1 /*===========================================================================*/
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /* This file is part of the SYMPHONY MILP Solver Framework.                  */
4 /*                                                                           */
5 /* SYMPHONY was jointly developed by Ted Ralphs (ted@lehigh.edu) and         */
6 /* Laci Ladanyi (ladanyi@us.ibm.com).                                        */
7 /*                                                                           */
8 /* (c) Copyright 2000-2019 Ted Ralphs. All Rights Reserved.                  */
9 /*                                                                           */
10 /* This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License. Please see    */
11 /* accompanying file for terms.                                              */
12 /*                                                                           */
13 /*===========================================================================*/
15 #include <stdlib.h>
16 #include <memory.h>
17 #include <string.h>
18 #include <math.h>
20 #include "sym_lp.h"
21 #include "sym_proccomm.h"
22 #include "sym_types.h"
23 #include "sym_macros.h"
24 #include "sym_constants.h"
26 /*===========================================================================*/
28 /*===========================================================================*\
29  * This file contains LP functions related to column operations.
30 \*===========================================================================*/
add_col_set(lp_prob * p,our_col_set * new_cols)32 void add_col_set(lp_prob *p, our_col_set *new_cols)
33 {
34    LPdata *lp_data = p->lp_data;
35    var_desc *evar, **extra, **vars = lp_data->vars;
37    char *status = lp_data->status;
39    int new_vars = new_cols->num_vars;
40    int i, j, oldn;
41    char *where_to_move;
43    int cnt = 0;
44    int *index;
45    char *lu;
46    double *bd;
48    int to_lb_num, *to_lb_ind, to_ub_num, *to_ub_ind;
50    lp_data->lp_is_modified = LP_HAS_BEEN_MODIFIED;
52    colind_sort_extra(p);
54    if (new_cols->dual_feas == NOT_TDF){
55       to_lb_num = new_cols->rel_ub;
56       to_lb_ind = new_cols->rel_ub_ind;
57       to_ub_num = new_cols->rel_lb;
58       to_ub_ind = new_cols->rel_lb_ind;
59    }else{
60       to_ub_num = new_cols->rel_ub;
61       to_ub_ind = new_cols->rel_ub_ind;
62       to_lb_num = new_cols->rel_lb;
63       to_lb_ind = new_cols->rel_lb_ind;
64    }
66    if (new_vars){
67       size_lp_arrays(lp_data, TRUE, FALSE, 0, new_vars, new_cols->nzcnt);
68    }
70    lu = lp_data->tmp.c; /* n (max(n, new_vars), but already resized) */
71    index = lp_data->tmp.i1; /* n */
72    bd = lp_data->tmp.d; /* 2*n (MAX(n, 2*new_vars), but already resized) */
74    if (to_ub_num > 0){
75       memset(lu, 'U', to_ub_num);
76       /* Put the branching variables and base variable to the end
77        * of the list and the extra variables to the beginning */
78       for (i = to_ub_num - 1; i >= 0; i--){
79 	 j = to_ub_ind[i];
80 	 release_var(lp_data, j, MOVE_TO_UB); /* empty function for cplex */
81 	 status[j] = NOT_FIXED | (status[j] & NOT_REMOVABLE);
82 	 bd[cnt] = vars[j]->ub;
83 	 index[cnt++] = j;
84       }
85    }
87    if (to_lb_num > 0){
88       memset(lu + cnt, 'L', to_lb_num);
89       for (i = to_lb_num - 1; i >= 0; i--){
90 	 j = to_lb_ind[i];
91 	 release_var(lp_data, j, MOVE_TO_LB); /* empty function for cplex */
92 	 status[j] = NOT_FIXED | (status[j] & NOT_REMOVABLE);
93 	 bd[cnt] = vars[j]->lb;
94 	 index[cnt++] = j;
95       }
96    }
98    if (cnt > 0)
99       change_bounds(lp_data, cnt, index, lu, bd);
101    if (! new_vars)
102       return;
104    where_to_move = lp_data->tmp.c; /* new_vars */
105    /* In the current implementation everything not in the matrix was at its
106     * lower bound (0), therefore to restore dual feasibility they have to be
107     * moved to their upper bounds, while when we just add them to the problem
108     * they have to be moved to their lower bound */
109    memset(where_to_move,
110 	  new_cols->dual_feas == NOT_TDF ? MOVE_TO_UB : MOVE_TO_LB, new_vars);
112    add_cols(lp_data, new_vars, new_cols->nzcnt, new_cols->objx,
113 	    new_cols->matbeg, new_cols->matind, new_cols->matval,
114 	    new_cols->lb, new_cols->ub, where_to_move);
115    lp_data->lp_is_modified = LP_HAS_BEEN_MODIFIED;
116    lp_data->col_set_changed = TRUE;
117    p->colset_changed = TRUE;
118    lp_data->ordering = COLIND_ORDERED;
120    /* update the extra parts of vars */
121    oldn = lp_data->n - new_vars;
122    extra = lp_data->vars + oldn;
123    for (i = new_vars - 1; i >= 0; i--){
124       evar = extra[i];
125       evar->userind = new_cols->userind[i];
126       evar->colind = oldn + i;
127       evar->lb = new_cols->lb[i];
128       evar->ub = new_cols->ub[i];
129    }
131    /* zero out x, i.e., set it to the LB */
132    memset(lp_data->x + oldn, 0, new_vars * DSIZE);
133    /* set status of the new vars to NOT_FIXED */
134    //memset(lp_data->status + oldn, NOT_FIXED, new_vars);
135    //TODO: char vs int
136    for (i = oldn; i<oldn+new_vars; i++) {
137       lp_data->status[i] = NOT_FIXED;
138    }
139 }
141 /*===========================================================================*/
143 /*===========================================================================*\
144  * Try to tighten bounds based on reduced cost and logical fixing
145 \*===========================================================================*/
tighten_bounds(lp_prob * p)147 void tighten_bounds(lp_prob *p)
148 {
149    LPdata *lp_data = p->lp_data;
150    double *dj = lp_data->dj;
151    //double *x = lp_data->x;
152    char *status = lp_data->status;
153    var_desc **vars = lp_data->vars;
154    int n = lp_data->n;
155    double lpetol = lp_data->lpetol;
157    double gap = 0.0, max_change;
158    int i, vars_recently_fixed_to_ub = 0;
159    int did_logical_fixing = FALSE,  did_reduced_cost_fixing = FALSE;
160    int lb_vars = 0, perm_lb_vars = 0, ub_vars = 0, perm_ub_vars = 0;
161    int del_vars = 0, *delstat = NULL;
163    //char not_fixed__lb__switch, not_fixed__ub__switch;
164    int *ind = 0;
165    char *lu = 0;
166    double *bd = 0, *ub = 0, *lb = 0;
167    int cnt = 0;
169    colind_sort_extra(p);
171    check_ub(p);
172    if (p->has_ub){
173       gap = p->ub - lp_data->objval - p->par.granularity;
174    }
176    /*========================================================================*\
177     *                   Here is the reduced cost fixing.
178     *
179     * If the gap is negative that means that we are above the limit, so don't
180     * do anything.
181     * Otherwise we do regular rc tightening if one of the following holds:
182     * -- if we have done rc fixing before then the gap must have decreased
183     *    significantly
184     * -- if we haven't done rc tightening before, then the gap must be relatively
185     * small compared to the upper bound
186     \*=======================================================================*/
187    if (p->par.do_reduced_cost_fixing && p->has_ub && gap > 0){
188       if (p->last_gap == 0.0 ?
189 	  (gap < p->par.gap_as_ub_frac * p->ub) :
190 	  (gap < p->par.gap_as_last_gap_frac * p->last_gap)){
191 	 /* Tighten the upper/lower bounds on the variables,
192 	    prepare to delete them and do some statistics. */
193 	 delstat = lp_data->tmp.i1;   /* 2*n */
194 	 ind = lp_data->tmp.i1 + n;
195 	 lu = lp_data->tmp.c;         /* n */
196 	 bd = lp_data->tmp.d;         /* n */
198 	 get_bounds(lp_data);
199 	 ub = lp_data->ub;
200 	 lb = lp_data->lb;
202 	 p->vars_deletable = 0;
203 	 memset((char *)delstat, 0, n * ISIZE);
204 	 lb_vars = perm_lb_vars = ub_vars = perm_ub_vars = 0;
205 	 for (cnt = 0, i = n-1; i >= 0; i--){
206 	    if (fabs(dj[i]) < lpetol || !vars[i]->is_int){
207 	       continue;
208 	    }
209 	    max_change = gap/dj[i];
210 	    if (max_change > 0 && max_change < ub[i] - lb[i]){
211 	       if (lp_data->nf_status & NF_CHECK_NOTHING){
212 		  status[i] ^= NOT_FIXED__PERM_LB__SWITCH;
213 		  perm_lb_vars++;
214 	       }else{
215 		  status[i] ^= NOT_FIXED__TEMP_LB__SWITCH;
216 		  lb_vars++;
217 	       }
218 	       ind[cnt] = i;
219 	       lu[cnt] = 'U';
220 	       bd[cnt++] = vars[i]->is_int ? floor(lb[i] + max_change) :
221 		  lb[i] + max_change;
222                vars[i]->new_ub = bd[cnt-1];
223                p->bound_changes_in_iter++;
224 	       if (! (status[i] & NOT_REMOVABLE) && lb[i] == 0 &&
225 		   lb[i] == ub[i]){
226 		  p->vars_deletable++;
227 		  delstat[i] = 1;
228 	       }
229 	    }else if (max_change < 0 && max_change > lb[i] - ub[i]){
230 	       if (lp_data->nf_status & NF_CHECK_NOTHING){
231 		  status[i] ^= NOT_FIXED__PERM_UB__SWITCH;
232 		  perm_ub_vars++;
233 	       }else{
234 		  status[i] ^= NOT_FIXED__TEMP_UB__SWITCH;
235 		  ub_vars++;
236 	       }
237 	       ind[cnt] = i;
238 	       lu[cnt] = 'L';
239 	       bd[cnt++] = vars[i]->is_int ? ceil(ub[i] + max_change) :
240 		  ub[i] + max_change;
241                vars[i]->new_lb = bd[cnt-1];
242                p->bound_changes_in_iter++;
243 	       if (! (status[i] & NOT_REMOVABLE) && lb[i] == 0 &&
244 		   lb[i] == ub[i]){
245 		  p->vars_deletable++;
246 		  delstat[i] = 1;
247 	       }
248 	       vars_recently_fixed_to_ub++;
249 	    }
250 	    did_reduced_cost_fixing = TRUE;
251 	 }
252 	 p->vars_recently_fixed_to_ub += vars_recently_fixed_to_ub;
253       }
254    }
256 #ifdef COMPILE_IN_LP
257    if (p->bc_level==0 && p->par.do_reduced_cost_fixing) {
258       /* we are root node. we will save the reduced costs after each round of
259        * cuts. whenever ub is updated, we can come back and update bounds in
260        * the root
261        */
262       if (p->tm->par.tighten_root_bounds){
263 	 save_root_reduced_costs(p);
264       }
265    }
266 #endif
268    if (cnt > 0){
269       change_bounds(lp_data, cnt, ind, lu, bd);
270    }
272    /*========================================================================*\
273     * Logical fixing is done only if the number of variables recently fixed
274     * to upper bound reaches a given constant AND is at least a certain
275     * fraction of the total number of variables.
276     \*=======================================================================*/
278    if ((p->par.do_logical_fixing) &&
279        (p->vars_recently_fixed_to_ub >
280 	p->par.fixed_to_ub_before_logical_fixing) &&
281        (p->vars_recently_fixed_to_ub >
282 	p->par.fixed_to_ub_frac_before_logical_fixing * n)){
283       logical_fixing_u(p);
284       did_logical_fixing = TRUE;
285    }
287    if (! did_reduced_cost_fixing && ! did_logical_fixing)
288       return;
290    if (did_reduced_cost_fixing)
291       p->last_gap = gap;
292    if (did_logical_fixing)
293       p->vars_recently_fixed_to_ub = 0;
295    if (p->par.verbosity > 3){
296       if (ub_vars)
297 	 printf("total of %i variables with temp adjusted UB ...\n",ub_vars);
298       if (perm_ub_vars)
299 	 printf("total of %i variables with perm adjusted UB ...\n",perm_ub_vars);
300       if (lb_vars)
301 	 printf("total of %i variables with temp adjusted LB ...\n",lb_vars);
302       if (perm_lb_vars)
303 	 printf("total of %i variables with perm adjusted LB ...\n",perm_lb_vars);
304    }
305    p->vars_at_lb = lb_vars;
306    p->vars_at_ub = ub_vars;
308    /* if enough variables have been fixed, then physically compress the matrix,
309     * eliminating the columns that are fixed to zero */
310    if (p->vars_deletable > p->par.mat_col_compress_num &&
311        p->vars_deletable > n * p->par.mat_col_compress_ratio){
313       PRINT(p->par.verbosity,3, ("Compressing constraint matrix (col) ...\n"));
314       del_vars = delete_cols(lp_data, p->vars_deletable, delstat);
315       if (del_vars > 0){
316 	 lp_data->lp_is_modified = LP_HAS_BEEN_MODIFIED;
317 	 lp_data->col_set_changed = TRUE;
318       }
319       if (p->vars_deletable > del_vars){
320 	 PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 3,
321 	       ("%i vars were not removed because they were basic ...\n",
322 		p->vars_deletable - del_vars));
323       }
324       if (del_vars > 0){
325 	 p->vars_deletable -= del_vars;
326 	 PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 3,
327 	       ("%i vars successfully removed from the problem ...\n",
328 		del_vars));
329 	 for (i = p->base.varnum; i < n; i++){
330 	    if (delstat[i] != -1){
331 	       *(vars[delstat[i]]) = *(vars[i]);
332 	       vars[delstat[i]]->colind = delstat[i];
333 	    }
334 	 }
335       }
336    }
337 }
339 /*===========================================================================*\
340  *===========================================================================*
341  *
343  * No matter whether this routine was called with a primal feasible tableau
344  * or not, if everything prices out, that means that if we were to add every
345  * variable right now, we would still have a dual feasible tableau, therefore
346  * the dual simplex could be continued, with the dual obj value only
347  * increasing.
348  *
349  * NOTE: The tableau we know of is always dual feasible.
350  *
351  * This routine starts by collecting ALL (known and not known)
352  * variables having reduced cost between 0 and 'gap' into
353  * 'new_cols'. As soon as a non-dual-feasible variable is encountered,
354  * the routine switches to collect the non-dual-feasibles into 'new_cols'.
355  *
356  * At the end, the result is:
357  * -- if dual_feas is TDF_HAS_ALL, then new_cols contains the set of
358  *    non-fixable variables not in the matrix.
359  * -- if dual_feas is NOT_TDF, then new_cols contains all (well, at most
360  *    max_ndf_vars) not dual feasible variables, which could be added.
361  * -- if dual_feas is TDF_NOT_ALL then the whole tableau is dual feas, just
362  *    we have ran out of space for storing the non-fixable variables
363  *
364 \*===========================================================================*/
366 /*===========================================================================*\
368  *       p->lp_data->nf_status[0] != NF_CHECK_NOTHING !!!
369 \*===========================================================================*/
price_all_vars(lp_prob * p)371 our_col_set *price_all_vars(lp_prob *p)
372 {
373    LPdata *lp_data = p->lp_data;
374    double lpetol = lp_data->lpetol;
375    int m = lp_data->m, n = lp_data->n;
376    char *status = lp_data->status;
377    double *dj = lp_data->dj;
378    double *dual = lp_data->dualsol;
380    int bvarnum = p->base.varnum;
381    int extranum = lp_data->n - bvarnum;
382    var_desc **vars = lp_data->vars;
383    var_desc **extra = vars + bvarnum;
385    int next_not_fixed, not_fixed_num = lp_data->not_fixed_num;
386    int *not_fixed = lp_data->not_fixed;
387    char new_nf_status = NF_CHECK_UNTIL_LAST;
388    int  nf_status = lp_data->nf_status;
389    int tmp_not_fixed_num = 0, *tmp_not_fixed, *itmp;
391    int cutnum;
392    cut_data **cuts;
393    row_data *rows;
395    char basevar = TRUE; /* just to keep gcc quiet */
396    int ind, prevind, curind, nextind = -1; /* just to keep gcc quiet */
397    double gap, red_cost;
399    char must_add;
400    int dual_feas;
401    int termcode = p->lp_data->termcode;
403    our_col_set *new_cols = (our_col_set *) calloc(1, sizeof(our_col_set));
404    int max_ndf_vars, max_nfix_vars,  max_new_vars, max_new_nzcnt;
405    int new_vars=0, new_nzcnt=0, rel_lb=0, rel_ub=0;
407    int collen, *colind;
408    double obj, lb, ub, *colval;
410    int i, j, k;
412 #ifdef STATISTICS
413    int nfix = 0;
414 #endif
416    /* Compute how many non-dual-feasible cols we are willing to add.
417     * Also compute how many non-fixable cols we are willing to add.
418     * Then, to start with, set max_new_vars to be the latter. */
419    max_ndf_vars = (int) (n * p->par.max_non_dual_feas_to_add_frac);
420    if (max_ndf_vars < p->par.max_non_dual_feas_to_add_min)
421       max_ndf_vars = p->par.max_non_dual_feas_to_add_min;
422    if (max_ndf_vars > p->par.max_non_dual_feas_to_add_max)
423       max_ndf_vars = p->par.max_non_dual_feas_to_add_max;
425    if (termcode != LP_D_UNBOUNDED){
426       max_nfix_vars = 0;
427    }else{
428       max_nfix_vars = (int) (n * p->par.max_not_fixable_to_add_frac);
429       if (max_nfix_vars < p->par.max_not_fixable_to_add_min)
430 	 max_nfix_vars = p->par.max_not_fixable_to_add_min;
431       if (max_nfix_vars > p->par.max_not_fixable_to_add_max)
432 	 max_nfix_vars = p->par.max_not_fixable_to_add_max;
433    }
435    tmp_not_fixed = (int *) malloc(p->par.not_fixed_storage_size * ISIZE);
437    max_new_vars = MAX(max_nfix_vars, max_ndf_vars);
438    max_new_nzcnt = m*max_new_vars;
440    new_cols->rel_lb_ind = p->vars_at_lb ?
441       (int *) malloc(p->vars_at_lb * ISIZE) : NULL;
442    new_cols->rel_ub_ind = p->vars_at_ub ?
443       (int *) malloc(p->vars_at_ub * ISIZE) : NULL;
444    new_cols->objx = (double *) malloc(max_new_vars * DSIZE);
445    new_cols->lb = (double *) malloc(max_new_vars * DSIZE);
446    new_cols->ub = (double *) malloc(max_new_vars * DSIZE);
447    new_cols->matbeg = (int *) malloc((max_new_vars+1) * ISIZE);
448    new_cols->matbeg[0] = 0;
449    new_cols->matind = (int *) malloc(max_new_nzcnt * ISIZE);
450    new_cols->matval = (double *) malloc(max_new_nzcnt * DSIZE);
451    new_cols->userind = (int *) malloc(max_new_vars * ISIZE);
453    userind_sort_extra(p);
455    /* Collect the non-base lpcuts */
456    cutnum = m - p->base.cutnum;
457    cuts = (cut_data **) lp_data->tmp.p1; /* m (actually, cutnum < m) */
458    rows = lp_data->rows + p->base.cutnum;
459    for (i = cutnum - 1; i >= 0; i--)
460       cuts[i] = rows[i].cut;
462    colind = lp_data->tmp.i1; /* m */
463    colval = lp_data->tmp.d; /* 2*m */
465    must_add = FALSE;
466    dual_feas = TDF_HAS_ALL;
467    check_ub(p);
468    gap = p->has_ub ? p->ub - p->par.granularity - lp_data->objval :
469       SYM_INFINITY;
471    /*========================================================================*\
472     * Now we loop through every single variable, and get those to be
473     * added into the new_cols structure.
474     *
475     * In the loop 'i' runs on the base vars, 'j' on the extra vars and 'k'
476     * on the not_fixed ones.
477     * In every iteration we compute nextind, the next variable we know of,
478     * based on i and j.
479     * -- If we have run out of non-fixables and
480     *   - nf_status == NF_CHECK_UNTIL_LAST then, we know of all non-fixable
481     *     non-base variable and we are past them, then only base vars can be
482     *     left to be checked. And nextind is processed.
483     *   - nf_status == NF_CHECK_AFTER_LAST then there are more non-fixables,
484     *     but we don't know what they are, then the user has to tell about the
485     *     next variable.
486     * -- If nextind is smaller than the next non-fixable we know of then
487     * nextind is processed.
488     * -- If it is greater then the next non-fixable has to be processed.
489     \*=======================================================================*/
491    curind = prevind = -1;
493    for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; TRUE; prevind = curind){
494       switch ((i < bvarnum ? 1 : 0) + (j < extranum ? 2 : 0)){
495        case 0: /* none left */
496 	 nextind = -1; basevar = FALSE; break;
497        case 1: /* only base vars left */
498 	 nextind = vars[i]->userind; basevar = TRUE; break;
499        case 2: /* only extra vars left */
500 	 nextind = extra[j]->userind; basevar = FALSE; break;
501        case 3: /* both of them left */
502 	 if (vars[i]->userind < extra[j]->userind){
503 	    nextind = vars[i]->userind; basevar = TRUE;
504 	 }else{
505 	    nextind = extra[j]->userind; basevar = FALSE;
506 	 }
507 	 break;
508       }
510       /*=====================================================================*\
511        * If we have a chance to prove TDF   or
512        * If we proved NOT_TDF but still have enough space to add new cols,
513        * then the user the user generates the next col (or says that the next
514        * col is what we have next), otherwise the next col is what we have
515        * next.
516       \*=====================================================================*/
518       if ((dual_feas != NOT_TDF) ||
519 	  (dual_feas == NOT_TDF && new_vars < max_ndf_vars)){
520 	 if (k < not_fixed_num){
521 	    /* If anything is left on the not_fixed list then compare it to
522 	     * the next in matrix (nextind) and get the smaller one */
523 	    next_not_fixed = not_fixed[k];
524 	    if (nextind == -1 || nextind > next_not_fixed){
525 	       /* FIXME: Catch the error message for this function */
526 	       curind = generate_column_u(p, cutnum, cuts,
527 					  prevind, next_not_fixed,
529 					  colval, colind, &collen, &obj,
530 					  &lb, &ub);
531 	       k++;
532 	    }else{
533 	       if (nextind == next_not_fixed)
534 		  k++;
535 	       curind = nextind;
536 	    }
537 	 }else{
538 	    /*If nothing is left in not_fixed then things depend on nf_status*/
539 	    if (nf_status == NF_CHECK_UNTIL_LAST){
540 	       curind = nextind;
541 	    }else{ /* NF_CHECK_AFTER_LAST */
542 	       /* FIXME: Catch the error message for this function */
543 	       curind = generate_column_u(p, cutnum, cuts,
544 					  prevind, nextind,
546 					  colval, colind, &collen, &obj,
547 					  &lb, &ub);
548 	    }
549 	 }
550       }else{
551 	 curind = nextind;
552       }
554       /* Now curind is the one we work with. If it's negative then there are
555        * no more cols. */
556       if (curind < 0)
557 	 break;
559       if (curind == nextind){
560 	 /* The next col is what we have next, i.e., it is in the matrix.
561 	  * We've got to check it only if it is fixed to LB or UB. */
562 	 ind = basevar ? i : j + bvarnum;
563 	 red_cost = dj[ind];
564 	 if (status[ind] & TEMP_FIXED_TO_LB || status[ind] & TEMP_FIXED_TO_UB){
565 	    if (status[ind] & TEMP_FIXED_TO_LB){
566 	       if (red_cost < -lpetol){
567 		  if (dual_feas != NOT_TDF){
568 		     dual_feas = NOT_TDF;
569 		     rel_lb = rel_ub = new_vars = new_nzcnt = 0;
570 		  }
571 		  new_cols->rel_lb_ind[rel_lb++] = ind;
572 	       }else if (dual_feas != NOT_TDF){
573 		  if (red_cost < gap){
574 		     new_cols->rel_lb_ind[rel_lb++] = ind;
575 		  }else{
576 		     new_cols->rel_lb_ind[rel_lb++] = - ind - 1;
577 		  }
578 	       }
579 	    }else{ /* TEMP_FIXED_TO_UB */
580 	       if (red_cost > lpetol){
581 		  if (dual_feas != NOT_TDF){
582 		     dual_feas = NOT_TDF;
583 		     rel_lb = rel_ub = new_vars = new_nzcnt = 0;
584 		  }
585 		  new_cols->rel_ub_ind[rel_ub++] = ind;
586 	       }else if (dual_feas != NOT_TDF){
587 		  if (red_cost > -gap){
588 		     new_cols->rel_ub_ind[rel_ub++] = ind;
589 		  }else{
590 		     new_cols->rel_ub_ind[rel_ub++] = - ind - 1;
591 		  }
592 	       }
593 	    }
594 	 }
595 	 if (basevar)
596 	    i++;
597 	 else
598 	    j++;
600       }else{ /* the next col is not in the matrix */
601 	 red_cost = obj - dot_product(colval, colind, collen, dual);
602 	 if (red_cost < -lpetol){
603 	    if (dual_feas != NOT_TDF){
604 	       dual_feas = NOT_TDF;
605 	       rel_lb = rel_ub = new_vars = new_nzcnt = 0;
606 	    }
607 	    must_add = TRUE;
608 	 }else if (dual_feas != NOT_TDF && red_cost < gap){
609 	    if (new_vars == max_nfix_vars){
610 	       /* Run out of space!! */
611 	       dual_feas = TDF_NOT_ALL;
612 #ifdef STATISTICS
613 	       if (!nfix)
614 		  nfix = new_vars;
615 	       nfix++;
616 #endif
617 	    }else{
618 	       must_add = TRUE;
619 	    }
620 	 }
621 	 if (must_add){
622 	    new_cols->objx[new_vars] = obj;
623 	    new_cols->lb[new_vars] = lb;
624 	    new_cols->ub[new_vars] = ub;
625 	    new_cols->matbeg[new_vars + 1] = new_cols->matbeg[new_vars]+collen;
626 	    memcpy((char *)(new_cols->matind+new_cols->matbeg[new_vars]),
627 		   (char *)colind, collen * ISIZE);
628 	    memcpy((char *)(new_cols->matval+new_cols->matbeg[new_vars]),
629 		   (char *)colval, collen * DSIZE);
630 	    new_nzcnt += collen;
631 	    new_cols->userind[new_vars++] = curind;
632 	    must_add = FALSE;
633 	 }
634 	 basevar = FALSE;
635       }
636       /* Add this variable to the not_fixed list if it cannot be permanently
637        fixed*/
638       if (red_cost > -gap && red_cost < gap && !basevar){
639 	 if (tmp_not_fixed_num < p->par.not_fixed_storage_size){
640 	    tmp_not_fixed[tmp_not_fixed_num++] = curind;
641 	 }else{
642 	    new_nf_status = NF_CHECK_AFTER_LAST;
643 	 }
644       }
645    }
647    new_cols->num_vars = new_vars;
648    new_cols->nzcnt = new_nzcnt;
649    new_cols->rel_lb = rel_lb;
650    new_cols->rel_ub = rel_ub;
652    switch (new_cols->dual_feas = dual_feas){
653     case NOT_TDF:
654       PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 5, ("price_all_vars() : NOT_TDF.  [ %i ]\n",
655 				  new_vars + rel_ub + rel_lb));
656       p->vars_at_lb -= rel_lb;
657       p->vars_at_ub -= rel_ub;
658       for (i = rel_lb - 1; i >= 0; i--){
659 	 if (! (status[new_cols->rel_lb_ind[i]] & NOT_REMOVABLE))
660 	    p->vars_deletable--;
661       }
662       break;
664     case TDF_NOT_ALL:
665       PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 5, ("price_all_vars() : TDF_NOT_ALL.\n"));
666 #ifdef STATISTICS
667       PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 5, ("     ( nonfix / maxnonfix : %i / %i )\n",
668 				  nfix, max_nfix_vars));
669 #endif
671       /*=====================================================================*\
672        * If total dual feasibility has been proved but there are too
673        * many vars to add, then (although we don't want to release
674        * those already fixed but not permanently fixable) we can
675        * permanently fix those which are marked such way.
676       \*=====================================================================*/
678       for (k = 0, i = 0; i < rel_lb; i++){
679 	 if ((j = new_cols->rel_lb_ind[i]) < 0){
680 	    j = -j-1;
681 	    status[j] ^= TEMP_PERM_LB__SWITCH;
682 	 }else{
683 	    new_cols->rel_lb_ind[k++] = j;
684 	 }
685 	 if (! (status[j] & NOT_REMOVABLE))
686 	    p->vars_deletable--;
687       }
688       new_cols->rel_lb = k;
689       for (k = 0, i = 0; i < rel_ub; i++){
690 	 if ((j = new_cols->rel_ub_ind[i]) < 0){
691 	    status[-j-1] ^= TEMP_PERM_UB__SWITCH;
692 	 }else{
693 	    new_cols->rel_ub_ind[k++] = j;
694 	 }
695       }
696       new_cols->rel_ub = k;
698       /*=====================================================================*\
699        * If we come here, there should only be variables to add in the case
700        * the LP is infeasible. Since we can't add all the variables in, we may
701        * as well just wait for the call to restore_feasibility and only add in
702        * the one (if there is one) that destroys the proof of infeasibility.
703       \*=====================================================================*/
705       new_vars = rel_ub = rel_lb = 0;
707       /* Update which variables have to be priced out. */
708       lp_data->nf_status = new_nf_status;
709       lp_data->not_fixed_num = tmp_not_fixed_num;
710       itmp = lp_data->not_fixed;
711       lp_data->not_fixed = tmp_not_fixed;
712       tmp_not_fixed = itmp;
714       break;
716     case TDF_HAS_ALL:
717       /* Now if total dual feasibility is proved and there aren't too
718        * many extra variables to be added... */
719       lp_data->nf_status = NF_CHECK_NOTHING;
720       lp_data->not_fixed_num = 0;
721       for (k = 0, i = 0; i < rel_lb; i++){
722 	 if ((j = new_cols->rel_lb_ind[i]) < 0){
723 	    j = -j-1;
724 	    status[j] ^= TEMP_PERM_LB__SWITCH;
725 	 }else{
726 	    new_cols->rel_lb_ind[k++] = j;
727 	 }
728 	 if (! (status[j] & NOT_REMOVABLE))
729 	    p->vars_deletable--;
730       }
731       new_cols->rel_lb = rel_lb = k;
732       for (k = 0, i = 0; i < rel_ub; i++){
733 	 if ((j = new_cols->rel_ub_ind[i]) < 0){
734 	    status[-j-1] ^= TEMP_PERM_UB__SWITCH;
735 	 }else{
736 	    new_cols->rel_ub_ind[k++] = j;
737 	 }
738       }
739       new_cols->rel_ub = rel_ub = k;
741       p->vars_at_lb = 0; /* they are either permanently fixed or released */
742       p->vars_at_ub = 0; /* they are either permanently fixed or released */
744       PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 5, ("price_all_vars() : TDF_HAS_ALL.  [ %i ]\n",
745 				  new_vars + rel_ub + rel_lb));
746       break;
747    }
749    FREE(tmp_not_fixed);
751    if (rel_lb || rel_ub)
752       PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 1,
753 	    ("Released %i 0-variables and %i 1-variables.\n", rel_lb, rel_ub));
755    if (new_vars || rel_lb || rel_ub)
756       add_col_set(p, new_cols);
758    return(new_cols);
759 }
761 /*===========================================================================*/
763 /*===========================================================================*\
764  * This function is called with an infeasible problem in lp_data, and after
765  * we found that the lp is total dual feasible but there were too many
766  * variables to add (i.e., TDF_NOT_ALL).
767  * Therefore in new_cols there will be a bunch of vars wich are not permanently
768  * fixable so we should start to check those first.
769  *
770  * The final goal here is to find a variable which destroys a proof of primal
771  * infeasibility
772 \*===========================================================================*/
restore_lp_feasibility(lp_prob * p,our_col_set * new_cols)774 int restore_lp_feasibility(lp_prob *p, our_col_set *new_cols)
775 {
776    LPdata *lp_data = p->lp_data;
777    double lpetol = lp_data->lpetol;
778    char *status = lp_data->status;
779    double *dual = lp_data->dualsol;
781    int bvarnum = p->base.varnum;
782    int extranum = lp_data->n - bvarnum;
783    var_desc **vars = lp_data->vars;
784    var_desc **extra = vars + bvarnum;
786    int next_not_fixed, *not_fixed = lp_data->not_fixed;
787    int  nf_status = lp_data->nf_status;
788    int not_fixed_num = lp_data->not_fixed_num;
790    int cutnum;
791    cut_data **cuts;
793    int infind, violation;
795    int collen, *colind;
796    double obj, lb = 0, ub = 0, *colval, *binvrow;
798    double gap, red_cost, prod;
800    char basevar = TRUE; /* just to keep gcc quiet */
801    int prevind, curind, nextind = -1; /* just to keep gcc quiet */
803    int i, j, k;
805    /* Get a proof of infeasibility and get the corresponding row of the basis
806     * inverse */
808    violation = get_proof_of_infeas(lp_data, &infind);
810    /*========================================================================*\
811     * Collect the non-base lpcuts. We would have to do the same as in
812     * price_all_vars(), but this function is called right after that, and thus
813     * lp_data->tmp.p1 still has the pointers to the cuts :-).
814     * And, price_all_vars did NOT resize the tmp arrays as it has failed if
815     * we came to this function.
816     * Also itmpm and dtmpm were reallocated there. (for big enough)
817    \*========================================================================*/
819    cutnum = lp_data->m - p->base.cutnum;
820    cuts = (cut_data **) lp_data->tmp.p1;
821    colind = lp_data->tmp.i1;
822    colval = lp_data->tmp.d;
823    binvrow = lp_data->tmp.d + lp_data->m;
825    get_binvrow(lp_data, infind, binvrow);
827    check_ub(p);
828    gap = p->has_ub ? p->ub - p->par.granularity - lp_data->objval :
829       SYM_INFINITY;
831    /* First check those released from their lower bound in price_all_vars(),
832     * and see if they destroy the proof of infeas */
833    for (i=new_cols->rel_lb-1; i>=0; i--){
834       j = new_cols->rel_lb_ind[i];
835       get_column(lp_data, j, colval, colind, &collen, &obj);
836       prod = dot_product(colval, colind, collen, binvrow);
837       if ((violation == LOWER_THAN_LB && prod < -lpetol) ||
838 	  (violation == HIGHER_THAN_UB && prod > lpetol)){
839 	 /* OK, just release this variable */
840 	 PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 2,
841 	       ("RELEASED_FROM_LB while restoring feasibility.\n"));
842 	 new_cols->num_vars = new_cols->rel_ub = new_cols->rel_lb = 0;
843 	 change_ub(lp_data, j, lp_data->vars[j]->ub);
844 	 status[j] ^= NOT_FIXED__TEMP_LB__SWITCH;
845 	 release_var(lp_data, j, MOVE_TO_LB);
846 	 return(TRUE);
847       }
848    }
849    new_cols->rel_lb = 0; /*We don't need these anymore*/
851    /* Now check those released from their upper bound */
852    for (i=new_cols->rel_ub-1; i>=0; i--){
853       j = new_cols->rel_ub_ind[i];
854       get_column(lp_data, j, colval, colind, &collen, &obj);
855       prod = dot_product(colval, colind, collen, binvrow);
856       if ((violation == LOWER_THAN_LB && prod > lpetol) ||
857 	  (violation == HIGHER_THAN_UB && prod < -lpetol)){
858 	 /* OK, just release this variable */
859 	 PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 2,
860 	       ("RELEASED_FROM_UB while restoring feasibility.\n"));
861 	 new_cols->num_vars = new_cols->rel_ub = new_cols->rel_lb = 0;
862 	 change_lb(lp_data, j, lp_data->vars[j]->lb);
863 	 status[j] ^= NOT_FIXED__TEMP_UB__SWITCH;
864 	 release_var(lp_data, j, MOVE_TO_UB);
865 	 return(TRUE);
866       }
867    }
868    new_cols->rel_ub = 0; /*We don't need these anymore*/
870    /* Now check the ones described in the new_vars part of new_cols.
871     * These are either already added, or we got that far */
872    for (i=0; i<new_cols->num_vars; i++){
873       prod = dot_product(new_cols->matval + new_cols->matbeg[i],
874 			 new_cols->matind + new_cols->matbeg[i],
875 			 new_cols->matbeg[i+1] - new_cols->matbeg[i],
876 			 binvrow);
877       if ((violation == LOWER_THAN_LB && prod < -lpetol) ||
878 	  (violation == HIGHER_THAN_UB && prod > lpetol)){
879 	 PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 2,
880 	       ("1 variable added while restoring feasibility.\n"));
881 	 new_cols->rel_ub = new_cols->rel_lb = 0;
882 	 new_cols->num_vars = 1;
883 	 if (i > 0){
884 	    new_cols->userind[0] = new_cols->userind[i];
885 	    new_cols->objx[0] = new_cols->objx[i];
886 	    new_cols->lb[0] = lb;
887 	    new_cols->ub[0] = ub;
888 	    memmove(new_cols->matind, new_cols->matind + new_cols->matbeg[i],
889 		    new_cols->nzcnt * ISIZE);
890 	    memmove(new_cols->matval, new_cols->matval + new_cols->matbeg[i],
891 		    new_cols->nzcnt * DSIZE);
892 	    new_cols->matbeg[1] = new_cols->nzcnt;
893 	 }
894 	 new_cols->nzcnt = new_cols->matbeg[i+1] - new_cols->matbeg[i];
895 	 add_col_set(p, new_cols);
896 	 return(TRUE);
897       }
898    }
900    /* OK, we are out of the if, so we still didn't get rid of the proof. */
902    userind_sort_extra(p);
904    /* Just to avoid copying */
905    colind = new_cols->matind;
906    colval = new_cols->matval;
908    /*========================================================================*\
909     * Go through all the columns not in the matrix starting from prevind,
910     * i.e., we start where price_all_vars gave up collecting not fixables.
911     * Those in the matrix are already tested; they were listed in
912     * rel_{lb,ub}_ind.
913     * To do this first get the right i,j,k for a loop awfully similar to the
914     * one in price_all_vars.
915    \*========================================================================*/
917    prevind = new_cols->userind[new_cols->num_vars-1];
918    i = bvarnum > 0 ? bfind(prevind, p->base.userind, bvarnum) + 1 : 0;
919    for (j = extranum - 1; j >= 0 && extra[j]->userind > prevind; j--); j++;
920    k = not_fixed_num > 0 ? bfind(prevind, not_fixed, not_fixed_num) + 1 : 0;
922    for (; ; prevind = curind){
923       if (k == not_fixed_num && nf_status != NF_CHECK_AFTER_LAST)
924 	 /* nothing can help now... */
925 	 break;
926       switch ((i < bvarnum ? 1 : 0) + (j < extranum ? 2 : 0)){
927        case 0: /* none left */
928 	 nextind = -1; break;
929        case 1: /* only base vars left */
930 	 nextind = vars[i]->userind; basevar = TRUE; break;
931        case 2: /* only extra vars left */
932 	 nextind = extra[j]->userind; basevar = FALSE; break;
933        case 3: /* both of them left */
934 	 if (vars[i]->userind < extra[j]->userind){
935 	    nextind = vars[i]->userind; basevar = TRUE;
936 	 }else{
937 	    nextind = extra[j]->userind; basevar = FALSE;
938 	 }
939 	 break;
940       }
941       if (k < not_fixed_num){
942 	 next_not_fixed = not_fixed[k];
943 	 if (nextind == -1 || nextind > next_not_fixed){
944 	    /* FIXME: Catch the error message for this function */
945 	    curind = generate_column_u(p, cutnum, cuts,
946 				       prevind, next_not_fixed,
947 				       GENERATE_NEXTIND, colval, colind,
948 				       &collen, &obj, &lb, &ub);
949 	    k++;
950 	 }else{
951 	    if (nextind == next_not_fixed)
952 	       k++;
953 	    curind = nextind;
954 	 }
955       }else{ /* no we know that NF_CHECK_AFTER_LAST */
956 	 /* FIXME: Catch the error message for this function */
957 	 curind = generate_column_u(p, cutnum, cuts,
958 				    prevind, nextind, GENERATE_REAL_NEXTIND,
959 				    colval, colind, &collen, &obj, &lb, &ub);
960       }
962       /* Now curind is the one we work with. If it's negative then there are
963        * no more cols. */
964       if (curind < 0)
965 	 break;
967       if (curind == nextind){
968 	 /* no point in testing curind: it is either in the matrix or has
969 	  * already been tested */
970 	 if (basevar)
971 	    i++;
972 	 else
973 	    j++;
974       }else{
975 	 prod = dot_product(colval, colind, collen, binvrow);
976 	 if ((violation == LOWER_THAN_LB && prod < -lpetol) ||
977 	     (violation == HIGHER_THAN_UB && prod > lpetol)){
978 	    red_cost = obj - dot_product(colval, colind, collen, dual);
979 	    if (red_cost < gap){ /* It is at 0 level anyway and dual feas*/
980 	       PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 2,
981 		     ("1 variable added while restoring feasibility.\n"));
982 	       new_cols->num_vars = 1;
983 	       new_cols->userind[0] = curind;
984 	       new_cols->objx[0] = obj;
985 	       new_cols->matbeg[1] = collen;
986 	       new_cols->nzcnt = collen;
987 	       add_col_set(p, new_cols);
988 	       return(TRUE);
989 	    }
990 	 }
991       }
992    }
994    /* We came out of the loop ==> primal feasibility cannot be restored */
995    return(FALSE);
996 }
998 /*===========================================================================*/
userind_sort_extra(lp_prob * p)1000 void userind_sort_extra(lp_prob *p)
1001 {
1002    LPdata *lp_data = p->lp_data;
1003    if (lp_data->n > p->base.varnum + 1){
1004       if (lp_data->ordering == COLIND_ORDERED){
1005 	 qsort((char *)(lp_data->vars + p->base.varnum),
1006 	       lp_data->n - p->base.varnum,
1007 	       sizeof(var_desc *), var_uind_comp);
1008 	 lp_data->ordering = USERIND_ORDERED;
1009       }
1010    }else{
1011       lp_data->ordering = COLIND_AND_USERIND_ORDERED;
1012    }
1013 }
1015 /*===========================================================================*/
colind_sort_extra(lp_prob * p)1017 void colind_sort_extra(lp_prob *p)
1018 {
1019    LPdata *lp_data = p->lp_data;
1020    if (lp_data->n > p->base.varnum + 1){
1021       if (lp_data->ordering == USERIND_ORDERED){
1022 	 qsort((char *)(lp_data->vars + p->base.varnum),
1023 	       lp_data->n - p->base.varnum,
1024 	       sizeof(var_desc *), var_cind_comp);
1025 	 lp_data->ordering = COLIND_ORDERED;
1026       }
1027    }else{
1028       lp_data->ordering = COLIND_AND_USERIND_ORDERED;
1029    }
1030 }
1032 /*===========================================================================*/
var_uind_comp(const void * v0,const void * v1)1034 int var_uind_comp(const void *v0, const void *v1)
1035 {
1036    return((*(var_desc **)v0)->userind - (*(var_desc **)v1)->userind);
1037 }
1039 /*===========================================================================*/
var_cind_comp(const void * v0,const void * v1)1041 int var_cind_comp(const void *v0, const void *v1)
1042 {
1043    return((*(var_desc **)v0)->colind - (*(var_desc **)v1)->colind);
1044 }
1047 /*===========================================================================*/
1048 #ifdef COMPILE_IN_LP
save_root_reduced_costs(lp_prob * p)1049 int save_root_reduced_costs(lp_prob *p)
1050 {
1051    int         *indices;
1052    double      *values, *lb, *ub;
1053    tm_prob     *tm      = p->tm;
1054    rc_desc     *rc = NULL;
1055    int          pos;
1056    int         *tind = p->lp_data->tmp.i1;
1057    int          cnt = 0, i, j;
1058    int          n = p->lp_data->n;
1059    var_desc   **vars = p->lp_data->vars;
1060    double       lpetol = p->lp_data->lpetol;
1061    double      *lp_lb, *lp_ub;
1062    double      *dj = p->lp_data->dj;
1064    get_bounds(p->lp_data);
1065    lp_lb = p->lp_data->lb;
1066    lp_ub = p->lp_data->ub;
1067    for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
1068       if (vars[i]->is_int && lp_ub[i]-lp_lb[i]>lpetol &&
1069             (dj[i] > lpetol || dj[i] < -lpetol)){
1070          tind[cnt] = i;
1071          cnt++;
1072       }
1073    }
1074    PRINT(p->par.verbosity, 5, ("there are %d non zero reduced costs for "
1075             "integer vars\n", cnt));
1077    if (cnt==0) {
1078       return 0;
1079    }
1080    indices = (int *)malloc(cnt*ISIZE);
1081    values = (double *)malloc(cnt*DSIZE);
1082    lb = (double *)malloc(cnt*DSIZE);
1083    ub = (double *)malloc(cnt*DSIZE);
1085    for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++){
1086       j = tind[i];
1087       indices[i] = vars[j]->userind;
1088       values[i] = dj[j];
1089       lb[i] = lp_lb[j];
1090       ub[i] = lp_ub[j];
1091    }
1092    /*
1093    for (int i=0;i<cnt;i++) {
1094       printf("var %d, %20.10f\n",indices[i],values[i]);
1095    }
1096    printf("\n\n");
1097    */
1099    if (!tm->reduced_costs) {
1100       tm->reduced_costs = (rc_desc *) malloc(sizeof(rc_desc));
1101       rc = tm->reduced_costs;
1102       rc->size    = 10;
1103       rc->num_rcs = 0;
1104       rc->indices = (int **)calloc(rc->size,sizeof(int *));
1105       rc->values  = (double **)calloc(rc->size,sizeof(double *));
1106       rc->lb      = (double **)calloc(rc->size,sizeof(double *));
1107       rc->ub      = (double **)calloc(rc->size,sizeof(double *));
1108       rc->obj     = (double *)malloc(rc->size*DSIZE);
1109       rc->cnt     = (int *)calloc(rc->size,ISIZE);
1110    } else {
1111       rc = tm->reduced_costs;
1112    }
1114    pos = rc->num_rcs%rc->size;
1115    if (rc->size==rc->num_rcs) {
1116       /* replace the oldest one with the new one */
1117       FREE(rc->indices[pos]);
1118       FREE(rc->values[pos]);
1119       FREE(rc->lb[pos]);
1120       FREE(rc->ub[pos]);
1121    }
1122    rc->indices[pos] = indices;
1123    rc->values[pos] = values;
1124    rc->lb[pos] = lb;
1125    rc->ub[pos] = ub;
1126    rc->cnt[pos] = cnt;
1127    rc->obj[pos] = p->lp_data->objval;
1128    if (rc->num_rcs < rc->size) {
1129       rc->num_rcs++;
1130    }
1131    return 0;
1132 }
1134 /*===========================================================================*/
1135 #if 0
1136 int tighten_root_bounds(lp_prob *p)
1137 {
1138    /*
1139     * using the reduced costs that are saved from the root node, try to
1140     * improve variable bounds.
1141     * should be called whenever ub is updated.
1142     * change only bounds for root. not for the current node. the bounds for
1143     * current node are updated in tighten_bounds()
1144     */
1145    int                  i, j, k, l;
1146    rc_desc             *rc = p->tm->reduced_costs;
1147    double               gap, max_change;
1148    double              *dj, *lb, *ub;
1149    int                 *saved_ind;
1150    int                 *ind = p->lp_data->tmp.i1;
1151    double              *bd = p->lp_data->tmp.d;
1152    char                *lu = p->lp_data->tmp.c;
1153    int                  cnt, total_changes = 0;
1154    double               lpetol = p->lp_data->lpetol;
1155    bounds_change_desc  *bnd_change;
1156    int                 *new_ind;
1157    int                  num_new_bounds;
1158    int                  verbosity = p->par.verbosity;
1159    int                 *oldindex;
1160    double              *oldvalue;
1161    char                *oldlu;
1163    if (!rc) {
1164       return 0;
1165    }
1167    if (!p->has_ub) {
1168       PRINT(verbosity, -1, ("tighten_root_bounds: cant tighten bounds if ub "
1169             "does not exist!\n"));
1170       return 0;
1171    }
1173    new_ind = (int *)malloc(p->mip->n*ISIZE);
1174    for (i=0; i<rc->num_rcs;i++) {
1175       gap = p->ub - rc->obj[i] - p->par.granularity;
1176       if (gap<=lpetol) {
1177          continue;
1178       }
1179       saved_ind = rc->indices[i];
1180       dj  = rc->values[i];
1181       lb = rc->lb[i];
1182       ub = rc->ub[i];
1183       cnt = 0;
1184       for (j=0; j<rc->cnt[i]; j++) {
1185          max_change = gap/dj[j];
1186          if (max_change > 0 && max_change < ub[j]-lb[j]){
1187             ind[cnt] = saved_ind[j];
1188             lu[cnt] = 'U';
1189             bd[cnt++] = floor(lb[j] + max_change);
1190          }else if (max_change < 0 && max_change > lb[j] - ub[j]){
1191             ind[cnt] = saved_ind[j];
1192             lu[cnt] = 'L';
1193             bd[cnt++] = ceil(ub[j] + max_change);
1194          }
1195       }
1196       PRINT(verbosity, 5, ("tighten_root_bounds: at node %d, tightening %d "
1197                "bounds in root\n", p->bc_index, cnt));
1198       if (cnt == 0) {
1199          continue;
1200       }
1201       /* add these changes to root node */
1202       if (p->tm->rootnode->desc.bnd_change) {
1203          bnd_change = p->tm->rootnode->desc.bnd_change;
1204       } else {
1205          p->tm->rootnode->desc.bnd_change = bnd_change =
1206             (bounds_change_desc *)calloc(1,sizeof(bounds_change_desc));
1207       }
1208       if (bnd_change->num_changes>0) {
1209          /*
1210           * update existing changes and store the new ones in a separate array
1211           */
1212          num_new_bounds=0;
1213          oldvalue = bnd_change->value;
1214          oldindex = bnd_change->index;
1215          oldlu    = bnd_change->lbub;
1216          for (k=0; k<cnt; k++) {
1217             for (j=0; j<bnd_change->num_changes; j++) {
1218                if (oldindex[j]==ind[k] && oldlu[j]==lu[k]){
1219                   if (lu[k]=='L' && oldvalue[j]<bd[k]) {
1220                      oldvalue[j]=bd[k];
1221                      total_changes++;
1222                   } else if (lu[k]=='U' && oldvalue[j]>bd[k]) {
1223                      oldvalue[j]=bd[k];
1224                      total_changes++;
1225                   }
1226                   break;
1227                }
1228             }
1229             if (j>=bnd_change->num_changes) {
1230                new_ind[num_new_bounds] = k;
1231                num_new_bounds++;
1232             }
1233          }
1234          /* those changes that dint already have an entry and stored now */
1235          if (num_new_bounds) {
1236             int new_cnt = num_new_bounds+bnd_change->num_changes;
1237             bnd_change->index = (int *)realloc(bnd_change->index,
1238                   ISIZE*new_cnt);
1239             bnd_change->lbub  = (char *)realloc(bnd_change->lbub,
1240                   CSIZE*new_cnt);
1241             bnd_change->value = (double *)realloc(bnd_change->value,
1242                   DSIZE*new_cnt);
1243             oldvalue = bnd_change->value;
1244             oldindex = bnd_change->index;
1245             oldlu    = bnd_change->lbub;
1246             l = bnd_change->num_changes;
1247             for (j=0; j<num_new_bounds; j++) {
1248                total_changes++;
1249                k = new_ind[j];
1250                oldindex[l] = ind[k];
1251                oldlu[l]    = lu[k];
1252                oldvalue[l] = bd[k];
1253                bnd_change->num_changes++;
1254                l++;
1255             }
1256          }
1257       } else {
1258          bnd_change->index = (int *)malloc(cnt*ISIZE);
1259          bnd_change->lbub  = (char *)malloc(cnt*CSIZE);
1260          bnd_change->value = (double *)malloc(cnt*DSIZE);
1261          bnd_change->index = (int *) memcpy(bnd_change->index, ind, ISIZE*cnt);
1262          bnd_change->lbub  = (char *) memcpy(bnd_change->lbub, lu, CSIZE*cnt);
1263          bnd_change->value = (double *) memcpy(bnd_change->value, bd,
1264                DSIZE*cnt);
1265          bnd_change->num_changes = cnt;
1266       }
1267    }
1268    if (verbosity>5 && p->tm->rootnode->desc.bnd_change!=NULL) {
1269       printf("tighten_root_bounds: root now has %d changes\n",
1270             p->tm->rootnode->desc.bnd_change->num_changes);
1271    }
1272    FREE(new_ind);
1273    return 0;
1274 }
1275 #endif
1276 #endif
1277 /*===========================================================================*/
1278 /*===========================================================================*/