2 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
3 //  GoldED+
4 //  Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen
5 //  Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev
6 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
7 //  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
9 //  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
10 //  License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 //
12 //  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 //  General Public License for more details.
16 //
17 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 //  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 //  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
20 //  MA 02111-1307 USA
21 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
22 //  $Id: gecfgg.h,v 1.49 2011/03/14 02:56:12 stas_degteff Exp $
23 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
24 //  The main GoldED configuration structure.
25 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
26 #ifndef __GECFGG__H
27 #define __GECFGG__H
29 #include <list>
30 #include <gmo_msg.h>
31 #include <geall.h>
32 #include "gekeys.h"
34 #define AREALISTSORTSIZE 20  // Size of the "arealistsort" variable
36 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
37 //  en_gswitches{} enumeration elements shoulds be complemented with
38 //  globalbool[] array elements (see gccfgg0.cpp).
39 enum en_gswitches {
40   internetlookup,
41   kludgechrs,
42   mouse,
43   displocalhigh,
44   arealistgroupid,
45   askdelorig,
46   lookuplocal,
47   dispstatusline,
48   screenusebios,
49   highlightunread,
50   akamatchlocal,
51   fidonullfix,
52   dispautonext,
53   lookupuserbase,
54   areakeeplast,
55   filelistpagebar,
56   printformfeed,
57   arealistnos,
58   disppagebar,
59   internetreply,
60   arealistpagebar,
61   usemsgid,
62   lookupnet,
63   jamsmapihw,
64   squishdirect,
65   fidohwmarks,
66   msglistpagebar,
67   beepnoises,
68   screenshadows,
69   emptytearline,
70   menudropmsg,
71   beeplocalmsg,
72   statuslineclock,
73   twitto,
74   keybdefaults,
75   displistwrap,
76   quotespacing,
77   lookupecho,
78   keybext,
79   beepcomment,
80   rcvdisablescfm,
81   quoteblank,
82   keybclear,
83   dosprompt,
84   areacatchupread,
85   formfeedseparator,
86   useflags,
87   jamharddelete,
88   disprealmsgno,
89   frqwazoo,
90   msglistviewsubj,
91   akamatchecho,
92   areafilegroups,
93   areaautonext,
94   timeoutsavemsg,
95   nodelistwarn,
96   akamatchnet,
98   gswitches_last
99 };
101 class gswitches {
103 public:
get(en_gswitches what)105   inline bool get(en_gswitches what) { return cfg[what]; }
set(en_gswitches what,bool value)106   inline void set(en_gswitches what, bool value) { cfg[what] = value; }
108   bool handle(word crc, const char* value);
gswitches()110   gswitches() { for(uint i=0; i<gswitches_last; i++) {cfg[i] = false; } };
112 private:
114   bool cfg[gswitches_last];
115 };
118 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
120 struct Win {
121   int   btype;    // Border type
122   vattr c[16];    // Colors
123   int   w;        // Window handle
124 };
127 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
128 //  Combined name/address structure
130 struct Node
131 {
132   Name name;
133   Addr addr;
134   Node &operator=(const Node &a) { strxcpy(name, a.name, ARRAYSIZE(name)); addr=a.addr; return *this; }
135 };
138 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
139 //  Filename aliases
141 struct FileAlias {
142   char alias[9];
143   Path file;
144   FileAlias& operator=(const FileAlias& a) {
145     strxcpy(alias, a.alias, sizeof(alias));
146     strxcpy(file, a.file, sizeof(Path));
147     return *this;
148   }
149 };
152 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
153 //  Template typedefs
155 struct Tpl {
156   Path file;
157   Desc name;
158   Addr match;
159 };
162 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
163 //  Address macro record
165 struct AddrMacro {
166   char macro[20];
167   IAdr name;
168   Addr addr;
169   Subj subj;
170   Attr attr;
171 };
174 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
176 struct AkaMatchG {
177   Addr mask;
178   Addr aka;
179 };
182 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
184 struct MailList {
185   Echo echoid;
186   IAdr sender;
187   IAdr contribution;
188   bool sender_is_pattern;
189 };
192 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
194 struct FrqNodeMap {
195   Addr from;
196   Addr to;
197 };
200 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
202 class CfgGed {
204 public:
205   CfgGed();
206   ~CfgGed();
208   Path        goldcfg;
209   Stamp       helpcfg;
210   Path        helpged;
211   Path        keyscfg;
212   Path        langcfg;
213   Path        xlatged;
214   Path        goldlast;
215   Path        golduser;
217   Grp         grp;
219   int         cfgeditquotemargin;
221   std::list<CmdKey> cmdkey;
222   std::vector<Macro> macro;
224   int         addressbookadd;
225   int         addresslookupfirst;
226   std::vector<AddrMacro> addressmacro;
227   Path        adeptxbbspath;
228   int         adeptxbbsuserno;
229   std::vector<gaka> aka;
230   std::vector<AkaMatchG> akamatch;
231   int         akamatchfromto;
232   bool        akamatchmanually;
233   int         areaautoid;
234   Echo        areacfmreplyto;
235   bool        areacopydirect;
236   Echo        areacopyto;
237   bool        areacopyaddid;
238   gstrarray   areaexcl;
239   bool        areaforwarddirect;
240   int         areafilegroups;       // areausegroups;
241   bool        areafreqdirect;
242   Echo        areafreqto;
243   gstrarray   areaincl;
244   gstrarray   areaisemail;
245   gstrarray   areaisnews;
246   int         arealistechomax;
247   char        arealistformat[80];
248   char        arealistgrouporder[256];
249   char        arealistsort[AREALISTSORTSIZE];
250   int         arealisttype;
251   Path        areapath;
252   gstrarray   areapmscan;
253   gstrarray   areapmscanexcl;
254   gstrarray   areapmscanincl;
255   int         areareadonly;
256   Echo        arearecyclebin;
257   bool        arearecyclebinask;
258   std::vector<EchoRen> arearename;
259   bool        areareplydirect;
260   Echo        areareplyto;
261   gstrarray   areascan;
262   gstrarray   areascanexcl;
263   gstrarray   areascanincl;
264   char        areascansort[20];
265   Echo        areastart;            // startecho;
266   int         areatypeorder[17];
267   Echo        areayouwroteto;
268   Path        attachpath;
269   Attr        attribsattach;
270   Attr        attribscc;            // ccattrib;
271   Attr        attribscfm;           // cfmattrib;
272   Attr        attribsecho;          // echoattrib;
273   Attr        attribsemail;
274   Attr        attribsfrq;
275   Attr        attribslocal;         // localattrib;
276   Attr        attribsnet;           // netattrib;
277   Attr        attribsnews;
278   int         beepfactor;
279   int         beepyourmail;
280   int         carboncopylist;       // cclist;
281   Win         color[16];
282   std::vector< std::pair<Node, vattr> > colorname;
283   Path        confirmfile;          // goldedcfm;
284   int         confirmresponse;
285   Path        cookiepath;
286   int         crosspost;
287   int         crosspostlist;        // xplist;
288   int         ctrlinfoecho;
289   int         ctrlinfoemail;
290   int         ctrlinfolocal;
291   int         ctrlinfonet;
292   int         ctrlinfonews;
293   int         dispareano;
294   int         dispattachsize;
295   int         disphdrlocation;
296   PosLen      disphdrdateset;
297   PosLen      disphdrnameset;
298   PosLen      disphdrnodeset;
299   int         displistcursor;
300   int         dispmargin;           // rightmargin;
301   bool        disppmfirst;
302   int         dispmsgsize;
303   bool        dispsoftcr;
304   uint        disptabsize;          // tabsize;
305   bool        encodeemailheaders;
306   std::vector<GEvent> event;
307   uint32_t    externoptions;
308   std::vector<ExtUtil> externutil;
309   Ezycom      ezycom;
310   int         ezycomuserno;
311   Path        fidolastread;         // lastread;
312   const char *fidomsgtype;
313   Path        fidouserlist;
314   int         fidouserno;           // lastreaduser;
315   std::vector<FileAlias> filealias;
316   bool        forcetemplate;
317   gstrarray   frqext;
318   std::vector<FrqNodeMap> frqnodemap;
319   int         frqoptions;
320   bool        gedhandshake;
321   Path        goldbasepath;
322   Path        goldbasesyspath;
323   int         goldbaseuserno;
324   Path        goldpath;
325   bool        hidestylies;
326   bool        highlighturls;
327   Path        hudsonpath;
328   long        hudsonsizewarn;
329   Path        hudsonsyspath;
330   int         hudsonuserno;
331   bool        ignorecharset;
332   char        importbegin[80];
333   char        importend[80];
334   Path        inboundpath;
335   Path        inputfile;
336   bool        intensecolors;
337   bool        transparentcolors;
338   IAdr        internetaddress;
339   char        internetdomain[96];
340   Node        internetgate;
341   int         internetgateexp;
342   bool        internetmsgid;
343   int         internetrfcbody;
344   bool        internetviagate;
345   Invalidate  invalidate;
346   Path        jampath;
347   int         keybmode;
348   char        keybstack[80];        // keybuf[80];
349   gstrarray   kludge;
350   bool        latin2local;
351   char        latintolocal[256];
352   Path        loadlanguage;
353   GStrBag2    locationalias;
354   std::string locationdelimiter;
355   Path        logfile;              // goldedlog;
356   int         logformat;
357   std::vector<MailList> mailinglist;
358   std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > mappath;
359   int         menumarked;
360   int         menunextarea;
361   int         msglistdate;
362   bool        msglistfast;
363   bool        msglistfirst;
364   bool        msglistheader;
365   bool        msglistwidesubj;
366   Path        namesfile;
367   Name        nickname;
368   Name        netname;
369   Path        nodepath;
370   Path        nodepathfd;
371   Path        nodepathv7;
372   INam        organization;
373   gstrarray   origin;
374   int         originno;
375   Path        outboundpath;
376   Path        outputfile;
377   Path        pathreportfile;
378   Path        pcboardpath;
379   int         pcboarduserno;
380   int         peekurloptions;
381   int         personalmail;
382   GPlay       play;
383   Path        printdevice;          // p_device;
384   char        printinit[80];        // p_init[80];
385   int         printlength;          // p_length;
386   int         printmargin;          // p_margin;
387   char        printreset[80];       // p_reset[80];
388   Path        quotebuffile;
389   int         quotebufmode;
390   char        quotechars[11];
391   uint        quotectrl;
392   int         quotemargin;
393   char        quotestring[10];
394   char        quotestops[41];
395   bool        quotewraphard;
396   bool        quoteusenewai;
397   int         ra2usersbbs;          // RA2;
398   int         replylink;
399   bool        replylinkfloat;
400   int         replylinklist;
401   bool        replylinkshowalways;
402   gstrarray   robotname;
403 #if defined(GCFG_SPELL_INCLUDED)
404   int         scheckerenabled;
405   char        scheckerdeflang[10240];
406   Path        scheckeruserdic;
407   Path        scheckerdicpath;
408 #endif
409   int         screenblanker;        // blanktime;
410   int         screenblankertype;
411   int         screenmaxcol;         // maxcols;
412   int         screenmaxrow;         // maxrows;
413   int         screenpalette[17];
414   int         screensize;
415   INam        searchfor;
416   Semaphore   semaphore;
417   Path        seqdir;
418   int         seqmsgid;
419   uint32_t    seqoutrun;
420   int         sharemode;            // share;
421   bool        showdeleted;
422   Path        soundpath;
423   Echo        soupbadmsgs;
424   Echo        soupemail;
425   int         soupexportmargin;
426   Path        soupexportpath;
427   Path        soupimportpath;
428   Path        soupnewsrcfile;
429   Path        soupreplylinker;
430   char        soupreplyto[60];
431   Path        souptosslog;
432   int         squishscan;
433   int         squishuserno;
434   Path        squishuserpath;
435   int         statuslinehelp;
436   bool        striphtml;
437   char        stylecodepunct[41];
438   char        stylecodestops[41];
439   gstrarray   tagline;
440   int         taglineno;
441   char        taglinechar;
442   bool        taglinesupport;
443   char        tasktitle[60];
444   Tear        tearline;
445   bool        titlestatus;
446   GStrBag2    translate;
447   std::vector<Tpl> tpl;
448   int         tplno;
449   bool        templatematch;
450   Path        templatepath;
451   Path        temppath;
452   int         timeout;
453   int         twitmode;             // showtwits;
454   std::vector<Node> twitname;
455   gstrarray   twitsubj;
456   std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > unpacker;
457   std::vector<UrlHandler> urlhandler;
458   bool        usearea;
459   bool        usecharset;
460   int         usefwd;
461   bool        useintl;
462   bool        usepid;
463   Path        userlistfile;         // goldedlst;
464   std::vector<Node> username;
465   int         usernameno;
466   bool        usesoftcrxlat;
467   bool        usestylies;
468   bool        usetzutc;
469   Path        uudecodepath;
470   bool        viewhidden;
471   bool        viewkludge;
472   bool        viewquote;
473   Name        whoto;
474   int         wildcatuserno;
475   int         writeheader;
476   std::string      wtpl;
477   std::vector<Map> xlatcharset;
478   std::vector<Map> xlatescset;
479   std::vector< std::pair<std::string, gstrarray> > xlatcharsetalias;
480   char        xlatexport[17];       // exportcharset[17];
481   char        xlatimport[17];       // localcharset[17];
482   char        xlatlocalset[17];
483   Path        xlatpath;
484   int         zonegating;
486   gswitches   switches;
487 };
491 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
493 class GSaveUtil : public GStrBag2 {
495 public:
Add(int n,char * s)497   void Add(int n, char* s)  { GStrBag2::Add((void*)&n, sizeof(n), s); }
Number()499   int Number()       { return *(int*)Current1(); }
Text()500   const char* Text()         { return Current2(); }
Number(int i)502   int Number(int i)       { return *(int*)Index1(i); }
Text(int i)503   const char* Text(int i)         { return Index2(i); }
504 };
507 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
509 class GEditTrigger : public GStrBag2 {
511 public:
Trigger()513   const char* Trigger()  { return Current1(); }
Text()514   const char* Text()     { return Current2(); }
Trigger(int i)516   const char* Trigger(int i)  { return Index1(i); }
Text(int i)517   const char* Text(int i)     { return Index2(i); }
518 };
521 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
523 class GoldedCfgEdit {
525 protected:
527   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
528   // Configuration data
530   struct {
532     // Boolean values
533     uint autoattach  : 1;
534     uint crlfterm    : 1;
535     uint fieldclear  : 1;
536     uint hardlines   : 1;
537     uint hardterm    : 1;
538     uint headerattrs : 1;
539     uint internal    : 1;
540     uint menu        : 1;
541     uint mixcase     : 1;
542     uint savemenu    : 1;
544     // Multi values
545     uint changedate;
546     int  autosave;
547     char charpara;
548     char charspace;
549     int  hdrnamepos;
550     int  hdrnamelen;
551     int  hdrnodepos;
552     int  hdrnodelen;
553     int  headerfirst;
554     int  quotemargin;
555     int  replyre;
556     char softcrxlat;
557     int  undelete;
559     // String handles
560     int external;
561     int file;
562     int hardline;
563     int spellchecker;
564   } cfg;
566   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
567   // String bag
569   gstrarray str;
571 public:
573   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
574   // Configuration data
576   GEditTrigger Comment;
577   GEditTrigger Completion;
578   GSaveUtil    SaveUtil;
581   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
582   // Constructor/destructor
584   GoldedCfgEdit();
586   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
587   // Return values
AutoAttach()589   bool AutoAttach()              { return cfg.autoattach; }
AutoSave()590   int AutoSave()                 { return cfg.autosave; }
ChangeDate()591   int ChangeDate()               { return cfg.changedate; }
CharPara()592   char CharPara()                { return cfg.charpara; }
CharSpace()593   char CharSpace()               { return cfg.charspace; }
CrLfTerm()594   bool CrLfTerm()                { return cfg.crlfterm; }
External()595   const char* External()         { return str[cfg.external].c_str(); }
FieldClear()596   bool FieldClear()              { return cfg.fieldclear; }
File()597   const char* File()             { return str[cfg.file].c_str(); }
HardLine()598   const char* HardLine()         { return str[cfg.hardline].c_str(); }
HardLines()599   bool HardLines()               { return cfg.hardlines; }
HardTerm()600   bool HardTerm()                { return cfg.hardterm; }
HdrNamePos()601   int HdrNamePos()               { return cfg.hdrnamepos; }
HdrNameLen()602   int HdrNameLen()               { return cfg.hdrnamelen; }
HdrNodePos()603   int HdrNodePos()               { return cfg.hdrnodepos; }
HdrNodeLen()604   int HdrNodeLen()               { return cfg.hdrnodelen; }
HeaderAttrs()605   bool HeaderAttrs()             { return cfg.headerattrs; }
HeaderFirst()606   int HeaderFirst()              { return cfg.headerfirst; }
Internal()607   bool Internal()                { return cfg.internal; }
Menu()608   bool Menu()                    { return cfg.menu; }
MixCase()609   bool MixCase()                 { return cfg.mixcase; }
QuoteMargin()610   int QuoteMargin()              { return cfg.quotemargin; }
ReplyRe()611   int ReplyRe()                  { return cfg.replyre; }
SaveMenu()612   bool SaveMenu()                { return cfg.savemenu; }
SoftCrXlat()613   char SoftCrXlat()              { return cfg.softcrxlat; }
SpellChecker()614   const char* SpellChecker()     { return str[cfg.spellchecker].c_str(); }
UnDelete()615   int UnDelete()                 { return cfg.undelete; }
617   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
618   // Set values
AutoAttach(bool s)620   void AutoAttach(bool s)        { cfg.autoattach = s; }
AutoSave(int s)621   void AutoSave(int s)           { cfg.autosave = s; }
ChangeDate(int s)622   void ChangeDate(int s)         { cfg.changedate = s; }
CharPara(char s)623   void CharPara(char s)          { cfg.charpara = s; }
CharSpace(char s)624   void CharSpace(char s)         { cfg.charspace = s; }
CrLfTerm(bool s)625   void CrLfTerm(bool s)          { cfg.crlfterm = s; }
External(char * s)626   void External(char* s)         { str[cfg.external] = s; }
FieldClear(bool s)627   void FieldClear(bool s)        { cfg.fieldclear = s; }
File(char * s)628   void File(char* s)             { str[cfg.file] = s; }
HardLine(char * s)629   void HardLine(char* s)         { str[cfg.hardline] = s; }
HardLines(bool s)630   void HardLines(bool s)         { cfg.hardlines = s; }
HardTerm(bool s)631   void HardTerm(bool s)          { cfg.hardterm = s; }
HdrNamePos(int p)632   void HdrNamePos(int p)         { cfg.hdrnamepos = p; }
HdrNameLen(int l)633   void HdrNameLen(int l)         { cfg.hdrnamelen = l; }
HdrNodePos(int p)634   void HdrNodePos(int p)         { cfg.hdrnodepos = p; }
HdrNodeLen(int l)635   void HdrNodeLen(int l)         { cfg.hdrnodelen = l; }
HeaderAttrs(bool s)636   void HeaderAttrs(bool s)       { cfg.headerattrs = s; }
HeaderFirst(int s)637   void HeaderFirst(int s)        { cfg.headerfirst = s; }
Internal(bool s)638   void Internal(bool s)          { cfg.internal = s; }
Menu(bool s)639   void Menu(bool s)              { cfg.menu = s; }
MixCase(bool s)640   void MixCase(bool s)           { cfg.mixcase = s; }
QuoteMargin(int s)641   void QuoteMargin(int s)        { cfg.quotemargin = s; }
ReplyRe(int s)642   void ReplyRe(int s)            { cfg.replyre = s; }
SaveMenu(bool s)643   void SaveMenu(bool s)          { cfg.savemenu = s; }
SoftCrXlat(char s)644   void SoftCrXlat(char s)        { cfg.softcrxlat = s; }
SpellChecker(char * s)645   void SpellChecker(char* s)     { str[cfg.spellchecker] = s; }
UnDelete(int s)646   void UnDelete(int s)           { cfg.undelete = s; }
647 };
650 //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
652 #endif