmNP;
237     MyExpander* const expchroma;
238     MyExpander* const expcontrast;
239     MyExpander* const expedge;
240     MyExpander* const expfinal;
241     MyExpander* const expgamut;
242     MyExpander* const expnoise;
243     MyExpander* const expresid;
244     MyExpander* const expsettings;
245     MyExpander* const exptoning;
247     Gtk::HBox* const neutrHBox;
249     sigc::connection enableChromaConn, enableContrastConn, enableEdgeConn, enableFinalConn;
250     sigc::connection enableNoiseConn, enableResidConn, enableToningConn;
251     sigc::connection medianConn, avoidConn, tmrConn, medianlevConn, linkedgConn, lipstConn, cbenabConn, neutralconn;
252     sigc::connection neutralPressedConn;
253     sigc::connection contrastPlusPressedConn;
254     sigc::connection contrastMinusPressedConn;
255     sigc::connection neutralchPressedConn;
257     bool lastmedian, lastmedianlev, lastlinkedg, lastavoid, lastlipst, lasttmr, lastcbenab;
258     int nextnlevel;
260     IdleRegister idle_register;
261 };