1 /* Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Widdis, All Rights Reserved
2  *
3  * The contents of this file is dual-licensed under 2
4  * alternative Open Source/Free licenses: LGPL 2.1 or later and
5  * Apache License 2.0. (starting with JNA version 4.0.0).
6  *
7  * You can freely decide which license you want to apply to
8  * the project.
9  *
10  * You may obtain a copy of the LGPL License at:
11  *
12  * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html
13  *
14  * A copy is also included in the downloadable source code package
15  * containing JNA, in file "LGPL2.1".
16  *
17  * You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at:
18  *
19  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/
20  *
21  * A copy is also included in the downloadable source code package
22  * containing JNA, in file "AL2.0".
23  */
24 package com.sun.jna.platform.unix.aix;
26 import com.sun.jna.Library;
27 import com.sun.jna.Native;
28 import com.sun.jna.NativeLong;
29 import com.sun.jna.Structure;
30 import com.sun.jna.Structure.FieldOrder;
31 import com.sun.jna.Union;
33 /**
34  * The perfstat API uses the perfstat kernel extension to extract various AIX®
35  * performance metrics.
36  *
37  * System component information is also retrieved from the Object Data Manager
38  * (ODM) and returned with the performance metrics.
39  *
40  * The perfstat API is thread–safe, and does not require root authority.
41  */
42 public interface Perfstat extends Library {
44     Perfstat INSTANCE = SharedObjectLoader.getPerfstatInstance();
46     int IDENTIFIER_LENGTH = 64;
48     @FieldOrder({ "name" })
49     class perfstat_id_t extends Structure {
50         public byte[] name = new byte[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH];
51     }
53     @FieldOrder({ "ncpus", "ncpus_cfg", "description", "processorHZ", "user", "sys", "idle", "wait", "pswitch",
54             "syscall", "sysread", "syswrite", "sysfork", "sysexec", "readch", "writech", "devintrs", "softintrs",
55             "lbolt", "loadavg", "runque", "swpque", "bread", "bwrite", "lread", "lwrite", "phread", "phwrite", "runocc",
56             "swpocc", "iget", "namei", "dirblk", "msg", "sema", "rcvint", "xmtint", "mdmint", "tty_rawinch",
57             "tty_caninch", "tty_rawoutch", "ksched", "koverf", "kexit", "rbread", "rcread", "rbwrt", "rcwrt", "traps",
58             "ncpus_high", "puser", "psys", "pidle", "pwait", "decrintrs", "mpcrintrs", "mpcsintrs", "phantintrs",
59             "idle_donated_purr", "idle_donated_spurr", "busy_donated_purr", "busy_donated_spurr", "idle_stolen_purr",
60             "idle_stolen_spurr", "busy_stolen_purr", "busy_stolen_spurr", "iowait", "physio", "twait", "hpi", "hpit",
61             "puser_spurr", "psys_spurr", "pidle_spurr", "pwait_spurr", "spurrflag", "version", "tb_last",
62             "purr_coalescing", "spurr_coalescing" })
63     class perfstat_cpu_total_t extends Structure {
64         public int ncpus; // number of active logical processors
65         public int ncpus_cfg; // number of configured processors
66         public byte[] description = new byte[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; // processor description (type/official name)
67         public long processorHZ; // processor speed in Hz
68         public long user; // raw total number of clock ticks spent in user mode
69         public long sys; // raw total number of clock ticks spent in system mode
70         public long idle; // raw total number of clock ticks spent idle
71         public long wait; // raw total number of clock ticks spent waiting for I/O
72         public long pswitch; // number of process switches (change in currently running process)
73         public long syscall; // number of system calls executed
74         public long sysread; // number of read system calls executed
75         public long syswrite; // number of write system calls executed
76         public long sysfork; // number of forks system calls executed
77         public long sysexec; // number of execs system calls executed
78         public long readch; // number of characters tranferred with read system call
79         public long writech; // number of characters tranferred with write system call
80         public long devintrs; // number of device interrupts
81         public long softintrs; // number of software interrupts
82         public NativeLong lbolt; // number of ticks since last reboot
83         public long[] loadavg = new long[3]; // (1<<SBITS) times the average number of runnables processes during the
84                                              // last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. To calculate the load average, divide the
85                                              // numbers by (1<<SBITS). SBITS is defined in <sys/proc.h>.
86         public long runque; // length of the run queue (processes ready)
87         public long swpque; // ength of the swap queue (processes waiting to be paged in)
88         public long bread; // number of blocks read
89         public long bwrite; // number of blocks written
90         public long lread; // number of logical read requests
91         public long lwrite; // number of logical write requests
92         public long phread; // number of physical reads (reads on raw devices)
93         public long phwrite; // number of physical writes (writes on raw devices)
94         public long runocc; // updated whenever runque is updated, i.e. the runqueue is occupied. This can
95                             // be used to compute the simple average of ready processes
96         public long swpocc; // updated whenever swpque is updated. i.e. the swpqueue is occupied. This can
97                             // be used to compute the simple average processes waiting to be paged in
98         public long iget; // number of inode lookups
99         public long namei; // number of vnode lookup from a path name
100         public long dirblk; // number of 512-byte block reads by the directory search routine to locate an
101                             // entry for a file
102         public long msg; // number of IPC message operations
103         public long sema; // number of IPC semaphore operations
104         public long rcvint; // number of tty receive interrupts
105         public long xmtint; // number of tyy transmit interrupts
106         public long mdmint; // number of modem interrupts
107         public long tty_rawinch; // number of raw input characters
108         public long tty_caninch; // number of canonical input characters (always zero)
109         public long tty_rawoutch; // number of raw output characters
110         public long ksched; // number of kernel processes created
111         public long koverf; // kernel process creation attempts where:
112                             // -the user has forked to their maximum limit
113                             // -the configuration limit of processes has been reached
114         public long kexit; // number of kernel processes that became zombies
115         public long rbread; // number of remote read requests
116         public long rcread; // number of cached remote reads
117         public long rbwrt; // number of remote writes
118         public long rcwrt; // number of cached remote writes
119         public long traps; // number of traps
120         public int ncpus_high; // index of highest processor online
121         public long puser; // raw number of physical processor tics in user mode
122         public long psys; // raw number of physical processor tics in system mode
123         public long pidle; // raw number of physical processor tics idle
124         public long pwait; // raw number of physical processor tics waiting for I/O
125         public long decrintrs; // number of decrementer tics interrupts
126         public long mpcrintrs; // number of mpc's received interrupts
127         public long mpcsintrs; // number of mpc's sent interrupts
128         public long phantintrs; // number of phantom interrupts
129         public long idle_donated_purr; // number of idle cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation
130         public long idle_donated_spurr; // number of idle spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for
131                                         // donation
132         public long busy_donated_purr; // number of busy cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation
133         public long busy_donated_spurr; // number of busy spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for
134                                         // donation
135         public long idle_stolen_purr; // number of idle cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition
136         public long idle_stolen_spurr; // number of idle spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated
137                                        // partition
138         public long busy_stolen_purr; // number of busy cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition
139         public long busy_stolen_spurr; // number of busy spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated
140                                        // partition
141         public short iowait; // number of processes that are asleep waiting for buffered I/O
142         public short physio; // number of processes waiting for raw I/O
143         public long twait; // number of threads that are waiting for filesystem direct(cio)
144         public long hpi; // number of hypervisor page-ins
145         public long hpit; // Time spent in hypervisor page-ins (in nanoseconds)
146         public long puser_spurr; // number of spurr cycles spent in user mode
147         public long psys_spurr; // number of spurr cycles spent in kernel mode
148         public long pidle_spurr; // number of spurr cycles spent in idle mode
149         public long pwait_spurr; // number of spurr cycles spent in wait mode
150         public int spurrflag; // set if running in spurr mode
151         public long version; // version number (1, 2, etc.,)
152         public long tb_last; // time base counter
153         public long purr_coalescing; // If the calling partition is authorized to see pool wide statistics then PURR
154                                      // cycles consumed to coalesce dataelse set to zero.
155         public long spurr_coalescing; // If the calling partition isauthorized to see pool wide statistics then SPURR
156                                       // cycles consumed to coalesce data else set to zero.
157     }
159     @FieldOrder({ "name", "user", "sys", "idle", "wait", "pswitch", "syscall", "sysread", "syswrite", "sysfork",
160             "sysexec", "readch", "writech", "bread", "bwrite", "lread", "lwrite", "phread", "phwrite", "iget", "namei",
161             "dirblk", "msg", "sema", "minfaults", "majfaults", "puser", "psys", "pidle", "pwait", "redisp_sd0",
162             "redisp_sd1", "redisp_sd2", "redisp_sd3", "redisp_sd4", "redisp_sd5", "migration_push", "migration_S3grq",
163             "migration_S3pul", "invol_cswitch", "vol_cswitch", "runque", "bound", "decrintrs", "mpcrintrs", "mpcsintrs",
164             "devintrs", "softintrs", "phantintrs", "idle_donated_purr", "idle_donated_spurr", "busy_donated_purr",
165             "busy_donated_spurr", "idle_stolen_purr", "idle_stolen_spurr", "busy_stolen_purr", "busy_stolen_spurr",
166             "hpi", "hpit", "puser_spurr", "psys_spurr", "pidle_spurr", "pwait_spurr", "spurrflag", "localdispatch",
167             "neardispatch", "fardispatch", "cswitches", "version", "tb_last" })
168     class perfstat_cpu_t extends Structure {
169         public byte[] name = new byte[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; // logical processor name (cpu0, cpu1, ..)
170         public long user; // raw number of clock ticks spent in user mode
171         public long sys; // raw number of clock ticks spent in system mode
172         public long idle; // raw number of clock ticks spent idle
173         public long wait; // raw number of clock ticks spent waiting for I/O
174         public long pswitch; // number of context switches (changes of currently running process)
175         public long syscall; // number of system calls executed
176         public long sysread; // number of read system calls executed
177         public long syswrite; // number of write system calls executed
178         public long sysfork; // number of fork system call executed
179         public long sysexec; // number of exec system call executed
180         public long readch; // number of characters tranferred with read system call
181         public long writech; // number of characters tranferred with write system call
182         public long bread; // number of block reads
183         public long bwrite; // number of block writes
184         public long lread; // number of logical read requests
185         public long lwrite; // number of logical write requests
186         public long phread; // number of physical reads (reads on raw device)
187         public long phwrite; // number of physical writes (writes on raw device)
188         public long iget; // number of inode lookups
189         public long namei; // number of vnode lookup from a path name
190         public long dirblk; // number of 512-byte block reads by the directory search routine to locate an
191                             // entry for a file
192         public long msg; // number of IPC message operations
193         public long sema; // number of IPC semaphore operations
194         public long minfaults; // number of page faults with no I/O
195         public long majfaults; // number of page faults with disk I/O
196         public long puser; // raw number of physical processor tics in user mode
197         public long psys; // raw number of physical processor tics in system mode
198         public long pidle; // raw number of physical processor tics idle
199         public long pwait; // raw number of physical processor tics waiting for I/O
200         public long redisp_sd0; // number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 0
201         public long redisp_sd1; // number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 1
202         public long redisp_sd2; // number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 2
203         public long redisp_sd3; // number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 3
204         public long redisp_sd4; // number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 4
205         public long redisp_sd5; // number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 5
206         public long migration_push; // number of thread migrations from the local runque to another queue due to
207                                     // starvation load balancing
208         public long migration_S3grq; // number of thread migrations from the global runque to the local runque
209                                      // resulting in a move accross scheduling domain 3
210         public long migration_S3pul; // number of thread migrations from another processor's runque resulting in a
211                                      // move accross scheduling domain 3
212         public long invol_cswitch; // number of involuntary thread context switches
213         public long vol_cswitch; // number of voluntary thread context switches
214         public long runque; // number of threads on the runque
215         public long bound; // number of bound threads
216         public long decrintrs; // number of decrementer tics interrupts
217         public long mpcrintrs; // number of mpc's received interrupts
218         public long mpcsintrs; // number of mpc's sent interrupts
219         public long devintrs; // number of device interrupts
220         public long softintrs; // number of offlevel handlers called
221         public long phantintrs; // number of phantom interrupts
222         public long idle_donated_purr; // number of idle cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation
223         public long idle_donated_spurr; // number of idle spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for
224                                         // donation
225         public long busy_donated_purr; // number of busy cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation
226         public long busy_donated_spurr; // number of busy spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for
227                                         // donation
228         public long idle_stolen_purr; // number of idle cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition
229         public long idle_stolen_spurr; // number of idle spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated
230                                        // partition
231         public long busy_stolen_purr; // number of busy cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition
232         public long busy_stolen_spurr; // number of busy spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated
233                                        // partition
234         public long hpi; // number of hypervisor page-ins
235         public long hpit; // Time spent in hypervisor page-ins (in nanoseconds)
236         public long puser_spurr; // number of spurr cycles spent in user mode
237         public long psys_spurr; // number of spurr cycles spent in kernel mode
238         public long pidle_spurr; // number of spurr cycles spent in idle mode
239         public long pwait_spurr; // number of spurr cycles spent in wait mode
240         public int spurrflag; // set if running in spurr mode
242         public long localdispatch; // number of local thread dispatches on this logical CPU
243         public long neardispatch; // number of near thread dispatches on this logical CPU
244         public long fardispatch; // number of far thread dispatches on this logical CPU
245         public long cswitches; // Context switches
246         public long version; // version number (1, 2, etc.,)
247         public long tb_last; // timebase counter
248     }
250     @FieldOrder({ "virt_total", "real_total", "real_free", "real_pinned", "real_inuse", "pgbad", "pgexct", "pgins",
251             "pgouts", "pgspins", "pgspouts", "scans", "cycles", "pgsteals", "numperm", "pgsp_total", "pgsp_free",
252             "pgsp_rsvd", "real_system", "real_user", "real_process", "virt_active", "iome", "iomu", "iohwm", "pmem",
253             "comprsd_total", "comprsd_wseg_pgs", "cpgins", "cpgouts", "true_size", "expanded_memory",
254             "comprsd_wseg_size", "target_cpool_size", "max_cpool_size", "min_ucpool_size", "cpool_size", "ucpool_size",
255             "cpool_inuse", "ucpool_inuse", "version", "real_avail", "bytes_coalesced", "bytes_coalesced_mempool" })
256     class perfstat_memory_total_t extends Structure {
257         public long virt_total; // total virtual memory (in 4KB pages)
258         public long real_total; // total real memory (in 4KB pages)
259         public long real_free; // free real memory (in 4KB pages)
260         public long real_pinned; // real memory which is pinned (in 4KB pages)
261         public long real_inuse; // real memory which is in use (in 4KB pages)
262         public long pgbad; // number of bad pages
263         public long pgexct; // number of page faults
264         public long pgins; // number of pages paged in
265         public long pgouts; // number of pages paged out
266         public long pgspins; // number of page ins from paging space
267         public long pgspouts; // number of page outs from paging space
268         public long scans; // number of page scans by clock
269         public long cycles; // number of page replacement cycles
270         public long pgsteals; // number of page steals
271         public long numperm; // number of frames used for files (in 4KB pages)
272         public long pgsp_total; // total paging space (in 4KB pages)
273         public long pgsp_free; // free paging space (in 4KB pages)
274         public long pgsp_rsvd; // reserved paging space (in 4KB pages)
275         public long real_system; // real memory used by system segments (in 4KB pages). This is the sum of all
276                                  // the used pages in segment marked for system usage. Since segment
277                                  // classifications are not always guaranteed to be accurate, this number is only
278                                  // an approximation.
279         public long real_user; // real memory used by non-system segments (in 4KB pages). This is the sum of
280                                // all pages used in segments not marked for system usage. Since segment
281                                // classifications are not always guaranteed to be accurate, this number is only
282                                // an approximation.
283         public long real_process; // real memory used by process segments (in 4KB pages). This is
284                                   // real_total-real_free-numperm-real_system. Since real_system is an
285                                   // approximation, this number is too.
286         public long virt_active; // Active virtual pages. Virtual pages are considered active if they have been
287                                  // accessed
288         public long iome; // I/O memory entitlement of the partition in bytes
289         public long iomu; // I/O memory entitlement of the partition in use in bytes
290         public long iohwm; // High water mark of I/O memory entitlement used in bytes
291         public long pmem; // Amount of physical mmeory currently backing partition's logical memory in
292                           // bytes
294         public long comprsd_total; // Total numbers of pages in compressed pool (in 4KB pages)
295         public long comprsd_wseg_pgs; // Number of compressed working storage pages
296         public long cpgins; // number of page ins to compressed pool
297         public long cpgouts; // number of page outs from compressed pool
299         public long true_size; // True Memory Size in 4KB pages
300         public long expanded_memory; // Expanded Memory Size in 4KB pages
301         public long comprsd_wseg_size; // Total size of the compressed working storage pages in the pool
302         public long target_cpool_size; // Target Compressed Pool Size in bytes
303         public long max_cpool_size; // Max Size of Compressed Pool in bytes
304         public long min_ucpool_size; // Min Size of Uncompressed Pool in bytes
305         public long cpool_size; // Compressed Pool size in bytes
306         public long ucpool_size; // Uncompressed Pool size in bytes
307         public long cpool_inuse; // Compressed Pool Used in bytes
308         public long ucpool_inuse; // Uncompressed Pool Used in bytes
309         public long version; // version number (1, 2, etc.,)
310         public long real_avail; // number of pages (in 4KB pages) of memory available without paging out working
311                                 // segments
312         public long bytes_coalesced; // The number of bytes of the calling partition's logical real memory coalesced
313                                      // because they contained duplicated data
314         public long bytes_coalesced_mempool; // If the calling partition is authorized to see pool wide statistics then
315                                              // the number of bytes of logical real memory coalesced because they
316                                              // contained duplicated data in the calling partition's memory pool else
317                                              // set to zero.
318     }
320     @FieldOrder({ "version", "pid", "proc_name", "proc_priority", "num_threads", "proc_uid", "proc_classid",
321             "proc_size", "proc_real_mem_data", "proc_real_mem_text", "proc_virt_mem_data", "proc_virt_mem_text",
322             "shared_lib_data_size", "heap_size", "real_inuse", "virt_inuse", "pinned", "pgsp_inuse", "filepages",
323             "real_inuse_map", "virt_inuse_map", "pinned_inuse_map", "ucpu_time", "scpu_time", "last_timebase",
324             "inBytes", "outBytes", "inOps", "outOps" })
325     class perfstat_process_t extends Structure {
326         public long version; // version number (1, 2, etc.,)
327         public long pid; // Process ID
328         public byte[] proc_name = new byte[64]; // Name of The Process
329         public int proc_priority; // Process Priority
330         public long num_threads; // Thread Count
331         public long proc_uid; // Owner Info
332         public long proc_classid; // WLM Class Name
333         public long proc_size; // Virtual Size of the Process in KB(Exclusive Usage, Leaving all Shared Library
334                                // Text & Shared File Pages, Shared Memory, Memory Mapped)
335         public long proc_real_mem_data; // Real Memory used for Data in KB
336         public long proc_real_mem_text; // Real Memory used for Text in KB
337         public long proc_virt_mem_data; // Virtual Memory used to Data in KB
338         public long proc_virt_mem_text; // Virtual Memory used for Text in KB
339         public long shared_lib_data_size; // Data Size from Shared Library in KB
340         public long heap_size; // Heap Size in KB
341         public long real_inuse; // The Real memory in use(in KB) by the process including all kind of segments
342                                 // (excluding system segments). This includes Text, Data, Shared Library Text,
343                                 // Shared Library Data, File Pages, Shared Memory & Memory Mapped
344         public long virt_inuse; // The Virtual memory in use(in KB) by the process including all kind of
345                                 // segments (excluding system segments). This includes Text, Data, Shared
346                                 // Library Text, Shared Library Data, File Pages, Shared Memory & Memory Mapped
347         public long pinned; // Pinned Memory(in KB) for this process inclusive of all segments
348         public long pgsp_inuse; // Paging Space used(in KB) inclusive of all segments
349         public long filepages; // File Pages used(in KB) including shared pages
350         public long real_inuse_map; // Real memory used(in KB) for Shared Memory and Memory Mapped regions
351         public long virt_inuse_map; // Virtual Memory used(in KB) for Shared Memory and Memory Mapped regions
352         public long pinned_inuse_map; // Pinned memory(in KB) for Shared Memory and Memory Mapped regions
353         public double ucpu_time; // User Mode CPU time will be in percentage or milliseconds based on, whether it
354                                  // is filled by perfstat_process_util or perfstat_process respectively.
355         public double scpu_time; // System Mode CPU time will be in percentage or milliseconds based on, whether
356                                  // it is filled by perfstat_process_util or perfstat_process respectively.
357         public long last_timebase; // Timebase Counter
358         public long inBytes; // Bytes Read from Disk
359         public long outBytes; // Bytes Written to Disk
360         public long inOps; // In Operations from Disk
361         public long outOps; // Out Operations from Disk
362     }
364     @FieldOrder({ "name", "description", "vgname", "size", "free", "bsize", "xrate", "xfers", "wblks", "rblks",
365             "qdepth", "time", "adapter", "paths_count", "q_full", "rserv", "rtimeout", "rfailed", "min_rserv",
366             "max_rserv", "wserv", "wtimeout", "wfailed", "min_wserv", "max_wserv", "wq_depth", "wq_sampled", "wq_time",
367             "wq_min_time", "wq_max_time", "q_sampled", "wpar_id", "version", "dk_type" })
368     class perfstat_disk_t extends Structure {
369         public byte[] name = new byte[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; // name of the disk
370         public byte[] description = new byte[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; // disk description (from ODM)
371         public byte[] vgname = new byte[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; // volume group name (from ODM)
372         public long size; // size of the disk (in MB)
373         public long free; // free portion of the disk (in MB)
374         public long bsize; // disk block size (in bytes)
375         public long xrate; // OBSOLETE: xrate capability
376         public long xfers; // number of transfers to/from disk
377         public long wblks; // number of blocks written to disk
378         public long rblks; // number of blocks read from disk
379         public long qdepth; // instantaneous "service" queue depth (number of requests sent to disk and not
380                             // completed yet)
381         public long time; // amount of time disk is active
382         public byte[] adapter = new byte[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; // disk adapter name
383         public int paths_count; // number of paths to this disk
384         public long q_full; // "service" queue full occurrence count (number of times the disk is not
385                             // accepting any more request)
386         public long rserv; // read or receive service time
387         public long rtimeout; // number of read request timeouts
388         public long rfailed; // number of failed read requests
389         public long min_rserv; // min read or receive service time
390         public long max_rserv; // max read or receive service time
391         public long wserv; // write or send service time
392         public long wtimeout; // number of write request timeouts
393         public long wfailed; // number of failed write requests
394         public long min_wserv; // min write or send service time
395         public long max_wserv; // max write or send service time
396         public long wq_depth; // instantaneous wait queue depth (number of requests waiting to be sent to
397                               // disk)
398         public long wq_sampled; // accumulated sampled dk_wq_depth
399         public long wq_time; // accumulated wait queueing time
400         public long wq_min_time; // min wait queueing time
401         public long wq_max_time; // max wait queueing time
402         public long q_sampled; // accumulated sampled dk_q_depth
403         public short wpar_id; // WPAR identifier. cid_t is unsigned short
404         // Pad of 3 short is available here
405         public long version; // version number (1, 2, etc.,)
406         public int dk_type; // Holds more information about the disk. 32-bit union perfstat_dktype_t
407     }
409     @FieldOrder({ "online", "max", "min", "desired" })
410     class perfstat_value_t extends Structure {
411         public long online;
412         public long max;
413         public long min;
414         public long desired;
415     }
417     @FieldOrder({ "version", "partitionname", "nodename", "conf", "partitionnum", "groupid", "processorFamily",
418             "processorModel", "machineID", "processorMHz", "numProcessors", "OSName", "OSVersion", "OSBuild", "lcpus",
419             "smtthreads", "drives", "nw_adapters", "cpucap", "cpucap_weightage", "entitled_proc_capacity", "vcpus",
420             "processor_poolid", "activecpusinpool", "cpupool_weightage", "sharedpcpu", "maxpoolcap", "entpoolcap",
421             "mem", "mem_weightage", "totiomement", "mempoolid", "hyperpgsize", "exp_mem", "targetmemexpfactor",
422             "targetmemexpsize" })
423     class perfstat_partition_config_t extends Structure {
424         public long version; // Version number
425         public byte[] partitionname = new byte[64]; // Partition Name
426         public byte[] nodename = new byte[64]; // Node Name
427         public int conf; // Partition Properties (perfstat_partition_type_t 32-bit union)
428         public int partitionnum; // Partition Number
429         public int groupid; // Group ID
431         /* Hardware Configuration */
432         public byte[] processorFamily = new byte[64]; // Processor Type
433         public byte[] processorModel = new byte[64]; // Processor Model
434         public byte[] machineID = new byte[64]; // Machine ID
435         public double processorMHz; // Processor Clock Speed in MHz
436         public perfstat_value_t numProcessors; // Number of Configured Physical Processors in frame
438         /* Software Configuration */
439         public byte[] OSName = new byte[64]; // Name of Operating System
440         public byte[] OSVersion = new byte[64]; // Version of operating System
441         public byte[] OSBuild = new byte[64]; // Build of Operating System
443         /* Lpar Configuration */
444         public int lcpus; // Number of Logical CPUs
445         public int smtthreads; // Number of SMT Threads
446         public int drives; // Total Number of Drives
447         public int nw_adapters; // Total Number of Network Adapters
449         /* Physical CPU related Configuration */
450         public perfstat_value_t cpucap; // Min, Max and Online CPU Capacity
451         public int cpucap_weightage; // Variable Processor Capacity Weightage
452         public int entitled_proc_capacity; // number of processor units this partition is entitled to receive
453         /* Virtual CPU related Configuration */
454         public perfstat_value_t vcpus; // Min, Max and Online Virtual CPUs
456         /* Processor Pool Related Configuration */
457         public int processor_poolid; // Shared Pool ID of physical processors, to which this partition belongs
458         public int activecpusinpool; // Count of physical CPUs in the shared processor pool, to which this partition
459                                      // belongs
460         public int cpupool_weightage; // Pool Weightage
461         public int sharedpcpu; // Number of physical processors allocated for shared processor use
462         public int maxpoolcap; // Maximum processor capacity of partition's pool
463         public int entpoolcap; // Entitled processor capacity of partition's pool
465         /* Memory Related Configuration */
466         public perfstat_value_t mem; // Min, Max and Online Memory
467         public int mem_weightage; // Variable Memory Capacity Weightage
469         /* AMS Related Configuration */
470         public long totiomement; // I/O Memory Entitlement of the partition in bytes
471         public int mempoolid; // AMS pool id of the pool the LPAR belongs to
472         public long hyperpgsize; // Hypervisor page size in KB
474         /* AME Related Configuration */
475         public perfstat_value_t exp_mem; // Min, Max and Online Expanded Memory
476         public long targetmemexpfactor; // Target Memory Expansion Factor scaled by 100
477         public long targetmemexpsize; // Expanded Memory Size in MB
478     }
480     @FieldOrder({ "name", "description", "type", "mtu", "ipackets", "ibytes", "ierrors", "opackets", "obytes",
481             "oerrors", "collisions", "bitrate", "xmitdrops", "version", "if_iqdrops", "if_arpdrops" })
482     class perfstat_netinterface_t extends Structure {
483         public byte[] name = new byte[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; // name of the interface
484         public byte[] description = new byte[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; // interface description
485                                                                  // (from ODM, similar to lscfg output)
486         public byte type; // ethernet, tokenring, etc. interpretation can be done using
487                           // /usr/include/net/if_types.h
488         public long mtu; // network frame size
489         public long ipackets; // number of packets received on interface
490         public long ibytes; // number of bytes received on interface
491         public long ierrors; // number of input errors on interface
492         public long opackets; // number of packets sent on interface
493         public long obytes; // number of bytes sent on interface
494         public long oerrors; // number of output errors on interface
495         public long collisions; // number of collisions on csma interface
496         public long bitrate; // adapter rating in bit per second
497         public long xmitdrops; // number of packets not transmitted
498         public long version; // version number (1, 2, etc.,)
499         public long if_iqdrops; // Dropped on input, this interface
500         public long if_arpdrops; // Dropped because no arp response
501     }
503     @FieldOrder({ "name", "u", "version" })
504     class perfstat_protocol_t extends Structure {
505         // One of: ip, ipv6, icmp, icmpv6, udp, tcp, rpc, nfs, nfsv2, nfsv3, nfsv4
506         public byte[] name = new byte[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH];
507         // Relevant union field based on name field
508         public AnonymousUnionPayload u;
509         public long version; // version number (1, 2, etc.,)
511         @Override
read()512         public void read() {
513             super.read();
514             String type = Native.toString(this.name);
515             if (!type.isEmpty()) {
516                 u.setType(type);
517             }
518             u.read();
519         }
521         public static class AnonymousUnionPayload extends Union {
522             public AnonymousStructIP ip;
523             public AnonymousStructIPv6 ipv6;
524             public AnonymousStructICMP icmp;
525             public AnonymousStructICMPv6 icmpv6;
526             public AnonymousStructUDP udp;
527             public AnonymousStructTCP tcp;
528             public AnonymousStructRPC rpc;
529             public AnonymousStructNFS nfs;
530             public AnonymousStructNFSv2 nfsv2;
531             public AnonymousStructNFSv3 nfsv3;
532             public AnonymousStructNFSv4 nfsv4;
533         }
535         @FieldOrder({ "ipackets", "ierrors", "iqueueoverflow", "opackets", "oerrors" })
536         public static class AnonymousStructIP extends Structure {
537             public long ipackets; // number of input packets
538             public long ierrors; // number of input errors
539             public long iqueueoverflow; // number of input queue overflows
540             public long opackets; // number of output packets
541             public long oerrors; // number of output errors
542         }
544         @FieldOrder({ "ipackets", "ierrors", "iqueueoverflow", "opackets", "oerrors" })
545         public static class AnonymousStructIPv6 extends Structure {
546             public long ipackets; // number of input packets
547             public long ierrors; // number of input errors
548             public long iqueueoverflow; // number of input queue overflows
549             public long opackets; // number of output packets
550             public long oerrors; // number of output errors
551         }
553         @FieldOrder({ "received", "sent", "errors" })
554         public static class AnonymousStructICMP extends Structure {
555             public long received; // number of packets received
556             public long sent; // number of packets sent
557             public long errors; // number of errors
558         }
560         @FieldOrder({ "received", "sent", "errors" })
561         public static class AnonymousStructICMPv6 extends Structure {
562             public long received; // number of packets received
563             public long sent; // number of packets sent
564             public long errors; // number of errors
565         }
567         @FieldOrder({ "ipackets", "ierrors", "opackets", "no_socket" })
568         public static class AnonymousStructUDP extends Structure {
569             public long ipackets; // number of input packets
570             public long ierrors; // number of input errors
571             public long opackets; // number of output packets
572             public long no_socket; // number of packets dropped due to no socket
573         }
575         @FieldOrder({ "ipackets", "ierrors", "opackets", "initiated", "accepted", "established", "dropped" })
576         public static class AnonymousStructTCP extends Structure {
577             public long ipackets; // number of input packets
578             public long ierrors; // number of input errors
579             public long opackets; // number of output packets
580             public long initiated; // number of connections initiated
581             public long accepted; // number of connections accepted
582             public long established; // number of connections established
583             public long dropped; // number of connections dropped
584         }
586         @FieldOrder({ "client", "server" })
587         public static class AnonymousStructRPC extends Structure {
588             public AnonymousStructRPCclient client;
589             public AnonymousStructRPCserver server;
590         }
592         @FieldOrder({ "stream", "dgram" })
593         public static class AnonymousStructRPCclient extends Structure {
594             public AnonymousStructRPCclientstream stream;
595             public AnonymousStructRPCclientdgram dgram;
596         }
598         @FieldOrder({ "calls", "badcalls", "badxids", "timeouts", "newcreds", "badverfs", "timers", "nomem", "cantconn",
599                 "interrupts" })
600         public static class AnonymousStructRPCclientstream extends Structure {
601             public long calls; // total NFS client RPC connection-oriented calls
602             public long badcalls; // rejected NFS client RPC calls
603             public long badxids; // bad NFS client RPC call responses
604             public long timeouts; // timed out NFS client RPC calls with no reply
605             public long newcreds; // total NFS client RPC authentication refreshes
606             public long badverfs; // total NFS client RPC bad verifier in response
607             public long timers; // NFS client RPC timeout greater than timeout value
608             public long nomem; // NFS client RPC calls memory allocation failure
609             public long cantconn; // failed NFS client RPC calls
610             public long interrupts; // NFS client RPC calls fail due to interrupt
611         }
613         @FieldOrder({ "calls", "badcalls", "retrans", "badxids", "timeouts", "newcreds", "badverfs", "timers", "nomem",
614                 "cantsend" })
615         public static class AnonymousStructRPCclientdgram extends Structure {
616             public long calls; // total NFS client RPC connectionless calls
617             public long badcalls; // rejected NFS client RPC calls
618             public long retrans; // retransmitted NFS client RPC calls
619             public long badxids; // bad NFS client RPC call responses
620             public long timeouts; // timed out NFS client RPC calls with no reply
621             public long newcreds; // total NFS client RPC authentication refreshes
622             public long badverfs; // total NFS client RPC bad verifier in response
623             public long timers; // NFS client RPC timeout greater than timeout value
624             public long nomem; // NFS client RPC calls memory allocation failure
625             public long cantsend; // NFS client RPC calls not sent
626         }
628         @FieldOrder({ "stream", "dgram" })
629         public static class AnonymousStructRPCserver extends Structure {
630             public AnonymousStructRPCserverstream stream;
631             public AnonymousStructRPCserverdgram dgram;
632         }
634         @FieldOrder({ "calls", "badcalls", "nullrecv", "badlen", "xdrcall", "dupchecks", "dupreqs" })
635         public static class AnonymousStructRPCserverstream extends Structure {
636             public long calls; // total NFS server RPC connection-oriented requests
637             public long badcalls; // rejected NFS server RPC requests
638             public long nullrecv; // NFS server RPC calls failed due to unavailable packet
639             public long badlen; // NFS server RPC requests failed due to bad length
640             public long xdrcall; // NFS server RPC requests failed due to bad header
641             public long dupchecks; // NFS server RPC calls found in request cache
642             public long dupreqs; // total NFS server RPC call duplicates
643         }
645         @FieldOrder({ "calls", "badcalls", "nullrecv", "badlen", "xdrcall", "dupchecks", "dupreqs" })
646         public static class AnonymousStructRPCserverdgram extends Structure {
647             public long calls; // total NFS server RPC connectionless requests
648             public long badcalls; // rejected NFS server RPC requests
649             public long nullrecv; // NFS server RPC calls failed due to unavailable packet
650             public long badlen; // NFS server RPC requests failed due to bad length
651             public long xdrcall; // NFS server RPC requests failed due to bad header
652             public long dupchecks; // NFS server RPC calls found in request cache
653             public long dupreqs; // total NFS server RPC call duplicates
654         }
656         @FieldOrder({ "client", "server" })
657         public static class AnonymousStructNFS extends Structure {
658             public AnonymousStructNFSclient client;
659             public AnonymousStructNFSserver server;
660         }
662         @FieldOrder({ "calls", "badcalls", "clgets", "cltoomany" })
663         public static class AnonymousStructNFSclient extends Structure {
664             public long calls; // total NFS client requests
665             public long badcalls; // total NFS client failed calls
666             public long clgets; // total number of client nfs clgets
667             public long cltoomany; // total number of client nfs cltoomany
668         }
670         @FieldOrder({ "calls", "badcalls", "public_v2", "public_v3" })
671         public static class AnonymousStructNFSserver extends Structure {
672             public long calls; // total NFS server requests
673             public long badcalls; // total NFS server failed calls
674             public long public_v2; // total number of nfs version 2 server calls
675             public long public_v3; // total number of nfs version 3 server calls
676         }
678         @FieldOrder({ "client", "server" })
679         public static class AnonymousStructNFSv2 extends Structure {
680             public AnonymousStructNFSv2client client;
681             public AnonymousStructNFSv2server server;
682         }
684         @FieldOrder({ "calls", "nullreq", "getattr", "setattr", "root", "lookup", "readlink", "read", "writecache",
685                 "write", "create", "remove", "rename", "link", "symlink", "mkdir", "rmdir", "readdir", "statfs" })
686         public static class AnonymousStructNFSv2client extends Structure {
687             public long calls; // NFS V2 client requests
688             public long nullreq; // NFS V2 client null requests
689             public long getattr; // NFS V2 client getattr requests
690             public long setattr; // NFS V2 client setattr requests
691             public long root; // NFS V2 client root requests
692             public long lookup; // NFS V2 client file name lookup requests
693             public long readlink; // NFS V2 client readlink requests
694             public long read; // NFS V2 client read requests
695             public long writecache; // NFS V2 client write cache requests
696             public long write; // NFS V2 client write requests
697             public long create; // NFS V2 client file creation requests
698             public long remove; // NFS V2 client file removal requests
699             public long rename; // NFS V2 client file rename requests
700             public long link; // NFS V2 client link creation requests
701             public long symlink; // NFS V2 client symbolic link creation requests
702             public long mkdir; // NFS V2 client directory creation requests
703             public long rmdir; // NFS V2 client directory removal requests
704             public long readdir; // NFS V2 client read-directory requests
705             public long statfs; // NFS V2 client file stat requests
706         }
708         @FieldOrder({ "calls", "nullreq", "getattr", "setattr", "root", "lookup", "readlink", "read", "writecache",
709                 "write", "create", "remove", "rename", "link", "symlink", "mkdir", "rmdir", "readdir", "statfs" })
710         public static class AnonymousStructNFSv2server extends Structure {
711             public long calls; // NFS V2 server requests
712             public long nullreq; // NFS V2 server null requests
713             public long getattr; // NFS V2 server getattr requests
714             public long setattr; // NFS V2 server setattr requests
715             public long root; // NFS V2 server root requests
716             public long lookup; // NFS V2 server file name lookup requests
717             public long readlink; // NFS V2 server readlink requests
718             public long read; // NFS V2 server read requests
719             public long writecache; // NFS V2 server cache requests
720             public long write; // NFS V2 server write requests
721             public long create; // NFS V2 server file creation requests
722             public long remove; // NFS V2 server file removal requests
723             public long rename; // NFS V2 server file rename requests
724             public long link; // NFS V2 server link creation requests
725             public long symlink; // NFS V2 server symbolic link creation requests
726             public long mkdir; // NFS V2 server directory creation requests
727             public long rmdir; // NFS V2 server directory removal requests
728             public long readdir; // NFS V2 server read-directory requests
729             public long statfs; // NFS V2 server file stat requests
730         }
732         @FieldOrder({ "client", "server" })
733         public static class AnonymousStructNFSv3 extends Structure {
734             public AnonymousStructNFSv3client client;
735             public AnonymousStructNFSv3server server;
736         }
738         @FieldOrder({ "calls", "nullreq", "getattr", "setattr", "lookup", "access", "readlink", "read", "write",
739                 "create", "mkdir", "symlink", "mknod", "remove", "rmdir", "rename", "link", "readdir", "readdirplus",
740                 "fsstat", "fsinfo", "pathconf", "commit" })
741         public static class AnonymousStructNFSv3client extends Structure {
742             public long calls; // NFS V3 client calls
743             public long nullreq; // NFS V3 client null requests
744             public long getattr; // NFS V3 client getattr requests
745             public long setattr; // NFS V3 client setattr requests
746             public long lookup; // NFS V3 client file name lookup requests
747             public long access; // NFS V3 client access requests
748             public long readlink; // NFS V3 client readlink requests
749             public long read; // NFS V3 client read requests
750             public long write; // NFS V3 client write requests
751             public long create; // NFS V3 client file creation requests
752             public long mkdir; // NFS V3 client directory creation requests
753             public long symlink; // NFS V3 client symbolic link creation requests
754             public long mknod; // NFS V3 client mknod creation requests
755             public long remove; // NFS V3 client file removal requests
756             public long rmdir; // NFS V3 client directory removal requests
757             public long rename; // NFS V3 client file rename requests
758             public long link; // NFS V3 client link creation requests
759             public long readdir; // NFS V3 client read-directory requests
760             public long readdirplus; // NFS V3 client read-directory plus requests
761             public long fsstat; // NFS V3 client file stat requests
762             public long fsinfo; // NFS V3 client file info requests
763             public long pathconf; // NFS V3 client path configure requests
764             public long commit; // NFS V3 client commit requests
765         }
767         @FieldOrder({ "calls", "nullreq", "getattr", "setattr", "lookup", "access", "readlink", "read", "write",
768                 "create", "mkdir", "symlink", "mknod", "remove", "rmdir", "rename", "link", "readdir", "readdirplus",
769                 "fsstat", "fsinfo", "pathconf", "commit" })
770         public static class AnonymousStructNFSv3server extends Structure {
771             public long calls; // NFS V3 server requests
772             public long nullreq; // NFS V3 server null requests
773             public long getattr; // NFS V3 server getattr requests
774             public long setattr; // NFS V3 server setattr requests
775             public long lookup; // NFS V3 server file name lookup requests
776             public long access; // NFS V3 server file access requests
777             public long readlink; // NFS V3 server readlink requests
778             public long read; // NFS V3 server read requests
779             public long write; // NFS V3 server write requests
780             public long create; // NFS V3 server file creation requests
781             public long mkdir; // NFS V3 server director6 creation requests
782             public long symlink; // NFS V3 server symbolic link creation requests
783             public long mknod; // NFS V3 server mknode creation requests
784             public long remove; // NFS V3 server file removal requests
785             public long rmdir; // NFS V3 server directory removal requests
786             public long rename; // NFS V3 server file rename requests
787             public long link; // NFS V3 server link creation requests
788             public long readdir; // NFS V3 server read-directory requests
789             public long readdirplus; // NFS V3 server read-directory plus requests
790             public long fsstat; // NFS V3 server file stat requests
791             public long fsinfo; // NFS V3 server file info requests
792             public long pathconf; // NFS V3 server path configure requests
793             public long commit; // NFS V3 server commit requests
794         }
796         @FieldOrder({ "client", "server" })
797         public static class AnonymousStructNFSv4 extends Structure {
798             public AnonymousStructNFSv4client client;
799             public AnonymousStructNFSv4server server;
800         }
802         @FieldOrder({ "operations", "nullreq", "getattr", "setattr", "lookup", "access", "readlink", "read", "write",
803                 "create", "mkdir", "symlink", "mknod", "remove", "rmdir", "rename", "link", "readdir", "statfs",
804                 "finfo", "commit", "open", "open_confirm", "open_downgrade", "close", "lock", "unlock", "lock_test",
805                 "set_clientid", "renew", "client_confirm", "secinfo", "release_lock", "replicate", "pcl_stat",
806                 "acl_stat_l", "pcl_stat_l", "acl_read", "pcl_read", "acl_write", "pcl_write", "delegreturn" })
807         public static class AnonymousStructNFSv4client extends Structure {
808             public long operations; // NFS V4 client operations
809             public long nullreq; // NFS V4 client null operations
810             public long getattr; // NFS V4 client getattr operations
811             public long setattr; // NFS V4 client setattr operations
812             public long lookup; // NFS V4 client lookup operations
813             public long access; // NFS V4 client access operations
814             public long readlink; // NFS V4 client read link operations
815             public long read; // NFS V4 client read operations
816             public long write; // NFS V4 client write operations
817             public long create; // NFS V4 client create operations
818             public long mkdir; // NFS V4 client mkdir operations
819             public long symlink; // NFS V4 client symlink operations
820             public long mknod; // NFS V4 client mknod operations
821             public long remove; // NFS V4 client remove operations
822             public long rmdir; // NFS V4 client rmdir operations
823             public long rename; // NFS V4 client rename operations
824             public long link; // NFS V4 client link operations
825             public long readdir; // NFS V4 client readdir operations
826             public long statfs; // NFS V4 client statfs operations
827             public long finfo; // NFS V4 client file info operations
828             public long commit; // NFS V4 client commit operations
829             public long open; // NFS V4 client open operations
830             public long open_confirm; // NFS V4 client open confirm operations
831             public long open_downgrade; // NFS V4 client open downgrade operations
832             public long close; // NFS V4 client close operations
833             public long lock; // NFS V4 client lock operations
834             public long unlock; // NFS V4 client unlock operations
835             public long lock_test; // NFS V4 client lock test operations
836             public long set_clientid; // NFS V4 client set client id operations
837             public long renew; // NFS V4 client renew operations
838             public long client_confirm; // NFS V4 client confirm operations
839             public long secinfo; // NFS V4 client secinfo operations
840             public long release_lock; // NFS V4 client release lock operations
841             public long replicate; // NFS V4 client replicate operations
842             public long pcl_stat; // NFS V4 client pcl_stat operations
843             public long acl_stat_l; // NFS V4 client acl_stat long operations
844             public long pcl_stat_l; // NFS V4 client pcl_stat long operations
845             public long acl_read; // NFS V4 client acl_read operations
846             public long pcl_read; // NFS V4 client pcl_read operations
847             public long acl_write; // NFS V4 client acl_write operations
848             public long pcl_write; // NFS V4 client pcl_write operations
849             public long delegreturn; // NFS V4 client delegreturn operations
850         }
852         @FieldOrder({ "nullreq", "compound", "operations", "access", "close", "commit", "create", "delegpurge",
853                 "delegreturn", "getattr", "getfh", "link", "lock", "lockt", "locku", "lookup", "lookupp", "nverify",
854                 "open", "openattr", "open_confirm", "open_downgrade", "putfh", "putpubfh", "putrootfh", "read",
855                 "readdir", "readlink", "remove", "rename", "renew", "restorefh", "savefh", "secinfo",
856                 "setattr",
857                 "set_clientid", "clientid_confirm", "verify", "write", "release_lock" })
858         public static class AnonymousStructNFSv4server extends Structure {
859             public long nullreq; // NFS V4 server null calls
860             public long compound; // NFS V4 server compound calls
861             public long operations; // NFS V4 server operations
862             public long access; // NFS V4 server access operations
863             public long close; // NFS V4 server close operations
864             public long commit; // NFS V4 server commit operations
865             public long create; // NFS V4 server create operations
866             public long delegpurge; // NFS V4 server del_purge operations
867             public long delegreturn; // NFS V4 server del_ret operations
868             public long getattr; // NFS V4 server getattr operations
869             public long getfh; // NFS V4 server getfh operations
870             public long link; // NFS V4 server link operations
871             public long lock; // NFS V4 server lock operations
872             public long lockt; // NFS V4 server lockt operations
873             public long locku; // NFS V4 server locku operations
874             public long lookup; // NFS V4 server lookup operations
875             public long lookupp; // NFS V4 server lookupp operations
876             public long nverify; // NFS V4 server nverify operations
877             public long open; // NFS V4 server open operations
878             public long openattr; // NFS V4 server openattr operations
879             public long open_confirm; // NFS V4 server confirm operations
880             public long open_downgrade; // NFS V4 server downgrade operations
881             public long putfh; // NFS V4 server putfh operations
882             public long putpubfh; // NFS V4 server putpubfh operations
883             public long putrootfh; // NFS V4 server putrotfh operations
884             public long read; // NFS V4 server read operations
885             public long readdir; // NFS V4 server readdir operations
886             public long readlink; // NFS V4 server readlink operations
887             public long remove; // NFS V4 server remove operations
888             public long rename; // NFS V4 server rename operations
889             public long renew; // NFS V4 server renew operations
890             public long restorefh; // NFS V4 server restorefh operations
891             public long savefh; // NFS V4 server savefh operations
892             public long secinfo; // NFS V4 server secinfo operations
893             public long setattr; // NFS V4 server setattr operations
894             public long set_clientid; // NFS V4 server setclid operations
895             public long clientid_confirm; // NFS V4 server clid_cfm operations
896             public long verify; // NFS V4 server verify operations
897             public long write; // NFS V4 server write operations
898             public long release_lock; // NFS V4 server release_lo operations
899         }
900     }
902     /**
903      * Retrieves total processor usage metrics
904      *
905      * @param name
906      *            Reserved for future use, must be NULL
907      * @param cpu
908      *            Populated with structure
909      * @param sizeof_struct
910      *            Should be set to sizeof(perfstat_cpu_total_t)
911      * @param desired_number
912      *            Reserved for future use, must be set to 0 or 1
913      * @return The return value is -1 in case of errors. Otherwise, the number of
914      *         structures copied is returned. This is always 1.
915      */
perfstat_cpu_total(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_cpu_total_t cpu, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number)916     int perfstat_cpu_total(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_cpu_total_t cpu, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number);
918     /**
919      * Retrieves individual processor usage metrics
920      *
921      * @param name
922      *            Structure containing empty string when collecting all cpu stats,
923      *            or null to count CPUs
924      * @param cpu
925      *            Populated with structures, or null to count CPUs
926      * @param sizeof_struct
927      *            Should be set to sizeof(perfstat_cpu_t)
928      * @param desired_number
929      *            Set to 0 to count CPUs, set to number of cpus to return otherwise
930      * @return The return value is -1 in case of errors. Otherwise, the number of
931      *         structures copied is returned.
932      */
perfstat_cpu(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_cpu_t[] cpu, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number)933     int perfstat_cpu(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_cpu_t[] cpu, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number);
935     /**
936      * Retrieves total memory-related metrics
937      *
938      * @param name
939      *            Reserved for future use, must be NULL
940      * @param mem
941      *            Populated with structure
942      * @param sizeof_struct
943      *            Should be set to sizeof(perfstat_memory_total_t)
944      * @param desired_number
945      *            Reserved for future use, must be set to 0 or 1
946      * @return The return value is -1 in case of errors. Otherwise, the number of
947      *         structures copied is returned. This is always 1.
948      */
perfstat_memory_total(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_memory_total_t mem, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number)949     int perfstat_memory_total(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_memory_total_t mem, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number);
951     /**
952      * Retrieves process-related metrics
953      *
954      * @param name
955      *            Structure containing empty string when collecting all process
956      *            stats, or null to count processes
957      * @param procs
958      *            Populated with structure
959      * @param sizeof_struct
960      *            Should be set to sizeof(perfstat_process_t)
961      * @param desired_number
962      *            Set to 0 to count processes, set to number of processes to return
963      *            otherwise
964      * @return The return value is -1 in case of errors. Otherwise, the number of
965      *         structures copied is returned.
966      */
perfstat_process(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_process_t[] procs, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number)967     int perfstat_process(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_process_t[] procs, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number);
969     /**
970      * Retrieves disk statistics
971      *
972      * @param name
973      *            Structure containing empty string when collecting all disk stats,
974      *            or null to count block disks
975      * @param disks
976      *            Populated with structures, or null to count disks
977      * @param sizeof_struct
978      *            Should be set to sizeof(perfstat_disk_t)
979      * @param desired_number
980      *            Set to 0 to count disks, set to number of disks to return
981      *            otherwise
982      * @return The return value is -1 in case of errors. Otherwise, the number of
983      *         structures copied is returned.
984      */
perfstat_disk(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_disk_t[] disks, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number)985     int perfstat_disk(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_disk_t[] disks, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number);
987     /**
988      * Retrieves total memory-related metrics
989      *
990      * @param name
991      *            Reserved for future use, must be NULL
992      * @param config
993      *            Populated with structure
994      * @param sizeof_struct
995      *            Should be set to sizeof(perfstat_partition_config_t)
996      * @param desired_number
997      *            Reserved for future use, must be set to 0 or 1
998      * @return The return value is -1 in case of errors. Otherwise, the number of
999      *         structures copied is returned. This is always 1.
1000      */
perfstat_partition_config(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_partition_config_t config, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number)1001     int perfstat_partition_config(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_partition_config_t config, int sizeof_struct,
1002             int desired_number);
1004     /**
1005      * Retrieves network interfaces
1006      *
1007      * @param name
1008      *            Structure containing empty string when collecting all interface
1009      *            stats, or null to count interfaces
1010      * @param netints
1011      *            Populated with structures, or null to count interfaces
1012      * @param sizeof_struct
1013      *            Should be set to sizeof(perfstat_netinterface_t)
1014      * @param desired_number
1015      *            Set to 0 to count network interfaces, set to number of interfaces
1016      *            to return otherwise
1017      * @return The return value is -1 in case of errors. Otherwise, the number of
1018      *         structures copied is returned.
1019      */
perfstat_netinterface(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_netinterface_t[] netints, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number)1020     int perfstat_netinterface(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_netinterface_t[] netints, int sizeof_struct,
1021             int desired_number);
1023     /**
1024      * Retrieves protocol data
1025      *
1026      * @param name
1027      *            Structure containing empty string when collecting all protocol
1028      *            stats, or null to count stats
1029      * @param protocols
1030      *            Populated with structures, or null to count protocols
1031      * @param sizeof_struct
1032      *            Should be set to sizeof(perfstat_protocol_t)
1033      * @param desired_number
1034      *            Set to 0 to count protocols, set to number of protocols to return
1035      *            otherwise
1036      * @return The return value is -1 in case of errors. Otherwise, the number of
1037      *         structures copied is returned.
1038      */
perfstat_protocol(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_protocol_t[] protocols, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number)1039     int perfstat_protocol(perfstat_id_t name, perfstat_protocol_t[] protocols, int sizeof_struct, int desired_number);
1040 }