1 /* $Id$ */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
4  * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
19  */
20 #ifndef __PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_H__
21 #define __PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_H__
24 /**
25  * @file transport.h Media Transport Interface
26  * @brief Transport interface.
27  */
29 #include <pjmedia/types.h>
30 #include <pjmedia/errno.h>
31 #include <pj/string.h>
33 /**
34  * @defgroup PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT Media Transport
35  * @brief Transports.
36  * @{
37  * The media transport (#pjmedia_transport) is the object to send and
38  * receive media packets over the network. The media transport interface
39  * allows the library to be extended to support different types of
40  * transports to send and receive packets.
41  *
42  * The media transport is declared as #pjmedia_transport "class", which
43  * declares "interfaces" to use the class in #pjmedia_transport_op
44  * structure. For the user of the media transport (normally the user of
45  * media transport is media stream, see \ref PJMED_STRM), these transport
46  * "methods" are wrapped with API such as #pjmedia_transport_attach(),
47  * so it should not need to call the function pointer inside
48  * #pjmedia_transport_op directly.
49  *
50  * The connection between \ref PJMED_STRM and media transport is shown in
51  * the diagram below:
53    \image html media-transport.PNG
56  * \section PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_H_USING Basic Media Transport Usage
57  *
58  * The media transport's life-cycle normally follows the following stages.
59  *
60  * \subsection PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_H_CREATE Creating the Media Transport
61  *
62  *  Application creates the media transport when it needs to establish
63  *    media session to remote peer. The media transport is created using
64  *    specific function to create that particular transport; for example,
65  *    for UDP media transport, it is created with #pjmedia_transport_udp_create()
66  *    or #pjmedia_transport_udp_create2() functions. Different media
67  *    transports will provide different API to create those transports.
68  *
69  *  Alternatively, application may create pool of media transports when
70  *    it is first started up. Using this approach probably is better, since
71  *    application has to specify the RTP port when sending the initial
72  *    session establishment request (e.g. SIP INVITE request), thus if
73  *    application only creates the media transport later when media is to be
74  *    established (normally when 200/OK is received, or when 18x is received
75  *    for early media), there is a possibility that the particular RTP
76  *    port might have been occupied by other programs. Also it is more
77  *    efficient since sockets don't need to be closed and re-opened between
78  *    calls.
79  *
80  *
81  * \subsection PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_H_ATTACH Attaching and Using the Media Transport.
82  *
83  *  Application specifies the media transport instance when creating
84  *    the media session (#pjmedia_session_create()). Alternatively, it
85  *    may create the media stream directly with #pjmedia_stream_create()
86  *    and specify the transport instance in the argument. (Note: media
87  *    session is a high-level abstraction for media communications between
88  *    two endpoints, and it may contain more than one media streams, for
89  *    example, an audio stream and a video stream).
90  *
91  *  When stream is created, it will "attach" itself to the media
92  *    transport by calling #pjmedia_transport_attach(), which is a thin
93  *    wrapper which calls "attach()" method of the media transport's
94  *    "virtual function pointer" (#pjmedia_transport_op). Among other things,
95  *    the stream specifies two callback functions to the transport: one
96  *    callback function will be called by transport when it receives RTP
97  *    packet, and another callback for incoming RTCP packet. The
98  *    #pjmedia_transport_attach() function also establish the destination
99  *    of the outgoing RTP and RTCP packets.
100  *
101  *  When the stream needs to send outgoing RTP/RTCP packets, it will
102  *    call #pjmedia_transport_send_rtp() and #pjmedia_transport_send_rtcp()
103  *    of the media transport API, which is a thin wrapper to call send_rtp()
104  *    and send_rtcp() methods in the media transport's "virtual function
105  *    pointer"  (#pjmedia_transport_op).
106  *
107  *  When the stream is destroyed, it will "detach" itself from
108  *    the media transport by calling #pjmedia_transport_detach(), which is
109  *    a thin wrapper which calls "detach()" method of the media transport's
110  *    "virtual function pointer" (#pjmedia_transport_op). After the transport
111  *    is detached from its user (the stream), it will no longer report
112  *    incoming RTP/RTCP packets to the stream, and it will refuse to send
113  *    outgoing packets since the destination has been cleared.
114  *
115  *
116  * \subsection PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_H_REUSE Reusing the Media Transport.
117  *
118  *  After transport has been detached, application may re-attach the
119  *    transport to another stream if it wants to. Detaching and re-attaching
120  *    media transport may be preferable than closing and re-opening the
121  *    transport, since it is more efficient (sockets don't need to be
122  *    closed and re-opened). However it is up to the application to choose
123  *    which method is most suitable for its uses.
124  *
125  *
126  * \subsection PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_H_DESTROY Destroying the Media Transport.
127  *
128  *  Finally if application no longer needs the media transport, it will
129  *    call #pjmedia_transport_close() function, which is thin wrapper which
130  *    calls "destroy()" method of the media transport's  "virtual function
131  *    pointer" (#pjmedia_transport_op). This function releases
132  *    all resources used by the transport, such as sockets and memory.
133  *
134  *
135  * \section offer_answer Interaction with SDP Offer/Answer
137    For basic UDP transport, the \ref PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_H_USING above is
138    sufficient to use the media transport. However, more complex media
139    transports such as \ref PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_SRTP and \ref
140    PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_ICE requires closer interactions with SDP offer and
141    answer negotiation.
143    The media transports can interact with the SDP offer/answer via
144    these APIs:
145      - #pjmedia_transport_media_create(), to initialize the media transport
146        for new media session,
147      - #pjmedia_transport_encode_sdp(), to encode SDP offer or answer,
148      - #pjmedia_transport_media_start(), to activate the settings that
149        have been negotiated by SDP offer answer, and
150      - #pjmedia_transport_media_stop(), to deinitialize the media transport
151        and reset the transport to its idle state.
153    The usage of these API in the context of SDP offer answer will be
154    described below.
156    \subsection media_create Initializing Transport for New Session
158    Application must call #pjmedia_transport_media_create() before using
159    the transport for a new session.
161    \subsection creat_oa Creating SDP Offer and Answer
163    The #pjmedia_transport_encode_sdp() is used to put additional information
164    from the transport to the local SDP, before the SDP is sent and negotiated
165    with remote SDP.
167    When creating an offer, call #pjmedia_transport_encode_sdp() with
168    local SDP (and NULL as \a rem_sdp). The media transport will add the
169    relevant attributes in the local SDP. Application then gives the local
170    SDP to the invite session to be sent to remote agent.
172    When creating an answer, also call #pjmedia_transport_encode_sdp(),
173    but this time specify both local and remote SDP to the function. The
174    media transport will once again modify the local SDP and add relevant
175    attributes to the local SDP, if the appropriate attributes related to
176    the transport functionality are present in remote offer. The remote
177    SDP does not contain the relevant attributes, then the specific transport
178    functionality will not be activated for the session.
180    The #pjmedia_transport_encode_sdp() should also be called when application
181    sends subsequent SDP offer or answer. The media transport will encode
182    the appropriate attributes based on the state of the session.
184    \subsection media_start Offer/Answer Completion
186    Once both local and remote SDP have been negotiated by the
187    \ref PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG (normally this is part of PJSIP invite session),
188    application should give both local and remote SDP to
189    #pjmedia_transport_media_start() so that the settings are activated
190    for the session. This function should be called for both initial and
191    subsequent SDP negotiation.
193    \subsection media_stop Stopping Transport
195    Once session is stop application must call #pjmedia_transport_media_stop()
196    to deactivate the transport feature. Application may reuse the transport
197    for subsequent media session by repeating the #pjmedia_transport_media_create(),
198    #pjmedia_transport_encode_sdp(), #pjmedia_transport_media_start(), and
199    #pjmedia_transport_media_stop() above.
201  * \section PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_H_IMPL Implementing Media Transport
202  *
203  * To implement a new type of media transport, one needs to "subclass" the
204  * media transport "class" (#pjmedia_transport) by providing the "methods"
205  * in the media transport "interface" (#pjmedia_transport_op), and provides
206  * a function to create this new type of transport (similar to
207  * #pjmedia_transport_udp_create() function).
208  *
209  * The media transport is expected to run indepently, that is there should
210  * be no polling like function to poll the transport for incoming RTP/RTCP
211  * packets. This normally can be done by registering the media sockets to
212  * the media endpoint's IOQueue, which allows the transport to be notified
213  * when incoming packet has arrived.
214  *
215  * Alternatively, media transport may utilize thread(s) internally to wait
216  * for incoming packets. The thread then will call the appropriate RTP or
217  * RTCP callback provided by its user (stream) whenever packet is received.
218  * If the transport's user is a stream, then the callbacks provided by the
219  * stream will be thread-safe, so the transport may call these callbacks
220  * without having to serialize the access with some mutex protection. But
221  * the media transport may still have to protect its internal data with
222  * mutex protection, since it may be called by application's thread (for
223  * example, to send RTP/RTCP packets).
224  *
225  */
228 #include <pjmedia/sdp.h>
233 /**
234  * Forward declaration for media transport.
235  */
236 typedef struct pjmedia_transport pjmedia_transport;
238 /**
239  * Forward declaration for media transport info.
240  */
241 typedef struct pjmedia_transport_info pjmedia_transport_info;
243 /**
244  * Forward declaration for media transport attach param.
245  */
246 typedef struct pjmedia_transport_attach_param pjmedia_transport_attach_param;
248 /**
249  * This enumeration specifies the general behaviour of media processing
250  */
251 typedef enum pjmedia_tranport_media_option
252 {
253     /**
254      * When this flag is specified, the transport will not perform media
255      * transport validation, this is useful when transport is stacked with
256      * other transport, for example when transport UDP is stacked under
257      * transport SRTP, media transport validation only need to be done by
258      * transport SRTP.
259      */
262     /**
263      * When this flag is specified, the transport will allow multiplexing
264      * RTP and RTCP, i.e. if the remote agrees, RTCP will be sent using
265      * the same socket for RTP.
266      */
269 } pjmedia_tranport_media_option;
272 /**
273  * Media socket info is used to describe the underlying sockets
274  * to be used as media transport.
275  */
276 typedef struct pjmedia_sock_info
277 {
278     /** The RTP socket handle */
279     pj_sock_t	    rtp_sock;
281     /** Address to be advertised as the local address for the RTP
282      *  socket, which does not need to be equal as the bound
283      *  address (for example, this address can be the address resolved
284      *  with STUN).
285      */
286     pj_sockaddr	    rtp_addr_name;
288     /** The RTCP socket handle. */
289     pj_sock_t	    rtcp_sock;
291     /** Address to be advertised as the local address for the RTCP
292      *  socket, which does not need to be equal as the bound
293      *  address (for example, this address can be the address resolved
294      *  with STUN).
295      */
296     pj_sockaddr	    rtcp_addr_name;
298 } pjmedia_sock_info;
301 /**
302  * This structure describes the operations for the stream transport.
303  */
304 struct pjmedia_transport_op
305 {
306     /**
307      * Get media socket info from the specified transport.
308      *
309      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_get_info() instead
310      */
311     pj_status_t (*get_info)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
312 			    pjmedia_transport_info *info);
314     /**
315      * This function is called by the stream when the transport is about
316      * to be used by the stream for the first time, and it tells the transport
317      * about remote RTP address to send the packet and some callbacks to be
318      * called for incoming packets. This function exists for backwards
319      * compatibility. Transports should implement attach2 instead.
320      *
321      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_attach() instead of
322      * calling this function directly.
323      */
324     pj_status_t (*attach)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
325 			  void *user_data,
326 			  const pj_sockaddr_t *rem_addr,
327 			  const pj_sockaddr_t *rem_rtcp,
328 			  unsigned addr_len,
329 			  void (*rtp_cb)(void *user_data,
330 					 void *pkt,
331 					 pj_ssize_t size),
332 			  void (*rtcp_cb)(void *user_data,
333 					  void *pkt,
334 					  pj_ssize_t size));
336     /**
337      * This function is called by the stream when the stream no longer
338      * needs the transport (normally when the stream is about to be closed).
339      * After the transport is detached, it will ignore incoming
340      * RTP/RTCP packets, and will refuse to send outgoing RTP/RTCP packets.
341      * Application may re-attach the media transport to another transport
342      * user (e.g. stream) after the transport has been detached.
343      *
344      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_detach() instead of
345      * calling this function directly.
346      */
347     void (*detach)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
348 		   void *user_data);
350     /**
351      * This function is called by the stream to send RTP packet using the
352      * transport.
353      *
354      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_send_rtp() instead of
355      * calling this function directly.
356      */
357     pj_status_t (*send_rtp)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
358 			    const void *pkt,
359 			    pj_size_t size);
361     /**
362      * This function is called by the stream to send RTCP packet using the
363      * transport.
364      *
365      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_send_rtcp() instead of
366      * calling this function directly.
367      */
368     pj_status_t (*send_rtcp)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
369 			     const void *pkt,
370 			     pj_size_t size);
372     /**
373      * This function is called by the stream to send RTCP packet using the
374      * transport with destination address other than default specified in
375      * #pjmedia_transport_attach().
376      *
377      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_send_rtcp2() instead of
378      * calling this function directly.
379      */
380     pj_status_t (*send_rtcp2)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
381 			      const pj_sockaddr_t *addr,
382 			      unsigned addr_len,
383 			      const void *pkt,
384 			      pj_size_t size);
386     /**
387      * Prepare the transport for a new media session.
388      *
389      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_media_create() instead of
390      * calling this function directly.
391      */
392     pj_status_t (*media_create)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
393 				pj_pool_t *sdp_pool,
394 				unsigned options,
395 				const pjmedia_sdp_session *remote_sdp,
396 				unsigned media_index);
398     /**
399      * This function is called by application to generate the SDP parts
400      * related to transport type, e.g: ICE, SRTP.
401      *
402      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_encode_sdp() instead of
403      * calling this function directly.
404      */
405     pj_status_t (*encode_sdp)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
406 			      pj_pool_t *sdp_pool,
407 			      pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp_local,
408 			      const pjmedia_sdp_session *rem_sdp,
409 			      unsigned media_index);
411     /**
412      * This function is called by application to start the transport
413      * based on local and remote SDP.
414      *
415      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_media_start() instead of
416      * calling this function directly.
417      */
418     pj_status_t (*media_start) (pjmedia_transport *tp,
419 			        pj_pool_t *tmp_pool,
420 			        const pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp_local,
421 			        const pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp_remote,
422 				unsigned media_index);
424     /**
425      * This function is called by application to stop the transport.
426      *
427      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_media_stop() instead of
428      * calling this function directly.
429      */
430     pj_status_t (*media_stop)  (pjmedia_transport *tp);
432     /**
433      * This function can be called to simulate packet lost.
434      *
435      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_simulate_lost() instead of
436      * calling this function directly.
437      */
438     pj_status_t (*simulate_lost)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
439 				 pjmedia_dir dir,
440 				 unsigned pct_lost);
442     /**
443      * This function can be called to destroy this transport.
444      *
445      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_close() instead of
446      * calling this function directly.
447      */
448     pj_status_t (*destroy)(pjmedia_transport *tp);
450     /**
451      * This function is called by the stream when the transport is about
452      * to be used by the stream for the first time, and it tells the transport
453      * about remote RTP address to send the packet and some callbacks to be
454      * called for incoming packets.
455      *
456      * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_attach2() instead of
457      * calling this function directly.
458      */
459     pj_status_t (*attach2)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
460 			   pjmedia_transport_attach_param *att_param);
461 };
464 /**
465  * @see pjmedia_transport_op.
466  */
467 typedef struct pjmedia_transport_op pjmedia_transport_op;
470 /**
471  * Media transport type.
472  */
473 typedef enum pjmedia_transport_type
474 {
475     /** Media transport using standard UDP */
478     /** Media transport using ICE */
481     /**
482      * Media transport SRTP, this transport is actually security adapter to be
483      * stacked with other transport to enable encryption on the underlying
484      * transport.
485      */
488     /** Loopback media transport */
491     /**
492      * Start of user defined transport.
493      */
496 } pjmedia_transport_type;
499 /**
500  * This structure declares media transport. A media transport is called
501  * by the stream to transmit a packet, and will notify stream when
502  * incoming packet is arrived.
503  */
504 struct pjmedia_transport
505 {
506     /** Transport name (for logging purpose). */
507     char		     name[PJ_MAX_OBJ_NAME];
509     /** Transport type. */
510     pjmedia_transport_type   type;
512     /** Transport's "virtual" function table. */
513     pjmedia_transport_op    *op;
515     /** Application/user data */
516     void		    *user_data;
517 };
519 /**
520  * This structure describes storage buffer of transport specific info.
521  * The actual transport specific info contents will be defined by transport
522  * implementation. Note that some transport implementations do not need to
523  * provide specific info, since the general socket info is enough.
524  */
525 typedef struct pjmedia_transport_specific_info
526 {
527     /**
528      * Specify media transport type.
529      */
530     pjmedia_transport_type   type;
532     /**
533      * Specify storage buffer size of transport specific info.
534      */
535     int			     cbsize;
537     /**
538      * Storage buffer of transport specific info.
539      */
542 } pjmedia_transport_specific_info;
545 /**
546  * This structure describes transport informations, including general
547  * socket information and specific information of single transport or
548  * stacked transports (e.g: SRTP stacked on top of UDP)
549  */
550 struct pjmedia_transport_info
551 {
552     /**
553      * General socket info.
554      */
555     pjmedia_sock_info sock_info;
557     /**
558      * Remote address where RTP/RTCP originated from. In case this transport
559      * hasn't ever received packet, the address can be invalid (zero).
560      */
561     pj_sockaddr	    src_rtp_name;
562     pj_sockaddr	    src_rtcp_name;
564     /**
565      * Specifies number of transport specific info included.
566      */
567     unsigned specific_info_cnt;
569     /**
570      * Buffer storage of transport specific info.
571      */
572     pjmedia_transport_specific_info spc_info[PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_SPECIFIC_INFO_MAXCNT];
574 };
576 /**
577  * This structure describes the data passed when calling #rtp_cb2().
578  */
579 typedef struct pjmedia_tp_cb_param
580 {
581     /**
582      * User data.
583      */
584     void 	       *user_data;
586     /**
587      * Packet buffer.
588      */
589     void 	       *pkt;
591     /**
592      * Packet size.
593      */
594     pj_ssize_t 		size;
596     /**
597      * Packet's source address.
598      */
599     pj_sockaddr	       *src_addr;
601     /**
602      * Should media transport switch remote address to \a rtp_src_addr?
603      * Media transport should initialize it to PJ_FALSE, and application
604      * can change the value as necessary.
605      */
606     pj_bool_t	        rem_switch;
608 } pjmedia_tp_cb_param;
610 /**
611  * This structure describes the data passed when calling
612  * #pjmedia_transport_attach2().
613  */
614 struct pjmedia_transport_attach_param
615 {
616     /**
617      * The media stream.
618      */
619     void *stream;
621     /**
622      * Indicate the stream type, either it's audio (PJMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)
623      * or video (PJMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO).
624      */
625     pjmedia_type media_type;
627     /**
628      * Remote RTP address to send RTP packet to.
629      */
630     pj_sockaddr rem_addr;
632     /**
633      * Optional remote RTCP address. If the argument is NULL
634      * or if the address is zero, the RTCP address will be
635      * calculated from the RTP address (which is RTP port plus one).
636      */
637     pj_sockaddr rem_rtcp;
639     /**
640      * Length of the remote address.
641      */
642     unsigned addr_len;
644     /**
645      * Arbitrary user data to be set when the callbacks are called.
646      */
647     void *user_data;
649     /**
650      * Callback to be called when RTP packet is received on the transport.
651      */
652     void (*rtp_cb)(void *user_data, void *pkt, pj_ssize_t);
654     /**
655      * Callback to be called when RTCP packet is received on the transport.
656      */
657     void (*rtcp_cb)(void *user_data, void *pkt, pj_ssize_t);
659     /**
660      * Callback to be called when RTP packet is received on the transport.
661      */
662     void (*rtp_cb2)(pjmedia_tp_cb_param *param);
664 };
666 /**
667  * Initialize transport info.
668  *
669  * @param info	    Transport info to be initialized.
670  */
pjmedia_transport_info_init(pjmedia_transport_info * info)671 PJ_INLINE(void) pjmedia_transport_info_init(pjmedia_transport_info *info)
672 {
673     pj_bzero(info, sizeof(pjmedia_transport_info));
674     info->sock_info.rtp_sock = info->sock_info.rtcp_sock = PJ_INVALID_SOCKET;
675 }
678 /**
679  * Get media transport info from the specified transport and all underlying
680  * transports if any. The transport also contains information about socket info
681  * which describes the local address of the transport, and would be needed
682  * for example to fill in the "c=" and "m=" line of local SDP.
683  *
684  * @param tp	    The transport.
685  * @param info	    Media transport info to be initialized.
686  *
687  * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
688  */
pjmedia_transport_get_info(pjmedia_transport * tp,pjmedia_transport_info * info)689 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_get_info(pjmedia_transport *tp,
690 						  pjmedia_transport_info *info)
691 {
692     if (tp && tp->op && tp->op->get_info)
693 	return (*tp->op->get_info)(tp, info);
695     return PJ_ENOTSUP;
696 }
699 /**
700  * Utility API to get transport type specific info from the specified media
701  * transport info.
702  *
703  * @param info	    Media transport info.
704  * @param type	    Media transport type.
705  *
706  * @return	    Pointer to media transport specific info, or NULL if
707  * 		    specific info for the transport type is not found.
708  */
pjmedia_transport_info_get_spc_info(pjmedia_transport_info * info,pjmedia_transport_type type)709 PJ_INLINE(void*) pjmedia_transport_info_get_spc_info(
710 						pjmedia_transport_info *info,
711 						pjmedia_transport_type type)
712 {
713     unsigned i;
714     for (i = 0; i < info->specific_info_cnt; ++i) {
715 	if (info->spc_info[i].type == type)
716 	    return (void*)info->spc_info[i].buffer;
717     }
718     return NULL;
719 }
722 /**
723  * Attach callbacks to be called on receipt of incoming RTP/RTCP packets.
724  * This is just a simple wrapper which calls <tt>attach2()</tt> member of
725  * the transport if it is implemented, otherwise it calls <tt>attach()</tt>
726  * member of the transport.
727  *
728  * @param tp	    The media transport.
729  * @param att_param The transport attach param.
730  *
731  * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
732  */
pjmedia_transport_attach2(pjmedia_transport * tp,pjmedia_transport_attach_param * att_param)733 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_attach2(pjmedia_transport *tp,
734                                   pjmedia_transport_attach_param *att_param)
735 {
736     if (tp->op->attach2) {
737 	return (*tp->op->attach2)(tp, att_param);
738     } else {
739 	return (*tp->op->attach)(tp, att_param->user_data,
740 				 (pj_sockaddr_t*)&att_param->rem_addr,
741 				 (pj_sockaddr_t*)&att_param->rem_rtcp,
742 				 att_param->addr_len, att_param->rtp_cb,
743 				 att_param->rtcp_cb);
744     }
745 }
748 /**
749  * Attach callbacks to be called on receipt of incoming RTP/RTCP packets.
750  * This is just a simple wrapper which calls <tt>attach()</tt> member of
751  * the transport.
752  *
753  * @param tp	    The media transport.
754  * @param user_data Arbitrary user data to be set when the callbacks are
755  *		    called.
756  * @param rem_addr  Remote RTP address to send RTP packet to.
757  * @param rem_rtcp  Optional remote RTCP address. If the argument is NULL
758  *		    or if the address is zero, the RTCP address will be
759  *		    calculated from the RTP address (which is RTP port
760  *		    plus one).
761  * @param addr_len  Length of the remote address.
762  * @param rtp_cb    Callback to be called when RTP packet is received on
763  *		    the transport.
764  * @param rtcp_cb   Callback to be called when RTCP packet is received on
765  *		    the transport.
766  *
767  * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
768  */
pjmedia_transport_attach(pjmedia_transport * tp,void * user_data,const pj_sockaddr_t * rem_addr,const pj_sockaddr_t * rem_rtcp,unsigned addr_len,void (* rtp_cb)(void * user_data,void * pkt,pj_ssize_t),void (* rtcp_cb)(void * usr_data,void * pkt,pj_ssize_t))769 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_attach(pjmedia_transport *tp,
770 					        void *user_data,
771 					        const pj_sockaddr_t *rem_addr,
772 						const pj_sockaddr_t *rem_rtcp,
773 					        unsigned addr_len,
774 					        void (*rtp_cb)(void *user_data,
775 							       void *pkt,
776 							       pj_ssize_t),
777 					        void (*rtcp_cb)(void *usr_data,
778 							        void*pkt,
779 							        pj_ssize_t))
780 {
781     if (tp->op->attach2) {
782 	pjmedia_transport_attach_param param;
784 	pj_bzero(&param, sizeof(param));
785 	param.user_data = user_data;
786 	pj_sockaddr_cp(&param.rem_addr, rem_addr);
787 	if (rem_rtcp && pj_sockaddr_has_addr(rem_rtcp)) {
788 	    pj_sockaddr_cp(&param.rem_rtcp, rem_rtcp);
789 	} else {
790 	    /* Copy RTCP address from the RTP address, with port + 1 */
791 	    pj_memcpy(&param.rem_rtcp, rem_addr, addr_len);
792 	    pj_sockaddr_set_port(&param.rem_rtcp,
793 				 pj_sockaddr_get_port(rem_addr) + 1);
794 	}
795 	param.addr_len = addr_len;
796 	param.rtp_cb = rtp_cb;
797 	param.rtcp_cb = rtcp_cb;
799 	return (*tp->op->attach2)(tp, &param);
800     } else {
801 	return (*tp->op->attach)(tp, user_data, rem_addr, rem_rtcp, addr_len,
802 			         rtp_cb, rtcp_cb);
803     }
804 }
807 /**
808  * Detach callbacks from the transport.
809  * This is just a simple wrapper which calls <tt>detach()</tt> member of
810  * the transport. After the transport is detached, it will ignore incoming
811  * RTP/RTCP packets, and will refuse to send outgoing RTP/RTCP packets.
812  * Application may re-attach the media transport to another transport user
813  * (e.g. stream) after the transport has been detached.
814  *
815  * @param tp	    The media transport.
816  * @param user_data User data which must match the previously set value
817  *		    on attachment.
818  */
pjmedia_transport_detach(pjmedia_transport * tp,void * user_data)819 PJ_INLINE(void) pjmedia_transport_detach(pjmedia_transport *tp,
820 					 void *user_data)
821 {
822     (*tp->op->detach)(tp, user_data);
823 }
826 /**
827  * Send RTP packet with the specified media transport. This is just a simple
828  * wrapper which calls <tt>send_rtp()</tt> member of the transport. The
829  * RTP packet will be delivered to the destination address specified in
830  * #pjmedia_transport_attach() function.
831  *
832  * @param tp	    The media transport.
833  * @param pkt	    The packet to send.
834  * @param size	    Size of the packet.
835  *
836  * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
837  */
pjmedia_transport_send_rtp(pjmedia_transport * tp,const void * pkt,pj_size_t size)838 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_send_rtp(pjmedia_transport *tp,
839 						  const void *pkt,
840 						  pj_size_t size)
841 {
842     return (*tp->op->send_rtp)(tp, pkt, size);
843 }
846 /**
847  * Send RTCP packet with the specified media transport. This is just a simple
848  * wrapper which calls <tt>send_rtcp()</tt> member of the transport. The
849  * RTCP packet will be delivered to the destination address specified in
850  * #pjmedia_transport_attach() function.
851  *
852  * @param tp	    The media transport.
853  * @param pkt	    The packet to send.
854  * @param size	    Size of the packet.
855  *
856  * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
857  */
pjmedia_transport_send_rtcp(pjmedia_transport * tp,const void * pkt,pj_size_t size)858 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_send_rtcp(pjmedia_transport *tp,
859 						  const void *pkt,
860 						  pj_size_t size)
861 {
862     return (*tp->op->send_rtcp)(tp, pkt, size);
863 }
866 /**
867  * Send RTCP packet with the specified media transport. This is just a simple
868  * wrapper which calls <tt>send_rtcp2()</tt> member of the transport. The
869  * RTCP packet will be delivered to the destination address specified in
870  * param addr, if addr is NULL, RTCP packet will be delivered to destination
871  * address specified in #pjmedia_transport_attach() function.
872  *
873  * @param tp	    The media transport.
874  * @param addr	    The destination address.
875  * @param addr_len  Length of destination address.
876  * @param pkt	    The packet to send.
877  * @param size	    Size of the packet.
878  *
879  * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
880  */
pjmedia_transport_send_rtcp2(pjmedia_transport * tp,const pj_sockaddr_t * addr,unsigned addr_len,const void * pkt,pj_size_t size)881 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_send_rtcp2(pjmedia_transport *tp,
882 						    const pj_sockaddr_t *addr,
883 						    unsigned addr_len,
884 						    const void *pkt,
885 						    pj_size_t size)
886 {
887     return (*tp->op->send_rtcp2)(tp, addr, addr_len, pkt, size);
888 }
891 /**
892  * Prepare the media transport for a new media session, Application must
893  * call this function before starting a new media session using this
894  * transport.
895  *
896  * This is just a simple wrapper which calls <tt>media_create()</tt> member
897  * of the transport.
898  *
899  * @param tp		The media transport.
900  * @param sdp_pool	Pool object to allocate memory related to SDP
901  *			messaging components.
902  * @param options	Option flags, from #pjmedia_tranport_media_option
903  * @param rem_sdp	Remote SDP if local SDP is an answer, otherwise
904  *			specify NULL if SDP is an offer.
905  * @param media_index	Media index in SDP.
906  *
907  * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
908  */
pjmedia_transport_media_create(pjmedia_transport * tp,pj_pool_t * sdp_pool,unsigned options,const pjmedia_sdp_session * rem_sdp,unsigned media_index)909 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_media_create(pjmedia_transport *tp,
910 				    pj_pool_t *sdp_pool,
911 				    unsigned options,
912 				    const pjmedia_sdp_session *rem_sdp,
913 				    unsigned media_index)
914 {
915     return (*tp->op->media_create)(tp, sdp_pool, options, rem_sdp,
916 				   media_index);
917 }
920 /**
921  * Put transport specific information into the SDP. This function can be
922  * called to put transport specific information in the initial or
923  * subsequent SDP offer or answer.
924  *
925  * This is just a simple wrapper which calls <tt>encode_sdp()</tt> member
926  * of the transport.
927  *
928  * @param tp		The media transport.
929  * @param sdp_pool	Pool object to allocate memory related to SDP
930  *			messaging components.
931  * @param sdp		The local SDP to be filled in information from the
932  *			media transport.
933  * @param rem_sdp	Remote SDP if local SDP is an answer, otherwise
934  *			specify NULL if SDP is an offer.
935  * @param media_index	Media index in SDP.
936  *
937  * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
938  */
pjmedia_transport_encode_sdp(pjmedia_transport * tp,pj_pool_t * sdp_pool,pjmedia_sdp_session * sdp,const pjmedia_sdp_session * rem_sdp,unsigned media_index)939 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_encode_sdp(pjmedia_transport *tp,
940 					    pj_pool_t *sdp_pool,
941 					    pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp,
942 					    const pjmedia_sdp_session *rem_sdp,
943 					    unsigned media_index)
944 {
945     return (*tp->op->encode_sdp)(tp, sdp_pool, sdp, rem_sdp, media_index);
946 }
949 /**
950  * Start the transport session with the settings in both local and remote
951  * SDP. The actual work that is done by this function depends on the
952  * underlying transport type. For SRTP, this will activate the encryption
953  * and decryption based on the keys found the SDPs. For ICE, this will
954  * start ICE negotiation according to the information found in the SDPs.
955  *
956  * This is just a simple wrapper which calls <tt>media_start()</tt> member
957  * of the transport.
958  *
959  * @param tp		The media transport.
960  * @param tmp_pool	The memory pool for allocating temporary objects.
961  * @param sdp_local	Local SDP.
962  * @param sdp_remote	Remote SDP.
963  * @param media_index	Media index in the SDP.
964  *
965  * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
966  */
pjmedia_transport_media_start(pjmedia_transport * tp,pj_pool_t * tmp_pool,const pjmedia_sdp_session * sdp_local,const pjmedia_sdp_session * sdp_remote,unsigned media_index)967 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_media_start(pjmedia_transport *tp,
968 				    pj_pool_t *tmp_pool,
969 				    const pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp_local,
970 				    const pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp_remote,
971 				    unsigned media_index)
972 {
973     return (*tp->op->media_start)(tp, tmp_pool, sdp_local, sdp_remote,
974 				  media_index);
975 }
978 /**
979  * This API should be called when the session is stopped, to allow the media
980  * transport to release its resources used for the session.
981  *
982  * This is just a simple wrapper which calls <tt>media_stop()</tt> member
983  * of the transport.
984  *
985  * @param tp		The media transport.
986  *
987  * @return		PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
988  */
pjmedia_transport_media_stop(pjmedia_transport * tp)989 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_media_stop(pjmedia_transport *tp)
990 {
991     return (*tp->op->media_stop)(tp);
992 }
994 /**
995  * Close media transport. This is just a simple wrapper which calls
996  * <tt>destroy()</tt> member of the transport. This function will free
997  * all resources created by this transport (such as sockets, memory, etc.).
998  *
999  * @param tp	    The media transport.
1000  *
1001  * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code.
1002  */
pjmedia_transport_close(pjmedia_transport * tp)1003 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_close(pjmedia_transport *tp)
1004 {
1005     if (tp->op->destroy)
1006 	return (*tp->op->destroy)(tp);
1007     else
1008 	return PJ_SUCCESS;
1009 }
1011 /**
1012  * Simulate packet lost in the specified direction (for testing purposes).
1013  * When enabled, the transport will randomly drop packets to the specified
1014  * direction.
1015  *
1016  * @param tp	    The media transport.
1017  * @param dir	    Media direction to which packets will be randomly dropped.
1018  * @param pct_lost  Percent lost (0-100). Set to zero to disable packet
1019  *		    lost simulation.
1020  *
1021  * @return	    PJ_SUCCESS on success.
1022  */
pjmedia_transport_simulate_lost(pjmedia_transport * tp,pjmedia_dir dir,unsigned pct_lost)1023 PJ_INLINE(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_simulate_lost(pjmedia_transport *tp,
1024 						       pjmedia_dir dir,
1025 						       unsigned pct_lost)
1026 {
1027     return (*tp->op->simulate_lost)(tp, dir, pct_lost);
1028 }
1033 /**
1034  * @}
1035  */
1038 #endif	/* __PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_H__ */