4 /*  $Id: read_blast_result.hpp 618047 2020-10-09 14:48:11Z gouriano $
5 * ===========================================================================
6 *
7 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
8 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
9 *
10 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
11 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
12 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
13 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
14 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
15 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
16 *
17 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
18 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
19 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
20 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
21 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
22 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
23 *  purpose.
24 *
25 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
26 *
27 * ===========================================================================
28 *
29 * Author: Azat Badretdin
30 *
31 * File Description:
32 *   major header
33 *
34 * ===========================================================================
35 */
36 #include <stdio.h>
37 #include <ctype.h>
38 #include <string.h>
39 #include <stdlib.h>
42 #include <corelib/ncbiapp.hpp>
43 #include <corelib/ncbiargs.hpp>
44 #include <corelib/ncbienv.hpp>
45 #include <corelib/ncbifile.hpp>
47 #include <serial/iterator.hpp>
48 #include <serial/objistr.hpp>
49 #include <serial/objostr.hpp>
50 #include <serial/serial.hpp>
52 #include <objmgr/util/sequence.hpp>
53 #include <objmgr/object_manager.hpp>
54 #include <objmgr/bioseq_handle.hpp>
56 #include <objects/general/Object_id.hpp>
57 #include <objects/general/Dbtag.hpp>
58 #include <objects/general/Date.hpp>
60 #include <objects/submit/Seq_submit.hpp>
61 #include <objects/submit/Submit_block.hpp>
63 #include <objects/seqset/Bioseq_set.hpp>
64 #include <objects/seqset/Seq_entry.hpp>
66 #include <objects/seq/Bioseq.hpp>
67 #include <objects/seq/Seq_inst.hpp>
68 #include <objects/seq/Seq_annot.hpp>
69 #include <objects/seq/Annotdesc.hpp>
70 #include <objects/seq/Annot_descr.hpp>
71 #include <objects/seq/Seq_descr.hpp>
72 #include <objects/seq/Seqdesc.hpp>
74 #include <objects/seqfeat/Seq_feat.hpp>
75 #include <objects/seqfeat/SeqFeatData.hpp>
76 #include <objects/seqfeat/RNA_ref.hpp>
77 #include <objects/seqfeat/Trna_ext.hpp>
78 #include <objects/seqfeat/Imp_feat.hpp>
80 #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_id.hpp>
81 #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_loc.hpp>
82 #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_interval.hpp>
84 #include <objects/seqalign/Score.hpp>
85 #include <objects/seqalign/Seq_align.hpp>
86 #include <objects/seqalign/Dense_seg.hpp>
88 #include <string>
89 #include <algorithm>
91 USING_SCOPE(ncbi);
92 USING_SCOPE(objects);
94 #include "tbl.hpp"
96 typedef struct
97   {
98   CRef<CSeq_loc> seqloc;
99   string locus_tag;
100   int sort_key;
101   } TGenfo;
102 //typedef map<CSeq_id::EAccessionInfo, CRef<CSeq_loc> > TranStr3;
103 typedef map<CSeq_id::EAccessionInfo, TGenfo > TranStr3;
104 typedef map<string, TranStr3> TranStrMap3;
108 typedef struct { int q_left_left, q_left_middle, q_left_right, space, q_right_left, q_right_middle, q_right_right;
109                  int s_left_left, s_left_middle,                      s_left_right;
110                  int                             s_right_left,                      s_right_middle, s_right_right;
111                  string q_id_left, q_id_right;
112                  long   s_id;
113                  string q_name_left, q_name_right;
114                  string s_name;
115                  string alignment_left;
116                  string alignment_right;
117                  ENa_strand left_strand, right_strand;
118                  int left_frame, right_frame;
119                  int diff_left, diff_right;
120                  int diff_edge_left, diff_edge_right;
121                  int q_loc_left_from;
122                  int q_loc_left_to;
123                  int q_loc_right_from;
124                  int q_loc_right_to;
125                  CRef<const CSeq_loc> loc1, loc2;
126                }  distanceReportStr;
127 enum ECoreDataType
128      {
129      eUndefined = 0,
130      eSubmit,
131      eEntry,
132      eTbl
133      };
135 enum EProblem
136      {
137      eOverlap            = (1<<0),
138      eCompleteOverlap    = (1<<1),
139      ePartial            = (1<<2),
140      eFrameShift         = (1<<3),
141      eMayBeNotFrameShift = (1<<4),
142      eRnaOverlap         = (1<<5),
143      eTRNAMissing        = (1<<6),
144      eTRNABadStrand      = (1<<7),
145      eTRNAComMismatch    = (1<<8),
146      eTRNAMismatch       = (1<<9),
147      eTRNAAbsent         = (1<<10),
148      eRemoveOverlap      = (1<<11),
149      eTRNAUndefStrand    = (1<<12),
150      eShortProtein       = (1<<13),
151      eRelFrameShift = eFrameShift | eMayBeNotFrameShift,
152      eTRNAProblems  =  eTRNAMissing
153         | eTRNABadStrand
154         | eTRNAUndefStrand
155         | eTRNAAbsent
156         | eTRNAComMismatch
157         | eTRNAMismatch
158         ,
159      eAllProblems = eOverlap
160         | eRnaOverlap
161         | eCompleteOverlap
162         | ePartial
163         | eFrameShift
164         | eTRNAProblems
165         ,
166      };
168 enum EMyFeatureType
169   {
170   eMyFeatureType_unknown = 0,
171   eMyFeatureType_pseudo_tRNA ,
172   eMyFeatureType_atypical_tRNA,
173   eMyFeatureType_normal_tRNA,
174   eMyFeatureType_rRNA,
175   eMyFeatureType_miscRNA,
176   eMyFeatureType_hypo_CDS,
177   eMyFeatureType_normal_CDS,
178   };
180 typedef struct
181      {
182      EProblem type;
183      string message;
184      string misc_feat_message;
185 //
186      string id1;
187      string id2;
188      int i1, i2;
189      ENa_strand strand;
190      } problemStr;
192 typedef struct
193      {
194      list<problemStr> problems;
195      } diagStr; // argument to seq
197 typedef struct
198      {
199      ENa_strand strand;
200      int count, rnacount, genecount;
201      string name;
202      } TProblem_loc;
204 typedef map<string, TProblem_loc> TProblem_locs;
207 typedef map < string , diagStr > diagMap;
208 typedef struct
209      {
210      list < long > sbjGIs;
211      int sbjLen;
212      string sbjName;
213      double bitscore;
214      double eval;
215      int nident;
216      int alilen;
217      double pident;
218      int npos;
219      int ppos;
220      string alignment;
221      int sbjstart, sbjend, q_start, q_end;
222      }
223     hitStr;
224 typedef struct
225      {
226      int qLen;
227      string qName;
228      vector < hitStr > hits;
229      }
230     blastStr;
232 typedef struct
233      {
234      string s_name;
235      } perfectHitStr;
237 typedef map<long,long> parent_map;
239 typedef map < string, CRef < CSeq_feat > > LocMap;
241 typedef struct
242   {
243   string type3;
244   int from;
245   int to;
246   ENa_strand strand;
247   } TExtRNA;
249 typedef struct
250   {
251   int from, to;
252   bool fuzzy_from;
253   bool fuzzy_to;
254   ENa_strand strand;
255   } TSimplePair;
257 typedef vector<TSimplePair> TSimplePairs;
259 typedef struct
260   {
261   int key;
262   string locus_tag;
263   string name;
264   string description;
265   string type;
266   string type3;
267   TSimplePairs exons;
268   CRef<CBioseq> seq;
269   }
270 TSimpleSeq;
272 typedef list<TSimpleSeq> TSimpleSeqs;
274 typedef vector<TExtRNA> TExtRNAtable;
276 class CReadBlastApp : public CNcbiApplication
277 {
278     virtual void Init(void);
279     virtual int  Run(void);
280 public:
281     static string getLocusTag(const CBioseq& seq);
282     static const CSeq_loc& getGenomicLocation(const CBioseq& seq);
284 private:
286 // Main functions
287     int ReadBlast(const char *file, map<string, blastStr>& blastMap );
288     int ReadTRNA2(const string& file);
289     int ReadRRNA2(const string& file);
290     int StoreBlast(map<string, blastStr>& blastMap );
291     // int ReadParents(CNcbiIstream& in, const string& nacc);
292     int ReadParents(CNcbiIstream& in, const list<long>& nacc);
293     bool ReadPreviousAcc(const string& file, list<long>& input_acc);
294     int ProcessCDD(map<string, blastStr>& blastMap);
295     int ReadTagMap(const char *file);
297     int SortSeqs(void);
298     int CollectSimpleSeqs(TSimpleSeqs& seqs);
299     int SortSeqs(CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& seqs);
300     int AnalyzeSeqs(void);
301     int AnalyzeSeqs(CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& seqs);
303     int SetParents(CSeq_entry* parent, CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& where);
304     int AnalyzeSeqsViaBioseqs(bool in_pool_prot, bool against_prot);
305     int AnalyzeSeqsViaBioseqs( CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& in_pool_seqs,  CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& against_seqs,
306                               bool in_pool_prot, bool against_prot);
307     int AnalyzeSeqsViaBioseqs(CBioseq& left, CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& against_seqs,
308                               bool against_prot);
309     int AnalyzeSeqsViaBioseqs(CBioseq& left, CBioseq& right);
310     int AnalyzeSeqsViaBioseqs1(CBioseq& left); // unary analysis
313     int simple_overlaps(void);
314     int short_proteins(void);
315 // this is for optimization, do not laugh
316     void ugly_simple_overlaps_call(int& n_user_neighbors, int& n_ext_neighbors,
317       TSimpleSeqs::iterator& ext_rna,
318       TSimpleSeqs::iterator& first_user_in_range, TSimpleSeqs::iterator& first_user_non_in_range,
319       TSimpleSeqs& seqs, int max_distance,
320       TSimpleSeqs::iterator& first_ext_in_range, TSimpleSeqs::iterator& first_ext_non_in_range,
321       string& bufferstr);
323     void addLoctoSimpleSeq(TSimpleSeq& seq, const CSeq_loc&  loc);
328     int CollectFrameshiftedSeqs(map<string,string>& problem_names);
329     int CollectRNAFeatures(TProblem_locs& problem_locs);
330     int RemoveProblems(map<string, string>& problem_seqs, LocMap& loc_map);
331     int FixStrands(void);
332     int RemoveProblems(CSeq_entry& entry, map<string, string>& problem_seqs, LocMap& loc_map);
333     int RemoveProblems(CBioseq_set& setseq, map<string, string>& problem_seqs, LocMap& loc_map);
334     int RemoveProblems(CBioseq& seq, map<string, string>& problem_seqs, LocMap& loc_map);
335     int RemoveProblems(CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& seqs, map<string, string>& problem_seqs, LocMap& loc_map);
336     int RemoveProblems(CBioseq::TAnnot& annots, map<string, string>& problem_seqs, LocMap& loc_map);
337     int RemoveProblems(CSeq_annot::C_Data::TFtable& table, map<string, string>& problem_seqs, LocMap& loc_map);
339 // reshuffles seq entry, when it has only one sequence
340     void NormalizeSeqentry(CSeq_entry& entry);
343     int RemoveInterim(void);
344     int RemoveInterim(CBioseq::TAnnot& annots); // proteins
345     int RemoveInterim2(CBioseq::TAnnot& annots); // nucleotides
348     void processFeature ( CSeq_annot::C_Data::TFtable::iterator& feat, TranStrMap3& tranStrMap );
349     template <typename t> void processAnnot   ( CBioseq::TAnnot::iterator& annot,            t& tranStrMap);
350     void addLocation(string& prot_id, CBioseq& seq, CRef<CSeq_loc>& loc, const string& locus_tag);
353     int CopyInfoFromGenesToProteins(void);
354     void dump_fasta_for_pretty_blast ( diagMap& diag);
355     void append_misc_feature(CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& seqs, const string& name, EProblem problem_type);
356     const CBioseq& get_nucleotide_seq(const CBioseq& seq);
358 // tools
359     static char *next_w(char *w);
360     static char *skip_space(char *w);
361     static bool is_prot_entry(const CBioseq& seq);
362     static bool has_blast_hits(const CBioseq& seq);
363     static bool skip_to_valid_seq_cand(
364      CBioseq_set::TSeq_set::const_iterator& seq,
365      const CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& seqs);
366     static bool skip_to_valid_seq_cand(
367      CBioseq_set::TSeq_set::iterator& seq,
368      CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& seqs);
369     static int skip_toprot(CTypeIterator<CBioseq>& seq);
370     static int skip_toprot(CTypeConstIterator<CBioseq>& seq);
371     static bool skip_toprot(CBioseq_set::TSeq_set::const_iterator& seq,
372                             const CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& seqs);
373     static bool skip_toprot(CBioseq_set::TSeq_set::iterator& seq,
374                             CBioseq_set::TSeq_set& seqs);
375     static bool                 hasGenomicLocation(const CBioseq& seq);
377     static const CSeq_interval& getGenomicInterval(const CBioseq& seq);
378     static bool                 hasGenomicInterval(const CBioseq& seq);
380     static string GetProtName(const CBioseq& seq);
382     static string getAnnotName(CBioseq::TAnnot::const_iterator& annot);
383     static string getAnnotComment(CBioseq::TAnnot::const_iterator& annot);
384     static int getQueryLen(const CBioseq& seq);
385     static vector<long> getGIs(CBioseq::TAnnot::const_iterator& annot);
386     static int getLenScore( CBioseq::TAnnot::const_iterator& annot);
387     static void getBounds
388      (
389      CBioseq::TAnnot::const_iterator& annot,
390      int* qFrom, int* qTo, int* sFrom, int* sTo
391      );
392     static bool giMatch(const vector<long>& left, const vector<long>& right);
393     static int collectPerfectHits(vector<perfectHitStr>& perfect, const CBioseq& seq);
394     static void check_alignment
395       (
396       CBioseq::TAnnot::const_iterator& annot,
397       const CBioseq& seq,
398       vector<perfectHitStr>& results
399       );
400 public:
401     static bool less_pair(const pair<int,int>& first,
402                           const pair<int,int>& second);
403     static bool less_seq(const CRef<CSeq_entry>& first,
404                          const CRef<CSeq_entry>& second);
405     static bool less_simple_seq(const TSimpleSeq& first,
406                                 const TSimpleSeq& second);
407     static void getFromTo(const CSeq_loc& loc, TSeqPos& from, TSeqPos& to, ENa_strand& strand);
408     static void getFromTo(const CSeq_loc_mix& mix, TSeqPos& from, TSeqPos& to, ENa_strand& strand);
409     static void getFromTo(const CPacked_seqint& mix, TSeqPos& from, TSeqPos& to, ENa_strand& strand);
410     static void getFromTo(const CSeq_interval& inter, TSeqPos& from, TSeqPos& to, ENa_strand& strand);
411     static int get_neighboring_sequences(
412       const TSimpleSeqs::iterator& ext_rna,
413       TSimpleSeqs::iterator& first_user_in_range, TSimpleSeqs::iterator& first_user_non_in_range,
414       TSimpleSeqs& seqs, const int max_distance);
415     static int sequence_proximity(const int target_from, const int target_to,
416                            const int from, const int to, const int key);
417     static int sequence_proximity(const int target_from, const int target_to,
418                            const int from, const int to, const int key, const int max_distance);
419     static void addSimpleTab(CNcbiStrstream& buffer, const string tag, const TSimpleSeqs::iterator& ext_rna,
420        const int max_distance);
423 private:
425 // polymorphic wrappers around core data
426     CBeginInfo      Begin(void);
427     CConstBeginInfo ConstBegin(void);
428 // input tools
430     static ECoreDataType getCoreDataType(istream& in);
431     bool IsSubmit();
432     bool IsEntry ();
433     bool IsTbl   ();
435 // output tools
437     static void printReport( distanceReportStr *report, ostream& out=NcbiCout);
438     static void printOverlapReport( distanceReportStr *report, ostream& out=NcbiCout);
439     static void printPerfectHit ( const perfectHitStr& hit, ostream& out=NcbiCout);
441     void printGeneralInfo(ostream& out=NcbiCerr);
443     static void dumpAlignment( const string& alignment, const string& file);
445 // more streamline output tools
446     static bool hasProblems(const CBioseq& seq, diagMap& diag, const EProblem type);
447     static bool hasProblems(const string& qname, diagMap& diag, const EProblem type);
448     void reportProblems(const bool report_and_forget, diagMap& diag, ostream& out,
449       const CBioseq::TAnnot& annots, const EProblem type);
450     void reportProblems(const bool report_and_forget, diagMap& diag, ostream& out,
451       const CSeq_annot::C_Data::TFtable& feats, const EProblem type);
452     void reportProblems(const string& qname, diagMap& diag, ostream& out, const EProblem type);
453     void reportProblems(const bool report_and_forget, diagMap& diag, ostream& out=NcbiCout, const EProblem type=eAllProblems);
454     void reportProblemMessage(const string& message, ostream& out=NcbiCout);
455     static string ProblemType(const EProblem type);
457     void reportProblemType(const EProblem type, ostream& out=NcbiCout);
458     void reportProblemSequenceName(const string& name, ostream& out=NcbiCout);
460     void erase_problems(const string& qname, diagMap& diag, const EProblem type);
462 // verbosity output tools
PushVerbosity(void)463     static void PushVerbosity(void) { m_saved_verbosity.push( m_current_verbosity); }
PopVerbosity(void)464     static void PopVerbosity(void) { m_current_verbosity = m_saved_verbosity.top(); m_saved_verbosity.pop(); }
465 public:
PrintDetails(int current_verbosity=m_current_verbosity)466     static bool PrintDetails(int current_verbosity = m_current_verbosity)
467        {
468        bool result = current_verbosity < m_verbosity_threshold;
469        if(result)
470           NcbiCerr << current_verbosity << "(" << m_verbosity_threshold << "): ";
471        return result;
472        }
IncreaseVerbosity(void)473     static void IncreaseVerbosity(void)  { m_current_verbosity++; }
DecreaseVerbosity(void)474     static void DecreaseVerbosity(void)  { m_current_verbosity--; }
475 private:
477     void GetGenomeLen();
478     void CheckUniqLocusTag();
479 // algorithms
480     void GetRNAfeats
481       (
482       const LocMap& loc_map,
483       CSeq_annot::C_Data::TFtable& rna_feats,
484       const CSeq_annot::C_Data::TFtable& feats
485       );
486     void GetLocMap
487       (
488       LocMap& loc_map,
489       const CSeq_annot::C_Data::TFtable& feats
490       );
491     bool CheckMissingRibosomalRNA( const CBioseq::TAnnot& annots);
492     bool CheckMissingRibosomalRNA( const CSeq_annot::C_Data::TFtable& feats);
494     int find_overlap(TSimpleSeqs::iterator& seq, const TSimpleSeqs::iterator& ext_rna,
495                      TSimpleSeqs& seqs, int& overlap);
496     int find_overlap(TSimpleSeqs::iterator& seq, const TSimpleSeqs::iterator& ext_rna,
497                      TSimpleSeqs& seqs, TSimpleSeqs& best_seq);
499     bool overlaps_na ( const CBioseq::TAnnot& annots);
500     bool overlaps_na ( const CSeq_annot::C_Data::TFtable& feats);
501     bool overlaps_na ( const CSeq_feat& f1, const CSeq_feat& f2, int& overlap);
503     bool overlaps_prot_na ( CBioseq& seq, const CBioseq::TAnnot& annots);
504     bool overlaps_prot_na ( CBioseq& seq, const CSeq_annot::C_Data::TFtable& feats );
505     bool overlaps_prot_na ( const string& n1, const CSeq_interval& i1,  const CSeq_feat& f2, int& overlap );
508     bool match_na ( const CSeq_feat& f1, const string& type1);
509     int  match_na ( const CSeq_feat& f1, const TSimpleSeq& ext_rna,
510                     int& left, int& right, bool& strand_match, int& abs_left );
511     int overlaps(const TSimpleSeqs::iterator& seq1, const TSimpleSeqs::iterator& seq2, int& overlap);
513     template <typename t1, typename t2> bool overlaps ( const t1& l1, const t2& l2, int& overlap);
514     // bool overlaps ( const CSeq_loc& l1, const CSeq_loc& l2, int& overlap);
515     bool overlaps ( const CSeq_loc& l1, int from, int to, int& overlap);
516     bool complete_overlap ( const CSeq_loc& l1, const CSeq_loc& l2);
517     // template <typename t1, typename t2> bool overlaps ( const t1& l1, const t2& l2, int& overlap);
518     bool overlaps
519       (
520       const CBioseq& left,
521       const CBioseq& right
522       );
523     bool fit_blast
524       (
525       const CBioseq& left,
526       const CBioseq& right,
527       string& common_subject
528       );
529     static bool fit_blast
530       (
531       const CBioseq& left,
532       const CBioseq& right,
533       CBioseq::TAnnot::const_iterator& left_annot,
534       CBioseq::TAnnot::const_iterator& right_annot,
535       int left_qLen,
536       int right_qLen,
537       int space,
538       distanceReportStr* report
539       );
541 // member vars
542     // Member variable to help illustrate our naming conventions
543     CSeq_submit m_Submit;
544     CSeq_entry  m_Entry;
545     int m_length;
546     Ctbl m_tbl;
547     ECoreDataType   m_coreDataType;
548     map < string, string > m_tagmap;
549     bool m_usemap;
550     string m_align_dir;
551     diagMap m_diag;
552     parent_map m_parent;
553     // string m_previous_genome;
554     list<long> m_previous_genome;
556 //    TExtRNAtable m_extRNAtable;
557     TSimpleSeqs m_extRNAtable2; // external rna sequences
558     TSimpleSeqs m_simple_seqs;  // internal rna sequences
560 // alogithm control
561     static double m_small_tails_threshold;
562     static int    m_n_best_hit;
563     static double m_eThreshold;
564     static double m_entireThreshold;
565     static double m_partThreshold;
566     static int    m_rna_overlapThreshold;
567     static int    m_cds_overlapThreshold;
568     static double m_trnascan_scoreThreshold;
569     static int    m_shortProteinThreshold;
572 // verbosity
573     static int    m_verbosity_threshold;
574     static int    m_current_verbosity;
575     static stack < int > m_saved_verbosity;
578 };
580 // global functions
581 ESerialDataFormat s_GetFormat(const string& name);
584 CBioseq_set::TSeq_set* get_parent_seqset(const CBioseq& seq);
586 template <typename interval_type> string GetLocationString ( const interval_type& loc);
587 string GetLocationString ( const CSeq_feat& f); // will return just location
588 // string GetLocationString ( const CSeq_interval& inter );
589 // string GetLocationString ( const CSeq_loc& loc);
591 string GetLocusTag(const CSeq_feat& f, const LocMap& loc_map);
593 int addProblems(list<problemStr>& dest, const list<problemStr>& src);
595 string GetStringDescr(const CBioseq& bioseq);
597 string Get3type(const CRNA_ref& rna);
598 string GetRRNAtype(const CRNA_ref& rna);
600 string printed_range(const TSeqPos from2, const TSeqPos to2); // Mother Of Printed_Ranges
601 string printed_range(const CSeq_feat& feat);
602 string printed_range(const CSeq_loc& seq_interval);
603 string printed_ranges(const CSeq_loc& seq_interval);
604 string printed_range(const CBioseq& seq);
605 string get_title(const CBioseq& seq);
606 string printed_range(const TSimpleSeqs::iterator& ext_rna);
607 string printed_range(const TSimplePair& apair);
608 string printed_range(const TSimpleSeq& ext_rna);
609 string printed_range(const TSimpleSeqs::iterator& ext_rna, const TSimpleSeqs::iterator& end);
610 string printed_range(const TSimpleSeqs::iterator& ext_rna, TSimpleSeqs& seqs);
617 string let1_2_let3(char let1);
618 string diagName(const string& type, const string& value);
620 EMyFeatureType get_my_seq_type(const CBioseq& seq);
621 EMyFeatureType get_my_feat_type(const CSeq_feat& feat, const LocMap& loc_map);
622 string get_trna_string(const CSeq_feat& feat);
623 string GetRNAname(const CSeq_feat& feat);
625 #endif // READ_BLAST_RESULT__HPP