1 //=========================================================
2 //  MusE
3 //  Linux Music Editor
4 //    $Id: jack.cpp,v 2009/12/20 05:00:35 terminator356 Exp $
5 //  (C) Copyright 2002 Werner Schweer (ws@seh.de)
6 //  (C) Copyright 2012-2015 Tim E. Real (terminator356 on sourceforge.net)
7 //
8 //  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10 //  as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of
11 //  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 //
13 //  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 //  GNU General Public License for more details.
17 //
18 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 //  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 //  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
21 //
22 //=========================================================
24 #include "config.h"
25 #include <list>
26 #include <stdio.h>
27 #include <stdlib.h>
28 #include <errno.h>
29 #include <stdarg.h>
30 #include <unistd.h>
31 #include <jack/midiport.h>
32 #include <string.h>
33 #include <dlfcn.h>
34 #include <sys/time.h>
36 #include <QString>
37 #include <QStringList>
39 #include <jack/thread.h>
41 #include "strntcpy.h"
42 #include "audio.h"
43 #include "globals.h"
44 #include "song.h"
45 #include "jackaudio.h"
46 #include "track.h"
47 #include "pos.h"
48 #include "tempo.h"
49 #include "sync.h"
50 #include "utils.h"
51 #include "gconfig.h"
52 #include "route.h"
54 #include "midi_consts.h"
55 #include "mididev.h"
56 #include "mpevent.h"
58 #include "jackmidi.h"
59 #include "muse_atomic.h"
61 #include "al/al.h"
63 #define JACK_DEBUG 0
67 // For debugging output: Uncomment the fprintf section.
68 #define DEBUG_JACK(dev, format, args...) // fprintf(dev, format, ##args);
70 // For debugging some of the 'persistent routes' code: Uncomment the fprintf section.
71 #define DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(dev, format, args...) // fprintf(dev, format, ##args);
73 #ifdef VST_SUPPORT
74 #include <fst.h>
75 #endif
77 namespace MusEGlobal {
79 #ifndef RTCAP
80 extern void doSetuid();
81 extern void undoSetuid();
82 #endif
84 //---------------------------------------------------------
85 //   checkAudioDevice - make sure audioDevice exists
86 //---------------------------------------------------------
checkAudioDevice()88 bool checkAudioDevice()
89       {
90       if (audioDevice == NULL) {
91             if(debugMsg)
92               fprintf(stderr, "Muse:checkAudioDevice: no audioDevice\n");
93             return false;
94             }
95       return true;
96       }
98 } // namespace MusEGlobal
101 namespace MusECore {
103 JackAudioDevice* jackAudio;
105 int jack_ver_maj = 0, jack_ver_min = 0, jack_ver_micro = 0, jack_ver_proto = 0;
106 muse_atomic_t atomicGraphChangedPending;
107 bool jack1_port_by_name_workaround = false;
109 // Function pointers obtained with dlsym:
110 jack_get_version_type             jack_get_version_fp = NULL;
111 jack_port_set_name_type           jack_port_set_name_fp = NULL;
112 jack_port_rename_type             jack_port_rename_fp = NULL;
114 // REMOVE Tim. latency. Added. TESTING.
115 // Jack BUG ? :
116 // Before latency compensation was added, we would deactivate and reactivate the Jack server
117 //  when loading a song. But tests revealed Jack does not like that, and ALL reported
118 //  port latencies are ZERO after reactivation. So we have no choice but to leave the
119 //  Jack server running all the time until program close.
120 bool jackStarted = false;
122 // Flag for detecting if sync callback is being called.
123 bool jack_sync_detect_flag = false;
124 JackAudioDevice::JackSyncPhases jackSyncPhase = JackAudioDevice::SyncCheck;
125 // If we are the timebase master.
126 bool jack_timebase_cur_master_state = false;
127 JackAudioDevice::JackTimebaseMasterPhases jackTimebaseMasterPhase = JackAudioDevice::MasterCheck;
129 //---------------------------------------------------------
130 //  JackCallbackFifo
131 //---------------------------------------------------------
133 class JackCallbackFifo
134 {
135     JackCallbackEvent fifo[JACK_CALLBACK_FIFO_SIZE];
136     volatile int size;
137     int wIndex;
138     int rIndex;
140   public:
JackCallbackFifo()141     JackCallbackFifo()  { clear(); }
142     bool put(const JackCallbackEvent& event);   // returns true on fifo overflow
143     const JackCallbackEvent& get();
144     const JackCallbackEvent& peek(int n = 0);
145     void remove();
isEmpty() const146     bool isEmpty() const { return size == 0; }
clear()147     void clear()         { size = 0, wIndex = 0, rIndex = 0; }
getSize() const148     int getSize() const  { return size; }
149 };
151 //---------------------------------------------------------
152 //   JackCallbackFifo
153 //    put
154 //    return true on fifo overflow
155 //---------------------------------------------------------
put(const JackCallbackEvent & event)157 bool JackCallbackFifo::put(const JackCallbackEvent& event)
158       {
159       if (size < JACK_CALLBACK_FIFO_SIZE) {
160             fifo[wIndex] = event;
161             wIndex = (wIndex + 1) % JACK_CALLBACK_FIFO_SIZE;
162             ++size;
163             return false;
164             }
165       return true;
166       }
168 //---------------------------------------------------------
169 //   get
170 //---------------------------------------------------------
get()172 const JackCallbackEvent& JackCallbackFifo::get()
173       {
174       const JackCallbackEvent& event = fifo[rIndex];
175       rIndex = (rIndex + 1) % JACK_CALLBACK_FIFO_SIZE;
176       --size;
177       return event;
178       }
180 //---------------------------------------------------------
181 //   peek
182 //---------------------------------------------------------
peek(int n)184 const JackCallbackEvent& JackCallbackFifo::peek(int n)
185       {
186       int idx = (rIndex + n) % JACK_CALLBACK_FIFO_SIZE;
187       return fifo[idx];
188       }
190 //---------------------------------------------------------
191 //   remove
192 //---------------------------------------------------------
remove()194 void JackCallbackFifo::remove()
195       {
196       rIndex = (rIndex + 1) % JACK_CALLBACK_FIFO_SIZE;
197       --size;
198       }
200 JackCallbackFifo jackCallbackFifo;
202 //---------------------------------------------------------
203 //   checkJackClient - make sure client is valid
204 //---------------------------------------------------------
checkJackClient(jack_client_t * _client)205 inline bool checkJackClient(jack_client_t* _client)
206       {
207       if (_client == NULL) {
208             fprintf(stderr, "Panic! no _client!\n");
209             return false;
210             }
211       return true;
212       }
214 //---------------------------------------------------------
215 //   jack_thread_init
216 //---------------------------------------------------------
jack_thread_init(void *)218 static void jack_thread_init (void* )
219       {
220       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "jack_thread_init()\n");
221       MusEGlobal::doSetuid();
222 #ifdef VST_SUPPORT
223       if (loadVST)
224             fst_adopt_thread();
225 #endif
226       MusEGlobal::undoSetuid();
227       }
processAudio(jack_nframes_t frames,void * arg)229 int JackAudioDevice::processAudio(jack_nframes_t frames, void* arg)
230 {
231       jackAudio->_frameCounter += frames;
232       MusEGlobal::segmentSize = frames;
234       if (MusEGlobal::audio->isRunning())
235       {
236         // Are we using Jack transport?
237         if(MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
238         {
240           //--------------------------------------------------
241           // Jack timebase master acquire/loss detection
242           //--------------------------------------------------
243           if(arg)
244           {
245             JackAudioDevice* jad = (JackAudioDevice*)arg;
246             jack_client_t* client = jad->jackClient();
247             if(client)
248             {
249               jack_transport_state_t state = jack_transport_query(client, nullptr);
250               // The timebase callback is called after the process callback.
251               // Check if it got called, meaning we are timebase master.
252               if(state == JackTransportStopped || state == JackTransportRolling)
253               {
254                 if(jackSyncPhase == SyncStarted)
255                 {
256                   // Reset and wait for the next cycle to see if we became master.
257                   jackTimebaseMasterPhase = IsNotMaster;
258                 }
259                 else
260                 if(jackTimebaseMasterPhase == IsNotMaster)
261                 {
262                   // The timebase callback was not called - phase was not set to IsMaster.
263                   // Therefore we are not timebase master.
264                   if(jack_timebase_cur_master_state)
265                   {
266                     jack_timebase_cur_master_state = false;
267                     MusEGlobal::audio->sendMsgToGui('t');
268                   }
269                 }
270                 else
271                 // Bring in flag here in case sync timed out in stop mode.
272                 // Jack may stop calling our sync, even though on the last sync
273                 //  we still requested more time by returning FALSE.
274                 // There would be no other way to detect that condition.
275                 if(jackSyncPhase == Synced || !jack_sync_detect_flag)
276                 {
277                   // Done with phase. Reset for future sync calls.
278                   jackSyncPhase = SyncCheck;
279                 }
280               }
282               if(state == JackTransportRolling)
283               {
284                 // Reset and wait for the next cycle to see if we became master.
285                 jackTimebaseMasterPhase = IsNotMaster;
286               }
287             }
288           }
290           // Just call the audio process normally. Jack transport will take care of itself.
291           // Don't process while we're syncing. ToDO: May need to deliver silence in process!
292           //if(jackAudio->getState() != Audio::START_PLAY)
293             MusEGlobal::audio->process((unsigned long)frames);
294         }
295         else
296         {
297           // Not using Jack transport. Use our built-in transport, which INCLUDES
298           //  the necessary calls to Audio::sync() and ultimately Audio::process(),
299           //  and increments the built-in play position.
300           jackAudio->processTransport((unsigned long)frames);
301         }
302       }
303       else {
304             if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg)
305                  puts("jack calling when audio is disconnected!\n");
306             }
308   // Reset for next cycle.
309   jack_sync_detect_flag = false;
311   return 0;
312 }
314 //---------------------------------------------------------
315 //   processSync
316 //    return TRUE (non-zero) when ready to roll.
317 //---------------------------------------------------------
processSync(jack_transport_state_t state,jack_position_t * pos,void *)319 static int processSync(jack_transport_state_t state, jack_position_t* pos, void*)
320       {
321 #if JACK_DEBUG
322       fprintf(stderr, "processSync frame:%u state:%d\n", pos->frame, state);
324       if(pos->valid & JackPositionBBT)
325       {
326         fprintf(stderr, "processSync BBT:\n bar:%d beat:%d tick:%d\n bar_start_tick:%f beats_per_bar:%f beat_type:%f ticks_per_beat:%f beats_per_minute:%f\n",
327                 pos->bar, pos->beat, pos->tick, pos->bar_start_tick, pos->beats_per_bar, pos->beat_type, pos->ticks_per_beat, pos->beats_per_minute);
328         if(pos->valid & JackBBTFrameOffset)
329           fprintf(stderr, "processSync BBTFrameOffset: %u\n", pos->bbt_offset);
330       }
331 #endif
333       if(!MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
334         return 1;
336       int audioState = Audio::STOP;
337       switch (int(state)) {
338             case JackTransportStopped:
339               audioState = Audio::STOP;
340             break;
341             case JackTransportLooping:
342             case JackTransportRolling:
343               audioState = Audio::PLAY;
344             break;
345             case JackTransportStarting:
346               //fprintf(stderr, "processSync JackTransportStarting\n");
348               audioState = Audio::START_PLAY;
349             break;
350             //case JackTransportNetStarting: -- only available in Jack-2!
351             // FIXME: Quick and dirty hack to support both Jack-1 and Jack-2
352             // Really need a config check of version...
353             case 4:
354               //fprintf(stderr, "processSync JackTransportNetStarting\n");
356               audioState = Audio::START_PLAY;
357             break;
358             }
360       unsigned frame = pos->frame;
361       //return MusEGlobal::audio->sync(audioState, frame);
362       int rv = MusEGlobal::audio->sync(audioState, frame);
363       //fprintf(stderr, "Jack processSync() after MusEGlobal::audio->sync frame:%d\n", frame);
365       jack_sync_detect_flag = true;
366       if(rv)
367       {
368         jackSyncPhase = JackAudioDevice::Synced;
369       }
370       else
371       {
372         if(jackSyncPhase == JackAudioDevice::SyncStarted)
373           jackSyncPhase = JackAudioDevice::Syncing;
374         else
375           jackSyncPhase = JackAudioDevice::SyncStarted;
376       }
378       return rv;
379       }
381 //---------------------------------------------------------
382 //   timebase_callback
383 //---------------------------------------------------------
385 #if JACK_DEBUG
timebase_callback(jack_transport_state_t state,jack_nframes_t nframes,jack_position_t * pos,int new_pos,void *)386 static void timebase_callback(jack_transport_state_t state,
387    jack_nframes_t nframes,
388    jack_position_t* pos,
389    int new_pos,
390    void*)
391 #else
392 static void timebase_callback(jack_transport_state_t,
393    jack_nframes_t,
394    jack_position_t* pos,
395    int,
396    void*)
397 #endif
398   {
399     // I think, therefore I am... timebase master.
400     jackTimebaseMasterPhase = JackAudioDevice::IsMaster;
401     if(!jack_timebase_cur_master_state)
402     {
403       jack_timebase_cur_master_state = true;
404       MusEGlobal::audio->sendMsgToGui('T');
405     }
407 #if JACK_DEBUG
408     fprintf(stderr, "timebase_callback() state:%d\n", state);
409     if(pos->valid & JackPositionBBT)
410       fprintf(stderr, "timebase_callback BBT:\n bar:%d beat:%d tick:%d\n bar_start_tick:%f beats_per_bar:%f beat_type:%f ticks_per_beat:%f beats_per_minute:%f\n",
411               pos->bar, pos->beat, pos->tick, pos->bar_start_tick, pos->beats_per_bar, pos->beat_type, pos->ticks_per_beat, pos->beats_per_minute);
412     if(pos->valid & JackBBTFrameOffset)
413       fprintf(stderr, "timebase_callback BBTFrameOffset: %u\n", pos->bbt_offset);
414     if(pos->valid & JackPositionTimecode)
415       fprintf(stderr, "timebase_callback JackPositionTimecode: frame_time:%f next_time:%f\n", pos->frame_time, pos->next_time);
416     if(pos->valid & JackAudioVideoRatio)
417       fprintf(stderr, "timebase_callback JackAudioVideoRatio: %f\n", pos->audio_frames_per_video_frame);
418     if(pos->valid & JackVideoFrameOffset)
419       fprintf(stderr, "timebase_callback JackVideoFrameOffset: %u\n", pos->video_offset);
420 #endif
422     //Pos p(pos->frame, false);
423       Pos p(MusEGlobal::extSyncFlag ? MusEGlobal::audio->tickPos() : pos->frame, MusEGlobal::extSyncFlag ? true : false);
424       // Can't use song pos - it is only updated every (slow) GUI heartbeat !
425       //Pos p(MusEGlobal::extSyncFlag ? MusEGlobal::song->cpos() : pos->frame, MusEGlobal::extSyncFlag ? true : false);
427       pos->valid = JackPositionBBT;
428       int bar, beat, tick;
429       p.mbt(&bar, &beat, &tick);
430       pos->bar = bar;
431       pos->beat = beat;
432       pos->tick = tick;
434       pos->bar_start_tick = Pos(pos->bar, 0, 0).tick();
435       pos->bar++;
436       pos->beat++;
438       int z, n;
439       MusEGlobal::sigmap.timesig(p.tick(), z, n);
440       pos->beats_per_bar = z;
441       pos->beat_type = n;
442       pos->ticks_per_beat = MusEGlobal::config.division;
443       //pos->ticks_per_beat = 24;
445       double tempo = MusEGlobal::tempomap.tempo(p.tick());
446       pos->beats_per_minute = ((double)MusEGlobal::tempomap.globalTempo() * 600000.0) / tempo;
447 #if JACK_DEBUG
448       fprintf(stderr, "timebase_callback is new_pos:%d nframes:%u frame:%u tickPos:%d cpos:%d\n", new_pos, nframes, pos->frame, MusEGlobal::audio->tickPos(), MusEGlobal::song->cpos());
449       fprintf(stderr, " new: bar:%d beat:%d tick:%d\n bar_start_tick:%f beats_per_bar:%f beat_type:%f ticks_per_beat:%f beats_per_minute:%f\n",
450               pos->bar, pos->beat, pos->tick, pos->bar_start_tick, pos->beats_per_bar, pos->beat_type, pos->ticks_per_beat, pos->beats_per_minute);
451 #endif
453       }
455 //---------------------------------------------------------
456 //   processShutdown
457 //---------------------------------------------------------
processShutdown(void *)459 static void processShutdown(void*)
460       {
461       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "processShutdown()\n");
462       //fprintf(stderr, "processShutdown\n");
463       jackAudio->nullify_client();
464       MusEGlobal::audio->shutdown();
466       int c=0;
467       while(MusEGlobal::midiSeqRunning == true) {
468           if(c++ >10) {
469               fprintf(stderr, "sequencer still running, something is very wrong.\n");
470               break;
471               }
472           sleep(1);
473           }
474       delete jackAudio;
475       jackAudio=0;
476       MusEGlobal::audioDevice=0;
477       }
479 //---------------------------------------------------------
480 //   jackError
481 //---------------------------------------------------------
jackError(const char * s)483 static void jackError(const char *s)
484       {
485       fprintf(stderr,"JACK ERROR: %s\n", s);
486       }
488 //---------------------------------------------------------
489 //   noJackError
490 //---------------------------------------------------------
noJackError(const char *)492 static void noJackError(const char* /* s */)
493       {
494             //fprintf(stderr, "noJackError()\n");
495       }
497 //---------------------------------------------------------
498 //   jackInfo
499 //---------------------------------------------------------
jackInfo(const char * s)501 static void jackInfo(const char* s)
502 {
503   fprintf(stderr, "JACK INFO: %s\n", s);
504 }
506 //---------------------------------------------------------
507 //   noJackInfo
508 //---------------------------------------------------------
noJackInfo(const char *)510 static void noJackInfo(const char* /*s*/)
511 {
512   //fprintf(stderr, "noJackInfo()\n");
513 }
515 //---------------------------------------------------------
516 //   JackAudioDevice
517 //---------------------------------------------------------
JackAudioDevice(jack_client_t * cl,char * name)519 JackAudioDevice::JackAudioDevice(jack_client_t* cl, char* name)
520    : AudioDevice()
521 {
522       _frameCounter = 0;
523       strcpy(jackRegisteredName, name);
524       _client = cl;
525 }
527 //---------------------------------------------------------
528 //   ~JackAudioDevice
529 //---------------------------------------------------------
~JackAudioDevice()531 JackAudioDevice::~JackAudioDevice()
532       {
533       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "~JackAudioDevice()\n");
534       if (_client) {
536             // REMOVE Tim. latency. Added. TESTING.
537             if (jack_deactivate(_client)) {
538                   fprintf (stderr, "cannot deactivate client\n");
539                   }
541             if (jack_client_close(_client)) {
542                   fprintf(stderr,"jack_client_close() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
543                   }
544             }
546       // REMOVE Tim. latency. Added. TESTING.
547       jackStarted = false;
549       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "~JackAudioDevice() after jack_client_close()\n");
550       }
552 //---------------------------------------------------------
553 //   realtimePriority
554 //      return zero if not running realtime
555 //      can only be called if JACK client thread is already
556 //      running
557 //---------------------------------------------------------
realtimePriority() const559 int JackAudioDevice::realtimePriority() const
560 {
561    if(!_client)
562       return 0;
564    pthread_t t = (pthread_t) jack_client_thread_id(_client);
565    if(t == 0)
566       return jack_client_real_time_priority(_client);
568    int policy;
569    struct sched_param param;
570    memset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));
571    int rv = pthread_getschedparam(t, &policy, &param);
572    if (rv) {
573       perror("MusE: JackAudioDevice::realtimePriority: Error: Get jack schedule parameter");
574       return 0;
575    }
576    if (policy != SCHED_FIFO) {
577       fprintf(stderr, "MusE: JackAudioDevice::realtimePriority: JACK is not running realtime\n");
578       return 0;
579    }
580    return param.sched_priority;
581 }
583 //---------------------------------------------------------
584 //   initJackAudio
585 //    return true if JACK not found
586 //---------------------------------------------------------
initJackAudio()588 bool initJackAudio()
589       {
590       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "initJackAudio()\n");
592       muse_atomic_init(&atomicGraphChangedPending);
593       muse_atomic_set(&atomicGraphChangedPending, 0);
595       jack_get_version_fp = reinterpret_cast<jack_get_version_type>(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "jack_get_version"));
596       DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "initJackAudio jack_get_version() address:%p \n", jack_get_version_fp);
597       if(jack_get_version_fp) // ATM Only in Jack-2. Dlsym'd. Check for existence first.
598       {
599         jack_get_version_fp(&jack_ver_maj, &jack_ver_min, &jack_ver_micro, &jack_ver_proto);
600         DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "initJackAudio: jack_ver_maj:%d jack_ver_min:%d jack_ver_micro:%d jack_ver_proto:%d\n",
601                 jack_ver_maj, jack_ver_min, jack_ver_micro, jack_ver_proto);
602         // FIXME: ATM Jack-2 jack_get_version() returns all zeros. When it is fixed, do something with the values.
603         if(jack_ver_maj == 0 && jack_ver_min == 0 && jack_ver_micro == 0 && jack_ver_proto == 0)
604         {
605           fprintf(stderr, "MusE:initJackAudio: jack_get_version() returned zeros. Setting version major to 1.\n");
606           jack_ver_maj = 1;
607         }
608       }
610       jack_port_set_name_fp = reinterpret_cast<jack_port_set_name_type>(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "jack_port_set_name"));
611       DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "initJackAudio jack_port_set_name() address:%p \n", jack_port_set_name_fp);
612       if(jack_port_set_name_fp)
613       {
614       }
616       jack_port_rename_fp = reinterpret_cast<jack_port_rename_type>(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "jack_port_rename"));
617       DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "initJackAudio jack_port_rename() address:%p \n", jack_port_rename_fp);
618       if(jack_port_rename_fp)
619       {
620       }
622       if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) {
623             fprintf(stderr, "initJackAudio(): registering error and info callbacks...\n");
624             jack_set_error_function(jackError);
625             jack_set_info_function(jackInfo);
626             }
627       else {
628             jack_set_error_function(noJackError);
629             jack_set_info_function(noJackInfo);
630       }
632       MusEGlobal::doSetuid();
634       int opts = JackNullOption;
635       if(MusEGlobal::noAutoStartJack)
636         opts |= JackNoStartServer;
637       jack_status_t status;
638       jack_client_t* client = jack_client_open("MusE", (jack_options_t)opts, &status);
639       if (!client) {
640             if (status & JackServerStarted)
641                   fprintf(stderr, "jack server started...\n");
642             if (status & JackServerFailed)
643                   fprintf(stderr, "cannot connect to jack server\n");
644             if (status & JackServerError)
645                   fprintf(stderr, "communication with jack server failed\n");
646             if (status & JackShmFailure)
647                   fprintf(stderr, "jack cannot access shared memory\n");
648             if (status & JackVersionError)
649                   fprintf(stderr, "jack server has wrong version\n");
650             fprintf(stderr, "cannot create jack client\n");
651 	    MusEGlobal::undoSetuid();
652             return true;
653             }
655       if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg)
656             fprintf(stderr, "initJackAudio(): client %s opened.\n", jack_get_client_name(client));
658       // Check if Jack-1 jack_port_by_name() workaround is required:
659       if(jack_ver_maj == 0)
660       {
661         sleep(1);
662         jack_port_t* p = jack_port_register(client, "jack1_test_port", JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0);
663         if(p)
664         {
665           sleep(1);
666           int sz = jack_port_name_size();
667           char s[sz];
668           strcpy(s, jack_get_client_name(client));
669           strcat(s, ":jack1_test_port");
670           jack_port_t* sp = jack_port_by_name(client, s);
671           if(sp)
672           {
673             if(p != sp)
674             {
675               fprintf(stderr, "initJackAudio(): Enabling Jack-1 jack_port_by_name() workaround\n");
676               jack1_port_by_name_workaround = true;
677             }
678           }
679           else
680             fprintf(stderr, "initJackAudio(): Jack-1 jack_port_by_name() workaround: Error on jack_port_by_name(): port not found\n");
682           if(jack_port_unregister(client, p))
683             fprintf(stderr, "initJackAudio(): Jack-1 jack_port_by_name() workaround: Error on jack_port_unregister()\n");
684           else
685             sleep(1);
686         }
687         else
688           fprintf(stderr, "initJackAudio(): Jack-1 jack_port_by_name() workaround: Error on jack_port_register()\n");
690       }
692       jackAudio = new JackAudioDevice(client, jack_get_client_name(client));
693       if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg)
694             fprintf(stderr, "initJackAudio(): registering client...\n");
696       MusEGlobal::undoSetuid();
698       MusEGlobal::audioDevice = jackAudio;
700       // WARNING Don't do this here. Do it after any MusE ALSA client is registered, otherwise random crashes can occur.
701       //jackAudio->registerClient();
703       MusEGlobal::sampleRate  = jack_get_sample_rate(client);
705       MusEGlobal::projectSampleRate = MusEGlobal::sampleRate;
707       // Make sure the AL namespace variables mirror our variables.
708       AL::sampleRate = MusEGlobal::sampleRate;
709       MusEGlobal::segmentSize = jack_get_buffer_size(client);
711       return false;
712       }
bufsize_callback(jack_nframes_t n,void *)714 static int bufsize_callback(jack_nframes_t n, void*)
715       {
716       fprintf(stderr, "JACK: buffersize changed %d\n", n);
717       return 0;
718       }
720 //---------------------------------------------------------
721 //   freewheel_callback
722 //---------------------------------------------------------
freewheel_callback(int starting,void *)724 static void freewheel_callback(int starting, void*)
725       {
726       if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG)
727             fprintf(stderr, "JACK: freewheel_callback: starting%d\n", starting);
728       MusEGlobal::audio->setFreewheel(starting);
729       }
srate_callback(jack_nframes_t n,void *)731 static int srate_callback(jack_nframes_t n, void*)
732       {
733       if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG)
734             fprintf(stderr, "JACK: sample rate changed: %d\n", n);
735       return 0;
736       }
738 //---------------------------------------------------------
739 //   registration_callback
740 //---------------------------------------------------------
registration_callback(jack_port_id_t port_id,int is_register,void *)742 static void registration_callback(jack_port_id_t port_id, int is_register, void*)
743 {
744   if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG)
745     fprintf(stderr, "JACK: registration_callback\n");
747   DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JACK: registration_callback: port_id:%d is_register:%d\n", port_id, is_register);
749   // With Jack-1 do not use functions like jack_port_by_name and jack_port_by_id here.
750   // With registration the port has not been added yet, so they allocate a new
751   //  'external' port which is NOT the same as the port returned by jack_port_register !
752   // Thereafter each call to those functions returns THAT allocated port NOT the jack_port_register one.
753   // [ This was a bug in Jack1 due to a missing section. A fix by Tim was submitted late 2014 and was pending. ]
754   JackCallbackEvent ev;
755   ev.type = is_register ? PortRegister : PortUnregister;
756   ev.port_id_A = port_id;
758   jackCallbackFifo.put(ev);
760   // NOTE: Jack-1 does not issue a graph order callback after a registration call.
761   // Jack-1 callbacks: [ port connect -> graph order -> registration ] {...}
762   // Jack-2 callbacks: [ port connect {...} -> registration {...} -> graph order ] {...}
763   if(jack_ver_maj != 1)
764   {
765     // Add a GraphChanged event.
766     JackCallbackEvent ev;
767     ev.type = GraphChanged;
768     jackCallbackFifo.put(ev);
769     // we cannot call JackAudioDevice::graphChanged() from this
770     // context, so we send a message to the gui thread which in turn
771     // calls graphChanged()
772     if(muse_atomic_read(&atomicGraphChangedPending) == 0)
773     {
774       muse_atomic_set(&atomicGraphChangedPending, 1);
775       MusEGlobal::audio->sendMsgToGui('C');
776     }
777   }
778 }
780 //---------------------------------------------------------
781 //   client_registration_callback
782 //---------------------------------------------------------
client_registration_callback(const char * name,int isRegister,void *)784 static void client_registration_callback(const char *name, int isRegister, void*)
785       {
786       if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG)
787             fprintf(stderr, "JACK: client registration changed:%s register:%d\n", name, isRegister);
788       DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JACK: client registration changed:%s register:%d\n", name, isRegister);
789       }
791 //---------------------------------------------------------
792 //   port_connect_callback
793 //---------------------------------------------------------
port_connect_callback(jack_port_id_t a,jack_port_id_t b,int isConnect,void * arg)795 static void port_connect_callback(jack_port_id_t a, jack_port_id_t b, int isConnect, void* arg)
796 {
797   if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG)
798       fprintf(stderr, "JACK: port connections changed: A:%d B:%d isConnect:%d\n", a, b, isConnect);
800     DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JACK: port_connect_callback id a:%d id b:%d isConnect:%d\n", a, b, isConnect);
802     JackCallbackEvent ev;
803     ev.type = isConnect ? PortConnect : PortDisconnect;
804     ev.port_id_A = a;
805     ev.port_id_B = b;
806     JackAudioDevice* jad = (JackAudioDevice*)arg;
807     jack_client_t* client = jad->jackClient();
808     if(client)
809     {
810       ev.port_A = jack_port_by_id(client, a);
811       ev.port_B = jack_port_by_id(client, b);
812     }
813     else
814     {
815       ev.port_A = NULL;
816       ev.port_B = NULL;
817     }
819     jackCallbackFifo.put(ev);
820 }
822 //---------------------------------------------------------
823 //   graph_callback
824 //    this is called from jack when the connections
825 //    changed
826 //---------------------------------------------------------
graph_callback(void *)828 static int graph_callback(void*)
829       {
830       if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG)
831             fprintf(stderr, "graph_callback()\n");
833       DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JACK: graph_callback\n");
835       // Add a GraphChanged event.
836       JackCallbackEvent ev;
837       ev.type = GraphChanged;
838       jackCallbackFifo.put(ev);
840       // we cannot call JackAudioDevice::graphChanged() from this
841       // context, so we send a message to the gui thread which in turn
842       // calls graphChanged()
843       if(muse_atomic_read(&atomicGraphChangedPending) == 0)
844       {
845         muse_atomic_set(&atomicGraphChangedPending, 1);
846         MusEGlobal::audio->sendMsgToGui('C');
847       }
848       return 0;
849       }
851 // static void latency_callback(jack_latency_callback_mode_t /*mode*/, void* /*arg*/)
852 // {
853 //   //JackAudioDevice* jad = (JackAudioDevice*)arg;
854 //
855 //   // TODO: Do all of our Input Track and Output Track ports.
856 //
857 // //   jack_latency_range_t range;
858 // //   if (mode == JackCaptureLatency) {
859 // //     jack_port_get_latency_range (input_port, mode, &range);
860 // //     range.min += latency;
861 // //     range.max += latency;
862 // //     jack_port_set_latency_range (output_port, mode, &range);
863 // //   } else {
864 // //     jack_port_get_latency_range (output_port, mode, &range);
865 // //     range.min += latency;
866 // //     range.max += latency;
867 // //     jack_port_set_latency_range (input_port, mode, &range);
868 // //   }
869 // }
processJackCallbackEvents(const Route & our_node,jack_port_t * our_port,RouteList * route_list,bool is_input)872 void JackAudioDevice::processJackCallbackEvents(const Route& our_node, jack_port_t* our_port,
873                                                 RouteList* route_list, bool is_input)
874 {
875   jack_client_t* client = jackClient();
876   if(!client)
877     return;
879   jack_port_t* our_ext_port = our_port;
880   const char* our_port_name = our_port ? jack_port_name(our_port) : 0;
882   if(our_port && our_port_name && jack1_port_by_name_workaround)
883   {
884     jack_port_t* jp = jack_port_by_name(client, our_port_name);
885     if(jp && jp != our_port)
886     {
887       DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::processJackCallbackEvents: changing audio input port!: channel:%d our_port:%p new port:%p\n",
888               our_node.channel, our_port, jp);
889       our_ext_port = jp;
890     }
891   }
893   for(iRoute ir = route_list->begin(); ir != route_list->end(); ++ir)
894   {
895     // Check correct route type, and channel if required.
896     if((ir->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE) || (our_node.channel != -1 && ir->channel != our_node.channel))
897       continue;
898     const char* route_jpname = ir->persistentJackPortName;
899     // FIXME: TODO: Maybe switch to get_ports
900     jack_port_t* jp = jack_port_by_name(client, route_jpname);
901     if(jp)
902     {
903       // TODO: For Jack-2 maybe alter this? Before calling jack_port_connected_to(), maybe first check if the IDs
904       //        (hence jack ports) passed in the connect callback match here, to avoid calling jack_port_connected_to() ?
905       if(our_port && jack_port_connected_to(our_port, route_jpname))
906       {
907         // The ports are connected. Keep the route node but update its jack port pointer if necessary.
908         const char* s = NULL;
909         if(jp != ir->jackPort)
910         {
911           DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "processJackCallbackEvents: Ports connected. Modifying route: our_port:%p old_route_jp:%p new_route_jp:%p route_persistent_name:%s\n",
912                   our_port, ir->jackPort, jp, route_jpname);
913           s = route_jpname;
914         }
915         // Find a more appropriate name if necessary.
916         char fin_name[ROUTE_PERSISTENT_NAME_SIZE];
917         portName(jp, fin_name, ROUTE_PERSISTENT_NAME_SIZE);
918         if(strcmp(ir->persistentJackPortName, fin_name) != 0)
919         {
920           DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "processJackCallbackEvents: Ports connected. Modifying route name: route_persistent_name:%s new name:%s\n", route_jpname, fin_name);
921           s = fin_name;
922         }
924         if(s)
925           operations.add(PendingOperationItem(Route(Route::JACK_ROUTE, 0, jp, ir->channel, 0, 0, s), &(*ir), PendingOperationItem::ModifyRouteNode));
926       }
927       else
928       {
929         if(ir->jackPort)
930         {
931           // Check whether the disconnect happened BEFORE this graphChanged() was called,
932           //  or just now during it, or was followed by an unregister.
933           // Support our port == null (midi device not assigned to a midi port or I/O disabled etc.):
934           // If our port is null, treat this as an unregister...
935           const int ret = our_ext_port ? checkDisconnectCallback(our_ext_port, jp) : 1;
936           if(ret == 2)
937           {
938             DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "processJackCallbackEvents: Ports not connected, ret=DeleteRouteNode. Deleting route: our_port:%p route_jp:%p found_jp:%p route_persistent_name:%s\n",
939                       our_port, ir->jackPort, jp, route_jpname);
940             // The port exists but is not connected to our port. Remove the route node.
941             operations.add(PendingOperationItem(route_list, ir, PendingOperationItem::DeleteRouteNode));
942           }
943           else
944           if(ret == 1)
945           {
946             DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "processJackCallbackEvents: Ports not connected, ret=ModifyRouteNode. Modifying route: our_port:%p route_jp:%p found_jp:%p route_persistent_name:%s\n",
947                       our_port, ir->jackPort, jp, route_jpname);
948             operations.add(PendingOperationItem(Route(Route::JACK_ROUTE, 0, NULL, ir->channel, 0, 0, ir->persistentJackPortName), &(*ir), PendingOperationItem::ModifyRouteNode));
949           }
950         }
951         else
952         if(MusEGlobal::audio && MusEGlobal::audio->isRunning()) // Don't try to connect if not running.
953         {
954           // Check whether a port registration happened BEFORE this graphChanged() was called,
955           //  or just now during it, or was followed by an unregister.
956           int ret = checkPortRegisterCallback(jp);
957           if(ret == 1)
958           {
959             // No failed attempts at connection to the Jack port now or in the previous call to graphChanged().
960             if(our_port)
961             {
962               // The port exists but is not connected to our port. Reconnect the route.
963               // NOTE: Jack2: graph changed callback will be called again regardless if jack_connect succeeds or fails...
964               DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "processJackCallbackEvents: Ports not connected. Reconnecting route: our_port:%p route_jp:%p found_jp:%p our_port_name:%s route_persistent_name:%s\n",
965                         our_port, ir->jackPort, jp, our_port_name, route_jpname);
966               if(our_port_name)
967               {
968                 int err;
969                 if(is_input)
970                   err = jack_connect(client, route_jpname, our_port_name);
971                 else
972                   err = jack_connect(client, our_port_name, route_jpname);
973                 if(err)
974                 {
975                   DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "processJackCallbackEvents: Ports not connected. Reconnecting route: ERROR:%d our_port:%p route_jp:%p found_jp:%p our_port_name:%s route_persistent_name:%s\n",
976                           err, our_port, ir->jackPort, jp, our_port_name, route_jpname);
977                 }
978                 else
979                 {
980                   // We have our jack port, on a supposedly active client. Update the route node's jack port pointer.
981                   // Find a more appropriate name if necessary.
982                   const char* s = ir->persistentJackPortName;
983                   char fin_name[ROUTE_PERSISTENT_NAME_SIZE];
984                   portName(jp, fin_name, ROUTE_PERSISTENT_NAME_SIZE);
985                   if(strcmp(ir->persistentJackPortName, fin_name) != 0)
986                   {
987                     DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "processJackCallbackEvents: Ports connected. Modifying route name: route_persistent_name:%s new name:%s\n", route_jpname, fin_name);
988                     s = fin_name;
989                   }
990                   operations.add(PendingOperationItem(Route(Route::JACK_ROUTE, 0, jp, ir->channel, 0, 0, s), &(*ir), PendingOperationItem::ModifyRouteNode));
991                 }
992               }
993             }
994           }
995           // State unchanged.
996         }
997       }
998     }
999     else
1000     {
1001       // Port does not exist. Keep the route node but clear its jack port pointer if necessary.
1002       if(ir->jackPort)
1003       {
1004         DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "processJackCallbackEvents: Port non-existent. Modifying route: our_port:%p route_jp:%p route_persistent_name:%s\n",
1005                 our_port, ir->jackPort, route_jpname);
1006         operations.add(PendingOperationItem(Route(Route::JACK_ROUTE, 0, NULL, ir->channel, 0, 0, ir->persistentJackPortName), &(*ir), PendingOperationItem::ModifyRouteNode));
1007       }
1008     }
1009   }
1011   if(our_port)
1012     checkNewRouteConnections(our_port, our_node.channel, route_list);
1013 }
1015 //---------------------------------------------------------
1016 //   JackAudioDevice::graphChanged
1017 //    this is called from song in gui context triggered
1018 //    by graph_callback()
1019 //---------------------------------------------------------
graphChanged()1021 void JackAudioDevice::graphChanged()
1022 {
1023   DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::graphChanged()\n");
1025   if(!checkJackClient(_client))
1026   {
1027     jackCallbackFifo.clear(); // Want this?
1028     // Reset this now.
1029     muse_atomic_set(&atomicGraphChangedPending, 0);
1030     return;
1031   }
1033   // For Jack-1 only: See if we need to wait, for example for a port unregister event.
1034   // Jack "2" does not require waiting, Jack "1" does, assume any other version requires the wait (no harm).
1035   if(MusEGlobal::audio && jack_ver_maj != 1)
1036   {
1037     // TODO: It may be desirable to always wait so that bunches of commands can be processed easier.
1038     //bool do_audio_wait = false;
1039     // This is safe because the writer only increases the size.
1040     int cb_fifo_sz = jackCallbackFifo.getSize();
1041     for(int i = 0; i < cb_fifo_sz; ++i)
1042     {
1043       const JackCallbackEvent& jcb = jackCallbackFifo.peek(i);
1044       if(jcb.type == PortDisconnect && (jack_port_is_mine(_client, jcb.port_A) || jack_port_is_mine(_client, jcb.port_B)))
1045       {
1046         DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::graphChanged: *** calling msgAudioWait()\n");
1047         MusEGlobal::audio->msgAudioWait(); // Wait until upcoming process call has finished...
1048         break;
1049       }
1050     }
1051   }
1053   // Reset this now.
1054   muse_atomic_set(&atomicGraphChangedPending, 0);
1056   jackCallbackEvents.clear();
1057   // Find the last GraphChanged event, if any.
1058   // This is safe because the writer only increases the size.
1059   int cb_fifo_sz = jackCallbackFifo.getSize();
1060   if(cb_fifo_sz)
1061   {
1062     int last_gc_idx = cb_fifo_sz - 1;
1063     if(jack_ver_maj == 1)
1064       for(int i = 0; i < cb_fifo_sz; ++i)
1065         if(jackCallbackFifo.peek(i).type == GraphChanged)
1066           last_gc_idx = i;
1067     // Move the events into a list for processing, including the final GraphChanged event.
1068     // Leave any 'still in progress' ending events (without closing GraphChanged event) in the ring buffer.
1069     //jackCallbackEvents.clear();
1070     for(int i = 0; i <= last_gc_idx; ++i)
1071       jackCallbackEvents.push_back(jackCallbackFifo.get());
1072   }
1073   processGraphChanges();
1075   if(!operations.empty())
1076   {
1077     MusEGlobal::audio->msgExecutePendingOperations(operations, true);
1078     operations.clear();
1079   }
1080 }
processGraphChanges()1082 void JackAudioDevice::processGraphChanges()
1083 {
1084   DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::processGraphChanges()\n");
1085   //---------------------------------------
1086   // Audio inputs:
1087   //---------------------------------------
1089   InputList* il = MusEGlobal::song->inputs();
1090   for(iAudioInput ii = il->begin(); ii != il->end(); ++ii)
1091   {
1092     AudioInput* it = *ii;
1093     int channels = it->channels();
1094     for(int channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel)
1095     {
1096       jack_port_t* port = (jack_port_t*)(it->jackPort(channel));
1097       // Support even if port == null.
1098       processJackCallbackEvents(Route(it, channel), port, it->inRoutes(), true);
1099     }
1100   }
1102   //---------------------------------------
1103   // Audio outputs:
1104   //---------------------------------------
1106   OutputList* ol = MusEGlobal::song->outputs();
1107   for(iAudioOutput ii = ol->begin(); ii != ol->end(); ++ii)
1108   {
1109     AudioOutput* it = *ii;
1110     int channels = it->channels();
1111     for(int channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel)
1112     {
1113       jack_port_t* port = (jack_port_t*)(it->jackPort(channel));
1114       // Support even if port == null.
1115       processJackCallbackEvents(Route(it, channel), port, it->outRoutes(), false);
1116     }
1117   }
1119   //---------------------------------------
1120   // Midi devices:
1121   //---------------------------------------
1123   for(iMidiDevice ii = MusEGlobal::midiDevices.begin(); ii != MusEGlobal::midiDevices.end(); ++ii)
1124   {
1125     MidiDevice* md = *ii;
1126     if(md->deviceType() != MidiDevice::JACK_MIDI)
1127       continue;
1129     //---------------------------------------
1130     // Midi outputs:
1131     //---------------------------------------
1133     if(md->rwFlags() & 1) // Writable
1134     {
1135       jack_port_t* port = (jack_port_t*)md->outClientPort();
1136       // Support even if port == null.
1137       processJackCallbackEvents(Route(md, -1), port, md->outRoutes(), false);
1138     }
1140     //------------------------
1141     // Midi inputs:
1142     //------------------------
1144     if(md->rwFlags() & 2) // Readable
1145     {
1146       jack_port_t* port = (jack_port_t*)md->inClientPort();
1147       // Support even if port == null.
1148       processJackCallbackEvents(Route(md, -1), port, md->inRoutes(), true);
1149     }
1150   }
1151 }
checkNewRouteConnections(jack_port_t * our_port,int channel,RouteList * route_list)1153 void JackAudioDevice::checkNewRouteConnections(jack_port_t* our_port, int channel, RouteList* route_list)
1154 {
1155   DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::checkNewRouteConnections(): client:%p our_port:%p channel:%d route_list:%p\n",
1156           _client, our_port, channel, route_list);
1157   // Check for new connections...
1158   const char** ports = jack_port_get_all_connections(_client, our_port);
1159   if(ports)
1160   {
1161     const char** pn = ports;
1162     while(*pn)
1163     {
1164       // Should be safe and quick search here, we know that the port name is valid.
1165       jack_port_t* jp = jack_port_by_name(_client, *pn);
1166       if(jp)
1167       {
1168         bool found = false;
1169         for(ciRoute ir = route_list->begin(); ir != route_list->end(); ++ir)
1170         {
1171           if(ir->type != Route::JACK_ROUTE || (channel != -1 && ir->channel != channel))
1172             continue;
1174           // See if any changes are pending for the route node and take them into account.
1175           jack_port_t* op_jp = (jack_port_t*)ir->jackPort;
1176           const char* op_ppname = ir->persistentJackPortName;
1177           iPendingOperation ipo = operations.end();
1178           while(ipo != operations.begin())
1179           {
1180             --ipo;
1181             switch(ipo->_type)
1182             {
1183               case PendingOperationItem::DeleteRouteNode:
1184                 if(ipo->_route_list == route_list && &(*ipo->_iRoute) == &(*ir))
1185                 {
1186                   found = true;
1187                   ipo = operations.begin();  // Breakout
1188                 }
1189               break;
1191               case PendingOperationItem::ModifyRouteNode:
1192                 if(ipo->_dst_route_pointer == &(*ir))
1193                 {
1194                   op_jp = (jack_port_t*)ipo->_src_route.jackPort;
1195                   op_ppname = ipo->_src_route.persistentJackPortName;
1196                   ipo = operations.begin();  // Breakout
1197                 }
1198               break;
1200               default:
1201               break;
1202             }
1203           }
1204           if(found)
1205           {
1206             found = false;
1207             continue; // Ignore the route node - it has been scheduled for deletion.
1208           }
1210           // TODO: Maybe switch to get_ports
1211           if(op_jp == jp || jack_port_by_name(_client, op_ppname) == jp)
1212           {
1213             found = true;
1214             break;
1215           }
1216         }
1217         if(!found)
1218         {
1219           Route r(Route::JACK_ROUTE, 0, jp, channel, 0, 0, NULL);
1220           // Find a better name.
1221           portName(jp, r.persistentJackPortName, ROUTE_PERSISTENT_NAME_SIZE);
1222           DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, " adding route: route_jp:%p portname:%s route_persistent_name:%s\n",
1223                   jp, *pn, r.persistentJackPortName);
1224           operations.add(PendingOperationItem(route_list, r, PendingOperationItem::AddRouteNode));
1225         }
1226       }
1227       ++pn;
1228     }
1229     jack_free(ports);
1230   }
1231 }
checkDisconnectCallback(const jack_port_t * our_port,const jack_port_t * port)1233 int JackAudioDevice::checkDisconnectCallback(const jack_port_t* our_port, const jack_port_t* port)
1234 {
1235   DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::checkDisconnectCallback(): our_port:%p port:%p\n", our_port, port);
1237   iJackCallbackEvent ijce = jackCallbackEvents.end();
1238   while(ijce != jackCallbackEvents.begin())
1239   {
1240     --ijce;
1241     if(ijce->type == PortConnect && ((ijce->port_A == our_port && ijce->port_B == port) || (ijce->port_B == our_port && ijce->port_A == port)))
1242       return 0;
1243     if(ijce->type == PortDisconnect)
1244     {
1245       jack_port_id_t id;
1246       if(ijce->port_A == our_port && ijce->port_B == port)
1247         id = ijce->port_id_B;
1248       else if(ijce->port_B == our_port && ijce->port_A == port)
1249         id = ijce->port_id_A;
1250       else continue;
1252       for( ++ijce ; ijce != jackCallbackEvents.end(); ++ijce)
1253         if(ijce->type == PortUnregister && ijce->port_id_A == id)
1254           return 1;
1255       return 2;
1256     }
1257   }
1258   return 0;
1259 }
checkPortRegisterCallback(const jack_port_t * port)1261 int JackAudioDevice::checkPortRegisterCallback(const jack_port_t* port)
1262 {
1263   DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::checkPortRegisterCallback(): port:%p\n", port);
1265   iJackCallbackEvent ijce = jackCallbackEvents.end();
1266   while(ijce != jackCallbackEvents.begin())
1267   {
1268     --ijce;
1269     if(ijce->type == PortRegister)
1270     {
1271       jack_port_id_t id = ijce->port_id_A;
1272       if(jack_port_by_id(_client, id) == port)
1273       {
1274         for( ++ijce ; ijce != jackCallbackEvents.end(); ++ijce)
1275           if(ijce->type == PortUnregister && ijce->port_id_A == id)
1276             return 0;
1277         return 1;
1278       }
1279     }
1280   }
1281   return 0;
1282 }
static_JackXRunCallback(void *)1284 int JackAudioDevice::static_JackXRunCallback(void *)
1285 {
1286    MusEGlobal::audio->incXruns();
1287    return 0;
1288 }
1290 //static int xrun_callback(void*)
1291 //      {
1292 //      fprintf(stderr, "JACK: xrun\n");
1293 //      return 0;
1294 //      }
1296 //---------------------------------------------------------
1297 //   register
1298 //---------------------------------------------------------
registerClient()1300 void JackAudioDevice::registerClient()
1301       {
1302       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "registerClient()\n");
1304 //       if (MusEGlobal::debugMsg) {
1305 //             fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::registerClient(): registering error and info callbacks...\n");
1306 //             jack_set_error_function(jackError);
1307 //             jack_set_info_function(jackInfo);
1308 //             }
1309 //       else {
1310 //             fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::registerClient(): registering no error and no info callbacks...\n");
1311 //             jack_set_error_function(noJackError);
1312 //             jack_set_info_function(noJackInfo);
1313 //       }
1315       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return;
1317       jack_set_thread_init_callback(_client, (JackThreadInitCallback) jack_thread_init, 0);
1318       //jack_set_timebase_callback(client, 0, (JackTimebaseCallback) timebase_callback, 0);
1319       jack_set_process_callback(_client, processAudio, this);
1321       // NOTE: We set the driver's sync timeout in the gui thread. See Song::seqSignal().
1322       jack_set_sync_callback(_client, processSync, 0);
1324       jack_on_shutdown(_client, processShutdown, 0);
1325       jack_set_buffer_size_callback(_client, bufsize_callback, 0);
1326       jack_set_sample_rate_callback(_client, srate_callback, 0);
1327       jack_set_port_registration_callback(_client, registration_callback, this);
1328       jack_set_client_registration_callback(_client, client_registration_callback, 0);
1329       jack_set_port_connect_callback(_client, port_connect_callback, this);
1330       // Can't use this! Incompatible in jack 1/2 and unimplemented in jack1.
1331       //jack_set_port_rename_callback(_client, port_rename_callback, 0);
1332       jack_set_graph_order_callback(_client, graph_callback, this);
1333 //      jack_set_xrun_callback(client, xrun_callback, 0);
1334       jack_set_freewheel_callback (_client, freewheel_callback, 0);
1335       // Tell the JACK server to call `latency()' whenever the latency needs to be recalculated.
1336 //       if(jack_set_latency_callback)
1337 //         jack_set_latency_callback(_client, latency_callback, this);
1340       jack_set_xrun_callback(_client, static_JackXRunCallback, this);
1341       }
1343 //---------------------------------------------------------
1344 //   registerInPort
1345 //---------------------------------------------------------
registerInPort(const char * name,bool midi)1347 void* JackAudioDevice::registerInPort(const char* name, bool midi)
1348       {
1349       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "registerInPort()\n");
1350       if(!checkJackClient(_client) || !name || name[0] == '\0')
1351         return NULL;
1352       const char* type = midi ? JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE : JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE;
1353       void* p = jack_port_register(_client, name, type, JackPortIsInput, 0);
1354       DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JACK: registerInPort: <%s> %p\n", name, p);
1355       return p;
1356       }
1358 //---------------------------------------------------------
1359 //   registerOutPort
1360 //---------------------------------------------------------
registerOutPort(const char * name,bool midi)1362 void* JackAudioDevice::registerOutPort(const char* name, bool midi)
1363       {
1364       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "registerOutPort()\n");
1365       if(!checkJackClient(_client) || !name || name[0] == '\0')
1366         return NULL;
1367       const char* type = midi ? JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE : JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE;
1368       void* p = jack_port_register(_client, name, type, JackPortIsOutput, 0);
1369       DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES(stderr, "JACK: registerOutPort: <%s> %p\n", name, p);
1370       return p;
1371       }
1373 //---------------------------------------------------------
1374 //   connect
1375 //---------------------------------------------------------
connect(void * src,void * dst)1377 bool JackAudioDevice::connect(void* src, void* dst)
1378 {
1379       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::connect()\n");
1380       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return false;
1381       const char* sn = jack_port_name((jack_port_t*) src);
1382       const char* dn = jack_port_name((jack_port_t*) dst);
1383       if (sn == 0 || dn == 0) {
1384             fprintf(stderr, "JackAudio::connect: unknown jack ports\n");
1385             return false;
1386             }
1387       int err = jack_connect(_client, sn, dn);
1388       //if (jack_connect(_client, sn, dn)) {
1389       if (err) {
1390             fprintf(stderr, "jack connect <%s>%p - <%s>%p failed with err:%d\n",
1391                sn, src, dn, dst, err);
1392             return false;
1393             }
1394       else
1395       {
1396         DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "jack connect <%s>%p - <%s>%p succeeded\n",
1397            sn, src, dn, dst);
1398       }
1399       return true;
1400 }
connect(const char * src,const char * dst)1402 bool JackAudioDevice::connect(const char* src, const char* dst)
1403 {
1404   DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::connect()\n");
1405   if(!checkJackClient(_client) || !src || !dst || src[0] == '\0' || dst[0] == '\0')
1406     return false;
1407   int err = jack_connect(_client, src, dst);
1408   if(err)
1409   {
1410     fprintf(stderr, "jack connect <%s> - <%s> failed with err:%d\n", src, dst, err);
1411     return false;
1412   }
1413   return true;
1414 }
1416 //---------------------------------------------------------
1417 //   disconnect
1418 //---------------------------------------------------------
disconnect(void * src,void * dst)1420 bool JackAudioDevice::disconnect(void* src, void* dst)
1421 {
1422       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::disconnect()\n");
1423       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return false;
1424       if(!src || !dst)
1425         return false;
1426       const char* sn = jack_port_name((jack_port_t*) src);
1427       const char* dn = jack_port_name((jack_port_t*) dst);
1428       if (sn == nullptr || dn == nullptr) {
1429             fprintf(stderr, "JackAudio::disconnect: unknown jack ports\n");
1430             return false;
1431             }
1432       int err = jack_disconnect(_client, sn, dn);
1433       //if (jack_disconnect(_client, sn, dn)) {
1434       if (err) {
1435             fprintf(stderr, "jack disconnect <%s> - <%s> failed with err:%d\n",
1436                sn, dn, err);
1437             return false;
1438             }
1439       else
1440       {
1441             DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "jack disconnect <%s> - <%s> succeeded\n",
1442                sn, dn);
1443       }
1444       return true;
1445 }
disconnect(const char * src,const char * dst)1447 bool JackAudioDevice::disconnect(const char* src, const char* dst)
1448 {
1449   DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::disconnect()\n");
1450   if(!checkJackClient(_client) || !src || !dst || src[0] == '\0' || dst[0] == '\0')
1451     return false;
1452   int err = jack_disconnect(_client, src, dst);
1453   if(err)
1454   {
1455     fprintf(stderr, "jack disconnect <%s> - <%s> failed with err:%d\n", src, dst, err);
1456     return false;
1457   }
1458   return true;
1459 }
1461 //---------------------------------------------------------
1462 //   portsCanDisconnect
1463 //---------------------------------------------------------
portsCanDisconnect(void * src,void * dst) const1465 bool JackAudioDevice::portsCanDisconnect(void* src, void* dst) const
1466 {
1467   if(!_client)
1468     return false;
1469   if(!src || !dst)
1470     return false;
1472   const char** ports = jack_port_get_all_connections(_client, (jack_port_t*)src);
1473   if(!ports)
1474     return false;
1476   bool rv = false;
1477   for(const char** p = ports; p && *p; ++p)
1478   {
1479     jack_port_t* jp = jack_port_by_name(_client, *p);
1480     if(jp == dst)
1481     {
1482       rv = true;
1483       break;
1484     }
1485   }
1486   jack_free(ports);
1487   return rv;
1488 }
portsCanDisconnect(const char * src,const char * dst) const1490 bool JackAudioDevice::portsCanDisconnect(const char* src, const char* dst) const
1491 {
1492   if(!_client)
1493     return false;
1494   return portsCanDisconnect(jack_port_by_name(_client, src), jack_port_by_name(_client, dst));
1495 }
1497 //---------------------------------------------------------
1498 //   portsCanConnect
1499 //---------------------------------------------------------
portsCanConnect(void * src,void * dst) const1501 bool JackAudioDevice::portsCanConnect(void* src, void* dst) const
1502 {
1503   if(!_client)
1504     return false;
1505   if(!src || !dst)
1506     return false;
1507   const char* src_type = jack_port_type((jack_port_t*)src);
1508   const char* dst_type = jack_port_type((jack_port_t*)dst);
1509   if(!src_type || !dst_type || (strcmp(src_type, dst_type) != 0))
1510     return false;
1512   if(!(jack_port_flags((jack_port_t*)src) & JackPortIsOutput) || !(jack_port_flags((jack_port_t*)dst) & JackPortIsInput))
1513     return false;
1515   const char** ports = jack_port_get_all_connections(_client, (jack_port_t*)src);
1516   if(!ports)
1517     return true;
1519   bool rv = true;
1520   for(const char** p = ports; p && *p; ++p)
1521   {
1522     jack_port_t* jp = jack_port_by_name(_client, *p);
1523     if(jp == dst)
1524     {
1525       rv = false;
1526       break;
1527     }
1528   }
1530   jack_free(ports);
1531   return rv;
1532 }
portsCanConnect(const char * src,const char * dst) const1534 bool JackAudioDevice::portsCanConnect(const char* src, const char* dst) const
1535 {
1536   if(!_client)
1537     return false;
1538   return portsCanConnect(jack_port_by_name(_client, src), jack_port_by_name(_client, dst));
1539 }
1541 //---------------------------------------------------------
1542 //   portsCompatible
1543 //---------------------------------------------------------
portsCompatible(void * src,void * dst) const1545 bool JackAudioDevice::portsCompatible(void* src, void* dst) const
1546 {
1547   if(!src || !dst)
1548     return false;
1549   const char* src_type = jack_port_type((jack_port_t*)src);
1550   const char* dst_type = jack_port_type((jack_port_t*)dst);
1551   if(!src_type || !dst_type || (strcmp(src_type, dst_type) != 0))
1552     return false;
1554   if(!(jack_port_flags((jack_port_t*)src) & JackPortIsOutput) || !(jack_port_flags((jack_port_t*)dst) & JackPortIsInput))
1555     return false;
1557   return true;
1558 }
portsCompatible(const char * src,const char * dst) const1560 bool JackAudioDevice::portsCompatible(const char* src, const char* dst) const
1561 {
1562   if(!_client)
1563     return false;
1564   return portsCompatible(jack_port_by_name(_client, src), jack_port_by_name(_client, dst));
1565 }
1567 //---------------------------------------------------------
1568 //   start
1569 //   Return true on success.
1570 //---------------------------------------------------------
start(int)1572 bool JackAudioDevice::start(int /*priority*/)
1573       {
1574       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::start()\n");
1575       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return false;
1577       MusEGlobal::doSetuid();
1579       DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES (stderr, "JackAudioDevice::start(): calling jack_activate()\n");
1581 // REMOVE Tim. latency. Changed. TESTING.
1582 //       if (jack_activate(_client)) {
1583 //             MusEGlobal::undoSetuid();
1584 //             fprintf (stderr, "JACK: cannot activate client\n");
1585 //             exit(-1);
1586 //             }
1587       if(!jackStarted)
1588       {
1589         if (jack_activate(_client)) {
1590               MusEGlobal::undoSetuid();
1591               fprintf (stderr, "JACK: cannot activate client\n");
1592               exit(-1);
1593               }
1594       }
1595       jackStarted = true;
1597       MusEGlobal::undoSetuid();
1599       /* connect the ports. Note: you can't do this before
1600          the client is activated, because we can't allow
1601          connections to be made to clients that aren't
1602          running.
1603        */
1604       MusEGlobal::song->connectAllPorts();
1606       fflush(stdin);
1608       return true;
1609       }
1611 //---------------------------------------------------------
1612 //   stop
1613 //---------------------------------------------------------
stop()1615 void JackAudioDevice::stop()
1616       {
1617       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::stop()\n");
1618       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return;
1619       DEBUG_PRST_ROUTES (stderr, "JackAudioDevice::stop(): calling jack_deactivate()\n");
1621 // REMOVE Tim. latency. Changed. TESTING.
1622 //       if (jack_deactivate(_client)) {
1623 //             fprintf (stderr, "cannot deactivate client\n");
1624 //             }
1626 //       //if(jackStarted)
1627 //       {
1628 //
1629 //         if (jack_deactivate(_client)) {
1630 //               fprintf (stderr, "cannot deactivate client\n");
1631 //               }
1632 //
1633 //       }
1634 //       jackStarted = false;
1635       }
1637 //---------------------------------------------------------
1638 //   transportQuery
1639 //---------------------------------------------------------
transportQuery(jack_position_t * pos)1641 jack_transport_state_t JackAudioDevice::transportQuery(jack_position_t* pos)
1642 {
1643   DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::transportQuery pos:%d\n", (unsigned int)pos->frame);
1645   // TODO: Compose and return a state if MusE is disengaged from Jack transport.
1647   return jack_transport_query(_client, pos);
1648 }
1650 //---------------------------------------------------------
1651 //   timebaseQuery
1652 //   Given the number of frames in this period, get the bar, beat, tick,
1653 //    and current absolute tick, and number of ticks in this period.
1654 //   Return false if information could not be obtained.
1655 //---------------------------------------------------------
timebaseQuery(unsigned frames,unsigned * bar,unsigned * beat,unsigned * tick,unsigned * curr_abs_tick,unsigned * next_ticks)1657 bool JackAudioDevice::timebaseQuery(unsigned frames, unsigned* bar, unsigned* beat, unsigned* tick, unsigned* curr_abs_tick, unsigned* next_ticks)
1658 {
1659   jack_position_t jp;
1660   jack_transport_query(_client, &jp);
1662   DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "timebaseQuery frame:%u\n", jp.frame);
1664   if(jp.valid & JackPositionBBT)
1665   {
1666 #if JACK_DEBUG
1667     fprintf(stderr, "timebaseQuery BBT:\n bar:%d beat:%d tick:%d\n bar_start_tick:%f beats_per_bar:%f beat_type:%f ticks_per_beat:%f beats_per_minute:%f\n",
1668             jp.bar, jp.beat, jp.tick, jp.bar_start_tick, jp.beats_per_bar, jp.beat_type, jp.ticks_per_beat, jp.beats_per_minute);
1669     if(jp.valid & JackBBTFrameOffset)
1670       fprintf(stderr, "timebaseQuery BBTFrameOffset: %u\n", jp.bbt_offset);
1671 #endif
1673     if(jp.ticks_per_beat > 0.0)
1674     {
1675       unsigned muse_tick = unsigned((double(jp.tick) / jp.ticks_per_beat) * double(MusEGlobal::config.division));
1676       unsigned curr_tick = ((jp.bar - 1) * jp.beats_per_bar + (jp.beat - 1)) * double(MusEGlobal::config.division) + muse_tick;
1677       // Prefer the reported frame rate over the app's rate if possible.
1678       double f_rate = jp.frame_rate != 0 ? jp.frame_rate : MusEGlobal::sampleRate;
1679       // beats_per_minute is "supposed" to be quantized to period size - that is, computed
1680       //  so that mid-period changes are averaged out to produce a single tempo which
1681       //  produces the same tick in the end. If we can rely on that, we should be good accuracy.
1682       unsigned ticks  = double(MusEGlobal::config.division) * (jp.beats_per_minute / 60.0) * double(frames) / f_rate;
1684       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "timebaseQuery curr_tick:%u f_rate:%f ticks:%u\n", curr_tick, f_rate, ticks);
1686       if(bar) *bar = jp.bar;
1687       if(beat) *beat = jp.beat;
1688       if(tick) *tick = muse_tick;
1690       if(curr_abs_tick) *curr_abs_tick = curr_tick;
1691       if(next_ticks) *next_ticks = ticks;
1693       return true;
1694     }
1695   }
1697 #if JACK_DEBUG
1698   if(jp.valid & JackPositionTimecode)
1699     fprintf(stderr, "timebaseQuery JackPositionTimecode: frame_time:%f next_time:%f\n", jp.frame_time, jp.next_time);
1700   if(jp.valid & JackAudioVideoRatio)
1701     fprintf(stderr, "timebaseQuery JackAudioVideoRatio: %f\n", jp.audio_frames_per_video_frame);
1702   if(jp.valid & JackVideoFrameOffset)
1703     fprintf(stderr, "timebaseQuery JackVideoFrameOffset: %u\n", jp.video_offset);
1704 #endif
1706   return false;
1707 }
1709 //---------------------------------------------------------
1710 //   systemTimeUS
1711 //   Return system time in microseconds as a 64-bit integer.
1712 //   Depends on selected clock source.
1713 //   With Jack, may be based upon wallclock time, the
1714 //    processor cycle counter or the HPET clock etc.
1715 //---------------------------------------------------------
systemTimeUS() const1717 uint64_t JackAudioDevice::systemTimeUS() const
1718 {
1719   // Client valid? According to sletz: For jack_get_time "There are some timing related
1720   //  initialization that are done once when a first client is created."
1721   if(!checkJackClient(_client))
1722     return AudioDevice::systemTimeUS();
1723   return jack_get_time();
1724 }
1726 //---------------------------------------------------------
1727 //   getCurFrame
1728 //---------------------------------------------------------
getCurFrame() const1730 unsigned int JackAudioDevice::getCurFrame() const
1731 {
1732   DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::getCurFrame pos.frame:%d\n", pos.frame);
1734   if(!MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
1735     return AudioDevice::getCurFrame();
1737   return pos.frame;
1738 }
1740 //---------------------------------------------------------
1741 //   framePos
1742 //---------------------------------------------------------
framePos() const1744 unsigned JackAudioDevice::framePos() const
1745       {
1746       //if(!MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
1747       //{
1748       //  DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::framePos dummyPos:%d\n", dummyPos);
1749       //  return dummyPos;
1750       //}
1752       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return 0;
1753       jack_nframes_t n = jack_frame_time(_client);
1755       //DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::framePos jack frame:%d\n", (int)n);
1757       return n;
1758       }
1760 //---------------------------------------------------------
1761 //   framesAtCycleStart
1762 //   Frame count at the start of current cycle.
1763 //   This is meant to be called from inside process thread only.
1764 //---------------------------------------------------------
framesAtCycleStart() const1766 unsigned JackAudioDevice::framesAtCycleStart() const
1767 {
1768       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return 0;
1769       jack_nframes_t n = jack_last_frame_time(_client);
1770       //DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::framesAtCycleStart jack frame:%d\n", (unsigned)n);
1771       return (unsigned)n;
1772 }
1774 //---------------------------------------------------------
1775 //   framesSinceCycleStart
1776 //   Estimated frames since the last process cycle began
1777 //   This is meant to be called from inside process thread only.
1778 //---------------------------------------------------------
framesSinceCycleStart() const1780 unsigned JackAudioDevice::framesSinceCycleStart() const
1781 {
1782       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return 0;
1783       jack_nframes_t n = jack_frames_since_cycle_start(_client);
1784       //DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::framesSinceCycleStart jack frame:%d\n", (unsigned)n);
1786       // Safety due to inaccuracies. It cannot be after the segment, right?
1787       if(n >= MusEGlobal::segmentSize)
1788         n = MusEGlobal::segmentSize - 1;
1790       return (unsigned)n;
1791 }
1793 #if 0
1794 //---------------------------------------------------------
1795 //   framesDelay
1796 //    TODO
1797 //---------------------------------------------------------
1799 int JackAudioDevice::frameDelay() const
1800       {
1801       jack_nframes_t n = (MusEGlobal::segmentSize * (segmentCount-1)) - jack_frames_since_cycle_start(client);
1802       return (int)n;
1803       }
1804 #endif
curTransportFrame() const1806 unsigned JackAudioDevice::curTransportFrame() const
1807 {
1808   if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return 0;
1809   return jack_get_current_transport_frame(_client);
1810 }
1812 //---------------------------------------------------------
1813 //   getJackPorts
1814 //---------------------------------------------------------
getJackPorts(const char ** ports,std::list<QString> & name_list,bool midi,bool physical,int aliases)1816 void JackAudioDevice::getJackPorts(const char** ports, std::list<QString>& name_list, bool midi, bool physical, int aliases)
1817       {
1818       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::getJackPorts()\n");
1819       QString qname;
1820       QString cname(jack_get_client_name(_client));
1822       for (const char** p = ports; p && *p; ++p) {
1823             // Should be safe and quick search here, we know that the port name is valid.
1824             jack_port_t* port = jack_port_by_name(_client, *p);
1825             int port_flags = jack_port_flags(port);
1827             // Ignore our own client ports.
1828             if(jack_port_is_mine(_client, port))
1829             {
1830               if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg)
1831                 fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::getJackPorts ignoring own port: %s\n", *p);
1832               continue;
1833             }
1835             int nsz = jack_port_name_size();
1836             char buffer[nsz];
1838             bool mthrough = false;
1840             if(midi)
1841             {
1842               strncpy(buffer, *p, nsz);
1843               char a2[nsz];
1844               char* al[2];
1845               al[0] = buffer;
1846               al[1] = a2;
1847               int na = jack_port_get_aliases(port, al);
1848               if(na >= 1)
1849               {
1850                 qname = QString(al[0]);
1851                     //fprintf(stderr, "Checking port name for: %s\n", (QString("alsa_pcm:") + cname + QString("/")).toLatin1().constData());
1852                 // Ignore our own ALSA client!
1853                 if(qname.startsWith(QString("alsa_pcm:") + cname + QString("/")))
1854                   continue;
1855                 // Put Midi Through after all others.
1856                 mthrough = qname.startsWith(QString("alsa_pcm:Midi-Through/"));
1857                 //if((physical && mthrough) || (!physical && !mthrough))
1858                 //if(physical && mthrough)
1859                 //  continue;
1860               }
1861             }
1862             // Put physical/terminal ports before others.
1863             bool is_phys = (port_flags & (JackPortIsTerminal | JackPortIsPhysical)) && !mthrough;
1864             if((physical && !is_phys) || (!physical && is_phys))
1865               continue;
1868             strncpy(buffer, *p, nsz);
1869             if((aliases == 0) || (aliases == 1))
1870             {
1871               char a2[nsz];
1872               char* al[2];
1873               al[0] = buffer;
1874               al[1] = a2;
1875               int na = jack_port_get_aliases(port, al);
1876               int a = aliases;
1877               if(a >= na)
1878               {
1879                 a = na;
1880                 if(a > 0)
1881                   a--;
1882               }
1883               qname = QString(al[a]);
1884             }
1885             else
1886               qname = QString(buffer);
1888             name_list.push_back(qname);
1889             }
1890       }
1892 //---------------------------------------------------------
1893 //   outputPorts
1894 //---------------------------------------------------------
outputPorts(bool midi,int aliases)1896 std::list<QString> JackAudioDevice::outputPorts(bool midi, int aliases)
1897       {
1898       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::outputPorts()\n");
1899       std::list<QString> clientList;
1900       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return clientList;
1901       const char* type = midi ? JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE : JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE;
1902       const char** ports = jack_get_ports(_client, 0, type, JackPortIsOutput);
1904       if(ports)
1905       {
1906         getJackPorts(ports, clientList, midi, true, aliases);   // Get physical ports first.
1907         getJackPorts(ports, clientList, midi, false, aliases);  // Get non-physical ports last.
1908         jack_free(ports);
1909       }
1911       return clientList;
1912       }
1914 //---------------------------------------------------------
1915 //   inputPorts
1916 //---------------------------------------------------------
inputPorts(bool midi,int aliases)1918 std::list<QString> JackAudioDevice::inputPorts(bool midi, int aliases)
1919       {
1920       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::inputPorts()\n");
1922       std::list<QString> clientList;
1923       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return clientList;
1924       const char* type = midi ? JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE : JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE;
1925       const char** ports = jack_get_ports(_client, 0, type, JackPortIsInput);
1927       if(ports)
1928       {
1929         getJackPorts(ports, clientList, midi, true, aliases);   // Get physical ports first.
1930         getJackPorts(ports, clientList, midi, false, aliases);  // Get non-physical ports last.
1931         jack_free(ports);
1932       }
1934       return clientList;
1935       }
1937 //---------------------------------------------------------
1938 //   setPortName
1939 //---------------------------------------------------------
setPortName(void * p,const char * n)1941 void JackAudioDevice::setPortName(void* p, const char* n)
1942 {
1943   // NOTE: jack_port_set_name() is deprecated as of Jack2 = 1.9.11, and Jack1 > 0.124.1
1944   if(jack_port_rename_fp)
1945   {
1946     if(!checkJackClient(_client))
1947       return;
1948     jack_port_rename_fp(_client, (jack_port_t*)p, n);
1949   }
1950   else if(jack_port_set_name_fp)
1951     jack_port_set_name_fp((jack_port_t*)p, n);
1952 }
1954 //---------------------------------------------------------
1955 //   portName
1956 //   Returns name of port and sets success.
1957 //   This method consults a blacklist of client names,
1958 //    such as "system:", whether to pick the name or
1959 //    one of the aliases, whichever does NOT contain
1960 //    the blacklist names.
1961 //   preferred_name_or_alias: -1: No preference 0: Prefer canonical name 1: Prefer 1st alias 2: Prefer 2nd alias.
1962 //---------------------------------------------------------
portName(void * port,char * str,int str_size,int preferred_name_or_alias)1964 char* JackAudioDevice::portName(void* port, char* str, int str_size, int preferred_name_or_alias)
1965 {
1966   bool A = false, B = false, C = false;
1967   const char* p_name = jack_port_name((jack_port_t*)port);
1968   if(p_name && p_name[0] != '\0')
1969   {
1970     // TODO: Make this a user editable blacklist of client names!
1971     if((strncmp(p_name, "system:", 7) != 0 && preferred_name_or_alias == -1) || preferred_name_or_alias == 0)
1972       return MusELib::strntcpy(str, p_name, str_size);
1973     A = true;
1974   }
1976   int nsz = jack_port_name_size();
1977   char a1[nsz];
1978   char a2[nsz];
1979   char* al[2];
1980   al[0] = &a1[0];
1981   al[1] = &a2[0];
1983   int na = jack_port_get_aliases((jack_port_t*)port, al);
1984   if(na >= 1 && *al[0] != '\0')
1985   {
1986     if((strncmp(al[0], "system:", 7) != 0 && preferred_name_or_alias == -1) || preferred_name_or_alias == 1)
1987       return MusELib::strntcpy(str, al[0], str_size);
1988     B = true;
1989   }
1991   if(na >= 2 && *al[1] != '\0')
1992   {
1993     if((strncmp(al[1], "system:", 7) != 0 && preferred_name_or_alias == -1) || preferred_name_or_alias == 2)
1994       return MusELib::strntcpy(str, al[1], str_size);
1995     C = true;
1996   }
1998   if(A)
1999     return MusELib::strntcpy(str, p_name, str_size);
2000   if(B)
2001     return MusELib::strntcpy(str, al[0], str_size);
2002   if(C)
2003     return MusELib::strntcpy(str, al[1], str_size);
2005   return MusELib::strntcpy(str, p_name, str_size); // strntcpy accepts NULL source
2007 }
2009 //---------------------------------------------------------
2010 //   portLatency
2011 //   If capture is true get the capture latency,
2012 //    otherwise get the playback latency.
2013 //---------------------------------------------------------
portLatency(void * port,bool capture) const2015 unsigned int JackAudioDevice::portLatency(void* port, bool capture) const
2016 {
2017   if(!checkJackClient(_client) || !port)
2018     return 0;
2020   //QString s(jack_port_name((jack_port_t*)port));
2021   //fprintf(stderr, "Jack::portName %p %s\n", port, s.toLatin1().constData());
2024   // NOTICE: For at least the ALSA driver (tested), the input latency is
2025   //          always 1 period while the output latency is always n periods
2026   //          (or n-1 periods for Jack1 or Jack2 Sync mode).
2027   //         (Also there is the user latency from command line or QJackCtl.)
2028   //         In other words, the Jack command line -p (number of periods) ONLY applies to audio output ports.
2030   jack_latency_range_t p_range;
2031   jack_port_get_latency_range((jack_port_t*)port, JackPlaybackLatency, &p_range);
2033   jack_latency_range_t c_range;
2034   jack_port_get_latency_range((jack_port_t*)port, JackCaptureLatency, &c_range);
2036   //if(MusEGlobal::audio->isPlaying())
2037   //  fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::portLatency port:%p capture:%d c_range.min:%d c_range.max:%d p_range.min:%d p_range.max:%d\n",
2038   //          port, capture, c_range.min, c_range.max, p_range.min, p_range.max);
2040   if(capture)
2041     return c_range.max;
2043   return p_range.max;
2045   // Hm... for speed, maybe cache the values?
2046 }
2048 //---------------------------------------------------------
2049 //   unregisterPort
2050 //---------------------------------------------------------
unregisterPort(void * p)2052 void JackAudioDevice::unregisterPort(void* p)
2053       {
2054       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::unregisterPort(%p)\n", p);
2055       if(!checkJackClient(_client) || !p)
2056         return;
2057 //      fprintf(stderr, "JACK: unregister Port\n");
2058       jack_port_unregister(_client, (jack_port_t*)p);
2059       }
getDSP_Load()2061 float JackAudioDevice::getDSP_Load()
2062 {
2063   return jack_cpu_load(_client);
2064 }
portType(void * p) const2066 AudioDevice::PortType JackAudioDevice::portType(void* p) const
2067 {
2068   if(!p)
2069     return UnknownType;
2070   if(const char* type = jack_port_type((jack_port_t*)p))
2071   {
2072     if(strcmp(type, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE) == 0)
2073       return AudioPort;
2074     if(strcmp(type, JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE) == 0)
2075       return MidiPort;
2076   }
2077   return UnknownType;
2078 }
portDirection(void * p) const2080 AudioDevice::PortDirection JackAudioDevice::portDirection(void* p) const
2081 {
2082   if(!p)
2083     return UnknownDirection;
2084   const int flags = jack_port_flags((jack_port_t*)p);
2085   if(flags & JackPortIsInput)
2086     return InputPort;
2087   if(flags & JackPortIsOutput)
2088     return OutputPort;
2089   return UnknownDirection;
2090 }
2092 //---------------------------------------------------------
2093 //   setSyncTimeout
2094 //    Sets the amount of time to wait before sync times out, in microseconds.
2095 //    Note that at least with the Jack driver, this function seems not realtime friendly.
2096 //---------------------------------------------------------
setSyncTimeout(unsigned usec)2098 void JackAudioDevice::setSyncTimeout(unsigned usec)
2099 {
2100   // Make sure our built-in transport sync timeout is set as well.
2101   AudioDevice::setSyncTimeout(usec);
2103   if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return;
2104   // Note that docs say default is 2 sec, but that's wrong,
2105   //  Jack1 does set 2 sec, but Jack2 sets a default of 10 secs !
2106   jack_set_sync_timeout(_client, usec);
2107 }
2109 //---------------------------------------------------------
2110 //   transportSyncToPlayDelay
2111 //   The number of frames which the driver waits to switch to PLAY
2112 //    mode after the audio sync function says it is ready to roll.
2113 //   For example Jack Transport waits one cycle while our own transport does not.
2114 //---------------------------------------------------------
transportSyncToPlayDelay() const2116 unsigned JackAudioDevice::transportSyncToPlayDelay() const
2117 {
2118   // If Jack transport is being used, it delays by one cycle.
2119   if(MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
2120     return MusEGlobal::segmentSize;
2121   // Otherwise return our internal transport's value.
2122   return AudioDevice::transportSyncToPlayDelay();
2123 }
transportRelocateOrPlayDelay() const2125 unsigned JackAudioDevice::transportRelocateOrPlayDelay() const
2126 {
2127   // If Jack transport is being used, it delays by two cycles.
2128   if(MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
2129     return 2 * MusEGlobal::segmentSize;
2130   // Otherwise return our internal transport's value.
2131   return AudioDevice::transportRelocateOrPlayDelay();
2132 }
2134 //---------------------------------------------------------
2135 //   getState
2136 //---------------------------------------------------------
getState()2138 int JackAudioDevice::getState()
2139       {
2140       // If we're not using Jack's transport, just return current state.
2141       if(!MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
2142       {
2143         //pos.valid = jack_position_bits_t(0);
2144         //pos.frame = MusEGlobal::audio->pos().frame();
2145         //return MusEGlobal::audio->getState();
2146         //DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::getState dummyState:%d\n", dummyState);
2147         return AudioDevice::getState();
2148       }
2150       //DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::getState ()\n");
2151       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return 0;
2152       transportState = jack_transport_query(_client, &pos);
2153       //DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::getState transportState:%d\n", transportState);
2155       switch (int(transportState)) {
2156             case JackTransportStopped:
2157               return Audio::STOP;
2158             case JackTransportLooping:
2159             case JackTransportRolling:
2160               return Audio::PLAY;
2161             case JackTransportStarting:
2162               //fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::getState JackTransportStarting\n");
2164               return Audio::START_PLAY;
2165             //case JackTransportNetStarting: -- only available in Jack-2!
2166             // FIXME: Quick and dirty hack to support both Jack-1 and Jack-2
2167             // Really need a config check of version...
2168             case 4:
2169               //fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::getState JackTransportNetStarting\n");
2171               return Audio::START_PLAY;
2172             break;
2173             default:
2174               return Audio::STOP;
2175             }
2176       }
2178 //---------------------------------------------------------
2179 //   setFreewheel
2180 //---------------------------------------------------------
setFreewheel(bool f)2182 void JackAudioDevice::setFreewheel(bool f)
2183       {
2184       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::setFreewheel(\n");
2185       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return;
2186       jack_set_freewheel(_client, f);
2187       }
2189 //---------------------------------------------------------
2190 //   startTransport
2191 //---------------------------------------------------------
startTransport()2193 void JackAudioDevice::startTransport()
2194     {
2195       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::startTransport()\n");
2197       // If we're not using Jack's transport, just pass PLAY and current frame along
2198       //  as if processSync was called.
2199       if(!MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
2200       {
2201         AudioDevice::startTransport();
2202         return;
2203       }
2205       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return;
2206 //      fprintf(stderr, "JACK: startTransport\n");
2207       jack_transport_start(_client);
2208     }
2210 //---------------------------------------------------------
2211 //   stopTransport
2212 //---------------------------------------------------------
stopTransport()2214 void JackAudioDevice::stopTransport()
2215     {
2216       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::stopTransport()\n");
2218       if(!MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
2219       {
2220         AudioDevice::stopTransport();
2221         return;
2222       }
2224       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return;
2225       if (transportState != JackTransportStopped) {
2226         //      fprintf(stderr, "JACK: stopTransport\n");
2227             jack_transport_stop(_client);
2228             transportState=JackTransportStopped;
2229             }
2230     }
2232 //---------------------------------------------------------
2233 //   seekTransport
2234 //---------------------------------------------------------
seekTransport(unsigned frame)2236 void JackAudioDevice::seekTransport(unsigned frame)
2237     {
2238       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::seekTransport() frame:%d\n", frame);
2240       if(!MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
2241       {
2242         // STOP -> STOP means seek in stop mode. PLAY -> START_PLAY means seek in play mode.
2243         AudioDevice::seekTransport(frame);
2244         return;
2245       }
2247       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return;
2248 //      fprintf(stderr, "JACK: seekTransport %d\n", frame);
2249       jack_transport_locate(_client, frame);
2250     }
2252 //---------------------------------------------------------
2253 //   seekTransport
2254 //---------------------------------------------------------
seekTransport(const Pos & p)2256 void JackAudioDevice::seekTransport(const Pos &p)
2257       {
2258       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::seekTransport(Pos) frame:%d\n", p.frame());
2260       if(!MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
2261       {
2262         // STOP -> STOP means seek in stop mode. PLAY -> START_PLAY means seek in play mode.
2263         AudioDevice::seekTransport(p);
2264         return;
2265       }
2267       if(!checkJackClient(_client)) return;
2269 // TODO: Be friendly to other apps... Sadly not many of us use jack_transport_reposition.
2270 //       This is actually required IF we want the extra position info to show up
2271 //        in the sync callback, otherwise we get just the frame only.
2272 //       This information is shared on the server, it is directly passed around.
2273 //       jack_transport_locate blanks the info from sync until the timebase callback reads
2274 //        it again right after, from some timebase master. See process in audio.cpp
2276 //       jack_position_t jp;
2277 //       jp.frame = p.frame();
2278 //
2279 //       jp.valid = JackPositionBBT;
2280 //       p.mbt(&jp.bar, &jp.beat, &jp.tick);
2281 //       jp.bar_start_tick = Pos(jp.bar, 0, 0).tick();
2282 //       jp.bar++;
2283 //       jp.beat++;
2284 //       jp.beats_per_bar = 5;  // TODO Make this correct !
2285 //       jp.beat_type = 8;      //
2286 //       jp.ticks_per_beat = MusEGlobal::config.division;
2287 //       int tempo = MusEGlobal::tempomap.tempo(p.tick());
2288 //       jp.beats_per_minute = (60000000.0 / tempo) * MusEGlobal::tempomap.globalTempo()/100.0;
2289 //       jack_transport_reposition(_client, &jp);
2291       jack_transport_locate(_client, p.frame());
2292       }
2294 //---------------------------------------------------------
2295 //   findPort
2296 //---------------------------------------------------------
findPort(const char * name)2298 void* JackAudioDevice::findPort(const char* name)
2299       {
2300       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::findPort(%s)\n", name);
2301       if(!checkJackClient(_client) || !name || name[0] == '\0')
2302         return NULL;
2303       void* p = jack_port_by_name(_client, name);
2304       return p;
2305       }
2307 //---------------------------------------------------------
2308 //   setMaster
2309 //---------------------------------------------------------
setMaster(bool f,bool unconditional)2311 int JackAudioDevice::setMaster(bool f, bool unconditional)
2312 {
2313   // Check this one-time hack flag so that it forces master.
2314   // MusEGlobal::audioDevice may be NULL, esp. at startup when loading a song file,
2315   //  so this flag is necessary for the next valid call to setMaster.
2316   if(MusEGlobal::timebaseMasterForceFlag)
2317   {
2318     unconditional = true;
2319     MusEGlobal::timebaseMasterForceFlag = false;
2320   }
2322   DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::setMaster val:%d unconditional:%d\n", f, unconditional);
2323   if(!checkJackClient(_client))
2324     return 0;
2326   int r = 0;
2327   if(f)
2328   {
2329     if(MusEGlobal::config.useJackTransport)
2330     {
2331       // Make Muse the Jack timebase master. Possibly do it unconditionally (second param = 0).
2332       // Note that if we are already the timebase master, this will succeed and it will still
2333       //  call the timebase callback once afterwards.
2334       r = jack_set_timebase_callback(_client, !unconditional, (JackTimebaseCallback) timebase_callback, 0);
2335       if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG)
2336       {
2337         if(r && !MusEGlobal::timebaseMasterState && unconditional)
2338           fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::setMaster jack_set_timebase_callback failed: result:%d\n", r);
2339       }
2340       if(!(bool)r != MusEGlobal::timebaseMasterState)
2341       {
2342         MusEGlobal::timebaseMasterState = !(bool)r;
2343         MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_TIMEBASE_MASTER);
2344       }
2345     }
2346     else
2347     {
2348       r = 1;
2349       fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::setMaster cannot set master because useJackTransport is false\n");
2350       if(MusEGlobal::timebaseMasterState)
2351       {
2352         MusEGlobal::timebaseMasterState = false;
2353         MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_TIMEBASE_MASTER);
2354       }
2355     }
2356   }
2357   else
2358   {
2359     r = jack_release_timebase(_client);
2360     if(MusEGlobal::debugMsg || JACK_DEBUG)
2361     {
2362       if(r && MusEGlobal::timebaseMasterState)
2363         fprintf(stderr, "JackAudioDevice::setMaster jack_release_timebase failed: result:%d\n", r);
2364     }
2365     if(!r && MusEGlobal::timebaseMasterState)
2366     {
2367       MusEGlobal::timebaseMasterState = false;
2368       MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_TIMEBASE_MASTER);
2369     }
2370   }
2371   return r;
2372 }
2374 //---------------------------------------------------------
2375 //   exitJackAudio
2376 //---------------------------------------------------------
exitJackAudio()2378 void exitJackAudio()
2379       {
2380       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "exitJackAudio()\n");
2381       if (jackAudio)
2382             delete jackAudio;
2384       DEBUG_JACK(stderr, "exitJackAudio() after delete jackAudio\n");
2386       MusEGlobal::audioDevice = NULL;
2387       muse_atomic_destroy(&atomicGraphChangedPending);
2388       }
2390 } // namespace MusECore