1 /**
2  * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Server
3  * freerdp wrapper
4  *
5  * Copyright 2011-2013 Jay Sorg
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
20 /* include other h files */
21 #include "arch.h"
22 #include "parse.h"
23 #include "os_calls.h"
24 #include "defines.h"
25 #include "xrdp_rail.h"
26 #include "xrdp_client_info.h"
27 #include "xrdp_constants.h"
29 /* this is the freerdp main header */
30 #include <freerdp/freerdp.h>
31 #include <freerdp/rail.h>
32 #include <freerdp/rail/rail.h>
33 #include <freerdp/codec/bitmap.h>
34 //#include <freerdp/utils/memory.h>
35 //#include "/home/jay/git/jsorg71/staging/include/freerdp/freerdp.h"
37 struct bitmap_item
38 {
39     int width;
40     int height;
41     char *data;
42 };
44 struct brush_item
45 {
46     int bpp;
47     int width;
48     int height;
49     char *data;
50     char b8x8[8];
51 };
53 struct pointer_item
54 {
55     int hotx;
56     int hoty;
57     char data[32 * 32 * 4];
58     char mask[32 * 32 / 8];
59     int bpp;
60 };
62 #define CURRENT_MOD_VER 4
64 struct source_info;
66 struct kbd_overrides
67 {
68     int type;
69     int subtype;
70     int fn_keys;
71     int layout;
72     int layout_mask;
73 };
75 struct mod
76 {
77     int size; /* size of this struct */
78     int version; /* internal version */
79     /* client functions */
80     int (*mod_start)(struct mod *v, int w, int h, int bpp);
81     int (*mod_connect)(struct mod *v);
82     int (*mod_event)(struct mod *v, int msg, long param1, long param2,
83                      long param3, long param4);
84     int (*mod_signal)(struct mod *v);
85     int (*mod_end)(struct mod *v);
86     int (*mod_set_param)(struct mod *v, const char *name, const char *value);
87     int (*mod_session_change)(struct mod *v, int, int);
88     int (*mod_get_wait_objs)(struct mod *v, tbus *read_objs, int *rcount,
89                              tbus *write_objs, int *wcount, int *timeout);
90     int (*mod_check_wait_objs)(struct mod *v);
91     int (*mod_frame_ack)(struct mod *mod, int flags, int frame_id);
92     int (*mod_suppress_output)(struct mod *mod, int suppress,
93                                int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
94     int (*mod_server_monitor_resize)(struct mod *mod,
95                                      int width, int height);
96     int (*mod_server_monitor_full_invalidate)(struct mod *mod,
97             int width, int height);
98     int (*mod_server_version_message)(struct mod *mod);
99     tintptr mod_dumby[100 - 14]; /* align, 100 minus the number of mod
100                                  functions above */
101     /* server functions */
102     int (*server_begin_update)(struct mod *v);
103     int (*server_end_update)(struct mod *v);
104     int (*server_fill_rect)(struct mod *v, int x, int y, int cx, int cy);
105     int (*server_screen_blt)(struct mod *v, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
106                              int srcx, int srcy);
107     int (*server_paint_rect)(struct mod *v, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
108                              char *data, int width, int height, int srcx, int srcy);
109     int (*server_set_pointer)(struct mod *v, int x, int y, char *data, char *mask);
110     int (*server_palette)(struct mod *v, int *palette);
111     int (*server_msg)(struct mod *v, char *msg, int code);
112     int (*server_is_term)(struct mod *v);
113     int (*server_set_clip)(struct mod *v, int x, int y, int cx, int cy);
114     int (*server_reset_clip)(struct mod *v);
115     int (*server_set_fgcolor)(struct mod *v, int fgcolor);
116     int (*server_set_bgcolor)(struct mod *v, int bgcolor);
117     int (*server_set_opcode)(struct mod *v, int opcode);
118     int (*server_set_mixmode)(struct mod *v, int mixmode);
119     int (*server_set_brush)(struct mod *v, int x_origin, int y_origin,
120                             int style, char *pattern);
121     int (*server_set_pen)(struct mod *v, int style,
122                           int width);
123     int (*server_draw_line)(struct mod *v, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
124     int (*server_add_char)(struct mod *v, int font, int character,
125                            int offset, int baseline,
126                            int width, int height, char *data);
127     int (*server_draw_text)(struct mod *v, int font,
128                             int flags, int mixmode, int clip_left, int clip_top,
129                             int clip_right, int clip_bottom,
130                             int box_left, int box_top,
131                             int box_right, int box_bottom,
132                             int x, int y, char *data, int data_len);
133     int (*server_reset)(struct mod *v, int width, int height, int bpp);
134     int (*server_query_channel)(struct mod *v, int index,
135                                 char *channel_name,
136                                 int *channel_flags);
137     int (*server_get_channel_id)(struct mod *v, const char *name);
138     int (*server_send_to_channel)(struct mod *v, int channel_id,
139                                   char *data, int data_len,
140                                   int total_data_len, int flags);
141     int (*server_bell_trigger)(struct mod *v);
142     int (*server_chansrv_in_use)(struct mod *v);
143     /* off screen bitmaps */
144     int (*server_create_os_surface)(struct mod *v, int rdpindex,
145                                     int width, int height);
146     int (*server_switch_os_surface)(struct mod *v, int rdpindex);
147     int (*server_delete_os_surface)(struct mod *v, int rdpindex);
148     int (*server_paint_rect_os)(struct mod *mod, int x, int y,
149                                 int cx, int cy,
150                                 int rdpindex, int srcx, int srcy);
151     int (*server_set_hints)(struct mod *mod, int hints, int mask);
152     /* rail */
153     int (*server_window_new_update)(struct mod *mod, int window_id,
154                                     struct rail_window_state_order *window_state,
155                                     int flags);
156     int (*server_window_delete)(struct mod *mod, int window_id);
157     int (*server_window_icon)(struct mod *mod,
158                               int window_id, int cache_entry, int cache_id,
159                               struct rail_icon_info *icon_info,
160                               int flags);
161     int (*server_window_cached_icon)(struct mod *mod,
162                                      int window_id, int cache_entry,
163                                      int cache_id, int flags);
164     int (*server_notify_new_update)(struct mod *mod,
165                                     int window_id, int notify_id,
166                                     struct rail_notify_state_order *notify_state,
167                                     int flags);
168     int (*server_notify_delete)(struct mod *mod, int window_id,
169                                 int notify_id);
170     int (*server_monitored_desktop)(struct mod *mod,
171                                     struct rail_monitored_desktop_order *mdo,
172                                     int flags);
173     int (*server_set_pointer_ex)(struct mod *mod, int x, int y, char *data,
174                                  char *mask, int bpp);
175     int (*server_add_char_alpha)(struct mod *mod, int font, int character,
176                                  int offset, int baseline,
177                                  int width, int height, char *data);
178     int (*server_create_os_surface_bpp)(struct mod *v, int rdpindex,
179                                         int width, int height, int bpp);
180     int (*server_paint_rect_bpp)(struct mod *v, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
181                                  char *data, int width, int height,
182                                  int srcx, int srcy, int bpp);
183     int (*server_composite)(struct mod *v, int srcidx, int srcformat,
184                             int srcwidth, int srcrepeat, int *srctransform,
185                             int mskflags, int mskidx, int mskformat,
186                             int mskwidth, int mskrepeat, int op,
187                             int srcx, int srcy, int mskx, int msky,
188                             int dstx, int dsty, int width, int height,
189                             int dstformat);
190     int (*server_paint_rects)(struct mod *v,
191                               int num_drects, short *drects,
192                               int num_crects, short *crects,
193                               char *data, int width, int height,
194                               int flags, int frame_id);
195     int (*server_session_info)(struct mod *v, const char *data,
196                                int data_bytes);
197     tintptr server_dumby[100 - 45]; /* align, 100 minus the number of server
198                                        functions above */
199     /* common */
200     tintptr handle; /* pointer to self as long */
201     tintptr wm;
202     tintptr painter;
203     struct source_info *si;
205     /* mod data */
206     int sck;
207     int width;
208     int height;
209     int bpp;
210     int colormap[256];
211     char *chan_buf;
212     int chan_buf_valid;
213     int chan_buf_bytes;
214     int vmaj;
215     int vmin;
216     int vrev;
217     char username[INFO_CLIENT_MAX_CB_LEN];
218     char password[INFO_CLIENT_MAX_CB_LEN];
219     char domain[INFO_CLIENT_MAX_CB_LEN];
220     int bool_keyBoardSynced ; /* Numlock can be out of sync, we hold state here to resolve */
221     int keyBoardLockInfo ; /* Holds initial numlock capslock state */
223     struct xrdp_client_info client_info;
225     struct rdp_freerdp *inst;
226     struct bitmap_item bitmap_cache[4][4096];
227     struct brush_item brush_cache[64];
228     struct pointer_item pointer_cache[32];
229     char pamusername[255];
231     int allow_client_experiencesettings;
232     int perf_settings_override_mask; /* Performance bits overridden in ini file */
233     int perf_settings_values_mask; /* Values of overridden performance bits */
234     int allow_client_kbd_settings;
235     struct kbd_overrides kbd_overrides; /* neutrinordp.overide_kbd_* values */
236 };