1#!/usr/bin/env python3
4# treestructure.py, provides a class to store the tree's data
6# TreeLine, an information storage program
7# Copyright (C) 2018, Douglas W. Bell
9# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
10# terms of the GNU General Public License, either Version 2 or any later
11# version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  See the included LICENSE file for details.
15import operator
16import copy
17import json
18import uuid
19import treenode
20import treeformats
21import undo
23    from __main__ import __version__
24except ImportError:
25    __version__ = ''
27defaultRootTitle = _('Main')
30class TreeStructure(treenode.TreeNode):
31    """Class to store all tree data.
33    Inherits TreeNode to get childList (holds top nodes) and other methods.
34    """
35    def __init__(self, fileData=None, topNodes=None, addDefaults=False,
36                 addSpots=True):
37        """Create and store a tree structure from file data.
39        If no file data is given, create an empty or a default new structure.
40        Arguments:
41            fileData -- a dict in JSON file format of a structure
42            topNodes -- existing top-level nodes to add to a structure
43            addDefaults -- if True, adds default new structure
44            addSpots -- if True, adds parent spot references
45        """
46        super().__init__(None)  # init TreeNode, with no formatRef
47        self.nodeDict = {}
48        self.undoList = None
49        self.redoList = None
50        self.configDialogFormats = None
51        self.mathZeroBlanks = True
52        self.childRefErrorNodes = []
53        if fileData:
54            self.treeFormats = treeformats.TreeFormats(fileData['formats'])
55            self.treeFormats.loadGlobalSavedConditions(fileData['properties'])
56            for nodeInfo in fileData['nodes']:
57                formatRef = self.treeFormats[nodeInfo['format']]
58                node = treenode.TreeNode(formatRef, nodeInfo)
59                self.nodeDict[node.uId] = node
60            for node in self.nodeDict.values():
61                node.assignRefs(self.nodeDict)
62                if node.tmpChildRefs:
63                    self.childRefErrorNodes.append(node)
64                    node.tmpChildRefs = []
65            for uId in fileData['properties']['topnodes']:
66                node = self.nodeDict[uId]
67                self.childList.append(node)
68            if 'zeroblanks' in fileData['properties']:
69                self.mathZeroBlanks = fileData['properties']['zeroblanks']
70            if addSpots:
71                self.generateSpots(None)
72        elif topNodes:
73            self.childList = topNodes
74            self.treeFormats = treeformats.TreeFormats()
75            for topNode in topNodes:
76                for node in topNode.descendantGen():
77                    self.nodeDict[node.uId] = node
78                    self.treeFormats.addTypeIfMissing(node.formatRef)
79            if addSpots:
80                self.generateSpots(None)
81        elif addDefaults:
82            self.treeFormats = treeformats.TreeFormats(setDefault=True)
83            node = treenode.TreeNode(self.treeFormats[treeformats.
84                                                      defaultTypeName])
85            node.setTitle(defaultRootTitle)
86            self.nodeDict[node.uId] = node
87            self.childList.append(node)
88            if addSpots:
89                self.generateSpots(None)
90        else:
91            self.treeFormats = treeformats.TreeFormats()
92        self.fileInfoNode = treenode.TreeNode(self.treeFormats.fileInfoFormat)
94    def fileData(self):
95        """Return a fileData dict in JSON file format.
96        """
97        formats = self.treeFormats.storeFormats()
98        nodeList = sorted([node.fileData() for node in self.nodeDict.values()],
99                          key=operator.itemgetter('uid'))
100        topNodeIds = [node.uId for node in self.childList]
101        properties = {'tlversion': __version__, 'topnodes': topNodeIds}
102        self.treeFormats.storeGlobalSavedConditions(properties)
103        if not self.mathZeroBlanks:
104            properties['zeroblanks'] = False
105        fileData = {'formats': formats, 'nodes': nodeList,
106                    'properties': properties}
107        return fileData
109    def purgeOldFieldData(self):
110        """Remove data from obsolete fields from all nodes.
111        """
112        fieldSets = self.treeFormats.fieldNameDict()
113        for node in self.nodeDict.values():
114            oldKeys = set(node.data.keys()) - fieldSets[node.formatRef.name]
115            for key in oldKeys:
116                del node.data[key]
118    def addNodeDictRef(self, node):
119        """Add the given node to the node dictionary.
121        Arguments:
122            node -- the node to add
123        """
124        self.nodeDict[node.uId] = node
126    def removeNodeDictRef(self, node):
127        """Remove the given node from the node dictionary.
129        Arguments:
130            node -- the node to remove
131        """
132        try:
133            del self.nodeDict[node.uId]
134        except KeyError:
135            pass
137    def rebuildNodeDict(self):
138        """Remove and re-create the entire node dictionary.
139        """
140        self.nodeDict = {}
141        for node in self.descendantGen():
142            self.nodeDict[node.uId] = node
144    def replaceAllSpots(self, removeUnusedNodes=True):
145        """Remove and regenerate all spot refs for the tree.
147        Arguments:
148            removeUnusedNodes -- if True, delete refs to nodes without spots
149        """
150        self.spotRefs = set()
151        for node in self.nodeDict.values():
152            node.spotRefs = set()
153        self.generateSpots(None)
154        if removeUnusedNodes:
155            self.nodeDict = {uId:node for (uId, node) in self.nodeDict.items()
156                             if node.spotRefs}
158    def deleteNodeSpot(self, spot):
159        """Remove the given spot, removing the entire node if no spots remain.
161        Arguments:
162            spot -- the spot to remove
163        """
164        spot.parentSpot.nodeRef.childList.remove(spot.nodeRef)
165        for node in spot.nodeRef.descendantGen():
166            if len(node.spotRefs) <= 1:
167                self.removeNodeDictRef(node)
168                node.spotRefs = set()
169            else:
170                node.removeInvalidSpotRefs(False)
172    def structSpot(self):
173        """Return the top spot (not tied to a node).
174        """
175        (topSpot, ) = self.spotRefs
176        return topSpot
178    def rootSpots(self):
179        """Return a list of spots from root nodes.
180        """
181        (topSpot, ) = self.spotRefs
182        return topSpot.childSpots()
184    def spotById(self, spotId):
185        """Return a spot based on a spot ID string.
187        Raises KeyError on invalid node ID, an IndexError on invalid spot num.
188        Arguments:
189            spotId -- a spot ID string, in the form "nodeID:spotInstance"
190        """
191        nodeId, spotNum = spotId.split(':', 1)
192        return self.nodeDict[nodeId].spotByNumber(int(spotNum))
194    def descendantGen(self):
195        """Return a generator to step through all nodes in tree order.
197        Override from TreeNode to exclude self.
198        """
199        for child in self.childList:
200            for node in child.descendantGen():
201                yield node
203    def getConfigDialogFormats(self, forceReset=False):
204        """Return duplicate formats for use in the config dialog.
206        Arguments:
207            forceReset -- if True, sets duplicate formats back to original
208        """
209        if not self.configDialogFormats or forceReset:
210            self.configDialogFormats = copy.deepcopy(self.treeFormats)
211        return self.configDialogFormats
213    def applyConfigDialogFormats(self, addUndo=True):
214        """Replace the formats with the duplicates and signal for view update.
216        Also updates all nodes for changed type and field names.
217        """
218        if addUndo:
219            undo.FormatUndo(self.undoList, self.treeFormats,
220                            self.configDialogFormats)
221        self.treeFormats.copySettings(self.configDialogFormats)
222        self.treeFormats.updateDerivedRefs()
223        self.treeFormats.updateMathFieldRefs()
224        if self.configDialogFormats.fieldRenameDict:
225            for node in self.nodeDict.values():
226                fieldRenameDict = (self.configDialogFormats.fieldRenameDict.
227                                   get(node.formatRef.name, {}))
228                tmpDataDict = {}
229                for oldName, newName in fieldRenameDict.items():
230                    if oldName in node.data:
231                        tmpDataDict[newName] = node.data[oldName]
232                        del node.data[oldName]
233                node.data.update(tmpDataDict)
234            self.configDialogFormats.fieldRenameDict = {}
235        if self.treeFormats.emptiedMathDict:
236            for node in self.nodeDict.values():
237                for fieldName in self.treeFormats.emptiedMathDict.get(node.
238                                                                     formatRef.
239                                                                     name,
240                                                                     set()):
241                    node.data.pop(fieldName, None)
242            self.formats.emptiedMathDict = {}
244    def usesType(self, typeName):
245        """Return true if any nodes use the give node format type.
247        Arguments:
248            typeName -- the format name to search for
249        """
250        for node in self.nodeDict.values():
251            if node.formatRef.name == typeName:
252                return True
253        return False
255    def replaceDuplicateIds(self, duplicateDict):
256        """Generate new unique IDs for any nodes found in newNodeDict.
258        Arguments:
259            newNodeDict -- a dict to search for duplicates
260        """
261        for node in list(self.nodeDict.values()):
262            if node.uId in duplicateDict:
263                del self.nodeDict[node.uId]
264                node.uId = uuid.uuid1().hex
265                self.nodeDict[node.uId] = node
267    def addNodesFromStruct(self, treeStruct, parent, position=-1):
268        """Add nodes from the given structure under the given parent.
270        Arguments:
271            treeStruct -- the structure to insert
272            parent -- the parent of the new nodes
273            position -- the location to insert (-1 is appended)
274        """
275        for nodeFormat in treeStruct.treeFormats.values():
276            self.treeFormats.addTypeIfMissing(nodeFormat)
277        for node in treeStruct.nodeDict.values():
278            self.nodeDict[node.uId] = node
279            node.formatRef = self.treeFormats[node.formatRef.name]
280        for node in treeStruct.childList:
281            if position >= 0:
282                parent.childList.insert(position, node)
283                position += 1
284            else:
285                parent.childList.append(node)
286            node.addSpotRef(parent)
288    def debugCheck(self):
289        """Run debugging checks on structure nodeDict, nodes and spots.
291        Reports results to std output. Not to be run in production releases.
292        """
293        print('\nChecking nodes in nodeDict:')
294        nodeIds = set()
295        errorCount = 0
296        for node in self.descendantGen():
297            nodeIds.add(node.uId)
298            if node.uId not in self.nodeDict:
299                print('    Node not in nodeDict, ID: {}, Title: {}'.
300                      format(node.uId, node.title()))
301                errorCount += 1
302        for uId in set(self.nodeDict.keys()) - nodeIds:
303            node = self.nodeDict[uId]
304            print('    Node not in structure, ID: {}, Title: {}'.
305                  format(node.uId, node.title()))
306            errorCount += 1
307        print('  {} errors found in nodeDict'.format(errorCount))
309        print('\nChecking spots:')
310        errorCount = 0
311        for topNode in self.childList:
312            for node in topNode.descendantGen():
313                for spot in node.spotRefs:
314                    if node not in spot.parentSpot.nodeRef.childList:
315                        print('    Invalid spot in node, ID: {}, Title: {}'.
316                              format(node.uId, node.title()))
317                        errorCount += 1
318                for child in node.childList:
319                    if len(child.spotRefs) < len(node.spotRefs):
320                        print('    Missing spot in node, ID: {}, Title: {}'.
321                              format(child.uId, child.title()))
322                        errorCount += 1
323        print('  {} errors found in spots'.format(errorCount))
326####  Utility Functions  ####
328def structFromMimeData(mimeData):
329    """Return a tree structure based on mime data.
331    Arguments:
332        mimeData -- data to be used
333    """
334    try:
335        data = json.loads(str(mimeData.data('application/json'), 'utf-8'))
336        return TreeStructure(data, addSpots=False)
337    except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError):
338        return None