1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Christopho, Solarus - http://www.solarus-games.org
3  *
4  * Solarus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * Solarus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15  * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16  */
17 #include "solarus/core/AbilityInfo.h"
18 #include "solarus/core/CurrentQuest.h"
19 #include "solarus/core/Debug.h"
20 #include "solarus/core/Equipment.h"
21 #include "solarus/core/EquipmentItem.h"
22 #include "solarus/core/Logger.h"
23 #include "solarus/core/Map.h"
24 #include "solarus/core/QuestFiles.h"
25 #include "solarus/core/QuestProperties.h"
26 #include "solarus/core/Timer.h"
27 #include "solarus/core/Treasure.h"
28 #include "solarus/entities/Block.h"
29 #include "solarus/entities/CarriedObject.h"
30 #include "solarus/entities/Chest.h"
31 #include "solarus/entities/CustomEntity.h"
32 #include "solarus/entities/Destination.h"
33 #include "solarus/entities/Door.h"
34 #include "solarus/entities/Enemy.h"
35 #include "solarus/entities/EnemyAttack.h"
36 #include "solarus/entities/GroundInfo.h"
37 #include "solarus/entities/Npc.h"
38 #include "solarus/entities/Pickable.h"
39 #include "solarus/entities/Sensor.h"
40 #include "solarus/entities/ShopTreasure.h"
41 #include "solarus/entities/Switch.h"
42 #include "solarus/entities/Tileset.h"
43 #include "solarus/lua/ExportableToLuaPtr.h"
44 #include "solarus/lua/LuaContext.h"
45 #include "solarus/lua/LuaTools.h"
46 #include "solarus/core/Arguments.h"
47 #include <sstream>
49 namespace Solarus {
51 LuaContext* LuaContext::lua_context;
53 /**
54  * \brief Creates a Lua context.
55  * \param main_loop The Solarus main loop manager.
56  */
LuaContext(MainLoop & main_loop)57 LuaContext::LuaContext(MainLoop& main_loop):
58   current_l(nullptr),
59   main_loop(main_loop) {
61 }
63 /**
64  * \brief Destroys this Lua context.
65  */
~LuaContext()66 LuaContext::~LuaContext() {
68   this->exit();
69 }
71 /**
72  * \brief Returns the LuaContext object that encapsulates a Lua state.
73  * \param l A Lua state.
74  * \return The LuaContext object encapsulating this Lua state.
75  */
get()76 LuaContext& LuaContext::get() {
77   Debug::check_assertion(lua_context,"No lua context available");
78   return *lua_context;
79 }
81 /**
82  * \brief Returns the internal Lua state encapsulated by this LuaContext object.
83  * \return The internal Lua state.
84  */
get_internal_state()85 lua_State* LuaContext::get_internal_state() {
86   return current_l;
87 }
89 /**
90  * \brief Returns the internal Lua state encapsulated by this LuaContext object.
91  * \return The internal Lua state.
92  */
get_main_state()93 lua_State* LuaContext::get_main_state() {
94   return main_l;
95 }
97 /**
98  * \brief Returns the Solarus main loop object.
99  * \return The main loop manager.
100  */
get_main_loop()101 MainLoop& LuaContext::get_main_loop() {
102   return main_loop;
103 }
105 /**
106  * \brief Initializes Lua.
107  */
initialize(const Arguments & args)108 void LuaContext::initialize(const Arguments& args) {
110   // Create an execution context.
111   main_l = current_l = luaL_newstate();
112   lua_atpanic(current_l, l_panic);
113   luaL_openlibs(current_l);
115   print_lua_version();
117   // Associate this LuaContext object to the lua_State pointer.
118   lua_context = this;
120   // Create a table that will keep track of all userdata.
121                                   // --
122   lua_newtable(current_l);
123                                   // all_udata
124   lua_newtable(current_l);
125                                   // all_udata meta
126   lua_pushstring(current_l, "v");
127                                   // all_udata meta "v"
128   lua_setfield(current_l, -2, "__mode");
129                                   // all_udata meta
130   lua_setmetatable(current_l, -2);
131                                   // all_udata
132   lua_setfield(current_l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "sol.all_userdata");
133                                   // --
135   // Allow userdata to be indexable if they want.
136   lua_newtable(current_l);
137                                   // udata_tables
138   lua_setfield(current_l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "sol.userdata_tables");
139                                   // --
141   // Create the sol table that will contain the whole Solarus API.
142   lua_newtable(current_l);
143   lua_setglobal(current_l, "sol");
145   // Register the C++ functions and types accessible by Lua.
146   register_modules();
148   // Make require() able to load Lua files even from the
149   // data.solarus or data.solarus.zip archive.
150                                   // --
151   lua_getglobal(current_l, "sol");
152                                   // -- sol
153   lua_pushcfunction(current_l, l_loader);
154                                   // -- sol loader
155   lua_setfield(current_l, -2, "loader");
156                                   // -- sol
157   luaL_dostring(current_l, "table.insert(package.loaders, 2, sol.loader)");
158                                   // -- sol
159   lua_pushnil(current_l);
160                                   // -- sol nil
161   lua_setfield(current_l, -2, "loader");
162                                   // -- sol
163   lua_pop(current_l, 1);
164                                   // --
166   // Make sure that stdout gets flushed when Lua scripts output new lines.
167   // This is not always the case by default.
168   luaL_dostring(current_l, "io.stdout:setvbuf(\"line\")");
170   // Initially set the language if there is only one declared.
171   const std::map<std::string, std::string>& languages = CurrentQuest::get_resources(ResourceType::LANGUAGE);
172   if (languages.size() == 1) {
173     CurrentQuest::set_language(languages.begin()->first);
174   }
176   Debug::check_assertion(lua_gettop(current_l) == 0, "Non-empty Lua stack after initialization");
179   //Do the script passed as arg
180   std::string arg_script = args.get_argument_value("-s");
181   if(!arg_script.empty()) {
182     Debug::warning("Running script arg \"" + arg_script + "\"");
183     do_string(arg_script,"script argument (-s)");
184   }
186   // Execute the main file.
187   do_file_if_exists("main");
189   Debug::check_assertion(lua_gettop(current_l) == 0, "Non-empty Lua stack after running main.lua");
191   main_on_started();
192 }
194 /**
195  * \brief Cleans Lua.
196  */
exit()197 void LuaContext::exit() {
199   if (current_l != nullptr) {
200     // Call sol.main.on_finished() if it exists.
201     main_on_finished();
203     // Destroy unfinished objects.
204     destroy_menus();
205     destroy_timers();
206     destroy_drawables();
207     userdata_close_lua();
209     // Finalize Lua.
210     lua_close(current_l);
211     //lua_contexts.erase(l);
212     lua_context = nullptr;
213     current_l = nullptr;
214     main_l = nullptr;
215   }
216 }
218 /**
219  * \brief Updates the Lua world.
220  *
221  * This function is called at each cycle.
222  * sol.main.on_update() is called if it exists.
223  */
update()224 void LuaContext::update() {
226   // Make sure the stack does not leak.
227   Debug::check_assertion(lua_gettop(main_l) == 0,
228       "Non-empty stack before LuaContext::update()"
229   );
231   Debug::check_assertion(current_l == main_l,
232                          "Not on the main lua thread to execute lua update");
234   update_drawables();
236   Debug::check_assertion(current_l == main_l,
237                          "Not on the main lua thread after updating drawable");
238   update_movements();
240   Debug::check_assertion(current_l == main_l,
241                          "Not on the main lua thread after updating movements");
243   update_menus();
245   Debug::check_assertion(current_l == main_l,
246                          "Not on the main lua thread after updating menus");
248   update_timers();
250   Debug::check_assertion(current_l == main_l,
251                          "Not on the main lua thread after updating timers");
253   // Call sol.main.on_update().
254   main_on_update();
256   //Call cross state callbacks
257   while(!cross_state_callbacks.empty()) {
258     const auto& f = cross_state_callbacks.front();
259     f(current_l);
260     cross_state_callbacks.pop();
261   }
263   current_l = main_l; //Ensure we run again on the main thread
265   Debug::check_assertion(lua_gettop(main_l) == 0,
266       "Non-empty stack after LuaContext::update()"
267   );
268 }
270 /**
271  * \brief Notifies Lua that an input event has just occurred.
272  *
273  * The appropriate callback in sol.main is notified.
274  *
275  * \param event The input event to handle.
276  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
277  */
notify_input(const InputEvent & event)278 bool LuaContext::notify_input(const InputEvent& event) {
280   Debug::check_assertion(lua_gettop(current_l) == 0,
281       "Non-empty stack before LuaContext::notify_input()"
282   );
284   // Call the appropriate callback in sol.main (if it exists).
285   const bool handled = main_on_input(event);
287   Debug::check_assertion(lua_gettop(current_l) == 0,
288       "Non-empty stack after LuaContext::notify_input()"
289   );
291   return handled;
292 }
294 /**
295  * \brief Notifies Lua that a map has just been started.
296  *
297  * The Lua file of this map is automatically loaded.
298  *
299  * \param map The map started.
300  * \param destination The destination point used if it is a normal one,
301  * nullptr otherwise.
302  */
run_map(Map & map,const std::shared_ptr<Destination> & destination)303 void LuaContext::run_map(Map& map, const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination) {
305   // Compute the file name, depending on the id of the map.
306   std::string file_name = std::string("maps/") + map.get_id();
308   // Load the map's code.
309   if (load_file(file_name)) {
310                                     // map_fun
311     // Set a special environment to access map entities like global variables.
312     lua_newtable(current_l);
313                                     // map_fun env
314     lua_newtable(current_l);
315                                     // map_fun env env_mt
316     push_map(current_l, map);
317                                     // map_fun env env_mt map
318     // Set our special __index function that gets entities on-demand.
319     lua_pushcclosure(current_l, l_get_map_entity_or_global, 1);
320                                     // map_fun env env_mt __index
321     lua_setfield(current_l, -2, "__index");
322                                     // map_fun env env_mt
323     // We are changing the environment, so we need to also define __newindex
324     // with its usual setting (the global table).
325     lua_pushvalue(current_l, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
326                                     // map_fun env env_mt _G
327     lua_setfield(current_l, -2, "__newindex");
328                                     // map_fun env env_mt
329     lua_setmetatable(current_l, -2);
330                                     // map_fun env
331     lua_setfenv(current_l, -2);
332                                     // map_fun
334     // Run the map's code with the map userdata as parameter.
335     push_map(current_l, map);
336     call_function(1, 0, file_name.c_str());
337   }
339   // Call the map:on_started() callback.
340   map_on_started(map, destination);
341 }
343 /**
344  * \brief Notifies Lua that a map has just been suspended or resumed.
345  * \param map A map.
346  * \param suspended \c true if it is suspended, false if it is resumed.
347  */
notify_map_suspended(Map & map,bool suspended)348 void LuaContext::notify_map_suspended(Map& map, bool suspended) {
350   notify_timers_map_suspended(suspended);   // Notify timers.
351   map_on_suspended(map, suspended);  // Call map:on_suspended()
352 }
354 /**
355  * \brief Notifies the Lua world that an equipment item has just been created.
356  *
357  * The Lua file of this item is automatically loaded.
358  *
359  * \param item The item.
360  */
run_item(EquipmentItem & item)361 void LuaContext::run_item(EquipmentItem& item) {
363   // Compute the file name, depending on the id of the equipment item.
364   std::string file_name = std::string("items/") + item.get_name();
366   // Load the item's code.
367   if (load_file(file_name)) {
369     // Run it with the item userdata as parameter.
370     push_item(current_l, item);
371     call_function(1, 0, file_name.c_str());
373     // Call the item:on_created() callback.
374     item_on_created(item);
375   }
376 }
378 /**
379  * \brief Notifies the Lua world that an enemy has just been added to the map.
380  *
381  * The Lua file of this enemy is automatically loaded.
382  *
383  * \param enemy The enemy.
384  */
run_enemy(Enemy & enemy)385 void LuaContext::run_enemy(Enemy& enemy) {
387   // Compute the file name, depending on enemy's breed.
388   std::string file_name = std::string("enemies/") + enemy.get_breed();
390   // Load the enemy's code.
391   if (load_file(file_name)) {
393     // Run it with the enemy userdata as parameter.
394     push_enemy(current_l, enemy);
395     call_function(1, 0, file_name.c_str());
396   }
398   // TODO parse Lua only once for each breed.
399 }
401 /**
402  * \brief Notifies the Lua world that a custom entity has just been added to
403  * the map.
404  *
405  * The Lua file of this entity if any is automatically loaded.
406  *
407  * \param custom_entity The custom entity.
408  */
run_custom_entity(CustomEntity & custom_entity)409 void LuaContext::run_custom_entity(CustomEntity& custom_entity) {
411   const std::string& model = custom_entity.get_model();
413   if (model.empty()) {
414     // No Lua model file to run for this entity.
415     return;
416   }
418   // Compute the file name depending on the model.
419   std::string file_name = std::string("entities/") + model;
421   // Load the entity's code.
422   if (load_file(file_name)) {
424     // Run it with the entity userdata as parameter.
425     push_custom_entity(current_l, custom_entity);
426     call_function(1, 0, file_name.c_str());
427   }
429   // TODO parse Lua only once for each model.
430 }
432 /**
433  * \brief Notifies Lua that a dialog starts.
434  * \param game The game.
435  * \param dialog The dialog that is becoming active.
436  * \param info_ref Lua ref to an optional info parameter to pass to
437  * Lua, or an empty ref.
438  * \return true if Lua handles the dialog, false otherwise.
439  */
notify_dialog_started(Game & game,const Dialog & dialog,const ScopedLuaRef & info_ref)440 bool LuaContext::notify_dialog_started(
441     Game& game,
442     const Dialog& dialog,
443     const ScopedLuaRef& info_ref
444 ) {
445   return game_on_dialog_started(game, dialog, info_ref);
446 }
448 /**
449  * \brief Notifies Lua that a dialog is finished.
450  * \param game The game.
451  * \param dialog The dialog that was active.
452  * \param callback_ref Lua ref of the function to call, or an empty ref.
453  * \param status_ref Lua ref to a status value to pass to the callback.
454  * "skipped" means that the dialog was canceled by the user.
455  */
notify_dialog_finished(Game & game,const Dialog & dialog,const ScopedLuaRef & callback_ref,const ScopedLuaRef & status_ref)456 void LuaContext::notify_dialog_finished(
457     Game& game,
458     const Dialog& dialog,
459     const ScopedLuaRef& callback_ref,
460     const ScopedLuaRef& status_ref) {
462   game_on_dialog_finished(game, dialog);
464   // Execute the callback after game:on_dialog_finished()
465   // because the callback may start another dialog.
466   if (!callback_ref.is_empty()) {
467     push_ref(current_l, callback_ref);
468     if (!status_ref.is_empty()) {
469       push_ref(current_l, status_ref);
470     }
471     else {
472       // No status.
473       lua_pushnil(current_l);
474     }
475     call_function(1, 0, "dialog callback");
476   }
477 }
479 /**
480  * \brief Shows a deprecation warning message if the quest format is recent enough.
481  *
482  * Does nothing if the quest format is older than the given version.
483  * Does nothing if the message for this function was already shown once.
484  *
485  * \param version Solarus version (major and minor numbers) where the function
486  *   becomes deprecated.
487  * \param function_name A deprecated Lua function.
488  * \param message A warning message explaining how to replace the call.
489  */
warning_deprecated(const std::pair<int,int> & version_deprecating,const std::string & function_name,const std::string & message)490 void LuaContext::warning_deprecated(
491     const std::pair<int, int>& version_deprecating,
492     const std::string& function_name,
493     const std::string& message
494 ) {
496   if (warning_deprecated_functions.find(function_name) !=
497       warning_deprecated_functions.end()) {
498     return;
499   }
501   if (CurrentQuest::is_format_at_least(version_deprecating)) {
502     std::ostringstream oss;
503     oss << "The function "<< function_name <<
504            " is deprecated since Solarus " <<
505            version_deprecating.first << "." <<
506            version_deprecating.second << ". " <<
507            message;
508     Logger::warning(oss.str());
509     warning_deprecated_functions.insert(function_name);
510   }
511 }
513 /**
514  * \brief Creates a reference to the Lua value on top of the stack and pops
515  * this value.
516  * \return The reference created, wrapped in an object that manages its
517  * lifetime.
518  */
create_ref()519 ScopedLuaRef LuaContext::create_ref() {
521   return LuaTools::create_ref(current_l);
522 }
524 /**
525  * \brief Pushes onto the stack a Lua value from its reference.
526  *
527  * Pushes nil if the reference is empty.
528  *
529  * \param l A Lua state.
530  * \param ref Reference to a Lua value.
531  */
push_ref(lua_State * l,const ScopedLuaRef & ref)532 void LuaContext::push_ref(lua_State* l, const ScopedLuaRef& ref) {
534   if (ref.is_empty()) {
535     lua_pushnil(l);
536     return;
537   }
539   //This is not needed anymore since several state (threads) can be active
540   //Debug::check_assertion(ref.get_lua_state() == l, "Wrong Lua state");
541   ref.push(l);
542 }
544 /**
545  * \brief Returns whether a userdata has an entry with the specified key.
546  *
547  * Userdata can have entries like tables thanks to special __index and
548  * __newindex metamethods.
549  *
550  * Version with const char*, better for performance if you don't have an
551  * std::string representation of the key.
552  *
553  * \param userdata A userdata.
554  * \param key String key to test.
555  * \return \c true if this key exists on the userdata.
556  */
userdata_has_field(const ExportableToLua & userdata,const char * key) const557 bool LuaContext::userdata_has_field(
558     const ExportableToLua& userdata, const char* key) const {
560   // TODO since this function now also checks the metatable, check that
561   // doing the work below instead of just returning true is still useful
562   // for performance.
563   // If not, kill this function.
565   // First check the metatable of the type.
566   if (userdata_has_metafield(userdata, key)) {
567     return true;
568   }
570   // Check the userdata itself then.
571   if (!userdata.is_with_lua_table()) {
572     return false;
573   }
575   const auto& it = userdata_fields.find(&userdata);
576   if (it == userdata_fields.end()) {
577     return false;
578   }
580   return it->second.find(key) != it->second.end();
581 }
583 /**
584  * \brief Returns whether a userdata has an entry with the specified key.
585  *
586  * Userdata can have entries like tables thanks to special __index and
587  * __newindex metamethods.
588  *
589  * Version with std::string, better for performance if you already have an
590  * std::string representation of the key.
591  *
592  * \param userdata A userdata.
593  * \param key String key to test.
594  * \return \c true if this key exists on the userdata.
595  */
userdata_has_field(const ExportableToLua & userdata,const std::string & key) const596 bool LuaContext::userdata_has_field(
597     const ExportableToLua& userdata, const std::string& key) const {
599   // First check the metatable of the type.
600   if (userdata_has_metafield(userdata, key.c_str())) {
601     return true;
602   }
604   // Check the userdata itself then.
605   if (!userdata.is_with_lua_table()) {
606     return false;
607   }
609   const auto& it = userdata_fields.find(&userdata);
610   if (it == userdata_fields.end()) {
611     return false;
612   }
614   return it->second.find(key) != it->second.end();
615 }
617 /**
618  * \brief Returns whether the metatable of a userdata has the specified field.
619  * \param userdata A userdata.
620  * \param key String key to test.
621  * \return \c true if this key exists on the userdata's metatable.
622  */
userdata_has_metafield(const ExportableToLua & userdata,const char * key) const623 bool LuaContext::userdata_has_metafield(
624     const ExportableToLua& userdata, const char* key) const {
626   // We avoid to push the userdata for performance.
627   // Maybe the userdata does not even exist in the Lua side.
628                                   // ...
629   luaL_getmetatable(current_l, userdata.get_lua_type_name().c_str());
630                                   // ... meta
631   lua_pushstring(current_l, key);
632                                   // ... meta key
633   lua_rawget(current_l, -2);
634                                   // ... meta field/nil
635   const bool found = !lua_isnil(current_l, -1);
636   lua_pop(current_l, 2);
637                                   // ...
638   return found;
639 }
641 /**
642  * \brief Gets a method of the object on top of the stack.
643  *
644  * This is equivalent to find_method(-1, function_name).
645  *
646  * \param function_name Name of the function to find in the object.
647  * This is not an const std::string& but a const char* on purpose to avoid
648  * costly conversions as this function is called very often.
649  * \return true if the function was found.
650  */
find_method(const char * function_name)651 bool LuaContext::find_method(const char* function_name) {
653   return find_method(-1, function_name);
654 }
656 /**
657  * \brief Gets a method of an object.
658  *
659  * If the method exists, the method and the object are both pushed
660  * so that you can call the method immediately with the object as first parameter.
661  * If the method is not found, the stack is left unchanged.
662  *
663  * \param index Index of the object in the stack.
664  * \param function_name Name of the function to find in the object.
665  * This is not an const std::string& but a const char* on purpose to avoid
666  * costly conversions as this function is called very often.
667  *
668  * \return true if the function was found.
669  */
find_method(int index,const char * function_name)670 bool LuaContext::find_method(int index, const char* function_name) {
672   index = LuaTools::get_positive_index(current_l, index);
673                                   // ... object ...
674   lua_getfield(current_l, index, function_name);
675                                   // ... object ... method/?
677   bool exists = lua_isfunction(current_l, -1);
678   if (exists) {
679                                   // ... object ... method
680     lua_pushvalue(current_l, index);
681                                   // ... object ... method object
682   }
683   else {
684     // Restore the stack.
685     lua_pop(current_l, 1);
686                                   // ... object ...
687   }
689   return exists;
690 }
692 /**
693  * \brief Calls the Lua function with its arguments on top of the stack.
694  *
695  * This function is like lua_pcall, except that it additionally handles the
696  * error message if an error occurs in the Lua code (the error is printed).
697  * This function leaves the results on the stack if there is no error,
698  * and leaves nothing on the stack in case of error.
699  *
700  * \param nb_arguments number of arguments placed on the Lua stack above the
701  * function to call
702  * \param nb_results number of results expected (you get them on the stack if
703  * there is no error)
704  * \param function_name A name describing the Lua function (only used to print
705  * the error message if any).
706  * This is not a const std::string& but a const char* on purpose to avoid
707  * costly conversions as this function is called very often.
708  * \return true in case of success
709  */
call_function(int nb_arguments,int nb_results,const char * function_name)710 bool LuaContext::call_function(
711     int nb_arguments,
712     int nb_results,
713     const char* function_name
714 ) {
715   return LuaTools::call_function(current_l, nb_arguments, nb_results, function_name);
716 }
718 /**
719  * \brief Opens a script if it exists and lets it on top of the stack as a
720  * function.
721  *
722  * If the file does not exist or has a syntax error,
723  * the stack is left intact and false is returned.
724  *
725  * \param script_name File name of the script with or without extension,
726  * relative to the data directory.
727  * \return true if the file exists and was loaded.
728  */
load_file(const std::string & script_name)729 bool LuaContext::load_file(const std::string& script_name) {
731   // Determine the file name (possibly adding ".lua").
732   std::string file_name(script_name);
734   if (!QuestFiles::data_file_exists(file_name)) {
735     std::ostringstream oss;
736     oss << script_name << ".lua";
737     file_name = oss.str();
738   }
740   if (!QuestFiles::data_file_exists(file_name)) {
741     // No error message: this is not an error.
742     return false;
743   }
745   // Load the file.
746   // "@" tells Lua that the name is a file name, which is useful for better error messages.
747   const std::string& buffer = QuestFiles::data_file_read(file_name);
748   int result = luaL_loadbuffer(current_l, buffer.data(), buffer.size(), ("@" + file_name).c_str());
750   if (result != 0) {
751     Debug::error(std::string("Failed to load script '")
752         + script_name + "': " + lua_tostring(current_l, -1));
753     lua_pop(current_l, 1);
754     return false;
755   }
756   return true;
757 }
759 /**
760  * \brief Opens a Lua file and executes it.
761  *
762  * This function just calls load_file() and call_function().
763  * The file must exist.
764  *
765  * \param script_name File name of the script without extension,
766  * relative to the data directory.
767  */
do_file(const std::string & script_name)768 void LuaContext::do_file(const std::string& script_name) {
770   if (!load_file(script_name)) {
771     Debug::error("Failed to load script '" + script_name + "'");
772   }
773   else {
774     LuaTools::call_function(current_l, 0, 0, script_name.c_str());
775   }
776 }
778 /**
779  * \brief Opens a Lua file if it exists and executes it without arguments.
780  *
781  * This function just calls load_file_if_exists() and call_function().
782  * Nothing is done if the file does not exists.
783  *
784  * \param script_name File name of the script without extension,
785  * relative to the data directory.
786  * \return true if the file exists and was successfully executed.
787  */
do_file_if_exists(const std::string & script_name)788 bool LuaContext::do_file_if_exists(const std::string& script_name) {
790   if (load_file(script_name)) {
791     LuaTools::call_function(current_l, 0, 0, script_name.c_str());
792     return true;
793   }
794   return false;
795 }
797 /**
798  * \brief Loads and executes some Lua code.
799  * \param code The code to execute.
800  * \param chunk_name A name describing the Lua chunk
801  * (only used to print the error message if any).
802  * \return \c true in case of success.
803  */
do_string(const std::string & code,const std::string & chunk_name)804 bool LuaContext::do_string(const std::string& code, const std::string& chunk_name) {
805   int load_result = luaL_loadstring(current_l, code.c_str());
807   if (load_result != 0) {
808     Debug::error(std::string("In ") + chunk_name + ": "
809         + lua_tostring(current_l, -1));
810     lua_pop(current_l, 1);
811     return false;
812   }
814   return LuaTools::call_function(current_l, 0, 0, chunk_name.c_str());
815 }
817 /**
818  * \brief Executes Lua code in an environment with easy access to game objects.
819  *
820  * The environment provides:
821  * - game,
822  * - map,
823  * - entities from their name,
824  * - tp (teletransportation function).
825  *
826  * \param code The code to execute.
827  * \param chunk_name A name describing the Lua chunk
828  * (only used to print the error message if any).
829  * \return \c true in case of success.
830  */
do_string_with_easy_env(const std::string & code,const std::string & chunk_name)831 bool LuaContext::do_string_with_easy_env(const std::string& code, const std::string& chunk_name) {
833   int load_result = luaL_loadstring(current_l, code.c_str());
835   if (load_result != 0) {
836     Debug::error(std::string("In ") + chunk_name + ": "
837         + lua_tostring(current_l, -1));
838     lua_pop(current_l, 1);
839     return false;
840   }
842   // Set an environment that provides easy access to game objects.
843                                   // code
844   lua_newtable(current_l);
845                                   // code env
846   lua_newtable(current_l);
847                                   // code env env_mt
848   // Set our special __index function.
849   lua_pushcfunction(current_l, l_easy_index);
850                                   // code env env_mt __index
851   lua_setfield(current_l, -2, "__index");
852                                   // code env env_mt
853   // We are changing the environment, so we need to also define __newindex
854   // with its usual setting (the global table).
855   lua_pushvalue(current_l, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
856                                   // code env env_mt _G
857   lua_setfield(current_l, -2, "__newindex");
858                                   // code env env_mt
859   lua_setmetatable(current_l, -2);
860                                   // code env
861   lua_setfenv(current_l, -2);
862                                   // code
864   return LuaTools::call_function(current_l, 0, 0, chunk_name.c_str());
865 }
867 /**
868  * @brief sets the presumed currently running lua state
869  * @param l a lua state
870  */
set_current_state(lua_State * l)871 void LuaContext::set_current_state(lua_State* l) {
872   lua_context->current_l = l;
873 }
875 /**
876  * \brief Prints on a line the content of the Lua stack for debugging purposes.
877  * \param l A Lua state.
878  */
print_stack(lua_State * l)879 void LuaContext::print_stack(lua_State* l) {
881   int i;
882   int top = lua_gettop(l);
884   std::ostringstream oss;
885   for (i = 1; i <= top; i++) {
887     int type = lua_type(l, i);
888     switch (type) {
890       case LUA_TSTRING:
891         oss << "\"" << lua_tostring(l, i) << "\"";
892         break;
894       case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
895         oss << (lua_toboolean(l, i) ? "true" : "false");
896         break;
898       case LUA_TNUMBER:
899         oss << lua_tonumber(l, i);
900         break;
902       case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA:
903         oss << "lightuserdata:" << lua_touserdata(l, i);
904         break;
906       case LUA_TUSERDATA:
907       {
908         const ExportableToLuaPtr& userdata = *(static_cast<ExportableToLuaPtr*>(
909             lua_touserdata(l, i)));
910         const std::string& lua_type_name = userdata->get_lua_type_name();
911         oss << lua_type_name.substr(lua_type_name.find_last_of('.') + 1);
912         break;
913       }
915       default:
916         oss << lua_typename(l, type);
917         break;
919     }
920     oss << " ";
921   }
922   Logger::debug(oss.str());
923 }
925 /**
926  * \brief Prints the version of Lua.
927  *
928  * This detects if LuaJIT is being used.
929  */
print_lua_version()930 void LuaContext::print_lua_version() {
932   Debug::check_assertion(lua_gettop(current_l) == 0, "Non-empty Lua stack before print_lua_version()");
934   // _VERSION is the Lua language version, giving the same
935   // result for vanilla Lua and LuaJIT.
936   // But we want to tell the user if LuaJIT is being used.
937   // To detect this, we can check the presence of the jit table.
938   std::string version;
939                                   // -
940   lua_getglobal(current_l, "jit");
941                                   // jit/nil
942   if (lua_isnil(current_l, -1)) {
943     // Vanilla Lua.
944                                   // nil
945     lua_getglobal(current_l, "_VERSION");
946                                   // nil version
947     version = LuaTools::check_string(current_l, -1);
948     lua_pop(current_l, 2);
949                                   // -
950     Logger::info("LuaJIT: no (" + version + ")");
951   }
952   else {
953     // LuaJIT.
954                                   // jit
955     version = LuaTools::check_string_field(current_l, -1, "version");
956     lua_pop(current_l, 1);
957                                   // -
958     Logger::info("LuaJIT: yes (" + version + ")");
959   }
961   Debug::check_assertion(lua_gettop(current_l) == 0, "Non-empty Lua stack after print_lua_version()");
962 }
964 /**
965  * \brief Defines some C++ functions into a Lua table.
966  * \param module_name name of the table that will contain the functions
967  * (e.g. "sol.main").
968  * \param functions List of functions to define in the table.
969  */
register_functions(const std::string & module_name,std::vector<luaL_Reg> functions)970 void LuaContext::register_functions(
971     const std::string& module_name,
972     std::vector<luaL_Reg> functions
973 ) {
975   // Create a table and fill it with the functions.
976   functions.push_back({ nullptr, nullptr });
977   luaL_register(current_l, module_name.c_str(), functions.data());
978   lua_pop(current_l, 1);
979 }
981 /**
982  * \brief Defines some C++ functions into a new Lua userdata type.
983  * \param module_name name of the table that will contain the functions
984  * (e.g. "sol.game"). It may already exist or not.
985  * This string will also identify the type.
986  * \param functions List of functions to define in the module table.
987  * \param methods List of methods to define in the type.
988  * \param metamethods List of metamethods to define in the metatable of the
989  * type.
990  */
register_type(const std::string & module_name,std::vector<luaL_Reg> functions,std::vector<luaL_Reg> methods,std::vector<luaL_Reg> metamethods)991 void LuaContext::register_type(
992     const std::string& module_name,
993     std::vector<luaL_Reg> functions,
994     std::vector<luaL_Reg> methods,
995     std::vector<luaL_Reg> metamethods
996 ) {
998   // Check that this type does not already exist.
999   luaL_getmetatable(current_l, module_name.c_str());
1000   Debug::check_assertion(lua_isnil(current_l, -1),
1001       std::string("Type ") + module_name + " already exists");
1002   lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1004   // Make sure we create the table.
1005   const luaL_Reg empty[] = {
1006       { nullptr, nullptr }
1007   };
1008   luaL_register(current_l, module_name.c_str(), empty);
1009                                   // module
1011   // Add the functions to the module.
1012   if (!functions.empty()) {
1013     functions.push_back({ nullptr, nullptr});
1014     luaL_register(current_l, nullptr, functions.data());
1015                                   // module
1016   }
1017   lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1018                                   // --
1020   // Create the metatable for the type, add it to the Lua registry.
1021   luaL_newmetatable(current_l, module_name.c_str());
1022                                   // meta
1024   // Store a metafield __solarus_type with the module name.
1025   lua_pushstring(current_l, module_name.c_str());
1026                                   // meta type_name
1027   lua_setfield(current_l, -2, "__solarus_type");
1028                                   // meta
1030   // Add the methods to the metatable.
1031   if (!methods.empty()) {
1032     methods.push_back({ nullptr, nullptr });
1033     luaL_register(current_l, nullptr, methods.data());
1034   }
1035                                   // meta
1037   // Add the metamethods to the metatable.
1038   if (!metamethods.empty()) {
1039     metamethods.push_back({ nullptr, nullptr });
1040     luaL_register(current_l, nullptr, metamethods.data());
1041                                   // meta
1042   }
1044   // make metatable.__index = metatable,
1045   // unless if __index is already defined
1046   lua_getfield(current_l, -1, "__index");
1047                                   // meta __index/nil
1048   lua_pushvalue(current_l, -2);
1049                                   // meta __index/nil meta
1050   if (lua_isnil(current_l, -2)) {
1051                                   // meta nil meta
1052     lua_setfield(current_l, -3, "__index");
1053                                   // meta nil
1054   }
1055   lua_settop(current_l, 0);
1056                                   // --
1057 }
1059 /**
1060  * \brief Tells the Lua context what C++ functions it can call.
1061  */
register_modules()1062 void LuaContext::register_modules() {
1064   Debug::check_assertion(lua_gettop(current_l) == 0,
1065       "Lua stack is not empty before modules initialization");
1067   register_main_module();
1068   register_game_module();
1069   register_map_module();
1070   register_entity_module();
1071   register_audio_module();
1072   register_timer_module();
1073   register_surface_module();
1074   register_text_surface_module();
1075   register_sprite_module();
1076   register_movement_module();
1077   register_item_module();
1078   register_input_module();
1079   register_video_module();
1080   register_shader_module();
1081   register_file_module();
1082   register_menu_module();
1083   register_language_module();
1084   register_state_module();
1086   Debug::check_assertion(lua_gettop(current_l) == 0,
1087       "Lua stack is not empty after modules initialization");
1088 }
1090 /**
1091  * \brief Pushes a string.
1092  * \param l A Lua state.
1093  * \param text A string value.
1094  */
push_string(lua_State * l,const std::string & text)1095 void LuaContext::push_string(lua_State* l, const std::string& text) {
1096   lua_pushlstring(l, text.c_str(), text.size());
1097 }
1099 /**
1100  * \brief Pushes a color onto the stack.
1101  * \param l A Lua context.
1102  * \param color A color.
1103  */
push_color(lua_State * l,const Color & color)1104 void LuaContext::push_color(lua_State* l, const Color& color) {
1106   uint8_t r, g, b, a;
1107   color.get_components(r, g, b, a);
1108   lua_newtable(l);
1109   lua_pushinteger(l, r);
1110   lua_rawseti(l, -2, 1);
1111   lua_pushinteger(l, g);
1112   lua_rawseti(l, -2, 2);
1113   lua_pushinteger(l, b);
1114   lua_rawseti(l, -2, 3);
1115   lua_pushinteger(l, a);
1116   lua_rawseti(l, -2, 4);
1117 }
1119 /**
1120  * \brief Pushes the Lua equivalent of a C++ object onto the stack.
1121  * \param l A Lua context.
1122  * \param userdata A userdata. It must live as a std::shared_ptr somewhere:
1123  * typically, it should have been stored in a std::shared_ptr at creation time.
1124  */
push_userdata(lua_State * l,ExportableToLua & userdata)1125 void LuaContext::push_userdata(lua_State* l, ExportableToLua& userdata) {
1127   // See if this userdata already exists.
1128   //Look in main for the userdata table entry
1129   lua_State* main = lua_context->main_l;
1130   lua_getfield(main, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "sol.all_userdata");
1131                                   // ... all_udata
1132   lua_pushlightuserdata(main, &userdata);
1133                                   // ... all_udata lightudata
1134   lua_gettable(main, -2);
1135                                   // ... all_udata udata/nil
1136   if (!lua_isnil(main, -1)) {
1137                                   // ... all_udata udata
1138     // The userdata already exists in the Lua world.
1139     lua_remove(main, -2);
1140                                   // ... udata
1141   }
1142   else {
1143     // Create a new userdata.
1145     if (!userdata.is_known_to_lua()) {
1146       // This is the first time we create a Lua userdata for this object.
1147       userdata.set_known_to_lua(true);
1148       userdata.set_lua_context(&get());
1149     }
1151                                   // ... all_udata nil
1152     lua_pop(main, 1);
1153                                   // ... all_udata
1154     lua_pushlightuserdata(main, &userdata);
1155                                   // ... all_udata lightudata
1157     // Find the existing shared_ptr from the raw pointer.
1158     ExportableToLuaPtr shared_userdata;
1159     try {
1160       shared_userdata = userdata.shared_from_this();
1161     }
1162     catch (const std::bad_weak_ptr& ex) {
1163       // No existing shared_ptr. This is probably because you forgot to
1164       // store your object in a shared_ptr at creation time.
1165       Debug::die(
1166           std::string("No living shared_ptr for ") + userdata.get_lua_type_name()
1167       );
1168     }
1170     ExportableToLuaPtr* block_address = static_cast<ExportableToLuaPtr*>(
1171           lua_newuserdata(main, sizeof(ExportableToLuaPtr))
1172     );
1173     // Manually construct a shared_ptr in the block allocated by Lua.
1174     new (block_address) ExportableToLuaPtr(shared_userdata);
1175                                   // ... all_udata lightudata udata
1176     luaL_getmetatable(main, userdata.get_lua_type_name().c_str());
1177                                   // ... all_udata lightudata udata mt
1179     Debug::execute_if_debug([&] {
1180       Debug::check_assertion(!lua_isnil(main, -1),
1181           std::string("Userdata of type '" + userdata.get_lua_type_name()
1182           + "' has no metatable, this is a memory leak"));
1184       lua_getfield(main, -1, "__gc");
1185                                     // ... all_udata lightudata udata mt gc
1186       Debug::check_assertion(lua_isfunction(main, -1),
1187           std::string("Userdata of type '") + userdata.get_lua_type_name()
1188           + "' must have the __gc function LuaContext::userdata_meta_gc");
1189                                     // ... all_udata lightudata udata mt gc
1190       lua_pop(main, 1);
1191                                     // ... all_udata lightudata udata mt
1192     });
1194     lua_setmetatable(main, -2);
1195                                   // ... all_udata lightudata udata
1196     // Keep track of our new userdata.
1197     lua_pushvalue(main, -1);
1198                                   // ... all_udata lightudata udata udata
1199     lua_insert(main, -4);
1200                                   // ... udata all_udata lightudata udata
1201     lua_settable(main, -3);
1202                                   // ... udata all_udata
1203     lua_pop(main, 1);
1204                                   // ... udata
1205   }
1207   //Check if target stack is different from main...
1208   if(l != main) {
1209     //Move ref to target stack
1210     lua_xmove(main,l,1);
1211   }
1212 }
1214 /**
1215  * \brief Get pointer to userdata if it is of the given type.
1216  *
1217  * This is luaL_testudata from the Lua auxiliary library.
1218  * It should be replaced when Lua 5.3/LuaJIT 2.1 or higher is required.
1219  *
1220  * \param l A Lua context.
1221  * \param index An index in the stack.
1222  * \param module_name Name of a userdata metatable in the registry.
1223  * \return Pointer to userdata if it is a userdata of the given type,
1224  *   nullptr otherwise.
1225  */
test_userdata(lua_State * l,int index,const char * module_name)1226 void* LuaContext::test_userdata(
1227     lua_State* l, int index, const char* module_name) {
1229   index = LuaTools::get_positive_index(l, index);
1231   void* udata = lua_touserdata(l, index);
1232   if (udata == nullptr || !lua_getmetatable(l, index)) {
1233     return nullptr;
1234   }
1235   // ... udata ... meta(found)
1236   lua_getfield(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, module_name);
1237   // ... udata ... meta(found) meta(expected)
1238   if (lua_rawequal(l, -1, -2) == 0) {
1239     udata = nullptr;
1240   }
1241   lua_pop(l, 2);
1242   // ... udata ...
1243   return udata;
1244 }
1246 /**
1247  * \brief Returns whether a value is a userdata of a given type.
1248  * \param l a Lua context
1249  * \param index an index in the stack
1250  * \param module_name name of a userdata metatable in the registry
1251  * \return true if the value is a userdata with this metatable
1252  */
is_userdata(lua_State * l,int index,const std::string & module_name)1253 bool LuaContext::is_userdata(lua_State* l, int index,
1254     const std::string& module_name) {
1256   void* udata = test_userdata(l, index, module_name.c_str());
1257   return (udata != nullptr);
1258 }
1260 /**
1261  * \brief Checks that the value at the given index is userdata of the
1262  * specified type and returns it.
1263  * \param l A Lua state.
1264  * \param index An index in the Lua stack.
1265  * \param module_name Name identifying the userdata type.
1266  * \return The userdata at this index.
1267  */
check_userdata(lua_State * l,int index,const std::string & module_name)1268 const ExportableToLuaPtr& LuaContext::check_userdata(
1269     lua_State* l,
1270     int index,
1271     const std::string& module_name
1272 ) {
1274   void* udata = test_userdata(l, index, module_name.c_str());
1275   if (udata == nullptr) {
1276     LuaTools::type_error(l, index, LuaTools::get_type_name(module_name));
1277   }
1278   return *static_cast<ExportableToLuaPtr*>(udata);
1279 }
1281 /**
1282  * \brief Returns whether a value is a userdata from Solarus.
1283  * \param[in] l A Lua context.
1284  * \param[in] index An index in the stack.
1285  * \param[out] module_name Name of the userdata metatable in the registry,
1286  * if found.
1287  * \return \c true if the value is a userdata from Solarus.
1288  */
is_solarus_userdata(lua_State * l,int index,std::string & module_name)1289 bool LuaContext::is_solarus_userdata(
1290     lua_State* l,
1291     int index,
1292     std::string& module_name
1293 ) {
1294   void* udata = lua_touserdata(l, index);
1295   if (udata == nullptr) {
1296     // This is not a userdata.
1297     return false;
1298   }
1300   if (!lua_getmetatable(l, index)) {
1301     // The userdata has no metatable.
1302     return false;
1303   }
1305   // Get the name of the Solarus type from this userdata.
1306   lua_pushstring(l, "__solarus_type");
1307   lua_rawget(l, -2);
1308   if (!lua_isstring(l, -1)) {
1309     // This is probably a userdata from some library other than Solarus.
1310     lua_pop(l, 2);
1311     return false;
1312   }
1314   // Check if the type name is one of the entity type names.
1315   module_name = lua_tostring(l, -1);
1316   if (module_name.substr(0, 4) != "sol.") {
1317     return false;
1318   }
1320   return true;
1321 }
1323 /**
1324  * \brief Finalizer of a userdata type.
1325  * \param l A Lua state.
1326  * \return Number of values to return to Lua.
1327  */
userdata_meta_gc(lua_State * l)1328 int LuaContext::userdata_meta_gc(lua_State* l) {
1330   ExportableToLuaPtr* userdata =
1331       static_cast<ExportableToLuaPtr*>(lua_touserdata(l, 1));
1333   // Note that the full userdata disappears from Lua but it may come back later!
1334   // So we need to keep its table if the refcount is not zero.
1335   // The full userdata is destroyed but the light userdata and its table persist.
1336   // Its table will be destroyed from ~ExportableToLua().
1338   // We don't need to remove the entry from sol.all_userdata
1339   // because it is already done: that table is weak on its values and the
1340   // value was the full userdata.
1342   // Manually destroy the shared_ptr allocated for Lua.
1343   userdata->~shared_ptr<ExportableToLua>();
1345   return 0;
1346 }
1348 /**
1349  * \brief Function called when a userdata is being destroyed from C++.
1350  *
1351  * It means that it is no longer used from Lua either
1352  * (__gc has been called before or is being called).
1353  *
1354  * \param userdata The userdata just destroyed.
1355  */
notify_userdata_destroyed(ExportableToLua & userdata)1356 void LuaContext::notify_userdata_destroyed(ExportableToLua& userdata) {
1358   if (userdata.is_with_lua_table()) {
1359     // Remove the table associated to this userdata.
1360     // Otherwise, if the same pointer gets reallocated, a new userdata will get
1361     // its table from this deleted one!
1363                                   // ...
1364     lua_getfield(current_l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "sol.userdata_tables");
1365                                   // ... udata_tables/nil
1366     if (!lua_isnil(current_l, -1)) {
1367                                   // ... udata_tables
1368       lua_pushlightuserdata(current_l, &userdata);
1369                                   // ... udata_tables lightudata
1370       lua_pushnil(current_l);
1371                                   // ... udata_tables lightudata nil
1372       lua_settable(current_l, -3);
1373                                   // ... udata_tables
1374     }
1375     lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1376                                   // ...
1377     get().userdata_fields.erase(&userdata);
1378   }
1379 }
1381 /**
1382  * \brief Tells all userdata that Lua is closing.
1383  *
1384  * This must be done when Lua is about to be closed,
1385  * so that they can continue to live normally in C++.
1386  */
userdata_close_lua()1387 void LuaContext::userdata_close_lua() {
1389   // Tell userdata to forget about this Lua state.
1390   lua_getfield(current_l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "sol.all_userdata");
1391   lua_pushnil(current_l);
1392   while (lua_next(current_l, -2) != 0) {
1393     ExportableToLua* userdata = static_cast<ExportableToLua*>(
1394         lua_touserdata(current_l, -2));
1395     userdata->set_lua_context(nullptr);
1396     lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1397   }
1398   lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1399   userdata_fields.clear();
1401   // Clear userdata tables.
1402   lua_pushnil(current_l);
1403   lua_setfield(current_l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "sol.userdata_tables");
1404 }
1406 /**
1407  * \brief Implementation of __newindex that allows userdata to be like tables.
1408  *
1409  * Lua code can make "object[key] = value" if object is a userdata with this
1410  * __newindex metamethod.
1411  *
1412  * This metamethod must be used with its corresponding __index
1413  * metamethod (see userdata_meta_index_as_table).
1414  *
1415  * \param l The Lua context that is calling this function.
1416  * \return Number of values to return to Lua.
1417  */
userdata_meta_newindex_as_table(lua_State * l)1418 int LuaContext::userdata_meta_newindex_as_table(lua_State* l) {
1420   LuaTools::check_type(l, 1, LUA_TUSERDATA);
1421   LuaTools::check_any(l, 2);
1422   LuaTools::check_any(l, 3);
1424   const ExportableToLuaPtr& userdata =
1425       *(static_cast<ExportableToLuaPtr*>(lua_touserdata(l, 1)));
1427   // The user wants to make udata[key] = value but udata is a userdata.
1428   // So what we make instead is udata_tables[udata][key] = value.
1429   // This redirection is totally transparent from the Lua side.
1431   lua_getfield(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "sol.userdata_tables");
1432                                   // ... udata_tables
1434   if (!userdata->is_with_lua_table()) {
1435     // Create the userdata table if it does not exist yet.
1437     userdata->set_with_lua_table(true);
1438                                   // ... udata_tables
1439     lua_newtable(l);
1440                                   // ... udata_tables udata_table
1441     lua_pushlightuserdata(l, userdata.get());
1442                                   // ... udata_tables udata_table lightudata
1443     lua_pushvalue(l, -2);
1444                                   // ... udata_tables udata_table lightudata udata_table
1445     lua_settable(l, -4);
1446                                   // ... udata_tables udata_table
1447   }
1448   else {
1449     // The userdata table already exists.
1450     lua_pushlightuserdata(l, userdata.get());
1451                                   // ... udata_tables lightudata
1452     lua_gettable(l, -2);
1453                                   // ... udata_tables udata_table
1454   }
1455   Debug::check_assertion(!lua_isnil(l, -1), "Missing userdata table");
1456   lua_pushvalue(l, 2);
1457                                   // ... udata_tables udata_table key
1458   lua_pushvalue(l, 3);
1459                                   // ... udata_tables udata_table key value
1460   lua_settable(l, -3);
1461                                   // ... udata_tables udata_table
1463   if (lua_isstring(l, 2)) {
1464     if (!lua_isnil(l, 3)) {
1465       // Add the key to the list of existing strings keys on this userdata.
1466       get().userdata_fields[userdata.get()].insert(lua_tostring(l, 2));
1467     }
1468     else {
1469       // Assigning nil: remove the key from the list.
1470       get().userdata_fields[userdata.get()].erase(lua_tostring(l, 2));
1471     }
1472   }
1474   return 0;
1475 }
1477 /**
1478  * \brief Implementation of __index that allows userdata to be like tables.
1479  *
1480  * Lua code can get "object[key]" for an arbitrary key previously set.
1481  *
1482  * This metamethod must be used with its corresponding __newindex
1483  * metamethod (see userdata_meta_newindex_as_table).
1484  *
1485  * \brief Implementation of __index for the type game.
1486  * \param l The Lua context that is calling this function.
1487  * \return Number of values to return to Lua.
1488  */
userdata_meta_index_as_table(lua_State * l)1489 int LuaContext::userdata_meta_index_as_table(lua_State* l) {
1491   /* The user wants to make udata[key] but udata is a userdata.
1492    * So what we retrieve instead is udata_tables[udata][key].
1493    * This redirection is totally transparent from the Lua side.
1494    * If udata_tables[udata][key] does not exist, we fall back
1495    * to the userdata __index metamethod.
1496    */
1498   LuaTools::check_type(l, 1, LUA_TUSERDATA);
1499   LuaTools::check_any(l, 2);
1501   const ExportableToLuaPtr& userdata =
1502       *(static_cast<ExportableToLuaPtr*>(lua_touserdata(l, 1)));
1503   LuaContext& lua_context = get();
1505   // If the userdata actually has a table, lookup this table, unless we already
1506   // know that we won't find it (because we know all the existing string keys).
1507   if (userdata->is_with_lua_table() &&
1508       (!lua_isstring(l, 2) || lua_context.userdata_has_field(*userdata, lua_tostring(l, 2)))) {
1510     lua_getfield(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "sol.userdata_tables");
1511                                   // ... udata_tables
1512     lua_pushlightuserdata(l, userdata.get());
1513                                   // ... udata_tables lightudata
1514     // Lookup the key in the table, without metamethods.
1515     lua_rawget(l, -2);
1516                                   // ... udata_tables udata_table/nil
1517     if (!lua_isnil(l, -1)) {
1518       lua_pushvalue(l, 2);
1519                                   // ... udata_tables udata_table key
1520       lua_gettable(l, -2);
1521                                   // ... udata_tables udata_table value/nil
1522       if (!lua_isnil(l, -1)) {
1523         // Found it!
1524         return 1;
1525       }
1526     }
1527   }
1529   // Not in the table. See in the metatable
1530   // (just like when metatable.__index = metatable).
1532   lua_pushvalue(l, 1);
1533                                   // ... udata
1534   lua_getmetatable(l, -1);
1535                                   // ... udata meta
1536   Debug::check_assertion(!lua_isnil(l, -1), "Missing userdata metatable");
1537   lua_pushvalue(l, 2);
1538                                   // ... udata meta key
1539   lua_gettable(l, -2);
1540                                   // ... udata meta key value/nil
1541   return 1;
1542 }
1544 /**
1545  * @brief checks if the LuaContext is in a event-friendly context
1546  */
check_callback_thread() const1547 void LuaContext::check_callback_thread() const {
1548   Debug::check_assertion(current_l == main_l, "Events should be called in the main Lua thread");
1549 }
1551 /**
1552  * \brief Calls the on_started() method of the object on top of the stack.
1553  */
on_started()1554 void LuaContext::on_started() {
1555   check_callback_thread();
1556   if (find_method("on_started")) {
1557     call_function(1, 0, "on_started");
1558   }
1559 }
1561 /**
1562  * \brief Calls the on_started() method of the object on top of the stack.
1563  * \param previous_state_name Name of the previous state.
1564  * \param previous_state The previous state object if it was a custom one.
1565  */
on_started(const std::string & previous_state_name,CustomState * previous_state)1566 void LuaContext::on_started(
1567     const std::string& previous_state_name,
1568     CustomState* previous_state) {
1569   check_callback_thread();
1570   if (find_method("on_started")) {
1571     push_string(current_l, previous_state_name);
1572     if (previous_state == nullptr) {
1573       lua_pushnil(current_l);
1574     }
1575     else {
1576       push_state(current_l, *previous_state);
1577     }
1578     call_function(3, 0, "on_started");
1579   }
1580 }
1582 /**
1583  * \brief Calls the on_finished() method of the object on top of the stack.
1584  */
on_finished()1585 void LuaContext::on_finished() {
1586   check_callback_thread();
1587   if (find_method("on_finished")) {
1588     call_function(1, 0, "on_finished");
1589   }
1590 }
1592 /**
1593  * \brief Calls the on_finished() method of the object on top of the stack.
1594  * \param next_state_name Name of the previous state.
1595  * \param next_state The previous state object if it was a custom one.
1596  */
on_finished(const std::string & next_state_name,CustomState * next_state)1597 void LuaContext::on_finished(
1598     const std::string& next_state_name,
1599     CustomState* next_state) {
1600   check_callback_thread();
1601   if (find_method("on_finished")) {
1602     push_string(current_l, next_state_name);
1603     if (next_state == nullptr) {
1604       lua_pushnil(current_l);
1605     }
1606     else {
1607       push_state(current_l, *next_state);
1608     }
1609     call_function(3, 0, "on_finished");
1610   }
1611 }
1613 /**
1614  * \brief Calls the on_update() method of the object on top of the stack.
1615  */
on_update()1616 void LuaContext::on_update() {
1617   check_callback_thread();
1618   if (find_method("on_update")) {
1619     call_function(1, 0, "on_update");
1620   }
1621 }
1623 /**
1624  * \brief Calls the on_draw() method of the object on top of the stack.
1625  * \param dst_surface The destination surface.
1626  */
on_draw(const SurfacePtr & dst_surface)1627 void LuaContext::on_draw(const SurfacePtr& dst_surface) {
1628   check_callback_thread();
1629   if (find_method("on_draw")) {
1630     push_surface(current_l, *dst_surface);
1631     call_function(2, 0, "on_draw");
1632   }
1633 }
1635 /**
1636  * \brief Calls the on_suspended() method of the object on top of the stack.
1637  * \param suspended true to suspend the object, false to unsuspend it.
1638  */
on_suspended(bool suspended)1639 void LuaContext::on_suspended(bool suspended) {
1640   check_callback_thread();
1641   if (find_method("on_suspended")) {
1642     lua_pushboolean(current_l, suspended);
1643     call_function(2, 0, "on_suspended");
1644   }
1645 }
1647 /**
1648  * \brief Calls the on_paused() method of the object on top of the stack.
1649  */
on_paused()1650 void LuaContext::on_paused() {
1651   check_callback_thread();
1652   if (find_method("on_paused")) {
1653     call_function(1, 0, "on_paused");
1654   }
1655 }
1657 /**
1658  * \brief Calls the on_unpaused() method of the object on top of the stack.
1659  */
on_unpaused()1660 void LuaContext::on_unpaused() {
1661   check_callback_thread();
1662   if (find_method("on_unpaused")) {
1663     call_function(1, 0, "on_unpaused");
1664   }
1665 }
1667 /**
1668  * \brief Calls the on_dialog_started() method of the object on top of the
1669  * stack.
1670  * \param dialog The dialog that just started.
1671  * \param info_ref Lua ref to the info parameter to pass to the method,
1672  * or an empty ref.
1673  * \return true if the on_dialog_started() method is defined.
1674  */
on_dialog_started(const Dialog & dialog,const ScopedLuaRef & info_ref)1675 bool LuaContext::on_dialog_started(
1676     const Dialog& dialog,
1677     const ScopedLuaRef& info_ref
1678 ) {
1679   check_callback_thread();
1680   if (find_method("on_dialog_started")) {
1681     push_dialog(current_l, dialog);
1682     push_ref(current_l, info_ref);
1683     call_function(3, 0, "on_dialog_started");
1684     return true;
1685   }
1686   return false;
1687 }
1689 /**
1690  * \brief Calls the on_dialog_finished() method of the object on top of the stack.
1691  * \param dialog The dialog that has just finished.
1692  */
on_dialog_finished(const Dialog & dialog)1693 void LuaContext::on_dialog_finished(const Dialog& dialog) {
1694   check_callback_thread();
1695   if (find_method("on_dialog_finished")) {
1696     push_dialog(current_l, dialog);
1697     call_function(2, 0, "on_dialog_finished");
1698   }
1699 }
1701 /**
1702  * \brief Calls the on_game_over_started() method of the object on top of the stack.
1703  */
on_game_over_started()1704 bool LuaContext::on_game_over_started() {
1705   check_callback_thread();
1706   if (find_method("on_game_over_started")) {
1707     call_function(1, 0, "on_game_over_started");
1708     return true;
1709   }
1710   return false;
1711 }
1713 /**
1714  * \brief Calls the on_game_over_finished() method of the object on top of the stack.
1715  */
on_game_over_finished()1716 void LuaContext::on_game_over_finished() {
1717   check_callback_thread();
1718   if (find_method("on_game_over_finished")) {
1719     call_function(1, 0, "on_game_over_finished");
1720   }
1721 }
1723 /**
1724  * \brief Calls an input callback method of the object on top of the stack.
1725  * \param event The input event to forward.
1726  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
1727  */
on_input(const InputEvent & event)1728 bool LuaContext::on_input(const InputEvent& event) {
1729   check_callback_thread();
1730   // Call the Lua function(s) corresponding to this input event.
1731   bool handled = false;
1732   if (event.is_keyboard_event()) {
1733     // Keyboard.
1734     if (event.is_keyboard_key_pressed()) {
1735       handled = on_key_pressed(event) || handled;
1736     }
1737     else if (event.is_keyboard_key_released()) {
1738       handled = on_key_released(event) || handled;
1739     }
1740   }
1741   else if (event.is_character_pressed()) {
1742     handled = on_character_pressed(event) || handled;
1743   }
1744   else if (event.is_joypad_event()) {
1745     // Joypad.
1746     if (event.is_joypad_button_pressed()) {
1747       handled = on_joypad_button_pressed(event) || handled;
1748     }
1749     else if (event.is_joypad_button_released()) {
1750       handled = on_joypad_button_released(event) || handled;
1751     }
1752     else if (event.is_joypad_axis_moved()) {
1753       handled = on_joypad_axis_moved(event) || handled;
1754     }
1755     else if (event.is_joypad_hat_moved()) {
1756       handled = on_joypad_hat_moved(event) || handled;
1757     }
1758   }
1759   else if (event.is_mouse_event()) {
1760     // Mouse.
1761     if (event.is_mouse_button_pressed()) {
1762       handled = on_mouse_button_pressed(event) || handled;
1763     }
1764     else if (event.is_mouse_button_released()) {
1765       handled = on_mouse_button_released(event) || handled;
1766     }
1767   }
1768   else if (event.is_finger_event() &&
1769            CurrentQuest::is_format_at_least({ 1, 6 })) {
1770     // Touch finger.
1771     if (event.is_finger_pressed()) {
1772       handled = on_finger_pressed(event) || handled;
1773     }
1774     else if (event.is_finger_released()) {
1775       handled = on_finger_released(event) || handled;
1776     }
1777     else if (event.is_finger_moved()) {
1778         handled = on_finger_moved(event) || handled;
1779     }
1780   }
1782   return handled;
1783 }
1785 /**
1786  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
1787  * that a keyboard key was just pressed
1788  * (including if it is a directional key or a character).
1789  * \param event The corresponding input event.
1790  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
1791  */
on_key_pressed(const InputEvent & event)1792 bool LuaContext::on_key_pressed(const InputEvent& event) {
1793   check_callback_thread();
1794   bool handled = false;
1795   if (find_method("on_key_pressed")) {
1797     const std::string& key_name = enum_to_name(event.get_keyboard_key());
1798     if (!key_name.empty()) { // This key exists in the Solarus API.
1800       push_string(current_l, key_name);
1801       lua_newtable(current_l);
1803       if (event.is_with_shift()) {
1804         lua_pushboolean(current_l, 1);
1805         lua_setfield(current_l, -2, "shift");
1806       }
1808       if (event.is_with_control()) {
1809         lua_pushboolean(current_l, 1);
1810         lua_setfield(current_l, -2, "control");
1811       }
1813       if (event.is_with_alt()) {
1814         lua_pushboolean(current_l, 1);
1815         lua_setfield(current_l, -2, "alt");
1816       }
1817       bool success = call_function(3, 1, "on_key_pressed");
1818       if (!success) {
1819         // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
1820         handled = true;
1821       }
1822       else {
1823         handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
1824         lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1825       }
1826     }
1827     else {
1828       // The method exists but the key is unknown.
1829       lua_pop(current_l, 2);  // Pop the object and the method.
1830     }
1831   }
1832   return handled;
1833 }
1835 /**
1836  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
1837  * that a character was just pressed with the keyboard.
1838  * \param event The corresponding input event.
1839  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
1840  */
on_character_pressed(const InputEvent & event)1841 bool LuaContext::on_character_pressed(const InputEvent& event) {
1842   check_callback_thread();
1843   bool handled = false;
1844   if (find_method("on_character_pressed")) {
1846     const std::string& character = event.get_character();
1847     push_string(current_l, character);
1848     bool success = call_function(2, 1, "on_character_pressed");
1849     if (!success) {
1850       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
1851       handled = true;
1852     }
1853     else {
1854       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
1855       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1856     }
1857   }
1858   return handled;
1859 }
1861 /**
1862  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
1863  * that a keyboard key was just released
1864  * (including if it is a directional key).
1865  * \param event The corresponding input event.
1866  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
1867  */
on_key_released(const InputEvent & event)1868 bool LuaContext::on_key_released(const InputEvent& event) {
1869   check_callback_thread();
1870   bool handled = false;
1871   if (find_method("on_key_released")) {
1873     const std::string& key_name = enum_to_name(event.get_keyboard_key());
1874     if (!key_name.empty()) { // This key exists in the Solarus API.
1875       push_string(current_l, key_name);
1876       bool success = call_function(2, 1, "on_key_released");
1877       if (!success) {
1878         // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
1879         handled = true;
1880       }
1881       else {
1882         handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
1883         lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1884       }
1885     }
1886     else {
1887       // The method exists but the key is unknown.
1888       lua_pop(current_l, 2);  // Pop the object and the method.
1889     }
1890   }
1891   return handled;
1892 }
1894 /**
1895  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
1896  * that a joypad button was just pressed.
1897  * \param event The corresponding input event.
1898  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
1899  */
on_joypad_button_pressed(const InputEvent & event)1900 bool LuaContext::on_joypad_button_pressed(const InputEvent& event) {
1901   check_callback_thread();
1902   bool handled = false;
1903   if (find_method("on_joypad_button_pressed")) {
1904     int button = event.get_joypad_button();
1906     lua_pushinteger(current_l, button);
1907     bool success = call_function(2, 1, "on_joypad_button_pressed");
1908     if (!success) {
1909       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
1910       handled = true;
1911     }
1912     else {
1913       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
1914       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1915     }
1916   }
1917   return handled;
1918 }
1920 /**
1921  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
1922  * that a joypad button was just released.
1923  * \param event The corresponding input event.
1924  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
1925  */
on_joypad_button_released(const InputEvent & event)1926 bool LuaContext::on_joypad_button_released(const InputEvent& event) {
1927   check_callback_thread();
1928   bool handled = false;
1929   if (find_method("on_joypad_button_released")) {
1930     int button = event.get_joypad_button();
1932     lua_pushinteger(current_l, button);
1933     bool success = call_function(2, 1, "on_joypad_button_released");
1934     if (!success) {
1935       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
1936       handled = true;
1937     }
1938     else {
1939       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
1940       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1941     }
1942   }
1943   return handled;
1944 }
1946 /**
1947  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
1948  * that a joypad axis was just moved.
1949  * \param event The corresponding input event.
1950  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
1951  */
on_joypad_axis_moved(const InputEvent & event)1952 bool LuaContext::on_joypad_axis_moved(const InputEvent& event) {
1953   check_callback_thread();
1954   bool handled = false;
1955   if (find_method("on_joypad_axis_moved")) {
1956     int axis = event.get_joypad_axis();
1957     int state = event.get_joypad_axis_state();
1959     lua_pushinteger(current_l, axis);
1960     lua_pushinteger(current_l, state);
1961     bool success = call_function(3, 1, "on_joypad_axis_moved");
1962     if (!success) {
1963       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
1964       handled = true;
1965     }
1966     else {
1967       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
1968       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1969     }
1970   }
1971   return handled;
1972 }
1974 /**
1975  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
1976  * that a joypad hat was just moved.
1977  * \param event The corresponding input event.
1978  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
1979  */
on_joypad_hat_moved(const InputEvent & event)1980 bool LuaContext::on_joypad_hat_moved(const InputEvent& event) {
1981   check_callback_thread();
1982   bool handled = false;
1983   if (find_method("on_joypad_hat_moved")) {
1984     int hat = event.get_joypad_hat();
1985     int direction8 = event.get_joypad_hat_direction();
1987     lua_pushinteger(current_l, hat);
1988     lua_pushinteger(current_l, direction8);
1989     bool success = call_function(3, 1, "on_joypad_hat_moved");
1990     if (!success) {
1991       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
1992       handled = true;
1993     }
1994     else {
1995       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
1996       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
1997     }
1998   }
1999   return handled;
2000 }
2002 /**
2003  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
2004  * that a mouse button was just pressed.
2005  * \param event The corresponding input event.
2006  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
2007  */
on_mouse_button_pressed(const InputEvent & event)2008 bool LuaContext::on_mouse_button_pressed(const InputEvent& event) {
2009   check_callback_thread();
2010   bool handled = false;
2011   if (find_method("on_mouse_pressed")) {
2013     const std::string& button_name = enum_to_name(event.get_mouse_button());
2014     const Point mouse_xy = event.get_mouse_position();
2016     // Don't call the Lua event if this button doesn't exist in the Solarus API.
2017     if (button_name.empty()) {
2018       lua_pop(current_l, 2);  // Pop the object and the method.
2019       return handled;
2020     }
2022     push_string(current_l, button_name);
2023     lua_pushinteger(current_l, mouse_xy.x);
2024     lua_pushinteger(current_l, mouse_xy.y);
2026     bool success = call_function(4, 1, "on_mouse_pressed");
2027     if (!success) {
2028       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
2029       handled = true;
2030     }
2031     else {
2032       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
2033       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
2034     }
2035   }
2036   return handled;
2037 }
2039 /**
2040  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
2041  * that a mouse button was just released.
2042  * \param event The corresponding input event.
2043  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
2044  */
on_mouse_button_released(const InputEvent & event)2045 bool LuaContext::on_mouse_button_released(const InputEvent& event) {
2046   check_callback_thread();
2047   bool handled = false;
2048   if (find_method("on_mouse_released")) {
2050     const std::string& button_name = enum_to_name(event.get_mouse_button());
2051     Point mouse_xy = event.get_mouse_position();
2053     // Don't call the Lua event if this button doesn't exist in the Solarus API.
2054     if (button_name.empty()) {
2055       lua_pop(current_l, 2);  // Pop the object and the method.
2056       return handled;
2057     }
2059     push_string(current_l, button_name);
2060     lua_pushinteger(current_l, mouse_xy.x);
2061     lua_pushinteger(current_l, mouse_xy.y);
2063     bool success = call_function(4, 1, "on_mouse_released");
2064     if (!success) {
2065       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
2066       handled = true;
2067     }
2068     else {
2069       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
2070       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
2071     }
2072   }
2073   return handled;
2074 }
2076 /**
2077  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
2078  * that a finger was just pressed.
2079  * \param event The corresponding input event.
2080  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
2081  */
on_finger_pressed(const InputEvent & event)2082 bool LuaContext::on_finger_pressed(const InputEvent& event) {
2083   check_callback_thread();
2084   bool handled = false;
2085   if (find_method("on_finger_pressed")) {
2087     const int finger_id = event.get_finger();
2088     const Point& finger_xy = event.get_finger_position();
2089     const float finger_pressure = event.get_finger_pressure();
2091     lua_pushinteger(current_l, finger_id);
2092     lua_pushinteger(current_l, finger_xy.x);
2093     lua_pushinteger(current_l, finger_xy.y);
2094     lua_pushnumber(current_l, finger_pressure);
2096     bool success = call_function(5, 1, "on_finger_pressed");
2097     if (!success) {
2098       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
2099       handled = true;
2100     }
2101     else {
2102       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
2103       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
2104     }
2105   }
2106   return handled;
2107 }
2109 /**
2110  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
2111  * that a finger was just released.
2112  * \param event The corresponding input event.
2113  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
2114  */
on_finger_released(const InputEvent & event)2115 bool LuaContext::on_finger_released(const InputEvent& event) {
2116   check_callback_thread();
2117   bool handled = false;
2118   if (find_method("on_finger_released")) {
2120     const int finger_id = event.get_finger();
2121     const Point& finger_xy = event.get_finger_position();
2122     const float finger_pressure = event.get_finger_pressure();
2124     lua_pushinteger(current_l, finger_id);
2125     lua_pushinteger(current_l, finger_xy.x);
2126     lua_pushinteger(current_l, finger_xy.y);
2127     lua_pushnumber(current_l, finger_pressure);
2129     bool success = call_function(5, 1, "on_finger_released");
2130     if (!success) {
2131       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
2132       handled = true;
2133     }
2134     else {
2135       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
2136       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
2137     }
2138   }
2139   return handled;
2140 }
2142 /**
2143  * \brief Notifies the object on top of the stack
2144  * that a finger was just moved.
2145  * \param event The corresponding input event.
2146  * \return \c true if the event was handled and should stop being propagated.
2147  */
on_finger_moved(const InputEvent & event)2148 bool LuaContext::on_finger_moved(const InputEvent& event) {
2149   check_callback_thread();
2150   bool handled = false;
2151   if (find_method("on_finger_moved")) {
2153     const int finger_id = event.get_finger();
2154     const Point& finger_xy = event.get_finger_position();
2155     const Point& finger_distance = event.get_finger_distance();
2156     const float finger_pressure = event.get_finger_pressure();
2158     lua_pushinteger(current_l, finger_id);
2159     lua_pushinteger(current_l, finger_xy.x);
2160     lua_pushinteger(current_l, finger_xy.y);
2161     lua_pushinteger(current_l, finger_distance.x);
2162     lua_pushinteger(current_l, finger_distance.y);
2163     lua_pushnumber(current_l, finger_pressure);
2165     bool success = call_function(7, 1, "on_finger_moved");
2166     if (!success) {
2167       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the input to other objects.
2168       handled = true;
2169     }
2170     else {
2171       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
2172       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
2173     }
2174   }
2175   return handled;
2176 }
2178 /**
2179  * \brief Calls the on_command_pressed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2180  * \param command The game command just pressed.
2181  */
on_command_pressed(GameCommand command)2182 bool LuaContext::on_command_pressed(GameCommand command) {
2183   check_callback_thread();
2184   bool handled = false;
2185   if (find_method("on_command_pressed")) {
2186     push_string(current_l, GameCommands::get_command_name(command));
2187     bool success = call_function(2, 1, "on_command_pressed");
2188     if (!success) {
2189       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the command to other objects.
2190       handled = true;
2191     }
2192     else {
2193       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
2194       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
2195     }
2196   }
2197   return handled;
2198 }
2200 /**
2201  * \brief Calls the on_command_released() method of the object on top of the stack.
2202  * \param command The game command just pressed.
2203  */
on_command_released(GameCommand command)2204 bool LuaContext::on_command_released(GameCommand command) {
2205   check_callback_thread();
2206   bool handled = false;
2207   if (find_method("on_command_released")) {
2208     push_string(current_l, GameCommands::get_command_name(command));
2209     bool success = call_function(2, 1, "on_command_released");
2210     if (!success) {
2211       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the command to other objects.
2212       handled = true;
2213     }
2214     else {
2215       handled = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
2216       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
2217     }
2218   }
2219   return handled;
2220 }
2222 /**
2223  * \brief Calls the on_animation_finished() method of the object on top of the stack.
2224  * \param animation Name of the animation finished.
2225  */
on_animation_finished(const std::string & animation)2226 void LuaContext::on_animation_finished(const std::string& animation) {
2227   check_callback_thread();
2228   if (find_method("on_animation_finished")) {
2229     push_string(current_l, animation);
2230     call_function(2, 0, "on_animation_finished");
2231   }
2232 }
2234 /**
2235  * \brief Calls the on_animation_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2236  * \param animation Name of the new animation.
2237  */
on_animation_changed(const std::string & animation)2238 void LuaContext::on_animation_changed(const std::string& animation) {
2239   check_callback_thread();
2240   if (find_method("on_animation_changed")) {
2241     push_string(current_l, animation);
2242     call_function(2, 0, "on_animation_changed");
2243   }
2244 }
2246 /**
2247  * \brief Calls the on_direction_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2248  * \param animation Name of the sprite animation.
2249  * \param frame The new frame.
2250  */
on_direction_changed(const std::string & animation,int direction)2251 void LuaContext::on_direction_changed(
2252     const std::string& animation, int direction) {
2253   check_callback_thread();
2254   if (find_method("on_direction_changed")) {
2255     push_string(current_l, animation);
2256     lua_pushinteger(current_l, direction);
2257     call_function(3, 0, "on_direction_changed");
2258   }
2259 }
2261 /**
2262  * \brief Calls the on_frame_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2263  * \param animation Name of the sprite animation.
2264  * \param frame The new frame.
2265  */
on_frame_changed(const std::string & animation,int frame)2266 void LuaContext::on_frame_changed(const std::string& animation, int frame) {
2267   check_callback_thread();
2268   if (find_method("on_frame_changed")) {
2269     push_string(current_l, animation);
2270     lua_pushinteger(current_l, frame);
2271     call_function(3, 0, "on_frame_changed");
2272   }
2273 }
2275 /**
2276  * \brief Calls the on_position_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2277  * \param xy The new coordinates.
2278  */
on_position_changed(const Point & xy)2279 void LuaContext::on_position_changed(const Point& xy) {
2280   check_callback_thread();
2281   if (find_method("on_position_changed")) {
2282     lua_pushinteger(current_l, xy.x);
2283     lua_pushinteger(current_l, xy.y);
2284     call_function(3, 0, "on_position_changed");
2285   }
2286 }
2288 /**
2289  * \brief Calls the on_obstacle_reached() method of the object on top of the stack.
2290  */
on_obstacle_reached()2291 void LuaContext::on_obstacle_reached() {
2292   check_callback_thread();
2293   if (find_method("on_obstacle_reached")) {
2294     call_function(1, 0, "on_obstacle_reached");
2295   }
2296 }
2298 /**
2299  * \brief Calls the on_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2300  */
on_changed()2301 void LuaContext::on_changed() {
2302   check_callback_thread();
2303   if (find_method("on_changed")) {
2304     call_function(1, 0, "on_changed");
2305   }
2306 }
2308 /**
2309  * \brief Calls the on_started() method of the object on top of the stack.
2310  * \param destination The destination point used (nullptr if it is a special one).
2311  */
on_started(const std::shared_ptr<Destination> & destination)2312 void LuaContext::on_started(const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination) {
2313   check_callback_thread();
2314   if (find_method("on_started")) {
2315     if (destination == nullptr) {
2316       lua_pushnil(current_l);
2317     }
2318     else {
2319       push_entity(current_l, *destination);
2320     }
2321     call_function(2, 0, "on_started");
2322   }
2323 }
2325 /**
2326  * \brief Calls the on_opening_transition_finished() method of the object on top of the stack.
2327  * \param destination The destination point used (nullptr if it is a special one).
2328  */
on_opening_transition_finished(const std::shared_ptr<Destination> & destination)2329 void LuaContext::on_opening_transition_finished(const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination) {
2330   check_callback_thread();
2331   if (find_method("on_opening_transition_finished")) {
2332     if (destination == nullptr) {
2333       lua_pushnil(current_l);
2334     }
2335     else {
2336       push_entity(current_l, *destination);
2337     }
2338     call_function(2, 0, "on_opening_transition_finished");
2339   }
2340 }
2342 /**
2343  * \brief Calls the on_obtaining_treasure() method of the object on top of the stack.
2344  * \param treasure The treasure being obtained.
2345  */
on_obtaining_treasure(const Treasure & treasure)2346 void LuaContext::on_obtaining_treasure(const Treasure& treasure) {
2347   check_callback_thread();
2348   if (find_method("on_obtaining_treasure")) {
2349     push_item(current_l, treasure.get_item());
2350     lua_pushinteger(current_l, treasure.get_variant());
2351     if (!treasure.is_saved()) {
2352       lua_pushnil(current_l);
2353     }
2354     else {
2355       lua_pushstring(current_l, treasure.get_savegame_variable().c_str());
2356     }
2357     call_function(4, 0, "on_obtaining_treasure");
2358   }
2359 }
2361 /**
2362  * \brief Calls the on_obtained_treasure() method of the object on top of the stack.
2363  * \param treasure The treasure just obtained.
2364  */
on_obtained_treasure(const Treasure & treasure)2365 void LuaContext::on_obtained_treasure(const Treasure& treasure) {
2366   check_callback_thread();
2367   if (find_method("on_obtained_treasure")) {
2368     push_item(current_l, treasure.get_item());
2369     lua_pushinteger(current_l, treasure.get_variant());
2370     if (!treasure.is_saved()) {
2371       lua_pushnil(current_l);
2372     }
2373     else {
2374       lua_pushstring(current_l, treasure.get_savegame_variable().c_str());
2375     }
2376     call_function(4, 0, "on_obtained_treasure");
2377   }
2378 }
2380 /**
2381  * \brief Calls the on_state_changing() method of the object on top of the stack.
2382  * \param state_name Name of the current state.
2383  * \param next_state_name Name of the state about to start.
2384  */
on_state_changing(const std::string & state_name,const std::string & next_state_name)2385 void LuaContext::on_state_changing(const std::string& state_name, const std::string& next_state_name) {
2386   check_callback_thread();
2387   if (find_method("on_state_changing")) {
2388     push_string(current_l, state_name);
2389     push_string(current_l, next_state_name);
2390     call_function(3, 0, "on_state_changing");
2391   }
2392 }
2394 /**
2395  * \brief Calls the on_state_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2396  * \param new_state_name Name of the new state.
2397  */
on_state_changed(const std::string & new_state_name)2398 void LuaContext::on_state_changed(const std::string& new_state_name) {
2399   check_callback_thread();
2400   if (find_method("on_state_changed")) {
2401     push_string(current_l, new_state_name);
2402     call_function(2, 0, "on_state_changed");
2403   }
2404 }
2406 /**
2407  * \brief Calls the on_taking_damage() method of the object on top of the stack.
2408  * \param damage The damage to take.
2409  */
on_taking_damage(int damage)2410 bool LuaContext::on_taking_damage(int damage) {
2411   check_callback_thread();
2412   if (find_method("on_taking_damage")) {
2413     lua_pushinteger(current_l, damage);
2414     call_function(2, 0, "on_taking_damage");
2415     return true;
2416   }
2417   return false;
2418 }
2420 /**
2421  * \brief Calls the on_activating() method of the object on top of the stack.
2422  */
on_activating()2423 void LuaContext::on_activating() {
2424   check_callback_thread();
2425   if (find_method("on_activating")) {
2426     call_function(1, 0, "on_activating");
2427   }
2428 }
2430 /**
2431  * \brief Calls the on_activating() method of the object on top of the stack.
2432  * \param direction Direction to pass as parameter.
2433  */
on_activating(int direction)2434 void LuaContext::on_activating(int direction) {
2435   check_callback_thread();
2436   if (find_method("on_activating")) {
2437     lua_pushinteger(current_l, direction);
2438     call_function(2, 0, "on_activating");
2439   }
2440 }
2442 /**
2443  * \brief Calls the on_activated() method of the object on top of the stack.
2444  */
on_activated()2445 void LuaContext::on_activated() {
2446   check_callback_thread();
2447   if (find_method("on_activated")) {
2448     call_function(1, 0, "on_activated");
2449   }
2450 }
2452 /**
2453  * \brief Calls the on_activated() method of the object on top of the stack.
2454  * \param direction Direction to pass as parameter.
2455  */
on_activated(int direction)2456 void LuaContext::on_activated(int direction) {
2457   check_callback_thread();
2458   if (find_method("on_activated")) {
2459     lua_pushinteger(current_l, direction);
2460     call_function(2, 0, "on_activated");
2461   }
2462 }
2464 /**
2465  * \brief Calls the on_inactivated_repeat() method of the object on top of the stack.
2466  */
on_activated_repeat()2467 void LuaContext::on_activated_repeat() {
2468   check_callback_thread();
2469   if (find_method("on_activated_repeat")) {
2470     call_function(1, 0, "on_activated_repeat");
2471   }
2472 }
2474 /**
2475  * \brief Calls the on_inactivated() method of the object on top of the stack.
2476  */
on_inactivated()2477 void LuaContext::on_inactivated() {
2478   check_callback_thread();
2479   if (find_method("on_inactivated")) {
2480     call_function(1, 0, "on_inactivated");
2481   }
2482 }
2484 /**
2485  * \brief Calls the on_left() method of the object on top of the stack.
2486  */
on_left()2487 void LuaContext::on_left() {
2488   check_callback_thread();
2489   if (find_method("on_left")) {
2490     call_function(1, 0, "on_left");
2491   }
2492 }
2494 /**
2495  * \brief Calls the on_npc_interaction() method of the object on top of the stack.
2496  * \param npc An NPC.
2497  */
on_npc_interaction(Npc & npc)2498 void LuaContext::on_npc_interaction(Npc& npc) {
2499   check_callback_thread();
2500   if (find_method("on_npc_interaction")) {
2501     push_npc(current_l, npc);
2502     call_function(2, 0, "on_npc_interaction");
2503   }
2504 }
2506 /**
2507  * \brief Calls the on_npc_interaction_item() method of the object on top of the stack.
2508  * \param npc An NPC.
2509  * \param item_used The equipment item used.
2510  * \return true if an interaction occurred.
2511  */
on_npc_interaction_item(Npc & npc,EquipmentItem & item_used)2512 bool LuaContext::on_npc_interaction_item(Npc& npc, EquipmentItem& item_used) {
2513   check_callback_thread();
2514   bool interacted = false;
2515   if (find_method("on_npc_interaction_item")) {
2516     push_npc(current_l, npc);
2517     push_item(current_l, item_used);
2518     bool success = call_function(3, 1, "on_npc_interaction_item");
2519     if (!success) {
2520       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the event to other objects.
2521       interacted = true;
2522     }
2523     else {
2524       interacted = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
2525       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
2526     }
2527   }
2528   return interacted;
2529 }
2531 /**
2532  * \brief Calls the on_interaction() method of the object on top of the stack.
2533  * \return true if an interaction occurred.
2534  */
on_interaction()2535 bool LuaContext::on_interaction() {
2536   check_callback_thread();
2537   if (find_method("on_interaction")) {
2538     call_function(1, 0, "on_interaction");
2539     return true;
2540   }
2542   return false;
2543 }
2545 /**
2546  * \brief Calls the on_interaction_item() method of the object on top of the stack.
2547  * \param item_used The equipment item used.
2548  * \return true if an interaction occurred.
2549  */
on_interaction_item(EquipmentItem & item)2550 bool LuaContext::on_interaction_item(EquipmentItem& item) {
2551   check_callback_thread();
2552   bool interacted = false;
2553   if (find_method("on_interaction_item")) {
2554     push_item(current_l, item);
2555     bool success = call_function(2, 1, "on_interaction_item");
2556     if (!success) {
2557       // Something was wrong in the script: don't propagate the event to other objects.
2558       interacted = true;
2559     }
2560     else {
2561       interacted = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
2562       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
2563     }
2564   }
2565   return interacted;
2566 }
2568 /**
2569  * \brief Calls the on_npc_collision_fire() method of the object on top of the stack.
2570  * \param npc An NPC.
2571  */
on_npc_collision_fire(Npc & npc)2572 void LuaContext::on_npc_collision_fire(Npc& npc) {
2573   check_callback_thread();
2574   if (find_method("on_npc_collision_fire")) {
2575     push_npc(current_l, npc);
2576     call_function(2, 0, "on_npc_collision_fire");
2577   }
2578 }
2580 /**
2581  * \brief Calls the on_collision_fire() method of the object on top of the stack.
2582  */
on_collision_fire()2583 void LuaContext::on_collision_fire() {
2584   check_callback_thread();
2585   if (find_method("on_collision_fire")) {
2586     call_function(1, 0, "on_collision_fire");
2587   }
2588 }
2590 /**
2591  * \brief Calls the on_collision_explosion() method of the object on top of the stack.
2592  */
on_collision_explosion()2593 void LuaContext::on_collision_explosion() {
2594   check_callback_thread();
2595   if (find_method("on_collision_explosion")) {
2596     call_function(1, 0, "on_collision_explosion");
2597   }
2598 }
2600 /**
2601  * \brief Calls the on_buying() method of the object on top of the stack.
2602  * \return true if the player is allowed to buy the item.
2603  */
on_buying()2604 bool LuaContext::on_buying() {
2605   check_callback_thread();
2606   bool can_buy = true;
2607   if (find_method("on_buying")) {
2608     bool success = call_function(1, 1, "on_buying");
2609     if (!success) {
2610       // Something was wrong in the script: don't let the player buy the item.
2611       can_buy = false;
2612     }
2613     else {
2614       can_buy = lua_toboolean(current_l, -1);
2615       lua_pop(current_l, 1);
2616     }
2617   }
2618   return can_buy;
2619 }
2621 /**
2622  * \brief Calls the on_bought() method of the object on top of the stack.
2623  */
on_bought()2624 void LuaContext::on_bought() {
2625   check_callback_thread();
2626   if (find_method("on_bought")) {
2627     call_function(1, 0, "on_bought");
2628   }
2629 }
2631 /**
2632  * \brief Calls the on_opened() method of the object on top of the stack.
2633  */
on_opened()2634 void LuaContext::on_opened() {
2635   check_callback_thread();
2636   if (find_method("on_opened")) {
2637     call_function(1, 0, "on_opened");
2638   }
2639 }
2641 /**
2642  * \brief Calls the on_opened() method of the object on top of the stack.
2643  * \param treasure A treasure being obtained when opening.
2644  * \return \c true if the method is defined.
2645  */
on_opened(const Treasure & treasure)2646 bool LuaContext::on_opened(const Treasure& treasure) {
2647   check_callback_thread();
2648   if (find_method("on_opened")) {
2650     if (treasure.is_empty()) {
2651       lua_pushnil(current_l);
2652       lua_pushnil(current_l);
2653     }
2654     else {
2655       push_item(current_l, treasure.get_item());
2656       lua_pushinteger(current_l, treasure.get_variant());
2657     }
2659     if (!treasure.is_saved()) {
2660       lua_pushnil(current_l);
2661     }
2662     else {
2663       lua_pushstring(current_l, treasure.get_savegame_variable().c_str());
2664     }
2666     call_function(4, 0, "on_opened");
2667     return true;
2668   }
2670   return false;
2671 }
2673 /**
2674  * \brief Calls the on_closed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2675  */
on_closed()2676 void LuaContext::on_closed() {
2677   check_callback_thread();
2678   if (find_method("on_closed")) {
2679     call_function(1, 0, "on_closed");
2680   }
2681 }
2683 /**
2684  * \brief Calls the on_moving() method of the object on top of the stack.
2685  */
on_moving()2686 void LuaContext::on_moving() {
2687   check_callback_thread();
2688   if (find_method("on_moving")) {
2689     call_function(1, 0, "on_moving");
2690   }
2691 }
2693 /**
2694  * \brief Calls the on_moved() method of the object on top of the stack.
2695  */
on_moved()2696 void LuaContext::on_moved() {
2697   check_callback_thread();
2698   if (find_method("on_moved")) {
2699     call_function(1, 0, "on_moved");
2700   }
2701 }
2703 /**
2704  * \brief Calls the on_map_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2705  * \param map The new active map.
2706  */
on_map_changed(Map & map)2707 void LuaContext::on_map_changed(Map& map) {
2708   check_callback_thread();
2709   if (find_method("on_map_changed")) {
2710     push_map(current_l, map);
2711     call_function(2, 0, "on_map_changed");
2712   }
2713 }
2715 /**
2716  * \brief Calls the on_game_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2717  * \param previous_world The previous world or an empty string.
2718  * \param new_world The new world or an empty string.
2719  */
on_world_changed(const std::string & previous_world,const std::string & new_world)2720 void LuaContext::on_world_changed(const std::string& previous_world, const std::string& new_world) {
2721   check_callback_thread();
2722   if (find_method("on_world_changed")) {
2723     if (previous_world.empty()) {
2724       lua_pushnil(current_l);
2725     }
2726     else {
2727       push_string(current_l, previous_world);
2728     }
2730     if (new_world.empty()) {
2731       lua_pushnil(current_l);
2732     }
2733     else {
2734       push_string(current_l, new_world);
2735     }
2736     call_function(3, 0, "on_world_changed");
2737   }
2738 }
2740 /**
2741  * \brief Calls the on_pickable_created() method of the object on top of the stack.
2742  * \param pickable A pickable treasure.
2743  */
on_pickable_created(Pickable & pickable)2744 void LuaContext::on_pickable_created(Pickable& pickable) {
2745   check_callback_thread();
2746   if (find_method("on_pickable_created")) {
2747     push_entity(current_l, pickable);
2748     call_function(2, 0, "on_pickable_created");
2749   }
2750 }
2752 /**
2753  * \brief Calls the on_variant_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2754  * \param variant Variant of an equipment item.
2755  */
on_variant_changed(int variant)2756 void LuaContext::on_variant_changed(int variant) {
2757   check_callback_thread();
2758   if (find_method("on_variant_changed")) {
2759     lua_pushinteger(current_l, variant);
2760     call_function(2, 0, "on_variant_changed");
2761   }
2762 }
2764 /**
2765  * \brief Calls the on_amount_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2766  * \param amount Amount of an equipment item.
2767  */
on_amount_changed(int amount)2768 void LuaContext::on_amount_changed(int amount) {
2769   check_callback_thread();
2770   if (find_method("on_amount_changed")) {
2771     lua_pushinteger(current_l, amount);
2772     call_function(2, 0, "on_amount_changed");
2773   }
2774 }
2776 /**
2777  * \brief Calls the on_obtaining() method of the object on top of the stack.
2778  * \param treasure The treasure being obtained.
2779  */
on_obtaining(const Treasure & treasure)2780 void LuaContext::on_obtaining(const Treasure& treasure) {
2781   check_callback_thread();
2782   if (find_method("on_obtaining")) {
2783     lua_pushinteger(current_l, treasure.get_variant());
2784     if (!treasure.is_saved()) {
2785       lua_pushnil(current_l);
2786     }
2787     else {
2788       lua_pushstring(current_l, treasure.get_savegame_variable().c_str());
2789     }
2790     call_function(3, 0, "on_obtaining");
2791   }
2792 }
2794 /**
2795  * \brief Calls the on_obtained() method of the object on top of the stack.
2796  * \param treasure The treasure just obtained.
2797  */
on_obtained(const Treasure & treasure)2798 void LuaContext::on_obtained(const Treasure& treasure) {
2799   check_callback_thread();
2800   if (find_method("on_obtained")) {
2801     lua_pushinteger(current_l, treasure.get_variant());
2802     if (!treasure.is_saved()) {
2803       lua_pushnil(current_l);
2804     }
2805     else {
2806       lua_pushstring(current_l, treasure.get_savegame_variable().c_str());
2807     }
2808     call_function(3, 0, "on_obtained");
2809   }
2810 }
2812 /**
2813  * \brief Calls the on_using() method of the object on top of the stack.
2814  */
on_using()2815 void LuaContext::on_using() {
2816   check_callback_thread();
2817   if (find_method("on_using")) {
2818     call_function(1, 0, "on_using");
2819   }
2820 }
2822 /**
2823  * \brief Calls the on_ability_used() method of the object on top of the stack.
2824  * \param ability A built-in ability.
2825  */
on_ability_used(Ability ability)2826 void LuaContext::on_ability_used(Ability ability) {
2827   check_callback_thread();
2828   if (find_method("on_ability_used")) {
2829     push_string(current_l, enum_to_name(ability));
2830     call_function(2, 0, "on_ability_used");
2831   }
2832 }
2834 /**
2835  * \brief Calls the on_created() method of the object on top of the stack.
2836  */
on_created()2837 void LuaContext::on_created() {
2838   check_callback_thread();
2839   if (find_method("on_created")) {
2840     call_function(1, 0, "on_created");
2841   }
2842 }
2844 /**
2845  * \brief Calls the on_removed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2846  */
on_removed()2847 void LuaContext::on_removed() {
2848   check_callback_thread();
2849   if (find_method("on_removed")) {
2850     call_function(1, 0, "on_removed");
2851   }
2852 }
2854 /**
2855  * \brief Calls the on_enabled() method of the object on top of the stack.
2856  */
on_enabled()2857 void LuaContext::on_enabled() {
2858   check_callback_thread();
2859   if (find_method("on_enabled")) {
2860     call_function(1, 0, "on_enabled");
2861   }
2862 }
2864 /**
2865  * \brief Calls the on_disabled() method of the object on top of the stack.
2866  */
on_disabled()2867 void LuaContext::on_disabled() {
2868   check_callback_thread();
2869   if (find_method("on_disabled")) {
2870     call_function(1, 0, "on_disabled");
2871   }
2872 }
2874 /**
2875  * \brief Calls the on_restarted() method of the object on top of the stack.
2876  */
on_restarted()2877 void LuaContext::on_restarted() {
2878   check_callback_thread();
2879   if (find_method("on_restarted")) {
2880     call_function(1, 0, "on_restarted");
2881   }
2882 }
2884 /**
2885  * \brief Calls the on_pre_draw() method of the object on top of the stack.
2886  * \param camera The camera where to draw.
2887  */
on_pre_draw(Camera & camera)2888 void LuaContext::on_pre_draw(Camera& camera) {
2889   check_callback_thread();
2890   if (find_method("on_pre_draw")) {
2891     push_camera(current_l, camera);
2892     call_function(2, 0, "on_pre_draw");
2893   }
2894 }
2896 /**
2897  * \brief Calls the on_post_draw() method of the object on top of the stack.
2898  * \param camera The camera where to draw.
2899  */
on_post_draw(Camera & camera)2900 void LuaContext::on_post_draw(Camera& camera) {
2901   check_callback_thread();
2902   if (find_method("on_post_draw")) {
2903     push_camera(current_l, camera);
2904     call_function(2, 0, "on_post_draw");
2905   }
2906 }
2908 /**
2909  * \brief Calls the on_position_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2910  * \param xy The new position.
2911  * \param layer The new layer.
2912  */
on_position_changed(const Point & xy,int layer)2913 void LuaContext::on_position_changed(const Point& xy, int layer) {
2914   check_callback_thread();
2915   if (find_method("on_position_changed")) {
2916     lua_pushinteger(current_l, xy.x);
2917     lua_pushinteger(current_l, xy.y);
2918     lua_pushinteger(current_l, layer);
2919     call_function(4, 0, "on_position_changed");
2920   }
2921 }
2923 /**
2924  * \brief Calls the on_obstacle_reached() method of the object on top of the stack.
2925  * \param movement The movement that reached an obstacle.
2926  */
on_obstacle_reached(Movement & movement)2927 void LuaContext::on_obstacle_reached(Movement& movement) {
2928   check_callback_thread();
2929   if (find_method("on_obstacle_reached")) {
2930     push_movement(current_l, movement);
2931     call_function(2, 0, "on_obstacle_reached");
2932   }
2933 }
2935 /**
2936  * \brief Calls the on_movement_started() method of the object on top of the stack.
2937  * \param movement A movement.
2938  */
on_movement_started(Movement & movement)2939 void LuaContext::on_movement_started(Movement& movement) {
2940   check_callback_thread();
2941   if (find_method("on_movement_started")) {
2942     push_movement(current_l, movement);
2943     call_function(2, 0, "on_movement_started");
2944   }
2945 }
2947 /**
2948  * \brief Calls the on_movement_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
2949  * \param movement A movement.
2950  */
on_movement_changed(Movement & movement)2951 void LuaContext::on_movement_changed(Movement& movement) {
2952   check_callback_thread();
2953   if (find_method("on_movement_changed")) {
2954     push_movement(current_l, movement);
2955     call_function(2, 0, "on_movement_changed");
2956   }
2957 }
2959 /**
2960  * \brief Calls the on_movement_finished() method of the object on top of the stack.
2961  */
on_movement_finished()2962 void LuaContext::on_movement_finished() {
2963   check_callback_thread();
2964   if (find_method("on_movement_finished")) {
2965     call_function(1, 0, "on_movement_finished");
2966   }
2967 }
2969 /**
2970  * \brief Calls the on_collision_enemy() method of the object on top of the stack.
2971  * \param other_enemy Another enemy colliding with the object on top of the stack.
2972  * \param other_sprite Colliding sprite of the other enemy.
2973  * \param this_sprite Colliding sprite of the first enemy.
2974  */
on_collision_enemy(Enemy & other_enemy,Sprite & other_sprite,Sprite & this_sprite)2975 void LuaContext::on_collision_enemy(Enemy& other_enemy, Sprite& other_sprite, Sprite& this_sprite) {
2976   check_callback_thread();
2977   if (find_method("on_collision_enemy")) {
2978     push_enemy(current_l, other_enemy);
2979     push_sprite(current_l, other_sprite);
2980     push_sprite(current_l, this_sprite);
2981     call_function(4, 0, "on_collision_enemy");
2982   }
2983 }
2985 /**
2986  * \brief Calls the on_lifted() method of the object on top of the stack.
2987  */
on_lifted()2988 void LuaContext::on_lifted() {
2989   check_callback_thread();
2990   if (find_method("on_lifted")) {
2991     call_function(1, 0, "on_lifted");
2992   }
2993 }
2995 /**
2996  * \brief Calls the on_thrown() method of the object on top of the stack.
2997  */
on_thrown()2998 void LuaContext::on_thrown() {
2999   check_callback_thread();
3000   if (find_method("on_thrown")) {
3001     call_function(1, 0, "on_thrown");
3002   }
3003 }
3005 /**
3006  * \brief Calls the on_breaking() method of the object on top of the stack.
3007  */
on_breaking()3008 void LuaContext::on_breaking() {
3009   check_callback_thread();
3010   if (find_method("on_breaking")) {
3011     call_function(1, 0, "on_breaking");
3012   }
3013 }
3015 /**
3016  * \brief Calls the on_looked() method of the object on top of the stack.
3017  */
on_looked()3018 void LuaContext::on_looked() {
3019   check_callback_thread();
3020   if (find_method("on_looked")) {
3021     call_function(1, 0, "on_looked");
3022   }
3023 }
3025 /**
3026  * \brief Calls the on_cut() method of the object on top of the stack.
3027  */
on_cut()3028 void LuaContext::on_cut() {
3029   check_callback_thread();
3030   if (find_method("on_cut")) {
3031     call_function(1, 0, "on_cut");
3032   }
3033 }
3035 /**
3036  * \brief Calls the on_lifting() method of the object on top of the stack.
3037  * \param carrier Entity that is lifting another one.
3038  * \param carried_object Carried object created to replace
3039  * the entity being lifted.
3040  */
on_lifting(Entity & carrier,CarriedObject & carried_object)3041 void LuaContext::on_lifting(
3042     Entity& carrier,
3043     CarriedObject& carried_object
3044 ) {
3045   check_callback_thread();
3046   if (find_method("on_lifting")) {
3047     push_entity(current_l, carrier);
3048     push_carried_object(current_l, carried_object);
3049     call_function(3, 0, "on_lifting");
3050   }
3051 }
3053 /**
3054  * \brief Calls the on_exploded() method of the object on top of the stack.
3055  */
on_exploded()3056 void LuaContext::on_exploded() {
3057   check_callback_thread();
3058   if (find_method("on_exploded")) {
3059     call_function(1, 0, "on_exploded");
3060   }
3061 }
3063 /**
3064  * \brief Calls the on_regenerating() method of the object on top of the stack.
3065  */
on_regenerating()3066 void LuaContext::on_regenerating() {
3067   check_callback_thread();
3068   if (find_method("on_regenerating")) {
3069     call_function(1, 0, "on_regenerating");
3070   }
3071 }
3073 /**
3074  * \brief Calls the on_custom_attack_received() method of the object on top of the stack.
3075  * \param attack The attack received.
3076  * \param sprite The sprite that receives the attack if any.
3077  */
on_custom_attack_received(EnemyAttack attack,Sprite * sprite)3078 void LuaContext::on_custom_attack_received(EnemyAttack attack, Sprite* sprite) {
3079   check_callback_thread();
3080   if (find_method("on_custom_attack_received")) {
3081     push_string(current_l, Enemy::attack_names.find(attack)->second);
3082     if (sprite != nullptr) {
3083       // Pixel-precise collision.
3084       push_sprite(current_l, *sprite);
3085       call_function(3, 0, "on_custom_attack_received");
3086     }
3087     else {
3088       call_function(2, 0, "on_custom_attack_received");
3089     }
3090   }
3091 }
3093 /**
3094  * \brief Calls the on_hurt_by_sword() method of the object on top of the stack.
3095  * \param hero The hero whose sword is hitting the enemy.
3096  * \param enemy_sprite Sprite of the enemy that gets hits.
3097  * \return \c true if the method is defined.
3098  */
on_hurt_by_sword(Hero & hero,Sprite & enemy_sprite)3099 bool LuaContext::on_hurt_by_sword(Hero& hero, Sprite& enemy_sprite) {
3100   check_callback_thread();
3101   if (find_method("on_hurt_by_sword")) {
3102     push_hero(current_l, hero);
3103     push_sprite(current_l, enemy_sprite);
3104     call_function(3, 0, "on_hurt_by_sword");
3105     return true;
3106   }
3107   return false;
3108 }
3110 /**
3111  * \brief Calls the on_hurt() method of the object on top of the stack.
3112  * \param attack The attack received.
3113  */
on_hurt(EnemyAttack attack)3114 void LuaContext::on_hurt(EnemyAttack attack) {
3115   check_callback_thread();
3116   if (find_method("on_hurt")) {
3117     push_string(current_l, Enemy::attack_names.find(attack)->second);
3118     call_function(2, 0, "on_hurt");
3119   }
3120 }
3122 /**
3123  * \brief Calls the on_dying() method of the object on top of the stack.
3124  */
on_dying()3125 void LuaContext::on_dying() {
3126   check_callback_thread();
3127   if (find_method("on_dying")) {
3128     call_function(1, 0, "on_dying");
3129   }
3130 }
3132 /**
3133  * \brief Calls the on_dead() method of the object on top of the stack.
3134  */
on_dead()3135 void LuaContext::on_dead() {
3136   check_callback_thread();
3137   if (find_method("on_dead")) {
3138     call_function(1, 0, "on_dead");
3139   }
3140 }
3142 /**
3143  * \brief Calls the on_immobilized() method of the object on top of the stack.
3144  */
on_immobilized()3145 void LuaContext::on_immobilized() {
3146   check_callback_thread();
3147   if (find_method("on_immobilized")) {
3148     call_function(1, 0, "on_immobilized");
3149   }
3150 }
3152 /**
3153  * \brief Calls the on_attacking_hero() method of the object on top of the stack.
3154  * \param hero The hero attacked.
3155  * \param attacker_sprite Sprite that caused the collision or nullptr.
3156  * \return \c true if the method is defined.
3157  */
on_attacking_hero(Hero & hero,Sprite * attacker_sprite)3158 bool LuaContext::on_attacking_hero(Hero& hero, Sprite* attacker_sprite) {
3159   check_callback_thread();
3160   if (find_method("on_attacking_hero")) {
3161     push_hero(current_l, hero);
3162     if (attacker_sprite == nullptr) {
3163       lua_pushnil(current_l);
3164     }
3165     else {
3166       push_sprite(current_l, *attacker_sprite);
3167     }
3168     call_function(3, 0, "on_attacking_hero");
3169     return true;
3170   }
3171   return false;
3172 }
3174 /**
3175  * \brief Calls the on_attacked_enemy() method of the object on top of the stack.
3176  * \param The enemy that was attacked.
3177  * \param enemy_sprite Sprite that was attacked if any.
3178  * \param attack How the enemy was attacked.
3179  * \param reaction How the enemy reacted to the attack.
3180  */
on_attacked_enemy(Enemy & enemy,Sprite * enemy_sprite,EnemyAttack attack,const EnemyReaction::Reaction & reaction)3181 void LuaContext::on_attacked_enemy(
3182     Enemy& enemy,
3183     Sprite* enemy_sprite,
3184     EnemyAttack attack,
3185     const EnemyReaction::Reaction& reaction
3186 ) {
3187   check_callback_thread();
3188   if (find_method("on_attacked_enemy")) {
3189     push_enemy(current_l, enemy);
3190     if (enemy_sprite == nullptr) {
3191       lua_pushnil(current_l);
3192     } else {
3193       push_sprite(current_l, *enemy_sprite);
3194     }
3195     push_string(current_l, Enemy::attack_names.find(attack)->second);
3197     if (reaction.type == EnemyReaction::ReactionType::HURT) {
3198       lua_pushinteger(current_l, reaction.life_lost);
3199     } else if (reaction.type == EnemyReaction::ReactionType::LUA_CALLBACK) {
3200       reaction.callback.push(current_l);
3201     } else {
3202       push_string(current_l, enum_to_name(reaction.type));
3203     }
3205     call_function(5, 0, "on_attacked_enemy");
3206   }
3207 }
3209 /**
3210  * \brief Calls the on_ground_below_changed() method of the object on top of the stack.
3211  * \param ground_below The new ground below the object.
3212  */
on_ground_below_changed(Ground ground_below)3213 void LuaContext::on_ground_below_changed(Ground ground_below) {
3214   check_callback_thread();
3215   if (find_method("on_ground_below_changed")) {
3216     if (ground_below == Ground::EMPTY) {
3217       lua_pushnil(current_l);
3218     }
3219     else {
3220       push_string(current_l, enum_to_name(ground_below));
3221     }
3222     call_function(2, 0, "on_ground_below_changed");
3223   }
3224 }
3226 /**
3227  * \brief Calls the on_map_started() method of the object on top of the stack.
3228  * \param map The map.
3229  * \param destination Destination entity where the hero is placed or nullptr.
3230  */
on_map_started(Map & map,const std::shared_ptr<Destination> & destination)3231 void LuaContext::on_map_started(
3232     Map& map, const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination) {
3234   check_callback_thread();
3235   if (find_method("on_map_started")) {
3236     push_map(current_l, map);
3237     if (destination == nullptr) {
3238       lua_pushnil(current_l);
3239     }
3240     else {
3241       push_entity(current_l, *destination);
3242     }
3243     call_function(3, 0, "on_map_started");
3244   }
3245 }
3247 /**
3248  * \brief Calls the on_map_opening_transition_finished() method of the object on top of the stack.
3249  * \param map The map.
3250  * \param destination Destination entity where the hero is placed or nullptr.
3251  */
on_map_opening_transition_finished(Map & map,const std::shared_ptr<Destination> & destination)3252 void LuaContext::on_map_opening_transition_finished(
3253     Map& map, const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination) {
3255   check_callback_thread();
3256   if (find_method("on_map_opening_transition_finished")) {
3257     push_map(current_l, map);
3258     if (destination == nullptr) {
3259       lua_pushnil(current_l);
3260     }
3261     else {
3262       push_entity(current_l, *destination);
3263     }
3264     call_function(3, 0, "on_map_opening_transition_finished");
3265   }
3266 }
3268 /**
3269  * \brief Calls the on_map_finished() method of the object on top of the stack.
3270  */
on_map_finished()3271 void LuaContext::on_map_finished() {
3273   check_callback_thread();
3274   if (find_method("on_map_finished")) {
3275     call_function(1, 0, "on_map_finished");
3276   }
3277 }
3279 /**
3280  * \brief Function called when an unprotected Lua error occurs.
3281  * \param l The Lua context.
3282  * \return Number of values to return to Lua.
3283  */
l_panic(lua_State * l)3284 int LuaContext::l_panic(lua_State* l) {
3286   const std::string& error = luaL_checkstring(l, 1);
3288   Debug::die(error);
3289 }
3291 /**
3292  * \brief A loader that makes require() able to load Lua files
3293  * from the quest data directory or archive.
3294  * \param l The Lua context.
3295  * \return Number of values to return to Lua.
3296  */
l_loader(lua_State * l)3297 int LuaContext::l_loader(lua_State* l) {
3299   return state_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
3300     const std::string& script_name = luaL_checkstring(l, 1);
3301     bool load_success = get().load_file(script_name);
3303     if (!load_success) {
3304       std::ostringstream oss;
3305       oss << std::endl << "\tno quest file '" << script_name
3306           << ".lua' in 'data/', 'data.solarus' or 'data.solarus.zip'";
3307       push_string(l, oss.str());
3308     }
3309     return 1;
3310   });
3311 }
3313 /**
3314  * \brief A function that prints the stack trace of an error raised in Lua.
3315  * \param l The Lua context.
3316  * \return Number of values to return to Lua.
3317  */
l_backtrace(lua_State * l)3318 int LuaContext::l_backtrace(lua_State* l) {
3320   if (!lua_isstring(l, 1)) {
3321     push_string(l, "Unknown error");
3322     return 1;
3323   }
3324   lua_getglobal(l, "debug");
3325   if (!lua_istable(l, -1)) {
3326     lua_pushvalue(l, 1);  // Return the original error message.
3327     return 1;
3328   }
3329   lua_getfield(l, -1, "traceback");
3330   if (!lua_isfunction(l, -1)) {
3331     lua_pushvalue(l, 1);  // Return the original error message.
3332     return 1;
3333   }
3334   lua_pushvalue(l, 1);    // pass error message
3335   lua_call(l, 1, 1);      // call debug.traceback
3336   return 1;
3337 }
3339 }