1 //This is brl/bbas/volm/volm_query.h
2 #ifndef volm_query_h_
3 #define volm_query_h_
4 //:
5 // \file
6 // \brief  A class to represent a volumetric matching query through an image mark-up and estimated camera parameters
7 // The container is numbers of points distributed on a unit spherecial surface
8 // The camera parameters, heading, tilt, roll, right_fov, top_fov, have resolution one degree, and their
9 // default values are chosen based on query image category (desert/coast)
10 // Use top viewing angle to define the viewing volume
11 //
12 // \author Yi Dong
13 // \date October 23, 2012
14 // \verbatim
15 //   Modifications
16 //    Yi Dong         Jan-2013   added functions to generate object based query infomation for object based volm_matcher
17 //    Yi Dong         Jan-2013   added object orientation and object NLCD land classification
18 //    JLM             Jan 20, 2013 Added constructor from depth_map_scene
19 //    Ozge C. Ozcanli Jan 30, 2013 -- replacing old camera space construction functionality with the use of volm_camera_space class
20 //    Yi Dong         Feb-2013   added binary i/o
21 // \endverbatim
22 //
24 #include <iostream>
25 #include <set>
26 #include <vbl/vbl_ref_count.h>
27 #include <bpgl/depth_map/depth_map_scene_sptr.h>
28 #include <bpgl/depth_map/depth_map_scene.h>
29 #include <vgl/vgl_polygon.h>
30 #include <volm/volm_spherical_container_sptr.h>
31 #include <volm/volm_spherical_shell_container_sptr.h>
32 #include <volm/volm_spherical_shell_container.h>
33 #include <vpgl/vpgl_perspective_camera.h>
34 #include <vil/vil_image_view.h>
35 #ifdef _MSC_VER
36 #  include <vcl_msvc_warnings.h>
37 #endif
38 #include <vpgl/io/vpgl_io_perspective_camera.h>
39 #include <volm/volm_camera_space_sptr.h>
40 #include <volm/volm_camera_space.h>
41 #include <vsl/vsl_binary_io.h>
42 #include <volm/volm_category_io.h>
44 class volm_query : public vbl_ref_count
45 {
46  public:
47   //: default consturctor
48   volm_query() = default;
49   //: constructor from files
50   volm_query(const volm_camera_space_sptr& cam_space,
51              std::string const& label_xml_file,
52              std::string const& category_file,
53              volm_spherical_container_sptr const& sph,
54              volm_spherical_shell_container_sptr const& sph_shell);
56   //: constructor from depth map scene
57   volm_query(const volm_camera_space_sptr& cam_space,
58              std::string const& depth_map_scene_file,
59              volm_spherical_shell_container_sptr const& sph_shell,
60              volm_spherical_container_sptr const& sph);
62   //: constructor from a binary file of data members
63   volm_query(std::string const& query_file, const volm_camera_space_sptr& cam_space,
64              std::string const& depth_map_scene_file,
65              volm_spherical_shell_container_sptr const& sph_shell,
66              volm_spherical_container_sptr const& sph);
69   // === accessors ===
min_dist()70   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& min_dist()                         { return min_dist_;}
max_dist()71   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& max_dist()                         { return max_dist_;}
order()72   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& order()                            { return order_; }
order_set()73   std::set<unsigned>& order_set()                                             { return order_set_; }
order_index()74   std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > >& order_index()              { return order_index_; }
dist_id()75   std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > >& dist_id()                  { return dist_id_; }
dist_offset()76   std::vector<unsigned>& dist_offset()                                        { return dist_offset_; }
max_obj_dist()77   std::vector<unsigned char>& max_obj_dist()                                  { return max_obj_dist_; }
min_obj_dist()78   std::vector<unsigned char>& min_obj_dist()                                  { return min_obj_dist_; }
obj_orient()79   std::vector<unsigned char>& obj_orient()                                    { return obj_orient_; }
obj_land_id()80   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& obj_land_id()                      { return obj_land_id_; }
obj_land_wgt()81   std::vector<std::vector<float> >& obj_land_wgt()                             { return obj_land_wgt_; }
order_obj()82   std::vector<unsigned char>& order_obj()                                     { return order_obj_; }
ground_id()83   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> >& ground_id()                             { return ground_id_; }
ground_dist()84   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& ground_dist()                      { return ground_dist_; }
ground_offset()85   std::vector<unsigned>& ground_offset()                                      { return ground_offset_; }
ground_land_id()86   std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > >& ground_land_id()      { return ground_land_id_; }
ground_land_wgt()87   std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float> > >& ground_land_wgt()             { return ground_land_wgt_; }
ground_orient()88   unsigned char ground_orient()                                              { return ground_orient_; }
sky_id()89   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> >& sky_id()                                { return sky_id_; }
sky_offset()90   std::vector<unsigned>& sky_offset()                                         { return sky_offset_; }
sky_orient()91   unsigned char sky_orient()                                                 { return sky_orient_; }
depth_scene()92   depth_map_scene_sptr depth_scene() const                                   { return dm_; }
depth_regions()93   std::vector<depth_map_region_sptr>& depth_regions()                         { return depth_regions_; }
sph_shell()94   volm_spherical_shell_container_sptr sph_shell() const                      { return sph_; }
get_cam_num()95   unsigned get_cam_num() const                                               { return (unsigned)cam_space_->valid_indices().size(); }
get_obj_order_num()96   unsigned get_obj_order_num() const                                         { return (unsigned)order_index_[0].size(); }
get_query_size()97   unsigned get_query_size() const                                            { return query_size_; }
99   //: return number of voxels having ground properties
get_ground_id_size()100   unsigned get_ground_id_size() const                           { return ground_offset_[ground_offset_.size()-1]; }
102   //: return stored distance for all ground voxels
get_ground_dist_size()103   unsigned get_ground_dist_size() const                         { return ground_offset_[ground_offset_.size()-1]; }
105   //: return number of voxels having non-ground, non-sky properties
get_dist_id_size()106   unsigned get_dist_id_size() const                             { return dist_offset_[dist_offset_.size()-1]; }
108   //: return number of voxels having sky properties
get_sky_id_size()109   unsigned get_sky_id_size() const                              { return sky_offset_[sky_offset_.size()-1]; }
111   //: return number of voxels for all non-ground objects (order_index)
112   unsigned get_order_size() const;
114   //: return the total query size in byte(object based)
115   unsigned obj_based_query_size_byte() const;
117   //: write vrml for spherical container and camera hypothesis
118   void draw_template(std::string const& vrml_fname);
120   //: write query image showing the depth map geometry and the penetrating ray
121   void draw_query_images(std::string const& out_dir);
122   void draw_query_image(unsigned i, std::string const& out_name);
124   //: get camera string
get_cam_string(unsigned i)125   std::string get_cam_string(unsigned i) const
126   {
127     return cam_space_->camera_angles(i).get_string();
128     //return cam_space_->get_string(cam_space_->valid_indices()[i]);
129   }
131   //: get the number of camera having the input top_fov value
132   unsigned get_num_top_fov(double const& top_fov) const;
134   //: extract the top_fov value from cam_id
135   double get_top_fov(unsigned const& i) const;
137   //: return valid top_fov from camera vector
138   std::vector<double> get_valid_top_fov() const;
140   //: visualized the query camera using the spherical shell geometry
141   void visualize_query(std::string const& prefix);
143   //: generate rgb depth image for given camera id and given depth value
144   void depth_rgb_image(std::vector<unsigned char> const& values, unsigned const& cam_id, vil_image_view<vil_rgb<vxl_byte> >& out_img, const std::string& value_type = "depth");
146   //: draw the polygons of regions on top of an rgb image
147   void draw_depth_map_regions(vil_image_view<vil_rgb<vxl_byte> >& out_img);
148   void draw_query_regions(std::string const& out_name);
150   // ===========  binary I/O ================
152   //: version
version()153   unsigned version() const {return 1;}
155   //: binary IO write  -- does not write all of self, not a regular b_write
156   void write_data(vsl_b_ostream& os);
158   //: binary IO read   -- does not read all of self, not a regular b_read
159   void read_data(vsl_b_istream& is);
161   //: CAUTION: not all fields are checked for equality, only the fields which are saved in write_data() are checked
162   bool operator == (const volm_query &other) const;
164   static void draw_polygon(vil_image_view<vil_rgb<vxl_byte> >& img, vgl_polygon<double> const& poly, unsigned char const& depth);
166 #if NO_CAM_SPACE
167   //: initial camera parameters read from camera kml
168   double init_focal_;
169   double head_, head_d_, head_inc_;
170   double tilt_, tilt_d_, tilt_inc_;
171   double roll_, roll_d_, roll_inc_;
172   double tfov_, tfov_d_, tfov_inc_;
173 #endif
174   double altitude_;
176  protected:
178   //: a check whether use the viewing volume values provided by camera kml
179   bool use_default_;
180 #endif
181   volm_camera_space_sptr cam_space_;
183   //:
184   unsigned char invalid_;
185   //: image size
186   unsigned ni_, nj_;
187   unsigned log_downsample_ratio_;  // 0,1,2 or 3 (ni-->ni/2^ratio_), to generate downsampled depth maps for ground regions
189   //: depth map scene
190   depth_map_scene_sptr                           dm_;
191   //: voxel array used to get voxel index
192   volm_spherical_container_sptr           sph_depth_;
193   //: a unit sphere
194   volm_spherical_shell_container_sptr           sph_;
195   //: upper bound on depth
196   double d_threshold_;
197   //: vector of depth_map_region sorted by depth order
198   std::vector<depth_map_region_sptr>   depth_regions_;
200   // === camera parameters --- use even number later to ensure the init_value and init_value +/- conf_value is covered ===
202 #if 0
203   //: vectors store the space of camera hypotheses
204   std::vector<double>  top_fov_;
205   std::vector<double> headings_;
206   std::vector<double>    tilts_;
207   std::vector<double>    rolls_;
208 #endif
209   std::vector<vpgl_perspective_camera<double> > cameras_;
210   std::vector<std::string> camera_strings_;
211   //: ingested query information
212   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > min_dist_;
213   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > max_dist_;
214   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >    order_;
215   //: number of spherical shell rays
216   unsigned query_size_;
217   //: the order index assigned to sky
218   unsigned order_sky_;
219   //: the set of Cartesian points on the unit sphere
220   std::vector<vgl_point_3d<double> > query_points_;
221   //: order vector to store the index id associated with object order
222   std::set<unsigned> order_set_;  // store the non-ground order, using set to ensure objects having same order are put together
223   std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > > order_index_;
224   //: ground plane distance, id, and fallback land category
225   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> >                             ground_id_;
226   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >                      ground_dist_;
227   std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > >      ground_land_id_;
228   std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float> > >             ground_land_wgt_;
229   std::vector<unsigned>                                      ground_offset_;
230   unsigned char                                             ground_orient_;  // always horizontal
231   //: sky distance
232   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> >                                sky_id_;
233   std::vector<unsigned>                                         sky_offset_;
234   unsigned char                                                sky_orient_;  // always 100 (100 is the label for uncertain or ambiguous cells)
235   //: object id based on min_dist (since objects may have different min_dist but same order)
236   std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > >                  dist_id_;
237   std::vector<unsigned>                                        dist_offset_;
238   //: min and max distance, object orders, orientation and land clarifications for different objects, based on object orders
239   std::vector<unsigned char>                                  min_obj_dist_;
240   std::vector<unsigned char>                                  max_obj_dist_;
241   std::vector<unsigned char>                                     order_obj_;
242   std::vector<unsigned char>                                    obj_orient_;
243   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >                      obj_land_id_;
244   std::vector<std::vector<float> >                             obj_land_wgt_;
245 #if 0
246   //: weight parameters
247   std::vector<float> weight_obj_;
248   float             weight_grd_;
249   float             weight_sky_;
250 #endif
251   //: functions
252   bool query_ingest();
253   bool offset_ingest();
254   bool order_ingest();
255   bool weight_ingest();
256   unsigned char fetch_depth(double const& u,
257                             double const& v,
258                             unsigned char& order,
259                             unsigned char& max_dist,
260                             unsigned& object_id,
261                             std::vector<unsigned char>& grd_fallback_id,
262                             std::vector<float>& grd_fallback_wgt,
263                             bool& is_ground,
264                             bool& is_sky,
265                             bool& is_object,
266                             vil_image_view<float> const& depth_img);
267   void create_cameras();
268   void generate_regions();
269   void draw_viewing_volume(std::string const& fname,
270                            vpgl_perspective_camera<double> cam,
271                            float r,
272                            float g,
273                            float b);
274   void draw_rays(std::string const& fname);
276   void draw_dot(vil_image_view<vil_rgb<vxl_byte> >& img,
277                 vgl_point_3d<double> const& world_point,
278                 vil_rgb<vxl_byte>,
279                 vpgl_perspective_camera<double> const& cam);
280 };
282 #endif  // volm_query_h_