1 /*
2  * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2005-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/
5  * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
6  *
7  * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
8  * "COPYING" for details.
9  *
10  * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
11  * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
12  *
13  * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
14  * for the above references.
15  */
16 // Startup screen for non-parameterized engine start: Scenario selection dialog
18 #ifndef INC_C4StartupScenSelDlg
19 #define INC_C4StartupScenSelDlg
21 #include "gui/C4Folder.h"
22 #include "gui/C4Startup.h"
23 #include "landscape/C4Scenario.h"
24 #include "player/C4ScenarioParameters.h"
25 #include "player/C4Achievement.h"
27 class C4StartupScenSelDlg;
29 const int32_t C4StartupScenSel_DefaultIcon_Scenario  = 14,
30               C4StartupScenSel_DefaultIcon_Folder    =  0,
31               C4StartupScenSel_DefaultIcon_SavegamesFolder =  29,
32               C4StartupScenSel_DefaultIcon_WinFolder = 44,
33               C4StartupScenSel_DefaultIcon_OldIconBG = 18,
34               C4StartupScenSel_IconCount             = 45,
35               C4StartupScenSel_TitlePictureWdt       = 640,
36               C4StartupScenSel_TitlePictureHgt       = 480,
37               C4StartupScenSel_TitlePicturePadding   = 10,
38               C4StartupScenSel_TitleOverlayMargin    = 20, // number of pixels to each side of title overlay picture
39               C4StartupScenSel_MaxAchievements       = 3; // maximum number of achievements shown next to entry
41 // a list of loaded scenarios
42 class C4ScenarioListLoader
43 {
44 public:
45 	class Folder;
46 	// either a scenario or scenario folder; manages singly linked tree
47 	class Entry
48 	{
49 	protected:
50 		class C4ScenarioListLoader *pLoader;
51 		Entry *pNext;
52 		class Folder *pParent;
54 		friend class Folder;
56 	protected:
57 		StdCopyStrBuf sName, sFilename, sDesc, sVersion, sAuthor;
58 		C4FacetSurface fctIcon, fctTitle;
59 		bool fBaseLoaded, fExLoaded;
60 		int iIconIndex;
61 		int iDifficulty;
62 		int iFolderIndex;
64 	public:
65 		Entry(class C4ScenarioListLoader *pLoader, class Folder *pParent);
66 		virtual ~Entry(); // dtor: unlink from tree
68 		bool Load(C4Group *pFromGrp, const StdStrBuf *psFilename, bool fLoadEx); // load as child if pFromGrp, else directly from filename
LoadCustom(C4Group & rGrp,bool fNameLoaded,bool fIconLoaded)69 		virtual bool LoadCustom(C4Group &rGrp, bool fNameLoaded, bool fIconLoaded) { return true; } // load custom data for entry type (e.g. scenario title fallback in Scenario.txt)
LoadCustomPre(C4Group & rGrp)70 		virtual bool LoadCustomPre(C4Group &rGrp) { return true; } // preload stuff that's early in the group (Scenario.txt)
71 		virtual bool Start() = 0; // start/open entry
GetIsFolder()72 		virtual Folder *GetIsFolder() { return nullptr; } // return this if this is a folder
GetName()74 		const StdStrBuf &GetName() const { return sName; }
GetEntryFilename()75 		const StdStrBuf &GetEntryFilename() const { return sFilename; }
GetVersion()76 		const StdStrBuf &GetVersion() const { return sVersion; }
GetAuthor()77 		const StdStrBuf &GetAuthor() const { return sAuthor; }
GetIconFacet()78 		const C4Facet &GetIconFacet() const { return fctIcon; }
GetTitlePicture()79 		const C4Facet &GetTitlePicture() const { return fctTitle; }
GetDesc()80 		const StdStrBuf &GetDesc() const { return sDesc; }
GetIconIndex()81 		int GetIconIndex() { return iIconIndex; }
GetDifficulty()82 		int GetDifficulty() { return iDifficulty; }
GetFolderIndex()83 		int GetFolderIndex() { return iFolderIndex; }
GetNext()84 		Entry *GetNext() const { return pNext; }
GetParent()85 		class Folder *GetParent() const { return pParent; }
86 		virtual StdStrBuf GetTypeName() = 0;
GetAchievement(int32_t idx,C4Facet * out_facet,const char ** out_description)87 		virtual bool GetAchievement(int32_t idx, C4Facet *out_facet, const char **out_description) { return false; } // return true and fill output parameters if player got the indexed achievement
89 		static Entry *CreateEntryForFile(const StdStrBuf &sFilename, C4ScenarioListLoader *pLoader, Folder *pParent); // create correct entry type based on file extension
CanOpen(StdStrBuf & sError,bool & CanHide)91 		virtual bool CanOpen(StdStrBuf &sError, bool &CanHide) { return true; } // whether item can be started/opened (e.g. mission access, unregistered)
IsGrayed()92 		virtual bool IsGrayed() { return false; } // additional condition for graying out - notice unreg folders are grayed but can still be opened
IsHidden()93 		virtual bool IsHidden() { return false; } // condition for hiding element completely
HasMissionAccess()94 		virtual bool HasMissionAccess() const { return true; }
HasUnregisteredAccess()95 		virtual bool HasUnregisteredAccess() const { return false; }
96 		virtual StdStrBuf GetOpenText() = 0; // get open button text
97 		virtual StdStrBuf GetOpenTooltip() = 0;
GetDefaultExtension()99 		virtual const char *GetDefaultExtension() { return nullptr; } // extension to be added when item is renamed
100 		virtual bool SetTitleInGroup(C4Group &rGrp, const char *szNewTitle);
101 		bool RenameTo(const char *szNewName); // change name+filename
IsScenario()102 		virtual bool IsScenario() { return false; }
GetParameterDefs()104 		virtual C4ScenarioParameterDefs *GetParameterDefs() { return nullptr; }
GetParameters()105 		virtual C4ScenarioParameters *GetParameters() { return nullptr; }
106 	};
108 	// a loaded scenario to be started
109 	class Scenario : public Entry
110 	{
111 	private:
112 		C4Scenario C4S;
113 		C4ScenarioParameterDefs ParameterDefs;
114 		C4ScenarioParameters Parameters; // each entry caches its parameters set by the user
115 		C4FacetSurface fctAchievements[C4StartupScenSel_MaxAchievements];
116 		StdCopyStrBuf sAchievementDescriptions[C4StartupScenSel_MaxAchievements];
117 		int32_t nAchievements;
118 		bool fNoMissionAccess;
119 		int32_t iMinPlrCount;
121 	public:
Scenario(class C4ScenarioListLoader * pLoader,class Folder * pParent)122 		Scenario(class C4ScenarioListLoader *pLoader, class Folder *pParent) : Entry(pLoader, pParent), fNoMissionAccess(false), nAchievements(0), iMinPlrCount(0) {}
123 		~Scenario() override = default;
125 		bool LoadCustom(C4Group &rGrp, bool fNameLoaded, bool fIconLoaded) override; // do fallbacks for title and icon; check whether scenario is valid
126 		bool LoadCustomPre(C4Group &rGrp) override; // load scenario core
127 		bool Start() override; // launch scenario!
129 		bool CanOpen(StdStrBuf &sError, bool &CanHide) override; // check mission access, player count, etc.
IsGrayed()130 		bool IsGrayed() override { return false; } // additional option for graying out
IsHidden()131 		bool IsHidden() override { return C4S.Head.Secret && !HasMissionAccess(); } // condition for hiding element completely
HasMissionAccess()132 		bool HasMissionAccess() const override { return !fNoMissionAccess; };         // check mission access only
133 		StdStrBuf GetOpenText() override; // get open button text
134 		StdStrBuf GetOpenTooltip() override;
GetC4S()135 		const C4Scenario &GetC4S() const { return C4S; } // get scenario core
136 		bool GetAchievement(int32_t idx, C4Facet *out_facet, const char **out_description) override; // return true and fill output parameters if player got the indexed achievement
GetTypeName()138 		StdStrBuf GetTypeName() override { return StdCopyStrBuf(LoadResStr("IDS_TYPE_SCENARIO"), true); }
GetDefaultExtension()140 		const char *GetDefaultExtension() override { return "ocs"; }
GetParameterDefs()142 		C4ScenarioParameterDefs *GetParameterDefs() override { return &ParameterDefs; }
GetParameters()143 		C4ScenarioParameters *GetParameters() override { return &Parameters; }
IsScenario()145 		bool IsScenario() override { return true; }
146 	};
148 	// scenario folder
149 	class Folder : public Entry
150 	{
151 	protected:
152 		C4Folder C4F;
153 		bool fContentsLoaded; // if set, directory contents are already loaded
154 		Entry *pFirst; // tree structure
155 		class C4MapFolderData *pMapData; // if set, contains gfx and data for special map-style folders
156 		friend class Entry;
158 	public:
Folder(class C4ScenarioListLoader * pLoader,Folder * pParent)159 		Folder(class C4ScenarioListLoader *pLoader, Folder *pParent) : Entry(pLoader, pParent), fContentsLoaded(false), pFirst(nullptr), pMapData(nullptr) {}
160 		~Folder() override;
162 		bool LoadCustomPre(C4Group &rGrp) override; // load folder core
164 		bool LoadContents(C4ScenarioListLoader *pLoader, C4Group *pFromGrp, const StdStrBuf *psFilename, bool fLoadEx, bool fReload); // load folder contents as child if pFromGrp, else directly from filename
165 		uint32_t GetEntryCount() const;
167 	protected:
168 		void ClearChildren();
169 		void Sort();
170 		virtual bool DoLoadContents(C4ScenarioListLoader *pLoader, C4Group *pFromGrp, const StdStrBuf &sFilename, bool fLoadEx) = 0; // load folder contents as child if pFromGrp, else directly from filename
172 	public:
173 		bool Start() override; // open as subfolder
GetIsFolder()174 		Folder *GetIsFolder() override { return this; } // this is a folder
GetFirstEntry()175 		Entry *GetFirstEntry() const { return pFirst; }
Resort()176 		void Resort() { Sort(); }
177 		Entry *FindEntryByName(const char *szFilename) const; // find entry by filename comparison
CanOpen(StdStrBuf & sError,bool & CanHide)179 		bool CanOpen(StdStrBuf &sError, bool &CanHide) override { return true; } // can always open folders
180 		bool IsGrayed() override; // unreg folders can be opened to view stuff but they are still grayed out for clarity
181 		StdStrBuf GetOpenText() override; // get open button text
182 		StdStrBuf GetOpenTooltip() override;
GetMapData()183 		C4MapFolderData *GetMapData() const { return pMapData; }
GetAchievementDefs()185 		virtual const C4ScenarioParameterDefs *GetAchievementDefs() const { return nullptr; }
GetAchievementGfx()186 		virtual const C4AchievementGraphics *GetAchievementGfx() const { return nullptr; }
187 	};
189 	// .ocf subfolder: Read through by group
190 	class SubFolder : public Folder
191 	{
192 	private:
193 		C4ScenarioParameterDefs AchievementDefs;
194 		C4AchievementGraphics AchievementGfx;
196 	public:
SubFolder(class C4ScenarioListLoader * pLoader,Folder * pParent)197 		SubFolder(class C4ScenarioListLoader *pLoader, Folder *pParent) : Folder(pLoader, pParent) {}
198 		~SubFolder() override = default;
GetDefaultExtension()200 		const char *GetDefaultExtension() override { return "ocf"; }
GetTypeName()202 		StdStrBuf GetTypeName() override { return StdCopyStrBuf(LoadResStr("IDS_TYPE_FOLDER"), true); }
GetAchievementDefs()204 		const C4ScenarioParameterDefs *GetAchievementDefs() const override { return &AchievementDefs; }
GetAchievementGfx()205 		const C4AchievementGraphics *GetAchievementGfx() const override { return &AchievementGfx; }
207 	protected:
208 		bool LoadCustom(C4Group &rGrp, bool fNameLoaded, bool fIconLoaded) override; // load custom data for entry type - icon fallback to folder icon
209 		bool DoLoadContents(C4ScenarioListLoader *pLoader, C4Group *pFromGrp, const StdStrBuf &sFilename, bool fLoadEx) override; // load folder contents as child if pFromGrp, else directly from filename
210 	};
212 	// regular, open folder: Read through by directory iterator
213 	class RegularFolder : public Folder
214 	{
215 	public:
RegularFolder(class C4ScenarioListLoader * pLoader,Folder * pParent)216 		RegularFolder(class C4ScenarioListLoader *pLoader, Folder *pParent) : Folder(pLoader, pParent) {}
217 		~RegularFolder() override;
GetTypeName()219 		StdStrBuf GetTypeName() override { return StdCopyStrBuf(LoadResStr("IDS_TYPE_DIRECTORY"), true); }
221 		void Merge(const char *szPath);
223 	protected:
224 		bool LoadCustom(C4Group &rGrp, bool fNameLoaded, bool fIconLoaded) override; // load custom data for entry type - icon fallback to folder icon
225 		bool DoLoadContents(C4ScenarioListLoader *pLoader, C4Group *pFromGrp, const StdStrBuf &sFilename, bool fLoadEx) override; // load folder contents as child if pFromGrp, else directly from filename
227 		typedef std::list<std::string> NameList;
228 		NameList contents;
229 	};
231 private:
232 	RegularFolder *pRootFolder;
233 	Folder *pCurrFolder; // scenario list in working directory
234 	int32_t iLoading, iProgress, iMaxProgress;
235 	StdCopyStrBuf current_load_info; // extra string for currently loaded item
236 	bool fAbortThis, fAbortPrevious; // activity state
237 	const C4ScenarioParameters &Achievements;
239 public:
240 	C4ScenarioListLoader(const C4ScenarioParameters &Achievements);
241 	~C4ScenarioListLoader();
243 private:
244 	// activity control (to be replaced by true multithreading)
245 	bool BeginActivity(bool fAbortPrevious);
246 	void EndActivity();
248 public:
249 	bool DoProcessCallback(int32_t iProgress, int32_t iMaxProgress, const char *current_load_info); // returns false if the activity was aborted
251 public:
252 	bool Load(const StdStrBuf &sRootFolder); // (unthreaded) loading of all entries in root folder
253 	bool Load(Folder *pSpecifiedFolder, bool fReload); // (unthreaded) loading of all entries in subfolder
254 	bool LoadExtended(Entry *pEntry); // (unthreaded) loading of desc and title image of specified entry
255 	bool FolderBack(); // go upwards by one folder
256 	bool ReloadCurrent(); // reload file list
IsLoading()257 	bool IsLoading() const { return !!iLoading; }
GetFirstEntry()258 	Entry *GetFirstEntry() const { return pCurrFolder ? pCurrFolder->GetFirstEntry() : nullptr; }
GetCurrFolder()260 	Folder *GetCurrFolder() const { return pCurrFolder; }
GetRootFolder()261 	Folder *GetRootFolder() const { return pRootFolder; }
GetProgress()263 	int32_t GetProgress() const { return iProgress; }
GetMaxProgress()264 	int32_t GetMaxProgress() const { return iMaxProgress; }
GetProgressPercent()265 	int32_t GetProgressPercent() const { return iProgress * 100 / std::max<int32_t>(iMaxProgress, 1); }
GetProgressInfo()266 	const char *GetProgressInfo() const { return current_load_info.getData(); }
GetAchievements()268 	const C4ScenarioParameters &GetAchievements() const { return Achievements; }
269 };
272 // -----------------------------------------------
276 // for map-style folders: Data for map display
277 class C4MapFolderData
278 {
279 private:
280 	struct Scenario
281 	{
282 		// compiled data
283 		StdStrBuf sFilename;
284 		StdStrBuf sBaseImage, sOverlayImage;
286 		// parameters for title as drawn on the map (if desired; otherwise sTitle empty)
287 		StdStrBuf sTitle;
288 		int32_t iTitleFontSize;
289 		uint32_t dwTitleInactClr, dwTitleActClr;
290 		int32_t iTitleOffX, iTitleOffY;
291 		uint8_t byTitleAlign;
292 		bool fTitleBookFont;
293 		bool fImgDump; // developer help: Dump background image part
295 		C4Rect rcOverlayPos;
296 		FLOAT_RECT rcfOverlayPos;
298 		// set during initialization
299 		C4FacetSurface fctBase, fctOverlay;
300 		C4ScenarioListLoader::Entry *pScenEntry;
301 		C4GUI::Button *pBtn; // used to resolve button events to scenario
303 		void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
304 	};
306 	struct AccessGfx
307 	{
308 		// compiled data
309 		StdStrBuf sPassword;
310 		StdStrBuf sOverlayImage;
311 		C4Rect rcOverlayPos;
312 		FLOAT_RECT rcfOverlayPos;
314 		// set during initialization
315 		C4FacetSurface fctOverlay;
317 		void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
318 	};
320 	// non-interactive map item
321 	class MapPic : public C4GUI::Picture
322 	{
323 	private:
324 		FLOAT_RECT rcfBounds; // drawing bounds
325 	public:
326 		MapPic(const FLOAT_RECT &rcfBounds, const C4Facet &rfct); // ctor
328 		void MouseInput(C4GUI::CMouse &rMouse, int32_t iButton, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, DWORD dwKeyParam) override; // input: mouse movement or buttons - deselect everything if clicked
330 	protected:
331 		void DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo) override; // draw the image
332 	};
334 private:
335 	C4FacetSurface fctBackgroundPicture; FLOAT_RECT rcfBG;
336 	bool fCoordinatesAdjusted{false};
337 	C4Rect rcScenInfoArea; // area in which scenario info is displayed
338 	class C4ScenarioListLoader::Folder *pScenarioFolder;
339 	class C4ScenarioListLoader::Entry *pSelectedEntry;
340 	C4GUI::TextWindow *pSelectionInfoBox;
341 	int32_t MinResX, MinResY; // minimum resolution for display of the map
342 	bool fUseFullscreenMap;
343 	Scenario **ppScenList{nullptr}; int32_t iScenCount{0};
344 	AccessGfx **ppAccessGfxList{nullptr}; int32_t iAccessGfxCount{0};
345 	class C4StartupScenSelDlg *pMainDlg{nullptr};
347 public:
348 	C4MapFolderData() = default;
~C4MapFolderData()349 	~C4MapFolderData() { Clear(); }
351 private:
352 	void ConvertFacet2ScreenCoord(const C4Rect &rc, FLOAT_RECT *pfrc, float fBGZoomX, float fBGZoomY, int iOffX, int iOffY);
353 	void ConvertFacet2ScreenCoord(int32_t *piValue, float fBGZoom, int iOff);
354 	void ConvertFacet2ScreenCoord(C4Rect &rcMapArea, bool fAspect); // adjust coordinates of loaded facets so they match given area
356 protected:
357 	void OnButtonScenario(C4GUI::Control *pEl);
359 	friend class C4StartupScenSelDlg;
361 public:
362 	void Clear();
363 	bool Load(C4Group &hGroup, C4ScenarioListLoader::Folder *pScenLoaderFolder);
364 	void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
365 	void CreateGUIElements(C4StartupScenSelDlg *pMainDlg, C4GUI::Window &rContainer);
366 	void ResetSelection();
GetSelectionInfoBox()368 	C4GUI::TextWindow *GetSelectionInfoBox() const { return pSelectionInfoBox; }
GetSelectedEntry()369 	C4ScenarioListLoader::Entry *GetSelectedEntry() const { return pSelectedEntry; }
370 };
375 // -----------------------------------------------
377 // startup dialog: Scenario selection
378 class C4StartupScenSelDlg : public C4StartupDlg
379 {
380 public:
381 	// one item in the scenario list
382 	class ScenListItem : public C4GUI::Window
383 	{
384 	private:
385 		typedef C4GUI::Window BaseClass;
386 		// subcomponents
387 		C4GUI::Picture *pIcon;       // item icon
388 		C4GUI::Label *pNameLabel; // item caption
389 		C4GUI::Picture *ppAchievements[C4StartupScenSel_MaxAchievements]; // achievement icons
390 		C4ScenarioListLoader::Entry *pScenListEntry; // associated, loaded item info
392 	public:
393 		ScenListItem(C4GUI::ListBox *pForListBox, C4ScenarioListLoader::Entry *pForEntry, C4GUI::Element *pInsertBeforeElement=nullptr);
395 	protected:
396 		struct RenameParams { };
397 		void AbortRenaming(RenameParams par);
398 		C4GUI::RenameEdit::RenameResult DoRenaming(RenameParams par, const char *szNewName);
399 	public:
400 		bool KeyRename();
402 	protected:
403 		void UpdateOwnPos() override; // recalculate item positioning
Update()404 		void Update() {}
406 	public:
407 		void MouseInput(C4GUI::CMouse &rMouse, int32_t iButton, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, DWORD dwKeyParam) override;
GetEntry()408 		C4ScenarioListLoader::Entry *GetEntry() const { return pScenListEntry; }
GetNext()409 		ScenListItem *GetNext() { return static_cast<ScenListItem *>(BaseClass::GetNext()); }
411 		bool CheckNameHotkey(const char * c) override; // return whether this item can be selected by entering given char
412 	};
414 public:
415 	C4StartupScenSelDlg(bool fNetwork); // ctor
416 	~C4StartupScenSelDlg() override; // dtor
418 private:
419 	enum { ShowStyle_Book=0, ShowStyle_Map=1 };
420 	enum { IconLabelSpacing = 2 }; // space between an icon and its text
422 	// book style scenario selection
423 	C4GUI::Label *pScenSelCaption;       // caption label atop scenario list; indicating current folder
424 	C4GUI::ListBox *pScenSelList;        // left page of book: Scenario selection
425 	C4GUI::Label *pScenSelProgressLabel; // progress label shown while scenario list is being generated
426 	C4GUI::Label *pScenSelProgressInfoLabel; // extra progress label showing currently processed item
427 	C4GUI::TextWindow *pSelectionInfo;   // used to display the description of the current selection
428 	class C4GameOptionsList *pSelectionOptions; // displays custom scenario options for selected item below description
430 	C4KeyBinding *pKeyRefresh, *pKeyBack, *pKeyForward, *pKeyRename, *pKeyDelete, *pKeyCheat;
431 	class C4GameOptionButtons *pGameOptionButtons;
432 	C4GUI::Button *pOpenBtn;
433 	C4GUI::Tabular *pScenSelStyleTabular;
435 	C4ScenarioListLoader *pScenLoader;
437 	// map style scenario selection
438 	C4MapFolderData *pMapData;
439 	C4Facet *pfctBackground;
441 	bool fIsInitialLoading;
442 	bool fStartNetworkGame;
444 	C4GUI::RenameEdit *pRenameEdit;
446 	// achievements of all activated players
447 	C4ScenarioParameters Achievements;
449 public:
450 	static C4StartupScenSelDlg *pInstance; // singleton
452 protected:
GetMarginTop()453 	int32_t GetMarginTop() override { return (rcBounds.Hgt/7); }
HasBackground()454 	bool HasBackground() override { return false; }
455 	void DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo) override;
OnEnter()457 	bool OnEnter() override { DoOK(); return true; }
OnEscape()458 	bool OnEscape() override { DoBack(true); return true; }
KeyBack()459 	bool KeyBack() { return DoBack(true); }
KeyRefresh()460 	bool KeyRefresh() { DoRefresh(); return true; }
KeyForward()461 	bool KeyForward() { DoOK(); return true; }
462 	bool KeyRename();
463 	bool KeyDelete();
464 	bool KeyCheat();
465 	void KeyCheat2(const StdStrBuf &rsCheatCode);
467 	void DeleteConfirm(ScenListItem *pSel);
469 	void OnShown() override;             // callback when shown: Init file list
470 	void OnClosed(bool fOK) override;    // callback when dlg got closed: Return to main screen
OnBackBtn(C4GUI::Control * btn)471 	void OnBackBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn) { DoBack(true); }
OnNextBtn(C4GUI::Control * btn)472 	void OnNextBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn) { DoOK(); }
OnSelChange(class C4GUI::Element * pEl)473 	void OnSelChange(class C4GUI::Element *pEl) { UpdateSelection(); }
OnSelDblClick(class C4GUI::Element * pEl)474 	void OnSelDblClick(class C4GUI::Element *pEl) { DoOK(); }
475 	void OnButtonScenario(C4GUI::Control *pEl);
477 	void OnLeagueOptionChanged() override;
479 	friend class C4MapFolderData;
481 private:
482 	void UpdateList();
483 	void UpdateSelection();
484 	void ResortFolder();
485 	ScenListItem *GetSelectedItem();
486 	C4ScenarioListLoader::Entry *GetSelectedEntry();
487 	void SetOpenButtonDefaultText();
488 	void FocusScenList();
489 	void UpdateAchievements();
491 public:
492 	bool StartScenario(C4ScenarioListLoader::Scenario *pStartScen);
493 	bool OpenFolder(C4ScenarioListLoader::Folder *pNewFolder);
ProcessCallback()494 	void ProcessCallback() { UpdateList(); } // process callback by loader
495 	bool DoOK(); // open/start currently selected item
496 	bool DoBack(bool fAllowClose); // back folder, or abort dialog
497 	void DoRefresh(); // refresh file list
498 	void DeselectAll(); // reset focus and update selection info
500 	void StartRenaming(C4GUI::RenameEdit *pNewRenameEdit);
501 	void AbortRenaming();
IsRenaming()502 	bool IsRenaming() const { return !!pRenameEdit; }
SetRenamingDone()503 	void SetRenamingDone() { pRenameEdit=nullptr; }
SetBackground(C4Facet * pNewBG)505 	void SetBackground(C4Facet *pNewBG) { pfctBackground=pNewBG; }
IsNetworkStart()507 	bool IsNetworkStart() const { return fStartNetworkGame; }
509 	friend class ScenListItem;
510 };
513 #endif // INC_C4StartupScenSelDlg