1 /****************************************
2 *  Computer Algebra System SINGULAR     *
3 ****************************************/
4 /*
5 * ABSTRACT - the interpreter related ring operations
6 */
8 /* includes */
9 #include <cmath>
11 #include "misc/auxiliary.h"
12 #include "misc/mylimits.h"
13 #include "misc/options.h"
14 #include "misc/int64vec.h"
16 #include "coeffs/numbers.h"
17 #include "coeffs/coeffs.h"
19 #include "polys/monomials/p_polys.h"
20 #include "polys/simpleideals.h"
21 #include "polys/monomials/ring.h"
22 #include "polys/monomials/maps.h"
23 #include "polys/prCopy.h"
24 #include "polys/templates/p_Procs.h"
26 #include "polys/matpol.h"
28 #include "polys/monomials/ring.h"
30 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
31 #include "polys/nc/nc.h"
32 #include "polys/nc/sca.h"
33 #endif
36 #include "ext_fields/algext.h"
37 #include "ext_fields/transext.h"
42 typedef char *             char_ptr;
43 VAR omBin sip_sring_bin = omGetSpecBin(sizeof(ip_sring));
44 VAR omBin char_ptr_bin =  omGetSpecBin(sizeof(char_ptr));
47 static const char * const ringorder_name[] =
48 {
49   " ?", ///< ringorder_no = 0,
50   "a", ///< ringorder_a,
51   "A", ///< ringorder_a64,
52   "c", ///< ringorder_c,
53   "C", ///< ringorder_C,
54   "M", ///< ringorder_M,
55   "S", ///< ringorder_S,
56   "s", ///< ringorder_s,
57   "lp", ///< ringorder_lp,
58   "dp", ///< ringorder_dp,
59   "rp", ///< ringorder_rp,
60   "Dp", ///< ringorder_Dp,
61   "wp", ///< ringorder_wp,
62   "Wp", ///< ringorder_Wp,
63   "ls", ///< ringorder_ls,
64   "ds", ///< ringorder_ds,
65   "Ds", ///< ringorder_Ds,
66   "ws", ///< ringorder_ws,
67   "Ws", ///< ringorder_Ws,
68   "am",  ///< ringorder_am,
69   "L", ///< ringorder_L,
70   "aa", ///< ringorder_aa
71   "rs", ///< ringorder_rs,
72   "IS", ///<  ringorder_IS
73   " _" ///< ringorder_unspec
74 };
rSimpleOrdStr(int ord)77 const char * rSimpleOrdStr(int ord)
78 {
79   return ringorder_name[ord];
80 }
82 /// unconditionally deletes fields in r
83 void rDelete(ring r);
84 /// set r->VarL_Size, r->VarL_Offset, r->VarL_LowIndex
85 static void rSetVarL(ring r);
86 /// get r->divmask depending on bits per exponent
87 static unsigned long rGetDivMask(int bits);
88 /// right-adjust r->VarOffset
89 static void rRightAdjustVarOffset(ring r);
90 static void rOptimizeLDeg(ring r);
92 /*0 implementation*/
93 //BOOLEAN rField_is_R(ring r)
94 //{
95 //  if (r->cf->ch== -1)
96 //  {
97 //    if (r->float_len==(short)0) return TRUE;
98 //  }
99 //  return FALSE;
100 //}
rDefault(const coeffs cf,int N,char ** n,int ord_size,rRingOrder_t * ord,int * block0,int * block1,int ** wvhdl,unsigned long bitmask)102 ring rDefault(const coeffs cf, int N, char **n,int ord_size, rRingOrder_t *ord, int *block0, int *block1, int** wvhdl, unsigned long bitmask)
103 {
104   assume( cf != NULL);
105   ring r=(ring) omAlloc0Bin(sip_sring_bin);
106   r->N     = N;
107   r->cf = cf;
108   /*rPar(r)  = 0; Alloc0 */
109   /*names*/
110   r->names = (char **) omAlloc0(N * sizeof(char *));
111   int i;
112   for(i=0;i<N;i++)
113   {
114     r->names[i]  = omStrDup(n[i]);
115   }
116   /*weights: entries for 2 blocks: NULL*/
117   if (wvhdl==NULL)
118     r->wvhdl = (int **)omAlloc0((ord_size+1) * sizeof(int *));
119   else
120     r->wvhdl=wvhdl;
121   r->order = ord;
122   r->block0 = block0;
123   r->block1 = block1;
124   if (bitmask!=0) r->wanted_maxExp=bitmask;
126   /* complete ring intializations */
127   rComplete(r);
128   return r;
129 }
rDefault(int ch,int N,char ** n,int ord_size,rRingOrder_t * ord,int * block0,int * block1,int ** wvhdl)130 ring rDefault(int ch, int N, char **n,int ord_size, rRingOrder_t *ord, int *block0, int *block1,int ** wvhdl)
131 {
132   coeffs cf;
133   if (ch==0) cf=nInitChar(n_Q,NULL);
134   else       cf=nInitChar(n_Zp,(void*)(long)ch);
135   assume( cf != NULL);
136   return rDefault(cf,N,n,ord_size,ord,block0,block1,wvhdl);
137 }
rDefault(const coeffs cf,int N,char ** n,const rRingOrder_t o)138 ring rDefault(const coeffs cf, int N, char **n,  const rRingOrder_t o)
139 {
140   assume( cf != NULL);
141   /*order: o=lp,0*/
142   rRingOrder_t *order = (rRingOrder_t *) omAlloc(2* sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
143   int *block0 = (int *)omAlloc0(2 * sizeof(int));
144   int *block1 = (int *)omAlloc0(2 * sizeof(int));
145   /* ringorder o=lp for the first block: var 1..N */
146   order[0]  = o;
147   block0[0] = 1;
148   block1[0] = N;
149   /* the last block: everything is 0 */
150   order[1]  = (rRingOrder_t)0;
152   return rDefault(cf,N,n,2,order,block0,block1);
153 }
rDefault(int ch,int N,char ** n)155 ring rDefault(int ch, int N, char **n)
156 {
157   coeffs cf;
158   if (ch==0) cf=nInitChar(n_Q,NULL);
159   else       cf=nInitChar(n_Zp,(void*)(long)ch);
160   assume( cf != NULL);
161   return rDefault(cf,N,n);
162 }
164 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
165 //
166 // rInit: define a new ring from sleftv's
167 //
168 //-> ipshell.cc
170 /////////////////////////////
171 // Auxillary functions
172 //
174 // check intvec, describing the ordering
rCheckIV(const intvec * iv)175 BOOLEAN rCheckIV(const intvec *iv)
176 {
177   if ((iv->length()!=2)&&(iv->length()!=3))
178   {
179     WerrorS("weights only for orderings wp,ws,Wp,Ws,a,M");
180     return TRUE;
181   }
182   return FALSE;
183 }
rTypeOfMatrixOrder(const intvec * order)185 int rTypeOfMatrixOrder(const intvec* order)
186 {
187   int i=0,j,typ=1;
188   int sz = (int)sqrt((double)(order->length()-2));
189   if ((sz*sz)!=(order->length()-2))
190   {
191     WerrorS("Matrix order is not a square matrix");
192     typ=0;
193   }
194   while ((i<sz) && (typ==1))
195   {
196     j=0;
197     while ((j<sz) && ((*order)[j*sz+i+2]==0)) j++;
198     if (j>=sz)
199     {
200       typ = 0;
201       WerrorS("Matrix order not complete");
202     }
203     else if ((*order)[j*sz+i+2]<0)
204       typ = -1;
205     else
206       i++;
207   }
208   return typ;
209 }
r_IsRingVar(const char * n,char ** names,int N)212 int r_IsRingVar(const char *n, char**names,int N)
213 {
214   if (names!=NULL)
215   {
216     for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
217     {
218       if (names[i]==NULL) return -1;
219       if (strcmp(n,names[i]) == 0) return (int)i;
220     }
221   }
222   return -1;
223 }
rWrite(ring r,BOOLEAN details)226 void   rWrite(ring r, BOOLEAN details)
227 {
228   if ((r==NULL)||(r->order==NULL))
229     return; /*to avoid printing after errors....*/
231   assume(r != NULL);
232   const coeffs C = r->cf;
233   assume(C != NULL);
235   int nblocks=rBlocks(r);
237   // omCheckAddrSize(r,sizeof(ip_sring));
238   omCheckAddrSize(r->order,nblocks*sizeof(int));
239   omCheckAddrSize(r->block0,nblocks*sizeof(int));
240   omCheckAddrSize(r->block1,nblocks*sizeof(int));
241   omCheckAddrSize(r->wvhdl,nblocks*sizeof(int *));
242   omCheckAddrSize(r->names,r->N*sizeof(char *));
244   nblocks--;
247   //Print("ref:%d, C->ref:%d\n",r->ref,C->ref);
248   PrintS("// coefficients: ");
249   if( nCoeff_is_algExt(C) )
250   {
251     // NOTE: the following (non-thread-safe!) UGLYNESS
252     // (changing naRing->ShortOut for a while) is due to Hans!
253     // Just think of other ring using the VERY SAME naRing and possible
254     // side-effects...
255     ring R = C->extRing;
256     const BOOLEAN bSaveShortOut = rShortOut(R); R->ShortOut = rShortOut(r) & rCanShortOut(R);
258     n_CoeffWrite(C, details); // for correct printing of minpoly... WHAT AN UGLYNESS!!!
260     R->ShortOut = bSaveShortOut;
261   }
262   else
263     n_CoeffWrite(C, details);
264   PrintLn();
265 //   {
266 //     PrintS("//   characteristic : ");
267 //
268 //     char const * const * const params = rParameter(r);
269 //
270 //     if (params!=NULL)
271 //     {
272 //       Print ("//   %d parameter    : ",rPar(r));
273 //
274 //       char const * const * sp= params;
275 //       int nop=0;
276 //       while (nop<rPar(r))
277 //       {
278 //         PrintS(*sp);
279 //         PrintS(" ");
280 //         sp++; nop++;
281 //       }
282 //       PrintS("\n//   minpoly        : ");
283 //       if ( rField_is_long_C(r) )
284 //       {
285 //         // i^2+1:
286 //         Print("(%s^2+1)\n", params[0]);
287 //       }
288 //       else if (rMinpolyIsNULL(r))
289 //       {
290 //         PrintS("0\n");
291 //       }
292 //       else
293 //       {
294 //         StringSetS(""); n_Write(r->cf->minpoly, r); PrintS(StringEndS("\n")); // NOTE/TODO: use StringAppendS("\n"); omFree(s);
295 //       }
296 //       //if (r->qideal!=NULL)
297 //       //{
298 //       //  iiWriteMatrix((matrix)r->qideal,"//   minpolys",1,r,0);
299 //       //  PrintLn();
300 //       //}
301 //     }
302 //   }
303   Print("// number of vars : %d",r->N);
305   //for (nblocks=0; r->order[nblocks]; nblocks++);
306   nblocks=rBlocks(r)-1;
308   for (int l=0, nlen=0 ; l<nblocks; l++)
309   {
310     int i;
311     Print("\n//        block %3d : ",l+1);
313     Print("ordering %s", rSimpleOrdStr(r->order[l]));
316     if (r->order[l] == ringorder_IS)
317     {
318       assume( r->block0[l] == r->block1[l] );
319       const int s = r->block0[l];
320       assume( (-2 < s) && (s < 2) );
321       Print("(%d)", s); // 0 => prefix! +/-1 => suffix!
322       continue;
323     }
324     else if (r->order[l]==ringorder_s)
325     {
326       assume( l == 0 );
327       Print(" syz_comp: %d",r->block0[l]);
328       continue;
329     }
330     else if (
331     (  (r->order[l] >= ringorder_lp)
332     ||(r->order[l] == ringorder_M)
333     ||(r->order[l] == ringorder_a)
334     ||(r->order[l] == ringorder_am)
335     ||(r->order[l] == ringorder_a64)
336     ||(r->order[l] == ringorder_aa) ) && (r->order[l] < ringorder_IS) )
337     {
338       PrintS("\n//                  : names   ");
339       for (i = r->block0[l]-1; i<r->block1[l]; i++)
340       {
341         nlen = strlen(r->names[i]);
342         Print(" %s",r->names[i]);
343       }
344     }
346     if (r->wvhdl[l]!=NULL)
347     {
348       #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
349       if((r->order[l] != ringorder_wp)
350       &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_Wp)
351       &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_ws)
352       &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_Ws)
353       &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_a)
354       &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_am)
355       &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_M))
356       {
357         Warn("should not have wvhdl entry at pos. %d",l);
358       }
359       #endif
360       for (int j= 0;
361            j<(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1)*(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1);
362            j+=i)
363       {
364         PrintS("\n//                  : weights ");
365         for (i = 0; i<=r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]; i++)
366         {
367           if (r->order[l] == ringorder_a64)
368           {
369             int64 *w=(int64 *)r->wvhdl[l];
370             #if SIZEOF_LONG == 4
371             Print("%*lld " ,nlen,w[i+j]);
372             #else
373             Print(" %*ld"  ,nlen,w[i+j]);
374             #endif
375           }
376           else
377             Print(" %*d" ,nlen,r->wvhdl[l][i+j]);
378         }
379         if (r->order[l]!=ringorder_M) break;
380       }
381       if (r->order[l]==ringorder_am)
382       {
383         int m=r->wvhdl[l][i];
384         Print("\n//                  : %d module weights ",m);
385         m+=i;i++;
386         for(;i<=m;i++) Print(" %*d" ,nlen,r->wvhdl[l][i]);
387       }
388     }
389   }
390 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
391   if(rIsPluralRing(r))
392   {
393     PrintS("\n// noncommutative relations:");
394     if( details )
395     {
396       poly pl=NULL;
397       int nl;
398       int i,j;
399       for (i = 1; i<r->N; i++)
400       {
401         for (j = i+1; j<=r->N; j++)
402         {
403           nl = n_IsOne(p_GetCoeff(MATELEM(r->GetNC()->C,i,j),r), r->cf);
404           if ( (MATELEM(r->GetNC()->D,i,j)!=NULL) || (!nl) )
405           {
406             Print("\n//    %s%s=",r->names[j-1],r->names[i-1]);
407             pl = MATELEM(r->GetNC()->MT[UPMATELEM(i,j,r->N)],1,1);
408             p_Write0(pl, r, r);
409           }
410         }
411       }
412     } else
413       PrintS(" ...");
415 #if MYTEST  /*Singularg should not differ from Singular except in error case*/
416     Print("\n// noncommutative type:%d", (int)ncRingType(r));
417     Print("\n//    is skew constant:%d",r->GetNC()->IsSkewConstant);
418     if( rIsSCA(r) )
419     {
420       Print("\n//   alternating variables: [%d, %d]", scaFirstAltVar(r), scaLastAltVar(r));
421       const ideal Q = SCAQuotient(r); // resides within r!
422       PrintS("\n//   quotient of sca by ideal");
424       if (Q!=NULL)
425       {
426           iiWriteMatrix((matrix)Q,"scaQ",1,r,0);
427       }
428       else
429         PrintS(" (NULL)");
430     }
431 #endif
432   }
433   if (rIsLPRing(r))
434   {
435     Print("\n// letterplace ring (block size %d, ncgen count %d)",r->isLPring, r->LPncGenCount);
436   }
437 #endif
438   if (r->qideal!=NULL)
439   {
440     PrintS("\n// quotient ring from ideal");
441     if( details )
442     {
443       PrintLn();
444       iiWriteMatrix((matrix)r->qideal,"_",1,r,0);
445     } else PrintS(" ...");
446   }
447 }
rDelete(ring r)449 void rDelete(ring r)
450 {
451   int i, j;
453   if (r == NULL) return;
454   if( r->ref > 0 ) // ->ref means the number of Interpreter objects referring to the ring...
455     return;
457   if( r->qideal != NULL )
458   {
459     ideal q = r->qideal;
460     r->qideal = NULL;
461     id_Delete(&q, r);
462   }
464 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
465   if (rIsPluralRing(r))
466     nc_rKill(r);
467 #endif
469   rUnComplete(r); // may need r->cf for p_Delete
470   nKillChar(r->cf); r->cf = NULL;
471   // delete order stuff
472   if (r->order != NULL)
473   {
474     i=rBlocks(r);
475     assume(r->block0 != NULL && r->block1 != NULL && r->wvhdl != NULL);
476     // delete order
477     omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->order,i*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
478     omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->block0,i*sizeof(int));
479     omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->block1,i*sizeof(int));
480     // delete weights
481     for (j=0; j<i; j++)
482     {
483       if (r->wvhdl[j]!=NULL)
484         omFree(r->wvhdl[j]);
485     }
486     omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->wvhdl,i*sizeof(int *));
487   }
488   else
489   {
490     assume(r->block0 == NULL && r->block1 == NULL && r->wvhdl == NULL);
491   }
493   // delete varnames
494   if(r->names!=NULL)
495   {
496     for (i=0; i<r->N; i++)
497     {
498       if (r->names[i] != NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)r->names[i]);
499     }
500     omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->names,r->N*sizeof(char *));
501   }
503   omFreeBin(r, sip_sring_bin);
504 }
rOrderName(char * ordername)506 rRingOrder_t rOrderName(char * ordername)
507 {
508   int order=ringorder_unspec;
509   while (order!= 0)
510   {
511     if (strcmp(ordername,rSimpleOrdStr(order))==0)
512       break;
513     order--;
514   }
515   if (order==0) Werror("wrong ring order `%s`",ordername);
516   omFree((ADDRESS)ordername);
517   return (rRingOrder_t)order;
518 }
rOrdStr(ring r)520 char * rOrdStr(ring r)
521 {
522   if ((r==NULL)||(r->order==NULL)) return omStrDup("");
523   int nblocks,l,i;
525   for (nblocks=0; r->order[nblocks]; nblocks++);
526   nblocks--;
528   StringSetS("");
529   for (l=0; ; l++)
530   {
531     StringAppendS((char *)rSimpleOrdStr(r->order[l]));
532     if (r->order[l] == ringorder_s)
533     {
534       StringAppend("(%d)",r->block0[l]);
535     }
536     else if (
537            (r->order[l] != ringorder_c)
538         && (r->order[l] != ringorder_C)
539         && (r->order[l] != ringorder_s)
540         && (r->order[l] != ringorder_S)
541         && (r->order[l] != ringorder_IS)
542        )
543     {
544       if (r->wvhdl[l]!=NULL)
545       {
546         #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
547         if((r->order[l] != ringorder_wp)
548         &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_Wp)
549         &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_ws)
550         &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_Ws)
551         &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_a)
552         &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_am)
553         &&(r->order[l] != ringorder_M))
554         {
555           Warn("should not have wvhdl entry at pos. %d",l);
556           StringAppend("(%d)",r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1);
557         }
558         else
559         #endif
560         {
561           StringAppendS("(");
562           for (int j= 0;
563                j<(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1)*(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1);
564                j+=i+1)
565           {
566             char c=',';
567             if(r->order[l]==ringorder_a64)
568             {
569               int64 * w=(int64 *)r->wvhdl[l];
570               for (i = 0; i<r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]; i++)
571               {
572                 StringAppend("%lld," ,w[i]);
573               }
574               StringAppend("%lld)" ,w[i]);
575               break;
576             }
577             else
578             {
579               for (i = 0; i<r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]; i++)
580               {
581                 StringAppend("%d," ,r->wvhdl[l][i+j]);
582               }
583             }
584             if (r->order[l]!=ringorder_M)
585             {
586               StringAppend("%d)" ,r->wvhdl[l][i+j]);
587               break;
588             }
589             if (j+i+1==(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1)*(r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1))
590               c=')';
591             StringAppend("%d%c" ,r->wvhdl[l][i+j],c);
592           }
593         }
594       }
595       else
596         StringAppend("(%d)",r->block1[l]-r->block0[l]+1);
597     }
598     else if (r->order[l] == ringorder_IS)
599     {
600       assume( r->block0[l] == r->block1[l] );
601       const int s = r->block0[l];
602       assume( (-2 < s) && (s < 2) );
604       StringAppend("(%d)", s);
605     }
607     if (l==nblocks)
608     {
609       if (r->wanted_maxExp!=0)
610       {
611         long mm=r->wanted_maxExp;
612         if (mm>MAX_INT_VAL) mm=MAX_INT_VAL;
613         StringAppend(",L(%ld)",mm);
614       }
615       return StringEndS();
616     }
617     StringAppendS(",");
618   }
619 }
rVarStr(ring r)621 char * rVarStr(ring r)
622 {
623   if ((r==NULL)||(r->names==NULL)) return omStrDup("");
624   int i;
625   int l=2;
626   char *s;
628   for (i=0; i<r->N; i++)
629   {
630     l+=strlen(r->names[i])+1;
631   }
632   s=(char *)omAlloc((long)l);
633   s[0]='\0';
634   for (i=0; i<r->N-1; i++)
635   {
636     strcat(s,r->names[i]);
637     strcat(s,",");
638   }
639   strcat(s,r->names[i]);
640   return s;
641 }
643 /// TODO: make it a virtual method of coeffs, together with:
644 /// Decompose & Compose, rParameter & rPar
rCharStr(const ring r)645 char * rCharStr(const ring r){ assume( r != NULL ); return nCoeffString(r->cf); }
rParStr(ring r)647 char * rParStr(ring r)
648 {
649   if ((r==NULL)||(rParameter(r)==NULL)) return omStrDup("");
651   char const * const * const params = rParameter(r);
653   int i;
654   int l=2;
656   for (i=0; i<rPar(r); i++)
657   {
658     l+=strlen(params[i])+1;
659   }
660   char *s=(char *)omAlloc((long)l);
661   s[0]='\0';
662   for (i=0; i<rPar(r)-1; i++)
663   {
664     strcat(s, params[i]);
665     strcat(s,",");
666   }
667   strcat(s, params[i]);
668   return s;
669 }
rString(ring r)671 char * rString(ring r)
672 {
673   if ((r!=NULL)&&(r->cf!=NULL))
674   {
675     char *ch=rCharStr(r);
676     char *var=rVarStr(r);
677     char *ord=rOrdStr(r);
678     char *res=(char *)omAlloc(strlen(ch)+strlen(var)+strlen(ord)+9);
679     sprintf(res,"(%s),(%s),(%s)",ch,var,ord);
680     omFree((ADDRESS)ch);
681     omFree((ADDRESS)var);
682     omFree((ADDRESS)ord);
683     return res;
684   }
685   else
686     return omStrDup("undefined");
687 }
690 /*
691 // The fowolling function seems to be never used. Remove?
692 static int binaryPower (const int a, const int b)
693 {
694   // computes a^b according to the binary representation of b,
695   //   i.e., a^7 = a^4 * a^2 * a^1. This saves some multiplications.
696   int result = 1;
697   int factor = a;
698   int bb = b;
699   while (bb != 0)
700   {
701     if (bb % 2 != 0) result = result * factor;
702     bb = bb / 2;
703     factor = factor * factor;
704   }
705   return result;
706 }
707 */
709 /* we keep this otherwise superfluous method for compatibility reasons
710    towards the SINGULAR svn trunk */
rChar(ring r)711 int rChar(ring r) { return r->cf->ch; }
715 // creates a commutative nc extension; "converts" comm.ring to a Plural ring
716 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
nc_rCreateNCcomm_rCopy(ring r)717 ring nc_rCreateNCcomm_rCopy(ring r)
718 {
719   r = rCopy(r);
720   if (rIsPluralRing(r))
721     return r;
723   matrix C = mpNew(r->N,r->N); // ring-independent!?!
724   matrix D = mpNew(r->N,r->N);
726   for(int i=1; i<r->N; i++)
727     for(int j=i+1; j<=r->N; j++)
728       MATELEM(C,i,j) = p_One( r);
730   if (nc_CallPlural(C, D, NULL, NULL, r, false, true, false, r/*??currRing??*/, TRUE)) // TODO: what about quotient ideal?
731     WarnS("Error initializing multiplication!"); // No reaction!???
733   return r;
734 }
735 #endif
738 /*2
739  *returns -1 for not compatible, (sum is undefined)
740  *         1 for compatible (and sum)
741  */
742 /* vartest: test for variable/paramter names
743 * dp_dp: 0:block ordering
744 *        1:for comm. rings: use block order dp + dp/ds/wp
745 *        2:order aa(..),dp
746 */
rSumInternal(ring r1,ring r2,ring & sum,BOOLEAN vartest,BOOLEAN dp_dp)747 int rSumInternal(ring r1, ring r2, ring &sum, BOOLEAN vartest, BOOLEAN dp_dp)
748 {
750   ip_sring tmpR;
751   memset(&tmpR,0,sizeof(tmpR));
752   /* check coeff. field =====================================================*/
754   if (r1->cf==r2->cf)
755   {
756     tmpR.cf=nCopyCoeff(r1->cf);
757   }
758   else /* different type */
759   {
760     if (getCoeffType(r1->cf)==n_Zp)
761     {
762       if (getCoeffType(r2->cf)==n_Q)
763       {
764         tmpR.cf=nCopyCoeff(r1->cf);
765       }
766       else if (nCoeff_is_Extension(r2->cf) && rChar(r2) == rChar(r1))
767       {
768         /*AlgExtInfo extParam;
769         extParam.r = r2->cf->extRing;
770         extParam.i = r2->cf->extRing->qideal;*/
771         tmpR.cf=nCopyCoeff(r2->cf);
772       }
773       else
774       {
775         WerrorS("Z/p+...");
776         return -1;
777       }
778     }
779     else if ((getCoeffType(r1->cf)==n_Zn)||(getCoeffType(r1->cf)==n_Znm))
780     {
781       if (getCoeffType(r2->cf)==n_Q)
782       {
783         tmpR.cf=nCopyCoeff(r1->cf);
784       }
785       else if (nCoeff_is_Extension(r2->cf)
786       && (mpz_cmp(r1->cf->modNumber,r2->cf->extRing->cf->modNumber)==0))
787       { // covers transext.cc and algext.cc
788         tmpR.cf=nCopyCoeff(r2->cf);
789       }
790       else
791       {
792         WerrorS("Z/n+...");
793         return -1;
794       }
795     }
796     else if (getCoeffType(r1->cf)==n_R)
797     {
798       WerrorS("R+..");
799       return -1;
800     }
801     else if (getCoeffType(r1->cf)==n_Q)
802     {
803       if (getCoeffType(r2->cf)==n_Zp)
804       {
805         tmpR.cf=nCopyCoeff(r2->cf);
806       }
807       else if (nCoeff_is_Extension(r2->cf))
808       {
809         tmpR.cf=nCopyCoeff(r2->cf);
810       }
811       else
812       {
813         WerrorS("Q+...");
814         return -1;
815       }
816     }
817     else if (nCoeff_is_Extension(r1->cf))
818     {
819       if (r1->cf->extRing->cf==r2->cf)
820       {
821         tmpR.cf=nCopyCoeff(r1->cf);
822       }
823       else if (getCoeffType(r1->cf->extRing->cf)==n_Zp && getCoeffType(r2->cf)==n_Q) //r2->cf == n_Zp should have been handled above
824       {
825         tmpR.cf=nCopyCoeff(r1->cf);
826       }
827       else
828       {
829         WerrorS ("coeff sum of two extension fields not implemented");
830         return -1;
831       }
832     }
833     else
834     {
835       WerrorS("coeff sum not yet implemented");
836       return -1;
837     }
838   }
839   /* variable names ========================================================*/
840   int i,j,k;
841   int l=r1->N+r2->N;
842   char **names=(char **)omAlloc0(l*sizeof(char *));
843   k=0;
845   // collect all varnames from r1, except those which are parameters
846   // of r2, or those which are the empty string
847   for (i=0;i<r1->N;i++)
848   {
849     BOOLEAN b=TRUE;
851     if (*(r1->names[i]) == '\0')
852       b = FALSE;
853     else if ((rParameter(r2)!=NULL) && (strlen(r1->names[i])==1))
854     {
855       if (vartest)
856       {
857         for(j=0;j<rPar(r2);j++)
858         {
859           if (strcmp(r1->names[i],rParameter(r2)[j])==0)
860           {
861             b=FALSE;
862             break;
863           }
864         }
865       }
866     }
868     if (b)
869     {
870       //Print("name : %d: %s\n",k,r1->names[i]);
871       names[k]=omStrDup(r1->names[i]);
872       k++;
873     }
874     //else
875     //  Print("no name (par1) %s\n",r1->names[i]);
876   }
877   // Add variables from r2, except those which are parameters of r1
878   // those which are empty strings, and those which equal a var of r1
879   for(i=0;i<r2->N;i++)
880   {
881     BOOLEAN b=TRUE;
883     if (*(r2->names[i]) == '\0')
884       b = FALSE;
885     else if ((rParameter(r1)!=NULL) && (strlen(r2->names[i])==1))
886     {
887       if (vartest)
888       {
889         for(j=0;j<rPar(r1);j++)
890         {
891           if (strcmp(r2->names[i],rParameter(r1)[j])==0)
892           {
893             b=FALSE;
894             break;
895           }
896         }
897       }
898     }
900     if (b)
901     {
902       if (vartest)
903       {
904         for(j=0;j<r1->N;j++)
905         {
906           if (strcmp(r1->names[j],r2->names[i])==0)
907           {
908             b=FALSE;
909             break;
910           }
911         }
912       }
913       if (b)
914       {
915         //Print("name : %d : %s\n",k,r2->names[i]);
916         names[k]=omStrDup(r2->names[i]);
917         k++;
918       }
919       //else
920       //  Print("no name (var): %s\n",r2->names[i]);
921     }
922     //else
923     //  Print("no name (par): %s\n",r2->names[i]);
924   }
925   // check whether we found any vars at all
926   if (k == 0)
927   {
928     names[k]=omStrDup("");
929     k=1;
930   }
931   tmpR.N=k;
932   tmpR.names=names;
933   /* ordering *======================================================== */
934   tmpR.OrdSgn=0;
935   if ((dp_dp==2)
936   && (r1->OrdSgn==1)
937   && (r2->OrdSgn==1)
938 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
939       && !rIsPluralRing(r1) && !rIsPluralRing(r2)
940 #endif
941      )
942   {
943     tmpR.order=(rRingOrder_t*)omAlloc0(4*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
944     tmpR.block0=(int*)omAlloc0(4*sizeof(int));
945     tmpR.block1=(int*)omAlloc0(4*sizeof(int));
946     tmpR.wvhdl=(int**) omAlloc0(4*sizeof(int**));
947     // ----
948     tmpR.block0[0] = 1;
949     tmpR.block1[0] = rVar(r1)+rVar(r2);
950     tmpR.order[0] = ringorder_aa;
951     tmpR.wvhdl[0]=(int*)omAlloc0((rVar(r1)+rVar(r2) + 1)*sizeof(int));
952     for(int i=0;i<rVar(r1);i++) tmpR.wvhdl[0][i]=1;
953     // ----
954     tmpR.block0[1] = 1;
955     tmpR.block1[1] = rVar(r1)+rVar(r2);
956     tmpR.order[1] = ringorder_dp;
957     // ----
958     tmpR.order[2] = ringorder_C;
959   }
960   else if (dp_dp
961 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
962       && !rIsPluralRing(r1) && !rIsPluralRing(r2)
963 #endif
964      )
965   {
966     tmpR.order=(rRingOrder_t*)omAlloc(4*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
967     tmpR.block0=(int*)omAlloc0(4*sizeof(int));
968     tmpR.block1=(int*)omAlloc0(4*sizeof(int));
969     tmpR.wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0(4*sizeof(int *));
970     tmpR.order[0]=ringorder_dp;
971     tmpR.block0[0]=1;
972     tmpR.block1[0]=rVar(r1);
973     if (r2->OrdSgn==1)
974     {
975       if ((r2->block0[0]==1)
976       && (r2->block1[0]==rVar(r2))
977       && ((r2->order[0]==ringorder_wp)
978         || (r2->order[0]==ringorder_Wp)
979         || (r2->order[0]==ringorder_Dp))
980       )
981       {
982         tmpR.order[1]=r2->order[0];
983         if (r2->wvhdl[0]!=NULL)
984           tmpR.wvhdl[1]=(int *)omMemDup(r2->wvhdl[0]);
985       }
986       else
987         tmpR.order[1]=ringorder_dp;
988     }
989     else
990     {
991       tmpR.order[1]=ringorder_ds;
992       tmpR.OrdSgn=-1;
993     }
994     tmpR.block0[1]=rVar(r1)+1;
995     tmpR.block1[1]=rVar(r1)+rVar(r2);
996     tmpR.order[2]=ringorder_C;
997     tmpR.order[3]=(rRingOrder_t)0;
998   }
999   else
1000   {
1001     if ((r1->order[0]==ringorder_unspec)
1002         && (r2->order[0]==ringorder_unspec))
1003     {
1004       tmpR.order=(rRingOrder_t*)omAlloc(3*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
1005       tmpR.block0=(int*)omAlloc(3*sizeof(int));
1006       tmpR.block1=(int*)omAlloc(3*sizeof(int));
1007       tmpR.wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0(3*sizeof(int *));
1008       tmpR.order[0]=ringorder_unspec;
1009       tmpR.order[1]=ringorder_C;
1010       tmpR.order[2]=(rRingOrder_t)0;
1011       tmpR.block0[0]=1;
1012       tmpR.block1[0]=tmpR.N;
1013     }
1014     else if (l==k) /* r3=r1+r2 */
1015     {
1016       int b;
1017       ring rb;
1018       if (r1->order[0]==ringorder_unspec)
1019       {
1020         /* extend order of r2 to r3 */
1021         b=rBlocks(r2);
1022         rb=r2;
1023         tmpR.OrdSgn=r2->OrdSgn;
1024       }
1025       else if (r2->order[0]==ringorder_unspec)
1026       {
1027         /* extend order of r1 to r3 */
1028         b=rBlocks(r1);
1029         rb=r1;
1030         tmpR.OrdSgn=r1->OrdSgn;
1031       }
1032       else
1033       {
1034         b=rBlocks(r1)+rBlocks(r2)-2; /* for only one order C, only one 0 */
1035         rb=NULL;
1036       }
1037       tmpR.order=(rRingOrder_t*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
1038       tmpR.block0=(int*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int));
1039       tmpR.block1=(int*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int));
1040       tmpR.wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int *));
1041       /* weights not implemented yet ...*/
1042       if (rb!=NULL)
1043       {
1044         for (i=0;i<b;i++)
1045         {
1046           tmpR.order[i]=rb->order[i];
1047           tmpR.block0[i]=rb->block0[i];
1048           tmpR.block1[i]=rb->block1[i];
1049           if (rb->wvhdl[i]!=NULL)
1050             WarnS("rSum: weights not implemented");
1051         }
1052         tmpR.block0[0]=1;
1053       }
1054       else /* ring sum for complete rings */
1055       {
1056         for (i=0;r1->order[i]!=0;i++)
1057         {
1058           tmpR.order[i]=r1->order[i];
1059           tmpR.block0[i]=r1->block0[i];
1060           tmpR.block1[i]=r1->block1[i];
1061           if (r1->wvhdl[i]!=NULL)
1062             tmpR.wvhdl[i] = (int*) omMemDup(r1->wvhdl[i]);
1063         }
1064         j=i;
1065         i--;
1066         if ((r1->order[i]==ringorder_c)
1067             ||(r1->order[i]==ringorder_C))
1068         {
1069           j--;
1070           tmpR.order[b-2]=r1->order[i];
1071         }
1072         for (i=0;r2->order[i]!=0;i++)
1073         {
1074           if ((r2->order[i]!=ringorder_c)
1075               &&(r2->order[i]!=ringorder_C))
1076           {
1077             tmpR.order[j]=r2->order[i];
1078             tmpR.block0[j]=r2->block0[i]+rVar(r1);
1079             tmpR.block1[j]=r2->block1[i]+rVar(r1);
1080             if (r2->wvhdl[i]!=NULL)
1081             {
1082               tmpR.wvhdl[j] = (int*) omMemDup(r2->wvhdl[i]);
1083             }
1084             j++;
1085           }
1086         }
1087         if((r1->OrdSgn==-1)||(r2->OrdSgn==-1))
1088           tmpR.OrdSgn=-1;
1089       }
1090     }
1091     else if ((k==rVar(r1)) && (k==rVar(r2))) /* r1 and r2 are "quite"
1092                                                 the same ring */
1093       /* copy r1, because we have the variables from r1 */
1094     {
1095       int b=rBlocks(r1);
1097       tmpR.order=(rRingOrder_t*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
1098       tmpR.block0=(int*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int));
1099       tmpR.block1=(int*)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int));
1100       tmpR.wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0(b*sizeof(int *));
1101       /* weights not implemented yet ...*/
1102       for (i=0;i<b;i++)
1103       {
1104         tmpR.order[i]=r1->order[i];
1105         tmpR.block0[i]=r1->block0[i];
1106         tmpR.block1[i]=r1->block1[i];
1107         if (r1->wvhdl[i]!=NULL)
1108         {
1109           tmpR.wvhdl[i] = (int*) omMemDup(r1->wvhdl[i]);
1110         }
1111       }
1112       tmpR.OrdSgn=r1->OrdSgn;
1113     }
1114     else
1115     {
1116       for(i=0;i<k;i++) omFree((ADDRESS)tmpR.names[i]);
1117       omFreeSize((ADDRESS)names,tmpR.N*sizeof(char *));
1118       Werror("variables must not overlap (# of vars: %d,%d -> %d)",rVar(r1),rVar(r2),k);
1119       return -1;
1120     }
1121   }
1122   tmpR.bitmask=si_max(r1->bitmask,r2->bitmask);
1123   sum=(ring)omAllocBin(sip_sring_bin);
1124   memcpy(sum,&tmpR,sizeof(ip_sring));
1125   rComplete(sum);
1127 //#ifdef RDEBUG
1128 //  rDebugPrint(sum);
1129 //#endif
1133 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
1134   if(1)
1135   {
1136 //    ring old_ring = currRing;
1138     BOOLEAN R1_is_nc = rIsPluralRing(r1);
1139     BOOLEAN R2_is_nc = rIsPluralRing(r2);
1141     if ( (R1_is_nc) || (R2_is_nc))
1142     {
1143       ring R1 = nc_rCreateNCcomm_rCopy(r1);
1144       assume( rIsPluralRing(R1) );
1146 #if 0
1147 #ifdef RDEBUG
1148       rWrite(R1);
1149       rDebugPrint(R1);
1150 #endif
1151 #endif
1152       ring R2 = nc_rCreateNCcomm_rCopy(r2);
1153 #if 0
1154 #ifdef RDEBUG
1155       rWrite(R2);
1156       rDebugPrint(R2);
1157 #endif
1158 #endif
1160 //      rChangeCurrRing(sum); // ?
1162       // Projections from R_i into Sum:
1163       /* multiplication matrices business: */
1164       /* find permutations of vars and pars */
1165       int *perm1 = (int *)omAlloc0((rVar(R1)+1)*sizeof(int));
1166       int *par_perm1 = NULL;
1167       if (rPar(R1)!=0) par_perm1=(int *)omAlloc0((rPar(R1)+1)*sizeof(int));
1169       int *perm2 = (int *)omAlloc0((rVar(R2)+1)*sizeof(int));
1170       int *par_perm2 = NULL;
1171       if (rPar(R2)!=0) par_perm2=(int *)omAlloc0((rPar(R2)+1)*sizeof(int));
1173       maFindPerm(R1->names,  rVar(R1),  rParameter(R1),  rPar(R1),
1174                  sum->names, rVar(sum), rParameter(sum), rPar(sum),
1175                  perm1, par_perm1, sum->cf->type);
1177       maFindPerm(R2->names,  rVar(R2),  rParameter(R2),  rPar(R2),
1178                  sum->names, rVar(sum), rParameter(sum), rPar(sum),
1179                  perm2, par_perm2, sum->cf->type);
1182       matrix C1 = R1->GetNC()->C, C2 = R2->GetNC()->C;
1183       matrix D1 = R1->GetNC()->D, D2 = R2->GetNC()->D;
1185       // !!!! BUG? C1 and C2 might live in different baserings!!!
1187       int l = rVar(R1) + rVar(R2);
1189       matrix C  = mpNew(l,l);
1190       matrix D  = mpNew(l,l);
1192       for (i = 1; i <= rVar(R1); i++)
1193         for (j= rVar(R1)+1; j <= l; j++)
1194           MATELEM(C,i,j) = p_One(sum); // in 'sum'
1196       id_Test((ideal)C, sum);
1198       nMapFunc nMap1 = n_SetMap(R1->cf,sum->cf); /* can change something global: not usable
1199                                                     after the next nSetMap call :( */
1200       // Create blocked C and D matrices:
1201       for (i=1; i<= rVar(R1); i++)
1202         for (j=i+1; j<=rVar(R1); j++)
1203         {
1204           assume(MATELEM(C1,i,j) != NULL);
1205           MATELEM(C,i,j) = p_PermPoly(MATELEM(C1,i,j), perm1, R1, sum, nMap1, par_perm1, rPar(R1)); // need ADD + CMP ops.
1207           if (MATELEM(D1,i,j) != NULL)
1208             MATELEM(D,i,j) = p_PermPoly(MATELEM(D1,i,j), perm1, R1, sum, nMap1, par_perm1, rPar(R1));
1209         }
1211       id_Test((ideal)C, sum);
1212       id_Test((ideal)D, sum);
1215       nMapFunc nMap2 = n_SetMap(R2->cf,sum->cf); /* can change something global: not usable
1216                                                     after the next nSetMap call :( */
1217       for (i=1; i<= rVar(R2); i++)
1218         for (j=i+1; j<=rVar(R2); j++)
1219         {
1220           assume(MATELEM(C2,i,j) != NULL);
1221           MATELEM(C,rVar(R1)+i,rVar(R1)+j) = p_PermPoly(MATELEM(C2,i,j),perm2,R2,sum, nMap2,par_perm2,rPar(R2));
1223           if (MATELEM(D2,i,j) != NULL)
1224             MATELEM(D,rVar(R1)+i,rVar(R1)+j) = p_PermPoly(MATELEM(D2,i,j),perm2,R2,sum, nMap2,par_perm2,rPar(R2));
1225         }
1227       id_Test((ideal)C, sum);
1228       id_Test((ideal)D, sum);
1230       // Now sum is non-commutative with blocked structure constants!
1231       if (nc_CallPlural(C, D, NULL, NULL, sum, false, false, true, sum))
1232         WarnS("Error initializing non-commutative multiplication!");
1234       /* delete R1, R2*/
1236 #if 0
1237 #ifdef RDEBUG
1238       rWrite(sum);
1239       rDebugPrint(sum);
1241       Print("\nRefs: R1: %d, R2: %d\n", R1->GetNC()->ref, R2->GetNC()->ref);
1243 #endif
1244 #endif
1247       rDelete(R1);
1248       rDelete(R2);
1250       /* delete perm arrays */
1251       if (perm1!=NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)perm1);
1252       if (perm2!=NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)perm2);
1253       if (par_perm1!=NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)par_perm1);
1254       if (par_perm2!=NULL) omFree((ADDRESS)par_perm2);
1256 //      rChangeCurrRing(old_ring);
1257     }
1259   }
1260 #endif
1262   ideal Q=NULL;
1263   ideal Q1=NULL, Q2=NULL;
1264   if (r1->qideal!=NULL)
1265   {
1266 //    rChangeCurrRing(sum);
1267 //     if (r2->qideal!=NULL)
1268 //     {
1269 //       WerrorS("todo: qring+qring");
1270 //       return -1;
1271 //     }
1272 //     else
1273 //     {}
1274     /* these were defined in the Plural Part above... */
1275     int *perm1 = (int *)omAlloc0((rVar(r1)+1)*sizeof(int));
1276     int *par_perm1 = NULL;
1277     if (rPar(r1)!=0) par_perm1=(int *)omAlloc0((rPar(r1)+1)*sizeof(int));
1278     maFindPerm(r1->names,  rVar(r1),  rParameter(r1),  rPar(r1),
1279                sum->names, rVar(sum), rParameter(sum), rPar(sum),
1280                perm1, par_perm1, sum->cf->type);
1281     nMapFunc nMap1 = n_SetMap(r1->cf,sum->cf);
1282     Q1 = idInit(IDELEMS(r1->qideal),1);
1284     for (int for_i=0;for_i<IDELEMS(r1->qideal);for_i++)
1285       Q1->m[for_i] = p_PermPoly(
1286                                 r1->qideal->m[for_i], perm1,
1287                                 r1, sum,
1288                                 nMap1,
1289                                 par_perm1, rPar(r1));
1291     omFree((ADDRESS)perm1);
1292   }
1294   if (r2->qideal!=NULL)
1295   {
1296     //if (currRing!=sum)
1297     //  rChangeCurrRing(sum);
1298     int *perm2 = (int *)omAlloc0((rVar(r2)+1)*sizeof(int));
1299     int *par_perm2 = NULL;
1300     if (rPar(r2)!=0) par_perm2=(int *)omAlloc0((rPar(r2)+1)*sizeof(int));
1301     maFindPerm(r2->names,  rVar(r2),  rParameter(r2),  rPar(r2),
1302                sum->names, rVar(sum), rParameter(sum), rPar(sum),
1303                perm2, par_perm2, sum->cf->type);
1304     nMapFunc nMap2 = n_SetMap(r2->cf,sum->cf);
1305     Q2 = idInit(IDELEMS(r2->qideal),1);
1307     for (int for_i=0;for_i<IDELEMS(r2->qideal);for_i++)
1308       Q2->m[for_i] = p_PermPoly(
1309                   r2->qideal->m[for_i], perm2,
1310                   r2, sum,
1311                   nMap2,
1312                   par_perm2, rPar(r2));
1314     omFree((ADDRESS)perm2);
1315   }
1316   if (Q1!=NULL)
1317   {
1318     if ( Q2!=NULL)
1319       Q = id_SimpleAdd(Q1,Q2,sum);
1320     else
1321       Q=id_Copy(Q1,sum);
1322   }
1323   else
1324   {
1325     if ( Q2!=NULL)
1326       Q = id_Copy(Q2,sum);
1327     else
1328       Q=NULL;
1329   }
1330   sum->qideal = Q;
1332 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
1333   if( rIsPluralRing(sum) )
1334     nc_SetupQuotient( sum );
1335 #endif
1336   return 1;
1337 }
1339 /*2
1340  *returns -1 for not compatible, (sum is undefined)
1341  *         0 for equal, (and sum)
1342  *         1 for compatible (and sum)
1343  */
rSum(ring r1,ring r2,ring & sum)1344 int rSum(ring r1, ring r2, ring &sum)
1345 {
1346   if ((r1==NULL)||(r2==NULL)
1347   ||(r1->cf==NULL)||(r2->cf==NULL))
1348     return -1;
1349   if (r1==r2)
1350   {
1351     sum=r1;
1352     rIncRefCnt(r1);
1353     return 0;
1354   }
1355   return rSumInternal(r1,r2,sum,TRUE,FALSE);
1356 }
1358 /*2
1359  * create a copy of the ring r
1360  * used for qring definition,..
1361  * DOES NOT CALL rComplete
1362  */
rCopy0(const ring r,BOOLEAN copy_qideal,BOOLEAN copy_ordering)1363 ring rCopy0(const ring r, BOOLEAN copy_qideal, BOOLEAN copy_ordering)
1364 {
1365   if (r == NULL) return NULL;
1366   int i,j;
1367   ring res=(ring)omAlloc0Bin(sip_sring_bin);
1368   //memset: res->idroot=NULL; /* local objects */
1369   //ideal      minideal;
1370   res->options=r->options; /* ring dependent options */
1372   //memset: res->ordsgn=NULL;
1373   //memset: res->typ=NULL;
1374   //memset: res->VarOffset=NULL;
1375   //memset: res->firstwv=NULL;
1377   //struct omBin   PolyBin; /* Bin from where monoms are allocated */
1378   //memset: res->PolyBin=NULL; // rComplete
1379   res->cf=nCopyCoeff(r->cf);     /* coeffs */
1381   //memset: res->ref=0; /* reference counter to the ring */
1383   res->N=rVar(r);      /* number of vars */
1385   res->firstBlockEnds=r->firstBlockEnds;
1386 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
1387   res->real_var_start=r->real_var_start;
1388   res->real_var_end=r->real_var_end;
1389 #endif
1391 #ifdef HAVE_SHIFTBBA
1392   res->isLPring=r->isLPring; /* 0 for non-letterplace rings, otherwise the number of LP blocks, at least 1, known also as lV */
1393   res->LPncGenCount=r->LPncGenCount;
1394 #endif
1396   res->VectorOut=r->VectorOut;
1397   res->ShortOut=r->ShortOut;
1398   res->CanShortOut=r->CanShortOut;
1400   //memset: res->ExpL_Size=0;
1401   //memset: res->CmpL_Size=0;
1402   //memset: res->VarL_Size=0;
1403   //memset: res->pCompIndex=0;
1404   //memset: res->pOrdIndex=0;
1405   //memset: res->OrdSize=0;
1406   //memset: res->VarL_LowIndex=0;
1407   //memset: res->NegWeightL_Size=0;
1408   //memset: res->NegWeightL_Offset=NULL;
1409   //memset: res->VarL_Offset=NULL;
1411   // the following are set by rComplete unless predefined
1412   // therefore, we copy these values: maybe they are non-standard
1413   /* mask for getting single exponents */
1414   res->bitmask=r->bitmask;
1415   res->divmask=r->divmask;
1416   res->BitsPerExp = r->BitsPerExp;
1417   res->ExpPerLong =  r->ExpPerLong;
1419   //memset: res->p_Procs=NULL;
1420   //memset: res->pFDeg=NULL;
1421   //memset: res->pLDeg=NULL;
1422   //memset: res->pFDegOrig=NULL;
1423   //memset: res->pLDegOrig=NULL;
1424   //memset: res->p_Setm=NULL;
1425   //memset: res->cf=NULL;
1427 /*
1428   if (r->extRing!=NULL)
1429     r->extRing->ref++;
1431   res->extRing=r->extRing;
1432   //memset: res->qideal=NULL;
1433 */
1436   if (copy_ordering == TRUE)
1437   {
1438     res->LexOrder=r->LexOrder; // TRUE if the monomial ordering has polynomial and power series blocks
1439     res->MixedOrder=r->MixedOrder; // TRUE for mixed (global/local) ordering, FALSE otherwise,
1440     i=rBlocks(r);
1441     res->wvhdl   = (int **)omAlloc(i * sizeof(int *));
1442     res->order   = (rRingOrder_t *) omAlloc(i * sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
1443     res->block0  = (int *) omAlloc(i * sizeof(int));
1444     res->block1  = (int *) omAlloc(i * sizeof(int));
1445     for (j=0; j<i; j++)
1446     {
1447       if (r->wvhdl[j]!=NULL)
1448       {
1449         res->wvhdl[j] = (int*) omMemDup(r->wvhdl[j]);
1450       }
1451       else
1452         res->wvhdl[j]=NULL;
1453     }
1454     memcpy(res->order,r->order,i * sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
1455     memcpy(res->block0,r->block0,i * sizeof(int));
1456     memcpy(res->block1,r->block1,i * sizeof(int));
1457   }
1458   //memset: else
1459   //memset: {
1460   //memset:   res->wvhdl = NULL;
1461   //memset:   res->order = NULL;
1462   //memset:   res->block0 = NULL;
1463   //memset:   res->block1 = NULL;
1464   //memset: }
1466   res->names   = (char **)omAlloc0(rVar(r) * sizeof(char *));
1467   for (i=0; i<rVar(res); i++)
1468   {
1469     res->names[i] = omStrDup(r->names[i]);
1470   }
1471   if (r->qideal!=NULL)
1472   {
1473     if (copy_qideal)
1474     {
1475       assume(copy_ordering);
1476       rComplete(res);
1477       res->qideal= idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal, r, res);
1478       rUnComplete(res);
1479     }
1480     //memset: else res->qideal = NULL;
1481   }
1482   //memset: else res->qideal = NULL;
1483   //memset: res->GetNC() = NULL; // copy is purely commutative!!!
1484   return res;
1485 }
1487 /*2
1488  * create a copy of the ring r
1489  * used for qring definition,..
1490  * DOES NOT CALL rComplete
1491  */
rCopy0AndAddA(const ring r,int64vec * wv64,BOOLEAN copy_qideal,BOOLEAN copy_ordering)1492 ring rCopy0AndAddA(const ring r,  int64vec *wv64, BOOLEAN copy_qideal, BOOLEAN copy_ordering)
1493 {
1494   if (r == NULL) return NULL;
1495   int i,j;
1496   ring res=(ring)omAlloc0Bin(sip_sring_bin);
1497   //memcpy(res,r,sizeof(ip_sring));
1498   //memset: res->idroot=NULL; /* local objects */
1499   //ideal      minideal;
1500   res->options=r->options; /* ring dependent options */
1502   //memset: res->ordsgn=NULL;
1503   //memset: res->typ=NULL;
1504   //memset: res->VarOffset=NULL;
1505   //memset: res->firstwv=NULL;
1507   //struct omBin   PolyBin; /* Bin from where monoms are allocated */
1508   //memset: res->PolyBin=NULL; // rComplete
1509   res->cf=nCopyCoeff(r->cf);     /* coeffs */
1511   //memset: res->ref=0; /* reference counter to the ring */
1513   res->N=rVar(r);      /* number of vars */
1515   res->firstBlockEnds=r->firstBlockEnds;
1516 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
1517   res->real_var_start=r->real_var_start;
1518   res->real_var_end=r->real_var_end;
1519 #endif
1521 #ifdef HAVE_SHIFTBBA
1522   res->isLPring=r->isLPring; /* 0 for non-letterplace rings, otherwise the number of LP blocks, at least 1, known also as lV */
1523   res->LPncGenCount=r->LPncGenCount;
1524 #endif
1526   res->VectorOut=r->VectorOut;
1527   res->ShortOut=r->ShortOut;
1528   res->CanShortOut=r->CanShortOut;
1529   res->LexOrder=r->LexOrder; // TRUE if the monomial ordering has polynomial and power series blocks
1530   res->MixedOrder=r->MixedOrder; // TRUE for mixed (global/local) ordering, FALSE otherwise,
1532   //memset: res->ExpL_Size=0;
1533   //memset: res->CmpL_Size=0;
1534   //memset: res->VarL_Size=0;
1535   //memset: res->pCompIndex=0;
1536   //memset: res->pOrdIndex=0;
1537   //memset: res->OrdSize=0;
1538   //memset: res->VarL_LowIndex=0;
1539   //memset: res->NegWeightL_Size=0;
1540   //memset: res->NegWeightL_Offset=NULL;
1541   //memset: res->VarL_Offset=NULL;
1543   // the following are set by rComplete unless predefined
1544   // therefore, we copy these values: maybe they are non-standard
1545   /* mask for getting single exponents */
1546   res->bitmask=r->bitmask;
1547   res->divmask=r->divmask;
1548   res->BitsPerExp = r->BitsPerExp;
1549   res->ExpPerLong =  r->ExpPerLong;
1551   //memset: res->p_Procs=NULL;
1552   //memset: res->pFDeg=NULL;
1553   //memset: res->pLDeg=NULL;
1554   //memset: res->pFDegOrig=NULL;
1555   //memset: res->pLDegOrig=NULL;
1556   //memset: res->p_Setm=NULL;
1557   //memset: res->cf=NULL;
1559 /*
1560   if (r->extRing!=NULL)
1561     r->extRing->ref++;
1563   res->extRing=r->extRing;
1564   //memset: res->qideal=NULL;
1565 */
1568   if (copy_ordering == TRUE)
1569   {
1570     i=rBlocks(r)+1; // DIFF to rCopy0
1571     res->wvhdl   = (int **)omAlloc(i * sizeof(int *));
1572     res->order   = (rRingOrder_t *) omAlloc(i * sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
1573     res->block0  = (int *) omAlloc(i * sizeof(int));
1574     res->block1  = (int *) omAlloc(i * sizeof(int));
1575     for (j=0; j<i-1; j++)
1576     {
1577       if (r->wvhdl[j]!=NULL)
1578       {
1579         res->wvhdl[j+1] = (int*) omMemDup(r->wvhdl[j]); //DIFF
1580       }
1581       else
1582         res->wvhdl[j+1]=NULL; //DIFF
1583     }
1584     memcpy(&(res->order[1]),r->order,(i-1) * sizeof(rRingOrder_t)); //DIFF
1585     memcpy(&(res->block0[1]),r->block0,(i-1) * sizeof(int)); //DIFF
1586     memcpy(&(res->block1[1]),r->block1,(i-1) * sizeof(int)); //DIFF
1587   }
1588   //memset: else
1589   //memset: {
1590   //memset:   res->wvhdl = NULL;
1591   //memset:   res->order = NULL;
1592   //memset:   res->block0 = NULL;
1593   //memset:   res->block1 = NULL;
1594   //memset: }
1596   //the added A
1597   res->order[0]=ringorder_a64;
1598   int length=wv64->rows();
1599   int64 *A=(int64 *)omAlloc(length*sizeof(int64));
1600   for(j=length-1;j>=0;j--)
1601   {
1602      A[j]=(*wv64)[j];
1603   }
1604   res->wvhdl[0]=(int *)A;
1605   res->block0[0]=1;
1606   res->block1[0]=length;
1607   //
1609   res->names   = (char **)omAlloc0(rVar(r) * sizeof(char *));
1610   for (i=0; i<rVar(res); i++)
1611   {
1612     res->names[i] = omStrDup(r->names[i]);
1613   }
1614   if (r->qideal!=NULL)
1615   {
1616     if (copy_qideal)
1617     {
1618       #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
1619       if (!copy_ordering)
1620         WerrorS("internal error: rCopy0(Q,TRUE,FALSE)");
1621       else
1622       #endif
1623       {
1624       #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
1625         WarnS("internal bad stuff: rCopy0(Q,TRUE,TRUE)");
1626       #endif
1627         rComplete(res);
1628         res->qideal= idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal, r, res);
1629         rUnComplete(res);
1630       }
1631     }
1632     //memset: else res->qideal = NULL;
1633   }
1634   //memset: else res->qideal = NULL;
1635   //memset: res->GetNC() = NULL; // copy is purely commutative!!!
1636   return res;
1637 }
1639 /*2
1640  * create a copy of the ring r, which must be equivalent to currRing
1641  * used for qring definition,..
1642  * (i.e.: normal rings: same nCopy as currRing;
1643  *        qring:        same nCopy, same idCopy as currRing)
1644  */
rCopy(ring r)1645 ring rCopy(ring r)
1646 {
1647   if (r == NULL) return NULL;
1648   ring res=rCopy0(r,FALSE,TRUE);
1649   rComplete(res, 1); // res is purely commutative so far
1650   if (r->qideal!=NULL) res->qideal=idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal, r, res);
1652 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
1653   if (rIsPluralRing(r))
1654     if( nc_rCopy(res, r, true) ) {}
1655 #endif
1657   return res;
1658 }
rEqual(ring r1,ring r2,BOOLEAN qr)1660 BOOLEAN rEqual(ring r1, ring r2, BOOLEAN qr)
1661 {
1662   if (r1 == r2) return TRUE;
1663   if (r1 == NULL || r2 == NULL) return FALSE;
1664   if (r1->cf!=r2->cf) return FALSE;
1665   if (rVar(r1)!=rVar(r2)) return FALSE;
1666   if (r1->bitmask!=r2->bitmask) return FALSE;
1667   #ifdef HAVE_SHIFTBBA
1668   if (r1->isLPring!=r2->isLPring) return FALSE;
1669   if (r1->LPncGenCount!=r2->LPncGenCount) return FALSE;
1670   #endif
1672   if( !rSamePolyRep(r1, r2) )
1673     return FALSE;
1675   int i/*, j*/;
1677   for (i=0; i<rVar(r1); i++)
1678   {
1679     if ((r1->names[i] != NULL) && (r2->names[i] != NULL))
1680     {
1681       if (strcmp(r1->names[i], r2->names[i])) return FALSE;
1682     }
1683     else if ((r1->names[i] != NULL) ^ (r2->names[i] != NULL))
1684     {
1685       return FALSE;
1686     }
1687   }
1689   if (qr)
1690   {
1691     if (r1->qideal != NULL)
1692     {
1693       ideal id1 = r1->qideal, id2 = r2->qideal;
1694       int i, n;
1695       poly *m1, *m2;
1697       if (id2 == NULL) return FALSE;
1698       if ((n = IDELEMS(id1)) != IDELEMS(id2)) return FALSE;
1700       {
1701         m1 = id1->m;
1702         m2 = id2->m;
1703         for (i=0; i<n; i++)
1704           if (! p_EqualPolys(m1[i],m2[i], r1, r2)) return FALSE;
1705       }
1706     }
1707     else if (r2->qideal != NULL) return FALSE;
1708   }
1710   return TRUE;
1711 }
rSamePolyRep(ring r1,ring r2)1713 BOOLEAN rSamePolyRep(ring r1, ring r2)
1714 {
1715   int i, j;
1717   if (r1 == r2) return TRUE;
1719   if (r1 == NULL || r2 == NULL) return FALSE;
1721   if ((r1->cf != r2->cf)
1722   || (rVar(r1) != rVar(r2))
1723   || (r1->OrdSgn != r2->OrdSgn))
1724     return FALSE;
1726   i=0;
1727   while (r1->order[i] != 0)
1728   {
1729     if (r2->order[i] == 0) return FALSE;
1730     if ((r1->order[i] != r2->order[i])
1731     || (r1->block0[i] != r2->block0[i])
1732     || (r1->block1[i] != r2->block1[i]))
1733       return FALSE;
1734     if (r1->wvhdl[i] != NULL)
1735     {
1736       if (r2->wvhdl[i] == NULL)
1737         return FALSE;
1738       for (j=0; j<r1->block1[i]-r1->block0[i]+1; j++)
1739         if (r2->wvhdl[i][j] != r1->wvhdl[i][j])
1740           return FALSE;
1741     }
1742     else if (r2->wvhdl[i] != NULL) return FALSE;
1743     i++;
1744   }
1745   if (r2->order[i] != 0) return FALSE;
1747   // we do not check variable names
1748   // we do not check minpoly/minideal
1749   // we do not check qideal
1751   return TRUE;
1752 }
rGetOrderType(ring r)1754 rOrderType_t rGetOrderType(ring r)
1755 {
1756   // check for simple ordering
1757   if (rHasSimpleOrder(r))
1758   {
1759     if ((r->order[1] == ringorder_c)
1760     || (r->order[1] == ringorder_C))
1761     {
1762       switch(r->order[0])
1763       {
1764           case ringorder_dp:
1765           case ringorder_wp:
1766           case ringorder_ds:
1767           case ringorder_ws:
1768           case ringorder_ls:
1769           case ringorder_unspec:
1770             if (r->order[1] == ringorder_C
1771             ||  r->order[0] == ringorder_unspec)
1772               return rOrderType_ExpComp;
1773             return rOrderType_Exp;
1775           default:
1776             assume(r->order[0] == ringorder_lp ||
1777                    r->order[0] == ringorder_rs ||
1778                    r->order[0] == ringorder_Dp ||
1779                    r->order[0] == ringorder_Wp ||
1780                    r->order[0] == ringorder_Ds ||
1781                    r->order[0] == ringorder_Ws);
1783             if (r->order[1] == ringorder_c) return rOrderType_ExpComp;
1784             return rOrderType_Exp;
1785       }
1786     }
1787     else
1788     {
1789       assume((r->order[0]==ringorder_c)||(r->order[0]==ringorder_C));
1790       return rOrderType_CompExp;
1791     }
1792   }
1793   else
1794     return rOrderType_General;
1795 }
rHas_c_Ordering(const ring r)1797 BOOLEAN rHas_c_Ordering(const ring r)
1798 {
1799   return (r->order[0] == ringorder_c);
1800 }
rHasSimpleOrder(const ring r)1801 BOOLEAN rHasSimpleOrder(const ring r)
1802 {
1803   if (r->order[0] == ringorder_unspec) return TRUE;
1804   int blocks = rBlocks(r) - 1;
1805   assume(blocks >= 1);
1806   if (blocks == 1) return TRUE;
1808   int s = 0;
1809   while( (s < blocks) && (r->order[s] == ringorder_IS) && (r->order[blocks-1] == ringorder_IS) )
1810   {
1811     s++;
1812     blocks--;
1813   }
1815   if ((blocks - s) > 2)  return FALSE;
1817   assume( blocks == s + 2 );
1819   if (
1820      (r->order[s] != ringorder_c)
1821   && (r->order[s] != ringorder_C)
1822   && (r->order[s+1] != ringorder_c)
1823   && (r->order[s+1] != ringorder_C)
1824      )
1825     return FALSE;
1826   if ((r->order[s+1] == ringorder_M)
1827   || (r->order[s] == ringorder_M))
1828     return FALSE;
1829   return TRUE;
1830 }
1832 // returns TRUE, if simple lp or ls ordering
rHasSimpleLexOrder(const ring r)1833 BOOLEAN rHasSimpleLexOrder(const ring r)
1834 {
1835   return rHasSimpleOrder(r) &&
1836     (r->order[0] == ringorder_ls ||
1837      r->order[0] == ringorder_lp ||
1838      r->order[1] == ringorder_ls ||
1839      r->order[1] == ringorder_lp);
1840 }
rOrder_is_DegOrdering(const rRingOrder_t order)1842 BOOLEAN rOrder_is_DegOrdering(const rRingOrder_t order)
1843 {
1844   switch(order)
1845   {
1846       case ringorder_dp:
1847       case ringorder_Dp:
1848       case ringorder_ds:
1849       case ringorder_Ds:
1850       case ringorder_Ws:
1851       case ringorder_Wp:
1852       case ringorder_ws:
1853       case ringorder_wp:
1854         return TRUE;
1856       default:
1857         return FALSE;
1858   }
1859 }
rOrder_is_WeightedOrdering(rRingOrder_t order)1861 BOOLEAN rOrder_is_WeightedOrdering(rRingOrder_t order)
1862 {
1863   switch(order)
1864   {
1865       case ringorder_Ws:
1866       case ringorder_Wp:
1867       case ringorder_ws:
1868       case ringorder_wp:
1869         return TRUE;
1871       default:
1872         return FALSE;
1873   }
1874 }
rHasSimpleOrderAA(ring r)1876 BOOLEAN rHasSimpleOrderAA(ring r)
1877 {
1878   if (r->order[0] == ringorder_unspec) return TRUE;
1879   int blocks = rBlocks(r) - 1;
1880   assume(blocks >= 1);
1881   if (blocks == 1) return TRUE;
1883   int s = 0;
1884   while( (s < blocks) && (r->order[s] == ringorder_IS) && (r->order[blocks-1] == ringorder_IS) )
1885   {
1886     s++;
1887     blocks--;
1888   }
1890   if ((blocks - s) > 3)  return FALSE;
1892 //  if ((blocks > 3) || (blocks < 2)) return FALSE;
1893   if ((blocks - s) == 3)
1894   {
1895     return (((r->order[s] == ringorder_aa) && (r->order[s+1] != ringorder_M) &&
1896              ((r->order[s+2] == ringorder_c) || (r->order[s+2] == ringorder_C))) ||
1897             (((r->order[s] == ringorder_c) || (r->order[s] == ringorder_C)) &&
1898              (r->order[s+1] == ringorder_aa) && (r->order[s+2] != ringorder_M)));
1899   }
1900   else
1901   {
1902     return ((r->order[s] == ringorder_aa) && (r->order[s+1] != ringorder_M));
1903   }
1904 }
1906 // return TRUE if p_SetComp requires p_Setm
rOrd_SetCompRequiresSetm(const ring r)1907 BOOLEAN rOrd_SetCompRequiresSetm(const ring r)
1908 {
1909   if (r->typ != NULL)
1910   {
1911     int pos;
1912     for (pos=0;pos<r->OrdSize;pos++)
1913     {
1914       sro_ord* o=&(r->typ[pos]);
1915       if (   (o->ord_typ == ro_syzcomp)
1916           || (o->ord_typ == ro_syz)
1917           || (o->ord_typ == ro_is)
1918           || (o->ord_typ == ro_am)
1919           || (o->ord_typ == ro_isTemp))
1920         return TRUE;
1921     }
1922   }
1923   return FALSE;
1924 }
1926 // return TRUE if p->exp[r->pOrdIndex] holds total degree of p */
rOrd_is_Totaldegree_Ordering(const ring r)1927 BOOLEAN rOrd_is_Totaldegree_Ordering(const ring r)
1928 {
1929   // Hmm.... what about Syz orderings?
1930   return (rVar(r) > 1 &&
1931           ((rHasSimpleOrder(r) &&
1932            (rOrder_is_DegOrdering((rRingOrder_t)r->order[0]) ||
1933             rOrder_is_DegOrdering(( rRingOrder_t)r->order[1]))) ||
1934            (rHasSimpleOrderAA(r) &&
1935             (rOrder_is_DegOrdering((rRingOrder_t)r->order[1]) ||
1936             ((r->order[1]!=0) &&
1937              rOrder_is_DegOrdering((rRingOrder_t)r->order[2]))))));
1938 }
1940 // return TRUE if p->exp[r->pOrdIndex] holds a weighted degree of p */
rOrd_is_WeightedDegree_Ordering(const ring r)1941 BOOLEAN rOrd_is_WeightedDegree_Ordering(const ring r )
1942 {
1943   // Hmm.... what about Syz orderings?
1944   return ((rVar(r) > 1) &&
1945           rHasSimpleOrder(r) &&
1946           (rOrder_is_WeightedOrdering((rRingOrder_t)r->order[0]) ||
1947            rOrder_is_WeightedOrdering(( rRingOrder_t)r->order[1])));
1948 }
rIsPolyVar(int v,const ring r)1950 BOOLEAN rIsPolyVar(int v,const ring r)
1951 {
1952   int  i=0;
1953   while(r->order[i]!=0)
1954   {
1955     if((r->block0[i]<=v)
1956     && (r->block1[i]>=v))
1957     {
1958       switch(r->order[i])
1959       {
1960         case ringorder_a:
1961           return (r->wvhdl[i][v-r->block0[i]]>0);
1962         case ringorder_M:
1963           return 2; /*don't know*/
1964         case ringorder_a64: /* assume: all weight are non-negative!*/
1965         case ringorder_lp:
1966         case ringorder_rs:
1967         case ringorder_dp:
1968         case ringorder_Dp:
1969         case ringorder_wp:
1970         case ringorder_Wp:
1971           return TRUE;
1972         case ringorder_ls:
1973         case ringorder_ds:
1974         case ringorder_Ds:
1975         case ringorder_ws:
1976         case ringorder_Ws:
1977           return FALSE;
1978         default:
1979           break;
1980       }
1981     }
1982     i++;
1983   }
1984   return 3; /* could not find var v*/
1985 }
1987 #ifdef RDEBUG
1988 // This should eventually become a full-fledge ring check, like pTest
rDBTest(ring r,const char * fn,const int l)1989 BOOLEAN rDBTest(ring r, const char* fn, const int l)
1990 {
1991   int i,j;
1993   if (r == NULL)
1994   {
1995     dReportError("Null ring in %s:%d", fn, l);
1996     return FALSE;
1997   }
2000   if (r->N == 0) return TRUE;
2002   if ((r->OrdSgn!=1) && (r->OrdSgn!= -1))
2003   {
2004     dReportError("missing OrdSgn in %s:%d", fn, l);
2005     return FALSE;
2006   }
2008 //  omCheckAddrSize(r,sizeof(ip_sring));
2009 #if OM_CHECK > 0
2010   i=rBlocks(r);
2011   omCheckAddrSize(r->order,i*sizeof(int));
2012   omCheckAddrSize(r->block0,i*sizeof(int));
2013   omCheckAddrSize(r->block1,i*sizeof(int));
2014   for(int j=0;j<=i;j++)
2015   {
2016     if((r->order[j]<0)||(r->order[j]>ringorder_unspec))
2017       dError("wrong order in r->order");
2018   }
2019   if (r->wvhdl!=NULL)
2020   {
2021     omCheckAddrSize(r->wvhdl,i*sizeof(int *));
2022     for (j=0;j<i; j++)
2023     {
2024       if (r->wvhdl[j] != NULL) omCheckAddr(r->wvhdl[j]);
2025     }
2026   }
2027 #endif
2028   if (r->VarOffset == NULL)
2029   {
2030     dReportError("Null ring VarOffset -- no rComplete (?) in n %s:%d", fn, l);
2031     return FALSE;
2032   }
2033   omCheckAddrSize(r->VarOffset,(r->N+1)*sizeof(int));
2035   if ((r->OrdSize==0)!=(r->typ==NULL))
2036   {
2037     dReportError("mismatch OrdSize and typ-pointer in %s:%d");
2038     return FALSE;
2039   }
2040   omcheckAddrSize(r->typ,r->OrdSize*sizeof(*(r->typ)));
2041   omCheckAddrSize(r->VarOffset,(r->N+1)*sizeof(*(r->VarOffset)));
2042   // test assumptions:
2043   for(i=0;i<=r->N;i++) // for all variables (i = 0..N)
2044   {
2045     if(r->typ!=NULL)
2046     {
2047       for(j=0;j<r->OrdSize;j++) // for all ordering blocks (j =0..OrdSize-1)
2048       {
2049         if(r->typ[j].ord_typ == ro_isTemp)
2050         {
2051           const int p = r->typ[j].data.isTemp.suffixpos;
2053           if(p <= j)
2054             dReportError("ordrec prefix %d is unmatched",j);
2056           assume( p < r->OrdSize );
2058           if(r->typ[p].ord_typ != ro_is)
2059             dReportError("ordrec prefix %d is unmatched (suffix: %d is wrong!!!)",j, p);
2061           // Skip all intermediate blocks for undone variables:
2062           if(r->typ[j].data.isTemp.pVarOffset[i] != -1) // Check i^th variable
2063           {
2064             j = p - 1; // SKIP ALL INTERNAL BLOCKS...???
2065             continue; // To make for check OrdSize bound...
2066           }
2067         }
2068         else if (r->typ[j].ord_typ == ro_is)
2069         {
2070           // Skip all intermediate blocks for undone variables:
2071           if(r->typ[j].data.is.pVarOffset[i] != -1)
2072           {
2073             // TODO???
2074           }
2076         }
2077         else
2078         {
2079           if (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_cp)
2080           {
2081             if(((short)r->VarOffset[i]) == r->typ[j].data.cp.place)
2082               dReportError("ordrec %d conflicts with var %d",j,i);
2083           }
2084           else
2085             if ((r->typ[j].ord_typ!=ro_syzcomp)
2086             && (r->VarOffset[i] == r->typ[j].data.dp.place))
2087               dReportError("ordrec %d conflicts with var %d",j,i);
2088         }
2089       }
2090     }
2091     int tmp;
2092       tmp=r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff;
2093       #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
2094         if ((r->VarOffset[i] >> 24) >63)
2095       #else
2096         if ((r->VarOffset[i] >> 24) >31)
2097       #endif
2098           dReportError("bit_start out of range:%d",r->VarOffset[i] >> 24);
2099       if (i > 0 && ((tmp<0) ||(tmp>r->ExpL_Size-1)))
2100       {
2101         dReportError("varoffset out of range for var %d: %d",i,tmp);
2102       }
2103   }
2104   if(r->typ!=NULL)
2105   {
2106     for(j=0;j<r->OrdSize;j++)
2107     {
2108       if ((r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_dp)
2109       || (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_wp)
2110       || (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_wp_neg))
2111       {
2112         if (r->typ[j].data.dp.start > r->typ[j].data.dp.end)
2113           dReportError("in ordrec %d: start(%d) > end(%d)",j,
2114             r->typ[j].data.dp.start, r->typ[j].data.dp.end);
2115         if ((r->typ[j].data.dp.start < 1)
2116         || (r->typ[j].data.dp.end > r->N))
2117           dReportError("in ordrec %d: start(%d)<1 or end(%d)>vars(%d)",j,
2118             r->typ[j].data.dp.start, r->typ[j].data.dp.end,r->N);
2119       }
2120     }
2121   }
2123   assume(r != NULL);
2124   assume(r->cf != NULL);
2126   if (nCoeff_is_algExt(r->cf))
2127   {
2128     assume(r->cf->extRing != NULL);
2129     assume(r->cf->extRing->qideal != NULL);
2130     omCheckAddr(r->cf->extRing->qideal->m[0]);
2131   }
2133   //assume(r->cf!=NULL);
2135   return TRUE;
2136 }
2137 #endif
rO_Align(int & place,int & bitplace)2139 static void rO_Align(int &place, int &bitplace)
2140 {
2141   // increment place to the next aligned one
2142   // (count as Exponent_t,align as longs)
2143   if (bitplace!=BITS_PER_LONG)
2144   {
2145     place++;
2146     bitplace=BITS_PER_LONG;
2147   }
2148 }
rO_TDegree(int & place,int & bitplace,int start,int end,long * o,sro_ord & ord_struct)2150 static void rO_TDegree(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end,
2151     long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct)
2152 {
2153   // degree (aligned) of variables v_start..v_end, ordsgn 1
2154   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2155   ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_dp;
2156   ord_struct.data.dp.start=start;
2157   ord_struct.data.dp.end=end;
2158   ord_struct.data.dp.place=place;
2159   o[place]=1;
2160   place++;
2161   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2162 }
rO_TDegree_neg(int & place,int & bitplace,int start,int end,long * o,sro_ord & ord_struct)2164 static void rO_TDegree_neg(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end,
2165     long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct)
2166 {
2167   // degree (aligned) of variables v_start..v_end, ordsgn -1
2168   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2169   ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_dp;
2170   ord_struct.data.dp.start=start;
2171   ord_struct.data.dp.end=end;
2172   ord_struct.data.dp.place=place;
2173   o[place]=-1;
2174   place++;
2175   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2176 }
rO_WDegree(int & place,int & bitplace,int start,int end,long * o,sro_ord & ord_struct,int * weights)2178 static void rO_WDegree(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end,
2179     long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct, int *weights)
2180 {
2181   // weighted degree (aligned) of variables v_start..v_end, ordsgn 1
2182   while((start<end) && (weights[0]==0)) { start++; weights++; }
2183   while((start<end) && (weights[end-start]==0)) { end--; }
2184   int i;
2185   int pure_tdeg=1;
2186   for(i=start;i<=end;i++)
2187   {
2188     if(weights[i-start]!=1)
2189     {
2190       pure_tdeg=0;
2191       break;
2192     }
2193   }
2194   if (pure_tdeg)
2195   {
2196     rO_TDegree(place,bitplace,start,end,o,ord_struct);
2197     return;
2198   }
2199   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2200   ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_wp;
2201   ord_struct.data.wp.start=start;
2202   ord_struct.data.wp.end=end;
2203   ord_struct.data.wp.place=place;
2204   ord_struct.data.wp.weights=weights;
2205   o[place]=1;
2206   place++;
2207   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2208   for(i=start;i<=end;i++)
2209   {
2210     if(weights[i-start]<0)
2211     {
2212       ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_wp_neg;
2213       break;
2214     }
2215   }
2216 }
rO_WMDegree(int & place,int & bitplace,int start,int end,long * o,sro_ord & ord_struct,int * weights)2218 static void rO_WMDegree(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end,
2219     long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct, int *weights)
2220 {
2221   assume(weights != NULL);
2223   // weighted degree (aligned) of variables v_start..v_end, ordsgn 1
2224 //  while((start<end) && (weights[0]==0)) { start++; weights++; }
2225 //  while((start<end) && (weights[end-start]==0)) { end--; }
2226   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2227   ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_am;
2228   ord_struct.data.am.start=start;
2229   ord_struct.data.am.end=end;
2230   ord_struct.data.am.place=place;
2231   ord_struct.data.am.weights=weights;
2232   ord_struct.data.am.weights_m = weights + (end-start+1);
2233   ord_struct.data.am.len_gen=weights[end-start+1];
2234   assume( ord_struct.data.am.weights_m[0] == ord_struct.data.am.len_gen );
2235   o[place]=1;
2236   place++;
2237   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2238 }
rO_WDegree64(int & place,int & bitplace,int start,int end,long * o,sro_ord & ord_struct,int64 * weights)2240 static void rO_WDegree64(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end,
2241     long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct, int64 *weights)
2242 {
2243   // weighted degree (aligned) of variables v_start..v_end, ordsgn 1,
2244   // reserved 2 places
2245   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2246   ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_wp64;
2247   ord_struct.data.wp64.start=start;
2248   ord_struct.data.wp64.end=end;
2249   ord_struct.data.wp64.place=place;
2250   ord_struct.data.wp64.weights64=weights;
2251   o[place]=1;
2252   place++;
2253   o[place]=1;
2254   place++;
2255   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2256 }
rO_WDegree_neg(int & place,int & bitplace,int start,int end,long * o,sro_ord & ord_struct,int * weights)2258 static void rO_WDegree_neg(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end,
2259     long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct, int *weights)
2260 {
2261   // weighted degree (aligned) of variables v_start..v_end, ordsgn -1
2262   while((start<end) && (weights[0]==0)) { start++; weights++; }
2263   while((start<end) && (weights[end-start]==0)) { end--; }
2264   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2265   ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_wp;
2266   ord_struct.data.wp.start=start;
2267   ord_struct.data.wp.end=end;
2268   ord_struct.data.wp.place=place;
2269   ord_struct.data.wp.weights=weights;
2270   o[place]=-1;
2271   place++;
2272   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2273   int i;
2274   for(i=start;i<=end;i++)
2275   {
2276     if(weights[i-start]<0)
2277     {
2278       ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_wp_neg;
2279       break;
2280     }
2281   }
2282 }
rO_LexVars(int & place,int & bitplace,int start,int end,int & prev_ord,long * o,int * v,int bits,int opt_var)2284 static void rO_LexVars(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end,
2285   int &prev_ord, long *o,int *v, int bits, int opt_var)
2286 {
2287   // a block of variables v_start..v_end with lex order, ordsgn 1
2288   int k;
2289   int incr=1;
2290   if(prev_ord==-1) rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2292   if (start>end)
2293   {
2294     incr=-1;
2295   }
2296   for(k=start;;k+=incr)
2297   {
2298     bitplace-=bits;
2299     if (bitplace < 0) { bitplace=BITS_PER_LONG-bits; place++; }
2300     o[place]=1;
2301     v[k]= place | (bitplace << 24);
2302     if (k==end) break;
2303   }
2304   prev_ord=1;
2305   if (opt_var!= -1)
2306   {
2307     assume((opt_var == end+1) ||(opt_var == end-1));
2308     if((opt_var != end+1) &&(opt_var != end-1)) WarnS("hier-2");
2309     int save_bitplace=bitplace;
2310     bitplace-=bits;
2311     if (bitplace < 0)
2312     {
2313       bitplace=save_bitplace;
2314       return;
2315     }
2316     // there is enough space for the optional var
2317     v[opt_var]=place | (bitplace << 24);
2318   }
2319 }
rO_LexVars_neg(int & place,int & bitplace,int start,int end,int & prev_ord,long * o,int * v,int bits,int opt_var)2321 static void rO_LexVars_neg(int &place, int &bitplace, int start, int end,
2322   int &prev_ord, long *o,int *v, int bits, int opt_var)
2323 {
2324   // a block of variables v_start..v_end with lex order, ordsgn -1
2325   int k;
2326   int incr=1;
2327   if(prev_ord==1) rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2329   if (start>end)
2330   {
2331     incr=-1;
2332   }
2333   for(k=start;;k+=incr)
2334   {
2335     bitplace-=bits;
2336     if (bitplace < 0) { bitplace=BITS_PER_LONG-bits; place++; }
2337     o[place]=-1;
2338     v[k]=place | (bitplace << 24);
2339     if (k==end) break;
2340   }
2341   prev_ord=-1;
2342 //  #if 0
2343   if (opt_var!= -1)
2344   {
2345     assume((opt_var == end+1) ||(opt_var == end-1));
2346     if((opt_var != end+1) &&(opt_var != end-1)) WarnS("hier-1");
2347     int save_bitplace=bitplace;
2348     bitplace-=bits;
2349     if (bitplace < 0)
2350     {
2351       bitplace=save_bitplace;
2352       return;
2353     }
2354     // there is enough space for the optional var
2355     v[opt_var]=place | (bitplace << 24);
2356   }
2357 //  #endif
2358 }
rO_Syzcomp(int & place,int & bitplace,int & prev_ord,long * o,sro_ord & ord_struct)2360 static void rO_Syzcomp(int &place, int &bitplace, int &prev_ord,
2361     long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct)
2362 {
2363   // ordering is derived from component number
2364   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2365   ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_syzcomp;
2366   ord_struct.data.syzcomp.place=place;
2367   ord_struct.data.syzcomp.Components=NULL;
2368   ord_struct.data.syzcomp.ShiftedComponents=NULL;
2369   o[place]=1;
2370   prev_ord=1;
2371   place++;
2372   rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2373 }
rO_Syz(int & place,int & bitplace,int & prev_ord,int syz_comp,long * o,sro_ord & ord_struct)2375 static void rO_Syz(int &place, int &bitplace, int &prev_ord,
2376     int syz_comp, long *o, sro_ord &ord_struct)
2377 {
2378   // ordering is derived from component number
2379   // let's reserve one Exponent_t for it
2380   if ((prev_ord== 1) || (bitplace!=BITS_PER_LONG))
2381     rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2382   ord_struct.ord_typ=ro_syz;
2383   ord_struct.data.syz.place=place;
2384   ord_struct.data.syz.limit=syz_comp;
2385   if (syz_comp>0)
2386     ord_struct.data.syz.syz_index = (int*) omAlloc0((syz_comp+1)*sizeof(int));
2387   else
2388     ord_struct.data.syz.syz_index = NULL;
2389   ord_struct.data.syz.curr_index = 1;
2390   o[place]= -1;
2391   prev_ord=-1;
2392   place++;
2393 }
2395 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
2396 # define MYTEST 0
2397 #else /* ifndef SING_NDEBUG */
2398 # define MYTEST 0
2399 #endif /* ifndef SING_NDEBUG */
rO_ISPrefix(int & place,int & bitplace,int & prev_ord,long * o,int,int * v,sro_ord & ord_struct)2401 static void rO_ISPrefix(int &place, int &bitplace, int &prev_ord,
2402     long *o, int /*N*/, int *v, sro_ord &ord_struct)
2403 {
2404   if ((prev_ord== 1) || (bitplace!=BITS_PER_LONG))
2405     rO_Align(place,bitplace);
2406   // since we add something afterwards - it's better to start with anew!?
2408   ord_struct.ord_typ = ro_isTemp;
2409   ord_struct.data.isTemp.start = place;
2410   ord_struct.data.isTemp.pVarOffset = (int *)omMemDup(v);
2411   ord_struct.data.isTemp.suffixpos = -1;
2413   // We will act as rO_Syz on our own!!!
2414   // Here we allocate an exponent as a level placeholder
2415   o[place]= -1;
2416   prev_ord=-1;
2417   place++;
2418 }
rO_ISSuffix(int & place,int & bitplace,int & prev_ord,long * o,int N,int * v,sro_ord * tmp_typ,int & typ_i,int sgn)2419 static void rO_ISSuffix(int &place, int &bitplace, int &prev_ord, long *o,
2420   int N, int *v, sro_ord *tmp_typ, int &typ_i, int sgn)
2421 {
2423   // Let's find previous prefix:
2424   int typ_j = typ_i - 1;
2425   while(typ_j >= 0)
2426   {
2427     if( tmp_typ[typ_j].ord_typ == ro_isTemp)
2428       break;
2429     typ_j --;
2430   }
2432   assume( typ_j >= 0 );
2434   if( typ_j < 0 ) // Found NO prefix!!! :(
2435     return;
2437   assume( tmp_typ[typ_j].ord_typ == ro_isTemp );
2439   // Get saved state:
2440   const int start = tmp_typ[typ_j].data.isTemp.start;
2441   int *pVarOffset = tmp_typ[typ_j].data.isTemp.pVarOffset;
2443 /*
2444   // shift up all blocks
2445   while(typ_j < (typ_i-1))
2446   {
2447     tmp_typ[typ_j] = tmp_typ[typ_j+1];
2448     typ_j++;
2449   }
2450   typ_j = typ_i - 1; // No increment for typ_i
2451 */
2452   tmp_typ[typ_j].data.isTemp.suffixpos = typ_i;
2454   // Let's keep that dummy for now...
2455   typ_j = typ_i; // the typ to change!
2456   typ_i++; // Just for now...
2459   for( int i = 0; i <= N; i++ ) // Note [0] == component !!! No Skip?
2460   {
2461     // Was i-th variable allocated inbetween?
2462     if( v[i] != pVarOffset[i] )
2463     {
2464       pVarOffset[i] = v[i]; // Save for later...
2465       v[i] = -1; // Undo!
2466       assume( pVarOffset[i] != -1 );
2467     }
2468     else
2469       pVarOffset[i] = -1; // No change here...
2470   }
2472   if( pVarOffset[0] != -1 )
2473     pVarOffset[0] &= 0x0fff;
2475   sro_ord &ord_struct = tmp_typ[typ_j];
2478   ord_struct.ord_typ = ro_is;
2479   ord_struct.data.is.start = start;
2480   ord_struct.data.is.end   = place;
2481   ord_struct.data.is.pVarOffset = pVarOffset;
2484   // What about component???
2485 //   if( v[0] != -1 ) // There is a component already...???
2486 //     if( o[ v[0] & 0x0fff ] == sgn )
2487 //     {
2488 //       pVarOffset[0] = -1; // NEVER USED Afterwards...
2489 //       return;
2490 //     }
2493   // Moreover: we need to allocate the module component (v[0]) here!
2494   if( v[0] == -1) // It's possible that there was module component v0 at the begining (before prefix)!
2495   {
2496     // Start with a whole long exponent
2497     if( bitplace != BITS_PER_LONG )
2498       rO_Align(place, bitplace);
2500     assume( bitplace == BITS_PER_LONG );
2501     bitplace -= BITS_PER_LONG;
2502     assume(bitplace == 0);
2503     v[0] = place | (bitplace << 24); // Never mind whether pVarOffset[0] > 0!!!
2504     o[place] = sgn; // Singnum for component ordering
2505     prev_ord = sgn;
2506   }
2507 }
rGetExpSize(unsigned long bitmask,int & bits)2510 static unsigned long rGetExpSize(unsigned long bitmask, int & bits)
2511 {
2512   if (bitmask == 0)
2513   {
2514     bits=16; bitmask=0xffff;
2515   }
2516   else if (bitmask <= 1L)
2517   {
2518     bits=1; bitmask = 1L;
2519   }
2520   else if (bitmask <= 3L)
2521   {
2522     bits=2; bitmask = 3L;
2523   }
2524   else if (bitmask <= 7L)
2525   {
2526     bits=3; bitmask=7L;
2527   }
2528   else if (bitmask <= 0xfL)
2529   {
2530     bits=4; bitmask=0xfL;
2531   }
2532   else if (bitmask <= 0x1fL)
2533   {
2534     bits=5; bitmask=0x1fL;
2535   }
2536   else if (bitmask <= 0x3fL)
2537   {
2538     bits=6; bitmask=0x3fL;
2539   }
2540 #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
2541   else if (bitmask <= 0x7fL)
2542   {
2543     bits=7; bitmask=0x7fL; /* 64 bit longs only */
2544   }
2545 #endif
2546   else if (bitmask <= 0xffL)
2547   {
2548     bits=8; bitmask=0xffL;
2549   }
2550 #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
2551   else if (bitmask <= 0x1ffL)
2552   {
2553     bits=9; bitmask=0x1ffL; /* 64 bit longs only */
2554   }
2555 #endif
2556   else if (bitmask <= 0x3ffL)
2557   {
2558     bits=10; bitmask=0x3ffL;
2559   }
2560 #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
2561   else if (bitmask <= 0xfffL)
2562   {
2563     bits=12; bitmask=0xfff; /* 64 bit longs only */
2564   }
2565 #endif
2566   else if (bitmask <= 0xffffL)
2567   {
2568     bits=16; bitmask=0xffffL;
2569   }
2570 #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
2571   else if (bitmask <= 0xfffffL)
2572   {
2573     bits=20; bitmask=0xfffffL; /* 64 bit longs only */
2574   }
2575   else if (bitmask <= 0xffffffffL)
2576   {
2577     bits=32; bitmask=0xffffffffL;
2578   }
2579   else if (bitmask <= 0x7fffffffffffffffL)
2580   {
2581     bits=63; bitmask=0x7fffffffffffffffL; /* for overflow tests*/
2582   }
2583   else
2584   {
2585     bits=63; bitmask=0x7fffffffffffffffL; /* for overflow tests*/
2586   }
2587 #else
2588   else if (bitmask <= 0x7fffffff)
2589   {
2590     bits=31; bitmask=0x7fffffff; /* for overflow tests*/
2591   }
2592   else
2593   {
2594     bits=31; bitmask=0x7fffffffL; /* for overflow tests*/
2595   }
2596 #endif
2597   return bitmask;
2598 }
2600 /*2
2601 * optimize rGetExpSize for a block of N variables, exp <=bitmask
2602 */
rGetExpSize(unsigned long bitmask,int & bits,int N)2603 unsigned long rGetExpSize(unsigned long bitmask, int & bits, int N)
2604 {
2605 #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
2606   if (N<4) N=4;
2607 #else
2608   if (N<2) N=2;
2609 #endif
2610   bitmask =rGetExpSize(bitmask, bits);
2611   int vars_per_long=BIT_SIZEOF_LONG/bits;
2612   int bits1;
2613   loop
2614   {
2615     if (bits == BIT_SIZEOF_LONG-1)
2616     {
2617       bits =  BIT_SIZEOF_LONG - 1;
2618       return LONG_MAX;
2619     }
2620     unsigned long bitmask1 =rGetExpSize(bitmask+1, bits1);
2621     int vars_per_long1=BIT_SIZEOF_LONG/bits1;
2622     if ((((N+vars_per_long-1)/vars_per_long) ==
2623          ((N+vars_per_long1-1)/vars_per_long1)))
2624     {
2625       vars_per_long=vars_per_long1;
2626       bits=bits1;
2627       bitmask=bitmask1;
2628     }
2629     else
2630     {
2631       return bitmask; /* and bits */
2632     }
2633   }
2634 }
2637 /*2
2638  * create a copy of the ring r, which must be equivalent to currRing
2639  * used for std computations
2640  * may share data structures with currRing
2641  * DOES CALL rComplete
2642  */
rModifyRing(ring r,BOOLEAN omit_degree,BOOLEAN try_omit_comp,unsigned long exp_limit)2643 ring rModifyRing(ring r, BOOLEAN omit_degree,
2644                          BOOLEAN try_omit_comp,
2645                          unsigned long exp_limit)
2646 {
2647   assume (r != NULL );
2648   assume (exp_limit > 1);
2649   BOOLEAN omitted_degree = FALSE;
2651   int bits;
2652   exp_limit=rGetExpSize(exp_limit, bits, r->N);
2653   BOOLEAN need_other_ring = (exp_limit != r->bitmask);
2655   int iNeedInducedOrderingSetup = 0; ///< How many induced ordering block do we have?
2657   int nblocks=rBlocks(r);
2658   rRingOrder_t *order=(rRingOrder_t*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
2659   int *block0=(int*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int));
2660   int *block1=(int*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int));
2661   int **wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int *));
2663   int i=0;
2664   int j=0; /*  i index in r, j index in res */
2666   for( rRingOrder_t r_ord=r->order[i]; (r_ord != (rRingOrder_t)0) && (i < nblocks); j++, r_ord=r->order[++i])
2667   {
2668     BOOLEAN copy_block_index=TRUE;
2670     if (r->block0[i]==r->block1[i])
2671     {
2672       switch(r_ord)
2673       {
2674         case ringorder_wp:
2675         case ringorder_dp:
2676         case ringorder_Wp:
2677         case ringorder_Dp:
2678           r_ord=ringorder_lp;
2679           break;
2680         case ringorder_Ws:
2681         case ringorder_Ds:
2682         case ringorder_ws:
2683         case ringorder_ds:
2684           r_ord=ringorder_ls;
2685           break;
2686         default:
2687           break;
2688       }
2689     }
2690     switch(r_ord)
2691     {
2692       case ringorder_S:
2693       {
2694 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
2695         Warn("Error: unhandled ordering in rModifyRing: ringorder_S = [%d]", r_ord);
2696 #endif
2697         order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i];*/
2698         break;
2699       }
2700       case ringorder_C:
2701       case ringorder_c:
2702         if (!try_omit_comp)
2703         {
2704           order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i]*/;
2705         }
2706         else
2707         {
2708           j--;
2709           need_other_ring=TRUE;
2710           try_omit_comp=FALSE;
2711           copy_block_index=FALSE;
2712         }
2713         break;
2714       case ringorder_wp:
2715       case ringorder_dp:
2716       case ringorder_ws:
2717       case ringorder_ds:
2718         if(!omit_degree)
2719         {
2720           order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i]*/;
2721         }
2722         else
2723         {
2724           order[j]=ringorder_rs;
2725           need_other_ring=TRUE;
2726           omit_degree=FALSE;
2727           omitted_degree = TRUE;
2728         }
2729         break;
2730       case ringorder_Wp:
2731       case ringorder_Dp:
2732       case ringorder_Ws:
2733       case ringorder_Ds:
2734         if(!omit_degree)
2735         {
2736           order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i];*/
2737         }
2738         else
2739         {
2740           order[j]=ringorder_lp;
2741           need_other_ring=TRUE;
2742           omit_degree=FALSE;
2743           omitted_degree = TRUE;
2744         }
2745         break;
2746       case ringorder_IS:
2747       {
2748         if (try_omit_comp)
2749         {
2750           // tried, but cannot omit component due to the ordering block [%d]: %d (ringorder_IS)", i, r_ord
2751           try_omit_comp = FALSE;
2752         }
2753         order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i];*/
2754         iNeedInducedOrderingSetup++;
2755         break;
2756       }
2757       case ringorder_s:
2758       {
2759         assume((i == 0) && (j == 0));
2760         if (try_omit_comp)
2761         {
2762           // tried, but cannot omit component due to the ordering block [%d]: %d (ringorder_s)", i, r_ord
2763           try_omit_comp = FALSE;
2764         }
2765         order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i];*/
2766         break;
2767       }
2768       default:
2769         order[j]=r_ord; /*r->order[i];*/
2770         break;
2771     }
2772     if (copy_block_index)
2773     {
2774       block0[j]=r->block0[i];
2775       block1[j]=r->block1[i];
2776       wvhdl[j]=r->wvhdl[i];
2777     }
2779     // order[j]=ringorder_no; //  done by omAlloc0
2780   }
2781   if(!need_other_ring)
2782   {
2783     omFreeSize(order,(nblocks+1)*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
2784     omFreeSize(block0,(nblocks+1)*sizeof(int));
2785     omFreeSize(block1,(nblocks+1)*sizeof(int));
2786     omFreeSize(wvhdl,(nblocks+1)*sizeof(int *));
2787     return r;
2788   }
2789   ring res=(ring)omAlloc0Bin(sip_sring_bin);
2790   *res = *r;
2792 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
2793   res->GetNC() = NULL;
2794 #endif
2796   // res->qideal, res->idroot ???
2797   res->wvhdl=wvhdl;
2798   res->order=order;
2799   res->block0=block0;
2800   res->block1=block1;
2801   res->bitmask=exp_limit;
2802   res->wanted_maxExp=r->wanted_maxExp;
2803   //int tmpref=r->cf->ref0;
2804   rComplete(res, 1);
2805   //r->cf->ref=tmpref;
2807   // adjust res->pFDeg: if it was changed globally, then
2808   // it must also be changed for new ring
2809   if (r->pFDegOrig != res->pFDegOrig &&
2810            rOrd_is_WeightedDegree_Ordering(r))
2811   {
2812     // still might need adjustment for weighted orderings
2813     // and omit_degree
2814     res->firstwv = r->firstwv;
2815     res->firstBlockEnds = r->firstBlockEnds;
2816     res->pFDeg = res->pFDegOrig = p_WFirstTotalDegree;
2817   }
2818   if (omitted_degree)
2819     res->pLDeg = r->pLDegOrig;
2821   rOptimizeLDeg(res); // also sets res->pLDegOrig
2823   // set syzcomp
2824   if (res->typ != NULL)
2825   {
2826     if( res->typ[0].ord_typ == ro_syz) // "s" Always on [0] place!
2827     {
2828       res->typ[0] = r->typ[0]; // Copy struct!? + setup the same limit!
2830       if (r->typ[0].data.syz.limit > 0)
2831       {
2832         res->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index
2833           = (int*) omAlloc((r->typ[0].data.syz.limit +1)*sizeof(int));
2834         memcpy(res->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index, r->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index,
2835               (r->typ[0].data.syz.limit +1)*sizeof(int));
2836       }
2837     }
2839     if( iNeedInducedOrderingSetup > 0 )
2840     {
2841       for(j = 0, i = 0; (i < nblocks) && (iNeedInducedOrderingSetup > 0); i++)
2842         if( res->typ[i].ord_typ == ro_is ) // Search for suffixes!
2843         {
2844           ideal F = idrHeadR(r->typ[i].data.is.F, r, res); // Copy F from r into res!
2845           assume(
2846             rSetISReference( res,
2847               F,  // WILL BE COPIED!
2848               r->typ[i].data.is.limit,
2849               j++
2850               )
2851             );
2852           id_Delete(&F, res);
2853           iNeedInducedOrderingSetup--;
2854         }
2855     } // Process all induced Ordering blocks! ...
2856   }
2857   // the special case: homog (omit_degree) and 1 block rs: that is global:
2858   // it comes from dp
2859   res->OrdSgn=r->OrdSgn;
2862 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
2863   if (rIsPluralRing(r))
2864   {
2865     if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal!
2866     {
2867 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
2868       WarnS("error in nc_rComplete");
2869 #endif
2870       // cleanup?
2872 //      rDelete(res);
2873 //      return r;
2875       // just go on..
2876     }
2878     if( rIsSCA(r) )
2879     {
2880       if( !sca_Force(res, scaFirstAltVar(r), scaLastAltVar(r)) )
2881       WarnS("error in sca_Force!");
2882     }
2883   }
2884 #endif
2886   return res;
2887 }
2889 // construct Wp,C ring
rModifyRing_Wp(ring r,int * weights)2890 ring rModifyRing_Wp(ring r, int* weights)
2891 {
2892   ring res=(ring)omAlloc0Bin(sip_sring_bin);
2893   *res = *r;
2894 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
2895   res->GetNC() = NULL;
2896 #endif
2898   /*weights: entries for 3 blocks: NULL*/
2899   res->wvhdl = (int **)omAlloc0(3 * sizeof(int *));
2900   /*order: Wp,C,0*/
2901   res->order = (rRingOrder_t *) omAlloc(3 * sizeof(rRingOrder_t *));
2902   res->block0 = (int *)omAlloc0(3 * sizeof(int *));
2903   res->block1 = (int *)omAlloc0(3 * sizeof(int *));
2904   /* ringorder Wp for the first block: var 1..r->N */
2905   res->order[0]  = ringorder_Wp;
2906   res->block0[0] = 1;
2907   res->block1[0] = r->N;
2908   res->wvhdl[0] = weights;
2909   /* ringorder C for the second block: no vars */
2910   res->order[1]  = ringorder_C;
2911   /* the last block: everything is 0 */
2912   res->order[2]  = (rRingOrder_t)0;
2914   //int tmpref=r->cf->ref;
2915   rComplete(res, 1);
2916   //r->cf->ref=tmpref;
2917 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
2918   if (rIsPluralRing(r))
2919   {
2920     if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal!
2921     {
2922 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
2923       WarnS("error in nc_rComplete");
2924 #endif
2925       // cleanup?
2927 //      rDelete(res);
2928 //      return r;
2930       // just go on..
2931     }
2932   }
2933 #endif
2934   return res;
2935 }
2937 // construct lp, C ring with r->N variables, r->names vars....
rModifyRing_Simple(ring r,BOOLEAN ommit_degree,BOOLEAN ommit_comp,unsigned long exp_limit,BOOLEAN & simple)2938 ring rModifyRing_Simple(ring r, BOOLEAN ommit_degree, BOOLEAN ommit_comp, unsigned long exp_limit, BOOLEAN &simple)
2939 {
2940   simple=TRUE;
2941   if (!rHasSimpleOrder(r))
2942   {
2943     simple=FALSE; // sorting needed
2944     assume (r != NULL );
2945     assume (exp_limit > 1);
2946     int bits;
2948     exp_limit=rGetExpSize(exp_limit, bits, r->N);
2950     int nblocks=1+(ommit_comp!=0);
2951     rRingOrder_t *order=(rRingOrder_t*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
2952     int *block0=(int*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int));
2953     int *block1=(int*)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int));
2954     int **wvhdl=(int**)omAlloc0((nblocks+1)*sizeof(int *));
2956     order[0]=ringorder_lp;
2957     block0[0]=1;
2958     block1[0]=r->N;
2959     if (!ommit_comp)
2960     {
2961       order[1]=ringorder_C;
2962     }
2963     ring res=(ring)omAlloc0Bin(sip_sring_bin);
2964     *res = *r;
2965 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
2966     res->GetNC() = NULL;
2967 #endif
2968     // res->qideal, res->idroot ???
2969     res->wvhdl=wvhdl;
2970     res->order=order;
2971     res->block0=block0;
2972     res->block1=block1;
2973     res->bitmask=exp_limit;
2974     res->wanted_maxExp=r->wanted_maxExp;
2975     //int tmpref=r->cf->ref;
2976     rComplete(res, 1);
2977     //r->cf->ref=tmpref;
2979 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
2980     if (rIsPluralRing(r))
2981     {
2982       if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal!
2983       {
2984 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
2985         WarnS("error in nc_rComplete");
2986 #endif
2987         // cleanup?
2989 //      rDelete(res);
2990 //      return r;
2992       // just go on..
2993       }
2994     }
2995 #endif
2997     rOptimizeLDeg(res);
2999     return res;
3000   }
3001   return rModifyRing(r, ommit_degree, ommit_comp, exp_limit);
3002 }
rKillModifiedRing(ring r)3004 void rKillModifiedRing(ring r)
3005 {
3006   rUnComplete(r);
3007   omFree(r->order);
3008   omFree(r->block0);
3009   omFree(r->block1);
3010   omFree(r->wvhdl);
3011   omFreeBin(r,sip_sring_bin);
3012 }
rKillModified_Wp_Ring(ring r)3014 void rKillModified_Wp_Ring(ring r)
3015 {
3016   rUnComplete(r);
3017   omFree(r->order);
3018   omFree(r->block0);
3019   omFree(r->block1);
3020   omFree(r->wvhdl[0]);
3021   omFree(r->wvhdl);
3022   omFreeBin(r,sip_sring_bin);
3023 }
rSetOutParams(ring r)3025 static void rSetOutParams(ring r)
3026 {
3027   r->VectorOut = (r->order[0] == ringorder_c);
3028   if (rIsNCRing(r))
3029     r->CanShortOut=FALSE;
3030   else
3031   {
3032     r->CanShortOut = TRUE;
3033     int i;
3034     if (rParameter(r)!=NULL)
3035     {
3036       for (i=0;i<rPar(r);i++)
3037       {
3038         if(strlen(rParameter(r)[i])>1)
3039         {
3040           r->CanShortOut=FALSE;
3041           break;
3042         }
3043       }
3044     }
3045     if (r->CanShortOut)
3046     {
3047       // Hmm... sometimes (e.g., from maGetPreimage) new variables
3048       // are introduced, but their names are never set
3049       // hence, we do the following awkward trick
3050       int N = omSizeOfAddr(r->names)/sizeof(char_ptr);
3051       if (r->N < N) N = r->N;
3053       for (i=(N-1);i>=0;i--)
3054       {
3055         if(r->names[i] != NULL && strlen(r->names[i])>1)
3056         {
3057           r->CanShortOut=FALSE;
3058           break;
3059         }
3060       }
3061     }
3062   }
3063   r->ShortOut = r->CanShortOut;
3065   assume( !( !r->CanShortOut && r->ShortOut ) );
3066 }
rSetFirstWv(ring r,int i,rRingOrder_t * order,int * block1,int ** wvhdl)3068 static void rSetFirstWv(ring r, int i, rRingOrder_t* order, int* block1, int** wvhdl)
3069 {
3070   // cheat for ringorder_aa
3071   if (order[i] == ringorder_aa)
3072     i++;
3073   if(block1[i]!=r->N) r->LexOrder=TRUE;
3074   r->firstBlockEnds=block1[i];
3075   r->firstwv = wvhdl[i];
3076   if ((order[i]== ringorder_ws)
3077   || (order[i]==ringorder_Ws)
3078   || (order[i]== ringorder_wp)
3079   || (order[i]==ringorder_Wp)
3080   || (order[i]== ringorder_a)
3081    /*|| (order[i]==ringorder_A)*/)
3082   {
3083     int j;
3084     for(j=block1[i]-r->block0[i];j>=0;j--)
3085     {
3086       if (r->firstwv[j]==0) r->LexOrder=TRUE;
3087     }
3088   }
3089   else if (order[i]==ringorder_a64)
3090   {
3091     int j;
3092     int64 *w=rGetWeightVec(r);
3093     for(j=block1[i]-r->block0[i];j>=0;j--)
3094     {
3095       if (w[j]==0) r->LexOrder=TRUE;
3096     }
3097   }
3098 }
rOptimizeLDeg(ring r)3100 static void rOptimizeLDeg(ring r)
3101 {
3102   if (r->pFDeg == p_Deg)
3103   {
3104     if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1)
3105       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1_Deg;
3106     if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1c)
3107       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c_Deg;
3108   }
3109   else if (r->pFDeg == p_Totaldegree)
3110   {
3111     if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1)
3112       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1_Totaldegree;
3113     if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1c)
3114       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c_Totaldegree;
3115   }
3116   else if (r->pFDeg == p_WFirstTotalDegree)
3117   {
3118     if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1)
3119       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1_WFirstTotalDegree;
3120     if (r->pLDeg == pLDeg1c)
3121       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c_WFirstTotalDegree;
3122   }
3123   r->pLDegOrig = r->pLDeg;
3124 }
3126 // set pFDeg, pLDeg, requires OrdSgn already set
rSetDegStuff(ring r)3127 static void rSetDegStuff(ring r)
3128 {
3129   rRingOrder_t* order = r->order;
3130   int* block0 = r->block0;
3131   int* block1 = r->block1;
3132   int** wvhdl = r->wvhdl;
3134   if (order[0]==ringorder_S ||order[0]==ringorder_s || order[0]==ringorder_IS)
3135   {
3136     order++;
3137     block0++;
3138     block1++;
3139     wvhdl++;
3140   }
3141   r->LexOrder = FALSE;
3142   r->pFDeg = p_Totaldegree;
3143   r->pLDeg = (r->OrdSgn == 1 ? pLDegb : pLDeg0);
3145   /*======== ordering type is (am,_) ==================*/
3146   if (order[0]==ringorder_am)
3147   {
3148     for(int ii=block0[0];ii<=block1[0];ii++)
3149       if (wvhdl[0][ii-1]<0) { r->MixedOrder=2;break;}
3150     r->LexOrder=FALSE;
3151     for(int ii=block0[0];ii<=block1[0];ii++)
3152       if (wvhdl[0][ii-1]==0) { r->LexOrder=TRUE;break;}
3153     if ((block0[0]==1)&&(block1[0]==r->N))
3154     {
3155       r->pFDeg = p_Deg;
3156       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c_Deg;
3157     }
3158     else
3159    {
3160       r->pFDeg = p_WTotaldegree;
3161       r->LexOrder=TRUE;
3162       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c_WFirstTotalDegree;
3163     }
3164     r->firstwv = wvhdl[0];
3165   }
3166   /*======== ordering type is (_,c) =========================*/
3167   else if ((order[0]==ringorder_unspec) || (order[1] == 0)
3168       ||(
3169     ((order[1]==ringorder_c)||(order[1]==ringorder_C)
3170      ||(order[1]==ringorder_S)
3171      ||(order[1]==ringorder_s))
3172     && (order[0]!=ringorder_M)
3173     && (order[2]==0))
3174     )
3175   {
3176     if (r->OrdSgn == -1) r->pLDeg = pLDeg0c;
3177     if ((order[0] == ringorder_lp)
3178     || (order[0] == ringorder_ls)
3179     || (order[0] == ringorder_rp)
3180     || (order[0] == ringorder_rs))
3181     {
3182       r->LexOrder=TRUE;
3183       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c;
3184       r->pFDeg = p_Totaldegree;
3185     }
3186     else if ((order[0] == ringorder_a)
3187     || (order[0] == ringorder_wp)
3188     || (order[0] == ringorder_Wp))
3189     {
3190       r->pFDeg = p_WFirstTotalDegree;
3191     }
3192     else if ((order[0] == ringorder_ws)
3193     || (order[0] == ringorder_Ws))
3194     {
3195       for(int ii=block0[0];ii<=block1[0];ii++)
3196       {
3197         if (wvhdl[0][ii-1]<0) { r->MixedOrder=2;break;}
3198       }
3199       if (r->MixedOrder==0)
3200       {
3201         if ((block0[0]==1)&&(block1[0]==r->N))
3202           r->pFDeg = p_WTotaldegree;
3203         else
3204           r->pFDeg = p_WFirstTotalDegree;
3205       }
3206       else
3207         r->pFDeg = p_Totaldegree;
3208     }
3209     r->firstBlockEnds=block1[0];
3210     r->firstwv = wvhdl[0];
3211   }
3212   /*======== ordering type is (c,_) =========================*/
3213   else if (((order[0]==ringorder_c)
3214             ||(order[0]==ringorder_C)
3215             ||(order[0]==ringorder_S)
3216             ||(order[0]==ringorder_s))
3217   && (order[1]!=ringorder_M)
3218   &&  (order[2]==0))
3219   {
3220     if ((order[1] == ringorder_lp)
3221     || (order[1] == ringorder_ls)
3222     || (order[1] == ringorder_rp)
3223     || order[1] == ringorder_rs)
3224     {
3225       r->LexOrder=TRUE;
3226       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c;
3227       r->pFDeg = p_Totaldegree;
3228     }
3229     r->firstBlockEnds=block1[1];
3230     if (wvhdl!=NULL) r->firstwv = wvhdl[1];
3231     if ((order[1] == ringorder_a)
3232     || (order[1] == ringorder_wp)
3233     || (order[1] == ringorder_Wp))
3234       r->pFDeg = p_WFirstTotalDegree;
3235     else if ((order[1] == ringorder_ws)
3236     || (order[1] == ringorder_Ws))
3237     {
3238       for(int ii=block0[1];ii<=block1[1];ii++)
3239         if (wvhdl[1][ii-1]<0) { r->MixedOrder=2;break;}
3240       if (r->MixedOrder==FALSE)
3241         r->pFDeg = p_WFirstTotalDegree;
3242       else
3243         r->pFDeg = p_Totaldegree;
3244     }
3245   }
3246   /*------- more than one block ----------------------*/
3247   else
3248   {
3249     if ((r->VectorOut)||(order[0]==ringorder_C)||(order[0]==ringorder_S)||(order[0]==ringorder_s))
3250     {
3251       rSetFirstWv(r, 1, order, block1, wvhdl);
3252     }
3253     else
3254       rSetFirstWv(r, 0, order, block1, wvhdl);
3256     if ((order[0]!=ringorder_c)
3257         && (order[0]!=ringorder_C)
3258         && (order[0]!=ringorder_S)
3259         && (order[0]!=ringorder_s))
3260     {
3261       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1c;
3262     }
3263     else
3264     {
3265       r->pLDeg = pLDeg1;
3266     }
3267     r->pFDeg = p_WTotaldegree; // may be improved: p_Totaldegree for lp/dp/ls/.. blocks
3268   }
3270   if (rOrd_is_Totaldegree_Ordering(r)
3271   || rOrd_is_WeightedDegree_Ordering(r))
3272   {
3273     if(r->MixedOrder==FALSE)
3274       r->pFDeg = p_Deg;
3275     else
3276       r->pFDeg = p_Totaldegree;
3277   }
3279   if( rGetISPos(0, r) != -1 ) // Are there Schreyer induced blocks?
3280   {
3281 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
3282       assume( r->pFDeg == p_Deg || r->pFDeg == p_WTotaldegree || r->pFDeg == p_Totaldegree);
3283 #endif
3285     r->pLDeg = pLDeg1; // ?
3286   }
3288   r->pFDegOrig = r->pFDeg;
3289   // NOTE: this leads to wrong ecart during std
3290   // in Old/sre.tst
3291   rOptimizeLDeg(r); // also sets r->pLDegOrig
3292 }
3294 /*2
3295 * set NegWeightL_Size, NegWeightL_Offset
3296 */
rSetNegWeight(ring r)3297 static void rSetNegWeight(ring r)
3298 {
3299   int i,l;
3300   if (r->typ!=NULL)
3301   {
3302     l=0;
3303     for(i=0;i<r->OrdSize;i++)
3304     {
3305       if((r->typ[i].ord_typ==ro_wp_neg)
3306       ||(r->typ[i].ord_typ==ro_am))
3307         l++;
3308     }
3309     if (l>0)
3310     {
3311       r->NegWeightL_Size=l;
3312       r->NegWeightL_Offset=(int *) omAlloc(l*sizeof(int));
3313       l=0;
3314       for(i=0;i<r->OrdSize;i++)
3315       {
3316         if(r->typ[i].ord_typ==ro_wp_neg)
3317         {
3318           r->NegWeightL_Offset[l]=r->typ[i].data.wp.place;
3319           l++;
3320         }
3321         else if(r->typ[i].ord_typ==ro_am)
3322         {
3323           r->NegWeightL_Offset[l]=r->typ[i].data.am.place;
3324           l++;
3325         }
3326       }
3327       return;
3328     }
3329   }
3330   r->NegWeightL_Size = 0;
3331   r->NegWeightL_Offset = NULL;
3332 }
rSetOption(ring r)3334 static void rSetOption(ring r)
3335 {
3336   // set redthrough
3337   if (!TEST_OPT_OLDSTD && r->OrdSgn == 1 && ! r->LexOrder)
3338     r->options |= Sy_bit(OPT_REDTHROUGH);
3339   else
3340     r->options &= ~Sy_bit(OPT_REDTHROUGH);
3342   // set intStrategy
3343   if ( (r->cf->extRing!=NULL)
3344       || rField_is_Q(r)
3345       || rField_is_Ring(r)
3346   )
3347     r->options |= Sy_bit(OPT_INTSTRATEGY);
3348   else
3349     r->options &= ~Sy_bit(OPT_INTSTRATEGY);
3351   // set redTail
3352   if (r->LexOrder || r->OrdSgn == -1 || (r->cf->extRing!=NULL))
3353     r->options &= ~Sy_bit(OPT_REDTAIL);
3354   else
3355     r->options |= Sy_bit(OPT_REDTAIL);
3356 }
3358 static void rCheckOrdSgn(ring r,int i/*last block*/);
3360 /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
3361 /*2
3362 * change all global variables to fit the description of the new ring
3363 */
p_SetGlobals(const ring r,BOOLEAN complete)3365 void p_SetGlobals(const ring r, BOOLEAN complete)
3366 {
3367 // // //  if (r->ppNoether!=NULL) p_Delete(&r->ppNoether,r); // ???
3369   r->pLexOrder=r->LexOrder;
3370   if (complete)
3371   {
3372     si_opt_1 &= ~ TEST_RINGDEP_OPTS;
3373     si_opt_1 |= r->options;
3374   }
3375 }
sign(int x)3377 static inline int sign(int x) { return (x > 0) - (x < 0);}
rOrd_is_MixedDegree_Ordering(ring r)3378 BOOLEAN rOrd_is_MixedDegree_Ordering(ring r)
3379 {
3380   int i;
3381   poly p=p_One(r);
3382   p_SetExp(p,1,1,r);
3383   p_Setm(p,r);
3384   int vz=sign(p_FDeg(p,r));
3385   for(i=2;i<=rVar(r);i++)
3386   {
3387     p_SetExp(p,i-1,0,r);
3388     p_SetExp(p,i,1,r);
3389     p_Setm(p,r);
3390     if (sign(p_FDeg(p,r))!=vz)
3391     {
3392       p_Delete(&p,r);
3393       return TRUE;
3394     }
3395   }
3396   p_Delete(&p,r);
3397   return FALSE;
3398 }
rComplete(ring r,int force)3400 BOOLEAN rComplete(ring r, int force)
3401 {
3402   if (r->VarOffset!=NULL && force == 0) return FALSE;
3403   rSetOutParams(r);
3404   int n=rBlocks(r)-1;
3405   int i;
3406   int bits;
3407   r->bitmask=rGetExpSize(r->wanted_maxExp,bits,r->N);
3408   r->BitsPerExp = bits;
3409   r->ExpPerLong = BIT_SIZEOF_LONG / bits;
3410   r->divmask=rGetDivMask(bits);
3412   // will be used for ordsgn:
3413   long *tmp_ordsgn=(long *)omAlloc0(3*(n+r->N)*sizeof(long));
3414   // will be used for VarOffset:
3415   int *v=(int *)omAlloc((r->N+1)*sizeof(int));
3416   for(i=r->N; i>=0 ; i--)
3417   {
3418     v[i]=-1;
3419   }
3420   sro_ord *tmp_typ=(sro_ord *)omAlloc0(3*(n+r->N)*sizeof(sro_ord));
3421   int typ_i=0;
3422   int prev_ordsgn=0;
3424   // fill in v, tmp_typ, tmp_ordsgn, determine typ_i (== ordSize)
3425   int j=0;
3426   int j_bits=BITS_PER_LONG;
3428   BOOLEAN need_to_add_comp=FALSE; // Only for ringorder_s and ringorder_S!
3430   for(i=0;i<n;i++)
3431   {
3432     tmp_typ[typ_i].order_index=i;
3433     switch (r->order[i])
3434     {
3435       case ringorder_a:
3436       case ringorder_aa:
3437         rO_WDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,tmp_typ[typ_i],
3438                    r->wvhdl[i]);
3439         typ_i++;
3440         break;
3442       case ringorder_am:
3443         rO_WMDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,tmp_typ[typ_i],
3444                    r->wvhdl[i]);
3445         typ_i++;
3446         break;
3448       case ringorder_a64:
3449         rO_WDegree64(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3450                      tmp_typ[typ_i], (int64 *)(r->wvhdl[i]));
3451         typ_i++;
3452         break;
3454       case ringorder_c:
3455         rO_Align(j, j_bits);
3456         rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, 0,0, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,BITS_PER_LONG, -1);
3457         r->ComponentOrder=1;
3458         break;
3460       case ringorder_C:
3461         rO_Align(j, j_bits);
3462         rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, 0,0, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,BITS_PER_LONG, -1);
3463         r->ComponentOrder=-1;
3464         break;
3466       case ringorder_M:
3467         {
3468           int k,l;
3469           k=r->block1[i]-r->block0[i]+1; // number of vars
3470           for(l=0;l<k;l++)
3471           {
3472             rO_WDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3473                        tmp_typ[typ_i],
3474                        r->wvhdl[i]+(r->block1[i]-r->block0[i]+1)*l);
3475             typ_i++;
3476           }
3477           break;
3478         }
3480       case ringorder_lp:
3481         rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block1[i], prev_ordsgn,
3482                    tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, -1);
3483         break;
3485       case ringorder_ls:
3486         rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block1[i], prev_ordsgn,
3487                        tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1);
3488         break;
3490       case ringorder_rs:
3491         rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, r->block1[i],r->block0[i], prev_ordsgn,
3492                        tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1);
3493         break;
3495       case ringorder_rp:
3496         rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block1[i],r->block0[i], prev_ordsgn,
3497                        tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1);
3498         break;
3500       case ringorder_dp:
3501         if (r->block0[i]==r->block1[i])
3502         {
3503           rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block0[i], prev_ordsgn,
3504                      tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1);
3505         }
3506         else
3507         {
3508           rO_TDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3509                      tmp_typ[typ_i]);
3510           typ_i++;
3511           rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, r->block1[i],r->block0[i]+1,
3512                          prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, r->block0[i]);
3513         }
3514         break;
3516       case ringorder_Dp:
3517         if (r->block0[i]==r->block1[i])
3518         {
3519           rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block0[i], prev_ordsgn,
3520                      tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1);
3521         }
3522         else
3523         {
3524           rO_TDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3525                      tmp_typ[typ_i]);
3526           typ_i++;
3527           rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block1[i]-1, prev_ordsgn,
3528                      tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, r->block1[i]);
3529         }
3530         break;
3532       case ringorder_ds:
3533         if (r->block0[i]==r->block1[i])
3534         {
3535           rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],prev_ordsgn,
3536                          tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, -1);
3537         }
3538         else
3539         {
3540           rO_TDegree_neg(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3541                          tmp_typ[typ_i]);
3542           typ_i++;
3543           rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, r->block1[i],r->block0[i]+1,
3544                          prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, r->block0[i]);
3545         }
3546         break;
3548       case ringorder_Ds:
3549         if (r->block0[i]==r->block1[i])
3550         {
3551           rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block0[i],prev_ordsgn,
3552                          tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, -1);
3553         }
3554         else
3555         {
3556           rO_TDegree_neg(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3557                          tmp_typ[typ_i]);
3558           typ_i++;
3559           rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, r->block0[i],r->block1[i]-1, prev_ordsgn,
3560                      tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, r->block1[i]);
3561         }
3562         break;
3564       case ringorder_wp:
3565         rO_WDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3566                    tmp_typ[typ_i], r->wvhdl[i]);
3567         typ_i++;
3568         { // check for weights <=0
3569           int jj;
3570           BOOLEAN have_bad_weights=FALSE;
3571           for(jj=r->block1[i]-r->block0[i];jj>=0; jj--)
3572           {
3573             if (r->wvhdl[i][jj]<=0) have_bad_weights=TRUE;
3574           }
3575           if (have_bad_weights)
3576           {
3577              rO_TDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3578                                      tmp_typ[typ_i]);
3579              typ_i++;
3580           }
3581         }
3582         if (r->block1[i]!=r->block0[i])
3583         {
3584           rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits,r->block1[i],r->block0[i]+1, prev_ordsgn,
3585                          tmp_ordsgn, v,bits, r->block0[i]);
3586         }
3587         break;
3589       case ringorder_Wp:
3590         rO_WDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3591                    tmp_typ[typ_i], r->wvhdl[i]);
3592         typ_i++;
3593         { // check for weights <=0
3594           int jj;
3595           BOOLEAN have_bad_weights=FALSE;
3596           for(jj=r->block1[i]-r->block0[i];jj>=0; jj--)
3597           {
3598             if (r->wvhdl[i][jj]<=0) have_bad_weights=TRUE;
3599           }
3600           if (have_bad_weights)
3601           {
3602              rO_TDegree(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3603                                      tmp_typ[typ_i]);
3604              typ_i++;
3605           }
3606         }
3607         if (r->block1[i]!=r->block0[i])
3608         {
3609           rO_LexVars(j, j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i]-1, prev_ordsgn,
3610                      tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, r->block1[i]);
3611         }
3612         break;
3614       case ringorder_ws:
3615         rO_WDegree_neg(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3616                        tmp_typ[typ_i], r->wvhdl[i]);
3617         typ_i++;
3618         if (r->block1[i]!=r->block0[i])
3619         {
3620           rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits,r->block1[i],r->block0[i]+1, prev_ordsgn,
3621                          tmp_ordsgn, v,bits, r->block0[i]);
3622         }
3623         break;
3625       case ringorder_Ws:
3626         rO_WDegree_neg(j,j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i],tmp_ordsgn,
3627                        tmp_typ[typ_i], r->wvhdl[i]);
3628         typ_i++;
3629         if (r->block1[i]!=r->block0[i])
3630         {
3631           rO_LexVars(j, j_bits,r->block0[i],r->block1[i]-1, prev_ordsgn,
3632                      tmp_ordsgn,v, bits, r->block1[i]);
3633         }
3634         break;
3636       case ringorder_S:
3637         assume(typ_i == 1); // For LaScala3 only: on the 2nd place ([1])!
3638         // TODO: for K[x]: it is 0...?!
3639         rO_Syzcomp(j, j_bits,prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn,tmp_typ[typ_i]);
3640         need_to_add_comp=TRUE;
3641         r->ComponentOrder=-1;
3642         typ_i++;
3643         break;
3645       case ringorder_s:
3646         assume(typ_i == 0 && j == 0);
3647         rO_Syz(j, j_bits, prev_ordsgn, r->block0[i], tmp_ordsgn, tmp_typ[typ_i]); // set syz-limit?
3648         need_to_add_comp=TRUE;
3649         r->ComponentOrder=-1;
3650         typ_i++;
3651         break;
3653       case ringorder_IS:
3654       {
3656         assume( r->block0[i] == r->block1[i] );
3657         const int s = r->block0[i];
3658         assume( -2 < s && s < 2);
3660         if(s == 0) // Prefix IS
3661           rO_ISPrefix(j, j_bits, prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn, r->N, v, tmp_typ[typ_i++]); // What about prev_ordsgn?
3662         else // s = +1 or -1 // Note: typ_i might be incrimented here inside!
3663         {
3664           rO_ISSuffix(j, j_bits, prev_ordsgn, tmp_ordsgn, r->N, v, tmp_typ, typ_i, s); // Suffix.
3665           need_to_add_comp=FALSE;
3666         }
3668         break;
3669       }
3670       case ringorder_unspec:
3671       case ringorder_no:
3672       default:
3673         dReportError("undef. ringorder used\n");
3674         break;
3675     }
3676   }
3677   rCheckOrdSgn(r,n-1);
3679   int j0=j; // save j
3680   int j_bits0=j_bits; // save jbits
3681   rO_Align(j,j_bits);
3682   r->CmpL_Size = j;
3684   j_bits=j_bits0; j=j0;
3686   // fill in some empty slots with variables not already covered
3687   // v0 is special, is therefore normally already covered
3688   // now we do have rings without comp...
3689   if((need_to_add_comp) && (v[0]== -1))
3690   {
3691     if (prev_ordsgn==1)
3692     {
3693       rO_Align(j, j_bits);
3694       rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, 0,0, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,BITS_PER_LONG, -1);
3695     }
3696     else
3697     {
3698       rO_Align(j, j_bits);
3699       rO_LexVars_neg(j, j_bits, 0,0, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,BITS_PER_LONG, -1);
3700     }
3701   }
3702   // the variables
3703   for(i=1 ; i<=r->N ; i++)
3704   {
3705     if(v[i]==(-1))
3706     {
3707       if (prev_ordsgn==1)
3708       {
3709         rO_LexVars(j, j_bits, i,i, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, -1);
3710       }
3711       else
3712       {
3713         rO_LexVars_neg(j,j_bits,i,i, prev_ordsgn,tmp_ordsgn,v,bits, -1);
3714       }
3715     }
3716   }
3718   rO_Align(j,j_bits);
3719   // ----------------------------
3720   // finished with constructing the monomial, computing sizes:
3722   r->ExpL_Size=j;
3723   r->PolyBin = omGetSpecBin(POLYSIZE + (r->ExpL_Size)*sizeof(long));
3724   assume(r->PolyBin != NULL);
3726   // ----------------------------
3727   // indices and ordsgn vector for comparison
3728   //
3729   // r->pCompHighIndex already set
3730   r->ordsgn=(long *)omAlloc0(r->ExpL_Size*sizeof(long));
3732   for(j=0;j<r->CmpL_Size;j++)
3733   {
3734     r->ordsgn[j] = tmp_ordsgn[j];
3735   }
3737   omFreeSize((ADDRESS)tmp_ordsgn,(3*(n+r->N)*sizeof(long)));
3739   // ----------------------------
3740   // description of orderings for setm:
3741   //
3742   r->OrdSize=typ_i;
3743   if (typ_i==0) r->typ=NULL;
3744   else
3745   {
3746     r->typ=(sro_ord*)omAlloc(typ_i*sizeof(sro_ord));
3747     memcpy(r->typ,tmp_typ,typ_i*sizeof(sro_ord));
3748   }
3749   omFreeSize((ADDRESS)tmp_typ,(3*(n+r->N)*sizeof(sro_ord)));
3751   // ----------------------------
3752   // indices for (first copy of ) variable entries in exp.e vector (VarOffset):
3753   r->VarOffset=v;
3755   // ----------------------------
3756   // other indicies
3757   r->pCompIndex=(r->VarOffset[0] & 0xffff); //r->VarOffset[0];
3758   i=0; // position
3759   j=0; // index in r->typ
3760   if (i==r->pCompIndex) i++; // IS???
3761   while ((j < r->OrdSize)
3762          && ((r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_syzcomp) ||
3763              (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_syz) || (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_isTemp) || (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_is) ||
3764              (r->order[r->typ[j].order_index] == ringorder_aa)))
3765   {
3766     i++; j++;
3767   }
3769   if (i==r->pCompIndex) i++;
3770   r->pOrdIndex=i;
3772   // ----------------------------
3773   rSetDegStuff(r); // OrdSgn etc already set
3774   rSetOption(r);
3775   // ----------------------------
3776   // r->p_Setm
3777   r->p_Setm = p_GetSetmProc(r);
3779   // ----------------------------
3780   // set VarL_*
3781   rSetVarL(r);
3783   //  ----------------------------
3784   // right-adjust VarOffset
3785   rRightAdjustVarOffset(r);
3787   // ----------------------------
3788   // set NegWeightL*
3789   rSetNegWeight(r);
3791   // ----------------------------
3792   // p_Procs: call AFTER NegWeightL
3793   r->p_Procs = (p_Procs_s*)omAlloc(sizeof(p_Procs_s));
3794   p_ProcsSet(r, r->p_Procs);
3796   // use totaldegree on crazy oderings:
3797   if ((r->pFDeg==p_WTotaldegree) && rOrd_is_MixedDegree_Ordering(r))
3798     r->pFDeg = p_Totaldegree;
3799   return FALSE;
3800 }
rCheckOrdSgn(ring r,int b)3802 static void rCheckOrdSgn(ring r,int b/*last block*/)
3803 { // set r->OrdSgn, r->MixedOrder
3804   // for each variable:
3805   int nonpos=0;
3806   int nonneg=0;
3807   for(int i=1;i<=r->N;i++)
3808   {
3809     int found=0;
3810     // for all blocks:
3811     for(int j=0;(j<=b) && (found==0);j++)
3812     {
3813       // search the first block containing var(i)
3814       if ((r->block0[j]<=i)&&(r->block1[j]>=i))
3815       {
3816         // what kind if block is it?
3817         if ((r->order[j]==ringorder_ls)
3818         || (r->order[j]==ringorder_ds)
3819         || (r->order[j]==ringorder_Ds)
3820         || (r->order[j]==ringorder_ws)
3821         || (r->order[j]==ringorder_Ws)
3822         || (r->order[j]==ringorder_rs))
3823         {
3824           r->OrdSgn=-1;
3825           nonpos++;
3826           found=1;
3827         }
3828         else if((r->order[j]==ringorder_a)
3829         ||(r->order[j]==ringorder_aa))
3830         {
3831           // <0: local/mixed ordering
3832           // >0: var(i) is okay, look at other vars
3833           // ==0: look at other blocks for var(i)
3834           if(r->wvhdl[j][i-r->block0[j]]<0)
3835           {
3836             r->OrdSgn=-1;
3837             nonpos++;
3838             found=1;
3839           }
3840           else if(r->wvhdl[j][i-r->block0[j]]>0)
3841           {
3842             nonneg++;
3843             found=1;
3844           }
3845         }
3846         else if(r->order[j]==ringorder_M)
3847         {
3848           // <0: local/mixed ordering
3849           // >0: var(i) is okay, look at other vars
3850           // ==0: look at other blocks for var(i)
3851           if(r->wvhdl[j][i-r->block0[j]]<0)
3852           {
3853             r->OrdSgn=-1;
3854             nonpos++;
3855             found=1;
3856           }
3857           else if(r->wvhdl[j][i-r->block0[j]]>0)
3858           {
3859             nonneg++;
3860             found=1;
3861           }
3862           else
3863           {
3864             // very bad: try next row(s)
3865             int add=r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]+1;
3866             int max_i=r->block0[j]+add*add-add-1;
3867             while(found==0)
3868             {
3869               i+=add;
3870               if (r->wvhdl[j][i-r->block0[j]]<0)
3871               {
3872                 r->OrdSgn=-1;
3873                 nonpos++;
3874                 found=1;
3875               }
3876               else if(r->wvhdl[j][i-r->block0[j]]>0)
3877               {
3878                 nonneg++;
3879                 found=1;
3880               }
3881               else if(i>max_i)
3882               {
3883                 nonpos++;
3884                 nonneg++;
3885                 found=1;
3886               }
3887             }
3888           }
3889         }
3890         else if ((r->order[j]==ringorder_lp)
3891         || (r->order[j]==ringorder_dp)
3892         || (r->order[j]==ringorder_Dp)
3893         || (r->order[j]==ringorder_wp)
3894         || (r->order[j]==ringorder_Wp)
3895         || (r->order[j]==ringorder_rp))
3896         {
3897           found=1;
3898           nonneg++;
3899         }
3900       }
3901     }
3902   }
3903   if (nonpos>0)
3904   {
3905     r->OrdSgn=-1;
3906     if (nonneg>0) r->MixedOrder=1;
3907   }
3908   else
3909   {
3910     r->OrdSgn=1;
3911     r->MixedOrder=0;
3912   }
3913 }
rUnComplete(ring r)3915 void rUnComplete(ring r)
3916 {
3917   if (r == NULL) return;
3918   if (r->VarOffset != NULL)
3919   {
3920     if (r->OrdSize!=0 && r->typ != NULL)
3921     {
3922       for(int i = 0; i < r->OrdSize; i++)
3923         if( r->typ[i].ord_typ == ro_is) // Search for suffixes! (prefix have the same VarOffset)
3924         {
3925           id_Delete(&r->typ[i].data.is.F, r);
3927           if( r->typ[i].data.is.pVarOffset != NULL )
3928           {
3929             omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->typ[i].data.is.pVarOffset, (r->N +1)*sizeof(int));
3930           }
3931         }
3932         else if (r->typ[i].ord_typ == ro_syz)
3933         {
3934           if(r->typ[i].data.syz.limit > 0)
3935             omFreeSize(r->typ[i].data.syz.syz_index, ((r->typ[i].data.syz.limit) +1)*sizeof(int));
3936         }
3937         else if (r->typ[i].ord_typ == ro_syzcomp)
3938         {
3939           assume( r->typ[i].data.syzcomp.ShiftedComponents == NULL );
3940           assume( r->typ[i].data.syzcomp.Components        == NULL );
3941 //          WarnS( "rUnComplete : ord_typ == ro_syzcomp was unhandled!!! Possibly memory leak!!!"  );
3942 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
3943 //          assume(0);
3944 #endif
3945         }
3947       omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->typ,r->OrdSize*sizeof(sro_ord)); r->typ = NULL;
3948     }
3950     if (r->PolyBin != NULL)
3951       omUnGetSpecBin(&(r->PolyBin));
3953     omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->VarOffset, (r->N +1)*sizeof(int));
3954     r->VarOffset=NULL;
3956     if (r->ordsgn != NULL && r->CmpL_Size != 0)
3957     {
3958       omFreeSize((ADDRESS)r->ordsgn,r->ExpL_Size*sizeof(long));
3959       r->ordsgn=NULL;
3960     }
3961     if (r->p_Procs != NULL)
3962     {
3963       omFreeSize(r->p_Procs, sizeof(p_Procs_s));
3964       r->p_Procs=NULL;
3965     }
3966     omfreeSize(r->VarL_Offset, r->VarL_Size*sizeof(int));
3967     r->VarL_Offset=NULL;
3968   }
3969   if (r->NegWeightL_Offset!=NULL)
3970   {
3971     omFreeSize(r->NegWeightL_Offset, r->NegWeightL_Size*sizeof(int));
3972     r->NegWeightL_Offset=NULL;
3973   }
3974 }
3976 // set r->VarL_Size, r->VarL_Offset, r->VarL_LowIndex
rSetVarL(ring r)3977 static void rSetVarL(ring r)
3978 {
3979   int  min = MAX_INT_VAL, min_j = -1;
3980   int* VarL_Number = (int*) omAlloc0(r->ExpL_Size*sizeof(int));
3982   int i,j;
3984   // count how often a var long is occupied by an exponent
3985   for (i=1; i<=r->N; i++)
3986   {
3987     VarL_Number[r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff]++;
3988   }
3990   // determine how many and min
3991   for (i=0, j=0; i<r->ExpL_Size; i++)
3992   {
3993     if (VarL_Number[i] != 0)
3994     {
3995       if (min > VarL_Number[i])
3996       {
3997         min = VarL_Number[i];
3998         min_j = j;
3999       }
4000       j++;
4001     }
4002   }
4004   r->VarL_Size = j; // number of long with exp. entries in
4005                     //  in p->exp
4006   r->VarL_Offset = (int*) omAlloc(r->VarL_Size*sizeof(int));
4007   r->VarL_LowIndex = 0;
4009   // set VarL_Offset
4010   for (i=0, j=0; i<r->ExpL_Size; i++)
4011   {
4012     if (VarL_Number[i] != 0)
4013     {
4014       r->VarL_Offset[j] = i;
4015       if (j > 0 && r->VarL_Offset[j-1] != r->VarL_Offset[j] - 1)
4016         r->VarL_LowIndex = -1;
4017       j++;
4018     }
4019   }
4020   if (r->VarL_LowIndex >= 0)
4021     r->VarL_LowIndex = r->VarL_Offset[0];
4023   if (min_j != 0)
4024   {
4025     j = r->VarL_Offset[min_j];
4026     r->VarL_Offset[min_j] = r->VarL_Offset[0];
4027     r->VarL_Offset[0] = j;
4028   }
4029   omFree(VarL_Number);
4030 }
rRightAdjustVarOffset(ring r)4032 static void rRightAdjustVarOffset(ring r)
4033 {
4034   int* shifts = (int*) omAlloc(r->ExpL_Size*sizeof(int));
4035   int i;
4036   // initialize shifts
4037   for (i=0;i<r->ExpL_Size;i++)
4038     shifts[i] = BIT_SIZEOF_LONG;
4040   // find minimal bit shift in each long exp entry
4041   for (i=1;i<=r->N;i++)
4042   {
4043     if (shifts[r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff] > r->VarOffset[i] >> 24)
4044       shifts[r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff] = r->VarOffset[i] >> 24;
4045   }
4046   // reset r->VarOffset: set the minimal shift to 0
4047   for (i=1;i<=r->N;i++)
4048   {
4049     if (shifts[r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff] != 0)
4050       r->VarOffset[i]
4051         = (r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff) |
4052         (((r->VarOffset[i] >> 24) - shifts[r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff]) << 24);
4053   }
4054   omFree(shifts);
4055 }
4057 // get r->divmask depending on bits per exponent
rGetDivMask(int bits)4058 static unsigned long rGetDivMask(int bits)
4059 {
4060   unsigned long divmask = 1;
4061   int i = bits;
4063   while (i < BIT_SIZEOF_LONG)
4064   {
4065     divmask |= (((unsigned long) 1) << (unsigned long) i);
4066     i += bits;
4067   }
4068   return divmask;
4069 }
4071 #ifdef RDEBUG
rDebugPrint(const ring r)4072 void rDebugPrint(const ring r)
4073 {
4074   if (r==NULL)
4075   {
4076     PrintS("NULL ?\n");
4077     return;
4078   }
4079   // corresponds to ro_typ from ring.h:
4080   const char *TYP[]={"ro_dp","ro_wp","ro_am","ro_wp64","ro_wp_neg","ro_cp",
4081                      "ro_syzcomp", "ro_syz", "ro_isTemp", "ro_is", "ro_none"};
4082   int i,j;
4084   Print("ExpL_Size:%d ",r->ExpL_Size);
4085   Print("CmpL_Size:%d ",r->CmpL_Size);
4086   Print("VarL_Size:%d\n",r->VarL_Size);
4087   Print("bitmask=0x%lx (expbound=%ld) \n",r->bitmask, r->bitmask);
4088   Print("divmask=%lx\n", r->divmask);
4089   Print("BitsPerExp=%d ExpPerLong=%d at L[%d]\n", r->BitsPerExp, r->ExpPerLong, r->VarL_Offset[0]);
4091   Print("VarL_LowIndex: %d\n", r->VarL_LowIndex);
4092   PrintS("VarL_Offset:\n");
4093   if (r->VarL_Offset==NULL) PrintS(" NULL");
4094   else
4095     for(j = 0; j < r->VarL_Size; j++)
4096       Print("  VarL_Offset[%d]: %d ", j, r->VarL_Offset[j]);
4097   PrintLn();
4100   PrintS("VarOffset:\n");
4101   if (r->VarOffset==NULL) PrintS(" NULL\n");
4102   else
4103     for(j=0;j<=r->N;j++)
4104       Print("  v%d at e-pos %d, bit %d\n",
4105             j,r->VarOffset[j] & 0xffffff, r->VarOffset[j] >>24);
4106   PrintS("ordsgn:\n");
4107   for(j=0;j<r->CmpL_Size;j++)
4108     Print("  ordsgn %ld at pos %d\n",r->ordsgn[j],j);
4109   Print("OrdSgn:%d\n",r->OrdSgn);
4110   PrintS("ordrec:\n");
4111   for(j=0;j<r->OrdSize;j++)
4112   {
4113     Print("  typ %s", TYP[r->typ[j].ord_typ]);
4114     if (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_syz)
4115     {
4116       const short place = r->typ[j].data.syz.place;
4117       const int limit = r->typ[j].data.syz.limit;
4118       const int curr_index = r->typ[j].data.syz.curr_index;
4119       const int* syz_index = r->typ[j].data.syz.syz_index;
4121       Print("  limit %d (place: %d, curr_index: %d), syz_index: ", limit, place, curr_index);
4123       if( syz_index == NULL )
4124         PrintS("(NULL)");
4125       else
4126       {
4127         PrintS("{");
4128         for( i=0; i <= limit; i++ )
4129           Print("%d ", syz_index[i]);
4130         PrintS("}");
4131       }
4133     }
4134     else if (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_isTemp)
4135     {
4136       Print("  start (level) %d, suffixpos: %d, VO: ",r->typ[j].data.isTemp.start, r->typ[j].data.isTemp.suffixpos);
4138     }
4139     else if (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_is)
4140     {
4141       Print("  start %d, end: %d: ",r->typ[j].data.is.start, r->typ[j].data.is.end);
4143 //      for( int k = 0; k <= r->N; k++) if (r->typ[j].data.is.pVarOffset[k] != -1) Print("[%2d]: %04x; ", k, r->typ[j].data.is.pVarOffset[k]);
4145       Print("  limit %d",r->typ[j].data.is.limit);
4146 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
4147       //PrintS("  F: ");idShow(r->typ[j].data.is.F, r, r, 1);
4148 #endif
4150       PrintLn();
4151     }
4152     else if  (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_am)
4153     {
4154       Print("  place %d",r->typ[j].data.am.place);
4155       Print("  start %d",r->typ[j].data.am.start);
4156       Print("  end %d",r->typ[j].data.am.end);
4157       Print("  len_gen %d",r->typ[j].data.am.len_gen);
4158       PrintS(" w:");
4159       int l=0;
4160       for(l=r->typ[j].data.am.start;l<=r->typ[j].data.am.end;l++)
4161             Print(" %d",r->typ[j].data.am.weights[l-r->typ[j].data.am.start]);
4162       l=r->typ[j].data.am.end+1;
4163       int ll=r->typ[j].data.am.weights[l-r->typ[j].data.am.start];
4164       PrintS(" m:");
4165       for(int lll=l+1;lll<l+ll+1;lll++)
4166             Print(" %d",r->typ[j].data.am.weights[lll-r->typ[j].data.am.start]);
4167     }
4168     else
4169     {
4170       Print("  place %d",r->typ[j].data.dp.place);
4172       if (r->typ[j].ord_typ!=ro_syzcomp  && r->typ[j].ord_typ!=ro_syz)
4173       {
4174         Print("  start %d",r->typ[j].data.dp.start);
4175         Print("  end %d",r->typ[j].data.dp.end);
4176         if ((r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_wp)
4177         || (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_wp_neg))
4178         {
4179           PrintS(" w:");
4180           for(int l=r->typ[j].data.wp.start;l<=r->typ[j].data.wp.end;l++)
4181             Print(" %d",r->typ[j].data.wp.weights[l-r->typ[j].data.wp.start]);
4182         }
4183         else if (r->typ[j].ord_typ==ro_wp64)
4184         {
4185           PrintS(" w64:");
4186           int l;
4187           for(l=r->typ[j].data.wp64.start;l<=r->typ[j].data.wp64.end;l++)
4188             Print(" %ld",(long)(((int64*)r->typ[j].data.wp64.weights64)+l-r->typ[j].data.wp64.start));
4189           }
4190         }
4191     }
4192     PrintLn();
4193   }
4194   Print("pOrdIndex:%d pCompIndex:%d\n", r->pOrdIndex, r->pCompIndex);
4195   Print("OrdSize:%d\n",r->OrdSize);
4196   PrintS("--------------------\n");
4197   for(j=0;j<r->ExpL_Size;j++)
4198   {
4199     Print("L[%d]: ",j);
4200     if (j< r->CmpL_Size)
4201       Print("ordsgn %ld ", r->ordsgn[j]);
4202     else
4203       PrintS("no comp ");
4204     i=1;
4205     for(;i<=r->N;i++)
4206     {
4207       if( (r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff) == j )
4208       {  Print("v%d at e[%d], bit %d; ", i,r->VarOffset[i] & 0xffffff,
4209                                          r->VarOffset[i] >>24 ); }
4210     }
4211     if( r->pCompIndex==j ) PrintS("v0; ");
4212     for(i=0;i<r->OrdSize;i++)
4213     {
4214       if (r->typ[i].data.dp.place == j)
4215       {
4216         Print("ordrec:%s (start:%d, end:%d) ",TYP[r->typ[i].ord_typ],
4217           r->typ[i].data.dp.start, r->typ[i].data.dp.end);
4218       }
4219     }
4221     if (j==r->pOrdIndex)
4222       PrintS("pOrdIndex\n");
4223     else
4224       PrintLn();
4225   }
4226   Print("LexOrder:%d, MixedOrder:%d\n",r->LexOrder, r->MixedOrder);
4228   Print("NegWeightL_Size: %d, NegWeightL_Offset: ", r->NegWeightL_Size);
4229   if (r->NegWeightL_Offset==NULL) PrintS(" NULL");
4230   else
4231     for(j = 0; j < r->NegWeightL_Size; j++)
4232       Print("  [%d]: %d ", j, r->NegWeightL_Offset[j]);
4233   PrintLn();
4235   // p_Procs stuff
4236   p_Procs_s proc_names;
4237   const char* field;
4238   const char* length;
4239   const char* ord;
4240   p_Debug_GetProcNames(r, &proc_names); // changes p_Procs!!!
4241   p_Debug_GetSpecNames(r, field, length, ord);
4243   Print("p_Spec  : %s, %s, %s\n", field, length, ord);
4244   PrintS("p_Procs :\n");
4245   for (i=0; i<(int) (sizeof(p_Procs_s)/sizeof(void*)); i++)
4246   {
4247     Print(" %s,\n", ((char**) &proc_names)[i]);
4248   }
4250   {
4251       PrintLn();
4252       PrintS("pFDeg   : ");
4253 #define pFDeg_CASE(A) if(r->pFDeg == A) PrintS( "" #A "" )
4254       pFDeg_CASE(p_Totaldegree); else
4255       pFDeg_CASE(p_WFirstTotalDegree); else
4256       pFDeg_CASE(p_WTotaldegree); else
4257       pFDeg_CASE(p_Deg); else
4258 #undef pFDeg_CASE
4259       Print("(%p)", r->pFDeg); // default case
4261     PrintLn();
4262     Print("pLDeg   : (%p)", r->pLDeg);
4263     PrintLn();
4264   }
4265   PrintS("pSetm:");
4266   void p_Setm_Dummy(poly p, const ring r);
4267   void p_Setm_TotalDegree(poly p, const ring r);
4268   void p_Setm_WFirstTotalDegree(poly p, const ring r);
4269   void p_Setm_General(poly p, const ring r);
4270   if (r->p_Setm==p_Setm_General) PrintS("p_Setm_General\n");
4271   else if (r->p_Setm==p_Setm_Dummy) PrintS("p_Setm_Dummy\n");
4272   else if (r->p_Setm==p_Setm_TotalDegree) PrintS("p_Setm_Totaldegree\n");
4273   else if (r->p_Setm==p_Setm_WFirstTotalDegree) PrintS("p_Setm_WFirstTotalDegree\n");
4274   else Print("%p\n",r->p_Setm);
4275 }
p_DebugPrint(poly p,const ring r)4277 void p_DebugPrint(poly p, const ring r)
4278 {
4279   int i,j;
4280   p_Write(p,r);
4281   j=2;
4282   while(p!=NULL)
4283   {
4284     Print("\nexp[0..%d]\n",r->ExpL_Size-1);
4285     for(i=0;i<r->ExpL_Size;i++)
4286       Print("%ld ",p->exp[i]);
4287     PrintLn();
4288     Print("v0:%ld ",p_GetComp(p, r));
4289     for(i=1;i<=r->N;i++) Print(" v%d:%ld",i,p_GetExp(p,i, r));
4290     PrintLn();
4291     pIter(p);
4292     j--;
4293     if (j==0) { PrintS("...\n"); break; }
4294   }
4295 }
4297 #endif // RDEBUG
4299 /// debug-print monomial poly/vector p, assuming that it lives in the ring R
m_DebugPrint(const poly p,const ring R)4300 static inline void m_DebugPrint(const poly p, const ring R)
4301 {
4302   Print("\nexp[0..%d]\n", R->ExpL_Size - 1);
4303   for(int i = 0; i < R->ExpL_Size; i++)
4304     Print("%09lx ", p->exp[i]);
4305   PrintLn();
4306   Print("v0:%9ld ", p_GetComp(p, R));
4307   for(int i = 1; i <= R->N; i++) Print(" v%d:%5ld",i, p_GetExp(p, i, R));
4308   PrintLn();
4309 }
4312 //    F = system("ISUpdateComponents", F, V, MIN );
4313 //    // replace gen(i) -> gen(MIN + V[i-MIN]) for all i > MIN in all terms from F!
pISUpdateComponents(ideal F,const intvec * const V,const int MIN,const ring r)4314 void pISUpdateComponents(ideal F, const intvec *const V, const int MIN, const ring r )
4315 {
4316   assume( V != NULL );
4317   assume( MIN >= 0 );
4319   if( F == NULL )
4320     return;
4322   for( int j = (F->ncols*F->nrows) - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
4323   {
4324 #ifdef PDEBUG
4325     Print("F[%d]:", j);
4326     p_wrp(F->m[j], r);
4327 #endif
4329     for( poly p = F->m[j]; p != NULL; pIter(p) )
4330     {
4331       int c = p_GetComp(p, r);
4333       if( c > MIN )
4334       {
4335 #ifdef PDEBUG
4336         Print("gen[%d] -> gen(%d)\n", c, MIN + (*V)[ c - MIN - 1 ]);
4337 #endif
4339         p_SetComp( p, MIN + (*V)[ c - MIN - 1 ], r );
4340       }
4341     }
4342 #ifdef PDEBUG
4343     Print("new F[%d]:", j);
4344     p_Test(F->m[j], r);
4345     p_wrp(F->m[j], r);
4346 #endif
4347   }
4348 }
4350 /*2
4351 * asssume that rComplete was called with r
4352 * assume that the first block ist ringorder_S
4353 * change the block to reflect the sequence given by appending v
4354 */
rNChangeSComps(int * currComponents,long * currShiftedComponents,ring r)4355 static inline void rNChangeSComps(int* currComponents, long* currShiftedComponents, ring r)
4356 {
4357   assume(r->typ[1].ord_typ == ro_syzcomp);
4359   r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.ShiftedComponents = currShiftedComponents;
4360   r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.Components = currComponents;
4361 }
rNGetSComps(int ** currComponents,long ** currShiftedComponents,ring r)4363 static inline void rNGetSComps(int** currComponents, long** currShiftedComponents, ring r)
4364 {
4365   assume(r->typ[1].ord_typ == ro_syzcomp);
4367   *currShiftedComponents = r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.ShiftedComponents;
4368   *currComponents =   r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.Components;
4369 }
4370 #ifdef PDEBUG
rDBChangeSComps(int * currComponents,long * currShiftedComponents,int length,ring r)4371 static inline void rDBChangeSComps(int* currComponents,
4372                      long* currShiftedComponents,
4373                      int length,
4374                      ring r)
4375 {
4376   assume(r->typ[1].ord_typ == ro_syzcomp);
4378   r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.length = length;
4379   rNChangeSComps( currComponents, currShiftedComponents, r);
4380 }
rDBGetSComps(int ** currComponents,long ** currShiftedComponents,int * length,ring r)4381 static inline void rDBGetSComps(int** currComponents,
4382                  long** currShiftedComponents,
4383                  int *length,
4384                  ring r)
4385 {
4386   assume(r->typ[1].ord_typ == ro_syzcomp);
4388   *length = r->typ[1].data.syzcomp.length;
4389   rNGetSComps( currComponents, currShiftedComponents, r);
4390 }
4391 #endif
rChangeSComps(int * currComponents,long * currShiftedComponents,int length,ring r)4393 void rChangeSComps(int* currComponents, long* currShiftedComponents, int length, ring r)
4394 {
4395 #ifdef PDEBUG
4396    rDBChangeSComps(currComponents, currShiftedComponents, length, r);
4397 #else
4398    rNChangeSComps(currComponents, currShiftedComponents, r);
4399 #endif
4400 }
rGetSComps(int ** currComponents,long ** currShiftedComponents,int * length,ring r)4402 void rGetSComps(int** currComponents, long** currShiftedComponents, int *length, ring r)
4403 {
4404 #ifdef PDEBUG
4405    rDBGetSComps(currComponents, currShiftedComponents, length, r);
4406 #else
4407    rNGetSComps(currComponents, currShiftedComponents, r);
4408 #endif
4409 }
4412 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4413 //
4414 // The following routines all take as input a ring r, and return R
4415 // where R has a certain property. R might be equal r in which case r
4416 // had already this property
4417 //
rAssure_SyzOrder(const ring r,BOOLEAN complete)4418 ring rAssure_SyzOrder(const ring r, BOOLEAN complete)
4419 {
4420   if ( r->order[0] == ringorder_c ) return r;
4421   return rAssure_SyzComp(r,complete);
4422 }
rAssure_SyzComp(const ring r,BOOLEAN complete)4423 ring rAssure_SyzComp(const ring r, BOOLEAN complete)
4424 {
4425   if ( r->order[0] == ringorder_s ) return r;
4427   if ( r->order[0] == ringorder_IS )
4428   {
4429 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
4430     WarnS("rAssure_SyzComp: input ring has an IS-ordering!");
4431 #endif
4432 //    return r;
4433   }
4434   ring res=rCopy0(r, FALSE, FALSE);
4435   int i=rBlocks(r);
4436   int j;
4438   res->order=(rRingOrder_t *)omAlloc((i+1)*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
4439   res->block0=(int *)omAlloc0((i+1)*sizeof(int));
4440   res->block1=(int *)omAlloc0((i+1)*sizeof(int));
4441   int ** wvhdl =(int **)omAlloc0((i+1)*sizeof(int**));
4442   for(j=i;j>0;j--)
4443   {
4444     res->order[j]=r->order[j-1];
4445     res->block0[j]=r->block0[j-1];
4446     res->block1[j]=r->block1[j-1];
4447     if (r->wvhdl[j-1] != NULL)
4448     {
4449       wvhdl[j] = (int*) omMemDup(r->wvhdl[j-1]);
4450     }
4451   }
4452   res->order[0]=ringorder_s;
4454   res->wvhdl = wvhdl;
4456   if (complete)
4457   {
4458     rComplete(res, 1);
4459 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4460     if (rIsPluralRing(r))
4461     {
4462       if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal!
4463       {
4464 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
4465         WarnS("error in nc_rComplete");      // cleanup?//      rDelete(res);//      return r;      // just go on..
4466 #endif
4467       }
4468     }
4469     assume(rIsPluralRing(r) == rIsPluralRing(res));
4470 #endif
4472 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4473     ring old_ring = r;
4474 #endif
4475     if (r->qideal!=NULL)
4476     {
4477       res->qideal= idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal, r, res);
4478       assume(id_RankFreeModule(res->qideal, res) == 0);
4479 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4480       if( rIsPluralRing(res) )
4481       {
4482         if( nc_SetupQuotient(res, r, true) )
4483         {
4484 //          WarnS("error in nc_SetupQuotient"); // cleanup?      rDelete(res);       return r;  // just go on...?
4485         }
4486         assume(id_RankFreeModule(res->qideal, res) == 0);
4487       }
4488 #endif
4489     }
4491 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4492     assume((res->qideal==NULL) == (old_ring->qideal==NULL));
4493     assume(rIsPluralRing(res) == rIsPluralRing(old_ring));
4494     assume(rIsSCA(res) == rIsSCA(old_ring));
4495     assume(ncRingType(res) == ncRingType(old_ring));
4496 #endif
4497   }
4498   return res;
4499 }
rAssure_TDeg(ring r,int & pos)4501 ring rAssure_TDeg(ring r, int &pos)
4502 {
4503   if (r->N==1) // special: dp(1)==lp(1)== no entry in typ
4504   {
4505     pos=r->VarL_LowIndex;
4506     return r;
4507   }
4508   if (r->typ!=NULL)
4509   {
4510     for(int i=r->OrdSize-1;i>=0;i--)
4511     {
4512       if ((r->typ[i].ord_typ==ro_dp)
4513       && (r->typ[i].data.dp.start==1)
4514       && (r->typ[i].data.dp.end==r->N))
4515       {
4516         pos=r->typ[i].data.dp.place;
4517         //printf("no change, pos=%d\n",pos);
4518         return r;
4519       }
4520     }
4521   }
4523 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4524   nc_struct* save=r->GetNC();
4525   r->GetNC()=NULL;
4526 #endif
4527   ring res=rCopy(r);
4528   if (res->qideal!=NULL)
4529   {
4530     id_Delete(&res->qideal,r);
4531   }
4533   int i=rBlocks(r);
4534   int j;
4536   res->ExpL_Size=r->ExpL_Size+1; // one word more in each monom
4537   res->PolyBin=omGetSpecBin(POLYSIZE + (res->ExpL_Size)*sizeof(long));
4538   omFree((ADDRESS)res->ordsgn);
4539   res->ordsgn=(long *)omAlloc0(res->ExpL_Size*sizeof(long));
4540   for(j=0;j<r->CmpL_Size;j++)
4541   {
4542     res->ordsgn[j] = r->ordsgn[j];
4543   }
4544   res->OrdSize=r->OrdSize+1;   // one block more for pSetm
4545   if (r->typ!=NULL)
4546     omFree((ADDRESS)res->typ);
4547   res->typ=(sro_ord*)omAlloc0(res->OrdSize*sizeof(sro_ord));
4548   if (r->typ!=NULL)
4549     memcpy(res->typ,r->typ,r->OrdSize*sizeof(sro_ord));
4550   // the additional block for pSetm: total degree at the last word
4551   // but not included in the compare part
4552   res->typ[res->OrdSize-1].ord_typ=ro_dp;
4553   res->typ[res->OrdSize-1].data.dp.start=1;
4554   res->typ[res->OrdSize-1].data.dp.end=res->N;
4555   res->typ[res->OrdSize-1].data.dp.place=res->ExpL_Size-1;
4556   pos=res->ExpL_Size-1;
4557   //res->pOrdIndex=pos; //NO: think of a(1,0),dp !
4558   extern void p_Setm_General(poly p, ring r);
4559   res->p_Setm=p_Setm_General;
4560   // ----------------------------
4561   omFree((ADDRESS)res->p_Procs);
4562   res->p_Procs = (p_Procs_s*)omAlloc(sizeof(p_Procs_s));
4564   p_ProcsSet(res, res->p_Procs);
4565 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4566   r->GetNC()=save;
4567   if (rIsPluralRing(r))
4568   {
4569     if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal!
4570     {
4571 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
4572       WarnS("error in nc_rComplete");
4573 #endif
4574       // just go on..
4575     }
4576   }
4577 #endif
4578   if (r->qideal!=NULL)
4579   {
4580      res->qideal=idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal,r, res);
4581 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4582      if (rIsPluralRing(res))
4583      {
4584 //       nc_SetupQuotient(res, currRing);
4585        nc_SetupQuotient(res, r); // ?
4586      }
4587      assume((res->qideal==NULL) == (r->qideal==NULL));
4588 #endif
4589   }
4591 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4592   assume(rIsPluralRing(res) == rIsPluralRing(r));
4593   assume(rIsSCA(res) == rIsSCA(r));
4594   assume(ncRingType(res) == ncRingType(r));
4595 #endif
4597   return res;
4598 }
rAssure_HasComp(const ring r)4600 ring rAssure_HasComp(const ring r)
4601 {
4602   int last_block;
4603   int i=0;
4604   do
4605   {
4606      if (r->order[i] == ringorder_c ||
4607         r->order[i] == ringorder_C) return r;
4608      if (r->order[i] == 0)
4609         break;
4610      i++;
4611   } while (1);
4612   //WarnS("re-creating ring with comps");
4613   last_block=i-1;
4615   ring new_r = rCopy0(r, FALSE, FALSE);
4616   i+=2;
4617   new_r->wvhdl=(int **)omAlloc0(i * sizeof(int *));
4618   new_r->order   = (rRingOrder_t *) omAlloc0(i * sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
4619   new_r->block0   = (int *) omAlloc0(i * sizeof(int));
4620   new_r->block1   = (int *) omAlloc0(i * sizeof(int));
4621   memcpy(new_r->order,r->order,(i-1) * sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
4622   memcpy(new_r->block0,r->block0,(i-1) * sizeof(int));
4623   memcpy(new_r->block1,r->block1,(i-1) * sizeof(int));
4624   for (int j=0; j<=last_block; j++)
4625   {
4626     if (r->wvhdl[j]!=NULL)
4627     {
4628       new_r->wvhdl[j] = (int*) omMemDup(r->wvhdl[j]);
4629     }
4630   }
4631   last_block++;
4632   new_r->order[last_block]=ringorder_C;
4633   //new_r->block0[last_block]=0;
4634   //new_r->block1[last_block]=0;
4635   //new_r->wvhdl[last_block]=NULL;
4637   rComplete(new_r, 1);
4639 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4640   if (rIsPluralRing(r))
4641   {
4642     if ( nc_rComplete(r, new_r, false) ) // no qideal!
4643     {
4644 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
4645       WarnS("error in nc_rComplete");      // cleanup?//      rDelete(res);//      return r;      // just go on..
4646 #endif
4647     }
4648   }
4649   assume(rIsPluralRing(r) == rIsPluralRing(new_r));
4650 #endif
4652   return new_r;
4653 }
rAssure_CompLastBlock(ring r,BOOLEAN complete)4655 ring rAssure_CompLastBlock(ring r, BOOLEAN complete)
4656 {
4657   int last_block = rBlocks(r) - 2;
4658   if (r->order[last_block] != ringorder_c &&
4659       r->order[last_block] != ringorder_C)
4660   {
4661     int c_pos = 0;
4662     int i;
4664     for (i=0; i< last_block; i++)
4665     {
4666       if (r->order[i] == ringorder_c || r->order[i] == ringorder_C)
4667       {
4668         c_pos = i;
4669         break;
4670       }
4671     }
4672     if (c_pos != -1)
4673     {
4674       ring new_r = rCopy0(r, FALSE, TRUE);
4675       for (i=c_pos+1; i<=last_block; i++)
4676       {
4677         new_r->order[i-1] = new_r->order[i];
4678         new_r->block0[i-1] = new_r->block0[i];
4679         new_r->block1[i-1] = new_r->block1[i];
4680         new_r->wvhdl[i-1] = new_r->wvhdl[i];
4681       }
4682       new_r->order[last_block] = r->order[c_pos];
4683       new_r->block0[last_block] = r->block0[c_pos];
4684       new_r->block1[last_block] = r->block1[c_pos];
4685       new_r->wvhdl[last_block] = r->wvhdl[c_pos];
4686       if (complete)
4687       {
4688         rComplete(new_r, 1);
4690 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4691         if (rIsPluralRing(r))
4692         {
4693           if ( nc_rComplete(r, new_r, false) ) // no qideal!
4694           {
4695 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
4696             WarnS("error in nc_rComplete");   // cleanup?//      rDelete(res);//      return r;      // just go on..
4697 #endif
4698           }
4699         }
4700         assume(rIsPluralRing(r) == rIsPluralRing(new_r));
4701 #endif
4702       }
4703       return new_r;
4704     }
4705   }
4706   return r;
4707 }
4709 // Moves _c or _C ordering to the last place AND adds _s on the 1st place
rAssure_SyzComp_CompLastBlock(const ring r)4710 ring rAssure_SyzComp_CompLastBlock(const ring r)
4711 {
4712   rTest(r);
4714   ring new_r_1 = rAssure_CompLastBlock(r, FALSE); // due to this FALSE - no completion!
4715   ring new_r = rAssure_SyzComp(new_r_1, FALSE); // new_r_1 is used only here!!!
4717   if (new_r == r)
4718      return r;
4720   ring old_r = r;
4721   if (new_r_1 != new_r && new_r_1 != old_r) rDelete(new_r_1);
4723   rComplete(new_r, TRUE);
4724 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4725   if (rIsPluralRing(old_r))
4726   {
4727     if ( nc_rComplete(old_r, new_r, false) ) // no qideal!
4728     {
4729 # ifndef SING_NDEBUG
4730       WarnS("error in nc_rComplete"); // cleanup?      rDelete(res);       return r;  // just go on...?
4731 # endif
4732     }
4733   }
4734 #endif
4736 ///?    rChangeCurrRing(new_r);
4737   if (old_r->qideal != NULL)
4738   {
4739     new_r->qideal = idrCopyR(old_r->qideal, old_r, new_r);
4740   }
4742 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4743   if( rIsPluralRing(old_r) )
4744     if( nc_SetupQuotient(new_r, old_r, true) )
4745     {
4746 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
4747       WarnS("error in nc_SetupQuotient"); // cleanup?      rDelete(res);       return r;  // just go on...?
4748 #endif
4749     }
4750 #endif
4752 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4753   assume((new_r->qideal==NULL) == (old_r->qideal==NULL));
4754   assume(rIsPluralRing(new_r) == rIsPluralRing(old_r));
4755   assume(rIsSCA(new_r) == rIsSCA(old_r));
4756   assume(ncRingType(new_r) == ncRingType(old_r));
4757 #endif
4759   rTest(new_r);
4760   rTest(old_r);
4761   return new_r;
4762 }
4764 // use this for global orderings consisting of two blocks
rAssure_Global(rRingOrder_t b1,rRingOrder_t b2,const ring r)4765 static ring rAssure_Global(rRingOrder_t b1, rRingOrder_t b2, const ring r)
4766 {
4767   int r_blocks = rBlocks(r);
4769   assume(b1 == ringorder_c || b1 == ringorder_C ||
4770          b2 == ringorder_c || b2 == ringorder_C ||
4771          b2 == ringorder_S);
4772   if ((r_blocks == 3) &&
4773       (r->order[0] == b1) &&
4774       (r->order[1] == b2) &&
4775       (r->order[2] == 0))
4776     return r;
4777   ring res = rCopy0(r, FALSE, FALSE);
4778   res->order = (rRingOrder_t*)omAlloc0(3*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
4779   res->block0 = (int*)omAlloc0(3*sizeof(int));
4780   res->block1 = (int*)omAlloc0(3*sizeof(int));
4781   res->wvhdl = (int**)omAlloc0(3*sizeof(int*));
4782   res->order[0] = b1;
4783   res->order[1] = b2;
4784   if (b1 == ringorder_c || b1 == ringorder_C)
4785   {
4786     res->block0[1] = 1;
4787     res->block1[1] = r->N;
4788   }
4789   else
4790   {
4791     res->block0[0] = 1;
4792     res->block1[0] = r->N;
4793   }
4794   rComplete(res, 1);
4795   if (r->qideal!=NULL) res->qideal= idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal, r, res);
4796 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4797   if (rIsPluralRing(r))
4798   {
4799     if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal!
4800     {
4801 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
4802       WarnS("error in nc_rComplete");
4803 #endif
4804     }
4805   }
4806 #endif
4807 //  rChangeCurrRing(res);
4808   return res;
4809 }
rAssure_InducedSchreyerOrdering(const ring r,BOOLEAN complete,int sgn)4811 ring rAssure_InducedSchreyerOrdering(const ring r, BOOLEAN complete/* = TRUE*/, int sgn/* = 1*/)
4812 { // TODO: ???? Add leading Syz-comp ordering here...????
4814 #if MYTEST
4815     Print("rAssure_InducedSchreyerOrdering(r, complete = %d, sgn = %d): r: \n", complete, sgn);
4816     rWrite(r);
4817 #ifdef RDEBUG
4818     rDebugPrint(r);
4819 #endif
4820     PrintLn();
4821 #endif
4822   assume((sgn == 1) || (sgn == -1));
4824   ring res=rCopy0(r, FALSE, FALSE); // No qideal & ordering copy.
4826   int n = rBlocks(r); // Including trailing zero!
4828   // Create 2 more blocks for prefix/suffix:
4829   res->order=(rRingOrder_t *)omAlloc0((n+2)*sizeof(rRingOrder_t)); // 0  ..  n+1
4830   res->block0=(int *)omAlloc0((n+2)*sizeof(int));
4831   res->block1=(int *)omAlloc0((n+2)*sizeof(int));
4832   int ** wvhdl =(int **)omAlloc0((n+2)*sizeof(int**));
4834   // Encapsulate all existing blocks between induced Schreyer ordering markers: prefix and suffix!
4835   // Note that prefix and suffix have the same ringorder marker and only differ in block[] parameters!
4837   // new 1st block
4838   int j = 0;
4839   res->order[j] = ringorder_IS; // Prefix
4840   res->block0[j] = res->block1[j] = 0;
4841   // wvhdl[j] = NULL;
4842   j++;
4844   for(int i = 0; (i <= n) && (r->order[i] != 0); i++, j++) // i = [0 .. n-1] <- non-zero old blocks
4845   {
4846     res->order [j] = r->order [i];
4847     res->block0[j] = r->block0[i];
4848     res->block1[j] = r->block1[i];
4850     if (r->wvhdl[i] != NULL)
4851     {
4852       wvhdl[j] = (int*) omMemDup(r->wvhdl[i]);
4853     } // else wvhdl[j] = NULL;
4854   }
4856   // new last block
4857   res->order [j] = ringorder_IS; // Suffix
4858   res->block0[j] = res->block1[j] = sgn; // Sign of v[o]: 1 for C, -1 for c
4859   // wvhdl[j] = NULL;
4860   j++;
4862   // res->order [j] = 0; // The End!
4863   res->wvhdl = wvhdl;
4865   // j == the last zero block now!
4866   assume(j == (n+1));
4867   assume(res->order[0]==ringorder_IS);
4868   assume(res->order[j-1]==ringorder_IS);
4869   assume(res->order[j]==0);
4872   if (complete)
4873   {
4874     rComplete(res, 1);
4876 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4877     if (rIsPluralRing(r))
4878     {
4879       if ( nc_rComplete(r, res, false) ) // no qideal!
4880       {
4881 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
4882         WarnS("error in nc_rComplete");      // cleanup?//      rDelete(res);//      return r;      // just go on..
4883 #endif
4884       }
4885     }
4886     assume(rIsPluralRing(r) == rIsPluralRing(res));
4887 #endif
4890 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4891     ring old_ring = r;
4892 #endif
4894     if (r->qideal!=NULL)
4895     {
4896       res->qideal= idrCopyR_NoSort(r->qideal, r, res);
4898       assume(id_RankFreeModule(res->qideal, res) == 0);
4900 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4901       if( rIsPluralRing(res) )
4902         if( nc_SetupQuotient(res, r, true) )
4903         {
4904 //          WarnS("error in nc_SetupQuotient"); // cleanup?      rDelete(res);       return r;  // just go on...?
4905         }
4907 #endif
4908       assume(id_RankFreeModule(res->qideal, res) == 0);
4909     }
4911 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
4912     assume((res->qideal==NULL) == (old_ring->qideal==NULL));
4913     assume(rIsPluralRing(res) == rIsPluralRing(old_ring));
4914     assume(rIsSCA(res) == rIsSCA(old_ring));
4915     assume(ncRingType(res) == ncRingType(old_ring));
4916 #endif
4917   }
4919   return res;
4920 }
rAssure_dp_S(const ring r)4922 ring rAssure_dp_S(const ring r)
4923 {
4924   return rAssure_Global(ringorder_dp, ringorder_S, r);
4925 }
rAssure_dp_C(const ring r)4927 ring rAssure_dp_C(const ring r)
4928 {
4929   return rAssure_Global(ringorder_dp, ringorder_C, r);
4930 }
rAssure_C_dp(const ring r)4932 ring rAssure_C_dp(const ring r)
4933 {
4934   return rAssure_Global(ringorder_C, ringorder_dp, r);
4935 }
rAssure_c_dp(const ring r)4937 ring rAssure_c_dp(const ring r)
4938 {
4939   return rAssure_Global(ringorder_c, ringorder_dp, r);
4940 }
4944 /// Finds p^th IS ordering, and returns its position in r->typ[]
4945 /// returns -1 if something went wrong!
4946 /// p - starts with 0!
rGetISPos(const int p,const ring r)4947 int rGetISPos(const int p, const ring r)
4948 {
4949   // Put the reference set F into the ring -ordering -recor
4950 #if MYTEST
4951   Print("rIsIS(p: %d)\nF:", p);
4952   PrintLn();
4953 #endif
4955   if (r->typ==NULL)
4956   {
4957 //    dReportError("'rIsIS:' Error: wrong ring! (typ == NULL)");
4958     return -1;
4959   }
4961   int j = p; // Which IS record to use...
4962   for( int pos = 0; pos < r->OrdSize; pos++ )
4963     if( r->typ[pos].ord_typ == ro_is)
4964       if( j-- == 0 )
4965         return pos;
4967   return -1;
4968 }
4975 /// Changes r by setting induced ordering parameters: limit and reference leading terms
4976 /// F belong to r, we will DO a copy!
4977 /// We will use it AS IS!
4978 /// returns true is everything was allright!
rSetISReference(const ring r,const ideal F,const int i,const int p)4979 BOOLEAN rSetISReference(const ring r, const ideal F, const int i, const int p)
4980 {
4981   // Put the reference set F into the ring -ordering -recor
4983   if (r->typ==NULL)
4984   {
4985     dReportError("Error: WRONG USE of rSetISReference: wrong ring! (typ == NULL)");
4986     return FALSE;
4987   }
4990   int pos = rGetISPos(p, r);
4992   if( pos == -1 )
4993   {
4994     dReportError("Error: WRONG USE of rSetISReference: specified ordering block was not found!!!" );
4995     return FALSE;
4996   }
4998 #if MYTEST
4999   if( i != r->typ[pos].data.is.limit )
5000     Print("Changing record on pos: %d\nOld limit: %d --->> New Limit: %d\n", pos, r->typ[pos].data.is.limit, i);
5001 #endif
5003   const ideal FF = idrHeadR(F, r, r); // id_Copy(F, r); // ???
5006   if( r->typ[pos].data.is.F != NULL)
5007   {
5008 #if MYTEST
5009     PrintS("Deleting old reference set F... \n");        // idShow(r->typ[pos].data.is.F, r);         PrintLn();
5010 #endif
5011     id_Delete(&r->typ[pos].data.is.F, r);
5012     r->typ[pos].data.is.F = NULL;
5013   }
5015   assume(r->typ[pos].data.is.F == NULL);
5017   r->typ[pos].data.is.F = FF; // F is owened by ring now! TODO: delete at the end!
5019   r->typ[pos].data.is.limit = i; // First induced component
5021 #if MYTEST
5022   PrintS("New reference set FF : \n");        idShow(FF, r, r, 1);         PrintLn();
5023 #endif
5025   return TRUE;
5026 }
5028 #ifdef PDEBUG
5029 VAR int pDBsyzComp=0;
5030 #endif
rSetSyzComp(int k,const ring r)5033 void rSetSyzComp(int k, const ring r)
5034 {
5035   if(k < 0)
5036   {
5037     dReportError("rSetSyzComp with negative limit!");
5038     return;
5039   }
5041   assume( k >= 0 );
5042   if (TEST_OPT_PROT) Print("{%d}", k);
5043   if ((r->typ!=NULL) && (r->typ[0].ord_typ==ro_syz))
5044   {
5045     r->block0[0]=r->block1[0] = k;
5046     if( k == r->typ[0].data.syz.limit )
5047       return; // nothing to do
5049     int i;
5050     if (r->typ[0].data.syz.limit == 0)
5051     {
5052       r->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index = (int*) omAlloc0((k+1)*sizeof(int));
5053       r->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index[0] = 0;
5054       r->typ[0].data.syz.curr_index = 1;
5055     }
5056     else
5057     {
5058       r->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index = (int*)
5059         omReallocSize(r->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index,
5060                 (r->typ[0].data.syz.limit+1)*sizeof(int),
5061                 (k+1)*sizeof(int));
5062     }
5063     for (i=r->typ[0].data.syz.limit + 1; i<= k; i++)
5064     {
5065       r->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index[i] =
5066         r->typ[0].data.syz.curr_index;
5067     }
5068     if(k < r->typ[0].data.syz.limit) // ?
5069     {
5070 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
5071       Warn("rSetSyzComp called with smaller limit (%d) as before (%d)", k, r->typ[0].data.syz.limit);
5072 #endif
5073       r->typ[0].data.syz.curr_index = 1 + r->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index[k];
5074     }
5077     r->typ[0].data.syz.limit = k;
5078     r->typ[0].data.syz.curr_index++;
5079   }
5080   else if(
5081             (r->typ!=NULL) &&
5082             (r->typ[0].ord_typ==ro_isTemp)
5083            )
5084   {
5085 //      (r->typ[currRing->typ[0].data.isTemp.suffixpos].data.is.limit == k)
5086 #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
5087     Warn("rSetSyzComp(%d) in an IS ring! Be careful!", k);
5088 #endif
5089   }
5090   else if (r->order[0]==ringorder_s)
5091   {
5092     r->block0[0] = r->block1[0] = k;
5093   }
5094   else if (r->order[0]!=ringorder_c)
5095   {
5096     dReportError("syzcomp in incompatible ring");
5097   }
5098 #ifdef PDEBUG
5099   EXTERN_VAR int pDBsyzComp;
5100   pDBsyzComp=k;
5101 #endif
5102 }
5104 // return the max-comonent wchich has syzIndex i
rGetMaxSyzComp(int i,const ring r)5105 int rGetMaxSyzComp(int i, const ring r)
5106 {
5107   if ((r->typ!=NULL) && (r->typ[0].ord_typ==ro_syz) &&
5108       r->typ[0].data.syz.limit > 0 && i > 0)
5109   {
5110     assume(i <= r->typ[0].data.syz.limit);
5111     int j;
5112     for (j=0; j<r->typ[0].data.syz.limit; j++)
5113     {
5114       if (r->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index[j] == i  &&
5115           r->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index[j+1] != i)
5116       {
5117         assume(r->typ[0].data.syz.syz_index[j+1] == i+1);
5118         return j;
5119       }
5120     }
5121     return r->typ[0].data.syz.limit;
5122   }
5123   else
5124   {
5125   #ifndef SING_NDEBUG
5126     WarnS("rGetMaxSyzComp: order c");
5127   #endif
5128     return 0;
5129   }
5130 }
rRing_is_Homog(const ring r)5132 BOOLEAN rRing_is_Homog(const ring r)
5133 {
5134   if (r == NULL) return FALSE;
5135   int i, j, nb = rBlocks(r);
5136   for (i=0; i<nb; i++)
5137   {
5138     if (r->wvhdl[i] != NULL)
5139     {
5140       int length = r->block1[i] - r->block0[i];
5141       int* wvhdl = r->wvhdl[i];
5142       if (r->order[i] == ringorder_M) length *= length;
5143       assume(omSizeOfAddr(wvhdl) >= length*sizeof(int));
5145       for (j=0; j< length; j++)
5146       {
5147         if (wvhdl[j] != 0 && wvhdl[j] != 1) return FALSE;
5148       }
5149     }
5150   }
5151   return TRUE;
5152 }
rRing_has_CompLastBlock(const ring r)5154 BOOLEAN rRing_has_CompLastBlock(const ring r)
5155 {
5156   assume(r != NULL);
5157   int lb = rBlocks(r) - 2;
5158   return (r->order[lb] == ringorder_c || r->order[lb] == ringorder_C);
5159 }
rRing_ord_pure_dp(const ring r)5161 BOOLEAN rRing_ord_pure_dp(const ring r)
5162 {
5163   if ((r->order[0]==ringorder_dp) &&(r->block0[0]==1) &&(r->block1[0]==r->N))
5164     return TRUE;
5165   if (((r->order[0]==ringorder_c)||(r->order[0]==ringorder_C))
5166   && ((r->order[1]==ringorder_dp) &&(r->block0[1]==1) &&(r->block1[1]==r->N)))
5167     return TRUE;
5168   return FALSE;
5169 }
rRing_ord_pure_Dp(const ring r)5171 BOOLEAN rRing_ord_pure_Dp(const ring r)
5172 {
5173   if ((r->order[0]==ringorder_Dp) &&(r->block0[0]==1) &&(r->block1[0]==r->N))
5174     return TRUE;
5175   if (((r->order[0]==ringorder_c)||(r->order[0]==ringorder_C))
5176   && ((r->order[1]==ringorder_Dp) &&(r->block0[1]==1) &&(r->block1[1]==r->N)))
5177     return TRUE;
5178   return FALSE;
5179 }
rRing_ord_pure_lp(const ring r)5181 BOOLEAN rRing_ord_pure_lp(const ring r)
5182 {
5183   if ((r->order[0]==ringorder_lp) &&(r->block0[0]==1) &&(r->block1[0]==r->N))
5184     return TRUE;
5185   if (((r->order[0]==ringorder_c)||(r->order[0]==ringorder_C))
5186   && ((r->order[1]==ringorder_lp) &&(r->block0[1]==1) &&(r->block1[1]==r->N)))
5187     return TRUE;
5188   return FALSE;
5189 }
rGetWeightVec(const ring r)5191 int64 * rGetWeightVec(const ring r)
5192 {
5193   assume(r!=NULL);
5194   assume(r->OrdSize>0);
5195   int i=0;
5196   while((r->typ[i].ord_typ!=ro_wp64) && (r->typ[i].ord_typ>0)) i++;
5197   assume(r->typ[i].ord_typ==ro_wp64);
5198   return (int64*)(r->typ[i].data.wp64.weights64);
5199 }
rSetWeightVec(ring r,int64 * wv)5201 void rSetWeightVec(ring r, int64 *wv)
5202 {
5203   assume(r!=NULL);
5204   assume(r->OrdSize>0);
5205   assume(r->typ[0].ord_typ==ro_wp64);
5206   memcpy(r->typ[0].data.wp64.weights64,wv,r->N*sizeof(int64));
5207 }
5209 #include <ctype.h>
rRealloc1(ring r,int size,int pos)5211 static int rRealloc1(ring r, int size, int pos)
5212 {
5213   r->order=(rRingOrder_t*)omReallocSize(r->order, size*sizeof(rRingOrder_t), (size+1)*sizeof(rRingOrder_t));
5214   r->block0=(int*)omReallocSize(r->block0, size*sizeof(int), (size+1)*sizeof(int));
5215   r->block1=(int*)omReallocSize(r->block1, size*sizeof(int), (size+1)*sizeof(int));
5216   r->wvhdl=(int **)omReallocSize(r->wvhdl,size*sizeof(int *), (size+1)*sizeof(int *));
5217   for(int k=size; k>pos; k--) r->wvhdl[k]=r->wvhdl[k-1];
5218   r->order[size]=(rRingOrder_t)0;
5219   size++;
5220   return size;
5221 }
5222 #if 0 // currently unused
5223 static int rReallocM1(ring r, int size, int pos)
5224 {
5225   r->order=(int*)omReallocSize(r->order, size*sizeof(int), (size-1)*sizeof(int));
5226   r->block0=(int*)omReallocSize(r->block0, size*sizeof(int), (size-1)*sizeof(int));
5227   r->block1=(int*)omReallocSize(r->block1, size*sizeof(int), (size-1)*sizeof(int));
5228   r->wvhdl=(int **)omReallocSize(r->wvhdl,size*sizeof(int *), (size-1)*sizeof(int *));
5229   for(int k=pos+1; k<size; k++) r->wvhdl[k]=r->wvhdl[k+1];
5230   size--;
5231   return size;
5232 }
5233 #endif
rOppWeight(int * w,int l)5234 static void rOppWeight(int *w, int l)
5235 {
5236   /* works for commutative/Plural; need to be changed for Letterplace */
5237   /* Letterpace: each block of vars needs to be reverted on it own */
5238   int i2=(l+1)/2;
5239   for(int j=0; j<=i2; j++)
5240   {
5241     int t=w[j];
5242     w[j]=w[l-j];
5243     w[l-j]=t;
5244   }
5245 }
5247 #define rOppVar(R,I) (rVar(R)+1-I)
5248 /* nice for Plural, need to be changed for Letterplace: requires also the length of a monomial */
rOpposite(ring src)5250 ring rOpposite(ring src)
5251   /* creates an opposite algebra of R */
5252   /* that is R^opp, where f (*^opp) g = g*f  */
5253   /* treats the case of qring */
5254 {
5255   if (src == NULL) return(NULL);
5257   //rChangeCurrRing(src);
5258 #ifdef RDEBUG
5259   rTest(src);
5260 //  rWrite(src);
5261 //  rDebugPrint(src);
5262 #endif
5264   ring r = rCopy0(src,FALSE);
5265   if (src->qideal != NULL)
5266   {
5267     id_Delete(&(r->qideal), src);
5268   }
5270   // change vars v1..vN -> vN..v1
5271   int i;
5272   int i2 = (rVar(r)-1)/2;
5273   for(i=i2; i>=0; i--)
5274   {
5275     // index: 0..N-1
5276     //Print("ex var names: %d <-> %d\n",i,rOppVar(r,i));
5277     // exchange names
5278     char *p;
5279     p = r->names[rVar(r)-1-i];
5280     r->names[rVar(r)-1-i] = r->names[i];
5281     r->names[i] = p;
5282   }
5283 //  i2=(rVar(r)+1)/2;
5284 //  for(int i=i2; i>0; i--)
5285 //  {
5286 //    // index: 1..N
5287 //    //Print("ex var places: %d <-> %d\n",i,rVar(r)+1-i);
5288 //    // exchange VarOffset
5289 //    int t;
5290 //    t=r->VarOffset[i];
5291 //    r->VarOffset[i]=r->VarOffset[rOppVar(r,i)];
5292 //    r->VarOffset[rOppVar(r,i)]=t;
5293 //  }
5294   // change names:
5295   // TODO: does this work the same way for Letterplace?
5296   for (i=rVar(r)-1; i>=0; i--)
5297   {
5298     char *p=r->names[i];
5299     if(isupper(*p)) *p = tolower(*p);
5300     else            *p = toupper(*p);
5301   }
5302   // change ordering: listing
5303   // change ordering: compare
5304 //  for(i=0; i<r->OrdSize; i++)
5305 //  {
5306 //    int t,tt;
5307 //    switch(r->typ[i].ord_typ)
5308 //    {
5309 //      case ro_dp:
5310 //      //
5311 //        t=r->typ[i].data.dp.start;
5312 //        r->typ[i].data.dp.start=rOppVar(r,r->typ[i].data.dp.end);
5313 //        r->typ[i].data.dp.end=rOppVar(r,t);
5314 //        break;
5315 //      case ro_wp:
5316 //      case ro_wp_neg:
5317 //      {
5318 //        t=r->typ[i].data.wp.start;
5319 //        r->typ[i].data.wp.start=rOppVar(r,r->typ[i].data.wp.end);
5320 //        r->typ[i].data.wp.end=rOppVar(r,t);
5321 //        // invert r->typ[i].data.wp.weights
5322 //        rOppWeight(r->typ[i].data.wp.weights,
5323 //                   r->typ[i].data.wp.end-r->typ[i].data.wp.start);
5324 //        break;
5325 //      }
5326 //      //case ro_wp64:
5327 //      case ro_syzcomp:
5328 //      case ro_syz:
5329 //         WerrorS("not implemented in rOpposite");
5330 //         // should not happen
5331 //         break;
5332 //
5333 //      case ro_cp:
5334 //        t=r->typ[i].data.cp.start;
5335 //        r->typ[i].data.cp.start=rOppVar(r,r->typ[i].data.cp.end);
5336 //        r->typ[i].data.cp.end=rOppVar(r,t);
5337 //        break;
5338 //      case ro_none:
5339 //      default:
5340 //       Werror("unknown type in rOpposite(%d)",r->typ[i].ord_typ);
5341 //       break;
5342 //    }
5343 //  }
5344   // Change order/block structures (needed for rPrint, rAdd etc.)
5346   int j=0;
5347   int l=rBlocks(src);
5348   if ( ! rIsLPRing(src) )
5349   {
5350     // ie Plural or commutative
5351     for(i=0; src->order[i]!=0; i++)
5352     {
5353       switch (src->order[i])
5354       {
5355         case ringorder_c: /* c-> c */
5356         case ringorder_C: /* C-> C */
5357         case ringorder_no /*=0*/: /* end-of-block */
5358           r->order[j]=src->order[i];
5359           j++; break;
5360         case ringorder_lp: /* lp -> rp */
5361           r->order[j]=ringorder_rp;
5362           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5363           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5364           j++;break;
5365         case ringorder_rp: /* rp -> lp */
5366           r->order[j]=ringorder_lp;
5367           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5368           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5369           j++;break;
5370         case ringorder_dp: /* dp -> a(1..1),ls */
5371         {
5372           l=rRealloc1(r,l,j);
5373           r->order[j]=ringorder_a;
5374           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5375           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5376           r->wvhdl[j]=(int*)omAlloc((r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]+1)*sizeof(int));
5377           for(int k=r->block0[j]; k<=r->block1[j]; k++)
5378             r->wvhdl[j][k-r->block0[j]]=1;
5379           j++;
5380           r->order[j]=ringorder_ls;
5381           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5382           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5383           j++;
5384           break;
5385         }
5386         case ringorder_Dp: /* Dp -> a(1..1),rp */
5387         {
5388           l=rRealloc1(r,l,j);
5389           r->order[j]=ringorder_a;
5390           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5391           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5392           r->wvhdl[j]=(int*)omAlloc((r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]+1)*sizeof(int));
5393           for(int k=r->block0[j]; k<=r->block1[j]; k++)
5394             r->wvhdl[j][k-r->block0[j]]=1;
5395           j++;
5396           r->order[j]=ringorder_rp;
5397           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5398           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5399           j++;
5400           break;
5401         }
5402         case ringorder_wp: /* wp -> a(...),ls */
5403         {
5404           l=rRealloc1(r,l,j);
5405           r->order[j]=ringorder_a;
5406           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5407           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5408           r->wvhdl[j]=r->wvhdl[j+1]; r->wvhdl[j+1]=NULL;
5409           rOppWeight(r->wvhdl[j], r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]);
5410           j++;
5411           r->order[j]=ringorder_ls;
5412           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5413           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5414           j++;
5415           break;
5416         }
5417         case ringorder_Wp: /* Wp -> a(...),rp */
5418         {
5419           l=rRealloc1(r,l,j);
5420           r->order[j]=ringorder_a;
5421           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5422           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5423           r->wvhdl[j]=r->wvhdl[j+1]; r->wvhdl[j+1]=NULL;
5424           rOppWeight(r->wvhdl[j], r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]);
5425           j++;
5426           r->order[j]=ringorder_rp;
5427           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5428           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5429           j++;
5430           break;
5431         }
5432         case ringorder_M: /* M -> M */
5433         {
5434           r->order[j]=ringorder_M;
5435           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5436           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5437           int n=r->block1[j]-r->block0[j];
5438           /* M is a (n+1)x(n+1) matrix */
5439           for (int nn=0; nn<=n; nn++)
5440           {
5441             rOppWeight(&(r->wvhdl[j][nn*(n+1)]), n /*r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]*/);
5442           }
5443           j++;
5444           break;
5445         }
5446         case ringorder_a: /*  a(...),ls -> wp/dp */
5447         {
5448           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5449           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5450           rOppWeight(r->wvhdl[j], r->block1[j]-r->block0[j]);
5451           if (src->order[i+1]==ringorder_ls)
5452           {
5453             r->order[j]=ringorder_wp;
5454             i++;
5455             //l=rReallocM1(r,l,j);
5456           }
5457           else
5458           {
5459             r->order[j]=ringorder_a;
5460           }
5461           j++;
5462           break;
5463         }
5464         // not yet done:
5465         case ringorder_ls:
5466         case ringorder_rs:
5467         case ringorder_ds:
5468         case ringorder_Ds:
5469         case ringorder_ws:
5470         case ringorder_Ws:
5471         case ringorder_am:
5472         case ringorder_a64:
5473         // should not occur:
5474         case ringorder_S:
5475         case ringorder_IS:
5476         case ringorder_s:
5477         case ringorder_aa:
5478         case ringorder_L:
5479         case ringorder_unspec:
5480           Werror("order %s not (yet) supported", rSimpleOrdStr(src->order[i]));
5481           break;
5482       }
5483     }
5484   } /* end if (!rIsLPRing(src)) */
5485   if (rIsLPRing(src))
5486   {
5487     // applies to Letterplace only
5488     // Letterplace conventions: dp<->Dp, lp<->rp
5489     // Wp(v) cannot be converted since wp(v) does not encode a monomial ordering
5490     // (a(w),<) is troublesome and thus postponed
5491     for(i=0; src->order[i]!=0; i++)
5492     {
5493       switch (src->order[i])
5494       {
5495         case ringorder_c: /* c-> c */
5496         case ringorder_C: /* C-> C */
5497         case ringorder_no /*=0*/: /* end-of-block */
5498           r->order[j]=src->order[i];
5499           j++; break;
5500         case ringorder_lp: /* lp -> rp */
5501           r->order[j]=ringorder_rp;
5502           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5503           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5504           j++;break;
5505         case ringorder_rp: /* rp -> lp */
5506           r->order[j]=ringorder_lp;
5507           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5508           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5509           j++;break;
5510         case ringorder_dp: /* dp -> Dp */
5511         {
5512           r->order[j]=ringorder_Dp;
5513           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5514           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5515           j++;break;
5516         }
5517         case ringorder_Dp: /* Dp -> dp*/
5518         {
5519           r->order[j]=ringorder_dp;
5520           r->block0[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block1[i]);
5521           r->block1[j]=rOppVar(r, src->block0[i]);
5522           j++;break;
5523         }
5524         // not clear how to do:
5525         case ringorder_wp:
5526         case ringorder_Wp:
5527         case ringorder_M:
5528         case ringorder_a:
5529         // not yet done:
5530         case ringorder_ls:
5531         case ringorder_rs:
5532         case ringorder_ds:
5533         case ringorder_Ds:
5534         case ringorder_ws:
5535         case ringorder_Ws:
5536         case ringorder_am:
5537         case ringorder_a64:
5538         // should not occur:
5539         case ringorder_S:
5540         case ringorder_IS:
5541         case ringorder_s:
5542         case ringorder_aa:
5543         case ringorder_L:
5544         case ringorder_unspec:
5545           Werror("order %s not (yet) supported", rSimpleOrdStr(src->order[i]));
5546           break;
5547       }
5548     }
5549   } /* end if (rIsLPRing(src)) */
5550   rComplete(r);
5552   //rChangeCurrRing(r);
5553 #ifdef RDEBUG
5554   rTest(r);
5555 //  rWrite(r);
5556 //  rDebugPrint(r);
5557 #endif
5559 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
5560   // now, we initialize a non-comm structure on r
5561   if (rIsPluralRing(src))
5562   {
5563 //    assume( currRing == r);
5565     int *perm       = (int *)omAlloc0((rVar(r)+1)*sizeof(int));
5566     int *par_perm   = NULL;
5567     nMapFunc nMap   = n_SetMap(src->cf,r->cf);
5568     int ni,nj;
5569     for(i=1; i<=r->N; i++)
5570     {
5571       perm[i] = rOppVar(r,i);
5572     }
5574     matrix C = mpNew(rVar(r),rVar(r));
5575     matrix D = mpNew(rVar(r),rVar(r));
5577     for (i=1; i< rVar(r); i++)
5578     {
5579       for (j=i+1; j<=rVar(r); j++)
5580       {
5581         ni = r->N +1 - i;
5582         nj = r->N +1 - j; /* i<j ==>   nj < ni */
5584         assume(MATELEM(src->GetNC()->C,i,j) != NULL);
5585         MATELEM(C,nj,ni) = p_PermPoly(MATELEM(src->GetNC()->C,i,j),perm,src,r, nMap,par_perm,rPar(src));
5587         if(MATELEM(src->GetNC()->D,i,j) != NULL)
5588           MATELEM(D,nj,ni) = p_PermPoly(MATELEM(src->GetNC()->D,i,j),perm,src,r, nMap,par_perm,rPar(src));
5589       }
5590     }
5592     id_Test((ideal)C, r);
5593     id_Test((ideal)D, r);
5595     if (nc_CallPlural(C, D, NULL, NULL, r, false, false, true, r)) // no qring setup!
5596       WarnS("Error initializing non-commutative multiplication!");
5598 #ifdef RDEBUG
5599     rTest(r);
5600 //    rWrite(r);
5601 //    rDebugPrint(r);
5602 #endif
5604     assume( r->GetNC()->IsSkewConstant == src->GetNC()->IsSkewConstant);
5606     omFreeSize((ADDRESS)perm,(rVar(r)+1)*sizeof(int));
5607   }
5608 #endif /* HAVE_PLURAL */
5610   /* now oppose the qideal for qrings */
5611   if (src->qideal != NULL)
5612   {
5613 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
5614     r->qideal = idOppose(src, src->qideal, r); // into the currRing: r
5615 #else
5616     r->qideal = id_Copy(src->qideal, r); // ?
5617 #endif
5619 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
5620     if( rIsPluralRing(r) )
5621     {
5622       nc_SetupQuotient(r);
5623 #ifdef RDEBUG
5624       rTest(r);
5625 //      rWrite(r);
5626 //      rDebugPrint(r);
5627 #endif
5628     }
5629 #endif
5630   }
5631 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
5632   if( rIsPluralRing(r) )
5633     assume( ncRingType(r) == ncRingType(src) );
5634 #endif
5635   rTest(r);
5637   return r;
5638 }
rEnvelope(ring R)5640 ring rEnvelope(ring R)
5641   /* creates an enveloping algebra of R */
5642   /* that is R^e = R \tensor_K R^opp */
5643 {
5644   ring Ropp = rOpposite(R);
5645   ring Renv = NULL;
5646   int stat = rSum(R, Ropp, Renv); /* takes care of qideals */
5647   if ( stat <=0 )
5648     WarnS("Error in rEnvelope at rSum");
5649   rTest(Renv);
5650   return Renv;
5651 }
5653 #ifdef HAVE_PLURAL
nc_rComplete(const ring src,ring dest,bool bSetupQuotient)5654 BOOLEAN nc_rComplete(const ring src, ring dest, bool bSetupQuotient)
5655 /* returns TRUE is there were errors */
5656 /* dest is actualy equals src with the different ordering */
5657 /* we map src->nc correctly to dest->src */
5658 /* to be executed after rComplete, before rChangeCurrRing */
5659 {
5660 // NOTE: Originally used only by idElimination to transfer NC structure to dest
5661 // ring created by dirty hack (without nc_CallPlural)
5662   rTest(src);
5664   assume(!rIsPluralRing(dest)); // destination must be a newly constructed commutative ring
5666   if (!rIsPluralRing(src))
5667   {
5668     return FALSE;
5669   }
5671   const int N = dest->N;
5673   assume(src->N == N);
5675 //  ring save = currRing;
5677 //  if (dest != save)
5678 //    rChangeCurrRing(dest);
5680   const ring srcBase = src;
5682   assume( n_SetMap(srcBase->cf,dest->cf) == n_SetMap(dest->cf,dest->cf) ); // currRing is important here!
5684   matrix C = mpNew(N,N); // ring independent
5685   matrix D = mpNew(N,N);
5687   matrix C0 = src->GetNC()->C;
5688   matrix D0 = src->GetNC()->D;
5690   // map C and D into dest
5691   for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
5692   {
5693     for (int j = i + 1; j <= N; j++)
5694     {
5695       const number n = n_Copy(p_GetCoeff(MATELEM(C0,i,j), srcBase), srcBase->cf); // src, mapping for coeffs into currRing = dest!
5696       const poly   p = p_NSet(n, dest);
5697       MATELEM(C,i,j) = p;
5698       if (MATELEM(D0,i,j) != NULL)
5699         MATELEM(D,i,j) = prCopyR(MATELEM(D0,i,j), srcBase, dest); // ?
5700     }
5701   }
5702   /* One must test C and D _only_ in r->GetNC()->basering!!! not in r!!! */
5704   id_Test((ideal)C, dest);
5705   id_Test((ideal)D, dest);
5707   if (nc_CallPlural(C, D, NULL, NULL, dest, bSetupQuotient, false, true, dest)) // also takes care about quotient ideal
5708   {
5709     //WarnS("Error transferring non-commutative structure");
5710     // error message should be in the interpreter interface
5712     mp_Delete(&C, dest);
5713     mp_Delete(&D, dest);
5715 //    if (currRing != save)
5716 //       rChangeCurrRing(save);
5718     return TRUE;
5719   }
5721 //  mp_Delete(&C, dest); // used by nc_CallPlural!
5722 //  mp_Delete(&D, dest);
5724 //  if (dest != save)
5725 //    rChangeCurrRing(save);
5727   assume(rIsPluralRing(dest));
5728   return FALSE;
5729 }
5730 #endif
rModify_a_to_A(ring r)5732 void rModify_a_to_A(ring r)
5733 // to be called BEFORE rComplete:
5734 // changes every Block with a(...) to A(...)
5735 {
5736   int i=0;
5737   int j;
5738   while(r->order[i]!=0)
5739   {
5740     if (r->order[i]==ringorder_a)
5741     {
5742       r->order[i]=ringorder_a64;
5743       int *w=r->wvhdl[i];
5744       int64 *w64=(int64 *)omAlloc((r->block1[i]-r->block0[i]+1)*sizeof(int64));
5745       for(j=r->block1[i]-r->block0[i];j>=0;j--)
5746               w64[j]=(int64)w[j];
5747       r->wvhdl[i]=(int*)w64;
5748       omFreeSize(w,(r->block1[i]-r->block0[i]+1)*sizeof(int));
5749     }
5750     i++;
5751   }
5752 }
rGetVar(const int varIndex,const ring r)5755 poly rGetVar(const int varIndex, const ring r)
5756 {
5757   poly p = p_ISet(1, r);
5758   p_SetExp(p, varIndex, 1, r);
5759   p_Setm(p, r);
5760   return p;
5761 }
5764 /// TODO: rewrite somehow...
n_IsParam(const number m,const ring r)5765 int n_IsParam(const number m, const ring r)
5766 {
5767   assume(r != NULL);
5768   const coeffs C = r->cf;
5769   assume(C != NULL);
5771   assume( nCoeff_is_Extension(C) );
5773   const n_coeffType _filed_type = getCoeffType(C);
5775   if(( _filed_type == n_algExt )||( _filed_type == n_polyExt ))
5776     return naIsParam(m, C);
5778   if( _filed_type == n_transExt )
5779     return ntIsParam(m, C);
5781   Werror("n_IsParam: IsParam is not to be used for (coeff_type = %d)",getCoeffType(C));
5783   return 0;
5784 }
rPlusVar(const ring r,char * v,int left)5786 ring rPlusVar(const ring r, char *v,int left)
5787 {
5788   if (r->order[2]!=0)
5789   {
5790     WerrorS("only for rings with an ordering of one block");
5791     return NULL;
5792   }
5793   int p;
5794   if((r->order[0]==ringorder_C)
5795   ||(r->order[0]==ringorder_c))
5796     p=1;
5797   else
5798     p=0;
5799   if((r->order[p]!=ringorder_dp)
5800   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_Dp)
5801   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_lp)
5802   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_rp)
5803   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_ds)
5804   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_Ds)
5805   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_ls))
5806   {
5807     WerrorS("ordering must be dp,Dp,lp,rp,ds,Ds or ls");
5808     return NULL;
5809   }
5810   for(int i=r->N-1;i>=0;i--)
5811   {
5812     if (strcmp(r->names[i],v)==0)
5813     {
5814       Werror("duplicate variable name >>%s<<",v);
5815       return NULL;
5816     }
5817   }
5818   ring R=rCopy0(r);
5819   char **names;
5820   #ifdef HAVE_SHIFTBBA
5821   if (rIsLPRing(r))
5822   {
5823     R->isLPring=r->isLPring+1;
5824     R->N=((r->N)/r->isLPring)+r->N;
5825     names=(char**)omAlloc(R->N*sizeof(char_ptr));
5826     if (left)
5827     {
5828       for(int b=0;b<((r->N)/r->isLPring);b++)
5829       {
5830         names[b*R->isLPring]=omStrDup(v);
5831         for(int i=R->isLPring-1;i>0;i--)
5832           names[i+b*R->isLPring]=R->names[i-1+b*r->isLPring];
5833       }
5834     }
5835     else
5836     {
5837       for(int b=0;b<((r->N)/r->isLPring);b++)
5838       {
5839         names[(b+1)*R->isLPring-1]=omStrDup(v);
5840         for(int i=R->isLPring-2;i>=0;i--)
5841           names[i+b*R->isLPring]=R->names[i+b*r->isLPring];
5842       }
5843     }
5844   }
5845   else
5846   #endif
5847   {
5848     R->N++;
5849     names=(char**)omAlloc(R->N*sizeof(char_ptr));
5850     if (left)
5851     {
5852       names[0]=omStrDup(v);
5853       for(int i=R->N-1;i>0;i--) names[i]=R->names[i-1];
5854     }
5855     else
5856     {
5857       names[R->N-1]=omStrDup(v);
5858       for(int i=R->N-2;i>=0;i--) names[i]=R->names[i];
5859     }
5860   }
5861   omFreeSize(R->names,r->N*sizeof(char_ptr));
5862   R->names=names;
5863   R->block1[p]=R->N;
5864   rComplete(R);
5865   return R;
5866 }
rMinusVar(const ring r,char * v)5868 ring rMinusVar(const ring r, char *v)
5869 {
5870   if (r->order[2]!=0)
5871   {
5872     WerrorS("only for rings with an ordering of one block");
5873     return NULL;
5874   }
5875   int p;
5876   if((r->order[0]==ringorder_C)
5877   ||(r->order[0]==ringorder_c))
5878     p=1;
5879   else
5880     p=0;
5881   if((r->order[p]!=ringorder_dp)
5882   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_Dp)
5883   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_lp)
5884   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_rp)
5885   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_ds)
5886   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_Ds)
5887   && (r->order[p]!=ringorder_ls))
5888   {
5889     WerrorS("ordering must be dp,Dp,lp,rp,ds,Ds or ls");
5890     return NULL;
5891   }
5892   ring R=rCopy0(r);
5893   int i=R->N-1;
5894   while(i>=0)
5895   {
5896     if (strcmp(R->names[i],v)==0)
5897     {
5898       R->N--;
5899       omFree(R->names[i]);
5900       for(int j=i;j<R->N;j++) R->names[j]=R->names[j+1];
5901       R->names=(char**)omReallocSize(R->names,r->N*sizeof(char_ptr),R->N*sizeof(char_ptr));
5902     }
5903     i--;
5904   }
5905   R->block1[p]=R->N;
5906   rComplete(R,1);
5907   return R;
5908 }