2! Copyright (C) 2016 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9MODULE pw_restart_new
11  !
12  ! ... New PWscf I/O using xml schema and (optionally) hdf5 binaries
13  ! ... Parallel execution: the xml file is written by one processor only
14  ! ... ("ionode_id"), read by all processors ;
15  ! ... the wavefunction files are written / read by one processor per pool,
16  ! ... collected on / distributed to all other processors in pool
17  !
18  USE kinds, ONLY: dp
19  USE qes_types_module, ONLY : output_type, parallel_info_type, &
20       general_info_type, input_type, gateInfo_type, dipoleOutput_type, &
21       BerryPhaseOutput_type, hybrid_type, vdw_type, dftU_type, smearing_type
22  USE qes_write_module, ONLY: qes_write
23  USE qes_reset_module, ONLY: qes_reset
24  USE qes_bcast_module,ONLY : qes_bcast
25  USE qexsd_module, ONLY: qexsd_xf, qexsd_openschema, qexsd_closeschema, &
26       qexsd_readschema
27  USE qexsd_input,  ONLY : qexsd_input_obj, qexsd_init_k_points_ibz, &
28       qexsd_init_occupations, qexsd_init_smearing
29  USE qexsd_init,   ONLY: qexsd_init_convergence_info, qexsd_init_algorithmic_info,    &
30                          qexsd_init_atomic_species, qexsd_init_atomic_structure,      &
31                          qexsd_init_symmetries, qexsd_init_basis_set, qexsd_init_dft, &
32                          qexsd_init_magnetization,qexsd_init_band_structure,          &
33                          qexsd_init_dipole_info, qexsd_init_total_energy,             &
34                          qexsd_init_vdw, qexsd_init_forces, qexsd_init_stress,        &
35                          qexsd_init_outputElectricField, qexsd_init_outputPBC,        &
36                          qexsd_init_gate_info, qexsd_init_hybrid,  qexsd_init_dftU,   &
37                          qexsd_occ_obj, qexsd_bp_obj, qexsd_start_k_obj
38  USE qexsd_copy,      ONLY : qexsd_copy_parallel_info, &
39       qexsd_copy_algorithmic_info, qexsd_copy_atomic_species, &
40       qexsd_copy_atomic_structure, qexsd_copy_symmetry, &
41       qexsd_copy_basis_set, qexsd_copy_dft, qexsd_copy_efield, &
42       qexsd_copy_band_structure, qexsd_copy_magnetization, &
43       qexsd_copy_kpoints
44  USE io_global, ONLY : ionode, ionode_id
45  USE io_files,  ONLY : iunpun, xmlfile
46  !
48  !
49  CHARACTER(LEN=6), EXTERNAL :: int_to_char
51  PUBLIC :: pw_write_schema, pw_write_binaries
52  PUBLIC :: read_xml_file, read_collected_wfc
53  !
55    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
56    SUBROUTINE pw_write_schema( only_init, wf_collect )
57      !------------------------------------------------------------------------
58      !
59      ! only_init  = T  write only variables that are known after the
60      !                 initial steps of initialization (e.g. structure)
61      !            = F  write the complete xml file
62      ! wf_collect = T  if final wavefunctions in portable format are written,
63      !              F  if wavefunctions are either not written or are written
64      !                 in binary non-portable form (for checkpointing)
65      !                 NB: wavefunctions are not written here in any case
66      !
67      USE control_flags,        ONLY : istep, conv_ions, &
68                                       lscf, gamma_only, &
69                                       tqr, tq_smoothing, tbeta_smoothing, &
70                                       noinv, smallmem, &
71                                       llondon, lxdm, ts_vdw, scf_error, n_scf_steps
72      USE constants,            ONLY : e2
73      USE realus,               ONLY : real_space
74      USE uspp,                 ONLY : okvan
75      USE paw_variables,        ONLY : okpaw
76      USE uspp_param,           ONLY : upf
77      USE cell_base,            ONLY : at, bg, alat, ibrav
78      USE ions_base,            ONLY : nsp, ityp, atm, nat, tau, zv, amass
79      USE noncollin_module,     ONLY : noncolin, npol
80      USE io_files,             ONLY : psfile, pseudo_dir
81      USE klist,                ONLY : nks, nkstot, xk, ngk, wk, &
82                                       lgauss, ngauss, smearing, degauss, nelec, &
83                                       two_fermi_energies, nelup, neldw, tot_charge, ltetra
84      USE start_k,              ONLY : nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, &
85                                       nks_start, xk_start, wk_start
86      USE gvect,                ONLY : ngm, ngm_g, g
87      USE fft_base,             ONLY : dfftp
88      USE basis,                ONLY : natomwfc
89      USE gvecs,                ONLY : ngms_g, dual
90      USE fft_base,             ONLY : dffts
91      USE wvfct,                ONLY : npwx, et, wg, nbnd
92      USE ener,                 ONLY : ef, ef_up, ef_dw, vtxc, etxc, ewld, etot, &
93                                       ehart, eband, demet, edftd3, elondon, exdm
94      USE tsvdw_module,         ONLY : EtsvdW
95      USE gvecw,                ONLY : ecutwfc
96      USE fixed_occ,            ONLY : tfixed_occ, f_inp
97      USE ldaU,                 ONLY : lda_plus_u, lda_plus_u_kind, U_projection, &
98                                       Hubbard_lmax, Hubbard_l, Hubbard_U, Hubbard_J, &
99                                       Hubbard_l_back, Hubbard_l1_back, Hubbard_V, &
100                                       Hubbard_alpha, Hubbard_alpha_back, nsg, &
101                                       Hubbard_J0, Hubbard_beta, Hubbard_U_back, &
102                                       is_hubbard, is_hubbard_back, backall
103      USE spin_orb,             ONLY : lspinorb, domag
104      USE symm_base,            ONLY : nrot, nsym, invsym, s, ft, irt, &
105                                       t_rev, sname, time_reversal, no_t_rev,&
106                                       spacegroup
107      USE lsda_mod,             ONLY : nspin, isk, lsda, starting_magnetization, magtot, absmag
108      USE noncollin_module,     ONLY : angle1, angle2, i_cons, mcons, bfield, magtot_nc, &
109                                       lambda
110      USE funct,                ONLY : get_dft_short, get_nonlocc_name, dft_is_nonlocc
111      USE scf,                  ONLY : rho
112      USE force_mod,            ONLY : lforce, sumfor, force, sigma, lstres
113      USE extfield,             ONLY : tefield, dipfield, edir, etotefield, &
114                                       emaxpos, eopreg, eamp, el_dipole, ion_dipole,&
115                                       gate, zgate, relaxz, block, block_1,&
116                                       block_2, block_height, etotgatefield ! TB
117      USE mp,                   ONLY : mp_sum
118      USE mp_bands,             ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
119      USE funct,                ONLY : get_exx_fraction, dft_is_hybrid, &
120                                       get_gau_parameter, &
121                                       get_screening_parameter, exx_is_active
122      USE exx_base,             ONLY : x_gamma_extrapolation, nq1, nq2, nq3, &
123                                       exxdiv_treatment, yukawa, ecutvcut
124      USE exx,                  ONLY : ecutfock, local_thr
125      USE london_module,        ONLY : scal6, lon_rcut, c6_i
126      USE xdm_module,           ONLY : xdm_a1=>a1i, xdm_a2=>a2i
127      USE tsvdw_module,         ONLY : vdw_isolated, vdw_econv_thr
128      USE input_parameters,     ONLY : verbosity, calculation, ion_dynamics, starting_ns_eigenvalue, &
129                                       vdw_corr, london, k_points, assume_isolated, &
130                                       input_parameters_occupations => occupations, dftd3_threebody, &
131                                       dftd3_version
132      USE bp,                   ONLY : lelfield, lberry, el_pol, ion_pol
133      !
134      USE rap_point_group,      ONLY : elem, nelem, name_class
135      USE rap_point_group_so,   ONLY : elem_so, nelem_so, name_class_so
136      USE bfgs_module,          ONLY : bfgs_get_n_iter
137      USE fcp_variables,        ONLY : lfcpopt, lfcpdyn, fcp_mu
138      USE control_flags,        ONLY : conv_elec, conv_ions, ldftd3, do_makov_payne
139      USE Coul_cut_2D,          ONLY : do_cutoff_2D
140      USE esm,                  ONLY : do_comp_esm
141      USE martyna_tuckerman,    ONLY : do_comp_mt
142      USE run_info,             ONLY : title
143      !
145      !
146      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: only_init, wf_collect
147      !
148      CHARACTER(LEN=26)     :: dft_name
149      CHARACTER(LEN=8)      :: smearing_loc
150      CHARACTER(LEN=8), EXTERNAL :: schema_smearing
151      INTEGER               :: i, ig, ngg, ipol
152      INTEGER               :: npwx_g, ispin
153      INTEGER,  ALLOCATABLE :: ngk_g(:)
154      INTEGER                  :: iclass, isym, ielem
155      CHARACTER(LEN=15)        :: symop_2_class(48)
156      LOGICAL                  :: opt_conv_ispresent, dft_is_vdw, empirical_vdw
157      INTEGER                  :: n_opt_steps, n_scf_steps_, h_band
158      REAL(DP),TARGET                 :: h_energy
159      TYPE(gateInfo_type),TARGET      :: gate_info_temp
160      TYPE(gateInfo_type),POINTER     :: gate_info_ptr
161      TYPE(dipoleOutput_type),TARGET  :: dipol_obj
162      TYPE(dipoleOutput_type),POINTER :: dipol_ptr
163      TYPE(BerryPhaseOutput_type),  POINTER :: bp_obj_ptr
164      TYPE(hybrid_type), POINTER            :: hybrid_obj
165      TYPE(vdW_type), POINTER               :: vdw_obj
166      TYPE(dftU_type), POINTER              :: dftU_obj
167      REAL(DP), TARGET                      :: lumo_tmp, ef_targ, dispersion_energy_term
168      REAL(DP), POINTER                     :: lumo_energy, ef_point
169      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE                 :: ef_updw(:)
170      !
171      !
172      !
173      TYPE(output_type)   :: output_obj
174      REAL(DP),POINTER    :: degauss_, demet_, efield_corr, potstat_corr,  gatefield_corr
175      LOGICAL, POINTER    :: optimization_has_converged
176      LOGICAL, TARGET     :: conv_opt
177      LOGICAL             :: scf_has_converged
178      INTEGER             :: itemp = 1
179      REAL(DP),ALLOCATABLE :: london_c6_(:), bp_el_pol(:), bp_ion_pol(:), U_opt(:), J0_opt(:), alpha_opt(:), &
180                              J_opt(:,:), beta_opt(:), U_back_opt(:), alpha_back_opt(:)
181      INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: Hubbard_l_back_opt(:), Hubbard_l1_back_opt(:)
182      LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: backall_opt(:)
183      CHARACTER(LEN=3),ALLOCATABLE :: species_(:)
184      CHARACTER(LEN=20),TARGET   :: dft_nonlocc_
185      INTEGER,TARGET             :: dftd3_version_
186      CHARACTER(LEN=20),TARGET   :: vdw_corr_, pbc_label
187      CHARACTER(LEN=20),POINTER  :: non_local_term_pt, vdw_corr_pt
188      REAL(DP),TARGET            :: temp(20), lond_rcut_, lond_s6_, ts_vdw_econv_thr_, xdm_a1_, xdm_a2_, ectuvcut_,&
189                                    scr_par_, loc_thr_
190      REAL(DP),POINTER           :: vdw_term_pt, ts_thr_pt, london_s6_pt, london_rcut_pt, xdm_a1_pt, xdm_a2_pt, &
191                                    ts_vdw_econv_thr_pt, ectuvcut_opt, scr_par_opt, loc_thr_p, h_energy_ptr
192      LOGICAL,TARGET             :: dftd3_threebody_, ts_vdw_isolated_, domag_
193      LOGICAL,POINTER            :: ts_isol_pt, dftd3_threebody_pt, ts_vdw_isolated_pt, domag_opt
194      INTEGER,POINTER            :: dftd3_version_pt
195      TYPE(smearing_type),TARGET :: smear_obj
196      TYPE(smearing_type),POINTER:: smear_obj_ptr
198      NULLIFY( degauss_, demet_, efield_corr, potstat_corr, gatefield_corr)
199      NULLIFY( gate_info_ptr, dipol_ptr, bp_obj_ptr, hybrid_obj, vdw_obj, dftU_obj, lumo_energy, ef_point)
200      NULLIFY ( optimization_has_converged, non_local_term_pt, &
201           vdw_corr_pt, vdw_term_pt, ts_thr_pt, london_s6_pt, london_rcut_pt, &
202           xdm_a1_pt, xdm_a2_pt, ts_vdw_econv_thr_pt, ts_isol_pt, &
203           dftd3_threebody_pt, ts_vdw_isolated_pt, dftd3_version_pt )
204      NULLIFY ( ectuvcut_opt, scr_par_opt, loc_thr_p, h_energy_ptr, smear_obj_ptr, domag_opt)
206      !
207      ! Global PW dimensions need to be properly computed, reducing across MPI tasks
208      ! If local PW dimensions are not available, set to 0
209      !
210      ALLOCATE( ngk_g( nkstot ) )
211      ngk_g(:) = 0
212      IF ( ALLOCATED (ngk) ) THEN
213         ngk_g(1:nks) = ngk(:)
214         CALL mp_sum( ngk_g(1:nks), intra_bgrp_comm )
215         CALL ipoolrecover( ngk_g, 1, nkstot, nks )
216      END IF
217      ! BEWARE: only the first pool has ngk_g for all k-points
218      !
219      ! ... compute the maximum number of G vector among all k points
220      !
221      npwx_g = MAXVAL( ngk_g(1:nkstot) )
222      !
223      ! XML descriptor
224      !
225      IF ( ionode ) THEN
226         !
227         ! ... here we init the variables and finally write them to file
228         !
230! ... HEADER
232         !
233         output_obj%tagname="output"
234         output_obj%lwrite = .TRUE.
235         output_obj%lread  = .TRUE.
236         !
240         SELECT CASE (TRIM( calculation ))
241            CASE ( "relax","vc-relax" )
242                conv_opt = conv_ions
243                optimization_has_converged  => conv_opt
244                IF (TRIM( ion_dynamics) == 'bfgs' ) THEN
245                    n_opt_steps = bfgs_get_n_iter('bfgs_iter ')
246                ELSE
247                    n_opt_steps = istep
248                END IF
249                scf_has_converged = conv_elec
250                n_scf_steps_ = n_scf_steps
251            CASE ("nscf", "bands" )
252                n_opt_steps = 0
253                scf_has_converged = .FALSE.
254                n_scf_steps_ = 1
255            CASE default
256                n_opt_steps        = 0
257                scf_has_converged = conv_elec
258                n_scf_steps_ = n_scf_steps
259         END SELECT
260         !
261            call qexsd_init_convergence_info(output_obj%convergence_info,   &
262                        SCf_HAS_CONVERGED = scf_has_converged, &
263                        OPTIMIZATION_HAS_CONVERGED = optimization_has_converged,&
264                        N_SCF_STEPS = n_scf_steps_, SCF_ERROR=scf_error/e2,&
265                        N_OPT_STEPS = n_opt_steps, GRAD_NORM = sumfor)
266            output_obj%convergence_info_ispresent = .TRUE.
267         !
272         !
273         CALL qexsd_init_algorithmic_info(output_obj%algorithmic_info, &
274              REAL_SPACE_BETA = real_space, REAL_SPACE_Q=tqr , USPP=okvan, PAW=okpaw)
275         !
279         !
280         ! while amass's are always present, starting_mag should not be passed
281         ! for nspin==1 or contrained magnetization calculations
282         !
283         IF (noncolin) THEN
284            CALL qexsd_init_atomic_species(output_obj%atomic_species, nsp, atm, psfile, &
285                 amass, STARTING_MAGNETIZATION = starting_magnetization, &
286                 ANGLE1=angle1, ANGLE2=angle2)
287         ELSE IF (nspin==2) THEN
288            CALL qexsd_init_atomic_species(output_obj%atomic_species, nsp, atm, psfile, &
289                 amass, STARTING_MAGNETIZATION=starting_magnetization)
290         ELSE
291            CALL qexsd_init_atomic_species(output_obj%atomic_species, nsp, atm,psfile, &
292                 amass)
293         END IF
294         output_obj%atomic_species%pseudo_dir = TRIM(pseudo_dir)
295         output_obj%atomic_species%pseudo_dir_ispresent = .TRUE.
296         !
300         !
301         CALL qexsd_init_atomic_structure(output_obj%atomic_structure, nsp, atm, ityp, &
302              nat, alat*tau, alat, alat*at(:,1), alat*at(:,2), alat*at(:,3), ibrav)
303         !
307         !
308         symop_2_class="not found"
309         IF (TRIM (verbosity) == 'medium' .OR. TRIM(verbosity) == 'high') THEN
310            IF ( noncolin )  THEN
311               symmetries_so_loop:DO isym = 1, nrot
312                  classes_so_loop:DO iclass = 1, 24
313                     elements_so_loop:DO ielem=1, nelem_so(iclass)
314                        IF ( elem_so(ielem,iclass) == isym) THEN
315                           symop_2_class(isym) = name_class_so(iclass)
316                           EXIT symmetries_so_loop
317                        END IF
318                     END DO elements_so_loop
319                     END DO classes_so_loop
320               END DO symmetries_so_loop
321            !
322            ELSE
323               symmetries_loop:DO isym = 1, nrot
324                  classes_loop:DO iclass = 1, 12
325                     elements_loop:DO ielem=1, nelem (iclass)
326                        IF ( elem(ielem,iclass) == isym) THEN
327                           symop_2_class(isym) = name_class(iclass)
328                           EXIT classes_loop
329                        END IF
330                     END DO elements_loop
331                  END DO classes_loop
332               END DO symmetries_loop
333            END IF
334         END IF
335         CALL qexsd_init_symmetries(output_obj%symmetries, nsym, nrot, spacegroup,&
336              s, ft, sname, t_rev, nat, irt,symop_2_class(1:nrot), verbosity, &
337              noncolin)
338         output_obj%symmetries_ispresent=.TRUE.
339         !
341! ... BASIS SET
343         !
344         CALL qexsd_init_basis_set(output_obj%basis_set, gamma_only, ecutwfc/e2, ecutwfc*dual/e2, &
345              dfftp%nr1, dfftp%nr2, dfftp%nr3, dffts%nr1, dffts%nr2, dffts%nr3, &
346              .FALSE., dfftp%nr1, dfftp%nr2, dfftp%nr3, ngm_g, ngms_g, npwx_g, &
347              bg(:,1), bg(:,2), bg(:,3) )
348         !
350! ... DFT
352         !
353         IF (dft_is_hybrid() ) THEN
354            ALLOCATE ( hybrid_obj)
355            IF (get_screening_parameter() > 0.0_DP) THEN
356               scr_par_ = get_screening_parameter()
357               scr_par_opt=> scr_par_
358            END IF
359            IF (ecutvcut > 0.0_DP) THEN
360               ectuvcut_ = ecutvcut/e2
361               ectuvcut_opt => ectuvcut_
362            END IF
363            IF ( local_thr > 0._DP) THEN
364               loc_thr_ = local_thr
365               loc_thr_p => loc_thr_
366            END IF
367            CALL qexsd_init_hybrid(hybrid_obj, DFT_IS_HYBRID = .TRUE., NQ1 = nq1 , NQ2 = nq2, NQ3 =nq3, ECUTFOCK = ecutfock/e2, &
368                                   EXX_FRACTION = get_exx_fraction(), SCREENING_PARAMETER = scr_par_opt, &
369                                   EXXDIV_TREATMENT = exxdiv_treatment, X_GAMMA_EXTRAPOLATION = x_gamma_extrapolation,&
370                                   ECUTVCUT = ectuvcut_opt, LOCAL_THR = loc_thr_p )
371         END IF
373         empirical_vdw = (llondon .OR. ldftd3 .OR. lxdm .OR. ts_vdw )
374         dft_is_vdw = dft_is_nonlocc()
375         IF ( dft_is_vdw .OR. empirical_vdw ) THEN
376            ALLOCATE (vdw_obj)
377            IF ( empirical_vdw) THEN
378                vdw_term_pt => dispersion_energy_term
379                vdw_corr_ = TRIM(vdw_corr)
380                vdw_corr_pt => vdw_corr_
381                IF (llondon ) THEN
382                    dispersion_energy_term = elondon/e2
383                    lond_s6_ = scal6
384                    london_s6_pt => lond_s6_
385                    lond_rcut_ = lon_rcut
386                    london_rcut_pt => lond_rcut_
387                    IF (ANY( c6_i(1:nsp) .NE. -1._DP )) THEN
388                       ALLOCATE (london_c6_(nsp), species_(nsp))
389                       london_c6_(1:nsp) = c6_i(1:nsp)
390                       species_(1:nsp)  = atm(1:nsp)
391                   END IF
392                   !
393                ELSE IF ( lxdm ) THEN
394                    dispersion_energy_term = exdm/e2
395                    xdm_a1_ = xdm_a1
396                    xdm_a1_pt => xdm_a1_
397                    xdm_a2_ = xdm_a2
398                    xdm_a2_pt => xdm_a2_
399                    !
400                ELSE IF ( ldftd3) THEN
401                    dispersion_energy_term = edftd3/e2
402                    dftd3_version_ = dftd3_version
403                    dftd3_version_pt => dftd3_version_
404                    dftd3_threebody_ = dftd3_threebody
405                    dftd3_threebody_pt => dftd3_threebody_
406                ELSE IF ( ts_vdw ) THEN
407                    dispersion_energy_term = 2._DP * EtsvdW/e2
408                    ts_vdw_isolated_ = vdw_isolated
409                    ts_vdw_isolated_pt => ts_vdw_isolated_
410                    ts_vdw_econv_thr_ = vdw_econv_thr
411                    ts_vdw_econv_thr_pt => ts_vdw_econv_thr_
412                END IF
413            ELSE
414                vdw_corr_ = 'none'
415                vdw_corr_pt => vdw_corr_
416            END IF
417            IF (dft_is_vdw) THEN
418                dft_nonlocc_ = TRIM(get_nonlocc_name())
419                non_local_term_pt => dft_nonlocc_
420            END IF
421            CALL qexsd_init_vdw(vdw_obj, non_local_term_pt, vdw_corr_pt, vdw_term_pt, &
422                                ts_thr_pt, ts_isol_pt, london_s6_pt, LONDON_C6 = london_c6_, &
423                                LONDON_RCUT =   london_rcut_pt, XDM_A1 = xdm_a1_pt, XDM_A2 = xdm_a2_pt,&
424                                 DFTD3_VERSION = dftd3_version_pt, DFTD3_THREEBODY = dftd3_threebody_pt)
425         END IF
426         IF ( lda_plus_u) THEN
427            ALLOCATE (dftU_obj)
428            CALL check_and_allocate_real(U_opt, Hubbard_U)
429            CALL check_and_allocate_real(J0_opt, Hubbard_J0)
430            CALL check_and_allocate_real(alpha_opt, Hubbard_alpha)
431            CALL check_and_allocate_real(beta_opt, Hubbard_beta)
432            CALL check_and_allocate_real(U_back_opt, Hubbard_U_back)
433            CALL check_and_allocate_real(alpha_back_opt, Hubbard_alpha_back)
434            CALL check_and_allocate_integer(Hubbard_l_back_opt, Hubbard_l_back)
435            CALL check_and_allocate_integer(Hubbard_l1_back_opt, Hubbard_l1_back)
436            CALL check_and_allocate_logical(backall_opt, backall)
437            IF ( ANY(Hubbard_J(:,1:nsp) /= 0.0_DP)) THEN
438               ALLOCATE (J_opt(3,nsp))
439               J_opt(:, 1:nsp) = Hubbard_J(:, 1:nsp)
440            END IF
441            !
442            ! Currently Hubbard_V, rho%nsb, and nsg are not written (read) to (from) XML
443            !
444            CALL qexsd_init_dftU (dftU_obj, NSP = nsp, PSD = upf(1:nsp)%psd, SPECIES = atm(1:nsp), ITYP = ityp(1:nat), &
445                                  IS_HUBBARD = is_hubbard, IS_HUBBARD_BACK = is_hubbard_back,  &
446                                  BACKALL = backall, HUBB_L_BACK = Hubbard_l_back_opt, HUBB_L1_BACK = Hubbard_l1_back_opt, &
447                                  NONCOLIN = noncolin, LDA_PLUS_U_KIND = lda_plus_u_kind, U_PROJECTION_TYPE = U_projection, &
448                                  U =U_opt, U_back = U_back_opt, J0 = J0_opt, J = J_opt, &
449                                  alpha = alpha_opt, beta = beta_opt, alpha_back = alpha_back_opt,  &
450                                  starting_ns = starting_ns_eigenvalue, Hub_ns = rho%ns, Hub_ns_nc = rho%ns_nc)
451         END IF
452         dft_name = get_dft_short()
453         !
454         CALL qexsd_init_dft  (output_obj%dft, dft_name, hybrid_obj, vdw_obj, dftU_obj)
455         IF (ASSOCIATED (hybrid_obj)) THEN
456            CALL qes_reset(hybrid_obj)
457            DEALLOCATE (hybrid_obj)
458         END IF
459         IF (ASSOCIATED (vdw_obj)) THEN
460            CALL qes_reset(vdw_obj)
461            DEALLOCATE (vdw_obj)
462         END IF
463         IF (ASSOCIATED (dftU_obj)) THEN
464            CALL qes_reset( dftU_obj)
465            DEALLOCATE (dftU_obj)
466         END IF
467         !
471         !
472         IF (ANY([do_makov_payne, do_comp_mt, do_comp_esm, do_cutoff_2D]))  THEN
473            output_obj%boundary_conditions_ispresent=.TRUE.
474            IF (do_makov_payne) THEN
475               pbc_label = 'makov_payne'
476            ELSE IF ( do_comp_mt) THEN
477               pbc_label = 'martyna_tuckerman'
478            ELSE IF ( do_comp_esm) THEN
479               pbc_label = 'esm'
480            ELSE IF ( do_cutoff_2D) THEN
481               pbc_label = '2D'
482            ELSE
483               CALL errore ('pw_restart_new.f90: ', 'internal error line 470', 1)
484            END IF
485            CALL qexsd_init_outputPBC(output_obj%boundary_conditions, TRIM(pbc_label) )
486         ENDIF
487         !
491         !
492         IF (noncolin) THEN
493            domag_ = domag
494            domag_opt=> domag_
495         END IF
496         CALL qexsd_init_magnetization(output_obj%magnetization, lsda, noncolin, lspinorb, &
497              magtot, magtot_nc, absmag, domag_opt )
498         !
503         !
504         ! skip if not yet computed
505         !
506         IF ( only_init ) GO TO 10
507         !
508         IF ( .NOT. ( lgauss .OR. ltetra )) THEN
509            CALL get_homo_lumo( h_energy, lumo_tmp)
510            h_energy = h_energy/e2
511            h_energy_ptr => h_energy
512            IF ( lumo_tmp .LT. 1.d+6 ) THEN
513                lumo_tmp = lumo_tmp/e2
514                lumo_energy => lumo_tmp
515            END IF
516         END IF
517         IF (nks_start == 0 .AND. nk1*nk2*nk3 > 0 ) THEN
518            CALL qexsd_init_k_points_ibz(qexsd_start_k_obj, "automatic", calculation, &
519                 nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, nks_start, xk_start, wk_start, alat, at(:,1), .TRUE.)
520         ELSE
521            CALL qexsd_init_k_points_ibz(qexsd_start_k_obj, k_points, calculation, &
522                                nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, nks_start, xk_start, wk_start, alat, at(:,1), .TRUE.)
523         END IF
524         qexsd_start_k_obj%tagname = 'starting_kpoints'
525         IF ( TRIM (qexsd_input_obj%tagname) == 'input') THEN
526            qexsd_occ_obj = qexsd_input_obj%bands%occupations
527         ELSE
528            CALL qexsd_init_occupations ( qexsd_occ_obj, input_parameters_occupations, nspin)
529         END IF
530         qexsd_occ_obj%tagname = 'occupations_kind'
531         IF ( two_fermi_energies ) THEN
532            ALLOCATE ( ef_updw (2) )
533               IF (TRIM(input_parameters_occupations) == 'fixed') THEN
534                  ef_updw(1)  = MAXVAL(et(INT(nelup),1:nkstot/2))/e2
535                  ef_updw(2)  = MAXVAL(et(INT(neldw),nkstot/2+1:nkstot))/e2
536               ELSE
537                  ef_updw = [ef_up/e2, ef_dw/e2]
538               END IF
539         ELSE
540               ! The Fermi energy is written also for insulators because it can
541               ! be useful for further postprocessing, especially of bands
542               ! (for an insulator the Fermi energy is equal to the HOMO/VBMax)
543               ef_targ = ef/e2
544               ef_point => ef_targ
545         END IF
548         IF ( lgauss ) THEN
549            IF (TRIM(qexsd_input_obj%tagname) == 'input') THEN
550               smear_obj = qexsd_input_obj%bands%smearing
551            ELSE
552               smearing_loc = schema_smearing( smearing )
553               CALL qexsd_init_smearing(smear_obj, smearing_loc, degauss/e2)
554            END IF
555            smear_obj_ptr => smear_obj
556         END IF
557         !
559         CALL qexsd_init_band_structure(  output_obj%band_structure,lsda,noncolin,lspinorb, nelec, natomwfc, &
560                                 et, wg, nkstot, xk, ngk_g, wk, SMEARING = smear_obj_ptr,  &
561                                 STARTING_KPOINTS = qexsd_start_k_obj, OCCUPATIONS_KIND = qexsd_occ_obj, &
562                                 WF_COLLECTED = wf_collect, NBND = nbnd, FERMI_ENERGY = ef_point, EF_UPDW = ef_updw,&
563                                 HOMO = h_energy_ptr, LUMO = lumo_energy )
564         !
565         IF (lgauss)  CALL qes_reset (smear_obj)
566         CALL qes_reset (qexsd_start_k_obj)
567         CALL qes_reset (qexsd_occ_obj)
568         !
572         !
573         IF ( degauss > 0.0d0 ) THEN
574            !
575            itemp = itemp + 1
576            temp(itemp)  = degauss/e2
577            degauss_ => temp(itemp)
578            !
579            itemp = itemp+1
580            temp(itemp)   = demet/e2
581            demet_ => temp(itemp)
582         END IF
583         IF ( tefield ) THEN
584            itemp = itemp+1
585            temp(itemp) = etotefield/e2
586            efield_corr => temp(itemp)
587         END IF
588         IF (lfcpopt .OR. lfcpdyn ) THEN
589            itemp = itemp +1
590            temp(itemp) = ef * tot_charge/e2
591            potstat_corr => temp(itemp)
592            output_obj%FCP_tot_charge_ispresent = .TRUE.
593            output_obj%FCP_tot_charge = tot_charge
594            output_obj%FCP_force_ispresent = .TRUE.
595            !FIXME ( decide what units to use here )
596            output_obj%FCP_force = fcp_mu - ef
597         END IF
598         IF ( gate) THEN
599            itemp = itemp + 1
600            temp(itemp) = etotgatefield/e2
601            gatefield_corr => temp(itemp)
602         END IF
604         CALL  qexsd_init_total_energy(output_obj%total_energy, etot/e2, eband/e2, ehart/e2, vtxc/e2, &
605                                       etxc/e2, ewld/e2, degauss_, demet_, efield_corr, potstat_corr,&
606                                       gatefield_corr, DISPERSION_CONTRIBUTION = vdw_term_pt)
607         !
608         NULLIFY(degauss_, demet_, efield_corr, potstat_corr, gatefield_corr)
609         itemp = 0
610          !
612! ... FORCES
614         !
615         IF ( lforce .and. conv_elec ) THEN
616            output_obj%forces_ispresent = .TRUE.
617            CALL qexsd_init_forces(output_obj%forces,nat,force,lforce)
618         ELSE
619            output_obj%forces_ispresent = .FALSE.
620            output_obj%forces%lwrite = .FALSE.
621         END IF
622         !
624! ... STRESS
626         IF ( lstres .and. conv_elec ) THEN
627            output_obj%stress_ispresent=.TRUE.
628            CALL qexsd_init_stress(output_obj%stress, sigma, lstres )
629         ELSE
630            output_obj%stress_ispresent=.FALSE.
631            output_obj%stress%lwrite=.FALSE.
632         END IF
636         output_obj%electric_field_ispresent = ( gate .OR. lelfield .OR. lberry .OR. tefield )
638         IF ( gate ) THEN
639            CALL qexsd_init_gate_info(gate_info_temp,"gateInfo", etotgatefield/e2, zgate, nelec, &
640                   alat, at, bg, zv, ityp)
641            gate_info_ptr => gate_info_temp
642         END IF
643         IF ( lelfield ) THEN
644            ALLOCATE (bp_el_pol(2), bp_ion_pol(3) )
645            bp_el_pol = el_pol
646            bp_ion_pol(1:3) = ion_pol(1:3)
647         END IF
648         IF ( tefield .AND. dipfield) THEN
649            CALL qexsd_init_dipole_info(dipol_obj, el_dipole, ion_dipole, edir, eamp, &
650                                  emaxpos, eopreg )
651            dipol_ptr => dipol_obj
652         END IF
653         IF ( lberry ) bp_obj_ptr => qexsd_bp_obj
654         IF (output_obj%electric_field_ispresent) &
655            CALL qexsd_init_outputElectricField(output_obj%electric_field, lelfield, tefield, dipfield, &
656                 lberry, BP_OBJ = bp_obj_ptr, EL_POL = bp_el_pol, ION_POL = bp_ion_pol,          &
657                 GATEINFO = gate_info_ptr, DIPOLE_OBJ =  dipol_ptr)
658         !
659         IF (ASSOCIATED(gate_info_ptr)) THEN
660            CALL qes_reset (gate_info_ptr)
661            NULLIFY(gate_info_ptr)
662         ENDIF
663         IF (ASSOCIATED (dipol_ptr) ) THEN
664            CALL qes_reset (dipol_ptr)
665            NULLIFY(dipol_ptr)
666         ENDIF
667         NULLIFY ( bp_obj_ptr)
671 10      CONTINUE
672         !
673         CALL qexsd_openschema( xmlfile(), iunpun, 'PWSCF', title )
674         CALL qes_write (qexsd_xf,output_obj)
675         CALL qes_reset (output_obj)
676         CALL qexsd_closeschema()
677         !
679         !
680      END IF
681      DEALLOCATE (ngk_g)
682      !
683      RETURN
684       !
686       SUBROUTINE check_and_allocate_real(alloc, mydata)
687          IMPLICIT NONE
688          REAL(DP),ALLOCATABLE  :: alloc(:)
689          REAL(DP)              :: mydata(:)
690          IF ( ANY(mydata(1:nsp) /= 0.0_DP)) THEN
691             ALLOCATE(alloc(nsp))
692             alloc(1:nsp) = mydata(1:nsp)
693          END IF
694          RETURN
695       END SUBROUTINE check_and_allocate_real
696       !
697       SUBROUTINE check_and_allocate_integer(alloc, mydata)
698          IMPLICIT NONE
699          INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE  :: alloc(:)
700          INTEGER              :: mydata(:)
701          IF ( ANY(mydata(1:nsp) /= -1)) THEN
702             ALLOCATE(alloc(nsp))
703             alloc(1:nsp) = mydata(1:nsp)
704          END IF
705          RETURN
706       END SUBROUTINE check_and_allocate_integer
707       !
708       SUBROUTINE check_and_allocate_logical(alloc, mydata)
709          IMPLICIT NONE
710          LOGICAL,ALLOCATABLE  :: alloc(:)
711          LOGICAL              :: mydata(:)
712          IF ( ANY(mydata(1:nsp))) THEN
713             ALLOCATE(alloc(nsp))
714             alloc(1:nsp) = mydata(1:nsp)
715          END IF
716          RETURN
717       END SUBROUTINE check_and_allocate_logical
718       !
719    END SUBROUTINE pw_write_schema
720    !
721    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
722    SUBROUTINE pw_write_binaries( )
723      !------------------------------------------------------------------------
724      !
725      USE mp,                   ONLY : mp_sum, mp_max
726      USE io_base,              ONLY : write_wfc
727      USE io_files,             ONLY : restart_dir, iunwfc, nwordwfc
728      USE cell_base,            ONLY : tpiba, alat, bg
729      USE control_flags,        ONLY : gamma_only, smallmem
730      USE gvect,                ONLY : ig_l2g
731      USE noncollin_module,     ONLY : noncolin, npol
732      USE buffers,              ONLY : get_buffer
733      USE wavefunctions, ONLY : evc
734      USE klist,                ONLY : nks, nkstot, xk, ngk, igk_k
735      USE gvect,                ONLY : ngm, g, mill
736      USE fft_base,             ONLY : dfftp
737      USE basis,                ONLY : natomwfc
738      USE wvfct,                ONLY : npwx, et, wg, nbnd
739      USE lsda_mod,             ONLY : nspin, isk, lsda
740      USE mp_pools,             ONLY : intra_pool_comm, inter_pool_comm
741      USE mp_bands,             ONLY : me_bgrp, root_bgrp, intra_bgrp_comm, &
742                                       root_bgrp_id, my_bgrp_id
743      USE wrappers,             ONLY : f_mkdir_safe
744      !
746      !
747      INTEGER               :: ios, ig, ngg, ipol, ispin
748      INTEGER               :: ik, ik_g, ike, iks, npw_g
749      INTEGER, EXTERNAL     :: global_kpoint_index
750      INTEGER,  ALLOCATABLE :: ngk_g(:), mill_k(:,:)
751      INTEGER,  ALLOCATABLE :: igk_l2g(:), igk_l2g_kdip(:)
752      CHARACTER(LEN=2), DIMENSION(2) :: updw = (/ 'up', 'dw' /)
753      CHARACTER(LEN=256)    :: dirname
754      CHARACTER(LEN=320)    :: filename
755      !
756      dirname = restart_dir ()
757      !
758      ! ... check that restart_dir exists on all processors that write
759      ! ... wavefunctions; create one if restart_dir is not found. This
760      ! ... is needed for k-point parallelization, in the case of non-parallel
761      ! ... scratch file systems, that are not visible to all processors
762      !
763      IF ( my_bgrp_id == root_bgrp_id .AND. me_bgrp == root_bgrp ) THEN
764         ios = f_mkdir_safe( TRIM(dirname) )
765      END IF
766      !
767      ! ... write wavefunctions and k+G vectors
768      !
769      iks = global_kpoint_index (nkstot, 1)
770      ike = iks + nks - 1
771      !
772      ! ... ngk_g: global number of k+G vectors
773      !
774      ALLOCATE( ngk_g( nks ) )
775      ngk_g(1:nks) = ngk(1:nks)
776      CALL mp_sum( ngk_g, intra_bgrp_comm)
777      !
778      ! ... The igk_l2g array yields the correspondence between the
779      ! ... local k+G index and the global G index
780      !
781      ALLOCATE ( igk_l2g( npwx ) )
782      !
783      ! ... the igk_l2g_kdip local-to-global map yields the correspondence
784      ! ... between the global order of k+G and the local index for k+G.
785      !
786      ALLOCATE ( igk_l2g_kdip( npwx ) )
787      !
788      ALLOCATE ( mill_k( 3, npwx ) )
789      !
790      k_points_loop: DO ik = 1, nks
791         !
792         ! ik_g is the index of k-point ik in the global list
793         !
794         ik_g = ik + iks - 1
795         !
796         ! ... Compute the igk_l2g array from previously computed arrays
797         ! ... igk_k (k+G indices) and ig_l2g (local to global G index map)
798         !
799         igk_l2g = 0
800         DO ig = 1, ngk (ik)
801            igk_l2g(ig) = ig_l2g(igk_k(ig,ik))
802         END DO
803         !
804         ! ... npw_g is the maximum G vector index among all processors
805         !
806         npw_g = MAXVAL( igk_l2g(1:ngk(ik)) )
807         CALL mp_max( npw_g, intra_pool_comm )
808         !
809         igk_l2g_kdip = 0
810         CALL gk_l2gmap_kdip( npw_g, ngk_g(ik), ngk(ik), igk_l2g, &
811                              igk_l2g_kdip )
812         !
813         ! ... mill_k(:,i) contains Miller indices for (k+G)_i
814         !
815         DO ig = 1, ngk (ik)
816            mill_k(:,ig) = mill(:,igk_k(ig,ik))
817         END DO
818         !
819         ! ... read wavefunctions - do not read if already in memory (nsk==1)
820         !
821         IF ( nks > 1 ) CALL get_buffer ( evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik )
822         !
823         IF ( nspin == 2 ) THEN
824            !
825            ! ... LSDA: spin mapped to k-points, isk(ik) tracks up and down spin
826            !
827            ik_g = MOD ( ik_g-1, nkstot/2 ) + 1
828            ispin = isk(ik)
829            filename = TRIM(dirname) // 'wfc' // updw(ispin) // &
830                 & TRIM(int_to_char(ik_g))
831            !
832         ELSE
833            !
834            ispin = 1
835            filename = TRIM(dirname) // 'wfc' // TRIM(int_to_char(ik_g))
836            !
837         ENDIF
838         !
839         ! ... Only the first band group of each pool writes
840         ! ... No warranty it works for more than one band group
841         !
842         IF ( my_bgrp_id == root_bgrp_id ) CALL write_wfc( iunpun, &
843              filename, root_bgrp, intra_bgrp_comm, ik_g, tpiba*xk(:,ik), &
844              ispin, nspin, evc, npw_g, gamma_only, nbnd, &
845              igk_l2g_kdip(:), ngk(ik), tpiba*bg(:,1), tpiba*bg(:,2), &
846              tpiba*bg(:,3), mill_k, 1.D0 )
847         !
848      END DO k_points_loop
849      !
850      DEALLOCATE ( mill_k )
851      DEALLOCATE ( igk_l2g_kdip )
852      DEALLOCATE ( igk_l2g )
853      DEALLOCATE ( ngk_g )
854      !
855      RETURN
856      !
857    END SUBROUTINE pw_write_binaries
858    !
859    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
860    SUBROUTINE gk_l2gmap_kdip( npw_g, ngk_g, ngk, igk_l2g, igk_l2g_kdip, igwk )
861      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
862      !
863      ! ... This subroutine maps local G+k index to the global G vector index
864      ! ... the mapping is used to collect wavefunctions subsets distributed
865      ! ... across processors.
866      ! ... This map is used to obtained the G+k grids related to each kpt
867      !
868      USE mp_bands,             ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
869      USE mp,                   ONLY : mp_sum
870      !
872      !
873      ! ... Here the dummy variables
874      !
875      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: npw_g, ngk_g, ngk
876      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: igk_l2g(ngk)
877      INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: igk_l2g_kdip(ngk)
878      INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: igwk(ngk_g)
879      !
880      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: igwk_(:), itmp(:), igwk_lup(:)
881      INTEGER              :: ig, ig_, ngg
882      !
883      !
884      ALLOCATE( itmp( npw_g ) )
885      ALLOCATE( igwk_( ngk_g ) )
886      !
887      itmp(:)  = 0
888      igwk_(:) = 0
889      !
890      DO ig = 1, ngk
891         itmp(igk_l2g(ig)) = igk_l2g(ig)
892      END DO
893      !
894      CALL mp_sum( itmp, intra_bgrp_comm )
895      !
896      ngg = 0
897      DO ig = 1, npw_g
898         !
899         IF ( itmp(ig) == ig ) THEN
900            !
901            ngg = ngg + 1
902            igwk_(ngg) = ig
903            !
904         END IF
905         !
906      END DO
907      !
908      IF ( ngg /= ngk_g ) &
909         CALL errore( 'gk_l2gmap_kdip', 'unexpected dimension in ngg', 1 )
910      !
911      IF ( PRESENT( igwk ) ) THEN
912         !
913         igwk(1:ngk_g) = igwk_(1:ngk_g)
914         !
915      END IF
916      !
917      ALLOCATE( igwk_lup( npw_g ) )
918      !
919!$omp parallel private(ig_, ig)
920!$omp workshare
921      igwk_lup = 0
922!$omp end workshare
923!$omp do
924      DO ig_ = 1, ngk_g
925         igwk_lup(igwk_(ig_)) = ig_
926      END DO
927!$omp end do
928!$omp do
929      DO ig = 1, ngk
930         igk_l2g_kdip(ig) = igwk_lup(igk_l2g(ig))
931      END DO
932!$omp end do
933!$omp end parallel
934      !
935      DEALLOCATE( igwk_lup )
936      !
937      DEALLOCATE( itmp, igwk_ )
938      !
939      RETURN
940      !
941    END SUBROUTINE gk_l2gmap_kdip
942    !
943    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
944    SUBROUTINE read_xml_file ( wfc_is_collected )
945      !------------------------------------------------------------------------
946      !
947      ! ... This routine allocates space for all quantities already computed
948      ! ... in the pwscf program and reads them from the data file.
949      ! ... All quantities that are initialized in subroutine "setup" when
950      ! ... starting from scratch should be initialized here when restarting
951      !
952      USE kinds,           ONLY : dp
953      USE constants,       ONLY : e2
954      USE gvect,           ONLY : ngm_g, ecutrho
955      USE gvecs,           ONLY : ngms_g, dual
956      USE gvecw,           ONLY : ecutwfc
957      USE fft_base,        ONLY : dfftp, dffts
958      USE io_global,       ONLY : stdout
959      USE io_files,        ONLY : psfile, pseudo_dir, pseudo_dir_cur, &
960           restart_dir
961      USE mp_global,       ONLY : nproc_file, nproc_pool_file, &
962           nproc_image_file, ntask_groups_file, &
963           nproc_bgrp_file, nproc_ortho_file
964      USE ions_base,       ONLY : nat, nsp, ityp, amass, atm, tau, extfor
965      USE cell_base,       ONLY : alat, at, bg, ibrav, celldm, omega
966      USE force_mod,       ONLY : force
967      USE klist,           ONLY : nks, nkstot, xk, wk, tot_magnetization, &
968           nelec, nelup, neldw, smearing, degauss, ngauss, lgauss, ltetra,&
969           two_fermi_energies
970      USE ktetra,          ONLY : ntetra, tetra_type
971      USE start_k,         ONLY : nks_start, xk_start, wk_start, &
972           nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3
973      USE ener,            ONLY : ef, ef_up, ef_dw
974      USE electrons_base,  ONLY : nupdwn, set_nelup_neldw
975      USE wvfct,           ONLY : npwx, nbnd, et, wg
976      USE extfield,        ONLY : forcefield, forcegate, tefield, dipfield, &
977           edir, emaxpos, eopreg, eamp, el_dipole, ion_dipole, gate, zgate, &
978           relaxz, block, block_1, block_2, block_height
979      USE symm_base,       ONLY : nrot, nsym, invsym, s, ft, irt, t_rev, &
980           sname, inverse_s, s_axis_to_cart, &
981           time_reversal, no_t_rev, nosym, checkallsym
982      USE ldaU,            ONLY : lda_plus_u, lda_plus_u_kind, Hubbard_lmax, Hubbard_lmax_back, &
983                                  Hubbard_l, Hubbard_l_back, Hubbard_l1_back, backall, &
984                                  Hubbard_U, Hubbard_U_back, Hubbard_J, Hubbard_V, Hubbard_alpha, &
985                                  Hubbard_alpha_back, Hubbard_J0, Hubbard_beta, U_projection
986      USE funct,           ONLY : set_exx_fraction, set_screening_parameter, &
987           set_gau_parameter, enforce_input_dft,  &
988           start_exx, dft_is_hybrid
989      USE london_module,   ONLY : scal6, lon_rcut, in_C6
990      USE tsvdw_module,    ONLY : vdw_isolated
991      USE exx_base,        ONLY : x_gamma_extrapolation, nq1, nq2, nq3, &
992           exxdiv_treatment, yukawa, ecutvcut
993      USE exx,             ONLY : ecutfock, local_thr
994      USE control_flags,   ONLY : noinv, gamma_only, tqr, llondon, ldftd3, &
995           lxdm, ts_vdw
996      USE Coul_cut_2D,     ONLY : do_cutoff_2D
997      USE noncollin_module,ONLY : noncolin, npol, angle1, angle2, bfield, &
998           nspin_lsda, nspin_gga, nspin_mag
999      USE spin_orb,        ONLY : domag, lspinorb
1000      USE lsda_mod,        ONLY : nspin, isk, lsda, starting_magnetization,&
1001           current_spin
1002      USE realus,          ONLY : real_space
1003      USE basis,           ONLY : natomwfc
1004      USE uspp,            ONLY : okvan
1005      USE paw_variables,   ONLY : okpaw
1006      !
1007      USE mp_images,       ONLY : intra_image_comm
1008      USE mp,              ONLY : mp_bcast
1009      !
1011      LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: wfc_is_collected
1012      !
1013      INTEGER  :: i, is, ik, ierr, dum1,dum2,dum3
1014      LOGICAL  :: magnetic_sym, lvalid_input, lfixed
1015      CHARACTER(LEN=26) :: dft_name
1016      CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: vdw_corr, occupations
1017      CHARACTER(LEN=320):: filename
1018      REAL(dp) :: exx_fraction, screening_parameter
1019      TYPE (output_type)        :: output_obj
1020      TYPE (parallel_info_type) :: parinfo_obj
1021      TYPE (general_info_type ) :: geninfo_obj
1022      TYPE (input_type)         :: input_obj
1023      !
1024      !
1025      filename = xmlfile ( )
1026      !
1027      IF (ionode) CALL qexsd_readschema ( filename, &
1028           ierr, output_obj, parinfo_obj, geninfo_obj, input_obj)
1029      CALL mp_bcast(ierr, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
1030      IF ( ierr > 0 ) THEN
1031         CALL errore ( 'read_xml_file', 'fatal error reading xml file', ierr )
1032      ELSE IF ( ierr < 0 ) THEN
1033         input_obj%tagname = "not_read"
1034         ! ierr = -1 means that input_obj was not read: do not broadcast it
1035      ELSE
1036         CALL qes_bcast(input_obj, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
1037      END IF
1038      CALL qes_bcast(output_obj, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
1039      CALL qes_bcast(parinfo_obj, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
1040      CALL qes_bcast(geninfo_obj, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
1041      !
1042      ! ... Now read all needed variables from xml objects
1043      !
1044      wfc_is_collected = output_obj%band_structure%wf_collected
1045      lvalid_input = (TRIM(input_obj%tagname) == "input")
1046      !
1047      CALL qexsd_copy_parallel_info (parinfo_obj, nproc_file, &
1048           nproc_pool_file, nproc_image_file, ntask_groups_file, &
1049           nproc_bgrp_file, nproc_ortho_file)
1050      !
1051      pseudo_dir_cur = restart_dir ( )
1052      CALL qexsd_copy_atomic_species ( output_obj%atomic_species, &
1053           nsp, atm, amass, starting_magnetization, angle1, angle2, &
1054           psfile, pseudo_dir )
1055      IF ( pseudo_dir == ' ' ) pseudo_dir=pseudo_dir_cur
1056      !! Atomic structure section
1057      !! tau and ityp are allocated inside qexsd_copy_atomic_structure
1058      !
1059      CALL qexsd_copy_atomic_structure (output_obj%atomic_structure, nsp, &
1060           atm, nat, tau, ityp, alat, at(:,1), at(:,2), at(:,3), ibrav )
1061      !
1062      !! More initializations needed for atomic structure:
1063      !! bring atomic positions and crystal axis into "alat" units;
1064      !! recalculate celldm; compute cell volume, reciprocal lattice vectors
1065      !
1066      at = at / alat
1067      tau(:,1:nat) = tau(:,1:nat)/alat
1068      CALL at2celldm (ibrav,alat,at(:,1),at(:,2),at(:,3),celldm)
1069      CALL volume (alat,at(:,1),at(:,2),at(:,3),omega)
1070      !!
1071      !! Basis set section
1072      CALL qexsd_copy_basis_set ( output_obj%basis_set, gamma_only, ecutwfc,&
1073           ecutrho, dffts%nr1,dffts%nr2,dffts%nr3, dfftp%nr1,dfftp%nr2,dfftp%nr3, &
1074           dum1,dum2,dum3, ngm_g, ngms_g, npwx, bg(:,1), bg(:,2), bg(:,3) )
1075      ecutwfc = ecutwfc*e2
1076      ecutrho = ecutrho*e2
1077      dual = ecutrho/ecutwfc
1078      ! FIXME: next line ensures exact consistency between reciprocal and
1079      ! direct lattice vectors, preventing weird phonon symmetry errors
1080      ! (due to lousy algorithms, extraordinarily sensitive to tiny errors)
1081      CALL recips ( at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), bg(1,1), bg(1,2), bg(1,3) )
1082      !!
1083      !! DFT section
1084      CALL qexsd_copy_dft ( output_obj%dft, nsp, atm, &
1085           dft_name, nq1, nq2, nq3, ecutfock, exx_fraction, screening_parameter, &
1086           exxdiv_treatment, x_gamma_extrapolation, ecutvcut, local_thr, &
1087           lda_plus_U, lda_plus_U_kind, U_projection, Hubbard_l, Hubbard_lmax, &
1088           Hubbard_l_back, Hubbard_l1_back, backall, Hubbard_lmax_back, Hubbard_alpha_back, &
1089           Hubbard_U, Hubbard_U_back, Hubbard_J0, Hubbard_alpha, Hubbard_beta, Hubbard_J, &
1090           vdw_corr, scal6, lon_rcut, vdw_isolated )
1091      !! More DFT initializations
1092      CALL set_vdw_corr ( vdw_corr, llondon, ldftd3, ts_vdw, lxdm )
1093      CALL enforce_input_dft ( dft_name, .TRUE. )
1094      IF ( dft_is_hybrid() ) THEN
1095         ecutvcut=ecutvcut*e2
1096         ecutfock=ecutfock*e2
1097         CALL set_exx_fraction( exx_fraction )
1098         CALL set_screening_parameter ( screening_parameter )
1099         CALL start_exx ()
1100      END IF
1101      !! Band structure section
1102      !! et and wg are allocated inside qexsd_copy_band_structure
1103      CALL qexsd_copy_band_structure( output_obj%band_structure, lsda, &
1104           nkstot, isk, natomwfc, nbnd, nupdwn(1), nupdwn(2), nelec, xk, &
1105           wk, wg, ef, ef_up, ef_dw, et )
1106      ! convert to Ry
1107      ef = ef*e2
1108      ef_up = ef_up*e2
1109      ef_dw = ef_dw*e2
1110      two_fermi_energies = ( ef_up /= 0.0_dp ) .AND. ( ef_dw /= 0.0_dp )
1111      et(:,:) = et(:,:)*e2
1112      !
1113      ! ... until pools are activated, the local number of k-points nks
1114      ! ... should be equal to the global number nkstot - k-points are replicated
1115      !
1116      nks = nkstot
1117      !!
1118      !! Magnetization section
1119      CALL qexsd_copy_magnetization ( output_obj%magnetization, lsda, noncolin,&
1120           lspinorb, domag, tot_magnetization )
1121      !
1122      bfield = 0.d0
1123      CALL set_spin_vars( lsda, noncolin, lspinorb, domag, &
1124           npol, nspin, nspin_lsda, nspin_mag, nspin_gga, current_spin )
1125      !! Information for generating k-points and occupations
1126      CALL qexsd_copy_kpoints( output_obj%band_structure, &
1127           nks_start, xk_start, wk_start, nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, &
1128           occupations, smearing, degauss )
1129      degauss = degauss * e2
1130      !
1131      CALL set_occupations( occupations, smearing, degauss, &
1132           lfixed, ltetra, tetra_type, lgauss, ngauss )
1133      IF (ltetra) ntetra = 6* nk1 * nk2 * nk3
1134      IF (lfixed) CALL errore('read_file','bad occupancies',1)
1135      IF ( lsda ) &
1136           CALL set_nelup_neldw(tot_magnetization, nelec, nelup, neldw)
1137      !! Symmetry section
1138      ALLOCATE ( irt(48,nat) )
1139      IF ( lvalid_input ) THEN
1140         CALL qexsd_copy_symmetry ( output_obj%symmetries, &
1141              nsym, nrot, s, ft, sname, t_rev, invsym, irt, &
1142              noinv, nosym, no_t_rev, input_obj%symmetry_flags )
1144         CALL qexsd_copy_efield ( input_obj%electric_field, &
1145              tefield, dipfield, edir, emaxpos, eopreg, eamp, &
1146              gate, zgate, block, block_1, block_2, block_height, relaxz )
1148      ELSE
1149         CALL qexsd_copy_symmetry ( output_obj%symmetries, &
1150              nsym, nrot, s, ft, sname, t_rev, invsym, irt, &
1151              noinv, nosym, no_t_rev )
1152      ENDIF
1153      !! More initialization needed for symmetry
1154      magnetic_sym = noncolin .AND. domag
1155      time_reversal = (.NOT.magnetic_sym) .AND. (.NOT.noinv)
1156      CALL inverse_s()
1157      CALL s_axis_to_cart()
1158      !! symmetry check - FIXME: must be done in a more consistent way
1159      !! IF (nat > 0) CALL checkallsym( nat, tau, ityp)
1160      !! Algorithmic info
1161      do_cutoff_2D = (output_obj%boundary_conditions%assume_isolated == "2D")
1162      CALL qexsd_copy_algorithmic_info ( output_obj%algorithmic_info, &
1163           real_space, tqr, okvan, okpaw )
1164      !
1165      ! ... xml data no longer needed, can be discarded
1166      !
1167      CALL qes_reset  ( output_obj )
1168      CALL qes_reset  ( geninfo_obj )
1169      CALL qes_reset  ( parinfo_obj )
1170      IF ( TRIM(input_obj%tagname) == "input") CALL qes_reset ( input_obj)
1171      !
1173      !
1174      ALLOCATE( force ( 3, nat ) )
1175      ALLOCATE( extfor( 3, nat ) )
1176      IF ( tefield ) ALLOCATE( forcefield( 3, nat ) )
1177      IF ( gate ) ALLOCATE( forcegate( 3, nat ) )
1178      !
1179    END SUBROUTINE read_xml_file
1180    !
1181    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
1182    SUBROUTINE read_collected_wfc ( dirname, ik, evc )
1183      !------------------------------------------------------------------------
1184      !
1185      ! ... reads from directory "dirname" (new file format) for k-point "ik"
1186      ! ... wavefunctions from collected format into distributed array "evc"
1187      !
1188      USE control_flags,        ONLY : gamma_only
1189      USE lsda_mod,             ONLY : nspin, isk
1190      USE noncollin_module,     ONLY : noncolin, npol
1191      USE klist,                ONLY : nkstot, nks, xk, ngk, igk_k
1192      USE wvfct,                ONLY : npwx, g2kin, et, wg, nbnd
1193      USE gvect,                ONLY : ig_l2g
1194      USE mp_bands,             ONLY : root_bgrp, intra_bgrp_comm
1195      USE mp_pools,             ONLY : me_pool, root_pool, &
1196                                       intra_pool_comm, inter_pool_comm
1197      USE mp,                   ONLY : mp_sum, mp_max
1198      USE io_base,              ONLY : read_wfc
1199      !
1201      !
1202      CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dirname
1203      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ik
1204      COMPLEX(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: evc(:,:)
1205      !
1206      CHARACTER(LEN=2), DIMENSION(2) :: updw = (/ 'up', 'dw' /)
1207      CHARACTER(LEN=320)   :: filename, msg
1208      INTEGER              :: i, ik_g, ig, ipol, ik_s
1209      INTEGER              :: npol_, nbnd_
1210      INTEGER              :: nupdwn(2), ike, iks, ngk_g, npw_g, ispin
1211      INTEGER, EXTERNAL    :: global_kpoint_index
1212      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: mill_k(:,:)
1213      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: igk_l2g(:), igk_l2g_kdip(:)
1214      LOGICAL              :: opnd, ionode_k
1215      REAL(DP)             :: scalef, xk_(3), b1(3), b2(3), b3(3)
1216      !
1217      ! ... the root processor of each pool reads
1218      !
1219      ionode_k = (me_pool == root_pool)
1220      !
1221      iks = global_kpoint_index (nkstot, 1)
1222      ike = iks + nks - 1
1223      !
1224      ! ik_g: index of k-point ik in the global list
1225      !
1226      ik_g = ik + iks - 1
1227      !
1228      ! ... the igk_l2g_kdip local-to-global map is needed to read wfcs
1229      !
1230      ALLOCATE ( igk_l2g_kdip( npwx ) )
1231      !
1232      ! ... The igk_l2g array yields the correspondence between the
1233      ! ... local k+G index and the global G index - requires arrays
1234      ! ... igk_k (k+G indices) and ig_l2g (local to global G index map)
1235      !
1236      ALLOCATE ( igk_l2g( npwx ) )
1237      igk_l2g = 0
1238      DO ig = 1, ngk(ik)
1239         igk_l2g(ig) = ig_l2g(igk_k(ig,ik))
1240      END DO
1241      !
1242      ! ... npw_g: the maximum G vector index among all processors
1243      ! ... ngk_g: global number of k+G vectors for all k points
1244      !
1245      npw_g = MAXVAL( igk_l2g(1:ngk(ik)) )
1246      CALL mp_max( npw_g, intra_pool_comm )
1247      ngk_g = ngk(ik)
1248      CALL mp_sum( ngk_g, intra_bgrp_comm)
1249      !
1250      ! ... now compute the igk_l2g_kdip local-to-global map
1251      !
1252      igk_l2g_kdip = 0
1253      CALL gk_l2gmap_kdip( npw_g, ngk_g, ngk(ik), igk_l2g, &
1254           igk_l2g_kdip )
1255      DEALLOCATE ( igk_l2g )
1256      !
1257      IF ( nspin == 2 ) THEN
1258         !
1259         ! ... LSDA: spin mapped to k-points, isk(ik) tracks up and down spin
1260         !
1261         ik_g = MOD ( ik_g-1, nkstot/2 ) + 1
1262         ispin = isk(ik)
1263         filename = TRIM(dirname) // 'wfc' // updw(ispin) // &
1264              & TRIM(int_to_char(ik_g))
1265         !
1266      ELSE
1267         !
1268         filename = TRIM(dirname) // 'wfc' // TRIM(int_to_char(ik_g))
1269         !
1270      ENDIF
1271      !
1272      ! ... Miller indices are read from file (but not used)
1273      !
1274      ALLOCATE( mill_k ( 3,npwx ) )
1275      !
1276      evc=(0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
1277      !
1278      CALL read_wfc( iunpun, filename, root_bgrp, intra_bgrp_comm, &
1279           ik_g, xk_, ispin, npol_, evc, npw_g, gamma_only, nbnd_, &
1280           igk_l2g_kdip(:), ngk(ik), b1, b2, b3, mill_k, scalef )
1281      !
1282      DEALLOCATE ( mill_k )
1283      DEALLOCATE ( igk_l2g_kdip )
1284      !
1285      ! ... here one should check for consistency between what is read
1286      ! ... and what is expected
1287      !
1288      IF ( nbnd_ < nbnd ) THEN
1289         WRITE (msg,'("The number of bands for this run is",I6,", but only",&
1290              & I6," bands were read from file")')  nbnd, nbnd_
1291         CALL errore ('pw_restart - read_collected_wfc', msg, 1 )
1292      END IF
1293      !
1294      RETURN
1295      !
1296    END SUBROUTINE read_collected_wfc
1297    !
1298    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
1299  END MODULE pw_restart_new