1//====== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ====================
3// Wire format messages for Steam networking sockets.
4// These messages are used for all connection types (relayed and direct)
7syntax = "proto2";
8option optimize_for = SPEED;
10import "steamnetworkingsockets_messages_certs.proto";
12// We don't use the service generation functionality
13option cc_generic_services = false;
15// Different crypto ciphers we support
16enum ESteamNetworkingSocketsCipher
18	k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsCipher_INVALID = 0; // Dummy value
19	k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsCipher_NULL = 1; // No encryption or authentication
20	k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsCipher_AES_256_GCM = 2; // AES256 in GCM mode with 12-byte security tag.  Basically equivalent to TLS_AES_256_GCM_xxx
21	//k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsCipher_CHACHA20_POLY1305 = 3;
24// Used in crypto handshake.  Clients describe what they are willing to use,
25// servers decide what will be used, and reply with the negotiated values.
26message CMsgSteamDatagramSessionCryptInfo
29	// Key used for Diffie-Hellman key exchange.  Typically this should be an
30	// ephemeral key used only for this connection.
31	enum EKeyType
32	{
33		INVALID = 0;
34		CURVE25519 = 1;
35	};
36	optional EKeyType key_type = 1;
37	optional bytes key_data = 2;
39	optional fixed64 nonce = 3; // Additional nonce used for key generation
40	optional uint32 protocol_version = 4; // Protocol version used.  Must match the version in the header
42	/// Clients specify the list of ciphers, in preference order.
43	/// Servers will specify only the single cipher they selected (assuming they allowed the connection).
44	/// If this list is empty (legacy client), then it should be interpreted the same
45	/// as if there were a single entry with k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsCipher_AES_256_GCM
46	repeated ESteamNetworkingSocketsCipher ciphers = 5;
49// Session keys used in key exchange
50message CMsgSteamDatagramSessionCryptInfoSigned
52	/// Serialized CMsgSteamDatagramSessionCryptInfo
53	optional bytes info = 1;
55	/// Signature of encryption_key_data generated using the public key
56	/// from the CMsgSteamDatagramCertificate.
57	optional bytes signature = 2;
60// k_ESteamDatagramMsg_Diagnostic
61message	CMsgSteamDatagramDiagnostic
63	optional uint32	severity = 1;							// Standard Steam emit levels: 1 = error, 2 = warning, 3 = info, 4 = verbose
64	optional string text = 2;								// Message text
67/// Wire version of SteamDatagramLinkInstantaneousStats.
68/// We use integers instead of floats to send this stuff,
69/// so that most fields take 1 or 2 bytes, instead of
70/// always taking 4.
71message CMsgSteamDatagramLinkInstantaneousStats
73	optional uint32 out_packets_per_sec_x10 = 1;
74	optional uint32 out_bytes_per_sec = 2;
75	optional uint32 in_packets_per_sec_x10 = 3;
76	optional uint32 in_bytes_per_sec = 4;
77	optional uint32 ping_ms = 5;
78	optional uint32 packets_dropped_pct = 6; // 0 ... 100
79	optional uint32 packets_weird_sequence_pct = 7; // 0 ... 100
80	optional uint32 peak_jitter_usec = 8;
83/// Wire version of SteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats
84message CMsgSteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats
86	//optional uint32 rms_ping_ms = 1;
88	// Duration of the connection (so far, if we are still connected).
89	// This is primarily used when reporting end-to-end stats to relays,
90	// who may not have been involved with the connection for its entire
91	// duration
92	optional uint32 connected_seconds = 2;
94	// Packet counters
95	optional uint64 packets_sent = 3;
96	optional uint64 kb_sent = 4;
97	optional uint64 packets_recv = 5;
98	optional uint64 kb_recv = 6;
99	optional uint64 packets_recv_sequenced = 7;
100	optional uint64 packets_recv_dropped = 8;
101	optional uint64 packets_recv_out_of_order = 9;
102	optional uint64 packets_recv_duplicate = 10;
103	optional uint64 packets_recv_lurch = 11;
105	/// Histogram of connection quality.  Here we count up the number
106	/// of connection quality measurement intervals (about 5 seconds)
107	/// that fell into each quality measurement.  Quality measurment
108	/// is the percentage of packets that were delivered, in order,
109	/// without being duplicated
110	optional uint32 quality_histogram_100 = 21; // This means everything was perfect.  Even if we delivered over 100 packets in the interval and we should round up to 100, we will use 99% instead.
111	optional uint32 quality_histogram_99 = 22; // 99%+
112	optional uint32 quality_histogram_97 = 23;
113	optional uint32 quality_histogram_95 = 24;
114	optional uint32 quality_histogram_90 = 25;
115	optional uint32 quality_histogram_75 = 26;
116	optional uint32 quality_histogram_50 = 27;
117	optional uint32 quality_histogram_1 = 28;
118	optional uint32 quality_histogram_dead = 29; // we received nothing during the interval; it looks like the connection dropped
119	optional uint32 quality_ntile_2nd = 30; // 2% of measurement intervals had quality <= N%
120	optional uint32 quality_ntile_5th = 31; // 5% of measurement intervals had quality <= N%
121	optional uint32 quality_ntile_25th = 32; // 25% of measurement intervals had quality <= N%
122	optional uint32 quality_ntile_50th = 33; // 50% of measurement intervals had quality <= N%
124	/// Distribution of ping times.  Basically we make sure we take a ping measurement
125	/// at a minimum interval, and then we build a distribution of all the samples.
126	/// Note that we don't take great care to ensure that the samples are taken
127	/// perfectly evenly, but they should be reasonably even.
128	optional uint32 ping_histogram_25 = 41; // 0..25
129	optional uint32 ping_histogram_50 = 42; // 26..50
130	optional uint32 ping_histogram_75 = 43; // 51..75
131	optional uint32 ping_histogram_100 = 44; // etc
132	optional uint32 ping_histogram_125 = 45;
133	optional uint32 ping_histogram_150 = 46;
134	optional uint32 ping_histogram_200 = 47;
135	optional uint32 ping_histogram_300 = 48;
136	optional uint32 ping_histogram_max = 49; // >300
137	optional uint32 ping_ntile_5th = 50; // 5% of ping samples were <= Nms
138	optional uint32 ping_ntile_50th = 51; // 50% of ping samples were <= Nms
139	optional uint32 ping_ntile_75th = 52; // 70% of ping samples were <= Nms
140	optional uint32 ping_ntile_95th = 53; // 95% of ping samples were <= Nms
141	optional uint32 ping_ntile_98th = 54; // 98% of ping samples were <= Nms
143	/// Jitter distribution.
144	optional uint32 jitter_histogram_negligible = 61; // <1ms
145	optional uint32 jitter_histogram_1 = 62; // 1..2
146	optional uint32 jitter_histogram_2 = 63; // 2..5
147	optional uint32 jitter_histogram_5 = 64; // 5..10
148	optional uint32 jitter_histogram_10 = 65; // 10..20
149	optional uint32 jitter_histogram_20 = 66; // 20+
151	/// Transmit speed
152	optional uint32 txspeed_max            = 67;
154	optional uint32 txspeed_histogram_16   = 68; // speed at kb/s
155	optional uint32 txspeed_histogram_32   = 69;
156	optional uint32 txspeed_histogram_64   = 70;
157	optional uint32 txspeed_histogram_128  = 71;
158	optional uint32 txspeed_histogram_256  = 72;
159	optional uint32 txspeed_histogram_512  = 73;
160	optional uint32 txspeed_histogram_1024 = 74;
161	optional uint32 txspeed_histogram_max  = 75;
163	// distribution.  some might be -1, see above for why.
164	optional uint32 txspeed_ntile_5th  = 76; // 5% of transmit samples were <= n kb/s
165	optional uint32 txspeed_ntile_50th = 77; // 50% of transmit samples were <= n kb/s
166	optional uint32 txspeed_ntile_75th = 78; // 70% of transmit samples were <= n kb/s
167	optional uint32 txspeed_ntile_95th = 79; // 95% of transmit samples were <= n kb/s
168	optional uint32 txspeed_ntile_98th = 80; // 98% of transmit samples were <= n kb/s
170	//
171	// Receive speed
172	//
173	optional uint32 rxspeed_max = 81; // max speed we hit that formed the histogram
175	optional uint32 rxspeed_histogram_16 = 82; // speed at kb/s
176	optional uint32 rxspeed_histogram_32 = 83;
177	optional uint32 rxspeed_histogram_64 = 84;
178	optional uint32 rxspeed_histogram_128 = 85;
179	optional uint32 rxspeed_histogram_256 = 86;
180	optional uint32 rxspeed_histogram_512 = 87;
181	optional uint32 rxspeed_histogram_1024 = 88;
182	optional uint32 rxspeed_histogram_max = 89;
184	// distribution.  some might be -1, see above for why.
185	optional uint32 rxspeed_ntile_5th = 90; // 5% of transmit samples were <= n kb/s
186	optional uint32 rxspeed_ntile_50th = 91; // 50% of transmit samples were <= n kb/s
187	optional uint32 rxspeed_ntile_75th = 92; // 70% of transmit samples were <= n kb/s
188	optional uint32 rxspeed_ntile_95th = 93; // 95% of transmit samples were <= n kb/s
189	optional uint32 rxspeed_ntile_98th = 94; // 98% of transmit samples were <= n kb/s
192/// Message containing connection quality related messages
193/// (possibly inline with a data packet)
194message CMsgSteamDatagramConnectionQuality
196	optional CMsgSteamDatagramLinkInstantaneousStats instantaneous = 1;
197	optional CMsgSteamDatagramLinkLifetimeStats lifetime = 2;
198	//optional uint32 seqnum_ack_lifetime = 3;
201// ICE rendezvous message, sent reliably
202// FIXME - should use oneof when it is available in all branches we care about
203message CMsgICERendezvous
205	// Auth info used for STUN to avoid crossing the streams.
206	// This is sent very early in the handshake (in the ConnectRequest / ConnectOKC)
207	message Auth
208	{
209		optional string pwd_frag = 1;
210	}
211	optional Auth auth = 2;
213	// ICE candidate
214	message Candidate
215	{
216		//optional string sdpm_id = 1;
217		//optional uint32 sdpm_line_index = 2;
218		optional string candidate = 3;
219	}
220	optional Candidate add_candidate = 1;
221	//optional Candidate remove_candidate = 2;
224/// Introducer message sent through trusted 3rd party (Steam, or some other custom signaling)
225message CMsgSteamNetworkingP2PRendezvous
227	// Identity of who this is from
228	optional string from_identity = 8;
230	// Connection this is from
231	optional fixed32 from_connection_id = 9;
233	// Destination identity, if I know it
234	optional string to_identity = 10;
236	// Destination connection ID, if I know it.
237	optional fixed32 to_connection_id = 1;
239	// SDR routing information.  (Serialized CMsgSteamDatagramP2PRoutes)
240	optional bytes sdr_routes = 2;
242	// This is the latest SDR route revision I have for you.
243	// On older clients this might not always be present, until they have
244	// received some SDR routes.  Newer clients always populate this, if
245	// they are willing to do SDR peer-to-peer routing.
246	optional uint32 ack_peer_routes_revision = 3;
248	// Is ICE enabled?
249	optional bool ice_enabled = 7;
251	// I'm a hosted dedicated server.  Please use
252	// the more optimal path to talk to me.
253	optional bytes hosted_server_ticket = 14; // CMsgSteamDatagramSignedRelayAuthTicket
255	// Connect request
256	message ConnectRequest
257	{
258		optional CMsgSteamDatagramSessionCryptInfoSigned crypt = 6;
259		optional CMsgSteamDatagramCertificateSigned cert = 7;
260		optional uint32 to_virtual_port = 9;
261		optional uint32 from_virtual_port = 10;
262	};
263	optional ConnectRequest connect_request = 4;
265	message ConnectOK
266	{
267		optional CMsgSteamDatagramSessionCryptInfoSigned crypt = 5;
268		optional CMsgSteamDatagramCertificateSigned cert = 6;
269	};
270	optional ConnectOK connect_ok = 5;
272	// Graceful close
273	message ConnectionClosed
274	{
275		optional string debug = 5;
276		optional uint32 reason_code = 6;
278		// End-to-End connection data
279		//optional CMsgSteamDatagramConnectionQuality quality_e2e = 18;
280	};
281	optional ConnectionClosed connection_closed = 6;
283	//
284	// Generic reliable message stream
285	//
287	// Last message that we have received
288	optional uint32 ack_reliable_msg = 11;
290	// ID of first message we are sending (if any)
291	optional uint32 first_reliable_msg = 12;
293	// A reliable message.
294	// FIXME - should use oneof when it is available in all branches we care about
295	message ReliableMessage
296	{
297		optional CMsgICERendezvous ice = 1; // Currently only ICE uses the reliable message stream, but this may change
298	}
299	repeated ReliableMessage reliable_messages = 13;
302// A summary of what happened in an ICE session, for analytics
303message CMsgSteamNetworkingICESessionSummary
305	// What was the overall outcome of ICE?
306	// Should always be set.  Will be zero if
307	// ICE succeeded
308	optional uint32 failure_reason_code = 7; // ESteamNetConnectionEnd (or special internal value), if we failed in some way
310	// What types of candidates were we able to gather?
311	// Should always be present if this message is sent
312	optional uint32 local_candidate_types = 1; // k_EICECandidate_xxx
314	// What types of candidates did we receive from peer?
315	optional uint32 remote_candidate_types = 2; // k_EICECandidate_xxx
317	// Initial route type, and ping, when when we first pierced NAT.
318	// Will not be present if we never pierced NAT
319	optional uint32 initial_route_kind = 3; // ESteamNetTransportKind
320	optional uint32 initial_ping = 4;
321	optional uint32 initial_score = 6;
322	optional uint32 negotiation_ms = 5; // How long did it take to get a NAT traversal result (either success or failure)
324	// Best route and score we ever had over the life of the connection
325	optional uint32 best_route_kind = 16; // ESteamNetTransportKind
326	optional uint32 best_ping = 17;
327	optional uint32 best_score = 18;
328	optional uint32 best_time = 19; // seconds into the connections when this happened
330	// How long were we the selcted transport?
331	optional uint32 selected_seconds = 12;
333	// User options that were in effect, applied to this connection.
334	// (Meaning depends on platform.)
335	optional uint32 user_settings = 13;
337	// Value of the P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable connection configuration value that was set, or determined
338	// from user settings
339	optional uint32 ice_enable_var = 14;
341	// What sorts of candidates were we allowed to gather, based on user settings AND local configuration
342	optional uint32 local_candidate_types_allowed = 15; // // k_EICECandidate_xxx
345// Do not remove this comment due to a bug on the Mac OS X protobuf compiler