1 /*
2 ** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp
3 **
4 ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
6 ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)
7 **
8 ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
10 ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
11 **
12 ** Author contact information:
13 **   drh@hwaci.com
14 **   http://www.hwaci.com/drh/
15 **
16 *******************************************************************************
17 **
18 ** This file contains code to implement the file transfer protocol.
19 */
20 #include "config.h"
21 #include "xfer.h"
23 #include <time.h>
25 /*
26 ** Maximum number of HTTP redirects that any http_exchange() call will
27 ** follow before throwing a fatal error. Most browsers use a limit of 20.
28 */
29 #define MAX_REDIRECTS 20
31 /*
32 ** This structure holds information about the current state of either
33 ** a client or a server that is participating in xfer.
34 */
35 typedef struct Xfer Xfer;
36 struct Xfer {
37   Blob *pIn;          /* Input text from the other side */
38   Blob *pOut;         /* Compose our reply here */
39   Blob line;          /* The current line of input */
40   Blob aToken[6];     /* Tokenized version of line */
41   Blob err;           /* Error message text */
42   int nToken;         /* Number of tokens in line */
43   int nIGotSent;      /* Number of "igot" cards sent */
44   int nPrivIGot;      /* Number of private "igot" cards */
45   int nGimmeSent;     /* Number of gimme cards sent */
46   int nFileSent;      /* Number of files sent */
47   int nDeltaSent;     /* Number of deltas sent */
48   int nFileRcvd;      /* Number of files received */
49   int nDeltaRcvd;     /* Number of deltas received */
50   int nDanglingFile;  /* Number of dangling deltas received */
51   int mxSend;         /* Stop sending "file" when pOut reaches this size */
52   int resync;         /* Send igot cards for all holdings */
53   u8 syncPrivate;     /* True to enable syncing private content */
54   u8 nextIsPrivate;   /* If true, next "file" received is a private */
55   u32 remoteVersion;  /* Version of fossil running on the other side */
56   u32 remoteDate;     /* Date for specific client software edition */
57   u32 remoteTime;     /* Time of date correspoding on remoteDate */
58   time_t maxTime;     /* Time when this transfer should be finished */
59 };
62 /*
63 ** The input blob contains an artifact.  Convert it into a record ID.
64 ** Create a phantom record if no prior record exists and
65 ** phantomize is true.
66 **
67 ** Compare to uuid_to_rid().  This routine takes a blob argument
68 ** and does less error checking.
69 */
rid_from_uuid(Blob * pUuid,int phantomize,int isPrivate)70 static int rid_from_uuid(Blob *pUuid, int phantomize, int isPrivate){
71   static Stmt q;
72   int rid;
74   db_static_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid=:uuid");
75   db_bind_str(&q, ":uuid", pUuid);
76   if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
77     rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
78   }else{
79     rid = 0;
80   }
81   db_reset(&q);
82   if( rid==0 && phantomize ){
83     rid = content_new(blob_str(pUuid), isPrivate);
84   }
85   return rid;
86 }
88 /*
89 ** Remember that the other side of the connection already has a copy
90 ** of the file rid.
91 */
remote_has(int rid)92 static void remote_has(int rid){
93   if( rid ){
94     static Stmt q;
95     db_static_prepare(&q, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO onremote VALUES(:r)");
96     db_bind_int(&q, ":r", rid);
97     db_step(&q);
98     db_reset(&q);
99   }
100 }
102 /*
103 ** Remember that the other side of the connection lacks a copy of
104 ** the artifact with the given hash.
105 */
remote_unk(Blob * pHash)106 static void remote_unk(Blob *pHash){
107   static Stmt q;
108   db_static_prepare(&q, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO unk VALUES(:h)");
109   db_bind_text(&q, ":h", blob_str(pHash));
110   db_step(&q);
111   db_reset(&q);
112 }
114 /*
115 ** The aToken[0..nToken-1] blob array is a parse of a "file" line
116 ** message.  This routine finishes parsing that message and does
117 ** a record insert of the file.
118 **
119 ** The file line is in one of the following two forms:
120 **
121 **      file HASH SIZE \n CONTENT
122 **      file HASH DELTASRC SIZE \n CONTENT
123 **
124 ** The content is SIZE bytes immediately following the newline.
125 ** If DELTASRC exists, then the CONTENT is a delta against the
126 ** content of DELTASRC.
127 **
128 ** If any error occurs, write a message into pErr which has already
129 ** be initialized to an empty string.
130 **
131 ** Any artifact successfully received by this routine is considered to
132 ** be public and is therefore removed from the "private" table.
133 */
xfer_accept_file(Xfer * pXfer,int cloneFlag,char ** pzUuidList,int * pnUuidList)134 static void xfer_accept_file(
135   Xfer *pXfer,
136   int cloneFlag,
137   char **pzUuidList,
138   int *pnUuidList
139 ){
140   int n;
141   int rid;
142   int srcid = 0;
143   Blob content;
144   int isPriv;
145   Blob *pUuid;
147   isPriv = pXfer->nextIsPrivate;
148   pXfer->nextIsPrivate = 0;
149   if( pXfer->nToken<3
150    || pXfer->nToken>4
151    || !blob_is_hname(&pXfer->aToken[1])
152    || !blob_is_int(&pXfer->aToken[pXfer->nToken-1], &n)
153    || n<0
154    || (pXfer->nToken==4 && !blob_is_hname(&pXfer->aToken[2]))
155   ){
156     blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "malformed file line");
157     return;
158   }
159   blob_zero(&content);
160   blob_extract(pXfer->pIn, n, &content);
161   pUuid = &pXfer->aToken[1];
162   if( !cloneFlag && uuid_is_shunned(blob_str(pUuid)) ){
163     /* Ignore files that have been shunned */
164     blob_reset(&content);
165     return;
166   }
167   if( isPriv && !g.perm.Private ){
168     /* Do not accept private files if not authorized */
169     blob_reset(&content);
170     return;
171   }
172   if( cloneFlag ){
173     if( pXfer->nToken==4 ){
174       srcid = rid_from_uuid(&pXfer->aToken[2], 1, isPriv);
175       pXfer->nDeltaRcvd++;
176     }else{
177       srcid = 0;
178       pXfer->nFileRcvd++;
179     }
180     rid = content_put_ex(&content, blob_str(pUuid), srcid,
181                          0, isPriv);
182     Th_AppendToList(pzUuidList, pnUuidList, blob_str(pUuid),
183                     blob_size(pUuid));
184     remote_has(rid);
185     blob_reset(&content);
186     return;
187   }
188   if( pXfer->nToken==4 ){
189     Blob src, next;
190     srcid = rid_from_uuid(&pXfer->aToken[2], 1, isPriv);
191     if( content_get(srcid, &src)==0 ){
192       rid = content_put_ex(&content, blob_str(pUuid), srcid,
193                            0, isPriv);
194       Th_AppendToList(pzUuidList, pnUuidList, blob_str(pUuid),
195                       blob_size(pUuid));
196       pXfer->nDanglingFile++;
197       db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM phantom WHERE rid=%d", rid);
198       if( !isPriv ) content_make_public(rid);
199       blob_reset(&src);
200       blob_reset(&content);
201       return;
202     }
203     pXfer->nDeltaRcvd++;
204     blob_delta_apply(&src, &content, &next);
205     blob_reset(&src);
206     blob_reset(&content);
207     content = next;
208   }else{
209     pXfer->nFileRcvd++;
210   }
211   if( hname_verify_hash(&content, blob_buffer(pUuid), blob_size(pUuid))==0 ){
212     blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "wrong hash on received artifact: %b", pUuid);
213   }
214   rid = content_put_ex(&content, blob_str(pUuid), 0, 0, isPriv);
215   Th_AppendToList(pzUuidList, pnUuidList, blob_str(pUuid), blob_size(pUuid));
216   if( rid==0 ){
217     blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "%s", g.zErrMsg);
218     blob_reset(&content);
219   }else{
220     if( !isPriv ) content_make_public(rid);
221     manifest_crosslink(rid, &content, MC_NO_ERRORS);
222   }
223   assert( blob_is_reset(&content) );
224   remote_has(rid);
225 }
227 /*
228 ** The aToken[0..nToken-1] blob array is a parse of a "cfile" line
229 ** message.  This routine finishes parsing that message and does
230 ** a record insert of the file.  The difference between "file" and
231 ** "cfile" is that with "cfile" the content is already compressed.
232 **
233 ** The file line is in one of the following two forms:
234 **
235 **      cfile HASH USIZE CSIZE \n CONTENT
237 **
238 ** The content is CSIZE bytes immediately following the newline.
239 ** If DELTASRC exists, then the CONTENT is a delta against the
240 ** content of DELTASRC.
241 **
242 ** The original size of the HASH artifact is USIZE.
243 **
244 ** If any error occurs, write a message into pErr which has already
245 ** be initialized to an empty string.
246 **
247 ** Any artifact successfully received by this routine is considered to
248 ** be public and is therefore removed from the "private" table.
249 */
xfer_accept_compressed_file(Xfer * pXfer,char ** pzUuidList,int * pnUuidList)250 static void xfer_accept_compressed_file(
251   Xfer *pXfer,
252   char **pzUuidList,
253   int *pnUuidList
254 ){
255   int szC;   /* CSIZE */
256   int szU;   /* USIZE */
257   int rid;
258   int srcid = 0;
259   Blob content;
260   int isPriv;
262   isPriv = pXfer->nextIsPrivate;
263   pXfer->nextIsPrivate = 0;
264   if( pXfer->nToken<4
265    || pXfer->nToken>5
266    || !blob_is_hname(&pXfer->aToken[1])
267    || !blob_is_int(&pXfer->aToken[pXfer->nToken-2], &szU)
268    || !blob_is_int(&pXfer->aToken[pXfer->nToken-1], &szC)
269    || szC<0 || szU<0
270    || (pXfer->nToken==5 && !blob_is_hname(&pXfer->aToken[2]))
271   ){
272     blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "malformed cfile line");
273     return;
274   }
275   if( isPriv && !g.perm.Private ){
276     /* Do not accept private files if not authorized */
277     return;
278   }
279   blob_zero(&content);
280   blob_extract(pXfer->pIn, szC, &content);
281   if( uuid_is_shunned(blob_str(&pXfer->aToken[1])) ){
282     /* Ignore files that have been shunned */
283     blob_reset(&content);
284     return;
285   }
286   if( pXfer->nToken==5 ){
287     srcid = rid_from_uuid(&pXfer->aToken[2], 1, isPriv);
288     pXfer->nDeltaRcvd++;
289   }else{
290     srcid = 0;
291     pXfer->nFileRcvd++;
292   }
293   rid = content_put_ex(&content, blob_str(&pXfer->aToken[1]), srcid,
294                        szC, isPriv);
295   Th_AppendToList(pzUuidList, pnUuidList, blob_str(&pXfer->aToken[1]),
296                   blob_size(&pXfer->aToken[1]));
297   remote_has(rid);
298   blob_reset(&content);
299 }
301 /*
302 ** The aToken[0..nToken-1] blob array is a parse of a "uvfile" line
303 ** message.  This routine finishes parsing that message and adds the
304 ** unversioned file to the "unversioned" table.
305 **
306 ** The file line is in one of the following two forms:
307 **
308 **      uvfile NAME MTIME HASH SIZE FLAGS
310 **
311 ** If the 0x0001 bit of FLAGS is set, that means the file has been
312 ** deleted, SIZE is zero, the HASH is "-", and the "\n CONTENT" is omitted.
313 **
314 ** SIZE is the number of bytes of CONTENT.  The CONTENT is uncompressed.
315 ** HASH is the artifact hash of CONTENT.
316 **
317 ** If the 0x0004 bit of FLAGS is set, that means the CONTENT is omitted.
318 ** The sender might have omitted the content because it is too big to
319 ** transmit, or because it is unchanged and this record exists purely
320 ** to update the MTIME.
321 */
xfer_accept_unversioned_file(Xfer * pXfer,int isWriter)322 static void xfer_accept_unversioned_file(Xfer *pXfer, int isWriter){
323   sqlite3_int64 mtime;    /* The MTIME */
324   Blob *pHash;            /* The HASH value */
325   int sz;                 /* The SIZE */
326   int flags;              /* The FLAGS */
327   Blob content;           /* The CONTENT */
328   Blob x;                 /* Compressed content */
329   Stmt q;                 /* SQL statements for comparison and insert */
330   int isDelete;           /* HASH is "-" indicating this is a delete */
331   int nullContent;        /* True of CONTENT is NULL */
332   int iStatus;            /* Result from unversioned_status() */
334   pHash = &pXfer->aToken[3];
335   if( pXfer->nToken==5
336    || !blob_is_filename(&pXfer->aToken[1])
337    || !blob_is_int64(&pXfer->aToken[2], &mtime)
338    || (!blob_eq(pHash,"-") && !blob_is_hname(pHash))
339    || !blob_is_int(&pXfer->aToken[4], &sz)
340    || !blob_is_int(&pXfer->aToken[5], &flags)
341   ){
342     blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "malformed uvfile line");
343     return;
344   }
345   blob_init(&content, 0, 0);
346   blob_init(&x, 0, 0);
347   if( sz>0 && (flags & 0x0005)==0 ){
348     blob_extract(pXfer->pIn, sz, &content);
349     nullContent = 0;
350     if( hname_verify_hash(&content, blob_buffer(pHash), blob_size(pHash))==0 ){
351       blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "in uvfile line, HASH does not match CONTENT");
352       goto end_accept_unversioned_file;
353     }
354   }else{
355     nullContent = 1;
356   }
358   /* The isWriter flag must be true in order to land the new file */
359   if( !isWriter ) goto end_accept_unversioned_file;
361   /* Make sure we have a valid g.rcvid marker */
362   content_rcvid_init(0);
364   /* Check to see if current content really should be overwritten.  Ideally,
365   ** a uvfile card should never have been sent unless the overwrite should
366   ** occur.  But do not trust the sender.  Double-check.
367   */
368   iStatus = unversioned_status(blob_str(&pXfer->aToken[1]), mtime,
369                                blob_str(pHash));
370   if( iStatus>=3 ) goto end_accept_unversioned_file;
372   /* Store the content */
373   isDelete = blob_eq(pHash, "-");
374   if( isDelete ){
375     db_prepare(&q,
376       "UPDATE unversioned"
377       "   SET rcvid=:rcvid, mtime=:mtime, hash=NULL,"
378       "       sz=0, encoding=0, content=NULL"
379       " WHERE name=:name"
380     );
381     db_bind_int(&q, ":rcvid", g.rcvid);
382   }else if( iStatus==2 ){
383     db_prepare(&q, "UPDATE unversioned SET mtime=:mtime WHERE name=:name");
384   }else{
385     db_prepare(&q,
386       "REPLACE INTO unversioned(name,rcvid,mtime,hash,sz,encoding,content)"
387       " VALUES(:name,:rcvid,:mtime,:hash,:sz,:encoding,:content)"
388     );
389     db_bind_int(&q, ":rcvid", g.rcvid);
390     db_bind_text(&q, ":hash", blob_str(pHash));
391     db_bind_int(&q, ":sz", blob_size(&content));
392     if( !nullContent ){
393       blob_compress(&content, &x);
394       if( blob_size(&x) < 0.8*blob_size(&content) ){
395         db_bind_blob(&q, ":content", &x);
396         db_bind_int(&q, ":encoding", 1);
397       }else{
398         db_bind_blob(&q, ":content", &content);
399         db_bind_int(&q, ":encoding", 0);
400       }
401     }else{
402       db_bind_int(&q, ":encoding", 0);
403     }
404   }
405   db_bind_text(&q, ":name", blob_str(&pXfer->aToken[1]));
406   db_bind_int64(&q, ":mtime", mtime);
407   db_step(&q);
408   db_finalize(&q);
409   db_unset("uv-hash", 0);
411 end_accept_unversioned_file:
412   blob_reset(&x);
413   blob_reset(&content);
414 }
416 /*
417 ** Try to send a file as a delta against its parent.
418 ** If successful, return the number of bytes in the delta.
419 ** If we cannot generate an appropriate delta, then send
420 ** nothing and return zero.
421 **
422 ** Never send a delta against a private artifact.
423 */
send_delta_parent(Xfer * pXfer,int rid,int isPrivate,Blob * pContent,Blob * pUuid)424 static int send_delta_parent(
425   Xfer *pXfer,            /* The transfer context */
426   int rid,                /* record id of the file to send */
427   int isPrivate,          /* True if rid is a private artifact */
428   Blob *pContent,         /* The content of the file to send */
429   Blob *pUuid             /* The HASH of the file to send */
430 ){
431   static const char *const azQuery[] = {
432     "SELECT pid FROM plink x"
433     " WHERE cid=%d"
434     "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=pid)",
436     "SELECT pid, min(mtime) FROM mlink, event ON mlink.mid=event.objid"
437     " WHERE fid=%d"
438     "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=pid)"
439   };
440   int i;
441   Blob src, delta;
442   int size = 0;
443   int srcId = 0;
445   for(i=0; srcId==0 && i<count(azQuery); i++){
446     srcId = db_int(0, azQuery[i] /*works-like:"%d"*/, rid);
447   }
448   if( srcId>0
449    && (pXfer->syncPrivate || !content_is_private(srcId))
450    && content_get(srcId, &src)
451   ){
452     char *zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", srcId);
453     blob_delta_create(&src, pContent, &delta);
454     size = blob_size(&delta);
455     if( size>=blob_size(pContent)-50 ){
456       size = 0;
457     }else if( uuid_is_shunned(zUuid) ){
458       size = 0;
459     }else{
460        if( isPrivate ) blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "private\n", -1);
461       blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "file %b %s %d\n", pUuid, zUuid, size);
462       blob_append(pXfer->pOut, blob_buffer(&delta), size);
463     }
464     blob_reset(&delta);
465     free(zUuid);
466     blob_reset(&src);
467   }
468   return size;
469 }
471 /*
472 ** Try to send a file as a native delta.
473 ** If successful, return the number of bytes in the delta.
474 ** If we cannot generate an appropriate delta, then send
475 ** nothing and return zero.
476 **
477 ** Never send a delta against a private artifact.
478 */
send_delta_native(Xfer * pXfer,int rid,int isPrivate,Blob * pUuid)479 static int send_delta_native(
480   Xfer *pXfer,            /* The transfer context */
481   int rid,                /* record id of the file to send */
482   int isPrivate,          /* True if rid is a private artifact */
483   Blob *pUuid             /* The HASH of the file to send */
484 ){
485   Blob src, delta;
486   int size = 0;
487   int srcId;
489   srcId = db_int(0, "SELECT srcid FROM delta WHERE rid=%d", rid);
490   if( srcId>0
491    && (pXfer->syncPrivate || !content_is_private(srcId))
492   ){
493     blob_zero(&src);
494     db_blob(&src, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", srcId);
495     if( uuid_is_shunned(blob_str(&src)) ){
496       blob_reset(&src);
497       return 0;
498     }
499     blob_zero(&delta);
500     db_blob(&delta, "SELECT content FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid);
501     blob_uncompress(&delta, &delta);
502     if( isPrivate ) blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "private\n", -1);
503     blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "file %b %b %d\n",
504                 pUuid, &src, blob_size(&delta));
505     blob_append(pXfer->pOut, blob_buffer(&delta), blob_size(&delta));
506     size = blob_size(&delta);
507     blob_reset(&delta);
508     blob_reset(&src);
509   }else{
510     size = 0;
511   }
512   return size;
513 }
515 /*
516 ** Push an error message to alert the older client that the repository
517 ** has SHA3 content and cannot be synced or cloned.
518 */
xfer_cannot_send_sha3_error(Xfer * pXfer)519 static void xfer_cannot_send_sha3_error(Xfer *pXfer){
520   blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut,
521     "error Fossil\\sversion\\s2.0\\sor\\slater\\srequired.\n"
522   );
523 }
526 /*
527 ** Send the file identified by rid.
528 **
529 ** The pUuid can be NULL in which case the correct hash is computed
530 ** from the rid.
531 **
532 ** Try to send the file as a native delta if nativeDelta is true, or
533 ** as a parent delta if nativeDelta is false.
534 **
535 ** It should never be the case that rid is a private artifact.  But
536 ** as a precaution, this routine does check on rid and if it is private
537 ** this routine becomes a no-op.
538 */
send_file(Xfer * pXfer,int rid,Blob * pUuid,int nativeDelta)539 static void send_file(Xfer *pXfer, int rid, Blob *pUuid, int nativeDelta){
540   Blob content, uuid;
541   int size = 0;
542   int isPriv = content_is_private(rid);
544   if( isPriv && pXfer->syncPrivate==0 ){
545     if( pXfer->remoteDate>=20200413 && pUuid && blob_size(pUuid)>0 ){
546       /* If the artifact is private and we are not doing a private sync,
547       ** at least tell the other side that the artifact exists and is
548       ** known to be private.  But only do this for newer clients since
549       ** older ones will throw an error if they get a private igot card
550       ** and private syncing is disallowed */
551       blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "igot %b 1\n", pUuid);
552       pXfer->nIGotSent++;
553       pXfer->nPrivIGot++;
554     }
555     return;
556   }
557   if( db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM onremote WHERE rid=%d", rid) ){
558      return;
559   }
560   blob_zero(&uuid);
561   db_blob(&uuid, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d AND size>=0", rid);
562   if( blob_size(&uuid)==0 ){
563     return;
564   }
565   if( blob_size(&uuid)>HNAME_LEN_SHA1 && pXfer->remoteVersion<20000 ){
566     xfer_cannot_send_sha3_error(pXfer);
567     return;
568   }
569   if( pUuid ){
570     if( blob_compare(pUuid, &uuid)!=0 ){
571       blob_reset(&uuid);
572       return;
573     }
574   }else{
575     pUuid = &uuid;
576   }
577   if( uuid_is_shunned(blob_str(pUuid)) ){
578     blob_reset(&uuid);
579     return;
580   }
581   if( (pXfer->maxTime != -1 && time(NULL) >= pXfer->maxTime) ||
582        pXfer->mxSend<=blob_size(pXfer->pOut) ){
583     const char *zFormat = isPriv ? "igot %b 1\n" : "igot %b\n";
584     blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, zFormat /*works-like:"%b"*/, pUuid);
585     pXfer->nIGotSent++;
586     blob_reset(&uuid);
587     return;
588   }
589   if( nativeDelta ){
590     size = send_delta_native(pXfer, rid, isPriv, pUuid);
591     if( size ){
592       pXfer->nDeltaSent++;
593     }
594   }
595   if( size==0 ){
596     content_get(rid, &content);
598     if( !nativeDelta && blob_size(&content)>100 ){
599       size = send_delta_parent(pXfer, rid, isPriv, &content, pUuid);
600     }
601     if( size==0 ){
602       int size = blob_size(&content);
603       if( isPriv ) blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "private\n", -1);
604       blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "file %b %d\n", pUuid, size);
605       blob_append(pXfer->pOut, blob_buffer(&content), size);
606       pXfer->nFileSent++;
607     }else{
608       pXfer->nDeltaSent++;
609     }
610     blob_reset(&content);
611   }
612   remote_has(rid);
613   blob_reset(&uuid);
614 #if 0
615   if( blob_buffer(pXfer->pOut)[blob_size(pXfer->pOut)-1]!='\n' ){
616     blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "\n", 1);
617   }
618 #endif
619 }
621 /*
622 ** Send the file identified by rid as a compressed artifact.  Basically,
623 ** send the content exactly as it appears in the BLOB table using
624 ** a "cfile" card.
625 */
send_compressed_file(Xfer * pXfer,int rid)626 static void send_compressed_file(Xfer *pXfer, int rid){
627   const char *zContent;
628   const char *zUuid;
629   const char *zDelta;
630   int szU;
631   int szC;
632   int rc;
633   int isPrivate;
634   int srcIsPrivate;
635   static Stmt q1;
636   Blob fullContent;
638   isPrivate = content_is_private(rid);
639   if( isPrivate && pXfer->syncPrivate==0 ) return;
640   db_static_prepare(&q1,
641     "SELECT uuid, size, content, delta.srcid IN private,"
642          "  (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=delta.srcid)"
643     " FROM blob LEFT JOIN delta ON (blob.rid=delta.rid)"
644     " WHERE blob.rid=:rid"
645     "   AND blob.size>=0"
646     "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE shun.uuid=blob.uuid)"
647   );
648   db_bind_int(&q1, ":rid", rid);
649   rc = db_step(&q1);
650   if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
651     zUuid = db_column_text(&q1, 0);
652     szU = db_column_int(&q1, 1);
653     szC = db_column_bytes(&q1, 2);
654     zContent = db_column_raw(&q1, 2);
655     srcIsPrivate = db_column_int(&q1, 3);
656     zDelta = db_column_text(&q1, 4);
657     if( isPrivate ) blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "private\n", -1);
658     if( pXfer->remoteVersion<20000 && db_column_bytes(&q1,0)!=HNAME_LEN_SHA1 ){
659       xfer_cannot_send_sha3_error(pXfer);
660       db_reset(&q1);
661       return;
662     }
663     blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "cfile %s ", zUuid);
664     if( !isPrivate && srcIsPrivate ){
665       content_get(rid, &fullContent);
666       szU = blob_size(&fullContent);
667       blob_compress(&fullContent, &fullContent);
668       szC = blob_size(&fullContent);
669       zContent = blob_buffer(&fullContent);
670       zDelta = 0;
671     }
672     if( zDelta ){
673       blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "%s ", zDelta);
674       pXfer->nDeltaSent++;
675     }else{
676       pXfer->nFileSent++;
677     }
678     blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "%d %d\n", szU, szC);
679     blob_append(pXfer->pOut, zContent, szC);
680     if( blob_buffer(pXfer->pOut)[blob_size(pXfer->pOut)-1]!='\n' ){
681       blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "\n", 1);
682     }
683     if( !isPrivate && srcIsPrivate ){
684       blob_reset(&fullContent);
685     }
686   }
687   db_reset(&q1);
688 }
690 /*
691 ** Send the unversioned file identified by zName by generating the
692 ** appropriate "uvfile" card.
693 **
695 **
696 ** If the noContent flag is set, omit the CONTENT and set the 0x0004
697 ** flag in FLAGS.
698 */
send_unversioned_file(Xfer * pXfer,const char * zName,int noContent)699 static void send_unversioned_file(
700   Xfer *pXfer,            /* Transfer context */
701   const char *zName,      /* Name of unversioned file to be sent */
702   int noContent           /* True to omit the content */
703 ){
704   Stmt q1;
706   if( blob_size(pXfer->pOut)>=pXfer->mxSend ) noContent = 1;
707   if( noContent ){
708     db_prepare(&q1,
709       "SELECT mtime, hash, encoding, sz FROM unversioned WHERE name=%Q",
710       zName
711     );
712   }else{
713     db_prepare(&q1,
714       "SELECT mtime, hash, encoding, sz, content FROM unversioned"
715       " WHERE name=%Q",
716       zName
717     );
718   }
719   if( db_step(&q1)==SQLITE_ROW ){
720     sqlite3_int64 mtime = db_column_int64(&q1, 0);
721     const char *zHash = db_column_text(&q1, 1);
722     if( pXfer->remoteVersion<20000 && db_column_bytes(&q1,1)>HNAME_LEN_SHA1 ){
723       xfer_cannot_send_sha3_error(pXfer);
724       db_reset(&q1);
725       return;
726     }
727     if( blob_size(pXfer->pOut)>=pXfer->mxSend ){
728       /* If we have already reached the send size limit, send a (short)
729       ** uvigot card rather than a uvfile card.  This only happens on the
730       ** server side.  The uvigot card will provoke the client to resend
731       ** another uvgimme on the next cycle. */
732       blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "uvigot %s %lld %s %d\n",
733                    zName, mtime, zHash, db_column_int(&q1,3));
734     }else{
735       blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "uvfile %s %lld", zName, mtime);
736       if( zHash==0 ){
737         blob_append(pXfer->pOut, " - 0 1\n", -1);
738       }else if( noContent ){
739         blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, " %s %d 4\n", zHash, db_column_int(&q1,3));
740       }else{
741         Blob content;
742         blob_init(&content, 0, 0);
743         db_column_blob(&q1, 4, &content);
744         if( db_column_int(&q1, 2) ){
745           blob_uncompress(&content, &content);
746         }
747         blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, " %s %d 0\n", zHash, blob_size(&content));
748         blob_append(pXfer->pOut, blob_buffer(&content), blob_size(&content));
749         blob_reset(&content);
750       }
751     }
752   }
753   db_finalize(&q1);
754 }
756 /*
757 ** Send a gimme message for every phantom.
758 **
759 ** Except: do not request shunned artifacts.  And do not request
760 ** private artifacts if we are not doing a private transfer.
761 */
request_phantoms(Xfer * pXfer,int maxReq)762 static void request_phantoms(Xfer *pXfer, int maxReq){
763   Stmt q;
764   db_prepare(&q,
765     "SELECT uuid FROM phantom CROSS JOIN blob USING(rid) /*scan*/"
766     " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM unk WHERE unk.uuid=blob.uuid)"
767     "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid) %s",
768     (pXfer->syncPrivate ? "" :
769          "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM private WHERE rid=blob.rid)")
770   );
771   while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW && maxReq-- > 0 ){
772     const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q, 0);
773     blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "gimme %s\n", zUuid);
774     pXfer->nGimmeSent++;
775   }
776   db_finalize(&q);
777 }
779 /*
780 ** Compute an hash on the tail of pMsg.  Verify that it matches the
781 ** the hash given in pHash.  Return non-zero for an error and 0 on success.
782 **
783 ** The type of hash computed (SHA1, SHA3-256) is determined by
784 ** the length of the input hash in pHash.
785 */
check_tail_hash(Blob * pHash,Blob * pMsg)786 static int check_tail_hash(Blob *pHash, Blob *pMsg){
787   Blob tail;
788   int rc;
789   blob_tail(pMsg, &tail);
790   rc = hname_verify_hash(&tail, blob_buffer(pHash), blob_size(pHash));
791   blob_reset(&tail);
792   return rc==HNAME_ERROR;
793 }
795 /*
796 ** Check the signature on an application/x-fossil payload received by
797 ** the HTTP server.  The signature is a line of the following form:
798 **
799 **        login LOGIN NONCE SIGNATURE
800 **
801 ** The NONCE is the SHA1 hash of the remainder of the input.
802 ** SIGNATURE is the SHA1 checksum of the NONCE concatenated
803 ** with the users password.
804 **
805 ** The parameters to this routine are ephemeral blobs holding the
807 **
808 ** This routine attempts to locate the user and verify the signature.
809 ** If everything checks out, the USER.CAP column for the USER table
810 ** is consulted to set privileges in the global g variable.
811 **
812 ** If anything fails to check out, no changes are made to privileges.
813 **
814 ** Signature generation on the client side is handled by the
815 ** http_exchange() routine.
816 **
817 ** Return non-zero for a login failure and zero for success.
818 */
check_login(Blob * pLogin,Blob * pNonce,Blob * pSig)819 int check_login(Blob *pLogin, Blob *pNonce, Blob *pSig){
820   Stmt q;
821   int rc = -1;
822   char *zLogin = blob_terminate(pLogin);
823   defossilize(zLogin);
825   if( fossil_strcmp(zLogin, "nobody")==0
826    || fossil_strcmp(zLogin,"anonymous")==0
827   ){
828     return 0;   /* Anybody is allowed to sync as "nobody" or "anonymous" */
829   }
830   if( fossil_strcmp(P("REMOTE_USER"), zLogin)==0
831       && db_get_boolean("remote_user_ok",0) ){
832     return 0;   /* Accept Basic Authorization */
833   }
834   db_prepare(&q,
835      "SELECT pw, cap, uid FROM user"
836      " WHERE login=%Q"
837      "   AND login NOT IN ('anonymous','nobody','developer','reader')"
838      "   AND length(pw)>0",
839      zLogin
840   );
841   if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
842     int szPw;
843     Blob pw, combined, hash;
844     blob_zero(&pw);
845     db_ephemeral_blob(&q, 0, &pw);
846     szPw = blob_size(&pw);
847     blob_zero(&combined);
848     blob_copy(&combined, pNonce);
849     blob_append(&combined, blob_buffer(&pw), szPw);
850     sha1sum_blob(&combined, &hash);
851     assert( blob_size(&hash)==40 );
852     rc = blob_constant_time_cmp(&hash, pSig);
853     blob_reset(&hash);
854     blob_reset(&combined);
855     if( rc!=0 && szPw!=40 ){
856       /* If this server stores cleartext passwords and the password did not
857       ** match, then perhaps the client is sending SHA1 passwords.  Try
858       ** again with the SHA1 password.
859       */
860       const char *zPw = db_column_text(&q, 0);
861       char *zSecret = sha1_shared_secret(zPw, blob_str(pLogin), 0);
862       blob_zero(&combined);
863       blob_copy(&combined, pNonce);
864       blob_append(&combined, zSecret, -1);
865       free(zSecret);
866       sha1sum_blob(&combined, &hash);
867       rc = blob_constant_time_cmp(&hash, pSig);
868       blob_reset(&hash);
869       blob_reset(&combined);
870     }
871     if( rc==0 ){
872       const char *zCap;
873       zCap = db_column_text(&q, 1);
874       login_set_capabilities(zCap, 0);
875       g.userUid = db_column_int(&q, 2);
876       g.zLogin = mprintf("%b", pLogin);
877       g.zNonce = mprintf("%b", pNonce);
878     }
879   }
880   db_finalize(&q);
881   return rc;
882 }
884 /*
885 ** Send the content of all files in the unsent table.
886 **
887 ** This is really just an optimization.  If you clear the
888 ** unsent table, all the right files will still get transferred.
889 ** It just might require an extra round trip or two.
890 */
send_unsent(Xfer * pXfer)891 static void send_unsent(Xfer *pXfer){
892   Stmt q;
893   db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM unsent EXCEPT SELECT rid FROM private");
894   while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
895     int rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
896     send_file(pXfer, rid, 0, 0);
897   }
898   db_finalize(&q);
899   db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM unsent");
900 }
902 /*
903 ** Check to see if the number of unclustered entries is greater than
904 ** 100 and if it is, form a new cluster.  Unclustered phantoms do not
905 ** count toward the 100 total.  And phantoms are never added to a new
906 ** cluster.
907 */
create_cluster(void)908 void create_cluster(void){
909   Blob cluster, cksum;
910   Blob deleteWhere;
911   Stmt q;
912   int nUncl;
913   int nRow = 0;
914   int rid;
916 #if 0
917   /* We should not ever get any private artifacts in the unclustered table.
918   ** But if we do (because of a bug) now is a good time to delete them. */
919   db_multi_exec(
920     "DELETE FROM unclustered WHERE rid IN (SELECT rid FROM private)"
921   );
922 #endif
924   nUncl = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM unclustered /*scan*/"
925                     " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom"
926                                       " WHERE rid=unclustered.rid)");
927   if( nUncl>=100 ){
928     blob_zero(&cluster);
929     blob_zero(&deleteWhere);
930     db_prepare(&q, "SELECT uuid FROM unclustered, blob"
931                    " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom"
932                    "                   WHERE rid=unclustered.rid)"
933                    "   AND unclustered.rid=blob.rid"
934                    "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)"
935                    " ORDER BY 1");
936     while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
937       blob_appendf(&cluster, "M %s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0));
938       nRow++;
939       if( nRow>=800 && nUncl>nRow+100 ){
940         md5sum_blob(&cluster, &cksum);
941         blob_appendf(&cluster, "Z %b\n", &cksum);
942         blob_reset(&cksum);
943         rid = content_put(&cluster);
944         manifest_crosslink(rid, &cluster, MC_NONE);
945         blob_reset(&cluster);
946         nUncl -= nRow;
947         nRow = 0;
948         blob_append_sql(&deleteWhere, ",%d", rid);
949       }
950     }
951     db_finalize(&q);
952     db_multi_exec(
953       "DELETE FROM unclustered WHERE rid NOT IN (0 %s)"
954       "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=unclustered.rid)",
955       blob_sql_text(&deleteWhere)
956     );
957     blob_reset(&deleteWhere);
958     if( nRow>0 ){
959       md5sum_blob(&cluster, &cksum);
960       blob_appendf(&cluster, "Z %b\n", &cksum);
961       blob_reset(&cksum);
962       rid = content_put(&cluster);
963       manifest_crosslink(rid, &cluster, MC_NONE);
964       blob_reset(&cluster);
965     }
966   }
967 }
969 /*
970 ** Send igot messages for every private artifact
971 */
send_private(Xfer * pXfer)972 static int send_private(Xfer *pXfer){
973   int cnt = 0;
974   Stmt q;
975   if( pXfer->syncPrivate ){
976     db_prepare(&q, "SELECT uuid FROM private JOIN blob USING(rid)");
977     while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
978       blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "igot %s 1\n", db_column_text(&q,0));
979       cnt++;
980     }
981     db_finalize(&q);
982   }
983   return cnt;
984 }
986 /*
987 ** Send an igot message for every entry in unclustered table.
988 ** Return the number of cards sent.
989 **
990 ** Except:
991 **    *  Do not send igot cards for shunned artifacts
992 **    *  Do not send igot cards for phantoms
993 **    *  Do not send igot cards for private artifacts
994 **    *  Do not send igot cards for any artifact that is in the
995 **       ONREMOTE table, if that table exists.
996 **
997 ** If the pXfer->resync flag is set, that means we are doing a "--verily"
998 ** sync and all artifacts that don't meet the restrictions above should
999 ** be sent.
1000 */
send_unclustered(Xfer * pXfer)1001 static int send_unclustered(Xfer *pXfer){
1002   Stmt q;
1003   int cnt = 0;
1004   const char *zExtra;
1005   if( db_table_exists("temp","onremote") ){
1006     zExtra = " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM onremote WHERE rid=blob.rid)";
1007   }else{
1008     zExtra = "";
1009   }
1010   if( pXfer->resync ){
1011     db_prepare(&q,
1012       "SELECT uuid, rid FROM blob"
1013       " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)"
1014       "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=blob.rid)"
1015       "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM private WHERE rid=blob.rid)%s"
1016       "   AND blob.rid<=%d"
1017       " ORDER BY blob.rid DESC",
1018       zExtra /*safe-for-%s*/, pXfer->resync
1019     );
1020   }else{
1021     db_prepare(&q,
1022       "SELECT uuid FROM unclustered JOIN blob USING(rid) /*scan*/"
1023       " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)"
1024       "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=blob.rid)"
1025       "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM private WHERE rid=blob.rid)%s",
1026       zExtra /*safe-for-%s*/
1027     );
1028   }
1029   while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
1030     blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "igot %s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0));
1031     cnt++;
1032     if( pXfer->resync && pXfer->mxSend<blob_size(pXfer->pOut) ){
1033       pXfer->resync = db_column_int(&q, 1)-1;
1034     }
1035   }
1036   db_finalize(&q);
1037   if( cnt==0 ) pXfer->resync = 0;
1038   return cnt;
1039 }
1041 /*
1042 ** Send an igot message for every artifact.
1043 */
send_all(Xfer * pXfer)1044 static void send_all(Xfer *pXfer){
1045   Stmt q;
1046   db_prepare(&q,
1047     "SELECT uuid FROM blob "
1048     " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)"
1049     "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM private WHERE rid=blob.rid)"
1050     "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=blob.rid)"
1051   );
1052   while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
1053     blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "igot %s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0));
1054   }
1055   db_finalize(&q);
1056 }
1058 /*
1059 ** pXfer is a "pragma uv-hash HASH" card.
1060 **
1061 ** If HASH is different from the unversioned content hash on this server,
1062 ** then send a bunch of uvigot cards, one for each entry unversioned file
1063 ** on this server.
1064 */
send_unversioned_catalog(Xfer * pXfer)1065 static void send_unversioned_catalog(Xfer *pXfer){
1066   int nUvIgot = 0;
1067   Stmt uvq;
1068   unversioned_schema();
1069   db_prepare(&uvq,
1070      "SELECT name, mtime, hash, sz FROM unversioned"
1071   );
1072   while( db_step(&uvq)==SQLITE_ROW ){
1073     const char *zName = db_column_text(&uvq,0);
1074     sqlite3_int64 mtime = db_column_int64(&uvq,1);
1075     const char *zHash = db_column_text(&uvq,2);
1076     int sz = db_column_int(&uvq,3);
1077     nUvIgot++;
1078     if( zHash==0 ){ sz = 0; zHash = "-"; }
1079     blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "uvigot %s %lld %s %d\n",
1080                  zName, mtime, zHash, sz);
1081   }
1082   db_finalize(&uvq);
1083 }
1085 /*
1086 ** Called when there is an attempt to transfer private content to and
1087 ** from a server without authorization.
1088 */
server_private_xfer_not_authorized(void)1089 static void server_private_xfer_not_authorized(void){
1090   @ error not\sauthorized\sto\ssync\sprivate\scontent
1091 }
1093 /*
1094 ** Return the common TH1 code to evaluate prior to evaluating any other
1095 ** TH1 transfer notification scripts.
1096 */
xfer_common_code(void)1097 const char *xfer_common_code(void){
1098   return db_get("xfer-common-script", 0);
1099 }
1101 /*
1102 ** Return the TH1 code to evaluate when a push is processed.
1103 */
xfer_push_code(void)1104 const char *xfer_push_code(void){
1105   return db_get("xfer-push-script", 0);
1106 }
1108 /*
1109 ** Return the TH1 code to evaluate when a commit is processed.
1110 */
xfer_commit_code(void)1111 const char *xfer_commit_code(void){
1112   return db_get("xfer-commit-script", 0);
1113 }
1115 /*
1116 ** Return the TH1 code to evaluate when a ticket change is processed.
1117 */
xfer_ticket_code(void)1118 const char *xfer_ticket_code(void){
1119   return db_get("xfer-ticket-script", 0);
1120 }
1122 /*
1123 ** Run the specified TH1 script, if any, and returns 1 on error.
1124 */
xfer_run_script(const char * zScript,const char * zUuidOrList,int bIsList)1125 int xfer_run_script(
1126   const char *zScript,
1127   const char *zUuidOrList,
1128   int bIsList
1129 ){
1130   int rc = TH_OK;
1131   if( !zScript ) return rc;
1132   Th_FossilInit(TH_INIT_DEFAULT);
1133   Th_Store(bIsList ? "uuids" : "uuid", zUuidOrList ? zUuidOrList : "");
1134   rc = Th_Eval(g.interp, 0, zScript, -1);
1135   if( rc!=TH_OK ){
1136     fossil_error(1, "%s", Th_GetResult(g.interp, 0));
1137   }
1138   return rc;
1139 }
1141 /*
1142 ** Runs the pre-transfer TH1 script, if any, and returns its return code.
1143 ** This script may be run multiple times.  If the script performs actions
1144 ** that cannot be redone, it should use an internal [if] guard similar to
1145 ** the following:
1146 **
1147 ** if {![info exists common_done]} {
1148 **   # ... code here
1149 **   set common_done 1
1150 ** }
1151 */
xfer_run_common_script(void)1152 int xfer_run_common_script(void){
1153   return xfer_run_script(xfer_common_code(), 0, 0);
1154 }
1156 /*
1157 ** If this variable is set, disable login checks.  Used for debugging
1158 ** only.
1159 */
1160 static int disableLogin = 0;
1162 /*
1163 ** The CGI/HTTP preprocessor always redirects requests with a content-type
1164 ** of application/x-fossil or application/x-fossil-debug to this page,
1165 ** regardless of what path was specified in the HTTP header.  This allows
1166 ** clone clients to specify a URL that omits default pathnames, such
1167 ** as "http://fossil-scm.org/" instead of "http://fossil-scm.org/index.cgi".
1168 **
1169 ** WEBPAGE: xfer  raw-content
1170 **
1171 ** This is the transfer handler on the server side.  The transfer
1172 ** message has been uncompressed and placed in the g.cgiIn blob.
1173 ** Process this message and form an appropriate reply.
1174 */
page_xfer(void)1175 void page_xfer(void){
1176   int isPull = 0;
1177   int isPush = 0;
1178   int nErr = 0;
1179   Xfer xfer;
1180   int deltaFlag = 0;
1181   int isClone = 0;
1182   int nGimme = 0;
1183   int size;
1184   char *zNow;
1185   int rc;
1186   const char *zScript = 0;
1187   char *zUuidList = 0;
1188   int nUuidList = 0;
1189   char **pzUuidList = 0;
1190   int *pnUuidList = 0;
1191   int uvCatalogSent = 0;
1193   if( fossil_strcmp(PD("REQUEST_METHOD","POST"),"POST") ){
1194      fossil_redirect_home();
1195   }
1196   g.zLogin = "anonymous";
1197   login_set_anon_nobody_capabilities();
1198   login_check_credentials();
1199   memset(&xfer, 0, sizeof(xfer));
1200   blobarray_zero(xfer.aToken, count(xfer.aToken));
1201   cgi_set_content_type(g.zContentType);
1202   cgi_reset_content();
1203   if( db_schema_is_outofdate() ){
1204     @ error database\sschema\sis\sout-of-date\son\sthe\sserver.
1205     return;
1206   }
1207   blob_zero(&xfer.err);
1208   xfer.pIn = &g.cgiIn;
1209   xfer.pOut = cgi_output_blob();
1210   xfer.mxSend = db_get_int("max-download", 5000000);
1211   xfer.maxTime = db_get_int("max-download-time", 30);
1212   if( xfer.maxTime<1 ) xfer.maxTime = 1;
1213   xfer.maxTime += time(NULL);
1214   g.xferPanic = 1;
1216   db_begin_write();
1217   db_multi_exec(
1218      "CREATE TEMP TABLE onremote(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);"
1220   );
1221   manifest_crosslink_begin();
1222   rc = xfer_run_common_script();
1223   if( rc==TH_ERROR ){
1224     cgi_reset_content();
1225     @ error common\sscript\sfailed:\s%F(g.zErrMsg)
1226     nErr++;
1227   }
1228   zScript = xfer_push_code();
1229   if( zScript ){ /* NOTE: Are TH1 transfer hooks enabled? */
1230     pzUuidList = &zUuidList;
1231     pnUuidList = &nUuidList;
1232   }
1233   while( blob_line(xfer.pIn, &xfer.line) ){
1234     if( blob_buffer(&xfer.line)[0]=='#' ) continue;
1235     if( blob_size(&xfer.line)==0 ) continue;
1236     xfer.nToken = blob_tokenize(&xfer.line, xfer.aToken, count(xfer.aToken));
1238     /*   file HASH SIZE \n CONTENT
1239     **   file HASH DELTASRC SIZE \n CONTENT
1240     **
1241     ** Server accepts a file from the client.
1242     */
1243     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "file") ){
1244       if( !isPush ){
1245         cgi_reset_content();
1246         @ error not\sauthorized\sto\swrite
1247         nErr++;
1248         break;
1249       }
1250       xfer_accept_file(&xfer, 0, pzUuidList, pnUuidList);
1251       if( blob_size(&xfer.err) ){
1252         cgi_reset_content();
1253         @ error %T(blob_str(&xfer.err))
1254         nErr++;
1255         break;
1256       }
1257     }else
1259     /*   cfile HASH USIZE CSIZE \n CONTENT
1261     **
1262     ** Server accepts a compressed file from the client.
1263     */
1264     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "cfile") ){
1265       if( !isPush ){
1266         cgi_reset_content();
1267         @ error not\sauthorized\sto\swrite
1268         nErr++;
1269         break;
1270       }
1271       xfer_accept_compressed_file(&xfer, pzUuidList, pnUuidList);
1272       if( blob_size(&xfer.err) ){
1273         cgi_reset_content();
1274         @ error %T(blob_str(&xfer.err))
1275         nErr++;
1276         break;
1277       }
1278     }else
1280     /*   uvfile NAME MTIME HASH SIZE FLAGS \n CONTENT
1281     **
1282     ** Server accepts an unversioned file from the client.
1283     */
1284     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "uvfile") ){
1285       xfer_accept_unversioned_file(&xfer, g.perm.WrUnver);
1286       if( blob_size(&xfer.err) ){
1287         cgi_reset_content();
1288         @ error %T(blob_str(&xfer.err))
1289         nErr++;
1290         break;
1291       }
1292     }else
1294     /*   gimme HASH
1295     **
1296     ** Client is requesting a file from the server.  Send it.
1297     */
1298     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "gimme")
1299      && xfer.nToken==2
1300      && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[1])
1301     ){
1302       nGimme++;
1303       remote_unk(&xfer.aToken[1]);
1304       if( isPull ){
1305         int rid = rid_from_uuid(&xfer.aToken[1], 0, 0);
1306         if( rid ){
1307           send_file(&xfer, rid, &xfer.aToken[1], deltaFlag);
1308         }
1309       }
1310     }else
1312     /*   uvgimme NAME
1313     **
1314     ** Client is requesting an unversioned file from the server.  Send it.
1315     */
1316     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "uvgimme")
1317      && xfer.nToken==2
1318      && blob_is_filename(&xfer.aToken[1])
1319     ){
1320       send_unversioned_file(&xfer, blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]), 0);
1321     }else
1323     /*   igot HASH ?ISPRIVATE?
1324     **
1325     ** Client announces that it has a particular file.  If the ISPRIVATE
1326     ** argument exists and is "1", then the file is a private file.
1327     */
1328     if( xfer.nToken>=2
1329      && blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "igot")
1330      && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[1])
1331     ){
1332       if( isPush ){
1333         int rid = 0;
1334         int isPriv = 0;
1335         if( xfer.nToken==2 || blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[2],"1")==0 ){
1336           /* Client says the artifact is public */
1337           rid = rid_from_uuid(&xfer.aToken[1], 1, 0);
1338         }else if( g.perm.Private ){
1339           /* Client says the artifact is private and the client has
1340           ** permission to push private content.  Create a new phantom
1341           ** artifact that is marked private. */
1342           rid = rid_from_uuid(&xfer.aToken[1], 1, 1);
1343           isPriv = 1;
1344         }else{
1345           /* Client says the artifact is private and the client is unable
1346           ** or unwilling to send us the artifact.  If we already hold the
1347           ** artifact here on the server as a phantom, make sure that
1348           ** phantom is marked as private so that we don't keep asking about
1349           ** it in subsequent sync requests. */
1350           rid = rid_from_uuid(&xfer.aToken[1], 0, 1);
1351           isPriv = 1;
1352         }
1353         if( rid ){
1354           remote_has(rid);
1355           if( isPriv ){
1356             content_make_private(rid);
1357           }else{
1358             content_make_public(rid);
1359           }
1360         }
1361       }
1362     }else
1365     /*    pull  SERVERCODE  PROJECTCODE
1366     **    push  SERVERCODE  PROJECTCODE
1367     **
1368     ** The client wants either send or receive.  The server should
1369     ** verify that the project code matches.  The server code is ignored.
1370     */
1371     if( xfer.nToken==3
1372      && (blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "pull") || blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "push"))
1373      && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[2])
1374     ){
1375       const char *zPCode;
1376       zPCode = db_get("project-code", 0);
1377       if( zPCode==0 ){
1378         fossil_fatal("missing project code");
1379       }
1380       if( !blob_eq_str(&xfer.aToken[2], zPCode, -1) ){
1381         cgi_reset_content();
1382         @ error wrong\sproject
1383         nErr++;
1384         break;
1385       }
1386       login_check_credentials();
1387       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "pull") ){
1388         if( !g.perm.Read ){
1389           cgi_reset_content();
1390           @ error not\sauthorized\sto\sread
1391           nErr++;
1392           break;
1393         }
1394         isPull = 1;
1395       }else{
1396         if( !g.perm.Write ){
1397           if( !isPull ){
1398             cgi_reset_content();
1399             @ error not\sauthorized\sto\swrite
1400             nErr++;
1401           }else{
1402             @ message pull\sonly\s-\snot\sauthorized\sto\spush
1403           }
1404         }else{
1405           isPush = 1;
1406         }
1407       }
1408     }else
1410     /*    clone   ?PROTOCOL-VERSION?  ?SEQUENCE-NUMBER?
1411     **
1412     ** The client knows nothing.  Tell all.
1413     */
1414     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "clone") ){
1415       int iVers;
1416       login_check_credentials();
1417       if( !g.perm.Clone ){
1418         cgi_reset_content();
1419         @ push %s(db_get("server-code", "x")) %s(db_get("project-code", "x"))
1420         @ error not\sauthorized\sto\sclone
1421         nErr++;
1422         break;
1423       }
1424       if( db_get_boolean("uv-sync",0) && !uvCatalogSent ){
1425         @ pragma uv-pull-only
1426         send_unversioned_catalog(&xfer);
1427         uvCatalogSent = 1;
1428       }
1429       if( xfer.nToken==3
1430        && blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[1], &iVers)
1431        && iVers>=2
1432       ){
1433         int seqno, max;
1434         if( iVers>=3 ){
1435           cgi_set_content_type("application/x-fossil-uncompressed");
1436         }
1437         blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[2], &seqno);
1438         max = db_int(0, "SELECT max(rid) FROM blob");
1439         while( xfer.mxSend>blob_size(xfer.pOut) && seqno<=max){
1440           if( time(NULL) >= xfer.maxTime ) break;
1441           if( iVers>=3 ){
1442             send_compressed_file(&xfer, seqno);
1443           }else{
1444             send_file(&xfer, seqno, 0, 1);
1445           }
1446           seqno++;
1447         }
1448         if( seqno>max ) seqno = 0;
1449         @ clone_seqno %d(seqno)
1450       }else{
1451         isClone = 1;
1452         isPull = 1;
1453         deltaFlag = 1;
1454       }
1455       @ push %s(db_get("server-code", "x")) %s(db_get("project-code", "x"))
1456     }else
1458     /*    login  USER  NONCE  SIGNATURE
1459     **
1460     ** The client has sent login credentials to the server.
1461     ** Validate the login.  This has to happen before anything else.
1462     ** The client can send multiple logins.  Permissions are cumulative.
1463     */
1464     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "login")
1465      && xfer.nToken==4
1466     ){
1467       if( disableLogin ){
1468         g.perm.Read = g.perm.Write = g.perm.Private = g.perm.Admin = 1;
1469       }else{
1470         if( check_tail_hash(&xfer.aToken[2], xfer.pIn)
1471          || check_login(&xfer.aToken[1], &xfer.aToken[2], &xfer.aToken[3])
1472         ){
1473           cgi_reset_content();
1474           @ error login\sfailed
1475           nErr++;
1476           break;
1477         }
1478       }
1479     }else
1481     /*    reqconfig  NAME
1482     **
1483     ** Client is requesting a configuration value from the server
1484     */
1485     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "reqconfig")
1486      && xfer.nToken==2
1487     ){
1488       if( g.perm.Read ){
1489         char *zName = blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]);
1490         if( zName[0]=='/' ){
1491           /* New style configuration transfer */
1492           int groupMask = configure_name_to_mask(&zName[1], 0);
1493           if( !g.perm.Admin ) groupMask &= ~(CONFIGSET_USER|CONFIGSET_SCRIBER);
1494           if( !g.perm.RdAddr ) groupMask &= ~CONFIGSET_ADDR;
1495           configure_send_group(xfer.pOut, groupMask, 0);
1496         }
1497       }
1498     }else
1500     /*   config NAME SIZE \n CONTENT
1501     **
1502     ** Client has sent a configuration value to the server.
1503     ** This is only permitted for high-privilege users.
1504     */
1505     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"config") && xfer.nToken==3
1506         && blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[2], &size) ){
1507       const char *zName = blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]);
1508       Blob content;
1509       blob_zero(&content);
1510       blob_extract(xfer.pIn, size, &content);
1511       if( !g.perm.Admin ){
1512         cgi_reset_content();
1513         @ error not\sauthorized\sto\spush\sconfiguration
1514         nErr++;
1515         break;
1516       }
1517       configure_receive(zName, &content, CONFIGSET_ALL);
1518       blob_reset(&content);
1519       blob_seek(xfer.pIn, 1, BLOB_SEEK_CUR);
1520     }else
1523     /*    cookie TEXT
1524     **
1525     ** A cookie contains a arbitrary-length argument that is server-defined.
1526     ** The argument must be encoded so as not to contain any whitespace.
1527     ** The server can optionally send a cookie to the client.  The client
1528     ** might then return the same cookie back to the server on its next
1529     ** communication.  The cookie might record information that helps
1530     ** the server optimize a push or pull.
1531     **
1532     ** The client is not required to return a cookie.  So the server
1533     ** must not depend on the cookie.  The cookie should be an optimization
1534     ** only.  The client might also send a cookie that came from a different
1535     ** server.  So the server must be prepared to distinguish its own cookie
1536     ** from cookies originating from other servers.  The client might send
1537     ** back several different cookies to the server.  The server should be
1538     ** prepared to sift through the cookies and pick the one that it wants.
1539     */
1540     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "cookie") && xfer.nToken==2 ){
1541       /* Process the cookie */
1542     }else
1545     /*    private
1546     **
1547     ** The client card indicates that the next "file" or "cfile" will contain
1548     ** private content.
1549     */
1550     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "private") ){
1551       if( !g.perm.Private ){
1552         server_private_xfer_not_authorized();
1553       }else{
1554         xfer.nextIsPrivate = 1;
1555       }
1556     }else
1559     /*    pragma NAME VALUE...
1560     **
1561     ** The client issue pragmas to try to influence the behavior of the
1562     ** server.  These are requests only.  Unknown pragmas are silently
1563     ** ignored.
1564     */
1565     if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "pragma") && xfer.nToken>=2 ){
1567       /*   pragma send-private
1568       **
1569       ** The client is requesting private artifacts.
1570       **
1571       ** If the user has the "x" privilege (which must be set explicitly -
1572       ** it is not automatic with "a" or "s") then this pragma causes
1573       ** private information to be pulled in addition to public records.
1574       */
1575       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "send-private") ){
1576         login_check_credentials();
1577         if( !g.perm.Private ){
1578           server_private_xfer_not_authorized();
1579         }else{
1580           xfer.syncPrivate = 1;
1581         }
1582       }
1584       /*   pragma send-catalog
1585       **
1586       ** The client wants to see igot cards for all known artifacts.
1587       ** This is used as part of "sync --verily" to help ensure that
1588       ** no artifacts have been missed on prior syncs.
1589       */
1590       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "send-catalog") ){
1591         xfer.resync = 0x7fffffff;
1592       }
1594       /*   pragma client-version VERSION ?DATE? ?TIME?
1595       **
1596       ** The client announces to the server what version of Fossil it
1597       ** is running.  The DATE and TIME are a pure numeric ISO8601 time
1598       ** for the specific check-in of the client.
1599       */
1600       if( xfer.nToken>=3 && blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "client-version") ){
1601         xfer.remoteVersion = atoi(blob_str(&xfer.aToken[2]));
1602         if( xfer.nToken>=5 ){
1603           xfer.remoteDate = atoi(blob_str(&xfer.aToken[3]));
1604           xfer.remoteTime = atoi(blob_str(&xfer.aToken[4]));
1605           @ pragma server-version %d(RELEASE_VERSION_NUMBER) \
1607         }
1608       }
1610       /*   pragma uv-hash HASH
1611       **
1612       ** The client wants to make sure that unversioned files are all synced.
1613       ** If the HASH does not match, send a complete catalog of
1614       ** "uvigot" cards.
1615       */
1616       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "uv-hash")
1617        && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[2])
1618       ){
1619         if( !uvCatalogSent
1620          && g.perm.Read
1621          && !blob_eq_str(&xfer.aToken[2], unversioned_content_hash(0),-1)
1622         ){
1623           if( g.perm.WrUnver ){
1624             @ pragma uv-push-ok
1625           }else if( g.perm.Read ){
1626             @ pragma uv-pull-only
1627           }
1628           send_unversioned_catalog(&xfer);
1629         }
1630         uvCatalogSent = 1;
1631       }
1633       /*   pragma ci-lock CHECKIN-HASH CLIENT-ID
1634       **
1635       ** The client wants to make non-branch commit against the check-in
1636       ** identified by CHECKIN-HASH.  The server will remember this and
1637       ** subsequent ci-lock requests from different clients will generate
1638       ** a ci-lock-fail pragma in the reply.
1639       */
1640       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "ci-lock")
1641        && xfer.nToken==4
1642        && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[2])
1643       ){
1644         Stmt q;
1645         sqlite3_int64 iNow = time(0);
1646         sqlite3_int64 maxAge = db_get_int("lock-timeout",60);
1647         int seenFault = 0;
1648         db_prepare(&q,
1649           "SELECT json_extract(value,'$.login'),"
1650           "       mtime,"
1651           "       json_extract(value,'$.clientid'),"
1652           "       (SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid=substr(name,9)),"
1653           "       name"
1654           " FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'ci-lock-*'"
1655         );
1656         while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
1657           int x = db_column_int(&q,3);
1658           const char *zName = db_column_text(&q,4);
1659           if( db_column_int64(&q,1)<=iNow-maxAge || !is_a_leaf(x) ){
1660             /* check-in locks expire after maxAge seconds, or when the
1661             ** check-in is no longer a leaf */
1662             db_unprotect(PROTECT_CONFIG);
1663             db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM config WHERE name=%Q", zName);
1664             db_protect_pop();
1665             continue;
1666           }
1667           if( fossil_strcmp(zName+8, blob_str(&xfer.aToken[2]))==0 ){
1668             const char *zClientId = db_column_text(&q, 2);
1669             const char *zLogin = db_column_text(&q,0);
1670             sqlite3_int64 mtime = db_column_int64(&q, 1);
1671             if( fossil_strcmp(zClientId, blob_str(&xfer.aToken[3]))!=0 ){
1672               @ pragma ci-lock-fail %F(zLogin) %lld(mtime)
1673             }
1674             seenFault = 1;
1675           }
1676         }
1677         db_finalize(&q);
1678         if( !seenFault ){
1679           db_unprotect(PROTECT_CONFIG);
1680           db_multi_exec(
1681             "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
1682             "VALUES('ci-lock-%q',json_object('login',%Q,'clientid',%Q),now())",
1683             blob_str(&xfer.aToken[2]), g.zLogin,
1684             blob_str(&xfer.aToken[3])
1685           );
1686           db_protect_pop();
1687         }
1688         if( db_get_boolean("forbid-delta-manifests",0) ){
1689           @ pragma avoid-delta-manifests
1690         }
1691       }
1693       /*   pragma ci-unlock CLIENT-ID
1694       **
1695       ** Remove any locks previously held by CLIENT-ID.  Clients send this
1696       ** pragma with their own ID whenever they know that they no longer
1697       ** have any commits pending.
1698       */
1699       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "ci-unlock")
1700        && xfer.nToken==3
1701        && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[2])
1702       ){
1703         db_unprotect(PROTECT_CONFIG);
1704         db_multi_exec(
1705           "DELETE FROM config"
1706           " WHERE name GLOB 'ci-lock-*'"
1707           "   AND json_extract(value,'$.clientid')=%Q",
1708           blob_str(&xfer.aToken[2])
1709         );
1710         db_protect_pop();
1711       }
1713     }else
1715     /* Unknown message
1716     */
1717     {
1718       cgi_reset_content();
1719       @ error bad\scommand:\s%F(blob_str(&xfer.line))
1720     }
1721     blobarray_reset(xfer.aToken, xfer.nToken);
1722     blob_reset(&xfer.line);
1723   }
1724   if( isPush ){
1725     if( rc==TH_OK ){
1726       rc = xfer_run_script(zScript, zUuidList, 1);
1727       if( rc==TH_ERROR ){
1728         cgi_reset_content();
1729         @ error push\sscript\sfailed:\s%F(g.zErrMsg)
1730         nErr++;
1731       }
1732     }
1733     request_phantoms(&xfer, 500);
1734   }
1735   if( zUuidList ){
1736     Th_Free(g.interp, zUuidList);
1737   }
1738   if( isClone && nGimme==0 ){
1739     /* The initial "clone" message from client to server contains no
1740     ** "gimme" cards. On that initial message, send the client an "igot"
1741     ** card for every artifact currently in the repository.  This will
1742     ** cause the client to create phantoms for all artifacts, which will
1743     ** in turn make sure that the entire repository is sent efficiently
1744     ** and expeditiously.
1745     */
1746     send_all(&xfer);
1747     if( xfer.syncPrivate ) send_private(&xfer);
1748   }else if( isPull ){
1749     create_cluster();
1750     send_unclustered(&xfer);
1751     if( xfer.syncPrivate ) send_private(&xfer);
1752   }
1753   hook_expecting_more_artifacts(xfer.nGimmeSent?60:0);
1754   db_multi_exec("DROP TABLE onremote; DROP TABLE unk;");
1755   manifest_crosslink_end(MC_PERMIT_HOOKS);
1757   /* Send the server timestamp last, in case prior processing happened
1758   ** to use up a significant fraction of our time window.
1759   */
1760   zNow = db_text(0, "SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:%%S', 'now')");
1761   @ # timestamp %s(zNow)
1762   free(zNow);
1764   db_commit_transaction();
1765   configure_rebuild();
1766 }
1768 /*
1769 ** COMMAND: test-xfer
1770 **
1771 ** This command is used for debugging the server.  There is a single
1772 ** argument which is the uncompressed content of an "xfer" message
1773 ** from client to server.  This command interprets that message as
1774 ** if had been received by the server.
1775 **
1776 ** On the client side, run:
1777 **
1778 **      fossil push http://bogus/ --httptrace
1779 **
1780 ** Or a similar command to provide the output.  The content of the
1781 ** message will appear on standard output.  Capture this message
1782 ** into a file named (for example) out.txt.  Then run the
1783 ** server in gdb:
1784 **
1785 **     gdb fossil
1786 **     r test-xfer out.txt
1787 */
cmd_test_xfer(void)1788 void cmd_test_xfer(void){
1789   db_find_and_open_repository(0,0);
1790   if( g.argc!=2 && g.argc!=3 ){
1791     usage("?MESSAGEFILE?");
1792   }
1793   blob_zero(&g.cgiIn);
1794   blob_read_from_file(&g.cgiIn, g.argc==2 ? "-" : g.argv[2], ExtFILE);
1795   disableLogin = 1;
1796   page_xfer();
1797   fossil_print("%s\n", cgi_extract_content());
1798 }
1800 /*
1801 ** Format strings for progress reporting.
1802 */
1803 static const char zLabelFormat[] = "%-10s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n";
1804 static const char zValueFormat[] = "\r%-10s %10d %10d %10d %10d\n";
1805 static const char zBriefFormat[] =
1806    "Round-trips: %d   Artifacts sent: %d  received: %d\r";
1808 #if INTERFACE
1809 /*
1810 ** Flag options for controlling client_sync()
1811 */
1812 #define SYNC_PUSH           0x0001    /* push content client to server */
1813 #define SYNC_PULL           0x0002    /* pull content server to client */
1814 #define SYNC_CLONE          0x0004    /* clone the repository */
1815 #define SYNC_PRIVATE        0x0008    /* Also transfer private content */
1816 #define SYNC_VERBOSE        0x0010    /* Extra diagnostics */
1817 #define SYNC_RESYNC         0x0020    /* --verily */
1818 #define SYNC_FROMPARENT     0x0040    /* Pull from the parent project */
1819 #define SYNC_UNVERSIONED    0x0100    /* Sync unversioned content */
1820 #define SYNC_UV_REVERT      0x0200    /* Copy server unversioned to client */
1821 #define SYNC_UV_TRACE       0x0400    /* Describe UV activities */
1822 #define SYNC_UV_DRYRUN      0x0800    /* Do not actually exchange files */
1823 #define SYNC_IFABLE         0x1000    /* Inability to sync is not fatal */
1824 #define SYNC_CKIN_LOCK      0x2000    /* Lock the current check-in */
1825 #define SYNC_NOHTTPCOMPRESS 0x4000    /* Do not compression HTTP messages */
1826 #endif
1828 /*
1829 ** Floating-point absolute value
1830 */
fossil_fabs(double x)1831 static double fossil_fabs(double x){
1832   return x>0.0 ? x : -x;
1833 }
1835 /*
1836 ** Sync to the host identified in g.url.name and g.url.path.  This
1837 ** routine is called by the client.
1838 **
1839 ** Records are pushed to the server if pushFlag is true.  Records
1840 ** are pulled if pullFlag is true.  A full sync occurs if both are
1841 ** true.
1842 */
client_sync(unsigned syncFlags,unsigned configRcvMask,unsigned configSendMask,const char * zAltPCode)1843 int client_sync(
1844   unsigned syncFlags,      /* Mask of SYNC_* flags */
1845   unsigned configRcvMask,  /* Receive these configuration items */
1846   unsigned configSendMask, /* Send these configuration items */
1847   const char *zAltPCode    /* Alternative project code (usually NULL) */
1848 ){
1849   int go = 1;             /* Loop until zero */
1850   int nCardSent = 0;      /* Number of cards sent */
1851   int nCardRcvd = 0;      /* Number of cards received */
1852   int nCycle = 0;         /* Number of round trips to the server */
1853   int size;               /* Size of a config value or uvfile */
1854   int origConfigRcvMask;  /* Original value of configRcvMask */
1855   int nFileRecv;          /* Number of files received */
1856   int mxPhantomReq = 200; /* Max number of phantoms to request per comm */
1857   const char *zCookie;    /* Server cookie */
1858   i64 nUncSent, nUncRcvd; /* Bytes sent and received (before compression) */
1859   i64 nSent, nRcvd;       /* Bytes sent and received (after compression) */
1860   int cloneSeqno = 1;     /* Sequence number for clones */
1861   Blob send;              /* Text we are sending to the server */
1862   Blob recv;              /* Reply we got back from the server */
1863   Xfer xfer;              /* Transfer data */
1864   int pctDone;            /* Percentage done with a message */
1865   int lastPctDone = -1;   /* Last displayed pctDone */
1866   double rArrivalTime;    /* Time at which a message arrived */
1867   const char *zSCode = db_get("server-code", "x");
1868   const char *zPCode = db_get("project-code", 0);
1869   int nErr = 0;           /* Number of errors */
1870   int nRoundtrip= 0;      /* Number of HTTP requests */
1871   int nArtifactSent = 0;  /* Total artifacts sent */
1872   int nArtifactRcvd = 0;  /* Total artifacts received */
1873   int nPriorArtifact = 0; /* Artifacts received on prior round-trips */
1874   const char *zOpType = 0;/* Push, Pull, Sync, Clone */
1875   double rSkew = 0.0;     /* Maximum time skew */
1876   int uvHashSent = 0;     /* The "pragma uv-hash" message has been sent */
1877   int uvDoPush = 0;       /* Generate uvfile messages to send to server */
1878   int uvPullOnly = 0;     /* 1: pull-only.  2: pull-only warning issued */
1879   int nUvGimmeSent = 0;   /* Number of uvgimme cards sent on this cycle */
1880   int nUvFileRcvd = 0;    /* Number of uvfile cards received on this cycle */
1881   sqlite3_int64 mtime;    /* Modification time on a UV file */
1882   int autopushFailed = 0; /* Autopush following commit failed if true */
1883   const char *zCkinLock;  /* Name of check-in to lock.  NULL for none */
1884   const char *zClientId;  /* A unique identifier for this check-out */
1885   unsigned int mHttpFlags;/* Flags for the http_exchange() subsystem */
1887   if( db_get_boolean("dont-push", 0) ) syncFlags &= ~SYNC_PUSH;
1889      && configRcvMask==0 && configSendMask==0 ) return 0;
1890   if( syncFlags & SYNC_FROMPARENT ){
1891     configRcvMask = 0;
1892     configSendMask = 0;
1893     syncFlags &= ~(SYNC_PUSH);
1894     zPCode = db_get("parent-project-code", 0);
1895     if( zPCode==0 || db_get("parent-project-name",0)==0 ){
1896       fossil_fatal("there is no parent project: set the 'parent-project-code'"
1897                    " and 'parent-project-name' config parameters in order"
1898                    " to pull from a parent project");
1899     }
1900   }
1902   transport_stats(0, 0, 1);
1903   socket_global_init();
1904   memset(&xfer, 0, sizeof(xfer));
1905   xfer.pIn = &recv;
1906   xfer.pOut = &send;
1907   xfer.mxSend = db_get_int("max-upload", 250000);
1908   xfer.maxTime = -1;
1909   xfer.remoteVersion = RELEASE_VERSION_NUMBER;
1910   if( syncFlags & SYNC_PRIVATE ){
1911     g.perm.Private = 1;
1912     xfer.syncPrivate = 1;
1913   }
1915   blobarray_zero(xfer.aToken, count(xfer.aToken));
1916   blob_zero(&send);
1917   blob_zero(&recv);
1918   blob_zero(&xfer.err);
1919   blob_zero(&xfer.line);
1920   origConfigRcvMask = 0;
1921   nUncSent = nUncRcvd = 0;
1923   /* Send the send-private pragma if we are trying to sync private data */
1924   if( syncFlags & SYNC_PRIVATE ){
1925     blob_append(&send, "pragma send-private\n", -1);
1926   }
1928   /* Figure out which check-in to lock */
1929   if( syncFlags & SYNC_CKIN_LOCK ){
1930     int vid = db_lget_int("checkout",0);
1931     zCkinLock = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", vid);
1932   }else{
1933     zCkinLock = 0;
1934   }
1935   zClientId = g.localOpen ? db_lget("client-id", 0) : 0;
1937   /* When syncing unversioned files, create a TEMP table in which to store
1938   ** the names of files that need to be sent from client to server.
1939   **
1940   ** The initial assumption is that all unversioned files need to be sent
1941   ** to the other side.  But "uvigot" cards received back from the remote
1942   ** side will normally cause many of these entries to be removed since they
1943   ** do not really need to be sent.
1944   */
1945   if( (syncFlags & (SYNC_UNVERSIONED|SYNC_CLONE))!=0 ){
1946     unversioned_schema();
1947     db_multi_exec(
1948        "CREATE TEMP TABLE uv_tosend("
1949        "  name TEXT PRIMARY KEY,"  /* Name of file to send client->server */
1950        "  mtimeOnly BOOLEAN"       /* True to only send mtime, not content */
1951        ") WITHOUT ROWID;"
1952        "INSERT INTO uv_toSend(name,mtimeOnly)"
1953        "  SELECT name, 0 FROM unversioned WHERE hash IS NOT NULL;"
1954     );
1955   }
1957   /*
1958   ** The request from the client always begin with a clone, pull,
1959   ** or push message.
1960   */
1961   blob_appendf(&send, "pragma client-version %d %d %d\n",
1963                MANIFEST_NUMERIC_TIME);
1964   if( syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE ){
1965     blob_appendf(&send, "clone 3 %d\n", cloneSeqno);
1966     syncFlags &= ~(SYNC_PUSH|SYNC_PULL);
1967     nCardSent++;
1968     /* TBD: Request all transferable configuration values */
1969     content_enable_dephantomize(0);
1970     zOpType = "Clone";
1971   }else if( syncFlags & SYNC_PULL ){
1972     blob_appendf(&send, "pull %s %s\n", zSCode,
1973                  zAltPCode ? zAltPCode : zPCode);
1974     nCardSent++;
1975     zOpType = (syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH)?"Sync":"Pull";
1976     if( (syncFlags & SYNC_RESYNC)!=0 && nCycle<2 ){
1977       blob_appendf(&send, "pragma send-catalog\n");
1978       nCardSent++;
1979     }
1980   }
1981   if( syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH ){
1982     blob_appendf(&send, "push %s %s\n", zSCode, zPCode);
1983     nCardSent++;
1984     if( (syncFlags & SYNC_PULL)==0 ) zOpType = "Push";
1985     if( (syncFlags & SYNC_RESYNC)!=0 ) xfer.resync = 0x7fffffff;
1986   }
1987   if( syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE ){
1988     fossil_print(zLabelFormat /*works-like:"%s%s%s%s%d"*/,
1989                  "", "Bytes", "Cards", "Artifacts", "Deltas");
1990   }
1992   while( go ){
1993     int newPhantom = 0;
1994     char *zRandomness;
1995     db_begin_transaction();
1996     db_record_repository_filename(0);
1997     db_multi_exec(
1998       "CREATE TEMP TABLE onremote(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);"
2000     );
2001     manifest_crosslink_begin();
2004     /* Client sends the most recently received cookie back to the server.
2005     ** Let the server figure out if this is a cookie that it cares about.
2006     */
2007     zCookie = db_get("cookie", 0);
2008     if( zCookie ){
2009       blob_appendf(&send, "cookie %s\n", zCookie);
2010     }
2012     /* Client sends gimme cards for phantoms
2013     */
2014     if( (syncFlags & SYNC_PULL)!=0
2015      || ((syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)!=0 && cloneSeqno==1)
2016     ){
2017       request_phantoms(&xfer, mxPhantomReq);
2018     }
2019     if( syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH ){
2020       send_unsent(&xfer);
2021       nCardSent += send_unclustered(&xfer);
2022       if( syncFlags & SYNC_PRIVATE ) send_private(&xfer);
2023     }
2025     /* Client sends configuration parameter requests.  On a clone, delay sending
2026     ** this until the second cycle since the login card might fail on
2027     ** the first cycle.
2028     */
2029     if( configRcvMask && ((syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)==0 || nCycle>0) ){
2030       const char *zName;
2031       if( zOpType==0 ) zOpType = "Pull";
2032       zName = configure_first_name(configRcvMask);
2033       while( zName ){
2034         blob_appendf(&send, "reqconfig %s\n", zName);
2035         zName = configure_next_name(configRcvMask);
2036         nCardSent++;
2037       }
2038       origConfigRcvMask = configRcvMask;
2039       configRcvMask = 0;
2040     }
2042     /* Client sends a request to sync unversioned files.
2043     ** On a clone, delay sending this until the second cycle since
2044     ** the login card might fail on the first cycle.
2045     */
2046     if( (syncFlags & SYNC_UNVERSIONED)!=0
2047      && ((syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)==0 || nCycle>0)
2048      && !uvHashSent
2049     ){
2050       blob_appendf(&send, "pragma uv-hash %s\n", unversioned_content_hash(0));
2051       nCardSent++;
2052       uvHashSent = 1;
2053     }
2055     /* On a "fossil config push", the client send configuration parameters
2056     ** being pushed up to the server */
2057     if( configSendMask ){
2058       if( zOpType==0 ) zOpType = "Push";
2059       nCardSent += configure_send_group(xfer.pOut, configSendMask, 0);
2060       configSendMask = 0;
2061     }
2063     /* Send unversioned files present here on the client but missing or
2064     ** obsolete on the server.
2065     **
2066     ** Or, if the SYNC_UV_REVERT flag is set, delete the local unversioned
2067     ** files that do not exist on the server.
2068     **
2069     ** This happens on the second exchange, since we do not know what files
2070     ** need to be sent until after the uvigot cards from the first exchange
2071     ** have been processed.
2072     */
2073     if( uvDoPush ){
2074       assert( (syncFlags & SYNC_UNVERSIONED)!=0 );
2075       if( syncFlags & SYNC_UV_DRYRUN ){
2076         uvDoPush = 0;
2077       }else if( syncFlags & SYNC_UV_REVERT ){
2078         db_multi_exec(
2079           "DELETE FROM unversioned"
2080           " WHERE name IN (SELECT name FROM uv_tosend);"
2081           "DELETE FROM uv_tosend;"
2082         );
2083         uvDoPush = 0;
2084       }else{
2085         Stmt uvq;
2086         int rc = SQLITE_OK;
2087         db_prepare(&uvq, "SELECT name, mtimeOnly FROM uv_tosend");
2088         while( (rc = db_step(&uvq))==SQLITE_ROW ){
2089           const char *zName = db_column_text(&uvq, 0);
2090           send_unversioned_file(&xfer, zName, db_column_int(&uvq,1));
2091           nCardSent++;
2092           nArtifactSent++;
2093           db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM uv_tosend WHERE name=%Q", zName);
2094           if( syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE ){
2095             fossil_print("\rUnversioned-file sent: %s\n", zName);
2096           }
2097           if( blob_size(xfer.pOut)>xfer.mxSend ) break;
2098         }
2099         db_finalize(&uvq);
2100         if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ) uvDoPush = 0;
2101       }
2102     }
2104     /* Lock the current check-out */
2105     if( zCkinLock ){
2106       if( zClientId==0 ){
2107         zClientId = db_text(0, "SELECT lower(hex(randomblob(20)))");
2108         db_lset("client-id", zClientId);
2109       }
2110       blob_appendf(&send, "pragma ci-lock %s %s\n", zCkinLock, zClientId);
2111       zCkinLock = 0;
2112     }else if( zClientId ){
2113       blob_appendf(&send, "pragma ci-unlock %s\n", zClientId);
2114     }
2116     /* Append randomness to the end of the uplink message.  This makes all
2117     ** messages unique so that that the login-card nonce will always
2118     ** be unique.
2119     */
2120     zRandomness = db_text(0, "SELECT hex(randomblob(20))");
2121     blob_appendf(&send, "# %s\n", zRandomness);
2122     free(zRandomness);
2124     if( syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE ){
2125       fossil_print("waiting for server...");
2126     }
2127     fflush(stdout);
2128     /* Exchange messages with the server */
2129     if( (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)!=0 && nCycle==0 ){
2130       /* Do not send a login card on the first round-trip of a clone */
2131       mHttpFlags = 0;
2132     }else{
2133       mHttpFlags = HTTP_USE_LOGIN;
2134     }
2135     if( syncFlags & SYNC_NOHTTPCOMPRESS ){
2136       mHttpFlags |= HTTP_NOCOMPRESS;
2137     }
2139     /* Do the round-trip to the server */
2140     if( http_exchange(&send, &recv, mHttpFlags, MAX_REDIRECTS, 0) ){
2141       nErr++;
2142       go = 2;
2143       break;
2144     }
2146     /* Remember the URL of the sync target in the config file on the
2147     ** first successful round-trip */
2148     if( nCycle==0 && db_is_writeable("repository") ){
2149       db_unprotect(PROTECT_CONFIG);
2150       db_multi_exec("REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
2151                     "VALUES('syncwith:%q',1,now())", g.url.canonical);
2152       db_protect_pop();
2153     }
2155     /* Output current stats */
2156     if( syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE ){
2157       fossil_print(zValueFormat /*works-like:"%s%d%d%d%d"*/, "Sent:",
2158                    blob_size(&send), nCardSent+xfer.nGimmeSent+xfer.nIGotSent,
2159                    xfer.nFileSent, xfer.nDeltaSent);
2160     }else{
2161       nRoundtrip++;
2162       nArtifactSent += xfer.nFileSent + xfer.nDeltaSent;
2163       fossil_print(zBriefFormat /*works-like:"%d%d%d"*/,
2164                    nRoundtrip, nArtifactSent, nArtifactRcvd);
2165     }
2166     nCardSent = 0;
2167     nCardRcvd = 0;
2168     xfer.nFileSent = 0;
2169     xfer.nDeltaSent = 0;
2170     xfer.nGimmeSent = 0;
2171     xfer.nIGotSent = 0;
2172     xfer.nPrivIGot = 0;
2174     lastPctDone = -1;
2175     nUncSent += blob_size(&send);
2176     blob_reset(&send);
2177     blob_appendf(&send, "pragma client-version %d %d %d\n",
2179                  MANIFEST_NUMERIC_TIME);
2180     rArrivalTime = db_double(0.0, "SELECT julianday('now')");
2182     /* Send the send-private pragma if we are trying to sync private data */
2183     if( syncFlags & SYNC_PRIVATE ){
2184       blob_append(&send, "pragma send-private\n", -1);
2185     }
2187     /* Begin constructing the next message (which might never be
2188     ** sent) by beginning with the pull or push cards
2189     */
2190     if( syncFlags & SYNC_PULL ){
2191       blob_appendf(&send, "pull %s %s\n", zSCode,
2192                    zAltPCode ? zAltPCode : zPCode);
2193       nCardSent++;
2194     }
2195     if( syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH ){
2196       blob_appendf(&send, "push %s %s\n", zSCode, zPCode);
2197       nCardSent++;
2198     }
2199     go = 0;
2200     nUvGimmeSent = 0;
2201     nUvFileRcvd = 0;
2202     nPriorArtifact = nArtifactRcvd;
2204     /* Process the reply that came back from the server */
2205     while( blob_line(&recv, &xfer.line) ){
2206       if( blob_buffer(&xfer.line)[0]=='#' ){
2207         const char *zLine = blob_buffer(&xfer.line);
2208         if( memcmp(zLine, "# timestamp ", 12)==0 ){
2209           char zTime[20];
2210           double rDiff;
2211           sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zTime), zTime, "%.19s", &zLine[12]);
2212           rDiff = db_double(9e99, "SELECT julianday('%q') - %.17g",
2213                             zTime, rArrivalTime);
2214           if( rDiff>9e98 || rDiff<-9e98 ) rDiff = 0.0;
2215           if( rDiff*24.0*3600.0 >= -(blob_size(&recv)/5000.0 + 20) ){
2216             rDiff = 0.0;
2217           }
2218           if( fossil_fabs(rDiff)>fossil_fabs(rSkew) ) rSkew = rDiff;
2219         }
2220         nCardRcvd++;
2221         continue;
2222       }
2223       xfer.nToken = blob_tokenize(&xfer.line, xfer.aToken, count(xfer.aToken));
2224       nCardRcvd++;
2225       if( (syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE)!=0 && recv.nUsed>0 ){
2226         pctDone = (recv.iCursor*100)/recv.nUsed;
2227         if( pctDone!=lastPctDone ){
2228           fossil_print("\rprocessed: %d%%         ", pctDone);
2229           lastPctDone = pctDone;
2230           fflush(stdout);
2231         }
2232       }
2234       /*   file HASH SIZE \n CONTENT
2235       **   file HASH DELTASRC SIZE \n CONTENT
2236       **
2237       ** Client receives a file transmitted from the server.
2238       */
2239       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"file") ){
2240         xfer_accept_file(&xfer, (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)!=0, 0, 0);
2241         nArtifactRcvd++;
2242       }else
2244       /*   cfile HASH USIZE CSIZE \n CONTENT
2245       **   cfile HASH DELTASRC USIZE CSIZE \n CONTENT
2246       **
2247       ** Client receives a compressed file transmitted from the server.
2248       */
2249       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"cfile") ){
2250         xfer_accept_compressed_file(&xfer, 0, 0);
2251         nArtifactRcvd++;
2252       }else
2254       /*   uvfile NAME MTIME HASH SIZE FLAGS \n CONTENT
2255       **
2256       ** Client accepts an unversioned file from the server.
2257       */
2258       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "uvfile") ){
2259         xfer_accept_unversioned_file(&xfer, 1);
2260         nArtifactRcvd++;
2261         nUvFileRcvd++;
2262         if( syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE ){
2263           fossil_print("\rUnversioned-file received: %s\n",
2264                        blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]));
2265         }
2266       }else
2268       /*   gimme HASH
2269       **
2270       ** Client receives an artifact request from the server.
2271       ** If the file is a manifest, assume that the server will also want
2272       ** to know all of the content artifacts associated with the manifest
2273       ** and send those too.
2274       */
2275       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "gimme")
2276        && xfer.nToken==2
2277        && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[1])
2278       ){
2279         remote_unk(&xfer.aToken[1]);
2280         if( syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH ){
2281           int rid = rid_from_uuid(&xfer.aToken[1], 0, 0);
2282           if( rid ) send_file(&xfer, rid, &xfer.aToken[1], 0);
2283         }
2284       }else
2286       /*   igot HASH  ?PRIVATEFLAG?
2287       **
2288       ** Server announces that it has a particular file.  If this is
2289       ** not a file that we have and we are pulling, then create a
2290       ** phantom to cause this file to be requested on the next cycle.
2291       ** Always remember that the server has this file so that we do
2292       ** not transmit it by accident.
2293       **
2294       ** If the PRIVATE argument exists and is 1, then the file is
2295       ** private.  Pretend it does not exists if we are not pulling
2296       ** private files.
2297       */
2298       if( xfer.nToken>=2
2299        && blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "igot")
2300        && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[1])
2301       ){
2302         int rid;
2303         int isPriv = xfer.nToken>=3 && blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[2],"1");
2304         rid = rid_from_uuid(&xfer.aToken[1], 0, 0);
2305         if( rid>0 ){
2306           if( isPriv ){
2307             content_make_private(rid);
2308           }else{
2309             content_make_public(rid);
2310           }
2311         }else if( isPriv && !g.perm.Private ){
2312           /* ignore private files */
2313         }else if( (syncFlags & (SYNC_PULL|SYNC_CLONE))!=0 ){
2314           rid = content_new(blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]), isPriv);
2315           if( rid ) newPhantom = 1;
2316         }
2317         remote_has(rid);
2318       }else
2320       /*   uvigot NAME MTIME HASH SIZE
2321       **
2322       ** Server announces that it has a particular unversioned file.  The
2323       ** server will only send this card if the client had previously sent
2324       ** a "pragma uv-hash" card with a hash that does not match.
2325       **
2326       ** If the identified file needs to be transferred, then setup for the
2327       ** transfer.  Generate a "uvgimme" card in the reply if the server
2328       ** version is newer than the client.  Generate a "uvfile" card if
2329       ** the client version is newer than the server.  If HASH is "-"
2330       ** (indicating that the file has been deleted) and MTIME is newer,
2331       ** then do the deletion.
2332       */
2333       if( xfer.nToken==5
2334        && blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "uvigot")
2335        && blob_is_filename(&xfer.aToken[1])
2336        && blob_is_int64(&xfer.aToken[2], &mtime)
2337        && blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[4], &size)
2338        && (blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[3],"-") || blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[3]))
2339       ){
2340         const char *zName = blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]);
2341         const char *zHash = blob_str(&xfer.aToken[3]);
2342         int iStatus;
2343         iStatus = unversioned_status(zName, mtime, zHash);
2344         if( (syncFlags & SYNC_UV_REVERT)!=0 ){
2345           if( iStatus==4 ) iStatus = 2;
2346           if( iStatus==5 ) iStatus = 1;
2347         }
2348         if( syncFlags & (SYNC_UV_TRACE|SYNC_UV_DRYRUN) ){
2349           const char *zMsg = 0;
2350           switch( iStatus ){
2351             case 0:
2352             case 1: zMsg = "UV-PULL";             break;
2353             case 2: zMsg = "UV-PULL-MTIME-ONLY";  break;
2354             case 4: zMsg = "UV-PUSH-MTIME-ONLY";  break;
2355             case 5: zMsg = "UV-PUSH";             break;
2356           }
2357           if( zMsg ) fossil_print("\r%s: %s\n", zMsg, zName);
2358           if( syncFlags & SYNC_UV_DRYRUN ){
2359             iStatus = 99;  /* Prevent any changes or reply messages */
2360           }
2361         }
2362         if( iStatus<=1 ){
2363           if( zHash[0]!='-' ){
2364             blob_appendf(xfer.pOut, "uvgimme %s\n", zName);
2365             nCardSent++;
2366             nUvGimmeSent++;
2367             db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM unversioned WHERE name=%Q", zName);
2368           }else if( iStatus==1 ){
2369             db_multi_exec(
2370                "UPDATE unversioned"
2371                "   SET mtime=%lld, hash=NULL, sz=0, encoding=0, content=NULL"
2372                " WHERE name=%Q", mtime, zName
2373             );
2374             db_unset("uv-hash", 0);
2375           }
2376         }else if( iStatus==2 ){
2377           db_multi_exec(
2378             "UPDATE unversioned SET mtime=%lld WHERE name=%Q", mtime, zName
2379           );
2380           db_unset("uv-hash", 0);
2381         }
2382         if( iStatus>=4 && uvPullOnly==1 ){
2383           fossil_warning(
2384             "Warning: uv-pull-only                                       \n"
2385             "         Unable to push unversioned content because you lack\n"
2386             "         sufficient permission on the server\n"
2387           );
2388           uvPullOnly = 2;
2389         }
2390         if( iStatus<=3 || uvPullOnly ){
2391           db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM uv_tosend WHERE name=%Q", zName);
2392         }else if( iStatus==4 ){
2393           db_multi_exec("UPDATE uv_tosend SET mtimeOnly=1 WHERE name=%Q",zName);
2394         }else if( iStatus==5 ){
2395           db_multi_exec("REPLACE INTO uv_tosend(name,mtimeOnly) VALUES(%Q,0)",
2396                         zName);
2397         }
2398       }else
2400       /*   push  SERVERCODE  PRODUCTCODE
2401       **
2402       ** Should only happen in response to a clone.  This message tells
2403       ** the client what product code to use for the new database.
2404       */
2405       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"push")
2406        && xfer.nToken==3
2407        && (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)!=0
2408        && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[2])
2409       ){
2410         if( zPCode==0 ){
2411           zPCode = mprintf("%b", &xfer.aToken[2]);
2412           db_set("project-code", zPCode, 0);
2413         }
2414         if( cloneSeqno>0 ) blob_appendf(&send, "clone 3 %d\n", cloneSeqno);
2415         nCardSent++;
2416       }else
2418       /*   config NAME SIZE \n CONTENT
2419       **
2420       ** Client receive a configuration value from the server.
2421       **
2422       ** The received configuration setting is silently ignored if it was
2423       ** not requested by a prior "reqconfig" sent from client to server.
2424       */
2425       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"config") && xfer.nToken==3
2426           && blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[2], &size) ){
2427         const char *zName = blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]);
2428         Blob content;
2429         blob_zero(&content);
2430         blob_extract(xfer.pIn, size, &content);
2431         g.perm.Admin = g.perm.RdAddr = 1;
2432         configure_receive(zName, &content, origConfigRcvMask);
2433         nCardRcvd++;
2434         nArtifactRcvd++;
2435         blob_reset(&content);
2436         blob_seek(xfer.pIn, 1, BLOB_SEEK_CUR);
2437       }else
2440       /*    cookie TEXT
2441       **
2442       ** The client reserves a cookie from the server.  The client
2443       ** should remember this cookie and send it back to the server
2444       ** in its next query.
2445       **
2446       ** Each cookie received overwrites the prior cookie from the
2447       ** same server.
2448       */
2449       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "cookie") && xfer.nToken==2 ){
2450         db_set("cookie", blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]), 0);
2451       }else
2454       /*    private
2455       **
2456       ** The server tells the client that the next "file" or "cfile" will
2457       ** contain private content.
2458       */
2459       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "private") ){
2460         xfer.nextIsPrivate = 1;
2461       }else
2464       /*    clone_seqno N
2465       **
2466       ** When doing a clone, the server tries to send all of its artifacts
2467       ** in sequence.  This card indicates the sequence number of the next
2468       ** blob that needs to be sent.  If N<=0 that indicates that all blobs
2469       ** have been sent.
2470       */
2471       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "clone_seqno") && xfer.nToken==2 ){
2472         blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[1], &cloneSeqno);
2473       }else
2475       /*   message MESSAGE
2476       **
2477       ** A message is received from the server.  Print it.
2478       ** Similar to "error" but does not stop processing.
2479       **
2480       ** If the "login failed" message is seen, clear the sync password prior
2481       ** to the next cycle.
2482       */
2483       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"message") && xfer.nToken==2 ){
2484         char *zMsg = blob_terminate(&xfer.aToken[1]);
2485         defossilize(zMsg);
2486         if( (syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH) && zMsg
2487             && sqlite3_strglob("pull only *", zMsg)==0 ){
2488           syncFlags &= ~SYNC_PUSH;
2489           zMsg = 0;
2490         }
2491         if( zMsg && zMsg[0] ){
2492           fossil_force_newline();
2493           fossil_print("Server says: %s\n", zMsg);
2494         }
2495       }else
2497       /*    pragma NAME VALUE...
2498       **
2499       ** The server can send pragmas to try to convey meta-information to
2500       ** the client.  These are informational only.  Unknown pragmas are
2501       ** silently ignored.
2502       */
2503       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "pragma") && xfer.nToken>=2 ){
2504         /*   pragma server-version VERSION ?DATE? ?TIME?
2505         **
2506         ** The servger announces to the server what version of Fossil it
2507         ** is running.  The DATE and TIME are a pure numeric ISO8601 time
2508         ** for the specific check-in of the client.
2509         */
2510         if( xfer.nToken>=3 && blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "server-version") ){
2511           xfer.remoteVersion = atoi(blob_str(&xfer.aToken[2]));
2512           if( xfer.nToken>=5 ){
2513             xfer.remoteDate = atoi(blob_str(&xfer.aToken[3]));
2514             xfer.remoteTime = atoi(blob_str(&xfer.aToken[4]));
2515           }
2516         }
2518         /*   pragma uv-pull-only
2519         **   pragma uv-push-ok
2520         **
2521         ** If the server is unwill to accept new unversioned content (because
2522         ** this client lacks the necessary permissions) then it sends a
2523         ** "uv-pull-only" pragma so that the client will know not to waste
2524         ** bandwidth trying to upload unversioned content.  If the server
2525         ** does accept new unversioned content, it sends "uv-push-ok".
2526         */
2527         if( syncFlags & SYNC_UNVERSIONED ){
2528           if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "uv-pull-only") ){
2529             uvPullOnly = 1;
2530             if( syncFlags & SYNC_UV_REVERT ) uvDoPush = 1;
2531           }else if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "uv-push-ok") ){
2532             uvDoPush = 1;
2533           }
2534         }
2536         /*    pragma ci-lock-fail  USER-HOLDING-LOCK  LOCK-TIME
2537         **
2538         ** The server generates this message when a "pragma ci-lock"
2539         ** is attempted on a check-in for which there is an existing
2540         ** lock.  USER-HOLDING-LOCK is the name of the user who originated
2541         ** the lock, and LOCK-TIME is the timestamp (seconds since 1970)
2542         ** when the lock was taken.
2543         */
2544         else if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "ci-lock-fail") && xfer.nToken==4 ){
2545           char *zUser = blob_terminate(&xfer.aToken[2]);
2546           sqlite3_int64 mtime, iNow;
2547           defossilize(zUser);
2548           iNow = time(NULL);
2549           if( blob_is_int64(&xfer.aToken[3], &mtime) && iNow>mtime ){
2550             iNow = time(NULL);
2551             fossil_print("\nParent check-in locked by %s %s ago\n",
2552                zUser, human_readable_age((iNow+1-mtime)/86400.0));
2553           }else{
2554             fossil_print("\nParent check-in locked by %s\n", zUser);
2555           }
2556           g.ckinLockFail = fossil_strdup(zUser);
2557         }
2559         /*    pragma avoid-delta-manifests
2560         **
2561         ** Discourage the use of delta manifests.  The remote side sends
2562         ** this pragma when its forbid-delta-manifests setting is true.
2563         */
2564         else if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "avoid-delta-manifests") ){
2565           g.bAvoidDeltaManifests = 1;
2566         }
2567       }else
2569       /*   error MESSAGE
2570       **
2571       ** The server is reporting an error.  The client will abandon
2572       ** the sync session.
2573       **
2574       ** Except, when cloning we will sometimes get an error on the
2575       ** first message exchange because the project-code is unknown
2576       ** and so the login card on the request was invalid.  The project-code
2577       ** is returned in the reply before the error card, so second and
2578       ** subsequent messages should be OK.  Nevertheless, we need to ignore
2579       ** the error card on the first message of a clone.
2580       **
2581       ** Also ignore "not authorized to write" errors if this is an
2582       ** autopush following a commit.
2583       */
2584       if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"error") && xfer.nToken==2 ){
2585         char *zMsg = blob_terminate(&xfer.aToken[1]);
2586         defossilize(zMsg);
2587         if( (syncFlags & SYNC_IFABLE)!=0
2588          && sqlite3_strlike("%not authorized to write%",zMsg,0)==0 ){
2589           autopushFailed = 1;
2590           nErr++;
2591         }else if( (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)==0 || nCycle>0 ){
2592           fossil_force_newline();
2593           fossil_print("Error: %s\n", zMsg);
2594           blob_appendf(&xfer.err, "server says: %s\n", zMsg);
2595           nErr++;
2596           break;
2597         }
2598       }else
2600       /* Unknown message */
2601       if( xfer.nToken>0 ){
2602         if( blob_str(&xfer.aToken[0])[0]=='<' ){
2603           fossil_warning(
2604             "server replies with HTML instead of fossil sync protocol:\n%b",
2605             &recv
2606           );
2607           nErr++;
2608           break;
2609         }
2610         blob_appendf(&xfer.err, "unknown command: [%b]\n", &xfer.aToken[0]);
2611       }
2613       if( blob_size(&xfer.err) ){
2614         fossil_force_newline();
2615         fossil_warning("%b", &xfer.err);
2616         nErr++;
2617         break;
2618       }
2619       blobarray_reset(xfer.aToken, xfer.nToken);
2620       blob_reset(&xfer.line);
2621     }
2622     origConfigRcvMask = 0;
2623     if( nCardRcvd>0 && (syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE) ){
2624       fossil_print(zValueFormat /*works-like:"%s%d%d%d%d"*/, "Received:",
2625                    blob_size(&recv), nCardRcvd,
2626                    xfer.nFileRcvd, xfer.nDeltaRcvd + xfer.nDanglingFile);
2627     }else{
2628       fossil_print(zBriefFormat /*works-like:"%d%d%d"*/,
2629                    nRoundtrip, nArtifactSent, nArtifactRcvd);
2630     }
2631     nUncRcvd += blob_size(&recv);
2632     blob_reset(&recv);
2633     nCycle++;
2635     /* Set go to 1 if we need to continue the sync/push/pull/clone for
2636     ** another round.  Set go to 0 if it is time to quit. */
2637     nFileRecv = xfer.nFileRcvd + xfer.nDeltaRcvd + xfer.nDanglingFile;
2638     if( (nFileRecv>0 || newPhantom) && db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM phantom") ){
2639       go = 1;
2640       mxPhantomReq = nFileRecv*2;
2641       if( mxPhantomReq<200 ) mxPhantomReq = 200;
2642     }else if( (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)!=0 && nFileRecv>0 ){
2643       go = 1;
2644     }else if( xfer.nFileSent+xfer.nDeltaSent>0 || uvDoPush ){
2645       /* Go another round if files are queued to send */
2646       go = 1;
2647     }else if( xfer.nPrivIGot>0 && nCycle==1 ){
2648       go = 1;
2649     }else if( (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)!=0 ){
2650       if( nCycle==1 ){
2651         go = 1;   /* go at least two rounds on a clone */
2652       }else if( cloneSeqno>0 && nArtifactRcvd>nPriorArtifact ){
2653         /* Continue the clone until we see the clone_seqno 0" card or
2654         ** until we stop receiving artifacts */
2655         go = 1;
2656       }
2657     }else if( nUvGimmeSent>0 && (nUvFileRcvd>0 || nCycle<3) ){
2658       /* Continue looping as long as new uvfile cards are being received
2659       ** and uvgimme cards are being sent. */
2660       go = 1;
2661     }
2663     nCardRcvd = 0;
2664     xfer.nFileRcvd = 0;
2665     xfer.nDeltaRcvd = 0;
2666     xfer.nDanglingFile = 0;
2667     db_multi_exec("DROP TABLE onremote; DROP TABLE unk;");
2668     if( go ){
2669       manifest_crosslink_end(MC_PERMIT_HOOKS);
2670     }else{
2671       manifest_crosslink_end(MC_PERMIT_HOOKS);
2672       content_enable_dephantomize(1);
2673     }
2674     db_end_transaction(0);
2675   };
2676   transport_stats(&nSent, &nRcvd, 1);
2677   if( (rSkew*24.0*3600.0) > 10.0 ){
2678      fossil_warning("*** time skew *** server is fast by %s",
2679                     db_timespan_name(rSkew));
2680      g.clockSkewSeen = 1;
2681   }else if( rSkew*24.0*3600.0 < -10.0 ){
2682      fossil_warning("*** time skew *** server is slow by %s",
2683                     db_timespan_name(-rSkew));
2684      g.clockSkewSeen = 1;
2685   }
2687   fossil_force_newline();
2688   fossil_print(
2689      "%s done, wire bytes sent: %lld  received: %lld  ip: %s\n",
2690      zOpType, nSent, nRcvd, g.zIpAddr);
2691   if( syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE ){
2692     fossil_print(
2693       "Uncompressed payload sent: %lld  received: %lld\n", nUncSent, nUncRcvd);
2694   }
2695   transport_close(&g.url);
2696   transport_global_shutdown(&g.url);
2697   if( nErr && go==2 ){
2698     db_multi_exec("DROP TABLE onremote; DROP TABLE unk;");
2699     manifest_crosslink_end(MC_PERMIT_HOOKS);
2700     content_enable_dephantomize(1);
2701     db_end_transaction(0);
2702   }
2703   if( nErr && autopushFailed ){
2704     fossil_warning(
2705       "Warning: The check-in was successful and is saved locally but you\n"
2706       "         are not authorized to push the changes back to the server\n"
2707       "         at %s",
2708       g.url.canonical
2709     );
2710     nErr--;
2711   }
2712   if( (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)==0 && g.rcvid && fossil_any_has_fork(g.rcvid) ){
2713     fossil_warning("***** WARNING: a fork has occurred *****\n"
2714                    "use \"fossil leaves -multiple\" for more details.");
2715   }
2716   return nErr;
2717 }