1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file lfsc_proof_printer.cpp
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andres Noetzli, Alex Ozdemir, Liana Hadarean
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Prints proofs in the LFSC format
13  **
14  ** Prints proofs in the LFSC format.
15  **/
17 #include "proof/lfsc_proof_printer.h"
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <iterator>
23 #include "prop/bvminisat/core/Solver.h"
24 #include "prop/minisat/core/Solver.h"
26 namespace CVC4 {
27 namespace proof {
29 template <class Solver>
clauseName(TSatProof<Solver> * satProof,ClauseId id)30 std::string LFSCProofPrinter::clauseName(TSatProof<Solver>* satProof,
31                                          ClauseId id)
32 {
33   std::ostringstream os;
34   if (satProof->isInputClause(id))
35   {
36     os << ProofManager::getInputClauseName(id, satProof->getName());
37   }
38   else if (satProof->isLemmaClause(id))
39   {
40     os << ProofManager::getLemmaClauseName(id, satProof->getName());
41   }
42   else
43   {
44     os << ProofManager::getLearntClauseName(id, satProof->getName());
45   }
46   return os.str();
47 }
49 template <class Solver>
printResolution(TSatProof<Solver> * satProof,ClauseId id,std::ostream & out,std::ostream & paren)50 void LFSCProofPrinter::printResolution(TSatProof<Solver>* satProof,
51                                        ClauseId id,
52                                        std::ostream& out,
53                                        std::ostream& paren)
54 {
55   out << "(satlem_simplify _ _ _";
56   paren << ")";
58   const ResChain<Solver>& res = satProof->getResolutionChain(id);
59   const typename ResChain<Solver>::ResSteps& steps = res.getSteps();
61   for (int i = steps.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
62   {
63     out << " (";
64     out << (steps[i].sign ? "R" : "Q") << " _ _";
65   }
67   ClauseId start_id = res.getStart();
68   out << " " << clauseName(satProof, start_id);
70   for (unsigned i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++)
71   {
72     prop::SatVariable v =
73         prop::MinisatSatSolver::toSatVariable(var(steps[i].lit));
74     out << " " << clauseName(satProof, steps[i].id) << " "
75         << ProofManager::getVarName(v, satProof->getName()) << ")";
76   }
78   if (id == satProof->getEmptyClauseId())
79   {
80     out << " (\\ empty empty)";
81     return;
82   }
84   out << " (\\ " << clauseName(satProof, id) << "\n";  // bind to lemma name
85   paren << ")";
86 }
88 template <class Solver>
printAssumptionsResolution(TSatProof<Solver> * satProof,ClauseId id,std::ostream & out,std::ostream & paren)89 void LFSCProofPrinter::printAssumptionsResolution(TSatProof<Solver>* satProof,
90                                                   ClauseId id,
91                                                   std::ostream& out,
92                                                   std::ostream& paren)
93 {
94   Assert(satProof->isAssumptionConflict(id));
95   // print the resolution proving the assumption conflict
96   printResolution(satProof, id, out, paren);
97   // resolve out assumptions to prove empty clause
98   out << "(satlem_simplify _ _ _ ";
99   const std::vector<typename Solver::TLit>& confl =
100       *(satProof->getAssumptionConflicts().at(id));
102   Assert(confl.size());
104   for (unsigned i = 0; i < confl.size(); ++i)
105   {
106     prop::SatLiteral lit = toSatLiteral<Solver>(confl[i]);
107     out << "(";
108     out << (lit.isNegated() ? "Q" : "R") << " _ _ ";
109   }
111   out << clauseName(satProof, id) << " ";
112   for (int i = confl.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
113   {
114     prop::SatLiteral lit = toSatLiteral<Solver>(confl[i]);
115     prop::SatVariable v = lit.getSatVariable();
116     out << "unit" << v << " ";
117     out << ProofManager::getVarName(v, satProof->getName()) << ")";
118   }
119   out << "(\\ e e)\n";
120   paren << ")";
121 }
123 template <class Solver>
printResolutions(TSatProof<Solver> * satProof,std::ostream & out,std::ostream & paren)124 void LFSCProofPrinter::printResolutions(TSatProof<Solver>* satProof,
125                                         std::ostream& out,
126                                         std::ostream& paren)
127 {
128   Debug("bv-proof") << "; print resolutions" << std::endl;
129   std::set<ClauseId>::iterator it = satProof->getSeenLearnt().begin();
130   for (; it != satProof->getSeenLearnt().end(); ++it)
131   {
132     if (*it != satProof->getEmptyClauseId())
133     {
134       Debug("bv-proof") << "; print resolution for " << *it << std::endl;
135       printResolution(satProof, *it, out, paren);
136     }
137   }
138   Debug("bv-proof") << "; done print resolutions" << std::endl;
139 }
141 template <class Solver>
printResolutionEmptyClause(TSatProof<Solver> * satProof,std::ostream & out,std::ostream & paren)142 void LFSCProofPrinter::printResolutionEmptyClause(TSatProof<Solver>* satProof,
143                                                   std::ostream& out,
144                                                   std::ostream& paren)
145 {
146   printResolution(satProof, satProof->getEmptyClauseId(), out, paren);
147 }
printSatInputProof(const std::vector<ClauseId> & clauses,std::ostream & out,const std::string & namingPrefix)149 void LFSCProofPrinter::printSatInputProof(const std::vector<ClauseId>& clauses,
150                                       std::ostream& out,
151                                       const std::string& namingPrefix)
152 {
153   for (auto i = clauses.begin(), end = clauses.end(); i != end; ++i)
154   {
155     out << "\n    (cnfc_proof _ _ _ "
156         << ProofManager::getInputClauseName(*i, namingPrefix) << " ";
157   }
158   out << "cnfn_proof";
159   std::fill_n(std::ostream_iterator<char>(out), clauses.size(), ')');
160 }
printCMapProof(const std::vector<ClauseId> & clauses,std::ostream & out,const std::string & namingPrefix)162 void LFSCProofPrinter::printCMapProof(const std::vector<ClauseId>& clauses,
163                                       std::ostream& out,
164                                       const std::string& namingPrefix)
165 {
166   for (size_t i = 0, n = clauses.size(); i < n; ++i)
167   {
168     out << "\n    (CMapc_proof " << (i + 1) << " _ _ _ "
169         << ProofManager::getInputClauseName(clauses[i], namingPrefix) << " ";
170   }
171   out << "CMapn_proof";
172   std::fill_n(std::ostream_iterator<char>(out), clauses.size(), ')');
173 }
printSatClause(const prop::SatClause & clause,std::ostream & out,const std::string & namingPrefix)175 void LFSCProofPrinter::printSatClause(const prop::SatClause& clause,
176                                       std::ostream& out,
177                                       const std::string& namingPrefix)
178 {
179   for (auto i = clause.cbegin(); i != clause.cend(); ++i)
180   {
181     out << "(clc " << (i->isNegated() ? "(neg " : "(pos ")
182         << ProofManager::getVarName(i->getSatVariable(), namingPrefix) << ") ";
183   }
184   out << "cln";
185   std::fill_n(std::ostream_iterator<char>(out), clause.size(), ')');
186 }
188 // Template specializations
189 template void LFSCProofPrinter::printAssumptionsResolution(
190     TSatProof<CVC4::Minisat::Solver>* satProof,
191     ClauseId id,
192     std::ostream& out,
193     std::ostream& paren);
194 template void LFSCProofPrinter::printResolutions(
195     TSatProof<CVC4::Minisat::Solver>* satProof,
196     std::ostream& out,
197     std::ostream& paren);
198 template void LFSCProofPrinter::printResolutionEmptyClause(
199     TSatProof<CVC4::Minisat::Solver>* satProof,
200     std::ostream& out,
201     std::ostream& paren);
203 template void LFSCProofPrinter::printAssumptionsResolution(
204     TSatProof<CVC4::BVMinisat::Solver>* satProof,
205     ClauseId id,
206     std::ostream& out,
207     std::ostream& paren);
208 template void LFSCProofPrinter::printResolutions(
209     TSatProof<CVC4::BVMinisat::Solver>* satProof,
210     std::ostream& out,
211     std::ostream& paren);
212 template void LFSCProofPrinter::printResolutionEmptyClause(
213     TSatProof<CVC4::BVMinisat::Solver>* satProof,
214     std::ostream& out,
215     std::ostream& paren);
216 }  // namespace proof
217 }  // namespace CVC4